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Peter O'Cyrus

"I Believe in the law, as long as it works for me."

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a character in “Sono Kanshi-Sha : Reboot”, originally authored by Firewind, as played by RolePlayGateway


Name Peter O'Cyrus

Age: 20



Sexuality Heterosexual

Magic System His most proficient skills in magic are purely elemental based. Mainly in Fire Magic. He is able to create Spears made from pure fire, and his strongest spell is to coat his entire body with fire.

Personal Strengths: His hand to hand combat is close to near great as he has trained in close quarters combat and martial arts, and is trying to find a way to blend the two, he has to constantly swap styles for every situation.

Weaknesses As he Ina's use of fire magic, someone who's an elemental and uses water will obviously be the one to give him an incredibly hard time as it'll do little to no effect. His lack of any training with anything other then his fists are also another very big issue. He'd have to avoid weapon based attacks or suffer a lot of consequences. His ultimate spells cool down is close to 13 hours. He is also very hotheaded

Personality He's a very good person. He'd even greet his enemies with a friendly smile and a wave. That's just how he was raised to be, be a hood man to everyone you encounter on the road of life. But when his friends are pushed around, those who do so better run. Because with his fire comes a very hotheaded individual who'd attack anyone with the drop of a hat. He also has a lust to give payback to a person when they deserved it.

History He was born in a bad neighborhood where being good was sometimes out of the option. He was always the innocent, quiet one, not wanting to go outside and get into any trouble. However, when he was about Fifteen, his father was killed in a crossfire of a shoutout. No one even bothered to look for which gunman did it. At age seventeen, the police had to file a report on one of the suspected gunman's home when it was mysteriously burned to the ground. They wouldn't suspect Peter because there was a faulty pipe in the system of the man's home. But it did give Peter the Idea of using Fire to punish those who'd fire a gun.

But he had to not think on his lust for revenge as School was the other priority for him.

"Someday soon though...wait till they get a load of the power I'm building up."

So begins...

Peter O'Cyrus's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Soran Feliy Reigailia Character Portrait: Kilia Yve Linovahle Character Portrait: Peter O'Cyrus Character Portrait: Jonathan Robert "Robin" Grey
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He watched as she got up and brushed grass and charred dust off her clothing after shaking his hand. "Kilia." He stated to try and make sure he got the name right. "That's an incredibly pretty name." he thought in his head. It sounded almost exotic yet so common, how could anyone mix it up?

Jonathan silently braces himself to stand as he hopped to his feet. He heard Kilia mention that they had to go to her house, and that the imposing figure tapping his foot in an impatient manner didn't like to be kept waiting. "So, you're house huh? Well if that guy has your ride I'll follow you guys on my Motorbike to wherever your home is." He smiled as he followed the two to the exit of the park where he'd board his motorbike yet again to follow them.

---Half an hour Later-----

He was driving close behind whatever Vehicle Kilia and her Grey Eyed friend were traveling in with the Silver Flame. He noted that they went to a house beyond city limits that had the biggest forest he ever saw so far in his life. He was almost shocked at its immensity. "Whoa, Big trees." He muttered to himself by the time the group reached the driveway of this house.

He stopped his motorbike and got off and looked at the layout whilst waiting for them to come out and take him inside and show him around. "How are you able to afford this much space Miss Linovahle?" He asked in a plain curious manner.

"Obviously her family has either deep pockets or are a bunch of hippies." The grey knight riding up close to him said. Every time Jonathan thought he was finally done seeing that thing for a day, it turns up at least once more to torture him. And he can't do a single thing about it at this moment otherwise Kilia might think him a fool or worse. What could he do?

"Hey, stop worrying about that stuff buddy! Just follow them and ignore me!" The "Spirit" said angrily on annoyance. Jonathan finally did a mock swatting of the air as if to get rid of a flying insect bugging him. The Spirit's mood then turned from annoyed to amused at how he was covering up this whole mostly one sided conversation. "Buzz off you." Was all Robin had to say.

"Alright, fine but remember, be yourself." The Grey knight said before vanishing.

"Flies hate my presence." Jonathan stated in a small amused Manner. "Now then. You were saying how we need to see your mom about me??"


Peter O'Cyrus was getting his school supplies for the day together, wanting to just avoid trouble as best as he could before ending up getting himself into trouble. He also thought off the good apartment he'd gotten at a good price of rent, Which was a good thing for his part time Job. He felt thoroughly excited for this new chapter in his life.

That all changed when he heard the screams going on in the hall around the corner. Jumping at the chance to see what was going on, he rushed towards the source and found a boy with blonde hair causing havoc, although he didn't look like himself.

"Hey, buddy? Ya mind not causing destruction?" He asked in a plain manner, but the person seemed to ignore him as Peter sighed, "Alright. You asked for it." He waved his hand to the right as he drew out a custom spell, not really paying attention to what kind of spell it was as he summoned a spear that looked like a glowing Yellow Fire. Taking the spear in hand he threw it at the blonde.

If it reached the person it wouldn't harm him physically and pass through him, catching whatever was causing the trouble on fire instead. "Wow, that's a new ability! I gotta save that one!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Soran Feliy Reigailia Character Portrait: Kilia Yve Linovahle Character Portrait: Peter O'Cyrus Character Portrait: Jonathan Robert "Robin" Grey
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#, as written by Siryn

Yakosa turned to the sound of a boy calling out to him. Soran flinched inwardly as he watched through the watery image that was his minds consciousness, at least a small corner of it. He felt his smile growing as the War God eyed the boy that appeared before him.

"Hey, buddy? Ya mind not causing destruction?"

Yakosa laughed, and turned his attention back to what he was doing, "Are you enjoying this?" the God's voice filled Soran's mind, causing him to flinch and cover his ears. He shook his head violently, trying to rid himself of the awful feeling of the God invading his body.

"Leave! Leave!" Soran screamed, trying to will himself to gain his own body back, but to no avail. Yakosa laughed, hard. His laughter filled the hallway, but soon ended as something struck them. Soran gasped as he saw a spear of a sort go through him completely. The God, though, had a different reaction. Yakosa screamed as he was lit ablaze. He pulled out of Soran's body roughly, causing the boy quite a bit of pain in the process.

Soran clenched his eyes shut as he felt the War God leaving him. It felt like Yakosa was ripping him apart as the God left his body. His cry of pain echoed in the hall, reflecting the screams and yells from the students who were injured or caught in the explosions. He dropped to the floor on hands and knees, panting heavily. It felt good to have his body back, but the feeling that was left over was certainly going to make him sick.

Yakosa's inhuman cries were right behind him as the God was still struggling to stop the flames that engulfed him. With a glance over his shoulder, Soran watched as the burning War God finally manged to stop the fire. When he finished that, Yakosa glowered at the two of them. Turning over, Soran scooted back towards his savior, or rather his Guardian. Swiping his hand, he opened up the application for his magic and quickly sought out a protection spell. As he worked through it, Yakosa opened up his hands, golden fire filling his hands.

"Someone likes to play with fire. I can to," the War God hissed through clenched teeth. Soran realized that he couldn't possibly get a spell done in time and quickly scrambled to his feet. Whirling around, he lunged at the boy who saved him. Barreling into the other, they both went sprawling into an empty classroom as the blast of power rushed through the hall. Soran gasped as he felt an intense burning along his hip and thigh.

The force of the explosion threw them both a little further into the room than Soran first intended. He rolled off of the boy and into some chairs that tumbled around him. Groaning a bit, he shoved two chairs off of him and sat up. Looking around the room he shouted for the boy, "Hey! Out the window!" Hopefully the boy understood him, they were on the first floor after all, so the jump would be nothing at all.

