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Alex Robinson

"So this time, I'll make you proud."

0 · 1,537 views · located in Booth Lane College

a character in “Skins: Secrets Out”, originally authored by partially-stars, as played by RolePlayGateway



Bright || Optimistic || Loving || Light-hearted || Naive

[ second and sebring || of mice and men ]

For all the things that you're alive to feel,
Just let the pain remind you hearts can heal.

Full Name:
Alexander Leon Robinson
Alex, Al
Sexual Orientation:
Bisexual, preference for girls
Touring and session guitarist
He has a mixture of both Christian and Buddhist beliefs, and doesn't really identify with either for that reason.
1/2 American, 1/2 English
Birth Day:
September 22
Birth Sign:
Home Town:
New York
Character Role:
FC: Josh Ramsay


Dedicated || Inventive || Talented || Dependent || Artistic

[ sing || my chemical romance ]

Sing it from the heart,
Sing it till you're nuts,
Sing it out for the ones that'll hate your guts.

Family Members:
Alex's mom died when he was sixteen. His dad moved back to America and is living there with Alex's younger brother. They stay in contact, and Alex visits as much as possible.
Academic Career:
Alex was bright- but not quite intelligent. His grades averaged around a B/C, dipping for quite a while after his mother's death. However, his grades were never the most important thing to him. Music always took pride of place, and so once he left school, he knew that the only grade that really mattered was his music grade- which he aced.
Future Plans:
Alex is happy where he is in life- playing music for a living and making a living off of it. He would like to be in a band of his own at some point, and is auditioning for bands. But if he just got to do what he's doing now for the rest of his life, he'd be happy.
Growing up, Alex struggled to fit in. But now that he's found his place and his passion, he's like a completely different person. He's a very upbeat person, and is one of those people who you feel better just by being around. His love for life is evident in everything he does. Every movement is filled with energy, and you can tell that he really believes every word he says. He believes in living life to the full, and that a short life well-lived is much better than a long life, full of regrets. He's outgoing, but at the same time, trips over his words when he gets overly excited or anxious. He's incredibly energetic, and he's that person who will keep a group going even when they're all exhausted. He can, at times, be a little too much, but never intentionally.

Alex is quite a dependent person. He has an incredible desire to be around people and to be liked by those people, and the thought of being abandoned or betrayed is his literal worse nightmare. He can sometimes come off as clingy as a result. He feels a need to constantly prove himself and to be the best he can, even if that results in him pushing himself too hard. He also trusts far too easily and is naive at times.
Alex fears abandonment more than he fears anything else. However, he also has quite a large fear of big, angry dogs after a close call when he was a kid.
He always has at least one plectrum on him, and often more. When he gets overexcited or anxious, he has a tendency to talk too fast. He dislikes a lot of forms of physical contact and is particular about who can touch him where.
Music is by far his biggest hobby- it's both his job and his favourite thing to do. He also likes to go camping and on adventure trips.
Alex is incredibly passionate about music, and he's lucky in that it's his job as well as his hobby.
Bad Habits:
Talking too fast when he feels anxious or overexcited, playing with his hair, trusting too easily
Guilty Pleasures:
Rock music | Musicals | Sour sweets | Apple flavoured anything | His job | Working with good people | Touring | Travelling | Hiking | Outdoor activities | Kayaking
Cherry flavoured anything | Bad weather | Rap music | Demanding artists | Artists who take him for granted | Being sick | Not feeling good enough | Being alone


Enthusiastic || Energetic || Ambitious || Passionate|| Needs to prove himself

[ america's suitehearts || fall out boy ]

"So this time, I'll make you proud."

Face Claim :
Josh Ramsay
Weight / Build :
Average build, healthy weight for his build and height
Hair Colour:
Naturally dark brown, varies the colour he has in it
Eye Colour:
His tongue is pierced, but besides that, he hasn't any piercings.


Faithful || Spiritual || Musical || Intuitive || Helpful

[ back to earth (feat. fall out boy) || steve aoki ]

"Heroes always get remembered, but you know legends never die."


Alex was born in New York. He was a happy kid. He had plenty of friends, and he liked his school and his life. He doted on his little brother, who was born when Alex was seven. He had everything he wanted- he wasn't the smartest in the class, but his teachers appreciated the fact that he worked hard and was enthusiastic about his work, and he had plenty of friends. But when he was ten, his parents decided to move to England. At first, Alex thought it would be some great adventure and that his life would be just as good in England as it was in America.

However, that didn't happen. His enthusiasm was seen as a little strange, and the people in his class already had their own friends. Nobody was mean to him, but nobody took him under their wing either. As a result, Alex ended up as a bit of a loner, flitting from social group to social group, trying to find where he belonged. When he was fourteen, his mom became ill. This was a stressful time for Alex, understandably. He found comfort in rock music, in people who were angry and sad, all at the same time- just like him. Using his savings, he bought a second-hand guitar and taught himself to play. And after he performed a Green Day song at his school's talent show, the rockers took him in. He'd finally found where he belonged.

His mom didn't get any better though, and Alex found himself throwing himself more and more into music. He would do his homework and then spend hours teaching himself guitar, learning his favourite songs. He got an electric guitar for his fifteenth birthday, which opened the doors for him. His natural aptitude for music shone through, and he quickly progressed.

When Alex was sixteen, his mother died. Alex didn't know how to handle it, so he just did what he always did- he played guitar. When he played in a band for a talent show, he was noticed. Local bands started asking him to play shows with them when they were short a guitarist, or to play a part on their album because they only had one guitarist, and that guitarist could only play lead, not rhythm. At first, he did it for free- but gradually, he started getting paid for it. His guidance counsellor, who had seen how good Alex was, told him that he could make a career out of it- and so Alex was sold. He made a YouTube channel where he covered songs, and circulated flyers advertising his services. By the time he actually sat his A-levels, he was starting to make a name for himself.

By the time he was 19, he'd gotten the attention of a few independent labels and a few smaller bands around the country. And so began his career.

So begins...

Alex Robinson's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Ellie Wallace Character Portrait: Nate Carlile Character Portrait: Skylar Grocott Character Portrait: Alex Robinson
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saturday 12th september

He shrugged at Bella's comment, grinning a little bashfully. However, the attention was quickly directed away from him as the girls started talking about dancing and such. He only looked up again as Nate asked Bella why she hadn't been in school. He knew her well enough to know that he response was a lie, but he chose not to comment. That was a conversation that they needed to have alone- he was the only one who had any idea how bad her home life really was.

Bella proved herself as a leader as the tent started taking shape. Even if Ellie and Nate were pointedly avoiding each other, there was enough of them to make up for that lack of communication. Considering how different Bella and Sky seemed to be, they also seemed to be bonding well. Ellie's niceness was a little strange, but Jamie felt like that was only because he was so used to her being... Not quite that nice. Then again, none of the rumours that flitted around the school about her were particularly nice either, so it was entirely possible that she was just returning the favour the majority of the time.

After a while, when the frame of the tent was almost entirely up, a newcomer appeared.


saturday 12th september

Ellie listened to the two girls ramble on, resisting the temptation to roll her eyes. Once they didn't decide to put on an impromptu recital when they were drunk, they'd be fine. While everyone else was distracted with the tent, she went back to the car and retrieved her camera from the bag. "Oi, bitches!" She yelled to get their attention, before snapping a shot of all of them and laughing. Her camera was near-professional standard and weighed a shit ton, so she put it back into its case, slinging the strap of the case across her body and going back to finish helping.

After a while, yet another car pulled up. She recognised this one and straightened up, beaming. Alex got out, carrying a carrier bag full of food and drink. A backpack was slung over one shoulder as well, with a guitar case slung over the other. She went over to him, grabbing him in a hug. He returned it easily. "Hey, El," he said, looking up at the others. "C'mon, come meet everybody," she said, grabbing his arm and bringing him over to the others.

"Everyone, this is Alex. Well, Jamie, obviously you know him, but everybody else. This is Bella, Nate, and Sky," she said, pointing them out in turn. He grinned at them.


saturday 12th september

Alex had stopped in his local supermarket on the way to the campsite and had stocked up on supplies. He'd spent a lot of time camping with his friends as a teenager, and knew what food was ideal for a bunch of teenagers on a campout. He'd also gotten two six-packs of beer, not knowing what they were drinking. He'd also brought his guitar, knowing how musical Ellie's friends were.

She seemed pretty eager for him to meet her friends, and he grinned as she introduced him. "Hey. Ellie said that my tent building services were needed," he said, before noticing the half-assembled structure behind them. "But judging by that structure, I don't know if you guys do or not!"

He put down the bag of food. "I didn't know how much food you guys had, and I got paid for a session today, so I bought plenty. Undoubtedly we'll eat it," he remarked.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Ellie Wallace Character Portrait: Nate Carlile Character Portrait: Skylar Grocott Character Portrait: Alex Robinson
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Friday 11th September – 2:30 PM – The Road – Camp Out Outfit

Mood: Surprised - Chilled- Nervous
Listening To: Whatsername - Green Day
With: Everyone
Bella being Bella was completely disinterested in the new arrival because she was completely away with the fairies putting up the tent and secondly because being questioned had made her stomach spin and churn with anxiety and fear. Between her, Nate and Sky it only really took them another fifteen minutes to fully erect the tent and then she sighed gently and flopped down in the back of the truck again which had apparently become her designated choice of rest for the evening.

"Hi Alex," She greeted robotically after a while. "Hey has anybody got a drink yet? What do you guys want?" She asked trying to brush off her nerves by being casual and calm. Bella had been balancing her joint between her hands and teeth since they started putting up the tent and now it was done she sighed gently before taking the last drag and flicking it out. It'd hit her enough to cope through the evening and she looked up at the already dimming sky and blinked in effort to gaze at the shying sun but even as it began to wilt it still burnt her eyes.

"Damn, I've made more friends today then I've made in the last 7 years," Bella mumbled with a small expression of amusement but her comment hadn't been directed towards anyone at all as she started passing out beers to people, she passed two to Nate to dish out before she looked over at Jamie.

"Beer?" She offered gently. She knew Jamie wasn't as much as a drinker as the rest of them which is why she bothered to ask.

Friday 11th September 2:30 PM– Camp Out – Outfit

Mood: Moody | Anxious | Bitter
Listening To: Before You Start Your Day - Twenty One Pilots
With: Everyone
He didn't want to care when he saw Ellie so wildly and comfortably embracing a guy she'd only met once but what made it worse was knowing it was his own fault, he'd pissed her off by being a dumb ass and he had a fading scar on his cheek to prove it. His Mother had asked him time and time again where Ellie was and what had happened and it was driving him insane, that was the main reason he'd brought Sky home- to give his Mother something else to talk about and it'd worked a little.

