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Hikari Mizuhara

"I was given a chance to begin a new life and I'm not going to waste it..."

0 · 748 views · located in Friergate City

a character in “Sinner's Circus”, as played by chrian.



Name: Hikari Mizuhara
"Well, it isn't that cool..."

Age: 17
"I'm just a kid in everyone's eyes, I guess."

Gender: Male
"Obviously, but I'm not sure if I'm really the kind of guy that girls wanna hang out with."

Theme Song (Optional): Fantastic Tune - Ono Kensho
"So many possibilities so I gotta open my eyes."

Side: Synchronicity
"Yeah, he saved me so I'll follow him wherever he go."

Role: Child of Humility
"It doesn't mean that he is my father or something. Still, I've never had a brother before so I kinda see him like that, I think."

Personality: Hikari has a deadpan and straight forward personality. He is very hard working and always tries his best in whatever missions they have to accomplish. Hikari also displays much respect towards his companions. Like his Entity, Hikari is also very humble and never considering himself over the top. He is also very kind and gentle and is a person who always in-debts with anyone who helped him. But overall, Hikari is a very calm, rational person even when facing his enemies, although sometimes he can be clumsy. He don't usually loses his temper, but when he did, he'll turn into a completely different person.

Appearance: Hikari has a fragile outlook and a very small build, he is about 5'6'' tall. He has light blue hair that he styles to his left. His eyes are blue, and he has a blank gaze. He wears white, black and red jersey with the number 11 when he is training. He also sometimes wears black sweatbands. His basketball shoes are white with a blue streak. When he is out of training, he usually wear his school uniform.

History: Hikari was born in quite a wealthy family in a countryside town which situated near a valley, but he has studied well and always has high scores ever since he was little. When he was first began study in high school, a teacher from a famous school in Friergate City found out about this and invite him to study at his school, which Hikari accepted. His parents disagreed at first due to the reputation of the city, but after hearing his persuasion, they eventually allow him to go.

Ever since he arrived at this city, he has felt like he belongs to this place and started to living on his own in an apartment which his parents bought for him. Even though his parents always send him money every months, he still prefer to make his own money by working part-time at a diner. Hikari has always been fond of basketball ever since he was small and he is now a player in his school's team despite his small body. He also heard about the infamous group of people known as the Sinner Circus, but he really didn't care about them since he always know how to stay out of trouble in this city.

At that destiny night, when he has to come home late after work, he was being chased by a group of thugs and was outnumbered. Somehow, Kyori Akiharu - the Virtue of Humility, came across the alley where the thugs cornered him and saved Hikari by the skin of his teeth. Feeling in-debts with Kyo, Hikari decided to become his catalyst, or the Child of Humility and began a brand new life with his new abilities...

Why did you accept the contract? "Like I said, Kyo saved me so I wanted to repay him. Besides, fighting bad guys is cool, right?"

  • Forcefield Manipulation: Hikari has ability to controls forcefield which helped him to creates barriers, protecting him and his allies from the enemies' attacks. His barriers are strong enough the deflects most attacks. However, this power requires him to be concentrate. He can only creates a barrier surrounds him for a range of 50 square meters. If Hikari is affected while generating his forcefield, the barriers which he created will vanish.
  • Knife: After making the contract with Kyori, Hikari has learnt the art of fighting with knives and daggers. He can battled face-to-face with his enemies with knives or even throwing them with good accuracy. However, he still need a little more practice to master this art.
  • Connection: As a part of the contract, both Hikari and his Entity has a special connection which enables them to locate wherever the other was. Through this connection, they can also converse with each other through their minds, but only for a limited range of 20 square kilometers.

    Trivia (Optional):
    • Even though Hikari sees Kyo as his brother, Hikari has developing a more deeper feeling with his Entity ever since they met, though he didn't really confirm it yet.
    • Hikari are now sharing his apartment with Kyori since Kyo didn't have any place to stay in this city.
    • Hikari is the only person in the Synchronicity knows that Pride was Kyo's little sister.
    • He has a soft spot for puppies and kittens, as he has a small puppy at his apartment.

Face Claim: Kuroko Tetsuya | Kuroko's Basketball

So begins...

Hikari Mizuhara's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Nakahara Character Portrait: Hikari Mizuhara Character Portrait: Kyori Akiharu Character Portrait: Pride
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#, as written by chrian.

"Yes, I am also an Entity and I am the holder of the virtue of Diligence. My name is Rin Nakahara but, you can call me Rin if you want.", the girl answer his first question, but she seemed kinda surprised. Kyo nodded as he the scenery around them is getting darker and the children has gone back to their home. And instead, the park now was filled with teenagers hanging out. Kyo shrugged, "Well, this is the Friergate City", he thought.

"Not really. I was just checking things as they are now. I guess I'm just surprised that they managed to rebuild everything after three years", Rin answered his other question. Kyo nodded. Yeah, everything has to changed, it's the rule of life. Everything comes and goes and create a cycle. But somehow, Kyo glad that even if the crisis comes, people will still have the will to rebuild everything. After all, the true purpose of Synchronicity is protecting people, right?

The park now is started to get crowded with some of the people-that-everyone-knows-who. But Kyo didn't seem to care much, really. Rin then stood up and planning to leave, but didn't forget to give Kyo a piece of paper which contains her number.

"If Synchronicity has any plans, you can contact me through this number. Until then, I'll be laying low.", Rin and said.

Kyo then took the paper and smiled with her, "I will. In the meantime, please seek out to any possible members if you can."

With that, Rin slowly walked away from the park and Kyo waved goodbye to here. "Looks like I've got to find a place to stay for the night", Kyo thought. He has to leave this park before he caught someone else attention in this park. Some of the Circus' members might be lurking around so he also have to be careful too.

Then Kyo stood up and then walked away from the park and join the stream of people who are walking on the street. But after a few moments of walking, he suddenly caught vision of a person, which was pretty... familiar. Kyo frowned and looked carefully under the street light. And he was very surprised that it was no other person than...

...his sister.

"S...Sis?", Kyori looked at the girl in surprised. He then tried to go to her through the crowd, but since she was walking the opposite with him, she soon disappeared in the crowd. Kyori sighed, he wasn't sure if it's really her or not since he has been having vision now and then.

He then realized that he is now standing in front of an alley with a group of five thugs cornered a young boy...


"Thank you for having dinner at our Diner. Please comeback again", Hikari smiled as he bowed before some guests leaving the diner after their meal.

After the last guests had left, Hikari sighed in relieve as he put the tray on the bar table then cleaning some tables. His friend then comes near him and patted on his back.

"Well, your shift is over, Hikari. Don't harass yourself like that. Take your time and enjoys", the friend grinned and said gleefully.

"It was nothing, really. Well, I guess I should be heading home now", Hikari smiled back and then grabbed his backpack which was nearby and went to the staff room. He changed back to his uniform before going to the entrance.

"Be careful on your way home, kiddo", said his manager.

"I will. Thanks", Hikari smiled and got out of the diner.

"Man, that was pretty tired", he said as he yawned, it was a pretty long day for him, "I should head home now."

But just as he was walking on the deserted street, some tough thugs stood in front of him. "My, my. What is a winny little wimp doing out here alone at night like this, guys? Don't know if there are some good stuffs in that bag", a thug spoke as the whole group smirked at Hikari while slowly walking towards him with knives and clubs. All five of them against a defenseless boy like him.

Hikari was pretty panic right now. "Damn it, I know I shouldn't have taken a shortcut like this", he thought but tried to keep calm as much as possible. He walked back behind him and trying to run away but the group quickly caught up with him. He turned his direction into an alley but was shocked that it was a dead-end. As the thugs kept taunting him, he continued to walk back until he hit the wall.

Two of the thugs went up and grabbed both of his arms, while a tall guy, seemingly their leader slowly walked towards him with a knife. "Better prayin' kid, I'll make it as painless as possible", the thug spoke with a husky voice while put the knife onto Hikari's neck. Hikari now is totally giving up, he closed his eyes shut and waiting for the worst to come. "Is this the end, I guess?", he thought.

But just as the knife started to dug into Hikari's neck, the voice of the two remaining thugs shouting caught his and the other three thugs attention. The thugs were lying on the ground and behind them is a tall, blue hair man.

"W-Who the heck are you? Guys, get him", the thug who grabbed Hikari said in panic as the others went up and tried to hit the man. But he dodged easily and thrust into one thug's stomach with his elbow and kicking the other right in his face. They all now lying as if they were dead. The man slowly approached Hikari and the guy who grabbed him right now.

"S-Stop right there... O...Or...else...I'll kill this kid...", the thug shivered while trying to dug the knife deeper into Hikari's skin. But before he could do anything, the tall man swiftly punched him right in the face at an incredible speed, and the thug is now sharing the same fate as his goons.

The man than rubbed his shoulder a bit before knelt down and helped Hikari to stood up. He asked him if was okay.

"I...I'm fine", Hikari now has a better look at the man's face while his face suddenly turned red, "Thanks for helping me."

As the man turned his back and about to leave, Hikari felt something about this man, he doesn't know what it is, but he knows that it was destined that he has met him. So he shouted for him, "Wait!"

The tall man then turned his back and looked at Hikari with a surprised look. Hikari then closed his eyes, with his cheeks are still red and said, "I...I want to do something to repay you."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hikari Mizuhara Character Portrait: Kyori Akiharu
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#, as written by chrian.

Kyo watched as the thugs grabbed the boy while one thug, seemingly the leader, was putting the knife on the boy's neck. Kyo felt strange. Even though he hasn't meet that boy before, but somehow, he felt like destiny has brought Kyo here to meet him.

