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Hajime Amaterasu

"I know I had a tragic past, but that is what make me stronger..."

0 · 958 views · located in Friergate City

a character in “Sinner's Circus”, as played by chrian.




"Even though I've seen enough bloodshed, I'm willing to stand up and fight if that's the only way to bring peace."


Name: Hajime Amaterasu
"Don't know why my family was named after the sun goddess, but that's cool."

Age: 16
"Okay, I know I'm just a kid, but I've been through a lot, you know."

Gender: Male
"You seriously need to wear glasses if you can't see that."

Theme Song (Optional): Agony - KOTOKO
"The dream that would come true someday, now is just a fading whisper..."

Side: Synchronicity
"It was the beginning of a new life for me and I'm happy to live with it.."

Role: Child of Temperance
"I'm always in-debt with Kaito-san for giving me this chance, even if he don't know it."


Personality: Despite the fact that he has a painful past, Hajime is a very playful, friendly, somewhat sarcastic yet sincere person. He has a weird obsession for glasses and people who wearing them will make a good impression with him when they met. He is a little bit shy when meeting with new friends and companions, but when they've got along with him, they'll find him a fun person to play with. Like Kaito - his Entity, he is level-headed and keeps his calm most of the time, but he wouldn't mind to show his annoyance if he got unpleasant. He is also a helpful person who will always try to help his friends when they needed. In battle, Hajime is willing to back-up his companions, though he has never really a front-line combatant. Overall, he is a nice and considerate person that you can count on.

Appearance: Hajime stands about 5'7'' which is a little short compared to everyone, he has unkempt blonde hair and brown eyes that tilt downward. Even though he wasn't an athletic person like his friend, Hikari, but he can proves to be quite agile when facing their opponents. He is usually seen to wear his school uniform and a pair of glasses.

History: Compared to the other Children, Hajime probably is the one that has the most tragic past, who have seen nothing but bloodshed and agony through his childhood. He was born here, in this city of Friergate and he was just as normal as any other children would. His family wasn't that rich, but they still have enough to build a normal life like any other people would. He has always been taught that even if he has to suffer in the future, he must never lose himself, keep on his smile and follow whichever paths that he felt rightous. Hajime thought his life will just be a straight line like that. Until one day, both of his parents passed away in a car accident when they were taking him home after school. Hajime thought that he was done for, but it seems that it wasn't his time yet. He couldn't remember how long has he been unconscious, but when he woke up, he found himself in the hospital, laying on the bed with bandages all over his body. Hajime felt a great loss when he heard that his parents couldn't make it, and he felt like he was all lonely by then. But remembering the words that his parents has taught him, he keep smiling and decided to live on over his loss.

Because Hajime don't have any close relatives, they decided to send him to the orphanage. Even though his life was never the same like before, the people there were nice and they treated him as like their own child, and he got along well with the other children who suffered the same fate like him. And again, at the moment he thought that his life will just be as normal as it would, another tragedy happened. For some unknown reasons, the orphanage where he stayed was targeted by some group of terrorists. They massacred everyone they saw and Hajime could only looked on in horror as his friends and the ones that took care of him were being killed ruthlessly. The scenery back then is a total madness with corpses and blood everywhere. Hajime could remember clearly the sounds of children screaming, the sounds of guns, and fire everywhere. He tried to hid, but when he was found, for some unknown reasons, they captured him and locked him up in cages and treated him as if he was none less than their pet. In the most despair moment, he heard that their was a dark voice booming in his head from nowhere, and offered him a way to get out of there and eliminate all of those terrorists, but at the cost of losing his very own humanity. Hajime could have almost agree with the offer. However,...

At that moment, he remembered the lesson that his parents has taught him. So in the end, he refused the offer from the Judgement, believing that no matter what, he will never lose himself. After that incident a few days, the police finally broke into the terrorists' hideout, captured them and freed Hajime. Right after he was freed, he sneakily went away from there and wandering aimlessly around the city, until he finally fainted in a deserted alley because he hasn't eaten anything for days. He thought that that would be the end of his life, he will just rotting away there and join his parents on the other side. The memories back in the orphanage started to haunt him.

But even when he was still unconscious, he could felt that someone was carrying him in their arms. It was warm and nice, a feeling which he hasn't felt for so long. When he woke up, he found himself laying on a bed in an apartment. The person who take him to there and take care of him was no other than Kaito. Because of that, Hajime felt in-debt with him ever since then. Kaito took care of him for a few days, until a middle-aged woman appeared and introduced herself as Hajime's aunt. She said she was looking for him and is willing to take care of him after all the he has to endured. Without a second thought, Hajime agreed. He thanked Kaito for saving him and saying that he'll never forget about what he has done for him.

In about a month, Hajime felt like he has finally has moved on. He has his own apartment, rented by his aunt and she sent him money every months for his needs and he went to school like any other teenager. But he has never forgot about Kaito. Because of that, he went back to him and asked him if there are anything he would do to repay him, and Kaito offered Hajime to become his Child, which he gladly accepted. Although for some unknown reasons, Kaito has been keeping distance with Hajime, but he wouldn't mind that and he always tried his best to bond with his Entity and seeing him like his own brother.

Why did you accept the contract? "I want to repay Kaito-san, but most of all, I feel like this is my destiny and the path of my life. And I will never regret that I've chosen to followed this path."

Like Kaito, Hajime wasn't a fighter who would stood up in the front line. But he will make a perfect back-up for his allies and providing support from behind. His power mostly consisted of supporting power, but he can still be able counter back for self-defense if he have to.

  • Healing: Hajime's main power. He has ability to heal many kinds of wounds and sicknesses in matters of second. But the more severed the wound or the sickness was, the more energy he has to consumed. And he won't be able to heal a fatal wound when he is weaked.
  • Weapon Blessing: This ability allowed Hajime to "blessed" his allies' weapons, which means he can enhanced them and gave them better damages. However, he couldn't enhanced too many weapons at once and the weapons will lose it enhancement if they were somehow dropped by the holder.
  • Pyrokinesis: Hajime can controls and conjures fire by all means. This is his only offensive power and in combat, he will only use it when he was targeted to self-defense.



  • While his Entity's last name was based on the name of the moon goddess in Japanese mythology, his last name was based on the sun goddess.
  • Hajime has pretty much forget about his past now since he is pretty willing to let it go, but sometimes he get nightmare of what has happened to him.
  • He is a good student at school and usually have high marks.
  • Hikari Mizuhara - the Child of Humility is his classmate and they're also best friends.
  • Despite the fact that Kaito was straying away from him, he always texted to him everyday to ask him how his day was.
  • The only thing that he dislike the most in his life was cucumber.
Face Claim: Akihito Kanbara | Kyoukai no Katana


So begins...

Hajime Amaterasu's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hajime Amaterasu Character Portrait: Hikari Mizuhara
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#, as written by chrian.
As lights shone through the windows onto Hikari's bed, it woke him up after a long sleep last night. He sat on his bed , stretched his arms and yawned. He was wondering why Kyo wasn't wake him up then, but he has got used to got up early everyday, so even though he enjoyed sleeping in, he can still capable of waking up by himself.

He got down from his bed and went into the bathroom to brush his teeth and wash his face to refresh himself. After that, he changed from his casual clothes into his uniform and took his bag with him. "Luckily I remembered to do my homeworks last night", Hikari thought as he stepped out of his room. But before he went to the door, he decided to see for himself if the two Entities had woke up or not.

"Hey, rise and shine onii-", Hikari said gleefully as he opened the door, he saw that the room was deserted, but he can still see Kyo's and Miruka's backpacks on the corner, "Weird. Where did they go?", he thought then shrugged, "oh well, maybe they stepped out and wandering somewhere for some fresh air."

With that, Hikari went out of his apartment and locked the door then made his way to his school. He can buy something for breakfast on the way there later.

It was Literature time and, as always, Hikari found it quite boring. He sighed and then looked out into the window and observed the drifting clouds while thinking about what has happened to the last two days. "I don't know what to do, or how I should feel anymore. Too many things happened in such a short period of time. I should be freaking out by now but I guess I'll be okay. Kyo said he would protect me, right?", he was also drifted in his thoughts.

"Ahem", the teacher cleared her throat, "may I gain your attention please, Mizuhara-san?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, sensei", Hikari apologized and then pretend as if he was reading the text book. But there's another thing that was troubling him then: he sensed some sort of aura radiating somewhere in his classroom.

Somewhere in the seat in the corner of the classroom, the boy with blonde hair was trying his best to concentrate on their lesson, but there is a feeling that has been troubling him and he don't know what that is. After the lessons are over and the lunch break come, he sat still in his table and figured out what that is. "If I remembered correctly, I usually has this feeling when I'm with Kaito-san too. It just that the feeling with Kaito-san was stronger. So that means, there is someone who was a catalyst like me in my class. I wonder who it was..."

He rolled his eyes around his class and sensed who amongst his classmates is radiating the aura. It took him a few moments, but finally he was able to detect who it was. And he was pretty surprised when he found out.

"H-Hikari-san?", Hajime thought. He don't know whether if his best buddy was chosen to be a Child or a catalyst for the Circus yet, but he was pretty sure that they both needed to talk. With that, he stood up and went to Hikari's table.

"Hey, Hikari-san", Hajime grinned as he patted Hikari's shoulder, "I've never seen you're in such a deep thought like that. Anything happened?"

Hikari smiled to his friend, "Nah, nothing really particular. Just being a little distracted."

"So", Hajime asked, "do you wanna hang out anywhere after school? I think there's something that we need to talk."

"Oh", Hikari surprised, "I was intended to ask you the same thing too. So, after school at the usual coffee shop. Kay?"

"Yeah, see you later", Hajime chuckled and went back to his table. He always trusts Hikari, but he guessed he should be cautious a bit. But Hajime wishes that it wouldn't be the worst case that he thought up. Hikari and himself has been best friends ever since he moved here and he really don't want to it to end because of that.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Morrigan Luna Grey Character Portrait: Rion Mizorogi Character Portrait: Hajime Amaterasu Character Portrait: Rin Nakahara Character Portrait: Leona Rain Vincent Character Portrait: Hikari Mizuhara
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"All right then. Rion, let's go." Leona urged her Child as they decided to part ways for now. They should each come up with some sort of plan on how to fight back against Circus without risking their exposure to the general population. People are very gullible and very quick to lay down judgement on who is wrong or right. Sensing that Robin seemed troubled on where he should spend the night, Leona gave a suggestion.
"Hey, since you are Child, I think you can find a way to enter the Hyatt building, a 75 floor apartment complex in the center of town. It's under Sacred Drive's jurisdiction but, as long as their watchdog, the Entity Diligence, is not around, they shouldn't be able to detect you. Otherwise--" Leona took off a key she kept attached to her wallet as some sort of keychain and handed it to the boy. "That's a spare key to a dummy apartment I rent near the business district. You can stay there if you want. It's around a ten minute bus ride west from here, fifty minutes I guess, if you walk." Leona offered him some suggestions before departing with her Child.