He forced himself to stand despite the bleeding burns along his thigh. Hissing, he pressed his hand down tightly on the wound as he limped heavily towards the window. Behind him, he could hear Yakosa just barely entering the room, "Where are you running off to?" the War God growled as he prepared another attack.



Kilia smiled brightly and nodded, "Yup," she had to admit, her name sounded kind of nice coming from him. He had a nice voice too. She blushed a bit at that thought.

"So, you're house huh? Well if that guy has your ride I'll follow you guys on my Motorbike to wherever your home is." he said as he hoped up to his feet. She admired how nimble he was.

Clasping her hands together behind her back she rocked back and forth on the balls of her feet a bit, a bright smile curving her lips, "Mhmm, back to my house. He does have a car. I'll ride with him this time," she said though she really wanted to see Robin's bike. With that she followed after her Mothers Guardian and were soon driving to her estate.


They pulled into the long gravel driveway some time afterwards way out of the city limits. The enormous trees that served as her backyard seemed to hold the house in its place. She got out of the back of the black car and quickly looked for Robin who had just parked his own bike behind them. Getting off of it, his gaze swept the area.

"How are you able to afford this much space Miss Linovahle?"

Kilia smiled brightly, "The family is... well endowed you could say. My father works for a high end company. That's were all the money comes from. Actually, most of the families that are Seers' are endowed in one way or another," she added at the end, a bit of a musing tone in her voice.

"Buzz off you."

His voice caught her attention and she glanced over to him with an eyebrow raised. He answered her soon enough though, saying that bugs didn't like him. She laughed at that.

"Now then. You were saying how we need to see your mom about me??"

"Yes, my Mother is the Seer before me and she'll teach you and I more about this whole ordeal. Just be wary that she's not the easiest person to get along with. She's... kind of cold at first, but she means well. Just bear with her, if you can," Kilia explained. She would have done more, but the sound of the front door opening and several pairs of feet moving across gravel caught her.

"Kilia. Who is this?" Her mothers' sharp voice hit the air like a cold knife.

"His name is Johnathan Robert Gray. He's my Guardian, Mother," Kilia answered, her tone changing from that of bubbly and cheerful to more refined and without a lot of emotion.

"Johnathan, hu. He doesn't look like much. You're sure he's yours?"

"Mother!" Kilia hissed before catching herself, "Yes, I'm sure. He extracted a Goddess from me not but an hour ago."

"Hmm," the woman that resembled Kilia put a hand on her hip as she examined the boy before her. Her lips were thin and her gaze was cold. She was only slightly taller than Kilia herself, but the woman was small of stature as well, "Well, come inside. We have a lot to talk about. Lets start with the basics," Mrs. Linovahle didn't wait for them to actually enter the home or get an answer from either of them when she launched into explanation.

"A lesser God can take over a Seer just as easily as a more power God can. A lesser God's possession happens a bit faster than a more powerful God. We're not sure why that is as it would make more sense for it to be the other way around. A Seer will experience a possession differently based off of what and who is possessing them. For example a lesser God won't put a Seer through any intense pain when being possessed, most likely because they lack a whole lot of power. A more powerful God, one with stature and the like, will put a Seer through hell. They also tend to fight back once they've been removed where as a lesser God runs from the situation once they're removed from a Seer's body.

"Which did you encounter, Kilia?" her mother asked as they entered the house and gathered in the living quarters. The living room was enormous, with a high ceiling and a loft over head that peered out into the living room. Old styled fans, pictures, and other antiques filled the walls and tables that were in the room. There were three couches, each a rich brown color that added to the dark, earthen tone of the house.

"A lesser God," Kilia answered, not really enthusiastic about the whole situation.

"And how did you free her," she turned to Johnathan.


"I asked him," Mrs. Linovahle cut in, snapping her fingers briskly as she watched Johnathan, never turning her eyes upon her daughter who stiffened in her seat.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Soran Feliy Reigailia Character Portrait: Kilia Yve Linovahle Character Portrait: Peter O'Cyrus Character Portrait: Jonathan Robert "Robin" Grey
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"Oh, that explains a lot then." Jonathan stated as he looked at the view. This didn't last long as He heard the front door opened and a woman almost strikingly similar to Kilia walked out to meet them. After the short banter he heard he learned this was Her Mother, the Previous Generation's seer. Then came the part where she stared at him.

He instantly felt his heart sink when Mrs. Linovahle made eye contact with his Green eyes that they almost turned to a plain frightened hazel green. He shook off the fear to try and keep his composure otherwise he was sure he'd get kicked out of this establishment immediately. Nor did he talk back when he heard her say he didn't look like much.

"Wait till I show them my Silver Knight Spell." he thought to himself. Though he was not too keen on doing that lest he want his magic system to be on cool down for a whole day. Instead he simply followed the two women inside the house whilst he listened carefully to what Kilia's mother had to say. He took in most of it, especially the part about the Gods being the entities, but surely there had to be a nice god, there had to be, he was born to a family who went to church for Pete's sake!

When they got to the living room he simply went for a seat nearest to Kilia but straight across from her mother. Then came the part about the question of how it all went down. Luckily before he traveled to the house he saved the template for the ammo type used to free Kilia from the goddess. He could at least say that with absolute earnest and confidence as his green eyes sparkled with said confidence. Hopefully it could ease the small tension between mother and daughter as well. "Must be tough love." he thought.

"To put it bluntly Mrs. Linovahle, I shot a transparent Bird of Prey at Kilia which flew at her and grabbed the Goddess and flew away a good distance with her. It probably dropped her at a hard landing spot. I had to make this new spell on the fly." He stated plainly in a polite manner. "Does that cover how I did it? I had no time to pull out my usual equipment for fighting so I had to improvise."


Peter thought he saw someone catching on fire but it wasn't the apparently relieved boy who pushed him away just as an explosion occurred, propelling them into a room further. "What the Heck was that?!" He noted however that now wasn't that appropriate time for questions and answers as the now limping boy told him to get out through the window.

"You sir are nuts!" He stated as he grabbed a chair and threw it at the window, breaking it before going to pick up the boy and then leaping out of said window and running towards where he parked his car. "Let's get out of here!" His instincts then told him to hurl several more spears through the open window as he fled with the boy in tow.

"By the way, Name's Peter! What's your name little buddy?!" He shouted as he ran for his dear life. "Smooth move Peter, making friends whilst running for your dear, dear life. What's next, we got out and eat chili dogs at the local hot dog place???" he thought in his mind furiously, more angry at himself than anything else. This day had so much potential. Where in heaven's name did it go so wrong?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tristan Belvedere Character Portrait: Soran Feliy Reigailia Character Portrait: Kilia Yve Linovahle Character Portrait: Peter O'Cyrus Character Portrait: Jonathan Robert "Robin" Grey
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#, as written by Siryn

"To put it bluntly Mrs. Linovahle, I shot a transparent Bird of Prey at Kilia which flew at her and grabbed the Goddess and flew away a good distance with her. It probably dropped her at a hard landing spot. I had to make this new spell on the fly. Does that cover how I did it? I had no time to pull out my usual equipment for fighting so I had to improvise."

Kilia's mother lifted an eyebrow as she listened to the explanation of how Robin had extracted the Goddess from her daughter. All the while, Kilia herself tried her hardest not to squirm too much as she sat next to him and watched her mother. She knew exactly what the woman was thinking. Linovahle shrugged her shoulders as she sighed deeply. Reaching up, she ran a hand through her hair, brushing it back from her face and tucking it behind her ear, much like how Kilia did.

