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Vic Jenkins

"Greetings. I am Victory Jenkins. But you may call me Vic." Bust out laughing. "Yo! I'm Vic!"

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a character in “Something New”, as played by PBJayRich


Name: Vic Jenkins
Age: 18
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 190
Species: Fallen Angel
Role: The Betrayed
Appearance: Has very white hair and usually has a nose cartridge nose ring in the middle cartridge of his nose. He wears a black jacket with his hood usually up and black skinny jeans. He has a gold cross that he has around his neck. Image
Likes: Rain, cloudy days, nature, animals, and music
Dislikes: Cities, sky scrappers, crowds, and certain types of people
Strengths: His hiding capabilities. He can find things that hide easily and he can find a hiding place easily.
Weaknesses: Crowds scare him. He is very paranoid and always thinks someone is going to hurt him.
Personality: Vic is a very mixed up person. He is very paranoid. He always thinks someone is watching him and he's scared to say anything because he's scared of being judged.
History: He was a very good child, but he did this one bad thing and lost his dream. Now, he stuck and he doesn't even remember why.

So begins...

Vic Jenkins's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hannah Shee Character Portrait: Vic Jenkins Character Portrait: Olivia 'Liv' Monet Character Portrait: Chase Lorrey Character Portrait: Bay Gale Character Portrait: Alice Airan
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Of course. All those innocent people, the naive little girls who think that everything is going to be alright; that everything’s okay. And of course everyone seems to take her side. The untamed beast- where's his dumb collar, anyways? He needs a leash. Or that demon, two cowardly to even have gone to hell, poking fun at her. Olivia scrutinized the ghostly Bay and Hannah. Hannah the sugary sweet princess. The 'good' girl. Liv thought bitterly about Burke and what she had to do to live there, and she felt revulsion wash all over her- cold self-disgust. And yet... this... this Hannah seems to have had a perfect life. Spoiled, and optimistic. Olivia bit back a scoff about how the real world would disappoint her. But she decided in the end that she didn't really care if Hannah could deal with reality or not.

I wish that...- no. Don't think that!

The ghost; the girl who had died before her time, Liv had a feeling that she'd band with Hannah. The nice one. But... how exactly did Bay know? How did she know about Burke and about her ex-family? Was she there, watching, the whole time? Olivia made a mental note to remember that, and was brought out of her reverie when the waitress rushed to get ice cream- in a blind panic.

"Special, pure, innocent, good." Bay had said to Hannah. The girl that had nothing special about her whatsoever.

The fallen angel, shying away from most of the conversation- for some reason, Olivia felt no hostility emanating from her when she gazed at him. She only felt small curiosity. That made her raise her eyebrows, but she quickly hid it with a malicious smirk and watched as the ghost left, with instructions to the circus tent. On the way out of the pitiful diner, what the heck? They're all so afraid. And destroying stuff is fun. Killjoys., Olivia noticed a read headed girl working on a car. She looked at it for a while, feeling a strange thought travel through her head. That car- it'd be really useful. Olivia could steal it, use it to travel without getting fatigued from walking too much. But how would she get it?

Knew I should've studied on teleportation before they exiled me.

And then, the most irritating thing. Hannah, innocent angelic girl that she is, walked up the the read head and offered help! Seriously? Is she really so idiotic that a weathered mechanic girl would need help from someone like... like her? Fuming, Olivia approached the demon boy and greeted him with an ill-mannered frown.

"So. What's your story, demon? Why aren't you in hell where you belong?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hannah Shee Character Portrait: Vic Jenkins Character Portrait: Olivia 'Liv' Monet Character Portrait: Chase Lorrey Character Portrait: Alice Airan Character Portrait: Matthew Pawlak
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Hannah smiled at the girl, very glad to be of assistance. "Yeah, sure! Hold on a sec, I'll go ask if my friends know anything about fixing cars." She walked back in the dinner and over the the table where her friends were sitting, looking at them. "Um, do any of you happen to know anything about cars?" she gestured to the redhead girl outside the widow before turning back to them, "Her car sort of broke down and she has no idea how to fix it. Can any of you help? Please?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hannah Shee Character Portrait: Vic Jenkins Character Portrait: Olivia 'Liv' Monet Character Portrait: Chase Lorrey Character Portrait: Alice Airan Character Portrait: Matthew Pawlak
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Chase looked at Olivia when she asked about his story and called him "demon". "Well, they kicked me out of hell because they said I was 'Too Good' for hell. I guess I didn't have wrong enough motives when I killed a few people back in the day. And I can't go to heaven because I'm not a 'Goodie-Goodie', like someone we know." He said in a slightly sarcastic voice and the last part in a hushed voice referring to Hannah. He doesn't even know why but he always ends up picking sides when two people he knows has bad blood between them and he always picks the side that tries starting stuff all the time.

