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Liron Aldaine

"A battle is not fought with soldiers or wars, but actually with information."

0 · 428 views · located in Aethes

a character in “Skinwalkers: Resonance of the Lost”, as played by Nivosity


Liron Aldaine



Type of Changer
Aveis - ā€˜Larger Aveisā€™

Shir, Lark, Shadow, Feather, Kestrel



Liron is most of the time a quiet individual who stays in the background of everything that he does. He would prefer not to be noticed, especially by any other Changer - mostly due to his fear that they will end up eating him. This tied in quite nicely with his role as the Spymaster. When people are paying attention to him, especially when it deals with those that are supposedly under his role, he ends up being far too concerned with an image of easy confidence in his own power - even when he knows that everything he says is extremely bogus. In a world when almost everyone possesses the power to kill him, or to make his life miserable at best, he has to persuade them through his posturing and self-confidence that attacking him would be a bad idea.

Due to this, he is much to prone to think about his actions as an outsider, making sure that each of his motions displays his power over the others. Well, except for the leader, that is. He doesnā€™t really know how to relate to other Changers, as he has spent the majority of his past away from society itself, so heā€™ll have a hard time making friends of people. Anyways, heā€™s happier with a superior-inferior relationship with many of the people of the Army, just to refrain them from thinking that they could one day take over from his position. He possesses a sort of quiet sureness in every one of his actions, as well as a charisma that draws people to him when he decides to talk - but he says that it comes from his voice, as it is more fluid than that of most Changers.

He is, in the best of times, soft-spoken and pliant, and in the worst of situations, weak-willed and dependent. He would rather not be in any situation where he places his life on the line. That was the first reason in picking an ā€˜easierā€™ job as the Spymaster. When encountering a large threat, he will freeze with terror, being unable to move. At times, he will unconsciously change into a kestrel, in order to flee more quickly. In terms of physical battle, he knows that there is no way that he will win - unless itā€™s something like a Murin. As a kestrel, his speed and agility are fast enough, and at least he can perform more complicated aerial maneuvers with ease. Miaos and Lupus terrify him, as they eat birds, and so do Spinners, due to their venom.

He usually ends up hiding behind his weaknesses. His dedication to the Army is also something to be noted, his innate cowardliness is pushed to the side when the Leader is in trouble - not that he would ever be. He joined the Leader a long time back when Liron was trying to get away from the normal humans, who seemed set on destroying him. All he wants is a place where he can live as Aveis without problemsā€¦ and thus, he has put his allegiance in his hands. He plays a supporting role because he wants to. Heā€™ll work with his co-workers, the Interrogator and others of the higher echelon of the Army. However, other than the Leader himself, he wonā€™t trust them with the majority of his information, treating them as helpers. But when doing so, heā€™ll end up being quite uncomfortable around them, as he knows that itā€™s unfair of him to do so.

Due to his poor balance, he prefers not to be seen stumbling around awkwardly. He takes to his kestrel form much better, and can be seen commuting for long and short distances in his kestrel form. Liron dislikes to change in front of other people, and will first check that he is unwatched. Itā€™s strange to watch others change as well, and he will be one of the few people that will completely avert his eyes for a long period of time.

He is a firm believer that information is one of the most important things. After all, if they could only find out where the Pack was hidden, then with their superior weapons and manpower, they can actually remove that one threat there is to achieving their goal of creating a perfect society, one without humans and their inability to accept who they were. Somewhere in his heart, he blames humans for their closed-mindedness for the current situation in the world today. If they could just get rid of that, which he believes exists in humans and mostly humans, then the world would be a lot better than it is currently. Liron will sometimes collect information on any topic that shares even the smallest connection to their enemies. He can be single-minded at times and will follow any lead he has as far as it will lead him. At times, this makes him slightly foolish and weak to false leads, but with persistence, heā€™ll probably stumble on the right answer.