"As long as it works. You'll have to work to make it more refined, Johnathan Grey. Know that the spell you used will be the only one that will free her. There's no changing it now. Also realize that it was done on impulse meaning that just because you dragged out this new spell of yours, doesn't mean you did it willingly. Being a Guardian is a hard task, it means that you're going to be following her around every where she goes. You will have an indescribable urge to protect her when a God or Goddess shows up and tries to posses her.

"Should they posses her, you'll be driven to use that spell as many times as it takes to free Kilia from that possession. In simpler words, it means you have no control over your own actions. So apologizing for making this spell on the spot is nothing to me. It simply means that you're indeed a Guardian for her. You should also know that you're her one and only Guardian. There will be no one else for her. Should you die or become in any way unable to help her, no one else will do it for you," Kilia's mother paused in her lecture.

Her gaze narrowed at the boy who sat on the couch across from her, "You understand, right? Even if you don't want to do this anymore, there's no going back now. You have a job to do and I expect you to do it to your utmost capability," Linovahle stood up then and brushed off her clothes a bit before walking around the couch to head into a different room of the house. She paused in the doorway, "That's all I can do for you. The rest is up to you two."

Then her mother left the room. Kilia frowned a bit as she glanced over to Robin. She sighed a bit, though she'd caught the underlying tone in her mothers voice right before she left. The woman was worried about her daughter, but she wasn't in the business of showing it, "Sorry about that. I know she may come off as cold and abrasive. But... she means well I know."


"What the Heck was that?!"

The question seemed rhetorical, so Soran didn't answer really. He only gave the order to go out the window which the boy listened to. Grabbing a chair the youth hurled it at the window as he called out, "You sir are nuts!"

Well... maybe Soran was a little crazy. He was a Seer after all. The blonde haired boy struggled to go after his Guardian, his leg hardly holding him up at all as it burned painfully. Gritting his teeth he used the desks to get as close as he could. However, the boy who had broken the window rushed over to him with different ideas. Hauling him upwards, the youth literally picked up Soran off his feet and leapt out the window.

Startled and completely taken off guard, Soran gasped as he was hauled up and over the shoulder of the stranger. His heart pounded heavily in his chest as both hands gripped a fist full of the boy's shirt as he was thrown over the shoulder like a sack. The boy ran across the school yard, hurling spears behind him as he went. He's really good to be launching those while carrying me he thought with a faint blush. Soran hated the fact that he was being a burden.

"Let's get out of here!"

"Yeah, I would agree," Soran said in reply, though he wasn't sure if his Guardian heard or not. Looking around as best he could, Soran noted that they were headed towards the parking lot. He must have a car... it's the only logical reason to race towards that area, the Seer thought to himself.

"By the way, Name's Peter! What's your name little buddy?!"

"L-little?!" Soran repeated, his face now completely red across his nose and cheeks. He fumbled around as he was still being carried and tried his best to be dignified, "I-I.. I am not little! Wait.. that's not the point... I'm alright, you can put me down now!" he hollered, trying to heave himself off the boys shoulder. Part of him was grateful to be carried as the wait time was lessened for Soran knew he couldn't keep the pace the young boy was, but the other part of him disliked it.

Once he was put down in the parking lot, he glowered at the ground as he waited for Peter to open the car. Once in the vehicle, Soran grumbled a bit as he put on the seat belt, "I'm Soran," he muttered, then proceeded to tell the man a specific address that was not his own, "Go there. It's a Seer family that I know of. Well, they don't know me specifically but all the families know of each other in some way. The Belvedere family will be better than mine," Soran muttered the last part as he leaned against the door with his arm up against the glass of the window.

With a glance back towards the burning school building, he winced slightly at the memory of having been possessed. He hoped that the Belvedere family wouldn't mind his intrusion. The last thing he wanted was to go to his own home and officially announce that he was indeed a Seer. He closed his eyes, an eyebrow coming down in frustration as he tried to ignore the implications of that.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tristan Belvedere Character Portrait: Soran Feliy Reigailia Character Portrait: Kilia Yve Linovahle Character Portrait: Peter O'Cyrus Character Portrait: Jonathan Robert "Robin" Grey
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Peter had reached his car, which was red with white stripes in color as he then set the boy, whom he learned was named Soran. As soon as he unlocked the passenger door Soran managed to get in before he could even say the magic words. He sighed in open thought he he ran to the driver's side and got in and started up the car.

He then heard an address to go to and he raised an eyebrow in question as he explained. "Dunno why these things you say makes sense but alright. Hold on." As Peter said this he started to drive out of the school parking lot. "Alright we are so out of here!" He said as he drove on towards the address Soran gave him.


After several minutes Peter drove towards the Belvedere driveway. "We're here." He stated as he looked around to find a spot to park in and started to do so. "You surely have high end friends buddy. What are these guys rich or something?"


Jonathan could feel her stare upon him and Kilia's Mother explained further on what a guardian does for a seer. At the mention that he made his spell mostly on impulse, and that he has to work on refining his spell as it'll be the only spell to use to free Kilia from any possessions in the future, almost lit some of his warning bells in his head. She went on to explain further he's Kilia's one and only guardian. "Which means we virtually have no freaking backup." he thought in his head. The Grey Knight, who was standing behind Jonathan at that distinct moment, moaned in despair at the news as well, Jonathan didn't bother to acknowledge or yell at it for the moment, they couldn't see him so he can complain all he wants.

Jonathan continued to hear the explanation, which was basically wrapping up his role and that essentially, there's no turning back from it all now. He only nodded his head in understanding as Mrs. Linovahle then made her exit before saying the rest is up to him and Kilia. That was the only part that confused him. He was about to ask further on about it before Kilia started to talk to him.

"No need to apologize. I'm sure your mother did mean well Kilia." He stated as he simply stretched his legs. He also stretched his arms, in which he made a well aimed punch at the Grey Knight's head. The Grey Knight clutched his head in pain before glaring and vanishing. Jonathan sighed. "So I guess it's official then huh?"

At her confirmation he decided to ask Kilia the question that's been bugging him. "What did she mean by the rest is up to us? I'm slightly confused by that."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tristan Belvedere Character Portrait: Soran Feliy Reigailia Character Portrait: Peter O'Cyrus
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#, as written by girlwt
Its funny how the last thing any of the Belvedere family would call their house is a place where rich people live. It was; compared to others, small. It felt way to small for the all the different personalities that lived in it. Standing there in the driveway was a well-dressed dark haired man. He was trying to contact someone, by why he was doing it outside wasn't apparent until one came closer.

It sounded like someone was going into hysterics inside, there was loud screaming and the crashing of objects from the inside. However the man seemed perfectly calm as he was conversing finally with whomever he was trying to reach. The tale end of the conversation was heard by the two when they did finally decide to approach.

"I understand perfectly sir, I will do whatever you wish."

The communication was shut down and the man turned to finally inspect who was within the car that pulled into the driveway. . A smile of no significance appeared on his face, "Master Reigailia, tis a pleasure, I am Grayson, Master Belvedare's Guardian, my master and his son Tristan are not at home, but I do expect them here shortly, is there anything I could help you with." The brief introduction and offer to help was interrupted with the coming of another car.

