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Darvo Kaerd

''Don't stand in my way!''

0 · 259 views · located in The Fortress

a character in “Skinwalkers: Resonance of the Lost”, originally authored by tornadofan2, as played by RolePlayGateway


Darvo Kaerd.


Alpha||Leader of The Pack

Type of Changer

Has no nicknames.


39 years old.

To say it in one word, he is calm. He never seems to panick, at all not even when he is in great danger. He always seems to know what to do. Although he hardly ever speaks, the most seem to know what to do. His expression and eyes tell much about him. Though, he will speak if needed. He'll speak to the pack with a cold voice, making sure they listen and obey. He always watches his back, never seeming to relax for one second. Danger can be everywhere. He doesn't trust you soon, you'll have to win his trust.
He is wise. He knows a lot, from experiences or from stories of his parents and others. He always seems to know the answer, almost never making a mistake. You can always ask him for advice and help, though he won't always help. He knows how to make things or how to deal with certain situations.
He will not hesitate to kill if you give him a reason for it. He is fast and silent, no one really hears him coming or sees him coming. Staying mostly in the shadows and staying silent is his thing. Never really with someone else. Always alone, not always but a lot. He likes the peace and so he will go away if he thinks it's to loud or to crowded. He needs his peace because otherwise he will freak out. He doesn't want to freak out so always makes sure he stayes calm.

Brief Description of Human Form
He has a very pale skin colour. Though, not as pale as it sometimes looks. He has white hair, or almost white and light grey. His hair is short and only reaches untill over the ears.His eyes are dark brown, look a bit like dark red which is sometimes true. He isn't the biggest man in the world but not the smallest either. He has an avarage height. He never really seems to wear shoes but prefers to walk on bare feet. He hasn't much weight, a bit skinny to say so. He has bony fingers and quite long nails. He always wears the same cloths, well almost always. A black pants, brown blouse and long black leather jacket.

Brief Description of Animal Form
Darvo is a white dog, no other fur colours. His fur is quite rough. He has long legs and a quite long tail. He his quite skinny. If you look good you can vaguely see his ribs through his fur. He has quite a lot of scars but one you can notice emediantly. The crossed scar on his forehead. It starts at both ears, goes down towards the eyes and crosses above the eyes in the middle. Then it goes down, away from the eyes and it ends at the cheeks. The scar sometimes bleed because it never seems to heal fully. He has a scar on his back. It's like half a moon, three next to each other. His nails are partly pink reddish because of the blood from the prey he kills or the enemies.

Human Skills/Abilities
Is a good skilled fighter. Can fight with swords, daggers, knives and other things that he can possibly find. He can handle guns too. He is a skilled tree climber.

Animal Skills/Abilities
Ofcourse, he uses his teeth. He has a quite big biting force and is able to break the neck of a deer in one bite. He uses his nails on his paws too. He has a loud howl that most fear.


*Children; He will try anything to save children. He hates to see them hurt.
*His past; He hates talking about his past and honestly, it is an effective way to get him killed by a fight.
*His stamina; He is quite fast but because of that he easy to defeat too. He'll get tired soon.

He was born, seemingly normal. And he didn't show anything that isn't normal untill the age of 3. His behaviour started to change and when he was 5 he changed into a wolf. His parents got so scared they kicked him out of the house and he left. Now all alone and hardly able to defend himself, he travelled a lot. He learned to hunt as a wolf, made his own weapons and learned to fight. He had to fight a lot against humans who tried to kill him. He won most battles but some left some scars. After a few years of being alone, when he was around 20 years old, he heard of an army and decided to join. He worked for the Army as a spy for a few years. But, then he heard of the resevoir and he wanted to go there too but he never got a chance. After 5 years of trying to go to there he gave up and left, being very angry. The water seemed to be holy and he wanted that water too. So he left the Army and stopped following him. He met others who didn't follow him either and started a pack.

The most don't really know him. He hasn't been seen much and there aren't really rumors.

Mostly he has respect for every living creature. But the creature that hurts him or someone close to him will be seen as an enemy and there for shall be killed whenever seen. Though, he always prayes for the ones he kills to go to somewhere safe.

Anything else?

So begins...