Shortly after the bell rang, indicating that it was time for lunch, Mika was immediately hauled to the rooftop by a couple of girls from her class. They immediately berated her for--well, another incident that wasn't even her fault to begin with.
"Useless whore!"
Such hurtful words were thrown at her as she covered her ears helplessly. One of them kicked her in the leg, sending her to the concrete ground, crying. They packed up and left her alone after that--since most of them will somehow stop once they see tears or blood fall. "Why is it my fault again? I didn't even talk to the boy. He just gave me a box as a present of sorts. If only they knew what was inside..." Mika suddenly felt like throwing up once the memories came back. Two days ago, a boy from her class suddenly left her a present, wrapped in a red box with a card attached. Written on the card was: "You are, what you eat..." She took it home, not really minding the suspicious message. Opening the parcel however, she was distraught to find two dead doves with their blood splattered all over the inside of the box.
"You know, it's very easy to end your suffering with them..." A voice immediately spoke up from within her mind, forcing her to stop crying and compose herself. "What are you talking about?" She spoke out loud, since she was alone in the rooftop after all.
"You know full well what I'm talking about. Just lead them to an alley, then use that black thing I've ordered you to strap on your thigh all the time! You can even do it in the open and they'll still see you as the victim. Just another poor, pathetic victim of campus bullying."
"No! I'm not going to do that! I-I'm not like you!" She shouted weakly as she covered her ears again, trying desperately to block the voice.
"You're a hypocrite, girl. You don't want to kill those girls bullying you, but you did not hesitate to put the name of the boy who sent you the parcel on that website dedicated to suggesting targets for the serial killer!"
"That--that was just an experiment! I didn't know what I was doing as I was too caught up in m-my--whatever! Killing is still against the law! I'm not going to do it!"
"Tch! You're not human anymore! Why don't you stop concerning yourself with the laws society placed upon themselves? Just be a good little girl and do whatever I tell you to do!"
"No...I don't want to...I want my old life back...please..." Mika broke down in a very quiet sob as she tried her hardest to resist the Entity within. Akito merely sighed as he surveyed the surroundings, wondering when he'll be able to come out again. Taking note of the time, he urged the girl again. "Hey, your next class is almost starting. Get inside and learn you little dork. Knowledge is power. Next up is history right?"
Mika simply nodded and picked herself up, forgetting to eat her lunch as she made her way inside her classroom. She made sure to dry her tears to hide any traces of her crying as she went back inside. The lesson on history was rather boring for her as she soon felt sleepy but, she had to resist. Otherwise, Akito will just give her a mental beating.

Meanwhile, Akito observed everything within the room. He had been keeping track of a particular aura around school ever since it popped up months ago but now, he felt another one. The same thing, it was rather weak, fitting a Catalyst more than an Entity. The sickening feeling told him it was from Synchronicity. He pinpointed the other boy, having blue hair. He didn't have this same aura back then, telling him that it wasn't too long that he became a Catalyst. "In a way, this girl's weak body does me good. Her aura is just the same as a hospital patient, preventing any of them from detecting me. But, that means I can't use my powers either."

Wanting to find a way, he turned to hist host. "Oi! Mika! Do you know those two boys?" Mika glanced around the room, trying to see what he meant. "Blonde, glasses kid and that blue-haired newcomer. Know them?"
"I don't. I don't have any friends in class remember?"
"Idiot! They don't have to be your friends, just, tell me what you know."
Mika sighed as she told him everything she knows. "The b-blonde is Hajime Amaterasu. He's a little quiet a-and the n-newcomer is Hikari Mizuhara. He plays basketball..."
"Ugh...that it?"
"I only know them by name. I don't even think they can see me in this class." Mika buried her face in her notebook, showing the Entity within her mind her sincerity. Sighing, Akito quietly resigned himself. "Screw this! I'm going to sleep for a while. You listen to your lessons and alert me when you're done for the day."

And with that, Mika felt some sort of relief. The conversations within her mind weren't very pleasant and she was just happy at the fact that Akito will leave her alone until nighttime. Smiling to herself, she slowly buried her face in her arms as she drifted off to sleep.

Rin made her way to the morgue, where the victim's bodies were located. Showing her proof of identity, she inspected the bodies. Marks. Slash marks. The pattern was indicative that it all came from the same person: The wanted serial killer. Activating her search eye, she tried to inspect if anything will appear out of the ordinary.
"Iron traces? A metallic item was probably the main murder weapon. If that's the case, I may be able to trace some of the blood back to the blade. I just need a sample of blood to compare the iron amount, that's all." She took out a small syringe and absorbed some of the stale blood from the most recent victim. Keeping it with her, she exited the hospital, proceeding to the red light district, where the most recent kill was conducted.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hajime Amaterasu Character Portrait: Miruka Hiroyuki Character Portrait: Astraea Cyril Acustica Character Portrait: Hikari Mizuhara Character Portrait: Kyori Akiharu Character Portrait: Kaito Tsukuyomi
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#, as written by chrian.
"Well, let's go back", Kyo stood up, "just laying around here isn't going to give us any thoughts about what to do from here."

"Yeah, I agree", Miruka yawned and got on his feet, "say, do you want to have a swim? It's been a little too hot recently."

"Oh come now", Kyo growled, "you said that because you clearly know that I'm never going to beat you in that, do you?"

"Hehe, it's the only thing I'm good at anyway", Miruka grinned, "so, wanna come?"

Kyo shrugged, "I guess there aren't anything for me to do anyway and Hikari won't be back until late afternoon. So yeah, I'm coming", Kyo giggled.

"That's the spirit. Let's go", Miruka gleefully said and both of them began to make their way to a swimming pool nearby. But just as they were walking, they heard people on the street were fussing something about a serial-killer who kill anyone who betrayed the ones that loved them or having affairs on their back, while some of the teenagers are talking something about a requesting website suggesting targets for killer to kill certain people. And finally, a big TV screen on a building broadcasting about that killer caught their attention.

Both of them then stopped, Kyo turned to Miruka, "This seems suspicious. Mass murder isn't something that is rare in this city, but I think there's something fishy about the "kill anyone who betrayed their lovers trust" part."

Miruka nodded, "I agree. We should considering look into this, it might have something to involve with the Circus."

Then they continued to walk, trying to act as normal as they could. Though they wouldn't worry too much about being found since Kyo is wearing his aura-hinder scarf and he has also enhanced Miruka's necklace earlier so that it'll have the same effect and it won't wear off until the end of this day. On their ways, they came across with a park. But suddenly, Miruka stopped and looked into the park's ground as if he regconized someone there.

Kyo turned his back, "Hey, what happened?"

"That woman with white hair looks familiar", Miruka said as he watched the woman with white hair sitting on a bench in the park, next to her is a man with silvery blue hair who seems to be as tall as him and they were talking to each other. "Let's go and have a closer look."

Kyo nodded and both of them slowly approached the two. When Miruka have a more clearer look at her face, he finally regconized who she is. But the man standing next to her also caught both of their attention because of the aura he was radiating. Kyo was expecting the woman to be an Entity, but he found out that her aura was the same like a normal human, in contrast with the intense aura of the man. "Maybe she is just some of Miruka's acquaintances?", Kyo thought.

"Astraea-oneesan?", Miruka walked up and asked the woman with a smile, gaining her attention, "wow, I never thought that you'd turn up here. Do you remember me?"

A day at school seemed to quickly passing and it was on the edge of twilight now. The sunset began to set and the whole scenery is covered with an orange color. All of the students seemed to have returned to their homes now, except for Hajime who has duty to do the chore today and Hikari who was practicing on the school's ground with his team.

Hajime sighed in relief and swept the sweat on his forehead after he has finished sweeping the floor, "That should do it. Now let's see if Hikari-san has finished practicing or not", he thought as he put the sweeping broom and the basket to their place. He then grabbed his school bag and got out of the classroom and closed the door.

He was walking to the end of the hall where the stairs situated, but suddenly, someone was running on the opposite side of him and bumped into him. Both of them landed on the ground. "Ow", Hajime frowned and grumbled as he rubbed his back. He set his eyes and see who was the one bumped into him.

"Mika-san?", Hajime realized that it was the girl who was being bullied in his class, Mika Iriai, "why are you running like that? Did you forget something?", he asked gently.

He then stood up and reached out his hand to help her stand up, he picked up her school bag. "Here", Hajime swept away the dust and gave it to Mika, "be careful, okay? Have a nice evening", he smiled brightly and waved goodbye to the girl. Most of everyone in his class treated her like a freak, except for him and Hikari since they detest bullying. Hajime sees her just as normal as everyone and wanted to befriend with her, but he didn't find any chances to approach her since both of them are, kind of shy.

When he got to the first floor, he saw that Hikari has finished his practice and he was putting his shoes into his locker. "Hey, finished yet?", Hajime smiled and said out loud as he walked to his friend.

"Yeah, I'm done. Ready to go?", Hikari grinned and said. Hajime nodded and both of them went out of the school and made their ways to the coffee shop they usually hang out.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hajime Amaterasu Character Portrait: Rin Nakahara Character Portrait: Miruka Hiroyuki Character Portrait: Astraea Cyril Acustica Character Portrait: Hikari Mizuhara Character Portrait: Kyori Akiharu
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"Astraea-oneesan? Wow, I never thought that you'd turn up here. Do you remember me?"

Astraea was somehow astonished at the sudden turn of events. One second, she was just about to leave and the next, she was immediately surrounded by two more guys, totaling three that were surrounding her. She recognized the voice that called her by name but, not the face though. Unfortunately, lonely years of wandering somehow affected her memory.
"That belonged to Kindness, Miruka. But--did he always look like that? He seemed a bit--jagged?" Before she could speak out though, the man earlier suddenly dragged her away, preventing any other form of further interaction.
"So sorry young man, you may have mistaken me for somebody else. Have a nice day though!" She called out to the two while her voice could still be heard. She also felt suspicious though. If he was indeed the Entity Kindness she knew, then who was the guy with him? Did Miruka compromise their cover by revealing their existence to that blue-haired passerby? She wanted to ask him herself but before she knew it, they had arrived at a coffee shop around the district.

"Sorry was an instinct."

Astraea sighed. She always found it hard to deal with boys and their "instincts". Still, this man was from Synchronicity but, she wondered why he didn't recognize Miruka, her old ally. His aura was rather old, reminiscent of hers, the last of the Second Generations. Calmly, she proceeded to speak.
"I understand but please, avoid dragging any more women in the future like that. They may be kind-hearted people like you and, a simple talking through usually clears up lots of problems. The light of the human heart hasn't disappeared just yet." She told him as she surveyed the shop. "This shop looks too posh. Are you certain there is a free drinking service here? I'm severely lacking in funds as you may see." Astraea asked the Entity. She wondered about Miruka though but, her growling stomach suggested otherwise.

