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Brandin Solstiss

"Sweetie, life is the best boardgame."

0 · 335 views · located in Colorado

a character in “Shadows at Dawn: The Gathering”, originally authored by Misdemeanor, as played by RolePlayGateway

So begins...

Brandin Solstiss's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cyra Grey Character Portrait: Anvar Woad Character Portrait: Vale Alvers Character Portrait: Renmy Soril Character Portrait: Ulrica Archer Character Portrait: Brandin Solstiss
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It was the last straw as the silk sheets slowly raised from the still bed resembling an apparition. The darkness also added to the illusion as the curtains securely blocked the rising sun's light from entering the room. For a few moments, the scenery remained without change and was only dispelled by a click of a tongue. Long and slender fingers grabbed on to the sheets and pulled it away with much resentment. Upon doing so, it revealed a handsome young man with messy crimson hair and mesmerizing pair of red and gold eyes. Albeit, the eyes were hazed with annoyance accompanied by a tint of sleepiness. This person was none other than Brandin. Placing his right hand over his face, it effectively covered half of it as he closed his eyes. He always hated waking up to unpleasant noises unless they were the screams of those he had the ecstasy of killing. It would also seem that his fellow wolves were already up and about with their every movement creating more noises to his sensitive ears. Opening his gold eyes that was not covered up, he looked at the digital watch at the end table near his bed. It was just a little past 4 in the morning. How could he sleep peacefully like this? Gritting his teeth, he removed his hand from his face and quickly stood up from his bed. The silk covers hiding his frame now fully revealed him.

"So noisy. Tsk."

Clicking his tongue once again, Brandin stood beside his bed and scratch his head in dismal of his situation. He was only wearing a pair of black pajama pants without a top. In short, he was half-naked and it did not bother him at all. He went to the small corner of his room where a table and a chair were elegantly placed. On the table, there was a Staunton chess set with some of its pieces already moved. It was not any chess set as it was one of the 500 sets that were signed and numbered by Howard Staunton the one designed this particular chess set. If he could recall, this set was numbered 1. As if he would allow himself to have anything less. He grabbed hold of his black sleeping robe and wore it. He did not bother closing it properly. After doing so, he moved the black rook forward defeating the white knight piece. This made him smirk but only momentarily as he released a yawn. It seemed he still require a few hours of sleep. However, the noises keep continuing on along with the few voices that reached his ears.

"Who died for them to be so freakin' lively?"

Speaking with a tone of irritation yet low enough indicating Brandin was still not in the mood for lively chatter. He left his room and released a soft sigh. It irked him to wake up so early. It was not even an emergency. They were not the only living being here in the house. He had even took the room farthest from everyone due to his preference of peace and quiet and a lot of privacy. He even made a point that Vale would never enter his room at all costs. If he remembered correctly, he frightened the little pup to the point the young one would avoid him. He was scolded by the Alpha because of that. Well, it did not matter to him. He got he wanted anyway. The hell hound of curiosity did not imposed on his privacy or bother him with the pup's triviality. Although, it was a miracle that despite the location of his room he could still hear their incessant noises not to mention that scream which broke his patience. Closing the door to his room, he walked towards where the congregation of the noises were coming from. They knew better than to get him in a bad mood so early in the morning.

Soon, Brandin turned around the corner and was now in the hallway leading to the Alpha's study room/meeting hall as well. His eyes caught sight of two individuals. One was Cain and another one was having an intimate discussion with the floor which he had noticed to be Renmy. Approaching the two, he looked at Cain momentarily and then to Renmy who was holding a vase. He was certain that she was the one shouting earlier. It was also noticeable that she was soaking wet. He hardly doubt that the vase did that. Looking at the corner of his eyes, he saw the fallen table and placed it back to its proper position. Afterwards, he took the vase in Renmy's hand without saying anything and placed it on the table. Taking a moment to look at his handiwork, he returned his attention to Renmy. The girl was a klutz. Everyone knew that. He only wished she would do that when he is not sleeping.

"You woke me up, Renmy."

His eyes of red and gold stared at her with clear irritation. After a brief moment to let his words sink in, Brandin looked at Cain again. He did not spare the man any greetings but gave a nod of acknowledgement before passing him to gain entrance to the study. After all, he was rudely woken up. Entering the study without much of respect, his eyes traveled at the ones present inside and casually leaned at the door frame. Crossing his arms, he released a small yawn. His eyes showed annoyance which made those heterochromic eyes glow in an eerie manner. If one did not know any better, they would find beauty in danger. He lazily placed his right index finger into his right ear and turned it around playfully.

"Would you keep it down. You're not the only people here."

The setting changes from The Pack House to Colorado


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cyra Grey Character Portrait: Anvar Woad Character Portrait: Vale Alvers Character Portrait: Renmy Soril Character Portrait: Ulrica Archer Character Portrait: Brandin Solstiss
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To no surprise to the alpha, the figuire standing in the doorway was in fact the little pup who's curiousity could kill over half the cats in the world. Her eyes rested on something through the window to which Anvar paid no attention too his focus was on Vale, and as a massive smile lit up her small little face he himself couldn't help but to smile with. Her gaze quickly flickered to him acknowledging he did infact exist and out of no where with her childish, erratic energy sprinted over to his desk, leaning up on it, with some difficulties, with her small hands scrabbling along the wood surface towards his whiskey. "What is this? Are you drinking it?? I wanna try some!" And before Anvar could explain it wasn't for children, those little hands of hers had snatched up the bottle while her index finger was sliding along the mouth of the container and back into her own. She scrunched up her face immediately, and brought a hand to her throat, coughing and sticking her tongue out. "What ITH that thtuthf!? Blehc." She made a mock gag causing a bout of laughter from him, pointing to her open mouth with her tongue still out in the open, a sort of frown on her face. Anvar took the bottle back from the little pup, smile still on his face. "It's called whiskey and don't worry when you're older, and maybe the alpha one day, you'll learn to like it." He remarked in a calm tone.

He noticed her eyes focussing on something else and once againer hands were already up on the sturdy piece of furniture once more, her tongue returned into her mouth, pushing herself up again her hands made towards Retrobution. Her curious little wandering Vale hands quickly met the metal and enclosed around the barrel, dragging it back to her body as Anvar merely continued to watch, intrigued by her rection to his gun. She then dropped her little frame down, gun in hand, before quickly prodding every part of it. She turned it around, looking straight down the muzzle, making the alpha bite his lower lip as he was grateful he had kept it unloaded as her finger resting on the keen little trigger. “What is this?” The little child asked Anvar curiously, turning the object around once more and aiming it right at the alpha. Though she didn’t realize it, almost all of her focus was caught with the dangerous weapon that she was oblivious too.

She pressed down on the trigger curiously, Damn I'm glad I made this room child safe with her around he thought, a feeling of relief that he kept the ammunition to his gun locked away in the desk, she was listening intently to the little click and small clunk that notified the user that it was empty and needed to be reloaded. Clearing his throat to get her attention he looked her in her large eyes, his smile still on his lips. "That my little princess is called a gun but this one has a name, Retrobution." He paused so that she could take it in before he carried on. "It was my father's and when he..." He was interupted as his ears picked up a body hitting the floor followed by a "WHY DO WE EVEN HAVE THIS THING!?" It was no doubt Renmy the pups 'social worker', Anvar couldn't help but to bring his right hand to his face, shaking his head slightly, after a second or two of this he began to carry on his sentance. "When he died, it became mine." The memory of his father's death was still caused a sharp pain in his heart and left a bitter feeling when it subsided. "If you want I can teach you how to use it, that is though if a little princess like you would want to know how to use a big old gun like that." The bitter feeling subsided as a strange paternal feeling crept into him but was cut short when his ears once again picked up movement just outside the door

A wolf imeddiately entered the study and despite it being a member of the canine family he knew it was Cyra. Her eyes first went to him, then his bottle of whiskey and finally to the pup playing with the doubled barrelled magnum, ears slanted down while her eyes shone with concern, causing a feeling of slight amusement to Anvar. She seemed to relax when a little when it became obvious the gun wasn't loaded. Still standing in the doorway, Cyra's eyes went emphatically to the whiskey bottle before landing on Anvar's face. 'That should probably be put away before...' her eyes flickered to the girl, "does a taste test." Causing a low chuckle to come from his throat. "Too late my little princess has already tried it bu I don't think I'm going to make an alcoholic out of her just yet." He smiled that rather unsettling, to a normal human anyway, wolfish grin of his, she then ambled to the couch and mumbled something which even with his good hearing he still couldn't quite pick out the words and began to watch Vale play.

