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Paige Carver


0 · 568 views · located in Silverwood

a character in “Silverwood”, originally authored by xNocturnax, as played by RolePlayGateway



Paige Williams Carver
Wild Pack


Her set value for high morals including keeping her words and promise has distorted Paige but makes her a faithful addition to the pack. She cares for them unconditionally but she doesn't quite feel comfortable with letting her wolf run the show as often as it does. Her morals also tell her to hold onto humanity for it's apart of her identity.

So begins...

Paige Carver's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jamie Rhey Character Portrait: Mikaela Etin Character Portrait: Sin Etin Character Portrait: Arianna Tolsa Character Portrait: Nia Taria Character Portrait: Daniel Parker
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Her eyes flickered worriedly to next person to rush on scene, that being someone of Sin’s pack. As it turned out, she were the least of Mikaela’s worries as she were swept clean off her feet with a powerful force growling on top of her. The mix of emotions and events were a bit too much for her to even find a reaction in time before the large wolf drew back on his own account. She got to her feet, heart accelerating beneath her chest and glaring at Sin.

She turned her head a little to a pack member. It being Jamie arriving next to her then Arianna and Daniel. “I don’t know,” she croaked to her pack, wishing she could provide more answers. “I just got here myself,” she admitted lowly as if it were a secret. The whole place became associated with negative vibes. Distress, horror. The emotions clung so strongly to the place.

“We should…” her arm grabbed her stomach, for what she were about to say were so wrong. It weren’t like she needed to feel any worse either. “Smell near the body to see if we can catch a foreign scent first.” Automatically her eyes lifted to Sin, somewhat hopefully. Though, kindness were unable to reach her eyes at such a time it could have been mistaken for accusingly.

Mikaela were hoping he were evolved enough not to kill and had better restraint on his pack, but that could be just hopes and dreams. And heck- it might have been a member of her own with a lightning strike of heated rage for all she knew.

She were one of the last to arrive noticing every pack related wolf gather around the body. She swallowed a heavy lump in her throat but approached her pack nonetheless, hoping the responsibility of the murder didn't turn on the hunter of the pack somehow or she were scolded for her lateness. Paige paid attention to both conversations going on as each may very well have their own approach to the crime but hearing Nia's reality, that from the outside eye, it looked like one of the wild's doing she rushed forward to join in on the hush conversation. "We need to do something. Whether that is smell the body for a hint of who's done it or hide the body, or run." She weren't ordering her Beta and Alpha around. More so expressing her own panic and need to take some action in a timely manner. Paige had a bad gut feeling and it went beyond the dead body in front of them all.

They may just need to work in sync with the other pack Whether Sin or the female alpha could put their differences aside were a different story.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mikaela Etin Character Portrait: Sin Etin Character Portrait: Arianna Tolsa Character Portrait: Nia Taria Character Portrait: Caleb Smith Character Portrait: Daniel Parker
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Caleb pinned himself to a tree and frantically wiped his mouth and hands. His hands still shook uncontrollably at what he had done and his breath heaved. The vivid vision caused him to throw his head back into the solid trunk as if that would make him forget, hoping along the way to gain some sanity or at least calm himself to avoid being tracked.
Adding to his edginess came a howl that implied - at this time of day ,something were wrong and soon enough pack members would come rushing to the scene of the crime he had left behind him. His wide, startled eyes darted around the woods. Time to go.

At high speed his legs carried him off, away from the packs gathering around the body and at such a pace one would think out of Silverwood. But he had every right to be there. It were his home too, and he’d make himself more suspicious if he vanished from the map around the same time as a murder. It were an accident and he were a wolf just like the rest of them. Fatal accidents happened. Not to say he had any intentions of admitting he were the sociopath that gave the innocent girl possibly the brutalist death recorded in Silverwood.

As time ticked by, Caleb learned to grow back into his care-free laid back attitude facade but he could not stop recalling the attack. He weren’t even technically a sociopath because he felt guilty. Not dramatically over the top guilty to be sulking all day or turn himself into authorities but...guilty enough. Wasn’t like killing were a sport to him. And if killing didn’t leave a bad enough stain on your conscience, what would killing a harmless girl achieve? She were at the wrong place at the wrong time. He took another swig of his beer.