She wasn't sure if she's ready to go back to the front lines anyway. Still, if Miruka was here then, maybe her old allies were in the city as well?

"U-uh, n-no, t-thank you..." Mika thanked Hajime as she grabbed the things she dropped while running. She was trying to avoid the other girls who were looking for her when she accidentally bumped into him. It's a good thing Akito was asleep though, otherwise he may have mentioned some other things that will only hurt her feelings. After getting her things, she walked away, without looking back, slightly blushing at the thought that he reached out his hand to help her.

"Aki-san mustn't know that I messed up another chance to find some facts about this boy!" She didn't realize she was walking faster than usual that when she reached the gates, she was almost out of breath. Coughing and wheezing, she took out her packed water bottle and took a sip. Regaining her composure, she headed to Willow's Square, the shopping plaza near their school. It had a lot of things: A karaoke, where most of the girls hang out. A manga cafe and arcade for the boys, a club, a nice coffee shop, a fashion store and various dining establishments. She took her time walking around. These short moments of mental freedom was treasure for Mika. She made her way to the bookstore, browsing through the occult section. As she was about to head into the next shelf, another girl almost bumped into her. She was able to dodge her but she apologized nonetheless.

"Ah, sorry." She muttered without even looking up as she exited the store. She mildly blushed at this. After having been bullied for a long time, she feels this way to anyone who offers her even the least bit of kindness. Even if it was another girl. "What are you getting flustered about? If small acts like that are enough to get you all riled up, what more if you get a present or something?" She immediately shook her head in protest. "Whatever. You haven't forgotten why you came here didn't you?"

"No, not at all." Sighing, she put down the book she was holding. It was a big book about potions and other spells. Akito noticed this and that his host was nearing the brink of tears. "Geez Mika, why bother with those books when you can ask me? The legit thing? Fine, you can have it. But please, do not compromise our "budget"." Mika smiled and mentally thanked Akito as she purchased the book. Making her way outside, she seemed to have spotted the two boys she was tasked to observe head inside the coffee shop. She wanted to come closer to properly thank Hajime but, a nudge from Akito made her think otherwise.

After her trip to the store, she headed into the top section of the strip mall, where hobby shops are located. She went inside the most unexpected shop for a girl like her to visit. She was now inside a store dedicated to hunting equipment. What it was doing here, she doesn't know. But, the school doesn't really have any jurisdiction on the mall so--
"Yes, may I help you?" A nice, big clerk asked her.
"U-umm...I-I'm h-here to pick up an order by Akito Hagane? I-I'm his n-niece..." Mika stuttered badly as she wasn't sure if the man will believe her. Surprisingly, he gave her a sly smile as he led her around the back. Taking out a black box, he opened the case to reveal the contents. It was a jet-black FN Five-SeveN.
"Akito sure hasn't ordered for some time. I figured since he had gotten weak, he might need a little assistance. This gun has already been fine tuned to the specs he asked for. I also prepared the rounds for it." He placed three magazines worth of 5.7x28 mm cartridges. "This man is a Circus sympathizer. I usually get my weapons from him when I was still learning to control my powers. If there is any other weapon you want, just ask him." Sensing a bit of confusion from the girl, he supposed he should explain further. "Ah, right. I made the preparations when I took over your body a month ago. That's why you have nothing else to explain aside from my name. Go on, take it and replace that stupid kitchen knife on your thigh."

After all was done, she went out of the shop and headed home, walking on foot out of fear that the metal detectors on the bus and vehicles might be set off. Arriving at her room, she loaded the firearm and held it in her hands. Thoughts of blood and killing rushed into her head as she recalled the scene three years ago. Unable to bear it, she ran to the bathroom and threw up, emptying herself of everything she's eaten--which was almost nothing.

"Oh boy, this might be a little more complicated than I thought..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hajime Amaterasu Character Portrait: Miruka Hiroyuki Character Portrait: Astraea Cyril Acustica Character Portrait: Hikari Mizuhara Character Portrait: Kyori Akiharu Character Portrait: Kaito Tsukuyomi
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#, as written by chrian.
When Miruka asked, the woman turned around and looked at him with confusing eyes. It seems that somehow she did regconize him, although she still have some suspicions about Miruka. Well, it has been a long time and everyone changed, right? And even though Miruka stayed the same on the inside, he has changed so much on the outside that pretty much no one realize him anymore, except for Kyo who has been growing up with him.

"Oh, I guess maybe it's because I've changed quite a bit?", Miruka smiled, "It's me, Mi-"

Before Miruka could finished his sentence, the tall man interrupted and took Astraea away before Miruka could realize. "So sorry young man, you may have mistaken me for somebody else. Have a nice day though!", she said out loud so that Miruka and Kyo could hear before she and the man was nowhere to be seen in the crowd.

"Wait!", Miruka shouted, but there were no one answering him. He stared at the crowd for a bit. "She is definitely Astraea-oneesan, there's no doubt about it. But who is that man?", he thought.

"Hey", Kyo walked to him and patted him on his shoulder, "could you explain to me what's going on here?"

Miruka turned to his friend and sighed, "That woman is Astraea Cyril Acustica, the Second Chastity", he answered, "I used to fight alongside her in the Second War after I've became an Entity. Though it seems that she didn't realize me because it has been so long."

"She's an Entity?", Kyo questioned, "so why did her aura is just as the same like a normal person?"

"It is one of her abilities. She can hinder her aura so that she could staying undercover, like you, Kyo-chin. Though her ability is somewhat more perfect. And because you're wearing that scarf, I guess she couldn't felt your aura too."

Kyo looked at his scarf and then turned to Miruka, "I see... Well, it is a good sign don't you think? You said that she'd be the one that unite us, right?", Miruka nodded, "and the man, do you know who he is? His aura seemed to be quite old though not as old as you so I guess that he's also an Entity belonged to the previous generations."

"Yeah, he seems strong, I must say", Miruka frowned as he moved his hand to his chin and thought, "according to his aura, he's probably on our side too so there's nothing to worry. He seemed a little familiar though. Oh well", Miruka stretched his arms, "maybe I'll remember who that guy is after a good swim. Coming?"

Kyo shrugged, "I'm always with you. Well, what are we waiting for? The last one got to the swimming pool is the young buffalo", Kyo grinned as he began to run.

"Not that fast", Miruka laughed and run after Kyo, feeling as if they are becoming children again.

Hikari and Hajime walking on the street while talking and laughing with each other. Yeah, they knew that the storm is about to come, but they're the Children after all, and literally, they deserved to live innocently for some while, right? After walking for a while, they reached the coffee shop. But before Hajime entered, he saw that Mika was stepping out from a book shop across the street. She seemed to be in a hurry though. He waved to her, but it seems that she didn't see him and quickly went into the crowd. Hajime sighed and went into the coffee shop, which is also the place that his Entity is currently working.

The moment he stepped in, he didn't see Kaito around. "Weird, where did he go? Shouldn't it be his shift by now?", Hajime thought while looking at the watch. Then he and Hikari sat at a table in the corner of the coffee shop. A waitress came and took their orders. Before she left, Hajime asked, "Uh, can I ask where Kaito-san is? Isn't it his shift by now?"

"Oh, Tsukuyomi-san? He said he would be late a little bit but I think he should turn up soon", the waitress replied.

"Thanks, miss", Hajime smiled and the woman bowed to them politely before went to another table. A moment later, their drinks were brought to them and they took a sip at their own drinks before speaking up.

"There's something I want to ask you..."

"I want to ask you something..."

"Ergh...", Hajime blushed a bit before turned to his side and Hikari also do the same. It seems that this subject is harder to speak out than they thought. Hajime looked around to see if there are anyone suspicious and when he felt that there are no other particular aura rather than his and Hikari's, he turned to his best buddy, took a deep breath and said with a small voice so that only both of them could hear.

"Are you someone's catalyst?", Hajime asked. Even though Hikari has prepared for this, he was still surprised. He couldn't believe that his best friend is also a catalyst. Tried to keep calm as much as possible, Hikari nodded, "Y-Yes, I am a Child. So you too...?"

Hajime sighed in relief, it seems that he wouldn't have to worry about anything for now. He replied to Hikari, "Yeah, I'm also a Child, like you. Wow, I can't believe that we aren't just best bros forever, we're also allies on the same side", he grinned.

"I couldn't believe it either", Hikari giggled, "so, how have you been a Child? And whose Child are you?"

"Well, remember when I talked about when I was being found by my aunt and have my own apartment before I went to school?", Hajime said, although he don't want to remember back then anymore, he knows he could share everything with his best friend, "I went back to find Kaito-san and he offered me to become his Child, which I accepted and I've been a catalyst since then."

Hikari was pretty surprised to hear that, "So he is...?"

"Kaito-san is Temperance. Which means that I'm the Child of Temperance. Surprise?", Hajime playfully said, "and you? Ever since I met you, your aura is still like a normal person, until this morning, so you've just became a Child recently, right?", Hikari nodded, "so who is your Entity? And how did you became his or her Child?"

"Well", Hikari blushed a bit when he remembered back to two nights ago, "I was returning from my work at the diner, you see. And I was cornered by a group of thugs and almost being killed. Then a man turned up and rescue me, I asked him how could I repay him and he revealed himself to be the Virtue of Humility and offered me to become his Child. That's what happened."

"I see", Hajime was quite astonished by Hikari's story, "it seems that both of us are in-debts with our own Entities in some ways."

"I know, right?", Hikari grinned. They continued to talked while enjoying their drinks. A while later, the coffee shop's entrance opened and a man walked in. Hajime could immediately realized the familiar aura, and it was no one other than his Entity, but it seems that he is going with a woman dresses in white.

"Hey, Kaito-san", Hajime gleefully waved to Kaito in order to gain his attention.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Morrigan Luna Grey Character Portrait: Hajime Amaterasu Character Portrait: Serpent of Envy Character Portrait: Rin Nakahara Character Portrait: Nozomi Kannagi Character Portrait: Astraea Cyril Acustica
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"I understand but please, avoid dragging any more women in the future like that. They may be kind-hearted people like you and, a simple talking through usually clears up lots of problems. The light of the human heart hasn't disappeared just yet."

Kaito scratched the back of his neck, smiling a bit sheepishly. Sometimes, he figured, he had to think a bit and not jump to conclusions. Well, he couldn't afford to get angry- He was the one in the wrong side anyway. "Aha...sorry. I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions." He apologized again, then quited down as the woman began to speak again.

"This shop looks too posh. Are you certain there is a free drinking service here? I'm severely lacking in funds as you may see."

"No, don't worry about that, Miss...I'll take care of everything." He assured her as he gently led her in, following just behind. Just then, he heard someone call out.

"Hey, Kaito-san!"