In a moment of them watching her another member entered the room, Ulrica, Anvar met her gaze as she nodded to him, giving her a warm smile, he knew she was a shy one and didn't hold it against her that she doesn't just say hello like most people would. She walked over to a seat close to the other beta and must have heard what she mumbled as she gave a soft smile to her. "Well this is Anvar we're talking about..." She spoke quietly, making it clear that she was emphasizing on the word "Is". "Besides he is the alpha..." She finished, leaning against the wall deciding she wasn't going to sit, Anvar let out another wolfish grin turning his attention to Ulrica. "You know I've always liked you Ulrica.... You get me." He almost cackled bur held it in, he wasn't being mean about her comment he just made a joke over a lot of things, you could say it was a defence mechanism of his and you'd be half right. "Alright I'm going to be a bit serious....I know scary right. Anyway I hope you both would remember what day it is but I'll forgive you if you don't it's not like it effects either of you really." His voice grew seriously, although only slightly. "Anyway I'll be leaving you two in full charge of the pack today when you go for patrol soon." He shooked his head at their surprise. "Now don't be like that I trust both of you with my hide no matter what the situation is and besides you both still owe me for these." His tone grew back to it's joker like ways as he pointed to the various scars that covered his skin.

"Would you keep it down. You're not the only people here." An irritated voice spoke up, revealing it to be Brandin. Wow it's busier than usual in here, he thought surprised at the multi-coloured eyed werekin. "Well maybe if you stopped taking lessons from Sleeping Beauty and took a page out of my book you'd already be up and doing something productive but now you are and guess what you're going on patrol soon." His smile faded, out of all the members of his pack he liked Brandin, or the Sleaping Beauty wannabe as Anvar often dubbed him, the least. His attitude towards the rest of them was rather cold at best and down right hostile at worst. "And besides you don't need any beauty sleep, what ever God exist knows it won't help you." He smirked, getting up and stretching before taking the bottle and downed the rest of his drink, placing it back down when he finished. He walked over to Vale, who was still engrossed in the gun, and picked her up placing her on his left shoulder so she was sitting down. He turned around to the betas his smile returning. "Will you two beauties round up everyone and take them on patrol?" They replied and done what he wished, he waited till all of them had left the house, watching them through the window while Vale remained on his shoulder. "Vale, would you like to come to a special place of mine?" He asked, looking up into her little face.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cyra Grey Character Portrait: Anvar Woad Character Portrait: Vale Alvers Character Portrait: Renmy Soril Character Portrait: Ulrica Archer Character Portrait: Brandin Solstiss
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#, as written by Skwidge
Renmy Soril

Renmy's figure shook slightly, the adrenaline from the slide still coursing through her nerves and networks, the vase wobbling in her clutches. She let out a few more small breaths, realizing once again that her hair was plastered all over her face- something that was an extreme irritation. She had brought up her knees just a bit for a more comfortable position, though she still wasn't completely comfortable with getting up. But then Cyra decided to wander over and check on her, making a snide comment on the side.

'At this rate, we will have to superglue everything to the ground.'

Renmy's eyes traveled over to where her fellow wolf was standing, and she let out a huff of breath before replying carefully. "I... really, don't think that you'd be able- to er, find enough glue for that anyway. Besides, I'd probably forget and then get my hand stuck somewhere or, uh, other." She didn't expect Cyra to then proceed in the act of prodding her with her nose, something that made the red-headed gamma jump ever so slightly in surprise, her hands slipping off the vase for a second, and then fumbling to re-catch it before it fell over and cracked or something.

She shot a small glare at Cyra as she abandoned her and walked into the alpha's office. However, she didn't get to keep that train of thought going, as she soon saw Ulrica, the second female beta (which she didn't understand- having two females for the betas, but shrugged it off anyway), completely ignore her presence and walk straight into the study. The fem pressed her lips together, blinking quietly. I... guess that's a good thing. One less person I have to explain myself to. She thought to herself a bit strained, trying to console her conscience.

Carefully, she slid backwards on her knees, attempting to prop herself up so she could sit down. In the process, she distractedly had the thought of her form representing a worm like in the cartoons moving. After another shiver, Ren let out a collected sigh, glad that she had made it thus far. But once more, another member of the pack wandered over to her.

It was none other than Cain, and she clutched the vase close to her chest at the sound of his voice asking if she was alright. She nibbled her lip a bit nervously before replying to him. "I'm fine. Er, well, as fine as I can be at any one particular moment in time...." Her face suddenly whitened as she realized just how many people had gotten up and looked over her, which meant that she must have also woken them up.

And as if to confirm her suspicion, Brandin stormed mutely over, picking up the table and replacing it against the wall. The girl's lower lip trembled unseen, and the two-hued eyes seemed, at least to her, to bore into her face and figure before the owner of them stooped over her and practically pried the vase from her trembling fingers, replacing it on the table. Almost as soon as her hands were free from the object, her left one shot up to her face and pulled back the hair sticking annoyingly onto her skin and poking her eyes. The right one clutched her right thigh lightly, her eyes straying over to Cain's feet to distract herself from Brandin's wrath.

"You woke me up, Renmy."

And her face had just begun to return to color too. The red-headed gamma remained utterly silent, crossing her arms one in front of the other loosely, she peered up at him, but his gaze rested on Cain now before he shuffled into the alpha's office. Renmy once more bit her lower lip before looking up at Cain's face and reached for his hand to assist her in getting up. She'd probably slip again, no matter what the odds might be, so her damp and clammy hand met his warm one, and she pulled herself up once she noted he had braced himself a bit. Or at least she hoped that that was what he was doing. Man, would that ever be a calamity if he should tumble down with her onto the floor if he hadn't been paying attention to what she herself had been doing.

Vale Alvers

The little pup scrunched up her face, glancing at Anvar with her right eye squinted and her left eyebrow raised. "I don't think I could ever like this yucky water stuff. And I don't want to be an alpha, it's too much work." She put her hands on her hips, and shook her head resolutely, the gun still in her hand. As the older wolf explained to her just what she was handling, she scanned his face warily. She didn't particularly like being called princess, but she let it slide, and didn't tell anyone about it either. It was mostly just the alpha who called her that anyway.

"Ret- yeah, uhm, I can't... I don't think I can say tha- Retruo... Re...." Once more she shook her head, clutching the gun tightly as she continued to fidget with it as he paused with the crash coming from outside the room. Vale didn't pay it much mind, already knowing it was probably Renmy. Though, she did take a second to peer out the door, though couldn't really see anything anyway.

"When he died, it became mine." Vale looked up innocently, still not understanding the full technicalities of how death worked. "I think that's sad. Why do people... die, Anvar?" The child's eyes always grew at least a little bit wider whenever she asked a question. Her features picked up though when he said he'd teach her how to use such a dangerous, although again still unbeknownst to her, weapon. In reality, the girl would probably end up causing some serious damage to both object and person alike if not warned properly about such a thing.

She looked over as she heard Cyra enter the room, and grinned brightly again, flailing her little arm in greeting to another member of her family. She watched as the girl in wolf form flickered her ears this way and that as she communicated and accentuated such speech with different facial features and stances before finally resting down on the couch and allowing a mumble of sorts to permeate the air. Then Ulrica decided to join the group and Vale gave her a sideways expression of greeting, soon losing interest in her as she didn't speak often.

