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Phora Quro

Once padawan, once a sith, searching for answers to limitless questions.

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a character in “Star Wars: Force Heretic Alternate”, as played by Zaria


+Phora Quro
Theelin Force sensitive, once an imperial experiment.
Gender : Female
Height : 5'9/ 175 cm
Age : More than 100 human years (Surely will change ^^)
Clothes : Simple sleeveless comfortable robes, not really good against blaster, or lighsaber but shield generator will do.
Small addon : Wears mask ocassionaly, it's a small "trinket" from time of her being sith.


Occupation : Simply I don't know yet, vice-leader? ( Once something comes to my mind I'll update)
Force specialization : Strong in power, weak in sight, medium in sensing and manipulation.

Personality : Independent and short-tempered, tries her best to reason with people when bloodshed isn’t needed but at the same time Phora is fighting with constant anger inside her. She’s rarely secretive, and tends to be open about her emotions.

Background : Phora’s place of birth is unknown to her, earliest thing she remembers is cold cell. She was meant to be a puppet, acolyte of sith she never met. Phora avoided being Sith or death thanks to jedi that arrived at right time in right place, yet they couldn’t stop her from killing scientist out of anger back then. Jedi took her in, trained for years, but her anger got ahead of her. Phora killed close friend in anger, later when she asked death for her actions, they banished her instead. Phora became what she despised, a sith for a while…searching for knowledge and trying to understand how to control her constant anger. As time passed and as she grew tired of other Sith and Empire, Phora decided to leave in search of knowledge once again, this is when she met Grey Knight…who later became a supreme leader of new sith "empire"/order. Time will tell whether this order will be better or worse than what once was...

She's also worried for her old friend, who now engulfed in darkness may became someone Phora won't accept as leader. Then there is Rholdun...

Weapon : Old double-bladed lightsaber with visible crystal chamber, somewhat unstable, red crystal /or no weapon at all for now.

Alignment : leaning toward dark side

For fun reference to previous stroryline, that ended badly I guess? Anyway what do you think of it?

So begins...

Phora Quro's Story

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Character Portrait: Jaleevra Character Portrait: Ashara Ashok Character Portrait: Phora Quro
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#, as written by Aniihya
Ashara Ashok


In a battle against the Jedi, the New Sith were outnumbered, but the tides had turned. It wasn't a great idea setting up a provisional base on Kashyyk. The Jedi found them by coincidence. They outnumbered the New Sith 5 to 1, yet the vastly underestimated their opponents.

"You heretics gave up on your order and fled to the dark side! You are cowards!" Horon Tinto, a Jedi master said. Ashara then put down her hood and said: "That coming from someone who attacks on unequal terms. Do you remember my face? The very face that killed your master without even using a lightsaber. For you, I might not need to use it either."

Horon scoffed and said: "I have the power to avenge my master." Behind Ashara two Jedi lunged at her with their lightsabers. She turned around and held them both it place with the force. "You claim we are cowards, yet your underlings try to blindside me? Tell me, Horon. How should they die? Slow and painful or quick and painlessly?"

"I will never agree to letting them die!" He drew his lightsaber and took a step forward. Ashara then said: "Another move, then I will choose their fates." Horon ignored her and began to run towards her. Ashara snapped both of the underlings necks. With a force push she knocked Horon back. "I have been challenged by stronger Jedi. At least your master was able to resist my force push to a degree. Anyways, I am not an all too cruel of a person. I only let those suffer with whom I truly hold a grudge against. For example, someone as pathetic and arrogant as you are. You know I have an idea, I will spare you. But you will in the end return to your order a broken man. You will watch as your brothers and sisters die." Ashara said. She broke one of his legs so he couldn't walk and took his lightsaber from him.

As he whined from the pain, he saw as a handful of Sith killed probably three dozen Jedi. When he tried to look away, Ashara forced him to look. "This would have all not happened, if the madness of the Jedi and the old Sith had not taken control and declared war on the Grey Knights. You heard right. We will destroy the old Sith if they dont join us and abide by our rules." She said.

When the battle was over, Ashara dropped Horon's lightsaber in his lap. "Here, so you can survive until your friends pick you up."

Before Ashara and the others boarded a ship to leave the planet. She planted a SOS beacon near Horon. "You better hope that we never cross paths again." Ashara said. She then boarded the ship.

"Set course for Coruscant. We can set up base there under a disguise to keep a low profile until we acquire enough power to take on our enemies." Ashara said. She had some connections on Coruscant since she was originally from there.

One year later/Present

Ashara sat in her office of the Andosa Corporation in a black long sleeved dress with black pants underneath and short leather boots. Aside from her neck ring, a black lace choker that sat higher up her neck adorned it. She also wore dark blue fingerless gloves.

An employee came into the office and bowed: "Pardon my intrusion. I have come to report our monthly sales. For the tenth month in a row, we report growth in sales. We might need to expand production to keep up."

"Permission granted. I will allow equipment acquisition and expansion within 20 million credits. That should be more than enough to keep up with sales and it doesnt come anywhere close from blowing our budget." Ashara said.

