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Nate Carlile

"I am the passenger,"

0 · 2,136 views · located in Booth Lane College

a character in “Skins: Secrets Out”, as played by LivyGrey



Sarcastic || Entertaining || Trusting || Positive || Shy

[ The Passenger || Iggy Pop ]

"I am the passenger, I stay under glass
I look through my window so bright
I see the stars come out tonight
I see the bright and hollow sky
Over the city's ripped backsides
And everything looks good tonight"

Full Name: Nathan Carlile

Nicknames: Nate ( Everyone )

Age: 18

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Occupation: Student | Waiter | Mechanic

Religion: Agnostic (Learning towards theist)

Heritage: English

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Birth Day: 7th August

Birth Sign: Leo

Languages: English

School Year: 12


Compassionate || Caring || Difficult || Immature || Flirty

[ Heroes || David Bowie ]

"We could be heroes, for just one day,"

Family Members: Nate lost his family as a child, he only knew them in the years up until he turned 10. A car crash on route to his Birthday party stole the life of his brother, sister, mother and father. Nate only survived because he'd been sat in the middle seat of the back with nothing to fall into. He hasn't coped with this loss very easily but has recently pulled himself together.
Academic Career: An unsuccessful student, Nate has an arrange of D-C grades and the rest are all fails. He was very unsuccessful at GCSE and is expected to achieve all zilch at college on his A-Level courses. Nate though very charming, literate and thoughtful- he isn't a natural academic, so school was always a trouble for him but he achieved an A grade in English and has since taken multiple engineering, electronic, mechanics and computing courses and is quickly growing a reputation for his skills.
Future Plans: He's a hopeless romantic and dreams of finding someone to share his time with but career path wise, he isn't overly ambitious or wondering. He just wants to work in metal works, something that takes tinkering and something he can take pride in. Otherwise, he isn't that fussed.
Personality: Nate is a sociable guy, he likes meeting new people, making partying, hanging out and even just chilling around school but that doesn't take away from his naturally quite timid character though the truth of his lack of confidence is for the best part unknown to most because he glosses over it by naturally being quite charming and outing out the norm to reinforce this idea of him being confident and self assured because he tries to hide from people he isn't. Nate is really just somebody who wants to have fun, growing up in a very fortunate, financially secure family- he has little reason to worry about finding immediate work, getting into University or even with how he'd afford to go out on the weekend, it's all there for him. He probably won't even need to worry in the future, he's supported by an influential and powerful family so one of his short comings is that he doesn't always understand the need to work hard and be independent or why people can't come hang out with him every single weekend but he tries to acknowledge this flaw by being really generous and offering to give up things all the time and go out and do cheaper things than clubbing for example he'll always pay fuel money if he's given a lift and he'll buy the first round of drinks or the booze for a party, or pay the taxi- it's the little things behind the scenes that he tries to cover as much as possible because he does often find himself feeling guilty that he's in so much easier a position than the others but despite this he's a good listener and he'll let you talk about anything- he never judges, he's been told terrible things but he doesn't hold people to it, he has the morals of a saint except for marijuana he's record is clean but what rich boy doesn't dapple in drugs? He's a good person but he's incredibly protective and this can often drag him into unfortunate circumstances like fist fights or in people's bad books but he'll never let anyone walk alone. He could see someone who gave him hell alone on a park bench in town and he'd sit next to them, ask them what was up and if he could help- he just would and no body has ever been able to deny that. He may be naïve but he makes up for it in compassion and a golden heart.
Fears: Loss | Loneliness | Birds | Death | Snakes | Acid Rain | Confined Spaces
Quirks: He plays with his hair a lot and is prone to rubbing the back of his neck, twiddling his thumbs, biting his lip and swearing when he's nervous. He also accidentally sticks his pinkie finger when he's holding a glass. He's also massively known for raising his eye brow a lot and his friends insist he can raise his eyebrow in a million different ways but he doesn't see it.
Hobbies: Sports, he plays every game under the sun and at the most of them- he's naturally pretty good. He's also known to spend a lot of building and tinkering with cars and mechanics, it's expected he'll dive in to the luxury car industry very soon. He's sizing up courses and universities from all over the world to study his options in more depth.
Passions: Cars
Bad Habits: Swearing | Marijuana | Staying Out Late | Too Honest?
Guilty Pleasures: 80s movies
Likes: Cars | Sports | 80s Movies | Dogs & Cats | College | Friends | Gigs | Smoking | Joking Around | Pranks | Romance- He's a complete sucker, all or nothing kind of guy | Girls who aren't afraid to stand out | Looking after people | Talking | Listening | Easter | New Year's Eve | Carbonara | Caramel Lattes | Norway
Dislikes: Fighting | Reading | Academics | Being Alone | Supermarkets | Red Wine | Sitting Still | Confrontational Characters | Bullying | Marginalization | Depersonalization | Zoos, Safari Parks & Aquariums | Seeing people upset/alone | Letting people down | Action movies | Caroline Flack | Tea | Coca-Cola | France | England | Reptiles | Eating fish


Head Strong|| Misguided || Lonely || Dependent || Adventurous

[ Bitter Sweet Symphony || The Verve ]

"I'm the son of rage and love,
The Jesus of Suburbia,"

Face Claim : Chance Crawford

Height: 6,2

Weight / Build : Athletic

Hair Colour: Dirty Blonde

Eye Colour: Blue



Thoughtful || Handy || Charming || Understanding || Deep

[ The Blood || The Cure ]

"Tell me who doesn't love what can never come back?"

History: 2+ paragraphs

So begins...

Nate Carlile's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Ellie Wallace Character Portrait: Nate Carlile
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Friday 4th September – 6:30 PM – Club – Outfit

Mood: Surprised - Chilled- Nervous
Listening To: Pink Floyd
With: Jamie
[/font][font=Garamond]Bella knocked her shot back like it was water and set the glass down afterwards with a small smile of relief, the scolding sensation on her throat was a pleasant one but more importantly it was numbing and it kind of took the edge off of everything else but that was the whole point of alcohol really. It was a getaway, an escape route but only a temporary one of course but temporary was all she really needed, just to get her through the night and then she could go out and crash out on her bed before her Mother even had a chance to shout. That was her plan at least.
"Though the best laid schemes of mice and men often go awry" She muttered to herself a soft frown perking on her lips for a second but it later disappeared and she turned to the two members of company besides her and faked a smile with a forced burst of energy.