She just always looked really sad when he told her it was nothing. He knew sooner or later he'd have to face the music with his Mother and with Ellie but he really didn't want to.

He wanted things to go back to the way they were. He wanted to be drinking with Ellie on school campus again because they didn't have anything better to do, he wanted to talk to her when something pissed him off and listen to her rant and rave when something went wrong but he couldn't even be friends with her now because he'd fucked up. He sighed, he'd been so deep in thought he hadn't noticed the way Sky had deliberately brushed his arm as she reached to retrieve a drink off Bella when she began handing them out.

Nate accepted a beer of her with a thanks and just nodded to the newcomer, swallowing the first mouthful of beer and his doubts and pride with it.

Friday 11th September – 2:30 PM – The Road – Camp Out Outfit

Mood: Excited - Bubbly
Listening To: Californication - Red Hot Chili Peppers
With: Nate
When the tent was finally up, Sky grinned softly and sat back and then looked around the group and tried to work them all out, she could see Nate and Ellie had some kind of history- that much was obvious but she didn't understand what kind it could be when she was draped all of over this new guy and he seemed, quirky at first sight to Sky and Bella seemed incredibly fake. She didn't mean it in a nasty, bitchy way but in a mysterious and defensive way- she could see that Bella was a girl you ever got half the story from and then there was the quiet guy who hadn't really spoken as much to them all as the others. She was trying to note everyone down and she thought she had it sussed except for Jamie- it was clear Bella seemed to favour him, so maybe that was his strongest link to the group because otherwise he didn't seem too involved.

She knew what she was doing was incredibly judgemental but she didn't mean it in such a way, she was judging them yes but her judgements would not influence her actions or literal feelings towards the people in question it was just something she found interesting to do because more than often she seemed to get these things right but everybody had such weird vibes about them, it really through her like Nate- he was incredibly charming and gentlemanly but she'd never met somebody who's so much of a typical boy, smoking, drinking, skateboarding and loose jeans but at the same time he occasionally dressed very nicely and he always held open the door regardless of who was behind him.

She knew she probably stuck out like a sore thumb the most and not just because of her ethnicity. She could tell they were all from very normal and average families, middle class, 9-5 jobs the only exception was Nate but that was because his Father worked 24/7 from what she'd gathered and her parents, they don't have to work another day ever if they don't want to and Skylar had a modelling career lined up as soon as she finished college, the contracts were already signed but no body here seemed like the kind to have any kind of plan or rational thought- they were all so much looser than she was and she kind of envied how they'd just go with the flow all the time.

At the new arrival, she beamed and seemed more welcoming about his arrival than anyone. "Hey, I'm Sky," She greeted politely from where she sat by the tent with a beer that got passed along a line from Bella to Nate, to her.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Ellie Wallace Character Portrait: Nate Carlile Character Portrait: Skylar Grocott Character Portrait: Alex Robinson
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saturday 12th september

He really needed to talk to Bella. She seemed rattled, and she didn't look too great either. Had she lost weight even since the last time he'd seen her? Fuck, things had to be worse than he'd presumed. He laughed at her comment- but it was true. It had been years since anybody else had been introduced into their friend group, and now there had been two people in the same day. Although it was entirely possible that they wouldn't be staying long- knowing Ellie and Jamie, that was.

Once the tent was up, the drinks started to be passed out. He nodded as Bella asked him if he wanted a drink. "Yeah, cheers," he said, taking it from her and opening the can. He didn't usually drink beer, seeing as he usually drank to get blackout drunk. But now he didn't have to.

The tension in the group was tangible, now that the distraction of building the tent was gone, and Ellie's date had arrived. He took a mouthful of his drink, before looking over at Sky. "So, Sky, what kind of music do you like?" He asked. "Think carefully about your answer, we're all quite passionate about our music here," he remarked, grinning.


saturday 12th september

Ellie didn't allow herself to even glance at Nate to gauge his reaction. She accepted the beer from Bella, cracking it open and taking a swig. "So, what activities have we got planned? An old fashioned sing-along? Oh my god, we could recreate that Bohemian Rhapsody scene from Wayne's World!" She said, slapping Bella on the arm in her excitement.

"The backseat would be a bit cramped, Ellie," Alex remarked, grinning, before looking over at Sky as Alex asked her about music.

"I'm not saying we're judgemental or anything, but if you don't like rock, you're gonna feel really out of place here," Ellie remarked. "Still, as long as you're not into country, we won't judge you too much," she said, laughing a little. "Also, I'm hungry. Bella, fancy helping me sort out food?" She asked, starting to search Nate's bag of food for something half-decent to eat. "Do you think they'd deliver pizza to us?" She asked- half joking, half-serious. Pizza was really what she wanted, if she was honest.


saturday 12th september

Alex took the beer, thanking Bella. He laughed at Jamie's question and then Ellie's comment. "Well, I can't speak for them, but I won't judge you for what music you listen to. I've played guitar for just about every genre you can imagine- even dubstep that one time. That was an... experience, to say the least," he said, grinning at Sky. As Ellie started to wonder about food, he rolled his eyes. "Ellie, do you ever think about anything except food?" He asked teasingly. "Yeah, photography," she called back. "Selfies and pizza, that's Ellie in a nutshell for you," he commented to the others. In response, Ellie yelled at him in what sounded like Russian.

"So, Sky, I missed where you're from. Excuse me for presuming, but I'm guessing you're not from Liverpool with that accent," he remarked, taking a mouthful out of his beer. "Have you lived here long?" He asked, glancing at the others. Jamie seemed to be making his way through his beer pretty steadily- then again, he wasn't saying much, so he didn't exactly have anything to distract him.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Ellie Wallace Character Portrait: Nate Carlile Character Portrait: Skylar Grocott Character Portrait: Alex Robinson
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Friday 11th September – 2:30 PM – The Road – Camp Out Outfit

Mood: Surprised - Chilled- Nervous
Listening To: Whatsername - Green Day
With: Everyone
She laughed softly at Jamie's question and looked over at Sky waggling her eyebrows challengingly. "Ooh good question. That's incredibly important. Make or break, I'm warning you now say 5 Seconds of Summer, One Direction, Justin Bieber or Skrillex and I will personally destroy your iPod," She warned jokingly with a small grin.

"Wow shit Ellie- hang on there, don't talk to me about Queen. I'm still not over Freddie Mercury," She said it liked she'd known the man personally but he was such a musical inspiration to her, his death seemed like a genuine loss to her. "But that would be hilariously cool," She admitted flashing Ellie a small grin of forced confidence, music. She could talk about music and was glad the subject came up because it seemed to put a light in the eye of every single one of them with the exception of course, of Nate who still looked like a donkey in a field of horses to Bella- metaphorically of course, he might have been carefully dressed and well presented but when the light hit him right there were bags under his eyes and tension in his expression and Bella knew why just as well as anyone but she respected the guy enough to leave him alone.

"Yeah of course. We need to get a fire going too otherwise we'll be bloody freezing by the end of the hour," She remarked with a slight laugh. "Oh my god, Nate these marshmallows are actually like the size of my hand," She laughed as she pulled the bag out and she grinned gently. "Seriously though," She chuckled chucking the bag over at him.

Friday 11th September 2:30 PM– Camp Out – Outfit

Mood: Moody | Anxious | Bitter
Listening To: Before You Start Your Day - Twenty One Pilots
With: Everyone
.Nate chuckled gently at the mention of music and he looked at Sky and grinned at her jokingly; "No pressure but they probably will annihilate you if you answer this wrong. I got the same treatment till I got dragged into the Ramones and the Red Hot Chili Peppers by fucking Bella hijacking the aux at this house party last year," He laughed and Bella grinned pointing at him over the fire.

"Oh my god. That was...Jessica's right? She was so pissed, I put on Diamonds Aren't Forever and shit on," She remembered with a small smirk.

He laughed and caught the marshmallows when they were tossed at him. "They're my favourite, deal with it," He replied to her childishly.

For a moment, he managed to hold himself together long enough to glance at Ellie and he sighed. He felt terrible, to the pit of his stomach he felt guilt and regret but he could hardly talk to her now, by the looks of things she was already completely over the sudden death of their long term friendship.

Friday 11th September – 2:30 PM – The Road – Camp Out Outfit

Mood: Excited - Bubbly
Listening To: Californication - Red Hot Chili Peppers
With: Nate
.Sky laughed when she was suddenly bombarded and she nodded calmly as she listened to them.

"Okay, okay and firstly no Bella, none of those previously mentioned artists ever have or ever will make any of my musical preference. Honestly, I'm a bit of a sucker for classical music, acoustics and things but likewise- I did go see Metallica last year and I'll never skip an Iron Maiden track, honestly I'm up for most kind of music and I'll sing a long to the Red Hot chili Peppers anytime, I'm open minded about that kind of thing," She laughed, smirking a little at Bella's expression of shock and when she turned her head, she noticed Nate wore a very similar one.

"Hold on. Little Miss Coco Chanel 2.0 went to see Metallica, voluntarily?" He queried with an arched brow and harmlessly smirk and Sky nodded laughing.

"Uh-huh, I love them. It was an amazing gig," She admitted and from across the camp Bella exclaimed dramatically; "Phew, at least she didn't call it a concert right?"

Nate laughed and grinned at the group gently and ran his hand through his hair, slightly messing up the way he'd combed it neatly over. "I'm impressed. I knew you liked the chili peppers, you made that evident when Californication came in the car- oh my god, I don't think I've ever heard someone squeal so loud," He admitted and Skylar just smiled bashfully.

"Well that's your fault for making an assumption about me just because I like my tea green and my lip gloss pink," She retorted back before smiling at Alex politely when he queried. "I have lived in Liverpool for precisely 6 days, I'm French. Flew over and moved in on Sunday, unpacked Monday, started college Tuesday," She explained casually flicking her hair out from her eyes with a small movement of her fragile looking wrist before she looked at the group collectively.

"So I take it you guys aren't going to kill me over my music taste then?" She asked jokingly with a light chuckle.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Ellie Wallace Character Portrait: Nate Carlile Character Portrait: Skylar Grocott Character Portrait: Alex Robinson
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saturday 12th september

Jamie let the others do most of the talking, just like he always did. In these types of situations, he usually ended up feeling like he was somewhat on the edges- even with Bella there. Usually, he didn't let himself drink for that reason- but he just didn't feel like refraining from it tonight. Everybody else would be getting drunk, anyway.

