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She's Gone

New York


a part of She's Gone, by SaxyLady15.


SaxyLady15 holds sovereignty over New York, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

814 readers have been here.


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New York



New York is a part of She's Gone.

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Wendy Collins [34] "In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different."
Jean-Louis Gage [33] "How do you go on knowing that you will never again - not ever, ever - see the person you have loved?"
Ashleigh Kennedy Carey [29] "To love is to accept the differences of your partner, good or bad."

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Character Portrait: Jean-Louis Gage Character Portrait: Wendy Collins
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He smiled at her exuberance, nodding along as she spoke to show he truly was listening. Louis's feet scuffed the concrete slightly as they walked along casually. "It is alright," he assured her. In a way, he was grateful that she spoke so much because it kept his mind off of Ashleigh's peculiar behavior. "It is interesting." He felt bad about being so soft-spoken, but it was merely his nature. Louis had never been one for many words -- they often tied his tongue and ended in disaster.

Louis laughed with her for a moment as they entered the building, but that chuckle caught in his throat when he processed where exactly they were. As Wendy seemed ready to burst with excitement, he felt ready to crawl into a hole. He was thankful he'd bothered to dress in a slightly more fashionable manner, but they were still low-quality, and these suits looked expensive enough to pay his rent for a few months at least. His mouth hung open for a moment in disbelief, still trying to pretend she had stepped in here by accident. How the hell was he supposed to tell her that buying a suit here would likely render him homeless?

Words didn't manage to come to him until they were already in the back, Boerio pressing a tape measure to his armpit. "A tailor...?" he finally half-stated, half-asked. Louis gave a short-lived laugh, not sure how else to convey his emotions. "And for -- ah -- what occasion am I purchasing a suit?" He flushed as Boerio measured his inseam with no reservations.

For a moment, the man left him alone as he began to pull suits, and Louis buried his hands into his pockets, toying with a guitar pick in one hand. "Do you subject all of your dates to a thorough patting down?" He stood there awkwardly until Mr. Boerio finally called him over, directing him into a dressing room loaded with suits of various grays and blues and, of course, black.

It took him a while to figure out the correct way to button the first suit, a dark charcoal one, but eventually, it was done correctly, and he sloppily tied a light blue tie Boerio had placed in the room. Finally, he left the dressing room, only to be suddenly intercepted as the man scrambled to fix the tie. "Does it look...alright?" he asked her, arching an eyebrow as he turned in a circle for her, slowing beginning to smile despite his apprehension.


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Character Portrait: Jean-Louis Gage Character Portrait: Wendy Collins
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There was something thoroughly endearing about his awkwardness, and Wendy found herself completely unable to wipe her smile from her face. In response to his questions, she just kept grinning at him, not giving him any answers. When he asked if she treated all of her dates like that, however, she couldn't resist answering. "Only the ones I really like," she responded, winking at him before laughing a little.

As he stepped into the dressing room to get changed, Wendy sat back in her chair a little. She couldn't remember the last time a date had made her feel so good. She felt like a giggly teenager again, but in the best way possible. There was just something about him, something she couldn't quite put her finger on. Maybe it was because they were so different- she talked too much, he didn't say much at all. She was perfectly put together, prim and proper, while he had that adorable scruffiness about him. But no, it wasn't even that. She'd gone on dates with people like that before and they had never felt like this.

When he stepped out of the dressing room, even before the tailor had fixed his tie, all Wendy could do was stare. When the tailor stepped away and he turned for her, she found herself speechless. Even when his adorable scruffiness was taken away, she still felt the same way about him. The suit fitted him perfectly and the colour was gorgeous on him. But as he smiled, that was what her attention was drawn to. She got to her feet, taking a step closer and looking him up and down once again.

"Well," she said, her grin returning. "You certainly clean up well," she remarked. "You look... amazing, Louis," she said, shrugging a little.

"I suppose I should probably tell you why you need a suit," she said, stepping a little closer to smooth out his collar. "I'm attending a charity dinner dance next week, and... I wanted to bring you as my date," she said, not quite able to meet his eyes for fear of how he would react. "Don't worry about paying for the suit- think of it as a gift. I want you to have something really nice, something that you'll be able to wear without having to worry about how you look when you're around everyone else. Even if you don't want to come to the dance. It's a gift."


