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Star Wars: Rise and Fall

Star Wars: Rise and Fall


The next great war between the Light and Dark is about to begin... What side will you choose?

1,241 readers have visited Star Wars: Rise and Fall since Fatalfrost created it.


It has been 3000 years since the time of Luke Skywalker. 500 years ago the Jedi Temple was left abandoned when people decided that the galaxy was a safe enough place without their guardians.
During this time the Sith sat and gathered their strength, watching as the last of the Jedi began to disappear from the universe. Finally their time has come, the time to claim the galaxy for the Sith.
What they don't know is that the Jedi are not gone. They have been behind the scenes in the shadows, protecting the people. And they will not stand idly by and let their Republic be taken.
The next great war between the Light and Dark is about to begin... What side will you choose?

Character Sheet:
Full Name:
Home world:

Description (Image preferred):
Class (Jedi, Sith, Smuggler, etc.):
Weapons (If lightsaber include color and handle design):

Serious Problems (aka they like to kill people etc. Not required):


Toggle Rules

-No Sith Lords they are all on an equal level
-You will not win every battle, so do not try
-If you and other character are engaging in battle try to pm it back and forth between you so it can be put into one post
-Put the words "May the Force be with you" at the bottom of character sheet so I know you read these rules
-Only races that have been proven to have been force sensitive and able to control the flow of the force will be allowed to be Jedi or Sith. If you can point to at least one example of a member of any race being a Jedi then I will allow that race.
-No canon characters
-This is a literate RP, if you do not plan to be literate do not submit a character
-The Jedi are basically banned from the Republic so do not say that you work for them or something
-Try and include an avatar image on character if at all possible

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 7 authors


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Rain poured down upon the darkness of Coruscant, pooling together into large puddles anywhere it could. Jaden moved with the crowd blending in expertly and avoiding all contact with anyone. Moving into a dark alley he skimmed his hand through his hair brushing some of the water out. "Why does it have to be raining today of all days..." He asked to no one as he moved further down the alley and walked into a hidden door located there; this was the entrance to his home. Walking over to a a monitor he touched it to activate it then promptly typed in his login information.
Just have to hear this one more time to make sure I heard this right... He thought to himself as he navigated through different menus. Finally finding the one he wanted he touched a file that he had received earlier that day and pulled a hologram from the screen.
An image of a man appeared on the screen, he was small in stature and his skin had a reddish tint to it. He looked elderly and as if he had trouble just walking around. "Hello my fellow Sith," The old man said in an aged voice that had the sound of experience in it, "tonight shall be the last night of the New Republic," He spat out in a venomous tone, "I have contacted every Sith I can and we will attack the capital of Coruscant together and overthrow them. The attack will take place after the fall of dark, watch for the signal to attack. It will be...unmistakable." The old man said as the image faded away.
Jaden tapped the screen again and it went blank as he walked out of his home and back into the alley. "Guess I just wait for the signal then...but this is taking forever I'm bor-" Jaden didn't finish his sentence because suddenly the sky was filled with purple. Looking up Jaden saw that it was lightning in that color forming into the shape of the symbol of the ancient Sith Empire.
"Alright!" Jaden whispered excitedly, "About time we got this started!" Using the force to increase his speed he ran through the crowd and jumped into his cruiser that was waiting nearby. Pushing buttons on the dash he raced off toward the senate building. He arrived within minutes and smiled at the site. There were multiple Sith fighting with the soldiers of the Republic but they were fighting a losing battle.
Activating his lightsabers Jaden walked up beside the other Sith who didn't seem to notice him. But the soldiers did and saw that his weapons glowed white instead of red and gained hope. "A Jedi! They have come to save us!" A young soldier yelled at the others who upon hearing the news seemed to surge and attack more ferociously than before.
Jaden threw both lightsabers in a curving pattern so they arced through the line of soldiers cutting almost all of them down then returning to his hands. "Sorry to disappoint you, but the Jedi are dead and gone." Jaden said as he stepped over the dead bodies and into the senate hall. The battle had begun.


