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Shiese Cerru

0 · 419 views · located in Tanaka Science Building Ruins

a character in “Shin Megami Tensei Persona: Dreamless Nights”, as played by Mashotu



The one who controls my fate:

I art thou

[b]I was named:
Shiese Cerru

However I prefer: Shi

I have traveled on the path of faith for: 18

I am: Male ♂

Can't you tell? I'm : Homosexual

I-I can't t-tell you that!: N/A

I am in: 12th

[b]My weapon of choice: Staff

[b]Basic Attack Type: Hits over the head with said staff

This is who I am


This is the true me

You can find me to be: Shiese is actually a quiet person when you first meet him. But if you get to know him, he can be very loud. He speaks his mind and that usually gets him in trouble. Even though he speaks his mind, he scares easily. It isn't rare for him to start crying he'd been scared so bad. This is where people usually call him a cry baby. Which he hates with all his heart. He can't stand when people make fun of him. This is where his psychotic thoughts come into play. It isn't rare for him to yell death threats.

My story: Shiese grew up raised by his big sister. His mother left when they were young and their father works practically 20 hours a day. He's always been a cry baby and his sister would always tease him for it. She's the only on who can do so though since he knows she's joking. But when people at school started to do so, it made him angry. At one point, he actually acted on one of his many threats and almost beat a guy to death. He carries a staff with him every day just in case he needs to do it again.

Where I hang out: Gardening club

[b]My fears:
The ocean

What I hide from others: His psychotic thoughts

Thou art I

My arcana is: Death

My persona's name: Olias


Skills: Dia(Light recovery), Mudo (Low chance of instant death), and Agi (light fire damage.)

Strengths: He can't be killed by weapons

Weaknesses: Can be put into an extended "rest" if "awake" too long

Traits: Good with magic attacks mainly, but still can do a fairly good amount of physical as well. (He carries a scythe around after all~ )

My persona looks like:

So begins...

Shiese Cerru's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryuka Hageshi Character Portrait: Kayama Shinjiro Character Portrait: Shirotsuki Akasora Character Portrait: Enya Katryiana Character Portrait: Mairu Tamura Character Portrait: Shiese Cerru
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The PA system went off, signalling to be silent. The voice came on soon, the voice of the principal as he spoke. "All Teachers please stop your classes and come to the faculty for an emergency meeting. All students, please remain in your seats and wait for further instructions." There was a pause before the message repeated clear once again. The PA let out another ding noise to signal the end of the announcement. All teachers filed out of their classrooms, reminding students to wait quietly and patiently until they came back.

The only teacher that did not leave was the class teacher for 3-A. Mainly because the teacher didn't show up for the homeroom. Students then began talking once all the teachers were out of the classroom. Rumors began floating around, about how the teacher of 3-A had passed away because of the new disease that was going on. At 8:30, the student news came on. Along with the daily announcements, the student reporter read a message from the Student president.

"Attention all seniors and student council members! Please remember our special event this Friday! Along with our event,there will be spooky stories tell, so please report to the tree boundary by 8 PM! All Club leaders, Student Council, are required to go! Thank you!"

With the last announcement said, the ending played out the daily show. It was 8:45 AM when the PA came alive once again. "Students, please report back to your dorms. Due to an emergency, School will be started next week monday along with the orientation . We are sorry for the delay." The message played once more, and students all but cheered. They quickly filed out, heading back to their dorms.

The setting changes from Nadeshiko Academy Main Campus to Tokyo


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryuka Hageshi Character Portrait: Kayama Shinjiro Character Portrait: Enya Katryiana Character Portrait: Mairu Tamura Character Portrait: Shiese Cerru Character Portrait: Rinko Sakuraji
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#, as written by Mashotu

The setting changes from Tokyo to Tanaka Science Building Ruins

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryuka Hageshi Character Portrait: Kayama Shinjiro Character Portrait: Enya Katryiana Character Portrait: Mairu Tamura Character Portrait: Shiese Cerru Character Portrait: Rinko Sakuraji
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#, as written by Mashotu

Shiese walked into the room with five other people. He seemed to have arrived only a bit after another girl with orange hair. She seemed happy and friendly. Shiese slinked into the classroom as he moved himself and his stuff to a seat and sat silently, looking at the others in the room shyly. He played with the chain connecting his lip and ear, just wanting something to do with his hands.

He'd spend the entire day yesterday debating if he'd even go to this thing. His sister practically had to push him out the door this morning 'cause he'd changed his mind so many times. Well... He was there now. Might as well stay there.