When Hannah came up and asked if anyone knew about cars, Chase stood up and said "I worked at a garage not that long ago. I can take a look." He still had his hood up and put his hands in his pockets as he waited for Hannah to lead the way.


Vic was walking along the road. Honestly, he had no idea where he was going. He noticed he was walking up to an old dinner and saw a broke down car with a red head girl by it. He recognized the girl and walked right by without an other word. He didn't feel like messing with someones dumb old car. He walked into the dinner, black jacket on and hood up wearing a pear of black skinny jeans and some black converse with some silver safety pins attached to them. His hair looked like it shouldn't be surround by all that black and gave a very steep and different contrast. His hair was as white as snow. When he walked into the dinner he saw a group of people at a table. They all looked around the same age, except for one girl that like way younger than the rest of them. He went and ordered him a smoothie then sat down at one of the tables on the opposite side of the dinner and watched the table with all the kids at if.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hannah Shee Character Portrait: Vic Jenkins Character Portrait: Chase Lorrey Character Portrait: Alice Airan
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As Alice waited for the kind brunette girl, she thought she saw somebody she knew walking by. His face was extremely familiar, but she didn't know what his name was. In the town where Alice lived, it seemed as if strangers' faces were recycled over and over again. She probably knew him from school, but then again, she wasn't sure.

When the brunette tapped on her shoulder, Alice snapped out of her thoughts. The girl motioned to a boy standing next to her.
"Chase knows how to fix cars and came to take a look. Oh yeah, and I'm Hannah!" she said with a smile. "What's your name?"
Alice made a light smile as she said to the girl, "I'm Alice. Salutations, Hannah and Chase."

Alice looked again at the boy standing next to Hannah. Alice didn't want to waste this guy's time.
"Right, so, it started to make these weird sounds, and then all of a sudden it just stopped. It wasn't out of gas or anything...."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hannah Shee Character Portrait: Vic Jenkins Character Portrait: Olivia 'Liv' Monet Character Portrait: Chase Lorrey Character Portrait: Bay Gale Character Portrait: Alice Airan
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Bay felt a tug then, whooosh, She was pulled to the group leaning over in ghostly form she coughed up ghostly silver blood. "Please please tell me you guys didnt pull me back." She said inbetween coughs before seeing the driverless car, "Shit, who was it trying to hit! TELL ME!" SHe said as she started to yell her ghostly form glowed bright red and yellow showing fright and anger. "Told you were pure." SHe said as a side comment to Hannah before looking a fainted Olivia... Sighing she reformed a solid body, "Chase, Being a risen demon is a good thing or else you would have burned up from being near Hannah...Oh GOD this HURTS..." SHe screamed, being pulled from one place to the next with out warning can pull a ghost a part. Bay kept flickering, "Somone really wants me to die for real so you guys cant destroy them..." Hinting the Voice was the cause of this. "Good to see you Alice." Naming the City kid, the ones who were supernatural. Most supernaturals of the city knew Bay, hard not to when the best known hangout even for loaners was the Circus tent, a mermorial of sorts to the victims of the Voice. It was a pretty chill place but only allowed in supernaturals, and it was her home becasue it was built where she died.


Jenks walked up to the little witch, looking at Bay he frowned, this wasnt right somthing dangerous was going on. Picking up Olivia he carried her to the soft grass under an old tree and did the same with Hannah, though it burned him to touch the know winged angel he still did. Putting her next to Liv he walked over to the small group standing next to the flickering ghost. Her soul and almost been torn apart. "We need a place to stay." He said with a pointed look at the teen called Alice, one of them would know a place to stay. "Chase, Hows the city girls car? Matt will you carry Hannah when we leave? I shouldnt touch her..." He said looking at his burned Arms and hands where he touched her. Jenks was a born leader and he was taking control of things sense the only other leader, Bay who for some reason they had been listening to, was in pain and couldnt hold her shape much less make an understandable sentence. Her pain was getting worse. "I think Bay needs to go where she died...Did she ever tell us that? Do you guys know?" The end question directed at Alice.

(Sorry guys assumed everone was outside if not...Blah)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hannah Shee Character Portrait: Vic Jenkins Character Portrait: Chase Lorrey Character Portrait: Bay Gale Character Portrait: Alice Airan Character Portrait: Matthew Pawlak
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Chase pulled his hood down, for the first time tonight that revealed his short shaved dark brown hair, as he saw the red car come flying down the street. Nearly hitting Olivia. Then when Hannah jumped out and pushed Olivia out of the way. Chase put both hands on the top of his head. "What the hell just happened!" He said in a hushed voice, hardly audioible because of the sound of the car coming to a loud and fast stop as ithit Hannah.