"Also tell Phora and Jaleevra that I request their presence. I think today is a good day for a matinee and a girls night out." Ashara said. Matinee was code for going out on a stroll and eliminating important targets, whereas "girls night out" pretty much meant what it meant (bar hopping and having fun). For Ashara both activities had their appeal and she might be certain that also the other two were of similar opinion.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jaleevra Character Portrait: Ashara Ashok Character Portrait: Phora Quro
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#, as written by Zaria
Day was boring as any other day on this bureaucratic planet. Each day people waste time here on paperwork, her last favorite thing one may add...

Life here is easy when you have a big group behind your back, when you have connections like Ashara has…but for Phora being in place like this is tiring, that’s why she stays in lower places most of the time, in clubs with people she could punch when needed. It was a great way to vent anger – she always thought, and tended to mutter to herself after each encounter with drunk man here.

Right in front of bar counter with Coruscant cooler, she thought of what to do with Ashara – should she say that she disagrees with her giving up so easily on knights, or should she speak up her mind….such a stupid question.

Question that wouldn’t even cross her mind before, but now that they are here…since people around her changed, she changed as well.
What a nuisance…
Some muscular man grabbed her arm, and grinned…this is when the fun began.

Jalee adjusted the bag with datapads on her shoulder and made her way through the streets of Coruscant. As usual her job as courier wasn't much of a challenge, it was even boring sometimes but she liked it. It wasn't as dangerous as her job on Nar Shadda. She lifted up her trousers, which were a size or two too big, and started to think about the weird message she got for this Phora vice-something. The guy who left the pad was obviously force-userish, she could almost taste and smell it in the air around him. She really hated all those Jedi, Sith and others. They were bad for business.

Her data navigator showed her where Phora was. Well, at least she was a bit fun for a Force-user. The bar was pretty close, so Jaleevra got there just in time to see a guy being thrown out through the window. Obviously it was the Theelin's work. She didn't care about the guys comfort, she stepped on his buttocks to get inside.

“You always start the fun without me. Damn you, vice-boss” she said to Phora.

After Phora threw the grinning guy out, she heard a familiar voice.

“Jalee, fancy meeting you here, care to join the fun?” She smilled, while some roguish gentlemen surrounded her.

“Isn't it obvious that I'm here to help you?” Jalee took out her blaster, too lazy to take out her big gun. “Oh, a guy left something for you. I'll give you that later.”

Within seconds everything ended, and club went back to normal.

“So what is it that you have for me?”

“Take care where your blood is spilling the next time. You don't want to make my lekku dirty.” Said Jalee, kicking the last guy out.

She then grabbed her back and started to look for the right datapad. After taking out a ton of things, she finally straightened up and gave Phora the pad.
“A guy looking like a Jedi or Sith gave me that for you. You know, one of those guys in dresses”

“Oh, these guys…great.” She muttered.

Then she remembered about the call she got earlier, while in middle of throwing that first guy out. She probably should care who called, but she doesn’t.

Jalee wanted to say something, but then her holo rang. She quickly answered the call.

“Wow, big boss wants us to get partyin t’night. Let’s go.”

“Alright” Phora replied.

OOC - We posted together :)

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jaleevra Character Portrait: Ashara Ashok Character Portrait: Phora Quro
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#, as written by Aniihya
"My lady. You have a visitor." The secretary who conveniently was also a Sith underling said. Ashara then answered: "Send them in."

A man in a black robe entered. "My lord. We grow stronger by the day. We number nearly sixty in force-users and over a hundred in henchmen. We should begin conquering enemy outposts." The man said in a cheesy voice that was probably supposed to sound evil.

"Stop that." Ashara said. The man then replied: "Stop what?" Ashara took him in a force choke hold and raise her voice in anger: "How many times do I have to tell you?! Stop using that stupid voice. I know how you normally sound! What is also stupid is wearing masks when the mask serves as no practical purpose! And most of all, you! You are probably the dumbest in the entire group! You waltz around in those robes everywhere you go, try to make being a Sith as obvious as possible and then you have the balls to come in here and act like you have any status in higher decision making. Give me a reason why I shouldn't use the force to tear you apart into little pieces right here!"

Under his choking he said: "Because it would be a mess?"

Ashara then dropped him: "Finally you use some logic! Exactly, because I do not want to get the carpet soaked in your blood! You are simply supposed to act professional and take care of paperwork and train with your master. But your master is probably out getting drunk again. Until I rip your master a new one, you are demoted to cleaning staff for the next two months. You better not be caught in those robes outside of the residential quarters and the Sith meeting hall."

The man then said in a normal mature male voice: "Yes, my lord. I am very sorry for angering you. I will take your orders to heart." Ashara then said in a calmer voice: "Good that you apologized. If you behave, I might be more lenient on you in the future. Now leave."

After the man left and the door closed behind him, he said to himself: "I maybe went too far and endangered myself. But I love the way she commands me around."

Ashara sat back down in her chair. "Damn, where do we find these people? We need to find ways to mold them into proper Sith. I try to be lenient to those under me. But some people, especially that guy get on my nerves. I should also be careful using the force, if I use too much power other force sensitives might feel it."

Over the intercom, the secretary said: "My lady. Phora and Jalee are on their way. They should arrive soon." Ashara then replied: "Thank you for letting me know."

"Good." She said to herself. "Finally we can have some fun. But first we will need to find Master Argo Obsidian and probably beat the booze out of him. If he is unwilling to show remorse, I can still either torture him or dispose of him and get his apprentice a new master who will teach him to be a proper Sith."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jaleevra Character Portrait: Ashara Ashok Character Portrait: Phora Quro Character Portrait: Cruze Demale
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#, as written by Zaria
Jalee walked hurriedly into the office, almost ramming into the door.