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Garland Sysr, as the Jedis call him, walked down the senate hall along with multiple soldiers who had taken positions by the walls and behind the door way. Sysr stood in the middle of the hall, waiting for the Sith to arrive and pulled out his lightsaber. He pointed it down the hall where the enemies were to arrive and activated it. "Soon, dread will stain the halls of the republic. Once that occurs, nothing shall remain. We must do our best to prevent that, right men?" he asked authoritativly and the men shouted in agreement. Sysr remembered why he was stationed here and his motives...


2 Days Ago...
A man with red skin and elder features walked up to Sysr and looked up at him. Sysr stood taller than most normal humans, but he was still considered average because of his mentality. "It's been three weeks since we've thawed you out of cryogenesis. How are you dealing?" he hissed.
"Better than I can last recall. Damned Jedis froze me because I was indestructible!" the android angrily voiced. "My revenge shall fall on their sons."
"Excellent. Your training has gone accordingly I presume?" the sith asked.
Sysr looked over at a dark room surrounded by glass and metal beams. "If that's training. I may still be a little rusty and even slightly more insane than before, but I haven't deteriorated in skill or memory. I can recall every last word of my past life. Why are you talking to me today, sir?" he finally asked.
The man chuckled slightly and gave him an ominous smile. "The Jedi have been disbanned shortly after your disappearance. Our army has grown while theirs has died. Soon the time to strike will come and you must go and find the Jedis before we strike and kill them." he ordered and the android laughed.
"So, Raiden's back into the assassination business? Splendid." he said and walked away from the conversation.

"Sir, I think the Sith are arriving!" called out a soldier hiding behing the door way.
"Good. Let them come! We shall stop the enemies right here, in this hall. They shall fall." Sysr said and walked down the hall until he was a few feet from the entrance. "Hurry now, Sith warriors. I cannot keep this pacifistic act anymore!" he thought as he looked over at his soldiers.


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Kalindi sat in her own apartment meditating, when former master, Master Baal Zandra came into her room. "Young one I sense a disturbance in the force and we have reason to beleive that the Sith are going to attempt to overthrow the Republic", said the Twee Lek man. Kalindi stood up, "Well Master I guess we should pay a visit to the Senate correct", her Master nodded and they made their way out of the apartment. They went to the speeder that they had "acquired" some time back. "Oh no your not driving again young one", said Baal he went around her and sat in the drivers seat. Kalindi sighed, "I'm not that bad of a driver", she said with a slight tone of pouting. Baal chuckled, "If you remember correctly the last time you drove, you almost crashed into a docked transport frigate", he said as they flew towards the Senate building. "Yeah I know but I couldn't see it before I was right on it and then it was almost too late thank goodness I'm a decent pilot or we would have been bantha poodoo", she said with a big smile on her face. Baal just laughed more at that comment and soon they were at the Senate building his mood totally changed, "I fear we are too late young one".

There were many Sith already there slicing through innocent people with their light sabers. This brought some anger into Kalindi's soul, "Mind your feelings young one, anger leads to the dark side", he said as they into the midst of the Sith. Kalindi activated her light saber the yellow orange glow illuminating the area around her, along with the glow of her master's green light saber. She prepared to fight pointing the blade of the saber behind her. In the midst of the many red light sabers she noticed an almost white one. But this person was taking out the innocent people as well, "I assume that is a Sith as well master", she said pointing out the the warrior, "I'm afraid so young one, a Jedi would not slaughter the innocent. Come we must make haste". They went through taking out as many Sith as they could, but Kalindi had her eye set on the Sith with the white light saber.


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The small ship came out of Hyperspace and seemed to just hover in the emptiness all around. Arrian Veralis sat in the cockpit and took a deep breath, he always felt relieved to be out of that state of travel..where there was no real control. "R9, activate the cloaking mechanism in seven seconds." The exiled Jedi had limited resources to work with..he couldn't just sit in cloaked mode forever. Less than a second after the ship disappeared, a larger one exited Hyperspace. It was a Republic transport ship, headed to the Outer Rim..headed into a trap.