"It was indeed," She agreed struggling to make a laugh pass her lips. She was kind of worried now she was actually out here- would she get done for going out when she got home? Would her Mother kick off? It made her feel sick so she bit her lip for a moment until she could focus more accurately on the ongoing conversation. She almost wished Jamie was still around now but she didn't want to wish his happiness and time away, music made him happy and consequently it had a positive effect on her too so she didn't entertain the thought. [/ font]

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Ellie Wallace Character Portrait: Nate Carlile
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Friday 4th September 6:30 PM– Club – Outfit

Mood: Chilled – Light - Content – Upbeat
Listening To: Way Away - Yellowcard
With: Ellie
Nate couldn't keep up with Bella and Ellie after a couple of drinks he slowed down because he could see that Bella and Ellie would go all out and now Jamie was off somewhere he figured someone needed to be a bit more with it so he could look out for them both, he knew what young men on a night out were like- he'd never done anything unreasonable, hell he was one of them technically so he knew what guys were like drunk and it wasn't always a nice thing.

He ordered himself a drink and looked at Bella and Ellie. "Either of you two want a spacer or anything whilst I'm at the bar?" He asked softly. He knew they'd probably decline anything non-alcoholic but he wanted to put the idea out there just to make them think about it really and be wary of their drinking pace but he knew both of them better.

"I might go outside for a joint," Bella mumbled to them and Nate nodded at her. "Well we'll come out with you if you want but I'm done for pot tonight," Nate replied casually, he didn't think much of Bela smoking it wasn't unusual for her- she probably smoked at least five or six every fortnight- far less than Nate did but no body had any expectations of him- he was as thick as a plank of wood so it didn't surprise or disappoint anyone except himself sometimes.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Ellie Wallace Character Portrait: Nate Carlile
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friday 4th september

Ellie glanced at Bella. Something was off about the other girl, and even the alcohol hadn't taken the edge off. She looked over at Nate as he offered them a spacer. Her first instinct was to decline, but she thought better of it. "I'll have a Diet Coke, anyway." Perhaps getting totally pissed so quickly wasn't the best idea.

When Bella said she was going out to have a joint, Ellie jumped at the opportunity. "Nope, no you're not. C'mon, let's dance!" She said, grabbing the other girl's arms and pulling her towards the dancefloor. She wasn't going to allow Bella to mope, and getting stoned was no way to deal with it. She'd tried that and that hadn't worked. "If you want to get stoned after, then I'll go out with you. But first, dancing!" She yelled over the music. She wasn't much of a dancer- usually she just did what everyone else did. But tonight, she broke out the dad dancing moves, determined to make Bella laugh. She knew that she was drawing attention to herself, but she honestly didn't care.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Ellie Wallace Character Portrait: Nate Carlile
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Friday 4th September – 6:30 PM – Club – Outfit

Mood: Surprised - Chilled- Nervous
Listening To: Pink Floyd
With: Jamie
Bella looked at her and opened her mouth to argue but didn't bother. She really wanted to get out and find some breathing space but Ellie overwhelmed her and she just gave up and went with it smiling at her shortly for a moment before sighing and nodded. If there was anything Bella was going to do instead of smoking, it would be dancing. It was her thing at the end of the day. She forced a smile Ellie's way and picked herself up off the bar and followed after her as the other pulled her into the swarm of the people, the claustrophobia made her throat feel kind of tight and her stomach tilted but she coped and sucked it up because she didn't want to ruin Ellie or Nate's night.

"Okay Ellie," She replied loudly before finding a connection to the rhythm and the beat of the music. The band hadn't came in yet and rock music screamed at Bella through the speakers but after some doubt and fear she embraced it. She tossed her hair back out of her head and she moved along confidently to the music. Dancing just came to Bella as naturally as breathing and after a few lyrics she had her arms up and her body was moving, she always felt at home on any kind of stage or dance floor, it was maybe the only place she did feel at home and you could tell. She gave Ellie a small grin and reached over to grab her hand and encourage her into dancing a bit more.

"Come on!" She chimed softly to her. The next track to play was a Royal Blood number that Bella had been obsessed with when it came out. She laughed and embraced the song and for a moment she was kind of managing to forget about all the things she worring about. The pain in her stomach was nauseating but she closed her eyes and tried to forget about it and just focus on coordinating herself. Her hair was everywhere around her, framing her body and chasing her movements. Though it quickly became apparent she was testing her luck because a sudden wave of pain surged through her stomach and she hissed in pain and half doubled over pressing both of her hands flat against her stomach accidentally gritting her teeth. She tried to straighten herself out before Ellie properly noticed what was occurring and she was kind of hoping the lack of light would have been enough to hide her facial expression from the other girl.

Friday 4th September 6:30 PM– Club – Outfit

Mood: Chilled – Light - Content – Upbeat
Listening To: Way Away - Yellowcard
With: Ellie
Nate nodded to Ellie and ordered the drink for her, when the girls went off to dance he said he'd stick around by the bar and hold their seats because he wasn't really feeling like dancing or anything. He didn't really feel up for it and he was a terrible dancer so he decided instead he'd go join then for the band or just generally later on in the evening. He wanted to be able to loo out for them properly and from the bar he could see them and everyone around them too- it made him feel more secure to know Ellie was safe because he felt like she was if he could look out for her properly. So he ordered himself a whiskey to accompany his spacer and made sure to finish his coke before he had anymore booze.

He spoke to the bar tender a little, just enquiring about the music and what time the band were due to come and genuine things but mostly all he did was sit there looking out for Ellie and Bella.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Ellie Wallace Character Portrait: Nate Carlile
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friday 4th september

Everything was set up behind the curtain on the small stage, but some adjustments need to be made. Whoever usually played the piano was shorter than him, so he had to adjust the stand. The curtain was more of a safety precaution than anything- it wasn't like they were some huge band, deserving a huge entrance. It was just so their instruments weren't at risk of being damaged.

Once they were set up, it was just a matter of waiting for the song playing to finish. It was a nervous wait- but not in a bad way. Music was the one thing that never made Jamie anxious. The curtains were drawn back, and they started to play.


friday 4th september

Ellie grinned at Bella. The girl didn't seem to be that uptight about things, so Ellie relaxed a little. After a few seconds, somebody tapped her on the shoulder. It was a man, easily four or five inches taller than her, even in her heels, and definitely a few years older than her.

"Hey, babe. Let's dance," he said, going to grab her waist. He was attractive, but a pretty face wasn't going to excise that. She pushed him away and drew herself up to her full height, allowing her smile to fall from her face. "Excuse me, but I prefer a man who asks before touching," she snapped. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Bella double over. Ellie whirled away from the man and headed for Bella.

"You okay?" She asked. So much was happening- the band and Jamie had just come on, the man had been a dick, and now this. She wasn't drunk enough to deal with it all.

