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Nate Carlile

"I am the passenger,"

0 · 2,138 views · located in Booth Lane College

a character in “Skins: Secrets Out”, as played by LivyGrey



Sarcastic || Entertaining || Trusting || Positive || Shy

[ The Passenger || Iggy Pop ]

"I am the passenger, I stay under glass
I look through my window so bright
I see the stars come out tonight
I see the bright and hollow sky
Over the city's ripped backsides
And everything looks good tonight"

Full Name: Nathan Carlile

Nicknames: Nate ( Everyone )

Age: 18

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Occupation: Student | Waiter | Mechanic

Religion: Agnostic (Learning towards theist)

Heritage: English

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Birth Day: 7th August

Birth Sign: Leo

Languages: English

School Year: 12


Compassionate || Caring || Difficult || Immature || Flirty

[ Heroes || David Bowie ]

"We could be heroes, for just one day,"

Family Members: Nate lost his family as a child, he only knew them in the years up until he turned 10. A car crash on route to his Birthday party stole the life of his brother, sister, mother and father. Nate only survived because he'd been sat in the middle seat of the back with nothing to fall into. He hasn't coped with this loss very easily but has recently pulled himself together.
Academic Career: An unsuccessful student, Nate has an arrange of D-C grades and the rest are all fails. He was very unsuccessful at GCSE and is expected to achieve all zilch at college on his A-Level courses. Nate though very charming, literate and thoughtful- he isn't a natural academic, so school was always a trouble for him but he achieved an A grade in English and has since taken multiple engineering, electronic, mechanics and computing courses and is quickly growing a reputation for his skills.
Future Plans: He's a hopeless romantic and dreams of finding someone to share his time with but career path wise, he isn't overly ambitious or wondering. He just wants to work in metal works, something that takes tinkering and something he can take pride in. Otherwise, he isn't that fussed.
Personality: Nate is a sociable guy, he likes meeting new people, making partying, hanging out and even just chilling around school but that doesn't take away from his naturally quite timid character though the truth of his lack of confidence is for the best part unknown to most because he glosses over it by naturally being quite charming and outing out the norm to reinforce this idea of him being confident and self assured because he tries to hide from people he isn't. Nate is really just somebody who wants to have fun, growing up in a very fortunate, financially secure family- he has little reason to worry about finding immediate work, getting into University or even with how he'd afford to go out on the weekend, it's all there for him. He probably won't even need to worry in the future, he's supported by an influential and powerful family so one of his short comings is that he doesn't always understand the need to work hard and be independent or why people can't come hang out with him every single weekend but he tries to acknowledge this flaw by being really generous and offering to give up things all the time and go out and do cheaper things than clubbing for example he'll always pay fuel money if he's given a lift and he'll buy the first round of drinks or the booze for a party, or pay the taxi- it's the little things behind the scenes that he tries to cover as much as possible because he does often find himself feeling guilty that he's in so much easier a position than the others but despite this he's a good listener and he'll let you talk about anything- he never judges, he's been told terrible things but he doesn't hold people to it, he has the morals of a saint except for marijuana he's record is clean but what rich boy doesn't dapple in drugs? He's a good person but he's incredibly protective and this can often drag him into unfortunate circumstances like fist fights or in people's bad books but he'll never let anyone walk alone. He could see someone who gave him hell alone on a park bench in town and he'd sit next to them, ask them what was up and if he could help- he just would and no body has ever been able to deny that. He may be naïve but he makes up for it in compassion and a golden heart.
Fears: Loss | Loneliness | Birds | Death | Snakes | Acid Rain | Confined Spaces
Quirks: He plays with his hair a lot and is prone to rubbing the back of his neck, twiddling his thumbs, biting his lip and swearing when he's nervous. He also accidentally sticks his pinkie finger when he's holding a glass. He's also massively known for raising his eye brow a lot and his friends insist he can raise his eyebrow in a million different ways but he doesn't see it.
Hobbies: Sports, he plays every game under the sun and at the most of them- he's naturally pretty good. He's also known to spend a lot of building and tinkering with cars and mechanics, it's expected he'll dive in to the luxury car industry very soon. He's sizing up courses and universities from all over the world to study his options in more depth.
Passions: Cars
Bad Habits: Swearing | Marijuana | Staying Out Late | Too Honest?
Guilty Pleasures: 80s movies
Likes: Cars | Sports | 80s Movies | Dogs & Cats | College | Friends | Gigs | Smoking | Joking Around | Pranks | Romance- He's a complete sucker, all or nothing kind of guy | Girls who aren't afraid to stand out | Looking after people | Talking | Listening | Easter | New Year's Eve | Carbonara | Caramel Lattes | Norway
Dislikes: Fighting | Reading | Academics | Being Alone | Supermarkets | Red Wine | Sitting Still | Confrontational Characters | Bullying | Marginalization | Depersonalization | Zoos, Safari Parks & Aquariums | Seeing people upset/alone | Letting people down | Action movies | Caroline Flack | Tea | Coca-Cola | France | England | Reptiles | Eating fish


Head Strong|| Misguided || Lonely || Dependent || Adventurous

[ Bitter Sweet Symphony || The Verve ]

"I'm the son of rage and love,
The Jesus of Suburbia,"

Face Claim : Chance Crawford

Height: 6,2

Weight / Build : Athletic

Hair Colour: Dirty Blonde

Eye Colour: Blue



Thoughtful || Handy || Charming || Understanding || Deep

[ The Blood || The Cure ]

"Tell me who doesn't love what can never come back?"

