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Jamie Chapman

"And all of the mothers raise their babies to stay away from me."

0 · 4,012 views · located in Booth Lane College

a character in “Skins: Secrets Out”, originally authored by partially-stars, as played by RolePlayGateway



introverted || passionate || reserved || caring || protective

[ the storm || of mice and men ]

was i your knight in shining armour?
the apple of your eye?
or just a step, a fucking step, for you to climb?

Full Name:
James Daniel Chapman
Sexual Orientation:
Works at the local animal shelter
3/4 English, 1/4 French (his mother was half French.)
Birth Day:
11th November
Birth Sign:
Home Town:
English, somewhat fluent in French
School Year:
Character Role:
FC: Oliver Sykes


determined || secretive || musical || hates confrontation || nostalgic

[ emergency || paramore ]

sometimes quiet is violent.

Family Members:
Father: Thomas Chapman
Mother: Marie Kendall
Academic Career:
Jamie was a great student for his GCSEs, back when his home life was still somewhat studying. He received mostly B's, earning a C in math and an A in both music and French. However, shortly after his GCSE's is when his life went to hell, and his grades quickly dropped. He's averaging an A in music, but his grades swing wildly from B's to scraping a D in both French and psychology.
Future Plans:
Finally achieve happiness and stability.
If you were to ask anyone about Jamie Chapman, the first word that they'd say would be quiet. He's not exactly one to go around talking to strangers or babbling for ages about whatever he did at the weekend- he much prefers to sit and listen. Many assume that, because of this, he has nothing to say- but he's rather the opposite. Jamie is a very passionate person. When you get him talking about something he really cares about, you can see exactly how intense he can be. While he's not the type of activist to go break animals out of labs or do anything destructive, he will be found at rallies, chanting with everyone else and ensuring that his voice is heard. When people say that all vegans are obsessive and try to force their beliefs onto others, they will be pointed to the quiet, reserved Jamie as a reminder that, no, that's not how they work. The majority of the time, he's quite chilled. He's the one laughing at the jokes as opposed to telling them, but that's something he's never minded. He's incredibly loyal and protective- almost overly so. He stays sober on nights out just so he knows that everybody can get home safely and that there's somebody to look after his drunken friends. On the nights that he's not there to do so, his mind will be occupied by them, wondering if they're safe.

However, perhaps wondering is the wrong word. In fact, if he's not there, it's only because something of huge importance came up that he couldn't avoid. And as soon as his mind is free, he'll be panicking, convinced that something is bad is going to happen to them. He'll be constantly texting them and will more than likely call them at least once. If he doesn't get a response, he'll panic, often leading to a full on panic attack. Panic attacks are only the tip of the iceberg of his problems. He's got major depressive disorder and panic disorder, both of which are undiagnosed. Because they are undiagnosed, the only medication he has is the alcohol stash under his bed. He swings from not touching alcohol for days to getting blackout drunk three nights a week. When he's sober, he occasionally suffers from suicidal thoughts, depending on how his mood is. His inability and unwillingness to talk about his problems doesn't help either. His relationship with his parents worsens it. His father was the only one to take Jamie's problems even somewhat seriously, and now he's out of the question. His mother refuses to acknowledge that he has a problem. Jamie learned years ago that talking to her won't get him anywhere. That only leaves his friends, and even just thinking about talking to them causes him to panic. The only time he really appears to be truly alive is on stage or playing music, and even his friends have remarked that he's a different person. He's not anxious. He doesn't hate himself. For however long that is, he can just be himself, minus the mental disorders.

Due to his panic disorder, jumpscares have quite a strong effect on him. He's terrified of being alone and of forever being unhappy and depressed. He has an extreme hatred for heights as well.
Jamie usually has his sleeves pulled over his hands, and is constantly adjusting them. He stammers when anxious, which often only just worsens the problem. Whenever he's thinking about playing the piano, he does the action without thinking about it.
He plays the piano and the guitar, although he's far better at the piano. Whenever he's not drunk or doing schoolwork, he's playing music, channelling his soul into them to distract himself. They're the only hobbies he's managed to keep up through his depression, although he used to play basketball.
Jamie's quite passionate about animal rights and is a vegan for that reason. Music, however, has to be his biggest passion. It's the one thing that he's never lost passion for, even through his depression.
Bad Habits:
Drinking to deal with his problems, not talking about his problems and nail biting.
Guilty Pleasures:
Romcoms- on his sober evenings when he's alone in the house, he's been known to put one on and watch it in an attempt to feel better.
Romcoms, metal music, rock music, his band, playing music, his friends, concerts, driving fast, feeling in control of himself, good days
Heights, animal cruelty, cruelty in general, bad days, losing control, his mental health, his mother, panic attacks


dependent || addictive personality || anxious || chilled || stubborn

[ far too young to die || panic! at the disco ]

and all of their mothers raise their babies
to stay away from me

Face Claim :
Oliver Sykes
Weight / Build :
Jamie is quite slim- not to the point of his health being at risk, but he is underweight. His frame was on the narrow side to begin with, so he's now quite slim.
Hair Colour:
Dark brown
Eye Colour:
Dark, warm brown
He has a number of tattoos already, despite the fact that he's only just old enough to have them. He has a semi colon on the small of his back- he knows this isn't exactly original, but he loves the idea. He also has "not the absence of fear, but the strength to face it" above his heart, and two stars and a flying silhouette on his right bicep as a subtle Peter Pan reference.


loving || loyal || cautious || lonely || depressed

[ golden || fall out boy ]

to die, i think, would be an awfully big adventure


Jamie's childhood was perfectly normal, even though he was living with a recovering addict. His depression and anxiety weren't exactly evident as a child and so he was happy. His mother and his father loved each other very much and they loved him just as much. He got everything he needed and was never spoiled- but was never left wanting of anything. However, that changed as he hit his teens.