"Hey, I'm sorry. But let's dance, I'll make up for it," the man continued, touching Ellie's shoulder once again. Ellie spun around to face him, staring him in the face. "Can't you see I'm busy?" She snapped, before turning back to Bella.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Ellie Wallace Character Portrait: Nate Carlile
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Friday 4th September – 6:30 PM – Club – Outfit

Mood: Surprised - Chilled- Nervous
Listening To: Pink Floyd
With: Jamie
Bella panicked a little and was desperately searching her head for some kind of plausible excuse but then this guy started touching and trying to get at Ellie and she felt terrible, she should be standing up for her lying about the biggest guy at the bar being her boyfriend or claiming to be a lesbian couple or anything to pry the guy away but she was too pained to try.

She looked at Ellie when she questioned her and bit her tongue to stop herself cursing out loud when she was addressed about the problem.


All she could think about was how desperately she needed to lie but how ashamed she was that she wouldn't even consider telling Ellie the truth about anything. "Yeah I'm good Ellie, just got some serious cramps you know how it is," She rambled falsely but as she finished talking the guy piped up again and Bella closed her mouth.

"Do you mind?" She shot back at him sourly but before she could say anything else or expand on her outburst, Nate had seemingly appeared out of no where besides them and she cringed slightly realising how things were suddenly getting turned up a notch. She turned her head when she heard the band came on stage and she instantly swerved her eyes over the set to find Jamie and she almost smiled when she saw him up on the stage doing what he loved but she was too nervous and worried to focus on him and the band properly now and her brain felt slightly blurred from the shots.

Friday 4th September 6:30 PM– Club – Outfit

Mood: Chilled – Light - Content – Upbeat
Listening To: Way Away - Yellowcard
With: Ellie
[font=Garamond]Nate had only turned for a minute to look around the rest of the venue but when he looked back at the dance floor to look out for Ellie and Bella, he could see Bella looking slightly weird and uncomfortable but he couldn't see Ellie and he instantly got out of his seat to look properly and after a few minutes he saw Ellie pulling herself a way from a noticeably older man and he thought they were okay but then he saw the man persist and that was his snapping point.

He couldn't even stand to think about what this man was trying at, especially when Ellie was involved and he instantly started pushing the crowd aside and forcing his way through the tightly packed audience to make his way to the girls. He looked up at the guy who was taller but only by a matter of inches and probably fitter and more athletic but in his anger and protective rage he forgot himself. It's not to be ignored that Nate isn't unfit and he could throw a good punch if he needed too, Ellie could probably name at least one occasion but he was no fighter, not really.

"What the fuck do you think you are playing at?" He shouted sourly at the man in front of him. Seeing Nate this pissed off was incredibly rare and would only ever occur in a negative situation involving either Ellie or his Mother- he didn't really care about anything else enough to get riled up this much and he was too laid back to bother protesting much but once you crossed into the line of the two people he really cared about, you'd gone way too far in his books.

He looked at Ellie and if you looked past the surface of anger there was nothing but concern written in his expression. "You okay?" He asked quietly leaning over so she'd be able to hear him over the music and suddenly shouting and screaming crowd.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Ellie Wallace Character Portrait: Nate Carlile
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friday 4th september

At first, Jamie didn't notice anything out of the ordinary. He and Celine had played Karma a few times, and the crowd seemed to be the same as ever. It was only as he started looking for the others that he realised that all was not well. Ellie looked pissed, Nate appeared to be verbally assaulting somebody, and Bella didn't look in great shape. He glanced at the singer, who appeared to have noticed something as well. But they didn't have much of an option other than to keep playing. So that's what they kept doing. Jamie started his vocal part, turning his attention aware from the others for a few seconds.


friday 4th september

Ellie didn't entirely believe Bella's story, but she supposed that it was plausible. However, before she could suggest going out for that joint, Nate appeared and started yelling at the guy. Great, now Ellie had to act like the responsible adult for two people. She was really starting to resent Jamie for clearing off- well, not really, but she would have appreciated an extra set of hands.

The guy looked Nate up and down, before swinging a punch and decking Nate straight across the face. Ellie flinched- partially because she was able to guess how much it hurt, and possibly because she knew what was going to happen now. She put her hand on Nate's arm, hoping that it might stop him, but knowing it wouldn't.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Ellie Wallace Character Portrait: Nate Carlile
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Friday 4th September – 6:30 PM – Club
"Nate, he's not worth it, come on. Let's go get a quick joint and we can watch the show from the bar," She rushed but her words probably weren't even noticed by anybody because whilst she was speaking, a fist swung towards Nate and crushed the side of his jaw and Bella cringed. "Fucking hell, Nate don't...just don't, I'll get the security guard just don-"

Nate swung for him. Of course he did, his cheek was slightly cut and the hit had felt like the guy had been wearing a ring so on top of the numbing ache of being punched he had the sour sting of a cut but he clamped his mouth shut and ignored it. He'd been punched enough times to literally take it on the chin. Where the other guy had swung with strength, Nate struck more quickly and with more tactical placement- the nose always hurt more. He hit the guy square on the bridge of his nose and quite strongly too. He glared at the guy with anger, anger that didn't belong on Nate's facial features. Nate was the lovable guy, a bit of loser but he was the overly friendly chilled out guy who always looked deeper into a person than their skin

If Nate had taken a second to think properly, he'd be shitting himself but he hadn't because he just cared too much about Ellie to not get intervene and get involved- it didn't even feel like a duty to him to protect Ellie, it was instinct. He knew it was stupid because it wasn't even like they were together but even just forgetting that, she was his best friend literally in the world and one of his only real friends and he couldn't let someone behave like that towards her- he couldn't not do anything.

He couldn't stop glaring at this guy in front of him but he didn't hit him again, he was immature but not enough to slip into the trap of letting things slip into a full on fist fight- they'd thrown a punch each, if the other guy accepted it they could be done but that didn't mean Nate wasn't tempted to at least try and beat the shit out of him. "You don't touch a woman like that you bastard, not when she says it isn't okay, you just don't fucking do it,"

Arabella sighed and she took a strong grip on Nate's arm and pulled him back. "Nate you're 100% right but we're going. You got him okay and we need to check you out. So just let it go now," She encouraged before gesturing to Ellie and dragging Nate after her through the crowd towards the back of the room.

"I'm sorry Ellie, I'm sorry. I just...I can't watch that kind of shit, I can't just let people be like that," He grumbled guiltily. Now reality had kicked in a bit more, he felt terrible- he was ruining Jamie's set by causing a commotion, he'd probably embarrassed the hell out of Ellie like he always did and Bella didn't need a stressful night out on top of all of the other secret drama she was harbouring because he could tell too that she wasn't right. He'd heard her comment about the bar, when she'd quoted 'To a Mouse' to herself, he'd just been too off guard to comment on it properly so he tried to act clueless. "You too Bella, I'm sorry but I'm a guy- I know what guys are like, he wouldn't have stopped and," He sighed again doubting himself and he ran his hand through his thick hair brushing it back down to how he'd styled it to the side before they left. He felt awful and now he wasn't even sure what to say. It was hard for Nate, raised primarily by his Mother but having a 'gentlemanly' father he'd been brought up to hold doors for women, pull out their seats and defend their honour when necessary especially that of his Mother and dates and although Ellie wasn't his date- she was more important than that, she was his best friend even though they fooled around sometimes and complicated things for themselves, even without that he'd still have the need to do these things for her simply because he cares about her but he'd gone too far this time, even he could admit that. He just didn't know how to make things right.

