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Caddie Hallow

"Birds don't keep their feet on the ground...that'd...defeat the object."

0 · 350 views · located in The Fortress

a character in “Skinwalkers: Resonance of the Lost”, as played by VitaminHeart


Caddie Hallow



Type of Changer

Grey Girl, Birdbrain, Space Cadet



Quirky or eccentric would be the kindest way to put it. 'Not all there' would be a slightly more frank one. Caddie comes across as rather odd to most that meet her. She speaks in very simplistic, almost childish terms, and doesn't appears to pay a lot of attention, seeming to be daydreaming frequently. She neglects herself a lot, often forgoing eating and wearing ragged, filthy clothing without concern.

Caddie likes to climb things. She's happier sitting on a book shelf or a window-ledge. Being on terra-firma makes her rather nervous. She's very fidgety, moving around an awful lot when allowed to, and also prone to messing with things. If there's an object that interests her chances are she'll have picked it up and will be toying with it within a few minutes of being in a room with it. She is extremely forgetful and rather prone to losing the thread of a conversation in the middle of a sentence.

Her good points are that she is a kind, and quite intelligent young woman. She has an almost innocent outlook on life and seems to have a massive appreciation for things most people would overlook. In the right situation she is also very generous and self-sacrificing.

On the other hand she is completely unpredictable and prone to erratic behavior. She is bad with other people, and will often react to things in an immature fashion, having a tendency to oversimplify matters. While she is quite intelligent she initially comes across as rather simple-minded and dense, due to her own defense mechanisms and tendency for denial. She refuses to acknowledge her past most of the time, something which does imply the dumb image is more of a front than anything.

Brief Description of Human Form
Caddie's human form resembles a small, slight young woman with slate coloured hair and pale grey eyes. Her skin is rather pallid due to lack of exposure to sunlight. She tends to wear an old, frayed, dress-like garment rather in need of a wash, and her hands and feet are wrapped in bandages that seem old, bloody and covered in dirt. Her skin tends to be marked with patches of dust, or general nicks and cuts from wear and tear. She doesn't exactly take the best care of herself.

Her eyes have a somewhat glassy, doll-like quality that can seem a little unnerving to others, and tend to be the first indication that something is not quite right.

Caddie is pretty graceful, being designed for balance and agility, though this can often get a little surprising, with her tendency to crouch or perch on overhead areas and spring down behind people in order to greet them.

Brief Description of Animal Form
A small, rather ratty-looking Bleeding Heart Dove. The dove is a bird usually native to the Philippines named for the vivid, blood-red mark on the chest. Small, and with rather dirty, unkempt feathers, Caddie's animal form could easily be mistaken for a feral pigeon if not for the prominent red mark. The dove also stands out due to the old wrappings on its wings , chest and legs.

Human Skills/Abilities

-Aside from the ability to fly that comes with her bird form, Caddie is extremely agile in her human form, able to run, jump and perform acrobatic feats most human gymnasts would struggle with due to her hollow bones.

-Caddie has an incredible mind for figures and details, able to memorize facts and work out mathematical problems with great ease, something her usual demeanour would not suggest a skill in.

Animal Skills/Abilities

-As a bird, Caddie is, of course, capable of flight. She isn't the fastest flyer, certainly...though Caddie's form has the virtue of being inconspicuous. By covering up the red mark, she is easily mistaken for nothing more than one of the few scattered feral pigeons, and easily overlooked.

-Along with the physical fragility, there is something of a mental fragility along with it. Caddie is a rather inept sort. She is quite awful in social situations, often rambling on about utter nonsense. She certainly does not come across as one of the most stable people around, and can often do rather bizarre things. She is also rather terrible at most practical tasks, often needing to be instructed multiple times, or making a many errors.

Caddie was driven out from her birth parents at a fairly early age. Stuck in a hostile environment, and naturally rather brittle and susceptible to harm, she spent much of her early life as a dove. It was simply easier for her to survive that way. She would have stayed that way for much longer had she not been caught by an Army Miao, thinking she was prey. The cat got rather a surprise when its lunch suddenly became a person as it was trying to pin it down. The attack left Caddie's arm damaged, meaning she was grounded temporarily. As a result she was taken back to be questioned. It was through that questioning that her considerable intelligence and mind for figures came about.

The Army were quite happy to use her intelligence for their own projects, and for a while Caddie was happy enough with the comparative security offered by her servitude. That was until she committed a great offense. She harbored a rebel fugitive. It hadn't initially even been intentional. Upon finding a frazzled, terrified skinwalker in her quarters she'd been concerned, and offered them food and water. It was only the next day when she was dragged before the leader did she discover that they'd been a high profile rebel fugitive. She assured them that she'd had no idea, but the top brass were convinced that she must have had rebel involvement, and therefore information on their movements. Caddie was detained with view to extracting that information, and months later apparently managed to free herself. She was considerably different for her time spent locked up however.