The driver exited the car after stopping and parking, he opened the door to a gaggle of girls. The first one to step out, lollipop in mouth and skip to her step, ignored the two boys completely as she approached Grayson, "Is my snack ready," all she got was a nod to her answer as Grayson had his eyes fixed on the guests. It seemed to satisfy her and she went to the house. The next one was only slightly taller, and she glanced at Soran and Peter, but again ignored them, she didn't even talk to Grayson. She was apparently to busy listening to something, and walked by them into the house. Grayson smiled, but his smile was for the last two of the sisters, as they approached. This made them hesitant for a second, as if Grayson never smiled. This was when he spoke again, "Julianna, your father asked me if you could help your mother, and if miss Francine could help the other two with their homework"

Julianna who was the older of the two looked at the house if it held a doom like fate for her and her sister. She glanced at the two boys and then turned her attention back to Grayson, "Thank you Grayson, I will take care of it, I apologize about this morning." Francine though was truly fascinated by Soran and Peter, she looked like she just saw her favorite pop-star and she was in fangirl heaven. "Francine, lets go." Francine was awakened by her sister's serious tone, she gave the boys her biggest braces filled grin and followed the other into the house.

"I am sorry about that," Grayson finally addressed the other two again. What was truly remarkable about the procession of girls, was that each had her own shade of red hair, each had a different shade of eyes, mostly all in the green category. All but Aria, (the lollipop girl) her eyes seemed to be hazel. "I shouldn't be so rude but I can guess why you are here, would you like to come inside for some tea."

One really had to wonder where there was going to be a quiet spot in the house.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tristan Belvedere Character Portrait: Soran Feliy Reigailia Character Portrait: Kilia Yve Linovahle Character Portrait: Peter O'Cyrus Character Portrait: Jonathan Robert "Robin" Grey
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#, as written by Siryn

"We're here."

Peter's voice filled the car and Soran looked up from his deep musing. He watched as the car pulled up to a house that looked almost like his own, but smaller. He bit his lip as he reached for the handle of the car door, Is this alright? I hope they don't mind my sudden arrival... I mean, it's not like the families are all 'buddy buddy' with each other he thought to himself. He was feeling rather gloomy as he stepped out of the car.

"You surely have high end friends buddy. What are these guys rich or something?"

"Yeah, you could say that," Soran muttered in response. He walked up with Peter to a man that looked to be a part of the house. His attire certainly said he was. Screams were echoing from the house, giving Soran pause to continue. He wondered what was going on, but as the man who stood talking on the cell phone didn't seem bothered by the noise, the young Seer figured it may be a normal thing.

He frowned, wincing slightly. Even so, he still thought it better than going back to his own place, "Well... here goes nothing," he said to no one in particular.

"I understand perfectly sir, I will do whatever you wish."

Wonder what that was all about.

The man -whom Soran thought was a butler at first- turned and addressed them finally, "Master Reigailia, tis a pleasure, I am Grayson, Master Belvedare's Guardian, my master and his son Tristan are not at home, but I do expect them here shortly, is there anything I could help you with."

"Eh... umm..." Soran glanced over to Peter but before he could formulate any sort of answer, a car drove up behind them and it unloaded a flock of girls. This startled Soran even more and he froze. It wasn't like he was afraid of girls or anything, he just wasn't very good with them, especially in packs of more than two. He watched them in shock as they all passed by to head to the house.

Oh... God... dig me a grave now... just end it, Soran thought with a heavy sigh. One of the girls smiled at him though, she had braces and he felt slightly obliged to smile back, so he did. Soran waved a bit too to try to calm his own nerves and make things a little less awkward.

"I am sorry about that, I shouldn't be so rude but I can guess why you are here, would you like to come inside for some tea."

"You're pretty good to know why we're here," Soran answered back, then ran his hand through his hair, "Sorry... Um. Thanks, I guess. Yeah, I came because... well I've been- er was- possessed by a God. Said his name was Yakosa, a war god," Soran trembled at the memory. His body shuddered and he quickly took a deep breathe to regain himself, "It's... Hard to let my family know. I'm sure you and the Belvedere family know how mine is on this whole matter. Seeing as they want my brother a Seer instead," Soran muttered the last part as his gaze dropped off to the side of the graveled driveway.

"Anyway," he looked up and tried a smile, "Thanks for the hospitality, Grayson. I look forward to meeting the rest of the family. It'll be interesting to see Mr. Belvedere and his son."


"No need to apologize. I'm sure your mother did mean well Kilia."

Kilia dipped her head down, feeling her cheeks flushing a bit as she sat there, her fingers curling into small fists on her knees. Slowly she nodded in agreement, "Yeah, she did."

"So I guess it's official then huh?"

Looking over, at him she nodded her head. With a bit of a sigh, she answered as she smiled at him as warmly as she could, "Yes. It's... official."

"What did she mean by the rest is up to us? I'm slightly confused by that." Robin asked.

"Oh... that," Kilia sighed again as she dropped her gaze to the floor, "It's tradition for most of the families. It's been done for years. Some families are more extreme than others," she said as she lifted her eyes to where her mother had disappeared to, "Basically what she meant is that everything else we have to learn on our own. We have to teach ourselves how to fight the Gods and protect the people while protecting ourselves. She's only given us the necessitates. And that's all we'll ever get. From here on out... it's really up to you and I to figure things out.

"Though I seriously disagree. There's got to be better ways to do things. I mean, we're not in the old days anymore! I think we should be working together with the other families, but that's not her belief. I also believe that not all the Gods are evil like she thinks they are, but..." Kilia's voice had gotten slightly emotional so she stopped herself. Taking a deep, calming breathe, she leaned back in the couch cushions, "Well, whatever. It is what it is. I mean, it really is up to us so..."

She trailed off. Hopefully Robin didn't think she was crazy... she blushed a little at the thought.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tristan Belvedere Character Portrait: Kilia Yve Linovahle Character Portrait: Peter O'Cyrus Character Portrait: Jonathan Robert "Robin" Grey
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Peter had followed Soran to the front door of the house when he saw another car pull up and open to let out a gaggle of Girls. "Oh my GOSH! We're surrounded by girls!! This is insanity!!!" Peter thought in his head as sweat drops formed on his own forehead in severe worry. How many were there?! Soran had hidden behind him in slight fear and terror of them. Peter was at most, surprised by his reaction at that. "Wow, that was very interesting." He said out loud.

He then heard the Head guardian of this family invite them inside for refreshments. "Huh? Tea? If you got Herbal Tea I'll drink that stuff." Peter said trying to be open and friendly as best as he could as Soran explained the business end of why they were here. He smiled to himself how well he tried to be formal and friendly at the same time. "Well Soran, let's not sit out here like a barrel of wet fish! Let's go in!"


Jonathan listened very very carefully to Kilia as she responded to his statements and question. She talked on how it was tradition to find out on their own how to best fight off the gods and protect her from it. "Wow, that's a lot on the plate, but doable." He stated before she suddenly went up in a small mini-rant.

He listened to her talk about there should be a better way to handle things and such of the like before she talked more absurdly that not all gods are evil. "I only wish the good ones had better control of the others." He said more to himself as she continued on before stopping and just resigning to her original answer and then blushed a bit. That usually means one thing in his book. She thinking that now he thinks she was crazy.

"If only I can admit that people actually think I'm crazy at times." he thought to himself as he looked around the living room looking at all the nick nacks present. His eyes fell upon however, a portrait of a familiar figure, clad in grey armor, holding his sword aloft as if ready to do battle. He got up to take a closer look. "Hmm, interesting portrait of the Grey Knight you got hanging there. My family has some of the original rough sketches, although, not one to say such things, with him being directly my ancestor and all."

"Doh, come on Robin! It's not that horrible is it?!" The "spirit" said as Jonathan turned to Kilia with a bit of a small confident smile. The spirit sighed knowing that he'll try to ignore the fact he's even talking to him before vanishing just like that.

"So then, I suppose then the first thing we need to figure out is living arrangements and then a schedule for training and improvement of spells and physical strength." Jonathan said, "Of course I might have to also probably teach you how to fight too. Hopefully that isn't too much of a problem.