“Sorry we're late, boss, but he had some problems on our way” the Twi'lek rubbed some blood off her jacket. “And you're having a guest... Not you again...”

Phora entered after Jalee with a grim look, seeing Cruze made her blink a few times.

“Oh, jack of all trades is here…couldn’t be better.” Phora muttered with a grin, loud enough for them to hear.

“Oh, so you don’t like him either? Hard to believe I’ve got something in common with a forcey” Jalee looked at Phora with a slight smile.

“You...whatever.” Arms crossed, looking away.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jaleevra Character Portrait: Ashara Ashok Character Portrait: Phora Quro Character Portrait: Cruze Demale
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#, as written by Aniihya
"You are only a day late, which is acceptable given that things can happen during deliveries. If you were a week late, I would be angry and you know that me when I am angry." Ashara said. "About the other guy, I don't know if you bumped into him on your way here or were eavesdropping on my conversation with him and heard me scrutinizing him for being stupid. Anyways, matters right now are different. The others should be here shortly."

Just in that moment Phora and Jalee walked in.

"Good. Everyone is assembled. Today we have two targets to take care of before we go bar hopping. Number one is Master Obsidian, his crime is neglecting his duties and his apprentice and going out drinking all day instead. The mildest we will do is beat sense into him. If things don't go as planned and he draws his lightsaber or tries to further escalate the situation, he will need to be executed. The second target is a Jedi spy who has been asking too many questions, objective depends on their strength. If they put up a fight and end up being stronger than expected, it is an assassination mission. However if we can easily subdue them, the objective is to capture and eventually turn them. I got one of the last Yuuzhan Vong torture devices available in the galaxy for that. Afterwards, we will go bar hopping to the lower layers first, then maybe go see if there are decent bars in the upper layers with a good night view of the sector. Clothing is what you prefer, if you want to leave Sith costume on after the mission during the bar hop, you are allowed to since we wont find ourselves in any areas where many Jedi dwell. Any questions?" Ashara said.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jaleevra Character Portrait: Ashara Ashok Character Portrait: Phora Quro Character Portrait: Cruze Demale
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“Understandable, and what others?” Cruze went to ask right before Phora and Jalee walked in and said some remarks about him. “Ah ladies, nice to see you to. And Phora, pretty sure that’s the nicest thing you’ve said about me, thanks, means so much to me.” Cruze said with a smirk before listening to Ashara speak.

Cruze felt bittersweet about the whole thing with Master Obsidian, on one hand, he gave pretty good money for goods while Cruze was out on missions, on the other hand, terrible guy, terrible Sith, terrible teacher “Speaking of Master Obsidian and said lightsaber, I may have heard something about him getting one or two light saber crystals for something, or so I think I heard, who knows.” Cruze said with a shrug, remembering the package he handed off today.

“But besides that, only question I have is who exactly this Jedi Spy is that we will be subduing slash killing? Like a name? Out of curiosity of course.” Cruze asked quickly, wondering if he may know who this, small galaxy between smugglers, pirates, and spies.

After them all talking and getting questions answered Cruze headed towards the door, “Now if that will be all, I’m ready to go whenever y’all are.” He said holding the door open. “Chivalry isn’t dead.”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jaleevra Character Portrait: Ashara Ashok Character Portrait: Phora Quro Character Portrait: Cruze Demale
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#, as written by Zaria
Phora laughed.

“Me? Sith costume? Only thing I tend to wear as Sith is a mask, something you hate Ashara.” She disliked thought of having to use an old light armor she once wore as a Sith but it would be safer that way…hiding identity and all.

“On second thought fine, I’ll wear that damn armor.” In the end it’s more convenient, and armor will be of use at least for once.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jaleevra Character Portrait: Ashara Ashok Character Portrait: Phora Quro Character Portrait: Cruze Demale
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“Can I make your hair then?” Jalee seemed very cheerful for a moment, but then her face expression got more serious.
“Jokes aside, maybe it's not the best idea for you all to wear robes? I mean, it's totally not like you're running with a big SHOOT ME sign on yourselves. And there's the problem with my co-workers. I mean, last year I told them that robe is the new black, this year it's a secret club for rich people, but I'm running out of ideas, guys! If you want to work undercover, then work undercover, not halfwaycover, darn it!” The Twi'lek started to catch her breath after such a long message she needed to tell them.
“Phew, outta my breath already.” She chuckled.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jaleevra Character Portrait: Ashara Ashok Character Portrait: Phora Quro Character Portrait: Tal-Koren Wavingstrider Character Portrait: Cruze Demale
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#, as written by Aniihya
"No. Masks would be a dead giveaway. Just wearing black robes could mean anything to outsiders, but for us if we went out killing a Jedi spy in normal attire as our alternate personas, we might get more in trouble than if we were hooded figures. It is up to you, but if you end up being identified by a possible witness, then you will have to find a new disguise. I said before that Sith attire is a recommendation, not a must." Ashara said. "If you really want to wear a mask so bad to conceal your identity on a mission, then wear one. At least you would have a purpose for a mask and not just wear it for the sake of aesthetics!"

"By the way, we might have someone else coming with us if they decide to show up." Ashara continued.