"It's the right thing to do", Kyo thought. So, with that, he silently emerged in and take down two thugs first, then eventually knocked down the rest of them. After that, he slowly walked to the boy who was still a little shaken and helped him to stand up. At first, Kyo was quite into the boy. His hair is also blue, but softer and less unkepmt than Kyo, his skin is pale and his gaze look kinda blank, and his build was pretty small. Somehow, Kyo felt like he wanted to protect him.

"Are you okay?", Kyo smiled gently and asked.

"I...I'm fine. Thanks for helping me", the boy swept the dust off his clothes and said.

"Well, it's pretty late now so head home, kid. It's dangerous to wander around like that. Have a nice evening", Kyo helped the boy the brush his hair a bit before turning his back and waved goodbye for him. Although, the feeling earlier still lingered on Kyo.

"Wait!", the boy shouted for Kyo which makes him turned back in surprise, "I...I want to do something to repay you."

Kyo then gazed at the boy for a few moment. And this time, he has confirmed now: He has found the Child that he has been looking all along. "Even though I haven't know a lot about him yet, but I'm sure that no one is more deserving", Kyo smiled softly and said.

"Yes", Kyo walked to the boy, "there is something that you can do to repay me. But we have to find somewhere deserted first. So, do you want to come with me?"

The boy stood and thought for a moment and then nodded. Both of them then got out of the alley and walked through some more streets. Finally, Kyo has found a deserted ground with absolutely no one since he can't feel any human's presence around. And then, Kyo turned his back and face-to-face with the boy.

"What I'm going to asked you isn't going to be easy. You'll have to fight to survive. It'll be dangerous and sometimes the cost will be your life itself. However, if you agreed, then I promise that I will try my best to protect you and you'll also have something great in exchange. So, what do you say? If you don't agree, then you can feel free to head home now."

The boy then continued to thought and said that he agreed. Kyo nodded and started to explain.

"I'm sure that you must have notice about what people nowadays are fussing about, the Judgement thingy, no? And I'm sure that you also familiar with the name "Sinner's Circus", aren't you?", Kyo asked and the boy nodded. "That group of people really exist, and they're not beings that belong to this world. They come into this world in the incarnations of 7 person and they'll do whatever it takes to plunge human into complete darkness and sins. It may sounds hard to believe, but this is true."

The boy continued to nodded, it seems that he believed Kyo. Kyo then continued to talk, "However, humanity isn't doomed yet. There is also a group that will stand up and counter against the Circus. That group is called Synchronicity. They're also beings from another world, but came to this world to vanquish the great evil forces. They're the 7 Virtues that is the polar opposite of the 7 Sins from the Circus. Now they also taken incarnation and still there somewhere in this city. And, to introduce you, I am the Virtue of Humility, but my real name is Kyori Akiharu. Nice to meet you", Kyo said and then bowed gracefully.

The boy then asked what do Kyo wanted him to do, Kyo then smiled and then continued to explain. "Since this isn't our world, our power is greatly limited. That is the reason why we needed a catalyst, someone that willing to gave us the inner energy from their souls and blood, in exchange with some great supernatural power from us. The bond between the Entity and the catalyst will be formed by a contract which will be created after a ritual. Well, it's not too late to turn back now. Are you still with me?"

The boy then stated that he still keep his decision, "Then it is settled. Stand still.", Kyo said. He then painted a circle on the ground by the light that shone on the palm of his hand around the boy and himself. After he has finished painting, he asked the boy for his arm then chanting out loud.

"By the power of the divine Judgement, let this ritual be the everlasting bond of blood and soul, may the souls of two beings become one!"

After he finished chanting, he closed his eyes as light appeared from the circle, whirling around the two of them before merged into their arms. As the light merged, this is the first time in forever that Kyo could felt power that is so strong, so powerful, yet the desired to do good is only highten. After a while, the light finished merging and the circle disappeared. Kyo opened his eyes and looked at the boy, who is still a bit confused right now.

"Congrats. You're now officially the Child of Humility, Hikari Mizuhara", Kyo smiled and said.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hikari Mizuhara Character Portrait: Kyori Akiharu
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#, as written by chrian.

The man gazed at Hikari for a few moments. He seems to be thinking something. Now that Hikari has the more careful look at the man, he thought that the man was somewhat really out-of-this-world. Somewhat... beautiful. That's a reason why Hikari felt kinda attached to him. But he felt that he was really lucky to have met him. The man then said something to himself before walking to Hikari, smiling.

"Yes. There is something that you can do to repay me. But we have to find somewhere deserted first. So, do you want to come with me?"

Hikari was quite surprised to hear that. So he stood and thought for a moment, "I don't know what is he going to ask me. But... he really doesn't look like the kind of guy that would do something like that. But... Maybe I should just go with it."

"Okay", Hikari looked straight at the man and said, "I agree." With that, the man takes Hikari to a deserted ground which is wasn't very far from there. Since the ground was totally deserted, it somehow gave Hikari an uneasy feeling. They than stood in the middle of the ground and the man turned his head to face him.

"What I'm going to asked you isn't going to be easy. You'll have to fight to survive. It'll be dangerous and sometimes the cost will be your life itself. However, if you agreed, then I promise that I will try my best to protect you and you'll also have something great in exchange. So, what do you say? If you don't agree, then you can feel free to head home now."

What the man said seems really hard to believe. But just looking at the man's gaze, Hikari knows that the man seems to be speaking the truth. So he stood there and thinking again. After a few moment, he said, "Okay, I'm still agree. You saved me, so I won't mind helping you with whatever problems you may had."

With that, the man started to explained about the group of people called the 'Sinner's Circus', which is the name Hikari used to hear recently, about their schemes, and about another group called 'Synchronicity' which is the ones who counter against the Circus. All of this stuffs which the man has said sound really confusing with Hikari. But the man insisted that it was true, so Hikari believes in him.

After the man has introduced himself as the Virtue of Humility and his real name - Kyori Akiharu, Hikari then asked, "So, what exactly what do you want me to do with this?"

Kyo smiled and continued to explain to Hikari, "Since this isn't our world, our power is greatly limited. That is the reason why we needed a catalyst, someone that willing to gave us the inner energy from their souls and blood, in exchange with some great supernatural power from us. The bond between the Entity and the catalyst will be formed by a contract which will be created after a ritual. Well, it's not too late to turn back now. Are you still with me?"

Hikari nodded, even though the catalyst thingy still pretty confusing with him, "Well. You've pretty much tell me everything. So I guess there's no turning back now. Count me in."

"Then it is settled. Stand still", Kyo said before some weird light started to shine from his palm, which surprised Hikari. Kyo then painted the circle around himself and Hikari. "Okay, I could totally freak out right now. Run into a group of thugs and agree to be a catalyst in some weird ritual in the same night? How lucky I am", he thought.

After Kyo has finished painting, he asked Hikari for his arm. Then, Kyo chanting out loud and the lights flourishing out from the circle, whirling around them before merged into their arms. As the light merged, he could felt that somehow both of them are now connected with each other. Hikari didn't really feel like himself, but at the same time, he came to a whole new feeling that Hikari has never experienced in his life as power started to run deep through his veins. When the light disappeared along with the circle, Hikari looked at both of his palms, still a little confusing though.

Kyo then smiled and said to him, "Congrats. You're now officially the Child of Humility, Hikari Mizuhara."

"I... I am?", Hikari questioned. "Wow, I've never gone through anything like it in my life..."

Kyo then said that Hikari will be okay soon and he'll help him to explore his power later. Hikari then nodded, "It seems we're done. So, would you like to stay with me? I guess you don't have anywhere to stay."

Kyo then nodded and then both of them went back to Hikari's apartment.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Nakahara Character Portrait: Leona Rain Vincent Character Portrait: Hikari Mizuhara Character Portrait: Kyori Akiharu
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#, as written by chrian.

"I... I am?", Hikari questioned. "Wow, I've never gone through anything like it in my life..."

Kyo smiled and then patted on his new Child's shoulders, "Don't worry, you'll be fine as long as I'm here with you. I'll help you to explore your power later."

Hikari nodded and said to Kyo, "It seems we're done. So, would you like to stay with me? I guess you don't have anywhere to stay."

Kyo still keeping his smile, "Yes, we should stick together. Now let's go, it's not very safe at this time. We should stay low until our group has gathered and come up with a plan against the Circus."

With that, they walked away from the ground and began to walk to Hikari's apartment. Today was a pretty lovely night actually, especially when there aren't any fuss on the street yet. The night breeze slowly blew and there were stars on the sky. "It feels good to have someone right by my side", Kyo thought as they walked.

Hikari asked if Kyo wanted to eat something on their way back. "Well, I'm not that hungry really. All I wanted now is to take a shower and have a nice sleep", Kyo answered while yawning a bit. But as they were walking, Kyo suddenly felt something really intrigued.

"This feeling...", Kyo thought as he stopped and closed his eyes so that he could know what is going on around here. Hikari asked him what happened. A moments later, he opened his eyes, "No doubts. Someone are fighting around here. Follow me", Kyo turned his head and said to Hikari before started to run towards the location where the radiating aura from the Synchronicity members are flowing, though the aura seemed to be really unstable.

After a few minutes of running, they stopped at a building. Kyo then looked up and was quite surprised to see that Rin was fighting with someone, and it seems that she's going to lose. "So the presence I felt earlier was her, but what about the other woman? Is she...", Kyo thought while concentrated on feeling the aura again, but the aura was pure and it is absolutely not from a Circus member. Hikari then asked Kyo what's going on, he then turned to him and said, "They're also a part of our group too. Though I don't know why they're fighting like that. Stay here, I have to do something about it."

With that, Kyo, still keeping his posture, went towards the building. He then jumped to the second floor and then jumped up to the roof, where they're fighting.

