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Hikari Mizuhara

"I was given a chance to begin a new life and I'm not going to waste it..."

0 · 749 views · located in Friergate City

a character in “Sinner's Circus”, as played by chrian.



Name: Hikari Mizuhara
"Well, it isn't that cool..."

Age: 17
"I'm just a kid in everyone's eyes, I guess."

Gender: Male
"Obviously, but I'm not sure if I'm really the kind of guy that girls wanna hang out with."

Theme Song (Optional): Fantastic Tune - Ono Kensho
"So many possibilities so I gotta open my eyes."

Side: Synchronicity
"Yeah, he saved me so I'll follow him wherever he go."

Role: Child of Humility
"It doesn't mean that he is my father or something. Still, I've never had a brother before so I kinda see him like that, I think."

Personality: Hikari has a deadpan and straight forward personality. He is very hard working and always tries his best in whatever missions they have to accomplish. Hikari also displays much respect towards his companions. Like his Entity, Hikari is also very humble and never considering himself over the top. He is also very kind and gentle and is a person who always in-debts with anyone who helped him. But overall, Hikari is a very calm, rational person even when facing his enemies, although sometimes he can be clumsy. He don't usually loses his temper, but when he did, he'll turn into a completely different person.

Appearance: Hikari has a fragile outlook and a very small build, he is about 5'6'' tall. He has light blue hair that he styles to his left. His eyes are blue, and he has a blank gaze. He wears white, black and red jersey with the number 11 when he is training. He also sometimes wears black sweatbands. His basketball shoes are white with a blue streak. When he is out of training, he usually wear his school uniform.

History: Hikari was born in quite a wealthy family in a countryside town which situated near a valley, but he has studied well and always has high scores ever since he was little. When he was first began study in high school, a teacher from a famous school in Friergate City found out about this and invite him to study at his school, which Hikari accepted. His parents disagreed at first due to the reputation of the city, but after hearing his persuasion, they eventually allow him to go.

Ever since he arrived at this city, he has felt like he belongs to this place and started to living on his own in an apartment which his parents bought for him. Even though his parents always send him money every months, he still prefer to make his own money by working part-time at a diner. Hikari has always been fond of basketball ever since he was small and he is now a player in his school's team despite his small body. He also heard about the infamous group of people known as the Sinner Circus, but he really didn't care about them since he always know how to stay out of trouble in this city.

At that destiny night, when he has to come home late after work, he was being chased by a group of thugs and was outnumbered. Somehow, Kyori Akiharu - the Virtue of Humility, came across the alley where the thugs cornered him and saved Hikari by the skin of his teeth. Feeling in-debts with Kyo, Hikari decided to become his catalyst, or the Child of Humility and began a brand new life with his new abilities...

Why did you accept the contract? "Like I said, Kyo saved me so I wanted to repay him. Besides, fighting bad guys is cool, right?"

  • Forcefield Manipulation: Hikari has ability to controls forcefield which helped him to creates barriers, protecting him and his allies from the enemies' attacks. His barriers are strong enough the deflects most attacks. However, this power requires him to be concentrate. He can only creates a barrier surrounds him for a range of 50 square meters. If Hikari is affected while generating his forcefield, the barriers which he created will vanish.
  • Knife: After making the contract with Kyori, Hikari has learnt the art of fighting with knives and daggers. He can battled face-to-face with his enemies with knives or even throwing them with good accuracy. However, he still need a little more practice to master this art.
  • Connection: As a part of the contract, both Hikari and his Entity has a special connection which enables them to locate wherever the other was. Through this connection, they can also converse with each other through their minds, but only for a limited range of 20 square kilometers.

    Trivia (Optional):
    • Even though Hikari sees Kyo as his brother, Hikari has developing a more deeper feeling with his Entity ever since they met, though he didn't really confirm it yet.
    • Hikari are now sharing his apartment with Kyori since Kyo didn't have any place to stay in this city.
    • Hikari is the only person in the Synchronicity knows that Pride was Kyo's little sister.
    • He has a soft spot for puppies and kittens, as he has a small puppy at his apartment.

Face Claim: Kuroko Tetsuya | Kuroko's Basketball

So begins...

Hikari Mizuhara's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Izumi Kimura Character Portrait: Rion Mizorogi Character Portrait: Hajime Amaterasu Character Portrait: Rin Nakahara Character Portrait: Miruka Hiroyuki Character Portrait: Leona Rain Vincent
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Leona surveyed the surroundings. The base was hidden well enough, as it seems. Somehow, she wonders if the base's close proximity to the Hayashibara Power Plant somehow helps in concealing or warding off the other hostile Entities. After all, the fact that Akito, the one considered to have the most destructive power in all of Circus was slain there. Surely no one else would bother to take the risk?

Maybe Judgement was so frightened by Akito's performance as Wrath that it's hard to decide a new one. The Serial Killer could be indeed a new Sin, but it could be obvious the circus hasn't found her yet, which means they'll possibly be actively looking as well."

Now this was a bit troublesome. They have to find and apprehend the killer first before their opponent add any more to their ranks. With the lack of a Second-Generation Wrath, Leona isn't too keen on trying to unearth any more of that. There is a possibility playing in her mind but, the chances are too remote so she decided to not say anything about it.

"As for the Case of it itself, Sacred Drive may indeed have their heads deep in the case if Diligence is amongst them. Hence why I told my Child to exercise caution and not use his special ammunition his magic provides and temporarily go Melee. Also, Robin also is looking into a more personal case for him as well, one that I'd promise we'd help in anyway we'd can. I shall explain in due time. For now Robin will be fine on his own, I'll use telepathy to check on him now and again. Right now, The Children of Humility and Kindness should learn how to fend for themselves. Anything to add Leona?"

"I suppose. My current Child Rion can fight to some degree so I think she's fine but, if these kids only made the contract recently, they will need to train in this place. We'll need instructors for them though. Someone skilled in fighting at the front lines and someone well-versed in the magic arts." She suddenly recalled Kindness saying that Astraea was in town. Quickly, she packed up her bow and items and asked to be excused.

"I'm neither a front-line combatant nor someone with a vast knowledge of magic so I won't be of much help in instruction. Though if Astraea truly is in town, she may just be the instructor we need. Her knowledge of magical crafts is vast and valuable. I'm leaving to go look for her, if that's okay with everyone." She informed them of her intention to seek out her old ally.

After the mission briefing, Rin sat alone on the training platform pondering about the day's events. Izumi seemed to like their other allies back at Synchronicity. Not her though. She's already had it with that elitist group.
"Disloyal, immature, naive... I guess part of the reason why I wanted to leave was because I keep getting told all of these things almost everyday. I'm always treated like some sort of nuisance." Rin recalled all of the reprimands she's heard from the First Generation Entities when she met them, particularly the First Kindness and Chastity.
"You're too reliant on those weapons! Face the enemy head on!"
"Your mind still wavers until this day? You're a disgrace to the faction!"
"Weak. That's exactly how they initially saw me. It's always the next generation who's reprimanded the most yet always have high expectations placed upon them. At least in here, everyone's just as strong as I am. We all understand each other, acknowledge our strengths and weaknesses and see the good in everyone." Rin stood up, preparing to head out as the mission is about to start.

At the locker room, she changed her garb from her traditional uniform to a slightly less, attracting one, consisting of a simple sleeveless, white turtleneck over a black skirt and brown boots. Topping it off with a blue trench coat and her muffler, she turned to Izumi who handed her the earrings. It was crafted from silver and emeralds, small enough to be allowed on a more, conservative school campus.
"I've finished it in time. Those accessories will negate all of your aura, reducing it to a normal human's." She also handed Rin a new set of bullets and another, carbon suitcase. Opening it, Rin saw that it contained a deconstructed Walther WA 2000, complete with a new sight and ammunition.
"This is rare. I can't believe you actually got one of these."
"Right, only 176 of these were ever produced. Wasn't easy bringing it in from Germany. This would limit your range from the Savage's 1,500 meters to 700 but, this model will do since you're not really in heavy fieldwork right now and, at least you can carry it around. You'll be using .300 Winchesters though, is that alright?"
"It will do. But, I'll have difficulty if I come face to face with a melee bruiser."
"That's why I prepared another set of melee weapons to replace the M-9." Izumi hands Rin a pair of wakizashis: one that is a full, 24 inch long and a shorter one, measuring only 15 inches. "Those swords can be concealed within your coat or your belt. Just be careful."
"I don't think I'll really need the long one. I'll just drop it off at Hyatt while I'm still in the school." With her equipment updated, Rin boarded her motorcycle again and rode back to the Hyatt Building; the place where she'll be monitoring the sudden aura fluctuations within the school. Dropping off the heavier equipment, including the coat, she proceeded back outside, bringing only the handguns, short sword and muffler with her. She made her way on foot past the red-light district and into the school she'll be investigating. Glancing at the terrain, the school was landlocked by a nearby strip mall, another high-rise still in the middle of construction and a clock tower.
"The clock tower seems like a good vantage point Rin." Izumi relayed via her Contact spell.
"True. That is the best vantage point. However, any sane sniper who saw it will think so too. I'll scout for another place where I can see that tower and the school. What about you? Where are you now?" Rin asks. The night is getting deeper and Rin's senses becoming more alert now, especially since the public, which acts as their shield is completely absent.
"I'm back at home. I'm feeling a little sleepy so, can I start the mission tomorrow?"
"Yeah, sure thing." After that message, Rin decided to enjoy the little night life first before turning in for the day. Friergate doesn't have much but, there are several establishments that cater to night owls. Heading into a well-known bar downtown, she sat at the front, near the counter so she won't be bothered much. Turning to the barista, she placed her order and looked around. The atmosphere was getting heavy as teenagers danced to the rhythm of the music being played. Taking a sip, she continued to observe the others living out the life she wasn't able to.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hajime Amaterasu Character Portrait: Miruka Hiroyuki Character Portrait: Leona Rain Vincent Character Portrait: Astraea Cyril Acustica Character Portrait: Hikari Mizuhara Character Portrait: Kyori Akiharu
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#, as written by chrian.
"I suppose. My current Child Rion can fight to some degree so I think she's fine but, if these kids only made the contract recently, they will need to train in this place. We'll need instructors for them though. Someone skilled in fighting at the front lines and someone well-versed in the magic arts. I'm neither a front-line combatant nor someone with a vast knowledge of magic so I won't be of much help in instruction. Though if Astraea truly is in town, she may just be the instructor we need. Her knowledge of magical crafts is vast and valuable. I'm leaving to go look for her, if that's okay with everyone." Leona said as he gathered her stuffs and decided to went and look for Astraea.