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Character Portrait: Jaleevra Character Portrait: Ashara Ashok Character Portrait: Phora Quro Character Portrait: Cruze Demale
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Cruze didn’t really care about the idea of keeping yourself unknown. When he worked with his crew before he joined the new order, he never concealed his identity. Yes, it may some jobs harder when people would recognize him, but it was just how things were. Plus being known was an advantage sometimes, people know what you were capable of, what you’ve done, what you’re willing to do. Cruze also didn’t like wearing masks, felt like he was wearing some costume and would affect his peripheral vision.

As for armor, Cruze mostly relied on his reinforced jacket, solid enough to take one or two blaster shots, and light enough to not restrict movement. Also, could be worn outside of missions and not be a eyesore like most armors. Cruze pulled a black bandanna out of his back pocket and for a moment used it to cover the lower half of his face. “This good enough?” He asked before taking it back off and stuffing it back into his pocket. Worse case scenario, if someone thought they recognized Cruze or one of the others, it wouldn’t be hard to manipulate their minds to think otherwise. The force was also a good back up to when shit went south.

"Now if I may interject, whenever you ladies are done discussing your outfits for the night, we might be able to get to Master Obsidian before he sobers up." Cruze said with a smirk.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jaleevra Character Portrait: Ashara Ashok Character Portrait: Phora Quro Character Portrait: Tal-Koren Wavingstrider Character Portrait: Cruze Demale
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One year ago:

When would it end?

The war had come to Kashyyyk and the timing couldn't have been any worst. It had only meant to be a temporary operations base, only long enough to set roots elsewhere. But they had been discovered and now they were engaged with the Jedi once again. While his fellow comrades were fighting Koren was supervising the evacuation and guarding critical supplies, precious artifacts items and secret information. "Take that, and that, forget that and I'll put you on refresher duty." Koren said to his Handmaidens. The female Echani moved about rapidly, loading datacrons and artifacts from the archives. Koren was torn between supervising and helping load the precious items aboard the transport.

Koren had warned Ashara it was a bad idea using Kashyyk, he knew even his relationship with the Wookiees wouldn't have been enough to keep them hidden even for a short duration. The war against the Jedi and sith had cost them dearly the first time as the Grey Knights. But the strong had survived and even outnumbered they were group not to be underestimated as the Jedi had just done. Even so losing priceless artifacts and information kept Koren from joining the fray and prioritizing their safety. He had much to save and little time to do so, which did beg the question where his apprentice was. Koren had only his personnel to help him as the rest were out dealing with the Jedi. So where was Belexus? If he didn't have a good explanation when Koren found him he would certainly have him on refresher duty for a month!

When does the suffering stop?

He felt a ripple in the force, a warning which caused Koren to look up from his work towards the closed blast doors. Suddenly the door began to glow and spark as a lightsaber punctured it's way through like a hot knife through butter and began cutting a hole in the doors. All of his Handmaidens had stopped their work in took up their weapons but a wave of his hand stayed them, “Continue your work, I'll handle our 'Guests'.” Koren said with a hint of distaste in his voice as he said guests. Doning his mask he slowly walked towards the blast doors as the lightsaber finished it's cutting through. Though the door walked in four Jedi, their lightsabers ablaze and at the ready. Two of them he recognized as former Padawans friends turned knights he used to know.

“Tal-Koren Wavingstrider, on behalf of the Jedi council you are under arrest.” The lead Jedi, Jastin Parax said. Koren chuckled, his mask's voice changer giving his voice a light baritone to it, “Jastin, how nice to see you. Merix, you're looking lovely as ever.” Koren said. Merix Forvis, with her lovely white hair scowled at her former friend. “Unfortunately for you I do not recognize the Jedi Council's authority anymore. So if you would be so kind, I ask that you to leave. Now.” Koren said. “Recognized or not, you are still under arrest. Come peacefully Koren and we'll help you find your way back to the light.”

Now Koren truly laughed, “Find my way? Back to where? A life of servitude to flawed order? To be commanded by the paranoid and close minded people of the council? No my friend I am where I truly belong....or I was until you Jedi unjustly tried to purge us.” Koren's voice had taken on an calm but pointed tone, “Jedi whom I once saw as friends, above such actions attempted to wipe out a people simply because we believed in something different. And now, you all will face the dire consequences of such actions.” Koren said as he called his lightsabers to his hands, “I will say this one last time, leave while I give you the chance. If insist on using force against me then I will oblige you in kind.” He said.

When does the the madness disperse?

As expected the four Jedi readied themselves and the group stared him down, waiting for him to make a move. They knew he was powerful in the force and even more deadly with a lightsaber, so they were seeking to maximize their odds. “Tell me, I know the council wouldn't have sent your team here specifically unless they knew I was here. Who informed you of my presence here?” Koren asked. He would have thought the Wookiees would have respected his request for anonymity at least himself. Before anyone could dismiss his question a voice behind them spoke, “Because I told them you were here.” A young man's voice said. Behind the Jedi a young man in his mid teens walked through the opening.

He was wearing black clothing and robes and sporting a smug smile, “Belexus.” Koren said, his voice betraying his emotions for the first time. It was shocking, his own apprentice had betrayed not only him but the order as well. “Surprised? Not unexpected, you did always value loyalty. But isn't that the Sith way? To betray each other in bids for more power?” Belexus mockingly spoke. Koren steadied himself before speaking, “If I recall I taught you differently young pup.” He said. Belexus' face twisted into a snarl, “Stop calling me that! And you know full well that's not what the New Sith value, if they were anything like the Grey Knights like you told me their leader wouldn't have gone off the deep end would she now!” He yelled.