She could vaguely hear titters in her range of hearing as people made talk out in the hall in response to Renmy's crash, although Vale was fairly unawares of what actually happened out there. But she was captured in the shininess of the gun, her attention recalled and refocused to it. That is, until Brandin came in too. The little girl whirled around and pointed the gun right at him, pulling down on the trigger. She beamed up at him cheerfully, the click coming quickly after the action, and then the thunk a half second later. Sure, he was a little scary, but she wasn't really too nervous what with all the other members in the room as well. Besides, it was in her nature not to be phased too much by a more intimidating pack member. Or at least as long as she was a pup, she'd have to learn about those things eventually, but that wasn't until later.

Her arm dropped once more, and she looked back up at Anvar as he began to comment on a Disney character or other, and she made a revolted face as he downed the rest of the nasty liquid. He then began to talk about duties and such and the child quickly lost interest in the room and gun, replacing it on his desk.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cyra Grey Character Portrait: Anvar Woad Character Portrait: Vale Alvers Character Portrait: Renmy Soril Character Portrait: Ulrica Archer Character Portrait: Cassius Jagger
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#, as written by slcam
Cyra gave a small huff, amusement plain on her face when Anvar informed her that Vale had already gotten a taste. Cyra wasn't surprised at all, but sometimes the girl's intense curiosity concerned her. What would happen when she got into something more dangerous that a taste of whiskey or an unloaded gun? And even worse, what if none of the pack was able to get the pup out of it?

Ulrica entered the room just as Cyra made her comment. Of course, Ulrica had to make a comment of her own. Cyra's ears went back slightly, her eyes narrowing for a moment at her fellow beta. Though it was a true statement, and even one that Cyra agreed with, she resented it when it came from one who she deemed a rival. Though Cyra and Ulrica were equal in authority, Cyra was always wary of any attempt by Ulrica to gain more authority, imagined or not. At Anvar's grinning comment, Cyra somehow got the idea that the alpha was beginning to favor Ulrica over her, though it was said in a joking manner. Her ears flattened back more severely, eyes again narrowing at the beta, as a soundless growl rumbled in her throat.

This was quickly cut off by the alpha's next statement. Cyra gave a sneeze, and her expression instantaneously changed, one ear straight up with the other cocked back in almost playful manner. With her head tilted to one side, she seemed curious and attentive to the Alpha's words. She was only slightly surprised that he was sending them out on patrol without him, but she took the responsibility seriously. When he pointed at his various scars, one side of Cyra's lip curled up, tail wagging playfully as she grinned back at him in her own way.

Suddenly, Brandin came in, grumpy as usual. Cyra merely turned her grin to him, happy at the thought of getting out of the house, even if it was just to go on patrol. She gave another amused huff as Vale "shot" him with the gun. She paid little attention to Anvar's banter with Brandin, laying her head down on her massive paws.

When Anvar told the betas to round everyone up for patrol, more of an order than a request, Cyra jumped off the couch and strode out of the room, hurrying a bit to beat Ulrica. Without breaking stride, she communicated to Renmy and Cain. "Time to go on patrol. Renmy, I think Anvar is planning on watching Vale, so you can come." Usually, Renmy didn't go on patrol with them, already having her hands full with Vale, but perhaps she would decide to this time.

Not pausing to reflect on this, Cyra continued through the lower floor in search of Cassius, pausing a moment at the stairs to listen for any movement upstairs before heading outside. Pausing to the right of the door, one foot held up as she sniffed the ground, she searched for his scent. She soon picked it up, along with Vale and Renmy's from earlier and the older scents of the whole pack. She followed his scent around the house, nose going low to the ground every few steps.

After a moment, she caught sight of him lying in the grass, obviously asleep. Cyra didn't question why he was out here, but instead, joyfully bounded over to him. She jabbed his shoulder sharply with her nose and pawed at him several times until he woke up. When he awoke, she bounded backwards once as playfully as a young puppy, her front legs on the ground with her rump high in the air and her tail wagging fiercely. "We're going on patrol. Come on!"

She ran back to the front steps, waiting until everyone that was going was ready, and, running off beside Ulrica, quickly settled into a fast but efficient lope with her tail lazily wagging as they headed off on patrol.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cyra Grey Character Portrait: Ulrica Archer Character Portrait: Brandin Solstiss
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"You know I've always liked you Ulrica.... You get me." The corners of her lip turned upwards, enjoying the reaction she earned from the Alpha, but she calmed herself as soon as he spoke his new words. "Anyway I'll be leaving you two in full charge of the pack today when you go for patrol soon." She blinks and stared at him, a soft look of shock sketching across her face. Usually the leader was with them...but she didnt mind. "Now don't be like that I trust both of you with my hide no matter what the situation is and besides you both still owe me for these."

'He is right..' Without Anvar, she probably wouldnt be here, he was the one who took her in... "Would you keep it down. You're not the only people here." An irritated voice spoke up, revealing it to be Brandin. "Hm...?" Ulrica hums, scanning the newcomer up and down. Honestly, Ulrica felt nothing for him, well not like that, she cared for him, but his mean ways didnt really effect her. Nodding towards the alpha, she tugged Brandin's arm, and eyed everyone else to come.

Watching Cyra race off, a mute chuckle escaped her lips and she quickly followed. Cyra was always so...whats the word, competive about the beta posistion. IT was normal for a wolf of course, and she completly understood, though she always was confused. 'I never planned to gain more power in the begginning...' Ulrica sweat drops lightly, before lopping off beside Cyra.
A wind gentle passed, and she sighed happily, but her eyes suddenly snapped open in shock. 'Huh...?' She sniffed the air in wonder and her eyes widen in realization. Lifting her arm in the air, she brushed it across the air. "A new scent has surrounded the area...over there.." She signaled, speaking calmly to the female beta. Ulrica's usual narrow emerald green eyes narrowed even more in suspicion. The smell was familar, something from a mission but she couldnt put her paw on it.

The setting changes from Colorado to The Pack House


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cyra Grey Character Portrait: Anvar Woad Character Portrait: Vale Alvers Character Portrait: Renmy Soril Character Portrait: Ulrica Archer Character Portrait: Brandin Solstiss
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Brandin looked at the pup of the pack which was Vale as she shot him with Anvar's gun. Unfortunately for him, the gun was not reloaded. If it was, he would have enough reason to tear the girl into shreds. He adored that idea especially when he was rudely awakened. The pup will do as a stress reliever. Although, he was certain that rest of the pack would be quite furious with what he was thinking inwardly. Furthermore, he was not in the mood to tackle everyone here just to bite Vale's head off. So, all he did was to smile at Vale with a tint of malicious intent gleaming across his heterochromatic eyes. It was enough to make anyone shiver of what was the vile idea forming within the mind of the antagonistic member of the pack. His attention was taken away when the Alpha called him with his wonderful nickname, 'Sleeping Beauty'. He really did not mind at all. Being compared to a person who has no care in the world, it would be good. However, he would rather die than be kissed by someone to wake him up.

"Did you just say patrol? You must be joking."

Those eyes that were holding back his annoyance were now being shown fully. Brandin's crimson-colored eye was like raging fire while the gold one was similar to a blazing sun. He would rather go to sleep than go to a patrol with any of them at the moment. His words were delivered in a deadpan tone as it seems the idea of tackling everyone inside this room was beginning to be a good idea for him. He felt Ulrica tugging his arm to come with her. Glancing at one of the female betas, there was no remorse or even the feeling of respect within that gaze. He definitely woke up on the wrong side of the bed today. He pulled back his arm as if he was disgusted being touched by Ulrica. There is no way he is going with anyone to patrol. The only way he is taking was the one straight to his room to sleep. God forbid, if anyone bothers or tell him otherwise. This morning would be a bloodbath for certain.

"Hell I would listen to you. I'm going back to sleep. You would do me a favor and go out faster."

