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Celine Dawson

"What's the worst thing that could happen?"

0 · 1,209 views · located in Booth Lane College

a character in “Skins: Secrets Out”, as played by phoenix_lynx




☽ "Don't tell me I'm not trying!" ☾

The kids aren't alright|| Fall Out Boy/|\ Take me to church|| Hozier/|\ Green Nocturne || Nell

Fᴀᴄᴇ α΄„ΚŸα΄€Ιͺᴍ ✦ Jenna McDougall
DΙͺα΄€ΚŸα΄Ι’α΄œα΄‡ Cα΄ΚŸα΄Κ€ ✧ #6B83EF
TΚœα΄α΄œΙ’Κœα΄› Cα΄ΚŸα΄Κ€ ✦ #0432FF



✦Fᴜʟʟ Nα΄€α΄α΄‡βœ¦
Celine Dawson
"It means heaven. It shouldn't come as a surprise if you look at my Catholic family."

"I usually go by Celine but my closest friends call me that embarrassing name!"

✦BΙͺΚ€α΄›Κœα΄…α΄€Κ || Star Sign✦
April 28th ||Taurus
"Not that my family cares about that anymore"

✧Aɒᴇ ✧
"I hardly feel like an adult."

"I think that's obvious no?"

✧Sᴇxα΄œα΄€ΚŸΙͺᴛʏ & Mα΄€Κ€α΄›Ιͺα΄€ΚŸ Sα΄›α΄€α΄›α΄œs✧
Questionable|| Single
"Listen I honestly don't know at this point."


Celine's natural hair color hasn't been seen by anyone for an extremely long time. Born as a brunette she quickly found her natural locks to be boring and somewhat dull and although her parents forbade her to dye her hair, she did anyway. At the age of 13 she got herself some blonde hair dye through a friend of a friend and dyed her hair secretly whilst her family was sleeping. It wasn't a surprise that her parents freaked out and punished her by grounding her for a year with manual labor around the house being the bane of her existence. From then she kept her hair as platinum as possible, brightening it every now and then and hardly showing her roots as a big pet peeve of hers. She has for a year gone green and is aiming to dye her hair green again in the near future.
"I need to go back to green, my parents wouldn't care anymore."

From a distance it seems that her eyes are dark in color, however with closer inspection Celine's eyes are a deep shade of blue, not too dark nor too light.
"I used to want contacts but I grew out of that."

Celine is fair in nature and tends to burn easily in the sun which is why she tends to stay away from it as much as possible.
"Blah I hardly care with all those makeup cosmetics and stuff."

✦HᴇΙͺΙ’Κœα΄› & WᴇΙͺΙ’Κœα΄›βœ¦
169cm || 48kg

50% English || 50% Welsh
"My dad's Welsh and all. Apparently people can still hear my faint Welsh accent, I thought I lost it!"

Music Student
"Music comes first and anyway I still have a lot to learn honestly."

✧School Year✧
Year 12



XXXProud✦ Confident✧Judgmental ✦ Mellow✧ Determined

Celine tends to be very proud of anything and everything really. Mostly it is a lot more to do with her music though and as someone who has worked hard to build up her talents, she likes to be proud of her achievement no matter how small. She is also someone who tells others praises and especially with people who are close to her, Celine has always openly talked about how proud she is of those around her. As someone who grew up as a quiet and timid child, always fearful of speaking up especially because of her parent's expectations of her, it has taken her a long time to be outgoing and bubbly, and has taken an even longer time to be accepting of her flaws and imperfections.

Celine is always confident, however whether it is fake or real no one truly knows. Those around her see her as this outgoing individual who always gives of the impression that her life is going great mostly because of her confidence. But she knows how to play people, sometimes it is just better to fake it than to go through the stages of having to talk to people, plus Celine hates pity, especially self pity which is a huge no go area for her.

Without even meaning to sometimes Celine can be extremely judgmental and although means no harm most of the time, tends to do more harm than good. It may be due to the lack of filter she has in that mind of hers where she speaks without thinking much to her parents horror. Even as a young child she would speak her thoughts, no matter how cruel they were. It may be due to her honesty or perhaps just her horrible personality coming through, who knows.

Celine is a very chill person, and some may call her easygoing and too mellow. Although she may seem like this and sometimes this is true to her personality, Celine holds very real and honest worries and anxieties to herself because again she hates pity. But something she has learned is to just go with the flow sometimes because that is better than stressing yourself out in certain situations. Plus giving yourself a health issue due to stress doesn't sound so great for a potential rising musician.

One must be determined if they want to succeed in the tough world of the music industry and Celine wants to do exactly that. Her determination is shown through her countless efforts to perfect her skills in her instruments and in music overall. She isn't just someone who stands around, Celine wants to be a part of creating music for others to hear and become inspired to, the whole process. And never giving up is something Celine would rather die than do.