Brief Description of Human Form
Liron has dark brown hair that reaches the bottom of his earlobes. A few brown specked feathers are entwined along with the individual strands of hair, and fall in front of his eyes. These eyes are a hazel color and specked with a darker brown. They are naturally gentle, and slightly large compared to others, but when provoked harden almost imperceptibly. As he is a Feather, heā€™s gifted with a graceful stance, as well as an inhuman weight. However, upon moving, he seems to be awkward on ground. Heā€™s lighter than most of his height, and reaches about 179 centimeters in height (5ā€ 10ā€™). However, his bones are all thin and fragile - easily seen through the thinness of his wrists and arms. With a blow, they will easily snap. His features can be described aquiline in form - a sharp nose and sharp cheekbones. There are also feathers in the nape of his neck, but these are far more downy, and also barred. Following these feathers downward, there is also a few clumps of brown feathers on his shoulders, but nowhere else. His legs are also thin, but not to the extent that his arms are. He prefers to wear clothes of simple make and natural colors, such as brown, green, or blue. But when undercover, heā€™ll be more likely to wear various other things.

Brief Description of Animal Form
Liron turns into a Common Kestrel. He is one of the larger birds of his gender, with a wingspan of 83 cm (about 32 in) and a head to tail length of 40 cm (15 in). He weighs about 253 grams (9 oz) - making him bigger than most songbirds. His plumage is a light chestnut brown with small black spots, if you look at him from above, and a paler brown with black streaks from the bottom. His wings are about the same color as most of his plumage, but the tips are a black. His head is a grey-blue color, as is his tail. The tip of his tail is also black, but there is a tad bit of white as well. Liron has striking black eyes ringed with a bright yellow that seem to be studying everything that happens around him. During the fall, he molts, and it can be seen through a gradual losing of the feathers, usually a few at a time. This causes more difficulty in flying, but after the molt, he can be seen wearing his most brilliant plumage of the entire year.

Human Skills/Abilities
Liron possesses extraordinarily good eyesight that allows him to see details from quite far away. He has fast reaction speed that comes from years of swooping down and picking up a meal. His voice is lyrical, and is said that his song can bring even the hardest-hearted person to tears, but no one has ever heard him sing yet. He possesses a skill with rhythm and pitch, and can whistle quite well. He enjoys creating code, and has quite a few of his own creation. Also, tying into his role as the spymaster, he possesses a sort of quiet sureness. Also, as a last resort, he is quite a master at disguise, being able to change his mannerisms - except when under high stress and he can never get rid of his awkward state on the ground. And as every spymaster knows, he also serves as an anti-intelligence person, and much of his time is dedicated to finding the spy or spies of The Pack.

Animal Skills/Abilities
As Liron has taken to his transformed state quite well, he can fly much better than he can walk. As a kestrel, he is the one bird of prey that can hover in midair provided that there is a headwind that he can use. He has lightweight bones, which makes him light enough to be carried around. He can also see ultraviolet light and the entire spectrum of colors, which comes in handy when trying to follow someone from the air. He can easily swoop down and capture smaller Aveis and Murin, as he is a predator. The kestrel-version of him is also possesses more efficient breathing, where he can get more oxygen to his brain (through a birdā€™s ability to breath in oxygen when either breathing in and out.)

Despite the strengths he has with his mind, his body is anything but. His bones are brittle and easily broken, causing him to be more of a liability than anything else in battle. He is also unable to concentrate on more than one thing at one time, and therefore, can be easily distracted. Venom/poison works on him a little too much, as his heart beats faster than most humans. His coordination on the ground isnā€™t the best either, as he has spent much of his life up to now as a kestrel. He cannot lie very well - even if he tries his hardest, facts tend to slip out. He has a muted sense of smell and taste, and without his eyesight, he is quite useless. When stressed, he has a trouble thinking of what to do next, and will blurt out whatever he thinks of off the top of his head. Liron also needs to eat more than most, and as a kestrelā€™s normal prey is hard to findā€¦ at least when theyā€™re not Murin, he is forced to eat much more than most others. In his avian form, by clipping his wings, you cause him to be completely dependent and unable to move very far, quickly - when he transforms into a human, itā€™s the equivalent of cutting his Achilles tendon.

He was only about two years old when small obvious feathers started to dot his body. They had been since birth, but his parents didnā€™t want to be known to have conceived a monster, and attempted to hide it. For the next year, they tried to pluck the feathers as they grew, but gave up when they only served to grow larger and larger. Liron was lucky enough to be taught how to speak nowā€¦ or who knows how long he would have stayed without speech. He was also lucky that it was spring. Changing into a fledgling kestrel on pure circumstance, he managed to get the attention of a pair of nesting kestrels, who, not knowing that he was not a part of their brood, ended up feeding him and taking care of him.