Arrian had intercepted a message two days before..a message he was surprised to hear. Apparently, some underworld types had been paid by mysterious men to lure a ship full of Republic weapons away from safety. By sending a fake message to the ship, these criminals had tricked the captain into believing his weapons were direly needed in an orbital outpost at this very location. The captain must've been surprised to see the empty space all around him...

Even if the crew had noticed something was amiss, there was no time they could've had to do anything about it. A huge pirate ship exited Hyperspace and within seconds it was firing on the transport vessel. Shields absorbed most of the attacks, but the Republic ship had no real defense from the onslaught. "R9, the attacking ship is using weak powered cannons..they're not trying to destroy the ship at all are they?" Arrian asked his droid. A line of text displayed on the console in front of Arrian, "They're going to disable the shields without harming the ship, it's a hijack operation."

Arrian couldn't do much but sit there and wait. Surely enough, the shields went down and the transport was crippled. Small ships left the assault vessel and made their way to board the transport. "Here's our chance to help," Arrian said in a half excited/half apprehensive tone. Still cloaked, Arrian began flying towards the Republic ship and landed in one of the exposed landing bays. Uncloaking upon landing, he was surrounded by nervous soldiers with raised blasters.

"I'm not here to hurt you," Arrian said through a speaker on the outside of the ship, "I'm here to help..I'm a Jedi." The soldiers were surprised, but they lowered their blasters..they had other issues to attend to anyways. Arrian opened his cockpit and followed after the others..toward a section of the ship that had already been boarded.

They got there within minutes to see it nearly overrun. Soldiers began firing at the invaders, but it was little use. Arrian drew his lightsaber but did not activate it, instead using the Force to jump into a ventilation shaft above the hallway. He navigated around a corner, used the Force to detect his enemies, and then activated his blue-bladed saber.

Nobody below him could have expected what happened next. A blue blade cut through the ceiling and a wave of death washed over them. Arrian struck and twisted and slashed about in a whirlwind, cutting down seven men and then leaping to a group exiting their ship. They, too, were caught unawares and quickly met the same fate as their friends before them..Arrian threw a charge on their small ship and turned away to move on as it exploded, killing any men left inside.

Rounding a corner, Arrian ran into some of the Republic troops. "Stop right there, Jedi, I will not tolerate your presence on my ship," the captain ordered. Arrian protested, "Sir, you have no choice right are being overrun!" The man paused for a moment and lowered his weapon, his soldiers doing the same, "Very well then, we will deal with you after this is over." That time came several hours later, as wave after wave of enemies attacked the ship and were repelled by the Jedi and the Republic soldiers. Giving up on the fight, the attacking vessel entered Hyperspace and fled the battle.

"Why are you here?" the captain asked Arrian after the two had made their way to his quarters. "I intercepted a message saying this ship would be caught in a trap here, I had to help."

"Since when does the Republic receive the aid of fugitives?" the captain asked.
"You have for quite some time, captain," Arrian began, "you just didn't know about it because nobody wants to believe they need us."
"Enough," the captain ordered, and he pressed a small button. "This is Captain Reggald of Republic Red Six to Coruscant." No reply. "I repeat, this is Captain Reggald of Republic Red Six to Coruscant." A crackling noise and a few shouts were his only answer..then a moment later, "Captain Reggald, Coruscant is under attack!" The captain pressed the button again, "What? By who?" It took a moment for the answer again, the fated word came through the speaker, "Sith..ahhhh!" The man at the communications device must've been killed.

"We have to go to Coruscant now," Arrian commanded. The captain seemed pale, but he nodded and walked off. Shortly, the ship was moving faster than the speed of light to the capital of the Republic.


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Kalindi was getting winded the Sith were like pests once you killed one there were three more came up to replace them. She had actually been pushed back to where her master was. Baal and Kalindi were back to back trying to ward of the attackers around them. "Master! we need to get into the senate building and assist the Republic soldiers that are holding up inside", she said while taking out another Sith with her light saber. "You go young one I will hold them off here!", said Baal she turned and looked at him, "Master there is no way you can take on all these Sith by yourself", she said with panic in her voice. How could he suggest such a thing, that would be a death sentence for him. "Child I will do what I must for the good of the Republic if that means leaving this plain of existence and becoming one with the force than so be it. But you are correct someone needs to be inside with the soldiers inside now go!", he yelled. She sighed and used her force speed to dash towards a ventilation shaft. She went in and used her force sense to find out where the soldiers were located and hopefully aide them in protecting the senate.