He laughed at Skye's response. "No, we won't be killing you over that, then. We're still probably going to drag you along to some concerts, though, especially if Bella gets her way. You'll be living in concert venues," he remarked, laughing a little as he took another mouthful out of his beer. "Big bands, small bands, obscure bands, immensely famous bands... We do them all. Then again, if you've been to see Metallica, nothing we go to will shock you too much," he said.

"Hey, Bella, remember that gig we went to where there was like, what, ten people there? Including the band," he said, laughing a little. They'd just gone because they'd both been avoiding family and had been looking for somewhere to hide. The band hadn't been bad as such- just really inexperienced. The lack of people had clearly rattled them, though.


saturday 12th september

Ellie raised her eyebrows as Sky listed off her music taste. If she was honest, she hadn't expected it at all. But at least she wasn't into that dubstep crap- if Ellie had had to listen to that at any point, she couldn't have been held responsible for her actions. She laughed as Jamie remarked about her being dragged to the concerts. "Especially now that Jamie's in a band. Bella's probably going to be up front at every single one of the shows," she remarked, winking at Bella. She straightened up, brushing herself down.

"You know what, I think we should try ordering pizza. Bella, you keep working on that fire. Jamie, do you have the number of that place that does those vegan pizzas you like?" She asked. Jamie nodded and called out the number to her. She input it into her phone and hit call.

"Hi, can I order two vegan margaritas, two pepperoni, some vegan garlic bread and fries, please?" She ordered. When she told them the address, the guy on the other end just laughed and asked if they were camping. As she hung up, he told her to have a good night.

"Well, that's the food sorted," she remarked, before sitting cross-legged beside Bella. She glanced over at the others. "C'mon, take a- uh, well, not a seat, but a patch of ground."


saturday 12th september

Alex nodded as Sky explained where she was from. "Your English is brilliant, I thought you'd been living here for a year or two!" He remarked. He was even more impressed when she listed off the bands she listened to. "Nice. I actually played with a Metallica tribute act for a charity event once. I got out of having to be in character or anything though- I was just playing back-up guitar," he said, laughing. He could tell some stories about the various gigs he'd played and the various bands he'd played with. He had horror stories about bands who had been nightmares to work with and producers who were clearly scamming the bands.

"You get to see a lot of crazy shit when you're a touring guitarist," he remarked, as Ellie went to order food. "I could tell you some stories- both hilarious and some horrific ones. And that's not even talking about when I've been in studio," he said, shaking his head. As Ellie told them all to sit down, he sat down beside her, but left his legs stretched out in front of him.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Ellie Wallace Character Portrait: Nate Carlile Character Portrait: Skylar Grocott Character Portrait: Alex Robinson
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Friday 11th September – 2:30 PM – The Road – Camp Out Outfit

Mood: Surprised - Chilled- Nervous
Listening To: Whatsername - Green Day
With: Everyone
"Hey don't say it like it's a bad thing. We've had loads of fun at gigs and I've got you into loads of bands by dragging you along," She reminded pointedly grinning softly at Jamie as she spoke and she had a point too, when Bella found a band the first she ever did was call Jamie and shout down the phone at him until he'd followed their YouTube channel and all their other social media, she always got overly excited and obsessive about it too.

"On the subject of bands, have I made you listen to The Front Bottoms yet?" She asked absentmindedly before grinning at the mentioned memory.

"Oh yeah, the crowd was so small people were buying rounds for the whole audience," She remembered shaking her head with a slight laugh. "Wasn't that the week I'd tried to dip dye the ends of my hair as well whilst stoned? I'm pretty sure that was the same week but that was funny too," She recalled and she wasn't 100% sure but she could remember the event distinctly, she'd been smoking pot so long throughout the day that she'd almost hot boxed her bedroom and then she'd decided it'd be a hilarious idea to try and dip dye the ends of her hair pink, thankfully she didn't try and bleach it but her hair was slightly redder than it should have been for weeks and weeks afterwards. Jamie had ridiculed her for it and to be fair, it taught her a lesson for smoking weed but only for a matter of months.

Bella shot Ellie a look at her comment about Jamie and curled her lip to bit it subtly to stop herself from commenting or screaming; 'shut up' defensively like a teenager.

"Of course I will be, moral support and that shit," She shrugged taking a swig from her drink calmly.

"Wait, I have one of those blanket things so we don't have to get our arses covered," She commented, she leaned through the window of the truck and chucked the blanket over at Ellie so she could spread it out properly before dumping herself on the ground between Jamie and Ellie and smiling lightly. Even though the atmosphere was awkward and tense, this was the highlight of her week being here with them- she wasn't even close to anyone here other than Jamie but there were actually the people she held onto the most now Donnie was gone, she'd looked after that kid all his life and it still left her feeling sore as hell that he'd ran away with his step-dad and left her behind to rot. She was thinking about this as she leant over to try and set up a fire, she'd brought a load of firewood which was dried out for this very purpose and even a load of bricks so she could construct a sort of pit for it so she did that and dumped the wood in middle, then dotted a couple of fire lighters in the mix before going at it with a lighter and stuffing the gaps with burning newspaper, she seemed to be quite focused on what she was doing but that was normal for Bella with everything she ever did.

Friday 11th September 2:30 PM– Camp Out – Outfit

Mood: Moody | Anxious | Bitter
Listening To: Before You Start Your Day - Twenty One Pilots
With: Everyone
Nate laughed and grinned over at Sky whilst they were talking about music. "God, the last time I went out with these guys- not last week, the last time before that I'm pretty sure it was an Of Mice and Men gig but I was so fucked I tried crowd surfing and nearly got kicked out the venue for it, we honestly don't miss a single gig around here- if it's worth going to of course, we don't really bother with any of the more popular stuff though," He explained dorkishly running his hand through his hair again nervously, he couldn't stop doing it and he felt slightly out of character, he'd lit up a joint but the first puff instantly made him feel slightly sick and he visibly frowned, he bit his lip anxiously and then offered it to Sky instead who obliviously thanked him and accepted the joint.

This Alex guy seemed alright and he obviously got on really well with Bella and Jamie but Ellie's presence was just destroying him, he felt terrible and sitting in the shadow her figure cast from the fire was almost too much for him. Everything felt so ominous and surreal, he shouldn't be over here fooling around with Skylar, he should have been over there with Ellie blasting music out of a Bluetooth speaker and encouraging everyone to dance and getting so drunk their eyes went fuzzy. It just didn't feel right competing against her like this which is why he made the decision to stop, he vowed to himself he wouldn't rise to it again, if she wanted to get it on with Alex, so be it but he wasn't going to use Sky as some kind of toy to piss off Ellie.

Friday 11th September – 2:30 PM – The Road – Camp Out Outfit

Mood: Excited - Bubbly
Listening To: Californication - Red Hot Chili Peppers
With: Nate
"Sounds fun, I'm up for that anytime," She chimed to Ellie and Bella in a genuine manner though their personalities she found herself both in admiration of and totally intimidated by, she genuinely thought they both seemed quite lovely but that was why she didn't understand the undertone to the atmosphere- it radiated from Nate, that much she'd put together but what the hell was going on with him and Ellie for everything to be like this? From what he'd told her, him and Ellie were partners in crime, best friends, sidekicks and right hand man but they certainly didn't seem like that to her. Is that why she'd been brought here? To be dragged into that?

No, it couldn't be like that because Skylar had basically invited herself anyway but it wasn't impossible that's why Nate had agree to letting her come.

She smiled at Alex and nodded gently. "Merci, I've had a lot of practice. My mother was only half French, so she spoke English- I was raised to speak both languages and I've got to admit it comes in so handy," She laughed brushing her hair down her shoulder in a manner that made the thick silver bangles on her wrist clutter around the joint of her hand making small tinkering noises as they did before she knotted her hands together in her lap as she took a seat on the blankets besides the others. When Nate offered her a joint, she accepted but the truth was she'd only smoked marijuana once before and it made her feel kind of anxious but she went with it because she wanted to fit in here and Bella had make it look cool as ice and as easy as drinking water so she embraced it and took a drag, trying to swallow the urge to cough- she held onto the smoke for a moment than exhaled calmly washing the burn away with a mouthful of beer afterwards.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Ellie Wallace Character Portrait: Nate Carlile Character Portrait: Skylar Grocott Character Portrait: Alex Robinson
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saturday 12th september

He nodded as she mentioned the band. "Yeah, they weren't really my thing. Not heavy enough," he said, grinning at her. He laughed as she talked about the catastrophic dip-dye. "Yeah, it was the same week. It seemed like a good idea at the time, I'm sure," he remarked. He knew that weed itself was far from the worst thing out there, so he didn't have much of a problem with Bella smoking it. He did, however, know that it was a gateway drug, which was why he made a point of staying away. It was still hilarious when she did something stupid while stoned, though.

He just shook his head at Ellie's comment, sitting down beside Bella on the newly spread blanket. Even if there hadn't been anything other than friendship between them, it would have been the same. Bella still would have been up the front, screaming her lungs out for him. That much he knew. He just watched her starting the fire, glad that they'd started talking again. Despite all the shit that had happened as a result, despite all of the shit they'd been through, they'd come out better on the other side. And now they were here, and they were doing okay. Well, they were surviving. Jamie felt like okay was stretching it- but he had done some writing while he'd been feeling so low, so there was that.

He went to take a mouthful out of his beer, only to discover that it was empty. Alex laughed at him, before throwing another at him from beside Ellie. He caught it easily and grinned in response. "Thanks."


saturday 12th september

Ellie grinned at the memory of Nate at that particular concert- he'd been completely off his head. Had it been a smaller gig, Ellie probably would have gone after him to make sure he wasn't alone, but the gig was too good to leave. So she'd just stayed in the crowd, yelling her heart out. Jamie had actually been full on screaming, and he'd still been able to yell and laugh just like anything as they were leaving. That kid had some pair of lungs on him.

She resisted the temptation to raise an eyebrow as Nate started smoking. Alcohol and weed? He'd be fucked by the end of the night, then. Sky also took the joint, but she was clearly much more inexperienced. She just rolled her eyes and turned to helping Bella with the fire. "For fuck's sake, Bella, you're going to burn yourself," she remarked. "Put the paper in first, then light it," she advised.