History: 2+ paragraphs

So begins...

Nate Carlile's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Ellie Wallace Character Portrait: Nate Carlile
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friday 4th september
at home

Jamie shook his head as Nate confessed his and Ellie's plans. Of course they were going to try and get kicked out of as many places as possible. Nate and Ellie never seemed to do a calm night out. At least they'd had the decency to agree not to cause any trouble here. Bella's job was important to her, after all.

"Why am I not surprised?" He sighed, shaking his head. He leaned against the bar, taking another mouthful out of his drink. Knowing that he wasn't actually hated, that these people liked to be out with him, made him feel like a completely different person. He was actually able to relax, and he wasn't drinking with the intention of getting so drunk he couldn't feel. It felt surreal, like he was dreaming, like this wasn't actually his life.


friday 4th september
nate's house

She laughed at the other's reactions to their plan. For her, it wasn't a really good night unless they got up to some mischief, which is exactly what she was intending to do.

"Oh, and I challenged him to shots. Because someone's a lightweight and will probably get thrown out of way more bars than I will, so if I end up having to do a forfeit, I'm dragging him down with me," she said, elbowing him in the ribs. "So, what do you say? We finish these drinks, then go somewhere we can cause some real trouble," she suggested.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Ellie Wallace Character Portrait: Nate Carlile
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Friday 4th September – 6:30 PM – Club – Outfit

Mood: Surprised - Chilled- Nervous
Listening To: Pink Floyd
With: Jamie
"We'll were in for a fun night," Bella uttered jokingly to Jamie, poking him in the ribs. "Don't you think?" She told him with a slight laugh before she sipped from her drink again, rolling her eyes as Ellie started talking about again about the second bet. She'd say she didn't believe them but it was so typical of them she wouldn't be surprised if they'd arrived already pissed on their pre-drinks. She shook her head at them softly struggling to picture how this night was probably going to end at this rate.

"You two are just stupid I swear," Bella scoffed smiling at the two gently. "And cruel. So cruel to each other. There won't be enough aspirin in the world for you two to get up tomorrow morning if you drink as much as your implying you will," She chimed but she didn't blame them, it made for a good night most of the time. "But yeah okay Ellie, I'm cool with that," She looked over at Jamie wonderingly, her brow half arched. "Are you? I don't mind sticking around here for a bit otherwise," She admitted gently as always working to please the majority, well no maybe the majority in general but the majority she cared about- Bella was quite happy to disregard the general majority if it meant the specific minority of people she cared about were in the best interests, they'd always been her priority she had a pack mentality, a loyalty and she had to admit it was one of her better qualities even though of which there were few.

Friday 4th September 6:30 PM– Club – Outfit

Mood: Chilled – Light - Content – Upbeat
Listening To: Way Away - Yellowcard
With: Ellie
"I am not going to lose this time Ellie- I have confidence," He told her but it was quite clear the words were spoken with blatant disbelief in fact it was almost sarcastic. He laughed gently with her and shrugged at Bella gently.

"Nothing a blunt can't fix," He told her and he was greeted with an incredibly sharp and dramatic eye roll but he hadn't expected anything else from Arabella, not now not ever.

"Yeah sounds call to me," He said in reply to her comment before taking a mouthful of his drink and tilting his glass so he could listen to the sound the ice made when it tapped against the side and he smiled a little almost in fascination of it but he developed some maturity as quickly as he could and looked up again, trying to forget how desperately he wanted to swirl the glass and listen to it. He was such a child, he even felt the need to try and discipline himself sometimes but he figured most people were used to it by now so he just embraced it the best he could.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Ellie Wallace Character Portrait: Nate Carlile
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friday 4th september
at home

Jamie nodded as Bella asked him if he was happy with going with somewhere else. He didn't have any preference clubwise, and he knew that despite their promises, Nate and Ellie would inevitably start to cause some form of trouble if they had to stay too long. He took another mouthful out of his drink.

"Next week certainly has a lot to live up to in terms of drama," he remarked. He couldn't remember the last time there had been so many dramatic events- or perhaps that had just been in his life. Perhaps for everyone else, Jace's big reveal and Bella punching him in the nose were the only remotely interesting things that had happened. But for him, his life had been turned upside down a number of times.


friday 4th september
nate's house

Everybody seemed to be in agreement about moving on from this bar, and Ellie smiled, fixing the skirt of her dress a little. She was aware of several pairs of eyes staring at her, but chose not to acknowledge them. Had she been out by herself, it would have been a different story, but not tonight. It wouldn't be fair to ditch the others, and it just felt a bit weird hooking up with somebody while Nate was there. And besides, that wasn't her goal for the night. Her goal was to get as drunk as possible, if she was honest.

She downed the rest of her drink and put the glass down on the bar as Jamie commented on the week's drama. "I dunno, it was nice to have something to talk about other than just the summer. You know me, I like a bit of gossip. Oh, Nate, is Karma's glam rock night tonight or tomorrow night? I know we're not dressed for it, but hey, good music!"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Ellie Wallace Character Portrait: Nate Carlile
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Friday 4th September – 6:30 PM – Club – Outfit

Mood: Surprised - Chilled- Nervous
Listening To: Pink Floyd
With: Jamie
Bella laughed a little at his comment and seemed to almost lose her mouthful of Vodka and coke but she whipped around to face her back to them and took a moment to compose herself, thankfully without any spillage or excessive embarrassment. The word 'drama' had brought back the image of Jace's face when her fist had just hit the bridge of his nose and the shock had finally sunk in. She shook her head and grinned at them a little rolling her eyes but she shrugged off the thought.