Belexus had a point, but his choice of words coupled with his betrayal put him a hair away from a fate worst than death. “For all you preach about balance of the force and within one's self, you allow your so called 'leader' to perverse herself with the dark side. The Jedi are right, all Sith need to be eliminated!” Belexus spat. “Belexus!” Jastin sharply said, silencing the young apprentice. “Koren, this is your last chance for redemption. Come peacefully before it is too late.” Jastin spoke. Koren chuckled, “Jastin, it was too late to bring me back when the order purged the Grey Knights. It's too late for me to come back to the Jedi.” He said.

Jastin sighed, “Then you leave us no choice. I'm sorry old friend, but you leave us no choice than to take you by force, or to strike you down.” He said. “Unfortunately for you, neither will be happening.” Koren said. Faster than the Jedi and his former apprentice could react, he threw his hands up and blasted the group with a blast of the force.

When does the killing end?

The force wave Koren threw at them was an example of his own strength in the force. It not only threw the group of Jedi and their accomplice back through the hole they had cut in the blast doors but wrenched the doors apart with a violent explosion. The group was throw apart from the blast, landing haphazardly outside on the walkway of the tree platform. They had little time to right themselves before Koren came charging after them, both sabers igniting as he caught them off guard. Though they managed to recover their footing Koren was able to keep them on their back feet as he effectively stonewalled their efforts. He didn't go in for the final blow even though he could, preferring to prolong the fight and play with his opponents. After all this was the closet thing Koren had to a challenge since the Grey Knight Purges and he wanted to make the most of it.

Koren did have to admit they put up a valiant effort but in the end they just couldn't manage to gain the upper hand in any way. Koren wasn't surprised, his former friends knew his style well but he had long since made changes to it. Eventually Koren grew restless and decided to end them. First to go were the two knights whom accompanied them as Koren swiftly disarmed them and used the force to knock them into a wall. Next was his former apprentice. Koren quickly separated him from Jastin and Merix before grasping Belexus by his neck. Belexus responded as expected, dropping his lightsaber and clutching his neck. Koren drew him in close and said, “We'll discuss your punishment later.” With that Koren released him and blasted him with enough Force Lightning to fling him across the platform to the edge where he stayed.

When does the strife abate?

Koren looked upon Jastin and Merix, “Hmmm, two left, not very good odds....for you I mean.” He taunted. Once again the three former friends engaged each other, Jastin and Merix were working in tandem using what they knew to try and get an edge on Koren but it was for nothing. Jastin tried a more aggressive angle but it was a mistake for Koren quickly blocked his saber with one of his own before stabbing Jastin with the other. Koren heard Merix scream 'no' as Jastin dropped his saber and fell to the ground. Jastin wasn't dead, not yet anyway, but he was defiantly out of this duel. Koren turned back to Merix who was looking at him with what looked like intent to kill...interesting, “And then, there was one.” He said as he slowly walked around, “When we came here we thought you could be redeemed, I see that you are too far lost to the dark side now.” Merix said.

“I am too far gone for the Jedi, but the Dark Side has not corrupted me. I saw the truth and in hopefully in time, you will too.” Koren said, “I will never fall to the dark side.” Merix spat. “Again, you fail to realize I walk the line and draw from both sides. And it appears you now draw closer to that line as well.” Koren said, “I can feel your passion, your anger, it swells and mixes with your compassion and empathy.” He added, watching as Merix scowled with every word he spoke. Koren's pacing brought him close to an unconscious Jastin, allowing him to flick his blade on the ground near him, spraying sparks near his body, “Don't touch him!” Merix yelled as she brought her blade up, ready to attack Koren if he made a move near Jastin, “Oh, have you two become close in my absence?” Koren asked.

Merix only scowled in return, but he could feel her emotions which did confirm what he suspected. “Interesting,” Koren said as he moved away from Jastin, “Tell me, what angered you the most. The fact I left the Jedi?” Koren pointed one of his blades at her, “Or that I left you?” His question had the desired response as Merix snarled and charged at him in a rage. The two battled on the platform with Merix able to hold her own against Koren. But Koren had no desire to hurt her so he was holding back. He may not have any respect for Jedi anymore but he did owe her something. “You were my friend! I trained with you, I trusted you, I lov-” Koren cut her off by swiftly disarming her and holding his blade to her throat, “I hold no illusion what we had is gone, but there is no reason to taint it with ignorance.” Koren said as he deactivated one of his blades, “Hopefully, you'll one day see things as I have.” Having said that, Koren sucker punched Merix with enough force to knock her unconscious. Before she hit the ground Koren caught her and gentle laid her down. He slowly caressed her cheek, “Please understand, though we may have changed you are still dear to me.” Koren said before rising and walking back to the hanger.