Glaring at Anvar one more time, Brandin left the room without another word. He was certain that he had made his point. He walked passed Renmy and Cain without even acknowledging them as he went back to his room. His presence was similar to a roaring flame. He was certainly not in the mood to entertain anyone. One would wonder what made him join the pack in the first place. It would seem he would have been better alone since he has no intention of getting along with anyone or as far as to listen to anyone unless it is productive for him. Moreover, he seems to have no loyalties as he tends to be hostile to anyone in the pack. No one was safe from his aggressiveness even the young ones. Soon enough, Brandin had arrived in his room and shut the door with large sound as it echoed within the house. Afterwards, he removed his night robe and threw it over a nearby chair then laid on his bed while covering his head with a blanket. He would sleep until he was satisfied and he has no intention of changing that no matter who they are.

The setting changes from The Pack House to Colorado


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anvar Woad Character Portrait: Renmy Soril Character Portrait: Brandin Solstiss Character Portrait: Cain Sulien
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#, as written by Akantha
Cain Sullien

He listened to Renmy quietly, as he tilted his head wolfishly. The others had slowly crowded in and eventually he faded into the background. His mind turning inwards as he thought about how they had been a family. Eventually their alpha told them to patrol but he shook his head and laid a hand on his stomach preparing himself to skip out. However, the resident sleeping beauty spoke up.

"Hell I would listen to you. I'm going back to sleep. You would do me a favor and go out faster." Cain bristled at the hostility but hunched his shoulders, deciding to keep his temper in check. Their were pups present anyways. Brandon brushed past and he started to grimace before shaking his head, his express turning cold. He turned to the Alpha submissively.

“I’m not feeling well. It’s the truth.” He said impassively, hoping his declaration of truth would be good enough to let them know he was serious. He turned to the younger members of the pack. “Be careful. I’m going to stay here.” He glanced to Anvar checking for permission before loping back up to his bedroom to rest. He would catch up with the others later.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rose Larkin Character Portrait: Renmy Soril Character Portrait: Brandin Solstiss
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Rose Larkin

Rose's small form was laying across a low branch, her long red locks hanging down. She wasn't quite asleep, but she wasn't fully awake either. A small noise pulled her from her half-asleep state. She let out a long yawn and stretched out her arms as she opened her mismatched eyes. She had left the house that she lived in with the wolves early in the morning, like she usually did. Occasionally if one of the other pack members where up she would invite them along. She liked to climb high in one of the trees and watch the sun rise as the early morning dew set in the grass.

With another long yawn, she swung her legs over the branch and jumped onto the ground. Turning to where she heard the noise, she listened carefully. Another quite noise. Not the soft footsteps of a deer or the chirping of birds. More like. . . The sound of paws against the earth. Maybe the wolves? It sounded like a bunch of bodies, moving then settling.

As quietly as possible, she walked towards the sound and stopped dead in her tracks when she spotted it. Cats. She knew they had spotted her, too. She didn't exactly blend in- with her fiery red hair, green and violet eyes, and oversized sweatshirt she borrowed from one of her male pack mates that left one of her shoulders bare.
Of corse, it would be impossible to pass off as a human. Her pack mates often told her what an interesting smell she had- in her human form she smelled distinctly like a fox, but the smell of wolf usually overpowered it.

Rose quickly turned on her heel, and ran. She would've been faster in her fox form, but she didn't bother to shift. They where close to the wolves' ranch house, so it didnt take long for her to reach the home. She was relived as she saw Renmy just outside. "Ren- there's a bunch of cats just east of here. Not like little housecats- like lions and jaguars and cheetahs." she told the wolf, before hurrying inside to find Anvar. Instead she found. . . Nobody. Everybody seemed to either be out or in their rooms.

Figuring she would probably regret this, she knocked on Brandin's door. "Where's Anvar? There's a small pride of what I think are were cats that where just hunting on our territory." she called through the door, not particularly sure if he would even bother to answer her.

The setting changes from Colorado to The Pack House


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rose Larkin Character Portrait: Renmy Soril Character Portrait: Brandin Solstiss
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There it was again. Brandin's sleep ruined once more. Do they truly want to anger him so greatly? Or, do they truly want him to kill someone? Honestly, he was leaning to the latter part. He would not mind killing someone at this very moment. Sitting up on his bed, the blanket that covered him fell like silken water. His head was lowered as his hair prevented anyone to see his face from any angle. Despite that, it was fairly obvious that he was not pleased at all. Was it very hard for them to understand to never wake him up? Especially when he had explicitly demonstrated it earlier. There were times that he found people who opposed him interesting but right now, he only see them as someone to be killed. Raising his head, his eyes of gold and red glared at his bedroom door. The scent that permeated through his room was from the fox that had joined the pack. He hated it with a vengeance even more now. It also struck him slight wonder as to when did this fox think they were in good terms. He never once showed her any kind gestures even casual ones. As noted by the Alpha, he was completely ignoring the fox and had even received a lecture about being hospitable. Thus, he did what was best for him, ignore it all together.

Standing from his bed, Brandin did not bother making himself presentable by covering himself with his previously discarded robe. He opened the door and looked at the one who had the nerve to wake him up with intention. His eyes of red and gold seemed to glow with such intensity. It was probably due to the rage he was feeling. Without another word and a second to waste, he right hand grabbed the fox's throat and lifted her a few inches from the ground. It was not difficult for him especially when he is not in a good mood to begin with. He moved forward with her in hand as he closes the door to his room. Each movement, his hold on her neck tightened. He intends to slowly choke her. His eyes showed no respite or mercy. He did not even fear the consequences of his action once the other pack members see what he was about to do. Furthermore, he could careless about her reason to have the guts to come to him.

"It seems you have a death wish, fox."

Brandin's voice was oozing with maliciousness and rage. There was nothing mellow or even the hint of being sleepy. Without warning, he roughly threw the fox to the nearby wall with much force. His hold on her neck remained. He has no intention of releasing his prey any moment soon.

"When did my room became a place for idiotic questions especially to yours."

Pushing her further into the wall as cracks were beginning to be apparent. Brandin leaned his face closed to hers. There face had only a few centimeters apart. There was no doubt that he was a handsome man in all angles. This position would be considered romantic if only his intention was not of a terrible one. However, his face was twisted with the lust to kill and to hate.

"You want to know where Anvar is? I'll show you when you're dead."

It was definitely not a threat. Brandin's words were a declaration. He was truly going to kill her. His hold tightened even more as he could hear the she-fox having difficulty breathing. This brought a smile to his lips which was so sadistic. Taking out something from the pockets of his pants, it was a scissors. The infamous weapon that Brandin uses to kill those who offend him. Raising the scissors in front of Rose, he did not hesitate as he plunges the scissors to its target, the space just between the eyes. However, something with a glint caught his eyes. This made him stopped as the sharp edge of the scissors was just a breath away to pierce her head. There was a moment of silence as his hold on her neck loosened.

"Don't get in my way, next time. Fox."

After saying that, Brandin released his hold as he dropped her unceremoniously on the floor. He stepped back from her and kept his scissors. His eyes of red and gold has lost the raging intensity. It would seemed that he had managed to calm down. Placing a hand on his face, it covered half of it perfectly. He even released a small yawn indicating that he was still sleepy despite everything that he had done. It was then he remembered the fox saying something about werecats. Well, the desire to tear somebody apart has still not disappear. He needed to relieve it. After all, it is not healthy to keep it all bottled up. Glancing at the she-fox, he had cold expression on his face.

"Do something useful. Find the betas. They should be patrolling and report this."

When that was said, Brandin walked away from her and did not return to his room. Instead, he had decided to check out the werecats at his own leisure. Stepping outside the house, he took noticed of Renmy who was already in wolf form.

"Renmy. I will be hunting cats. Come or not. You decide."

At the end of his statement, Brandin shifted to his wolf form which was quite an intimidating sight. His bloody red fur and his height was enough to strike a certain sense of fear. When it was done, he bit his pants that was left behind due to his sudden change and threw it inside the house as it landed on one of the chairs in the living room. Afterwards, he ran off without waiting whether Renmy would follow or not.