Turning to the familiar voice, he noticed his Child waving to him and sighed in relief. That was one problem off the rack for Entity of Temperance. He led the woman with him over to Hajime and his friend. "Glad to see you here, Hajime. Say, you don't mind sharing tables with another customer, right?" Once Kaito was given the green light, he waited for the girl to sit before he turned around. "I'll get right back to you, Miss! Don't worry, it's on me!" He called before disappearing into the area for employees, sighing.

"Oh boy...Tsubaki, I'll pay you back in the next life at this rate..." He thought to himself, before changing into his uniform to approach the table of the three again.

Serpent darted through the tunnels in her snake form, letting the seven snake familiars slither along with her as she continued to travel, looking for the Nozomi person's aura. Then she abruptly stopped- sensing something here. She turned to the familiars. "Don't come out unless I tell you to, alright?" She commanded before emerging and quickly shifting into her human form. She glanced around the area- it seemed that she was in the red-light district, where the killing had occurred-"And...Sloth's gone. Ugh." Serpent thought glumly to herself.

"Serpent. Can you hear me?" She heard Alistaur's voice echo in her mind as he sent a telepathic message. She rolled her eyes. "Yeah. I'm in the area where the killing had happened. Hopefully nothing bad happens in this little investigation." She thought back at him, starting to walk around.

On Erebus and Lionel's side though, Lionel stopped from his careful investigation of any auras at the area when he got a message from Nozomi.

"I've now confirmed that the white-haired girl I followed is the Entity Lust. Whether or not she's connected to the killings is still unknown. I'll continue to linger around here until you guys can send in a replacement."

"Alright. Alistair sent Serpent out as a replacement earlier- I'll just send the news to her." Lionel thought back at him, then sighed. Erebus raised an eyebrow at him. "Change of plans in the investigation?" "Only on Serpent's side. Otherwise our mission remains the same." Lionel replied to the much taller man as he quickly formed up a message to send to the Entity of Envy. "Change of plans. Get out of there- You'll he dealing with the Entity of Lust."

Back with Serpent, the girl groaned at the news received from Lionel. "You're sending me, Envy, to deal with someone who inflicts natural jealousy among women?!" "Yes." Serpent just sighed and started to move away, glaring and muttering as she shoved her hands into the pockets of her skirt. She heard a call from Alistair again. "No need to rage. You're just picking up a comrade." "Quiet. Ugh, if I run into that girl again, this day will be complete hell."

"Girl?" "You know, little miss neko and her best friend the Model 686--" Serpent froze mid-statement as she noticed that familiar, pale blue-haired girl who claimed to be a cat. The same person she was talking about. She let out a sigh of exasperation.
"How can this day be any more hellish...?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hajime Amaterasu Character Portrait: Miruka Hiroyuki Character Portrait: Astraea Cyril Acustica Character Portrait: Hikari Mizuhara Character Portrait: Kyori Akiharu Character Portrait: Kaito Tsukuyomi
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#, as written by chrian.
"Splash!" Miruka grinned as he splashed the water into Kyo's face. "Take this," Kyo laughed playfully and splashed back at his friend. After some while chasing each other on the street, they made it to the swimming pool and now they're having some quality time together after they've swum some laps around the pool and the winner is, well, Miruka.

The afternoon's sun shining gently. Kyo leaned himself against the edge of the pool as the water gently tapped into his naked-torso, he closed his eyes and tried to relax. Miruka let himself floated on the water and looked up into the blue sky. They seemed relaxing. Yeah, the war is coming, they know that, but before that, it's better to stay calm and try to clear their mind, isn't it? Until their side united and they felt that they're ready to step into the front lines, they knew that they won't be able to make any major steps against the Circus

"Ah, feel good," Kyo said, "it's been a long while."

"I know, right?" Miruka answered, he then stood up and went to Kyo. As he moved, he saw that there are some girls were looking at him and smiling shyly, though it seems that they don't really dare to come and flirt with him. Miruka winked at them and leaned at the edge, next to Kyo. "Well, what do we got here? A tall, muscular guys who always seems to caught girls' hearts at first sight," Kyo said playfully, "looks like you're still the center of attention wherever you go, Miru-kun."

"Nah, don't talk about it," Miruka laughed, "it's a pain rather than something that I'd be proud about."

"So, have you remember who that guy is?", Kyo asked.

"Yeah," Miruka nodded, "if I remember correctly, then his name is Kaito Tsukuyomi, the Second Temperance."

"The Second Temperance, huh?" Kyo said and moved his hand to his chin, "so why didn't he realize you?"

"I don't know. Maybe he's forgot about me, it's been quite long since the last war, remember?" Miruka replied, "I don't really remember but I think I fought with him after my father was killed but I haven't became an Entity yet. That's what I can remember. I don't know how was he after I'm dead and became an Entity though."

"If he is truly Temperance, then it means that all the Virtues on our side had arrived," Kyo looked up, "maybe it's time. We have to stand up."

Miruka nodded, "Though the Circus haven't been making any major steps against us yet, we still need to be prepare for whatever they're going to throw at us, and we definitely have to look into the serial-killer case."

"I agree," Kyo said as he stepped up from the pool, his hair is still wet so it is kinda messy and water streamed all over his body, then he turned to Miruka, "Hikari should be back by now. We should return. I hope that he was not being followed."

"Don't worry, he can take care of himself," Miruka jumped onto the ground, "Let's go and dry ourselves." He said and they made their ways to the changing room.

After they've dried themselves and got dressed, they went out from the pool's entrance and soon they were in the middle of the crowd. As they were walking, Kyo moved his middle finger onto his temple to find his Child's location.

"Hikari? Can you hear me?" Kyo asked in his mind through their connection.

"Oniisan? It's that you?" the Child asked.

Kyo sighed in relief, it seems that he wasn't too far from where they're going, "Yeah, it's me, where are you?"

"I'm at a coffee shop with my friend. I gave you the spare keys, right? Can you go back to my apartment by yourself?"

"Would you mind if I came there?"

"No, it's fine," Hikari giggled, "there's someone I want to introduce you by the way."

"Okay, Miruka and I will be there in 10 minutes." Kyo smiled and said.

"Where is Hikari-san?" Miruka asked. "He is in a coffee shop with his friend, it seems that there's someone that he wants me to meet."

"I wonder who," Miruka grinned. Then they went to the coffee shop where Hikari was. "Wow, he usually hang out at a posh coffee shop like this?" Miruka said while looking at the entrance. "Okay, what are we waiting for?" Miruka smiled and both of them get in. And they wouldn't expect in a million year that the people that they came across earlier are also inside too.

After Hajime called for Kaito, he and the woman went to their table. "Glad to see you here, Hajime. Say, you don't mind sharing tables with another customer, right?" Kaito asked.

"Sure, why not?" Hajime grinned. He is always happy to see his Entity.

With that, Kaito then went to the employees' area. "Well, please help yourself Miss," Hajime smiled and said to the woman. He gave a quick glance at her. She is somewhat elegant and looks really nice. "She and Kaito-san might be a perfect match..." he thought and giggled playfully to himself.

"Miss," Hajime spoke up to gain her attention, "are you one of Kaito-san's friend? I don't remember meeting you before, but nice to meet you though. I'm Hajime."

Then he realized that his friend was thinking something, "Hey, what's up Hikari-san?" he asked.

"Oh, it's nothing," Hikari giggled then turned to the woman, "I'm Hikari, nice to meet you."

A moment later, Kaito went back to them after he has changed to his uniform. But at the same time, the entrance of the coffee shop opened and two young men stepped in. And the first thing that caught their sight is the four at the table in the corner of the shop.

"Hey Kyo-oniisan, over here," Hikari waved to them. Both of them stood there and looking at each other a bit then eventually went to the table. Kaito seemed to still be cautious of them though.

"It's okay, there's no need to be so tense like that, Tsukuyomi-san. If I'm from the Circus, I wouldn't address her as oneesan, anyway." Miruka smiled gently then turned to Astraea, "I think we did have a connection for keep bumping into each other like that. I'm sorry for not be able to speak with you properly earlier. It's me, Miruka the Second Kindness. Long time no see, Astraea-oneesan."

Kyo then moved and stood next to Miruka, he then put off his scarf, allowed his aura to radiate again, "And I'm sorry that you didn't realize us just because you can't feel our aura. I also have ability like you too, though it wasn't as perfect as you. My name is Kyori Akiharu, the Third Humility. Pleasure to meet you." Kyo said and bowed gracefully then he put on his scarf back.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hajime Amaterasu Character Portrait: Miruka Hiroyuki Character Portrait: Astraea Cyril Acustica Character Portrait: Hikari Mizuhara Character Portrait: Kyori Akiharu Character Portrait: Kaito Tsukuyomi
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"Miss, are you one of Kaito-san's friend? I don't remember meeting you before, but nice to meet you though. I'm Hajime."
"I'm Hikari, nice to meet you."

As the two boys introduced themselves, Astraea nodded and acknowledged their introduction. As she was about to introduce herself, both Miruka and the man from earlier came into the shop.

"I think we did have a connection for keep bumping into each other like that. I'm sorry for not be able to speak with you properly earlier. It's me, Miruka the Second Kindness. Long time no see, Astraea-oneesan."

"And I'm sorry that you didn't realize us just because you can't feel our aura. I also have ability like you too, though it wasn't as perfect as you. My name is Kyori Akiharu, the Third Humility. Pleasure to meet you."

"Now it makes sense..." Astraea took a sip from her drink and introduced herself formally. She didn't really like it but, there's no use in hiding now. "I suppose Kindness had already said enough but, allow me to introduce myself then. I am Astraea Cyril Acustica, the Second Entity of Chastity called to participate in this war."

She glanced at Kyo and noticed that he took off the scarf. "Don't take it off just yet Kyo. As the one endowed with the lead position, your aura is very intense; easy to spot. You might give your position away." She addressed him nicely, informing him of the danger of having your aura radiating at all times. She turned to the other Entity, the one who took her there and smiled.

"You don't have to be too wary anymore. These people are allies." Astraea urged him to sit down and discuss their next move. She wondered if they have already made progress on their own. She hadn't participated in the war for a long time now.

"So, I somehow remember most of our members, with the exception of the Third Generation." She glanced at Kyo as she said it. Clearing her throat, she addressed them formally. "Since you've already backed me up here, I'll get straight to the point: I have no intention of returning to the front lines, if that's your intention in seeking me out." Astraea gave them a serious look. She had concealed herself for such a long time and she wasn't going to let it be blown in the course of a day.

"Well, how are you holding up?" The Entity within the mind spoke to the weary Mika. He was teaching her how to initiate Tempest but so far, they haven't made too much progress. The difference in their body strength and mental stability was too great.
"Sorry, I can't! I just can't!" Mika collapsed to the ground, her hand slightly burnt. Not too detrimental. It was just sore but not really black.
"This is it. Unless I can restore my old powers back, I don't think I'm seeing any action for a while." Akito thought as he observed the girl's sad situation.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hajime Amaterasu Character Portrait: Miruka Hiroyuki Character Portrait: Astraea Cyril Acustica Character Portrait: Hikari Mizuhara Character Portrait: Kyori Akiharu Character Portrait: Kaito Tsukuyomi
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#, as written by chrian.
"Don't take it off just yet Kyo. As the one endowed with the lead position, your aura is very intense; easy to spot. You might give your position away." Astraea warned Kyo.

