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Star Wars: Vengeance

The Galaxy


a part of Star Wars: Vengeance, by Zap.

The Galaxy was one of the billions of Galaxies that existed in the universe. This Galaxy was the setting of the histories of the Galactic Republic, the Galactic Civil War, the Yuuzhan Vong War, the Jedi and the Sith.

Zap holds sovereignty over The Galaxy, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

435 readers have been here.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:


he galaxy was one of the billions of galaxies that existed in the universe. This galaxy was the setting of the histories of the Galactic Republic, the Galactic Civil War, the Yuuzhan Vong War, the Jedi and the Sith.

According to some sources, the galaxy was 120,000 light years across, or 37,000 parsecs (a parsec is 3.258 light years), and approximately 13 billion years old. A black hole existed at the center of the galaxy. The galaxy was orbited by seven satellite galaxies: Companion Aurek (also known as the Rishi Maze), Companion Besh (also known as Firefist), and Companions Cresh through Grek. However, most of the Companions were described as having ancient, metal-rich remnants of stars and not much life. There was also a hyperspace disturbance beyond the edge of the galaxy that prevented hyperspace routes outside the disk. The galaxy had nearly two hundred globular clusters.

While there was a hyperspace disturbance outside of the galaxy, hyperspace made it possible within the galaxy to have an enormous, and diverse, civilization. There were approximately 400 billion stars, and around 180 billion of these had planets that could support life. Ten percent of those planets developed life, while sentient life developed in 1/1,000 of those (about 20 million). Factoring in the output of heat and light needed for an advanced civilization to form, there were 7.1 billion truly habitable stars within the Galaxy, and about 3.2 billion habitable star systems. However, it was estimated that about one billion of those systems were actually populated. During the days of the Galactic Empire more than 69 million systems met the requirements for Imperial representation, and 1.75 million planets were considered full member worlds. The population, of the nearly 70 million systems that the Empire was responsible for, amounted to more than 100 quadrillion beings.
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The Galaxy

The Galaxy was one of the billions of Galaxies that existed in the universe. This Galaxy was the setting of the histories of the Galactic Republic, the Galactic Civil War, the Yuuzhan Vong War, the Jedi and the Sith.



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Character Portrait: Sovin Li'Valentus Character Portrait: Marko Alcor
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#, as written by Zap
Marko had sensed the junker from a mile off, and had also felt a mild disturbance in the force. He felt the presence of a force wielder that possessed both sides of the force energy, and wanted to capture this force wielder for questioning. He locked onto the junker's hull, as it looked to be falling off, and fired straight at it, laughing maniacally as he tore a hole straight through.
He brought his ship closer to the hull and opened the back, putting on a breathing mask, before jumping into the gaping hole.


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Character Portrait: Sovin Li'Valentus Character Portrait: Marko Alcor
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Sovin took a moment to mill this over in his head. Korriban was too inner world for the council of his clan to even consider the offer. No, Sovin knew that the council would only stop their migration if they were able to live on an outer rim world, with as few people as possible knowing about it.

"Korriban has too many eyes on it. My clan is not one who seeks to be sought. We are far from defenders, but we do need a home. A home as far away from records and the eyes of others as possible. If the council could be promised this, it could bring your conflict much closer to them. And since you have mentioned the Jedi, it is obvious that the Republic is not a side the council would even consider. We don't tend to get along very well with those who outright refute either side of the force, for they are strongest when used together." Sovin responded. He did not know how well Marko would respond to this. It may not have been what he wanted, or it may have been exactly what he needed. Force-wielders able to hide themselves from even the force, unwilling to be shown to the Jedi. However, as a whole, they would not budge until they had the ground of a homeworld at their feet.


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Character Portrait: Sovin Li'Valentus Character Portrait: Marko Alcor
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#, as written by Zap
"Since I'll take that as a no," Marko said as he pushed past Sovin and headed to the cockpit. "I'll be taking my leave of your ship."

Marko sliced the control pad of the cockpit and ran back down to where he made the hull, putting on his breathing mask and diving out of the hole, landing on his starfighter's cargo hold door. He walked up the ramp and closed it as he reached the top, before heading to the cockpit and making the jump to lightspeed.


