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Sevrin Massengale

"People always have secrets. It's just a matter of finding out what they are."

0 · 289 views · located in The Fortress

a character in “Skinwalkers: Resonance of the Lost”, originally authored by ShudderFox-, as played by RolePlayGateway


Sevrin Massengale



Type of Changer
Miao (miao is probably pretty common, let me know if I should change it.)

Sev, mostly, but he's been called many things.



Sevrin is a fun, humorous, kind of guy, careless and relatively worry free. He doesn’t let things get to him, preferring to shrug things off rather than freak out about them. He’s the kind of person who tried to relax everyone when the situation is stressful, or tough. Even if he enjoys, well, enjoying life, he’s still a layed back kind of guy, friendly and social. Maybe not the most trusting, he still makes friends, despite a few quirks. Sevrin is the kind of guy with endless energy, and can’t sleep. Impatient when he doesn’t get what he wants, but unusually happy and generous. A lot of things about the guy contrast, and it’s not exactly something he does on purpose. It’s just part of him. Or part of his condition, really. Either way, it creates a person who can really be something to watch.

The first thing you’d notice are the obvious things about his personality. Sevrin loves talking and interacting with people, but youβ€˜d probably think otherwise when you first meet him. He’s got this cool, layed back, almost sarcastic, demeanor that he falls back on, like a default. His personality can change in an instant though. Anyway, he’s a people person. I mean, he can tolerate being alone, but why be alone when you could be social? He likes watching and learning about how people tick. There’s nothing better than the feeling of knowing you’ve manipulated someone into doing what you wanted them to do - without really telling them to do anything. He’s vigilant in that way, always looking around and gathering information. He’s not easilly convinced of anything, and it takes time for him to really trust someone. And something you’d probably find out about him real quick is that Sevrin is competitive. He really can’t stand to loose. At all. That’s probably one of the few times you’ll see him really show emotion, and it’s not even extreme. Sevrin likes to be in the loop so he can β€˜win’. When being competitive isn’t in the picture, he’s a friendly guy, easily able to make friends. Sevrin doesn’t really judge much - does he have the right being so β€˜unormal’? There are a few traits in people he can’t stand, but he deals with that using his painful honestly. Sevrin isn’t afraid to say what’s on his mind, and doesn’t really think about others feelings when he calls them out on something. In his mind, it’s just constructive criticism. His mouth can sometimes get him in trouble, though. In that case, he tries to talk his way out of trouble. A smooth talker, he can convince and lie to people to get his way without even batting an eye. Pair that with decent acting skills and you’ve got a guy who can get you anything and get you anywhere. However, he's fully aware some people don't want to hear talk - they want to fight. In that case, Sevrin will happily oblige. That's one of the instances where you can really see his rage that he's normally so good at containing. He has a natural hatred towards people who think they can fight him and actually win. However, that's only if it's a serious fight. A weak-looking person is just a funny joke to him, in which case, he'll probably just shove you around a bit. On the other hand, he's a helpful guy to those he likes. Sevrin likes to make sure people he cares about are ok, you know? He has a good work ethic and doesn’t complain about much, so helping people doesn’t bother him at all.

Sevrin has issues, though. Who doesn’t? First thing first, he can’t be comfortable sitting still. He prefers to be up and doing something. Whether it’s working or entertaining himself, he feels better when he’s actually contributing to something rather than sitting down. For as long as he can remember he hadn’t been able to sit still like most people. He feels antsy and trapped, needed to get up and walk. Thanks to it, he’s developed some unconscious habits, like pacing, tapping his foot, throwing a ball against the wall. Plus, he's a highly visual person, always looking around and listening to what's around him. Thanks to that, he's prone to getting easily distracted, staring at people to quickly size up the competition. Yep. Life might as well be a competition. Behind the smile and legitimate like for people, he's also slow to trust. But at least people give him something to look at or focus on. And like the true workaholic he is, Sevrin likes to make sure things get done, get done fast, and get done right. He’s kind of OCD when it comes to people slacking. Procrastination makes him mad, and Sevrin has absolutely no patience when it comes to teaching others how to do something. Really, he’d like to help, but Sevrin’s got a thousand and one things going through his head - he waste his time on teaching someone who can’t grasp the concept quickly. Sevrin doesn’t take much serious besides his work. However, he’s a persistent flirt, whether he has a girlfriend or not. Sevrin’s aware of the problem, but it takes time to change, right? Well, if you really wanted to change, you could. Sevrin is great at listening and giving advice. That is, if he’s in a good mood. His personality is either happy, and everything described above… or goes downhill. He’s not a stranger to depression, random tiredness. Sevrin naturally sleeps less than others, and it normally doesn’t affect him. But there’s always those few times when suddenly nothing matters at all and he just kind of hangs around, quiet and unsure what to even do with himself. In which case, he’ll disappear.