He smiled to her, "You don't have to worry, I know that. But even if I don't wear it, I have my own ways of staying undercover, you'll see," Kyo winked to Astraea.

She then told Kaito not to worry about them and urged them to sat down to discuss about their moves. Miruka sat but Kyo decided to stood still. "So, I somehow remember most of our members, with the exception of the Third Generation." Astraea said as she glanced at Kyo a bit, "Since you've already backed me up here, I'll get straight to the point: I have no intention of returning to the front lines, if that's your intention in seeking me out."

The woman said to them formally and suddenly went serious. Kyo sighed, it seems that no one are ready just yet. But he understands that and he willing to let them be ready. "Well, that is one of our reasons that we want to meet you, but really, we just came across you, that's all," Kyo said while scratches the back of his neck, "if you aren't ready just yet, then no one wanted to force you either. Since the Circus haven't been taken any drastic moves either, staying low is the best thing to do, I think. And we still have some conflicts between our members, which is why we needed time to sort that out, right?" Kyo said then straighthen himself up, "So, please take your time to prepare if you want. However, when the time has come, we all need to unite and fight if we want to survive."

"Well, I think we should be going for now, if you guys need me, I'll be hanging around," he said then turned to Hikari, "come Hikari, let's go."

Hikari nodded and stood up and went to Kyo. When he has stood next to him, he turned to Hajime and smiled to him, "See you tomorrow, okay?"

"Yeah," The blonde hair boy smiled said, "see you."

"Do you want to come along, Miru-kun?" Kyo asked his friend.

"Nah, I think I should stay," he replied, "just go, I'll see you two tomorrow."

"Take care," Kyo smiled as he turned his back and went out of the entrance with his Child and they both headed back to Hikari's apartment. On their ways, Kyo asked, "So, the person that you want to introduce me is your friend?"

"Yeah, because he is also a Child so I think I should let you know," Hikari giggled and replied.

Kyo nodded, "I see... Okay, what do you want to eat tonight?"

"You can cook?" Hikari frowned, "Are you sure that it is edible?"

Kyo then ruffled the boy's head, "Don't underestimate your oniisan," he smiled and said, "okay, to the grocery shop we go."

Back in the coffee shop, Miruka was sitting next to Hajime, opposite with the other two Entities. He took a sip from his drink then spoke up. "You can count on Kyo, although he didn't look like it, he is just as strong as the previous Humility, you'll see." He said, still keeping his gentle smile.

"So, you guys have been staying undercover too?" Hajime asked. Besides from Kaito, he doesn't know any of the other Entities so their arrival somewhat confused him.

"Yeah," Miruka turned to him and replied, "I've been staying undercover and I didn't come out from my retreat until a few days ago. But a lot of things have happened and I'm willing to tell you guys all about it."

He then turned to Astraea, "It's been a while since the last time, right oneesan? Finally we can have a chance to talk," He said to her with a giggled, "I'm looking forward to fighting with you again. Say, since you didn't have anywhere to stay around here, would you mind staying with me? It is better than to stay apart since we can come across with the Circus at anytime. But it's up to you though."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hajime Amaterasu Character Portrait: Miruka Hiroyuki Character Portrait: Astraea Cyril Acustica Character Portrait: Kaito Tsukuyomi
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#, as written by chrian.
"What I'm trying to say is that I have no more intention of participating any further. This city has already suffered too much, it doesn't need to suffer any more than it already had. I think it's best if we continue on our separate ways for now. There's still a lot of things I have to clear up and I think you do as well. We all have personal problems that we need to sort out before heading into an even larger one that involves the whole city."

Miruka sighed. Sometimes, he wondered if Kyo and himself are the only ones that truly wanted to stand up in this battle. "There are unknown reasons that we were chosen to be Entities that we might never know. But no matter if we are from Synchronicity, or from the Circus, we can't run away from what the fate has designed. Whether the wars continue or not, people will just continue to suffer. Please remember that, the only way to resolves conflicts and achieve what they defined 'peace' is to fight." Miruka said, "I was hoping that you'll be the one that stands up and unite us like the previous wars, but it seemed that everyone's changed. Still, I respect your decisions though. But if you ever changed your mind, you know where to find me."

"Well, I'll see you around Miruka-kun. Say hello to Leona-san and Masenai-san for me." Astraea stood up and bid goodbye to Miruka, while leaving her amiulet behind on the table. "I guess I will. See you, oneesan." Miruka smiled and waved to her as she exited the shop.

"Kyo and I really have to stand alone now, huh?" He thought.

Miruka took Astraea's amulet and put it into his jacket's pocket, "I will pay the money for her drinks."

"Hey, if I may?" Hajime spoke up, "We're in some sorts of conflict?"

Miruka turned to the Child, "Yeah, I think so. It's pretty complicated." He sighed.

"So, what are we going to do now?" Hajime asked.

"I don't know yet, but it seems that we're gonna stay like this for a while," Miruka said as he touched the back of his head, then turned to the two, "so how about you two? What are your next moves?"

"I have no ideas either," Hajime replied, "I'm with Kaito-san."

Miruka then looked at the man who has been staying quiet all the time, "I don't remember seeing you much after I've became an Entity, but back when I was still a Child, I think I did fight alongside you until I was killed. So this time, will you participate in this war, or will you continue to stay undercover?"

With that, both Hajime and Miruka turned to Kaito, waiting for his response.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hajime Amaterasu Character Portrait: Miruka Hiroyuki Character Portrait: Leona Rain Vincent Character Portrait: Astraea Cyril Acustica Character Portrait: Kyori Akiharu Character Portrait: Masenai Autoro
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#, as written by chrian.
Seemingly that Miruka isn't going to receive any answers, he decided to back up for now. He stood up and paid the money for his and Astraea's drinks. "Well, if you aren't going to give me any answer for now, you know where to find me."

"It's getting late, so I better get going too." Hajime also stood up, then turned to Kaito, "I'll see you around, okay?"

With that, both of them bid goodbye to Kaito and got out from the coffee shop. before they decided to part into different ways, Hajime asked Miruka, "So, what are you going to do for now?"

"I don't know just yet," he replied, "maybe I should discuss a little bit more with Kyo before we make any further moves."

"Okay," Hajime nodded, "well, I don't think I will be much of a help, but if you needed someone to back up, you can call me. I don't know if Kaito-san will act or not, but if we really have to stand up, then I'm willing to."

Miruka smiled, "Thanks, Hajime-san. See you again sometime." He said then turned his back and walked.

"Goodbye, Miruka-san." Hajime smiled and waved to him then made his way back to his apartment.

Miruka wandered around the city until it's get dark. He looked up on the sky, "It's already dark." He thought then pulled out his phone and dialed Kyo.

"Hello?" The person from the other side of the phone answered.

"Hey, it's me," Miruka answered, "where are you now?"

"Wandering around the shopping district, and you?" Kyo asked.

"I'm near there too, let's meet up at that mall." Miruka replied and then made his way to the mall.

A moment later, they met up in front of the mall, even at night, the city is still crowded. "Hey, Kyo-chin." Miruka walked up to his friend. "Miru-kun." Kyo smiled and waved to him. They then moved to a deserted alley near there and began to talk. Kyo then told Miruka what he has found when he went to their headquarters.

"Aw, not fair," Miruka growled, "you went there without me? If you decided to make a move, at least give me a call. Without me, even you wouldn't know about its existence, you know?"

"Hehe, sorry, I couldn't wait," Kyo scratches the back of his head and said, "and you, what are Astraea's and Kaito's responses?"

"Astraea-oneesan, well, let's just say that she's decided to back up like the others, it seemed that despites what they said, no one ever wanted to participate with us," Miruka sighed, "and about Tsukuyomi, well, I didn't receive any response so I gave him sometimes to answer, but his Child is willing to work with us, it seemed. At least everything didn't turn out to be that bad."

"I see," Kyo nodded understandingly, "so what now?"

"Well, since our headquarters haven't changed a bit since the last time we went there, and I think both Leona and Masenai are up to a plan for now, should we go for them?" Miruka suggested.

"I was thinking the same thing," Kyo said, "even though our encounters with them didn't turn out to be so well last time, but since the situation is becoming more and more complicated, I doubted that they're just going to sit there and do nothing. And we all need a place where we can discuss our moves without being spied on. I guess they should listen to us this time."

"I agree," Miruka nodded, "not even them know about our hidden basement yet since this is the secret between me and Kaori - the Second Humility. Let's go."

Kyo nodded and then they both made their ways towards the Bishop's Park.

When they've made it there, they can noticed that the two Entities they encountered a few nights ago seemed to be discussing about somethings, just like they expected. Both Miruka and Kyo now still have their auras hindered so there are nothing to worry much, and because there are a lot of people walking around, they should be able to stay low. Both of them walked up to Leona and Masenai.

"Hey guys," Kyo spoke up and gained their attention, "haven't seen you guys around, it seemed that you guys are still doing a hell of a good job."

Before they could reacted, Miruka continued to spoke, "Sorry about the incident a few nights away, it seems that we did get carried away. But as you know, since the situation right now is becoming a little, well, complicated as it seemed, I think this is the perfect time for us to plan about our next moves, together."

"Miruka here and I know a perfect place for us where we can stay undercover and I can guarantee that as long as we're there, the Circus won't be able to track us down," Kyo said while holding his hand at them, "so what do you say? Will you help us this time? If you agree, then Miruka here will explain to you about what we've find. And let's just say that, this time, we really needed helps from veterans like both of you."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hajime Amaterasu Character Portrait: Miruka Hiroyuki Character Portrait: Leona Rain Vincent Character Portrait: Hikari Mizuhara Character Portrait: Kyori Akiharu Character Portrait: Masenai Autoro
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0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.
"Well, we'll need to see the place first. If it can hold on its own, then I suggest stationing the Children who aren't battle-ready yet to serve as our eyes and ears." Leona responded.

Miruka nodded, "Thanks for being with us, oneesan. It's good to see that there's still a cool-headed person around." He smiled, then both of them turned their back and motioned the Entities and their Children to follow, "Now, shall we? This place is pretty close to that factory where you killed Akito."

As they made their way, Leona spoke up, "You two-You've seen news of this "serial killer" correct? I was planning on investigating that one, in the hopes that eventually, he or she might lead us to our opponents. If we can really show that this killings were done by the Circus, then maybe, public opinion will go our way and yes, I care a lot about public opinion, lest there be another three-way skirmish between us, the Circus and Sacred Drive. Although, when that happens, the Circus may lose all hesitation and go all-out in their attacks. Their powers are rather destructive so, it's still an operation with its own share of risks. Now the question is whether or not you guys think the reward is worth that risk.