Arabella looked up at the stage because she heard Jamie's voice and if anything could capture her attention, it was him and she smiled softly at him. It was something familiar and comforting to see Jamie up on stage doing his thing and she smiled because he knew he would have seen what went on but she didn't want him to worry about them because he would, she knew that. Whenever Bella went out for an evening Jamie would be completely flooding her phone checking she was okay so she knew he that character about him and she did not want this to be ruined for him, so she did what she could to let him know they were okay, she even made a small gesture with her hands like she was back in the '90s before she ushered Ellie and Nate outside to get some air and once they were out she rolled herself a joint and looked at them both.

"Anyone else?" She asked calmly, she hadn't bothered responding to Nate's previous apology because she thought it was stupid, she agreed with his actions and his words so she didn't feel like he was in a position where he should apologise. She just felt like it would be for the greater good if they all took ten minutes to just take a deep breath and calm down before they went back in to watch the rest of the set.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Ellie Wallace Character Portrait: Nate Carlile
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friday 4th september

It was strange the release he got from singing. He hadn't even started screaming yet, but he could already feel all of the negative emotions draining away. Nothing grounded him like music, and if he did survive the year, this was all he wanted to do. It was the only time he really felt alive. His good mood lasted until he looked back at the crowd. Bella had a firm grip on Nate, who looked like he was about to kill the guy he'd been verbally abusing, and Ellie still looked like she wanted to punch someone. But even then, Bella dragged Nate away, pausing briefly to look at him and smile. He winked at her, before turning his attention to the mike in front of him again.

Perhaps leaving Bella alone with Ellie and Nate hadn't been the best idea. He'd thought that Ellie had been joking when she'd said that she wanted to cause some trouble- but in hindsight, perhaps she hadn't. Still, they couldn't cause too much damage if they were outside.


friday 4th september

She'd been right- her hand on Nate's arm had done nothing. She quickly stepped back, holding up her hands. She just watched the two of them, her anger rising. Of course Nate had to fight her battles for her. Of course he forgot that she was a capable adult with a mean right hook. She wasn't sure if she was angry at him or at the other guy or at the both of them. She'd never been so glad for Bella's presence- she was able to talk Nate out of it before he punched the other guy again. Ellie ignored Nate's apology, stalking towards the exit. Outside, she wrapped her arms around herself and exhaled heavily, trying to calm herself down. Nate had just been standing up for her. He was just doing what friends did.

But fuck, was she wishing that she'd come out alone now.

"You know, Nate, your apologies would be a lot more effective if you didn't keep doing the thing that you apologise for," she remarked.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Ellie Wallace Character Portrait: Nate Carlile
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Friday 4th September – 6:30 PM – Club
Seeing his little wink almost her chuckle a little and she returned the gesture before forcing the two outside hoping they'd talk the disagreement through and recover without too much collateral damage.

Nate looked incredibly disheartened and a small once they'd stepped out the door and everything hit him, the single sentence that passed Ellie's lips came down on him but with the impact of a thousand tonnes of bricks rather than words. He kept his distance from the two girls, completely ignoring Bella entirely not in a malicious way but she just wasn't his priority.

He knew he'd messed up if the ache in his jaw didn't tell him that, Ellie's face did and he didn't even want hr to understand why he did it because she was so much of a better person than him he didn't want to degrade her to that and pull her down to his level of maturity and intelligence but what he did want her to remember is that most of the time, he was just trying to protect her- be the best friend he could be to her but if he was going to do that, he'd stop smoking because he knew she kind of hated it and he'd go to school more of the time so she was never even left with a chance of being alone and he'd listen in class so when she needed him to, he could actually say something remotely intelligent but he never did and he wasn't sure why. It's what he wanted to do, maybe he was just so much of a loser in his own head he knew better than to try.

"I know,"

His breath came out more rugged than usually and slightly harsh and there was little tone in his voice except for remorse and it made Bella cringe because all she could see was the desperation and guilt radiating off Nate but at the same time, she knew where Ellie was coming from, she knew exactly where she was coming from and she could see why she was upset but se could even more obviously see that Nate's heart was in the best of places and he was probably the most selfless person she knew. She also knew that Nate had been brought up the old fashion way but for someone was independent and self assured as Ellie, that just wasn't admirable- it was just an insult.

She knew Nate was oblivious to her, so she didn't bother mentioning to him she was going inside but she touched Ellie's arm to try and reassure her and offered an empathetic smile. "I'm going to inside and support Jamie, I don't think you guys need a spectator but I'll be inside if you need me," She told her understandingly and purely as a friendly gesture but not wanting her to forget one o the most important things she looked at Ellie sincerely. "I know where you're coming from but just remember where his heart is yeah?" She whispered softly so Nate wouldn't overhear. "I'll see you in a minute, text me if you can't see me," She suggested before heading back inside.

Being as petite as she was, he made parting the crowd to get closer to the front look effortless and she bobbed casually along in the pit just looking up at the band and although she was worried and upset about what had happened with Ellie and Nate and that she was terrified of going home and her stomach burnt like a Salem witch in church, just standing there surrounding by people who didn't care who she was and staring up at the person she cared most about- it took a lot of the pain away enough for her to smile. Nate and Ellie would fix things they always did- like an old married couple and that was he only thing stopping her from a good night so she neglected the thought and selfishly, she just took the time to appreciate the band instead.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Ellie Wallace Character Portrait: Nate Carlile
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friday 4th september

A song or two passed, and Jamie was once again distracted. He was glad that he'd gotten the opportunity to go onstage- because if he hadn't, the anxiety would have been driving him mad. But on stage, it was all shoved to the back of his mind. He didn't worry. He didn't hate himself. He felt grounded.

He looked down to see Bella up the front again. He grinned a little at her as the singer took a brief break and a mouthful of water. But then he had to glance back down at the hastily scribbled set list to see what they were playing next and identify the song. He didn't need to think too hard about the next song, though. He'd be doing most of the vocals in it, but he didn't mind.

"Alright, up next is a little song called Pittsburgh," the singer said. Jamie didn't get much of an intro before he had to start, but he was ready. He was just in that mindset, where the only thing he could think about was the music.


friday 4th september

Part of Ellie knew that she was being too harsh, but it was all of the little things that were starting to get to her. Everything kept going wrong, and she wanted to ditch them and go somewhere where she could get really messed up without having Nate fight her fights for her, or Bella nearly flaking out on her. People wondered why she didn't have many friends, and then there was incidents like this.