((OOC: Sorry it's so short. I'll type longer later on. I'm tired))

The setting changes from Tanaka Science Building Ruins to Tokyo


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryuka Hageshi Character Portrait: Kayama Shinjiro Character Portrait: Enya Katryiana Character Portrait: Mairu Tamura Character Portrait: Shiese Cerru Character Portrait: Casey Alexander
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The setting changes from Tokyo to Tanaka Science Building Ruins

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryuka Hageshi Character Portrait: Kayama Shinjiro Character Portrait: Enya Katryiana Character Portrait: Mairu Tamura Character Portrait: Shiese Cerru Character Portrait: Casey Alexander
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Jack only barely tuned in to the announcement. The seniors were to meet up at that old abandoned building, burned down in a fire many years ago, later on that day. He had to return to his dorm to retrieve a few effects first, but he couldn't help but think how great an inspirational experience this would be.


He arrived in the evening, carrying a rucksack filled with his things: night clothes, toothbrush, sketchpad, spare film, etc. He came prepared, for anything inspirational. He noticed a group had already gathered there. He smiled, content. At least he wouldn't be the awkward one, standing alone by himself. Jack strode over to them, giving a rather halfhearted wave and a slight smile. "Pleased to see other people came," he said.

He examined the building: it was godforsaken. Burned to a blackened crisp, windows missing, having shattered long ago. The place was forlorn, and seemed to radiate with despair. Jack felt a chill creep up his spine at the thought of going in there. However, he couldn't wait to see the place from the inside. This event was a sort of rite of passage for the senior classes of his school. And now, he would partake in that tradition himself.

"I hope you all don't scare easy," Jack said, teasingly.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryuka Hageshi Character Portrait: Kayama Shinjiro Character Portrait: Shirotsuki Akasora Character Portrait: Enya Katryiana Character Portrait: Mairu Tamura Character Portrait: Shiese Cerru
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Ryuka sighed, and checked off the last few people. Well, it was time to head into the building. It was getting later by the second, the more they spent time here. She drew in a deep breath, and then said to the crowd of seniors. "Can I please have everyone's attention? We'll be heading in now!" Her voice sounded happy, and excited compared to what he was really feeling...which was dread. She shot them a smile, and opened the door to the building. There was debris littered all over the ground, black wood, broken glass, and other various burnt items. She looked up towards the ceiling, noting the way the moonlight could easily get into.

She led the group inside, into the next classroom ruins. The class room was fairly clean, since student council had came earlier to clean it up a bit. The old desks were pushed to the side, and a blue tarp was put down for students to set up their sleeping bags. She turned back to the crowd, and then said "Boys will be sleeping on the right,and girls on the left." She motioned with her hands when she talked. "If everyone could please set up for the night, then we can move into our activity for the night!" She paused, then added "Oh! Also, watch out for broken glass. It's in that corner. And no one is allowed to go further up stairs, only the first floor!"[/color] She finally remembered to breath, then said "Any Questions?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryuka Hageshi Character Portrait: Kayama Shinjiro Character Portrait: Enya Katryiana Character Portrait: Mairu Tamura Character Portrait: Shiese Cerru Character Portrait: Lucius Blackstone
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It was finally time. The event had started presumably without a full attendance, however, starting the event earlier was a smart idea. Time wouldn't just stop and wait for them to have everyone gathered up. It was getting later and later as they wait, so Kayama was relieved that they didn't have to wait any longer. A few people came here just in time, but when he noticed that they waved to the group, he didn't care. He thought for a moment that they might start throwing at him with questions why he didn't greet them, but it seemed that they did not.

As expected of an abandoned building, the inside were as messy as it could get. Debris decorated the hall, and while at some point it's pretty in it's own way. the fact that it blocked some of the halls wasn't really convincing. The burnt woods and broken glasses on the floor also proved a solid evidence that the building had an accident of wild fire and explosion before it was in the state it is today.

From the outside, the moon shone as hard as it could and brought light to various possible dark places, however, in the building, with the ceiling sealed tight, no light came in from above and only from the side do the light comes in. In the classroom they were supposed to be sleeping the night in had it's windows all broken, thus the classroom didn't seemed as dark as it should have been. Mountain of desks were stacked on top of each other and placed to the side. With the desks out of the way, the room seemed to have much more space for 8 people to set their sleeping bags in.

"Boys will be sleeping on the right,and girls on the left." She motioned with her hands when she talked. "If everyone could please set up for the night, then we can move into our activity for the night!" She paused, then added "Oh! Also, watch out for broken glass. It's in that corner. And no one is allowed to go further up stairs, only the first floor!"

As quick as he could, Kayama laid down his sleeping bag nearest to the door they entered from and dropped his light bag to the side. He wanted to sleep further from the others rather than sleeping in between or even close to them. There wasn't a reason why. He's just used to sleeping by himself and suddenly telling him to sleep with some other people he never talked to is just impossible. Right after he finished setting his things down, Ryuka asked whether anyone had any questions.

