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Rosewood City


a part of Spiders, by Limepepper.


Limepepper holds sovereignty over Rosewood City, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

699 readers have been here.


Default Location for Spiders
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Rosewood City is a part of Spiders.

10 Characters Here

Aron Lithermann [16] Up the water spout, you can go anywhere
Sky [16] Yes I am blind, but yes I can still kill you in a matter of seconds.
Sable [15] "What's in a name?"
Rick Hammel [15] A former Army Sapper turned bodyguard.
Akio [15] If you dig deep on any of us, we all have our sins.
Andy Kiddo [14] "I'll kill you, and I don't even need a gun."
Lily Marcus [13] You're always 5 feet away from a Spider.
Thomas Judge [10] Merc
Kita [10] "Strike first, think later...That's how I roll"
Kitten [5] "Whatever."

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8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sable Character Portrait: Akio Character Portrait: Lily Marcus Character Portrait: Sky Character Portrait: Aron Lithermann Character Portrait: Thomas Judge Character Portrait: Andy Kiddo Character Portrait: Rick Hammel
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0.00 INK

Lily finished rinsing her hair and stepped out of the shower. She starred at the foggy mirror and sighed. She grabbed a towel to wrap around herself and walked out of the door out into her living room. She then went inside her bedroom and changed into a dark pair of business pants, a white long sleeved shirt and a striped jacket. She then stepped into some black pumps and brushed her hair. Lily then walked outside where she got in her sleek black car and drove off. She arrived at the museum a few minutes later. She pushed her hair out of her face and cautiously walked in. The back room was empty, so she picked up her small dagger and unscrewed the hilt. Inside laid a small spider statue. She starred at a stone and put it in. A door opened up. SHe smiled and walked through. The door slowly closed behind her.

She made her way to the changing rooms before she opened up her locker and quickly changed into a black leather suit. Lily walked back out the door and went into another one, filled with balance beams, weights, a small running track and other things. She picked up some weights and carefully climbed up on one of the balance beams. She then steadily walked across. Lily put down the weights and did a backflip onto another beam, and then another. She then stopped because she was getting dizzy. One of the lower members approached her.
"There's a meeting that's about to start," The person said timidly. Lily then walked off towards the conference area and sat down, patiently awaiting the leader.


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sable Character Portrait: Akio Character Portrait: Lily Marcus Character Portrait: Sky Character Portrait: Aron Lithermann Character Portrait: Thomas Judge Character Portrait: Andy Kiddo Character Portrait: Rick Hammel
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Mashotu

Akio had rolled out of bed and just simply left. He'd have to change into his black suit anyways so what was the point. He knew there was a meeting and he knew he'd have to run it. But he didn't know if his fellow members would all attend this time. There were always a person or two who weren't there on time.

Once Akio had reached the museum he walked into the back room. He ignored anybody and everybody who tried to talk to him while doing so. Once he was sure no one was in the room, he grabbed his dagger, unscrewed it, and placed the spider statue into the hole before him.

Making his way into the conference room he saw only one other person. Lily. "Where's everyone else?" Akio asked.


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sable Character Portrait: Akio Character Portrait: Lily Marcus Character Portrait: Sky Character Portrait: Aron Lithermann Character Portrait: Thomas Judge Character Portrait: Andy Kiddo Character Portrait: Rick Hammel
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0.00 INK

Sable looked around her apartment, deciding that she was fine the way she was. Sure, she was in sweats and a sweater, but there was really no point to dressing up. Nope, she'd need to put on her black suit anyway, and she was having a particularly bad week. An underling had been particularly rude to her throughout the week, and she wasn't exactly excited to have anyone else question her authority. Sure, Sable was young, but the leader had seen something in her, and she knew she had potential.

Sable changed into her required uniform, her hair in a neat, tight bun, and entered the room where the meeting would take place. "Good afternoon, Lily. Akio," She smiled and sat in one of the chairs, crossing her legs delicately. "Where are the others?"


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sable Character Portrait: Akio Character Portrait: Lily Marcus Character Portrait: Sky Character Portrait: Aron Lithermann Character Portrait: Thomas Judge Character Portrait: Andy Kiddo Character Portrait: Rick Hammel
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zarhara
Rick got out of bed and looked at his phone and noticed there was a meeting scheduled for the day. He began to get ready taking a shower and shaving before dressing in his suit putting on a light combat vest underneath. He placed his pistol in it's holster and then after taking his phone and wallet left his apartment.