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#, as written by eman447
Raven jet packed up and took out two soldiers with his pistols. He did a front flip in the air, landed on another guard, and stabbed him with his knife. Raven pulled his knife out and threw it straight into another republic soldiers forehead. He sprinted towards a group of guards, jumped, tossed a grenade in the middle of their group, landed on the other side of the group, took aim, and shot the grenade. "Gotta love being a bounty hunter!" He said with a laugh.

One Week Ago.

"So you're asking me to fight off some jedi forces WITH the help of the other sith?" Asked Raven. The man he was addressing stood about 6' 4" and was wearing a sith uniform."Yes sir," The man responded. "AND you'll pay me?" "Yes." Raven looked up and the man saw a scar across his right eye. Malisse (Raven's real name) put on his mask. "Count me in."


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It was every bit as easy as it was the engines he was modifying earlier. It was all a matter of applying one router to the next and then replacing the converter into its new place. All he needed to do was attempt a power test and…
“Kale! Kale I need your help here!” The young man heard from the older voice far off. Kale dropped his wrench and left the moisture vaporator before he could try and test it. He brushed his hair out of his eyes and walked over to the ancient sandcrawler the old man was dealing next to.
Kale greeted, “The bargaining going well Grandpa Rogen?”
The old man answered, “I need you to take this R2 unit inside and update its memory banks so it knows its way around the farm.”
Kale nodded, “Alright, it shouldn’t take long.”
Rogen continued, “And make sure that you help out your Grandmother when its cleaned up. She’s going to need your help going into town for some spare parts.”
Kale asked him, “After that and testing the vaporators, can I finish tuning up my racer?”
Rogen responded with a question, “You really think you haven’t amplified it enough do you?”
Kale explained, “Korgulga is going to be in there this time, the four time champion on Malastare, I have to do my best this time without holding anything back.”
Rogen accepted this and told him, “I suppose that it must be important. Just don’t overdo it, too many extras might end up weighing down the racer after all.”
Kale thanked, “Thanks Grandpa. Come on guy, let’s get you updated.” The old astromech droid chirped and bleeped as it followed its new owner into the farm home.

Latter that night…

After a hard days work, Kale was asleep soundly and resting for the next day. Despite this usually being the case, there was something stirring in his sleep. He couldn’t place what the sound was, he couldn’t discern what was going on, he couldn’t see the images that were being brought before him, he could only hear the screams and wails of some foreign place he could not discern. Kale shook his head on his pillow trying to drown out the noise, but eventually woke himself up. He put his hands on his face and sat up on his small bed and then ran his hands through his hair to get some of his hair out of his eyes. Kale stood up and grabbed his shirt to put on and then walked outside in order to see if there was any cause for the screams he was hearing.

It was night time and the three moons of Tatooine were looming far above. Kale looked around briefly and then heard someone behind him ask, “Kale?”
Kale turned around sighed, “Grandpa Rogen. Have there been any sandpeople around here lately?”
Rogen shook his head and answered, “I’ve been watching for them, they don’t seem to be coming here tonight. Did you hear any?”
Kale answered, “I’m not sure. I kept hearing these tons of voices screaming in pain for some reason. I don’t know what it is, but it sounded like someone was screaming not far from here.” Rogen took note of this phenomenon and turned his head to offer a blank stare for the blank desert landscape before his eyes. It seemed as though Rogen knew something that Kale didn’t and asked, “Do you know something about those screams Grandpa?”
Rogen turned his attention back to Kale and quickly shook his head telling Kale, “You should get some rest. That race of yours is only in a few days isn’t it?” Kale nodded and decided he was too tired to inquire any further on this matter. While Kale went back into his bedroom, Rogen sank his head down in recognition to what Kale had just seen. It was that one secret he was not willing to let Kale know about, and it told him that something dire was happening on another planet somewhere else. Without the proper training, Kale was unable to tell what planet it was, but knew it confirmed his sensitivity to the force… just as it was with his parents.