"And probably, once we've figured all that out, we can then, maybe figure out something fun to do. Since we need to probably be friends and all" Jonathan finished before taking a huge breath. He nearly talked himself to death for a moment. Never before had he tried to talk business and try to sound proper at the very same time. He also realized he was talking to a girl who he has to watch over for the rest of his life. His face turned slightly pink when he realized this.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tristan Belvedere Character Portrait: Soran Feliy Reigailia Character Portrait: Peter O'Cyrus
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#, as written by girlwt
Grayson led them into the house as he heard Soran say,

"Sorry... Um. Thanks, I guess. Yeah, I came because... well I've been- er was- possessed by a God. Said his name was Yakosa, a war god," Grayson turned slightly to see the reaction by the newly made seer. He understood completely the fear and wish to forget. It was the same for a guardian in some respects, without the whole being taken over aspect though. He has had his own seer turn on him, filled with the violent urgency to do the God's willing, and try to kill. Grayson though was pretty hard to kill as he was still standing before the two boys today. Yet Soran's next sentence was a little unexpected.

"It's... Hard to let my family know. I'm sure you and the Belvedere family know how mine is on this whole matter. Seeing as they want my brother a Seer instead"

He didn't comment on this though, but he also understood this, it was the very thing driving a wedge within very house he lived. "I am sure you have as much potential as your brother did." Grayson knew that Soran's brother was past his twenty year mark. He had kept tabs on the other families for years. The inner workings, personal opinions and likewise he had no idea, but one can observe much from the outside.

The house was bigger on the inside then it appeared on the outside.

He looked at Peter as he requested herbal tea, "You though," he did a once over of Peter, "don't have any ties to society do you." His tone wasn't condensing, it was observant. And his once over wasn't one to be taken likely, it was like he had assessed Peter's aura with just his eyes. He, however, wasn't trying to be insulting, but Grayson was known to push a button or two. He could read people rather well, and sometime told him that the boy was hot-headed and perhaps untrained. Grayson led them away from the other voices in the house "Follow me into the study, we won't be disturbed there," he led to a doorway, which he took a key out and unlocked. The room on the inside looked cozy, it was filled with pictures; of course with five children, there were many pictures. It seemed like all the kids had their own place on the wall. Grayson motioned to the couch in the corner, "Sit, relax, I will return."

His return was a few minutes later, with a silver tray, a tea pot full of hot water, and a tea chest. As he placed it on the table he looked Soran again. "So you were possessed by Yakosa." He took a rather large book from the shelf and flipped through, "Call it an obsession of mine I suppose," which really wasn't an explanation in the least to what he looking at. "Yakosa, god of war, top tier, doesn't have many known weaknesses. So that either means you deal with fire or did something else to stop the possession."

This last comment was toward Peter

He continued without waiting on response "Fire makes the most sense, your aura is to red for most anything else. I tend to do that without permission, but it helps me stay alive. I've known a few like you, usually hot-headed and short tempered, not a great combination when it comes to being a guardian. However you show promise in taken a god like Yakosa out for awhile."

Another interruption happened at that point, the door to the study swung open and Tristan stood there, he didn't look happy in at all. "Where is my father, "he asked completely ignoring the other two in the room.

Grayson stood a look of concern on his face, "He is not here, what happened."

"Nothing, I don't want to talk about it, tell the she-hag if she wants to lecture me, I'll be in my room"
"But Tristan we have...
"I don't give a fuck"
"Tristan please calm down,"
"Today of all the fucking days, don't tell me to calm down"
"Please just join us,"
"I am not in the mood."

"Just tell brace face if I ever catch her putting spiders on me again, I will torture her slowly and without mercy" Tristan turns on his heels and walks back out, which he couldn't have gone to far because they could hear the door slam. Grayson sighed, "Again I apologize, I thought Master Belvedare would have returned by now."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tristan Belvedere Character Portrait: Soran Feliy Reigailia Character Portrait: Peter O'Cyrus
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#, as written by Siryn

"I am sure you have as much potential as your brother did."

Soran slowly nodded, though he wasn't all too convinced by the kind words. He was lost in his own thoughts for a little while and thus missed the comment made towards Peter, his new Guardian. He was brought out of his thoughts as Grayson moved towards the house, motioning for them to follow him.

"Follow me into the study, we won't be disturbed there."

The house inside was much larger than it looked on the outside. An illusion that Soran was beginning to think a trend for most richly endowed families and their homes. His own was a reflection of that as well. They followed after Grayson until he stopped at a door and unlocked it for them to go into.

"Sit, relax, I will return."

Heeding the order, Soran took a spot on the sofa. It was comfortable, something he was slightly thankful for given the recent event of having to run and everything else. As he sat, however, his leg had stiffened from standing for too long outside. He felt the burn of his skin stretching and was reminded of the wound given to him by Yakosa not to long ago. Hissing in reaction, he gripped his thigh tightly before it numbed once again.

"So you were possessed by Yakosa."

Grayson returned then with a tray of tea, to which Soran just gazed at. He wasn't particularly in the mood to drink anything right then, and so he just sat back to listen to the conversation.

"Call it an obsession of mine I suppose. Yakosa, god of war, top tier, doesn't have many known weaknesses. So that either means you deal with fire or did something else to stop the possession."

Grayson said as he flipped through a rather large book that he'd brought with him into the study. Soran glanced over to Peter before answering softly, he figured he'd let the Guardian do the finer details though, "Yeah, he used a spear of some sort," the Seer said, his voice just loud enough for them to hear him.

"Fire makes the most sense, your aura is to red for most anything else. I tend to do that without permission, but it helps me stay alive. I've known a few like you, usually hot-headed and short tempered, not a great combination when it comes to being a guardian. However you show promise in taken a god like Yakosa out for awhile."

An eyebrow lifted as Soran listened to the words that Grayson poured onto them. He can judge a person character based on their aura? Is that his specialty or something... the young Seer thought to himself. He was about to ask on the matter how Grayson knew so much about Peter when he himself knew nothing at all seeing as he'd just met the boy a few hours ago.

"Where is my father, " a boy asked as he flung open the door and entered the room. Soran turned sharply at the sudden noise, his heart jumping to his throat. However, he was met by a rather good looking figure in the doorway, though the youth didn't seem to be all that pleased.

"He is not here, what happened?"

The conversation went rather quickly, and there was not a whole lot that Soran could discern from it at all. Obviously the boy was irritated about something, and one of his sisters was a part of it too. However, the Seer figured that there was something else to the situation at hand and even as the red haired boy left the room and a door slammed shut, Soran stayed turned around almost as if in a trance.

"Again I apologize, I thought Master Belvedare would have returned by now."

"It's alright," Soran answered, almost on auto pilot. Finally, he stood up, "If you'll excuse me, I'd like to talk to him... the red haired boy just now? I think Peter can answer the rest of your questions well enough... at least for now," he said. Besides, I think there's more to that boy's irritation than a little girl putting spiders on him, Soran thought and made his way to the door. With the adrenaline leaving his body, he was beginning to feel a dull ache in his hip and side.

Hobbling out into the hallway, he looked around to try to figure out where the boy had gone. It couldn't have been too far though seeing as the sound of the slamming door had nearly been right next to them. Right next to us... Soran spotted a closed door and figured that one might be it. Shuffling over, he hesitated as he raised his hand to the door, poised to knock. Taking a breath, he finally knocked on the door, three light taps.