She wandered around for a while, before her presence was noticed by the Pack. While her eccentricities proved to be a bit of a trial, she soon proved to be rather useful for the virtue of her flying ability.

It's been somewhat unclear what happened to the Aveis during detainment with the Army, though a few widely exaggerated stories of terrible atrocities have circulated. Caddie is widely to be dead by Army folk,


So begins...

Caddie Hallow's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hiibel Talcen Character Portrait: Liron Aldaine Character Portrait: Tenko Kieran Character Portrait: Lorelai Kieran Character Portrait: Caddie Hallow Character Portrait: Kora Neverwinter
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#, as written by Witless
Hiibel Talcen; The Fortress

Momentous applause, screams of excitement, roars of encouragement! What should follow any outstanding performance, no matter the kind! And which Hiibel did not receive. Sure, he got applause - from himself, a few Murin, a few Aveis, a stray Raposa or Miao here or there. Not from any Lupus of course. No applause for a mere, lowly cat. How boring...

As his eyes scanned the crowd, he noticed a few latecomers. Mr. Whats-his-face Care, or whoever he was. With a bandaged hand from something, and not looking quite happy to be there. He kept glancing up at Tenko and scanning the crowd, moving closer and closer to the front. Suspicious much? If something needed to be done, Bell had confidence in his speed. His continued turning and taking in the crowd.

Ah, another latecomer. Mrs. Koi Something-or-other clapping overly enthusiastically with a wide smile plastered on her face. And also scanning the crowd. Too late to hear Tenko's speech, she must have heard the end of his and was searching for the speaker. She at least recognized at-least-better-than-average improvised speech and acknowledged it, better than most people. Hiibel grinned wider than before (if that was even possible) and nodded his head in her direction before turning around (had there been a change in expression in that instant?) to continue his sweep of the crowd. And the minimal applause...

As he finished to take in the platform up above, he continued clapping and glanced up again for their reactions. Liron and Tenko glaring at him. Now this would be fun. A few others also seemed mad, while others were amused. But it didn't seem like anyone would stop him. And he was done anyway, so it was probably time to make an exit. How could he do it in such a way that it was grand-and-fit-for-his-performance and yet not so attention-grabbing that it detracted from the leader-that-they-were-here-to-worship?

Luckily for him, the reactions were not quite over! To conclude, there were the screams and roars he had been expecting in response! Finally! Well, now that he thought about it, they were pretty-much-too-delayed-to-be-focused-on-him, and they couldn't quite be attributed to, well, excitement or encouragement... Turning to face the newcomer-who-felt-important-enough-to-steal-his-applause, he was pretty surprised, as one might expect.

A mutant. A bear-like mutant. Mauling whomever was in its path: in this case Mr. Care... And then chaos broke loose, and it was getting too interesting for Hiibel's tastes... Backing up from the dining mutant, he watched the civilians flee for their lives as soldiers began to attack the beast. Well, Hiibel was not a fighter, and he was not going to let himself get killed by this monster. Once again, he scanned the crowd hurriedly, looking to see where people were fleeing, which places were open, where he would not be trampled. There was no time to spare. The noise from all around was deafening - shrieks, screams, roars, yells, complete chaos with a slight semblance of order imposed by Tenko, ordering soldiers to destroy it ASAP.

Mrs. Tenko projected her voice above the din, "Get the young and the elderly away." Yes, that he could help with, even in this chaos. There were a few passageways he knew of, not often used, that he could direct people to. And many people headed toward the same direction, not bothering about the other side passages.

"For goodness sakes, this is a city! Your city! Go different ways, different alleys! If you split up, more people can get out at the same time! Move quickly, but carefully! Let's move!" Lost in concern for others, all traces of amusement had vanished from Hiibel's face, now replaced by worry, fear. A flurry from above reminded him of what many others had apparently also forgotten. "Those who can fly, change and escape! Murin, change and hide in cracks where the mutant can't reach you! The rest of you, get on roofs if possible, and don't stop running until you're safe! Anyone who needs help, follow me!"

He turned and ran off to a side passageway, hidden from sight by rubble, ruins of a building. Directing those who followed into it, he glanced back toward the beast to see it was indeed being stalled by assailants: a Raposa, Lupus, and a few other soldiers. More were coming to take care of it, and the area around it was mostly cleared. Those trapped at the end of the mob fleeing the scene he beckoned over to the passageway, making sure he saved however many people he could. Once the last few were in, he led them through the winding passageway to a safer haven within the city, where they could wait until the mutant was dead or gone. And it would be dead, of course, right? There was an entire army against it, more than enough to take care of one beast.

And of course it would work out, of course they'd be safe, but what would be the price? Who would they lose? And would they be prepared when the next attack came?