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James A. Avery

"Okay are we there yet!?"

0 · 634 views · located in Colorado

a character in “Shadows at Dawn: The Gathering”, as played by Bugbuster


James Alexander Avery

Age: 21


Additional Appearance: His dirty blonde hair is mostly blonde but has it's small amount of black in it still, his hair is Mid Length and stops just as it touchs his eye's. stands at 5'7" and weighs 180 lbs. he is very well built in his arms and legs but his legs are his main strength. As a Leopard he weighs alittle over 200 lbs and has a few larger spots on his back.

Clothing: He likes his usual clothing which blue jeans and a brown leather jacket assorted shirts. He doesn't mind really any clothing and will wear what's needed for certain occasions. He however like's to wear the color neon pink for unknown reason's.

Weapon: He usually fights with a older
looking Bowie knife (It is still very sharp) in his right hand. As a Leopard his greatest stregth is his jaw which is incredably strong. If he gets a grip on someone's leg, throat or even just food their probably likely to lose it.

Faction: Werecat Refugees

Rank: Lieutenant

Animal: Snow Leopard

Background: He was born in another pride his father was murdered and then his mother took him to the Central Pride where he grew up under Astrids fathers rule in the Central Pride where he mother brought him when he was very young as a kitten he was one of the most curious little one's and explored often which his mother and the other females found a hasel. He'd be there one moment gone the next. James had been the same age as Dante when he came and liked him however his mother usually told him to keep away but that never stopped him from being curious and nice to the other cub. But eventually his mother forced him to stay away from Dante, she died alittle will later which made James have a different look on life, and now he always tries to see the better side's of situations. 

As James grew up he had a thing for running fast with the wind in his hair. He is agile and can hold his own in a stand up fight but prefers to attack his oppenent with the element of surprise but if that doesn't work. Going for the throat does. When he was offered a spot in Astrid's troop he happily accepted to join the troop. Jame at one point had tried to be Astrid's mate but things happened and it never came to be. When the order came for Astrid to mate with John his first thought was to rip his throa- but Astrid brought a better plan for them to leave and he was all in for it.    

Personality: James is always trying to see the brighter side of things, he seen almost always smiling. How friendly he is off set by untrusting he is of other people who aren't part of the troop but he won't show it. He is loyal to his friends as they are the only family he has, James can be head strong and sometimes talks to much. Just never say his bark is worse then his bite because it's the other way around. However he'll put himself in harms way for anyone in the troop or anyone he cares about.

He loves children as when he was with the Pride he played with the little one's when he could and he always enjoys being around kids. But with his Boss he gets a few head aches from her but follows her diligently no matter what.      

How do you feel about the other faction: "There using us, were using them. Fair trade. Right?"

So begins...

James A. Avery's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: James A. Avery Character Portrait: Astrid Vellamo Character Portrait: Dante Selantine
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James had stayed in the middle of the troop as they walke his silky white fured tail moving from side to side behind him. He always sniffed the air as the wind blew from behind them to see if he could catch the scents of the one's following him and his 'family'. When Astrid had given the out quick orders to find something to eat and James pranced off into the bush's.

After tracking a pair of Hare's which never saw the Snow Leopard coming from above, since he had climbed a tree. He killed the first with his weight coming down on it's neck and his other paw stopped the second by pinning it before killing it quickly. With his reward for the quick hunt he returned back to the other's just catching the wolf part which made his tail stop moving back and forth which showed he was usually happy. 'Wolves? I found these two... If you want I can try to go find more?' James dropped his catch onto the pile. He then sat down on his back legs and sat up straight up wondering Astrid would like him to find more, he looking around once or twice before laying down waiting for her answer.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ophis Nyx Character Portrait: James A. Avery Character Portrait: Astrid Vellamo Character Portrait: Larissa Vellamo Character Portrait: Dante Selantine
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Larissa Vellamo

Larissa followed behind her sister and the troop quietly, the tension in the air putting her on edge. At every small noise, her ears flicked and her body tensed. She stayed towards the back of the group, her head low and her eyes bright. Although she hadn't really thought about it, her stomach rumbled and her throat was dry with thirst. There were more important things on her mind, like not allowing the troop (especially her sister) to get killed. In the back of her mind she hoped that if the group hunting them saw her first, they would confuse her for Astrid and kill her instead, leaving the others alone. But she knew this was unlikely. ‘Come on, we still need to get across the state. The pride won’t stop hunting us. We need to stay a step ahead.’ Astrid's voice pulled her from her thoughts, bringing her attention back to her sister.

She stood with the others, pausing to take in her surroundings. The rising sun warmed her pelt while the dew stuck to her paws, but she was too wound up to be comforted by the sensation. In the distance she could faintly smell a deer off to the distance, and smaller prey closer to them. Her stomach growled in response to the smell. ‘Below, in the forest, we might be able to find food. I know some of us haven’t eaten since the incident. Food is essential and since they are gone for the while we can quickly eat and get going. Plus, where there is prey, there is water. C’mon' Astrid spoke again, standing tall.

Astrid ordered Dante to find water, and for the rest of them to hunt and meet back in the clearing. Lari padded off alone as the rest of the troop did the same. Her small, agile build didn't make for great fighting, but it made for excellent hunting. She could smell a doe off to the distance, but she decided to go for something smaller. A large white rabbit caught her attention, and she lowered herself close to the ground, watching the white rabbit very carefully. Very slowly, she made her way towards the rabbit, keeping her body low to the ground and keeping silent. Just as the rabbit noticed her, she pounced and snapped his neck in one swift motion.