"U-um..." his voice broke and he cursed himself silently, "Sorry to be intruding on your home. I'm Soran Reigailia... Um..." Why had he gone to the door again? He couldn't quite remember, "I-... Want to talk? I get the feeling something might have happened," he said and then bit his tongue. Wonderful start... idiot he scolded himself. He stood there silently then, waiting for an answer. Hopefully the boy wouldn't just ignore him, that would be... awkward.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tristan Belvedere Character Portrait: Soran Feliy Reigailia Character Portrait: Peter O'Cyrus
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Peter walked into the house with Soran and Grayson. He never quite registered what they were talking about initially which sort of confused him to a point. He sat down as Grayson was reading a book about whatever it was messing with Soran and it came to a point where Grayson started talking about Him with near accuracy.

"Hey wait a minute!! You have no right reading my Aura!" He exclaimed loudly and somewhat angrily, but he unknowingly proved his point. "I mean sure I prefer fire magic but that doesn't make me a big fat Hothead!!"

His thoughts were once again interrupted by the entrance of another person Soran's age. "Uhh hi-" he tried to say before he got interrupted by The arrivals argument with the family guardian before heading off to another room. "Well that was rude of the Laddie."

Soran then stated his desire to go and see the rude one and abruptly left Peter with Grayson. "Wait! Soran! Please don't leave me alone with the gaggle!!!!" He shouted in vain pleading. "Fudge nuggets! I hate it when things go down like that." He said before sighing. "So what exactly did I get myself into here Grayson?"

"I mean, I. Know about seers and their bodyguards a little bit; but I fail to see the big picture. You mean to tell me I took on a deity and won in some regard? Also where is the tea I asked about?" His questions were small but trying to figure out how to understand it all."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tristan Belvedere Character Portrait: Soran Feliy Reigailia Character Portrait: Peter O'Cyrus
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#, as written by girlwt
Grayson's initial frustration led to surprise when Soran offered to go talk to Tristan, "Thank you," but he was pretty sure Soran was already trying to find Tristan's door. The other in the room took the time to speak up"So what exactly did I get myself into here Grayson".

Before he could answer the first question a second came out. I mean, I. Know about seers and their bodyguards a little bit; but I fail to see the big picture. You mean to tell me I took on a deity and won in some regard? Also where is the tea I asked about

Grayson looked at the boy intently for a second, "I am going to tell you the one thing my father always told me, when fate chooses us to do, we do, but you know having fire magic doesn't mean you are "a big fat Hothead." I was merely stated an observation or two. You can learn to restrain your temper, or irrational behaviors, or even your power if you learn control." While he was stating this he turned to the tea pot, "This tea pot is cold now, and it is a rather expensive family heirloom. Rational thought would be going out to the kitchen and heating some more water, but since you are so against being interactive with the girls, I take that is out of the question"

"As a guardian you have to think quickly on your feet, something that you did this afternoon, but some deities don't react to a violent means of being defeated, sometimes you have to be more inventive. As water is your opposite, it will be the hardest for you to learn how to find a means to get rid of. Take the water in the tea pot, lets say for instance it is a lesser god within your seer. A lesser god that you know isn't going to be pushed out by violent means, all water gods do have some aversion to fire, however this one is adverse to heat. However if you heat it up to much, you risk the chance of harming your seer. He is your first and last priority, even before yourself."

He picked the teapot up, "I am not going to ask you try this, but as the year progresses with your seer, as you learn more about the way things are done. As you defeat more gods and goddesses, you will get closer to the point where you can do this without thought. I don't have elemental skills like you do, but in reading the object before me, I can control the most basic of its particles.

I didn't know how to do this when I first became a guardian, in fact I really thought my power was pretty useless. The first day almost became my last, I didn't know how much energy it would actually take to read a god aura. The more powerful the longer and more costly it is to me. With just the right amount of energy, I can make those particles move, and the rest is just basic science."

Pretty soon the water in the teapot was warm again, and he poured it into the cup. "The big picture is all of this is up to you." He put down the teapot and picked up the tea chest. "Now please pick your tea bag, I believe the herbal tea is in the back row."

Tristan was sulking in his bedroom, he heard the knocking first, which was surprising, no one ever knocked in his house. He sat up, sort of glad he hadn't yet plugged his ear buds into his ears. He stood up and took a second to look at his surroundings. Well why the fuck should he care about what his room looked like, this was his room. He opened the door just as Soran said happened. "You don't have to say anymore, you could have probably just knocked, nobody ever fucking knocks in this house." Tristan sighed but took the time to look at the boy, "For a Reigailia, your kinda not what I expected, yeah I know who your family is, haven't the pleasure though of meetin any of you. Well come in, there is no use for you standing in the hallway."
Tristan opened the door wider, "Close it after you come in, or we won't get any privacy," not that he expected his closed door to stop anyone anyways. "I just guessing that you turned 20 today too, so you have some clue about what happens on days like these. Maybe I am just more upset than I need to be about it. Well maybe not upset...I don't really know how to describe how I am feeling actually." There was more then one reason he was feeling the way he way thought

First Tristan was upset about having to deal with his mother, but he wasn't going to admit that to a complete stranger. Ever since the events happened this morning, she has been harassing him, and you could tell it wasn't her usual harassment either. She had been downright unapologetic about what she was saying. He got so tired of her phone calls that he came home hoping to find his father, hoping to put an end to it. He hoped deep down she would have changed her opinion about him after he became a seer, but it just seemed to be worse.

Secondly what happened during his possession really threw him off, he knew it wasn't the normal thing to happen, so how to move on from it was a complete mystery.

He moved some stuff so there was another place to sit on a chair near the bed, he knew that it wasn't Soran's fault, so he wasn't take it out on him. Tristan just didn't feel like being himself today, he was tired of pretty much everything period. "I guess I should introduce myself, since I just started talking to you like we were acquainted, I am Tristan, so what else did you want to talk about."

He sat back down on the bed with his back against the wall so he could actually pay attention to Soran.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tristan Belvedere Character Portrait: Soran Feliy Reigailia Character Portrait: Kilia Yve Linovahle Character Portrait: Peter O'Cyrus Character Portrait: Jonathan Robert "Robin" Grey
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#, as written by Siryn

"You don't have to say anymore, you could have probably just knocked, nobody ever fucking knocks in this house."

Soran was slightly taken aback as the boy suddenly drew open the door and faced him with a frown on his face. The young blonde haired seer watched him for a while, unsure of what to say next. Maybe it had been a bad idea to come and bother him. Still, Soran couldn't help it. It was another Seer, someone else to talk to that could share in his experience. A sigh left the taller boys lips, making Soran lift an eyebrow.

"For a Reigailia, your kinda not what I expected, yeah I know who your family is, haven't the pleasure though of meetin any of you. Well come in, there is no use for you standing in the hallway."

Soran blushed at this, Not what you expected?! What were you expecting?! Soran thought to himself. He wanted to voice those thoughts as well, but the other Seer didn't give him time to do so as he pulled the door wider and stepped inside the bedroom.

"Close it after you come in, or we won't get any privacy. I just guessing that you turned 20 today too, so you have some clue about what happens on days like these. Maybe I am just more upset than I need to be about it. Well maybe not upset...I don't really know how to describe how I am feeling actually."

Slowly, Soran moved into the room closing the door as he was asked as well. He limped slightly, his thigh cramping up as he tried to work out the muscle once more though it burned. He watched as the boy cleared off a spot on a chair near the bed and moved over to it once it was cleaned to sit upon. Listening to the young Seer's words made Soran frown. He knew what the other boy meant though. It was the same for him really.

"I guess I should introduce myself, since I just started talking to you like we were acquainted, I am Tristan, so what else did you want to talk about."