"Of course, you should go and find her," Miruka smiled, "I guess that since you two are both women, you can convince her easier than I did. We'll just stay here and see what we can do. I think Masenai-senpai can teach the Children some basic fighting skills until Astraea-oneesan arrive."

"Oh, and before you go," Kyo turned to Leona, "if you happen to came across with Kaito Tsukuyomi, the Second Temperance, do you think you can convince him too? Although we didn't receive any responses from him, I guess that he'll probably accept to return to our cause. I hope that's okay with you. I'll just leave the entrance to stay stand by and it'll also reopen when you return. Well, good luck oneesan."

With that, Kyo and Miruka both turned to the screen. They looked into each other's eyes and seemingly understand what the other wanted to say, even if they didn't say it by words. Finally, they can be united and they'll survive through this.

Meanwhile, in the training room, both of the Children just stood there, waiting for some instructions. They looked at each other and wondering what will be thrown at them.

"So, what should we do now?" Hikari asked while looking around the room, he somehow felt excited about all of this.

"I don't know either, they said that we needed training," Hajime replied, "well, I'm always up to new challenges. Hopefully we'll be able to learn a thing or two."

"I know, right?" Hikari giggled, then sighed, "I have a feeling that we're going to go through the exact hell like when we taken the P.E."

"Or worse," Hajime tried to give a comfort smile, though somehow he his pretty worry about what are going to come, "but yeah, we've decided to walk on this path, so there are really no turning back now."

"I guess you're right," Hikari responded then stretched his arms, "okay, we should warm up a bit before beginning, don't you think? So, you said you can control fire, right?" Hajime nodded, Hikari then went and stood in front of his best buddy from a distance, "okay, try to conjure a fireball or something and throw it towards me."

Hajime raised an eyebrow as his friend request, "You sure?" He asked, but quietly agreed, "okay, if you said so..."

With that, Hajime closed his eyes while holding his arm in front of him. A moment later, sparks appeared from his palm and a fireball appeared. "I did it." Hajime gleefully said, then turned and looked at Hikari with challenging eyes, "here I goes."

Hajime threw the fireball towards Hikari. Remembering what Kyo has taught him a few days ago, Hikari held his arm towards the fireball and he managed to create a barrier, which blocked the ball rather easily. "Is that all?" Hikari said with a slightly teasing tone.

"Don't be coy." Hajime replied as he continued to threw fireballs at Hikari, and the Child of Humility blocked them. They were having quite some fun, without realizing that Masenai was there. When they did, they stopped and stood in front of the senior Entity. "Ergh..." Hikari scratches the back of his head in awe, "we didn't notice that you were there." Then both of them bowed before Masenai, "We're sorry, Masenai-dono. Hope that you won't feel annoyed." Hajime apologized.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Morrigan Luna Grey Character Portrait: Hajime Amaterasu Character Portrait: Leona Rain Vincent Character Portrait: Astraea Cyril Acustica Character Portrait: Hikari Mizuhara Character Portrait: Masenai Autoro
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Masenai sighed as the two actually apologized. He then only clapped his hands in a soft applause. "I am not at all annoyed at what I was displayed here. Quite the Opposite. You both show promise with your magic training. Although Hajime, a little elemental magic advice; Control your breathing. It'll be the difference between a single controlled blast, to an uncontrolled inferno, and plus," The Virtue paused as he positioned a finger at a small metal target and then flicked his finger as a fireball leaps from said finger and gives a solid blow to the target. "When you learn how to control your element, the quicker it is to develop your own personal tricks. But I am not your magic instructor. Think of me as a Self Defense instructor for an encounter with a man who wants to rob you boys. Because like it or not, the city you live in has a high crime rate. When all is said and done, I hope your training in the Physical combat area pays off someday. Now then, to begin your Physical Training, I wish to see any possible fighting abilities you have. Not counting your magic. Hopefully a magic lesson comes later."


Morrigan held her sword at the man but noticed the Various snakes and started to shiver uncomfortably. "I've had a rough day today, so I'm not in the mood to be dragged anywhere against my will thank you very much. I don't know what the heck you really want but I don't want to go anywhere with anybody. Not with you or anyone in particular." Morrigan then heard the sound of another man stepping in the building. She assumed it was a man.

"Alright Robin, you came here because you felt something dark and ominous about this building and your shoulder ached, nothing more. If anything the serial killer might be here. So if that's so, then why here, this place is a dump."

Morrigan felt like this man would attract more attention then she needed so she motioned for the snake man to quiet down as she wandered around the corner of the dark and dismissed her Love's Bite. The moment the stark white haired man walked near her corner Morrigan grabbed the Man and delivered several well placed blows to his torso and dragged him to a door, in slight view of the strange man as she threw him out of the building.

Then she turned to face the being in front of her. "Okay, so coming with you. You'd better have room and board. Also, mind getting rid of your....pets? They're freaking me out and I don't want to slice them up like I do most disloyal men."


"Well, that happened..." muttered Robin as he got up and cracked his neck a bit as he walked rubbing his fresh bruises and other things. He decided to just get a drink to ease off the pain and call it a night. He didn't know what was going on, but more or less likely, he had a mission failure sticker on his slightly reputable record of getting bounties. He saw the man though, that would be something to appease his Sensei, if anything.

Robin made his way out of the red light district and started to search for a well frequented bar to mask his possibly weakened aura, due to the one sided scuffle. "That woman got the drop on me. Masenai and the others must be laughing..."


Little did Robin realize was that Masenai, who always used his Telepathy to check up on Robin from time to time was both humored and concerned of his progress. He then heard Leona talking to someone and turned to see who it was momentarily. He gave a small smile and nodded under his hood to Astraea in a small greeting.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Miruka Hiroyuki Character Portrait: Leona Rain Vincent Character Portrait: Astraea Cyril Acustica Character Portrait: Hikari Mizuhara Character Portrait: Kyori Akiharu Character Portrait: Masenai Autoro
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#, as written by chrian.
Kyo and Miruka sat at the round table while discussing about what they've discovered. Both Hajime and Hikari are now training with Charity in the training room and Patience is out there to look for Chastity, so once again, they're alone. Although they didn't say it out loud, they must admit that why is everyone around them taking everything so seriously? The Circus might be around, but it isn't that they can follow them anywhere if they wanted to. It's not that they didn't stay alert, anyway.

"Okay." Kyo nodded, "Lionel the Entitiy of Greed has turned up. Well, from what I heard, it seems that he has ability to control water like you, Miru-kun. Though he don't usually turn up, I don't think that he'll taking it lightly when it comes to battle. So if you ever need to fight him, think you can take him on?"

Miruka shrugged, "I didn't know either since I've never head to head with him before. But it'll be a tough battle because he's one of the main heads of the Circus, if I remember correctly then he also has some more powerful abilities. I think it'd wise to avoid him, like Alistair."

"Uh huh." Kyo replied, "Asides from Serpent, it looks like the Circus has some other new members, Lust and Gluttony. Got anything to say about them?"

Miruka put him hand onto his chin and thinking for a while, then spoke up, "Even if we're sure now that another Lust has turned up, we don't know yet anything about her, or if she is related to the serial-killer case in some ways. But if Lust has arrived, then well, be prepare to face yet another bloodlust opponent. Both of the previous Lust have that quality, so I guess this time it'll be the same. And as for Gluttony..." Miruka stopped and shivered a bit when he spoke about this Entity, the memories of the time that he encountered the First Gluttony poured back, "We don't know about this new Gluttony either, there wasn't a Second Gluttony back in the Second War. But as for the first one, he's a real insane and merciless monster. His name is... Erebus Apollyon, if I remember correctly. One day, the First Diligence battled him and it was the toughest battle we've been through. He's insanely strong and nothing seemed to be able to hurt him. Though luckily that First Diligence somehow realized his weak point, managed to slain him and live to tell the story. I just hope that this new one is not as mad as that guy."

Kyo nodded, but he is a little bit nervous to hear about that, how strong could some of the previous members of the Circus can be? "And now, as for Wrath. Senpai said that it probably because Akito was so fearsome that there wasn't anyone to replace him. That is a possiblility, but I don't know why I still have an uneasy feeling about this, especially when I came across with the power plant where he was killed."

Hearing what Kyo said makes Miruka have to think a bit. Suddenly, he remember something that his father told him about what will happen after an Entity was killed, "I think..." he wanted to speak up, but then realize that the chance that it could happen is too low, so he decided not to discuss about it. "Nevermind, I don't think that would happen. Well, wanted to know more about that battle? I never got a chance to tell you about that."

"Yeah, definitely." Kyo's curious side began to taken over him.

"Ryan and Kaori were powerful Entities. But unfortunately that it was already their time in the battle near the end of the second war commenced."

- Flashback -

The battle was intense, everything was a total madness as Entities from both sides threw their attacks at each other. After a while, it seemed that the Synchronicity was on the winning side, though their spirits have been lowered down a lot because their leader has fallen.

"Give up, let's end this pointless war right now." Miruka said as he face his counterpart, the Second Envy, who was lying on the ground after got hit by his beams.

The Entity smiled insanely, "Right. Although we don't have the advantage right now. But we killed your oh-so-powerful leader. Now you're just a snake without a head."

Miruka grinded his teeth, he has never been so enraged. He held his katana at Envy's neck, ready to end the Entity's miserable life. "Foolish Synchronicity, ready to taste the feeling of losing another comrades again?"

"What do you mean?" He frowned at what Envy said. Suddenly, the Entity swung his arms and familiars carrying explosive flew from nowhere towards two Entities from their side, which are another Virtue and Ryan. "Damn it, I was so careless." Miruka thought then yelled, "Be careful!"

Realizing his warning, the two turned around and saw that the familiars are flying fast towards them. If they tried to escape now, the familiars will explode and both of them will be done for good. Ryan was hestitated for a while, he knows he has the power, however he can only save one of them now. But after a while, when they was closely cornered, he made up his decision and said to the Virtue, "I'm sorry." With that, he touched her shoulder and teleported her to a safe distance away from him. The familiars then exploded and fatally injured Ryan.

"Ryan!!" Miruka ran towards the Second Diligence and held his body, a drop of tear streamed down on his face. Ryan, though still alive, knowing that his time is near, he smiled weakly to show that he didn't regret at all at what he has did.

