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Jamie Chapman

"And all of the mothers raise their babies to stay away from me."

0 · 4,009 views · located in Booth Lane College

a character in “Skins: Secrets Out”, originally authored by partially-stars, as played by RolePlayGateway



introverted || passionate || reserved || caring || protective

[ the storm || of mice and men ]

was i your knight in shining armour?
the apple of your eye?
or just a step, a fucking step, for you to climb?

Full Name:
James Daniel Chapman
Sexual Orientation:
Works at the local animal shelter
3/4 English, 1/4 French (his mother was half French.)
Birth Day:
11th November
Birth Sign:
Home Town:
English, somewhat fluent in French
School Year:
Character Role:
FC: Oliver Sykes


determined || secretive || musical || hates confrontation || nostalgic

[ emergency || paramore ]

sometimes quiet is violent.

Family Members:
Father: Thomas Chapman
Mother: Marie Kendall
Academic Career:
Jamie was a great student for his GCSEs, back when his home life was still somewhat studying. He received mostly B's, earning a C in math and an A in both music and French. However, shortly after his GCSE's is when his life went to hell, and his grades quickly dropped. He's averaging an A in music, but his grades swing wildly from B's to scraping a D in both French and psychology.
Future Plans:
Finally achieve happiness and stability.
If you were to ask anyone about Jamie Chapman, the first word that they'd say would be quiet. He's not exactly one to go around talking to strangers or babbling for ages about whatever he did at the weekend- he much prefers to sit and listen. Many assume that, because of this, he has nothing to say- but he's rather the opposite. Jamie is a very passionate person. When you get him talking about something he really cares about, you can see exactly how intense he can be. While he's not the type of activist to go break animals out of labs or do anything destructive, he will be found at rallies, chanting with everyone else and ensuring that his voice is heard. When people say that all vegans are obsessive and try to force their beliefs onto others, they will be pointed to the quiet, reserved Jamie as a reminder that, no, that's not how they work. The majority of the time, he's quite chilled. He's the one laughing at the jokes as opposed to telling them, but that's something he's never minded. He's incredibly loyal and protective- almost overly so. He stays sober on nights out just so he knows that everybody can get home safely and that there's somebody to look after his drunken friends. On the nights that he's not there to do so, his mind will be occupied by them, wondering if they're safe.

However, perhaps wondering is the wrong word. In fact, if he's not there, it's only because something of huge importance came up that he couldn't avoid. And as soon as his mind is free, he'll be panicking, convinced that something is bad is going to happen to them. He'll be constantly texting them and will more than likely call them at least once. If he doesn't get a response, he'll panic, often leading to a full on panic attack. Panic attacks are only the tip of the iceberg of his problems. He's got major depressive disorder and panic disorder, both of which are undiagnosed. Because they are undiagnosed, the only medication he has is the alcohol stash under his bed. He swings from not touching alcohol for days to getting blackout drunk three nights a week. When he's sober, he occasionally suffers from suicidal thoughts, depending on how his mood is. His inability and unwillingness to talk about his problems doesn't help either. His relationship with his parents worsens it. His father was the only one to take Jamie's problems even somewhat seriously, and now he's out of the question. His mother refuses to acknowledge that he has a problem. Jamie learned years ago that talking to her won't get him anywhere. That only leaves his friends, and even just thinking about talking to them causes him to panic. The only time he really appears to be truly alive is on stage or playing music, and even his friends have remarked that he's a different person. He's not anxious. He doesn't hate himself. For however long that is, he can just be himself, minus the mental disorders.

Due to his panic disorder, jumpscares have quite a strong effect on him. He's terrified of being alone and of forever being unhappy and depressed. He has an extreme hatred for heights as well.
Jamie usually has his sleeves pulled over his hands, and is constantly adjusting them. He stammers when anxious, which often only just worsens the problem. Whenever he's thinking about playing the piano, he does the action without thinking about it.
He plays the piano and the guitar, although he's far better at the piano. Whenever he's not drunk or doing schoolwork, he's playing music, channelling his soul into them to distract himself. They're the only hobbies he's managed to keep up through his depression, although he used to play basketball.
Jamie's quite passionate about animal rights and is a vegan for that reason. Music, however, has to be his biggest passion. It's the one thing that he's never lost passion for, even through his depression.
Bad Habits:
Drinking to deal with his problems, not talking about his problems and nail biting.
Guilty Pleasures:
Romcoms- on his sober evenings when he's alone in the house, he's been known to put one on and watch it in an attempt to feel better.
Romcoms, metal music, rock music, his band, playing music, his friends, concerts, driving fast, feeling in control of himself, good days
Heights, animal cruelty, cruelty in general, bad days, losing control, his mental health, his mother, panic attacks


dependent || addictive personality || anxious || chilled || stubborn

[ far too young to die || panic! at the disco ]

and all of their mothers raise their babies
to stay away from me

Face Claim :
Oliver Sykes
Weight / Build :
Jamie is quite slim- not to the point of his health being at risk, but he is underweight. His frame was on the narrow side to begin with, so he's now quite slim.
Hair Colour:
Dark brown
Eye Colour:
Dark, warm brown
He has a number of tattoos already, despite the fact that he's only just old enough to have them. He has a semi colon on the small of his back- he knows this isn't exactly original, but he loves the idea. He also has "not the absence of fear, but the strength to face it" above his heart, and two stars and a flying silhouette on his right bicep as a subtle Peter Pan reference.


loving || loyal || cautious || lonely || depressed

[ golden || fall out boy ]

to die, i think, would be an awfully big adventure


Jamie's childhood was perfectly normal, even though he was living with a recovering addict. His depression and anxiety weren't exactly evident as a child and so he was happy. His mother and his father loved each other very much and they loved him just as much. He got everything he needed and was never spoiled- but was never left wanting of anything. However, that changed as he hit his teens.