His depression started with self-image issues. His self-image swung from thinking he was too fat and needed to lose weight to not being strong or big enough. As time went on, it worsened into major depressive disorder. He started self-harming at fourteen, unable to find another way to handle it. His mother found out after almost two years, when he accidentally went too deep and ended up having to be brought to the emergency room. She freaked out, searching for any other explanation other than her son having a mental disorder. Even when his father said that he thought that Jamie should go to even just one psychiatrist appointment, she refused to listen to him. She proceeded to bring it up to manipulate Jamie and generally make him feel bad. That only worsened his panic disorder. His friends and music were his only salvation, keeping him somewhat sane. However, his crush on Bella didn't help, just confusing him and often making him more distressed.

His parents had been fighting a lot before his father relapsed, but that seemed to be the last straw. The only reason they didn't straight out divorce was because Marie was worried that doing so would lead to the worsening of both Jamie and her husband, finally starting to consider that her son wasn't just a moody teenager. It was hard to tell, however, as he was either asleep or at school during that particular time. She instead started to work longer hours at work and spending as little time in the house as possible, leaving Jamie to look after his relapsed father. The relapse was quite a major one, and he refused to go back to counselling.

It was around this time that Bella's boyfriend started becoming suspicious of Jamie. He manipulated Jamie into staying away, leaving Jamie with only one close friend. This, combined with his mother's behaviour and his father's relapse and refusal to recover, meant that Jamie's mental disorders continued to deteriorate. He discovered the appeal of alcohol but then discovered it's after effects, leading to his fluctuating relationship with alcohol. His unmedicated depression continued to deteriorate, his urges to relapse into self harm developing into suicidal thoughts and his sleep pattern starting to vary widely. His panic disorder deteriorated as well, leading to Jamie having panic attacks over what he considered to be small things.

Over the summer, he had to look after his father all day, everyday. A chest infection followed by a severe throat infection meant he had to go on vocal rest for fear of damaging his voice. Being unable to speak made things a lot harder and didn't help his depression. He reached one of his lowest points over the summer, where he was actually on the bridge, ready to climb over. He didn't want to do it at home, where his father could find him. But he made himself walk away and go home and get pissed and forget what he'd been considering. He just wants to get out of the house and go somewhere where he can recover in peace or even just get help without his mother interfering.

So begins...

Jamie Chapman's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman
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bella. Image
Thursday 3rd September - 6:12 PM – Outside Bella's House – Outfit

Mood: Frightened | Small | Weak
Listening To: The Blood - The Cure
With: Jamie
She looked at him, almost pleadingly as if it would change her mind but she swallowed the bullet and hesitantly nodded when he reminded her of her ability to manipulate. It was true she was swift with her words and the best damn sweet talker you'd ever seen but anxiety had consumed her being and she doubted herself more than ever. She listened to his words, her eyes on his the whole time trying to find the underlay of everything but there wasn't because it struck her that Jamie meant these things. To feel like someone cared was an overwhelming thing that Bella had always craved but she would never openly admit that- maybe that's why she'd become someone who pulled so many attention stunts, getting excluded, fights, drugs, drinking and inappropriate behaviour- the list was endless but maybe that was why she had this infinite list of regrets to bare on her sleeve because no body cared enough to stop her.

But the expression in Jamie's face, the way he spoke- it fooled her easily and at the end of the day she trusted him.

She nodded and rubbed her eye with the back of her hand. "Okay," She breathed. "I...I was in the kitchen, talking with my Mother- I tripped into the cupboard and a wine bottle fell, shattered on the way down right? And you, I didn't call you. You were with me right? That's the story," She mumbled it to herself anxiously, gripping her own hands together till her knuckles went white like chalk.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman
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thursday 3rd september
bella's house

He nodded as she told him the story, relaxing a little. "Right. And if they start questioning me about the specifics, I was in the bathroom when it happened, right?" He said. He knew that the doctors had asked a lot of questions after.... that one incident when he was 16. It was pretty damn obvious what had happened, and his parents had been honest about it, but there had still been a lot of questions. And a lot of arguing, mostly on his mother's part. She hadn't wanted him to attend a psychiatrist, insisting that he was just an attention seeking teenager, that this could all be dealt with at home. Jamie sometimes wondered how different things would have been had his mother relented and agreed to send him to a doctor.

He took one of her hands, allowing her to clutch his hand instead of her own. He was honestly worried about the blood loss and that she'd get worse on the way, but he didn't know what else to do. He'd carry her if he needed to. "C'mon, then, let's go," he said, pulling her outside the house and gently closing the door behind them.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman
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bella. Image
Thursday 3rd September – 6:20 PM – In The Street – Outfit

Mood: Concerned – Scared – Upset – Desperate
Listening To: Creep - Pink Floyd
With: Jamie
She looked at her hand when he took hers and was slightly shocked by the gesture but it wasn't a bad thing- it brought her a kind of relief to know he was really there and it gave her the slightest bit of hope that he truly cared. "Yeah," She agreed softly to his part of the story, holding onto his hand tighter than she realised as they walked, occasionally accidentally holding her breath and then catching herself out and inhaling again. It was something she'd always done when she was scared or panicked, she'd hold her breath and usually forget until she was gasping for air. It was stupid and she didn't do it intentionally but she did it a lot.

She looked at him her wide eyes focusing on him softly. "Thank you Jamie," Her voice came out as a quiet whisper. "Thank you," She clung onto his hand like it was her only life line and she walked besides him clumsily but she was walking and her other hand hugged her stomach tightly. She didn't believe the loss was terrible and she was convinced the worst of it was done but she wasn't a doctor so she couldn't be sure but she was convinced it wasn't as bad as it felt. It couldn't be.