Brief Description of Human Form
Sevrin is average height, around five foot eleven inches, and thin. He's got lean muscles throughout his body, but prides himself more in stealth, endurance, speed, ext. Sev has jet black hair that's cut short in the back and gradually get's longer towards the front. His bangs reach to the top of his eyebrows. It's swept to the side, though, or he's wearing a hat over it. Sevrin has dark eyes to match. They're a deep, dark brown color and look black from far away. The kind of eyes that aren't as striking as others, but still noticeable due to how dark they are. Sevrin's skin is an olive color. He tans easily, getting darker rather than orange. However, being orange wouldn't hurt him. It'd probably go with the faint stripes than run horizontally around his chest, stomach, and neck like a second rib cage. They're also on his shoulders, and he has markings on his face somewhat like those of a tiger. He also has a pink scar right above his eye, slanting slightly so that it goes into his eyebrow as well. It's one of his more noticeable scars.

Brief Description of Animal Form
Sev isn’t the biggest cat, but he’s not exactly small, either. To put it simply, he’s average size. His teeth and claws are average, and if he got into a fight, there’s not much of a chance he’d be a whole lot bigger than his opponent. With that aside, he’s got faded blue/green eyes that match pretty well with his coat. Brown with black stripes, it’s fairly short and manageable. Thanks to it’s dark color, he blends in well with most alleys and dark places, especially since stripes tend to break up an animal's outline. Black on top of light brown, his stripes cover his entire body. They’re the most prominent on his legs, tail, and face. The fur on his stomach is white.

Human Skills/Abilities
Sevrin is very agile and light on his feet even as a human being. He's also silent, and often sneaks up on people without realizing it. Being so vigilant gives him an eye for detail and he often notices things others might not. Plus, his vision is just good. Being an interrogator gives him a way with words others might not possess. He's hardly ever tongue tied, and isn't afraid to say what's on his mind or speak in front of a large crowd. He can pretend to be anybody's best friend - he's an actor and a skilled liar - which makes getting information out of people easier.

Animal Skills/Abilities
He possesses most skills you'd expect of a cat. Sevrin is a good climber and predator, easily catching things smaller than he is. He can also squeeze into spaces most others couldn't get through unless they were smaller than he was. Sevrin's animal form also has impeccable balance. He can stay steady on even the thinnest branches and wires, and always lands on his feet when he falls.

Sevrin hates to admit this, but he isn't the best fighter. He could hold his own as a human, maybe, but larger opponents or a more skilled fighters could easilly over power him in his animal form. Probably because Sevrin just isn't built like a fighter. And his first instinct wouldn't be to fight; he'd either think it was a joke or quickly think of a defense or escape plan. Sevrin doesn't have a very good sense of taste, and like other Miao, different things can be toxic to him. Sev is also very easilly distracted unless he's really focused on something. He'll stop in mid sentence to watch something insignificant from across the room. It's annoying to even himself, sometimes. One of his biggest fears is drowning, and he refuses to go in water when his feet don't touch the bottom, or if the water reaches to his shoulders. When his head goes under for even a second he panics, and often forgets whatever was on his mind beforehand, only knowing he needs to get out of the water quickly.