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Jaden advanced briskly through the halls of the senate building, his lightsabers staying ignited the entire time. "Where is everybody... Even if they weren't expecting an attack you would think they would still have more soldiers than that on station..." he mumbled under his breath.
Suddenly an announcement was made over the loudspeaker. "This is not a drill. The Republic is under attack. I repeat this is not a drill. All Senators are to evacuate the senate building immediately. All on and off duty soldiers are to report to the escape pod bay immediately. This is not a drill. The Republic..." The message started repeating itself over and over.
"Well this should liven things up," Jaden exclaimed excitedly as he walked through a doorway into a hall that was occupied by a group of Republic soldiers. Charging into them Jaden spun around in a circle, his lightsabers pointing outwards slicing through all of the soldiers and littering the floor with dismembered body parts. Moving forward he went through the next door and saw another group of soldiers, but this time there was someone with them. Someone with a green lightsaber.


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#, as written by Seraph
The billowing of a familiar brown garment, snapped at the wind as its freezing rain bit at the bare flesh of man. The robe, which extended well beyond Azure's countenance and gave him a more sinister appearance--like looking into a sea of black or a void-- continued to flutter. He eased his thoughts, reeling back into his skull, yet they did not congest his emotional stride which remained rather placid and nonchalant. He stood, vigilant, looking out and down towards the senate building. A tide of Sith had breached the security and were spilling like a torrent upon the senate grounds. Continuing to observe, he caught the sight of of fellow Jedi, which made him curious. Were they all drawn here?

Looking elsewhere, he spotted one Sith with a white lightsaber like his own. A disgrace. Imperial Jedi Knights like his former master brandished such sabers in defense of all that was good and just in the galaxy. He lifted his head towards the crackling sky, watching as it was burnt once again, sundering like a whip lashing the flesh and hear the echo of the 'crack' in the sky and he couldn't help but feel that inexhaustible 'pull' in the force that made him take action. He rose his hands up and unshielded his face, then grabbed a long strip of bloodstained cloth--a relic of his former master.

He blind folded his eyes, before he out stretched his arms and pushed off with the balls of his feet from the ledge--essentially leaping off a several meter building into a swan dive his body rolled while keeping his arms straight out before diving straight to the the ground. His body weight and momentum doubled the velocity at which he plummeted towards the ground.

A swelling of raw Force energies created a vortex around his still flesh-and-blood hand. Just before he would impact the ground, he released the Force in the role of a 'push', striking the ground and causing a crater t form; solid slabs of stone broke apart and metal indented as it was compressed. This coupled with an an aerial acrobatic maneuver softened the impact of his landing while simultaneously sending several unsuspecting Sith, sending them in scattered directions and various distances.

Knelt down and still blind folded, he let the wind sweep past him blowing his robes in the direction of the wind and in essence--symbolizing everything the Sith were against. Rather than bow to the most simple things--they would challenge it. They were locked and bound by their very own emotions, unlike the Jedi. The Jedi would bow. It would simply allow the transference of a given force and use its own momentum against it. They would be like the wind, where the Sith were the obstinate rocks.

His robes fluttering furiously,, the energy of the Force around him would be great indeed. In fact, he was using a Jedi power called Force Revitalize. An ancient technique, taught to him through use of a holocron of Master Jedi in years passed. They would feel their weariness slink away like shadows cast in a broad spectrum of light. He would then step forwards with authority, two straggling Sith coming upon him together before he lifted a hand and cast it to the side ripping them from the ground and tossing them like stones to be skipped across the surface of water.

He did not visually see his opponents, rather, saw their intent. Listened to the hum of their particular lightsaber. Felt their hatred and channeled it in a continuous loop through his own abilities--empowering them further. He felt every disturbance; the activation of not one, not two, but three light sabers of equally formidable Sith warriors awaited him. Reaching to his belt, he gripped the long, curved hilt of his own saber. He didn't extract the luminous blade just yet, but his metallic fingers gripped the the hilt expectantly.