Darvo Kaerd's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kaishi Futatabi (Kai) Character Portrait: Darvo Kaerd
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Kai looked over at Darvo to see him smiling as he came up beside her to say "Good afternoon, Kai." She let a faint smile appear on her face. Something must have him in a good mood today. She thought to herself, then realized he had probably seen her picking the flowers. She stopped suddenly and looked at him, a little embarrassed. "I wasn't picking those flowers because they were pretty!I..I mean, those were Cone Flowers and they can help with small sicknesses or viral infections. That's why I was picking them okay." She quickly regained her flustered self. "And, yes good after noon to you too." She looked around, wondering if anymore of the pack members may be watching the scene. She let out another yawn before turning her attention back to Darvo. "So, what is everyone out doing?" She asked him, her calm, controlled self back again and a blank expression across her face.

The setting changes from Rebel Base to Aethes


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Artemisha Sandifer Character Portrait: Kaishi Futatabi (Kai) Character Portrait: Leila Hawthorne Character Portrait: Darvo Kaerd
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Artemisha poked her head out from inside one of the buildings after hearing a small brief conversation to see that it was Darvo and Kai who were speaking.She had woken up a little earlier than usual,and decided to take Leila along with her to explore the surrounding area,and she was currently in this building,with Leila by her side.She gently tapped Leila's petite shoulder to get her attention."Let's go over there." she pointed.Placing a hand on the young girl's fluffy brown hair covered head,she gently steered her out of the building and towards the two Changers.They stopped in front of them,Leila in front,and Artemisha behind her.
Artemisha smiled widely at Kai as she was a fellow Raposa as well,before noting a certain scent that she knew she had came across recently.Her smile widened as she realized what it was.
"Kai!You took the cone flowers,didn't you?I was planning to come back for them,but I guess the plans were changed." she mentioned in a cheery voice,but making it clear that Kai was free to keep the flowers.
She turned towards Darvo,smiling uncertainly.She had a bit of trouble being around Darvo,despite having no qualms being around Lupus Changers.First,he was the Pack Leader,so she wasn't sure how to address him,should she do so casually?Or should she be doing so formally?Second,he seemed hard to approach and looked a little scary.
"Um..." Artemisha didn't bother saying anything to Darvo,as she had always done.She was afraid of making a false move or sounding disrespectful and getting him angry.She often gave a low bow towards him when they met.She was now wondering it that was really a smart move to be doing...She kept her head low and glanced towards the side timidly,while keeping both her hands on Leila's shoulders.

The setting changes from Aethes to Rebel Base


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Artemisha Sandifer Character Portrait: Kaishi Futatabi (Kai) Character Portrait: Leila Hawthorne Character Portrait: Darvo Kaerd
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Kai nodded. "Right. Of course you knew what they were."

''I think they are at the Army, listening for plans. I'm not to sure.''

She heard him say and sighed. "I should be doing that right now. But I suppose my sleeping in changed the story." She looked over at him. "I guess I'm alright. Just a little sore from sleeping in a little while." As she said this she noticed Artimisha and Leila approach them. Artimisha mentioned something about going back to pick the Cone Flowers Kai had just picked later. She smiled. "I see. Well, anyone is free to use it if they have too. There isn't very much left but I left the roots behind so more could grow." Kai noticed Artimisha acting a little timid. She usually did this around Darvo as if she was worried about talking around him. Kai was different. She considered each pack member a part of her family, leader or not. Kai smiled faintly as she looked down at Leila. "How are you today?" she said gently. She'd always try to be nicer to the little girl. Due to the fact that she was a human she had always worried one day Leila might begin to feel left out. Her golden gaze turned back to Artimisha. "What were you and Leila out doing?" she asked.