Sevrin wasn't born with the light stripes on his body. His parents thought he was a normal child, and he didn't do anything that would make himself abnormal. However, when he was around three or four, his stripes started to come in. His parents were pretty concerned. What do you do what you're kid isn't normal anymore? Well, they kept him dressed in long clothes and tried to keep him at home as much as possible. Soon enough the black markings showed up on his face and his parents weren't sure how to hide that. Maybe they would go away on their own? Yeah, his parents hoped so. But when turned away for a few seconds and looked back at their child again, a cat sat in it's place. Fur, claws, big eyes and a tail - this was definetely not their kid. And you can only love a monster so much. They picked up the cat and tossed it outside, quickly washing their hands of any memory of their had-been child.

Sevrin spent a lot of time changing from human to animal. He didn't really understand why his parents wouldn't let him back in the house, or why he had the urge to climb up a tree and eat the baby birds in their nest. But eventually he learned no one was coming to help him. No one cared whether he was alive or not. He changed back into a cat and stayed that way, roaming around and watching the environment around him. Eventually, he stumbled into a human village and was taken in by a little girl. He played with her and spent a lot of time observing the humans in the village, picking up words and actions. Putting two and two together. One day he watched the little girl playing with some other children and figured she'd want to play with him if he was a human, just like she did when he was a cat. Sevrin changed into his human form out in the open, and was spotted by multiple people. They quickly gathered around the teen and restrained him. Sevrin frantically tried to put together words and get himself out of his situation - he didn't know humans didn't like things like him! But it was no use. They were able to beat him up some before he shifted in a cat and got away.

Sevrin was different after that. Humans weren't beings to be trusted anymore, and he was more determined than ever to learn about them. About himself. Even if he didn't like them the way he used to, part of him still wanted to be accepted. He looked human, didn't he? Maybe if he could convince them he was human, they'd never notice the boy was part animal. And Sevrin didn't like the solitary life of a wild cat. He spent the next few years going in and out of human villages, learning how to act and making up for so much lost time since his parents kicked him out of the house. On one of his travels, that's when he met the leader of the Army. Honestly, Sevrin had never met another skinwalker before, and joined the group, even if he was a little weary of them. His interest in language and behavior made him a good interrogator, and Sevrin still works on perfecting his craft, and possibly showing others the art if he ever finds the patience. Sevrin still sometimes leaves out words when he speaks - a side effect from not living with people as a young child - but he feels right at home interrogating others and finding out the secretes they thought they could hide.

There aren't many secrets as far as Sevrin goes unless you aren't in the Army. He isn't shy about telling people about his life, but unless you ask, he isn't going to bring it up. Some are skeptical about his true intentions seeing as he is a good liar and can act any part, but Sevrin really is loyal to the army and wouldn't think to betray anyone on his side.

I'll fill this in as I go.

Sevrin usually changes in around four or so seconds. He doesn't bother trying to speed up the process with so much on his mind.

So begins...

Sevrin Massengale's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tenko Kieran Character Portrait: Lorelai Kieran Character Portrait: Farren Leinfelder Character Portrait: Atra Von Galbri Character Portrait: Sevrin Massengale
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Sevrin Massengale - The Fortress

Sevrin had just gotten out of a quick shower and finished pulling on his shirt, pants, and shoes. With that done with, he ran his hands through his black hair. It was still noticeably wet, but that would come in handy with the heat threatening to fry anyone who stood out in it too long. Sev especially hated warm weather - dry air like this was just pushing the matter. But he kept his composure. It'd cool off eventually. And, usually, nothing bothered Sevrin for that long. Definitely not something as unimportant as the heat and the sun. No, what mattered today was Tenko's speech. It wasn't hard to figure out public speaking wasn't their leader's favorite activity. Most people probably couldn't handle the action. Sevrin didn't blame them, even if his job required talking so well you got your enemy to spill whatever secrete they thought they could hide. The thought gave him a proud smile as a drop of water rolled down his face. He rubbed it off with the back of his hand and walked out into the sun, letting it warm his already uncomfortable body.

He wasn't suffering alone, though. Soldiers were either fighting, trying to earn some extra food, or lazing about. He could already see Farren getting onto some soldiers. Sevrin watched for a moment before watching the Lieutenant leave. Probably heading to Tenko. That would make sense, considering the whole speech thing today. The Fortress was filled with changers, all awaiting the same moment. All standing around unless told otherwise. Sevrin let his disgust at the notion of doing nothing show for a split second before he continued walking again. Laziness was something he just couldn't - wouldn't - understand.