"How stupid, sacrifice yourself for your comrades?" The Second Envy struggled to stood up and walked toward them while holding his sword. Miruka has never felt that anger ever in his life, he clenched his fist and looked at Envy with as the flame of hatred was burning like inferno in his heart.

"Sacrificing yourself isn't a foolish thing," Miruka said with an anger tone, "now let's me show you its true meaning!" He yelled and aim his arm towards the Entity with his other arm still holding as he shot his beam towards Envy with all of his remaining strength. The Entity held out his sword and tried to block the beam and taunting Miruka. But without hestitation, the beams managed to broke the sword, which surprised Envy, then it inhaled his heart and killed him for good.

After that, both sides declared that the second war is now ended and the Circus began to retreat. Still holding Ryan, Miruka could felt streams of tear running on his face.

"Ryan, hang in there. Kaori is gone, now if you're also gone, then how could we have the strength to keep up if another war broke out?" Miruka sobbed.

"Hehe... Y... You... told... me that... there are no... other sacrificing... more noble... than sacrificing yourself... for... the... ones that...are important... to... you... right...?" Ryan weakly said and smiling as blood started to pour out from his mouth.

"No, if only I've stayed alert, both of you wouldn't..."

The Virtue of Diligence shook his head then continued as he held his shaking hand on Miruka's shoulder, "T... Take... c... are... of... everyone..." Ryan smiled before passed away right on Miruka's arm.

- End Flashback -

"I see, so that's what happened." Kyo nodded, "You guys really have to been through a lot."

"I know, right?" Miruka smiled, "that is why no one of us wanted to fight, no one want to see our comrades just dying in front of our eyes but we can't do a thing about it. But yeah, it is truly a cruel fate, but this is our destiny, and we can't run away from it."

As they were talking, Patience came back with the Second Chastity. When Miruka saw her, he immediately stood up and went to her. "Hi onee-san," he gave her a smile and gave her the amulet, "here's your amulet. I paid for your drink so I think I should return this to you. Well, I'm glad that you came."

Meanwhile, in the training room, Charity said that he wanted to see if both of them have any fighting abilities. Hajime spoke up, "I can't use any weapons, and I rely on my magic mostly, I think. But if I can, I'm willing to take up any kind of fighting arts so I hope you can teach me."

Hikari continued, "I can use knives as weapon. Kyo said that I can fight head on with them, or I can throw them at my opponents." Hikari said as he took up some knives from his belt, "well, I don't know if I can throw knives with accuracy like Kyo or not, but I think I can try."

A moment later, both of them saw Chastity walked in. "Miss Astraea," Hajime smiled when he saw her, "nice to see you again." After that, Hajime took out his phone, "Excuse me for a moment..."

"Hey, Kaito-san, how is it going over there? Have you decided what would you do yet? I'm always with you.", he texted then put his phone back to his pocket. "Okay, I'm waiting for your instructions, my two sensei." Hajime smiled to them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hajime Amaterasu Character Portrait: Rin Nakahara Character Portrait: Miruka Hiroyuki Character Portrait: Nozomi Kannagi Character Portrait: Leona Rain Vincent Character Portrait: Astraea Cyril Acustica
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"So...if it's alright with you, could I know just a bit more about you? I'll give my info in exchange."

Rin was somehow taken aback. This guy seemed different from Patience and the others. He seems more laid back compared to the other Entities. Still, knowing about someone who might take an interest in gunning her down--one doesn't really get too many chances like that.
"Well, I suppose I should start with the traitor part but first things first--can we go somewhere more private?" Rin led the man to the upper floors, where most of the tables were shrouded in darkness and heavy, velvet curtains. She chose a spot close to the inner balcony, so she can still see the dancers below.
"Since you already know I'm an Entity, my name is Nakahara. Rin Nakahara and I'm the Entity of Diligence. I guess the news regarding the deserter has gotten to you? Well, I'm the one they're talking about. I rejoined Sacred Drive, my old organization. Surely, you've heard of it? To be fair, I was fighting for Sacred Drive before I was scouted by Synchronicity so, I don't know if they can call it a desertion or not." Rin sighed, not really feeling any comfort right now. Another sip has given her some ounce of courage to continue talking though.

"Well, I'm already in too deep to turn back and, I don't really want to change sides again. Sacred Drive's intentions are simple and that is to defend the populace from the sadness of the war. The fact that we're fighting to preserve and not to destroy is enough for me." Rin elaborated on her intentions further, trying to assure herself that she's doing the right thing. Turning to the man, she gave him a neutral expression.

"Quid pro quo, now it's your turn."

As they surveyed the surroundings some more, she met eyes with Masenai who nodded a greeting to her. She smiled and did the same before carrying on. Moments later, Miruka approached her, carrying a familiar item.
"Hi onee-san, here's your amulet. I paid for your drink so I think I should return this to you. Well, I'm glad that you came."
Upon receiving the amulet, she was rather shocked that it didn't reach its intended owner. Leona looked on and recognized the runic engraving on the metal.
"That's the Blood Stone--you managed to finish it?"
"Yes. Took me two years though, only to find out that it will only work on the core's beloved. Pretty sweet of it, yes?" Astraea took the Blood Stone and wore it on her neck again. "It's an amulet made from pure, seawater infused with a phoenix's dying feather. It has the ability to take a lethal attack only once for its owner. Cores are needed for it to work though and, what coincidence! The sea where I got the water from appeared to hold someone dear to its heart. The sea provided its core. When I met Tsukuyomi-kun, the water suddenly danced, as if happy for this moment."
"So only Temperance can use it... It's rather useless for us isn't it? Some relics are hard to figure out."
"It doesn't take too much knowledge to understand a relic. All it needs is a little bit of faith..." Astraea grinned to herself as she turned to Leona. "Well, it's getting a little late so, I think I'll train the two boys tomorrow afternoon. Shall we head to your place Leona?"
"Yeah. Hey--!" Leona called out to the two catalysts. "When you get off school tomorrow, head into the unfinished Spiral Highlights in the middle of town. Your magic training will start there. Leona left them their reminder before heading back to her home with Astraea.

As the night continued to deepen, a lone girl soon found herself walking the dark streets of Friergate. The gothic dress she wore ensured some sort of protection from the cold. Turning into an alley, she met with four other girls in that area.
"Hey! What's the point of calling us all the way out here Iriai?"
"Unlike you, we have our own lives you know?"
The girl merely laughed at their words. She continued to without even looking up once, getting the girls annoyed at her.
"Ugh! Let's just leave her here. My mom will kill me when she finds out I'm not home by 2."
"Oh? You still follow your mother's orders? Did you know that lion cubs leave their families by the time they reach eighteen? Compared to a human, that's saying something."
"Hey! Just because your parents are abroad, doesn't give you any liberty to insult my way of like Iriai!" The more athletic of the girls grabbed her by the collar and raised her in the air. Surprisingly, she didn't even flinch. "No one insults my mother nor my family!"
"Hey--her way of speaking is rather strange don't you think?" One of them pointed out. Soon, they heard Mika break out into a maniacal laughter. The girl dropped her and she glared at them with both eyes, one gleaming an eerie gold.
"I'm not Mika though. I'm not the pathetic slob you keep on hurting at school." With that, Akito kicked the girl away from her. Before she even recovers, Akito had already reached her, taking out her Five-SeveN and aiming it at the girl's head. With a quick finger, she shot her, sending blood flying the other's way. Sensing their panic, she proceeded to kill all of them.
"This is way too easy! I don't even need to give off the fact that I'm an Entity! I don't need to use any powers or radiate any auras to accomplish this! Ah, Mika, if only you could see the things you can do with this body..." Akito thought as he had taken over Mika's body while she lost consciousness during their training. Suddenly, she heard the whistle of a metallic blade coming from behind her. She managed to turn around and dodge just in time, as a halberd suddenly swung at her.

Looking up, she caught sight of her opponent. A brown haired girl with blue eyes, wielding a large halberd. She moves very swiftly, able to focus her large weapon with ease. Akito wasn't going to be taken down easily though. She parried every move, closing the distance between them. Just as she was about to attack, flashes of silver burst from the ground and a stream of blue flame followed, forcing Akito to dodge it by leaping behind her opponent. There were now two that were in the alley with her. The boy approached closer, his hand outstretched. As the light passed them by, he spoke up.

"Leave this place at once. I can hear your thoughts from afar, there's no need to hide, Akito." Nozomi stepped forward, with Fumina trailing behind him, ready to defend her Master if need be.
"Oh? You flatter me, Nozomi. You can still recognize me even in this form?" Akito danced around, flaunting his borrowed body. "I used to think female bodies aren't anything special but after this--hmmm...what do you think I should make this body do next?" Akito taunted, as he used Mika's own hands to caress her thighs, lifting part of the dress she wore.
"Enough. Lust has already placed us in murkier waters...we don't need you adding in any more unwanted attention. I'm waking the girl up." Nozomi dove inside Mika's mind and activated her personality, forcing Akito's consciousness to temporarily fade as Mika went back to being Mika albeit, already at the brink of fainting again. Fumina carried her as Nozomi burned the bodies and reduced them to ashes. He also erased any signs of magic being used there before leaving the crime scene.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Morrigan Luna Grey Character Portrait: Hajime Amaterasu Character Portrait: Leona Rain Vincent Character Portrait: Astraea Cyril Acustica Character Portrait: Hikari Mizuhara Character Portrait: Masenai Autoro
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0.00 INK

Masenai sighed. "I guess that means class dismissed for now boys. Off to your homes and bed with you." he stated as he sighed and walked to a chair. Hoping to get at least some relaxation for the stress starting to build up in his mind, he sat down drumming his fingers.


Robin was sore, tired, and miffed about the results of the night. What was worse, he knew he was broke still so therefore he just simply decided to head back to the Dummy apartment for the night. He had to clear his head for tomorrow it seemed. Maybe tomorrow more good results will be yielded from it.


Morrigan looked around the interior area as she walked through and immediately began to walk around in exploration. "This'll be perfect whilst I plot my next killing, to show that idiotic investigator she doesn't scare me and think I won't back down." she muttered as she walked around a bit more to think about it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hajime Amaterasu Character Portrait: Miruka Hiroyuki Character Portrait: Hikari Mizuhara Character Portrait: Kyori Akiharu Character Portrait: Masenai Autoro Character Portrait: Kaito Tsukuyomi
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0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.
"Okay, I think that is it for today," Kyo stretched his arms and yawned, "both of our oneesan had returned to their home, shall we go back too?"