Soran slowly took his seat, positioning himself just right so as to let his leg rest, but not stretch the burned skin. After he was seated he looked up at Tristan and smiled softly, "I'm Soran. I... I guess I just wanted to talk a little. Anything really," his gaze dropped Why is this so hard? he thought to himself. Usually he was very bright and easy to talk to other people, but for some reason it was very hard in the presence of the other boy.

"U-um," he stuttered again. Have to stop doing that he chided himself, "I was possessed earlier today. It was... so strange and painful," Soran muttered the last part, "Do you think it's like that all the time? I hope not, I don't know if I'll be able to survive that sort of thing again. I also want to apologize, for just showing up here at your home. Its just that I really don't want to go back to my own house. The family is... not easy to get along with. I'm sure they already know that I'm a Seer whereas my brother is not."

Soran sighed and leaned back against the chair. He tilted his head back where he stared at the ceiling of the bedroom for a while before looking back at Tristan, "Sorry, probably shouldn't dump this on you, I'm sure you have enough to worry about and deal with as it is. Your house is... kinda crazy," Soran laughed a bit as he said that hoping to not offend the other boy.


"Wow, that's a lot on the plate, but doable." Robin said before Kilia went off on her tangent. She blushed a bit at the thought that he was willing to do so much with someone he'd just met too.

"I only wish the good ones had better control of the others."

Slowly she nodded in agreement to his statement.

"Hmm, interesting portrait of the Grey Knight you got hanging there. My family has some of the original rough sketches, although, not one to say such things, with him being directly my ancestor and all."

"You're his ancestor?" Kilia about came out of her seat as he was looking at one of the pictures on the vanity. She watched him with wide eyes, awe and shock rushing through her, "Honestly I'd always thought that to be a myth of sorts. That's so amazing," she muttered to herself.

"So then, I suppose then the first thing we need to figure out is living arrangements and then a schedule for training and improvement of spells and physical strength. Of course I might have to also probably teach you how to fight too. Hopefully that isn't too much of a problem. And probably, once we've figured all that out, we can then, maybe figure out something fun to do. Since we need to probably be friends and all."

Kilia was taken aback at first as he told her everything that he had in mind. Wow, so fast to adapt she thought to herself. She admired that actually. Kilia herself wasn't all that great at taking a situation and adapting to it like that. She couldn't quite get her mind wrapped around his words as she was marveling at how quickly he put things together. Kilia stared at him for quite sometime before it all sank in.

"W-wait! You want... t-too train me?" Kilia stood then, her hands raising up as she watched him with wide eyes, her heart pounding hard in her chest, "I-I... Robin... I really... I really don't know," she started to pace then, wringing her wrists and biting her lower lip.

Shaking her head she calmed herself, "I... I will try," she resigned herself quickly. It was probably for the best anyway. Besides, he was going to find out soon enough that she wasn't all that great at fighting at all, "In any case, I do hope that we'll be friends," she smiled brightly, trying to ignore her writhing nerves about the prospect of fighting.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tristan Belvedere Character Portrait: Soran Feliy Reigailia Character Portrait: Kilia Yve Linovahle Character Portrait: Peter O'Cyrus Character Portrait: Jonathan Robert "Robin" Grey
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Peter was in utter shock about the explanation given to him. He actually almost thought his eyes would pop out of their sockets when he saw the demonstration Grayson pulled with his abilities. The teapot suddenly started to have steam coming out of its spout. "That is a neat mind bending trick." He stated as he grabbed the herbal tea bag and set it by the teapot. "Alright, so you're saying I need to improvise on my opponents when they come? That sounds easy enough, though control might be easier said then done I'm unsure."


"If he's a Myth then I'm a figment of your imagination." Jonathan replied to Kilia when she talked about the grey knight. "Though granted some bits of his story have gotten lost in the mix or exaggerated. He smiled after stating that and then he let everything he told her on their next move on the whole thing.

She seemed shocked and a bit nervous about being trained on how to fight. "Well I certainly would like to. But I think it should be baby steps when it comes down to it. But ultimately, I want to trust you to watch my back. When of course you're not possessed." He could tell she was trying to not show her nervousness about training with him.

"Well, first things first is kind of a main question. It's the living arrangements. I suppose in the simplistic terms to ultimately phrase my question incredibly carefully. Where do I sleep?" He asked in a polite calm voice.

"You could always sleep in her room." The grey knight's voice said in his head. This "Spirit" was making too many freaking visits today. And it was starting to annoy Jonathan to a point. Jonathan went to the couch to sit down and to try and relax for a few moments until Kilia gave him an answer on the particular subject.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tristan Belvedere Character Portrait: Soran Feliy Reigailia Character Portrait: Peter O'Cyrus
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#, as written by girlwt
Tristan half smiled as the boy introduced himself, Soran...thats a nice name. He also concluded that Soran was kinda cute when he blushed...but that wasn't the point of the conversation. He listened while the other described the experience of earlier today and in truth he wondered the same thing, "God I hope not," yet he couldn't help but feeling like it could have been worse too. "So that other guy, he is your guardian," he had noticed Peter even though it didn't seem like he had noticed anything when coming into his father's study. If he was perfectly honest, he would probably admit that he half wanted to find out about who this blond kid was, but he didn't want to do so in front of Grayson.

He was sort of discouraged when he found out that he was a Reigailia, they didn't really socialize in the same circles. Tristan was probably someone most parents told their kids to stay away from. Tristan did like to bat out of his league though...

He continued to listen to Soran, "Wait your brother, they wanted him instead of you, I don't know you seem perfectly capable of handling yourself, unless you are a figment of my imagination and didn't survive your first possession." Tristan didn't think he had that good of an imagination.

"My family is...kinda crazy too." Tristan sighed, "I kinda wished I was elsewhere most of the time. Its not that I don't care for them, its well...complicated."

Grayson pondered Peter for a second, and shook his head, "Improvisation and control, both are necessary, what is complicated is doing them at the same time. But this is a lesson for another time."

"Did you have any more questions." Grayson asked as he moved away from the table.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tristan Belvedere Character Portrait: Soran Feliy Reigailia Character Portrait: Kilia Yve Linovahle Character Portrait: Peter O'Cyrus Character Portrait: Jonathan Robert "Robin" Grey
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Peter Poured himself a cup of herbal tea and started to drink it whilst he was thinking. "Hmm." He said to himself. "Well, I know I fought a god with a title and status. What happens if a lesser known deity decides to pick a fight? Or do they just usually run like the sissies you claim them to be?"

His question was slightly legitimate in its nature. But he wasn't sure if it was exactly appropriate in its execution. "No offense to any that are sissies, I just feel like when I fight something it's a bit more fun having to be attacked."


Jonathan could tell Kilia was nervous about fighting lessons. He'll probably not only need baby steps on that subject, he is going to need to put training wheels on her after she's learned the basics!! What more can he do?

"Eh, least it's a start of a very beautiful friendship!" The Grey Knight stated as Jonathan sighs as he then hears Kilia mention several guest rooms. He sighs in relief of the slight distraction. He followed her up the stairs as he looked at more different stuff in the house, and then he finally approached the room she designated as his.

"Your Brother's? Wow did he like, move out or something?" He asked in an incredibly honest voice. He never saw a room so ordinary as this, it's as if the brother picked all of the valuables in here before he moved out or something along those lines.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tristan Belvedere Character Portrait: Soran Feliy Reigailia Character Portrait: Peter O'Cyrus
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#, as written by girlwt
It was Tristan's turn to feel awkward for a second, "You're hurt," he was stating the obvious, "why didn't you mention it." Or better yet why didn't I notice it. "Please just sit there, I will get something to help." Tristan left his bedroom and went down the hallway in the opposite direction.