"Hey, Ellie, catch!" Alex called. She caught the can easily. "Cheers, mate," she said. "Oh, come here," she said, pulling out her camera. She leaned in closer to Alex as she snapped a selfie, showing it to him on the display afterwards. "Come on, huddle up everyone, let's try and get a group selfie!" She said.


saturday 12th september

Alex nodded as Sky explained why her English was so good. "Ah, I see. Well, that makes sense," he remarked. He laughed at Ellie chastising Bella for her fire-making skills, before starting to throw out beers to everyone. His own was running low, so he was guessing that everyone else's was. As Ellie leaned in for the selfie, he smiled, despite the fact that he was tempted to pull a face. But as Ellie proposed a group selfie, he decided that the nice, pleasant smile was out the window.

Jamie was the first over to join the group, his newly opened beer in hand. Alex beckoned the others over, grinning. He loved them already, and he knew that they were going to be insane to hang around with.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Ellie Wallace Character Portrait: Nate Carlile Character Portrait: Skylar Grocott Character Portrait: Alex Robinson
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"Oh fuck off Jamie you enjoyed that gig almost as much as I did. Don't try and pretend now," She laughed at him rolling her eyes. "Were they not metal enough for you?" She chimed mockingly with a small smile of civil mockery. "The itself Jamie deary, was by far not a bad one- in fact the idea was genius it was merely the...execution that brought disappointment I'm afraid," She corrected. Though Bella wasn't a massive smoker- she wasn't Nate was probably the way to do it before college she'd been a lot worse for it so there were countless stories of Bella being dragged off of her high horse through stupid acts of her being stoned and disorderly.

Whilst she was setting the fire, she turned her head and noticed Jamie looking over at her and she offered him a small grin which for once in her life, met her eyes with a slight glimmer of light. It was hardly a secret this evening was a break for Bella, a sense of freedom before she went home and got a serious reality check but out here in the woods with the few people she'd even dare to think about calling her friends, she was happy. As happy as she ever really allowed herself to be.

When she caught his gaze it reminded her for a long moment how much she'd actually missed him in that single week she'd been away from school. She found it too easy to forget that it was his company that got her through things most of the time and then when he was about it all felt a lot harder and people made assumptions about this but it'd been the same before her feelings for Jamie got tangled and complicated. Since they'd started college he'd been the only person known to be capable of calming her down, it was practically countless how many fights she would have gotten herself into without him around to keep her in line when things got a little bit too intense for comfort. She shrugged off the thought and looked at Ellie flashing a devilish smirk.

"Fuck off, I'm lighting the fire. I'm doing it my way," She told her simply. "What could go wrong?" She joked and in fairness, she continued lighting the fire in this same reckless way and no problem arose because of it, after a few moments the fire started crackling properly like it was really going and she smiled contented with her victory.

When the group gathered for a selfie, Bella didn't bother she wasn't into the whole thing- she was usually the girl taking the picture than the girl posing for it, so she stayed where she was sprawled out on the blanket slowly drinking her beer and consciously frowning a little into the trees when she noticed how quickly Jamie had got through his considering he wasn't much of a drinker but she told herself he was probably just making up for the fact he was never the drinker and always the designated 'Mother' of the group so she didn't comment.


Nate was still avoiding the sight of Ellie and he sighed heavily more loudly than he had intended so he tried to cover it up by coughing shortly after and then taking a swig from his drink as if to wash away the faked dryness on his throat. However he didn't miss Ellie's dramatic eye roll and he figured it was either because he'd smoked or that he'd shared it with Sky but either way he decided to ignore it and turned his head instead to listen to Skylar whilst she was quite happily chattering away about the languages she spoke and things she'd done before.

He wouldn't lie, he genuinely thought she was lovely and interesting but he wasn't into her- not at all really but he kept convincing himself that was okay because Skylar herself had used the term; 'No strings' but it still all felt kind of wrong and awkward to him especially when she was sat him making subtle messages with passing touches and her choice of words but he ignored it for the best part and played dumb and all things considered, it was a believable show . The thought almost growled at him as it passed through his head but he swallowed his tongue and looked at the group posing for a selfie and before he could protest, Skylar had grabbed his arm and dragged him into the background of the picture and laughing he was made to crouch behind Ellie and Alex in order to get into the frame.

Noticing how Bella hadn't even contemplated moving an inch he shouted over at her; "Hey Swift, get your arse over here- group photo, you are not getting out this," She replied to him with a middle finger and small dismissive laugh.



Sky just smiled passingly as the conversation about language diminished and she accepted a second drink when she was offered one and though she didn't totally feel like she belonged yet, she had the same feeling as Alex in that this all seemed like it could be a very solid group of people to be around with and fun- they were already a thousand times more fun than any friends she'd had in France from her boarding school and upper class education, moving over to the UK Sky had made it her only condition that if she moved to the United Kingdom and lived with them in Liverpool she'd have to go to a state school and get to experience a more normal life style of course she was still drowned in luxury and comfort but she'd get to be around people who were so much more real than the people she'd known back home and even herself.

She didn't smoke much of the joint, she didn't really enjoy it- she offered it back to Nate but he shook his head and when offered, Bella did the same so she stumped it up instead and grabbed Nathaniel's forearm to drag him over into the picture and she giggled gently as she leaned over Nate's shoulder to get into the background of the picture.

"Awh come on Arabella,"

"Calling me Arabella is going to get you no where soon honey, well it will but it won't be anywhere you want to be. It's Bella, Arab, Bell, Swift, Swiftie or Bells- any of that shit I can handle but not Arabella, I'm not a bloody princess," She scowled gently but Sky laughed off her entire comment and nodded with a small shrug.

"Okay, get over here then Bells," She chimed but Bella just casually shook her head and didn't move.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Ellie Wallace Character Portrait: Nate Carlile Character Portrait: Skylar Grocott Character Portrait: Alex Robinson
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saturday 12th september

Jamie joined in with the others, trying to persuade Bella to get into the photo- but when it failed, he turned his attention back to the camera as Ellie fiddled with the settings. Even when it was just a dorky selfie, she had to have it perfect. "Pull a stupid face," Alex whispered to him while she was distracted, passing the same message along to Nate and Sky. Once she seemed happy, she readjusted her positioning. As soon as she put her finger on the shutter button, Jamie pulled his face.

Once the photo was taken, they disbanded, Jamie going back over to Bella. "Is everything okay?" He asked quietly. Ellie suddenly yelled something and slapped Alex on the arm- but then laughed, giving herself away. "Sky's perfume isn't that sickly sweet, if that's what you were worried about," he said, laughing a little and taking a mouthful out of his beer.

"You're going to be in school next week, right?" He asked. "Because if I have to spend any more time around Ellie, Nate and Sky, I think I might either hurl or punch somebody," he remarked. He was concerned about her, but didn't want her to know exactly how much.


saturday 12th september

After the picture had been taken and the group had disbanded, Ellie checked the photo- and was shocked. The lighting was perfect, but somebody had clearly schemed to ruin the photo. And that somebody laughed from just beside her. She slapped Alex on the arm, making him laugh. "You dickhead!" She yelled, but even as she spoke, her laugh was giving her away. "Honest to god, Alex, I don't know why I bother," she said, laughing. She glanced over at Jamie and Bella and lifted her camera, fiddling with the settings to compensate for the change in lighting, before snapping the shot.

She looked up at the sound of a newcomer arriving and beamed. "Guys, pizza's here! Pay up, bitches!" She yelled, shoving the camera back into its case and retrieving her purse from her pocket as she headed over to the delivery guy.

"You guys look like you're having a good time already," he remarked, and she nodded. "Yeah, the party starts early with us," she responded, handing over the money. Alex took the boxes and bags from him, digging for his wallet with his free hand. "Here's your copy of the receipt," the pizza guy said, handing it over, before wishing them a good evening and leaving.


saturday 12th september

Having retrieved the pizzas, he carried them back over to the fire and lay them down on the ground. "Right, so is there any special arrangement here or...?" He asked, looking around. Ellie nodded in response as she sat down, setting her camera case between her legs. "Jamie is vegan, so he won't have the pepperoni, but it's free game for the rest of us," she explained, ripping open one of the bags of garlic bread and setting it out.

"Alright, so Jamie, here," he said, passing one of the vegan pizzas to him, and passing the others out around the circle and starting to dish out the rest of the food. Once that was done, he gave Ellie his share of the payment. She tucked it into her back pocket and started into a slice of pepperoni, washing it down with a mouthful of her beer.

"So, do you guys do this often?" He asked. He could tell that there was a little tension in the group- but overall, everyone seemed to get on well, and the jokes came naturally to them. They had so many stories to tell about each other, both good and bad- but they told them without making newcomers feel uncomfortable.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Ellie Wallace Character Portrait: Nate Carlile Character Portrait: Skylar Grocott Character Portrait: Alex Robinson
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At Jamie's comment about Sky's perfume Bella couldn't help but scoff slightly as she tried to sniffle a laugh as she looked over at him shaking her head. "Well, even if it's remotely sweet- I've always preferred spice, so I'm good without getting in on any of that," She replied gently leaning back and sipping from her can calmly, kicking her legs out in front of her like a child, she turned her gaze up to his for a moment when he questioned her and a moment of sincerity crossed her eyes like a thin cloud passes the sun in a strong breeze. "No but I'll hold up," She replied to him quietly, leaning towards him slightly so she could whisper her response because she really wouldn't get through a single day if anybody else ever knew. "And I don't know. I'm gonna try but I think my new nickname is gonna be Cinders as this rate," She said it like it was a joke but she didn't laugh, she wanted to but she couldn't. The whole thing with her Mother was beyond funny, she knew she was probably sensitive about it because it was directly her own problem but then again, if it was anybody else she wouldn't think it was something to joke about either. She looked at him and smiled a white but weak smile; "It'll be fine," She told him nudging his shoulder gently when everybody started swarming over the sudden arrival of pizza.

"But don't punch anybody, I'm the one that kicks ass at school," She reminded jokingly. "Has Jace's face gone back to white after I painted it purple yet?" She asked curiously because she hadn't actually seen him since the unravelling of those bitter but in hindsight slightly amusing events.

She let go of the serious conversation as the food arrived and she chucked her input of the money to Ellie before flopping back down into her previous position lazily. The smell of all the food kind of made her stomach churn a little, her Mother's new trick the previous month was to refuse to feed her or even let Bella feed herself and consequently Bella's appetite had been slaughtered because of it and it terrified her that it'd reached the point where even the smell was almost too much. She chewed her lip momentarily and sighed before throwing back another mouthful of beer and taking a deep breath. It'll be fine. She repeated the words she'd said to Jamie only moments ago to herself multiple times in her mind, no one could know anything was wrong so she had to eat and plus she didn't know if she'd be able to when she got home but that didn't make it easier to stomach the thought.