"You know what, it'll be fine because I really don't think anyone's going to try and fuck with any of us, after what happened to Jace's face- I don't think anyone is dumb enough at that school to try it- to be honest, I think it'll be pretty boring because Jace will be withering in his pit of broken ego bones and yeah, he's the only one that really starts any of the big dramas well and me but I don't try to.." She rambled sheepishly running a hand through her hair with a small smirk. She finished the rest of her drink as Ellie started talking about some Karma Glam Rock Night? It meant nothing to her so she didn't bother to comment on it. She just put her glass down on the bar and brushed her hair from her face focusing on nothing for the moment.

Friday 4th September 6:30 PM– Club – Outfit

Mood: Chilled – Light - Content – Upbeat
Listening To: Way Away - Yellowcard
With: Ellie
Nate had been quiet for a few moments, he'd noticed the attention on Ellie long before she had was trying not to let himself act over protectively but she was his best friend and it was kind of hard not to want to tell them to back the fuck up but nothing happened so he brushed it off his shoulder and snapped back into the zone of the conversation when Ellie said his name and his gaze flickered over to her and a grin flashed up as quickly as his eyes did.

"I can honestly say I don't have a clue El, we can always go check though there's plenty of other clubs that side of the town anyway as a plan B," He suggested shrugging his shoulders casually as usual barely knowing what he was talking about.

He rolled his eyes at Ellie chugging her drink but he decided to let her get a head of the game because his competitive side really didn't want to lose any of the bets tonight so he just chuckled a little and took a calm sip of his own drink and relaxed against the bar.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Ellie Wallace Character Portrait: Nate Carlile
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friday 4th september
at home

Ellie started talking about some theme night in one of the clubs, and Jamie found himself zoning out. He hadn't been on a night out in ages, ever since he'd started avoiding Bella. He was completely out of the loop- not that he'd ever really been in the loop anyway. He just went where the others did and made sure nobody got hurt- that was his job. But not tonight. Ellie and Nate could look after themselves- he didn't need the stress of trying to stop them from doing something stupid. And Bella had proven long ago that she could look after herself as well.

He finished his drink and left the glass down on the bar as Nate gave some vague answer to Ellie's question. Even when Nate wasn't stoned, he still was a little. Jamie made a point of avoiding anything stronger than alcohol, knowing that he was more prone to addiction than the others. Even alcohol was bad enough for him, but it had to be dealt with.

"Well, Nate, you're already falling behind on the drinks," he remarked, smirking at him.


friday 4th september
nate's house

Ellie rolled her eyes, but grinned anyway. Of course Nate wouldn't know what was happening where. He wasn't exactly the brightest crayon in the box, but that wasn't why she was his friend.

Her grin changed to a smirk as Jamie remarked on how slow Nate was finishing his drink. "Trying the old hare and the tortoise trick?" She remarked, hopping down from the barstool and tugging on the back of her skirt to make sure it hadn't risen up. For a moment, she was disorientated with the extra height her heels lent her, but she quickly adapted to it. "C'mon, slow poke, we're not out for a casual drink and game of cards. Or, well, maybe you are, but I'm not," she said, winking at him.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Ellie Wallace Character Portrait: Nate Carlile
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Friday 4th September – 6:30 PM – Club – Outfit

Mood: Surprised - Chilled- Nervous
Listening To: Pink Floyd
With: Jamie
Bella listened to them all with a slight laugh as she leaned back watching them all pick on Nate a bit- it was typical of them, Nate often drew the short straw out of them all simply because he was the only one who'd shrug it off but also because he was the slowest and you were more likely to get an entertaining reaction to but there was also the factor that Nate gave people more reasons to wind him up than anybody else with his 'stonerism' as he'd once called it and inability to comprehend anything himself without guidance from Ellie or his Mother but Bella didn't join in or make a comment, she kind of commended him for drinking slow anyway so she left it be even though the others didn't.

She smiled at them all running a hand through her delicately and distractedly twirling it around her a finger till it almost formed a dread then she let go and it sprung free into it's usual slightly waved lock. She ran a black nail over the top of her nose trying to brush off an irritating itch but she seemed to focus on them again afterwards but she still didn't comment, she was just taking in the scene for a minute there was so many people she wasn't quite sure what to do- she was used to the Club but it was especially busy this evening from what she could tell and even Bella found it not intimidating but obvious whilst she was turning her gaze over the environment.

Friday 4th September 6:30 PM– Club – Outfit

Mood: Chilled – Light - Content – Upbeat
Listening To: Way Away - Yellowcard
With: Ellie
"Ellie, do I look like a bloody turtle to you? That didn't even make sense. You guys have only had one, I'm not that far behind anyway," He scoffed deciding to chug the last of his drink to prove a point and then he looked at them all and offered a sarcastic smirk but his eye twitched as a give away he was either a, slightly taken a back by the sting of his drink or b, trying especially hard not to laugh or smile and knowing Nate it probably wasn't the latter.