✧ Guitar✧ ↣ "Well I am the lead guitarist and all. But no I've loved to play ever since I got my first guitar from this neighborhood boy who gave me his old one. He told me a few basic chords but it was him that I really looked up to. I've always loved acoustic because it is soothing and calming to me and just a few strums on his guitar makes it all okay."
✧ Singing✧ ↣ "My love of singing really did stem of from me being in the church choir mostly because of my catholic parents. Although I myself have never identified with Christianity and God, the hymns have been a part of me..."
✧ Gardening✧ ↣ "I was always put on the gardening duty growing up and I just ended up enjoying it more than I probably should have as a young child. I think the idea of planting a seed and watching it grow while you take care of it is something that I've always loved."
✧ Lyricist✧ ↣ "I enjoy writing my own songs and it is a way of putting my thoughts into words and in turn into a song filled with my actual emotions. They haven't all been good but I write songs like people write in their diary."

β–² red wine β–² tattoos & piercings β–² large dogs β–² foggy weather β–² stuffed crust pizza β–² snow globes β–² Halloween β–² the colour green β–² horror movies β–² sports β–² black coffee β–² jaffa cakes β–² her band mates/friends β–² leather jacket β–² black clothes β–² dying her hair β–² ukuleles β–² star gazing β–² running β–² swimming β–² music festivals β–² DJing
β—† Individuals forcing Religion down her throat✦ ↣"I'm all for Religion and people have the right to practice their faith but when it comes down to forcing it upon me and other people, I just can't. I can say this, my extremely Catholic parents raised me to the perfect standards of what they believe."
β–Ό the heat/sunny days β–Ό cigarettes β–Ό church β–Ό her parents β–Ό opinionated people β–Ό people underestimating her/her dreams & passions β–Ό sour sweets β–Ό heights β–Ό lifts/elevators β–Ό writer's block β–Ό people putting others down β–Ό medication β–Ό the smell of burning/petrol β–Ό naps β–Ό plane journeys β–Ό chick lit β–Ό audio books



✦ Music✦ ↣ "Music has been my one true love for as long as I remember. From the minute I picked up my first guitar I knew it was something I wanted to do forever until I grew old and sing songs to my children and then grandchildren. Because of this I suppose my talent in music has grown from not only guitar, but song writing and singing.
✦Stamina ✦ ↣ "I've built up my stamina from all the running and sports I do. Because I run everyday and do some type of sport every other day my athleticism has increased. I don't tire very easily which is good when it comes to playing in a band and performing!
✦ Memorizing ✦ ↣ "I was always told to remember something. It started with memorizing every word of the bible, then it was hymns and countless number of traditions. I'm just simply good at it, I tend to remember everything I come across."


✧ Immune system✧ ↣"I was born a sickly baby with a terrible immune system which only grew worse. I can catch about anything and so I'm put on medication for life."
✧Stubborn✧ ↣ "I never used to be, my mother slapped that trait away from me before it could grow. But I've always been stubborn, I just couldn't show it until I grew up and hit my so called rebellious stage."
✧ Heights✧ ↣ "I have an extreme hatred of heights and even thinking about it makes me feel sick."



✦ Making it into the music industry✦ ↣"I want to do it with my band and pursue my love of music as a career."
✦Her parents accepting her✦ ↣ "Regardless of my sexuality parents should love their children shouldn't they? I hope they can learn to love me the way I am."
✦ Having children✦ ↣ "I've always wanted children, even if it means adopting these bundle of joys."


✧ Marrying someone like her father✧ ↣ "He was and is a horrible man. He may be nice on the outside and people never believe me because he is an active church goer, but he is a mean strict old man who is so close minded that it has ruined our relationship."
✧ Heights✧ ↣ "Pretty self explanatory."
✧ Failing✧ ↣ "I don't want to be a failure in life, who does? Especially with my music, that is the only thing going for me, that I'm good at."
✧ Isolation✧ ↣ "I can handle being alone for a while but being alone for the rest of my life is something different. Rather than that being left is something even more scarier."



✧ Aiden Dawson✧ ↣ Father↣ Alive
✦ Victoria Dawson✦ ↣ Mother↣ Alive
✦ Julia Dawson✦ ↣ Older Sister{21}↣ Alive

✦Origin of Birth✦
Bangor, Wales

Celine Dawson, originally supposed to be named as Calvin {due to the fact that the nurse had told the Dawson's that they'd be expecting a boy} was born on a rather stormy day in Bangor, a tiny city in Gwynedd in the North West of Wales. The family already had a daughter before her birth called Julia who was 4 at the time of the birth.

Because the family was expecting a baby boy, Aiden was extremely disappointed at the girl's arrival as he hoped for a boy to carry on the Dawson name. However Celine was quickly baptized and was brought up in a traditional Catholic manner where Religion was the foremost important aspect within the family. Aiden was a pastor in a nearby church where the family visited every Sunday and on holidays, he was seen as the respectable caring man who brought together his community with his faith.