The setting changes from Rebel Base to The Rubble


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Artemisha Sandifer Character Portrait: Kaishi Futatabi (Kai) Character Portrait: Leila Hawthorne Character Portrait: Darvo Kaerd
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"I see. Well, anyone is free to use it if they have too. There isn't very much left but I left the roots behind so more could grow." Artemisha smiled at the thoughtful act.
"That's a good idea,but the lack of rain...I kind of doubt they'll grow again.Let's hope so." she smiled.
''No worries. I'm in a good mood today.'' That was nice to hear,seeing as how Darvo often stressed and worried about the pack members.Artemisha knew that Darvo was a great person.But she just couldn't treat him the way she did to the others.She felt that she had to respect the guy,seeing as it was he who took most of the Pack members in.She gave him a cheerful smile as a response,which hopefully wasn't disrespectful.
''Alright, I'm going to see where the other pack members are.''
Darvo was planning to go look for them.Artemisha nodded her understanding.
She stared on as Darvo walked away until she heard Kai talking to Leila.
"How are you today?" Artemisha smiled at the gesture.It was best if everyone gave Leila a little bit of attention,seeing as how she was the only Human in the Pack.It'd make her feel less...alienated,if Artemisha could put it in her own words.Being an orphan was tough too.Artemisha had never left the youth's side,as often as she would.Leila was a little like her when she was younger,only positions reversed.Instead of a Changer orphan taken care by a Human,it was now a Human orphan taken care by a Changer,and in extension,several other Changers.
It wasn't long before Kai directed her again.
"What were you and Leila out doing?"
"We were out for a little walk,and to take a look inside some of the buildings when I heard you and Darvo talking." she replied.

The setting changes from The Rubble to Aethes


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Artemisha Sandifer Character Portrait: Kaishi Futatabi (Kai) Character Portrait: Leila Hawthorne Character Portrait: Darvo Kaerd
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"The plants do have a slim chance of surviving. So, if we don't see them sprouting again within at least a week we can come back and dig up the roots before they die." Kai replied as Artemisha mention the lack of water.

''Alright, I'm going to see where the other pack members are.''

She heard Darvo say just before he turned and made his way through the ruble. He'd always seemed so concerned for each of his pack members. Though, he did have this cold side to him that Kai knew could be dangerous, she also knew that he did care for them, one way or another. She turned her attention away from Darvo as Artemisha answered her question about what they were out doing. "I see. I woke up late and decided to find out where everyone might have gone. Then Darvo suddenly came up and then you two. It is rather warm out today isn't it?" She said, peering around the broken, tattered building. What was this place used for in the past before all of this destruction? Kai often wondered this about all of the buildings. Why did this building, all of the buildings, turn into such a mess? When and how did they become so empty? Her eyes glazed over with a sad thought. How many people have died in this very building?

The setting changes from Aethes to Rebel Base


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Artemisha Sandifer Character Portrait: Darvo Kaerd
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Darvo was acting a little too shifty in Artemisha's eyes.Body language.
The awkward smile.He was hiding his hands,his jaw moved...possibly biting his tongue.Right...very shifty.
Artemisha clucked her tongue a little.
"Hello" least he was speaking.
"Seems like you didn't find anyone...Darvo.Did anything happen?"
She wasn't normally this straight-forward,but the lack of companions and the fact that Darvo might be hiding something...was like a thorn in her side.

The setting changes from Rebel Base to Aethes


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Artemisha Sandifer Character Portrait: Kaishi Futatabi (Kai) Character Portrait: Darvo Kaerd
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Kai watched Darvo suspiciously as he came back. The good mood he was in had changed and it seemed he was rather upset about something. Before he fully approached them she realized he put his hands behind his back. Something really wasn't right about him. For a moment Kai believed he was going to walk right pass them without speaking but he stopped hesitantly and managed a "Hello". Kai's golden eyes met with his for a split second, which seemed to look quite angry despite his "some-what smile" before she looked back at the ground. After Artemisha asked whether anything happened, Darvo revealed a large wound on his palm. She sighed and pulled the backpack off of her shoulder and set it on the ground. Kneeling in front of it, she unzipped the front pocket of the back pack and pulled out one of the flower tops she had picked earlier. After zipping the pocket back up she stood and held out her open hand to Darvo, the flower sitting in her palm. "All you have to do is crush up the flower petals." She said firmly. "If you don't do something about it, it'll get infected."