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ashleigh Kennedy Carey Character Portrait: Jean-Louis Gage Character Portrait: Wendy Collins
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She couldn't remember the last time her hands were shaking down at her sides and the microphone in her small hand was suddenly so heavy, and if she didn't move she might've just toppled over, and ruined her only chance. She'd gotten out of her car, which she drove from the audition with Jean, and then arrived here, at the Music Hall downtown. This was it. Her one chance to be a Rockin' Roller. She swallowed the huge lump in her small throat, and slowly walked out onto the bare stage, with only a spotlight shining where she was supposed to stand.

"When you're ready." Breathed a huskier male voice that she could tell was the drummer, just from her experience. She stared into the darkness, hoping to make out the bodies of the members, but had no luck and her music was somehow qued. It was the longest moment as the piano notes pierced the silent air. She sang the rhythms smoothly, but not like when she sang along with Jean. It was different then, but now it was just a solo. When she finished a man in a nice suit nodded to her, and she was going off-stage when the man in the mic spoke up. "Where do you think you're going, Rockin' Roller?" She smiled brightly, and thus began their audition, where she began collaborating with the other lead singer, his name was Michael.

Michael furrowed his eyebrows in concern. "These lyrics don't feel like they're telling a story. They're like... thoughts of a lonely girl." She chuckled. "Exactly! That's what I've been trying to tell you for the past half an hour!" She laughed, and they both went back to collaborating. "I think you'll do great tonight, Ash. You're a great vocalist. Just don't let whoever made you write those lyrics get in your head." He winked, knowing all to well the meaning of the words on that sheet of paper. Her pupils dialated as she blushed at the realization of the one thing that's been haunting her since she'd met it's existence.

Jean-Louis Gage.


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Character Portrait: Jean-Louis Gage Character Portrait: Wendy Collins
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He was extremely aware of her gaze burning into him. It caused a subtle blush to begin on his cheeks once more, but Louis forced himself to repress it once more, deciding only to smile back at her. A feigned aura of confidence seemed to be given off by him as he watched her fight for words.

Wendy came closer, her eyes scanning his body in the suit. "Thank you, love," he said softly. His breath wavered for a moment as she closed the space between them to adjust his shirt's collar. As she avoided his eyes, it became his turn to look her over, taking in the smaller details of her appearance he had not been able to before -- the slight curl of her hair, the way the blonde tones in it reflected the lights of the back room. His skin would prickle each time her fingers inadvertently managed to brush against his neck.

"I am flattered," he breathed, watching her hand now against the crisp collar of the blue shirt. "I would be delighted to attend." Louis could have kissed her then simply because they were so physically close or because he was genuinely elated to be invited to something he imagined only the rich and famous attended. He, at that point, was neither of those things.

Louis savored the moment, allowing a few more moments of silence to pass before he finally spoke up again. "Do you suppose this is the one then?" he queried, looking down once more at the suit before looking to her, his eyes looking a bit confused and lost by the whole process of buying a suit -- something he hadn't genuinely put this much effort into at any point in his life.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jean-Louis Gage Character Portrait: Wendy Collins
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Every time her fingers brushed his skin, it felt like electricity tingling beneath her fingers. She smiled at his response, but didn't say anything, just enjoying the physical closeness. Despite how talkative she usually was, for once, she enjoyed the quiet. Just for those few moments. It was only when he asked if she thought it was the one that she stepped back, surveying him yet again. "Yes, I think so," she said. She looked over to the tailor. "Mr. Boerio, you've done it again. I knew I could rely on you," She said, flashing a smile to him. "Come on, we'll let Louis get changed," she said, grinning at her date before heading back out to the main room.

It was a little surreal how the cost of the suit was almost irrelevant to her. She could remember having to seriously consider paying for a bus ticket when she'd first moved out and had been working shit jobs that couldn't pay her that well. And now she didn't even have to think twice about something far, far more expensive. Thankfully, she'd started getting better jobs and had moved to a bank that gave her better interest.

She was so excited for the event, now. She knew that the media would be taking plenty of interest- but there was a chance that it could give their band a bit of a boost. She didn't know if they would want that, but knowing the media, they'd be getting it anyway. But they would have the evening to themselves, once they were inside. He could see a bit of her world- and if she was honest, she was a little afraid that he wouldn't like what he saw. But still, she wanted him to see the glamour and the glitz that was her life.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ashleigh Kennedy Carey Character Portrait: Jean-Louis Gage Character Portrait: Wendy Collins
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They were setting up. Ashleigh didn't know, wasn't' certain how she was feeling right now. She wouldn't be singing with Jean... and it kinda broke her heart. His low voice and her high were in harmony, most of the time, and they'd made some beautiful songs. Not that she's throwing that away, it's just, she needs something more than a duet with a guy who'll never love her like she loves him. She was almost certain of it.