His enhanced hearing tuned to new voices, a few tables over, making suspicious low conversation though one’s tone couldn’t help but get a little loud and aggressive.
“She should be back by now. Why were she allowed to be alone?”
“Because she were capable enough for her independence,” the other insisted.
“We are not here for a vacation! She should have returned to us hours ago! This is hardly a town to get lost in. I’m gonna go look for her.” The two males left in search of her. And her were more than likely the corpse laying in the woods.

“I know,” he replied to his Beta lowly, folding his arms over his chest. The easiest theory to device were that a wild member had done this and it were indeed problematic for them because who would simply take their word? He caught Mikaela’s glance at him and bit back a growl at the daring alpha. He were unsure if she meant to address Sin and his pack as well as her own with her idea. Just in case however, Paige rushed in her say which he nodded along with. He knew she could get frantic and hasty easily. “I know, I know,” he reminded her dismissively. He took a glance back to Mikaela, because who could so easily turn their eyes on foes or agree with them. He sighed out and rolling his eyes, shifting his body language to face the other pack as well.
“I don’t think there’s anything to smell but decay myself but whoever’s known for their nose, dig right in.” That were surely the kindest he could get when talking to both packs. As a pack more familiar with death though, he assumed it would be one of his own daring to get close enough to the body. “Nia…” he prompted. Sin would probably be body transport.
In the meantime he closed a hand around Arrow's arm and pulled gently as her own prompt to rise.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sin Etin Character Portrait: Arianna Tolsa Character Portrait: Nia Taria Character Portrait: Arrow Kane Character Portrait: Paige Carver
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She had a feeling that Sin was going to give her the job of sniffing the body, especially since she had experienced it a lot, and her snout was 100% accurate. "Oh this ought to be fun." she stated sarcastically, but just as Nia was about to inspect the body, another wolf from the tames snuck in to get a sniff. Nia growled lowly. Clearly she had forgotten her place among her own pack. Her alpha hadn't even told her to stick her nose in. "You want your face torn off?" Tia told her, her eyes locked onto the tames sentinel. Tia was itching to phase, itching to rip out her little throat and add another body to the one that was already laid out on the forest ground, partly covered by blood soaked leaves.

She was aware that her Alpha was able to hear her, and she knew she'd probably get told off, but Nia didn't take kindly to those outside of her pack. This girl had now earned herself to be pushed to the top spot on Nia's hate list. She bit back the urge to lunge at her. Barking orders like she's the Alpha. Nia carried on with what she was told to do. She knelt down to the ground, bent over towards the body and inhaled deeply as she closed her eyes, shutting off her other senses to concentrate completely on the extra scent.

"Male, dark hair, muscular. He's an outsider and doesn't belong to a pack. A lone wolf. He attacked her, and left her quickly in a hurry. Gotta hand it to her, she put up quite a fight to fend him off."

Nia was proud of herself as she straightened herself back up, regaining her place beside her alpha and glancing to Paige and Arrow briefly. "They're trying to make a run for it." Nia told Sin quietly near his ear. "We should go after him, deal with this our way."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jamie Rhey Character Portrait: Mikaela Etin Character Portrait: Sin Etin Character Portrait: Arianna Tolsa Character Portrait: Nia Taria Character Portrait: Daniel Parker
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Error. Sorry


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jamie Rhey Character Portrait: Mikaela Etin Character Portrait: Sin Etin Character Portrait: Arianna Tolsa Character Portrait: Nia Taria Character Portrait: Daniel Parker
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Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jamie Rhey Character Portrait: Mikaela Etin Character Portrait: Sin Etin Character Portrait: Arianna Tolsa Character Portrait: Nia Taria Character Portrait: Arrow Kane
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Sin’s eyes narrowed at the other whom had taken to shifting and sniffing around the body, no doubt in attempt to show them up. Nia threatened her, setting most other members on edge but proceeded to sniff it herself anyway. “You belong right in CSI,” Sin commented after her conclusion.
He heard the exchanges to run then glanced to Nia. She had a fair suggestion because who were to say there wouldn’t be a trail for someone to follow and cause more trouble for the packs. But of course, Arrow had an equal point. Contrast to the inquisitive male red head, Sin didn’t care much for how or why the stray did it-not right now-just that he had done it and someone were closing in and were going to find the body. There were actions that took priority.