Miruka looked at his watch, "Yeah, it's pretty late. Let's go back for now. I miss my bed already."

With that, both of them stood up and went to the door. Before they left, Kyo turned to Masenai, "You can stay here in the meantime. I'll just leave to entrances to stay stand by, so if you feel like walking out, they'll locked themselves and will open for you when you come back. Well, goodnight, Masenai-senpai." Both of the catalysts then walked out from the training room and ready to go back, "let's go, both of you."

They then made their ways out of the basement and walking together before they parted into different ways. "Well, see you tomorrow at school Hikari-san," Hajime smiled, "have a good night too, Miruka-san, Kyo-san."

"Yeah." Miruka waved to Hajime as he went back to his apartment. On his way, he took out his phone to see if he got any responses, but it seem that he haven't. "Kaito-san, I trust you. Wherever you go, I'll follow so please response." He thought.

"I should go back to my place too," Miruka said before turning his back towards the direction of his staying place, "I'll see you two later."

"Okay, see you, Miru-kun." Kyo said.

"Nice dreams, Miruka-san." Hikari smiled and waved to him. Miruka then walked back to his house. "Let's go, I really want to have a nice sleep now." Kyo said as he yawned and both of them made their ways back to Hikari's apartment.

When they've reached there, Hikari bids goodnight to Kyo and both of them went to their room. Another long day has passed and all they wanted now is to rest before the real challenge begin tomorrow.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Izumi Kimura Character Portrait: Hajime Amaterasu Character Portrait: Rin Nakahara Character Portrait: Nozomi Kannagi Character Portrait: Leona Rain Vincent Character Portrait: Astraea Cyril Acustica
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0.00 INK

"I see your point. It's just a rejoining. I guess you haven't completely deserted them, more of...just switched sides for the moment."

"Well, that makes me feel a lot better. I'm glad people like you still exist. People who can see things fairly." Finally, after a long while, Rin felt some sort of comfort coming from Synchronicity.

"Well then. I am Kaito Tsukuyomi, the Entity of Temperance. Originated from the Second War, and frankly, I don't feel like participating in any other. I'll share the same info- why they've been calling me a traitor. Yes, I fought in the Second War, but...I've seen enough to say that I don't want to participate in this. Friergate has enough on its plate. So...once the new Entities were chosen, I went away from Synchronicity and disappeared altogether, I guess. The newcomers sought me out along with the Second Chastity, but again, I don't think that either of us want to go back to those kinds of conflict. The other reason why they think I'm a traitor is...well, my negotiations with the Entity of Greed. Yes, a Sin. I don't see why the others get angry over things like it. He's an acquaintance. Just because we were on opposite sides doesn't mean that all friendships will be broken."

To say that Rin was completely shocked was an understatement. In a way, she felt something at the mention that the Entity of Temperance was friends with the Entity of Greed. She felt troubled, wondering how someone like that managed to fight during the last war.

"I respect your decisions in going back to Sacred Drive, don't worry. I understand it all too well. I should be heading back now. It was nice talking to you, Diligence." As he left, Rin stood up, feeling a little lighter. Talking had lifted some weight in her chest now that she knows someone can see her eye to eye. With that, for the first time, she looked forward to going back home.

The next day, at the school
Rin had arrived in full gear early in the morning to try and monitor the school. Taking advantage of the excellent view from the Clock Tower, she setup surveillance cameras and tripwires, to ensure that she'll be the only sniper in that building. Assembling the Walther, she used its scope to get a good look at each passing student.
"It's probably someone from this school. Though if I can't interact with them, I can't know for sure. Izumi, can you try to pinpoint the class where two Catalyst auras were detected? That may give us some clues. One of them is Humility's Catalyst so, since we're enemies now, do not hesitate to call me and open fire on them. Still, they have to strike first. Never take action into your own hands got it?" Rin told Izumi via contact.

Meanwhile, Izumi was walking around the school. The night before, she was informed that the serial killer seemingly dropped activity for now. Using her device to monitor auras, she deduced that it was an Entity of Sin all along. Immediately after that, her aura suddenly vanished. Like she had gone out of the city's natural territory. Until the killer shows herself again, she was working with her Entity in the meantime. She took advantage of a joint-cooperative between their schools to infiltrate the territory.

"All clear for now. So far, I can't seem to see Hikari-kun or the other aura. Still, do not worry about me. I brought something special just in case the Synchro enemies pick a fight with me." Izumi's fingers ran down through the bag she carried. Inside was a Calico M960. "This is rather light but packs a lot of punch. I'll have them reeling down in no time, including the one causing blackouts!"

"Don't be silly. Do not attack unless it's for self-defense. If you happen to see the abnormality causing the blackouts, do not engage it on your own. Call me and wait for my assistance. We'll take it down together."

"Gotcha! I was only joking around, Rin..." Izumi sighed. Sometimes, her Entity can get too serious about things.

Mika woke up later than usual, wondering why she felt so tired. As she freshened up within the bathroom, she saw some tips of her hair appeared cut off. A news clipping flashed, showing the faces of the girls that bullied her. They appeared to have gone missing.
"Was this your doing Aki-san?!" Mika almost cried, as she asked.
"Come on! I did it for you! Besides, you were going to kill them anyway!" Akito answered back. Realizing that this argument will not go anywhere, she decided to just leave and go to school. She knew Akito was taking over her body sometimes but, it had been getting frequent recently that she wonders how long she'll be able to hold up.

As she entered her classroom, arriving there before everyone else, she decided to catch up on some of the rest she's been missing. Everything seemed to quiet now that the bullies were gone. Seeing that no one was around, she took out the gun and examined it. The magazine was no longer full. Right there, she realized that he did take over and used her body to kill them. But, if they were gone, won't there be evidence for it? Hearing that someone is coming, she quickly hid it and hid her head under her arms, as if she was sleeping in.

Unknown to her, another Catalyst was sent to monitor her movements. From behind the wall, Fumina waited and observed, remaining vigilant as Akito may re-emerge again. Her Master didn't seem to want him around, even if they were allies.

As the morning sun slowly rose, Astraea and Leona had gone down to the Spiral Highlights, leaving a Rion a note that she follow them when she wakes up. Leona helped Astraea make the necessary preparations to ensure that no one barges in on the training later afternoon.
"What kind of training will you have them do Astraea?" Leona asked as she finished setting up the wire that can entrap familiars using the same logic she used back at the park.
"Well, I'll assess the amount of knowledge they have in the meantime. Knowledge is what gives magicians like us our powers and we need to fully refine it over time. Since the two didn't appear to be descended from a magical family, their bloodline is weak. It will take a lot of training to make them reach the level of a third-rate mage at the very least." Astraea answered as she finished setting up her magical sigil. They were right in the middle of the city, the most perfect place to rejuvenate their energies.
"I wonder if Masenai and his Catalyst are also interested in coming along?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hajime Amaterasu Character Portrait: Hikari Mizuhara Character Portrait: Kyori Akiharu Character Portrait: Kaito Tsukuyomi Character Portrait: Mika Iriai
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0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.
"Rise and shine, sleepy head," Kyo said as he turned off his Child alarm clock and unveiled the curtains of the windows as sunshine went into the room and shines of Hikari's bed, though he crawled into his mattress and muttered, "Five more minutes, daddy..." Kyo sighed and grabbed the mattress then pulled it out from the Child's grip. "I'm not your daddy, I'm your oniisan. Now wake up if you don't want to be late." Kyo slightly teases in his voice. He always enjoys playing with his Child like this.

Hikari finally woke up. He sat on his bed, stretched his arms and yawned as loudly as he could possibly with his hair all tangled up. He must really been tired last night. Hikari took his alarm clock next to him and was surprised when he saw the time. "It's still so early. Why are you... wait," Hikari frowned at his Entity, "you went into my room when I was sleeping to changed the alarm time, didn't you?"

"Hehe, so? Waking up early is a good habit for you, Hikari." Kyo grinned, "now get your butt up and get dressed then go to the kitchen, I've already made us breakfast. Hurry up."

With that, Kyo went out of the room and closed the door. Hikari sighed, though he must admit that it was fun when he is with Kyo, he didn't enjoy being babysit at all. He stood up and went to the bathroom, get dressed and went out from his room. But just as he walked out, the smell of bacon and sunny-side eggs caught his nose first and he already felt hungry. Because the smell was so tempting, he walked to his kitchen as fast as he could. When he reached there, he saw that his puppy is already fed and Kyo was sitting at the table with their breakfast.

"Oh my god, I'm so hungry," Hikari said as he sat down at the table, "is there anything that you can't do?"

"Try to guess by yourself." Kyo giggled, "well, bon appetite."

Hikari nodded and finished up his breakfast as if there was no tomorrow, because he was starving and the food was so good. "I can get used to this." He thought while giggled.

"So, do you have any plans for today?" Hikari looked up to his Entity and asked.

"I'm going to meet up with an "acquaintance" of mine tonight." Kyo said as he took a sip from his cup of coffee, "for the rest of the day, I think I'm gonna hang out with Miru-kun. Maybe I wouldn't come back yet after you've finished your training with Astraea-oneesan so just wait for me at home, okay?" Kyo said with a smile and patted his Child's head.

"Okay," Hikari smiled in return, "I'm full so I'm going now. See you tonight, Kyo-oniisan." Hikari took his schoolbag and stood up.

"Yeah, say hi to Hajime-san for me." Kyo smiled and waved to Hikari as he walked out from the door. Kyo then went up to the TV and turned it on. Nothing was really particular. Except for the missing news of some girls went missing. Kyo frowned, "Is this also the serial-killer doing?" He thought.

Hajime walking and made his way to his school. He has already received a response from Kaito, but his Entity didn't really tell him what would they do for now. Hajime sighed. He knows Kaito, his Entity has been through more than he did so probably he wouldn't want to go back to the front line now. Hajime took out his phone and texted. "Good morning, Kaito-san. Did you sleep well? I just found a pair of glasses that I think will suit you so I'll send them for you today. Well, I hope you'd have a great day ^_^"

Hajime smiled, Kaito has given him a chance to begin this new life, he'd never forget that debt, ever. "Hey, Hajime-kun." Hikari called. Hajime turned back and saw that his best buddy was walking to him. "Ohayo, Hikari-san." Hajime smiled. Both of them then walked together to their school. But just as Hikari stepped his foot into the school's ground, his passive ability kicked in and he could immediately felt some weird presences, even though he didn't see much people around. Hikari abruptedly stopped and looked around.