"Stop!", Kyo yelled, "What are you guys doing? Don't you realize that if our enemies see this, they'd have a chance to break us apart? Now please keep calm and sort things out in peace, shall we?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Izumi Kimura Character Portrait: Rion Mizorogi Character Portrait: Rin Nakahara Character Portrait: Leona Rain Vincent Character Portrait: Hikari Mizuhara Character Portrait: Kyori Akiharu
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#, as written by chrian.

Hikari watched with surprising look as Kyo just jumped onto the top all by himself. "Wow, he can really do that? I wonder if I could too...", he thought. He doesn't know why, but it seems that he has already showing admiration towards his Entity already. After all, Kyo might have live even longer than his ancestors. Through the bond of connection, Hikari knows about Kyo as if he knows about himself and he found it quite impressive.

He then turned to his side and saw another two girls are also standing there and watching the whole fight. It's strange, but somehow, Hikari felt some kind of aura around them. "Maybe they're also the catalysts of the two up there", he thought.

They then headed towards the Entities who are now began to got down from the roof of the house. Hikari saw Kyo smiled a soft smile with him from above, which caused him to blush a bit. He also went there with them to. When Kyo jumped down from the roof, Hikari ran to him. "Wow, you're so awesome", Hikari grinned cheerfully to showed his admiration towards his Entity.


"You're--", Rin said with a surprise look on her face.

"Yes, it's me", Kyo looked at Rin with a smile, "I'm just passing through. But it seems that you owned me a big time."

"Maybe you are right. I was acting a bit too rash. Although--", the taller woman looked at Kyo's eyes but he still keeping his calm posture as if it was nothing, "I guess I can't expect an outsider to know all about my personal demons."

Kyo sighed and turned to the woman, "For Pete's sake, you're Patience's incarnation in this world. So I hope that you'd act a bit like your title. Now let's get ourselves outta here first before someone found out. There's been enough madness in this city already so please don't cause any more trouble for now. You don't want our identities to be revealed to the whole world, don't you?"

After that, Kyo jumped from the roof and landed gracefully on the ground and the two ladies quickly followed him. Hikari then ran towards Kyo and grinned, "Wow, you're so awesome."

Kyo smiled and and ruffled his Child's head, "It was nothing really. I'm relief to see that you're still in one piece. You're really good, you know?"

"Fine then. Let's all sort this out in peace. But not here." Patience said.

"Ummm...if you don't mind, we can discuss this at a nice coffee shop I know, ehehe...", one of the two girls who had been watching the fight earlier said and gave a playfully laugh.

It seemed that the two Entities were quite surprised when they saw their catalysts though. So Kyo and Hikari went to them. "It seems that most of the Virtues and Children of Synchronicity had answer the call and gathered here in this city. Now, I think we all need to talk and sort things out, do we? Please lead the way", Kyo said.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Izumi Kimura Character Portrait: Rion Mizorogi Character Portrait: Rin Nakahara Character Portrait: Leona Rain Vincent Character Portrait: Hikari Mizuhara Character Portrait: Kyori Akiharu
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"For Pete's sake, you're Patience's incarnation in this world. So I hope that you'd act a bit like your title. Now let's get ourselves outta here first before someone found out. There's been enough madness in this city already so please don't cause any more trouble for now. You don't want our identities to be revealed to the whole world, don't you?"

Leona took a bit of offense at Kyo's statement. Just goes to show how people can easily judge somebody without hearing the full story from all sides. "I'll let that remark slide for now. I merely retaliated back at the danger presented to me. It wasn't me who fired the first shot. As I said, I don't really expect anyone who knows nothing to get me."

"First shot!? I wouldn't have retaliated like that if it wasn't for that heist you pulled off!" Rin growled angrily as Izumi tried to restrain her.

"Rin-san, calm down." Izumi tried her best to restrain her entity. "We'll all talk this out right? So, no problem anymore right?"

Izumi led the small entourage into a coffee shop near the edge of town. It was a small business owned by her family so it their confidentiality was pretty much assured. Sitting across from each other, the two Entities stared daggers at each others' eyes. "Well, I might as well ask you, why you opted to fire on me."

"Because you killed that man at the shop I was in. With several witnesses, I might add. That action could've endangered the secrecy of our existence. Besides--"

"Besides what? You were already there? When would you have planned to take action? When someone is already dead? I'm sorry but, unlike yours, my powers are a little more complicated to use. Besides, that was just one life in exchange for that girl's. So, all is fair." Leona immediately retorted back. Her opponent was still young after all. Still naive.

"So you don't mind killing millions as long as you can save a million more?" Rin angrily shouted back.

"Billions. Billions more."

"Then how would this logic of yours end? When every single human is dead? All humans are just as prone to evil as everyone else. With that kind of thinking, you won't be able to save anyone else."

"You're a hypocrite. You can lecture me about the way I do things if you haven't killed yourself." With that remark, Rin suddenly fell quiet. "Gotcha..." Leaning in closer, Leona stared deeply into Rin's eyes. "So, how many bodies? How many skeletons do you have in your closet? How much blood is on your hands?"

The tense atmosphere was dispelled when their order arrived. Taking a sip from her drink, Leona paused to let her words sink in. Turning back to Rin, she continued. "I understand you though. You're still young. You still do not know the harsh realities of life. I'll just let you all slide for now. Next time you get in the way though, you're as good as dead."

"B-but Patience-san, Rin is also a Synchronicity member like you. Isn't it proper that you become allies? After all, that's what we came here for right? To patch things up with each other? You both have a common enemy so, why not work together?" Izumi questions Leona's decision.

"Allies? All my allies are dead. I don't know any of you sitting on this table now. Just because we have a common enemy, doesn't mean that we can coexist with each other. Our means and methods are too different."

"But the real evil is the Circus right? Not you nor is it Rin--"

"Evil? Who exactly is evil in this world? This is a war, Kimura-chan. There is no good nor evil. Just differences that will never meet a compromise. I, myself is just as capable of doing evil as the most evil member of the Circus. We may be officially created to combat these forces of darkness you speak of but the same thing with them, each of us have our own differences. And that will never change. I'll help you take down the Circus but after that, we're all strangers again." Turning to Rin, she left her a small challenge. "If you still want to, feel free to come after me after this war is over. Come, Rion." Leona called her Catalyst as she exited the establishment.

"So nothing got solved in the end huh? Too bad..." Izumi sighed as she noticed Rin stand up.

"Differences eh? Very well, I accept this challenge. I accept your war." Rin aimed her hand which was shaped into a gun at the door Leona walked out of. Finishing her drink in one gulp, she also exited the establishment, leaving Izumi alone with the two boys.

"Ehehe...the girls are gone. So, who are you people?" Izumi asks the two. She did ask for the shop to open again so, she might as well make the most out of the time.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Izumi Kimura Character Portrait: Rion Mizorogi Character Portrait: Rin Nakahara Character Portrait: Leona Rain Vincent Character Portrait: Hikari Mizuhara Character Portrait: Kyori Akiharu
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0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.

"I'll let that remark slide for now. I merely retaliated back at the danger presented to me. It wasn't me who fired the first shot. As I said, I don't really expect anyone who knows nothing to get me", Leona said with disdains. Kyo shook his head, this is the time when he has to stay calm so that he could know what to do to unite the Synchronicity. Rin then yelled at her in anger but her catalyst has calm her down.

"Perhaps I didn't really understand what's going on, because me and my Child just passing through. However, I still don't think fighting each other like that is a good idea. Come, let's go", Kyo said as Izumi - Rin's Child led them to a small café.

"Seems like a nice place", Kyo smiled and said to Izumi. When they walked in, Kyo and Hikari ordered some drink and they just silently watched as the two Entities fighting with each other again, but this time is with words. He then looked next to him and saw a confusing look up in Hikari's face. Kyo sighed, perhaps the boy didn't really ready to face their obstacles since he has been fond of feeling safe all of his life.

Kyo smiled softly at Hikari and ruffled his head, "Come now, don't look like that. You actually looked cute when you're confusing, you know?"

Hikari turned to Kyo and looked at him with a nod, but Kyo can clearly notice his Child's blushes from earlier to now. It seems that Rion - Leona's Child is also confusing right now. She kept silent the whole time. Kyo then turned to her and calm her, "Everything will worked out, some ways. Do not worry."

A few moments after Rin and Leona has throw out every harsh words that they could ever spoke to each other, Izumi interfered and tried to calm the two, but is seemed to be no avail.

"Evil? Who exactly is evil in this world? This is a war, Kimura-chan. There is no good nor evil. Just differences that will never meet a compromise. I, myself is just as capable of doing evil as the most evil member of the Circus. We may be officially created to combat these forces of darkness you speak of but the same thing with them, each of us have our own differences. And that will never change. I'll help you take down the Circus but after that, we're all strangers again." Leona said before she turned to Rin while challenging her, "If you still want to, feel free to come after me after this war is over. Come, Rion."

Leona stood up and going to exit the coffee shop. Finally, Kyo decided to speak up. "Before you leave, may I have a word with you? We all know what the situation is right now and the Circus might act sooner or later. Leona, you think that you've went through a lot in your lives. But remember that, you're not the only one who knows how insane this world is even if you think you've went through it all because you're the oldest around here. I hope that you'll never forget the reason why you were chosen to be the incarnation in the first place. Sure, you state out that staining your hands with blood of the others are for the greater good, you do have a point. But, will you be happy? Are you sure that you'll live on this long, cold and isolated immortality life after all that has happen without feeling just a pinch of grief? Have you ever felt so weak, even though no one is capable of standing in your way? But you're an Entity, and so do we. And I can assure you that as an Entity, we all have one same desire even if we have different purposes to fight, no matter which sides we're on. That's all I'm gonna say"

Kyo then took his cup of coffee and took a sip before continue, "And one more thing, if you think that we're that different, then no one around here would force you to work with us as a team. I don't want you to feel reluctant. Just don't do anything rashly."