He looked at Ellie and rolled his eyes defensively. "Not casual, tactful," He insisted pointing at them both to reiterate his point. "Tactical," He added as if he was speaking the wise words of a genius and he deserved the upmost respect and admiration from his peers but it was Nathaniel and the only words of wisdom he'd ever speak is life advice because for someone with so little a social life or work and school life- he was very good at life advice, that's all you could really say in terms of his intelligence and 'wisdom' though.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Ellie Wallace Character Portrait: Nate Carlile
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friday 4th september

Jamie had noticed how quiet and almost distracted Bella was. He gave her a nudge and smiled at her. "You okay?" He asked quietly as Ellie and Nate continued their usual banter. She'd had a rough week, just like him, and knew that this was an excuse for her to get it out of her system- much like him. Sometimes, he felt horrible for not letting her stay with him, but it just wasn't an option. His bad days just outnumbered his good days by far too much. The only reason he had the energy and the will to go out was due to the 16+ hours sleep he'd had that day. He'd probably need to sleep for as long again tomorrow and the day after to make up for it.


friday 4th september

Ellie raised an eyebrow as Nate asked if he looked like a turtle, deliberately choosing not to comment. Of course he didn't look like a turtle, but Ellie could never resist a tease. He succumbed to their teasing at his slowness by emptying his glass in one, and she smirked at him, brushing down her skirt.

"C'mon, then, Mr 'tactical', let's go somewhere we can cause some real trouble," she said, retrieving her purse from her bag. "I'm dying for a bit of fun- this place is just loud," she said, shrugging a little and grinning at the others. She was genuinely dying for a bit of real drama and a place where they could actually dance. Here, she couldn't even do dodgy dad dancing.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Ellie Wallace Character Portrait: Nate Carlile
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Friday 4th September – 6:30 PM – Club – Outfit

Mood: Surprised - Chilled- Nervous
Listening To: Pink Floyd
With: Jamie
She looked up at him and nodded gently. "Yeah, I just couldn't believe how busy it is in here tonight," She told him softly she frowned a little pressing her stomach a little but she brushed it off and tossed her hair down her shoulder and just smiled it off. "It just kinda hurts but I'm fine," She told him gently being totally honest with him because she knew better and she trusted him enough to be truthful regardless, it wasn't too board but there was a harrowing ache in her stomach it'd been there since her release and the original medication wore off but she felt it more for standing and being on her feet. It wasn't bothering her more than the hyperactivity of the club though it was just something on her mind to some degree.

She stood straight, rolling her shoulders back and standing tall she played everything off as very calm and fun which to be fair was true, she was genuinely enjoying herself but she was still Bella and she had a way of being in several places at once when it came to her thoughts and emotions and feeling the pain in her stomach had remained her she'd have gone to home eventually and she couldn't hide from her forever but took a deep breath and let herself forget about it. She had a whole evening to live yet- she wasn't going to spoil it with her stupid little fear.

As Ellie and Nate rounded off their conversation she turned her head over to the bar and she waved over the bar tender and settled the bill- she didn't mind getting the first round in, they could rotate it anyway if anybody was that bothered by it. The bar tender recognised her employee discount and she paid the rest in the cash and then she turned to the others; "I promise Jamie a drink, so I might as well have got you both one two," She explained with a gentle and genuine smile. "We moving on?" She asked them all communally.

Friday 4th September 6:30 PM– Club – Outfit

Mood: Chilled – Light - Content – Upbeat
Listening To: Way Away - Yellowcard
With: Ellie
"Okay, let's go then," He told her dramatically, rolling his eyes at how desperate she seemed tog et into some kind of trouble but he wasn't in the slightest surprised or bothered by it, he knew Ellie and he was very similar in many ways so he wouldn't bother her for it, in fact he only embraced the opportunity to get outside and have a quick blunt before they went inside another club. When Bella explained about the drinks he thanked her politely as he'd been raised too and grinned at them all; "I'll get the next one in then when we get there," He offered. "I suppose I owe you guys one for dragging you all out here," He shrugged casually as they started gathering themselves to leave and go out to the next venue.

Nate was incredibly chilled out and easy going compared to the others, he didn't have a care in the world other than his family and friends- there wasn't anything else that had any genuine worth to him so he'd always found it ridiculously easy to chill out and let his hair down as so to speak, he never really had anything serious of his mind so you could always see that in his character and it was as obvious now as it always had been as he excitedly chatted away about making plans for the night and where they should and shouldn't go.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Ellie Wallace Character Portrait: Nate Carlile
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friday 4th september

Her honesty with him about the pain was relieving- he didn't want her to be in bad pain and not tell them. Even just for her to admit to some pain was more than usual. He nodded, but she seemed to brush off her reverie. She paid for their drinks, and he straightened up, brushing himself down. "Thanks, Bella," he said, grinning at her.

"Yeah, let's get going. We should get in ahead of the real crowds if we go now," he said, before starting into the crowd, pulling Bella behind him. It was still pretty early, but it was starting to get busy, and everywhere else would be too. As they got down to the street, he looked around for Ellie and Jace. "So, where're we going from here?" He asked.


friday 4th september

Ellie chimed in with her thanks as everyone else did. She'd never say no to a free drink- the only free thing she would say no to was drugs. She'd learned her lesson from that. Jamie and Bella plunged into the crowd, and Ellie rolled her eyes. "Honestly, they're like newlyweds," she remarked to Nate, before starting after them. She'd always been good at making her way through crowds. People just moved for her, and she was an expert at finding gaps. She made it out slightly before Nate, catching up to Bella and Jamie.

"I want to check Karma out, anyway. Even if it's not Glam Rock night, the music there's not bad. I want to minimise my exposure to that dance shit as much as possible," she said.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Ellie Wallace Character Portrait: Nate Carlile
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Friday 4th September – 6:30 PM – Club – Outfit

Mood: Surprised - Chilled- Nervous
Listening To: Pink Floyd
With: Jamie
Bella smiled up at Jamie and cautiously followed him through the crowd, she couldn't say that the atmosphere really appealed to her much when it was this busy she wasn't much of a clubber either- she always went to school parties but if it was up to Bella, she'd rather call up her small number of friends and go camping for a weekend to get pissed rather than go clubbing, it just didn't always appeal to her but she enjoyed it, just only to an extent but she needed the drink so.