She knew the route to the hospital pretty well from when her Grandfather had been around and unwell but that didn't make it any easier to think about going there. It wasn't far either, they lived so close to the city that nothing was further than a couple of miles but it was distressing. The thought of it all, she found beyond bearable, the physical pain, the emotional pain and the fear- it was too much for her and the odd tear still fell every now and then and with her steps she often cringed but she kept herself up and took her own steps. She had this sincere feeling of guilt for what she'd put Jamie through tonight, she didn't know if he felt the same way as her but if she got a call, from him in the late afternoon like the one he'd had, she'd be torn a part and heart broken and even if he didn't, no body wanted to spend their Thursday night before school the next day at the hospital dragging some sorry sad girl to A&E.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman
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bella. Image
Thursday 3rd September – 6:20 PM – In The Street – Outfit

Mood: Concerned – Scared – Upset – Desperate
Listening To: Creep - Pink Floyd
With: Jamie
She looked at her hand when he took hers and was slightly shocked by the gesture but it wasn't a bad thing- it brought her a kind of relief to know he was really there and it gave her the slightest bit of hope that he truly cared. "Yeah," She agreed softly to his part of the story, holding onto his hand tighter than she realised as they walked, occasionally accidentally holding her breath and then catching herself out and inhaling again. It was something she'd always done when she was scared or panicked, she'd hold her breath and usually forget until she was gasping for air. It was stupid and she didn't do it intentionally but she did it a lot.

She looked at him her wide eyes focusing on him softly. "Thank you Jamie," Her voice came out as a quiet whisper. "Thank you," She clung onto his hand like it was her only life line and she walked besides him clumsily but she was walking and her other hand hugged her stomach tightly. She didn't believe the loss was terrible and she was convinced the worst of it was done but she wasn't a doctor so she couldn't be sure but she was convinced it wasn't as bad as it felt. It couldn't be.

She knew the route to the hospital pretty well from when her Grandfather had been around and unwell but that didn't make it any easier to think about going there. It wasn't far either, they lived so close to the city that nothing was further than a couple of miles but it was distressing. The thought of it all, she found beyond bearable, the physical pain, the emotional pain and the fear- it was too much for her and the odd tear still fell every now and then and with her steps she often cringed but she kept herself up and took her own steps. She had this sincere feeling of guilt for what she'd put Jamie through tonight, she didn't know if he felt the same way as her but if she got a call, from him in the late afternoon like the one he'd had, she'd be torn a part and heart broken and even if he didn't, no body wanted to spend their Thursday night before school the next day at the hospital dragging some sorry sad girl to A&E.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman
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thursday 3rd september
bella's house

None of this felt real. Not in a dissociation kind of way- in a "holy crap this can't be happening" kind of way. Bella had always been so strong, and yet here she was, falling to pieces. Her hand clutching his was the only thing that really felt real, and it wasn't because it was familiar. It was physical contact, one of the only things that could ever really ground him.

He was terrified, but at the same time, felt entirely detached from everything. Nothing really felt right or real, like it was all a dream. It felt so wrong- him supporting Bella, Bella crying while he was strong- it had always been the other way around. But yet here they were.

It didn't take them long to get to the hospital- everywhere was near to everywhere in this town. So before he really knew it, he was leading Bella in. It was quiet, and it didn't take long for somebody to notice and come rushing over to help. Somebody was pulling Bella away from him, somebody else was yelling for a wheelchair- or was it the same person? Was there more than one person? It suddenly felt like everything his brain was telling him was lies, and he could feel the panic starting to rise in his chest. Muttering some sort of apology, he headed straight for the bathroom, where he locked himself into a cubicle. Everything was wrong, everything was wrong, nothing was real, everything was a lie, he shouldn't have drank, he shouldn't have drank-

The sound of someone else coming in startled him, and he pressed his shaking hands to his mouth, not wanting to make a sound. The space of time it took them to leave seemed to drag, but eventually, the door closed again, and Jamie exhaled. Everything suddenly felt too real and not real enough.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman
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bella. Image
Thursday 3rd September – 6:30 PM – In The Hospital– Outfit

Mood: Frightened – Scared – Upset – Desperate
Listening To: Alice - Avril Lavigne
With: Jamie
Bella could barely keep up with everything once they got into the bright lights of the hospital. She gasped out of fear when she felt herself being pulled away from Jamie and her hand closed into a fist trying to find something to hold onto but there was nothing and she tried to look around for him but she couldn't see- in a matter of seconds she'd been pounced on, surrounded by Doctors and forced onto one of those beds they keep in the hospital wards so they can push patients between wards and theatres and everyone was shouting but she couldn't hear him.

The one voice she wanted to hear had disappeared and it only heightened her panic into a frenzy. Her head thrashed trying to turn and examine every angle of the room to find him but she was being wheeled around anyway but she couldn't understand what people were telling her.

She just wanted Jamie.

She didn't care about the blood seeping from her stomach or her mother or her coward step-father or her sadness. She just wanted him to sit and lie to her for a while, tell her it was going to be fine even though they both knew better.

"Jamie," She mumbled desperately over and over but no body responded. Just nurses with questions and she couldn't handle it.

"What's your name dear?"

"What's happened?"

"I need to see the wound..."

"How old are you?"

"Can you hear me?"

Arabella shook her head in tears and tried to sit up but she wasn't allowed to. She was encouraged to sit back down and the bombard of questions continued.

"What's your name?" Bella shook her head again but slowly, between breaths squeezed out letters. "Bell..ara...bella,"

"She's in panic." Someone said like it was unobvious and a surprise and Bella curled her small, quivering hands into fists and turned about in her head, trying to get up so she could see- see anything but masks and uniform but they didn't let her. She was wheeled into another room and suddenly everything fell silent for a moment. In this room she was left alone was one female nurse and Bella finally calmed enough to breathe and she looked at her sharply. "Where is he?" Bella asked softly and the Nurse looked at her sympathetically.