He returned a minute later with his father's first aid kit. Well it was actually bigger then a regular first aid kit, "Um..." Tristan started pretty sure that now he was blushing. "Can you roll up your pant leg...or um something." He was unable to really figure out what he was trying to ask the other to do and he could hardly ask him to take off his pants. Even though he would have let him borrow something to put on, and change in the bathroom.

Maybe he should get Grayson in here...but it wasn't like he didn't know what he was doing.

Grayson again pondered the young man sitting there. "I never claimed any god to be as you put it a sissy..." He spat out the word like it was a vulgar thing for him to say. "Lesser gods are just as dangerous as well known ones. Especially because they usually have more to prove. They like to feed on fears, weaknesses, and even talents. And they especially like it when someone doesn't take them seriously enough."

Grayson not being one to usually hold back his thoughts, held back the one he was thinking at the moment. Either someone was going to have to train this boy, or he was going to get himself and his seer killed. As it was uncomfortable for the seer at home, he had to wonder what would really happen to this pair. He knew his concern should be for his own people, but a rogue seer meant trouble for everyone. Soran didn't seem the type to go rogue, but if circumstances at home weren't good. "Excuse me for a second, enjoy the tea, I need to contact someone."

He left the study only to meet by the very person he wanted to contact. "Master Belvedare, finally your home."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tristan Belvedere Character Portrait: Soran Feliy Reigailia Character Portrait: Kilia Yve Linovahle Character Portrait: Peter O'Cyrus Character Portrait: Jonathan Robert "Robin" Grey
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#, as written by Siryn

"You're hurt. Why didn't you mention it? Please just sit there, I will get something to help."

Soran bit his lip as he did as he was told, glaring at his leg. Forgot about that... he cursed himself as he sat there, one hand gripping the leg just above the burn wounds. The door opened again and Tristan walked back in with a box in hand. The young blonde Seer was sure that it was a first aid kit of sorts. He eyed it for a moment before looking back to the dark haired boy who knelt down next to him.

"Um... Can you roll up your pant leg...or um something." Tristan's face was starting to color and once Soran noticed, so did his.

Glancing down at his leg he tilted his head off to the side. To roll the pant leg up all the way to his thigh was near impossible. The next thought was even worse. Taking them off. Soran paused for a moment. The silence hung between them, growing more awkward by the second. Finally, the blonde Seer cleared his throat.

"U-um... I... I could tear it, I suppose. Or you could wrap it on the outside of the pant leg... Well I guess that would defeat the purpose hu? I don't think taking them off would be a good idea," his voice squeaked a bit at the last few words and he turned away quickly, fussing with his hair as he cleared his throat.

"I-I mean, not that it would be be a bad idea or anything, but well... Um. H-here," he finally muttered and reached over to the torn pant leg and tugged at it. It took a moment, but finally the fabric ripped under his grip and he pulled it apart gently so that Tristan could get to the wound properly. Damn it all to hell... what's wrong with me? This is ridiculous, I'm acting like a freaking girl. he chided himself and swallowed dryly.

"There," he said after clearing his throat for the second time, "Is that alright?" he gestured to the larger hole he'd made in the jeans.


"Your Brother's? Wow did he like, move out or something?"

Kilia reached up and ran a few fingers through her hair as she frowned slightly, "Sort of, I guess."

She recalled the time when her brother had hit his twentieth cycle and the family had found out that he was not a Seer. Kilia had been very young at the time and so she didn't remember much about him. All she could remember was a soft voice, a warm smile and hands that used to pat her head often. Then it was gone, almost in an instant.

"I didn't know him very well, so to me you could say this is a guest room. But, feel free to use anything that's in there, though there's not much."

Her eyes grew wide for a moment, "Hey, what about your family Robin? What are they going to think when they notice you haven't come home yet?" she eyed him with worry in her gaze, hoping that he would be alright in either respect.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Tristan Belvedere Character Portrait: Soran Feliy Reigailia Character Portrait: Kilia Yve Linovahle Character Portrait: Rethyn Jadgarus Character Portrait: Peter O'Cyrus
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The eyes with pupils glanced around quickly. People were staring at him. Shaking his head, Rethyn turned left at the corner of the street as he looked for a way to get off the street. It had only been a few days since the car crash. At least it only felt like a few days since the crash, but now everything was different.

Spotting a nearby alley way Rethyn quickly ducked into it. Moving along at a rather quick pace away from the entrance he was rather glad to be out of public. Nobody really liked his face. Well, his face was a mask to them, but it was all the same as both displayed appearances right? Exhaling he tried not to think about it as it only made him more frustrated with everything.

Stopping in the dead center of the alleyway something felt right. A certain aura to this area felt right, it called him to come forth but it moved.

"Kazar?" He thought to himself wishfully.

Within the shadows he felt the the aura. It was semi close to him being a quarter of a mile away from where he stood in the alleyway. Nodding to himself he knew it would be worth the jump. However, at the same time he knew he would tire himself a little in doing so. But that was worth the risk of not having to follow the aura anymore.

Exhaling Rethyn placed his hand gently on his gas mask for a moment. It was no rubber one rather a strapped on one of which had straps on the sides. Looking downwards he took in one last inhale before starting the teleportation to the east of his current location. With a quick wap! like sound Rethyn vanished from the alleyway.

Reappearing on top of what seemed to be a home, Rethyn looked down to feel the aura just below him. This is the closest he had gotten to the aura since he had awoken. Deep within he felt an excitement of which he felt he had not had in such a long time. Slowly stepping across the roof, Rethyn looked for a way to get off it and into the home.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tristan Belvedere Character Portrait: Soran Feliy Reigailia Character Portrait: Kilia Yve Linovahle Character Portrait: Rethyn Jadgarus Character Portrait: Peter O'Cyrus Character Portrait: Jonathan Robert "Robin" Grey
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Peter was left alone by himself as he drank his tea. Nothing seemed to break the calm, if not controlled chaos. He half wondered what the two seers were talking about upstairs, but before he could think on that thought further, he half thought he heard some form of noise. It sounded like nothing at first, but it sounded like something was on the roof. Or some one. if it was some form of prowler Peter decided to give the person an incredibly warm welcome.

Moving for the fireplace he slowly got ready to summon a fire spear to hurl upwards. The notion it might be a burglar highly irked him to the point of anger.


Jonathan was setting a small backpack that held the majority of his spare clothing and was pulling them out to organize them. He then heard Kilia worry about his family's well being and/or if he was expected back home. Home, that was a word he hasn't heard in a long long time. He left the home of his Parent's after Graduating high school and was on his own ever since.

Should he tell her that? "Well, I could tell her without raising a lot of questions in her head." he thought. If he could do that, then that should put her mind at ease. But what if she pried further? What if she figured out about his former night job? The job he knew he had to force retire from after taking the Guardian job. What if she hates him for doing it? And worse, what if she found out he's seeing something only he could see and can't explain what it is?

"I'll be fine Kilia. I moved out of my Parents after high school. My home was mostly my Motorbike and whatever I stopped at for the night." He explained. "So this is the first homely place I've been to."

"Check out the bed Robin!" The Grey Knight shouted whilst resting on said bed before vanishing. Jonathan sighs whilst getting the last few bits of clothing sorted and organized. Some spare clothing! Looked more like pajamas and only spare pants and several shirts, along with only two pairs of socks. His clothing availability was disappointing at best. Hopefully he could find a way to get more clothing soon.

Jonathan scratched his head in thought of how to use the rest of his newfound space. "What to do now?" He wondered aloud to himself.