Larissa padded towards Dante and Astrid just Dahlia came up to them carrying two rabbits in her mouth. She caught the end of their conversation. "-wolves don't matter. If it becomes a problem," she paused for a moment. "We'll pass through with force if we have to." Astrid was telling Dante.
Lari dropped the larger rabbit in front of Dante. Astrid had already given him something, but he was much larger then her and probably was more hungry. "If we're careful, they may be able to help us."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ophis Nyx Character Portrait: James A. Avery Character Portrait: Astrid Vellamo Character Portrait: Larissa Vellamo Character Portrait: Dante Selantine
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#, as written by Akantha
Astrid Vellamo & Dante Selantine

Astrid glanced up at the arrival of Ophis, hare held within her jaws. The female cheetah gracefully moved into the clearing, setting the hare down near the pile. A grumbling purr crawled out of Astrid’s chest at Ophis, as she declared her loyalty. As a leader, she never tired of hearing those words. She wanted them to depend on her and in return, to do her best to keep them safe and provided for. Astrid rose up to her haunches and flicked her right ear in amusement, the white spot on the back of her ears flashing briefly. “Thank you.”

Dante raised his head and nodded at Ophis. “Agreed. Nice catch, Ophis.” He adjusted himself, laying down on his side now. He peeped at Astrid lazily, the sunshine was getting to him but he briefly wondered if she was going to tell the pride about the wolves. He figured she would when they all gathered together. However, James stepped in almost on Ophis’s heels and spoke up. ‘Wolves? I found these two... If you want I can try to go find more?' Dante sniffed daintily, gazing at Astrid.

Astrid straightened, gazing at James in speculation. She wouldn’t put it past them to have found out or overheard. They were her squadron after all. Astrid flicked her tail, then began to chuckle. “No, James. You did well. As long as everyone can at least get a bite. I don’t need any if there isn’t enough. As for the wolves, well
” She turned, feeling Dante’s stare. She tilted her head slightly then shrugged at his glare of disdain. “We’ll talk about that when everyone has returned.”

Astrid seemed to enter her own thoughts, thinking about something deeply, her gaze darkened slightly. Dante perked when he heard Astrid’s sister pad into the clearing. Larissa walked up with a white hare and set it in front of him but he shook his head and gestured towards Astrid who had placed herself away from the pile. He stretched up nonchalantly, “She won’t eat, says she wants everybody full and whatnot. You’re her sister, so maybe..” He trailed off, his whisper lost on the humid breeze that started up. He shrugged, and then nudged the rabbit back at her. “You should eat it though. You caught it.” He grinned gently then got to his paws and leaned down to dig into the shrew Astrid had given him. It was juicy enough. He settled down quietly.

Astrid blinked, seeing Larissa and finally registering her words. "If we're careful, they may be able to help us." Astrid nodded silently then stood and paced in a circle before pausing. “ “That could work. Its chance of working though is slim. They might not be too happy with us since we took some of their land as well as fighting them before about it.” She raised her voice, letting it flow over the small crowd. “ “Just be prepared to fight if they start it. No aggressive moves until they attack first. Although, for right now we eat and rejoice that we are safe. Dante has also found water, after we rest and hydrate ourselves we will move on.” She beamed, simply pleased that they were safe for now. The idea gave her hope, for now.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ophis Nyx Character Portrait: James A. Avery Character Portrait: Astrid Vellamo Character Portrait: Larissa Vellamo Character Portrait: Dante Selantine
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James nodded and his tail flicked back and forth again as he was laying down on the ground, he watched Astrid during her speech and nodded understanding everything, he looked at everyone else they were safe for now and that was reasurring enough for him. He however frowned as Astrid moved herself away from the pile. He was abit smaller as a cat then her and wouldn't need as much food. He stood back up on his four legs and picked up the larger Hare he found and dropped it infront of her. "You need to eat too." he glanced up his blue eye's seeming to shine lightly in the suns rays that were staring to rise. "I can go catch more for myself or anyone else...And we can't have our fearless leader starve can we." he said smiling weakly as he turning around and going back to get his own hare.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: James A. Avery Character Portrait: Astrid Vellamo Character Portrait: Larissa Vellamo Character Portrait: Dante Selantine
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Larissa Vellamo

Larissa glanced back when Dante nodded to her sister. "“She won’t eat, says she wants everybody full and whatnot. You’re her sister, so maybe..” Dante told her softly, his voice trailing off. She nodded. “You should eat it though. You caught it.' Lari glanced away when he spoke again, and shook her head. "I don't need it as much as you or Astrid do." As he dug into his shrew, she picked up the rabbit and padded over to her sister.

Larissa lied down next to Astrid quietly, and dropped the rabbit in front of James nonchalantly as she caught the end of their conversation. "I won't eat until you have, Astrid." She told her sister, a stubborn glint in her eye.
“That could work. Its chance of working though is slim. They might not be too happy with us since we took some of their land as well as fighting them before about it.
Just be prepared to fight if they start it. No aggressive moves until they attack first. Although, for right now we eat and rejoice that we are safe. Dante has also found water, after we rest and hydrate ourselves we will move on.”
Astrid told the troop, her voice strong yet she seemed happy.
"Maybe if the smallest, least threatening of us approaches them in their human form as submissively as possible they'll probably see no threat." She told her sister, hinting to herself when she said 'the smallest and least threatening.' She wasn't a great fighter, mostly because of her small and light frame. Larissa had the same look in her eyes that she used to get right before she did something dangerous when she was little, without permission.
"If we all approach them at once, they might see us as a threat and attack. If we go about this just right, they might help hide us from the group hunting us." Larissa's voice was pleading, urging her sister to at least think about her idea. "you guys can be right behind just in case something goes wrong."
She glanced at the rabbit in front of her sister. "but we can't do anything until our strong leader eats something." She told Astrid, offering her a small smile, her eyes bright.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ophis Nyx Character Portrait: James A. Avery Character Portrait: Astrid Vellamo Character Portrait: Larissa Vellamo Character Portrait: Dante Selantine
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#, as written by Akantha
Astrid Vellamo & Dante Selantine

Astrid stared at James with exasperation and amusement. First Dante and then James nagging her about eating. Of course, she thought, entertained by their antics. Her tail wavered before she opened her jaws, baring her fangs but just playfully. “Yeah, okay. How about I eat you then?” She hissed before dragging the rabbit Larissa had set in front of her towards her body reluctantly. She pawed it gently, her expression strangely thoughtful.

Dante chortled, his large body making the sound perfect and deep. He rolled his eyes and licked the meaty debris off his whiskers, eying James and Astrid before standing up slowly and circling back to stand near the bush patiently.