"What's happened?" Hajime turned his back and asked.

Seemingly that maybe it's just a hunch since there weren't anyone seemed suspicious, Hikari just shook his head. "Nah, it's just that I felt something weird, nothing else. Okay, let's go." He smiled it off and they both made their way to their classroom.

"Hey, can I borrow your Math homework? There are some equations that I didn't understand." Hikari asked as he slided the door and went inside.

"Sure." Hajime followed him. It seemed that there wasn't anyone there yet, except for them and Mika. She looks as if she's sleeping in. Both of them decided not to interrupt her and went to their tables.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Izumi Kimura Character Portrait: Hajime Amaterasu Character Portrait: Rin Nakahara Character Portrait: Nozomi Kannagi Character Portrait: Leona Rain Vincent Character Portrait: Astraea Cyril Acustica
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0.00 INK

"Morning ladies. This seems to be a fine morning to prepare for a lesson hm?"

The two glanced at their side as the Virtue of Charity entered. They acknowledged and waved at him before carrying on with their preparations. In the meantime, Astraea rationalized why she chose to train them in the afternoon.
"Mage's powers usually vary depending on the time. As such, there are times when our magic fluctuates. In general, our powers reach our peak during early morning at 2:00 AM to 3:00 AM. Unfortunately for us, magic is considered a form of heresy by the Church and as such, we are at our weakest during 3:00 PM, the holy hour, the time when the Son of God met his end. To take advantage of this, the trend is reversed and we get stronger at 3:00 AM or the demonic witching hour. Kind of ironic isn't it? All mages fall under this rule, whether Circus or Synchronicity, as far as I recall. Sloth, for instance follows this rule as well."

"And you chose to train them in the afternoon, just when magic powers are recovering. I see now." Leona finished setting up another sigil. She glanced at the two to inform them the preparations are finished.

"Well, there's that but I also don't want them to miss school." Astraea smiled at Leona. "We'll have to rely on you to guard us while training Leona. Your skills are much needed right now. I'll be asking this same favor to you too, Masenai-san."

"All right, I got it." Leona picked up the case her bow comes in and checked the contents. "I still have arrows to spare. I'll stay on the lookout on the higher floors."

As the class went on, Mika quietly took down her notes and did her seatworks, thankfully, without much interference from Akito. In fact, almost the whole day went on without him interfering with her schedule. It was almost unnerving.
"Aki-san, you've been quiet throughout the day..." Mika decides to poke the devil in her head.
"We're being watched. Didn't you notice? Aside from the two Catalysts in the school, two more emerged?"
"Ah! You're right. Though, I can't see them. They might not be in this class." Mika was shocked. She was actually cooperating.
"Hey girl, what on-school activities are you having now?"
"Well, there is that cooperative where students from other schools will be visiting but aside from that--"
"Those auras may have come from the foreigners entering this school right now. Keep an eye on them. They may lead us on."
When lunch started, Mika walked towards the bulletin board, looking for the advisory showing all the students who'll be coming in. She browsed through the names, jotting them down in her little notebook, as well as brief physical descriptions of each. Casually, she walked to their canteen to have her lunch, a little bit unaccustomed since her bullies weren't around.

In the meantime, Izumi chose to eat right by the orchard, where Rin could easily see her. Waiting around under the tree, she informed Rin of their progress.
"No sign of the Entity we're looking for but, I did manage to smell a third Catalyst's aura nearby. I guess someone chose to keep tabs on what we are looking for as well."
"Try intercepting that aura. If they are one step ahead of us, they may lead us to our primary target."
"Gotcha!" Suddenly, Izumi felt a powerful notorious aura suddenly enter the perimeter. "You feel that Rin?"
"Yeah. Leave that one to me and just do what you're supposed to do."

On the roof of the unfinished highlight near the strip mall, Nozomi observed the terrain via his familiar's eyes. He also communicated with Fumina via telepathy. He glanced around the place, looking for any other Entity in the area. So far, nothing, aside from the four Catalysts within the school.
"Can you see them, Fumina?" Nozomi asked as he raised some binoculars towards the room Mika was staying at. The two younger boys were in visible sight as well.
"Yeah. I'm in the adjacent room, facing theirs. We are at least 7 meters apart."
"This is the first that I've seen two Catalysts of Synchronicity in the open. Can you tell who they are?"
"The blue one's aura is rather high. It's probably Humility's Catalyst. If not, then it might be Patience's. The other one is alright. At this rate, he could be anyone's."
"I see."
"Cast Idyll's of Theseus in this area and I'll strike those two down, eliminating any further threat from them. At the distance I'm in, it will only need me three seconds to hurl myself towards them. Depending on whether or not they'll be expecting me, I may be able to end this in a quick stroke." Fumina offered, ready to materialize her halberd.
"No Fumina. Not when there's a chance that we're dealing with Leona's Catalyst here. We don't want unnecessary hatred between us. Focus on Mika for now. I'll deal with them personally when the time comes."
"Got it."

The wind whistled throughout the tower as Rin shifted aim towards the strip mall area. "Nozomi... from the looks of it, it seems like you haven't noticed me at all. Now's the perfect chance." Rin watched her counterpart through the scope. She was about to fire but remembered that he can easily block a single attack.
"Tch! Damn that field of his!" Rin chose to watch closely, waiting to see what happens next. Depending on how their Catalysts will react, a battle may yet occur.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Izumi Kimura Character Portrait: Hajime Amaterasu Character Portrait: Hikari Mizuhara Character Portrait: Kyori Akiharu Character Portrait: Mika Iriai
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0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.
Hikari sit there while waiting until the classes begin, but he couldn't help feeling some other auras that have been entering this school. Because he felt that his sensor is getting more and more acute everyday, it wasn't that hard to spot where the other auras were. "If I was right then there are two other catalysts that had entered the school aside from me and Hajime. There was one aura that I've never encountered before, but the other was quite familiar, though I don't really recall if I've met this one before." Hikari thought as he turned to Hajime, both of them secretly nodded to each other. "Good, it seems that he also know for now, although they're just catalysts, we should stay alert."

But just as Hikari was still sitting, Kyo's voice suddenly booming in his head again which almost caused him to fell down from his chair. "Hey Hikari, how is it going? Did you manage to feel anything?"

Hikari managed to keep himself from falling just in time. He sighed in relief then straighthen himself up. He looked around and saw that everyone was looking at him with weird looks because he just almost fell down for no reasons. Hikari scratches the back of his head and laughed awkwardly then turned away. "That was closed. Don't ever do that again." Hikari growled and replied via their connection.

"Hehe, sorry, just wanted to surprise you a bit." Kyo grinned.

"So, are you near, oniisan? Why did you ask if I managed to feel anything or not?"

"Well, I'm sitting at the coffee shop near your school right now, Miru-kun didn't feel like going out today so I'm on my own," Kyo answered, "and the reason why I asked that, let just say that the connection of the Entity and catalyst between us is quite different from the rest of the Virtues. Our bonds in blood and soul are much stronger. Through that connection, besides that we can communicate through telepathy, I can see what you see, hear what you hear and even feel what you feel as if your senses are mine as long as we're near. And guess what? No psychic ability could intercept. It's... kinda complicated so I'll explain to you later. You just need to know that I'm well-aware of what is happening around you right now."

"I see," Hikari replied, "okay, so as you may see, I spotted two other auras appeared in our school. Because those auras weren't very high, I supposed that they belonged to catalysts like me."

"Yeah, from what I can felt through you, it seemed that one aura belonged to a Child, and it was quite familiar. I guess that it was from Izumi, Diligence's Catalyst. Because she's fighting against us now so you should be wary of her too. And the other, I think it was from a Sin's catalyst, but I don't think I've ever met that one before because this aura is somewhat kinda different from the rest of the catalysts that I've encounter so far." Kyo said.

"Uh huh, so what should me and Hajime-kun do?" Hikari asked.

"Because your school is getting crowded, I don't think that both of them will act. For now, just concentrate in your subjects until lunch break. At lunch break, find somewhere you think that might be hidden enough and I'll contact you again."

"Okay, the teacher's coming. Call you later, oniisan."

As expected, the classes went by quite normal and there wasn't any troubles for both Hikari and Hajime so far. When lunch break comes, both of the Children got out of their class. "Hey Hajime-kun," Hikari said to his friend, "I need to go somewhere for a moment. Just go to the cafeteria and I'll catch up shortly."

"Oh sure," Hajime replied, "but be quick, okay? I don't want to eat without you." Hikari nodded and then both of them parted into different ways. Hikari then made his way to the male's bathroom. When he got inside, he went into an empty room and locked the door then sitting on the toilet.

"WC? Really?" Kyo said sarcastically.

"Well, this is the only place that I could come up right now. I'm pretty sure that they won't follow me here. Izumi-san is a girl, right? And if the other catalyst is also a girl, then I don't think that they'd dare to charge into here. Because around these time, this bathroom is usually filled with some boys doing some... er... sensitive thing, if you know what I mean... And so far, I don't see that the auras are near me at all."

"Well, no matter. Anyway, the reason why I called you is that even though both of the catalysts aren't likely to act in the middle of the public, you still need to stay alert in case something unexpected happens. Okay, now close your eye and imagine as if there was a barrier surrounding you. Try."

"Okay..." Though Hikari didn't understand what his Entity is up to, he cleared his mind and do exactly like Kyo told. At the first minute, nothing is happening which discouraged him a bit. But he tried to keep up and there was some stirring around him. "That's good, keep it going..." Kyo said. After some while, he opened his eyes and saw that there is a barrier surrounded him. "Wow, that was awesome," Hikari smiled while said proudly, "I did it."

"You've made progress ever since I met you," Kyo smiled, "okay, only you can see the barrier surrounding you right now so you wouldn't have to worry. This barrier should be able to deflect the other catalysts' attacks and give both of you sometimes for a swift escape. Although with your strength right now, you're not capable of countering powerful attacks yet. Still, it'd be okay now even if they attack you surprisingly. Remember, if they decided to hit you, then do not try and face them by yourselves, because they've been catalysts for quite sometime according to their auras so they have more experience than you and Hajime-san did. Try to flee and call me. I'll be there as quick as possible to take them down and got you two outta there before their Entities arrive. Got it?"

"Got it. And about Hajime-san, what should I do if they hit on him but not me? I don't want him to get hurt."