She looked at Alex as he addressed the group and she shrugged gently. "Jamie and I used to do it a lot as kids but this is the first time we've done it as group actually," She thought out loud trailing off and hugging her knees to her chest and resting her chin on them as everyone talked and relaxed.


"The only arrangement is that I'm getting some of that god damn pepperoni," Nate joked loudly in response to Alex's query about arrangements and he moved over and looked at Ellie, holding out the money. Sky tapped his arm quickly and he took her money as well when she put it in his hand and then he passed it over to Ellie with a small but hurt smile. "Cheers," He uttered tonelessly before falling back into his place opposite Ellie and Alex but next to Sky and Bella. He wasn't quite sure why it felt so hard, just sitting there- it was the guilt. He knew it had to come back to the guilt but why did he feel so bad? He knew his intentions had never been wrong. He pinched the bridge of his nose for a moment before he chugged back some beer as if that would wash the negativity away before helping himself to a piece of garlic bread and offering some over to Sky also who politely declined garlic bread and went for pizza instead.

He listened to Bella and Alex's conversation and nodded thoughtfully. "Yeah, we usually just go to gigs or parties around the town but this makes a nice change- so much more chill," He commented in a genuine manner.

"Bella if I give you the Bluetooth speaker can I trust you not to kill anyone with heavy metal?" He asked and Bella just smirked at him from behind the hair that had fallen in her face and she shrugged softly.

"No promises deary," She chirped before catching the small but powerful speaker he chucked her way and then she turned it over, found the 'on' button and set about connecting it to her phone and it took her a matter of minutes to begin playing 'Bukowski' by a band called Moose Blood and it was a song she really loved and plus it wasn't anything like heavy metal so no one could get pissy about it. Nate nodded in approval to the song she put on and grinned offering a thumbs up across the camp.

"Good choice child," He commented humorously.


Skylar laughed at them all joking around but her smile faded, the pastel pink became shadowed until it completely went away when she glanced over at just the wrong moment at Jamie and Bella in time to notice how a slight sorrow and darkness crawled into the brunette's eyes. People made a lot off assumptions about Skylar being unintelligent simply because of her choice to be quiet and apply herself to make-up, credibility, social climbing and fashion more than her studies but she was incredibly sharp and knowledgeable on psychology and sociology so she could very clearly see through what Bella was trying to put up and Jamie, she could see through them like a crystal clear pane of fresh glass- he cared about her, she cared about him, they both appeared scared and she was nervous. She could read that like a book but she didn't comment on it to either of them or involve herself, it was none of her business so all she could do was gloss over it all with a sparkling peony smile.

She laughed and passed her money to Nate to exchange to Ellie before she relaxed and accepted a piece of pizza, sitting back whilst she ate, some how managing to even make the consumption of fast food look reasonably elegant and graceful.

"Moose Blood?" She confirmed quietly when the track came on and Bella nodded to her and she grinned.

"Thought so, they're pretty rad if I'm honest," She commented casually and the other girl nodded once in agreement but was seemingly distracted regardless.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Ellie Wallace Character Portrait: Nate Carlile Character Portrait: Skylar Grocott Character Portrait: Alex Robinson
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saturday 12th september

He laughed at Bella's comment about her teenage crush, taking a mouthful out of his drink. He could tell that she still wasn't herself, but he knew that pushing the subject would only make things worse. So instead, he just listened to the others talking as he ate and drank his beer.

"I was totally in love with Avril Lavigne for a few years. And then Hayley Williams. And then Lzzy Hale," he remarked, laughing at himself a little. There had been a while where he'd genuinely believed that he was going to marry her, and when his parents had broken it to him that that was probably not going to happen, he'd been heartbroken. He cringed a little at the memory, but mostly just laughed. Now that he had some alcohol in his system, he was relaxing more and more and could feel himself coming out of his shell.

"You've only had pizza two or three times? You poor, deprived child. Pizza is the food of gods," Jamie remarked, taking a bite out of his own slice. "And yes, that includes the vegan stuff," he said, laughing. He resisted the temptation to add something like "and it's even better because no animals get hurt!" Even though that was what he thought, he didn't want to come across as preachy, even if it was only a joke. Didn't want to overwhelm the newbies.


saturday 12th september

Ellie heard Nate's comment and arched an eyebrow. Through some miracle, though, she bit her tongue and didn't say anything. She drained the rest of the beer and stood up. "You know what? Now that we've got some lining in our stomachs, I think it's time to break out the harder stuff," she said, retrieving her bottle of vodka and the twelve pack of Coke from the car, as well as some cups from her bag.

She poured her own drink when she got back to the group, leaving the various items for everyone else to mix their own. She stayed silent for a bit, just drinking and listening to the others talk. She wanted to make some comment to Nate, something to counter his, but the moment had passed, and now it would just seem petty. So she kept her mouth shut and ate her food, listening to the others chat. She knew that Jamie and Bella were relishing the break, and she didn't really want to ruin their night, but she wanted to tear Nate to shreds.


saturday 12th september

Alex laughed at Bella's comment, before taking a mouthful out of his beer.

"Ah, nothing really that big. I'm mostly just tracking for and playing with local and smaller bands at the minute. The only time I get to meet anybody famous is if the band I'm touring with is supporting them or if I happen to meet them in the recording studio while at the water cooler," he joked. "But, all joking aside, I met Austin Carlile at a festival I just so happened to be playing at once. He's such a cool dude," he remarked.

As Ellie appeared with the stronger stuff, he leaned in to mix his drink. He didn't feel like getting flat out drunk, so it was mostly Coke. "But yeah, I'm slowly working my way up the ladder. I'm tracking for this up-and-coming indie band next week. I was doing my research on them, and apparently they're going to be the next Arctic Monkeys. So I'm definitely going to do some networking there," he said, laughing a little as he took a mouthful out of his Coke. "What about you? Had any brushes with famous people?" He asked.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Ellie Wallace Character Portrait: Nate Carlile Character Portrait: Skylar Grocott Character Portrait: Alex Robinson
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"Oh Christ," She laughed when Jamie brought up his Lzzy Hale crush and she smiled at him softly. "You were terrible, I distinctly remember that because you never stopped going on about her but to be fair, I'd go out with any of them I don't care if people would take the piss about it being gay or whatever," She joked casually crossing her legs and sitting up straight and taking a deep breath to try and settle her uneasy feelings and emotion. "But I was probably far worse when I went through my Kellin Quinn, Vic Fuentes and Oliver Sykes phase," She chimed with a small grin of amusement as they discussion unfolded but her jaw physically dropped when Skylar mentioned she'd only eaten pizza a couple of times before.

"What? Are you okay? I know France is slow but I didn't think they were so slow they didn't have pizza," She chimed jokingly offering a small passing smile as she spoke. "To be fair, I actually think the Vegan one is probably nicer, Nate don't kill me," She called back dramatically but when she looked over at him she realised he was far from in a joking mood and so she didn't enforce the humour and instead fell quieter.

She kind of wanted to talk to Nate, she could see how low he was feeling and really wanted to try and cheer him up because he'd been moping around that way all week and although she hadn't seen him because she'd been of school, she'd heard enough about it and everyone had been saying he'd been smoking a thousand times more than usual and skipping his classes which he very rarely ever did anymore since he finished AS. She'd catch him at some point, she told herself and tell him to pull himself together and give him some big motivational speech teaching him how to get on and live with things but for now, she tried to make up for it by passing him a drink when he finished his first knowing he wasn't much of a spirit drinker and offered a reassuring smile.

She had to admit, she'd already taken a shine to both Alex and Sky- they both seemed really relaxed and laid back which was kind of all you needed to be to make it in this kind of friendship circle, they were both really different too and though Skylar stuck out like a black sheep, she was getting on with everyone fine and Bella was always welcomed someone who could have a drink and a laugh, she also privately reckoned Skylar had an eye for trouble and might suffice for a possible partner in crime some day.

"You met Austin Carlile? That's fucking awesome," She laughed nodding in approval. "Yeah that sounds pretty great," She commented, a very notorious drinker of coke and vodka, it would have been expected of Bella to be the first to dive in on mixing herself an almost straight glass of vodka with less than a capful of coke in it but the idea didn't at all appeal to her tonight and so she pretended to turn a blind eye to the alcohol like she hadn't even noticed it was there.


Nate was rather surprised and almost disappointed when Ellie didn't do or say anything, he'd almost wanted her to punch him just so they could get it over and done with so they could move on. It was pathetic- she hated him because he'd acted instinctively to defend her because he cared. She hated him because he cared that's what pissed him off so much. How could she treat him like he was the dirt of the Earth because he cared about her and was trying to protect her? Yes, he knew she was more than capable of taking care of herself and maybe he'd been immature but it all came from a good place, everything he ever did was for somebody else and now she was taking it out on him. He was too selfless and now it was killing him because Ellie wouldn't even acknowledge him anymore. Had they been alone, he would have said something by now, questioned her, begged for answers or recognition but he wouldn't start a drama in front of everyone- he respected them all far too much to take this evening away from. Bella and Jamie actually looked half happy for once, he couldn't take that away from them simply because Ellie couldn't pull her shit together and remember Nate wasn't the bad guy she was trying to make him out to be.

Maybe he'd slept with Skylar but he had not done it to annoy Ellie, even if they were still friends he would have done it because why not? Skylar was attractive, she had a nice personality- they'd agreed no attachments and he was single. He would have done it regardless, inviting her to the camp out? He would have done that also because he'd moved around enough to know how hard it is to make friends, especially in the middle of the year. It wasn't all about Ellie and Nate sometimes wandered if she actually realised that but he recognised that thought as being an incredibly harsh one and he winced slightly with the guilt.

"Damn Skylar only twice in 18 years? You're wasting your life. Get some pizza down you for hell's sake- it's basically my own religion," He told her jokingly though strictly speaking he was Christian he wasn't the best one considering he swore, fought people and smoked but he did honour the commandments to the best he could and he went to church on Sunday the majority of the time but he didn't follow the bible literally and he didn't preach either which is why very often he could be light hearted about joking about religion. It wasn't the be all and end all to him but he appreciated having something to have faith in, even if it was occasionally quite hard to keep believing in.