Astrid sighed and leaned down to press her nose to the spot between Larissa’s ear and scruff affectionately. Almost like a comforting motion, before she straightened and shook out her own pelt with a small quiver. Larissa spoke up after a while though, "Maybe if the smallest, least threatening of us approaches them in their human form as submissively as possible they'll probably see no threat." Astrid’s stance stiffened visibly, and her gaze turned on Larissa, the sharpness would have cut if it had been physical. Astrid watched her and noticed the familiar look in her eyes. However she remained silent, jaw tightened uncomfortably.

"If we all approach them at once, they might see us as a threat and attack. If we go about this just right, they might help hide us from the group hunting us." Larissa's voice was pleading making Astrid even tenser. "You guys can be right behind just in case something goes wrong." She glanced at the rabbit in front of her sister. "But we can't do anything until our strong leader eats something." Larissa smile was bright, and warming but Astrid shook her head.

“No.” Astrid bristled, ears flicking down stubbornly. “I know what your thinking and I refuse. That’s not going to help even if it is the most submissive way, but look here, our favorite cheetah could get away faster. Larissa, I’m not sending my sister in as bait and that’s final. This isn’t even about family because if I felt this was the only way, I would agree.” She took a breath and relaxed a fraction. “I think we should go as a pride. Larissa’s idea isn’t bad but too risky if they decide a single cat is worth disposing of. We should be strong force not to be messed with,” She paused, tilting her head with a feline gracefulness. “However two of us will be unchanged.” Astrid dug her claws into the earth unwilling to put even one member of the pride in danger but they had a message to convey. “I will be unchanged, as I am supposed to be considered the strongest and my lieutenant will also be unchanged. The rest can take flank and remain ready but keep your ears up, tail down, fur flat, and claws in.” She glanced to Larissa before shaking off the feeling of guilt for turning her idea down.

She quickly went to eat the rabbit and was finished within a minute or two, her forest sounds filling her silence easily enough. Once done, she moved over to where Dante stood and smiled grimly. “Are we ready?”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: James A. Avery Character Portrait: Astrid Vellamo Character Portrait: Larissa Vellamo Character Portrait: Dante Selantine
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He smiled and his tail whipped back and forth, “Yeah, okay. How about I eat you then?”, "Sorry Astrid you know I don't taste as good as I look." he glanced at Dante as he rolled his eye's at him and Astrid which made him wiggle his nose alittle at him.

James sighed hearing the next plan and Astrid shooting down her sister's plan. It was a good one, but they needed someone who could then maybe fight. He himself as a cat was about the same size as Larissa. He just lowered his ears and nodded at his 'boss', "I think were ready as were ever going to be."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rose Larkin Character Portrait: James A. Avery Character Portrait: Astrid Vellamo
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James licked his paw which had blood on it as he spotted the girl and then his whole posture and movements just froze however his tail dropped as he saw the girl turn and run he smelled her the wind coming to them, wolf? Yes but something else which interested him. "Oh so not good." his hair on his neck went up and he glanced at Astrid waiting for what she ordered? Retreat was not a option and he knew that, along with everyone else. So he slowly moved a little forward towards the edge of the clearing and stopped waiting for Astrid to tell them what to do.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ophis Nyx Character Portrait: Rose Larkin Character Portrait: James A. Avery Character Portrait: Astrid Vellamo Character Portrait: Larissa Vellamo Character Portrait: Brandin Solstiss
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#, as written by Akantha
Astrid Vellamo & Dante Selantine

Astrid was watching the cats gather behind her and she nodded before taking a deep breath and pulling on her human side, willing it to take control and soon an audible pop was heard. She unfurled from where she crouched and stood, dauntless and confident. “Now then.” She moved forward in long strides, her tall human figure pale in the light of dawn. It was beginning to get higher up and the time had to have been around eight in the morning. Her silver hair glistened as it lifted every now and then as she moved to keep in front of her squad.

She abruptly stopped as a red figure streaked out of the brush and towards whatever settlement in the distance. James spoke up behind her and her human mind struggled for only seconds to understand. “Oh so not good” Astrid bristled as her upper lip curled in response. “Well said.” Her gaze narrowed on the moving figure before it disappeared in the expanse of land in front of them. Her hands clenched, knuckles turning white as Dante spoke up from the back of the squad.

“This might not mean anything.” Astrid glanced at him and shook her head. “Dante, we all know this means a lot. Stealth is not on our side.” Astrid was glad that he had optimism but right now was not the time and cheer everybody up. They were in danger. She tilted her head and Dante shifted on his paws uneasily. “It couldn’t have been a wolf though.” Astrid murmured and reigned in her cat as it strained to get to the surface for a few brief seconds. “That must be why I didn’t think about it.” She opened her mouth slightly, tasting the air. “However, I should have known.” She started forward again more slowly. Dante stirred, his hackles still raised. “It’s okay, not your fault.” Dante pinned his ears and snorted. “That just means a face-off and there is nothing to worry about. Not with us.”

Astrid kept the pace slow but eventually another red streak, this one of a larger size, was head towards them. She raised a hand and tensed. “Wolves.” Astrid was very still and quiet, prepared to fight for her squad. Dante pitched in though as he noticed something peculiar. “Is there just one?” Dante blinked confused and Astrid hissed.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ophis Nyx Character Portrait: Cyra Grey Character Portrait: James A. Avery Character Portrait: Astrid Vellamo Character Portrait: Renmy Soril Character Portrait: Larissa Vellamo
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It did not take too long for Brandin to find the location of a really unwelcome scent in the pack's dominion. The very moment he got the scent a snarl that was almost equivalent to a smirk in his human form appeared on his face. He was going to enjoy this encounter. It was something he could already tell. Although in his opinion, there are a lot of unwanted smells that he wishes to remove even within his own group. They did not need to be werecats. Noticing that Renmy did follow him, he slowed down his pace to a certain degree so that she-wolf could trail behind. However, it was not noticeable as he maintained a good enough meters of gap between them. After all, she was not the kind to do head-on battle from his observation. So, the girl would probably find some tree to perched onto. It did not bother him. He had every intention of having the pleasure of ripping flesh on his own.