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Character Portrait: Lars Nahar
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This location was not the location I meant...Sorry :/


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Character Portrait: Sovin Li'Valentus Character Portrait: Marko Alcor
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Sovin knew right well what he had to do. He had to gather enough equipment to move on, and his droids scraps, and destroy the building that he smashed in. He knew that all he had to do was destroy this one building, as they had locked it down the moment his vibroblade sliced the clone in half.

A bolt of lightning here, blaster shot there, and clone halves everywhere is all that it took for Sovin to walk about the building. It was even easier to get a proper bomb set up. Take the reactor of the old ship, set it to overload when a command comes over a jury-rigged triger, and boom goes Tipoca City. That part of the plan was already put together, but Sovin still needed a ship to haul his droids out on... and to copy all the data on cloning for his clan.

Ten dataspikes in a bag later, and Sovin was off to find a ship. Well, a couple hundred more clone halves later, being that most stopped fighting when Sovin held them in the air, and he had a brand new, to him anyways, Jedi Starfighter.

Taking the new ship in through the hole in the building, Sovin gather everything he wanted from the back of his old ship and said goodbye. He was glad to have a ship that he didn't have to replace half the hull every time he entered, and exited, atmosphere. Now ready, he took the ship and its limited cargo off to Korriban.

Sovin was not looking to join some cult or take over the planet. No, he was looking to strike a deal with its ruler. The question quickly became what deal. That was solved almost as quickly as what to do next. Raxus Prime, the droid graveyard, a world of scrap. The perfect place for a clan of scavengers to make home. The deal in his head, Raxus Prime for a droid army.


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Character Portrait: Sovin Li'Valentus Character Portrait: Marko Alcor
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"Beware your first misconception. The ship I flew in on was taken from the city on Kamino that I annihilated. It is wonderful as to how powerful reactors are. Still, those who have allied with the Jedi are my clan's enemies. I see no reason why not, unless you plan on forcing me in a uniform that shows more than itself." Sovin spoke. His biggest concern now was that he would be given a uniform like that the security forces wore. It would let too many people see him, identify him.


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Character Portrait: Sovin Li'Valentus Character Portrait: Marko Alcor
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#, as written by Zap
Marko chuckled, before placing his hands behind his back. "Ah, the deceiving trick, there is Sith in you, I can tell. As for the uniform, you will be given standard Imperial officer uniforms, but you are free to upgrade them as you see fit. Now, are we finished here?
As I have Jedi to exterminate."
Marko walked out of his office and beckoned two Imperial Security officers to guard the visitor in case he tried something.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marko Alcor Character Portrait: Sen Isourex Character Portrait: Lars Nahar
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After a quick stop at the Sith Academy to grab some supplies for his next mission on Naboo, and to place the lightsaber on the wall. Lars Nahar headed out into the deep void of space. I will kill them all Lars thought to himself as he begins to laugh before jumping to light speed in his X-wing.

At the site of Naboo Lars almost immediately felt many strong wielders of the force, but one of the many felt very similar. Alcor Lars then smiled after quickly realizing that his partner-in-crime was here, He then forced the starfighter to it's maximum speed heading straight to the location of Marko.... Lars soon notices a starfighter zoom past himself, and within it contained a Jedi force wielder. Lars then had to make the choice of diving after his old friend or getting to kill the one that got away...

Lars quickly flipped his X-wing around and started after the fleeing Jedi, He then sent a message to the ship heading in the opposite direction. " Who are you to run from a fight Jedi scum' Lars said with a calm voice. " Why not fight to the death and die with some dignity." Lars finished his message after saying." You do know I am going to follow you, and you do know you will die." and with that said Lars flipped the switch of his messaging system. Again Lars starts to laugh to himself thinking of how to kill this one.


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Character Portrait: Sen Isourex Character Portrait: Lars Nahar
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#, as written by Zap
Sen was still injured from his battle with Marko Alcor, who had easily defeated him, which angered Sen. He had spent too long trying to unlock the secrets of The Force and had grown rusty on his usage of a lightsaber, he had grown weak. He had once thought of himself as a Jedi Knight, ready to lead the Armies of the Republic against their foes, he had seen his father do it against the Yuuzhan Vong, and he was determined to do it against the New Sith Empire. But Sen knew he was nothing but a Jedi Scholar now, spending too much time in the libraries of Tython, the homeland of the Jedi, researching about the ancient ways and battle techniques that the Masters of Old, like Satele Shan, had mastered. He was hoping to return the knowledge he had gained back to the Jedi Enclave on Yavin IV, but it seemed that his battle skills could not be compared to the likes of Kyle Katarn, who he had bested long ago whilst the peace still lasted.