"A nice feature of your magic is that you can tap another barrier to another person too, though like everyone, Hajime wouldn't feel or see that barrier. You just need to touch him and he'll be safe and sound. Now continue to focus on the remaining subjects until school finished. Until then, I'll just keep checking should anything happens and I'll follow both of you to the Spiral Highlights."

"Thanks, Kyo-oniisan." Hikari replied and got out of the room then made his way to the cafeteria.

Hajime made his way to the cafeteria by himself while still keeping his guard on. When he got there, he felt a little... distress of sorts. Hajime and Hikari has always go with each other in lunch break and he felt that it was a little lonely to eat without his best buddy. He sighed then grabbed a tray then pick up whatever food the cafeteria got to offered. Carrying his own tray, he tried to find a seat. Looking around, Hajime saw that there was an empty spot on the opposite of Mika so he decided to go there. Since her bullies are now gone, he wanted to speak to her a little.

"Hey Mika-san," Hajime said as he walked up to her, "mind if I sit here?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hajime Amaterasu Character Portrait: Nozomi Kannagi Character Portrait: Leona Rain Vincent Character Portrait: Astraea Cyril Acustica Character Portrait: Hikari Mizuhara Character Portrait: Erebus Apollyon
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0.00 INK

"Hey Mika-san, mind if I sit here?"

Mika only slightly looked up from her position as one of the Catalyst's she's observing casually approached her. She merely gave a slight nod, letting him sit down adjacent to hers. Inside her mind though, a mental conversation was brewing.
"That's it! Now that he's here, I can assess his aura better. Heh, so this is Temperance's Catalyst eh? And I thought he could do better. Tsukuyomi humiliates himself." Akito sighed, a little disappointed.
"You seem confident about it. Just, how strong are you Aki-san?" Mika asked, wondering more about his character.
"Aaahh...let's see... I killed the First Humility, that enough? Among all the first generations, the only ones who can match my power in terms of level alone is Charles, the First Diligence and Nozomi AKA the Lynchpin. As for defense well--the Second Chastity's barrier was the only ability that managed to block my Tempest. But, if you were to ask me, Charles is the only Entity I'll ever acknowledge as being close to my ability." Akito sighed. He remembered that faithful day.
"People say you were very terrible Aki-san. What do you want exactly?" Mika wondered, feeling a little curious about the Black Dragon.
"I just want change. That's all I wanted." Akito remembered the past.
"The only record I heard of you was when you kidnapped the old mayor's sister. How will you justify that?" Mika asked, still in the process of finishing her dinner.
"Yes, I kidnapped her and tortured her until the mayor gave me what I want: Exposing all members of his office who were initially accused of plunder and bringing them out in the open field. There, I killed them via lighting bolt. I also gave him one month to repair all damaged roads in the city. Not bad eh?"
"I don't know what to think... I don't really..."
"Don't be ashamed. If you don't have an opinion then that's fine. Being a little immature helps sometimes. You're still young. I can understand if you don't have an interest in learning all these things. Go ahead, socialize a little. That lynchpin is still on my back so, I can't do anything."
With that, Akito stayed quiet for the duration of Mika's lunch. Mika still found the silence unnerving and was unable to speak. "When it comes to courting, it's always the male who has to make the first move. So don't be nervous."
"Aki-san!" She simply stayed there, burying her face in the book she borrowed as she waited for her tea to cool.

As Astraea and Leona waited for the afternoon to come, Leona decided that it was time to help Astraea clear the guilt from her mind.
"You know, if you don't want to fight because you still blame yourself for that failed ambush, no one's really blaming you. You do not have to carry that burden alone. It wasn't your responsibility to bear."
"It's not like that Leona. I left because I saw no point in continuing this war any further." Astraea closed her eyes as her mind wandered back to the time of their failed ambush.

Flachback... (OOC: Written with permission from DeathScythe386 via PM. Not related to Miruka's flashback at the earlier post. This is an elaboration on Astraea's past.)
It was rather dark and the fog was heavy during that night. The rest of Synchronicity had gathered at the banks of the river. Their leader, the First Humility had confirmed that most of the Circus members had gathered at the nearby harbor to perform a "mass devouring"--they were to drain the resident's stamina, forcing the rest of them to fall to apathy. That way, they can buy them time to remaster their forces.

The attack commenced. Unfortunately, their enemy had predicted their coming and also steeled themselves for the fight. As expected, the abilities of the First Wrath, Akito and the First Gluttony, Erebus came in handy. They were soon split into two, with each Virtue and Sin, engaging others head on. Astraea opted to seek out Akito and pin him down, to avoid him using his Tempest attack. Running ahead, she managed to pass the other combatants. Their leader had engaged the First Pride, Victor in an open duel. As she was about to reach an intersection blocked off by large containers, Erebus suddenly came crashing down on her.

"This is the end!" He was about to impale her with his hand when a fireball hit Erebus, sending him staggering back.
"Astraea, get back!" The First Diligence, Charles stood in his way.
"Well, well! If it isn't Charles! Finally managed to catch up?" Akito also landed down. Two on two. Charles knew that Astraea won't be able to handle fighting these two head on. Detonating a smokescreen, he dragged Astraea away towards the nearby parking lot.
"What are you doing Charles? The battle--"
"Screw this battle!" Astraea was shocked at Charles' sudden outburst. "Our leader went and got himself killed. We've been had, they expected our attack all along. Victor...he's just too dangerous of an opponent alone. He and Akito managed to kill our leader. Leona is currently trying to help our remaining allies retreat. Right now, we have to--" Before he can even finish, Charles suddenly cast a stream of flame towards an uncertain direction. Soon, another Sin entered the area. He had intense red eyes and silver flashes surrounded him.
"Wait--he's a psychic as well?!" Astraea looked on in surprise. Charles merely picked himself up and turned to his back. The two had started approaching as well.
" handle that guy. I'll finish Akito and Erebus here. I'll buy us the time we need to escape."
"But--you can't possibly handle Tempest--"
"Heh, I'll rely on your barrier for that. Good hunting." Charles soon headed off, engaging both Erebus and Akito almost single-handedly as Astraea tried to force her way through Nozomi. For a moment, it seemed that he was headed into certain death as Erebus and Akito managed to force him into a corner. Wanting to assist her comrade, Astraea opted to channel all her mana into a single attack to eliminate Nozomi once and for all. Nozomi also did the same, channeling most of his. As soon as their fields touched, a psychic shock followed, making them lose control of their powers.
"Astraea! The field!" Charles called out as he finally exhausted his flame barrier.
"I can't! My powers aren't in my control anymore" Astraea called back, their psychic resonance still causing small shocks on the ground.
"I see...Astraea, when I launch my attack, the connection will get severed. When that happens, shield yourself. Leona managed to retreat safely so--we're the only ones left. I'll clean up my own mess!" With that said, Charles channeled the last of his energy into performing his most powerful attack. Gathering all the flames in the area, he chanted an old language, forcing the fire to conform to his will. The flames danced through the sky, taking the form of a blazing dragon, that soon headed straight for the two Entities. Akito managed to block using his lightning but, Erebus wasn't too lucky. The flames consumed him. Still, Charles couldn't contain all the energy any further and the entire harbor was soon drowned in flames, thanks to both Akito's Tempest and Charles' dragon.

The battle ended in a stalemate. As Astraea surveyed the ruined surroundings, she caught sight of Charles, walking towards her. Catching him in her arms, he only gave her a weak grin as he broke the news down to her.
"I-d-did it..." Charles finally gave up his last breath as he died in her arms. Astraea could only mourn quietly but, she immediately stopped when she heard some scuffling nearby. She saw Nozomi walking around. Hurriedly, she readied a spell to finish him off but what she saw struck her. He bent down to check on a dead Circus Catalyst whose body was burned beyond recognition. From Astraea's eyes, it seemed as if he was also looking for survivors. Seeing that this boy was hopeless, he turned to the next one, almost moving like a zombie. He picked up another, a female this time, some parts of her arms were burnt but, she was still somehow alive. He seemed to take comfort in this thought. The thought that he also managed to save all others that died by rescuing that one girl.

Flashback end...

"What I saw during that day...I guess that before we are Synchronicity and Circus, we were all humans first right?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rion Mizorogi Character Portrait: Hajime Amaterasu Character Portrait: Leona Rain Vincent Character Portrait: Astraea Cyril Acustica Character Portrait: Hikari Mizuhara Character Portrait: Kyori Akiharu
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0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.
Hajime focused on his lunch tray, but he secretly looked at Mika for a few times. It seems that they're in quite an awkward situation as both of them just keep silent as the lunchbreak goes on. Although Hajime always wanted to talk to Mika, right now he don't know what to say anymore. In fact, he wasn't the type of person that would start up a conversation. So far, the only person that could get on his talkative side is Hikari. After some while, he decided that he should speak up to break this awkwardness.

"So..." Hajime spoke up, but before he could finished his sentence, Hikari appeared from nowhere and wrapped his arm around his shoulder with a big grin, "Hey Hajime-kun, so you're sitting here. Heh, I was looking for you, y'know."

"Y-Yeah." Hajime said, a little bit surprised. "Where was you earlier?"

"Well... um... I have some... issues that I need to resolve..." Hikari said while scratching the back of his head. With a quick glance, he could see that his barrier is now also tapped to Hajime. Then he looked on to Mika, "Hi, Mika-san. How is it going?" Hikari said to her with a gentle smile, "mind if I join you guys?"

But as Hikari was about to sit, the school's bell ring, indicates that the lunchbreak was over. "Oh, too bad..." Hikari sighed, "well, we'll heading back to our class now. Let's go, Hajime-kun. See you later, Mika-san."

With that said, Hikari turned his back. Hajime sighed, "Sorry about Hikari-san, he's a little bit over-exciting at times, but he really a nice guy," He then stood up, "well, I guess I'll see you later too. Nice afternoon."

Hajime then walked away from the table and catch up with his best buddy and went back to their class. The afternoon classes also went on quite normal, much to both of the Children relief. And it seems that both of the auras that had entered their school have gone. Luckily that today they don't have much subjects and they can go back sooner than everyday. After the last subject finished, Hikari and Hajime gathered their stuffs hastily and went out of the school together. Just as they stepped out from the entrance, Kyo was there waiting for them.

"Good afternoon, Kyo-oniisan." Hikari grinned as he walked to his Entity.

"Konichiwa, Kyo-san. How was your day?" Hajime said with a smile as he followed his friend.