Outside, she stood close next to Jamie before looking behind her for Ellie and Nate and she noted they were just behind her and was then completely calm. "I'm cool with that, it's normally a bit quieter down there as well too," She commented casually brushing her hair out of her face with one hand as she spoke.

Friday 4th September 6:30 PM– Club – Outfit

Mood: Chilled – Light - Content – Upbeat
Listening To: Way Away - Yellowcard
With: Ellie
Nate rolled his eyes at Ellie's comment and looked down at her. "Hey come on, leave 'em be. They're just looking out for each other, I'd do the same for you," He reminded her softly before following her through the crowd till they were all gathered outside the club and chatting away about the next one. Now they were outside again, he took up the opportunity to get the urge to smoke over and done with. "Sorry El, I've been gagging for it to be honest," He remarked quietly before he removed the tin from his pocket and expertly rolled himself a blunt whilst they were all talking about checking out a club called Karma, he nodded in agreement as he held the joint before his lips and cupped the tip with his hands in order to get a spark out of his lighter and light it up. He respectfully stood a few steps back from the others so they weren't exposed to smoke or anything on his part- he didn't really think it was harmful what came out of the joint, he knew the facts about it but he figured it was probably courteous to just take that precaution.

See although he was a dopehead or a dumpweed, a pot head or any other stupid name you wanted to put it on it he was incredibly understanding about the fact it wasn't everybody's choice or something they agreed with. Sure he knew Bella smoked it quite casually and regularly but he didn't know about Jamie and he knew Ellie wasn't really into it so he didn't want to offend anyone so he just made sure of that by one, apologising for the action and two standing back a bit. He thought that was the acceptable thing to do.

He took a drag and then spoke.

"YEah, I'm totally up for Karma if you guys want to," He shrugged contently.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Ellie Wallace Character Portrait: Nate Carlile
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friday 4th september

Jamie nodded at Ellie's suggestion of Karma. Karma was a more alternative club, usually preferring rock over dance. He'd been there for some of their metal nights, and they were always insane- in the best way possible. "Sounds like we're going to Karma, then!" He said as Nate lit up. While he didn't smoke himself, he wasn't one to judge. After all, Bella smoked weed occasionally. They'd all tried it in their time- but shortly afterwards, Jamie had discovered that addictive tendencies could be genetic, and had decided against smoking again.

"Let's go, we want to get in before everyone else makes the same decision," he said. Karma was usually better when there was more people, but getting in at that point was the problem. So it was better to be there early and just wait for it to get busy.


friday 4th september

Ellie rolled her eyes at Nate lighting up. She knew that it was probably a little hypocritical of her- after all, she'd done just about everything in her time, and she was sure the others could remember that time. But she'd blamed her getting clean on a health scare- which wasn't a lie.

"And then you wonder why you're such an airhead," she called to him jokingly. "I quit and now look at me. Fully functioning member of society," she said, gesturing to herself, before laughing. She slung an arm around Bella's shoulders. "C'mon, your boyfriend's right. We want to actually get in!" She said, grinning at the other girl as she started to pull her along, towards Karma.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Ellie Wallace Character Portrait: Nate Carlile
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0.00 INK

Friday 4th September – 6:30 PM – Club – Outfit

Mood: Surprised - Chilled- Nervous
Listening To: Pink Floyd
With: Jamie
Bella had been to Karma so after Ellie's sly comment and not being sure how to respond, she ducked her head and started walking- her lips clamped shut and with Ellie draped over her shoulder. She didn't even tell her to shut up or fuck off, she just kept her mouth tightly closed and started walking ahead towards Karma rolling her eyes at Nate's dramatics and after a while saying; "You know what, I think I've heard that story before and I'm not sure I want to see a repeat,"

She brushed off the skirt of her red swing dress and pulled on her jacket so it clung onto her a bit more tightly to hold on to some warmth whilst they walked the evening street towards Karma before turning her focus onto making sure she went the right way and didn't get lost somewhere along the lines.

Friday 4th September 6:30 PM– Club – Outfit

Mood: Chilled – Light - Content – Upbeat
Listening To: Way Away - Yellowcard
With: Ellie
Nate scoffed at Ellie rolling her eyes at him and teasing him about smoking and he sighed softly exhaling as he looked at her laughing a little. "Ellie, I'm an airhead because I'm thick not because I smoke weed. That creepy exchange student kid smokes more than I do I swear to god and he's straight A's so I argue you hypothesis strongly," He told her dramatically, smirking a little in amusement when she made a comment at Bella and he sighed chuckling slightly, half surprised Bella didn't swing for her but what made the moment even funnier was the confusion, shock and hesitation on Bella's face when she was trying to judge how to react and she'd turned her head to the side slightly instinctively and opened her mouth than shut it again and Nate just couldn't believe it- someone had actually shut Bella up.