With that, Leona took her leave and Rion quickly followed her. "Differences eh? Very well, I accept this challenge. I accept your war", Rin said before she leave too.

"And you", Kyo turned and said to Rin before she left, "never forget that sometimes you can't make decision all by yourself. One wrong step, and you'll fall into the hole."

Then, the coffee shop is now left only with Kyo, Hikari and Izumi. Kyo sighed, no matter how hard he tried, he could never be able to accomplish what he always wanted. At first, he just want to find his sister and help her to find her peace. So far, his goal never changed, but he somehow figure out a way to finish this once and for all, even if everyone around him never going to get along with him what-so-ever.

"Ehehe...the girls are gone. So, who are you people?", Izumi asks the two. Kyo looked at her few moments before have her a smile. It is good to know that at least there are a few people still haven't put themselves over the top.

"Well, as you may notice earlier, I am also an Entity. My title is Humility and this cute boy here is my new found Child, his name is Hikari and my name is Kyori. But you can call me Kyo if you want", he paused a bit to finish his drink, "so, I guess you're Izumi-san then? It was nice to have a cozy place like this to hang out after a busy day in this city", Kyo said as he leaned his back on the chair. He turned his eyes and looked up at the ceiling. Kyo has seen much madness in this world, and he always tried to deal with them in peace. But this time, Kyo knows that peace won't be the solution anymore. "Guess my short peaceful time is over", Kyo thought.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Izumi Kimura Character Portrait: Rion Mizorogi Character Portrait: Rin Nakahara Character Portrait: Leona Rain Vincent Character Portrait: Hikari Mizuhara Character Portrait: Kyori Akiharu
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0.00 INK

"And you, never forget that sometimes, you can't make decisions all by yourself. One wrong step, and you'll fall into the hole."
"This guy--!" Turning to pause a bit, Rin glanced back at the three who were left at the table. "Well, I don't know. I am the Entity of Diligence, the never-ending pursuit to better myself. As I recall, the whole point of the virtue is to well--face things and make decisions by yourself? Bear through everything alone? Don't give me that lecture, I did read the terms and conditions of this contract. Not all of us fights this threat because we want to make the world a better place."

With the entity of Diligence gone, Izumi was left alone with the two guys. He calmly introduced both him and his partner. "Well, as you may notice earlier, I am also an Entity. My title is Humility and this cute boy here is my new found Child, his name is Hikari and my name is Kyori. But you can call me Kyo if you want" He also took note of her place. "So, I guess you're Izumi-san then? It was nice to have a cozy place like this to hang out after a busy day in this city."

"Well, haha, I'm glad you like it." Izumi soon found herself out of words. She really isn't too good at keeping up conversations. "Well, uh--I can't speak for Patience-san but, please excuse Rin-san for that. I'm actually her third Catalyst now. She didn't really divulge a lot of details but, something bad somehow happened with her first catalyst." Izumi paused there, unsure of whether she'll say anymore about what she knows of Rin's past. Still, she chose to carry on anyway. "Well, she was once a part of the underground military faction known as Sacred Drive. If you don't know about it, it's a group that contests both Synchro and the Circus. They're practically a bunch of vigilantes who just wants to end the feud by getting rid of both factions. I guess, they didn't want to allow Rin and her Catalyst within their ranks when they learned that they were also Entities. That was three years ago, I think. Now, that group has gone silent."

Noticing that the general atmosphere had become dim, Izumi quickly changed the topic. "Well, that's enough for now. So, what are you guys going to do? As Humility, everyone pretty much looks at you like some sort of leader. If you have any plans, you can always contact us here."

Within her room, Rin moved over to a small, oak chest lying there. "That girl, Patience is right. Differences. That's the only thing separating us from the Circus..." As her hands dusted off an object that was lying there, she paused a bit, feeling a sort of hesitation. "Sacred Drive...I still remember our old mantra. "For the preservation of our normal society, we must cast our differences aside and strive for the greater good of mankind." Aokigahara--was leaving Sacred Drive the right choice?" She shook her head as she shoved those thoughts out of her mind. A storm is coming and it is not the time for hesitation. Taking out the last of the covers, she took out the Savage 110 BA she kept hidden there.
"Well, I guess the good thing about guns is that individual differences don't matter. All is equal, in the face of a bullet..."

Walking along with her catalyst, Leona turned to speak to her. "I'm not really the cold-hearted bitch you just saw earlier. I do understand the feeling of grief and regret. In fact, I know it all too well." Leona recalled her past. Killing Misato Aokigahara--Rin's first Catalyst, was the hardest thing she had to do. Burying her past again, she turned to face Rion.
"I'm sorry. I hope you didn't mind being alone for a while. I just had some loose ends to tie up. I guess I should have left you a note."
Worrying a bit about her Child, she felt her forehead with the back of her hand. "Well, it seems that you're alright. Are you hungry? Do you want to stop somewhere for a while?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Izumi Kimura Character Portrait: Hikari Mizuhara Character Portrait: Kyori Akiharu
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0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.

"Well, haha, I'm glad you like it. Well, uh--I can't speak for Patience-san but, please excuse Rin-san for that. I'm actually her third Catalyst now. She didn't really divulge a lot of details but, something bad somehow happened with her first catalyst . Well, she was once a part of the underground military faction known as Sacred Drive. If you don't know about it, it's a group that contests both Synchro and the Circus. They're practically a bunch of vigilantes who just wants to end the feud by getting rid of both factions. I guess, they didn't want to allow Rin and her Catalyst within their ranks when they learned that they were also Entities. That was three years ago, I think. Now, that group has gone silent.", Izumi explained to Kyo about her Entity's past. Kyo nodded understandingly, it seems that he wasn't the only one who has hard times.

"Well, I did know about Sacred Drive", Kyo said, "I fought some of them a while ago, just self-defense, you know. So," Kyo then paused a bit to think whether he should said about that or not, but everyone's gonna find out about it sooner or later anyway, "actually, I did have some secrets too. It's my goal to standing up and fight up til now. To tell the truth, my sister is a member from the Circus, and I've vowed that I will never stop until I found her and help her to free herself. And, I guess that the fate couldn't be more cruel, my sister is no one other than the Sin that opposed me: Pride."

To be able to tell it actually helps Kyo felt better than just kept it to himself. He has troubled himself about that for so long, but now the burden is less heavier.

Noticing that the general atmosphere had become dim, Izumi quickly changed the topic. "Well, that's enough for now. So, what are you guys going to do? As Humility, everyone pretty much looks at you like some sort of leader. If you have any plans, you can always contact us here."

Kyo then gave Izumi a grin, "Oh don't call me that, I'm don't have what it takes to be called a leader anyway. I think we should just go on with our own lives for now until the Circus decided to show up."


Hikari just sat in silence and watched the whole scene in front of him. Nothing makes sense anymore. Everything happened so fast that he couldn't be more confusing in his life. "What have I gotten myself into...", he thought.

After everyone has left and there are only he, Kyo and the girl named Izumi at her coffee shop for now. Kyo then introduced them to the girl, "Well, as you may notice earlier, I am also an Entity. My title is Humility and this cute boy here is my new found Child, his name is Hikari and my name is Kyori. But you can call me Kyo if you want. So, I guess you're Izumi-san then? It was nice to have a cozy place like this to hang out after a busy day in this city."

Hikari felt warm. He don't know why. They just met a couple of few hours ago and Kyo has already treated Hikari as if they were brothers. He has never has a brother in his life before and he has never felt that someone could taking care for him so much like that. "I think I loved him already...", he thought.

He then take a sip from his drink and finally decided to speak up, "Right, sorry for keeping silent the whole time, all of this is just so confusing that I don't know what to say", he said with a big grin, "your coffee shop is nice, Izumi-san. Maybe I should hang out here more often when I'm not working or at school. It's nice to work with someone like you."

Then, he turned to his Entity, "Uhm, hey Kyo-san... I know this isn't very normal. But...", somehow he felt kinda embarassing, but he couldn't hold it back anymore, "can I call you my oniisan?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Izumi Kimura Character Portrait: Hikari Mizuhara Character Portrait: Kyori Akiharu
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0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.

"Well, that's a depressing thought. Having to fight against a member of your own family... Everyone from Synchronicity do have their fair share of baggage. We're all just good at hiding them", Izumi said.

Kyo smiled, "I think it's better to said it rather than to keep it a secret for too long. But I don't care much really. After all, that is why the Selector has chosen us to be Entities."

"...Rin must have given you the details on how to reach us so, if anything pops up, don't hesitate to call us for assistance!"

"I will. And I think we should make this place as our headquarter or something like that", Kyo said while looking up at the clock, "It's pretty late now. I think we should go. Thanks, Izumi-san. Let's go, Hikari."

But when Kyo turned to Hikari, the boy speak up after keeping silent the whole time, "Uhm, hey Kyo-san... I know this isn't very normal. But... can I call you my oniisan?"

Kyo was pretty surprised to hear that at first, but then he grinned and ruffled the boy head again. "I don't see why not. But let's just leave it until we head back to your apartment, kay?", Kyo said and winked to him. Then both of them stand up.

"And one more thing", Kyo said to Izumi before they left for the entrance, "can we meet again here at 8:00 AM tomorrow? I have something to ask you. Thanks."

Kyo bowed to her gracefully and then left the coffee shop with his Child and then them both headed to Hikari's apartment, which is only a few streets away. What Hikara said earlier didn't really surprise him that much, he always care for his Child as if they were his siblings, because he hope that at least it'd help him to remember the feeling when he's still with his sister.