The setting changes from Aethes to Rebel Base


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Artemisha Sandifer Character Portrait: Kaishi Futatabi (Kai) Character Portrait: Darvo Kaerd
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"Give it here." sighed Artemisha,taking Darvo's hand and the flower from Kai.Darvo didn't want them to worry about this.It wasn't that big a problem for her.Though...the problem that IS there was...
"Kai...hand me the bandages,if you don't have them,my bag's down back in the sleeping we still have enough clean water to wash his wound clean?"
She looked at the gash on Darvo's hand again.
"It won't be serious as long as we clean it up and prevent it from getting infected." she assured him gently.This was the only time she could actually talk to Darvo normally,when he was a patient.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Artemisha Sandifer Character Portrait: Kaishi Futatabi (Kai) Character Portrait: Darvo Kaerd
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Darvo watched Artemisha and Kai silently, not in a real mood to talk about it or to do something about it. He wouldn't really care either if it got infected, what else could happen, his death? Atleast he would have peace then. He would finally be able to sleep, forever. It sounded to great to sleep forever but on the other hand it seemed stupid too. How could you sleep forever? He guessed there was no choice though when he would die. Though, dying wasn't what he needed. He needed to live, to lead his Pack and to get the resevoir as his. To defeat the Army and live in the city above them. To have peace with everyone and to stop hiding himself. He needed to stop hiding himself and be who he trully was. But, he was scared to be hisself.

The setting changes from Rebel Base to Aethes


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Artemisha Sandifer Character Portrait: Kaishi Futatabi (Kai) Character Portrait: Darvo Kaerd
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"Kai...hand me the bandages,if you don't have them,my bag's down back in the sleeping we still have enough clean water to wash his wound clean?"

Artemisha asked and Kai shook her head. "All I have is some clean cloth. I didn't bring any water with me either." she replied blankly. "But we could wrap it up and then when we get back to the base do something more for it." She suggested. It would be a ten minute walk to and from the base if she ended up going back for some bandages. Kai looked at Darvo, who seemed to be in deep thought. How can you just stand their silently while Artemisha is helping you? Why would you try to hide something like this from us? Your own pack members? How stupid and arrogant can you get!? Kai wanted to yell at him, but she kept a calm, doll-like appearance as she looked at him, her eyes moving down to where the wound on his palm was. You're such an idiot sometimes.., she thought to herself, then pulled out a brown piece of cloth and handed it out to Artemisha. "I could go back for the bandages, but this will keep it from bleeding too much." She said, glancing back at Darvo before walking past him, making her way back through the ruble towards the base.

The setting changes from Aethes to Rebel Base


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Artemisha Sandifer Character Portrait: Kaishi Futatabi (Kai) Character Portrait: Darvo Kaerd
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"All I have is some clean cloth. I didn't bring any water with me either." Artemisha could only sigh.
Her eyes were fully focused on the bleeding gash,as was her attention.She didn't even feel the tension in the air between Kai and Darvo.That wasn't of any concern to her at the moment.'Emi,wounds should be tended to first,and other things later.'That was what her 'father' used to tell her when she got injured.She remembered him braving the snowy winter day while dealing with her scrapped knee,without getting any warm clothing on at all.
'Stupid,stupid Misha,you're an idiot.Why are you thinking of things like that?' she thought,mentally slapping herself.
Kai handed a piece of brown cloth,telling her to use it to keep the wound from bleeding.She looked at Kai and smiled before she walked away to get the bandages.
'She's more thoughtful than I am at this...she really should've been the Medic.' Artemisha thought silently to herself.
She heard Darvo heave a sigh,and looked at him.Their eyes met,and almost instantly,Artemisha glanced away.
"...There's no water to wash your wound.So just bear with this for a minute." she told him with a reassuring smile before starting to lick away the blood.Sure,saliva had bacteria,but it also worked as a minor blood stopper.That was the best she could do,clean the blood,while preventing too much bleeding.Once most of the blood was cleared,she spat the red,metallic tasting liquid away before dabbing the wound with the brown cloth Kai gave her.When she was sure that the bleeding wouldn't start again,and that most of the saliva had been wiped away,she used the back of her hand to wipe her mouth.
Artemisha had just realized what she had done and was now wondering if Darvo approved of it or not.She didn't dare look him in the eyes.