“M'lord, we have finished loading the transports. All of the artifacts and equipment have been secured.” One of his Handmaidens told him as he reentered the hanger with his unconscious former apprentice in tow, “Good, have a stasis chamber readied on my ship and place Belexus in it. I will deal with him at a later time.” Koren said. “As you wish M'lord.” The Handmaiden bowed to him as two others came to take Belexus. With his former apprentice dealt with Koren approached the open doors of the hanger and looked outside just as New Sith Transports began leaving the Kashyyyk. Though he could sense survivors the Jedi suffered a devastating loss and it would be some time before they would dare challenge them again. “M'lord, new orders from her lady Ashera, we are to set course for Coruscant imminently.” His Handmaiden said.

“Right into the house of the Jedi hmmm? She is getting bold. Very well, set course.” Koren said. “At once M'lord.” The Handmaiden said with a bow. As she left Koren stretched out with the force, feeling for Ashera. He could feel her dark side presence even from here. Every day Koren felt her slipping deeper into the dark side and each day it made it harder and harder to bring her back from path she had chosen. With a sigh Koren turned and began boarding his personal ship. Ashera may have lost faith in the Grey Knight philosophy but Koren had not. So long as he lived and breathed, he would always hold out hope she could be brought back.

And Koren would not abandon her to her fate.

Present day

Koren sighed as he overlooked the information on his datapad. He and his team had returned from a trip into the works looking for any relics or artifacts Darth Sidious might have hidden. The expedition had yielded nothing of value but they had found several clues which could give them a place to search next. As he sifted through the data Koren though about what had happened over the last year. Since Kashyyyk they had recovered from the events and had grown stronger as a result. Koren had no doubt in the coming months they would not only grow stronger but more deadly as well.

As for Koren himself much had changed and remained the same. He had thrown himself into his work as an archaist, teacher, public figure, occasional field agent and councilor to Ashera to bring her back from the darkness. As far as teacher went Koren taught a large amount of students, even those whom had masters of their own. But Koren had not taken an apprentice since Belexus' betrayal. Koren was not against taking a new apprentice, he just didn't have much interest since that day. Plus he had been enjoying his freedom of not having one. Though after a year of freedom and reflection he was more open to taking one now than he had been a year ago.

His thoughts were interrupted as one of his handmaidens approached him, “M'lord, lady Ashera has requested an audience with you.” She said. Koren looked upon her, she wore dark robes and had her face concealed with a veil and hood. This was the common attire when his handmaidens were accompanying him among the Sith. Outside of the Sith they wore pure white clothing and hoods without the veil. This helped keep their identities and links to him a secret when in his Sith and True persona.

“Very well. Please have the data moved to the vault while I meet with her.” He said as he stood. “At once M'lord.” The handmaiden said. Koren walked through the corridors of the hidden parts of the building to a turbo lift which would take him to a room near Ashera's office. Before he boarded one his students stopped him to inform him of critical information regarding some of the experiments they were conducting, thus delaying him from the meeting. Once Koren had given the appropriate instructions he boarded the lift. Once he arrived he exited the lift and used the force to trick the minds of anyone looking at him. Koren's public persona wasn't due to be here for another three days so him suddenly walking around the building would draw unnecessary attention so he filtered the minds of the non Sith workers so he was easily dismissed. Eventually creating a perception filter so he could walk in public without fear of violating rules.

All Koren had to do was avoid the windows and cameras until he reached Ashera's office where he was about to open the door when someone did so from inside. Of course Ashera wasn't alone, inside with her was Phora, a friend of his and Ashera's whom he was glad to see. Normally he would have removed his mask for them but of course lovely Jaleevra was with them. And of course there was Cruze at the door, the former Jedi slash pirate slash mercenary. Koren had no grudge against Cruze for his past, if anything they certinatly weren't enemies. But the fact he had killed several guards of theirs, some of whom were being trained by Koren, left a bad memory of Cruze in Koren's mind.

"Forgive my delay, we had some experiments that kept me from arrive sooner." Koren said, his mask lending it's baraton voice to his own. Again normally he would have removed his mask for Ashera and Phora, but with their guests presant and his desire to keep his sith persona seperate from his own it remained on his face.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jaleevra Character Portrait: Ashara Ashok Character Portrait: Phora Quro Character Portrait: Tal-Koren Wavingstrider Character Portrait: Cruze Demale
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#, as written by Aniihya
"Ahem, mask. If you want to keep yourself somewhat concealed, I recommend just putting your hood up in a way it conceals the upper part of your face. You are among close allies, not thralls." Ashara said, a bit irritated by the mask. "But then again, we are about to go on a mission, so maybe you can leave it on."

Ashara turned towards the window. "To think about it. It has been exactly one year since Kashyyk. We have come so far and the Jedi and old Sith are still mostly oblivious about our whereabouts. I knew coming here was a good idea. They expect their enemies least directly on their doorstep. I have plenty of contacts here and I know how things work here since I was born and grew up here. However since my parents are with the Jedi, I haven't seen them in ages despite them been not far away. Remember, my friends, we can show the Jedi and the old Sith mercy if they realize their faults and seize their war on us. I wouldn't want to destroy the Jedi or the old Sith, but I would destroy them if I had to. My only conditions for them are to stop hostilities on us and the remnants of the Grey Knights and to accept a new order that allows worlds to be united but act independently. You see I value individual freedoms much, I want to topple all dictators, kings and hutts to allow a confederation to bloom. But the problem is that there is a conflict of interests with the Jedi and the old Sith even on that. The Jedi are supported by and support so called benevolent dictators and kings, whereas the old Jedi support and are supported by hutts and totalitarians. Of course, if I was to head a confederation to ensure its order, to destroy those who exploit the weak, I myself would be a benevolent dictator. But this slight hypocrisy is something I am willing to risk." She said.