He took the subway to the museum coming into the museum through the alley door swiping a keycard to gain access. He then walked down the halls to the room where the meeting was to take place. He entered with a nod to the others before taking a his place to stand guard by the door in the room.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sky
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Haas33
Sky took precise steps around his apartment. It was small, but it wasn't like he needed a huge apartment for one person. Taking exact strides to his dresser, he picked up the comb where he always left it, scraped it through his shock of wavy blonde hair and threw it back onto the dresser. Did it look like a mess? Maybe. Did he know it did? No. Did he care? Not even in the slightest. Pulling on a clean t-shirt (hopefully it was clean...) and stepping out his door and locking it, he started on his walk to the museum. He would drive... but that is probably a safety hazard for everyone, you know, being blind and all. He got to the museum and looked around before pulling out the hidden dagger in his belt and used the appropriate measures to gain access.

Carefully proceeding slowly (so as not to accidentally run into a wall) he entered the meeting place. Not sure who else was there he called out "Hey. Who all is here?" Before taking a seat.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sable Character Portrait: Akio Character Portrait: Lily Marcus Character Portrait: Sky Character Portrait: Aron Lithermann Character Portrait: Rick Hammel
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0.00 INK

Aron walked out of an old, but expensive hotel that he had never been in his whole life. By the time he got a block and a half away there was the sound of a crashing window then screams. He gave a small smile and continued on. 30 minuets latter, he came to the museum just as it was opening. He paid the entrance fee and walked around the museum. He glanced at everything as he did a brisk walk to his favorite part of the museum. He stopped and started to admire the paintings in the renaissance part of the museum.

After a while, he looked at his watch. It was basically time. He walked to an "employees only" door, he took what looked like a large silver pen. He pressed on the top, the door clicked and he went through. He walked along the hallways until he came to the meeting room, Five people were already there. Aron took his middle seat as always, lit up his pipe (which he brought out from an inside pocket) and waited for the meeting to start.


9 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sable Character Portrait: Akio Character Portrait: Lily Marcus Character Portrait: Sky Character Portrait: Aron Lithermann Character Portrait: Thomas Judge Character Portrait: Andy Kiddo Character Portrait: Kita Character Portrait: Rick Hammel
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Lorawr
Hannah stood in her apartment, facing the training dummy that she had bought online years back. It was battered, and torn, but she was still practicing with it. She inhaled slowly, and then unleashed an attack on the dummy. A flurry of punches and kicks assailed the red leather for a full five minutes before it abruptly ended. She stepped back, panting, bent over with her hands on her knees. It had been a long morning for Hannah - she had arisen with her alarm clock at 4 am, and gone for her usual half an hour jog. She'd then returned home, fed her cat, eaten her breakfast, drank her coffee, and gone to the backroom where she had spent a further half an hour training. The time was now 06:04, according to the digital clock on the wall. She was four minutes late this morning. Hannah chuckled to herself, and went to the bathroom, where she stripped, and lifted a remote to the CD player in the corner.

Music began playing throughout the modern apartment as Hannah stepped into the shower and washed her body and hair. Stepping out, she dressed herself, and then picked up the keys to her car. Dressed conservatively, sports bag in hand, she went down to her car and drove to the museum, arriving promptly at 8am after a long shower and a leisurely drive, where she paused at starbucks to pick up a coffee. She parked up and walked in, her heels clicking on the ground.

She paused long enough in the cloakroom to take off her simple black dress, and change into her jeans and tank top, ready for the meeting. Hannah left her belongings in their usual place and walked to the conference room, right on time. The door behind her closed with a thud and nodded her greetings.

"Good morning all" Kita smiled and greeted them formally.


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sable Character Portrait: Akio Character Portrait: Lily Marcus Character Portrait: Sky Character Portrait: Aron Lithermann Character Portrait: Andy Kiddo Character Portrait: Kita Character Portrait: Rick Hammel
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0.00 INK

Andy was at her apartment, a small thing just above nothing, as she called it. It was basic, a mattress on the floor, a toilet, shower, and training equipment. Great thing about not relying on any single type of weapon, she didn't have tot worry about others finding her. Any one up here that didn't know her, she would say she is a fitness buff. One of the things she really cared for was her equipment, high grade martial arts training, and her tv. She loved her television, 50 inch flat screen, HD, it made her so happy.

Right then, she was watching the cooking channel, something she would deny very quickly. She looked at the clock, 6:50. She knew the meeting was today, so she picked out a pair of jeans and an orange and black hoody. She shower quickly, put an under shirt on, her over clothes, styled her hair in her usual way, and left.

She walked to the museum, she didn't drive anywhere, it just wasn't her. Along the way, she cracked her arms, and three bones in her neck, before arriving at 7:50-ish. She didn't have anything to put away, so she just walked back to the conference room, where a couple people already sat.