He nodded then to Arrow showing some understanding. “I got the body!” he informed and sprang into action slinging the corpse over his shoulder. With his free hand, he grabbed his beta’s arm, looking her in the eyes knowing she wouldn’t like to be disregarded. “We’ll find him but for now we have to move. Go.” He gestured forward. Being aware for the slightest second that his lack of handling would stir some disapproving emotions, and possibly cause delay, he shifted the body into a cradle. Sin were fast and strong but running with a body weren’t something he were familiar with and it were likely to make an odd motion. Therefore Nia had to support the pack to safety.
“Run fast, Arrow.” His prime concern were of course his own pack.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sin Etin Character Portrait: Arianna Tolsa Character Portrait: Nia Taria Character Portrait: Arrow Kane Character Portrait: Paige Carver Character Portrait: Evie Atlas
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Once gunshots were fired, he flinched instinctively ducking away and using the trees as his obstacles, also guiding the hunters away from his pack. He hoped they were the last figure he had seen and taken pursuit in. Him or the other pack's hero, Arianna. The dead girl were shifting uncomfortably in his arms and significantly slowing him down, even when she were a light thing. One bullet scraped the trunk he were hiding behind, causing him to lunge off without much thought and he slipped on the steep slope awaiting him, dropping the body as he fell and rolled with the momentum. “Shit!” he cursed, reaching the bottom, the body not far from him. Sin reached for it, before shouting were heard causing him to retract then flee again. A dead girl weren’t worth getting shot over.
He’d meet his pack at Arrow’s. He’d just take a seriously detoured route. That didn’t mean he’d slow in his pace at all.

Sin were puffing by her house, his arms folded over his chest looking around half expecting to still be chased by his pursuers. Eventually he shook the silly notion off. There were mourning to be done and normal feet and speed carrying the people which were well and truly outmatched. Sin hesitated at the door, not liking to admit to the pack he lost the body and bare the bad news that right now a couple of trigger friendly men were in the forest examining the body to reach their own verdict that either way, highly likely would result in hysteria.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sin Etin Character Portrait: Arianna Tolsa Character Portrait: Nia Taria Character Portrait: Arrow Kane Character Portrait: Paige Carver Character Portrait: Evie Atlas
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Nia had made it to Arrows with whoever else that had caught up along the way, but the second she heard shots being fired!? she immediately thought the worst. "Sin!" without a second thought, she left the others at Arrow's place, and ran as fast as four legs could carry her, making her way towards where her Alpha was last seen. It wasn't long before she picked up his scent, and followed it. He had fallen down the slope when she got there, taking that dead body with him. The men that were looking for him had arrived just seconds after Nia did, and just as she was about to run down and help him too, but they were shouting 'He went this way' causing her Alpha to flee again. There was no way in hell they were going to get a shot off at the only one who had saved her life.

As they went to pursue Sin, Nia stepped out and began making her way towards them. She lifted up her snout and muzzle, causing it to wrinkle up towards the center between her eyes, baring her canines and licking at the air as she growled and snarled viciously. Her eyes were deadly locked on the both of them, so one wrong move and they would be the wolfs new chew toy. Both men took a couple of steps back in attempt to keep a safe distance between themselves, and the vicious looking predator, but one of them bailed, leaving the other behind "You damn coward!" he shouted after him, then snapped his attention back on the wolf. "Sod it.." The man went to shoot her, but she lunged at him so fast!? that he dropped his gun and fell back with the wolf on top of him. He held her back with his arm across her the front of her throat, his eyes fearfully widening with panic and fright as she continuously snapped towards his face, over and over again.