She started to regret even meeting the man. All the little things he did were clouding her head, and damn it, she needed a clear head for tonight. Why the fuck did he have the right to just control her emotions and all of her, when she would bet that he didn't even know she felt this.. lingering emotion for him. It had to be lust. It couldn't be anything more, she was sure he didn't even know.

And she hated him for it.

So, now as a Rockin' Roller, she was going to be 'showcased'. As Michael was explaining right before the concert would start, she pursed her lips, jaw locking in place. What if they came to this? There was a one in a hundred chance, but something just felt off. Michael furrowed his eyebrows, and rested a strong hand on her small shoulder. "Love, just close your eyes. It's a duet, so I'll be sitting, strumming on the guitar right by your side. Just close your eyes, and lose yourself in the music tonight. I promise the stage fright will cease soon." He smiled, and gave her a small nod before disappearing behind the stage to get some more wires for the amps.

Ashleigh took a deep breath, and she flowing onto the stage in her pure white dress, her hair moving just a little as she could feel a breeze pet her skin. Her eyes scanned the crowd, she didn't see them. Thank heavens.

The Rockin' Rollers rocked the house with one of their originals, with Ashleigh included. Next, they set up for the duet between Michael and Ashleigh, them sitting on barstools, and Michael quickly tuning his guitar as she spoke. "I want to thank everyone for being so enthusiastic tonight, um, I'm a bit of a nervous Netty, so this next song will be my blosoming, so to speak." She chuckled humbly, and looked to Michael to see if he was ready.

But, when she looked back out, her heart sank into her throat, and she swallowed hard.

Jean and Wendy were here. Fuck her.

Song: A Thousand Years feat. Steve Kazee


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ashleigh Kennedy Carey Character Portrait: Jean-Louis Gage Character Portrait: Wendy Collins
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Louis laughed softly as she looked him over, and he struck a few poses jokingly until she gave her verdict. As if to agree with Wendy, he nodded to Mr. Boerio and held a hand out to shake his once more, clasping it with his other hand to convey his thanks. Louis watched them walk out, leaving him by himself.

A glance to the side revealed himself in the wall-length mirror. He was taken aback for a moment, surprised to see himself in a suit of such high quality. He hadn't worn a suit that wasn't from a thrift store since his days in France as a boy. Louis hardly looked like himself, he swore. The suit against his still-scruffy face and rumpled hair was almost comical. After only a few heartbeats, he could not bear the bizarre image before him, and he changed almost hastily before carrying the suit out front to where Wendy paid. He still couldn't believe she would do this for him, a man she had met a week ago. Louis could only pray he had money like that one day.

"So, any more surprises that I will never be able to repay?" he teased, taking the bag as they began to leave the shop. "I need to know how many part time jobs I will have to take on to come close to matching this." Louis gestured towards the suit bag, his grin broadening in amusement only to falter for just a moment. "Thank you, though. It is stunning."

She laughed at his question, shrugging a little. “No, I don’t have any other surprises planned. But I’m sure you’ll be able to return the favour when you’re a rich and famous rockstar,” she teased gently, grinning at him. She noticed his grin faltering, and was suddenly afraid that she’d done something wrong. But his gratitude was genuine, and so she assumed that he was just slightly overwhelmed. But she liked doing things like this- after all, it was better that he had a really nice suit than her spending it on something trivial.

“It looks great on you,” she said honestly, shrugging a little. ”And besides, I firmly believe that everyone should have a suit made by a clever Italian man. That suit will last you many a party,” she told him.

”So, do you have any other obligations, or do you just wanna hang out for a bit?” She asked.

Louis smiled to himself, looking down at the sidewalk for a moment as they walked along. Rich and famous rockstar. He laughed softly to himself. Oh, he could only hope. Louis was overwhelmed, to say the least, by her gesture. Not that it was bad, for it certainly was one of the most caring things he had received, but it was, nonetheless, a bit shocking to receive such an expensive suit from a woman he hardly knew.