The setting changes from Rebel Base to Aethes


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Artemisha Sandifer Character Portrait: Kaishi Futatabi (Kai) Character Portrait: Leila Hawthorne Character Portrait: Darvo Kaerd
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Kai climbed over the large piece of cement she had to climb over earlier before she found the flowers. She looked back. Artemisha, Leila, Darvo were barely visible now. She came out of the building and continued walking down the cracked, broken street, taking in the warm sunlight. She let all of her extra senses rest, deciding she didn't have to be too worried about running into any army members this far away from the center of Aethes. During the day there weren't really any stray creatures around either. She sighed, closing her eyes as a gentle breeze swept through the city, picking up some dust. After the dust settled she continued making her way to the base. She smiled faintly. Artemisha is always so worried, she thought to herself, kicking a rock out of her path. She looked up into the sky, it was pretty clear and the sun shone down from the middle of it. "Very warm." She said aloud, wiping some sweat from her forehead before continuing on. "But still nice outside." She made it to the massive pile of ruble that seemed to surround the outer edges of the city and climbed into a small opening and slid down a piece of broken street before softly landing on a dusty ground. Once inside of the base she searched above Artemisha's seat and found her bag. After throwing the bag over Kai's other shoulder, she made her way back to the surface and out onto the open street, swallowing dryly, and started making her way back down the street, still letting her senses rest.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Artemisha Sandifer Character Portrait: Darvo Kaerd
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''Thank you for your help. I need to go now.'' He had started hurrying back to...Aethes.
"But!Darvo!We haven't bandaged up your wound!Wait!" Artemisha yelled out,following him quickly.He was quick...and he had a headstart.
'Stupid!What do you think you'll accomplish if you can't even let that hand of yours heal?Every little thing matters!' she thought angrily as she chased after the white haired leader.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Liron Aldaine Character Portrait: Artemisha Sandifer Character Portrait: Kaishi Futatabi (Kai) Character Portrait: Leila Hawthorne Character Portrait: Darvo Kaerd
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Kai finally made it back to where Artemisha and Leila were just in time to watch Darvo rush off. "Hey wait a minute!" she called after him, but was too late. She walked up to Artemisha and handed her the back pack she had retrieved. "I see he must be doing something urgent." She said, feeling rather irritated at his carelessness for his wound. She sighed again. "He'll probably lecture me later, but I should probably go follow him." She looked over to Artemisha. "He's headed towards the center of Aethes. Whether he likes it or not, infiltration is my role on this pack." She smiled faintly at Leila, then looked back up at Artemisha. "I'll be back with him." she said, once again smiling at Leila before turning and running in the direction Darvo went before Artemisha could say anything. When she was out of eye shot from them, she stopped and began to walk, carefully listening as she neared the center of the city. She could hear the sound of applauding in the distance and she still hadn't caught up with Darvo. If he plans on doing something alone, he's a fool, she thought to herself, letting her senses seep out in all directions as she neared the area the applauding was strongest. She peered into the crowd, quickly letting her senses die down because the sound was making her sensitive ears ache. She scanned the crowd. I look to obvious standing still like this, she thought to herself, resentfully raising her hands and clapping loudly with a smile, unusually large for her, on her face as she pushed her way through the crowd. Damn him where is he? She thought to herself, her eyes scanning through all of the changers. Her eyes moved upward to the sky and locked onto what looked like a Kestrel soaring over the overly-sized crowd. She watched the bird for a moment before her eyes began to search the crowd again as she pushed forward. He doesn't even know where the other members of the pack are right now! She stopped smiling and clenched her teeth, though keeping her hands clapping together. Why is it that Lupus's have to act on there own all the time? As she thought this, she was coming closer to the front of the crowd, trying to blend in the best she could as another cheerful smile spread across her face.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Darvo Kaerd
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#, as written by ZenMon
??? - Aethes

The morning sun was approaching the peak of its daily journey, bathing Aethes with its light and warmth. Even though most of the city was gathered near the fortress to hear the Tenko's speech, some eccentric citizens took the opportunity to search the ruins with hopes of finding a hidden treasure amid the ruin. One unfortunate soul had picked today to search in the wrong place at the wrong time. One man was searching through a small pile of debris when he heard faint clicking noises from a tunnel made from the walls of a building that had long since collapsed. The scavenger, a Miao, gazed into the passage, straining his ears to hear what was approaching. The light of the day prevented his gaze from piercing the darkness as well as it normally would have. It would turn out to be his demise. The incredibly faint sounds of breathing could be heard as the thing drew closer. The clicking sound grew louder and louder along with the sound of heavy footsteps. Had he been able to see into the passage, he would have noticed two white eyes that glinted in the darkness. "H-h-hello?", the man stammered. No reply came from within the darkness. His hair stood on end. Every instinct told him to run, and yet he stayed. Silence. The footsteps had stopped. A roar exploded from the tunnel. The man had no time to flee before a massive mutant charged him and knocked him to the ground. A short scream was all that he could manage to get out before the massive mutant ripped out his throat with its massive claws. The mutant began to dig into its most recent victim before it stopped to smell the passing wind. Food... That one thought crossed its mind before it stood upright to find the source of the scent.