Skylar smiled sheepishly at their reaction to her confession about little experience of pizza. She shrugged her shoulders because she didn't really have any decent argument or explanation for why she hadn't ever eaten it much but the excuse fell on her modelling career- carbohydrates, high fat foods, starch and diary, everything about pizza was a massive no go zone for the diet she had to follow to keep herself in shape for work. Sometimes, she found it really difficult but she never dared complain to her Mother about it or comment because nobody else would really understand- they all just thought she was shallow, unintelligent and vain but Skylar knew she was none of those things which is why she always tried so hard to prove herself and played social situations so tactfully. "I guess I have a lot to make up for them in the pizza department," She shrugged laughing lightly before she took a small proportioned bite of her slice of pizza. Listening to Alex attentively with a kind and welcoming smile.

"Oh really? Yeah, Of Mice & Men singer right? I'm not really that into them but I've read a lot about him, he's pretty down to Earth and admirable to be honest," She commented passingly as they all talked about different things. When questioned on brushings with celebrities, Skylar noticeably paused before answering of course she had close connections and new many people from the French modelling and fashion industry and many of those individuals had arguable celebrity status but she didn't want to give them that stereotypically impression of herself so she tried to think of something else, something less related to the reality of her life.

"I once saw Micky Flanagan- you know, the comedian in a museum," She shrugged with a small smile and she could recall the event well even if she hadn't probably spoken to the man other than a brief 'Good morning' as many would consider polite when passing somebody by. As she began to think about it she'd even be recognised a few times herself growing up, she could remember a French mother approaching her whilst she was eating breakfast in a coffee shop to ask her if she was the girl out of the 'Boden' catalogue and Skylar had felt genuinely ashamed to say 'yes'. She loved modelling but the stereotypes and the demographic people trapped her in because of it always made her feel so small and pathetic which is why she was going to try and keep it from a secret from everyone in Liverpool. She didn't want to carry on that burden here.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Ellie Wallace Character Portrait: Nate Carlile Character Portrait: Skylar Grocott Character Portrait: Alex Robinson
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saturday 12th september

Jamie laughed at Bella's comment about preferring vegan pizza and held his hand out for a high five. "I'll convert you guys yet," he remarked, grinning as he leaned in to prepare his own drink. He put in a generous lashing of vodka, knowing that he'd probably need it by the end of the night. He sat back and took a mouthful out of his pizza, listening to the others talk.

"Aw, no way. Did you get a photo or anything?" He asked Sky, before taking a mouthful out of his drink. It was strong- a little stronger than he'd anticipated, but not in a bad way. If Ellie and Nate kept up with this whole 'barely acknowledging each other' thing, he'd need to be drunk to deal with it. Once nobody started a fight that required him to break it up, they'd be fine. His co-ordination went out the window once he was even a little drunk, which was why he so often ended up on the floor. And why he never drank before going on stage. Or, at least, never drank that much.

"Remember that time we met that actor, Bella? When we were down in London? Who was it again?" He asked, glancing over at her.


saturday 12th september

Ellie just laughed at the other's comments about Sky never having pizza, but chose not to comment, fearing that she would just end up being mean. And it wasn't Sky's fault that Nate was an asshole and was probably just using her to get back at Ellie. Ellie just wanted to take it out on him in any way possible. And perhaps getting drunk wasn't the best idea, then, because alcohol only loosened her tongue and made it sharper. But she sure as hell wasn't going to stay sober while the others got drunk. Even Jamie was drinking, and he wasn't even going slow like he usually did.

She pulled out her camera and started taking pictures again- of the fire, of the figures silhouetted against it, of the treeline, of the bags piled by the tent. Photography was her own little world, where she could relax and forget Nate for even a few minutes. She wanted to go for a walk around and take even more photos. She wished she had a tripod, so she could get even better shots. But she had a pretty good opportunity here at the fire, and she wasn't going to waste it.


saturday 12th september

Alex listened to their stories, laughing at Jamie's reaction to Bella preferring vegan pizza. He had to admit, it was better than he'd been expecting. He was still a sucker for a meat feast, but he wasn't going to admit that to Jamie. He didn't know how radical of a vegan he was, after all. But judging by how cool and chilled out the rest of his friends were, he was guessing that he wasn't completely radical.

"Festivals are a great way to meet famous people, especially when you have access to the artist's area. The trick is not to act like a total fangirl and act all cool about it. Just a brief tip for you," he said, looking over at Jamie, who laughed and nodded. "So once you don't meet Lzzy Hale, you'll be fine," Alex remarked, grinning at Jamie. "I was seven!" Jamie protested, but his laugh gave him away a little.

As Alex glanced over at Sky, she suddenly looked incredibly familiar. He frowned a little. "Hey, Sky, you didn't do a music video with a band called The Pretender, did you? I was on that shoot, and I have a feeling that there was a girl that looked an awfully lot like you there. The one with the rival band who basically steals The Pretender's lives and girlfriends, and then they pull a Fall Out Boy on it and it turns out all to be a bad dream?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Ellie Wallace Character Portrait: Nate Carlile Character Portrait: Skylar Grocott Character Portrait: Alex Robinson
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0.00 INK

P.S: I'm really sorry it took me so long to reply to this, I've been really distracted this week had a few things going on but I'll try and get back on top of all my roleplays and everything. I'm really sorry.


Bella laughed and weakly high fived him with a small delicate hand and grinned. "Hey, I eat vegan all the time when I'm hanging out with you, I just don't enforce it on myself as a regular life style choice because I'm so fussy," She laughed sheepishly going to bite her thumbnail and then catching herself in the action and stopping because it was a bad habit she'd desperately been trying to get a hold of since she was a child.

"You're joking? He's bloody hysterical. I'm jealous," Bella told Sky grinning softly, Bella had quite a guilty pleasure for stand up comedy, she'd dragged Jamie along to open nights a couple of times in the past but she usually went by herself if there was one going on just because it was so easy to get a bus into the city and be spontaneous about it that way. God, if she'd seen Micky Flanagan in the middle of a museum she wouldn't have stood aside so casually, she'd be diving over to meet him and try and pick a joke out of him on the spot even she understood they spent time and effort writing their sets before the gigs that she so privately adored.

" was Hugh Dennis wasn't it? The guy from Outnumbered. I think it was at least or was it the guy who plays the Headmaster in Inbetweeners- I've confused myself now," She sighed in defeat at her own frustration and shrugged her thin shoulder sheepishly about the matter instead of trying to rake her memory for the correct answer.


Nate followed the conversations and made enough passing comments to come across as casual but didn't overly involve himself he just distantly ate his pizza and occasionally chuckled at a joke or when they were teasing each but other than that he didn't really contribute to the topic of conversation or content but he went along the best he could because he didn't want to ruin the evening for the others. He didn't really have any other friends because he weed suppliers certainly didn't count and neither did the Stoners he skipped school with- they were more there simply non-judgemental atmosphere to smoke in. They weren't his friends and so that made the people sat around his camp fire all he had and he wouldn't ruin their night because he couldn't deal with his emotions maturely and Ellie couldn't swallow her pride even for the greater good of the group.

He looked over at Skylar with a raised eyebrow of curiosity at Alex's comment about Sky and his expression filled with wander, had she? She hadn't mentioned to him about doing any modelling, acting or anything musical. She'd purely kept it to the fact she'd dabbled in the fashion world due to a curiosity about textiles but this was the complete other side of things and he did know that the music video Alex was talking about and it kind of rung a bell for him, he couldn't argue either way but it sort of made sense a little when he thought about it enough.


"No but ever since I've always wished I had," She laughed smiling gently at the group but at Alex's question, her face dropped a little. She'd only just been thinking about her desperate she was to keep that side of her life quiet and private from them, she didn't want to keep it secret in a malicious or untrusting way she just didn't want them to assume anything of her. She wanted to have real friends here because she'd never had any in Paris, their entire existence had been about sabotage, jealousy, social order and self-serving exploits of others- in that sense, Sky had always been different to a certain degree though her record wasn't squeaky clean it was polished compared to many of the girls she'd worked with in the past and called her 'friends'.

She couldn't lie because they could easily Google it and find out she had been, so she nodded slightly brushing her long blonde locks behind one ear.

"Yeah...that was me," She replied her tone significantly quieter to how it had been compared to everything she'd said previously and Nate raised his eyebrow slightly nodding.

"Really? Sounds pretty rad," He shrugged casually.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Ellie Wallace Character Portrait: Nate Carlile Character Portrait: Skylar Grocott Character Portrait: Alex Robinson
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0.00 INK


Jamie nodded as Bella remembered who it was. "That was it. That was an awesome weekend," he remarked, grinning a little as he took a mouthful out of his drink. His eyebrow arched as Sky admitted to being in a music video. "No way, that's awesome! That's one video more than me," he remarked, laughing. "Maybe that'll all change now," He said, half to himself. He knew that it was probably the alcohol, but he genuinely felt hopeful. He felt like things were going to change from here on out. But only if he stayed tipsy. He grinned to himself and took a mouthful out of his drink.

"You know what we should do? Truth or dare. Cause a little bit of trouble," he suggested, grinning at Bella. They hadn't played it much, but every time they had, somebody out of the group playing it had confessed or did something scandalous. Never anything to cause any permanent rifts in the group, but enough to give them something to gossip about for a few days. And then it was forgotten and they moved on to something else.


Ellie wasn't entirely surprised when Sky said she had been in the music video- she was ridiculously pretty, after all. But in a perfectly effortlessly way that told of an expensive skin and hair routine. It was a miracle if Ellie did anything more than brush her hair in the morning.

"So you're an actress? Nice. I'd say you've been asked to model as well," Ellie remarked. She was that rich-model kind of pretty. Ellie found herself being a little envious of Sky- but not jealous. She was thinking that Sky deserved better than Nate, if anything. She probably had tons of cute, rich, French boys falling at her feet. She could do better than an over-protective, over-possessive asshole who didn't apologise for any of the above.

At Jamie's suggestion of truth or dare, she rolled her eyes. "Oh man, I'll need more vodka before that," she remarked, taking a mouthful out of her cup. "Somebody here's going to end up crying, I'd put money on it," she said, laughing a little. "That's not to say I'm not playing, though, I'm just saying that I'm expecting tears." She'd played truth or dare before and somebody had admitted to cheating, and somebody else had lost their shit over something somebody did in a dare. It had been hilarious.


"Ah yes, I knew it was you! That was an awesome shoot," he remarked. He didn't get to be in that many videos, what with just doing touring and studio, but he'd been friends with the band in question, so they'd gotten him to be the douchebag singer of the rival band. It had been hilarious. He'd also been in a few other music videos of theirs, but they'd all been a little more serious. He'd even died in one of them.