When they got there and Hikari opened the door, a puppy suddenly jumped out towards Hikari and licked all over his face. Hikari played with the dog a bit and then led Kyo inside and turned on the light.

"Nice apartment, your family must be quite wealthy, eh?", Kyo looked around and said to Hikari. He nodded and then showed Kyo to his room. Kyo nodded to him then went to his room and fall onto the warm bed. It has been a while since the last time he slept at cozy bed like this. Yeah, all he wanted right now is to rest and he will look for the answer tomorrow.

Kyo then got out of the room and asked Hikari who was feeding the puppy where the bathroom is. Hikari smiled and pointed towards a room near the kitchen. Kyo nodded and went inside the bathroom, finally he is able to get his longing shower.

Moments later, Kyo walked out with a towel around his neck to dry his hair. He was that his catalyst is sitting and watched TV with his puppy. "Hey, don't you feel sleepy yet?", Kyo asked. Hikari shook his head as Kyo went and sat next to him.

"Looks, I know the upcoming challenge is going to be hard and I don't know if I can always be there to protect you, but as long as we're still connected, I won't let anything harm you, okay?", Kyo smiled as he gave his Child a soft kiss on the forehead, "I'm off to bed now, and you should too, we have to see Izumi tomorrow and we don't want to be late, do we? If you have anything to ask, I will be willingly to answer tomorrow. So, goodnight for now."

With that, Kyo went to his room and closed the door, then he fall on the bed and quickly fell asleep. He'll be ready for whatever he have to do tomorrow.


"I don't see why not. But let's just leave it until we head back to your apartment, kay?", Kyo said to Hikari with a smile. Hikari turned his head and nodded as both of them stood up and left the coffee shop. It's quite late now, but Hikari don't have school or work tomorrow so he wouldn't have to worry much. He knows Kyo will be there to protect him.

Hikari then led his Entity back to his apartment. Just as he opened the door, his puppy ran out and jumped to him while licking all over his face. "That's tickled, Mizu", Hikari laughed as he hold his puppy, "you must be hungry."

He then walked inside and Kyo followed him. "Nice apartment, your family must be quite wealthy, eh?", "Well if you think so then yes", Hikari answered then showed Kyo to a room. "Well, this is your room. It's not much, but I hope you like it", Hikari smiled and then took his puppy to give him some food. He took him near the sofa and put some dog's food from the table into the bowl for his puppy. The pet then seemingly enjoy its meal while whipping its tail.

Kyo then walked out and asked for the bathroom. Hikari pointed for him, "It's over there", he said with a smile. Kyo nodded. Hikari looked on as his Entity walked in and close the bathroom's door. Hikari blushed, he couldn't let his imagination to fly that far.

Moments later, Hikari was holding Mizu and watched TV peacefully. Kyo stepped out with his hair still a little wet. "Hey, don't you feel sleepy yet?", his Entity asked and he responded by shaking his head. Kyo then sat down next to him and said, "Looks, I know the upcoming challenge is going to be hard and I don't know if I can always be there to protect you, but as long as we're still connected, I won't let anything harm you, okay?", Kyo said and gave Hikari a soft kiss on the forehead, which surprised him, "I'm off to bed now, and you should to, we have to see Izumi tomorrow and we don't want to be late, do we? If you have anything to ask, I will be willingly to answer tomorrow. So, goodnight for now."

Hikari's face turned a bit red, he nodded to him, "Goodnight, oniisan" as Kyo went to bed. A soft smile appeared on his lips. He turned off the TV and put his puppy down to the mattress and went to his own room. At least he know that he won't be lonely anymore.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Izumi Kimura Character Portrait: Serpent of Envy Character Portrait: Rin Nakahara Character Portrait: Hikari Mizuhara Character Portrait: Kyori Akiharu
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0.00 INK

As per Kyo's request, Izumi had the shop close down for a moment, just because he said that he wants to meet up here again at 8:00 in the morning. She sat in one of the chairs gazing out at the confused crowd, wondering why the shop is closed today. Normally, they open at 4:30 to catch the morning crowd but now, three and a half hours later, they still weren't.
"Well, might as well try to think up of an excuse as to why I opened it beyond regular hours yesterday and delay its opening today." Izumi sighed as she took a sip from her iced coffee while waiting for the two boys.

Walking around the mall's corridors, Rin tries to pinpoint the sudden intruder who came crashing in. She had come out of the room through a different passage, known only to members of Sacred Drive. She had a wire with her, allowing Priam to hear updates from her in real-time. She felt the presence close to the appliance center but with the infamous Black Friday Sale, there were more people than normal, making it difficult for her to check who could be the possible unwelcome intruder.

"Fortunately, I have this--" Rin laid her back on a nearby wall as she took a deep breath. Her eyes glowed a pale blue as she used her Search eye to check any uncommon metal items anyone might be carrying. "Keys, keychains, lockets, loose change, a baseball bat? Wait, is that--?" Her eyes fixed themselves on a girl standing in front of a vending machine. Ponytail, eyes that are near the same color as hers and a uniform? She sees harmless and ordinary enough, just a student who probably cut class to meet up with a boyfriend or something--if Rin disregards the fact that her eyes caught sight of almost a dozen pairs of scissors, littered across her belt. Under the power of the eyes, these dangerous objects shone like charcoals in the dead of night. Walking towards her, Rin also laid on the same wall, only a couple of inches away from her. The vending machine was adjacent another larger television, showing some sort of drama soap as demo.

"Hey miss? You look somewhat familiar. Somebody I saw a long time ago." She shifted her gaze to the girl beside her, seeing if that statement caught her attention.
"Ganaha Hibiki, the idol. Do you know her?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Izumi Kimura Character Portrait: Hikari Mizuhara Character Portrait: Kyori Akiharu
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0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.
As dawn approached, the morning light gently shone through the windows onto Kyo's face and woke him up. He slowly opened his eyes and sat up on his bed while stretching his arms and yawning a bit. He has never had such good sleep for a long while. Kyo has a feeling that he'll have a fine life with Hikari for now, or at least when they're not fighting. He taken out his phone and looked at the time. It's only 7:00 AM.

With that, he got down from the bed and took out some clothes from his backpack. Well, technically, his clothes are just all the same ever since he became an Entity. Still, he can't afford anything much, really. After he has finished, he got out of his room.

He looked around, but he didn't happen to saw his Child around. Kyo shrugged, "I don't know, but why all of my catalysts are happened to have a habit of sleeping in?", he thought as he opened Hikari's room door.

The boy was sleeping innocently on the bed. Well, last evening must be really tiring with him, but Kyo can explain to his Child later. He went and unveil the window's mattress as sunlight went into the room onto Hikari's bed. But the boy lazily crawl into his blanket.

"Wake up sleeping beauty", Kyo giggled as he pulled the blanket away from Hikari, "you don't want to be late, do you?"

Hikari sat up and stretched his arms while yawning, his hair is pretty much tangled, "Alright, I'm getting up", he still kept his eyes closed, "didn't you say it was 8:00 AM? Why so early?"

"Don't be lazy, you don't want to be a bad brother didn't you?", Kyo laughed as he patted Hikari's head, "now be nice to your oniisan or you'll be punish."

"Yeah yeah, very funny. I want you to be my oniisan, not my okaasama", Hikari said while gave Kyo a soft smile, "so why we need to meet Izumi-san anyway? If you want to go and see around, I can help you."

"Well yes, but it is better to go as a group so that we can counter if we happen to come across the Circus. I have an uneasy feeling that they're going to act today", Kyo said.

"Okay, I'll get dressed", Hikari stepped off his bed and took some clothes from his wardrobe, "Well, do you mind?"

After some while, Hikari finished dressing up and they've prepared to met Izumi. Kyo and Hikari then stepped out from the apartment and made their way to Izumi's coffee shop. But somehow, Kyo has a feeling that he was being watched all the way. That's also a reason why he has to go and ask for some information from an "advisor". But if what he sensed was true, then he can be sure that their peaceful time is over.

As they got there, they found that some crowd was already there, waiting for the shop to be opened. "Looks like this shop was popular with people around here", Hikari said as he looked as his watch, "just in time. So, how do we get in?"

Kyo nodded then waved to Izumi, who was sitting and waiting for them near the entrance. The shop then opened as customers poured in and the two followed them. They then sat on the opposite chairs with Izumi.

"I'd like a cup of espresso, please. Hikari, do you want to drink anything?", Kyo ordered the waitor then turned and asked his Child.

"I'd like some orange juice. Thanks", Hikari said, the waitor took their orders and then went to another table. With that, Kyo turned to Izumi, "Sorry for kept you waiting", Kyo said and gave her a heartwarming smile, "okay, to the main point. I haven't been to this city for a long time and it has changed a lot so I need someone to help me go looking around. But I think that it is better if we Synchro go together, just in case we might came across with a Circus member. So, do you happen to know any deserted churches around this area? I remembered that there's one around here but I don't know where. But hey, we can take our time if you're busy."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Izumi Kimura Character Portrait: Nozomi Kannagi Character Portrait: Hikari Mizuhara Character Portrait: Kyori Akiharu
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0.00 INK

Friergate City. As all other events play out and pieces start to connect to paint a larger picture, another side of the story is about to unveil...

Downtown Friergate, Luxe Suites Apartment, 5th Floor...
Inside Room 506, a young man was busy surfing the TV for no apparent reason. His fingers aptly alternated between channels as he tries to keep himself entertained--to no avail. Getting quite bored with the activity, he threw the remote away, leaving the TV on the local news channel, which had just brought up a report.