Soon, his preys were before Brandin. He was quite certain that they also knew his presence even before he presented himself to them. After all, he wanted them to know it firsthand. He blocked their pathway standing in front of them in his flaming red fur. Ears perked emphasizing, he was very much attuned to his surroundings. His head was raised haughtily at them and his tail was stiff horizontally indicating his intention. He was not here for negotiation or talks. His eyes of gold and red glowed with an eerie malice as he also scanned the rather small group of werecats. Some of them were still in human form and others were not. This would only make things easier. Despite his pack's interpretation that he is the type to rush headlong, he was actually the cunning one when in combat. Taking in everything about his prey, calculating movements, looking for weaknesses, and then crushing with ecstasy. These were the basic steps in his combat.

Brandin lowly growled at the group of werecats. It sounded like rumbling thunder signalling an incoming storm. He was quite certain that the female with silver hair was the leader of this pride. Her scent and the way she carries herself proves that. He crouched down with his eyes affixed on the silver-haired one. He seemingly smiled as it showed his fangs that gleamed dangerously from the morning sun. His claws were all extended to its fullest. Well, he did come to tear something up. There was no exception to this. He would not even care if it was a child much less a female. Advancing forward, it was like he was stalking cornered prey. There was no minute gestures that showed that he was hesitant or fearful taking the entire pride without much help. Honestly, he was quite delighted as he licked his lips. His heterochromatic eyes glistened with devious and blood lust as it gazed at the cats in front of him.

Unfortunately, Brandin's moment was interrupted as he caught an annoying scent. It was one of the female betas. This agitated him as his face curled into a nasty snarl. He did tell the dimwitted fox to inform the betas. However, he intended to finish them before they even came. This also includes Anvar. That old man was getting too soft in his opinion. He had a prediction that the Alpha would rather have an agreement than a full-collision with the werecats if possible. For him, he did not care either way. As of the moment, the werecats stepped on their boundaries without any provocation. He has all the reason to kill them on sight and no one would stop him from engaging. However, he was thankful for the beta's arrival. This did give him a small window as the cats' attention turned towards Cyra. As if on cue, he lunged forward toward the silver-headed leader.

This was the beginning of the riot. Brandin pinned down the silver-haired female and was about to bite her throat when he noticed the other cats staring to counterattack. Well, he expected nothing less. They were supposed to be more finesse and more fast than wolves aren't they? This only added to the fun and thrill of taking them all down. The down side, he knew how they are going to act. They would eliminate him at all costs. He quickly removed himself from the position and even dodge a few strikes in the process. Although, he did have tips of his fur cut off. Well, it was one of the sacrifices to make things more interesting. Making a safe distance, his eyes of gold and red seemed to smile at the werecats in delight. It was also like his red fur began to burn. His adrenaline was now pumping as he readied himself for another attack. These guys will do for his entertainment. Raising his head arrogantly, he was challenging the werecats to retaliate.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ophis Nyx Character Portrait: Cyra Grey Character Portrait: James A. Avery Character Portrait: Astrid Vellamo Character Portrait: Larissa Vellamo Character Portrait: Brandin Solstiss
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#, as written by Akantha
Astrid Vellamo & Dante Selantine

Astrid held her stance as the wolf approached in a hostile manner. It paused before them, growling and carrying on but she held her silence, hoping that it would maybe think about the consequences of attacking the pride. Past that, she was confident that she could handle him and she wasn’t concerned with hurting herself. She knew how to kill a wolf and much more, how to fight. Astrid stood still, watching the wolf stalk her but a disturbance caused her to glance away and the wolf decided to strike. She hissed but held the wolf at bay, feeling her cat rise to the forefront ready to draw blood but she carefully kept her hands on the wolf’s upper throat right below the jaw to hold him off. "Don't!" Astrid screamed at her squad, telling them not to attack, just yet.

Dante streaked past the squad, heading for the wolf but the sharp command from Astrid stopped him just short from ripping this mutt’s ears off. His claws sank into the soft ground and his own hiss-growl could be heard over most of the field. He turned and glared at the other wolf accusingly, stepping to protect Astrid as she fought off the red wolf. His hulking figure blocked the wolf’s view and it only continued to get bigger as his fur fluffed out and seemed to make him a larger opponent. His focus wavered between turning to help Astrid and protecting her from further harm.

Astrid felt the weight lift and she was on her feet instantly, crouched low as her own growl rose to meet Dante’s who had himself braced to her side. She felt him rather than saw him take a step back towards her. His fur had fluffed up and he looked rattled but dangerous. She stared at the red wolf as several thoughts ran through her head. She had expected a more civil approach but now that it was out the window and splattered on a taxi’s window, well things weren’t looking good if backup came. “We came in peace. We only meant to pass through.” She raised her voice although; she felt her words were lost on this red wolf so she directed it to the white wolf, the female who seemed to have more common sense.

“So back off,” Her voice was authoritative and adamant. “Or face consequences that you will wish you had chosen my first option.” Her voice lowered a pitch, fading into a quick growl that sounded human but animalistic. This time she wouldn't hold off her squad.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rose Larkin Character Portrait: James A. Avery Character Portrait: Astrid Vellamo Character Portrait: Brandin Solstiss
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James had changed into his human form but when Brandin attacked Astrid he changed into his animal form. Astrid was able to push the wolf back but his teeth were bared as he stayed close to Astrid on her right side as he watched Brandin ready to rip the beasts throat out. All he could think about was if he tried to touch he again he'd rip that mutt to shreads.