Celine on the other hand grew up sheltered from the dangerous world and was homeschooled until the age of 8. She had no real friends, only meeting children her age at church or Sunday school. Julia on the other hand was the golden child who actively involved herself within the church and the community, often taking on volunteering and helping out in the soup kitchen every weekend without fail. Julia did go to school but it was an all girls Catholic school where she was the first in her class and while everyone looked up to her, her teachers sang her praises. Celine's only true company was of a boy, a year older than her by the name of Matthew whose family moved in when she was 9. While she couldn't hang out with him alone because her parents didn't like a boy and a girl being alone together, with the presence of their parents or Julia she was able to meet him.

Around then it was when she got her first guitar, a small dark brown one with marks that showed how worn it was. Matthew had given it to her when she showed her excitement one day when she spotted him in the garden playing a tune. From then she would sneak out during the nights and get taught a few odd chords here and then. Celine had always shown an interest in music and with her mother's push she had joined the church choir where she showcased her singing voice.

When Celine was 11 she was finally diagnosed with autoimmune disease after a rough year of being non-stop sick. Even when she was born she was a sickly baby who had to be taken to the hospital countless of times to ensure her survival. Because of the diagnoses she was restricted even further of her freedom and had to take medication. Aiden pushed her further into Religion as a way for her to recover and became angry at her whenever she voice her own opinions against it, usually telling her that her disease was due to her lack of faith, a punishment as she heard it.

At the age of 14 the Dawson family moved to London. Leaving Bangor was a bittersweet feeling as Celine hoped she'd get more freedom over at London but leaving Matthew behind stung. Although they promised to contact each other, Aiden's negative feelings for Matthew resulted in that contact being severed. Julia had gotten into Royal Holloway to study Law and Celine was finally able to go to a normal secondary school, although it was an all girls Catholic school which shouldn't have been surprising.

Her rebellious stage hit her parents in the face quite harshly when she dyed her hair platinum blonde with a help of a friend's older sister. From then she started to act out in school and focussed more with music much to her parents horror. As much as her father punished her with grounding and other methods, she didn't stop. What she did stop however was going to church and skipped out on most of her father's religious life. Finishing her GCSE's with pretty good grades, mostly Bs and As she ended up going to Booth Lane College mostly because her parents were strongly against it. Around then it was when she began to question her sexuality and started to accept herself more because being the submissive perfect holy girl her parents wanted her to be was not her.


✧TΚœα΄‡α΄α΄‡ Sᴏɴɒ✧

Day that I die | Zac Brown Band

Early morning in a motel room,
Sunshine trying to creep on through.
Lost Sleep but I found a tune,
Stuck inside my head.
Cigarettes and tank of gas,
Headed off to nowhere fast,
Gotta find a way to make this feeling last.

Cause I believe that I,
Was born with a song inside of me.
Never question why,
I just kept on chasing that melody.
And as time goes by,
It's funny how time can make you realize,
We're running out of it.

On the day that I die,
I wanna say that I,
Was a man who really lived and never compromised.
And when I've lived out my days,
Until the very end,
I hope they find me in my home, a guitar in my hands.
I hope they find me in my home with my guitar in my hands.

Whoa, oh.
Whoa, oh.

A part of dawn to be ashamed of,
But good people are supposed to be up.
But I found peace with the path I took,
As I lay down my head.
Crossroads you gotta choose,
Which way do we win or lose.
But every bone in my soul says I sing on through.

Cause I believe that I,
Was born with a song inside of me.
Never question why,
I just keep on singing these melodies.
And as time goes by,
Its funny how time can make you realize,
We're running out of it.

On the day that I die,
I wanna say that I,
Was a man who really lived and never compromised.
And when I've lived out my days,
Until the very end,
I hope they find me in my home, a guitar in my hands.
I hope they find me in my home with my guitar in my hands.

Whoa, oh.
Whoa, oh.
Whoa, oh.
Whoa, oh.

We all go, we all go,
It's all over 'fore you know.

I believe that I
Was born with a song inside of me.
Never question why,
I just keep on singing these melodies,
And as time goes by,
Its funny how time can make you realize,
We're running out of it.

On the day that I die,
I wanna say that I,
Was a man who really loved and never compromised.
And while I live out my days,
Until the very end,
You can find me in my home, a guitar in my hands,
And you can find me in my home with my guitar in my hands.

Whoa, oh.
Whoa, oh.
Whoa, oh.
Whoa, oh.

Character Sheet By : The Toxic Cereus
Inspired By : AmeliaIsGhostly
Filled Out By : Phoenix_lynx

So begins...

Celine Dawson's Story

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Character Portrait: Celine Dawson
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|| 5:50 AM || Wed 2nd || aimlessly walking

Listening to; Fall Out Boy || Centuries


"Fuck that old man, I hated living there anyway," Celine muttered under her breath as she walked past an alley. She had moved out, or rather had forcibly been removed out of her house because apparently her questioning her sexuality was the last straw. Of course her good and holy dad kicked her out, she was surprised that he didn't take out the holy water and wash away the demon inside her. It hardly all mattered anyway, they had their precious perfect little angel still, Julia.