She then turned back to the others and said: "We set out in ten minutes. Meet me by the entrance then."

She turned to Cruze: "Yes that will suffice."

Before he could leave, Ashara stopped Koren: "I still feel that you think I may have fully fallen to the dark side, friend. But so you can understand better. I rather let the dark and light flow than try to manage a neutral as I noticed even for me, maintaining a neutral stance is an unnecessarily difficult feat. Maybe you should consider letting both sides flow. You see, you can use power to accomplish benevolent goals. Of course, I may have fallen a bit more to the dark side lately, but it is to ultimately to create a long lasting peace with a world that values every life." She said. She was however hypocritical of that last part as she hurt some people over petty things and has even used the force to tear someone apart in her office after they failed her for the last time.

But then again, this was Ashara. A woman with noble goals and usually a pleasant personality if you disregard the times she lost her temper. It was hard to determine how far she had fallen to the dark side and whether she was truly honest about what she said or was trying to manipulate somebody. For Ashara, she wouldn't kill someone who she wouldn't be able to sense a strong force in, because she felt the weak must be protected for their strengths can be found elsewhere and be useful for society.

Ashara then left to her chambers and changed to her bodysuit and hooded robe. She detached her head and set it on a table just so she could look up on her body. "Good" She thought and reattached her head.

She then headed down to the lobby to wait on her friends so that they could go to the lower layers to find and confront Master Obsidian.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jaleevra Character Portrait: Ashara Ashok Character Portrait: Phora Quro Character Portrait: Tal-Koren Wavingstrider Character Portrait: Cruze Demale
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zaria
Phora’s glare followed Ashara, until she disappeared from sight. Ten minutes to get ready, ten minutes to another entertaining, and boring bloodshed – is what Phora thought.

“It’s funny how she hates masks, not that mask can hide who you are when someone knows you well…” Phora stared at Koren, face grim and eyes like glass.

“At least that’s what I got when I tried to fool Jedi master with a mask and poorly made sith outfit.” Suddenly she smiled, and her eyes became bright as memories flew through her mind.

“Anyway, I’ll leave you two to whatever you want to do with remaining minutes, Jalee?” She glanced at Jalee just before walking away, wondering if she will join.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jaleevra Character Portrait: Ashara Ashok Character Portrait: Phora Quro Character Portrait: Tal-Koren Wavingstrider Character Portrait: Cruze Demale
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0.00 INK

Cruze walked past Koren on his way back to his locker to make sure he had everything for this trip. Cruze respected Koren. Yes, he might not be all able this New Sith Order, but he was powerful and Cruze respected power. He had never seen Koren’s actual face under the mask, not many had. Cruze didn’t care as much, for all he knew Koren could be a robot, but there was a familiar feeling Cruze had about him, not entirely sure what it was though. Experiment huh? Wonder what he’s cooking down there He thought to himself as he arrived at his locker and opening it up. “Hmm, what to bring, what to bring…”

After loading up his belt with ammo and making sure his blaster was loaded, Cruze grabbed his lightsaber and placed it inside his jacket. “Wonder if you will be used today, been while darling.” He said to himself. Even though his lightsaber showed a white glow when activated, it wasn’t because that was Cruze’s alignment, but just because of the white crystal it had. He liked the uniqueness of it. The curved hilt helped with Cruze’s smooth fighting style, he didn’t use it often, but when he did, you would never guess he was a mercenary.

Cruze threw on his armored jacket and padded himself making sure he had everything. Gun, check. Saber, check. Bandana to cover half my face, check. Before closing his locker Cruze looked down at the crate he recently brought in. “Hmm, why the hell not.” He said opening it and grabbing one of the electromagnetic pulse grenades and attaching it to his belt. “Now to go meet up with the others.” Cruze said out loud after closing his locker and making his way to the entrance. While waiting he checked his holo to see if Master Obsidian and paid him for the recent delivery, but there were no credits yet. Damn, was hoping he’d pay me before we went down there. He thought to himself before seeing Ashara. “So Ashara, Master Obsidian might be expecting me to visit him, so would you want me to head into his office first to try to talk to him, or just forget about all that and follow your lead? ” He asked her as he walked up to her. He wouldn't be upset if they had to fight him, fighting is always more fun than talking and surrendering.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jaleevra Character Portrait: Ashara Ashok Character Portrait: Phora Quro Character Portrait: Tal-Koren Wavingstrider Character Portrait: Cruze Demale
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0.00 INK

“Right behind ya!” Jalee followed Phora, she really hated all these Forceys, except for the Theelin. Ashara needed to relax a bit, Koren was irritating with his face hiding, even if Jalee already found out that the Sith is actually Wavingstrider. And Cruze, this Jack of all trades... Also, that friend of Phora, the guy who asked Jalee to deliver the holocom to Phora, something was odd about this guy, his metallic voice and so on...
“So, what are we going to do now, My-Oh-So-Great-Lady?”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jaleevra Character Portrait: Ashara Ashok Character Portrait: Phora Quro Character Portrait: Tal-Koren Wavingstrider Character Portrait: Cruze Demale
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zaria
Phora’s thought made her chuckle.