"No one was with you dear when I arrived. If somebody was they left pretty sharpish. Did you say your name was Bella? I'm Katherine Bell- your Doctor. We need to get you stitched up pretty quick but I need to see the wound, in case you need surgery is that okay? Then we'll be able to get you pain killers, cleaned up and we'll find that friend of yours and call your family- okay honey?" The nurse rambled through everything far too calmly and tearfully Bella nodded struggling to comprehend the idea that Jamie had left her. He said he was there, he'd told her it would be okay, that he was there for her but he wasn't now.

A few more tears continued their treacherous trail down her face as she showed the nurse the jagged cut and she nodded lightly to her as she examined it.

"Good news dear, you just need stitches- it's not too bad. Few stitches and you'll be okay. Might need some rest though before we send you home. I'll get on with that now, just lay down flat and try and be calm whilst I get a Nurse to bring everything in," Dr Bell shouted from the door and Bella cringed at the sound, for which the Nurse apologised but half an hour later it was all over.

Thursday 3rd September - 7:12 PM - Hospital, Ward 2

Bella was laying alone in a hospital room with 12 stitches across her abdomen and slightly drowsy with pain relief pills. Once she was left alone, she turned her head to face the window and quietly sobbed- she was too numb and pained to turn her torso, so she buried her face in the cheap, cold and flat pillow as to try and veil the truth despite no one was there to see it regardless. The nurse was apparently trying to gather paper work that Bella needed to fill in, so they could identify her and find her parents but she was reluctant to tell them anything- she dreaded them calling her Mother. Her mother would be far from forgiving on the matter she knew that much.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman
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thursday 3rd september
the hospital

His hands wouldn't stop shaking. Usually, after a panic attack, the anxiety would subside for even just a while- but it wasn't going away. He was constantly panicking. He had no clue how long he'd been hiding out in the bathroom, but he knew it was too long. A panic attack had caused him to throw up, and now he felt worse than ever before. He wanted to go find Bella, but he felt physically unable to. He wasn't so sure if his feet would hold him.

But eventually, he forced himself to. As he washed his hands, he noticed the scratch marks running up and down his arms where he'd dragged his nails, trying to shock himself out of the panic. As usual, it hadn't worked.

The nurses were helpful, even if he did have to talk to a few of them before one of them could tell her where she was. Jamie was full sure that she was going to hate him for abandoning her. He needed to make up a lie- or perhaps he didn't. He could just be a little more... liberal with the truth. He was sick, that was all. The adrenaline had gotten him to the hospital, and that was where things had gone awry.

She was looking away from him as he came in, and it suddenly struck him that he was making a terrible mistake. Maybe it would be easier for her if he just left, just never came back. He could finally throw himself off of that bridge, give everyone a clean break. He wrapped his arms around his stomach, hiding the scratches, as he tried to decide what to do.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman
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bella. Image
Thursday 3rd September – 7:16 PM – In The Hospital– Outfit

Mood: Frightened – Scared – Upset – Desperate
Listening To: Alice - Avril Lavigne
With: Jamie
The door had been ajar but she'd noticed the slight creek of it and she tried to turn her head, she expected a Nurse or Doctor- maybe even a police man if all had gone wrong and no body believed her story but from the corner of her strained eye she noted a familiar shade of brown that was Jamie's overgrown hair and some kind of relief came to her and with a quiet voice she squeaked his name.

"Jamie?" She asked softly. "Please don't go Jamie. Don't leave me own please," She mumbled quietly not quite able to fully turn around but she turned her neck painfully so she could make his gaze. "They won't let me leave till the morning but please don't leave me here J..." She trembled on her words, she didn't want to guilt trip, play his emotions or force him to stay in a place as miserable as this but she couldn't bear to be alone and god knew the kind of things she did when she was alone and the terrible places she put herself in. Pills, alcohol, self-destruction- she'd done it all but she couldn't bare to be alone now because all of those reliefs, they were out of reach here.

No pills.

No alcohol.

No self-destruction.

So how would she cope?

The short answer was that she wouldn't and she needed him. She wasn't afraid to admit that, not to anybody. She'd never tried to pretend she didn't need him in her life, that he wasn't her best friend and the closest to her heart- she'd never tried to pull the wool over his eyes about that but she couldn't be alone right now. If she'd ever needed him before, it wasn't as much as she did now because nothing frightened the girl more than loneliness and the disease of lingering loneliness was seeping from every crack of the white wash walls.

"I know you don't want to be here, who would? And I know you probably don't even want to be around me but I'd do for it you," She reminded honestly and it was true and he should know that by now after all the years but she still doubted he underestimated her in that sense.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman
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thursday 3rd september
the hospital

He didn't want to stay. But he didn't want to leave her alone either. He wanted for all of this to be over, for him to be able to just sleep it off, for everything to have just been a bad dream. He wanted to finish getting drunk, he wanted to feel even more pain, he wanted to do anything to get rid of the anxiety that felt like a monster eating away at his stomach. He felt terrible, but he knew he'd feel even worse if he left her.

So he sat down in the chair beside her bed. "I'm not going to lie and say I do want to be here, but I'm not leaving you alone. Even if it means smuggling you out," he joked, keeping his arms wrapped around his torso. She didn't need to see that mess as well as everything else. Maybe he would have been better staying away, not talking to her- because then he could have just jumped and everyone would have gone on without him and everyone would have been better off.

"Sorry for disappearing on you. I've been feeling unwell all day and... yeah." That wasn't a lie- he'd felt like something bad was coming all day- not in a literal sense. He'd felt like a monster of a panic attack or depressive episode was coming and he knew that it hadn't been the one in the bathroom. He'd had worse. It was still coming- that was barely a warning.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman
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bella. Image
Thursday 3rd September – 7:18 PM – In The Hospital – Outfit

Mood: Sad
Listening To: Creep - Radiohead
With: Jamie
She smiled softly at his joke but didn't laugh, she didn't have it in her to laugh anymore. She could see as she looked at Jamie that there was something considerably wrong- besides even the worse. She hadn't noticed before she'd been so engrossed in her pain and being frightened but he wasn't totally with it, or at all really. She frowned, her lip curling slightly when she bit it anxiously- trying to ground herself with the pain.