"When is this damn meeting starting? I have a pottery class at 11." She said, sarcastically, mostly ignoring everyone.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Thomas Judge
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Grahf
While the Spiders gathered for a meeting, a very pedestrian activity for a group such as themselves, an unknown stalked the back-trail. His info so far had been sound, and in his wake he left corpses. Soon the Spiders would notice that foreign contacts were falling silent. Phone calls being unreturned. Emails ignored. But because they believed themselves hidden they would not suspect the true danger until it was knocking on their door.

Hong Kong was nice this time of year. The air had just the right temperature, not too hot or cold.

Germany had been nice too.

Before that Africa, and Russia.

If one looked at the man's passport it showed quite a lot of travel, he had been to almost every country on the globe. Most assumed he was some rich guy passing time, or that he was some kind of spy. Always dressed nice, a pair of expensive sunglasses when it was bright enough to warrant them. A few crisp bills in the right hands kept his baggage from being inspected, a few more bills bought him a blind eye when walking around the metal detectors in airports.

Human greed was a wonderful thing.

Today he was to get on a plane and head to the land of the free, America. Back home. He had new orders, and new info; a few of his targets had talked... torture will do that. His employer had sorted through the lies and found some nuggets of truth, and had chosen new locations for him to visit.


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sable Character Portrait: Akio Character Portrait: Lily Marcus Character Portrait: Sky Character Portrait: Aron Lithermann Character Portrait: Andy Kiddo Character Portrait: Kita Character Portrait: Rick Hammel
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Mashotu

"When is this damn meeting starting? I have a pottery class at 11." He heard Andy complain. And usually when someone complains, Akio takes it as a sign to finally start a meeting.

"Alright!" His voice boomed, "Since Andy has started complaining I guess we should start this thing."

He looked around to see who was all accounted for. Andy, Kita, Aron, Sky, himself, Sable, Lily... And you could count Rick.

"I know you hate talking forever on these things, but-" It was then his phone started ringing "Dammit... Worst timing in the world..." He muttered before speaking to the first person he saw, "Lily! You were here longer. You brief them. Everything's in this folder." He tossed a folder at the girl before answering his phone with a, "Hey baby girl." and walking into another room.


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sable Character Portrait: Akio Character Portrait: Lily Marcus Character Portrait: Sky Character Portrait: Aron Lithermann Character Portrait: Andy Kiddo Character Portrait: Kita Character Portrait: Rick Hammel
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0.00 INK

Lily looked up.
"What?" She asked, but it was too late. Lily sighed and picked up the folder. She cleared her throat.
"The heirs of Xi Bo, the only founder who quit, own their own society. We are at odds with them, as you may know," Lily tried to leep her voice steady as she remembered her grandmother. No one could know that, she would be kicked out most likely.
"We have declared them hostile," Lily kept going on. The meeting went on for about an half an hour.
"Meeting dismissed," Lily finished up.


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sable Character Portrait: Akio Character Portrait: Lily Marcus Character Portrait: Sky Character Portrait: Aron Lithermann Character Portrait: Andy Kiddo Character Portrait: Kita Character Portrait: Rick Hammel
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0.00 INK

Aron got up from the table, put out his pipe, nodded to Rick and left the room. HE got out his smart phone, pressed a few numbers and and waited while he walked outside the building into an alley.
"Hi Pete, I was wondering, can you send me the blueprints and the security layout of this building" (and he gave an address)
"I believe I can, give me a few hours. Normal web sight?"
"Yes, and thanks." Aron hung up and started down the street.


9 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sable Character Portrait: Akio Character Portrait: Lily Marcus Character Portrait: Sky Character Portrait: Aron Lithermann Character Portrait: Kitten Character Portrait: Andy Kiddo Character Portrait: Kita Character Portrait: Rick Hammel
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0.00 INK

Lily sighed as she walked out of the room and back into the training room. THat night they were going to work on an operation, and she was not looking forward to it, mainly because she had to coax the target into her car. She would have to go out clubbing and flirt with him, and she was not looking forward to it.

That night....
Lily cringed as she looked in the mirror of the locker room. THe dress she wore was a short, tight red dress that barely covered her thighs. She stomped out of the locker room. "I hate this job," She muttered as she pinned her hair up in a bun. "IF anyone makes ONE comment about this dress, I will kill you," Lily warned.