She pulled back quickly for a split second, then lunged forward again at him, this time going against his strength even harder with her canines inches away from his face. He soon lost the battle as no-one was even around to help him, so she latched onto his face. It was something you'd see out of a horror movie. Her canines tore through the flesh with no struggle, and you could even hear the crunching sound as her jaws crushed the bones and tears off even more flesh. There was nothing left of his face once she was done. Just blood everywhere. The forest had turned red around her, including herself as she licked at her muzzle whilst standing over a new corpse.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jamie Rhey Character Portrait: Mikaela Etin Character Portrait: Sin Etin Character Portrait: Daniel Parker Character Portrait: Arrow Kane Character Portrait: Maximum Lance
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ImageShe held her hands behind her head gripping her hair slightly, rather stressed then looked down to Daniel puffing lightly, then shaking her head. “The town knows we’d never do that.” Though, that were more hopeful thinking. She instantly recalled on the waitress that feared her even when Mikaela had posed no threat. “People get clouded by fear,” she mumbled to herself countering her own point. “Well, what would you do? Other than sleep,” she commented, noting on the beta’s worn appearance.

She took a breath out. The pack and she were dragged into the middle now. “Floor’s open to any suggestion guys.” Her mind was stumped for ideas. Either way it seemed like trouble would find them. “For now though I don’t think there’s much we can do,” she admitted shrugging. “So you can catch up on sleep and I’ll worry about Sin scenarios.” Mikaela didn’t mean it in any insulting or patronizing form but if Daniel weren’t feeling alert and well, then he could go with the restoration time. If there were another pack encounter, she’d prefer him to be at his best.
All of them to be at their best and alert.

Mikaela stepped over him, hinting and suggesting silently that he get up from such a vulnerable position. With the wilds nearby she didn’t want her pack showing any vulnerability. Hence, she didn’t like Max bowing to her in front of Sin as disciplined and well-mannered as he was. And sure to a degree, it were showing her respect and position but...Grr. That Sin!


“Sin,” she sighed out relieved, being one of the first at the door to greet her alpha and went to hug her alpha though his calculating face and intimidating posture made her think twice about the act. Though she touched his arm, expressing some care and examined his being quickly. “Are you okay? We heard gun shots and Nia took off after you.” She looked pass his shoulder, expecting for their beta to be close by as she generally were to the alpha. Her statement must have served more of an explanation. “Where is she?” her brows furrowed, shifting her gaze back to Sin. She just expected him to know out of habit.

“What happened to the body?” she added, realizing that too were missing from their previous discussion. She pulled him within Arrow’s threshold. His safety were prioritized over the matter of the body and he could answer he queries if he liked within a safe environment.
Paige had much to say to him but for now she would have to withdraw from crowding her alpha. If Nia were missing they had bigger priorities anyway than hearing her suggestions.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sin Etin Character Portrait: Arianna Tolsa Character Portrait: Nia Taria Character Portrait: Caleb Smith Character Portrait: Paige Carver
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Caleb sat in silence, imagining the scenario between the men and wolves. He didn't know why he were so anxious about it seeing as the hunters had already been and gone from the bar so his nose must've looked pretty clean. But were there a war and blood bath going on out there as he sat in the dark place? Did the hunters even find the body or did the others take care of it? This is when it sucked to be a loner.

He blinked surprised by this dark-haired woman’s actions and his eyes followed her to the seat she took across from him for a moment contemplating if he knew her at all. “Hi,” he replied uncertainly. His drama school skills certainly lacked next to hers. Caleb looked around at the few other early patrons of the bar then rose his brows expectantly for an explanation. “Uh, are you lost?” he spoke lowly respecting her want to be inconspicuous. He could relate himself after all. But there were something his nerves didn’t like about this girl.