"Well, thank you," he said again, hoping that his gratitude was being effectively conveyed. He let his hand fall from his pocket and brush against hers lightly as if to further prove his appreciation without, he hoped, making anything awkward. He looked up now, a smile still lingering in his eyes as he shrugged. "No obligations. Hanging out would be nice." He thought for a minute and then spoke up again. "There is this band playing tonight, and I was thinking of going to watch them, learn a bit about what Ashleigh and I are up against." He frowned slightly, hoping he wasn't guilting her into something. He'd hate to do that after everything so far. "Don't feel obligated. Only if you want to, of course."

She shook her head. "No, I'd love to go. I haven't been to a concert in years!" She looked down at her outfit and laughed a little. "I think I'd better go home first and get changed into something a little more suitable for concerts. C'mon, I'll change as quickly as possible." Half without thinking, she grabbed his hand and started pulling him down the street.

The longest part of getting changed was actually picking out something that wouldn't make her stand out like a sore thumb, but wouldn't give the press anything to use against her. Eventually, she went traditional rocker and pulled her hair up into a ponytail. "Okay, I'm good to go!" She called, running out of her bedroom and grinning at him.

It felt good to be hanging out with him, and it also felt good to be seeing part of his world. He'd seen hers, and now he was bringing her into his. She couldn't remember the last time she'd been as excited to hang out with somebody that she'd only met a week ago.

The concert had started by the time they got to it, but they still managed to get somewhere near the front. She frowned as she saw the female singer. She looked incredibly familiar. It was only as the girl started to speak that Wendy realised who it was.



3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ashleigh Kennedy Carey Character Portrait: Jean-Louis Gage Character Portrait: Wendy Collins
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It felt good to finally be holding hands with her after their hands had spent so long just brushing against each other. Even if the "holding" was more like "dragging", it still made him feel cared for. Noticed, at the very least. He waited ever so patiently for her to change, certainly not in the position to complain. Really, he still couldn't think of a way to pay her back, and it nagged at him ever so slightly. In fact, he dwelt upon it so much that he didn't even notice how much time had passed until Wendy ran back out to him.

Her outfit was spot-on, as if it had come straight off of a movie set. It also, however, reminded him ever-so-slightly of Ashleigh. Thinking of her now, he wondered if perhaps he ought to have invited her instead seeing as they were sort of in this whole music thing together now. But looking back at Wendy now, he realized he almost just as equally wanted to spend the evening with her.

Ashleigh would understand.

Louis replaced the smile on his face, making himself out to be exuberant. If fate had been different, maybe he would have been an excellent actor. They arrived at the venue a little late, but he led her up to the front with ease, weaving in and out of crowds as he had learned to do from years of living in the city.

The singer emerged in a flash of white, and Jean looked about, trying to drink in the scene. That would be him and Ashleigh one day, wouldn't it? The music started up in the first song, one he had heard quite a few times before. The Rockin' Rollers had been causing quite a stir already. Perhaps that was why he did not listen too closely to it, enough to realize who he was listening to. But then the rest of the band left and there was the girl and the guitarist.

He frowned to himself, feeling as though this was the universe's way of putting him through guilt. And now she even looked like -- no, no that was Ashleigh. It was a look of betrayal that crossed his face next, perhaps not exactly justifiable, but to him, it was. He was supposed to be up there with her, and this was their moment. How long had she been planning this, and what the hell did it mean for their band? They had just signed a deal, damn it!

By the time she made eye contact with him, his expression had begun to harden, his jaw clenching slightly as he looked right back at her. Louis should have gotten over himself, offered an encouraging smile or a thumbs-up, but he couldn't bring himself to do that just now. Instead, his gaze seemed to grow icier.

And why did he feel so betrayed? He hadn't even known her that long, after all. Their relationship was work-related and really nothing more than that...wasn't it? His expression seemed to soften then as he repeated those words to himself, glancing occasionally between Wendy and Ashleigh. Wasn't it?


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ashleigh Kennedy Carey Character Portrait: Jean-Louis Gage Character Portrait: Wendy Collins
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Maybe if she didn't care so much, or care what the fuck he thought about all this, then she'd have just brushed it off and continued singing. But instead, as she held out a whole note, her voice hiccuped, it was only a slight one, hardly noticeable if your ears weren't trained. Michael cast a worried glance, but continued on.