However, when he became an adult form of his bird only a two years later, his ā€˜parentsā€™ kicked him out of the nest, and he started to live off the land himself, usually staying in kestrel-form only. It went alright, but he started to lose many of the social skills that he had learned so far. He learned to take care of himself, butā€¦ somehow, one day in his teens, he ended up straying too close to the human villages in his human form. They, knowing who he wasā€¦ attacked him trying to get rid of the demon.

It was then that he met the leader of the Army. The Army's leader seemed like the right person to follow at that time - to the then heartbroken Liron, who had recognized the faces of his parents, whom he had still loved, in those that attacked him, it seemed like a paradise that the Skinwalkers would be able to have their only little land. He started out as a normal spy, but soon got better at his duties, and became the Spymaster himself. At this point in time, heā€™s working on trying to get his spies planted throughout the city and create a way for them to communicate to each other through long distances. Heā€™s currently playing with lights and mirrors, but as they are quite rare themselves, it seems like a hopeless task. Still, he has to continue trying.

As for rumors about him, little is known about him - from his real appearance to his name - but strangely enough, his kestrel-form is pretty much known to all. He attempts to refrain from changing in front of others in a little part due to this - if he can keep his allies oblivious then his enemies should also not know. However, the fact that he can be anywhere at anytime as a human, led to his nickname ā€œShadā€, a short for shadow. He has been seen circling the city at strange intervals of time, and no one knows whyā€¦ but all heā€™s doing is testing out his communication techniques and doing something to flush out his enemies from where they are hiding.


Tenko Kieran - ...
Lorelai Kieran - ...
Farren Leinfelder - ...
Kora Neverwinter - ...
Atra Von Galbri - ...
Kiarna Elmm - ...
Sevrin Massengale - ...
Kuril Mindon - ...
Hiibel Talcen - ...
Allaron - ...

It takes him a less than average time to transform - about 2.5 seconds.

So begins...

Liron Aldaine's Story


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Liron Aldaine ; The Fortress

It was another dry day. The sun beat down mercilessly on the ruins, and Liron looked upwards at the cloudless sky. His skin was chapped, and peeling in places, and he frowned half to himself. Even the soldiers in the army were feeling it to - those with thinner coats were mostly sprawled around the fortress as dogs, panting in the heat, while a few of the thicker-furred types were in their human form - wearing as little as they could get by with.

Some of the more desperate ones were braving the heat and participating in the sparring tournaments. If they won their battle, there would be an extra portion of rations given to them - and it forced the soldiers to stay in prime condition if they wished to be fed enough to feel comfortable. There was never enough food for everyone in this broken world, but with the reservoir, the Army could attempt some basic agriculture - or so they tried. Right now, all that could manage to grow was a certain type of hardy potato, without taste, but it would do for the nutritious needs of everyone. He glanced around around him, staying in one position, for the sake of appearing decently poised. Was there anyone watching him?

With a glimpse at the questioning eyes of one of the soldiers, he shook his head before heading into the closest warehouse, making sure to close the door firmly behind him. His gait was limping, and his head lurched forward slightly with each step. Liron always did hate walking. Warehouse 10, which supposedly contained some important weapon that the Army had at its fingertips. Or so the public was told. Liron supposed that maybe what was inside this warehouse was important, but it was some other type of weapon - the weapon of information.

Today, the Army would be making a public statement. But before that, Liron had to be sure that his spies were planted in all the right places - it would be the perfect time for the Pack to make their move. While the rest of the Changers were going to be in the crowd, it wouldnā€™t surprise him if they remained in whatever hideout - or secret base, that they were currently holed up in. Liron wouldnā€™t miss this advantage for anything; this could end up his greatest discovery yet. Walking up to his metal desk, which had a similarly plain chair behind it, he looked through the various papers that rested there neatly.