The setting changes from The Pack House to Colorado


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rose Larkin Character Portrait: Anvar Woad Character Portrait: Vale Alvers Character Portrait: Renmy Soril Character Portrait: Brandin Solstiss
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#, as written by Skwidge
Vale Alvers

Vale peered over at him as he answered her thought process. “Yay, more shiny stuff for Vale!” She tilted her head to the side, her eyes closed in a cheerful grin. It was dropped as he continued speaking, “A secret, huh? I’ll try not to tell anyone then.” A conspirational look crossed her face, and then she coughed quietly, her focus tilting to the noises her alpha was making as they left the house.

Her eyes quickly flickered to the clearing as they came upon it, her small fingers entwining into the alpha’s hair and then out distractedly. The sun certainly gave off a pretty reflection on the pond water, and so naturally that’s where Vale’s attention was harbored. The scents of the wildflowers also reached her nostrils, and she smiled again, inhaling deeply.

However, she was quickly shaken out of her trance-like state by Anvar calling her princess again. She merely blinked, and then spread her elbows out so he could manage getting her to the ground better. "Here, see that big black stone in the middle? Run up to it and see if you can read the two names on it." Vale nodded, quickly tottering away to the pond waters. As nimbly as a seven year old can be, she hopped on the stepping stones, her left hand in her pocket while the right remained loosely by her side. She then climbed up to the big plaque, and stood on her tippy toes, her hands both supporting her by clutching the corners as she leaned over it and tried to read the names. Her right ear twitched as Anvar called to her, and she turned to focus on him.

“Wildflowers? Okay.” The pup nodded, walking lightly towards a patch she thought looked good. Kneeling down, she carefully placed her fingers at the base of each stem and pulled up, nearly tumbling over from the reaction. But she caught herself and giggled quietly, finishing up her job and placing it at the base of the black stone. She then grinned, spinning around and quickly trotting down the small rise and over the stepping stones to her Alpha. Her eyes were completely focused on the gun resting in his hands.

Renmy Soril

Renmy had just placed her paws down on the ground when her ears flickered up to attention, and a comical look of exasperation fell to her face as she scented the pack’s fox. She paused, standing still with her head tilted to the side fractionally. Obviously something was up judging by her stature, and her left ear flicked distractedly.

"Ren- there's a bunch of cats just east of here. Not like little housecats- like lions and jaguars and cheetahs."

Her head snapped up in attention, and her ears immediately pressed back against her skull, a look of defense taking up residence among her wolfish facials. However, Renmy didn’t get a chance to say anything back to her as she disappeared inside the house. Which was a bad idea all around what with Anvar being gone and she might call out, thus waking up Brandin’s wrath.

So instead, she settled down, her mind racing with both the complications of the werecats (obviously they’d have to be, those species don’t just hang around each other, let alone live in this area unless zoo bred, but even then they wouldn’t survive) but also Rose’s foolish move. It wasn’t that she was protective of the fox, but a pack was a pack, and you don’t just leave someone out of it. Their numbers made them strong and kept all stats up.

Her ears were swiveling back and forth, trying to listen in on what was happening inside. A look of disdain quickly made itself apparent, and she wrinkled her nose for a moment. And then finally Brandin decided to come out after some display of something or other on the upper level of the house. She of course had no idea what had happened, other than him ruining the wall. Sure, it wasn’t normal at all for even a wolf to hear that, but when you break so much stuff in your life, you start to easily pick up on the tearing of mass. Anvar wouldn’t be happy about it, as it would cost money they could use for other more important things. Or he might just leave it there. She let out a huff of breath, much more lax than she was this morning around him.

”Renmy. I will be hunting cats. Come or not. You decide.” She waited a second as he turned to wolf form, his seemingly blood-stained fur a prominent sight in the sunlight. She was used to it by now, and it only intimidated her fractionally. As he started off, she took one last look towards the house and quickly rose to her paws, loping after him mellowly. He was part of the pack, and she wasn’t just about to let him go alone. Sure, he was strong, but up against who knows how many cats, he could be outmatched. It was good to have backup, even if you didn’t need any. He wouldn’t call on her even if he was in trouble, but she’d have already stepped in on her own. And then get yelled at after, that was just how Brandin seemed to be.

She kept her eyes low and focused on the ground, her tail at a neutral position and her paws making little to no noise. Despite being clumsy in human form, which was only when she was around other people or not paying attention to all aspects around her (like the water and slipping), she was unusually deft in wolf form or when she was alone. She made sure to keep a small distance between them, but didn’t let the gap grow too largely. She was the one in the pack (other than perhaps the fox) who stayed behind and took up a more stealth-like approach to things. She wasn’t strong physically, but you didn’t need to be physical. So while Brandin might go rush into the area like a mad man, she’d take up a good position in a tree, downwind, and keep tabs and lend a little bit of assistance to tilt the tables if need be.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rose Larkin Character Portrait: Anvar Woad Character Portrait: Brandin Solstiss
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Rose Larkin

Rose regretted knocking on Brandin's door as soon as he opened it and glared down at her with insanely angry eyes. Before she could speak of move, he snatched her throat and lifted her off the ground with ease. As he stepped out of his room and shut the door, his grip tightened on her neck.

"It seems you have a death wish, fox." He growled at her, no mercy in his eyes. She meant to speak, but her voice came out as a low snarl. It was probably better that she hadn't spoken- she had no intention of begging for mercy, and the insult she was going to throw at him would've only made her situation worse. She wasn't one to just take a blow lying down, and anger sparked in her eyes.

Without warning, her body was thrown into a wall. Pain spread across her right shoulder. Another snarl escaped her as she clawed at the hands around her throat. He didn't seem to notice. "When did my room become a place for idiotic questions, especially yours." Her breath was coming out in short pants now as he pushed her farther into the wall. Damn, he was strong.
He leaned in closer, so his face was only centimeters from hers. She was tempted to slap him. Rose thought he was vicious and crazy, but she had been wrong. He was completely insane, and cared only for killing. Why did Anvar even keep him around?

"You want to know where Anvar is? I'll show you when your dead." he was going to kill her. Her lips curled into a silent snarl. She was struggling to breathe, but would never give him the satisfaction of seeing fear in her eyes. He pulled scissors out of his pocket. She dug her nails into his hands, but still didn't dare to show fear to this monster. She felt herself tense and her eyes close as he brought the scissors to her face, planning on killing her.

For a moment, it was completely silent. Her eyes fluttered open as his grip on her neck loosened. "Don't get in my way next time, fox." with that, he dropped her on the ground, in a heap. She touched her neck as she caught her breath. "Do something useful. Go find the betas. They should be patrolling and report this." he ordered, and turned and left her alone.

"I don't take orders from you, filthy mutt!" Rose shouted after him, fury clear in her voice. Fine. She would find Anvar on her own. When she roughly shoved the door open, both Renmy and Brandin -who she decided she would now call Mutt from now on- where gone. Forcing herself to calm down enough to focus on the smells in the air, she was able to pick up on Anvar's familiar scent easily. Still reluctant to shift, she tracked the alpha in her human form. It made it more dificult, but since she wasn't a strong fighter she had focused on sharpening her tracking skills.

When she spotted Anvar and Vale, she broke into a run and almost crashed into the alpha. Vaguely she figured she was probably a wreck- with her long messy curls, bruises across her neck and bare shoulder, and fury in her mismatched eyes. "Anvar- there's a group of were cats just east of the ranch house."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ophis Nyx Character Portrait: Rose Larkin Character Portrait: James A. Avery Character Portrait: Astrid Vellamo Character Portrait: Larissa Vellamo Character Portrait: Brandin Solstiss
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Akantha
Astrid Vellamo & Dante Selantine

Astrid was watching the cats gather behind her and she nodded before taking a deep breath and pulling on her human side, willing it to take control and soon an audible pop was heard. She unfurled from where she crouched and stood, dauntless and confident. “Now then.” She moved forward in long strides, her tall human figure pale in the light of dawn. It was beginning to get higher up and the time had to have been around eight in the morning. Her silver hair glistened as it lifted every now and then as she moved to keep in front of her squad.