Ashleigh felt horrible after the song. She'd be alright with never seeing the two of them again at this rate. From the icy look of Jean to the frown on Wendy's lips. Of course, they were meant for each other. She felt shivers run down her back, and felt worse with every second that passed by. Surely Jean would understand. She couldn't just sit and wait for him to finally realize what had been right in front of him since Day 1.

Of course he'd understand. He's her soulmate.

It'd been about two weeks since that Rockin' Rollers concert, and yes, Ashleigh was still apart of them as well as her and Jean's band. They hadn't broken it off just because of emotions that seemed to be running high, but alcohol definitely soothed Ashleigh's soul. Tonight was the big night.

The premiere of their first album, her and Jean. With Jean's girlfriend's help, they managed to get a little more crowd than what Ashleigh's contacts allowed. Ashleigh, dressed to impress, really anyone that was male, decided to start the evening off with a shot or two.

It's not like her partner in the band wanted to see her. Something clicked that night, and needless to say, Ashleigh might be okay, even though somewhere in the back of her mind she ached for Jean's approval. Just a simple nod, and she'd go on her way.

But sadly, this singer had a few shots past her comfort zone and was cozying up to a suited gentleman that used to do the sound tech for the Rockin' Rollers. Dark features, and nice eyes, definitely easy on the eyes, Ashleigh leaned against the bar, mimicking him, flickering her eyes between him and the front door of this cozy lounge.


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Character Portrait: Jean-Louis Gage Character Portrait: Wendy Collins
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Wendy flopped down onto her bed, resisting the temptation to drag her hands down her face. She'd only been back in the US for a few hours. The day after the ball, she'd flown out to London and had spent a few days there, doing press for the movie and doing a few auditions while she was there. As far as Louis knew, she was still in London- but she'd flown home just for their party, just to surprise him.

Although, despite the fact that she was dressed up and ready to go, she was still sorely tempted to just sleep for a few hours. Or a few days. Either was good. But instead, she forced herself to get up and go out to the kitchen, where she made herself a good, strong coffee. She downed it in a few mouthfuls, and called the car.

While her phone was out, she texted Louis.

Best of luck tonight- wish I was there, but alas, duty calls. Don't miss me too much

And as soon as she had the text sent, the driver sent her a text to tell her he was downstairs. She grinned, praying that Louis was already at the party so that he wouldn't see her come in, and that the surprise would be truly great then. She'd been waiting for this the whole time she'd been in London, and she couldn't wait to see his face when he saw her.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ashleigh Kennedy Carey Character Portrait: Jean-Louis Gage Character Portrait: Wendy Collins
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The dark-haired stranger soon lost his interest, and Michael took his place. "Hey there." He started smoothly, and Ashleigh kinda looked down to her drink. "Hey, Mike. Nice party, huh?" She sarcastically chuckled, and he nodded in response. "I'm pretty well sure that Rockin' parties are the best. This one has it's perks, but.." He cast a look around the room they were in, and half-shrugged. "Not horrible for a lounge in a hotel." He had a low, throaty chuckle that sent shivers up her spine.

He started itching in her comfort zone, and made her a little nervous. "Mike.." She raised an eyebrow as she brought a glass up to her lips, and spotted the too well-known Mr. Terrari. "Gotta go." He frowned as he watched her greet the average height middle-aged man, and turned to his whiskey.

Meanwhile, greeting the man with a too friendly hug, Mr. Terrari responded equally. "Lovely setting here, Ash." He had a sly grin on his lips, and held the frame holding the certificate of their first contract.

"Where's Jean? This is the big moment! We need him here, over here!" Mr. Terrari announced, and repeated once he grabbed a microphone from the DJ. Ashleigh stood by the man anxiously, her hands wringing in and out of themselves.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ashleigh Kennedy Carey Character Portrait: Jean-Louis Gage Character Portrait: Wendy Collins
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He really ought not to have been in as rotten of a mood as he was, but for Jean, there were two extremes when it came to drinking hard: melancholy or exuberance. He would oscillate between the two throughout the night, and though he had begun in a sort of jubilant mood, downing drinks with a few people he had either brushed shoulders with around Wendy or hadn't even seen before. It didn't matter to him, though. He was here to focus on the celebration and nothing else.