Earlier that week Celine had taken her belongings, or what was left of it out of the house and had crashed on a friend's coach for a couple of days. Nothing on her was of any importance and it was only her guitars that she had held any value to her. With a sigh the girl welcomed the cold and continued to walk aimlessly around the small town with nothing to do. Her friend had invited over her boyfriend for the day and so that was an obvious hint for Celine to get out. She didn't know how much longer she'd be able to sleep on that dusty old couch and so thinking of a place to stay was the first thing on her mind.

Money wasn't necessarily available to her or at least not enough to be staying in hostels every day. She had some money from the jobs she had taken to save up for getting out of that house but that was for the distant future. Sure she could get money from Julia but that would leave a sour taste in her mouth. Of course angel Julia would help her out and although her sister was a decent person, she couldn't help but hate her. With a rough cough Celine rubbed her hands together for warmth and took shelter at an old library, it's sign looking like it was able to fall any minute.

Perhaps she should be grateful that she was still able to get her medication. It would be difficult without them. How could anyone believe her parents to be saints is beyond her, after all shouldn't they practice what they preach? Agape and all that? The girl could be dying because of her autoimmune disease and what did her parents care about, whether she liked girls or boys!

Glancing at the clock she soon settled down on one of the comfier chairs at the back of the library. It was still too early for her to try and go to College, 3 hours too earlier for that and it was too cold to be outside for all that time. The library was her best option and with a strained smile she grabbed a book out of her bag, The anatomy of Violence by her favourite Adrian Raine.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Celine Dawson Character Portrait: Fee Akkerman Character Portrait: Yeong-gi Mirren
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7:06 AM - Wednesday 2nd September - 1 Hour Before College

Arabella didn't move for maybe two hours after she laid down on her bed but she didn't catch up on the sleep she'd been deprived on, she simply listen to a couple of albums and stared at the ceiling, it was a habit of hers, to stare. People thought she was rude and nosey but she was just so curious about everything and so absent minded. She started thinking about people, Jamie, Fee, Celine- her friends but never once did her boyfriend occur to her, maybe it's because subconsciously she knew she was being made a fool. She twisted her phone around in her hand, scrolling through the contacts with miserable eyes full of melancholy as she looked at the dates next to them. She hadn't heard from anyone for two weeks but her best friend, the most treasured person in her life had been absent from her life- completely 'MIA' for months now. What was he playing at? The more Arabella thought about it the more she figured she must have done something wrong because all of her calls went ignored, messages might as well have never been sent and if she walked past his house- it just so happened he wasn't in. She felt awful. There was a pit growing in her stomach like she had something to be guilty for but she didn't have a clue so she pressed the green key on her phone and hoped for the best as she listened to it ring.

"Jamie?" She uttered to the dead phone line. She was praying he'd pick up. She really needed her friend around, she hated being alone because no body else had bothered to call over summer. She'd just been left to manage her job and her own problems alone with the only company of her wretched mother.

"Arabella!" The scream of her name pierced through Bella's head like a shard of glass through skin and Bella found herself whimper slightly with resentment, reluctance and fear. She looked at the phone, even if he'd answered now she couldn't talk. So she cursed loudly chucked her phone aside forgetting to hang up and walked downstairs preparing for the worst. She heard her name ring through the air again and the broken brunette clenched her jaw tightly to restrain her tongue from lashing out and saying something she'd definitely regret.

Her mother stood in the kitchen looking as scruffy and disheveled as a runt border collie. It still broke Bella's heart to see her mother in such a state because she hadn't always been like this- she hadn't always been so still inside and cold. She was hanging over the dish washer like a vulture pointing with a skeletal hand at the flashing light on the machine in horror, shouting like a banshee at it like she thought it'd accomplish something with a little bit more motivation.

"It's broken! You stupid slut you've broken it," She hissed when Bella finally came to stand in the kitchen.

"I'm not a slut Mum. And I didn't break it. I haven't touched it," Bella replied weakly standing as far across the room from her superior as she could,

"You are slut and you did! Don't you dare try and lie to me. Show some respect for your a Mother. You goddamn mistake," Bella didn't look up, she didn't want her only parent to know that the words still hurt and if she looked up it would be written all over her face that she was broken hearted.

"I need to go to college. Then I'll go to the bank and transfer some money so we can book a repair," Bella caved staring at her own feet.