She abruptly stopped as a red figure streaked out of the brush and towards whatever settlement in the distance. James spoke up behind her and her human mind struggled for only seconds to understand. “Oh so not good” Astrid bristled as her upper lip curled in response. “Well said.” Her gaze narrowed on the moving figure before it disappeared in the expanse of land in front of them. Her hands clenched, knuckles turning white as Dante spoke up from the back of the squad.

“This might not mean anything.” Astrid glanced at him and shook her head. “Dante, we all know this means a lot. Stealth is not on our side.” Astrid was glad that he had optimism but right now was not the time and cheer everybody up. They were in danger. She tilted her head and Dante shifted on his paws uneasily. “It couldn’t have been a wolf though.” Astrid murmured and reigned in her cat as it strained to get to the surface for a few brief seconds. “That must be why I didn’t think about it.” She opened her mouth slightly, tasting the air. “However, I should have known.” She started forward again more slowly. Dante stirred, his hackles still raised. “It’s okay, not your fault.” Dante pinned his ears and snorted. “That just means a face-off and there is nothing to worry about. Not with us.”

Astrid kept the pace slow but eventually another red streak, this one of a larger size, was head towards them. She raised a hand and tensed. “Wolves.” Astrid was very still and quiet, prepared to fight for her squad. Dante pitched in though as he noticed something peculiar. “Is there just one?” Dante blinked confused and Astrid hissed.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cyra Grey Character Portrait: Astrid Vellamo Character Portrait: Renmy Soril Character Portrait: Ulrica Archer Character Portrait: Cassius Jagger Character Portrait: Brandin Solstiss
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0.00 INK

#, as written by slcam
Cyra loped along happily. The morning was warm, and the light from the rising sun slowly spilled over them. The grass under her paws was green and the earth was soft from a recent rain. Countless grasshoppers scattered out before them, along with small, fluttering butterflies. A rabbit was startled from its hiding place and darted away. Cyra gazed disinterestedly at it as it disappeared from view in the tall grass. A soft breeze carressed their backs, bringing a refreshing coolness. Suddenly, the direction of the wind changed bringing a new and rather strong scent. Ulrica pointed it out, making it even more obvious than it already was. She seemed confused by the scent, as if she could not quite place it, but Cyra knew it immediately. "Werecats." Cyra's hackles rose, making her look larger than she already was. A deep growl rumbled in her chest as she continued to scent the air. "Not only are they on our land, but they have also been hunting." Cyra could smell the freshly killed meat even from here, though it was not as prominent in her nostrils as the smell of the cats. This realization only made her growl increase in intensity. "Let's go. Cassius, Anvar needs to be informed of this. Hurry!"

The length of her stride increased until she was almost in a flat out run, the motion seeming effortless. Within minutes, they were in sight of the river. The intruders were close. Suddenly, another scent came to her. It was that of Brandin and Cyra thought she also detected Renmy. She had thought that Brandin was still at the house. What woke him up and brought him out here? It was unlikely that Renmy had woken him up, she was smarter than that. She slightly changed her direction again to intercept Brandin and Renmy. It would be better if they faced this theat as a group. They were getting closer and closer to the cats, and Cyra was getting noticeably more tense. There was a familiar scent amont those intruders, one that brought back memories that Cyra would rather forget. She desperately hoped that she was mistaken, but even if she was not, she would not hesitate to protect her pack and home at all costs if necessary.

Finally, the werecats came into view, some in human form but several still in animal form. Her pace slowed, her bearing menacing and face curled in a snarl. "How dare you intrude on our land!" A fierce, rasping growl emanated from the wolf, expressing the extent of her displeasure at the werecats presence.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ophis Nyx Character Portrait: Cyra Grey Character Portrait: James A. Avery Character Portrait: Astrid Vellamo Character Portrait: Renmy Soril Character Portrait: Larissa Vellamo
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It did not take too long for Brandin to find the location of a really unwelcome scent in the pack's dominion. The very moment he got the scent a snarl that was almost equivalent to a smirk in his human form appeared on his face. He was going to enjoy this encounter. It was something he could already tell. Although in his opinion, there are a lot of unwanted smells that he wishes to remove even within his own group. They did not need to be werecats. Noticing that Renmy did follow him, he slowed down his pace to a certain degree so that she-wolf could trail behind. However, it was not noticeable as he maintained a good enough meters of gap between them. After all, she was not the kind to do head-on battle from his observation. So, the girl would probably find some tree to perched onto. It did not bother him. He had every intention of having the pleasure of ripping flesh on his own.

Soon, his preys were before Brandin. He was quite certain that they also knew his presence even before he presented himself to them. After all, he wanted them to know it firsthand. He blocked their pathway standing in front of them in his flaming red fur. Ears perked emphasizing, he was very much attuned to his surroundings. His head was raised haughtily at them and his tail was stiff horizontally indicating his intention. He was not here for negotiation or talks. His eyes of gold and red glowed with an eerie malice as he also scanned the rather small group of werecats. Some of them were still in human form and others were not. This would only make things easier. Despite his pack's interpretation that he is the type to rush headlong, he was actually the cunning one when in combat. Taking in everything about his prey, calculating movements, looking for weaknesses, and then crushing with ecstasy. These were the basic steps in his combat.

Brandin lowly growled at the group of werecats. It sounded like rumbling thunder signalling an incoming storm. He was quite certain that the female with silver hair was the leader of this pride. Her scent and the way she carries herself proves that. He crouched down with his eyes affixed on the silver-haired one. He seemingly smiled as it showed his fangs that gleamed dangerously from the morning sun. His claws were all extended to its fullest. Well, he did come to tear something up. There was no exception to this. He would not even care if it was a child much less a female. Advancing forward, it was like he was stalking cornered prey. There was no minute gestures that showed that he was hesitant or fearful taking the entire pride without much help. Honestly, he was quite delighted as he licked his lips. His heterochromatic eyes glistened with devious and blood lust as it gazed at the cats in front of him.

Unfortunately, Brandin's moment was interrupted as he caught an annoying scent. It was one of the female betas. This agitated him as his face curled into a nasty snarl. He did tell the dimwitted fox to inform the betas. However, he intended to finish them before they even came. This also includes Anvar. That old man was getting too soft in his opinion. He had a prediction that the Alpha would rather have an agreement than a full-collision with the werecats if possible. For him, he did not care either way. As of the moment, the werecats stepped on their boundaries without any provocation. He has all the reason to kill them on sight and no one would stop him from engaging. However, he was thankful for the beta's arrival. This did give him a small window as the cats' attention turned towards Cyra. As if on cue, he lunged forward toward the silver-headed leader.

This was the beginning of the riot. Brandin pinned down the silver-haired female and was about to bite her throat when he noticed the other cats staring to counterattack. Well, he expected nothing less. They were supposed to be more finesse and more fast than wolves aren't they? This only added to the fun and thrill of taking them all down. The down side, he knew how they are going to act. They would eliminate him at all costs. He quickly removed himself from the position and even dodge a few strikes in the process. Although, he did have tips of his fur cut off. Well, it was one of the sacrifices to make things more interesting. Making a safe distance, his eyes of gold and red seemed to smile at the werecats in delight. It was also like his red fur began to burn. His adrenaline was now pumping as he readied himself for another attack. These guys will do for his entertainment. Raising his head arrogantly, he was challenging the werecats to retaliate.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ophis Nyx Character Portrait: Cyra Grey Character Portrait: James A. Avery Character Portrait: Astrid Vellamo Character Portrait: Larissa Vellamo Character Portrait: Brandin Solstiss
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#, as written by Akantha
Astrid Vellamo & Dante Selantine

Astrid held her stance as the wolf approached in a hostile manner. It paused before them, growling and carrying on but she held her silence, hoping that it would maybe think about the consequences of attacking the pride. Past that, she was confident that she could handle him and she wasn’t concerned with hurting herself. She knew how to kill a wolf and much more, how to fight. Astrid stood still, watching the wolf stalk her but a disturbance caused her to glance away and the wolf decided to strike. She hissed but held the wolf at bay, feeling her cat rise to the forefront ready to draw blood but she carefully kept her hands on the wolf’s upper throat right below the jaw to hold him off. "Don't!" Astrid screamed at her squad, telling them not to attack, just yet.