"It's about time, both of you." Kyo gave them a greeting smile, "okay, let's head for the Spiral Highlights for now. Are you ready?"

The Children then nodded. "Good, hoping that you two will have fun. Okay, I think that both of you know how to get there so just go right ahead and I'll follow you two behind from a distance as not to attract too much attention. Let's go."

Hikari and Hajime walked on the front with Kyo right behind their back. The building wasn't that far from their school so it took them only about 10 minutes walking and soon, the building is now on their sight. But just as he got near there, Kyo abruptedly stopped. He could felt some stirring in the mana flows around this area, and he was quite surprised when he felt that, though he is well-aware that sooner or later, this moment would come. "This could only mean one thing," Kyo thought, "looks like the tiger has went out from its cave. But I needed to check later, just to be sure."

Kyo then catch up with the other two and three of them made their ways to the top of the building. He saw that the three veteran Entities are already there, along with Rion - Patience's Catalyst.

"Hey," Hajime spoke out loud to gain their attentions, "we're here."

The three then walked to the four standing in front of them. "Well, something had happened back at their school. Because of that, I think it is better that I should escort them here, just in case. They can tell you about it. That's all I guess." Kyo said then turned to the two catalysts, "you're on your own this time. Good luck." He said with a wink then made his way back to the ground. While he is going by the elevator, he thought about his plans, "I should go to the basement for now and waited til' tonight." Kyo actually is looking forward tonight, "can't wait to meet her again."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Morrigan Luna Grey Character Portrait: Rion Mizorogi Character Portrait: Hajime Amaterasu Character Portrait: Leona Rain Vincent Character Portrait: Astraea Cyril Acustica Character Portrait: Hikari Mizuhara
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0.00 INK

Masenai was silent on his glaring of the catalyst of pride. However he knew that if Alastair wanted to make a trap he wouldn't give out the terms. Sighing he saw Rion appear, only she didn't act like herself. It was then Leona explained she suffered from dissociative identity disorder. "I see. Well hopefully both persona's are content with sharing one body then." was all The Virtue had to say. Then Kyo, and the Children of Humility and Temperance showed up.

However Kyo was leaving. He knew that Kyo's must've sensed Alaistair as well. He had to make sure Kyo did not do anything to make the situation worse. He tried to relay a message to him via telepathy. "Kyo, do not come out of the hideout tonight. I'm coming down there later and I want you and Miruka to look into something for me. I want to follow up on a missing person's case filed four years ago. It has to do with My own Child's parents. You'll know the file when you see it."

Masenai looked at the others with a small smile before walking to a good spot to keep his guard up whilst the lesson went on.


Robin scanned around the empty building in the red light district he got ambushed in late last night. Trying to figure out how and where the woman came from to try and retrace his steps. He didn't want to go back to Masenai and the others without giving them a confirmation about the situation. But if he could find the killer, he could be in for a fight of his life. "Just keep calm Robin, your Da would tell you to keep a clear head." he muttered. He then walked to the area where he knew he got the drop on him and tried to piece things together.


"Ugh, I know it's a castle but does it have to be so huge people can't find their way around places?" Morrigan complained to herself. For she knew that these people seemed to not like her presence in some way, and sighed on realization of it. She needed someone to have a little fun with, either that or she could find a way to sneak out and resume her killings again. She didn't care about anything else but that.

She smiled at the thought of it all as she layed down on the couch in a slightly attractive way. She had a lot to think about.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Izumi Kimura Character Portrait: Rion Mizorogi Character Portrait: Hajime Amaterasu Character Portrait: Rin Nakahara Character Portrait: Nozomi Kannagi Character Portrait: Leona Rain Vincent
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0.00 INK

Rin watched Nozomi walk down and disappear with the crowd through the scope of her sniper rifle. She sighed in relief as the immediate threat had disappeared for now. Re-calibrating her settings and position, she continued to monitor the school premises. So far, no activity from all Catalysts. It reached the point of dismissal and most of the students have started heading back, including Hikari and the other Catalyst with him.
"Now then, let's see who remains late in this school..."

In the meantime, Mika had just woken up, still feeling a bit bothered by auras suddenly appearing and disappearing. She had no one to turn to about it, except for the Entity within her mind. She headed down to the school's backyard, taking a look at the circuit breaker there.
"Hey kid! Let's not go on with your training today." Akito immediately told her.
"Why not? Usually you're very harsh and strict about it."
"Slight disturbances in your daily pattern is healthy and removes suspicions. Those auras are still troubling and you may still be observed until now. The inexperienced draw attention to them by acting differently. That's all I can say. Go to the bookstore or mingle with your friends, I don't care either way."
Mika gave her Entity's words some thought. "Well...I guess I've been meaning to go to the bookstore anyway..." Turning around, Mika started walking away, unaware of the eyes that watched her from afar.

"Okay, what made you change your mind?" Rin thought as she observed quietly. This girl looked like she had something to do at first but immediately changed her mind during the last minute. A little suspicious. Taking out a long-range camera, she took a picture of Mika before packing away her things for the duration of the afternoon. Entering the school, she browsed through the club listings on the bulletin board, trying to find a name and face that matched the girl earlier.
"Mika Iriai, third year class-B, member of the Library Committee." Rin read the name aloud, wondering if she was the one they were looking for.
"Aside from this, the school's atmosphere is heavily saturated. Multiple auras gathered here no doubt. In any case, I don't want to linger here any further." Calling out to her Catalyst, she gave the order. "Izumi, let's withdraw."
Gunshots. Rin was shocked when she heard it coming from Izumi's side. She took off immediately, trying to reach her Catalyst before it was too late.

Within the confines of the small space, both Catalysts went at each other. Fumina was obviously stronger and more experienced but, the disadvantages of a close range weapon in the face of a gun came biting to her hard. While she's not getting hit, she can't seem to close the distance between them, despite her superior strength and agility. On the other hand, Izumi tried to get by her mediocre accuracy by employing spray and run tactics, betting on the chance of a random hit while keeping her distance at the same time.
"Thirty-three bullets left. Two more reloads." Izumi thought as she docked behind a steel pillar. Taking a peek outside, her halberd wielding opponent had also taken cover behind another pillar, ten meters away. "This is bad, she's getting close."
Suddenly, from nowhere, a smoke grenade was hurled in their direction. Through the cover, Rin dragged Izumi away, immediately ducking through the lower floors as they exited the building. Slashing through the smoke, Fumina went to the last position her opponent was in only to see that she was not there anymore.
"Entity? No, I wasn't able to pick up any auras. This girl was a member of Sacred Drive so it may be another one of their subordinates. The question is, have they already began tracking us?" Fumina thought as she surveyed the place. Picking up the canister of the smoke grenade, she checked out the model. It was nothing out of the ordinary.
"Well, at least I know someone was here to save her."

"Well, thanks for the save Rin!" Izumi and Rin talked to each other as they walked down the road, their equipment hidden well as they made their way towards the Hyatt Building. "So, have you found who we're looking for?"
"Maybe. I have a hunch but until then, I can't be too sure. In the meantime, I need you to craft a drone for me. How's your crafting abilities?"
"All well and good. My power grows as you grow more knowledgeable. I can safely say that among most pairs, the nature of our contract is unorthodox. My crafting abilities now allow me to create items like your earrings." Rin took note of her Catalyst's words.
"Then, I have another request for you. We need to make a bullet but, this time, I will personally oversee its specifications."

"First off, can you two boys tell me under what logic are we training in this place, a very high building right in the heart of the city?" Astraea formally began their lesson as the two Catalysts finally arrived. As per her initial task, she was assessing their knowledge in the field they were geared at. "Leona-san, won't Shion-chan train as well?"
"No, Shion's a brawler. She'll be fine without magic for now. Besides, her magical blood is very thin." Leona spoke on her Child's behalf. "Then, the ones going will be me, you and Shion, seeing that the others have businesses they need to tend to. Rockfeller's building. Don't forget."
"Okay. Now, let's continue."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Izumi Kimura Character Portrait: Hajime Amaterasu Character Portrait: Miruka Hiroyuki Character Portrait: Leona Rain Vincent Character Portrait: Astraea Cyril Acustica Character Portrait: Hikari Mizuhara
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0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.
After Kyo has left, both of the Children looked around the top of the building a bit and they must admit that this place is quite a perfect place for them to train. "First off, can you two boys tell me under what logic are we training in this place, a very high building right in the heart of the city?" Astraea asked both of them.

"Before we started, I think we have something to report. When we're still at school, we felt that there are some strange auras appeared within the school's ground. These auras' emission is just about as us so I think they're only catalysts. We managed to identify one of them as Diligence's Child, while the other one is a Sin's catalyst. I don't know why did they decide to infiltrate our school, I guess they wanted to spy on us or something, though I wasn't completely sure if that is their only purpose." Hikari replied formally, "Well, I'm just saying that so that so you can get to know more about our situation. Okay, please give us a few moments to check around this place a bit."

Hikari and Hajime nodded to each other, they looked as if they're taking this more serious than ever. Both of them rolled their eyes to observe their surrounding as the wind blew. Hajime held out his hand to track around the air around them while Hikari closed his eyes and moved both of his middle finger onto his temples to check the elemental flows around the area. After some while checking, they discussed with each other in quietly a bit then turned to Astraea.

"You go first, Hajime-kun." Hikari said to his best friend.

"As you see, we're standing on one of the tallest building within this district. Let's talk about the elemental flows first." Hajime said as he held out his hand and a burst of flame appeared, "as the aptitude got higher, the elemental flows which gave us who have power to control the basic elements became less unstable. This building is in the center of the city, which is also the center of the mana fields, or what you would call as "fey lines." Using these features as an advantage, we can connect our magic better without being feared of losing control of our will. I can control my fire a lot more easier here than when I'm back at the ground because of that."

Hikari then continued, "Let's imagine the mana flows like a completely static pool. If there are any forces that try to interrupt within this area, then that pool will immediately be stirred and we'll be able to felt it so that we can prepare if anything unexpected happens. Also, because like Hajime-kun said, this building is right in a local fey line, we could cast our magic safely without being affected should there are some others waves that came from unknown sources of magic. This can unstabilize the whole elemental flows which could make it become pertubated to the point that we couldn't hold off. That are the main reasons. There are some other reasons that this place wasn't as remote as our basement like in the industrial district, and we wouldn't attract too many attention if we practice in this height. Also, there's something that we'd like to add..." He looked at the sun which is almost going to set.