Sevrin started walking again, just going through the Fortress and looking over things. He wasn't going anywhere in particular. There wasn't much for him to do at the moment besides wait for orders or the day's planned event. How many Pack members were also waiting for today's speech, he wondered. It seemed like it would be easier for the pack if they stayed in their usual hideout. Why take the risk of getting stuck with the Army? No doubt they'd be killed on sight. The heat was making everyone a little edgier today. But Sevrin never doubted the nerve of other people. A Pack member could be standing behind him, or in a tree somewhere - whatever - waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Cause a commotion. A distraction. Kill somebody. Get some information.

His mind was making up scenario's a little too fast now.

Sevrin ran another hand through his hair, which was now dry. He'd cross the bridge of Pack members when it came up. Although, he wouldn't mind having someone to crack under pressure.

It'd give him something to do.

Sevrin continued walking through the fortress and, with a smile, greeting everyone he passed who bothered to listen, only stopping for a moment to spare a few extra words with children. He liked talking to them... finding out who'd turn into a future fighter and who'd end up too soft to harm anything. It was always interesting watching them grow up and seeing your predictions come true.

He thought for a moment. Was that weird? Eh, coarse not. He glanced at the sky, then around him, and before he knew it, he was making his way down the walkway. Sevrin wasn't necessarily needed or commanded to be there when Tenko decided to make his speech, but it was a hell of a lot better than standing around in the crowd, wasting his time. With unintentionally quiet steps, he was soon standing near the others. He gave them all a respectful nod, a courteous smile, and looked around him again. Gathering his surroundings for a moment. So this was what it felt like... to have a little more power than Sevrin actually did. He raised an eyebrow and took in the sight of Tenko.

"The vast majority of them are rooting for you, sir," Sevrin told him, popping one of his knuckles, "but you being nervous won't keep them on your side."

The setting changes from Aethes to The Fortress


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tenko Kieran Character Portrait: Lorelai Kieran Character Portrait: Farren Leinfelder Character Portrait: Atra Von Galbri Character Portrait: Sevrin Massengale
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#, as written by ZenMon
Tenko Kieran - The Fortress

The time was now at hand. A sizable crowd had filled the open ground below the walkway; most of the crowd milled about while waiting for Tenko to give his speech. Some were bored, others looked around nervously, and others still were shuffling around while waiting for their day to continue. With one final nod to his lieutenants, bodyguard, and wife, he ascended the steps to face the crowd. From his position in front of them, the crowds size seemed to triple. Tenko felt exposed and vulnerable. He almost considered just backing off and letting his propaganda officer take care of public relations, but that was no way to run a nation. Especially the kind of nation he hoped to create. Yet how to proceed still eluded him. A thought bubbled forth from the backs of his mind. After hastily clearing his throat, he spoke out to the crowd.

"My fellow Changers! This harsh world we have been born into nearly destroyed all of civilization as we know it! Our human ancestors grouped together for their survival in their small groups. They fought, they warred, yet they endured. They continued to see themselves as the superior beings in the world." Tenko slowly began to pace back and forth. "And then we came along. We, the Changers, who are the next step in the evolutionary chain! We who were cast out of our old lives among the humans out of their fear of us! Their fear of knowing that they were threatened! The fear of being obsolete! Yet our exile did not mean the end of our kind! Our exile from the humans has only made us stronger! Look!" Tenko spread his arms out. "Look what we have accomplished! Our budding civilization that the humans could only dream of!" Tenko rested his hands on the rail of the walkway and leaned forward towards the crowd. "Imagine what we could do if we continued to grow! To welcome our fellow Changers into our fold! To expand our nation! To retake this desolate world for ourselves! We can take this world from the inferior humans! We can reshape the world in any way we wish! This is our time! This is our task! This is our duty! We can create a world where our children and their children can live free of oppression and hatred! They can live in a world where life and death do not hang in the balance every day! A world for the Changers! Brothers!!!" Tenko raised his right arm. "Sisters!!!" Tenko raised his left arm to match the height of his right. "This is our destiny!!!"