“I’m okay,” he told Paige, holding her own arm in a reassuring grip. Hearing about Nia though, proved new information and he were almost angry at her for leaving the pack like that but at the same time, he knew how protective she could get. It just meant they were one wolf down until she found her own way back despite him wanting to go out there and find her now. Sin stepped inside, keeping his eyes cast down as he briefly reviewed on how Nia could have been prevented from leaving her post. Paige’s voice emerged again, this time querying on the body. Sin spun on his heel to face her. “I lost it,” he informed her, meeting her eyes for a second before looking off again, twisting his jaw. He weren’t even as mad at himself anymore for losing the body, or Paige, but his beta.

Rather than stress the others though, he found himself taking a seat, trying to remain composed but stern. “I think there were two,” he spoke after a moment’s silence. “Hunters.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sin Etin Character Portrait: Nia Taria Character Portrait: Arrow Kane Character Portrait: Paige Carver
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Nia made it to her house first so she could clean herself up and change her clothes before quickly heading out again. She knew her Alpha was going to be mad, she knew questions were going to come at her from left, right and center.. but she only did what she thought was the right thing to do. She didn't want Sin to die, even if she wanted to run the pack for herself at times. He had saved her life, so she wanted to at least return the favor.

There was plenty of things she knew that he had taught her, he even helped her to settle her mind so it wasn't trapped in the pit mode that those men had thrown her into. He had taught her to be a little tamed, but to stay wild at the same time. She'd have the same dream that kept reoccurring every night without fail, causing her to be too afraid to go back to sleep if it woke her. She was dreaming about all the dogs she had to kill in that one pit, just so she'd help her step-father win his bet; that a wolf can kill every dog without losing. "Did I miss anything?" she asked, leaning against the wall she was close to whilst looking at her pack.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mikaela Etin Character Portrait: Sin Etin Character Portrait: Arianna Tolsa Character Portrait: Nia Taria Character Portrait: Caleb Smith Character Portrait: Daniel Parker
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She clasped her hands together, squeezing them tighter than she were aware. Mikaela nodded then to a refreshed Daniel, and tried her own smile in response to his sheepish one but it were countered with the heavy weight of the vivid image of the poor girl and Sin. But she had to assure some power to her own pack in this situation so the wild pack or Sin himself, could have the body while they searched for the attacker. Mikaela held Daniel’s arm before the pack assumed to split up seeking the trail that hinted at undescribed familiarity. Though, she personally weren’t a fan of splitting up, again nerved by the wilds close and a rogue beast.
“Do you really think we can’t trust the wilds at all?” she asked her beta lowly. She were convinced they had the same issue with the body so they could at least work to achieve a goal in common. Then again, that could be hopeful thinking.

Her legs, combined with a gut feeling led her to Arianna and her new companion with dark hair, which she blinked at. At first glance Mikaela looked to be misinterpreting the situation as if Arianna had ditched the pack for some boy but she’d never do that. “Who’s your friend?” she wondered.

The audacity of the beta were...outstanding and in this instance not necessarily in a good way. But the best thing she could do were let the Alpha and Beta deal with it as they pleased though she had a feeling that would escalate to something serious with both of them possessing a short fuse. At a certain point Paige may then have to intervene and redirect the attention and anger on the issue at hand. Hunters and a mauled body.

This were when she regretted to favor the tame pack. They weren't biting each other's throats as often and had respect for one another. Rather than interrogate Nia she asked simply, "So what do we do?""


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mikaela Etin Character Portrait: Sin Etin Character Portrait: Arianna Tolsa Character Portrait: Nia Taria Character Portrait: Caleb Smith Character Portrait: Paige Carver
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Sin’s jaw set at the voice of Nia, mid-discussion on a plan of action. Did she miss anything? He stood up and stalked towards her finding her particularly refreshed scent and look, further irritating. So she had time for a shower to spare. Just dawdled over at her own luxurious pace. “And what took you so long?” Before she could have an opportunity to answer he continued cornering her to the very wall she leaned against casually, his arms braced either side of her, staring her down. “You see the people in this room? That’s your pack. When I’m not around, they depend on you. You have a job to protect them. You think because you’re the beta you can do whatever you like?” He were definitely after her submission even going as far as to lowly growl at her.
She could try escalate the matter if she liked. Turn into her own wolf form again and mistake him for the kind of dogs she fought and took down in the pits. It wouldn’t be very fair to Arrow’s place but it’d teach Nia a lesson.