"It's ok. I get it," She told him simply. Her phone had been in the pocket of her dress all evening and when it buzzed again she could have sworn it was the thousandth time. Now her phone laid on the side but she still hadn't looked at it. "My phone has been going crazy all day- did something happen at school?" She asked quietly. She lifted her phone to read the caller IDs and then softly scoffed.

"Oh it's Jace. Mostly. Well that explains, stupid prick just wanted to remind me about everything I guess," She tossed her phone aside again without a second thought, all of the messages that'd explain just about everything discarded and going unread. She looked over at him. "He didn't bother you at all today did he? I'm sorry if he did. It's my fault and I'll sort it out- everything. I just, I couldn't go to school today but tomorrow- I'll sort it out, I'll sort him out," She promised quietly with a guilt ridden tone as she looked over at Jamie worriedly.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman
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thursday 3rd september
the hospital

His heart faltered for a minute as her phone vibrated, and then again as she asked if something happened. She hadn't read the messages, then. Once she didn't read them while he was here, it would be... well, maybe not fine, but better. He wanted to say something as she checked her phone, but then again, she spoke, looking away as she said it was Jace.

"Something could have happened and I probably missed it- I've been completely out of it all day. There could have been a fight in the common room and I wouldn't have noticed," he said, joking a little. That was a blatant lie- he'd been far too aware of everything that had happened. He'd hidden in the bathroom and the music room as much as possible. "And Jace was... no worse than usual today," he said, aware of the lie, but praying she wasn't.

He was aware of someone coming into the room, and turned around. A nurse stood at the door, holding a cup of tablets. She looked apologetic, but that didn't stop her from saying, "I'm sorry, love, but visiting hours are over. I wouldn't usually be too harsh, but Bella needs rest, not gossip," she said gently. Jamie nodded, standing up.

"I'll talk to you tomorrow," he said- assuming he hadn't had a breakdown or anything. "You should probably read those texts, you might get an opportunity for an argument out of it," he teased. He knew exactly what was in those texts, and she knew that eventually she'd find out anyway. Better from Jace than anyone else in school, he supposed.

As he left, the anxiety steadily grew worse, the monster in the pit of his stomach slowly starting to reach his chest. It wasn't far from home. Wasn't too far from his vices and his releases. He'd make it. He'd be fine. And that had to be the most blatant lie he'd told.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman
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bella. Image
Thursday 3rd September – 7:20 PM – In The Street – Outfit

Mood: Sad
Listening To: Zombie - The Cranberries
With: Jamie
She looked at him levelly and her whole expression changed it something that became soft with concern and understanding and she was in the middle of shooting out one single word to him when the nurse interjected;


She stopped when the nurse came in to dismiss Jamie and she opened her mouth to argue- she needed to talk to him, not even for her anymore- for him. Jace had done something. Jamie had looked away like he was embarrassed when she said his name and he'd hesitated with his words. Arabella saw straight through it- she always did, there was just no lying to Bella she understood people and could read people as easily as a swallow could fly. Especially Jamie, separating truth from lie when it came to him was child's play but Bella was quite convinced he knew that anyway. She just let him get away it too much. She opened her mouth to argue but Jamie embraced the opportunity to leave so she clamped her mouth shut again with a small sound.

"Call me if you need me J. I might be crippled but I'll still kick anyone's sorry arse in that school," The nurse looked half surprised by the girl's language but Bella just smiled at her sweetly and laughed. "You say that like I'm looking for a fight Jamie," She joked softly- she knew something was wrong but she hoped that if she could smile and laugh, he'd take that in and do the same. "I'll see you tomorrow- hopefully not in this shit hole too," She told him before curling into the sheets of her hospital bed as he started his exit.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman
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thursday 3rd september
the hospital

It was still raining as he left- still pouring. It would have matched his mood perfectly if there had only been some thunder and lightning or a gale or something. He wondered how long it would take her to read those texts, to realise why he'd been so weird. It wasn't a full explanation- but if he was completely honest, she was probably going to never get that. Even if he was put on medication or whatever or did have a meltdown, he'd still probably force out a joke or something and change the subject. That was what he did- that was all he ever did.

The house was as silent as ever when he returned. He'd half been expecting his mother to be there. He'd been making up an explanation as to why he'd been in such a hurry to get to Bella's, so much so that he forgot to get a jacket. But there was nothing. His dad was out- probably picking up the drugs. Sometimes, Jamie could half understand why his father had turned to drugs- but Jamie knew that doing the same would only tear everything else apart. He'd seen it happen. So alcohol and sleep were the only drugs he allowed himself.

As he got up to his room- the empty whiskey glass and bottle of whiskey were still waiting for him on the floor. He sat down, shutting his door again. Sitting the phone in front of him, he took a mouthful of whiskey straight from the bottle. What was surely going to be the worst night of his life was about to begin.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Ellie Wallace Character Portrait: Nate Carlile
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bella. Image
Thursday 3rd September – 7:40 PM – Hospital – Outfit

Mood: Lonely
Listening To: Pink Floyd
With: Jamie
"Nurse...will I be able to go tomorrow? No offence but this isn't exactly somewhere I want to be," She admitted sheepishly but the woman looked at her sadly and shrugged softly.

"You won't be able to attend school but you'll certainly be home for tea- if not, lunch," She vowed. "We couldn't get hold of a parent though. So we have the issue here with your medical forms but I suppose, we can find you a witness through another member of staff since your treatment was nothing serious but you never fully explained how you were hurt dear," She reminded with a rising eyebrow.