The crowd was silent. Every face was staring towards him with some sort of emotion that he couldn't read. He felt rather out of place and even more embarrassed than he had at the start. But then an explosion of sound burst forth from the crowd as they cheered. Tenko gave a slight smile before turning back to the steps and went back to Lorelai, Atra, Farren, and Sevrin. He gave another one of his rare smiles as he looked at them.

"Well that went better than expected."

The setting changes from The Fortress to Aethes


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Liron Aldaine Character Portrait: Tenko Kieran Character Portrait: Lorelai Kieran Character Portrait: Farren Leinfelder Character Portrait: Kiarna Elmm Character Portrait: Atra Von Galbri
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Atra Von Galbri; The Fortress

Atra scanned the perimeter as Tenko began his riveting speech. He could see an Aveis overhead, but couldn't tell if it was Liron or one of his minions on patrol. No doubt the spymaster would have agents littered about the crowd today, keeping close monitor of anything suspicious. Kriana, the army's physician, had wiggled through the crowd and found a place up front just minutes before Tenko began. Atra grinned as he recalled their bickering in the past; His stubborn nature to continue over training when heavily fatigued, and her strict medical advice against it. He returned her nod with a casual wink.

Tenko's words continued to rain down like a crackling thunder storm, echoing into the open area of Changers as they listened in silence. Astra scoffed as he took note of the crowd's reaction - their barely contained excitement dancing behind cheerfully glazed eyes and hopeful smiles. It made the Ariad uneasy. Naive fools...

"Look at them eat it up," Atra snapped quietly over to Sevrin and the first lieutenant, "As if they march our marches and fight our battles. So long as we have a reservoir, they could care less about a proper civilization."

A sudden clamor of cheers and applause ignited the air. Atra glanced over to see Tenko raising his arms as if he had just won a war. The deafening sound of support continued to shower the leader as he turned and walked over to Lorelai and his subordinates.

"Well that went better than expected."

"Naturally." Atra nodded, walking past his leader while surveying the many faces in attendance. He delicately placed his fingers along the handle of one of his knives as he watched Changers in human and animal form exit the gathering site.

The setting changes from Aethes to The Fortress


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hiibel Talcen Character Portrait: Tenko Kieran Character Portrait: Lorelai Kieran Character Portrait: Farren Leinfelder Character Portrait: Kora Neverwinter Character Portrait: Atra Von Galbri
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#, as written by Witless
Hiibel Talcen; The Fortress

Oh, look! Motion from the walkway! General Man was arriving with his posse! Heh, pussy... Oh well, like it or not: speech time! "My fellow Changers! This harsh world we have been born into..." ...and boring already... Surprise them all! Catch them by surprise! With such a boring introduction, well, who wouldn't lose interest immediately?

There was the introduction-of-yes-we're-awesome, followed of course by the here's-what-should-happen-next-which-we-already-say-we-do. Then the remention-of-awesomeness that has to be inserted everywhere throughout... And it finally ends with the plea-of-let's-all-work-together-for-the-benefit-of-all... But don't forget that in order to show others that he's done, he must do the wait-for-applause-because-we've-all-seen-how-it-works-out-when-you-don't position, hands raised, egging them on... Been there, done that.

Hiibel sighed and stretched his arms, waiting for that general dude to say something not-quite-rehearsed-sounding... Or maybe one of those minions from behind would do something? The lieutenants, what's-their-faces, Fairy and Coral, right? No? Whatever. Oh, hold on a second. One of them wasn't there, but she was sure to come rushing in later, making it seem like she wasn't late at all, or that she had a good enough reason for it... But it was a boring speech, so... he couldn't quite blame her.

Also in the background was the wifey, something-or-other. Mrs. Lordly. And the spider-someone-or-other was there as well. Arty. Oh, and another cat. Umm... what was his name? Something Mace-something. Well, Mace would do if they ever talked. That was probably all, he didn't recognize anyone else up there. Just Mr. Man up there with his squad of supporters. There to make him look better, more important. There to hold him up in case he collapsed from the hard work of making up something original.