Picking up the third piece of paper which was filled with a variety of strange marks, he brought it closer to the window, where the sunlight was pouring out from. His brown eyes studied the paper carefully, with brooding eyes, before he moved away from the window. It was never smart to stay too close there - who knew what type of person would be watching. Liron placed the paper back on his desk, being sure to put it in the same exact place.

With that final check done, it was time for Liron to make his final move. His position at the very public statement was to intimidate others by circling over the entire proceedings in his kestrel form. As many of the stronger Changers had already been taken in by the Army, there was more of a chance that the majority of Changers would be cowering Murin, Aveis, or the smallest and weakest of Miao.

Liron then changed into his Aveis form. Limbs shrunk, feathers grew all over his body, and he felt his body losing its precarious balance. He fell, to find himself in his transformed state, that of a male kestrel. With a quick flap of his wings, he rose off the ground, before with an almost labored climb, he flew out of his window, the tips of his wings just barely managing to pass through.

Arching upwards, he neatly cleared the walls of the fortress, as the flags hung limply. They werenā€™t the best quality, but simply them existing was a good enough show of force. The sun continued to beat down on the ruins, and now, it didnā€™t seem as though even the polluted rain would come - it would quench thirst at the very least.

With an aerial circling, Liron descended downwards, just enough so that his keen eyes could see the individual figures of the Changers that had already gathered. Without the wind, he couldnā€™t hover, so he continued to circle, making large, wide, almost lazy circles in the sky.

Everything had to be just right.

If only that pesky pack didnā€™t exist, then there would be nothing stopping the creation of a paradise for the Changers. It was up to him to find the information that the Army needed to find their headquarters, in order for the rebels to be completely wiped out. With them still alive and unfound, there was a palpable tension in the atmosphere - at least according to Lironā€™s senses. While they were still making trouble, the Army couldnā€™t focus on using its resources to help the Changers themselves, as they were preoccupied with the domestic trouble that the rebels brought.

Liron found it ridiculous that Changers would betray their own kind through this method. He had been gathering as much information about the rumors as possible, and it did seem as though they were only doing this to bring the humans into the last haven that existed for ā€¦ them. For Skinwalkers. He had to destroy them, and quickly too.

Today just might be the break that he was looking for.

The setting changes from The Fortress to Aethes


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Liron Aldaine Character Portrait: Tenko Kieran Character Portrait: Lorelai Kieran Character Portrait: Farren Leinfelder Character Portrait: Kiarna Elmm Character Portrait: Atra Von Galbri
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Atra Von Galbri; The Fortress

Atra scanned the perimeter as Tenko began his riveting speech. He could see an Aveis overhead, but couldn't tell if it was Liron or one of his minions on patrol. No doubt the spymaster would have agents littered about the crowd today, keeping close monitor of anything suspicious. Kriana, the army's physician, had wiggled through the crowd and found a place up front just minutes before Tenko began. Atra grinned as he recalled their bickering in the past; His stubborn nature to continue over training when heavily fatigued, and her strict medical advice against it. He returned her nod with a casual wink.

Tenko's words continued to rain down like a crackling thunder storm, echoing into the open area of Changers as they listened in silence. Astra scoffed as he took note of the crowd's reaction - their barely contained excitement dancing behind cheerfully glazed eyes and hopeful smiles. It made the Ariad uneasy. Naive fools...

"Look at them eat it up," Atra snapped quietly over to Sevrin and the first lieutenant, "As if they march our marches and fight our battles. So long as we have a reservoir, they could care less about a proper civilization."

A sudden clamor of cheers and applause ignited the air. Atra glanced over to see Tenko raising his arms as if he had just won a war. The deafening sound of support continued to shower the leader as he turned and walked over to Lorelai and his subordinates.

"Well that went better than expected."

"Naturally." Atra nodded, walking past his leader while surveying the many faces in attendance. He delicately placed his fingers along the handle of one of his knives as he watched Changers in human and animal form exit the gathering site.

The setting changes from Aethes to The Fortress


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hiibel Talcen Character Portrait: Liron Aldaine
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Liron Aldaine ; The Fortress

There was nothing of interest so far. Maybe the Rebels had decided that they wished to give in to the superior morals of the Army - they were the ones who wished to help the Changers, after all. Unfortunately, he doubted it. A group of idiots who were so stubborn as to reintroduce humans, the bane of Skinwalker life, into our Aethes, would not suddenly understand the truth and agree to helping the population of people as a whole.