"Yes you bloody will now get out of my kitchen," The screeches continued and Bella was forcefully shoved out of the kitchen and she ran upstairs to grab her bag and her phone then she rushed out of the door and didn't look back. Her heart feeling lead like in her chest as she rubbed her arm which ached from being so angrily grabbed and then she sighed and sparked put her hand in her pocket. She hadn't expected to find a joint in there, she couldn't remember the last time she'd worn these jeans but it must have been a shit night if she had drugs left over. She weighed it up in her head then growled 'fuck it' to herself and sparked it up as she started the 10 minute walk to college with 60 minutes to kill. She exhaled into the cold morning air and sighed kicking up some dirt on the floor sourly, wishing she could bury herself under it and not face the rest of the day.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Celine Dawson Character Portrait: Fee Akkerman
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Wednesday 2nd September - 7:27 AM – Booth Lane – Outfit

β€» Mood: Bitter - Agitated - Skittish
β€» Listening To: Lake of Fire - Nirvana
β€» With: No one
β€» Dialogue Colour: #BD3C3C
Bella was a miserable sight as she started the walk to school, obviously by the time she retrieved her phone, the call would have been over regardless of Jamie's response to it but she found herself scrolling to her recent calls just to check, just in case he had bothered to pick up because even that would be a positive change but she was met with disappointment and she scowled at the screen. "What the fuck have I done Jamie? Can't you just bloody tell me?" She whispered aggressively shoving her phone back into her pocket before she continued to sourly trudge towards school in lace black tights and an interesting black and white dress designed around the concept of 'Ying and Yang' it was very Bella, in fact the whole outfit screamed 'Arabella Swift, don't fuck with me. This peace sign is a sign of irony'. She'd changed again this morning because she felt so boring and common in her skinny jeans that she hadn't quite been able to help herself but she kept her boots, she always tended to wear the same black pair of beaten up soft-leather Dr Martens. The jeans and jacket however were gone, replaced with a completely weather and season inappropriate dress which unsurprisingly, Bella found a thousand times more comfortable. She wondered about if her boyfriend would have arrived on campus yet because she figured her thoughts she should be with him rather then Jamie but she hadn't much from him either. In fact, Bella had gone quite neglected by most people over the summer but even more so by the ones she was supposed to love, for example her Mother, her boyfriend and her best friend. It made her jaw clench with frustration because she simply didn't understand. How could they all leave her alone to struggle through the so inharmonious life she'd been helplessly thrown into. The more she thought about it the lower she found herself feeling because it made her question if she'd even crossed their minds. Had any of them thought about her or missed her? The boyfriend she loved so dearly had been someone she yearned to be around all summer but had she even been in his thoughts for a second? She'd heard the rumours and she couldn't say she wasn't suspicious about them- it'd make sense too. If he was cheating on her, the distance he'd created between them, the way that skinny blonde bitch followed them around school like a rabies infected lost dog. She closed her eyes tight for a moment and took a breath, trying to push it away from her mind and blame it on her natural paranoia instead but part of her still cringed at the thought.

No he wouldn't.

That's what she kept telling herself.

"But he would wouldn't he Bella? Because you're not good enough for him. You're not good enough for anybody- your Mother, Jamie...him," Her striking eyes glazed over with a mist of misery and fear but she didn't weep. Bella was the last person to publicly shred tears. No Bella, would handle all her self consciousness, her self loathing and paranoia like any deranged girl would- she took her blunt up to her lips and took a long reassuring drag and hold it for a while before exhaling the fumes in perfect ringlets, like she'd been smoking her whole life and she chuckled sourly as the clouds floated away.

She was leaning against the college gates, her joint was burning itself short and her finger tips were starting to feel scorched but it was a numbing pain Bella appreciated, so she took a last dangerous breath of relief before dropping it to the floor and stamping it out with her boot. The collection of stubs that had built up last year (thanks to Arabella and her associates) in the general area she was standing in had been washed and cleared away over the summer and none of it remained but here was to a fresh start as Bella left the butt of her smoke on the floor and smirked at it sorrowfully. She hummed Nirvana tracks to herself as she stared at the shrubs outside school that you could see where already starting to slowly decay and she sighed, she'd feel sad summer was over if there was a reason for her to wish it could be prolonged but there wasn't. The last six weeks could have arguably been the worst of her life, every problem she'd ever dealt with seemed to have come back and haunt her over the last one and half months but this time, there was no one there to hold her shoulder whilst she picked up the pieces and glued them together.

Not a single soul.

Bella sighed and the morning air chilled the gas enough to make it fog before her momentarily before it drifted with the wind. She was normally relieved to be back at school, away from her and away from her Mum but standing next to the gate that morning, she felt physically sick and she even found herself holding her stomach as if pushing hard enough would push the pit of anxiety inside her away all together but of course it wouldn't be that easy, nothing ever was. She was completely absorbed in her own thoughts and the world span around her like a carousel in black and white, it was nauseating just to watch but it was okay. Bell was used to feelings similar to this and she always found one way or another to cope.