Or at least that was what he had told himself. Nestled in a gaggle of groupies and dressed in the suit Wendy had bought him, he nursed the drink in his hand. He wore no tie and instead wore his dress shirt unbuttoned slightly with the jacket opened giving it more of a relaxed appearance. On him, it looked almost disheveled but in a good way. Absentmindedly, he sipped from the clutched tumbler. In all honesty, Jean wasn't even paying attention to what he was drinking. Instead, he found himself looking around the room almost absentmindedly, but it wouldn't take a detective to tell that his gaze seemed to linger just a bit longer on Ashleigh, watching her nuzzle up to the ex-technician. Emotions seemed to rise in him at the sight, causing him to furrow his brow slightly. It was partially resentment, a lingering anger at the fact that she had gone behind his back. He hadn't bothered to bring it up in recording sessions, but now it ate away at him, amplified by the presence of alcohol in his system.

But moreso, he found himself wallowing in a different emotion. Was that...jealousy? Jealousy that she had someone to spend the night with and he didn't? That she had two successful bands? Or, perhaps, was it jealousy of this dark-haired stranger who had so easily won the affections of Ashleigh. He shouldn't have cared though. And yet, he couldn't help but doing so.

His reverie was broken by the buzzing of his phone as Wendy texted him. It managed to evoke a smile from him despite his bitter demeanor, and he typed back a quick response --

You aren't missing out on much. Miss you though. See you when you get home

It was satisfactory, he decided, and Jean sent it off before looking back at Ashleigh where she now stood with Mike. She had looked happy beside the stranger, but now, despite his level of intoxication, he could feel the nervousness radiating off of her. Perhaps he would go bail her out. Jean began to stand, but then she was over by Mr. Terrari, and he frowned slightly as they embraced like old friends. He, on the other hand, stood absolutely alone.

But then he heard his name, and Mr. Terrari was grabbing for a microphone. Mixed drink still in hand, he made his way over to the two of them, forcing on a slight smile. "You called?" he asked, looking at the certificate inquiringly. He looked at Ashleigh afterwards, quirking his smile for just a moment out of courtesy, still unsure what to say to her even though he had a thousand ideas.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ashleigh Kennedy Carey Character Portrait: Jean-Louis Gage Character Portrait: Wendy Collins
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Wendy blended into the crowd easily- everyone else was just as well dressed, and there were a few people she's worked with on films there as well. She'd invited plenty of influential people- both from the "business" to get Wendy and Ashleigh noticed professionally, and then people she'd worked with, in the hopes that they'd tweet about it and fans would be like "Ooh, I should check that band out!" Plus, it meant that she wasn't awkwardly hovering herself. She didn't dive straight into trying to find Jean, instead going to find her friends. She spent a few minutes just catching up with people, yelling about how nice they looked, and taking more than a few selfies.

"WENDY!" Someone yelled, wrapping their arms around her. She turned around to see Thomas, her co-star from their world war two movie. "Shh, I'm not supposed to be here," she said, laughing a little. He raised an eyebrow. "Oh?" He asked. "Yeah, I'm surprising somebody," she explained, and he nodded. "Ah, I get you!" He said. "I'll let you off on your secret mission, then, but we have to hang out sometime. Coffee, on me?" He asked. She nodded. "Sounds great!"

She spotted the manager grabbing Ashleigh, and knew that Louis wasn't going to be too far behind. She made her way up to where Jean was now standing- but stayed two or three people back, waiting for him to notice her, and grinning all the time. She couldn't resist the temptation to text him, though.

"Psst- check the crowd. ;)"


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ashleigh Kennedy Carey Character Portrait: Jean-Louis Gage Character Portrait: Wendy Collins
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"There's the handsome man of the hour." Ashleigh said softly, as it was one of the first full sentences to him since she'd performed her first Rollin' concert. "Glad you made it." She meant to be cocky, and oh so rude, but instead it came off sincere, and she bit her lip as she wringed her hands again.

Then, Mr. Terrari silenced the crowd. "Tonight, we're all gathered here to celebrate a momentous occasion I hope will happen hundreds of times for these young performers. Tonight is the night of victory for these young warriors of stardom. To their first album, hitting the charts hot!" He roared, lifting his glass, and out of courtesy, Ashleigh lifted a glass of champagne she managed to snag from a passing waiter.

"May you both be blessed with your music." He said out of the microphone and directly towards the two. "Well, thank you, Mike. We wouldn't have done any of it without you." She turned to Jean, if he wanted to add, and then nodded as the older man seemed to disappear in the crowd.