Dante streaked past the squad, heading for the wolf but the sharp command from Astrid stopped him just short from ripping this mutt’s ears off. His claws sank into the soft ground and his own hiss-growl could be heard over most of the field. He turned and glared at the other wolf accusingly, stepping to protect Astrid as she fought off the red wolf. His hulking figure blocked the wolf’s view and it only continued to get bigger as his fur fluffed out and seemed to make him a larger opponent. His focus wavered between turning to help Astrid and protecting her from further harm.

Astrid felt the weight lift and she was on her feet instantly, crouched low as her own growl rose to meet Dante’s who had himself braced to her side. She felt him rather than saw him take a step back towards her. His fur had fluffed up and he looked rattled but dangerous. She stared at the red wolf as several thoughts ran through her head. She had expected a more civil approach but now that it was out the window and splattered on a taxi’s window, well things weren’t looking good if backup came. “We came in peace. We only meant to pass through.” She raised her voice although; she felt her words were lost on this red wolf so she directed it to the white wolf, the female who seemed to have more common sense.

“So back off,” Her voice was authoritative and adamant. “Or face consequences that you will wish you had chosen my first option.” Her voice lowered a pitch, fading into a quick growl that sounded human but animalistic. This time she wouldn't hold off her squad.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rose Larkin Character Portrait: James A. Avery Character Portrait: Astrid Vellamo Character Portrait: Brandin Solstiss
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James had changed into his human form but when Brandin attacked Astrid he changed into his animal form. Astrid was able to push the wolf back but his teeth were bared as he stayed close to Astrid on her right side as he watched Brandin ready to rip the beasts throat out. All he could think about was if he tried to touch he again he'd rip that mutt to shreads.

His gaze moved to Rose as she spoke and his claws retracted, he looked at Astrid. "Are you alright?" he said looking at Astrid for a moment as he stayed right beside her his head snapped Back to Brandin, "Touch her again I'll rip you to shreds mutt."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rose Larkin Character Portrait: Anvar Woad Character Portrait: James A. Avery Character Portrait: Vale Alvers Character Portrait: Renmy Soril Character Portrait: Brandin Solstiss
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Skwidge
Vale Alvers

"Don't worry about the bruises though, they haven't stopped you from being so god damn pretty." Vale's face visibly paled and she quickly assumed that of a horrible poker face, pointing her index finger out uncertainly, but it quickly bent and she made a 'bleck' face at the whole situation. "H-hey, pg-13 here! Vale's still here!!!" She whined, flailing her arms about and trying to regather the adult's attention.

However, it wasn't any use, and she was pretty much ignored as they both got caught up in official matters, outside, Vale's face remained a bit pouty, but on the inside she was absolutely desolate and twitching in a confused manner. She was actually being utterly ignored, like she didn't even exist. She wouldn't even get to learn how to learn to use Anvar's gun. And again, she was merely dragged along back to the pack house.

"It would probably be best if you stayed here, Vale." Vale smiled cheerfully up at the fox, and nodded. "Yeah, okay!" 'You wouldn't want some stupid pup getting in under your feet, right?' Again, she was completely crushed inside about how suddenly everyone's moods changed, she just didn't understand, and that was just what she was thinking, of course she didn't say that out loud; Vale occasionally... gets random bouts of depression, though they hardly lasted more than forty-five minutes at best.

"And no lighting the house on fire or anything."

She had been distracted, but she suddenly looked up, her face actually quite blank in that confused sort of anime way. "Wat?" But the two adults had already sped off without so much as another word to her other than a feeble goodbye as they disappeared into the trees. The small child just stood there for a few minutes after, still staring after where they'd disappeared. One might almost say it was her being dumbstruck, but Vale wasn't like that.

She shook her head, and blinked a few times, turning around and twitching her right ear (as she was unable to wiggle her left in human form), she smiled to herself cheerfully, and hopped down the lawn and into the trees, in the opposite direction of the adults herself, humming as she went.

Renmy Soril

Renmy had remained utterly silent, so as she sensed, through Brandin's subtle body language and scents, that they had come to where the cats were, she took a soft detour to the left, reverting to her human form and placing an index finger gently to the side in the bandages wrapped around her upper back and chest, pulling even softer on them, loosening a couple of the bands. She had a double layer of bandages on of course, though. Obviously you couldn't do long-range anything in wolf form.

Without a word, she scaled the tree she had come to a stop at, carefully placing her hands into the knots and knolls of the old bark, hoisting herself further and further up until she paused and shifted to the right, placing her feet carefully onto her chosen branch and skirting along to a comfortable position where it would be a clear shot into the clearing.

Well, if anything, it certainly helped her scent that she had been pretty much drenched that morning, and only dried off so well.

She allowed her eyes to flicker shut, and she focused on her more trained sense of scent and hearing. While she focused on what was happening down in the clearing, her fingers made swift work of some spots on her outer bandages, slipping almost paper-thin knives out until she had a total of four carefully positioned in her lap, one hand at the ready while the other supported her on the branch.

She really only kept so few knives on her, she really had no idea that this would come up, had she known, she would have been better prepared. But she had four shots, used for distraction and chaotic confusion should there be a need for it. Brandin was hardly in much trouble... yet.... If she really felt he had been in any real danger, those deadly knives of hers would already be embedded before the feet of the enemy as a warning. They couldn't scent her... they couldn't see her... they wouldn't know how many others might be up in the trees, even if it was truly only just her. Annnd... there we go. She sucked in her lower lip in absolute comical disbelief that it'd escalate so fast. Without a word, she slid her thumb along the hilt of one knife, smoothly picking it up and positioning it between thumb and index, as well slightly her middle.

The gamma then flicked her wrist, allowing the small projectile to slice straight through the air and bury itself centimeters from Dante's northern most toe. Without missing a beat, remaining knives already in her fingers, she slid soundlessly from one branch to another until she settled onto a very new branch in a new tree (they grew in nice proportion in regards to distance from each other) crouching low and seeing if she made a mark. Her face visibly paled and she could have sworn small sweat trickled down her face in accords to her mind which was now in panic mode and a somewhat apologetic, spluttering over her silent words kind of state. Oh my GOD I did not mean to hit that close to him, ah my gosh, what if I had severed a toe or something, that wouldn't be good at all, you need your toes!!! YouNeedThem!!! Without a fraction of sound she flailed her arms in horror, despite that they were obviously in the wrong.

But with her new position she could hear their voices, though somewhat muffled, well enough to make out most of the snappy shots at each other. The voices were so strange to her.... But at least whoever was charging Brandin probably got the message not to go too close to him. "Touch her again and I'll rip you to shreds mutt." She narrowed her eyes and set her mouth in a straight line, an obvious expression of: 'Seriously, you're really going to approach him?' For a moment Renmy considered flinging the same warning in his face, but decided she'd have gotten her point across. Plus if they tried to pick up her knives, she mightn't be so nice with where she made the next one land. She liked her pretty sleek grey knives, and didn't like other people picking them up.

But it was Rose's that stood out the most clearly. Her face turned into disdain at what she ended up saying. Really? Is she... trying to appease them? We have every right to kill them. They trespassed on our territory. Now, of course that's not that big of a deal, but when you go hunting on our land with such abandon and no regards for the consequences, obviously you're asking for a beating. And- hey, what? He isn't that bloodthirsty. Her confusion and slight exasperation only grew, and she put her chin in the palm of one hand, thinking over the situation and making silent comments to herself. Alarm? Like I said, it isn't their bloody right! We can take them on easily... how many of them are there? Not too many, I know that, but....