"Right- come on, I want to get to Karma and ASAP because queues piss me off and I'll end up arguing with someone random guy like last time we got stuck outside in a non-smoking area for an hour and half," He said looking over at Ellie to see if he got the reference, the last time they'd gone out they'd queued up for this alternative rock gig and they'd been so exited about it they queued for hours to get at the front and Nate got all agitated because he couldn't move, walk fidget, eccentrically dramatize his speech, sing, skateboard or smoke (most importantly, smoke) for several hours and had taken to using pick up lines on random people to try and get a reaction but he learnt his lesson quickly when he started getting squared up to by older men for 'hitting on their girlfriends'- Nate had only been messing around and joking but some people were just too sensitive, well that's what he argued at least.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Ellie Wallace Character Portrait: Nate Carlile
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friday 4th september

It wasn't uncommon for Jamie not to retaliate after a comment like Ellie's- but it was highly unlike Bella not to respond. Even Ellie looked surprised at being able to get away with that. Jamie couldn't read Bella's face exactly, but knew that they'd need to have a chat about the whole thing. She didn't seem herself. She wasn't even pretending to be herself. Bella was usually a big enough personality to contend with Ellie and Nate on a night out- but not tonight.

"I think we've all heard that story several times by now, Nate," Jamie teased as they reached Karma. There was a queue, but it seemed to be being caused by a drunk arguing with one of the bouncers. He leaned against the wall. "Either we're not the only one not in fancy dress, or glam rock night is tomorrow night, Ellie," he remarked.


friday 4th september

Ellie rolled her eyes yet again in response to Nate. At least a quarter of their conversations seemed to result in her rolling her eyes. She laughed at his story. He'd nearly gotten punched in the jaw more than once on that particular occasion- but it had been worth dragging him along so early, and having to deal with him being unable to sit- or, rather, stand- still. They'd gotten front row and it had been an amazing show.

"I need to bring you to more gigs, Nate, that way you'll have more stories to tell." She remarked as they reached Karma. There was generally so many gigs she wanted to go to, but for whatever reason, nobody would go with her or she couldn't go. But if she had an excuse to drag Nate along, she'd be going to every single concert possible.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Ellie Wallace Character Portrait: Nate Carlile
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0.00 INK

Friday 4th September – 6:30 PM – Club – Outfit

Mood: Surprised - Chilled- Nervous
Listening To: Pink Floyd
With: Jamie
Bella couldn't bring herself to look up at Jamie after Ellie's comment, it was too awkward but she closed her eyes for a moment whilst no one was looking and she took in a long deep breath and let it go, bring some kind of calamity for herself for a split second and she smiled, she forced herself to smile through it till the creases in her cheeks felt achy enough to convince herself it was genuine. Then she brushed a hair off of her forehead that had been stuck there by the wind and let it go. What was the point in retaliating to Ellie? She wouldn't be able to convince them otherwise and even Jamie knew about it for god's sake now- or did he? She'd been trying to say so when they spoke at his house but she could admit she hadn't been particularly clear about it but she shook the thought away and made a game plan for the evening;
1. Get inside Karma, get a shot down so she could chill out a bit.
2. Dance because as uptight as Bella could be, she always loved to dance ever since she was a child it'd been her thing to go to dance classes and do the recitals everywhere, she didn't even limit herself to a genre or style- to her it was all down to the music and the mood, everything else was purely spontaneous.
That was her game plan and she figured with any luck, it'd get her through the night without tears, pain, trouble or embarrassment. The other part of her plan was to avoid getting too wasted, she'd only say or do something regrettable if she did.

To her joy, the queue this early in the night was only twenty maybe twenty-five people long and they were getting let in seemingly quite quickly so she walked over to the back of the queue and patiently waited. She had a fake ID in her bag but she doubted she'd need it, no body usually checked her for the ID not on this side of town, she was fairly well known by the locals and was always given an easy slide. She was that one friend who could basically get you in anywhere and then get you served too. She considered it to be one of her few talents.

Friday 4th September 6:30 PM– Club – Outfit

Mood: Chilled – Light - Content – Upbeat
Listening To: Way Away - Yellowcard
With: Ellie
Nate grinned at Jamie and Bella sheepishly at their comments shrugging his shoulders in admittance and acceptance of his guilt. He was an absolute liability a lot of the time no one could argue against that not with all the stories, you only had to utter the word 'Nate' in the common room and somebody would laugh before announcing a 'remember when' story about him- Nate didn't even understand how the stories spread so much, he didn't even really have any other friends other than Ellie. There was a couple of guys from his old school that he got on alright with and would go smoke with but no one he really bothered telling his stories too but maybe it was those few friends he did have who told other people? He didn't know but he didn't care either, he didn't really give a toss about what people said or thought about him. He was just completely laid back about absolutely everything- maybe that's why people walked over him so much a lot of the time. He didn't even want to think about his dating history, the outcomes were incredibly cringe worthy and embarrassing on Nate's part.

When he looked at the queue, to him it looked completely infinite and he groaned in despair as they joined the line and he patted his pockets down to find his phone and then he pulled it out and started playing 'Space Invaders' with the sound on. He wouldn't be able to stand in a queue for even a few minutes so he didn't even try and stand through it. He just wouldn't cope, he sometimes wandered if he had ADHD or something else similar related to hyperactivity because he didn't stop moving, fidgeting or talking- he didn't sleep much either, just tended to play games through the night and then get up and go to school and fidget all day. He pondered over that for a while but eventually lost his trial thought to the game. "Ellie, how long will the queue take?" He asked childishly as he looked up at her for a split second. "Longer than 15 and I'll actually lose the will,"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Ellie Wallace Character Portrait: Nate Carlile
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friday 4th september

The queue was moving quickly enough now, and Jamie shoved away from the wall to stand upright. Nate was already getting impatient, and Jamie was suddenly glad that he wasn't anxious. The noise of people talking would have been bad enough for him, but the chirping from Nate's phone would have driven him mad, and he surely would have given himself away. But now it was just irritating as opposed to overwhelming. He patted his pockets, checking he had his ID.