"So.." She downed her champagne, needing the fizz on her throat to muster up the courage to look him in the eye. "How've you been outside of rehearsals?" She asked almost frightened, but looked right at his eyes, awaiting his response, when her eyes flickered to a familiar figure standing just feet away from them.

Oh shit. It's Wendy.

This wouldn't go well if she was involved. Ash or Wendy, to be honest. so, a simple invitation couldn't hurt, right?

"Hey, you wanna go get a drink? I could really use that buzz about right now." She kinda laughed, and scratched the back of her neck.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ashleigh Kennedy Carey Character Portrait: Jean-Louis Gage Character Portrait: Wendy Collins
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Louis had intended to speak curtly, as little as he had to, with Ashleigh, but standing on the stage beside her, he found it near impossible. He gave a soft breath of a laugh, blushing ever so slightly at her offhand comment. It was remarkably casual, seeing as they hadn't spoken much outside of the recording studio. He couldn't sense that her second comment was intended to be caustic, and so it too took him by surprise. Louis looked up from the ground, smiling slightly.

His mouth opened to reply, and perhaps he would have returned what he had deemed to be a friendly gesture, but Terrari began to speak then, and the echo of the microphone was far too loud to speak over. Louis could feel his phone vibrate against his thigh, but by then, Mr. Terrari was beginning to toast, and Louis forced his already-clouded attention on their manager.

Again, he smiled to himself and lifted his own drink in a way similar to Ashleigh while Terrari spoke and lowered it only slightly, out of courtesy, when Ashleigh spoke. He hadn't really expected the microphone after she spoke, and so it too took him by surprise when she looked at him expectantly.

"A...uh...big thank you to you, Mike," he parroted, his gaze flickering about desperately, unable to find someone to find solace in. "For your faith in us...our music." He looked down at Ashleigh and then suddenly, a sense of calm seemed to wash over him. "And to Ashleigh...for giving me a chance, my first chance." Perhaps it was the alcohol, perhaps he knew Wendy was there with him, but he seemed to radiate a new sense of confidence, and as he pulled away from the microphone, he placed an arm around Ashleigh in a make-shift sort of hug. At last moment, he decided to shoot her a wink for good measure. The cameras would like that.

He let his grip fall as he downed the rest of his drink, head beginning to swim as the crowd dispersed. "I've been...good," he said simply, meeting her gaze now. Was it proper to tell her how abandoned he'd felt? How Wendy had swooped in? No, probably not. "And y...?" He started to speak, but then Ashleigh cut in, sounding a bit too forced, a bit too nervous.

If Louis noticed, however, he didn't seem to let her know. Instead, he grinned back at her, tapping his fingers lightly against the glass. "I could go for a drink," he replied, turning and coming almost face to face with Wendy. It took him a moment to process her being there in the midst of the lights, the sounds, and the overall sensory overload he was experiencing.

"Wendy..." he said softly, brow furrowing without him even thinking about it. He was conflicted, all of a sudden, for he had hoped to rekindle things with Ashleigh at least professionally, at most...well, he couldn't tink of that now. And yet he did, and he couldn't help but come off as slightly bitter before Wendy. "I...didn't think you'd be here." It certainly wasn't the reaction she had hoped for, but perhaps that was, yet again, the alcohol's fault. The smell of it seemed to cling to him now, to permeate off of the suit. Wendy's suit.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jean-Louis Gage Character Portrait: Wendy Collins
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She cheered and applauded at their speeches. But deep down inside, there was a twinge of jealously as he put his arm around Ashleigh. They're just friends. Co-workers, she told herself, forcing herself to keep her smile on her face. As the crowd started to disperse, she made their way up to them. She was just about to call out when Jean turned around and almost walked into her. She grinned- but then the smell of alcohol hit her.

His brow furrowed, and her own matched it. And then he spoke, and the last remnants of her smile disappeared. She quickly forced it back on, though, leaning up to kiss his cheek. The smell of whiskey was awful, and holding her forced smile became harder.

"Yeah, I flew back early, thought I'd surprise you!" She said. What was up with his tone of voice? Was it just the alcohol? Or was there... another reason? She felt like neither of them were really falling for her act, so she dropped it.

"Jean, how much have you had to drink? Did you spill some on your suit? Because no offence, but you absolutely reek of whiskey," She said, keeping her tone light-hearted. She had honestly been hoping for a better reaction, not... this. She was exhausted, and she'd forced herself to come out- and now she was met with a quite intoxicated and almost bitter Jean.