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"One who wields a white saber, a Sith?" he asked confused and put his lightsaber by his side. "Or ally?" he then asked with a more sinister tone and turned around and began to walk off. "Soldiers, let him pass." Sysr commanded and the soldiers looked confused.
"Sir! He's a Sith! We must-" but his please were shut off by a Force Choke.
"The Republic will fall." Sysr said and created a Force Blast around him which blew back all the soldiers killing most of them. The surviving few were quickly decapitated by his lightsaber. Sysr then looked up at Jaden and looked back behind him. "This is the end of the hall. Only the pods remain." then took his saber and cut clean his right arm from his body, falling over in pain. "Damn it!" His cuty was fufilled. Wait at the end of the corridors for a Sith to arrive and let him pass, but still have the Jedis trust in that you are harmed and seemed to engage a Sith.


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#, as written by eman447
Raven launched up onto a broken pilar and looked around observing the battle below him. To his left he saw a woman with a lightsaber slashing sith down left and right. He watched her and could tell she wasn't going to stop anytime so he decided to end her. He dove off and ignited the power on his jet pack. Soaring around the battlefield he saw the girl, unsheathing his pistols he flew towards her and got ready for a fight.

(The woman i am reffering to is RinlovesSesshoumaru)


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Kalindi looks up to see a bounty hunter flying towards her with blasters drawn, she took at another Sith her general vicinity and made ready to bloke the blasts. "They must be paying him a pretty penny to help with a war. If it were any thing else and he wouldn't had bothered". Judging by the look of his armor the hunter appeared to be Mandolorian which is quite rare indeed. But either way he was working for the Sith and she wasn't exactly keen on bounty hunters anyway. It had been a bounty hunter that had killed her parents and enslaved her. As he started to fire shots she blocked them with her light saber sending the shots out in various directions around her.


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#, as written by Seraph
The crimson hue of the three lightsabers before him hummed with a deadly calm and consistency. Still holding his own lightsaber out to the side in a normally threatening manner. But these were Sith. They had given in to their emotions; become slaves to the greed and the hate that fueled their sinister natures. Their rage blinded them, and their pride broke their temperance. They could not see logically. The gleam in their eyes told Azure they had fully given into the puppeteer behind this orchestration.

Normally speaking, it was actually quite a spectacle to see more than two Sith--let alone an army of dark Force-sensitive peoples. Each of their black robes, uniformly shaped to their distinctive features--Rodann, Iridonian,human. It was traditionally only two. A master and an apprentice. This allowed cohesion as there weren't multiple influences that could fluctuate or shift the order power. Had they truly gathered this numerous?

Truth be told, Azure knew--very well--the temptations the dark side offered. Varying like rare spices, pungent like smell of blood-- the taste of the dark side came in many forms. Pride. Envy. Anger. Hate. These were their tools. This is what corrupted them wholly. He knew this, because for a while--he had given into the temptations, the lures of his grief. But he beseeching from his former master led him back to the right side of that dangerously thin and parallel.

Taking a step forwards, time seemed to slow to a crawl around him. The rain ceased to move and was pinned to the air it was formed of. He lifted a his left hand, tugging subtly at a fallen Sith's saber. The three Sith ahead of him took up their arms, and rushed impetuous as Azure then began his. Time reverted back to its chaotic sprint, and the full momentum of the moment played out readily.

Azure who had begun to sprint towards the three--caught the lightsaber hilt as it was flung towards him. Pulled by a mysterious and powerful essence. The Force flowed freely, an unobstructed through him. He was a conduit through which it was channeled. He ducked the first Sith's overhead stroke- side stepping. Igniting the red blade, it screeched as Azure whirled its blade towards the Sith immediately to his right. The ferocity of his attack was unexpected and he quickly dismantled the warrior, shearing through both legs as he swept one blade low. Force pushing the opponent away from himself--alive but graphically wounded and screaming.