"Yesterday evening, an explosion was heard on a building located at 5th Avenue Main Street. Source of the explosion is said to be an LPG tank. Fortunately, there were no casualties. Police are now trying to find out the cause of the tank's--"

"Well, guess there are no activities yet..." Nozomi laid back on the sofa as the shuffling sounds of another person inside the apartment drowned out all other sounds from the TV. He was currently enjoying this brief moment of peace. Not even Pride, their leader, has made any attempt to contact him. With that out of his mind, his attention turned to the place he bought. From where he was lying at, he could hear an arguing couple on the other room, and a crying baby on the adjacent side. "Luxe Suites my ass, this place sure isn't that luxurious..." He complained to no one in particular. Still the sounds were getting annoying, especially since Fumina, his servant, is basically dropping the boxes of stuff they had with much force.

"Fumina...would you be careful with that? The mechanical parts there might break." He addressed her without even budging an inch from his chair.


Upon hearing the sound, Nozomi stood up to confront the rather careless girl who dropped it, intentionally. "Fumina...what did I just say?"
"Oh, I'm sorry!" Fumina replied with obvious sarcasm, even striking a pose similar to a person who's being arrested. "Cause you know? The boxes are heavy and moving around ten of these by myself is very taxing especially with someone who won't even offer a hand and just lies down there all day, watching TV!" The girl complained.
"Can't help it. Blame the Sin that was imposed on me." Nozomi tried to steer the attention away.
"Well you wouldn't have turned into this Entity if not for your laziness in the first place. Besides, do you remember the legend that came up thanks to you?"
"The part where everyone thinks that Circus only has six members? It's actually an advantage, since no one knows about us." Nozomi retorted back. Fumina walked closer to him and handed him some cash.
"If you're not gonna help me arrange our things, can you at least buy some refreshments? The coffee shop at 2nd avenue looks like it has a great selection!" She showed her master a flyer she picked up.
"But that's three avenues way!"
"Come on! You can take the bus if you want. Please?" The girl was practically going all "moe" on him. He wasn't buying though.
"And if I won't?"

Ten minutes later...
"Well, leave it to me to get kicked out of my house by my own anchor..." He ended up going in the end, after getting kicked out of the room by Fumina. Seeing the line to bus seemed like a hassle so he opted to walk. Turning to head inside the shop, he saw that the line was rather long. Still, the shop was nice and big so he sat at one table to wait for the line to get shorter, unaware that the owner was just another table away from him.

"Well, there is a church located in one of the exclusive compounds...but, I think it's not really deserted. This isn't really a Christian city so, places of worship are rare." Izumi informed Kyo and Hikari as she paused to sip her drink. "And, I won't really be of much help in looking around since I won't be able to fight anyway in case Circus attacks. You'll really be better off asking Rin but, she's disappeared somewhere again..." Izumi sighed as she listens to Kyo's proposal. While waiting for a response, Izumi glanced at the long line, thinking of things that can be improved on.

"Now this is annoying." Nozomi thought as he saw that the line isn't getting any shorter. In fact, it grew longer with the sudden arrival of a bunch of students from a nearby university. To top it off, they were all noisy.
"All right, let's get these people out of the way..." Nozomi looked around for anything that he could use as a means of entertainment. He saw a soccer player with a ball tucked underneath his arm, waiting in line. "Perfect." With his telekinesis, he let the ball slip and hit a tray of drinks a waitress was carrying, forcing it to spill on the noisy students. Soon, they were screaming at both the guy and the waitress, irritating all other people, forcing Izumi to try and make a compromise. The students won't accept it though and stormed out the shop angrily. With them gone, Nozomi took the empty spot in line.
"No hard feelings, you people were just halting my schedule..." Nozomi thought as he lined up along with all other people who didn't really give a care that day.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Izumi Kimura Character Portrait: Nozomi Kannagi Character Portrait: Hikari Mizuhara Character Portrait: Kyori Akiharu
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0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.
"Well, there is a church located in one of the exclusive compounds...but, I think it's not really deserted. This isn't really a Christian city so, places of worship are rare. And, I won't really be of much help in looking around since I won't be able to fight anyway in case Circus attacks. You'll really be better off asking Rin but, she's disappeared somewhere again...", Izumi sighed.

The waitor then brought both Kyo and Hikari's drinks out, Kyo took a sip from his coffee cup and then replied, "It's okay, you just need to give me an address or something and I'll find it."

Suddenly, Kyo heard a girl was yelling at a waitor. Izumi then stood up and went to make compromise. Kyo shook his head and then continued to enjoy his drink. "It's still early in the morning and people has began to fuss", Hikari sighed as he drinks through a straw, "I don't think if I can handle such madness everyday."

"If you call this is madness, then this is nothing compared to the madness in this world, Hikari", Kyo giggled, "because you don't have to been through any of the wars yet so you can't feel it. But that's okay, it's nothing pleasant really."

"So, how was it then?", Hikari turned his head to Kyo.

"They were the moments that we have to kill to survive. We have to stained our own hands with the blood of our enemies to be able to live through that madness. It wasn't something that you can fully understand just by hearing, you have to experienced it by yourselves to live the whole story", Kyo said as he looked up to the ceiling while remember back to the previous wars that he has seen, "it is us alone fighting against another two enemies to survive. All we ever wanted is to bring peace into this world, but to achieve that goal, we have to pay a bitter price - it is to watched our companions to sacrifice but we can't do anything about it..."

"I see...", Hikari turned down his head and said. For once, he doesn't know what to say, he has never experienced anything like it in his life.

"Well, sorry for dragging your mood down", Kyo smiled and cheered Hikari up, "even if we have to fight, it doesn't mean that we can't enjoy our lives? You'll see."

Kyo said as he took a sip from his cup, waiting for Izumi to dealt with the problem in her shop so that they can get on their way soon. But suddenly, a feeling washed through his mind. He turned his head and looked around the shop. "What's happened?", Hikari asked.

"Another Entity has entered this shop. My feeling is often correct, but I hope that this time it is wrong", Kyo said as frowned while trying to find the source of the aura. "So finally, you've decided to show up, Sinner's Circus?", he said to himself.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Izumi Kimura Character Portrait: Serpent of Envy Character Portrait: Rin Nakahara Character Portrait: Nozomi Kannagi Character Portrait: Hikari Mizuhara Character Portrait: Kyori Akiharu
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0.00 INK

"No, celebrities are rumored to have a lot of doubles when they walk around, in order to avoid attention. I was thinking maybe, she is around here somewhere." Rin tried to draw out the conversation more as most of the people started clearing off. There was no mistake about it. This girl is a member of Circus. Soon, the lines were reduced to just a few people long.
"Oh and by the way, nice scissors you have there..." Rin finally spoke up, revealing her true intention.

As he approached the counter, Nozomi felt the presence of another Entity in the shop. Actually, he was sensing one Entity and two Catalysts. The single Entity's aura though, was very overpowering.
"This damn feeling...there is no doubt this is a Synchro member. Still, I think you're too rash, coming out into the open. Well, no matter. The amount of people will also prevent you from making any drastic moves while I--"
"Excuse me?" The clerk asked him if he was ready to order, interrupting his thoughts.
"Oh--I'll have--well, this and another frappe, I guess." Nozomi pointed to the drink encircled by Fumina on the brochure. After computing, the girl informed him of the cost.
"Huh? I already paid Miss."
"Sir, I don't think you--" The girl was suddenly fixated on Nozomi's eyes, which were making her uneasy. With his back turned to the other people, they couldn't exactly see what was going on. "A-ah! Is that so? Hmm...okay sir, we'll just call you if your order is ready. Your number is number 45. Please take a seat first."
"Thank you." Nozomi grinned as he took his seat. Taking out the cash Fumina gave him, he proceeded to pocket it for himself. "Who needs cash when you have hypnosis? I'll just take it for myself, as payment for making me walk around town in this heat." His eyes scanned the place as he tried to see who among the people was the powerful aura he was detecting.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Izumi Kimura Character Portrait: Serpent of Envy Character Portrait: Rin Nakahara Character Portrait: Miruka Hiroyuki Character Portrait: Nozomi Kannagi Character Portrait: Hikari Mizuhara
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0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.
"Really? So that means...", Hikari asked. He just became a Child yesterday and today he already has to face with an Entity. How cool is that? He haven't even knows what he is capable of just yet.

"Yeah, they've decided to act", Kyo said while trying to concentrate in finding whoever might be a Circus member in the shop. He don't know if Izumi notices this or not, but if he can identify which Sin is it, he can decided whether it is better to retreat or not.

Kyo is well-awared that the Entity who entered the shop must have felt Kyo's aura too. And this person is definitely from the Circus. He hold his coffee cup and pretended like he was drinking it to make him as normal he could while rolling his eyes around to see if there are anyone suspicious.

"I've never met any Circus members with an aura like this, and it means that this Entity must've never showed themselves before", Kyo thought as he raised an eyebrow when he has identified the aura, "if that so, then this Entity must be Sloth, there's no doubt about it. But who can it be?", Kyo thought as he concentrated in finding, until he set his eyes to a boy who was sitting on a table near the counter, who was radiating the aura.

Kyo smirks, "Found ya." He secretly pulled out the flute which he hid under his sleeve.

"Hikari, can you hear me?", Kyo commute with his Child through their minds, " just be as normal as you could for now. But if the other Entity attempts to do something, I want you to plug your ears, okay?"

Hikari was pretty surprised when he heard Kyo's voice inside his head, but then he nodded to his Entity. He took a sip from his glass and tried to looked at another direction.

"Man, that was such a good swim", Miruka stretched his arms and said to himself gleefully after his swim in the city's pool. It has been a while since he enjoying himself like that, "it felt good to breathe the outside air after staying undercover such long time."

Miruka humming as he walked on the street while thinking of a way to find his fellow Virtues, "It's been a long time, I can't wait to see Kyo-chin again", he giggled, "but first, I need to stop by the mall and get some stuffs."