Chase then watched as the two girls were taken care of then turned back to the car. He was starting to get a headache from all the action. "The car should be able to start now." He said answering Jenks question about the car. He then went and sat in front of Olivia looking at her in concern. Yeah, he was concerned about Hannah too but she was with Matt. "You all 'Ight?" He asked Olivia and poked her a few in the shoulder.


Vic watched out of one of the windows from the dinner and saw everything. He walked out of the dinner and watched as all the hectic stuff had happened. It might seem cold and mean, but Vic smiled at all of this. He then walked over the little angel. "So your the angel that came to town? I sensed you a mile away." He said as he pushed the wolf boy that she was talking to out of the way. Vic stared at the angel and smiled. But it wasn't a good smile. It was a slightly evil smile. "I'm Vic. Nice to meet you Miss. Angel." He added and held out his hand to shake. Then he walked over to he red head he had recognized earlier. "Still having trouble with your car, dearist Alice?" Vic said, sounding a little British, with a slightly wicked smile and laugh then he jump on top of the car and sat down with his legs hanging off the side.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hannah Shee Character Portrait: Vic Jenkins Character Portrait: Olivia 'Liv' Monet Character Portrait: Chase Lorrey Character Portrait: Bay Gale Character Portrait: Matthew Pawlak
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"So your the angel that came to town? I sensed you a mile away." "Wait, you knew I was an angel? I didn't know I was an angel..." "I'm Vic. Nice to meet you Miss Angel." Vic said, holding out a hand to shake. Hannah didn't even notice the slightly evil grin that spread over his face; infact, she thought he had a nice smile. "Well, thank you Vic," she said with her own smile, "I'm Hannah. It's nice to meet you too."Hearing yelling Hannah found the answer to her next question regarding Olivia. Glancing over her should she found the girl talking with Chase, who was beside her, consern in his eyes. She breathed a small sigh of relief, glad that her friend had mostly escaped harm.

Touching her forehead, which was warm and wet, she found with her fingers the cut. It was shallow but bleed alot since it was on her forehead. As she touched it she felt a tiny tingle from her wings to her fingers. Fishing out some tissues from her purse she wiped away the blood and touched the cut again to find- it was gone. 'What on earth?' Hannah wondered, stunned. Then she heard the screaming ; Bay's screaming, shrill and in pain, and all thoughts about herself fleed from her mind. Bay seemed to be fading in and out, almost like her body was being twisted and torn apart. Extremely conserned she hurried to her friend, but really there was nothing she could do for her. What could anyone do in a situation like this but look on helplessly?

"I think Bay needs to go where she died...Did she ever tell us that? Do you guys know?" a boy said, and Hannah heard Matt reply; "She mentioned a circus tent. We haven't passed by any on our way here, but in the city maybe...?" "S-She told us that if they asked the people on the street they could tell us where it is." Hannah inserted helpfully, sending another worried glance at the fading, shrieking ghost girl, "We should really hurry..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hannah Shee Character Portrait: Vic Jenkins Character Portrait: Olivia 'Liv' Monet Character Portrait: Chase Lorrey Character Portrait: Bay Gale Character Portrait: Matthew Pawlak
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"Ahh. I get ya'." Chase said as Olivia answered his [i]'Why you so nosy?'[i] question and helped her stand up. Once Olivia was up and standing, Chase looked around and saw that something was happening to the ghost girl. Then he decided to at least try to answer Olivia's question about why Hannah had pushed her out of the way. "I don't know." Was all he had come up with then shrugged as he turned and starting walking to the others. Then he turned back around and looked at Olivia. "She's an angel. She wouldn't even stand by and watch a demon die." He said with a straight face and a shrug. "Yeah, I got it." He added as he turned and joined the others by Bay. He wasn't so happy about going to some dead girls death place though.


"I know exactly where the old circus tent is. Some say it's haunted by a circus girl." Vic said with a joking smile, letting himself into the convocation. He then got bored and started walking circles around the group. He looked at his hand and it was slightly fringed from when he shook hands with the angel. Then he started looking around for someone else to annoy. "Huuumm." He mumbled. He could tell exactly what everyone here was. Vic doesn't know why, but he just knows. He looked over at the girl that, to him, looked around maybe 13 at the oldest. He got a wicked little smile on his face as he made his way over to the witch he had seen blow up the car that had tried hitting her. "Hello there." He said with his slightly wicked smile on his face. "And what's your name?" He said sounding a bit sarcastic with the same ol' slightly wicked evil little smile on his face. Personally, Vic believes he was put in heaven on accident, but he'll never admit that to anyone.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hannah Shee Character Portrait: Vic Jenkins Character Portrait: Olivia 'Liv' Monet Character Portrait: Chase Lorrey Character Portrait: Bay Gale Character Portrait: Alice Airan
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Alice watched silently but anxiously as the car hit Hannah and the young girl was hurt. Great. Now she would be watching people die in front of her now instead of dreams.