The shambling mutant closely resembled a grizzly bear, but that was a stretch. It easily stood at nine feet tall on its hind legs. Its short dust-colored coat was stained red with the aftermath of its recent victim. It's long paws (more similar to hands than paws) were covered in blood and its three inch long claws were eager to draw more blood. The massive canines that protruded from beneath its lips had a faint sheen from the creatures saliva. The creature was born to end lives.

The beast had managed to follow the scent trail all the way to the open ground where the majority of citizens had gathered for the speech. As it entered the area, only one woman noticed its entrance. Her eyes widened in terror as they met with the white eyes of the mutant. It was a moment that seemed to last for an eternity. The moment was shattered as the beast roared and the woman screamed at the same time, sending the crowd into a panic. The crowd ran in every direction possible, trying to flee as fast as they could from the monstrosity while at the same time trying to not get trampled. As they scattered, the mutant dropped to all fours and charged into the crowd to claim its meal. Those unfortunate enough to be caught in its path were knocked over and maimed. Darvo was one of the unfortunate ones. As the crowd scattered, he had just enough time to turn around to see the mutant charging towards him. Before he could flee, the massive mutant slammed into him, launching him a short distance before falling flat on his back on the ground. There was no time to properly recover before the mutant returned. One swipe of its paw left four ragged gashes in Darvo's midsection. Shock set in immediately as Darvo saw his blood spray across the dirt in an arc. Two more swipes to the stomach and chest sent more blood splashing in the dirt. An oppressive weight seemed to settle over Darvo's limbs. He knew death had come to claim him. The mutant's roar sounded muffled and far away, as if it was at a great distance. The last thing he could feel was the creature sinking its massive jaws into his neck and twisting sharply. Then blackness...

The mutant roared in triumph at its successful kills. It eagerly ripped chunks of flesh from its most recent victims and began to feast. Blood smeared its front and dyed its light brown fur a dark crimson. Another triumphant roar was sounded as it moved onto the next victim. The only sounds that could be heard were the wet squelches as chunks of flesh were eaten by the mutant.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kaishi Futatabi (Kai) Character Portrait: Darvo Kaerd
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A loud roar erupted throughout the crown which sent the citizens running in panic. Kai, barely standing her ground as people pushed by her to get away from the beast, stared in shock at the sight of Darvo lying beneath the monsters feet. Her eyes widened. Dead? Darvo..dead? She clenched her teeth, anger surging through her. She leaped forward, changing into the form of a black fox and running towards the bear-like creature. She let out a loud, intimidating bark and she leaped onto the mutants haunches and sunk her teeth into the back of its neck and dug her claws into the monsters back. After getting the bears attention, she leaped backwards of of it. The beast turned on her, it eyes glaring down at his next target. It swept a large paw towards her and she jumped backward, just barely getting out of the way on time. Her heart was pounding now and she felt so small compared to this creature. She began to back up very quickly, but kept her eyes glued on the mutants large forearms. She glared at the beast. You will pay! she growled in her mind and lunged herself forward, dodging under another swiping paw and raked her claws through the beasts right hind leg before turning to add space between her and the mutant again. Not being quite fast enough, the beast swept its other paw towards her, slamming it into her left side and sending her flying a good six feet. She let out a yelp and landed on her left side, rolling a few times, and then skidding to a halt. Kai slowly stood, barely holding herself up with her left hind leg and she limped a few steps backward, her gold eyes still glaring at the beast and her lips parted in a snarl while the hairs on her shoulders bristled. She knew full well that a few areas in her left leg had been fractured and she already felt her left side bruising from the impact, but she kept her focus on the fight, ignoring the fact that she didn't have a chance taking this thing on on her own.