She felt like she knew nothing, nothing about herself, her school work, her friends, her history or her future but she took resentment in knowing one thing for sure, she didn't have enough substances on her that she could smoke to get her through even half of the day she was about to be tossed into.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Celine Dawson Character Portrait: Fee Akkerman Character Portrait: Yeong-gi Mirren
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bella. Image
Wednesday 2nd September - 7:27 AM – Booth Lane – Outfit

β€» Mood: Bitter - Agitated - Skittish
β€» Listening To: Alive - Pearl Jam
β€» With: No one
β€» Dialogue Colour: #BD3C3C
Arabella is the most eagled eyed girl you'd ever meet and with Jamie being the one on her mind how could she miss him? Everything about him was so familiar, his facial expressions, the way he walked and always tried to keep his head down. Bella recognised these things and they were the things she knew and associated with Jamie- heavy music, fretting and always hiding behind earphones, she liked those things about him because they were part of him and he was her best friend. She adored him, had since they met as kids and there would always be reassurance in just seeing him around but at the same time, she was still Bella and there was a churning anger in the pit of her stomach that made her question how the hell he could ignore and avoid her for a whole summer. A whole freakin' summer.

She folded her arms across her chest like a bitter faced child, a habit she'd had since she could walk really. The slightest aggravation and the arms would cross or she'd ball her hands into fists at her side like she'd lash out but only 3/10 would she actually ever do anything and she'd clamp her jaw tight, accidentally grinding her teeth because that's how Bella coped with frustration and upset and walking Jamie walk straight past her like she wasn't even there hit home and all of these little side effects, the physical displays of Bella's passive aggression lit up in her body language almost instantly like a fire work and she cursed.

She started walking over, she was only an arm's reach away from him- close enough to bark and get his attention but she suddenly stopped and she became almost lost in the swarm of the student body as they brushed past her in the opposite way. She just couldn't believe, Jamie wouldn't even acknowledge her- even if he was angry, couldn't he of scowled or gave her a little shoulder barge on the way...just anything. She just wanted to know. She wanted to know where she stood with him, what she'd done to mess things up because from where she was standing, he was pissed off at her and she must have done something to bother him but in all the time she'd known Jamie they'd never fell out- not properly, maybe once or twice over petty things but nothing serious. Nothing that condoned over a month of absence from each other's lives.

She could still see him and the quick witted side of her had a thought.

How was he reacting when she called?

Last year, she'd always call in the mornings to fore warn about dramas or to give him a heads up on where to meet. It'd be normal, casual- she figured he wouldn't pick up but he also wouldn't think anything of it either. It was plausible.

So she found her phone and she cowered by her locker once she reached it and hit dial, watching Jamie from across the hall to see what he did. Would he glare and scowl at the phone? Because then he'd be pissed. Would he look at her name and just ignore it? Because that'd mean he was over her- beyond wanting anything to do with her or caring either way, negatively or positively or what? The possibilities were endless and Bella was just so desperate for even the tiniest pinch of closure. She'd asked her friends, if he'd said anything- she'd been subtle of course, just dropping up make believe stories to cover her tracks so no body had to know anything was wrong.

So Bella stared.

She slipped back into the habit of staring and turned her gaze to the phone and then Jamie and then her phone, in what felt like a painfully infinite moment but once it passed, she flipped around and pre-occupied herself organising her locker with things to help her get through the year, a secret bottle of booze, spare cigarette packets and a couple of text books for her classes- nothing else struck her as important.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Celine Dawson Character Portrait: Fee Akkerman Character Portrait: Yeong-gi Mirren
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bella. Image
Wednesday 2nd September - 7:27 AM – Booth Lane – Outfit

β€» Mood: Bitter - Agitated - Skittish
β€» Listening To: Alive - Pearl Jam
β€» With: Her Boyfriend
β€» Dialogue Colour: #BD3C3C
She shouldn't have been surprised when he didn't answer but regardless she was gutted and finally decided to give up. She couldn't see his expression, not his facial expression but she could see in his body language he wasn't as happy as he'd been at the end of the school year. The last time she'd hung out with him was probably one of the band practices and nothing since. She sighed heavily and was just in the process off putting her phone away when she found a hand on her hip pulling her into something hard and warm. She was forced flush against a chest that was rising with the rhythm of a familiar chuckle and Arabella laughed softly and turned around to see him. She turned her eyes up to meet her boyfriend's and she grinned softly at him. Although he was a distant boyfriend he'd been significantly more present in her life than Jamie and something encouraged her to think that had to mean something and at the end of the day Bella loved him- so, so what if he didn't remember to call?

"Hey stranger," Her words were intended as a subtle dig at his neglecting personality and her suspicions but he was too arrogant and oblivious to catch on- that's why she bothered saying it, she knew it'd go straight over his head. He didn't even say anything to her, he kissed her for a lingering moment then pulled her to his side and started walking down the hall with a cocky aura radiating off of him. Bella looked incredibly small next to him and Bella wasn't one to shrink to anyone other than her mother but the way she was held in such a tight bound to her boyfriend's waist made her look like a stylish new clutch purse in the hands of a skeletal glamour model. She was reduced and compressed into a shadow- she was his dusty trophy but unlike a trophy she didn't always shine.