After a few minutes of watching the upper echelon straggling in to the scene, it ought to be time for the speech to start. He caught a glimpse of a taller individual wearing a hat, in their city of shorter Aveis and Murin. Perhaps it was one of the Miao or Raposa that had been denied entrance to the Army. It was in Quadrant III, North corner, he noted.

Tenko began his speech, and still, nothing happened. The speech was better than he had thought, and it certainly was inspirational. Liron was getting a little bored of circling up in the sky, but the Pack might just appear - his coworkers were all too exposed up there on the stage of theirs. He banked again to the right, before scanning the horizon. It was just like a mutant to appear in the middle of this gathering to pick up some of the easier prey. It wasnā€™t everyday that Murin were gathered outside in the open - they were just making a target out of themselves.

Just to see Hiibel - his spy who was supposed to be on lookout duty - do some sort of half-fall half-leap onto the stage. He nearly forgot to flap his wings and for a few seconds, his wings locked, and he fell down towards the ground. What in the world was that Miao thinking? He was supposed to be there if anything happened - not being the one that they needed to stop. He - he certainly took things to extremes.

Liron caught himself just in time to escape becoming a mass of shattered bones on the ground, but even then, he was too far to the ground for comfort. Hiibel was on the stage with his normal cheery attitude, and started to mock Tenkoā€™s speech, ā€œLadies and gentlemen, an appendix I do give.ā€ Liron could already tell that this would be a disgrace to the Army and his other spies. A few minutes of his mindless drivel later, and when Liron was attempting to curtail the murderous intent in his eyes, ā€œApplaud once again for our leader.ā€ the idiot Miao started to clap.

He couldā€™ve murdered him right then and there. Or at the very least, gouged his eyes out. Liron would be getting in so much troubleā€¦ he would be lucky if Tenko decided to keep him alive after this. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he realized that this would be the best time for the Rebels to do something - there was nothing better than adding injury to insult after all.

Regaining his aerial grace, he swooped upwards, before affixing his subordinate with a glare. A glare that foretold of a lashing or other such punishment in the future. Ah, Liron was going to be killedā€¦ His subordinateā€™s action was a mar on his recordā€¦ If they thought that he harbored rebels, then he would end up fighting in the pit for the rest of his life.

Maybe if he was lucky, he should not die in the first fight - but maybe not. Probably not.

The setting changes from The Fortress to Aethes


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Liron Aldaine Character Portrait: Artemisha Sandifer Character Portrait: Kaishi Futatabi (Kai) Character Portrait: Leila Hawthorne Character Portrait: Darvo Kaerd
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Kai finally made it back to where Artemisha and Leila were just in time to watch Darvo rush off. "Hey wait a minute!" she called after him, but was too late. She walked up to Artemisha and handed her the back pack she had retrieved. "I see he must be doing something urgent." She said, feeling rather irritated at his carelessness for his wound. She sighed again. "He'll probably lecture me later, but I should probably go follow him." She looked over to Artemisha. "He's headed towards the center of Aethes. Whether he likes it or not, infiltration is my role on this pack." She smiled faintly at Leila, then looked back up at Artemisha. "I'll be back with him." she said, once again smiling at Leila before turning and running in the direction Darvo went before Artemisha could say anything. When she was out of eye shot from them, she stopped and began to walk, carefully listening as she neared the center of the city. She could hear the sound of applauding in the distance and she still hadn't caught up with Darvo. If he plans on doing something alone, he's a fool, she thought to herself, letting her senses seep out in all directions as she neared the area the applauding was strongest. She peered into the crowd, quickly letting her senses die down because the sound was making her sensitive ears ache. She scanned the crowd. I look to obvious standing still like this, she thought to herself, resentfully raising her hands and clapping loudly with a smile, unusually large for her, on her face as she pushed her way through the crowd. Damn him where is he? She thought to herself, her eyes scanning through all of the changers. Her eyes moved upward to the sky and locked onto what looked like a Kestrel soaring over the overly-sized crowd. She watched the bird for a moment before her eyes began to search the crowd again as she pushed forward. He doesn't even know where the other members of the pack are right now! She stopped smiling and clenched her teeth, though keeping her hands clapping together. Why is it that Lupus's have to act on there own all the time? As she thought this, she was coming closer to the front of the crowd, trying to blend in the best she could as another cheerful smile spread across her face.