Pivoting sharply, he came back. His right foot planting briefly behind himself for added support as the second Sith brought high lightsaber down from over his head forcefully. Azure met his blade, bringing both of his sabers against it causing them to cackle loudly. The last Sith, came at him as he was still defending from the seconds attack. Pushing on the Sith's blade then jerking forwards while side stepping he threw the warrior off balance/


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#, as written by eman447
Raven shut off the power on his jets and landed sliding under the woman's legs. As he came out the other side he jumped up, turned around, and shot three lasers her way. She blocked them all. "Damn, she's good." He said, and pulled a long blade out of a sheath on his back.

(The blade is saber resistant)


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Kalindi not knowing about his blade went at him with her light saber, as the his blade clashed she began to notice that hers would bounce off like polar opposite magnets. She fell back to form a plan, "Obviously he has something special with his blade", she then used a force push against the bounty hunter. Kalindi had no love for bounty hunters, in fact deep down she had to repress her hatred for them. She wouldn't be in the situation she was in if a bounty hunter had not killed her parents. She could feel old emotions that she had thought she had repressed. With a scream of rage she force pushed him again.


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OC: Sorry for the late post, just trying to find a way to continue, I think this should work for now.

IC: Looking for his grandson, Rogen Sunrider was unable to find out where Kale had gone since the early morning was rising. It was probably an hour when he last spoke to him and the sun had begun to rise on Tatooine, marking the start of another day on the moisture farm. It couldn’t begin however with the missing member of the family when the old man continued searching. “Kale! Kale!” Rogen couldn’t get any response from his grandson when he discovered that he wasn’t to be found anywhere. After a closer observation however, he noticed one of the speeder bikes was missing and decided to enter back in the main house. He then saw his wife cooking on the oven and asked her, “Isru, have you seen Kale anywhere this morning?”
The old woman answered, “He said he was heading out into town to find a replacement accelerator drive for that new R2 unit you bought yesterday, said it burned out.”
Rogen shrugged and muttered, “Could have at least told be before he left. Guess I’ll have to start the moisture farming without him.”

Out in the Tusken Canyon

He was somewhat groggy from just waking up, but Kale was now able to look up to the sky and continued to follow the path of the sun rising. He was on top of the canyon cliffs and sitting on his knees in hopes to find a clearer sight of the noise he had heard earlier. The canyons were always a place for him to listen to silence when there weren’t Tusken Raiders to bother him. Trying to get the image of what he had seen, he tried to gain the same feeling as though he was dreaming. When he continued to search for these images, Kale managed to find some concentration in his search for the dream.

In that moment, he had able to hear the same calls and screams when he concentrated enough. It was only slightly after he listened to the screams that he began to see some images with uniformed people with blasters and robed men and women fighting among each other. As though he wanted to try and communicate with the scene, Kale raised his hand but found that he was nowhere to be present. It wasn’t until he sensed that a laser blast was coming from behind him that he began to lose his concentration.

Kale had jumped forward in order to avoid the blast and found that he wasn’t in the crossfire any longer but back in the canyon. He was now flat on his face and pondering the things he had just seen, a conflict that he couldn’t make heads or tails of what was happening. What was he watching? He had to find out. Hopefully his grandfather would be able to tell him about this.


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#, as written by eman447
Kalindi threw Raven into a wall with the force. He hit the wall with great power and the breath was stolen from his lungs. As Raven struggled to his feet the woman raced towards him, and while she sprinted he noticed something, she held the saber in a back handed position. Crap. Raven had only been trained for a few days at the most in how to defend and fight this way of fighting. So he decided this would be a good learning experience. As he got up he put the blade in his right hand and pulled out one of his pistols, which he placed in his left hand. Here she comes, thought Raven and as the words formed in his head she burst out and came to him. He shot a laser blast at her she blocked it easy and it deflected off her blade and came right back at him. He ducked it with ease and got ready for a fight. She came at him with a side attack and he blocked it with no problem, but that was just the beginning. She came at him every which way and he knew he was being beat, so he came up with a plan. He jumped up, turned his jet pack on, put his pistol away, and pulled out another blade. He fell to the ground, turning his jet packs off. He landed with a loud thud! "Alright, its time to die." He said. And got ready for a battle.