"We've also planned to look into this case. We felt that there's something fishy about that the victims were all the people who has commited disloyalty. I think we should be able to find more information when we get there and we can discuss our moves about this." Kyo replied, "Of course, once we've decided to participate, we're well-aware of whatever risks that may come, but there's no way to turn back now."

When they were walking, it seemed that Masenai has sent Robin to go on scouting, Miruka then turned to him before he went away, "After you've finished your scouting, make your way to the old industrial district and find an old library, that's where you can find us. Be careful."

With that, Robin went away and they continued to make their ways towards the district, because the people on the street are still crowded so they wouldn't have to worry much about their auras' radiation. Miruka then took his phone and dialed the number of Hajime.

"Hajime-kun?" Miruka asked.

"Miruka-san? What's happened?" The boy from the other side asked.

"Do you know the old industrial district?"

"Yes, my apartment is near there." Hajime replied.

"Good, make your way there, search for the only old library around the corner and wait for us. If you came across with Hikari-san, take him there too."

"Okay, I will. See you there."

A while later, Kyo and Miruka leaded them through some alleys and reached the old library which Kyo stopped by earlier and both of the Children are also waiting for them. When Hikari and Hajime saw the group, they then went to them, though they wondered about who are those people and why would Miruka told them to wait here.

"Hikari, Hajime, nice to see you two again." Kyo smiled and said to the two, and introduced them to the other Virtues, "these two are Leona Rain Vincent and Masenai Autoro, the Entities of Patience and Charity. Hikari has already known about Leona-oneesan. As you know, they're one of the few Entities that had seen through the wars and also ones of those who founded our group, you both needed to show them respects, okay?"

Both of the Children nodded understandingly, then Kyo said to the seniors, "The blue hair boy here is my Child, his name is Hikari and the other boy is Hajime, he is the Child of the Second Temperance. They're only catalysts, but they're willing to help us and I think we will need all the help we can get right now, don't you think? Because they're still new, I apologize if they ever annoyed you and I hope that they can learn from you as much as we did."

"Okay, done with the introduction, now let's go." Miruka said as he walked up to the old, wooden door and opened it. He waited until everyone is in and then closed it. "Kyo-chin?" He turned and asked his friend. Kyo nodded and walked up to the symbol in the middle of the library and revealed the stairs to the basement. "Shall we?" Kyo looked at the rest while conjuring a lightball in his palm while motioning the rest to follow him.

As they were walking down the stairs, Miruka began to induce about this headquarters to the senior Entities and the Children, "Do you remember back in the first war, when First Humility led our group on an ambush to take on the Circus? Because we haven't planned carefully and somehow the Circus has expected our movements, although we did cause quite a blow to their forces, a lot our comrades were killed. After the first war ended, Kaori Akibara - the Second Humility learned from that mistake and she decided that we need a secret headquarters where we can gather around and discuss our plans carefully without being spied on."

Miruka paused a bit to let his words sink in and continued as they walked, "Back then, she discussed with Ryan Anderson - the Second Diligence, since Ryan has the power to bring his imagination to life while Kaori has the power of consecration like Kyo. At first, Kaori came up with the design of our headquarters and then after that, Ryan built this place with his imagination. To keep this place a secret from the Circus' eyes and ears, Kaori has put a very powerful enhancement among these floors, which you might have felt the moment you stepped your feet in here. This enhancement will cover all of our auras as long as we're here and the Circus won't be able to track us down. Their familiars will also immediately be exorcised if they penetrate into these grounds. And even if the Circus found out, the enhancement will also greatly weaken them to the point that we can take them on, it won't affect members of our side. And only the people that were chosen to be Humility can open the entrance to this hidden basement we're heading to. You get the ideas."

Finally, they reached the bottom and Kyo lead them to the door. Miruka then continued, "This place was built just before the battle that ended the second war, because Kaori felt that it'd be a perfect place to stay undercover for us Synchronicity should the wars ever commence again. Kaori and Ryan has kept this place a secret, even with our members. But before the battle, Kaori revealed this place to me and ask me not to tell anyone until another war began. And as you know, in that battle, both Kaori and Ryan were unfortunately being killed, led to the end of the second war. And so far, I only tell Kyo about this place because he is Humility. Now you all have known about its existence. I hope that this will be a place where we can take proper discussions and plan out correct strategies."

When they've reached the door, Kyo scanned his insignia and the door opened. "Welcome everyone to Synchronicity's Secret Headquarters." Kyo said to everyone and they stepped in as the light were turned on. It seemed that everyone was pretty amazed, especially the Children.

"Have a seat." Miruka said and then went to the computer as a the map of the whole city appeared on the screen. "From what Kyo and I discovered, it seemed that most of the Sins have decided to got out from their retreat. The new Entities like Envy and Lust have also turned up too. And from the records that we took from the Circus' earthly headquarters a few days ago, I've came to a conclusion that they also have a hidden hideout that we didn't know, but just as we don't know about their headquarters, I don't think that they know about ours either so there we don't have to worry about being found out for now."

Kyo then stepped up and continued, "There are two things that are bothering me. One, usually the Judgement will choose a new Entity as replacement to the one that was killed, right? But this time, there isn't anyone taking after Akito's role. I think that something isn't right. And two is about the serial-killer case. At first, we aren't sure if that killer was from the Circus or not, serial-killing isn't something that is rare in this city, but because the killer wrote the passage "Come to me Synchronicity, I'll be waiting~", we think that this might be one of the Sins' doing, because if you remember then we have a case like this back then too. I don't know why did she want to gain the public's attention like that, but I feared that she'd exposed her identity to the public like Akito did in the past when we face her and that will cause us quite some trouble to deal with."

Kyo then sat down at a chair in the round table, "That's what we've discovered so far. I think that the Sacred Drive will also look into this case sooner or later. So what are your opinions?" Kyo said to the two senior Entities, "Oh, I almost forgot, when Robin returned, the entrance will automatically opened for him so no worry."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Morrigan Luna Grey Character Portrait: Hajime Amaterasu Character Portrait: Rin Nakahara Character Portrait: Miruka Hiroyuki Character Portrait: Leona Rain Vincent Character Portrait: Hikari Mizuhara
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0.00 INK

Having followed the younger virtues to the hideout with Leona Masenai sighed. Looking at the two as they spoke very and almost rapidly as The Virtue had to actually and finally lift up a hand to stop them talking so he could speak. They obviously had a lot of info but they also had inexperienced children. "First things first. Envy I have heard is around, yes. As for Lust, I have my doubts, as per little evidence and she's as almost as big a grey area as a possible new wrath at this moment. And as for Akito I assure you he's dead in the ground. Maybe Judgement was so frightened by Akito's performance as Wrath that it's hard to decide a new one. The Serial Killer could be indeed a new Sin, but it could be obvious the circus hasn't found her yet, which means they'll possibly be actively looking as well."

Heaving a sigh Masenai looked at them again. "As for the Case of it itself, Sacred Drive may indeed have their heads deep in the case if Diligence is amongst them. Hence why I told my Child to exercise caution and not use his special ammunition his magic provides and temporarily go Melee. Also, Robin also is looking into a more personal case for him as well, one that I'd promise we'd help in anyway we'd can. I shall explain in due time. For now Robin will be fine on his own, I'll use telepathy to check on him now and again. Right now, The Children of Humility and Kindness should learn how to fend for themselves. Anything to add Leona?"


Robin however was walking along a street past the red light district, where the most recent killing took place. He heard that much and saw some details of the crime scene from the news. However, nothing more or less. "Talk about finding a grain of rice in a snowfield. If Sacred Drive got to the crime scene, then I'm in for some competition. I wonder if I'll get paid for turning in the killer to the authorities?" he mused to himself as he walked. As he slowly began the search, he actually began to ponder other things. Things he never thought of. What did Dilegence look like? Do they have a Child? How will he recognize the rogue virtue? All of these variables were knocked around in his head. Then of course, the questions he's been asking himself since the beginning of his life as a bounty Hunter.

"Where are they? Why did my Parents disappear? Did they hate me?" The thoughts always came to him. The one case he might never solve. No. No time for that now. He had to focus on finding a serial killer, and if it was an entity, find a way to kill it swift before Sacred Drive, or Dilegence caught up to him. The hunt is on, the game afoot.


The empty abandoned building was good for the night to Morrigan. She felt angered and betrayed. The metal of her sword betrayed her to that woman, who somehow managed to trace her. The sadness she began to feel was slightly justified but she couldn't cry. She wanted to, but who'd care? In the end she felt alone in the world she was brought back to. She had no shoulder to cry on at the moment. She had to keep a firm grip on the fact she was being hunted and had to find a way to hide once more and plot her revenge on the organization who had squeezed her into a corner. She'd do a double kill the next time, and this time, mutilate the bodies so horrendously there would be no way to identify them.

"They'll get their comuppance...I'll write my next killing denouncing them. Calling them fraudelent forces with no real cause....the Sacred Drive will rue the day they did this to me."

Suddenly she felt a strange occurrence. Summoning her Love's bite she turned sharply. "Who's there?!?" she shouted angrily.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hajime Amaterasu Character Portrait: Miruka Hiroyuki Character Portrait: Leona Rain Vincent Character Portrait: Hikari Mizuhara Character Portrait: Kyori Akiharu Character Portrait: Masenai Autoro
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0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.
"As for the Case of it itself, Sacred Drive may indeed have their heads deep in the case if Diligence is amongst them. Hence why I told my Child to exercise caution and not use his special ammunition his magic provides and temporarily go Melee. Also, Robin also is looking into a more personal case for him as well, one that I'd promise we'd help in anyway we'd can. I shall explain in due time. For now Robin will be fine on his own, I'll use telepathy to check on him now and again. Right now, The Children of Humility and Kindness should learn how to fend for themselves. Anything to add Leona?" Masenai replied.

Kyo nodded then turned to the Children, who are busy looking around the discussion room in amazed, "May I gain your attention, please?" He called them and both of the Child straighthen themselves up, Kyo then said to Masenai, "Okay, if you said so, I think you can teach them in the meanwhile? I guess you should get to know about their powers first. Hikari has the power to control forcefield, which allowed him to set up barriers that should be able to deflect most of the attacks from the enemies, I've helped him to discover his power but he hasn't reach his full potential yet, he can also uses knives as weapon to defense himself." Then Kyo turned to Hajime, "And you, Hajime, what are your powers?"

Hajime nodded and speak as politely as he could, "My main ability is healing, Kaito Tsukuyomi - my Entity said that I should be able to heal any kind of wounds, though that still depends on how much strenght I've left. I can also enhance weapons so that they can deal better damages. Even if I'm more suitable as a back-up, I can still capable of defending myself by using fire, though I've never had a chance to use it yet. Kaito-san and I don't usually go out and practice our powers anyway."