He walked through some streets and then stopped at the mall. But when he stepped inside, the feeling that he hasn't felt for a long time washed through his minds, and it intrigues him more than ever. This could only mean one thing - the Sin that countered him is here. Miruka frowns, "Not just her, there's another Entity here, though this one might be from the Synchro", he thought and sighed, "just getting out of my retreat and I already meet problems."

A few moments later, he saw that a girl was running and he quickly realized her. "Serpent...", Miruka raised an eyebrow, he knows it wouldn't be a good idea to show up now, "they're focusing on each other so I guess that they don't know that I'm here, better staying low for now", he thought as he hid behind a pillar near there.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Izumi Kimura Character Portrait: Serpent of Envy Character Portrait: Rin Nakahara Character Portrait: Nozomi Kannagi Character Portrait: Hikari Mizuhara Character Portrait: Kyori Akiharu
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0.00 INK

Upon receiving his order, Nozomi got up and left the shop. With the concentration of people around, it would be hard to use his power without causing too much of a commotion. He was able to pinpoint which among the people there were Synchronicity members.
"And I thought there would be more difficulties. My psychokinetic mind can intercept any form of psychic communication, thanks to telepathy. He commanded his catalyst to plug his ears--if so, his power may have something to do with any form of hearing capability. If that's the case..." Nozomi took out his earphones and played some music on his mp3 player as he walked, converging with the other people in the street.
"Still, I haven't flexed my powers in a long while so unless I can call in some sort of backup, I'm not gonna test these waters just yet." Nozomi thought as he cut in an alley to avoid the scorching sun, beaming on the street.


"Hey, look over there. It's Hibiki."

Rin was temporarily addled by those words. Sharp reflexes can prove to be a small disadvantage when your mind automatically reacts to various stimuli. When her eyes once again fixed themselves on the girl, she had turned to run away.
"Ara? And I thought she was more--never mind..." Rin muttered as she ran swiftly to chase her target. She whispered to Priam to show her the possible destination of the girl, given her present trajectory.
"At this rate, she'll head onto a current, Indie-band performance in the reception hall. You can get there faster if you go through the second floor as there are less people. Jump down from the pillar on the Eastern Side of the stage. You can do it, can you?"
"Please, any Sacred Drive member can do that much at least." Rin followed through Priam's orders. Heading up the second floor, it was exactly as he said: Almost no people.
"Leave it to Priam to map out this entire building. Good, now--" Rin bent her legs a bit, focusing some of her energy onto her legs, creating some sort of eerie, blue glow. Her Active Cloaking used to hide her weapons were dispelled but this re-directed energy propelled her forward, saving more time in running. Glancing down, she waited for the girl to pass by. When she did, she dropped jumped down, spiraling from the pillar and landing on the girl's back, whom she pinned to the ground.
"Got you." She whispered to the girl as she held down one hand. They were right behind the stage, with no witnesses and no bystanders. It was a nice stage set-up for them.

Izumi could swear that she detected some sort of aura around the place. It wasn't Kyo's nor was it his Catalyst's. It was entirely different. Way different to what she has been used to sensing.
"Well now, here, I've jotted down the address of the church I was talking about." Izumi handed Kyo a table napkin with the address of a church. "Call anytime you need something. But first, excuse me for a moment--" Izumi then headed around back, near the storage room where she usually keeps all of her items. Taking out her laptop, she opened up the records Rin shared with her.
"That aura was something different. It surely wasn't the same as any enemy we've encountered before..." She booted up the signal graphs; a sensing device that Izumi had installed on her laptop to keep track of any signals their opponents omit. It updates itself daily so, she was sure that it would've contained something by now.

"So far, Rin has fought most of the Circus members. The First Wrath, the Second Lust and Gluttony. Rumors abound that Pride and Greed are very powerful, acting like some sort of aristocrats among the Circus members. We have yet to face them but this new signal--it's not matching up to anything else in this directory." Izumi checked the matching results. Even if the intensity of the power is different, frequencies and wavelengths remain constant for every incarnation of a particular entity.
"It's not matching up to any of the Synchronicity members' wavelengths either. I have heard talk of a seventh member of Circus. Don't tell me--it's him? Regarding the intensity of his power, his signal is almost on par with---" Izumi's eyes widened when the results came up. "The First Wrath, Akito!" Thinking back, she remembered Rin's description of him, and what she felt during that day...


"Akito, classified under Sacred Drive's list as an S-rank, high priority target. He's a very formidable opponent. Several of our operatives have fallen prey to him. I nearly died fighting him. When I came to, he was said to be already dead..." Rin and Izumi were talking at the same coffee shop as the one they were in. It was nearly past midnight and the shop had closed, leaving them in total privacy.
"You seem to be hesitant to talk about him. Is he really that powerful? What was he like?" Izumi asked. Rin sipped her coffee to calm the nerves before carrying on.
"His power deals with electricity, which is plenty in this city, thanks to the presence of the Hayashibara Power Plants. Even without them though, he can generate his own, using a device embedded in his body frame. But it's not that. It's his mind that's the most disturbing. He has vast knowledge, common sense and possesses a way of thinking different from us normal humans. He cannot be persuaded by a mere presentation of morals and such. Once his eyes are set on a goal, he will stop at nothing to get it."
"Was he the one who--?"
"Yes. He was the one who funded that mercenary group that attacked my school. You could say that it was thanks to him that I became an Entity. But, as for myself, I don't really think of him that fondly."
"When I fought him the first time, it felt like--it felt like I was staring the devil straight in the face. I felt like I was locked in death's cold embrace. Heh, even until now, three years later, my hand still won't stop shaking."

Flashback end...

"To think that someone out there exists, who can rival Akito's, the Circus member with the most firepower, aura... Just how strong is the enemy that we're facing?" Izumi suddenly felt some sort of gap in her heart, as she remembered her Entity. She felt sorry for all that she had to go through.



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Izumi Kimura Character Portrait: Serpent of Envy Character Portrait: Rin Nakahara Character Portrait: Miruka Hiroyuki Character Portrait: Nozomi Kannagi Character Portrait: Hikari Mizuhara
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0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.
Kyo watched on as the boy carried his drinks and got out from the shop, the feeling also disappeared with him as he went out. Kyo smirked, "The fish went straight into the net. I don't want to put myself over the top or anything, but you must remember that I'm the Virtue that counter your leader, my dear. Still, I never want to fight you though. Wise decision", he thought.

With that, Kyo leaned on his back. Hikari blinked and turned to him, "He left... So what exactly are you going to do with that flute if he was going to attack then?"

"This thing?", Kyo said as he hold his flute and shrugged, "I wasn't going to do anything. Just wanted to scare him off a bit."

"So that means, you know at first that he can guess what you're thinking?", Hikari asked.

"Yep, that's one of my privileges, Hikari. I will explain to you later when we're on our way to the church", Kyo said and gave a wide grin.

A moments later, Izumi went to Kyo and Hikari. On the look on her face, Kyo can guess that she has already know that Sloth has come here. "Well now, here, I've jotted down the address of the church I was talking about. Call anytime you need something. But first, excuse me for a moment--", Izumi gave Kyo a table napkin with the address of a church.

"Thanks, Izumi-san", Kyo smiled. With that, Izumi went somewhere behind the shop. Kyo called for the waiter to pay for their drinks. After that, he stood up, "Come Hikari, let's go."

"But shouldn't we wait for Izumi?", Hikari asked.

"We can comeback and tell her later", Hikari said as they both got out of the shop, "first, let's get to the ground yesterday first."

"What for?", Hikari questioned.

"You'll see", Kyo grinned.

After they traveled through some streets, they got to the deserted ground yesterday. "So, what exactly are we going to do here?", Hikari looked around and said. Somethings tell him that his Entity is up to something.

Kyo gave Hikari a mischivious smile and then walked further from his Child, then he turned to face him. Suddenly, Kyo raised his arm towards Hikari's direction. The boy still didn't understand what was going on. Kyo then shot a beam of light towards his Child. Hikari was so surprised because of that, but he managed to dodge by the skin of his teeth.

"What the hell are you doing?!", Hikari yelled at his Entity. He is well-aware that because Kyo was one of the main Virtues so his power is no joke. He didn't know what would happened if he got hit.

"Well, what do you think? Don't worry, it won't kill you", Kyo grinned as he continued to shot his beams towards Hikari. The boy still trying to dodge. The beams that missed Hikari shot onto the ground and created craters. They continued like that for quite some while, until Kyo felt that his catalyst is starting to tire.

"Kyo! That wasn't funny!", Hikari yelled. "Fine, fine, I'll let you take a break", he then stopped and said to his catalyst, still with his mischivious look. "Listen, if you want to enable your power, you have to clear your mind and take up your courage to face your opponents. Do not scare and don't show any signs of hestitation. Let the power that I gave you flows through your body and thrash it out. Now, let's do it again."

"What exactly do you mean-", Hikari asked, but before he could sink in every words that his Entity said, Kyo has already carried out another surprise attack. With the flexibility of a basketball player, he can still easily dodge the beams, though he knows that Kyo didn't take it seriously even in the slightest. As he dodge, he remembered what Kyo just said earlier and stopped avoiding.

Kyo smiled, "You got it. Now show me", he thought as he shot out another beam at his catalyst. This time, Hikari didn't try to avoid, but instead, he closed his eyes as he felt the power flowing through him. When he felt that the beam was closed to him, he hold his right arm to the light. He closed his eyes shut for a few moments, but it didn't felt like he was being hit. When he reopened his eyes, he was surprised to see that a barrier was surrounded around him, shielding him from the light. "Wow...", Hikari said.