Bella was the only one of them underage, but she was also perhaps the least likely to be checked. Jamie was a year older than her, but he was frequently checked when she wasn't. It was Bella's natural confidence- which, while perhaps a little diminished, was still present. She probably wasn't going to get checked, but any of the rest of them could.


friday 4th september

It didn't take long for Nate to get impatient, despite the fact that the queue was moving quicker than usual. The bleeping of his phone just grew steadily more annoying, but she bit her tongue. She'd given out to Nate enough- if she kept giving out, he'd get annoyed with her, and she didn't want to push away the only friend she really had.

That said, when he started asking about the time, she couldn't bite her tongue any longer. "Jesus, Nate, I thought weed was supposed to relax you? We won't be too long, just look how quickly we're moving already," she said, keeping her tone relaxed to limit the amount of snappiness in it. She wasn't trying to be mean- but he was starting to get a little irritating, and she hadn't had enough alcohol to deal with it completely yet.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Ellie Wallace Character Portrait: Nate Carlile
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0.00 INK

Friday 4th September – 6:30 PM – Club – Outfit

Mood: Surprised - Chilled- Nervous
Listening To: Pink Floyd
With: Jamie
Bella looked at Nate and Ellie laughing gently at their exchange. "Nate just turn the volume off and do us all a favour." She suggested softly, the noises from his phone or questions didn't really bother her much but it did remind her of a step-brother which hit an incredibly raw nerve. How could Paul run off like that and leave her behind with the bitch he married? She still didn't understand so she took a breath and shook her head as the phsyical movement would mentally brush everything away and gst rid od it. She kind of hoped it would but regardless she knew better. She found that she kept playing with her hair everytime she thought too deeply so she made a conscious effort to stop but she still couldn't bring herself to look up at Jamie and face the music as one might say. She'd talk to him properly later, she knew she would- she was always good at talking about things and making the hard conversations happen and then making them easier but this one scared her more than it should have because Jamie was all she really had left anymore and if he ditched her know like he probably should have done long ago then, she was screwed really because as far as she clould see that would hurt mode than anything else.

She drummed her nail against a bar that ran a long the queue besides them and drummed a four bar beat to amuse herself then stopped and didn't bother doing anything else. She listened to Nate and Ellie for a while but found herself completely zoning out from it all.

Friday 4th September 6:30 PM– Club – Outfit

Mood: Chilled – Light - Content – Upbeat
Listening To: Way Away - Yellowcard
With: Ellie
Nate looked up at Ellie apologetically. He didn't mean or intend to wind anyone up, especially not Ellie considering she was by far the best friend he'd ever had at school but it was just in his nature to be out of it a lot of the time and just generally quite difficult. It was weird because although his exterior and the character he projected about himself was always incredibly childish and immature, when it mattered he could be the most mature and practical person on there planet- you just had to get through him to first. He cares a lot about hi and family, he just wasn't the best at showing adult behaviours in every day moments.

"Sorry Ellie I didnt mean to piss you of, I dont know you know me," He sighed softly in a genuine manner. Spotting thew bouncer, he was quick to finish his joint but very careful then he stamped it out as to make sure it was not atill burning after he discarded it. Then he checked his wallet for his ID and relaxed a litfle. "You know, air head, dip shit and that. I didn't mean anything," He mumbled quietly genuinely feeling quite bad for getting on her nerves, that was the other thing with Nate he cared to the point even the dsmallest things mattered and they genuinely bothered him to the point of feeling guilty. So he set his phone back in his pocket and inside the pocket of his jacket he fiddled with an elastic band. He always wore on his wrist, it kind of helped him focus in classes if he had something to fiddle with or fidget about with so he had a massive stock of elastic bands in his school bag, desk drawer, coat pockets and always one on his wrist. It was just one of his things.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Ellie Wallace Character Portrait: Nate Carlile
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friday 4th september

Jamie raised his eyebrows as Ellie snapped at Nate. Usually, the two were like peas in a pod, and even for Ellie, the snapping was a little harsh. He rolled his eyes as Nate started to apologise, approaching the bouncer. He wasn't entirely surprised when he was asked for ID, but the card barely got more than a cursory glance. The club was exactly has he had been expecting- busy, but not packed. Glancing over his shoulder to make sure the others were following, he headed straight for the bar, receiving a nod from the bartender. He'd been here enough to be friendly with most of them, and one of them working that night played in a band that Jamie's band frequently played shows with.

That particular guy beckoned Jamie over. As Jamie went over to him, the bartender leaned over the counter to yell in his ear. "The band's keyboard player bailed on them, feel like filling in?" Jamie nodded, glad of the chance to play some music. The bartender nodded. "Awesome. They're backstage, go have a chat with them."

Before he went backstage, though, he found the others. "I'm playing with the band, they need keyboards. Don't leave without me," he told them, before heading back.


friday 4th september

Ellie sighed as Nate started apologising. She immediately felt bad- she hadn't meant to be so mean, but he'd really started to get on her nerves. "It's fine, Nate, seriously. I just lost my temper, I'm sorry. Oh, look, we're here," she said. She showed her ID to the bouncer, flashing him a grin. She grabbed Nate's hand and pulled him towards the bar. "C'mon, shots!" She yelled, climbing onto a stool. She nodded briefly as Jamie told them where he was going, then turned to the bartender herself and told him their intentions. She turned around to face Nate with a grin and an eyebrow raised. "You ready?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Ellie Wallace Character Portrait: Nate Carlile
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0.00 INK

Friday 4th September – 6:30 PM – Club – Outfit

Mood: Surprised - Chilled- Nervous
Listening To: Pink Floyd
With: Jamie
Bella got in without question, she made it look effortless she flashed her brilliant white smile and passed a quick greeting before waltzing through the door after Jamie starting to pick up her mood a bit. She needed this to be a good night so she did her best to make it one. Once they were inside she took of her jacket and tied it around her waist with a double knot so she wouldn't lose it. At the bar she listened to Jamie and the staff and grinned brightly when Jamie explained he was going to go play with the band. "Nice," She laughed. "Have fun," She chimed before he made his way off backstage, she joined Ellie and Nate as she waited at the bar to get served. She was happy for Jamie, she knew what music meant to him and if she was honest she loved him seeing him play.