"Just an accident- in the kitchen, bottle fell out of the cupboard and smashed on the way down- hit the side I guess," Arabella answered uneasily and the Nurse nodded with a doubtful expression.

"I'll try to discharge you in the morning," She said eventually. Bella thanked her and she half wanted to keep on rambling with questions to stop the nurse from leaving and leaving her alone but it would be no good in the end. So she curled up in the sheets and tried to sleep as the nurse left but the sleep she did get was haunted with nightmares and nothing nice.

Friday 4th September - 10:51 AM - No Present Company

Bella wasn't bothered till late in the morning and she was disturbed only by her phone going of with the 33rd message she'd received since break time yesterday. She unlocked her phone and began to scroll.

Is it true?

OMG are you guys gonna date?

Did you cheat on Jace with him?

You and Jamie? OMG wtf XD

"What the fuck..." Bella whispered as she scrolled through her phone where plenty of messages filled her inbox with similar accusations and enquiries. She then found the initial messages from Jace and opened those.

Heard you got grounded well thought it might cheer you up to know that little saddo creep who tags along with you t school- you know the gay one, Jamie or whatever- I don't care. I thought I'd inform you he likes you- in the wants to fuck you, lovey dovey, romantic way. He didn't want you to know and was too much of a pussy to tell you so I did him a favour and told everyone in the common room. See you at school babe! x

Bella stared in disbelief- she knew he'd been jealous of her friendship with Jamie but she never thought he'd go this far to hurt one of them.

But what if it was true?

She kind of hoped-

"Fuck no! I can't say that, I haven't even broke up with Jace yet..." She muttered to herself angrily and slammed her phone shut as she tried to gather herself. It wasn't true- how could it be?

But she hoped.


She got dressed in her clothes from yesterday because she had nothing left and then started the walk home, the thought terrified her but she had to go get cleaned up and dressed in something that wasn't blood stained.

nate. Image
Friday 4th September –11: 08 AM– In The Street – Outfit

Mood: Chilled – Light - Content – Upbeat
Listening To: Way Away - Yellowcard
With: No One
Nate was walking to school with a couple of his friends, completely unable to understand why they were still talking about how Bella and Jamie drama, somebody said they'd seen her at the hospital this morning whilst visiting their nan and though Nate felt bad for her, he was sick of hearing everybody's theories on what was going on with them all. Who actually cared? To be fair, Nate was friends with Jamie and Bella, not close but they'd known each other a while which is why he was refusing to get involved- they deserved their own time to sort it out without the student body getting involved. He decided he better catch up with Jamie later then and made a mental note to catch him class if he could.

He'd skipped his morning classes to get stoned with some friends and they were now planning on meeting up in the local club tonight and he had to admit he was really looking forward to a couple of drinks, maybe meeting somebody but even just having a laugh. He was dreading college though- he struggled with a lot of his classes, he wasn't an academic and he did find it really hard not to get embarrassed by the whole ordeal when he was only ever scraping Ds.

But they arrived on campus and were for the best part sober as they made there way to the common room and ditching his group, Nate went over to a sofa and through himself down on it with a tired yawn. He looked around the room for Ellie, planning on seeing if he wanted to join him later when he was going out but he didn't spot her straight away so he assumed she had a class and got his phone out deciding to wait having missed his own class anyway.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Ellie Wallace Character Portrait: Nate Carlile
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friday 4th september
at home

"Jamie? Why aren't you at college?" His mother asked. He hadn't realised she was home, otherwise he would have stayed in bed until she left. He'd been sleeping on and off for most of the morning, so he hadn't heard her come in.

"Sick," he replied. It wasn't a complete lie. His head was pounding, his stomach still felt sick with anxiety, and all he wanted to do was sleep. But it was mostly because he couldn't face the thought of school. Bella hadn't called at all last night, and he didn't know if that was a good or a bad thing. But the thought of having to face her, and everyone else, all gossiping about him and her and their relationship and what was actually happened...

His mother nodded, looking at him with concern. "You don't look well, you're as white as a sheet. Make sure to get plenty of rest, okay?" She instructed, and he nodded. He was intending on sleeping for as much of the day as possible. "Your father's here, I'll tell him to keep an eye on you," she added. Jamie nodded again, filling a glass with water and heading back upstairs.

He'd turned his phone back on silent, because with morning had come the texts, asking if the rumours were true and what had happened and were they dating and so on. He hadn't replied to any of them. He'd hardly read them. He hadn't even texted anybody to say he wasn't coming in, and he wasn't planning on it. Everybody would know why he really wasn't in, anyway.


friday 4th september
at college

"Hey, Wallace!" Somebody yelled from across the corridor. "Heard that the horses aren't the only thing you're riding at those stables!" They laughed and high-fived their friends. Ellie barely glanced in their direction as she headed for the common room, resisting the temptation to swear at them in as many different languages as possible. Her mom taught languages in one of the fancy private schools, and it was one thing Ellie had always loved. Italian had been the first language she'd learned, and it had just gone from there.

She made it to the common room, and was immediately able to guess what everyone was talking about. Yesterday, one of the guys- Jace something or the other- had announced to the whole common room that Jamie Chapman was in love with Bella Swift. Considering that he and Bella were supposedly dating, it was a strange announcement- but judging by Jamie's reaction, Jace had done it to get at him. She'd never liked Jace, anyway. She had a feeling he'd been the one to start one of the rumours about her after she'd refused to sleep with him.

She found Nate and headed over to him. As she reached the couch, she flung her bag down beside it and sank into the couch beside him. She had a sneaking suspicion he was stoned- or, at least, had been stoned at some point this morning- but couldn't blame him.