"Who were you on the phone to Bells?" He asked in a misleading charismatic tone. She quietly explained she'd been trying to get hold of people to make plans, leaving Jamie's name out of the matter as to avoid questions and she smiled lightly at him but it was small and slightly hollow in it's appearance.

"Hey, come meet Fee and Celine with me, I could use a hand finding them and I want to catch up- I feel like I've barely seen you this week," She asked softly looking up at him hiding her hopefulness but his reaction she had seen coming. The venomous chuckle with a patronising smirk on the side. She sighed to herself and bit her lip as she listened to him ramble about how important it was for him to go meet the 'lads' and she scowled a little at the floor, turning her head so he wouldn't see. "Okay fine, I'll go find them myself then," She sighed, shrugging his arm off of her waist and walking back the way she'd came towards the music building- suspecting she'd at least find Celine around there somewhere if not Fee on route. As she stalked off, he didn't even watch her go, didn't even look bothered but it was crystal on Bella's face she was trying to pretend she wasn't phased by it.

She sighed and pulled out her phone and dialled Celine, desperate to find someone who might actually talk to her properly.

"Hey Celine?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Celine Dawson
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wednesday 2nd september
at college
current theme song: low- marianas trench

Jamie's heart skipped a beat as he caught sight of Bella across the hall, frowning at her phone. Shit. It had been her calling him, not the boyfriend. It was as if the mere thought of him had summoned him up, because he appeared, wrapping his arms around Bella's waist. Jamie turned away, leaning his head against the locker and resisting the temptation to bang his head against it. Two panic attacks, two missed calls from Bella, and now this. What a wonderfully shit morning. He shouldn't have gotten out of bed.

As he continued to busy himself at his locker, trying to distract himself, a hand clamped on his shoulder and spun him around. Bella's boyfriend was practically nose to nose to him. Fear constricted Jamie's chest once again.

"Were you talking to Bella?" He asked, keeping his voice low and calm. Jamie forced himself to meet his eyes.
"No," Jamie answered, thankful his voice didn't shake. The boyfriend smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes.
"Good. You remember our little arrangement, right?"
"It's good to know you won't cause any trouble, Jamie. You understand these kinds of things," he said. Jamie didn't react, just focusing on keeping his breath steady.
"Well, Jamie, I'll see you around. Keep that arrangement in mind," he said, walking away with a confidence that Jamie could only dream of. Jamie watched him go, before slamming the door of his locker shut. His heart was pounding, and he was suddenly frustrated at himself. He should have said something, he should have stood up for himself. That way he could have finally spoken to Bella and wouldn't have had to deal with this again. But instead, he was now going to have to continue to deal with this. He was a fucking coward.

Shrugging his bag onto his back, he headed outside. He needed to find Celine or somebody. As he walked, he tried calling her, but her phone was engaged. Typical. He resisted the temptation to hurl his phone at the ground as he got outside, leaning against the wall. He could still walk home. Nobody would even miss him. How could they? It wasn't like he'd be able to hang around with the rest of his friends, anyway. Bella would be there and he wasn't supposed to be around her. God, he just wanted this all to be over so fucking much. He didn't want to be here. He just wanted to sleep, where the thoughts and all of his problems couldn't get to him. He just wanted his problems to be gone when he woke up. But that wasn't going to happen.

He took out his phone and stared at Bella's name. He could just call her, explain everything. Her boyfriend wasn't around right now, he wouldn't know. Then, maybe things would be less awkward. His finger was hovering over the call button, but he ended up sighing and putting his phone back in his pocket. It felt like it was never going to end.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Celine Dawson Character Portrait: Fee Akkerman Character Portrait: Yeong-gi Mirren
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Wednesday 2nd September - 7:27 AM – Booth Lane – Outfit

β€» Mood: Bitter - Agitated - Saddened
β€» Listening To: Holding On To You - Twenty Øne PilΓΈts
β€» With: Her Boyfriend
β€» Dialogue Colour: #BD3C3C
Bella sighed, how typical for no one to answer. She pursed her lips and gave up on finding anyone, she turned back the way she came past her boyfriend, past the lockers and her class and made her way to music. She wasn't talented in the level that Celine or Jamie were but she could carry a note and hell she could play piano and violin. She hadn't brought her violin in today but there was always school ones laying around in the music room. She didn't lock up behind her and she contently flowed into the empty audiotorium She thought about it for a long time and then sat down at the piano and ran her fingers over the keys delicately for a moment before she slowly began to play. She pretended not to hear the school bell ring for classes and she gently played a piano cover of a synth-pop song she's always secretly adored, not that she would admit- Jamie and Celine would take the piss I bad but she played it well and she even knew the lyrics to rap along as she played.