The setting changes from Aethes to The Fortress


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hiibel Talcen Character Portrait: Liron Aldaine Character Portrait: Tenko Kieran Character Portrait: Lorelai Kieran Character Portrait: Caddie Hallow Character Portrait: Kora Neverwinter
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#, as written by Witless
Hiibel Talcen; The Fortress

Momentous applause, screams of excitement, roars of encouragement! What should follow any outstanding performance, no matter the kind! And which Hiibel did not receive. Sure, he got applause - from himself, a few Murin, a few Aveis, a stray Raposa or Miao here or there. Not from any Lupus of course. No applause for a mere, lowly cat. How boring...

As his eyes scanned the crowd, he noticed a few latecomers. Mr. Whats-his-face Care, or whoever he was. With a bandaged hand from something, and not looking quite happy to be there. He kept glancing up at Tenko and scanning the crowd, moving closer and closer to the front. Suspicious much? If something needed to be done, Bell had confidence in his speed. His continued turning and taking in the crowd.

Ah, another latecomer. Mrs. Koi Something-or-other clapping overly enthusiastically with a wide smile plastered on her face. And also scanning the crowd. Too late to hear Tenko's speech, she must have heard the end of his and was searching for the speaker. She at least recognized at-least-better-than-average improvised speech and acknowledged it, better than most people. Hiibel grinned wider than before (if that was even possible) and nodded his head in her direction before turning around (had there been a change in expression in that instant?) to continue his sweep of the crowd. And the minimal applause...

As he finished to take in the platform up above, he continued clapping and glanced up again for their reactions. Liron and Tenko glaring at him. Now this would be fun. A few others also seemed mad, while others were amused. But it didn't seem like anyone would stop him. And he was done anyway, so it was probably time to make an exit. How could he do it in such a way that it was grand-and-fit-for-his-performance and yet not so attention-grabbing that it detracted from the leader-that-they-were-here-to-worship?

Luckily for him, the reactions were not quite over! To conclude, there were the screams and roars he had been expecting in response! Finally! Well, now that he thought about it, they were pretty-much-too-delayed-to-be-focused-on-him, and they couldn't quite be attributed to, well, excitement or encouragement... Turning to face the newcomer-who-felt-important-enough-to-steal-his-applause, he was pretty surprised, as one might expect.

A mutant. A bear-like mutant. Mauling whomever was in its path: in this case Mr. Care... And then chaos broke loose, and it was getting too interesting for Hiibel's tastes... Backing up from the dining mutant, he watched the civilians flee for their lives as soldiers began to attack the beast. Well, Hiibel was not a fighter, and he was not going to let himself get killed by this monster. Once again, he scanned the crowd hurriedly, looking to see where people were fleeing, which places were open, where he would not be trampled. There was no time to spare. The noise from all around was deafening - shrieks, screams, roars, yells, complete chaos with a slight semblance of order imposed by Tenko, ordering soldiers to destroy it ASAP.

Mrs. Tenko projected her voice above the din, "Get the young and the elderly away." Yes, that he could help with, even in this chaos. There were a few passageways he knew of, not often used, that he could direct people to. And many people headed toward the same direction, not bothering about the other side passages.

"For goodness sakes, this is a city! Your city! Go different ways, different alleys! If you split up, more people can get out at the same time! Move quickly, but carefully! Let's move!" Lost in concern for others, all traces of amusement had vanished from Hiibel's face, now replaced by worry, fear. A flurry from above reminded him of what many others had apparently also forgotten. "Those who can fly, change and escape! Murin, change and hide in cracks where the mutant can't reach you! The rest of you, get on roofs if possible, and don't stop running until you're safe! Anyone who needs help, follow me!"

He turned and ran off to a side passageway, hidden from sight by rubble, ruins of a building. Directing those who followed into it, he glanced back toward the beast to see it was indeed being stalled by assailants: a Raposa, Lupus, and a few other soldiers. More were coming to take care of it, and the area around it was mostly cleared. Those trapped at the end of the mob fleeing the scene he beckoned over to the passageway, making sure he saved however many people he could. Once the last few were in, he led them through the winding passageway to a safer haven within the city, where they could wait until the mutant was dead or gone. And it would be dead, of course, right? There was an entire army against it, more than enough to take care of one beast.

And of course it would work out, of course they'd be safe, but what would be the price? Who would they lose? And would they be prepared when the next attack came?