"Hey. You coming to mine tonight?" She asked, hanging her head over the back of the couch and glancing at him. Their relationship was weird, but she liked it. It was like a relationship, but without all of the messy stuff that so often comes with a relationship.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Ellie Wallace Character Portrait: Nate Carlile
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0.00 INK

Thursday 3rd September – 11:30 AM – Home – Outfit

Mood: Lonely
Listening To: Pink Floyd
With: No One
As soon as Bella got home, her mind was set on getting ready for college again. She was told to stay at home and rest, at least for the day but Bella hadn't even considered it for a split second. She snuck into the house through the back door, relieved to find her Mother was long gone to go to work by the fact her bag- which she always left on the kitchen table was absent. Exhaling in relief, Bella hurried upstairs- her hand instinctively pressing against her bandages around her stomach as she went. Upon entering her bedroom, she stripped down and looked herself over in the mirror. She'd showered before she left hospital so she wouldn't have to change her bandages too soon at home, so she sprayed some deodorant, her favourite perfume and started getting dressed. She wanted to curl up in a baggy sweater and jeans but people would notice she wasn't herself and she didn't want to give anybody a reason to think that because then they'd soon start digging for information and prying for details Bella wasn't keen to share. She slipped into some black tights and shorts with a tank and a huge oversized flannel shirt and stared at herself in the mirror, the bandages were so tightly bound you couldn't even detect them through her shirt so she sighed softly. She ran a brush through her hair and noticing a slight frizz to it, she voted to straighten her hair.

Getting ready took Arabella the best part of an hour, she'd been careful with her skin make-up to cover up the slighty sleepy shadows under her eyes and the fading bruise on her neck then she applied her usual dark eye-liner and flashed herself a smile to try and summon some confidence but the smile was as dead as her first pet gerbil. She sighed and gave up. What was the point? She had her phone on her but she didn't turn it on, she didn't even want to think about the kind of abuse people would be hurling at it by now. So she pulled herself together, sparked up a joint and made her way to college- grabbing her bag on the way out without caring to check she had what she needed. The Nurses had kindly informed Arabella's college of her trip to hospital so Bella figured they'd understand.

The school to college was quick and short and thankfully due to her untimely arrival, the common room was relatively sparse and quiet compared to the usual commotion you'd expect upon arrival. She wasn't going to let this beat her. She didn't know it was true. Jace was an arsehole. She had other friends. She didn't need anything. She didn't need anyone. She was here to prove a point. She kept thinking this to herself the whole time as she sat down at an empty table in the common room and got out a work book to try and make up for the lost lesson time. Many people looked over at her, snickering, commenting or sighing sympathetically but she took no notice and sat there quite contently still smoking the last of her joint even inside the common room. No staff were about and Bella couldn't name one person she knew who hadn't done it before so she found herself careless to the matter and she tried to relax into her normal school set up.

Her stomach throbbed and the reminder didn't help but she chilled. She found it in herself to be calm and collected- emotions could wait till she found Jace and break time and if all went to plan, beat the shit out of him.

Friday 4th September –11: 08 AM– In The Street – Outfit

Mood: Chilled – Light - Content – Upbeat
Listening To: Way Away - Yellowcard
With: Ellie
As Ellie waltzed over Nate grinned at her charmingly with a boyish quality that he'd never grow out of thanks to those inherited dimples he had the burden of bearing. "Hey well if it isn't my favourite blonde," He teased with a smile, moving his bag as she sat down so there was room for her on the sofa. He listened to her talk and turned to look at her, he was kind of glad she'd brought it up because it made it easier to suggest her coming out with him later because he always worried about complicating things or her getting the wrong end of the stick because they did have a bizarre relationship and he was never sure what kind of title to put on it- he just left it to the gossips to decide, god knows there was enough of them at the college to do that for them.

"It's funny you ask that because I was wondering if you fancied going down to the club tonight? They've got a band on and it's free entry, so I was thinking about checking it out if you're up for it," He offered. "You're always welcome to stay at mine if you need someway to stay afterwards as well- Brothers at Uni now so my Mum just appreciates having people round to keep the volume up," He told her light heartedly twiddling a pen as he spoke. He wasn't quite sure what he liked about Ellie but most of the time he'd rather hang out with her than the guys, she was more intelligent, a laugh and just generally easier to be around and it helped they shared a sense of humour. He supposed he just appreciated she was cool about keeping things as simple as possible and she was different. That was the coolest thing in his opinion but he stopped thinking about when he noticed a certain infamous student make their way over to a table and sit down.

"Shit- is that Bella? She's going to kill Jace isn't she?" He mumbled thoughtfully looking over at Ellie again as he leaned back on the sofa, still trying to sober up a bit apparently and then he sat forward and got a bottle of water out his bag and drank a bit of it. He needed to sort himself out before he had a class, he wasn't totally stoned he just wasn't quite with it and he was counting down the minutes till someone (probably Ellie) took the piss out of him for it.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Ellie Wallace Character Portrait: Nate Carlile
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Friday 4th September –11: 08 AM– In The Street – Outfit

Mood: Chilled – Light - Content – Upbeat
Listening To: Way Away - Yellowcard
With: Ellie
Nate's eyes went wide when he watched Bella but he didn't blame her- he would have stood up and cheered her on if he wasn't so scared of getting beaten up himself. "Fucking hell," He whispered to Ellie as the whole commotion unravelled "Fair play to her man, fair play," He muttered getting up as Ellie encouraged him to and walked over with her. "You're a sassy mother fucker Bella- I'll give you that," He joked lightly, trying to cheer her up a bit as he pat her shoulder and took a seat next to Ellie. "Good punch too," He uttered as he pictured the dodgy angle of Jace's nose as he'd walked out. "He'll be lucky if that's not broken," He complimented calmly, he fell quiet after that out of respect for Arabella because as necessary as it was and as funny as it could be, it couldn't have been easy or fun for her having to fight with him like that so publically. Everyone knew Bella would fight but she didn't pick them, she was like an Alpha she had a pack mentality to protect people and he'd always admired that.