“I’m actually inclined to ditch this mission for fun, not to mention we need to find that idiot, Obsidian…the one you stepped on Jalee.” Also she had to check that holo sooner or later.

“Not that I’m happy about that, but I guess I have to attend this mission she gave us, any idea what I should wear? Yes, I am asking you cause I don’t really care about clothes that much.” Which is noticeable thanks to how often she wears the same clothes.

"So Mr. Soft Butt was Obsidian? His butt was so soft that I can't call him Obsidianbutt. And your clothes... You could run naked and still be more undercover than the rest."

Phora laughed - Master Obsidian became Mr. Soft Butt that day.

“That’s a good one, and naked? How come?”

Some time later, Jalee and Phora arrived at lobby...

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jaleevra Character Portrait: Ashara Ashok Character Portrait: Phora Quro Character Portrait: Tal-Koren Wavingstrider Character Portrait: Cruze Demale
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Aniihya
While at the lobby, Ashara had the feeling that someone was mocking her behind her back, but she brushed it off.

"We will head out immediately once everyone has gathered in the lobby." Ashara said to Cruze. "Just stay with us. If you arrive and something happens then he might try to make his escape. We need him there so we can confront him. He has been a thorn in our eye for a while now and I suspect he might be considering delivering valuable information about our whereabouts to the Jedi."

Then Jalee and Phora arrived. "Only Tal-Koren is missing now. Once he is here, we should make haste. Otherwise Master Obsidian might go to other bars he frequents and we would have to search for him." Ashara said.

(OOC: Luckily, Phora and Jalee werent nearby when they were making fun of Ashara, otherwise she would be in choking mood. lol)

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jaleevra Character Portrait: Ashara Ashok Character Portrait: Phora Quro Character Portrait: Tal-Koren Wavingstrider Character Portrait: Cruze Demale
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Jalee took out the Twi'lek figurine she usually wore on her sniper rifle and started to play with it. It was a good way to waste some time. “Oh, Phora, about your question earlier: I guess Jedi or Sith don't tattoo any symbols of their orders on their apprentices, so I would say it's hard to tell if someone is a Jedi, a Sith or anyone else when he's running naked. The robes give everything away, so duh, running naked is better. And more fun. At least until you sober up” Jalee looked at the Theelin for a short while. “Oh, and I think someone should give Mr. Strider an alarm clock or something. He's late as always.”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Ashara Ashok Character Portrait: Phora Quro Character Portrait: Tal-Koren Wavingstrider Character Portrait: Cruze Demale
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0.00 INK

Koren humphed at Ashara's sugestion of an alternative to his mask, she knew how he felt about the subject but would try humoring her in the future. Before he could leave, Ashara stopped him and spoke her mind. Koren listened but he wasn't buying what she was preaching, if she truly was as balanced as she claimed he wouldn't have felt the waves of the Dark Side rolling off of her at times. He nodded a conformation but more towards hearing what she said, rather than agreeing with her. Koren did let both sides flow freely through him but they harmonized within and created a balance within him. The fact Asrhara couldn't see that was a testament she had fallen quite far...too far.

Exiting with the others the conversation began to flow freely. “It’s funny how she hates masks, not that mask can hide who you are when someone knows you well…” Phora stared at Koren, face grim and eyes like glass. "We all wear masks Phora, in one form or another life requires us to. But in the company of friends such masks are not necessary." Koren said, subtly reminding her of the times when he didn't. As they left Koren returned to his lab and informed his handmaidens of the impending assignment. Several would be standing by some distance ready to provide tactical and after operations assistance while he and the others did their job. After insuring all experiments would survive without him he left to meet the others in the lobby. Again using the force to create a perception filter around the non order members and avoiding the camera's Koren made his way to the lobby where he managed to catch Jalee talking about him.

"If you would rather we return to the ruins of our headquarters I would be happy to oblige your request. Also please speak louder, I would love the public to know whom is under the mask.” Koren said, his deadpan tone masked by his mask's voice filter but non the less it was quite obvious what the tone was. Koren looked to Ashara, “Ashara, if you would be so kind I would prefer any apprentices we find taken alive for....'rehabilitation'.” Koren requested. It wouldn't be the first time he converted members from opposing forces. Over time Koren had refined his persuasion techniques and was the person for such tasks.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Jaleevra Character Portrait: Ashara Ashok Character Portrait: Phora Quro Character Portrait: Tal-Koren Wavingstrider Character Portrait: Cruze Demale
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“Whatever you say, you’re in charge, Master Ashara” Cruze said with a half bow, backing up and leaning against the wall, waiting for the other. Jalee and Phora walked up complaining Koren being late. He glanced down at his holo for the time. “Well, he’s not exactly late yet. It has been 10 minutes, but as long as he gets here within the next minute.” Cruze said, “Plus he doesn’t seem like the alarm clock type…” He trailed of. To be honest, Koren didn’t seem like an anything type.

Cruze looked up when he heard Koren arrive and say some sarcastic comments to Jalee. “Wow, didn’t think you had that in you buddy. Glad to see you’re at least a little human in there.” Cruze said with a smirk as stood up from the wall. “Alive? If they turn and try to fight us, why should we show them mercy? Just saying, if one of them ends up on the other side of my blaster after trying to kill me, I won’t feel sorry.” Walking forward to rejoin the group. Cruze stretched his arms above his head. “Ah… Well, what are we waiting for? I’m ready to go and have some fun.