His gaze moved to Rose as she spoke and his claws retracted, he looked at Astrid. "Are you alright?" he said looking at Astrid for a moment as he stayed right beside her his head snapped Back to Brandin, "Touch her again I'll rip you to shreds mutt."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rose Larkin Character Portrait: Anvar Woad Character Portrait: James A. Avery Character Portrait: Vale Alvers Character Portrait: Renmy Soril Character Portrait: Brandin Solstiss
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#, as written by Skwidge
Vale Alvers

"Don't worry about the bruises though, they haven't stopped you from being so god damn pretty." Vale's face visibly paled and she quickly assumed that of a horrible poker face, pointing her index finger out uncertainly, but it quickly bent and she made a 'bleck' face at the whole situation. "H-hey, pg-13 here! Vale's still here!!!" She whined, flailing her arms about and trying to regather the adult's attention.

However, it wasn't any use, and she was pretty much ignored as they both got caught up in official matters, outside, Vale's face remained a bit pouty, but on the inside she was absolutely desolate and twitching in a confused manner. She was actually being utterly ignored, like she didn't even exist. She wouldn't even get to learn how to learn to use Anvar's gun. And again, she was merely dragged along back to the pack house.

"It would probably be best if you stayed here, Vale." Vale smiled cheerfully up at the fox, and nodded. "Yeah, okay!" 'You wouldn't want some stupid pup getting in under your feet, right?' Again, she was completely crushed inside about how suddenly everyone's moods changed, she just didn't understand, and that was just what she was thinking, of course she didn't say that out loud; Vale occasionally... gets random bouts of depression, though they hardly lasted more than forty-five minutes at best.

"And no lighting the house on fire or anything."

She had been distracted, but she suddenly looked up, her face actually quite blank in that confused sort of anime way. "Wat?" But the two adults had already sped off without so much as another word to her other than a feeble goodbye as they disappeared into the trees. The small child just stood there for a few minutes after, still staring after where they'd disappeared. One might almost say it was her being dumbstruck, but Vale wasn't like that.

She shook her head, and blinked a few times, turning around and twitching her right ear (as she was unable to wiggle her left in human form), she smiled to herself cheerfully, and hopped down the lawn and into the trees, in the opposite direction of the adults herself, humming as she went.

Renmy Soril

Renmy had remained utterly silent, so as she sensed, through Brandin's subtle body language and scents, that they had come to where the cats were, she took a soft detour to the left, reverting to her human form and placing an index finger gently to the side in the bandages wrapped around her upper back and chest, pulling even softer on them, loosening a couple of the bands. She had a double layer of bandages on of course, though. Obviously you couldn't do long-range anything in wolf form.

Without a word, she scaled the tree she had come to a stop at, carefully placing her hands into the knots and knolls of the old bark, hoisting herself further and further up until she paused and shifted to the right, placing her feet carefully onto her chosen branch and skirting along to a comfortable position where it would be a clear shot into the clearing.

Well, if anything, it certainly helped her scent that she had been pretty much drenched that morning, and only dried off so well.

She allowed her eyes to flicker shut, and she focused on her more trained sense of scent and hearing. While she focused on what was happening down in the clearing, her fingers made swift work of some spots on her outer bandages, slipping almost paper-thin knives out until she had a total of four carefully positioned in her lap, one hand at the ready while the other supported her on the branch.

She really only kept so few knives on her, she really had no idea that this would come up, had she known, she would have been better prepared. But she had four shots, used for distraction and chaotic confusion should there be a need for it. Brandin was hardly in much trouble... yet.... If she really felt he had been in any real danger, those deadly knives of hers would already be embedded before the feet of the enemy as a warning. They couldn't scent her... they couldn't see her... they wouldn't know how many others might be up in the trees, even if it was truly only just her. Annnd... there we go. She sucked in her lower lip in absolute comical disbelief that it'd escalate so fast. Without a word, she slid her thumb along the hilt of one knife, smoothly picking it up and positioning it between thumb and index, as well slightly her middle.

The gamma then flicked her wrist, allowing the small projectile to slice straight through the air and bury itself centimeters from Dante's northern most toe. Without missing a beat, remaining knives already in her fingers, she slid soundlessly from one branch to another until she settled onto a very new branch in a new tree (they grew in nice proportion in regards to distance from each other) crouching low and seeing if she made a mark. Her face visibly paled and she could have sworn small sweat trickled down her face in accords to her mind which was now in panic mode and a somewhat apologetic, spluttering over her silent words kind of state. Oh my GOD I did not mean to hit that close to him, ah my gosh, what if I had severed a toe or something, that wouldn't be good at all, you need your toes!!! YouNeedThem!!! Without a fraction of sound she flailed her arms in horror, despite that they were obviously in the wrong.

But with her new position she could hear their voices, though somewhat muffled, well enough to make out most of the snappy shots at each other. The voices were so strange to her.... But at least whoever was charging Brandin probably got the message not to go too close to him. "Touch her again and I'll rip you to shreds mutt." She narrowed her eyes and set her mouth in a straight line, an obvious expression of: 'Seriously, you're really going to approach him?' For a moment Renmy considered flinging the same warning in his face, but decided she'd have gotten her point across. Plus if they tried to pick up her knives, she mightn't be so nice with where she made the next one land. She liked her pretty sleek grey knives, and didn't like other people picking them up.

But it was Rose's that stood out the most clearly. Her face turned into disdain at what she ended up saying. Really? Is she... trying to appease them? We have every right to kill them. They trespassed on our territory. Now, of course that's not that big of a deal, but when you go hunting on our land with such abandon and no regards for the consequences, obviously you're asking for a beating. And- hey, what? He isn't that bloodthirsty. Her confusion and slight exasperation only grew, and she put her chin in the palm of one hand, thinking over the situation and making silent comments to herself. Alarm? Like I said, it isn't their bloody right! We can take them on easily... how many of them are there? Not too many, I know that, but....