He sat next to Ellie and listened to the two girl's politely and respectfully. "Yeah- Ellie's got a point. Is he coming in today?" He asked curiously running a hand through his hair as he listened to them both converse and Ellie's attempts to justify the girl's actions and manner- not that it was at all needed. He believed everyone in the common room pretty much fully supported everything Bella had just said and done.

Thursday 3rd September – 11:30 AM – Home – Outfit

Mood: Furious - Humiliated - Protected
Listening To: Pink Floyd
With: Jace
Bella looked up at Ellie half surprised. "I'm okay, thank you though," Bella told her in reply to the offer of tissues and she bit her tongue and looked up at them her heavily out lined eyes lifting to meet theirs and she laughed gently at Ellie's comment and smiled at her. "Well, you're right there- he certainly had that coming, stupid prick," She mumbled running a hand through her hair and sighing softly. She stiffened at Ellie's comment; Jamie's much better for you . In her head, she was thinking 'I know' but she instantly opened her mouth to insist it wasn't like that. "He was cheating on me and he hurt my best friend. It wasn't like that," She desperately tried to justify herself then clamped her mouth shut. She didn't have to justify this.

She was Arabella Greyson-Swift, she never used to explain herself so why start now? And besides, it kind of was like that.

"Nevermind," She uttered eventually. She looked up in alarm suddenly. "Wait, he's not here? I just assumed he was in class but is he not here at all?" Her hand instinctively went to her phone and she dialled Jamie's number, deciding if he didn't answer she'd sneak off when her lunch break came around to check on him because after what she put him through last night she genuinely felt quite concerned.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Ellie Wallace Character Portrait: Nate Carlile
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friday 4th september
at home

Jamie had slept pretty much all morning, glad for the brief respite. But eventually, he had to wake up. When he did, it took him a few seconds to realise what had woken him. His phone was ringing. Running a hand down his face, he reached over to look at it. Bella. She'd probably just found out. She was probably calling for answers he didn't have. He put the phone back on the bedside table and just stared at it, letting it ring. Even if she did come over, everyone else thought he was sick. She probably wouldn't even make it to his bedroom.

He pulled the blanket over his head, but he wasn't going back to sleep any time soon. So he just retrieved his headphones from under his pillow, and once the phone had stopped ringing, plugged his headphones into it and turned the music up as loud as he could bear.


friday 4th september
at college

Ellie arched an eyebrow at Bella's insistence that it wasn't like that. She'd had her suspicions about those two for a while now, and the whole thing was just confirming it for her. It evidently took Bella a few seconds to fully register everything Ellie had said, because without warning, Bella was digging for her phone and calling somebody. Presumably Jamie. And she said it wasn't like that?

Ellie glanced over at Nate, raising her eyebrows as Bella was on the phone. Their last year had been relatively devoid of drama, except for one or two incidents. But the past few days had been a completely different beast.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Ellie Wallace Character Portrait: Nate Carlile
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Friday 4th September –11: 08 AM– In The Street – Outfit

Mood: Chilled – Light - Content – Upbeat
Listening To: Way Away - Yellowcard
With: Ellie
"it's totally like that," Nate whispered to Ellie whilst Bella was on the phone but he said it as if it was totally secret and not at all obvious but Nate had always bed. Then oblivious one- like he was still insistent people hadn't caught on to the fact him and Ellie had fooled around despite the fact that last year most of their friends had been teasing and asking about it but what was there to say about it? Nate looked at Ellie and mischievously smiled at her before mumbling; "I ship it," But to that Bella greeted him with a middle finger as he's obviously been beard.

He smiled sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. "I tell you want this morning has been like the most drama I've seen since that Carter kid pissed himself and got it on Jen's shoes," He mumbled referring to a high school incident that most kids from college from the local area would recall with disgust.

Thursday 3rd September – 11:30 AM – Home – Outfit

Mood: Furious - Humiliated - Protected
Listening To: Pink Floyd
With: Jace
Bella sighed when he didn't pick up and put her phone away looking to Ellie and Nate apologetically. "I'm sorry. A lot happened yesterday and he took me to hospital, I got discharged this morning and I guess I'm just slightly paranoid because of it. But you two, can shut the fuck up its not like that," She told them and she was being entirely honest until her last sentence passed her lips but she didn't dare admit otherwise- she didn't even know if the whole thing with Jamie was true but she was so desperate to talk to him and suss out where they stood, what was going on and what they should do next. She just wanted to know.

She looked down at the table frowning gently because she remembered she'd also said she'd work tonight just for an hour so a colleague could come in late- she could deal with doing a one hour shift but she just wished it wasn't tonight and that she hadn't forgotten about it to start with. Oh well, she could collect a one hour wage and her tips and then maybe buy something to drink and some cigarettes and go check on Jamie. That was her game plan for the evening and she figured she'd try and get him to come out for a bit- she felt like he was spending way too much ah home at the minute and there was something she was now determined to sort out.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Ellie Wallace Character Portrait: Nate Carlile
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friday 4th september
at college

Ellie nodded at the story. She got the feeling that they weren't being told everything, but she wasn't going to push it. If Bella was going to tell them the full story, she would have done straight away. It didn't seem fair to push her, especially if she'd had to spend the night in hospital.

"Awesome. We'll head to that club you work in first then, meet you then. And if you have to, drag Jamie out kicking and screaming. That kid looked like he needed to get pissed yesterday. Wait, does he drink?" She said, suddenly recalling one night they'd been out together, or they'd just happened to be out on the same night or whatever. She vaguely remembered offering him a drink- several times- and him turning it down- several times.

"Either way, bring him out. He needs it," she said. She glanced up at the clock on the wall and groaned. "Well, it's been lovely talking to you, but I have to go to class. Bella, you look like shit. Go home, get some sleep. Or, alternatively, go to Jamie's and don't get any sleep," she said, winking at her. "Nate, you coming to class or are you ditching this one as well?" She called as she crossed the room to retrieve her bag.