9 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sable Character Portrait: Akio Character Portrait: Lily Marcus Character Portrait: Sky Character Portrait: Aron Lithermann Character Portrait: Kitten Character Portrait: Andy Kiddo Character Portrait: Kita Character Portrait: Rick Hammel
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0.00 INK

Kitten rolled her eyes as Lily talked about killing them if they made a comment. "Sure, whatever." She said, her usual bored self. "Let's try to get this over with quickly." Not making an attempt to hide her boredom. Kitten looked down at her shiny, black nails.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Thomas Judge
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Grahf
The phone taps and surveillance teams all reported that the targeted group was to make a move tonight. The man was ready. What these kids did to piss off his employers, well, that was just none of his business, but whatever it was... it must have been huge. His services did not come cheap, nor did the extensive web, heh... web, of contacts and informants that were all keeping eyes peeled. See, no matter how super secret you think you are... you leave ripples in the pond when you swim. The Spiders were good at staying deep... but they came up for air sometimes, and these watchers knew what to look for.

Slapping a mag into his TAR-21 he racked the slide. With care he eyeballs the scope, a fairly high-end reflex combat model, and adjusts the mounted CQC Flashlight. Almost religious care goes into the screwing on of the silencer and the application of a slight greasing along the working bits of the compact assault rifle. "Ah, see, that is exactly what was needed. A little lube makes everything better. Heh.."

See, what the targets didn't know was the location of their own mission... was preplanned. It was no accident that their target had made himself easy pickings in that exact club, that he had been 'overheard' and 'seen' in public. It was all perfectly planned. The Spiders thought they were catching a fly in their webbing, while it was them just tangling themselves in a hell-storm in the making. The walls of the club's dance area had been spackled with a light coating of a C-4 compound, while the decorative 'silver spheres' set about knee high as a border were simply ball bearings. The dance floor was nothing more than an inside-out claymore. When the time was right.. boom. Collateral damage was allowed. These Spiders were too dangerous to let escape.

911 calls in the area would be redirected to a phone booth in Southwest Michigan. There would be no party-poopers tonight. As soon as the bombs trigger a van parked outside would activate a compact EMP, silencing all the electronics for about two blocks; thank you for not ruining the show with your cell phone, snacks are in the lobby.

He would either be inside already or waiting for stragglers to try and escape. He hadn't decided yet. Either would be fun. Back-up was a team of ex-SEAL and Rangers, finest money could buy. They would be armed and ready; a few even decked out in civilian clothes and mixing with the club goers. This operation had cost several million dollars to fund. If it fucked up... well, heads would roll. Literally.


10 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sable Character Portrait: Akio Character Portrait: Lily Marcus Character Portrait: Sky Character Portrait: Aron Lithermann Character Portrait: Kitten Character Portrait: Thomas Judge Character Portrait: Andy Kiddo Character Portrait: Kita Character Portrait: Rick Hammel
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0.00 INK

Lily wobbled in her heels as she approached the entrance. She lightly touched her small earpiece, pushing it in. Lily took a deep breath and opened the door. She was greeted by music and loud yelling, which was just what she hated. She sat down at the bar and ordered a drink. She smiled at the target and gave a little wave, then went back to her drink. The target approached her and politely introduced himself. Lily smiled. "Nice to meet you, my name's Andrea," She lied, taking another sip of her drink. The two made small talk for about half an hour. Lily quickly looked out the window. "One moment please," She quickly sat next to another Spider. "THey've got us surrounded outside," She whispered.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aron Lithermann
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0.00 INK

Aron was sitting at his computer in his penthouse. He has gotten the info he needed from the secure website. He was checking to see if there were any hits that needed being done. Then a large exclamation mark came up on his screen. He clicked it and a message came up. He gave a sigh and closed his computer. He walked over to his closet, picked up one of the four backpacks that was in there and he left his penthouse.


9 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sable Character Portrait: Akio Character Portrait: Sky Character Portrait: Aron Lithermann Character Portrait: Kitten Character Portrait: Thomas Judge Character Portrait: Andy Kiddo Character Portrait: Kita Character Portrait: Rick Hammel
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0.00 INK

Lily smiled sweetly and went back to her seat. "Here, come with me," She dragged him outside. Some started firing, others hesitated, seeing that the man was there. Lily hid behind him, using him as a shield. She grabbed her gun and fired off, yelling for back-up.


9 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sable Character Portrait: Akio Character Portrait: Sky Character Portrait: Aron Lithermann Character Portrait: Kitten Character Portrait: Thomas Judge Character Portrait: Andy Kiddo Character Portrait: Kita Character Portrait: Rick Hammel
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0.00 INK

Kitten heard the call for backup from outside while some guy offered her to buy a drink. She rolled her eyes and began running outside in her red crop top and black skinny jeans. How annoying she thought this all was. Grabbing her gun hidden in her purse, she began to shoot the people attempting to attack Lily.