"No." Answered Kayama as short as he could. He made his way to the other door where they were heading out next and waited there, silently as he continued listening to his mp3 player while toying around with his phone for a while.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryuka Hageshi Character Portrait: Kayama Shinjiro Character Portrait: Shirotsuki Akasora Character Portrait: Enya Katryiana Character Portrait: Mairu Tamura Character Portrait: Shiese Cerru
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0.00 INK

The president watched as most of the seniors spread out to do their own thing. She checked the time on her watch. 9:03 PM. She sighed a bit, a little discouraged at the time since they still had countless hours until they could return back to their dorms. Once again, Stupid tradition with their stupid haunted house crap and the stupid president that started it...How many stupids did she use? She pondered this as she placed her red sleeping bag down. It was slightly away from the walls because she swore if she slept by the walls she would regret it later since something might jump out and try to steal her soul. She paled slightly at the thought before shaking her head. Hearing the food announcement, she looked towards Enya, and said "Thanks Enya! That was really thoughtful!" With that said, she stood back up. Reaching inside her bag, she pulled out papers that were safely tucked into sheet protectors and began handing out to everyone there.

"Our first activity is a scavenger hunt! Around the first floor, there are hidden pieces of white cloth with the school name on them. Feel free to team up, but each of you must find at least 3 cloths to qualify for a ghost hunt on the second floor! " She said, though at the end of her announcement it was a bit forced...why the HELL would she agree to do this?! Ryuka had asked the previous president that graduated last year for help, and they had suggested going on a ghost hunt...Damn her, and her ways. Besides, they said no one ever went to the second floor...but for some reason, she had felt it would be a good idea to go to the second floor.

She cringed inwardly at the thought of going. Not to mention, she had brought candles to light the way, since candles supposedly encouraged ghost activities. Idiot...this was going to be the death of you...With that thought in mind, she went to one of the corners, and took out battery powered lamps that were here since last year, since seniors just left the lamp here. "Pick up your lamps here, and you can get started. Though please be careful not to trip or hurt yourselves. There is rubble all around the place." She trailed off, then continued "Once you have the three cloths, show them to me! I'll be hiding so you have to look!" She said again, a little too excitidly. Alone. In the dark. With ghosts. As company. Yep, she was gonna die tonight...Once again, she cursed the past presidents in her mind.
That was her only thought.

The setting changes from Tanaka Science Building Ruins to Tokyo


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryuka Hageshi Character Portrait: Kayama Shinjiro Character Portrait: Shirotsuki Akasora Character Portrait: Enya Katryiana Character Portrait: Mairu Tamura Character Portrait: Shiese Cerru
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(Now I understand why there are so many undos here.)

The setting changes from Tokyo to Tanaka Science Building Ruins

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryuka Hageshi Character Portrait: Kayama Shinjiro Character Portrait: Shirotsuki Akasora Character Portrait: Enya Katryiana Character Portrait: Mairu Tamura Character Portrait: Shiese Cerru
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Lucius sat on the floor listening to all the announcements, and once he heard the challenge of the scavenger hunt, looked at the strip of cloth he had happened to pick up on his way in.

Well, he thought, smiling to himself, that's one down. We're gonna need two more if we want to make sure those people SURVIVE the next floors. Feel like a hunt, Maat? The golden goddess once again appeared in his mind's eye and smiled.

I would be a fool not to. And after all, it's your last year here, I'm glad you're feeling like getting along with everyone else for once.

With her statement, he stood up, pushing his body off the floor and rolling his back up so he would stay balanced, and raised his hand in the air, ribbon already tucked into pocket, making his eyes unfocus so he would appear to be sightless again.

"ALRIGHT, who wants to team up with the blind guy?" He said aloud, "I swear I won't be a TOTAL waste of space."

The setting changes from Tanaka Science Building Ruins to Tokyo


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shiese Cerru Character Portrait: Lucius Blackstone
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Mashotu

The setting changes from Tokyo to Tanaka Science Building Ruins

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shiese Cerru Character Portrait: Lucius Blackstone
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Mashotu

Shiese was not amused. Why did he have to do these games? But, figuring he might as well follow along, it'd be best to be in a group.

"ALRIGHT, who wants to team up with the blind guy? I swear I won't be a TOTAL waste of space." He heard someone yell. Shiese stood up and walked over to the supposed blind guy and smiled (yes he knew he couldn't see). "Um... Would you mind if I joined you? I'll try my hardest." He said, his voice only a bit higher than a whisper. He had a feeling this guy would be able to help him. That, and since he couldn't see, he wouldn't be asking a crap ton of questions about his piercings. He liked them. Wasn't that enough?

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shiese Cerru Character Portrait: Lucius Blackstone
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Lucius smiled at the sound of Shiese's alleged attempt to be quiet, and continued to keep his hand in the air, now forming it into a fist.
"Alright, dude with kickass piercings is in, anyone else?" he then leaned in and explained his "reason" to the guy with purple hair. "Crazy super-blind-guy-hearing. Chains in the face don't exactly come muffled. Also echolocation."

(OoC: Couldn't really say much outside of that, but I felt that Luce needed to add that in for progression's sake.)