The setting changes from Aethes to The Fortress


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hiibel Talcen Character Portrait: Liron Aldaine Character Portrait: Tenko Kieran Character Portrait: Lorelai Kieran Character Portrait: Caddie Hallow Character Portrait: Kora Neverwinter
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#, as written by Witless
Hiibel Talcen; The Fortress

Momentous applause, screams of excitement, roars of encouragement! What should follow any outstanding performance, no matter the kind! And which Hiibel did not receive. Sure, he got applause - from himself, a few Murin, a few Aveis, a stray Raposa or Miao here or there. Not from any Lupus of course. No applause for a mere, lowly cat. How boring...

As his eyes scanned the crowd, he noticed a few latecomers. Mr. Whats-his-face Care, or whoever he was. With a bandaged hand from something, and not looking quite happy to be there. He kept glancing up at Tenko and scanning the crowd, moving closer and closer to the front. Suspicious much? If something needed to be done, Bell had confidence in his speed. His continued turning and taking in the crowd.

Ah, another latecomer. Mrs. Koi Something-or-other clapping overly enthusiastically with a wide smile plastered on her face. And also scanning the crowd. Too late to hear Tenko's speech, she must have heard the end of his and was searching for the speaker. She at least recognized at-least-better-than-average improvised speech and acknowledged it, better than most people. Hiibel grinned wider than before (if that was even possible) and nodded his head in her direction before turning around (had there been a change in expression in that instant?) to continue his sweep of the crowd. And the minimal applause...

As he finished to take in the platform up above, he continued clapping and glanced up again for their reactions. Liron and Tenko glaring at him. Now this would be fun. A few others also seemed mad, while others were amused. But it didn't seem like anyone would stop him. And he was done anyway, so it was probably time to make an exit. How could he do it in such a way that it was grand-and-fit-for-his-performance and yet not so attention-grabbing that it detracted from the leader-that-they-were-here-to-worship?

Luckily for him, the reactions were not quite over! To conclude, there were the screams and roars he had been expecting in response! Finally! Well, now that he thought about it, they were pretty-much-too-delayed-to-be-focused-on-him, and they couldn't quite be attributed to, well, excitement or encouragement... Turning to face the newcomer-who-felt-important-enough-to-steal-his-applause, he was pretty surprised, as one might expect.

A mutant. A bear-like mutant. Mauling whomever was in its path: in this case Mr. Care... And then chaos broke loose, and it was getting too interesting for Hiibel's tastes... Backing up from the dining mutant, he watched the civilians flee for their lives as soldiers began to attack the beast. Well, Hiibel was not a fighter, and he was not going to let himself get killed by this monster. Once again, he scanned the crowd hurriedly, looking to see where people were fleeing, which places were open, where he would not be trampled. There was no time to spare. The noise from all around was deafening - shrieks, screams, roars, yells, complete chaos with a slight semblance of order imposed by Tenko, ordering soldiers to destroy it ASAP.

Mrs. Tenko projected her voice above the din, "Get the young and the elderly away." Yes, that he could help with, even in this chaos. There were a few passageways he knew of, not often used, that he could direct people to. And many people headed toward the same direction, not bothering about the other side passages.

"For goodness sakes, this is a city! Your city! Go different ways, different alleys! If you split up, more people can get out at the same time! Move quickly, but carefully! Let's move!" Lost in concern for others, all traces of amusement had vanished from Hiibel's face, now replaced by worry, fear. A flurry from above reminded him of what many others had apparently also forgotten. "Those who can fly, change and escape! Murin, change and hide in cracks where the mutant can't reach you! The rest of you, get on roofs if possible, and don't stop running until you're safe! Anyone who needs help, follow me!"