"The reason that you wanted us to train at this time." Hajime looked at his watch to catch the time and then looked up, "right now is 5:00 PM. Two hours had passed since the time that we mages are deemed weakest and our strenght is currently returning to us. We can perform our abilities at different levels through this."

With that said, Hajime nodded and Hikari said, "That's the logic that we thought about this place as a training field for us. Well, I don't know if we're totally correct, but I hope that we were right at some degree."

After Kyo has got out from the Spiral Highlights, he made his way back to their basement. When he has made it there, he saw that Miruka is already there waiting for everyone.

"Hey, Miru-kun." Kyo smiled as he walked up to his friend, who was sitting in front of the screen.

"Hi, Kyo-chin. Sorry for not being with you today. I was kinda lazy, y'know." Miruka grinned.

"You've never changed." Kyo laughed as he sat down.

"So, what's happened today? I've checked the charts and I think I know who has decided to appeared today already."

"That's not all. Hikari and Hajime was being spied on today by two other catalysts. Luckily that nothing has happened." Kyo sighed while wrapping his arms and leaned his back on the chair, "even our Children are being spied on, looks like no one is totally safe now. They're currently training with our seniors right now and I took them there by myself, just in case."

"Uh huh," Miruka nodded, "Alistair has got out from that hidden headquarters it seems, though not for long. But Lust has somehow disappeared from the area that we could catch wind, maybe the Circus has found her and she's now at their hideout. And strangely enough, there wasn't any news from the serial-killer ever since last night. Do you think..."

"It could be a possibility, however, we can't be totally sure right now and we need some more investigations before we could jump into the conclusion of this case. About Alistair, I felt him when I got near the Spiral Highlights, maybe he was there to meet with our fellow Entities? I don't know what is he up to. Perhaps he came to declare war?"

"I don't think so. In both the first and second wars, there's a tradition that representatives from both sides will meet up and talk about the the true intentions of the wars of the both. Maybe he just suddenly appeared from nowhere like that to state that out. After all, he is the highest of the Circus right now, isn't he? But it isn't like the leader always has to go anyway. It was Ryan along with two other Virtues that go on the behalf of Kaori back in the second war so this time you should just let our older Entities like Leona-oneesan and Astraea-oneesan to do the job. For now, I think we should just continue with our own case." Miruka paused a bit, "Okay, what's your plan?"

"Yeah," Kyo nodded, he understands the reason why it wouldn't be him, but he isn't ready to reveal his true strenght yet, "Firstly, I think I should change the position of this basement, but I need everyone around to decide which place would be the best. And secondly, Masenai-senpai asked me and you to wait for him here until he return. He also insisted that I can't go out tonight." He sighed, "I was intended to go and meet with a "friend" of mine who can help me if I were going to continue this fight, but it seems that tonight wasn't the right time."

"A "friend"?" Miruka raised an eyebrow at what Kyo said. Asides from himself, he doesn't know anyone who could've been Kyo's friends.

"Right, but don't trouble yourself about it. And don't force me to tell, I'm not telling." Kyo spoke and mischiviously put his index finger on his lips.

"Fine, whatever. Everyone has their own lives, I know." Miruka sighed, though he really would like to know about this person, but he respects his friend's private life like Kyo has always respected him. "So, why did Masenai-senpai wanted you to stay indoor tonight?"

"He said that there was a file of a case related to his Child's parents 4 years ago that he wants to look into." Kyo said as he turned to the screen, "say, we still keep the files of the cases in the last 5 years in our basement right?"

"Yeah, I copied them all into this computer." Miruka said as he slided the screen and opened the files' window. A list of some infamous cases' files appeared, he rolled the bar while search for the file that Masenai spoke up. After some while, he managed to find a file which is similar to what the Entity of Charity has said. "Is this it? The missing case 4 years ago which he spoke of?"

"I think so. Let's print it out." Kyo said as he began the printing process. After about 10 minutes, the files was printed and he hold them together with a clip. Though he was intended to look through it, he think he should wait until Masenai return. "I think it is the best to look into it with Masenai-senpai later." Kyo said.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Izumi Kimura Character Portrait: Rion Mizorogi Character Portrait: Hajime Amaterasu Character Portrait: Rin Nakahara Character Portrait: Leona Rain Vincent Character Portrait: Astraea Cyril Acustica
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0.00 INK

Astraea listened in attentively as both Catalysts offered their explanation. They seem to have a grasp of it, but--
"As you see, we're standing on one of the tallest building within this district. Let's talk about the elemental flows first. As the aptitude got higher, the elemental flows which gave us who have power to control the basic elements became less unstable. This building is in the center of the city, which is also the center of the mana fields, or what you would call as "fey lines." Using these features as an advantage, we can connect our magic better without being feared of losing control of our will. I can control my fire a lot more easier here than when I'm back at the ground because of that."

"Technically, that's not true. If you're talking about elemental flow, then none of you directly benefits. Elemental control and ability is dependent on how much of the particular element is present in the area. Hajime-kun will benefit more in a volcano as an instance. The thing about this place being the center of the city is correct. This is a spot where all of the local ley lines gather. But, control is still something ultimately dependent on your own abilities as a magus. As such, there is no truly defined vantage point for spellcasters."

"Let's imagine the mana flows like a completely static pool. If there are any forces that try to interrupt within this area, then that pool will immediately be stirred and we'll be able to felt it so that we can prepare if anything unexpected happens. Also, because like Hajime-kun said, this building is right in a local fey line, we could cast our magic safely without being affected should there are some others waves that came from unknown sources of magic. This can unstabilize the whole elemental flows which could make it become pertubated to the point that we couldn't hold off. That are the main reasons. There are some other reasons that this place wasn't as remote as our basement like in the industrial district, and we wouldn't attract too many attention if we practice in this height. Also, there's something that we'd like to add..."

"The reason that you wanted us to train at this time, right now is 5:00 PM. Two hours had passed since the time that we mages are deemed weakest and our strenght is currently returning to us. We can perform our abilities at different levels through this."

"The part about the time is correct, the rest is too far-fetched. The ability to catch other forces is only thanks to Leona's net, not this place. In fact, other waves of magic will also be beneficial to us, if one knows how to translate that essence into your attack. We're not training here so that we don't attract too much attention. We're in this height so that elemental affinities are nullified, thanks to the thin air."

"That's the logic that we thought about this place as a training field for us. Well, I don't know if we're totally correct, but I hope that we were right at some degree."

Leona and Astraea turned to each other. The kids were right for some degree but, it seemed they were too reliant on basic definitions. That was good but, it lacked the element of random occurrence. "Okay, you seem to be all right so, let's carry on. This time, I will evaluate the strength of your offensive capability." Astraea set up her defensive field within mere seconds and called out. "Now, hit this barrier with your strongest attack. Don't worry, psychic fields won't break easily. Not even Tempest can get through this."

Back at the Security Bureau, Izumi had started crafting robotic drones, almost microscopic in size while Rin kept eyes on the bullet they were crafting. Stealing glances at her Entity seconds later, it seemed as if Rin felt some sort of pain from her chest. Finishing the last set of drones, Izumi decided to ask about her intentions. "So Rin, what's the deal with using this drone? I mean, it doesn't look anything like any animal in existence. If it wasn't for its small size, these things would've been quite obvious."
"Both the Circus and Synchronicity are accustomed to dealing with "familiars". These drones will serve as wild cards of sorts. Familiars take the shape of living beings and as such, can easily be caught by tracking their lack of aura. This one emits no aura but, since it doesn't take the shape of anything that walks this world, it won't be caught by something as dismal as an aura trap. And yes, it is quite small but also, since they are mechanical in nature, they won't be destroyed by a spell whose effect is to "destroy familiars" since, well, they're not familiars. Subtle differences but, one that heavily affects outcomes." Rin answered back without looking up from the container. Izumi merely shrugged and continued on. The drones have hidden cameras and receivers that transmits images and sound back to Izumi's laptop.
"So, what places should we send these?" Izumi asked.
"Around the school perimeter, the clock tower, Willow's Square, red light district, the perimeter around Hyatt--" Rin suddenly fell silent. After a moment, she spoke up again. "And also...around Hayashibara Power Plant."
Izumi felt a little glum when Rin brought up the place once again. That was where she lost her First Catalyst but at the same time, where she and Patience brought down the First Wrath. However, since Leona was the one who delivered the killing blow, the territory ultimately remains with her. "I guess as of now, you're the only one who thinks the new Wrath is still Akito."
"Maybe...This whole electricity business is what's causing me to think that. For now, send those drones over to the places I mentioned. Leave around fifteen for each area and give me around sixty more." Rin focused on the bullet crafting. As it finished, Izumi leaned closer to get a better look.
"'s still a regular bullet to me but, I'm guessing you meant for it to be that way."
"You guess correctly. All-in-all, this is just another modified .357 cartridge, the same one we always use, however--This one also contains traces of myself, since I powdered one of my ribs--"
"You WHAT?!!!"
"I'm not divulging the details of that painful medical procedure, thank you. Okay, now that my essence is embedded in the bullet, the strength of my Identity, the very determinant of my status as Diligence is fully materialized in this bullet. Anything this bullet hits, my Identifying Factor will materialize, causing additional effects. As for what the nature of Diligence is constant work, any spell or circuit hit with this bullet will immediately overwork itself and shut down, requiring at least a week to recover."
"I think I get it now. Say you hit Sloth's barrier with this bullet. Then, his barrier will shut down?"
"Exactly. I made this with the intention of killing magic-users by stripping them of their spells and making them more vulnerable to our regular attacks. Magic circuits are a little complex. They allow an individual to perform magic but beyond they also have measures for the individual's safety. When a Circuit is overworked, it immediately shuts down to prevent an overload that can cause damage to the caster. It's immediate need is for defeating Nozomi and Akito but, it can be used for any spell. Still, Sloth's barrier still has too many unknowns so, even with this bullet, I'm not sure I can deal a decisive blow. Plus, I'm not sure whether or not it works with esper abilities since, those abilities are don via mutations in the brain."
"I think I get most of what you have said. But, if you need essence of yourself, won't grinding parts that won't hurt you too much like fingernails work as well?"
Rin flushed at this statement. She hadn't really thought of that when she made the bullet. "Hehehe...Anyway, you only have 66 as of now. Use them carefully."
"66 bullets against 13 Entities wherein some aren't too reliant on magic. This is going to be hard. For now, I should focus on that girl, Mika Iriai. She seems innocent but, something about her mannerisms strike me as odd.