"Truth or dare- count me in. Jesus, I haven't played this in years." At Ellie's comments about people crying, he laughed a little. "Wow, things never got that serious when I played it. It was stupid shit, like 'who do you like' or 'drink this lethal mix of alcohol'. Nobody ever cried," he commented, taking a mouthful out of his drink. "You guys must have a lot of baggage if you end up crying," he teased, receiving a playful slap and glare from Ellie. "Okay, fine, I meant you guys must be the best of friends if you trust each other enough to expose information that reduces you all to tears," he said, looking over at Ellie. "Better?" He asked. She grinned and nodded.

(Hey, listen, it's fine. Things can get a little hectic around this time of year, I understand!)

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Ellie Wallace Character Portrait: Nate Carlile Character Portrait: Skylar Grocott Character Portrait: Alex Robinson
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0.00 INK

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"Yeah, that was a good weekend," She agreed softly.

Arabella looked at Jamie slightly surprised by his suggestion, she didn't have a problem of it or negative view on the game it was just slightly out of Jamie's character, she'd played it with him before but she just didn't assume he'd be the one to raise the idea of it but being her outrageous self she grinned slightly and laughed- it'd be the perfect distraction from her mood. She moved herself closer into the group, sitting next to Jamie but making more of a circle with Nathaniel on her other side who also shuffled to complete the shape so their positioning was all a bit more sociable and everyone was less divided up and isolated.

"Sure, why not? Dear Maria, count me in," She chirped to the group, smirking sheepishly because of the obviously very deliberate reference she'd made to one of her favourite All Time Low tracks.

"Almost as good of a song as a Love Like War," Nate commented and Bella rolled her eyes.

"No fucking way, get out. Anyway, Sky you in?" Bella asked looking over at the blonde.

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"No, no, I'm not an actress. I haven't done any kind of drama since my primary school Nativity, I just dance and model that's all," She mumbled quietly seeming very defensive of her career choice as they were all discussing it. What they said, well it was all said positively from what she could tell but she didn't like talking about it, this wasn't the life she wanted out here in Liverpool but as they all spoke about the topic briefly, Skylar looked away slightly sombre- you could take the girl out of Paris but maybe you really couldn't take Paris out of the girl and if you could, it'd follow her regardless. Admittedly, she loved modelling, fashion and everything about the life she'd had in Paris but it got boring, she didn't want to eat grapes for breakfast because toast was too high in calories and carbohydrates she didn't want to go down for dinner with her Mother and discover the dean of her college is there with other high class representatives and then be served delicacies like Trou Normad after eating a glorified chicken nugget named something extravagant on a bed of salad leaves before being encouraged to wear something more subtle next time she ventured outside her home. That wasn't a life style she dreamed of and she knew the price of it well too, the judgement, ignorant jealousy and being scorned by local elites and magazines and now she'd moved to one of the most unglamorous cities in the continent, abandoned the best of her wardrobe and dropped the last three letters of her Christian name and it'd all still followed her but only the negatives, flaws and faults of her old life.

The reputation.

"I don't really do involve in any of that anymore though, thank you though" She commented softly, squeaking a little with nerves when she replied to Alex, she was just so terrified to be judged by any of them and waste this new opportunity at calmity. She should have lied and denied it but she was too sweet hearted for it and lying was in any case wrong. At the mention of the game, she threw herself into it just for the change of subject.

"I'm all in," She chimed flashing a white smile to cover over the awkward tension that had been radiating from her expression for a short while.

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Nathaniel arched his brow when he listened to Sky, noticing how she tried to avoid implying she was model and his eyes widened a slight a bit. She was basically the closest thing he'd ever come across to a celebrity, he'd always thought she looked like one and he'd gathered her family was incredibly well off by the designer clothing tag on the inside of the dress she'd worn yesterday- he'd only noticed because he'd offered to tuck the tag inside for her when she was about to leave with the top of her dress folded over wrong but it kind of made a lot more sense after she explained that but if she was a model, why the hell was she fooling around with stoners like him? She knew what his class and social standing was like and his own flawed personality, morality and etiquette was like- she'd even taken blunts off of him and stayed in his home, so she knew which meant she knew she was settling for lower standards here than she should have to and even more importantly why did she seem so embarrassed and ashamed by it? People would be throwing themselves at her for a chance to be her friend or for a date if they knew.

"Yeah, I'm in for the laugh but I think it goes without saying we don't tell people shit afterwards because knowing you guys, god knows what the fuck you'll make each other say or do," He joked lightly running a hand through his over grown hair and brushing it back slightly and the traces of spray in his hair helped it hold the shape just a little bit better than it had been before and his hair laid flattened and neat, like the way he'd always wear it for school events like prize giving ceremonies or when he'd given an assembly to new arrivals on the engineering courses available. It looked the way it did whenever he was putting the effort in for something but was actually completely unintentional for once.

He avoided looking at Ellie, he'd put all his efforts into building bridges and having a laugh with everybody else there- he didn't have to sulk around just because Ellie was here too because if she wasn't, he knew he'd be far more involved and practically at the heart of the fooling around and so he would be. So what if Ellie was there? It'd been easy enough to let her in so how hard could it be to block her out?

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Ellie Wallace Character Portrait: Nate Carlile Character Portrait: Skylar Grocott Character Portrait: Alex Robinson
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0.00 INK


Jamie grinned as everyone said they'd join in. He didn't know why he'd been so worried about this, everything was fine. He took another mouthful out of his drink, as the circle tightened a little. Part of his brain told him that maybe he should ease up on the drink a little- and another part of his brain told that part to shut the fuck up, the alcohol was the only reason he wasn't off in the woods having a panic attack over something stupid.

"Oh, we can use this," he said, pouring the last of the bottle of Coke into his cup and setting it on the ground. He topped his cup up with a little more vodka, before leaning in and spinning the bottle. When it came to a stop, it pointed at Alex.

"So, Alex. Truth or dare?" Jamie asked. Alex thought for a second. "Truth. I'm not drunk enough for dares," he answered with a grin.

"What's your biggest regret?" Jamie asked, sipping at his drink. Alex thought for a second. "I dunno. I don't really regret that much," he said, laughing a little.

"Bullshit, you have to say something," Ellie said, elbowing him. "You're telling me you've never regretted that tongue piercing?" She asked, winking at him a little. "Sometimes. Wait, I have one- the band I was in when I was 19, we were all going to get tattoos. We all got the band's logo tattooed somewhere on our bodies, and I got it on the back of my shoulder blade. I ended up getting laser treatment on it a year later after the band broke up because it turned out that the drummer was banging the singer's sister and there was a huge argument and yeah. So I regret getting that tattoo." Jamie laughed and nodded, indicating the bottle. "You spin."


A model. She was a model, and she was still hanging around Nate. That was bullshit. She definitely had guys falling at her feet in France, and here she was with him. Ellie found herself tempted to tell Sky everything about Nate- but was Nate even hiding from Sky? If he wasn't, why the fuck was she with him? Ellie had barely been able to stand him as a friend. Benefits or no benefits.

She laughed at Alex's story, fixing her pony tail as she did so. She didn't feel like Sky was a threat any more- after all, she clearly had no clue about why she was there. She came across as a little naive, poor girl. Ellie would really need to sit down and have a good talk with her and warn her away from a certain somebody. And Ellie didn't need to compare to her. They were nothing alike- it was like comparing a field of flowers to a wildfire.

She grinned and leaned in as Alex spun the bottle. She resisted the temptation to raise her eyebrows as it landed almost squarely on Nate. "So, Nate. Truth or dare?" Alex asked.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Ellie Wallace Character Portrait: Nate Carlile Character Portrait: Skylar Grocott Character Portrait: Alex Robinson
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0.00 INK

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Bella glanced at Jamie with a sneaking look of concern, he was getting through his drink so quickly- even quicker than Bella was and Bella was supposed to be the borderline alcoholic out of the two of them- they always joked about it since Bella got drunk in one of her GCSE exams by filling a water bottle with rum because so she was so worried about failing it she couldn't keep herself calm, they'd always joked about it and she'd never really seen him drunk much of course they'd gotten drunken before but as childish as it sounded out of the two of them- he'd always been the responsible one but he deserved to have a good night too, it just kind of surprised. She didn't have a problem with him drinking it just seemed slightly out of character but she went with it. She wasn't one to preach about binge drinking under any circumstances so she kept her lips tightly sealed about the matter and started over thinking the next bizarre thing- truth or dare.

Did she really want to do that?

It could be a laugh, she'd played the game with Jamie and others at parties plenty of times but only with groups who completely trusted each other- everyone involved and she wasn't blind to the fact Ellie didn't trust any of them and Sky and Alex had no reason to feel comfortable with the game but before she could contemplate her own feelings about it everyone was diving in on the idea and people would question her if she said no, she was Arabella Swift- she practically invented the game back in high school and was the Queen of it during her first year of college, so how could she wuss out now?

"Alright, I'm in," Bella shrugged eventually like she hadn't spent far too long worrying over it.

She listened to Alex's story and chuckled lightly. "Really? Your biggest regret is a tattoo? I could never regret any of mine, they're like my babies," She chirped humorously touching the sleeve on her right arm for a moment with a light laugh. She'd never really thought about it much after she got it down, it was just there- like a birth mark or something, she wasn't completely used to seeing it that it was like it'd been there forever even though she'd got it done slightly illegally when she was 17 by swaying the mind of a tattooist through the art of seduction and through offering to pay extra for it. He'd known better but she'd gotten the tattoo regardless and she'd gone back to him for others on her left arm afterwards so there was a certain amount of loyalty there now.

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Sky tossed her legs out in front of her but even that moment was elegant like the twirl of a ribbon as she propped herself up on her elbows, the burning joint between her finger tips but she didn't take from it again. She wasn't here to get fucked, she wanted to build bridges and makes friends because there wasn't a single person here she couldn't see herself striking a friendship with if they gave her half the chance. They all seemed so lovely and pleasant- of course quirky and flawed in their own wonderful ways but none of them struck her badly and even Ellie with her slight hostility, Sky saw through it and thought she could see a pleasant person in her also so she was quite content maintaining her sobriety and just having a laugh and just bonding a little with them all.

"How have you guys even got yours done? The tattoos that is, don't you have to be like 18?" Sky asked whilst they were still on the topic. The dark haired girl- Bella, she smirked a little and laughed.