“So what do we do?” “Ideally, hope they leave on their own. Otherwise, we hunt. This is our home.”

Caleb were struggling to navigate the woman before him. Most people he could make more sense of but she were…odd. And random. Distant but present. He blinked stunned by her next words proposing to leave the bar suddenly. “Uh, sure,” he replied, scrambling around for his leather jacket which he slid his arms in and flicked up to his shoulders.
Before escaping the bar with her he heard the shaken voice of one of the men from before. “….They killed her, man, then they took Zeke….Pack….I need help….Werewolves….Send others.” He glanced over his shoulder to the hunter on his phone, hanging up and rubbing his forehead. Caleb then exited the bar.

They had only managed what seemed like a few steps before being stopped by an alpha. She radiated dominance in her own way. “Shit,” he muttered under his breath. In a lame attempt, Caleb kept his distance and tried to hide his eyes, averting his gaze looking everywhere but at Mikaela as the friends exchanged words. The other alpha tried recruiting him a few times and she did once. But Caleb didn’t play nice with others and couldn’t become the type to live by their principles rather than his own. In his eyes it were just easier to be a one-man pack.
Normally he wouldn’t be so unsettled by a packs presence if he hadn’t caused them hell with the whole body incident. He didn't like the likelihood that the dark haired woman with the blue eyes were a wolf all along either. Should've damn well known it!
Were this some weird well played trap?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mikaela Etin Character Portrait: Sin Etin Character Portrait: Arianna Tolsa Character Portrait: Nia Taria Character Portrait: Caleb Smith Character Portrait: Daniel Parker
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For a moment her eyes flickered on the suspicious figure by Arianna before she presented her phone with horrific shots of a new attack. Mikaela lightly placed her fingertips on the edge of the phone to inspect the image closer. A wolf of timber color, digging into the blood scene remorselessly. The crime went beyond self defense and continued even when the human was well dead, almost as if feasting in gluttony. How could anyone kill, much more butcher! with such ease and remain free from a dirty conscience? Only one of Sin's members, obviously. She glanced back up to Arianna as she continued to explain her absence and actions, though it fell under intuition which Mikaela was happy to promote in her pack. Wolves should have been more attuned to that kind of stuff after all and it came in handy.

She glared likewise at the male positioned for a get-away, realized as the killer to Arianna's snout. She was about to lay into him about the consequences and havoc he had caused before Daniel stepped in as peace-maker. Or certainly a tension diffuse. Mikaela sighed out softly closing her eyes and letting her rage slip away. Daniel was taking care of it. And in a much more friendly way too.

Though, Mikaela heard every word of Arianna's, she was stuck on one big factor. A wild had killed a man in cold blood. There weren't official treaty terms but she felt killing a man spoke for itself as a serious violation and crime that the tame pack had right to get involved in. "Find Sin and his pack," she answered. She could worry about Caleb another day as a priority. "Make sure he tags along," she added with a head gesture towards Caleb.

Hopefully some Alpha to Alpha talk would be in session at Sin's will. She just wished they could lose the common meeting grounds as a dead body or a threat to the werewolf population in Silverwood. Her strides implied her mind was set. Admittedly, not 100% sure of what she was going to do when she stood before the wilds again but she knew there needed to be another confrontation.