"I see," Kyo then walked to a bookshelf, then he pulled out a book. Suddenly, the bookshelf moved itself and revealed a steeled-door, Kyo then opened it and inside was a training room, "Here's our training room. You three can training in here. Don't worry if you cause any damages, everything will just returned to its normal state if you walked out of the room and go back again. Masenai-senpai, you can take your time and teach them some tricks. I, Miruka and Leona-oneesan will discuss about our next moves." Kyo straighthen himself up and gave them a smile, "Well, have fun, I guess."

With that, Kyo went to Leona and Miruka, "Okay, what's your strategies, oneesan?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Izumi Kimura Character Portrait: Rion Mizorogi Character Portrait: Hajime Amaterasu Character Portrait: Rin Nakahara Character Portrait: Miruka Hiroyuki Character Portrait: Leona Rain Vincent
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0.00 INK

Leona surveyed the surroundings. The base was hidden well enough, as it seems. Somehow, she wonders if the base's close proximity to the Hayashibara Power Plant somehow helps in concealing or warding off the other hostile Entities. After all, the fact that Akito, the one considered to have the most destructive power in all of Circus was slain there. Surely no one else would bother to take the risk?

Maybe Judgement was so frightened by Akito's performance as Wrath that it's hard to decide a new one. The Serial Killer could be indeed a new Sin, but it could be obvious the circus hasn't found her yet, which means they'll possibly be actively looking as well."

Now this was a bit troublesome. They have to find and apprehend the killer first before their opponent add any more to their ranks. With the lack of a Second-Generation Wrath, Leona isn't too keen on trying to unearth any more of that. There is a possibility playing in her mind but, the chances are too remote so she decided to not say anything about it.

"As for the Case of it itself, Sacred Drive may indeed have their heads deep in the case if Diligence is amongst them. Hence why I told my Child to exercise caution and not use his special ammunition his magic provides and temporarily go Melee. Also, Robin also is looking into a more personal case for him as well, one that I'd promise we'd help in anyway we'd can. I shall explain in due time. For now Robin will be fine on his own, I'll use telepathy to check on him now and again. Right now, The Children of Humility and Kindness should learn how to fend for themselves. Anything to add Leona?"

"I suppose. My current Child Rion can fight to some degree so I think she's fine but, if these kids only made the contract recently, they will need to train in this place. We'll need instructors for them though. Someone skilled in fighting at the front lines and someone well-versed in the magic arts." She suddenly recalled Kindness saying that Astraea was in town. Quickly, she packed up her bow and items and asked to be excused.

"I'm neither a front-line combatant nor someone with a vast knowledge of magic so I won't be of much help in instruction. Though if Astraea truly is in town, she may just be the instructor we need. Her knowledge of magical crafts is vast and valuable. I'm leaving to go look for her, if that's okay with everyone." She informed them of her intention to seek out her old ally.

After the mission briefing, Rin sat alone on the training platform pondering about the day's events. Izumi seemed to like their other allies back at Synchronicity. Not her though. She's already had it with that elitist group.
"Disloyal, immature, naive... I guess part of the reason why I wanted to leave was because I keep getting told all of these things almost everyday. I'm always treated like some sort of nuisance." Rin recalled all of the reprimands she's heard from the First Generation Entities when she met them, particularly the First Kindness and Chastity.
"You're too reliant on those weapons! Face the enemy head on!"
"Your mind still wavers until this day? You're a disgrace to the faction!"
"Weak. That's exactly how they initially saw me. It's always the next generation who's reprimanded the most yet always have high expectations placed upon them. At least in here, everyone's just as strong as I am. We all understand each other, acknowledge our strengths and weaknesses and see the good in everyone." Rin stood up, preparing to head out as the mission is about to start.

At the locker room, she changed her garb from her traditional uniform to a slightly less, attracting one, consisting of a simple sleeveless, white turtleneck over a black skirt and brown boots. Topping it off with a blue trench coat and her muffler, she turned to Izumi who handed her the earrings. It was crafted from silver and emeralds, small enough to be allowed on a more, conservative school campus.
"I've finished it in time. Those accessories will negate all of your aura, reducing it to a normal human's." She also handed Rin a new set of bullets and another, carbon suitcase. Opening it, Rin saw that it contained a deconstructed Walther WA 2000, complete with a new sight and ammunition.
"This is rare. I can't believe you actually got one of these."
"Right, only 176 of these were ever produced. Wasn't easy bringing it in from Germany. This would limit your range from the Savage's 1,500 meters to 700 but, this model will do since you're not really in heavy fieldwork right now and, at least you can carry it around. You'll be using .300 Winchesters though, is that alright?"
"It will do. But, I'll have difficulty if I come face to face with a melee bruiser."
"That's why I prepared another set of melee weapons to replace the M-9." Izumi hands Rin a pair of wakizashis: one that is a full, 24 inch long and a shorter one, measuring only 15 inches. "Those swords can be concealed within your coat or your belt. Just be careful."
"I don't think I'll really need the long one. I'll just drop it off at Hyatt while I'm still in the school." With her equipment updated, Rin boarded her motorcycle again and rode back to the Hyatt Building; the place where she'll be monitoring the sudden aura fluctuations within the school. Dropping off the heavier equipment, including the coat, she proceeded back outside, bringing only the handguns, short sword and muffler with her. She made her way on foot past the red-light district and into the school she'll be investigating. Glancing at the terrain, the school was landlocked by a nearby strip mall, another high-rise still in the middle of construction and a clock tower.
"The clock tower seems like a good vantage point Rin." Izumi relayed via her Contact spell.
"True. That is the best vantage point. However, any sane sniper who saw it will think so too. I'll scout for another place where I can see that tower and the school. What about you? Where are you now?" Rin asks. The night is getting deeper and Rin's senses becoming more alert now, especially since the public, which acts as their shield is completely absent.
"I'm back at home. I'm feeling a little sleepy so, can I start the mission tomorrow?"
"Yeah, sure thing." After that message, Rin decided to enjoy the little night life first before turning in for the day. Friergate doesn't have much but, there are several establishments that cater to night owls. Heading into a well-known bar downtown, she sat at the front, near the counter so she won't be bothered much. Turning to the barista, she placed her order and looked around. The atmosphere was getting heavy as teenagers danced to the rhythm of the music being played. Taking a sip, she continued to observe the others living out the life she wasn't able to.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hajime Amaterasu Character Portrait: Miruka Hiroyuki Character Portrait: Leona Rain Vincent Character Portrait: Astraea Cyril Acustica Character Portrait: Hikari Mizuhara Character Portrait: Kyori Akiharu
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0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.
"I suppose. My current Child Rion can fight to some degree so I think she's fine but, if these kids only made the contract recently, they will need to train in this place. We'll need instructors for them though. Someone skilled in fighting at the front lines and someone well-versed in the magic arts. I'm neither a front-line combatant nor someone with a vast knowledge of magic so I won't be of much help in instruction. Though if Astraea truly is in town, she may just be the instructor we need. Her knowledge of magical crafts is vast and valuable. I'm leaving to go look for her, if that's okay with everyone." Leona said as he gathered her stuffs and decided to went and look for Astraea.

"Of course, you should go and find her," Miruka smiled, "I guess that since you two are both women, you can convince her easier than I did. We'll just stay here and see what we can do. I think Masenai-senpai can teach the Children some basic fighting skills until Astraea-oneesan arrive."

"Oh, and before you go," Kyo turned to Leona, "if you happen to came across with Kaito Tsukuyomi, the Second Temperance, do you think you can convince him too? Although we didn't receive any responses from him, I guess that he'll probably accept to return to our cause. I hope that's okay with you. I'll just leave the entrance to stay stand by and it'll also reopen when you return. Well, good luck oneesan."

With that, Kyo and Miruka both turned to the screen. They looked into each other's eyes and seemingly understand what the other wanted to say, even if they didn't say it by words. Finally, they can be united and they'll survive through this.

Meanwhile, in the training room, both of the Children just stood there, waiting for some instructions. They looked at each other and wondering what will be thrown at them.

"So, what should we do now?" Hikari asked while looking around the room, he somehow felt excited about all of this.

"I don't know either, they said that we needed training," Hajime replied, "well, I'm always up to new challenges. Hopefully we'll be able to learn a thing or two."

"I know, right?" Hikari giggled, then sighed, "I have a feeling that we're going to go through the exact hell like when we taken the P.E."

"Or worse," Hajime tried to give a comfort smile, though somehow he his pretty worry about what are going to come, "but yeah, we've decided to walk on this path, so there are really no turning back now."

"I guess you're right," Hikari responded then stretched his arms, "okay, we should warm up a bit before beginning, don't you think? So, you said you can control fire, right?" Hajime nodded, Hikari then went and stood in front of his best buddy from a distance, "okay, try to conjure a fireball or something and throw it towards me."

Hajime raised an eyebrow as his friend request, "You sure?" He asked, but quietly agreed, "okay, if you said so..."

With that, Hajime closed his eyes while holding his arm in front of him. A moment later, sparks appeared from his palm and a fireball appeared. "I did it." Hajime gleefully said, then turned and looked at Hikari with challenging eyes, "here I goes."

Hajime threw the fireball towards Hikari. Remembering what Kyo has taught him a few days ago, Hikari held his arm towards the fireball and he managed to create a barrier, which blocked the ball rather easily. "Is that all?" Hikari said with a slightly teasing tone.

"Don't be coy." Hajime replied as he continued to threw fireballs at Hikari, and the Child of Humility blocked them. They were having quite some fun, without realizing that Masenai was there. When they did, they stopped and stood in front of the senior Entity. "Ergh..." Hikari scratches the back of his head in awe, "we didn't notice that you were there." Then both of them bowed before Masenai, "We're sorry, Masenai-dono. Hope that you won't feel annoyed." Hajime apologized.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Morrigan Luna Grey Character Portrait: Hajime Amaterasu Character Portrait: Leona Rain Vincent Character Portrait: Astraea Cyril Acustica Character Portrait: Hikari Mizuhara Character Portrait: Masenai Autoro
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0.00 INK

Masenai sighed as the two actually apologized. He then only clapped his hands in a soft applause. "I am not at all annoyed at what I was displayed here. Quite the Opposite. You both show promise with your magic training. Although Hajime, a little elemental magic advice; Control your breathing. It'll be the difference between a single controlled blast, to an uncontrolled inferno, and plus," The Virtue paused as he positioned a finger at a small metal target and then flicked his finger as a fireball leaps from said finger and gives a solid blow to the target. "When you learn how to control your element, the quicker it is to develop your own personal tricks. But I am not your magic instructor. Think of me as a Self Defense instructor for an encounter with a man who wants to rob you boys. Because like it or not, the city you live in has a high crime rate. When all is said and done, I hope your training in the Physical combat area pays off someday. Now then, to begin your Physical Training, I wish to see any possible fighting abilities you have. Not counting your magic. Hopefully a magic lesson comes later."