His depression started with self-image issues. His self-image swung from thinking he was too fat and needed to lose weight to not being strong or big enough. As time went on, it worsened into major depressive disorder. He started self-harming at fourteen, unable to find another way to handle it. His mother found out after almost two years, when he accidentally went too deep and ended up having to be brought to the emergency room. She freaked out, searching for any other explanation other than her son having a mental disorder. Even when his father said that he thought that Jamie should go to even just one psychiatrist appointment, she refused to listen to him. She proceeded to bring it up to manipulate Jamie and generally make him feel bad. That only worsened his panic disorder. His friends and music were his only salvation, keeping him somewhat sane. However, his crush on Bella didn't help, just confusing him and often making him more distressed.

His parents had been fighting a lot before his father relapsed, but that seemed to be the last straw. The only reason they didn't straight out divorce was because Marie was worried that doing so would lead to the worsening of both Jamie and her husband, finally starting to consider that her son wasn't just a moody teenager. It was hard to tell, however, as he was either asleep or at school during that particular time. She instead started to work longer hours at work and spending as little time in the house as possible, leaving Jamie to look after his relapsed father. The relapse was quite a major one, and he refused to go back to counselling.

It was around this time that Bella's boyfriend started becoming suspicious of Jamie. He manipulated Jamie into staying away, leaving Jamie with only one close friend. This, combined with his mother's behaviour and his father's relapse and refusal to recover, meant that Jamie's mental disorders continued to deteriorate. He discovered the appeal of alcohol but then discovered it's after effects, leading to his fluctuating relationship with alcohol. His unmedicated depression continued to deteriorate, his urges to relapse into self harm developing into suicidal thoughts and his sleep pattern starting to vary widely. His panic disorder deteriorated as well, leading to Jamie having panic attacks over what he considered to be small things.

Over the summer, he had to look after his father all day, everyday. A chest infection followed by a severe throat infection meant he had to go on vocal rest for fear of damaging his voice. Being unable to speak made things a lot harder and didn't help his depression. He reached one of his lowest points over the summer, where he was actually on the bridge, ready to climb over. He didn't want to do it at home, where his father could find him. But he made himself walk away and go home and get pissed and forget what he'd been considering. He just wants to get out of the house and go somewhere where he can recover in peace or even just get help without his mother interfering.

So begins...

Jamie Chapman's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Ellie Wallace Character Portrait: Nate Carlile
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b e l l a


"Jamie darling," She started jokingly, a white toothed smile betraying her attempt at keeping a straight face. "The week Nate spends more than 3 days sober will be the day somebody doesn't find something about us to start a drama over- even before we started our A-Levels we always got dragged into shit which to be fair, was mostly my fault- I apologise for that sincerely," She replied him to gently running a small hand through her thick dark hair, looking at him contently but she knew better than to know his question came purely out of jest. He was genuinely concerned this wouldn't die down wasn't he? She wandered for a moment but deep down she knew he'd never find the kind of attention they'd been getting lately easy. In a moment of courage, she swallowed her pride and leaned over, gently taking his hand in hers and looking down as she thought to herself, watching her own hand.

"It'll pass Jamie. You'll get out, we'll go to school- keep our heads down, finish our A-Levels and then move out, the drama won't follow us till the end of the year forget to our adult lives," She assured softly. "Then we can like go to London or somewhere and I'll go to a Dance academy or something and you'll start climbing the music ladder- y'know get a band and a record deal going, then I'll take a year off to come tour with you guys and to make sure you don't embarrass yourself in the tour bus and then I'll drag your sorry ass to a recital of mine and we'll sit there in a bar in the early hours of the following morning, at 2am thinking; fuck, remember when we were at school? That was pretty shitty but hey, got us here," She told him, listing off the story like it was something she'd thought about hundreds of times before and maybe it was. "Or- I suppose you could be a vet nurse but I'm sorry I'm not coming to watch you do some kind of operation, I'd faint," She replied with a small joking smile.

It was funny for all Bella's fearlessness, pride and attitude- you'd never see her wince at anything except her Mother and a certain, very specific insult. You'd never see her cringe about anything else other than those things except for a hurt animal. It'd probably reduce her to tears, she could remember walking to school once with Jamie when she'd first started after getting expelled from her private school back in Chelsea and they'd found a road kill and out of no where this girl in gothic patterned tights, black lip stick and boots started crying and it was almost unbelievable how sudden the impact of it was. She remembered that with a fond smile because she could recall how she used to look like Mavis out of 'Hotel Transylvania' like it was the reflection she'd seen in the mirror that morning.

So out of seemingly nowhere she turned to Jamie with a sheepish smile of amusement. "Hey Jamie," She whispered like she was about to tell him some insanely confidential gossip; "Remember when I used to look like Mavis?" She asked with a soft laugh.

n a t h a n i e l


He laughed with her grinning softly before he had a go at his food, trying it and shamelessly savouring the taste with a slight moan but after he finished his mouthful, he was already brought to slight chuckles again after hearing Ellie's comment and seeing how casually she ate her food- her table manners were genuinely worse than his and he was a male stoner, how the hell could she be worst? It was only because Nate was such a posh boy at the same time, he spoke, dressed and had the mannerisms of a posh boy but at the same time he was incredibly thick skulled, lazy and of course- a stoner. It didn't make a lot of sense but it was something most people had gotten use to over the years.

"Ellie my darling- call me whenever you have a hangover, I insist you do because I haven't laughed this hard since like Year Two," He told her honestly, grinning gently. He rolled his eyes at her comments on the food; "You sound like me when I've got munchies," He commented before taking a sip of his drink.