Well, the good news was, the speech was short. No hey-I'm-saying-something-to-say-something-so-you-think-I'm-saying-something-important-and-hey-don't-I-sound-cool-saying-my-speech-thing-all-long-and-such. Nothing long and winded, but nothing interesting or attention-getting either. Which was pretty obvious by the long pause where they think 'wait, is he done now? he is? wow, that's fast... are you sure that's all?' followed by the over-loud applause of hey-let's-cover-up-our-inattention-by-sounding-even-louder-and-more-enthusiastic!

They were obviously bored, and as a loyal member of the Army, it was his job to give them something to be excited about, make them walk away feeling satisfied with the whole speech thingy. Quench their thirst for excitement, draw their attention away from the heat of the afternoon and leave them satisfied with the day's events. Even if the speech didn't quite speak for itself, the town clown would leave them excited for the city they were in, or at least not dissatisfied. Well, he would try his best to make it so, see how they all reacted.

Hiibel stood up on the roof and took a running start, jumping off the edge and flipping in midair before landing, tumbling, and getting to his feet to make a proclamation of the leader's awesome abilities! ...well, that's how it was supposed to be. But there was this piece of rubble, you see? It was on the roof, and, well, it was small... So it became this awesome-jump-that-turned-into-a-trip-and-fall-in-which-he-somehow-righted-himself-and-landed-on-his-hands-and-knees-crumpling-to-the-ground-in-a-heap. Getting up and wincing slightly, he spoke loudly to cover his mistake, projecting loudly enough that he'd be heard above the dying applause.

"Ladies and gentlemen, an appendix I do give! For we as Changers live in peace here, united in our goals. See those humans, flighty, warlike, scavenging. Watch them struggle amongst themselves for comfort when what they want is right in front of them. And what we want is right in front of us as well! Water, food, shelter. Friends and family. Those who accept us as we are, who do not fight us in an attempt to get what they do not need. We work together, not against each other, in order to survive in this harsh world, in order to build a community, a nation, a world. Killing each other for no reason? Goodness, no! We're not savages, like those who birthed us! We don't send out our own family simply because they appear different!

"No, we accept each other, for our differences as well as our similarities. We fight as one, and together, we can change the world, make it adapt to us instead of the other way around. Thanks to our all-powerful leader, the great Tenko Kieran, we can live in safety from the grudges of those savages. Thanks to him, we can support each other and make our world an amazing place! With his protection, with his help, we will not scavenge. No, we will thrive in this city of ours, in this kingdom. Please, applause, applause for our city, for survival, for dominance! Applaud once again for our leader!"

He brought up his hands, applauding for his speech, for the reprieve from boredom that he had tried to provide. Whether alone or with a crowd, he would continue applauding until someone else broke the calm.

He applauded, hands facing, raised up to the platform, the walkway. Where the leader and his posse had retreated. Sure, there was a slight mocking tone to his voice, sure, he was being theatrical and trying to draw attention, but... what he said was true enough, and it gave a positive light to the army. Well, if anyone took offense, he'd deal with it, react as needed. If someone came back out onto the platform, he'd applaud up to them, applaud them for their great work in actually attracting the interest of the crowd. Well, for his work, but whatever. Let them react as needed, for today at least would not be boring. No, he would do his best to make it as interesting as possible! Well, maybe not that interesting... He had his own welfare to take care of as well...

So he continued with his applause for the leader, applause for us all, and the hey-join-with-me-and-praise-our-all-powerful-leader-who-can't-quite-speak-as-well-as-me!


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tenko Kieran Character Portrait: Sevrin Massengale
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Kuril Miron; The Fortress

A knife slowly cut into his face, and blood started welling out. Another cut followed. Then the knife slowly approached his eye.