She didn't acknowledge Bella's comment, just staring at the streetlight above their heads. "Is that all I'm going to get?" She asked. "Nate, you need to acknowledge that these are my fights. I know you have the urge to be grand and chivalrous and protect us women, but I don't need protecting. You forget that I go out without you, and I never get hurt. I kickbox, remember?" She said, looking over at him.

"I know you're only trying to protect me, but you also need to remember that I don't need protecting. You've known me long enough to know that I can stand up for myself," she said, pushing herself away from the wall towards him.

"C'mere, let me look at that cut," she said.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Ellie Wallace Character Portrait: Nate Carlile
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Friday 4th September – 6:30 PM – Club – Outfit

Mood: Surprised - Chilled- Nervous
Listening To: Pink Floyd
With: Jamie
Bella smiled back proudly at him when he grinned at her and she winked softly before just jumping along with the crowd and appreciating the music. Bella admired how relaxed all the musicians looked on stage, even Jamie looked comfortable and at home up there but she understood it, she totally understood it because of her dance- it's how she felt when she was in the dance hall even in those stupid back tights and leotards she had to wear, she felt at home, she felt safe and that was something that was incredibly special to her.

She sang along quietly but passionately to herself trying really hard not to look at Jamie too much and totally give her emotions away. Honestly, she didn't even worry about Nate and Ellie again because they were Nate and Ellie, they'd never lasted more than day without one another around and her Mother was inevitable and the physical pain was temporary. In that moment where she was just happily fighting not to get crushed in the small but respectable and growing mosh pit.

It was kind of funny, despite being at home this was probably one of the most dangerous locations she put herself in close compact with older men, drunk people, high and stoned people but she'd never really felt so secure and stable.


It was music, although she didn't create it but rather amplified it through movement- it was her driving force, just like it was for the band on stage that night and she silently thanked for them for that small movement of hope they'd brought to her.

Friday 4th September 6:30 PM– Club – Outfit

Mood: Chilled – Light - Content – Upbeat
Listening To: Way Away - Yellowcard
With: Ellie
"Well I could say I'm sorry but you know that and I could tell you why I did it but you know that, just like I know why it pissed you off. There's not a lot I can say, I know your capable of looking after yourself- hell you've proven it enough times, it's just my instinct you know? Like how you naturally roll your eyes at me because 99% of the I'm talking shit, I don't know what to tell you Ellie- you know these things, I know I'm a twat, I know that- I just don't mean to be, I just am and I don't know if that's better or worse really...and you know I couldn't give two shits about most people but there's a line for me, there's a select group of people that I just can't handle with someone hurting them, you, my Mum- just the people that matter. It's not because I think less off you El, because trust me I don't- I'm kind of scared shitless of you and I know you never get hurt but there's a first time for everything and I don't want there to be for that sort of thing," He stumbled over the words like he would in English classes when they were fifteen and he was made to read out loud and his dyslexia was just out to kill him but he wasn't stumbling because all the letters were spinning in circles or were in the completely wrong order for him, it was because he knew he was wrong but didn't know how to explain to Ellie properly that he only meant to be right. He'd let her down, he knew that. he just didn't know how to explain why he'd done it.

He'd forgotten about the cut till Ellie said about it, his initial instinct was to brush it off but he knew better. He stepped forwards and walked over to her, tilting his head so she could see; "Is it bad?" He asked quietly.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Ellie Wallace Character Portrait: Nate Carlile
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friday 4th september

The atmosphere was incredible. These times never seemed to last long enough. He was enjoying himself and everyone around him was enjoying themselves. People were responding well to his vocals, screaming along or starting mosh pits. Whatever part of his brain was missing, whatever part of him made him so sick, so screwed up- it was present on stage. This was who he really was. He was only really alive when he was onstage.

The song ended, and Jamie had a moment where he was overwhelmed by the fact that people were cheering for him, that people had actually liked it. He grinned as he took a mouthful of water. He hadn't gotten much of a chance to warm up before the show, but that had been the only song they were going to play where it would be overly strenuous on his vocal chords. He only had to do backing vocals in the next song anyway. He searched the crowd for Bella and grinned as he found her in a mosh pit. Ellie and Nate still hadn't returned, but they'd probably need some time to calm down. They'd looked rather heated when he'd seen them.


friday 4th september

In her heels, she could see his face almost perfectly. "You're a fucking idiot, Nate, you know that?" She sighed. But she called him an idiot so much, it was hardly an insult any more. "And you don't belong in this century. You belong in some age where women just sat around and looked pretty and needed men to stand up for them," she remarked as she examined the cut better.

"Nah, it's not too bad. You'll still be able to make stories up about it on Monday, though," she teased gently, before taking a step back and sighing. "Now, are you going to at least try and stop fighting my battles for me?" She asked. It was frustrating- he fought the battles she could handle, but could do fuck all about the problems she actually needed help with. Not that it was his fault- she just couldn't transfer an addiction onto her best friend. That was something she had to face alone.

She knew that before long, they'd all end up back on the dancefloor, going mental and having an incredible time. And it was those occasions when coming out with friends was better than coming out alone. But it was when an argument happened or somebody was upset or something that it was better to be alone.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Ellie Wallace Character Portrait: Nate Carlile
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0.00 INK

Friday 4th September – 6:30 PM – Club – Outfit

Mood: Surprised - Chilled- Nervous
Listening To: Pink Floyd
With: Jamie
Bella never stopped grinning or moving, not even for a second- her mouth felt dry from doing her best to sing along and keep up and her stomach ached like the worst cramp she'd ever had but then as if just after wards, she'd been trampled on by an overweight Clydesdale. She didn't give into it though, she wasn't going to let her Mother ruin this because Jamie and dance, to her that was all she really had left.

When the song ended Bella cheered louder than anyone, she didn't care if she looked a foul she was just so happy for Jamie to see him up there doing his thing and absolutely kicking ass at it. She whistled at the stage and smirked at him a little before her expression collapsed into slight laughter at her own ridiculousness.

A girl in the pit next to her poked her shoulder gently and Bella smiled at her, she was probably couple of years younger than her and appeared to by herself and this girl just grinned at her with cropped black hair and a crooked smile.

"The guy on keyboard keeps noticing you, lucky shit," She uttered to her and Bella laughed gently and beamed back at the girl.

"He's my best friend. He taught me how to play," She laughed and the girl looked surprised and full of disbelief.

"Really? You're bloody awesome," She gasped and Bella just smiled at her.