"Well done", Kyo stopped and walked to his Child. Hikari then lowered the barrier, "This is cool", he thought while feeling so proud of himself. When his Entity got to him, he punched Kyo in his arm. "Never do that again", Hikari said with a grumpy voice. Kyo giggled and patted his Child's head.

"Just a little warm up for today, you still have to practice if you want to master it but it was really a good start", Kyo said, "so how do you feel?"

"I feel... alive", Hikari looked as his palms, "it felt like it has been sleeping inside me all the time."

"Yeah, and now you got it", Kyo smiled, "from now on, you'll be the shield that protect us all from the enemy. Remember that, okay?"

"That's sound like one hell of a big duty", Hikari laughed, "but no hard feeling. I'm ready to face whatever challenges in front of us."

"It's good that you can think that. Now let's go, we've got jobs to do", Kyo said. Hikari nodded then the both of them make their ways to the church.

Miruka stood behind the pillar as he watched the white-hair girl was chasing after Serpent, she jumped down from the pillar to the Eastern side of the stage of the band who was performing there as people are began to cleared. As Serpent ran just behind the stage, the girl has pinned her down before she could makes any more moves.

The stage there was pretty close to where Miruka was standing, he still laying low while trying not to radiating too much aura. When the girl jumped, Miruka was able to glance at her before she landed behind the stage. "She's an Entity, no doubts. But why is she wearing the military uniform from the Sacred Drive?", he raised an eyebrom and thought, "but it doesn't matter, I should be back up in case something happened. Serpent isn't going to be an easy opponent."

With that, he took his katana from his backpack and using his enhancement on the sword. The sword then glowed the green-ish aura. Miruka stood still while holding the katana firmly, hoping that everything will be okay.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Serpent of Envy Character Portrait: Rin Nakahara Character Portrait: Miruka Hiroyuki Character Portrait: Hikari Mizuhara Character Portrait: Kyori Akiharu Character Portrait: Alistair Faust
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0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.
Kyo read carefully the paper which Izumi gave him earlier while leading Hikari to the church. Well, he wouldn't worry too much for now. Earlier, Hikari has came to his power, which mean asides from the ability to manipulate forcefield, he also have a passive ability that even Hikari himself didn't notice - Hikari can unconsciously created an invisible detector around himself and his Entity, which means if the Circus sent spies after him and got near them from a certain distance then they'll surely know. Kyo himself only needed to stay near his Child and he should be able to detect if the Circus was spying on him. Kyo is well-aware that he's probably a threat to them by now since his sister didn't show up much and his true potentials are still a mystery.

"I'm still curious, what do you suppose to do when we got to the church anyway?", Hikari asked while sweeping the sweat on his forehead, "let's be haste for now, the sun is scorching."

"Well, everyone has to had some secrets, wouldn't they?", Kyo smiled, "I've always keeping them as a mystery even with the rest of the Synchronicity, so far only my catalysts are the only people that ever knew them. You should be happy because I decided to share this with you."

"Oh yeah, how lucky am I?", Hikari grinned. Though he didn't admit it, Kyo has been quite one of the most mysterious people that he'd ever met. So far Hikari didn't hide any secrets with his Entity but he knows pretty much nothing about his Entity yet so he was kinda excited. Hikari was secretly felt happy because he can do something to help Kyo, it's the least thing that he can do to repay him for saving his life.

They walked across some avenues until they reached the district where the church was. There weren't a lot of people around here and it should be find for Kyo to do what he has came here for. After a short walk from a few more buildings, they reached the church which Izumi told.

"We're here", Kyo said, "Come, Hikari." This church was an abandoned church, although it looks wasn't very old. "There shouldn't anyone around here", Kyo thought. They then stepped onto the stairs and opened the door.

"I don't know there is such a nice holy place like this in the city, too bad it was abandoned", Hikari said as both of them walked into the church.

"Hikari", Kyo said, "do you believe in God?"

"Why did you ask me that all of a sudden?", Hikari questioned, "Well, I'm not a Christian, but I do believe that there is some kind of supreme beings behind the creation of this world. That's what I thought. So, are you going to take me to meet a God or something?"

"This is what I told you earlier, Hikari", Kyo turned to his Child and said, right now both of them are standing in front of the Cross.

"So what has to do with this?"

"This isn't exactly a real power, it just that throughout my life, I've been able to gain the "power" of prayers. It is somewhat complicated to explain though, but what can I just say it's that because of my nature as the highest Virtue of Synchronicity, Humility, I can total clear my mind when I'm standing on an absolutely quiet place and pray. For short, this is my refresh button. When my mind is cleared, I will be able to think more effectively. A lot of stuff has happened recently so I have to refresh myself to come up with something against our opponents.

Hikari nodded, though all of this stuffs seemed to be confusing with him. After he has sink in what Kyo just said, he asked, "Okay, I get it. But why do you need to go to a church?"

Kyo shrugged, "Just because this is the only place is quiet enough in this city. Besides, it is also a consecrated ground so there aren't any places better then this. Okay, I'll begin now, please be patient and wait."

Hikari nodded and stepped away from his Entity and came to sit at the chair. Kyo clasped his hand and closed his eyes as he began to chanting some sort of prayers. As he chanted, a light then appeared in front of him.

After some while, Kyo stood up and the light disappeared. Kyo then turned to Hikari and said to him with a smile, though his expressions have changed a bit, "All done. Let's go back."

But just as the moment that both of them stepped out from the church, Kyo immediately realized that they were being spied on. "So what I thought was right", Kyo thought. He closed his eyes to sensed where the spy was and then shot a beam of holy light towards a tree nearby. A familiar in the shape of an owl fell down from the tree. Kyo then went to the tree and investigated the familiar. Because it has been exorcised by Kyo's light, it quickly turned into dust and flew away with the wind. It could only mean one thing - HE has decided to act on the behalf of Kyo's sister.

"Alistair...", Kyo murmured.

Miruka widen his eyes when he sensed that Serpent was using her tunnels to escape. "Not so fast", he said as he jumped out, trying to caught her but her tunnel quickly disappeared. Although he can still feel her presence nearby. He looked up to the white-hair girl but he don't really know what to say. But he needs to focus on a more important matter right now is to find his counterpart who was slithering somewhere.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Izumi Kimura Character Portrait: Rin Nakahara Character Portrait: Miruka Hiroyuki Character Portrait: Hikari Mizuhara Character Portrait: Kyori Akiharu
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0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.
Miruka looked around, trying to sensed if Serpent is still around. The band's performance on the stage has finished. After he has searched for a while around the ground, he couldn't find any traces of his counterpart. Her tunnels had completely disappeared. He sighed while put his katana into its cover and put it back to his backpack, "Almost got her. No doubts she's going to report this to their leader."

"Three questions. First, who are you? Next, are you involved with that girl somehow? And last, why are you here? Depending on your answers, I might just have to fire, even if you are a Synchronicity member. So make sure you choose the right ones", the Entity girl said cautiously while aiming her gun at Miruka.

He turned his back and facing with her, glancing at her a moment, though he still keeping his calm posture. "So what I heard was true...", Miruka thought. Even though he was staying undercover, he still get in touch with Kyo to know what the situation is between both sides. So he pretty knows that some members on his side are having some sorts of conflict, which explains why the Entity who's standing in front of him right now is still beware of him even though they're allies. Miruka understood that from what he has seen from the wars.

"Woah woah wait, there's no needs of violence here", Miruka grinned while waved his hands to the girl. He has no intentions to fight anyone if it wasn't necessary, "You're asking too many questions at once, but still, I'm willing to answer them, just stop aiming at me as if I'm a criminal like that, kay?"

Then he straighthen himself up and answered, still with his gentle smile, "My name is Miruka, and you'd probably realized that I'm also an Entity, like you. I am Kindness. Nice to meet you", he then gave a bow to her, "and the reason why I'm here, well, I'm just passing by to get some stuffs that I needed, I've been staying undercover for quite sometimes and this is my first day out of my retreat in a long while. And as you know, the Serpent girl earlier was Envy and she's my counterpart. I was planning to take her down when I saw her but you've already taken care of her so I think it was for the best not to interrupt you, I have no idea that I'd encounter Serpent here."

Miruka then shrugged, "Too bad she got away though. Well, I think that's enough for an introduction. And you, young lady?", Miruka asked, hoping that he would gained her trust.

"Kyo, what is that?", Hikari went to his Entity and saw the figure was withered into dust.

"It's my sister's catalyst", Kyo said, "if he has decided to act, then it means troubles. Come, let's return to Izumi first then we'll figure out a way to counter them soon."

Hikari nodded and both of them made their ways back to Izumi coffee shop, the scorching sunshines had soften a bit. On his way, Kyo took out his phone and sent a text message to Miruka, "Miru-kun, have you got out from your undercover yet? Come and meet me at this coffee shop as soon as you received my message. Here's the address", Kyo typed out Izumi's address and sent the message.

Hikari saw that and turned to Kyo, "Hey, who did you text to?"

"An old friend", Kyo grinned, "You'll meet him soon. He's also an atheletic person like you so I think you both will get along."

"Wow, really? Then he must be really tall and buff", Hikari grinned gleefully. Ever since yesterday, it seems that anyone he met in their group was ridiculously attractive. "Is being an Entity and a catalyst also gave people the ability to have good looks?", he playfully thought. Still, he's still looking forward to meet new companions.

When they've reached Izumi shop, they entered the shop, the crowd now is lesser. "Hey Izumi-san, we're back", Kyo smiled and greeted her, then both Kyo and Hikari sat down, "okay, I've found out that Alistair, my sister's catalyst has decided to act. So now, we should find a way to counter against the Circus and be ready to face them at all time. Call Rin, when she's back then we can discuss about this together. I've also contact one of the Synchronicity's member who was staying undercover and he should be here soon."