The red-headed gamma paused, scenting the air and trying to separate all the different scents from each other. It wasn't hard to do the pack's, but the strangers... they all had a unique scent but they had their similarities. She grunted silently, They're in the wrong, blasted... well, she wouldn't understand, she's just a fox.... No, Renmy. She's part of the pack, albeit a pain in the butt and not too productive at times, but a pack member nonetheless! Renmy remained utterly silent, allowing things to continue without any... added... chaos to the mix on her part. But obviously everyone would be able to handle themselves now that they outnumbered the cats and had them on a bit of a... roundabout shall we say. Renmy really didn't need to intervene much more on anyone's behalf, though she would in a heartbeat had the situation been any different.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ophis Nyx Character Portrait: Cyra Grey Character Portrait: Rose Larkin Character Portrait: Anvar Woad Character Portrait: James A. Avery Character Portrait: Astrid Vellamo
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#, as written by Akantha
Astrid Vellamo & Dante Selantine

Astrid snapped her gaze to the next kin that ran up, and she realized that the other red streak must have been this one. She narrowed her eyes feeling her feline swirling within the amber irises. "None of us want a fight. Except for maybe the one that attacked you. He's just a bloodthirsty maniac." Astrid checked her throat as she waved towards it and nodded but still wondered exactly what place she had in the pack. "But I’m sure you understand our alarm. You not only intruded on our territory, but you where hunting as well."

Astrid snorted with disdain and let her attention fall on her pride around her. She felt James on her right side and Larissa seemed safe enough. Ophis also seemed to be doing well. A leader was only as good as their people. She took in the rest of the scene, the cats being riled around her human form with the two wolves on the other side, while the fox had arrived a minute before. Astrid sighed briskly and turned to James, not changing her stance but craning her head towards him so that she could look him in the eye. “I’m completely fine.” Her voice was edged with a slight hint of mocking anger towards the wolf but she eased her tone and murmured, “Nothing to worry about.” Now she turned to Dante who had taken a step back and was testing the air with a low growl. She adjusted; just barely brushing his hind leg and he glanced at her, communication going between them.

Dante indicated at the blade in front of him as he moved back for Astrid to see. Astrid nodded and sent her gaze over the field before huffing and leaving the silent communication at that. She directed her gaze back to the fox kin and after a few seconds spoke up. “I do understand. Yet we only mean to pass through.” She paused meaningfully then decided on a tactful approach. “We have been traveling for days without food or water and did not know if your pack still occupied this area. We hunted just outside your borders. So, surely, your prey was not lessened.” Astrid thought back to their plans and what her sister had mentioned. She glanced back at her sister and smiled. “I also wish to speak with your alpha now that we know you’re here. It would benefit us both.”

Dante growled again but subsided as he noticed the cattish smile on Astrid's face. The knife had been centimeters from his paw and he couldn’t find a scent but he was sure they were close. He pinned his ears flat and glared at the wolf kin in front of them. The fox kin had proposed peace. Would they follow? Dante somehow doubted that and now he was getting an even stronger scent that didn’t bode well. It smelled like an Alpha. He stiffened and brushed right up against Astrid, keeping close and closing in the space that could provide vulnerabilities. James on the other side seemed to have it handled. He leaned down and pressed his nose into her shoulder with a deep rumble that was close to a growl. ‘Danger on the way’ Astrid didn’t show any indication that she had understood him but he was sure that she had been paying attention. He then furthered his intent with a small hiss at James and flicked his ears towards the general direction of the scent, past the fox.

Astrid didn’t move as Dante closed the distance between them, overshadowing her like a big kitten. His cold nose pressed to her shoulder and she snapped a quick glance towards the fox, sniffing quietly. The scent came to her but she remained silent, refraining from the snarl that rose in her throat. She had no problem being respectful; she just didn’t like other dominants around her sometimes. At least, not when she was angry. Astrid rose from her crouch, deciding upon looking more civil to represent her pack.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cyra Grey Character Portrait: Rose Larkin Character Portrait: Anvar Woad Character Portrait: James A. Avery Character Portrait: Astrid Vellamo Character Portrait: Vale Alvers
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"I woke up sleeping beauty. The mutt threw me into a wall, strangled me, and nearly stabbed me with a pair of scissors. Why do you keep him around?" she growled, then glanced at him somewhat sheepishly. "Sorry. I got a little carried away." Of course it had to be Brandon who else could have possibly done it, he's a psycopath, the Alpha merely shook his head at her apology. "Don't be sorry, he's on his first strike." His voice and face was that as stone but soon changed as the little werefox spoke up. "Anvar Woad, you are a terrible flirt." His signature wolfish grin appeared on his face as he gave her a wink. "Hey someone in this pack has to be." And with that note Rose turned on her heel and gestured for Anvar and Vale to follow. "Theyre close by. shouldnt take long to get there- hopefully nobody else has already gotten to them." His smile faded into a smirk at this rather naive statement. "Let's not kid ourselve lass, with our luck the pyscho has already ripped one in half." With that, Rose led them back to the house first, and turned to Vale and Anvar. " It would probably be best if you stayed here, Vale." She paused, glancing up at Anvar for his aproval, to which he gave rather reluctantly and after a few spoken words they left Vale at the house to face these intruders.

Rose led the way again holding onto his elbow and quickly leading him back to the spot where she had seen the cats. She broke contact and ran off into the distance but the alpha had already picked up the scent of not just the cats but members of his pack as well, swapping his speed from a jog to a casual walk he wasn't in a big rush, Cyra's scent was strong and he trusted her to keep things under control. He heard voices and both groups came into sight, he over heard the commotion that Brandin (it must have been him) caused, the smell of another dominant causig his spine to tingle violently. He heard the fox make a peace attempt bringing a warm sense of pride towards her, Atta girl, I wish you were the first to make contact, he thought with a sigh most of the members would show hostility towards intruders no matter the situation yet they all failed to remember that they too had been intruders once when Anvar had found them. “I also wish to speak with your alpha now that we know you’re here. It would benefit us both.” The female who reaked of dominance demanded.

Walking past the still snarling Brandin, the alpha pressed the muzzle of his gun against the base of skull and whispered. "Stand down or I will put you down and use that mangy red coat of yours as a door matt." He didn't attempt to hide his anger and hatred towards the gamma, he let their venom fill each word, showing the red wolf he was in charge and that he meant every word he said. He took the gun away from his head as he walked up to the feline, making Retrobution known to the cats more as a safety blankett than an actual threat, he hoped he wouldn't have to use it, when he was about a foot away from her he stopped and held his hand out to which the woman took and shook. "I'm the alpha of this pack and I apologise for the hostility of my gammas." His tone taking a formal tone, quickly giving the golden eye wolf one last glare before giving his full attention to the leader. "And think nothing of tresspassing and hunting, most of these wolves forget they had once been in similar dispositions you lot are in."

He broke the shake and gave her that wolfish smile of his. "You say you were just passing through? Well you seem to be heading towards the human settlement in that direction the way you want is that way." He pointed in the same direction as the ranch. "That way leads you towards more wilderness but also our home, if you are still hungry and tired I would like to administer an informal invitation to stay for the night to rest and fuel up before you set off again." He looked at the rest of the cats and knew by instinct most of their bodies were running on happy thoughts, his eyes returned on the naked body infront of him, scanning her from toe to head, resting on her eyes . "So what do you say beautiful wanna come sleep in the big bad wolve's house?" He asked, his care free attitude once again showing as his smile widened.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anvar Woad Character Portrait: James A. Avery Character Portrait: Astrid Vellamo Character Portrait: Larissa Vellamo Character Portrait: Brandin Solstiss
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James glanced back at Larissa, James had been human for about a minute but changed right back as Brandin had attacked. He just nodded to her not saying anything but giving a silent thank you. James glanced in the direction that Dante had directed his ear in. He watched the Wolfs Alpha approach and moved a little closer to Astrid not touching her other then his fur maybe brushing against her skin.

He seemed to relax as Anvar threatened Brandin but didn't even move a muscle except for breathing from his spot by Astrid. He listened to Anvar speak alittle hard to understand him. He glanced up at Astrid and then back to the other Alpha as he called Astrid beautiful, James let his ears then flatten wondering if that tactic would actually work, maybe he'd take tips from this guy.