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Kalindi came at the bounty hunter once again with her light saber, he had it set up to where she could only do head on attacks. "You bounty hunters are all the same you'll work for anyone that can give you a paycheck. Kill innocent people and for what some credits, the people you destroy can not be replaced", she said with allot of hate in her voice. She could feel her blood almost boil every time she looked at the bounty hunter. "I will defeat you so that all you have destroyed might be rectified", she gave out a frustrated battle cry and force pushed the bounty hunter again.

((Im sorry I just didn't want it to seem like me and another Rp'er is taking up everything.))

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Character Portrait: Jaden Marl
0 sightings Jaden Marl played by ProjectxCrusade
A battle hungry sith warrior

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View All » Add Character » 7 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Raiden Mohde
Character Portrait: Raven Grey
Character Portrait: Kale Sunrider


Character Portrait: Kale Sunrider
Kale Sunrider

The lucky racer with aspirations.

Character Portrait: Raven Grey
Raven Grey

A mandalorian bounty hunter who is currently working for the sith.

Character Portrait: Raiden Mohde
Raiden Mohde

Obviously not done... but almost


Character Portrait: Raiden Mohde
Raiden Mohde

Obviously not done... but almost

Character Portrait: Raven Grey
Raven Grey

A mandalorian bounty hunter who is currently working for the sith.

Character Portrait: Kale Sunrider
Kale Sunrider

The lucky racer with aspirations.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Kale Sunrider
Kale Sunrider

The lucky racer with aspirations.

Character Portrait: Raven Grey
Raven Grey

A mandalorian bounty hunter who is currently working for the sith.

Character Portrait: Raiden Mohde
Raiden Mohde

Obviously not done... but almost

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Most recent OOC posts in Star Wars: Rise and Fall

Re: [OOC] Star Wars: Rise and Fall

Since no one responded to my post I assume you have all abandoned this project and therefore it is to be canceled

Re: [OOC] Star Wars: Rise and Fall

Just so everyone knows this RP is not stopping. I will be continuing it with my next post but it wont be until next week as I dont have time until after next thursday when I graduate

Re: [OOC] Star Wars: Rise and Fall

Yes we are still accepting people. Sorry I havent really been on recently. School is almost over and I am senior so I have grad stuff to do which takes up a lot of time

Re: [OOC] Star Wars: Rise and Fall

Is there room for another player?

Re: [OOC] Star Wars: Rise and Fall

Yes, Eman asked very nicely and I don't mind to much cause I kind of suck at battle scenes anyway. So I posted again but was wondering if things are going to progress considering this is the only Star Wars RP I'm in that got anywhere I hope not.

Re: [OOC] Star Wars: Rise and Fall

Question, did you and Rin pm each other about your post eman? Cuz if not you totally god moded her

Re: [OOC] Star Wars: Rise and Fall

incase you guys didn't know, Sysr uses the Green lightsabers. So... just visualize that

Re: [OOC] Star Wars: Rise and Fall

Just so you know I have two white lightsabers Rin

Re: [OOC] Star Wars: Rise and Fall

Alright guys lets get this ball rolling

Re: [OOC] Star Wars: Rise and Fall

Alright, all I have to hope for is that I qualify.

Re: [OOC] Star Wars: Rise and Fall

Ok whether or not Hirochi's character is finished tomorrow I will be making first post. So be prepared guys

Re: [OOC] Star Wars: Rise and Fall

he told me we;d start when my character's done, hah hah sorry everyone ^^"

Re: [OOC] Star Wars: Rise and Fall

When do you think we might start Fatal

Re: [OOC] Star Wars: Rise and Fall

Ya around 5, my mom'll bring me

Re: [OOC] Star Wars: Rise and Fall

Oh my god, my chraacters gunna take forever, hah hah. I'll probably have it done before you come over. When are you coming over? 5 pm?

Re: [OOC] Star Wars: Rise and Fall

I just posted my character, hoping to know soon if I'm approved =) I love the Star Wars universe and hope this roleplay can be pretty epic.

Re: [OOC] Star Wars: Rise and Fall

I hope my characters okay let me know if I need to edit or something.

[OOC] Star Wars: Rise and Fall

This is the auto-generated OOC topic for the roleplay "Star Wars: Rise and Fall"

You may edit this first post as you see fit.