"Right back a y'," Bella chimed, smiling to herself. She forgot what it was like to be a fan-girl at a concert, the girl next to her had probably never heard Jamie before but in one concert had that ability to appreciate his talent and it made her smile because she forgot what that was like, to hear something new and being envious of anyone who'd gotten close to it. Like when she used to meet people at gigs who'd been to the band's last tour and had VIP passes or whatever, she'd just kind of forgotten what that was like and it was refreshing to be complimented too even if it was by a child who wouldn't ever even know her name. She made a vow to herself right then to make sure she told Jamie about this girl, she kind of figured it'd mean something to him that some one appreciated what he did and his music, so made a mental note of that before she let the thought go.

Friday 4th September 6:30 PM– Club – Outfit

Mood: Chilled – Light - Content – Upbeat
Listening To: Way Away - Yellowcard
With: Ellie
"Trust me Elle, if I know one thing about this world which is incredibly unlikely judging by academic career it's that I'm the biggest idiot in it and I probably don't belong in this century or anyone- you're right and I'm a dick but I don't know what I can to change that except never do anything at all, I'm sorry, I'll try and not do anything, I swear," If he'd ever needed a blunt in his life it was now but he wasn't going to her let her down again now, he'd screwed up enough for one night even if it was inevitable he'd do it again because he was Nate, his whole life had been him screwing up- it's all his Dad reminded him of, maybe that's why he was never home anymore maybe he was sick of watching his son screw up. Nate had never been confident, his Mother and Father had both been highly intelligent, University graduates with promising careers and more positive qualities than pounds in the back and they were a well of family, Nate's mother had never needed to work she did it because she liked to and it was something Nate never understood. If she didn't need to work why didn't she do her hobbies instead? Foster a child like she always said she would once Nate was old enough to more or less take care of himself but that's maybe what set him apart from his Father, a lack of strive and ambition.

He sighed heavily to himself and closed his eyes, counting seconds in his head till the urge to curse was gone then he looked at Ellie.

"Let's go check Jamie and Bella aren't trying to crowd surf," He suggested with a wary and unconvincing smile. Falling out with Ellie had reminded him of his place, lower than everyone else and it brought a downer on his personality but he'd never properly explained his esteem to Ellie, he didn't want to give her the burden he troubled her enough as it was and it made him feel ungrateful- his life from the outside was picture perfect and it would be on the inside, if he just wasn't so fucking thick Pulling his sleeve over his hand, he dug his finger nails into his palm to keep himself grounded. Maybe he should just get himself another drink and keep going till he couldn't even raise a hand to wave goodbye.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Ellie Wallace Character Portrait: Nate Carlile
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0.00 INK

Friday 4th September – 6:30 PM – Club – Outfit

Mood: Surprised - Chilled- Nervous
Listening To: Pink Floyd
With: Jamie
Bella never stopped grinning or moving, not even for a second- her mouth felt dry from doing her best to sing along and keep up and her stomach ached like the worst cramp she'd ever had but then as if just after wards, she'd been trampled on by an overweight Clydesdale. She didn't give into it though, she wasn't going to let her Mother ruin this because Jamie and dance, to her that was all she really had left.

When the song ended Bella cheered louder than anyone, she didn't care if she looked a foul she was just so happy for Jamie to see him up there doing his thing and absolutely kicking ass at it. She whistled at the stage and smirked at him a little before her expression collapsed into slight laughter at her own ridiculousness.

A girl in the pit next to her poked her shoulder gently and Bella smiled at her, she was probably couple of years younger than her and appeared to by herself and this girl just grinned at her with cropped black hair and a crooked smile.

"The guy on keyboard keeps noticing you, lucky shit," She uttered to her and Bella laughed gently and beamed back at the girl.

"He's my best friend. He taught me how to play," She laughed and the girl looked surprised and full of disbelief.

"Really? You're bloody awesome," She gasped and Bella just smiled at her.

"Right back a y'," Bella chimed, smiling to herself. She forgot what it was like to be a fan-girl at a concert, the girl next to her had probably never heard Jamie before but in one concert had that ability to appreciate his talent and it made her smile because she forgot what that was like, to hear something new and being envious of anyone who'd gotten close to it. Like when she used to meet people at gigs who'd been to the band's last tour and had VIP passes or whatever, she'd just kind of forgotten what that was like and it was refreshing to be complimented too even if it was by a child who wouldn't ever even know her name. She made a vow to herself right then to make sure she told Jamie about this girl, she kind of figured it'd mean something to him that some one appreciated what he did and his music, so made a mental note of that before she let the thought go.

Friday 4th September 6:30 PM– Club – Outfit

Mood: Chilled – Light - Content – Upbeat
Listening To: Way Away - Yellowcard
With: Ellie
"Trust me Elle, if I know one thing about this world which is incredibly unlikely judging by academic career it's that I'm the biggest idiot in it and I probably don't belong in this century or anyone- you're right and I'm a dick but I don't know what I can to change that except never do anything at all, I'm sorry, I'll try and not do anything, I swear," If he'd ever needed a blunt in his life it was now but he wasn't going to her let her down again now, he'd screwed up enough for one night even if it was inevitable he'd do it again because he was Nate, his whole life had been him screwing up- it's all his Dad reminded him of, maybe that's why he was never home anymore maybe he was sick of watching his son screw up. Nate had never been confident, his Mother and Father had both been highly intelligent, University graduates with promising careers and more positive qualities than pounds in the back and they were a well of family, Nate's mother had never needed to work she did it because she liked to and it was something Nate never understood. If she didn't need to work why didn't she do her hobbies instead? Foster a child like she always said she would once Nate was old enough to more or less take care of himself but that's maybe what set him apart from his Father, a lack of strive and ambition.

He sighed heavily to himself and closed his eyes, counting seconds in his head till the urge to curse was gone then he looked at Ellie.

"Let's go check Jamie and Bella aren't trying to crowd surf," He suggested with a wary and unconvincing smile. Falling out with Ellie had reminded him of his place, lower than everyone else and it brought a downer on his personality but he'd never properly explained his esteem to Ellie, he didn't want to give her the burden he troubled her enough as it was and it made him feel ungrateful- his life from the outside was picture perfect and it would be on the inside, if he just wasn't so fucking thick Pulling his sleeve over his hand, he dug his finger nails into his palm to keep himself grounded. Maybe he should just get himself another drink and keep going till he couldn't even raise a hand to wave goodbye.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Ellie Wallace Character Portrait: Nate Carlile
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0.00 INK

Friday 4th September – 6:30 PM – Club – Outfit

Mood: Surprised - Chilled- Nervous
Listening To: Pink Floyd
With: Jamie
Bella never stopped grinning or moving, not even for a second- her mouth felt dry from doing her best to sing along and keep up and her stomach ached like the worst cramp she'd ever had but then as if just after wards, she'd been trampled on by an overweight Clydesdale. She didn't give into it though, she wasn't going to let her Mother ruin this because Jamie and dance, to her that was all she really had left.

