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Kiarna Elmm

"Most people are crazy; it's the sane ones you have to be careful about."

0 · 296 views · located in The Fortress

a character in “Skinwalkers: Resonance of the Lost”, as played by SupposedlyAnonymous


Kiarna Elmm



Type of Changer

Doc, KiKi. (She wholly disapproves of the latter.)



Kiarna can almost come across as cold; her years of training in the medical field have sharply honed her ability to hide emotions, as she saw people die and suffer. Always feeling as if emotions were a weakness, and had a poor effect on her focus, she began forming a thick shell to hide and control them. She is actually quite caring under her shell of apathy, though few people have succeeded in reaching that part of her.

Because of this shell, she often says very little, preferring to let her actions speak for her, though when she is roused to speak, her comments are often sharply sarcastic or cynical. She has tried and failed to comfort people she is stitching up, and generally lets someone else do that for her, or simply attempts a tentative smile.

However, emotions can only be bottled up for so long; when she snaps, she often loses complete control for a few minutes, then calms down, shakes herself off, and goes to cool off by herself for a while. Around those few she trusts, she can be mischief and witty, though she is likely to treat them just as coolly as she does the rest of the world an hour later.

In some ways more insecure than most people under her defenses, she is very sensitive towards those she considers her friends, and will stay upset for days over something small, even a comment that was meant to be harmless.

She but constantly haunts herself with the belief that what she does isn't good enough, that she could always be better. This drive for perfection does make her a successful doctor, but it causes quite a bit of emotional stress. Strangely for a Miao, she is not often up high, seeming to view heights with an attitude which is almost wary. She absolutely refuses to say why, though people have tried to worm it out of her before.

Kiarna enjoys being busy, especially mentally, and will get a bit testy when she has nothing to do, or is forced to do something she considers dull. She also highly dislikes being told what to do, even by those that are her authorities, though she generally hides her annoyance behind a curtain of cool politeness when speaking to those above her in position.

Her thoughts towards the pack are often wryly amused; she sees their efforts as being but a small discomfort to the empire, a futile effort that will be easily crushed.

Brief Description of Human Form
Standing at about 5'1, Kiarna is not a very powerful individual, being very slight in addition to her diminutive height. She has little muscle mass, though she does have a decent amount of strength for her size. Though she can run fast, she possesses little stamina. She has very little curves, and could probably pass for being much younger than she actually is.

Her hair appears, at first glance, to be dark brown, though a pale brown, almost white layer of hair lies under the outer dark hair. This odd hair is course, straight, and cut off a few inches past her shoulders, framing an angular face.

Her eyes are very catlike, being copper in color, with no whites to speak of, and a black, slit shaped pupil. These eyes, along with her sharp teeth and odd hair, are the only things that allude to her being a Changer.

Brief Description of Animal Form
A small, slight cat, Kiarna has short hair which is, for the most part, dark brown in color. However, it is marbled with shades which are slightly lighter or darker, and the undercoat is a pale almost-white. When she moves, it almost seems as if the white is flickering through her coat.

She is lithely built, with a wedge shaped face and large ears. Her tail is short and rather stumpy, though it is long enough to twitch in annoyance.

Human Skills/Abilities
Kiarna is, due to her training as a doctor, fairly good with her hands, though not as deft as a Reban. She can generally keep her head even when in a stressful situation, another result of being trained in the medical field, where emergencies that require a calm mind are common. She is also a quick thinker, and possesses a sharp wit, though most people never get to see the witty side of her, due to her usual taciturn manner. She has a decent turn of speed in human form, but not near as quick as she is in her cat form. Just a bit faster than the average human.

Animal Skills/Abilities
Kiarna has excellent hearing, and is quite perceptive to her surroundings. She is also quite quick on her feet, though lacking in stamina. She is able to see in the dark to an extent, though she generally relies on her ears for navigation at night or in unlit places.

When she looses her temper, she generally looses all logic for a few minutes, occasionally causing her to jump into fights that she would run from if she had her head. Kiarna is not powerfully built, and most foes could easily harm her with little effort after catching her, which would not be very hard due to her general lack of stamina. Kiarna also gets headaches off and on, due to her sharp hearing, and has an unexplained fear of heights.

Her parents were first alerted to her unusual abilities when she was about a year old, and her hair had begun to grow. This, combined with the fact that her teeth and eyes were catlike, and her cries as an infant were almost a feline yowl, made them afraid of what their daughter could be. However, they lived in denial until she was about three and others began noticing these odd traits....

The village was quick in their decision; the Changer child was to be gotten rid of. What happened between then and wandering upon Aethes is a mystery to all but herself, and any questions about it are ignored or met with a biting remark.

After finding Aethes at the age of ten, she become apprenticed to a doctor, and worked under him until he died, leaving the position to her. She was never on very good terms with her old master, mostly due to them both being stubborn and rather opinionated people.

There are many rumors concerning her fear of heights, some saying that she was dropped off a cliff by her human parents.
At one time it was whispered that she killed, or arranged the death, of her master, due to her pleasure at taking over the position, and lack of grieving at his death.