The red-headed gamma paused, scenting the air and trying to separate all the different scents from each other. It wasn't hard to do the pack's, but the strangers... they all had a unique scent but they had their similarities. She grunted silently, They're in the wrong, blasted... well, she wouldn't understand, she's just a fox.... No, Renmy. She's part of the pack, albeit a pain in the butt and not too productive at times, but a pack member nonetheless! Renmy remained utterly silent, allowing things to continue without any... added... chaos to the mix on her part. But obviously everyone would be able to handle themselves now that they outnumbered the cats and had them on a bit of a... roundabout shall we say. Renmy really didn't need to intervene much more on anyone's behalf, though she would in a heartbeat had the situation been any different.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ophis Nyx Character Portrait: Cyra Grey Character Portrait: Rose Larkin Character Portrait: Anvar Woad Character Portrait: James A. Avery Character Portrait: Astrid Vellamo
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#, as written by Akantha
Astrid Vellamo & Dante Selantine

Astrid snapped her gaze to the next kin that ran up, and she realized that the other red streak must have been this one. She narrowed her eyes feeling her feline swirling within the amber irises. "None of us want a fight. Except for maybe the one that attacked you. He's just a bloodthirsty maniac." Astrid checked her throat as she waved towards it and nodded but still wondered exactly what place she had in the pack. "But I’m sure you understand our alarm. You not only intruded on our territory, but you where hunting as well."

Astrid snorted with disdain and let her attention fall on her pride around her. She felt James on her right side and Larissa seemed safe enough. Ophis also seemed to be doing well. A leader was only as good as their people. She took in the rest of the scene, the cats being riled around her human form with the two wolves on the other side, while the fox had arrived a minute before. Astrid sighed briskly and turned to James, not changing her stance but craning her head towards him so that she could look him in the eye. “I’m completely fine.” Her voice was edged with a slight hint of mocking anger towards the wolf but she eased her tone and murmured, “Nothing to worry about.” Now she turned to Dante who had taken a step back and was testing the air with a low growl. She adjusted; just barely brushing his hind leg and he glanced at her, communication going between them.

Dante indicated at the blade in front of him as he moved back for Astrid to see. Astrid nodded and sent her gaze over the field before huffing and leaving the silent communication at that. She directed her gaze back to the fox kin and after a few seconds spoke up. “I do understand. Yet we only mean to pass through.” She paused meaningfully then decided on a tactful approach. “We have been traveling for days without food or water and did not know if your pack still occupied this area. We hunted just outside your borders. So, surely, your prey was not lessened.” Astrid thought back to their plans and what her sister had mentioned. She glanced back at her sister and smiled. “I also wish to speak with your alpha now that we know you’re here. It would benefit us both.”

Dante growled again but subsided as he noticed the cattish smile on Astrid's face. The knife had been centimeters from his paw and he couldn’t find a scent but he was sure they were close. He pinned his ears flat and glared at the wolf kin in front of them. The fox kin had proposed peace. Would they follow? Dante somehow doubted that and now he was getting an even stronger scent that didn’t bode well. It smelled like an Alpha. He stiffened and brushed right up against Astrid, keeping close and closing in the space that could provide vulnerabilities. James on the other side seemed to have it handled. He leaned down and pressed his nose into her shoulder with a deep rumble that was close to a growl. ‘Danger on the way’ Astrid didn’t show any indication that she had understood him but he was sure that she had been paying attention. He then furthered his intent with a small hiss at James and flicked his ears towards the general direction of the scent, past the fox.

Astrid didn’t move as Dante closed the distance between them, overshadowing her like a big kitten. His cold nose pressed to her shoulder and she snapped a quick glance towards the fox, sniffing quietly. The scent came to her but she remained silent, refraining from the snarl that rose in her throat. She had no problem being respectful; she just didn’t like other dominants around her sometimes. At least, not when she was angry. Astrid rose from her crouch, deciding upon looking more civil to represent her pack.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rose Larkin Character Portrait: James A. Avery Character Portrait: Astrid Vellamo Character Portrait: Larissa Vellamo Character Portrait: Dante Selantine
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Larissa Vellamo

Larissa barely had time to react after she saw the girl with red hair spot them, and run. She stood, her coat bristled, as a low growl escaped her. Just as quickly as the girl had come, a wolf came and launched itself right at her sister. She snarled and lept forward, but stopped short when the wolf was knocked off of her.

"Don't! Astrid screamed at her and the others, and Larissa flattened her ears against her head but held her ground. She padded over to Astrid, sitting down next to her protectively and narrowing her bright blue eyes at the wolves. She didn't want to fight with them, but if they went after her sister while she was in her human form? Unacceptable. Lari didn't make any aggressive moves as the same girl with red hair approuched them.

"None of us want a fight. Exept for maybe the one who attacked you. But he's must a bloodthirsty maniac. But I'm sure you can understand our alarm. Not only did you intrude on our territory, but you were hunting aswell." Larissa relaxed a little as the tension was eased a bit by the fox. Maybe this wouldn't turn into a full-on attack. "I do understand. Yet we meant only to pass through. We have been traveling for days without food or water and did not know if your pack still occupied this area. We hunted just outside your borders. So, surely, your prey was not lessened."
As she glanced at her sister, she realized their leader was the only one in human form, making her a clear target. She was aware she wasn't the leitenent, and she wasn't trying to challenge James for his position but was reluctant to leave Astrid as the only easy target.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cyra Grey Character Portrait: Rose Larkin Character Portrait: Anvar Woad Character Portrait: James A. Avery Character Portrait: Astrid Vellamo Character Portrait: Vale Alvers
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"I woke up sleeping beauty. The mutt threw me into a wall, strangled me, and nearly stabbed me with a pair of scissors. Why do you keep him around?" she growled, then glanced at him somewhat sheepishly. "Sorry. I got a little carried away." Of course it had to be Brandon who else could have possibly done it, he's a psycopath, the Alpha merely shook his head at her apology. "Don't be sorry, he's on his first strike." His voice and face was that as stone but soon changed as the little werefox spoke up. "Anvar Woad, you are a terrible flirt." His signature wolfish grin appeared on his face as he gave her a wink. "Hey someone in this pack has to be." And with that note Rose turned on her heel and gestured for Anvar and Vale to follow. "Theyre close by. shouldnt take long to get there- hopefully nobody else has already gotten to them." His smile faded into a smirk at this rather naive statement. "Let's not kid ourselve lass, with our luck the pyscho has already ripped one in half." With that, Rose led them back to the house first, and turned to Vale and Anvar. " It would probably be best if you stayed here, Vale." She paused, glancing up at Anvar for his aproval, to which he gave rather reluctantly and after a few spoken words they left Vale at the house to face these intruders.