When the song ended Bella cheered louder than anyone, she didn't care if she looked a foul she was just so happy for Jamie to see him up there doing his thing and absolutely kicking ass at it. She whistled at the stage and smirked at him a little before her expression collapsed into slight laughter at her own ridiculousness.

A girl in the pit next to her poked her shoulder gently and Bella smiled at her, she was probably couple of years younger than her and appeared to by herself and this girl just grinned at her with cropped black hair and a crooked smile.

"The guy on keyboard keeps noticing you, lucky shit," She uttered to her and Bella laughed gently and beamed back at the girl.

"He's my best friend. He taught me how to play," She laughed and the girl looked surprised and full of disbelief.

"Really? You're bloody awesome," She gasped and Bella just smiled at her.

"Right back a y'," Bella chimed, smiling to herself. She forgot what it was like to be a fan-girl at a concert, the girl next to her had probably never heard Jamie before but in one concert had that ability to appreciate his talent and it made her smile because she forgot what that was like, to hear something new and being envious of anyone who'd gotten close to it. Like when she used to meet people at gigs who'd been to the band's last tour and had VIP passes or whatever, she'd just kind of forgotten what that was like and it was refreshing to be complimented too even if it was by a child who wouldn't ever even know her name. She made a vow to herself right then to make sure she told Jamie about this girl, she kind of figured it'd mean something to him that some one appreciated what he did and his music, so made a mental note of that before she let the thought go.

Friday 4th September 6:30 PM– Club – Outfit

Mood: Chilled – Light - Content – Upbeat
Listening To: Way Away - Yellowcard
With: Ellie
"Trust me Elle, if I know one thing about this world which is incredibly unlikely judging by academic career it's that I'm the biggest idiot in it and I probably don't belong in this century or anyone- you're right and I'm a dick but I don't know what I can to change that except never do anything at all, I'm sorry, I'll try and not do anything, I swear," If he'd ever needed a blunt in his life it was now but he wasn't going to her let her down again now, he'd screwed up enough for one night even if it was inevitable he'd do it again because he was Nate, his whole life had been him screwing up- it's all his Dad reminded him of, maybe that's why he was never home anymore maybe he was sick of watching his son screw up. Nate had never been confident, his Mother and Father had both been highly intelligent, University graduates with promising careers and more positive qualities than pounds in the back and they were a well of family, Nate's mother had never needed to work she did it because she liked to and it was something Nate never understood. If she didn't need to work why didn't she do her hobbies instead? Foster a child like she always said she would once Nate was old enough to more or less take care of himself but that's maybe what set him apart from his Father, a lack of strive and ambition.

He sighed heavily to himself and closed his eyes, counting seconds in his head till the urge to curse was gone then he looked at Ellie.

"Let's go check Jamie and Bella aren't trying to crowd surf," He suggested with a wary and unconvincing smile. Falling out with Ellie had reminded him of his place, lower than everyone else and it brought a downer on his personality but he'd never properly explained his esteem to Ellie, he didn't want to give her the burden he troubled her enough as it was and it made him feel ungrateful- his life from the outside was picture perfect and it would be on the inside, if he just wasn't so fucking thick Pulling his sleeve over his hand, he dug his finger nails into his palm to keep himself grounded. Maybe he should just get himself another drink and keep going till he couldn't even raise a hand to wave goodbye.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Ellie Wallace Character Portrait: Nate Carlile
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friday 4th september

Jamie wished it would never end. Despite the fact that he'd never played with any of them before, he was still incredibly relaxed. He was home. The singer started chatting to the crowd as the guitarist changed his guitar and played around with his setup.

"Oh, shit, I forgot to introduce somebody," he suddenly declared, provoking a laugh out of the crowd. "Those of you that have been to a few of our shows- all five of you, that is- may have noticed that this isn't our usual keyboardist. I can see some of you girls- and guys, actually- eying him up, so I'll introduce him. This is Jamie, and we owe him big time. He got us out of a tight spot, so everybody, give it up for Jamie!" He declared. The crowd started applauding and cheering, and Jamie grinned, taking a mouthful out of his water.

"Anyway, we've got two songs left to play for you beautiful people. So I want you guys to go absolutely fucking mental for these two songs, okay? And we will too," the singer said as the guitarist gave him a nod.


friday 4th september

Nate wasn't in great form, but neither was Ellie. She wasn't backing down, so she just nodded and headed back inside. Of course Bella was practically onstage, and Ellie could almost see the hearts floating above her head. She made her way towards the stage as the singer introduced Jamie. Ellie cheered, but couldn't clap as her arms were held in such a way as to make herself as small as possible as she negotiated the crowd.

Eventually, she got up to Bella. "How's the show?" She yelled. She didn't know if Nate was behind her, but she didn't check. He'd brought it on himself, really. He should have known by that point that she hated being treated like the weaker person. She knew that it was a complex, that it was really just her overcompensating. She could remember how weak she'd felt in her original recovery, and she could remember how much she'd hated it. And how ashamed she was of being seen in her therapist's office. And how ashamed she was every time she had to go in to get her methadone. She hated being weak.

The music was pretty damn good- she'd known Jamie was good, but he hadn't known exactly how good he was. It wasn't quite Queen, but she couldn't deny it was good.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Ellie Wallace Character Portrait: Nate Carlile
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Friday 4th September – 6:30 PM – Club – Outfit

Mood: Surprised - Chilled- Nervous
Listening To: Pink Floyd
With: Jamie
Bella grinned gently cheering a long with the crowd and then she smiled happily at Ellie. "Yeah he's- they're great," She corrected herself swiftly and listened to the introduction on stage contently, she was honestly so happy for him to see him up there doing what he loved. She looked over at Ellie and tried to work out how things had gone by her expression but she wasn't too sure- she still look kind of tense and she'd noticed Nate hadn't come back either but she wasn't sure if Ellie realised that.

"You okay?" She asked leaning over so she'd hear her but still having to move around so the crowd didn't crush her, she felt so small compared to everybody else but maybe that was because she was. She was kind of conscious how made weight she'd lost over the summer but she also figured it couldn't be a bad thing but it made her feel far more delicate and flimsy than she liked to admit it.

Friday 4th September 6:30 PM– Club – Outfit

Mood: Chilled – Light - Content – Upbeat
Listening To: Way Away - Yellowcard
With: Ellie
Nate sighed and didn't follow Ellie into the crowd, he wasn't as 'punk' or whatever as the rest of them, if he listened to music it was weird things like Alt-J- not quite the metal and punk bands Jamie and Arabella seemed to adore so much. He could see the appeal- the energy, it was all raw and honest, he preferred it to pop music but he wasn't really into it and he definitely wasn't into arguing with Ellie so he kept back. He walked inside and then once Ellie had found her way back to Bella, he slipped outside again unnoticed because all he really wanted to was sit and smoke until his bones were chattering from the cold night air.