She is often in human form, as hands are much more suited for the work of a doctor than paws.

So begins...

Kiarna Elmm's Story


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Character Portrait: Kiarna Elmm
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Blinking sleepily, Kiarna awoke with the sun in her eyes and a sudden thought that something was going on today. What was it.... Oh, yes. Their mighty leader was putting on a speech. Did she really need to go? It was so hot.... A day good for nothing but sleeping, really. But, then again, it was probably a good idea to go. Offer some sort of moral support or... Something. Anyway, she wasn't tired enough to go back to sleep.

With a quiet groan of inner protest, she stood to her feet and stretched, pushing her hair out of her face and straightening her tunic. With all this heat, she wouldn't be surprised if some of the thicker coated Changers started getting heat-sick or fainting and came whining to her about it. Honestly, if she had told them once, she had told them a thousand times that the best and really the only thing to do for heat sickness was to get out of the heat. What was so hard to udnerstand about that? Of course, if it got too irritating, she could always give them some nastier tasting herbs. That generally kept them quiet for a few days, at least.

The dark haired Miao slipped out the door and into the street, heading with purposeful, quiet footsteps towards the where the speech was to be held. Stopping when she got to the edge of throng that was gathering, she gave a short growl of annoyance and then began to wade through the crowd, finally drawing close enough to the platform to see Tenko and his bodyguard. Pushing past the last few people in her way, she gave a stiff nod in their direction and stood as near to the front of the crowd as she could and still see the platform, her arms crossed and feet set wide apart.

The setting changes from The Fortress to Aethes


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Liron Aldaine Character Portrait: Tenko Kieran Character Portrait: Lorelai Kieran Character Portrait: Farren Leinfelder Character Portrait: Atra Von Galbri Character Portrait: Kiarna Elmm
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Atra Von Galbri; The Fortress

Atra scanned the perimeter as Tenko began his riveting speech. He could see an Aveis overhead, but couldn't tell if it was Liron or one of his minions on patrol. No doubt the spymaster would have agents littered about the crowd today, keeping close monitor of anything suspicious. Kriana, the army's physician, had wiggled through the crowd and found a place up front just minutes before Tenko began. Atra grinned as he recalled their bickering in the past; His stubborn nature to continue over training when heavily fatigued, and her strict medical advice against it. He returned her nod with a casual wink.

Tenko's words continued to rain down like a crackling thunder storm, echoing into the open area of Changers as they listened in silence. Astra scoffed as he took note of the crowd's reaction - their barely contained excitement dancing behind cheerfully glazed eyes and hopeful smiles. It made the Ariad uneasy. Naive fools...

"Look at them eat it up," Atra snapped quietly over to Sevrin and the first lieutenant, "As if they march our marches and fight our battles. So long as we have a reservoir, they could care less about a proper civilization."

A sudden clamor of cheers and applause ignited the air. Atra glanced over to see Tenko raising his arms as if he had just won a war. The deafening sound of support continued to shower the leader as he turned and walked over to Lorelai and his subordinates.

"Well that went better than expected."

"Naturally." Atra nodded, walking past his leader while surveying the many faces in attendance. He delicately placed his fingers along the handle of one of his knives as he watched Changers in human and animal form exit the gathering site.

The setting changes from Aethes to The Fortress


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hiibel Talcen Character Portrait: Tenko Kieran Character Portrait: Atra Von Galbri Character Portrait: Kiarna Elmm
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0.00 INK

Kiarna returned Atra's wink with a dry smile, revealing rather sharp teeth. She rather liked the Ariad; although he seemed to be intent on killing himself with all his training, he wasn't stupid by any means. Besides, he was the type she would rather not have as an enemy.

Kiarna's attention was barely on the speech. Why should it be? Yes, it was 'exciting' and 'uplifting' (Tenko was doing surprisingly well today), but it was nothing new. All the information presented in it was common knowledge. 'Brilliantly' phrased, perhaps, but still common knowledge.

But then again, all speeches were common knowledge. Interesting stuff was never shouted from a platform for the city and whoever else might be around to hear. Interesting stuff was picked up when those speaking thought nobody else was listening. Not that she went looking for that information; delirious mumblings of the sick or wounded, whispers outside her tent while she stitched a soldier up and his companions waited to see if he was okay and discussed the mission he was hurt on or their newest assignment, people talking because they either thought she wasn't paying attention, or didn't care.

She was no spy, though. Not for either side. Any interesting tidbits she picked up were stashed away to be used only for her own private purposes, which was usually as small as asking for extra bandages or salve during a week she knew many changers would be on special missions. Honestly, she could do without the data, but since she had it, why not make it useful?

Realizing by the applause about her that the speech was over, Kiarna gave a polite bit of clapping herself, and was then startled by a figure leaping from a roof and beginning to speak. After recognizing the changer, she immediately wrote this off as normal behavior. Such things could be expected from Bell. She crossed her arms and watched his performance with carefully measured amusement and apathy in her expression.