At Ellie's enthusiasm she grinned widely at the pair. She'd turned a blind eye to their small quarrel firstly because she didn't particular care, it wasn't anything serious or a big deal and secondly because they'd already moved on and were seemingly ready to get a bit more serious about their drinking.

When Ellie suggested shots to Nate, Bella swung over to their sides and laughed gently. "Count me in!" She chirped casually.

She knew it was kind of their own personal game but Bella was desperate to get herself drunk as quickly as possible so it's numb the thoughts in her mind, her stomach and the ever growing anxiety of being around Jamie knowing he knows but not even knowing because it was an assumption. She sighed softly- she definitely needed a drink. The bar tender lined their shots on the side and she spread them out passing them down the bar one to Nate, one to Ellie and the last to herself.

Friday 4th September 6:30 PM– Club – Outfit

Mood: Chilled – Light - Content – Upbeat
Listening To: Way Away - Yellowcard
With: Ellie
"Ellie it's cool, I was winding you up if was fair. Don't even bother apologising. Let's just go get drunk qui? Qui!" He replied in his usual laid back manner, as a person Nate was pretty hard to offend you kind of always had to go for one of two things if you wanted to really bother him, his Mother, his dog or Ellie. Those were the only three things he honestly cared about so Ellie asking him to shut up was far from a big deal to him.

"Yes shots," He agreed as they reached the bar and he grinned at Jamie as he announced his departure and promised they wouldn't leave without him and then turned his attention to the pressing matter of ruining his soberity.

As the shots were lined up in front of them he looked at down the bar at Ellie and Bella.

"On three?" He suggested with a quirked grin.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Ellie Wallace Character Portrait: Nate Carlile
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friday 4th september

"Don't suppose you're a keyboard player?" One of the guys in the dressing room said desperately as he walked in. "By chance, I am. The bartender asked me if I'd fill in," Jamie replied. They all cheered, and one, whose constant tapping on every surface within reach gave him away as the drummer, yelled, "PRAISE THE LORD!" It was an oddly familiar scene- there'd been once or twice where he'd been running late for a show and the others had started to worry that he wasn't going to turn up. But when he arrived, equipment in tow, there was always the same reception. He instinctively laughed, all inhibitions gone. They weren't being hostile- they were just glad to have somebody who could cover for them. And that was one of his favourite things about playing music- the sense of comradery it brought and the friends it was so easy to make.

"Alright, what've you got? What music can you play?" They started to quiz him about his music, before hauling out the keyboard and getting him to play something. They seemed happy enough, and they all sat down to start discussing the set list. A few changes had to be made- Jamie was good, but he couldn't learn the words and the music for a song in the short amount of space they had.


[font=garamond]friday 4th september

[justify]When Bella said that she was going to join in, Ellie simply shrugged and said, "The more the merrier!" If Bella wanted to get drunk, she wasn't going to stop her. After all, that was why they were all there. With the exception of Jamie- he'd gone off to play some music.

Ellie nod at Nate's suggestion. "Three, two, one!" She counted, before pouring the first shot down her throat. It burned, but she didn't give herself time to dwell on it before taking the next one- and the next one, and the next one... It was definitely a better alternative to taking drugs. There were no needles or needle marks to cover up, no hygiene precautions, no risk of anything dodgy like there was with heroin- that and it was probably less destructive. But when it came to Ellie, that wasn't always a good thing.

She finished the last of her shots and shook her head, already starting to feel the effects. "Wow, that was some good shit," she remarked, laughing and looking down at the others.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Ellie Wallace Character Portrait: Nate Carlile
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0.00 INK

Friday 4th September – 6:30 PM – Club – Outfit

Mood: Surprised - Chilled- Nervous
Listening To: Pink Floyd
With: Jamie
[/font][font=Garamond]Bella knocked her shot back like it was water and set the glass down afterwards with a small smile of relief, the scolding sensation on her throat was a pleasant one but more importantly it was numbing and it kind of took the edge off of everything else but that was the whole point of alcohol really. It was a getaway, an escape route but only a temporary one of course but temporary was all she really needed, just to get her through the night and then she could go out and crash out on her bed before her Mother even had a chance to shout. That was her plan at least.
"Though the best laid schemes of mice and men often go awry" She muttered to herself a soft frown perking on her lips for a second but it later disappeared and she turned to the two members of company besides her and faked a smile with a forced burst of energy.

"It was indeed," She agreed struggling to make a laugh pass her lips. She was kind of worried now she was actually out here- would she get done for going out when she got home? Would her Mother kick off? It made her feel sick so she bit her lip for a moment until she could focus more accurately on the ongoing conversation. She almost wished Jamie was still around now but she didn't want to wish his happiness and time away, music made him happy and consequently it had a positive effect on her too so she didn't entertain the thought. [/ font]