Instinctively she rose at the tension in the small room. Whether it was to flee or defend herself, she wasn't sure but she didn't like Sin glowering over Nia. The two were both ready for a fight and she didn't particularly like the easily activated fire in their guts for a fight. It was rare for one to stand down but thankfully Nia behaved.
Image She cleared her throat to re-direct their attention to another matter. Loyalty and the hierarchy was important but right now they had hunters to deal with that would be covering ground as they fought among themselves. Then, Sin concluded what she feared. They hunt the hunters. Sin was the type that lacked patience so if the hunters didn't remove themselves in a ridiculously short time frame, Sin would declare it war and within reason to attack. "But they might not even know who we are as long as we keep our heads down for a while. Just for a while!" she emphasized and came close to pleading. She didn't fancy death or more bloodshed. One body was enough as far as she was concerned. "They'll look for the body for a while, then they'll quit," she tried to insist looking between her beta and alpha, praying they'd go with the keep low approach.
Hunters had nothing to hunt if nothing was there.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mikaela Etin Character Portrait: Sin Etin Character Portrait: Arianna Tolsa Character Portrait: Nia Taria Character Portrait: Caleb Smith Character Portrait: Daniel Parker
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He didn’t like being spoken about in a lesser way but being outnumbered, all he could provide was a low growl from his own chest. His eyes moved to a nicer man, around his own age that came to introduce himself as Danny and apologize on behalf of Arianna, the one he had met in a peculiar circumstance in the bar and who growled at him. Caleb would’ve liked to of been chatty with the nice guy but given only a few seconds later, the alpha announced taking Caleb with them, he decided he didn’t have much to share or a reason to be equally as pleasant. “Caleb,” he said shortly with a quick hand shake. He followed the pack at the rear accepting his prisoner status. But how long did she intend for that to last?
This was exactly why it was better to be a loner. Caleb didn't have to bow or answer to anyone. And despite the one kill he had made, there was a whole lot less drama for him.

He blew out his lips softly. So not only was he tagging along with the tames, judging by their attitude towards some killing, but he was walking in between some pack tension. At least the wilds may have got that killing happens. The wolf takes over, you blink and you've killed a daughter of a hunter. "So is Sin the other Alpha?" he checked. He smirked a little as it may push a button with the others.

Sin’s gaze didn’t shift from Nia until he was sure he had her submission and then he backed away, granting her personal space again. He didn’t care much for her excuses, just as long as he had her word to not disobey him again. Paige spoke, diverting his attention to hear her speech. Her prompt was not to jump to conclusions and hunt the hunters. Eventually the matter would subside in time and he had no doubt that it would. But for how long should they be sitting ducks? Hunters could be a sickly ambitious type. He sighed out softly rubbing the back of his neck as he stepped toward Paige to deal with her. “I understand your…reluctance to kill but if they are coming for us, then they’re gonna figure out we’re werewolves and they’re not gonna think twice about killing you or any of us.” She was a big girl so she could have it straight with the harsh reality. All of the wolves in his pack could. “I just don’t know what to do about the tames,” he said, stroking his thumb over his own bottom lip.
The chances of Paige’s hopeful thinking were slim. Possible. But slim. It’d be a dream for them to find the one body, halfheartedly look for the killer then just leave.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mikaela Etin Character Portrait: Sin Etin Character Portrait: Arianna Tolsa Character Portrait: Nia Taria Character Portrait: Daniel Parker Character Portrait: Paige Carver
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Soon as Sin looked away from her, she closed her eyes for a moment. Her pack had no idea that there was more than one body count now, thanks to herself adding a Hunter to it. What else was she suppose to do? her alpha kind of needed her, and she was just protective of her pack anyway with each one of them being like family. Nia had a human family before, but they didn't appreciate her, neither did they love her. Maybe her mother did, she wasn't sure, but she always seemed to pick her abusive bossy husband over her own daughter.

She had packed her stuff one night into a rucksack when she was younger, told her mum that she was running away, and left that same night after leaving a note on her bed for someone to find. They found her the next morning sleeping in the tree house that her father had once built for her to play Pirates in with her friends from school. She adored that tree house, even to this day she still sat in it. It had been the last place her Father had been before he left. Every time she asked about him, no-one seemed to want to talk about it, but she was determined to one day find out, and to find him.

She finally re-opened her eyes after a couple of seconds, her gaze now on Sin, and Paige. “I just don’t know what to do about the tames" Nia was smirking behind Sin's back now. She had plenty of ideas what to do about them, but maybe she should just stay quiet this time. She was in enough trouble as it was, and also in Sin's bad books for the time being.