Rose led the way again holding onto his elbow and quickly leading him back to the spot where she had seen the cats. She broke contact and ran off into the distance but the alpha had already picked up the scent of not just the cats but members of his pack as well, swapping his speed from a jog to a casual walk he wasn't in a big rush, Cyra's scent was strong and he trusted her to keep things under control. He heard voices and both groups came into sight, he over heard the commotion that Brandin (it must have been him) caused, the smell of another dominant causig his spine to tingle violently. He heard the fox make a peace attempt bringing a warm sense of pride towards her, Atta girl, I wish you were the first to make contact, he thought with a sigh most of the members would show hostility towards intruders no matter the situation yet they all failed to remember that they too had been intruders once when Anvar had found them. “I also wish to speak with your alpha now that we know you’re here. It would benefit us both.” The female who reaked of dominance demanded.

Walking past the still snarling Brandin, the alpha pressed the muzzle of his gun against the base of skull and whispered. "Stand down or I will put you down and use that mangy red coat of yours as a door matt." He didn't attempt to hide his anger and hatred towards the gamma, he let their venom fill each word, showing the red wolf he was in charge and that he meant every word he said. He took the gun away from his head as he walked up to the feline, making Retrobution known to the cats more as a safety blankett than an actual threat, he hoped he wouldn't have to use it, when he was about a foot away from her he stopped and held his hand out to which the woman took and shook. "I'm the alpha of this pack and I apologise for the hostility of my gammas." His tone taking a formal tone, quickly giving the golden eye wolf one last glare before giving his full attention to the leader. "And think nothing of tresspassing and hunting, most of these wolves forget they had once been in similar dispositions you lot are in."

He broke the shake and gave her that wolfish smile of his. "You say you were just passing through? Well you seem to be heading towards the human settlement in that direction the way you want is that way." He pointed in the same direction as the ranch. "That way leads you towards more wilderness but also our home, if you are still hungry and tired I would like to administer an informal invitation to stay for the night to rest and fuel up before you set off again." He looked at the rest of the cats and knew by instinct most of their bodies were running on happy thoughts, his eyes returned on the naked body infront of him, scanning her from toe to head, resting on her eyes . "So what do you say beautiful wanna come sleep in the big bad wolve's house?" He asked, his care free attitude once again showing as his smile widened.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anvar Woad Character Portrait: James A. Avery Character Portrait: Astrid Vellamo Character Portrait: Larissa Vellamo Character Portrait: Brandin Solstiss
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James glanced back at Larissa, James had been human for about a minute but changed right back as Brandin had attacked. He just nodded to her not saying anything but giving a silent thank you. James glanced in the direction that Dante had directed his ear in. He watched the Wolfs Alpha approach and moved a little closer to Astrid not touching her other then his fur maybe brushing against her skin.

He seemed to relax as Anvar threatened Brandin but didn't even move a muscle except for breathing from his spot by Astrid. He listened to Anvar speak alittle hard to understand him. He glanced up at Astrid and then back to the other Alpha as he called Astrid beautiful, James let his ears then flatten wondering if that tactic would actually work, maybe he'd take tips from this guy.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ophis Nyx Character Portrait: Cyra Grey Character Portrait: Rose Larkin Character Portrait: Anvar Woad Character Portrait: James A. Avery Character Portrait: Astrid Vellamo
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"Oh. so the feline leader can talk."

It was the only thought that entered Brandin's mind. She is greatly mistaken if that tone, warnings, threats, authority, and promises can cause shivers in him. Actually, it has the opposite effect. This makes it more worthwhile. Licking his wolf lips with maligned intentions, his eyes seemed to spark even more with childish joy. He knew that this was going to be fun and the reactions from her pride members were exquisite. It was as he had expected. As to ensure, he was not alone. He noticed a glint coming from behind stopping one of the werecats from advancing. He knew that it was Renmy. The adrenaline and the need to see blood flowing and staining this land was becoming an insatiable thirst for him. Glancing at one of the male werecats who threatened him of being ripped apart, he gazed with such eerie calmness. But there was nothing innocent about it. In fact, it was glowing with bloody insanity. He was challenging the male to come after him and make his words true. The saying the weakest dog barks the loudest, it must also apply to the cats as the man did not do on his threat and stayed beside the female leader. For that, he sneered and raised his right paw and made a gesture as if saying, "Come on."

However, it would seemed that Brandin's fun would be cut short. This only soured his mood even further. The winds had carried the scent of the alpha and the annoying scent of the fox. His irritation could be clearly seen as a snarl was again present in his face. It even become wider when the fox dared to come in his way again. If he remembered correctly, he warned the midget fox to never cross him. He was also clear to use a language understandable for the pea-brained fox to understand. This only proves that the fox was a lost cause. Soon, the alpha arrived pointing his gun at Brandin's head. It was not hard to tell that Anvar was angry. Heck, he was the only one who has can do that without much effort. Instead of showing fear towards the leader, he raised his head arrogantly and pushed his head to the barrel of the gun. Indicating for Anvar to do it, Brandin did not show any fear towards him or even an ounce of submission. Honestly, he never did once do that.

As expected, Anvar removed his attention from Brandin and proceeded to flirt with the werecat leader as far as offering lodging at their place. This action disgusts him to a certain degree. The eyes of the alpha should be checked thoroughly. His eyesight might be going bad. No, it was probably bad or the man was going senile. There is also that it was both. Although, he would admit the fox was right on one thing. He was bloodthirsty, but as a maniac. It was about to begin right now. Without warning, he lunged as Rose and bite her right shoulder ferociously. It happened without any warning and for anyone to react to it. His fangs buried deep into her shoulder as blood gushed out.