Bella tried not think too much whilst she was playing because she was still gutted about Jamie ignoring her calls because from what she could see he was in a perfectly fine situation to talk and her boyfriend was an arrogant prick- she couldn't think about it. She just wanted to enjoy not being at home even if that was easier said than done.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Celine Dawson Character Portrait: Fee Akkerman
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wednesday 2nd september
at college
current theme song: low- marianas trench

He must have missed both Fee and Celine somewhere along the way, because they didn't pass him while he was outside. They could have been avoiding him, either- he wouldn't be totally surprised, if he was honest. He'd been a shit friend to everyone all summer. Band practice had been completely screwed up because of him- with him unable to scream or even sing, they'd been limited in what they could practice. He was sick of his own shit, so it made sense that they were too. He was starting to consider going home. After all, he had a free period first thing. Generally, it was meant for them to study, but nobody would notice if he wasn't around. He had picked up his bag and had started walking away, when an idea struck him. By the time he got home, he wouldn't even have time for a nap. But the music rooms were always left open, and as a music student, nobody would think twice about him going in to practice. It wasn't sleeping, but it was as good.

He slipped his headphones in and started walking towards the building, turning the music back up to the full. The song playing was one he was considering doing for his final exam, and as he walked, his fingers tapped out the familiar rhythm on his leg. The music meant that he couldn't hear the music coming from one of the rooms, and he was so zoned out that he didn't pick up on the presence of another person as he entered it. He shut the door and took out his headphones. The piano hit his ears then, and he turned around. "Shit, sorry, didn't realise there was..."

His words trailed off as his brain finally noticed who was at the piano. Bella. He froze, his mind going blank. A summer of hardly seeing her, and then this. He was at least glad to find out that she hadn't been hurt, that the several calls this morning was just her trying to get in contact with him. But what did he say now? How was he going to explain it? His feet wouldn't even move to let him leave.

He should have gone home.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Celine Dawson Character Portrait: Fee Akkerman
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bella. Image
Wednesday 2nd September - 7:27 AM – Booth Lane – Outfit

β€» Mood: Bitter - Agitated - Saddened
β€» Listening To: Holding On To You - Twenty Øne PilΓΈts
β€» With: Jamie
β€» Dialogue Colour: #BD3C3C
Bella went stiff with embarrassment when she heard a voice and almost fell of the piano seat in a hurry to turn around to apologise for skipping class but then her eyes locked on a familiar brown haired boy and the dark eyes that'd been haunting her thoughts every time she remembered the friend she felt like she'd lost.

Soon enough defensive sarcasm kicked in.

"Oh hold on a second! I know you! You're that guy I was like best friends with half my life until you spontaneously went completely MIA. Oh fancy seeing you here, oh wait- I already have earlier when you ignored my-" Bella stopped herself and turned around, she was only saying all these petty assaults because she was hurt and didn't want to admit it. She was only saying it because then she didn't have to admit to any kind of emotional attachment to something or anyone. She stood straight but never had a girl looked so small, she was skinnier than the start of summer, less tidied and well kept- apparently she'd stopped straightening her hair and there was ever so many subtle changes in her appearance but flashes of dark purple on her skin at the side of her neck were one of the obvious ones but you couldn't see it much thanks to Bella's impressive mane of dark ebony locks.

She held her elbow and looked down at the ground and she couldn't bring herself to look up again after she turned her head away. "Why?" She asked him quietly gazing at the floor. In her head there were a thousand ways she could have lengthened that sentence and a thousand more questions she could have asked after it but she didn't. Jamie would have been as worried about this as she was- she knew that because even if Jamie hated her Bella and wasn't feeling guilty (which part of her hoped he was) he'd be like; 'fuck I have to talk to this dumb bitch' and she knew that- she knew him.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Celine Dawson Character Portrait: Fee Akkerman Character Portrait: Yeong-gi Mirren
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bella. Image
Wednesday 2nd September - 5:18 PM – Jamie's House – Outfit

β€» Mood: Concerned - Quiet - Envious
β€» Listening To: Car Radio - Twenty One Pilots
β€» With: Jamie
She looked surprised and quickly looked up elated when he suggested going at the weekend.

"Really?" She asked grinning a little. If she was honest, she'd admit to being surprised he could even remember. She thought she was the only person who cared about those kind of things- like it skipped everybody else's mind. Bella was an incredibly reflective and thoughtful person, so memories like that weren't constantly resurfaced and reconsidered often with more affection and fondness than she cared to admit. Her entire brain was like a memory bank but she had a way of forgetting all the band ones- she didn't let them possess any part of her if she could help it.

"Do you seriously wanna go? I thought you'd think it was stupid," She admitted softly running her finger tips through her hair, her every movement laced with that dancer's grace that captured every single gesture she ever made. She hadn't been dance yet this week, she planned on going tomorrow and she was excited to think about it but she was far more excited to consider another go at their old school camp out trips.

She looked at him grinning gently. She knew she'd struggle to get approval from her mother, so she figured she wouldn't tell her and just go anyway- disappear, she was good at that. She'd just leave and bite the bullet when she got home because it'd be totally worth it just to get a taste of all the thrill and fun they used to have when they were young.