He turned and ran off to a side passageway, hidden from sight by rubble, ruins of a building. Directing those who followed into it, he glanced back toward the beast to see it was indeed being stalled by assailants: a Raposa, Lupus, and a few other soldiers. More were coming to take care of it, and the area around it was mostly cleared. Those trapped at the end of the mob fleeing the scene he beckoned over to the passageway, making sure he saved however many people he could. Once the last few were in, he led them through the winding passageway to a safer haven within the city, where they could wait until the mutant was dead or gone. And it would be dead, of course, right? There was an entire army against it, more than enough to take care of one beast.

And of course it would work out, of course they'd be safe, but what would be the price? Who would they lose? And would they be prepared when the next attack came?

The setting changes from The Fortress to Aethes


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hiibel Talcen Character Portrait: Liron Aldaine Character Portrait: Tenko Kieran Character Portrait: Lorelai Kieran Character Portrait: Kaishi Futatabi (Kai)
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0.00 INK

Liron Aldaine

While his attention was still focused on the irritating Miao, a loud roar and scream split the air. Hurriedly making a 180 degree turn to see what was going on, his keen eyes caught a glimpse of the largest mutant that he had ever seen. It was also the closest, and almost made him forget what he was supposed to do, out of fear. Its glistening fangs seemed ready to rip out the throats of the Changers that had gathered here. His heart was beating quickly, his avian formā€™s already quick heartbeat accelerating.

The Changers on the ground, mostly Murin or smaller Aveis, and therefore defenseless started to charge, crazed. Liron could only think that he had to escape before it was too late - he didnā€™t quite want to meet his end here. He still had to flush out the Pack for Tenko - where was Tenko?! He had to get out of her intact! Another roar from the mutant caught his attention, as the furred beast started to dig into his kill. At this moment, Liron hated his above-average eyesight, as it made the sight all the more gruesome.

ā€œSoldiers! Destroy that abomination before it hunts down more civilians! Now!ā€ ordered Tenko, taking charge as usual. Feeling a sense of relief at that, as well as anger that he had missed the sight of this mutant, Liron wheeled again, to head towards the stage. He owed his life to Tenko, and if the mutant was to come close to him, he was willing to do anything it took to make sure that Tenko survived.

A sharp pitched bark and then a few seconds later, a pained-sounding yelp rang through the air. The soldiers were probably starting to destroy the mutant, on his order - but Liron couldnā€™t afford to turn his head and check. Not when speed was of the essence. He had to get there before Tenko was in trouble.

He was close to the walls of the fortress, not wanting to accidentally cause an injury if a kestrel flew at high-speeds into someoneā€™s face, when he caught a glimpse of the kind wife of Tenko, Lorelai. With a firm, but kind voice, she ordered a few of the closer soldiers. ā€œGet the young and the elderly away.ā€ It was just like her to put the welfare of the Changers before her own life, and in a way, Liron was glad that she supported Tenko - the two of them were the best leaders that could ever grace Aethes.

Landing on the wall, he turned to see what was going on. A red-furred Lupus, he recognized that as the Second-Lieutenant, Kora, was hanging on to the throat of the beast, doing her job in the attempt to curtail the destruction that it would bring. Shaking his feathered head slightly, Liron flew carefully, until his talons touched the rough wood of the make-shift stage. There was no wind - therefore, he was unable to hover in the air as he wished to.

ā€œFor goodness sakes, this is a city! Your city! Go different ways, different alleys! If you split up, more people can get out at the same time! Move quickly, but carefully! Letā€™s move! Those who can fly, change and escape! Murin, change and hide in cracks where the mutant canā€™t reach you! The rest of you, get on roofs if possible, and donā€™t stop running until youā€™re safe! Anyone who needs help, follow me!ā€ It seemed as though Hiibel was showing his worth for once, and aiding the attempt to protect the citizens of Aethes. The Miao certainly was a troublemaker, and seemed to take adverse delight in tormenting him, but Hiibel was also the one spy that he felt was an acquaintance - almost even a friend.

Fluttering forward towards the leader of the army, Liron perched on the ground close to him, turning his keen eyes in the direction of the mutant. He let out a harsh ā€˜kee kee keeā€™ sound, notifying them of his presense - there was no other way to make his presence clear without the ability to speak - and opened his wings slightly, ready to take off at a moments notice. Maybe it was true that Tenko had a Bodyguard, and with all that Liron knew, he did his job well, but - Liron felt as though his being there would be helpful in some way.