"Well, I used my feminine charms to sway the tattoo artist's mind. Christ, I'd only just turned 17 and still had the elegance of a squirrel walking through jam- don't know how I pulled that off but I did somehow," She shrugged. "My Mo-" She started on another point but stopped herself and coughed a few times to cover it up and then grumbled something like; 'fucking weed' as to offer an excuse but Sky didn't press the matter, maybe she'd gotten a little carried away with the story.

"Damn, I'd never have the guts to get one down illegally- I mean I got a couple of small ones which are easily hidden but anything else and before I was 18, no fuck that. I wouldn't have even walked in a parlour to think about it," She laughed smiling at the other girl contagiously.

She chuckled gently at Alex's story and then looked at Nate waggling her eyebrows at him jokingly. "Decisions, decisions Nathaniel what's it gonna be?" She asked lightly her thick French accent seeming more apparent for a moment in how her voice broke a little with a soft laugh that was almost more of a giggle but not quite so sharp or high pitched.

Sky was ever noticing more and more things about the group, one being that Bella and Ellie rarely smiled but Bella often seemed to smile at Jamie- if anyone at all and she noticed how Nate and Ellie seemed to be evaluating every single the other one did with their glances and were trying to secretly guess how the other felt and what they were thinking- she'd figured they'd fallen out but she couldn't understand why, no one else seemed to be involved so what could they have done to each other? One thing she admired though was how naturally calm Jamie and Alex seemed to be, especially Alex considering he didn't really know any of them but then again, she was doing the exact same thing herself so maybe it wasn't such an admirable thing after all but rather just something that came with maturity.

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Nate didn't really laugh as much as the others at the story but rather gave a slight nod and a half hearted chuckle, he didn't really see the deal with tattoos- he thought the ones Bella and Jamie had looked kind of cool and out going but he wouldn't get one himself and he didn't think they were especially practical or attractive. He couldn't imagine the difficulty Bella was going to have getting into University or on a career path that she'd admitted to him plenty of times when she was drunk was her true dream- she wanted to do music but he'd never seen a ballerina with ink but he wouldn't discriminate against it himself or ever hold them at fault for it, he just didn't see the appeal on himself.

When the bottle landed on Nate he just shrugged calmly and laughed at Sky pulling facial expressions. "And oh dare of course, Ellie could tell you how I'd never say anything else- unless restrictive rules applied, I'll always say dare," He shrugged, glancing at Ellie for a moment before looking over at Alex with a brief grin and then he arched his brow. It was true whenever Nathaniel had been brought into a game of dares, since he was 15 years old he always said 'dare' unless rules had suggested you couldn't pick the same choice twice in two turns and he knew Ellie couldn't vouch for it but he didn't expect her to when he thought about it realistically. He just wanted to try and remind her of how cool they used to be, when they were friends and could actually laugh and smile around each other- he'd kind of taken to granted that she'd always be around and now it was dawning on him things weren't going to get better this time, it was starting to truly make it's mark on him- that much could be told by the little things in his appearance that he'd started letting slip because there was no one to remind him that he looked like shit or an absolute mess and there was no one to keep up with anymore either so what was the point at all? Sky was just desperate for some friends, that's the only reason she stuck around with him and once she found her standing in the social structure at college she'd wave goodbye from the passenger side of the Rugby captain's Porsche or something. He didn't care that much about that, he just wanted everything to go back to how it was before, how it still should be.

"So what will you all have me do to humiliate myself? I'm pretty good at it naturally but still," The end of his sentence came out harshly but far more quietly, you'd have to be really listening in (which nobody really was) to catch on to what he'd said but he looked up as he took a mouthful of his beer in order to finish the bottle so he could move on to Vodka like everybody else. He finished his beer and discarded the can into an empty crate where a pile of rubbish seemed to be collecting then he poured himself a noticeably strong vodka and coke before leaning back and looking at the group expectantly, his actions were supposed to be cocky but his aura of false arrogance which he always used to wear as a part of his humour and to mask his insecurity had faded to the point where he just looked like he was rather clumsy instead.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Ellie Wallace Character Portrait: Nate Carlile Character Portrait: Skylar Grocott
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0.00 INK


Jamie laughed at Alex's story about his tattoo. "I just waited until I was 18," Jamie admitted, shrugging a little. "And then got them in close succession," he added, laughing a little. Ellie looked at him, an eyebrow raised. "You have tattoos? I don't think I've ever seen them. C'mon, show," she ordered. Jamie rolled his eyes a little, taking a mouthful out of his drink. "Alright, well, I have this one here-" he said, rolling up his sleeve and showing them the one on his bicep. "Second star to the right and straight on till morning," he added, pointing to the two stars and grinning.

"Then I have this one-" he said, pulling down the neck of his t-shirt to show the one above his heart. He didn't tell them what it read, though- that was for him to know. He got to his feet and turned around, pulling up his t-shirt to reveal the semi-colon on his back. "And that's all of them, for now at least."

"Well, that explains why I haven't seen them, then," Ellie said.

When it came to Nate's dare, Jamie grinned. The dares were usually the best fun.

"Drink an entire bottle of-" Ellie started, but Jamie cut her off. "No, Ellie, Nate is not going to drink an entire bottle of vodka. We're not trying to kill each other here," he said, and Ellie rolled her eyes. But mischief still shone in them.


"Run into forest," she started, but held up a finger. "Entirely naked. No underwear. Well, you can wear your socks and shoes and that's it." She knew how to get a little bit of revenge on him now without making it clear what she was doing. She could disguise it all as a joke.

"It's either that or jump into the lake in the middle of the forest, also naked," she said. "I'll be generous and offer you a choice." She smirked at him.

"Jesus, Ellie, I didn't know you were so desperate to see Nate naked," Jamie said. She'd never seen him so open and relaxed before- or see him drink as much. It was pretty unusual, and she made a decision to text Bella.

"BTW, fully intending on stealing Nate's clothes and hiding them. Be my accomplice? also is J okay? I don't think I've ever seen him drink this much. like, in total."

"I think I've got competition," Alex remarked, nudging her gently. She laughed and nudged him back. "Not likely."


He hadn't known what to expect from Ellie's friends- but he'd been pleasantly surprised. They all had their similarities to Ellie while also being incredibly different personalities. They were an unusual bunch- but not in a bad way. He did, however, get the feeling that there was more to them. Jamie's tattoos were more than just those of a teenager wanting to get tattoos- they clearly meant something to him. He knew there was more history to Ellie and Nate than either of them were letting on- and not in a good way. He'd seen Ellie's barely contained glares. He was an outsider- but in reality, he was okay with that.

"So, Nate, what'll it be? SKinny-dipping or streaking?" Alex asked, grinning at the other boy.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Ellie Wallace Character Portrait: Nate Carlile Character Portrait: Skylar Grocott
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Bella obviously knew about Jamie's tattoos but she looked over as he was talking about them, it brought a small smile to her lips because she knew how meaningful they were to him- although she knew the connotation of the semi-colon it was only because she'd contemplated a similar tattoo after she learnt about the meaning of it as a symbol but she never committed to it because well, it'd be hypocritical considering she kept trying and besides, she didn't want to publicise the truth and then by the time she'd come to terms with herself to some form or degree, Jamie had gotten the tattoo anyway and she'd always valued originality so she disregarded the idea entirely. Bella listened to the group converse without comment and was secretly glad Jamie had spoken up about Ellie's first suggestion because she knew Nate was dumb enough to go through with it- well not dumb, just impressionable enough and she really didn't want to witness the aftermath of that.

Of course, after his two options were issued Nate jumped straight out without fear and Bella could only roll his eyes and laugh gentle- his spirit was probably his best and worst quality, she'd give him that.

"Oh fucking hell," She chuckled after Nate announced his decision.

Bella looked at her phone and arched her brow at the text. She wasn't stupid, she knew exactly what this was and she wouldn't be a part of their games- she didn't want to be dragged into that but it made her stomach churn how she asked about Jamie but she ignored that part of the text because she didn't want to admit her own anxieties about it.

You go for it but I don't want to be a part of it. I don't blame you and I'm not judging or anything but I don't want to piss off Nate- we're friends and I know this isn't just a joke to you guys but like I said, go for it if you want to. Bella was a rapid texter and she was subtle too but only because she didn't want Jamie to notice that Ellie had asked about him.

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Sky cringed at the idea of having to do a similar dare but she couldn't believe how easily Nate accepted it and he just got up and shrugged. He made it look so easy and she had to admire his confidence and esteem. She looked up at Jamie's joke expecting to see more of a reaction from Ellie considering how much she seemed to hate Nate but nothing happened and she sighed softly and looked away from Nate because although admittedly she couldn't say she hadn't seen it before after her impulsive actions the night before the memory left her slightly flushed and embarrassed so she did her best to ignore him and focus on her drink. She stubbed out the joint because she didn't want it at all and neither did Nate so she just got rid of it entirely, flicking it away across the ground after it was out.

She noticed how in succession of each other, the two girls checked their phones and she kind of wondered what they were up to or planning because if it was conversation it'd be said out loud but maybe they were just confirming an idea for a dare or something or checking up on each other- Sky didn't know and she didn't care much either.

"I can't believe you're actually going to do this," She scoffed but the blue eyed charmer just shrugged at her with a crooked grin.

"I said dare didn't I? You really think I'd pussy out? God Sky, I thought you knew me better than that,"

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Nathaniel rolled his eyes at Ellie suggested he drank a bottle, he knew she'd be wicked and harsh about everything but she couldn't really wish that on him? Could she? He didn't dare think about it a moment longer because he knew he was wasting his time. She didn't give a flying fuck about him unless it involved hurting him or messing with his life so he pushed the thought away and decided if she could stop caring, so could he.

"Good point Jamie. I thought you were over that phase El," He joked sarcastically and to anybody else it wouldn't have meant a thing but he knew it'd get to her even if it was just to agitate her a little bit. He knew she'd pick up on it. "But yes, I shall swim because I don't even want to think about what kind of shit I could accidentally step in if I run around," He laughed, he took of his shirt whilst he was still sat with the group revealing him as the skinny guy he was but he wasn't really embarrassed about it- he was toned enough to throw a solid punch he didn't need much else behind him. He walked off to the pond and stripped down without shame because at the end of the day- what was the point in that and then he jumped in, cursing loudly afterwards.

"Fuck!" The voice was slightly higher pitched than usual for Nate and he burst into laughter afterwards. "Holy shit, oh my fucking Christ this is cold. I'm not even sorry for my language it's that bloody cold," He gasped between chuckles.