Kuril opened his eye. It was that damn memory again, the day he lost his other eye. He sat up and put one of his paws over his empty eye socket, trying to rub an itch away that was non existent. He'd seen Kirian about it before, but there was nothing much she could do, or for that matter anyone could do. As he slowly woke up, he also realized a pungent, rotting smell was filling up in his cave. Glancing over at the other side of his cave, he saw the rotting, decomposing of his kill. Of course it would be rotting, it was sweltering outside, and it was little better even in the relatively dark cave Kuril had made for himself just outside the Fortress. Growling, Kuril padded over to the rotting corpse and dragged it out into the sun, temporaliy blinding him as he adjusted to the bright light. Kuril dumped the corpse into a random pile of rubble and he changed into his human form. Even in his human form, Kuril was still sweating like a pig, if pigs could sweat. Oh fur, he thought. There was a general commotion as he approached the Fortress, something big and important. Ah, right. There was a big speech by the Leader today, and apparently it was going in full swing. The guards let Kuril in as soon as they saw him, having heard enough stories about what he did than to follow through with procedure. Kuril ran through the crowd, trying to make it onto to the stage. Hopefully he still had time to get on there without looking like too much of a fool. When he got close enough through, he realized that the speech was ending, and one of the spies was making a fool out of himself, well more of mocking the Leader. A smile started to curl up on Kuril's face under the mask. Such mocking talk was typically punished, and sometimes they got really unlucky and were landed with a session with Kuril. After much screaming and pleading, they were released and typically refused to speak about what had occured and typically never cracked such a joke again.

Quietly, he skirted the now departing cloud and quickly got onto the walkway, giving a disapproving look at the spy. He'd forgotton his name, but he did remember that he was a very... interesting person from his talks with the Spymaster. Walking up to the so called "inner circle", he apologized saying. " Sorry I'm late and I missed the speech, I had some business I needed to take care of." Honestly, there wasn't any reason Kuril felt that he needed to apologize for, but it seemed needed , and it was some common courtesy and respect Servin had drilled into him. Kuril knew he couldn't get away with much, not being that high on the totem pole, and with a section leader who could get most secrets out in a heartbeat.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hiibel Talcen Character Portrait: Tenko Kieran Character Portrait: Lorelai Kieran Character Portrait: Kuril Mindon Character Portrait: Farren Leinfelder Character Portrait: Atra Von Galbri
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Sevrin Massengale - The Fortress

Sevrin stood there, a tight smile on his face and his arms casually folded behind his back. He respected the leader, yes, but right now didn't seem like a time to be stiff and stoic. He listened to Tenko speak to the crowd briefly before they lit up in approval. Upon hearing Atra's comment, he didn't plan on responding, mostly because his mind was kind of tuned into the speech (he liked speeches, for more or less obvious reasons), and secondly because there wasn't much to say. No matter how much it seemed to offend Lorelai, he had the feeling Atra's comment was at least partly true. The majority of them don't know what work goes into making the Fortress run the way it should. What it takes to keep them, at least, somewhat comfortable. Then again, with all they do for the soldiers and other changers underneath Tenko, Farren, himself, even, the least they could do was cheer for their leader when he made a speech.

That's what Sevrin would do.

And that's why he put on his best smile when their leader came back, relieved to have had his speech go over so well. Did they cheer out of obligation or a genuine like for their dear Tenko? It could be a mixed bunch, but it didn't matter. With that pack possibly planning a move, any Army soldiers who didn't particularly like Tenko could also try something with all the confusion.

"Mhmm, it went very well, sir," Sevrin nodded approvingly. At least Tenko got up and made a speech. Didn't falter or stutter. God, being who he was, he hated when changers did either of those.

Just after saying that, he heard the sound of someone speaking again - loud enough to address a crowd - and then start clapping. Who was idiotic enough to do that? Sevrin didn't want to think about that. Surely, someone would deal with him. Maybe not right now, though. It was a good enough distraction for someone to spot some pack members hanging around.

Or maybe hurl something at the speaker's head from a high distance. Sevrin wanted to go up to the railing and see who it was, but a very familiar voice turned his head in the other direction. So his one-eyed friend had made it to the party after all. His face turned into a grin as he walked over to the second interrogator and looked him over. He didn't look like he had been busy, he looked tired. He'd ask him later. "Morning, Kuril," Sevrin gave him a quick nod, then looked around him. "Glad you could make it, though, you should really work on your timing. You missed a brilliant speech from Tenko." Most would probably realize his teasing words towards the end, but he couldn't help but make a joke amidst the many distractions and less-than-serious behaviors. Like an unconscious thing. He glanced at Lorelai for a split second.

He was still waiting for that clapping to cease. Now that he remembered it, it kind of annoyed him.