One of the kids asked Alice where the group could stay. Alice didn't really have a clue, but a dark-haired boy answered him.

Alice said hello to Bay as she saw her. Alice had contacted Bay once unawaringly. It wasn't too long ago, so Alice still remembered her name.

"Still having trouble with your car, dearist Alice?" the boy from before said as he jumped on the hood of Alice's car. Alice then recognized the boy as Vic. In her honest opinion, Alice wasn't that fond of Vic. She thought he was a little bit cocky in his mannerisms. Alice didn't answer him. She was a little embarrassed by the fact that he still remembered other times when her car malfunctioned, but she didn't focus on that at the moment.

Alice listened to the group's conversation and realized that all these kids must have been supernaturals, just like her. Images from her dream appeared everywhere, and Alice began to understand. The only thing she didn't understand was this 'voice'

Alice then answered Jenk's question,"sure, I can drive you. I know where the tent is. However, my car can only take 4 other passengers, so decide who's coming now."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vic Jenkins Character Portrait: Olivia 'Liv' Monet Character Portrait: Bay Gale
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As Chase left, Olivia gave a little sigh, wishing almost desperately to be alone, and have some peace and quiet to ehrself, so she can let down her facade of the tough girl. But, that simply wasn't possible in the least. Not with so many people watching, and with something starting to happen. Something important, Olivia figured, involving Bay and all the supernaturals here. Maybe involving killing. For some reason, that appealed to Liv. Finding out who had tried to kill her and eliminating in shadow and frost. The thought of taking a life appealed to the small girl, and her heart started ebating faster at the thought.

"Hello there."

Olivia spun around; shock lining her face for a quick moment as a strange boy with a slightly predatory smile gleaming at her. His surprise made Olivia feel vulnerable, jumpy, and she awarded the boy with an angry stare, pursing her lips.

"What's your name?"

Olivia shoved her hands into her pockets, and raised her face to his in defiance. Something seemed off about this boy, although she recognized him from the diner. For some reason, she couldn't muster up her snobby bitch attitude; she was too taken aback by the strange boy. So her cheeks flushed unwillingly, causing her to glare with even more intensity.

"I-? Wh-why do you... want to know?" She asked in a quiet, subdued voice. Liv then shook her head with anger. "I mean... why the heck are you talking to me?" The second attempt had the usual firey quality, and she felt slightly better about everything.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hannah Shee Character Portrait: Vic Jenkins Character Portrait: Olivia 'Liv' Monet Character Portrait: Chase Lorrey Character Portrait: Bay Gale Character Portrait: Alice Airan
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Alice was getting a little impatient. We wanted to save Bay as fast as she could.
"Alright everyone, I'm going to start the car now. Please hurry. For Bay."
Alice hoped everyone could hear her. Alice felt like a leader in some way.

She quickly got into the drivers seat, and ignited the engine. She was impressed at how well Chase fixed it; it purred to life like it was brand new. She took the chewbacca ornament off her front mirror and hid it in the glove compartment.

As Alice waited, she decided to take a good look at everyone and decide what they were. Chase, Vic, Hannah, and one of the other boys all had something to do with angels and demons. From the events before the red car hit Hannah, Alice assumed that the girl named Liv must have been a witch, just like her. The only thing was, Liv seemed to have more control over her powers. The only thing Alice had mastered was the ability to talk to animals.

But the boy who was carrying Hannah, Matt, Alice had no idea what he was. Maybe he was normal. Maybe he was just curious and lucky to find a whole group of supernaturals. Whatever he was, Alice hoped to find out soon. She began to have feelings for him. Small, but feelings nonetheless.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vic Jenkins Character Portrait: Olivia 'Liv' Monet Character Portrait: Alice Airan
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Vic had his normal yet small smile on his face. "I was just asking your name so I don't need to keep calling you Young Witch, like when I first meant Dearest Alice." He said in a slightly quiet voice, still smiling. He just loved messing with peoples heads and emotions like people used to do to him. He just took messing with their heads a bit further. "And I am talking to you because, to me, you look slightly younger than the rest of these people that you are with." He said, using his hands to gesture to the rest of the group. "I am Vic by the way." He said with a smile. "I came from up there." He added as he pointed up. "It was all a mistake that I was up there though, I guess." He added again, taking his hood off his head, revealing that all of his hair was a very bright white color that closely resembled the bright icy cold color of snow. "It's a nice night, isn't it?" He said, changing the subject and looking up at the sky. It was getting darker and darker by the minute. You could hardly see the stars thanks to the brightness of the lights. "Oh, how I hate the light." He said quietly to himself. As he said this he touched his silver cross that was hanging around his neck. When he did this it had thundered. It was a warning not to hurt anyone or he'll never be aloud back and he'll lose his wings, even though his wings had turned a very dark black color and the feathers had gone. They sort of resembled those wings of a bat.