Why couldn't he just ever do the right thing? How could his parents be so intelligent and successful but himself so useless? It just wasn't fair. They didn't even go to his parents evenings anymore or ask about his tests because they knew what to expect and the same went for his social life and just about anything he tried his hand at. He could make cute little trinkets out of metal, fix a car or a bike but he just couldn't fix his own mistakes and he hated that about himself. He really hated it.

He leant on the wall leaning his head back against it and staring up at the darkening sky and the stars peeping through the clouds, everyone he knew had something about them that was sparkling, unique or bright like one of those stars but he couldn't see anything like that about himself- just foolishness.

So he did what everyone expected him to do, he fucked up. He rolled himself a roll-up cigarette and sparked it up, breathing it in deeply and holding the fumes for a moment before slowly exhaling it in well practiced rings. It almost made him laugh, the one thing he was good at wouldn't only kill him one day but would it mean the time damage everybody else too if they got close enough to breathe it in.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Ellie Wallace Character Portrait: Nate Carlile
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0.00 INK


friday 4th september

The atmosphere just seemed to be getting better and better as the night went on. He was just praying that this would be enough to hide him over for another few days. Just a few more days. The song they were playing was one of his personal favourites to play live, and he threw himself into it, barely glancing at the audience as he did so. However, when he did finally look up, Ellie had returned, minus Nate, and she didn't look happy. Their argument must have been worse than he'd thought. One without the other was a rare sight.

At the end of the song, somebody came onstage and whispered- to the singer. The singer didn't look particularly happy, but he nodded. "Sorry guys, but we've got to go. We've loved playing for you tonight! Our merch table's outside, and we'll be hanging there for a bit, so come say hi! Thank you!" He called. Music started blasting over the speakers as people started to filter out and the roadies came on to start dismantling the equipment.

"Hey, man, you did great!" The singer said, slapping Jamie on the shoulder. "If our keyboardist doesn't come back, fancy filling in permanently? I know you said you're in a band already, but we can work it!" He said enthusiastically. Jamie nodded, grinning. "Definitely!" He replied. "Awesome. Here, give me your number, and I'll get in contact at some point," the singer continued. They swapped numbers, and Jamie learned that the singer's name was Ivan. He headed back towards the others, but was stopped by a group of people, all intent on complimenting him.


friday 4th september

If Nate had been there, and if they'd been on better terms, he and Ellie undoubtedly would have shared a grin at Bella's Freudian slip. But he wasn't, and Ellie didn't want to go looking for him. She just shrugged as Bella asked her if she was okay. "Yeah, I'm fine," she said. She'd gotten a little too good at telling that lie, but she didn't want to tell Bella everything that had happened, and then have to explain why it pissed her off so much. It was just better to leave it all unspoken.

"C'mon, let's go find your boyfriend," she said as the band left the stage. Jamie was deep in conversation with the singer, who Ellie recognised from somewhere. Probably a night out. Or she'd hooked up with him at some point. Either way, he was cute. Part of her brain reminded her that flirting with him would probably piss off Nate, and part of her brain was pleased at that idea.

"I'm going out to the merch table," she told Bella, before disappearing into the crowd again.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella Swift Character Portrait: Jamie Chapman Character Portrait: Ellie Wallace Character Portrait: Nate Carlile
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Friday 4th September – 6:30 PM – Club – Outfit

Mood: Surprised - Chilled- Nervous
Listening To: Pink Floyd
With: Jamie
Bella didn't know Ellie well enough to see through her comment, Bella was exceptional at lying, reading people and getting herself served but Ellie was better at lying and she was too caught up in the moment and the music to look into it properly- it was just so normal for Ellie and Nate to always be okay, so she just kind of assumed they were sorting it out and they'd be cool sooner or later.

At Ellie's comment she turned around very quickly and looked at her with an expression on her face which was about as serious as Bella's face ever got- "Hey, I know it's hardly a secret. I think I kind of told him anyway but please don't say anything in front of him- please?" She asked, she quite obviously didn't mean it any sort of a nasty way or offended away, she was still smiling but she was really nervous and embarrassed about it too. Where did she stand with him now? Did he even realise what she'd meant? She stopped asking herself questions there and then because she didn't want to spoil the mood and atmosphere. So she turned to Ellie and smiled at her brightly. "Yeah, come on," She agreed making her way over to Jamie and the band.

When she saw him, she grinned at him gently. When he was done talking to the singer and she could actually get to him through the crowd, she beamed at him happily- nodding at what Ellie said before she looked up at him. "You're basically already a rock star," She laughed. "They loved you," She complimented in a genuine tone.

Friday 4th September 6:30 PM– Club – Outfit

Mood: Chilled – Light - Content – Upbeat
Listening To: Way Away - Yellowcard
With: Ellie
Nate didn't go back in, even from outside the venue he could hear Jamie and the band inside but he'd much rather be out here and he figured Ellie would want the same. He'd go home if he could but he didn't know if that'd make things better or worse in Ellie's eyes, so he sucked it up even though any joy had been drained from his face when he fell out with her. He was such an idiot and he knew it, he just didn't know what he could do about it.

His cigarette had grown short and the end was starting to scold his finger tips but it was keeping him warm even if it did kind of hurt. He sighed and tried to get one last puff out of it and then flicked it on the ground and stumped it out by his foot. A girl and two guys were passing him on the way into the club but then one of the guys stopped and asked them if he could have a smoke quickly and then he seemed to get kind of pissed and frantic.

"Ah shit, I don't even have a fucking lighter," He growled at the ground and Nate looked over at them and offered his out to them wordlessly.

"Cheers mate," The guy almost chuckled a bit as he took it of him and lit a cigarette.

"No problem," Nate replied, he looked at the pack in his jean pocket and then uttered fuck it to himself and rolled up another taking his precious time to ensure it was perfectly done before popping it between his teeth and sparking it up again.

"You look too posh to smoke," The girl chimed at him and Nate looked at her, his brow quirked questioning.

"You can be posh and stupid," He told her like it was a joke but his sombre mood drowned it with sincerity she didn't pick up on and she just laughed.

"Like David Cameron,"

"Sure," Nate didn't even look at her- he was completely disinterested in the conversation, he'd only offered up his lighter to the guy because if he was gagging for a cigarette that much he'd like to think someone would do the same for him. The girl seemed to take the hint though and turned her attention back to her friends. "Let me steal a puff Drew," She begged and Nate sighed walking a few paces further down the high street so he didn't have to listen to them whilst he was trying to unwind again.