Morrigan held her sword at the man but noticed the Various snakes and started to shiver uncomfortably. "I've had a rough day today, so I'm not in the mood to be dragged anywhere against my will thank you very much. I don't know what the heck you really want but I don't want to go anywhere with anybody. Not with you or anyone in particular." Morrigan then heard the sound of another man stepping in the building. She assumed it was a man.

"Alright Robin, you came here because you felt something dark and ominous about this building and your shoulder ached, nothing more. If anything the serial killer might be here. So if that's so, then why here, this place is a dump."

Morrigan felt like this man would attract more attention then she needed so she motioned for the snake man to quiet down as she wandered around the corner of the dark and dismissed her Love's Bite. The moment the stark white haired man walked near her corner Morrigan grabbed the Man and delivered several well placed blows to his torso and dragged him to a door, in slight view of the strange man as she threw him out of the building.

Then she turned to face the being in front of her. "Okay, so coming with you. You'd better have room and board. Also, mind getting rid of your....pets? They're freaking me out and I don't want to slice them up like I do most disloyal men."


"Well, that happened..." muttered Robin as he got up and cracked his neck a bit as he walked rubbing his fresh bruises and other things. He decided to just get a drink to ease off the pain and call it a night. He didn't know what was going on, but more or less likely, he had a mission failure sticker on his slightly reputable record of getting bounties. He saw the man though, that would be something to appease his Sensei, if anything.

Robin made his way out of the red light district and started to search for a well frequented bar to mask his possibly weakened aura, due to the one sided scuffle. "That woman got the drop on me. Masenai and the others must be laughing..."


Little did Robin realize was that Masenai, who always used his Telepathy to check up on Robin from time to time was both humored and concerned of his progress. He then heard Leona talking to someone and turned to see who it was momentarily. He gave a small smile and nodded under his hood to Astraea in a small greeting.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hajime Amaterasu Character Portrait: Rin Nakahara Character Portrait: Miruka Hiroyuki Character Portrait: Nozomi Kannagi Character Portrait: Leona Rain Vincent Character Portrait: Astraea Cyril Acustica
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0.00 INK

"So...if it's alright with you, could I know just a bit more about you? I'll give my info in exchange."

Rin was somehow taken aback. This guy seemed different from Patience and the others. He seems more laid back compared to the other Entities. Still, knowing about someone who might take an interest in gunning her down--one doesn't really get too many chances like that.
"Well, I suppose I should start with the traitor part but first things first--can we go somewhere more private?" Rin led the man to the upper floors, where most of the tables were shrouded in darkness and heavy, velvet curtains. She chose a spot close to the inner balcony, so she can still see the dancers below.
"Since you already know I'm an Entity, my name is Nakahara. Rin Nakahara and I'm the Entity of Diligence. I guess the news regarding the deserter has gotten to you? Well, I'm the one they're talking about. I rejoined Sacred Drive, my old organization. Surely, you've heard of it? To be fair, I was fighting for Sacred Drive before I was scouted by Synchronicity so, I don't know if they can call it a desertion or not." Rin sighed, not really feeling any comfort right now. Another sip has given her some ounce of courage to continue talking though.

"Well, I'm already in too deep to turn back and, I don't really want to change sides again. Sacred Drive's intentions are simple and that is to defend the populace from the sadness of the war. The fact that we're fighting to preserve and not to destroy is enough for me." Rin elaborated on her intentions further, trying to assure herself that she's doing the right thing. Turning to the man, she gave him a neutral expression.

"Quid pro quo, now it's your turn."

As they surveyed the surroundings some more, she met eyes with Masenai who nodded a greeting to her. She smiled and did the same before carrying on. Moments later, Miruka approached her, carrying a familiar item.
"Hi onee-san, here's your amulet. I paid for your drink so I think I should return this to you. Well, I'm glad that you came."
Upon receiving the amulet, she was rather shocked that it didn't reach its intended owner. Leona looked on and recognized the runic engraving on the metal.
"That's the Blood Stone--you managed to finish it?"
"Yes. Took me two years though, only to find out that it will only work on the core's beloved. Pretty sweet of it, yes?" Astraea took the Blood Stone and wore it on her neck again. "It's an amulet made from pure, seawater infused with a phoenix's dying feather. It has the ability to take a lethal attack only once for its owner. Cores are needed for it to work though and, what coincidence! The sea where I got the water from appeared to hold someone dear to its heart. The sea provided its core. When I met Tsukuyomi-kun, the water suddenly danced, as if happy for this moment."
"So only Temperance can use it... It's rather useless for us isn't it? Some relics are hard to figure out."
"It doesn't take too much knowledge to understand a relic. All it needs is a little bit of faith..." Astraea grinned to herself as she turned to Leona. "Well, it's getting a little late so, I think I'll train the two boys tomorrow afternoon. Shall we head to your place Leona?"
"Yeah. Hey--!" Leona called out to the two catalysts. "When you get off school tomorrow, head into the unfinished Spiral Highlights in the middle of town. Your magic training will start there. Leona left them their reminder before heading back to her home with Astraea.

As the night continued to deepen, a lone girl soon found herself walking the dark streets of Friergate. The gothic dress she wore ensured some sort of protection from the cold. Turning into an alley, she met with four other girls in that area.
"Hey! What's the point of calling us all the way out here Iriai?"
"Unlike you, we have our own lives you know?"
The girl merely laughed at their words. She continued to without even looking up once, getting the girls annoyed at her.
"Ugh! Let's just leave her here. My mom will kill me when she finds out I'm not home by 2."
"Oh? You still follow your mother's orders? Did you know that lion cubs leave their families by the time they reach eighteen? Compared to a human, that's saying something."
"Hey! Just because your parents are abroad, doesn't give you any liberty to insult my way of like Iriai!" The more athletic of the girls grabbed her by the collar and raised her in the air. Surprisingly, she didn't even flinch. "No one insults my mother nor my family!"
"Hey--her way of speaking is rather strange don't you think?" One of them pointed out. Soon, they heard Mika break out into a maniacal laughter. The girl dropped her and she glared at them with both eyes, one gleaming an eerie gold.
"I'm not Mika though. I'm not the pathetic slob you keep on hurting at school." With that, Akito kicked the girl away from her. Before she even recovers, Akito had already reached her, taking out her Five-SeveN and aiming it at the girl's head. With a quick finger, she shot her, sending blood flying the other's way. Sensing their panic, she proceeded to kill all of them.
"This is way too easy! I don't even need to give off the fact that I'm an Entity! I don't need to use any powers or radiate any auras to accomplish this! Ah, Mika, if only you could see the things you can do with this body..." Akito thought as he had taken over Mika's body while she lost consciousness during their training. Suddenly, she heard the whistle of a metallic blade coming from behind her. She managed to turn around and dodge just in time, as a halberd suddenly swung at her.

Looking up, she caught sight of her opponent. A brown haired girl with blue eyes, wielding a large halberd. She moves very swiftly, able to focus her large weapon with ease. Akito wasn't going to be taken down easily though. She parried every move, closing the distance between them. Just as she was about to attack, flashes of silver burst from the ground and a stream of blue flame followed, forcing Akito to dodge it by leaping behind her opponent. There were now two that were in the alley with her. The boy approached closer, his hand outstretched. As the light passed them by, he spoke up.

"Leave this place at once. I can hear your thoughts from afar, there's no need to hide, Akito." Nozomi stepped forward, with Fumina trailing behind him, ready to defend her Master if need be.
"Oh? You flatter me, Nozomi. You can still recognize me even in this form?" Akito danced around, flaunting his borrowed body. "I used to think female bodies aren't anything special but after this--hmmm...what do you think I should make this body do next?" Akito taunted, as he used Mika's own hands to caress her thighs, lifting part of the dress she wore.
"Enough. Lust has already placed us in murkier waters...we don't need you adding in any more unwanted attention. I'm waking the girl up." Nozomi dove inside Mika's mind and activated her personality, forcing Akito's consciousness to temporarily fade as Mika went back to being Mika albeit, already at the brink of fainting again. Fumina carried her as Nozomi burned the bodies and reduced them to ashes. He also erased any signs of magic being used there before leaving the crime scene.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Morrigan Luna Grey Character Portrait: Hajime Amaterasu Character Portrait: Leona Rain Vincent Character Portrait: Astraea Cyril Acustica Character Portrait: Hikari Mizuhara Character Portrait: Masenai Autoro
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Masenai sighed. "I guess that means class dismissed for now boys. Off to your homes and bed with you." he stated as he sighed and walked to a chair. Hoping to get at least some relaxation for the stress starting to build up in his mind, he sat down drumming his fingers.


Robin was sore, tired, and miffed about the results of the night. What was worse, he knew he was broke still so therefore he just simply decided to head back to the Dummy apartment for the night. He had to clear his head for tomorrow it seemed. Maybe tomorrow more good results will be yielded from it.


Morrigan looked around the interior area as she walked through and immediately began to walk around in exploration. "This'll be perfect whilst I plot my next killing, to show that idiotic investigator she doesn't scare me and think I won't back down." she muttered as she walked around a bit more to think about it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hajime Amaterasu Character Portrait: Miruka Hiroyuki Character Portrait: Hikari Mizuhara Character Portrait: Kyori Akiharu Character Portrait: Masenai Autoro Character Portrait: Kaito Tsukuyomi
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#, as written by chrian.
"Okay, I think that is it for today," Kyo stretched his arms and yawned, "both of our oneesan had returned to their home, shall we go back too?"

Miruka looked at his watch, "Yeah, it's pretty late. Let's go back for now. I miss my bed already."

With that, both of them stood up and went to the door. Before they left, Kyo turned to Masenai, "You can stay here in the meantime. I'll just leave to entrances to stay stand by, so if you feel like walking out, they'll locked themselves and will open for you when you come back. Well, goodnight, Masenai-senpai." Both of the catalysts then walked out from the training room and ready to go back, "let's go, both of you."

They then made their ways out of the basement and walking together before they parted into different ways. "Well, see you tomorrow at school Hikari-san," Hajime smiled, "have a good night too, Miruka-san, Kyo-san."

"Yeah." Miruka waved to Hajime as he went back to his apartment. On his way, he took out his phone to see if he got any responses, but it seem that he haven't. "Kaito-san, I trust you. Wherever you go, I'll follow so please response." He thought.

"I should go back to my place too," Miruka said before turning his back towards the direction of his staying place, "I'll see you two later."

"Okay, see you, Miru-kun." Kyo said.

"Nice dreams, Miruka-san." Hikari smiled and waved to him. Miruka then walked back to his house. "Let's go, I really want to have a nice sleep now." Kyo said as he yawned and both of them made their ways back to Hikari's apartment.

When they've reached there, Hikari bids goodnight to Kyo and both of them went to their room. Another long day has passed and all they wanted now is to rest before the real challenge begin tomorrow.