Tasting the blood of the she-fox, Brandin's eyes glowed even more dangerously. He was going to tear her apart. But an idea entered his mind, the alpha was the only one exempted from talking back to him. Honestly, Anvar was the only one who can insult him and would not suffer Brandin's wrath on most occasions. This is why the pack can have confidence that the alpha could handle him when it comes to worst. However, they forgot one important thing. He was giving Anvar that special privilege and this fox was not included in that. Lifting the fox was not that difficult even more so in his wolf-form, he threw Rose towards Anvar making sure the fox's body collided with the alpha's. After that attack, the blood from his attack dripped from his lips and fangs. His eyes shined with glee from his actions. It was quite a sight as the blood fell on the ground like rain. When it comes to power in the pack, he was not second to anyone. They all knew that. One would even ask why he does not take the position of alpha. He could challenge Anvar for that without problem.

Brandin did remember that someone asked him that question. His answer was "It's too troublesome. I hate babysitting." That is why Anvar knew that whatever actions Brandin did. The gamma wolf would not challenge Anvar's right to authority but at the same time Brandin made sure to remind the alpha, he was not the submissive kind. Licking his lips again, he would allow the fox to live for now. This is the last warning for that idiotic fox. The next time even Anvar cannot protect her from him. No one can. He would no hesitate to tear down the pack to pieces if they pushed him too much. It would appeared that the werecats were not the biggest problem that the wolves have apparently. Turning his back to all of them, Brandin knew that Anvar would be busy with his flirting which included the werecat leader and the fox. He began to walk away but not before looking over his shoulders at Anvar. "Don't forget who you're dealing with." There were no words that came out but those eyes of his seemed to interpret as such. It was good to remind Anvar the reason why Brandin was in the pack once in awhile.

After that, Brandin walked away from the group and even walked passed Renmy without saying a word. But a grey object dropped in front of her. It was one of the knives she threw earlier. Soon enough, he was out of everyone's sight. He would not be coming back to the pack house any moment soon. The stress to kill was still coursing through his systems. In which, he would slaughter some animals he could find. It was better than nothing. Although, it also helps that he was feeling quite famished at the moment.

"Warm-up is done. Time for some breakfast."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ophis Nyx Character Portrait: Cyra Grey Character Portrait: Rose Larkin Character Portrait: Anvar Woad Character Portrait: James A. Avery Character Portrait: Astrid Vellamo
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#, as written by Akantha
Astrid Vellamo & Dante Selantine

Astrid watched the male approach, squaring her shoulders unconsciously. His stench reeked of dominance and it was like a challenge calling her senses. She wondered briefly how the alpha males of the wolf species would have felt upon seeing another dominant. They were the same species but she could resist it since they were felines. The flash of a muzzle caused her to grimace. She wasn’t a strong advocate of the gun and even then blades were rare. If it came down to kin versus kin, she thought it was fair to use true strength and skill. "I'm the alpha of this pack and I apologize for the hostility of my gammas." [i] Astrid nodded, acknowledging his word politely.[i] "And think nothing of trespassing and hunting, most of these wolves forget they had once been in similar dispositions you lot are in."[i] She cast her glance over the other wolves curiously wondering how they ever would have been in the same position but dismissed it.

[i]"You say you were just passing through?”
Astrid didn’t respond, hoping the conversation was heading the way she needed it too. “Well you seem to be heading towards the human settlement in that direction the way you want is that way." Astrid followed his hand, then huffed to show her attention. "That way leads you towards more wilderness but also our home, if you are still hungry and tired I would like to administer an informal invitation to stay for the night to rest and fuel up before you set off again." Astrid let her expression relax into appreciation, and lowered her hackles visibly albeit her amusement as she felt his gaze travel over her body. "So what do you say beautiful want to come sleep in the big bad wolve's house?" Astrid responded to the smile by chuckling. “I think we would be most appreciative to accept your humble invitation.” However, the next few seconds didn’t go over well.

Astrid looked to the red wolf in alarm when he moved closer to the gun, and openly challenged the Alpha. Her lips curled up, thinning to show her blunt human fangs. The gesture could be understood though. Even if she wasn’t a part of their pack or related in any way, that wolf was out of line.

She took a step back, bending her knees and preparing for the hit as the wolf leapt but his trajectory wasn't aiming at her, but at the fox kin who had been very cordial to them. Astrid froze, watching the ensuing horror as the wolf’s fangs sank into human skin and blood welled from the new wound. The bloodlust displayed made her insides harden and her throat feel swollen because she couldn’t seem to swallow correctly.

Dante had eased, watching the newly peaceful atmosphere arrive on a wave of relief. At least, until the red wolf decided he hadn’t had enough. The wolf seemed to leap for the closest person saving the Alpha and the fox kin paid for it. Dante surged forward only to freeze as he saw the bloodlust. It wasn’t good to mess with a wolf in bloodlust. Only the Alpha could dispatch a wolf like that because it was their job to tame and keep the wolves civilized; to keep them from getting violent or becoming rogue. If they weren’t kept in line by the Alpha, it became a bounty hunters job to kill the rogue or dispatch the trouble because after that point it also became a problem for the human world too. It was the same for felines and that’s probably why Astrid hadn’t jumped to help.

Astrid watched the fox kin fly towards the Alpha as the wolf turned and stalked away. Her eyes narrowed but she relaxed with a sharp grumble. Her gaze then fell on the Alpha and she tilted her head in question but didn’t comment on what he was going to do, nor did she offer help. Offering help would have meant that she thought they were incapable of handling it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rose Larkin Character Portrait: Anvar Woad Character Portrait: James A. Avery Character Portrait: Astrid Vellamo Character Portrait: Brandin Solstiss
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James eye's went a little wide as the red wolf attacked the fox, moving forward a step he stopped and moved back on Astrid's right. He moved a little closer to her leg not just his white fur and black spots touching her skin he was more or less pressing himself against her leg. He didn't like that wolf he just stared as Brandin walked away, he already knew he'd have to keep a watch over the others he knew they could all take care of themselves.

He then noticed what he was doing and moved away from Astrid a tad, he sat on his back legs with his ears up straight as he now watched the wolves carefully and keep that mental note to ask Anvar about women, one there confusing, two... well there women, or maybe he should ask a girl about girl things. His mind then started drifting for a moment as he licked his lips still very very thirsty before snapping back to where he was.