He spotted the incoming ship, and recognized the voice that was coming through the messaging system. Lars Nahar, a former Jedi turned Sith who had left with Marko Alcor to learn the ways of the Sith on Korriban. Sen clenched his fists and gritted his teeth when he put two and two together, and that somehow Nahar would have been involved with the death of Master Heithei. Sen flipped the switch of his messaging system and growled down the speakers.

"Lord Nahar," he growled as he grinded to a halt. "Face me, Jedi on Sith and only one shall leave this battle."


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Character Portrait: Sen Isourex Character Portrait: Lars Nahar
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Lars stopped his X-wing just to the left of Sen's starfighter, he then herd Sen's voice on the messaging system. "Face me, Jedi on Sith and only one shall leave this battle." Lars then started to smile after what was what just stated.
Lars then decided to retort with, " I can since some anger in your voice Sen. Did Alcor really get under your skin after defeating you, or is it the fact that your master was killed?"..."Choose your battleground then." Lars said after flipping the switch to his messaging system.

I can have some fun with this one... Lars started to laugh to himself again.

A faint memory of Heithei's voice sporadically flooded Lars's mind Why would you do this! Lars has felt this pain before, his mind is being driven further into the dark side. He began to laugh uncontrollably. "The Pain!...The Darkness!!...Power is yours!!" A voice of a great dark energy was flooding his mind... It felt like a hollow part of himself was just becoming more and more hollow, the pain was as if he was losing all since his rationality and his thoughts. "I want you to kill him, make him suffer!"
Lars had no time to give his enemy the advantage on his weak psyche. Flipping the switch to his messaging system Lars said this in a calm manner. "Did you find the place where you want to die yet?"


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Character Portrait: Adrius Carr
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#, as written by Andreis
(Wrong Locations)


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Character Portrait: Konah
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It was a long and confusing case, one that led from Utapau accumulating to an showdown at Cloud City. The rather ragged band of pirates didn't exactly get away with all of their spoils. In fact most where taken down, and the rest captured by Republic Soldiers stationed at the mining outpost. Konah was rather tired, placing on the facade of an adventurer looking to score. He was just thankful they were not able to sniff out his disguise until he reached their base. He found it odd they would choose a rather crowded place, but then again maybe he was thinking too obviously. One has to be smart.

It would soon reach his attention that he was to be called to the Council. Quite a long trip from there to Coruscant. Yet his journey was almost at an end. The City World will be upon him soon but he was unnerved. Recently he has sensed a disturbance in the Force, one he cannot describe. It was a horrible, awful feeling, and the message made it all too painfully clear. Jedi were being eliminated left and right for weeks. Just who is behind this? And Why? All reasonable questions that need answers, and well he was to find those answers. Though not clear on the details, the assassin or assassins, must be strong with the Force. The reports did detail death by a lightsaber.

This is shaping to be one of his most difficult cases ever. With a shadow on the rise, a feeling of dread is swept over him. As he begins to worry not only for the young New Order, but for the Galaxy as well. It hasn't been too long since the Yuuzhan Vong invaded. Their strange technology devastated our worlds, but we saw victory. Though at what cost? Many worlds were destroyed, including his own. His people have been struggling to rebuild and he wasn't sure what the Alliance was doing about it. Konah himself would have chartered a course to Cathar, but the shame and pain he felt...they were too great.

The Jedi Knight perked up when the systems announced the estimated time of arrival. It was only a mere hour. Although Konah secretly wished it was longer. He knew he was about to face the greatest challenge of his life. Because he knew he was to be sent after these killers. Though what these killers are, is something more worse than he can care to imagine.


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Character Portrait: Adrius Carr
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#, as written by Andreis
(3rd time's the charm? Wrong place)


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Character Portrait: Adrius Carr Character Portrait: Temi Tobin
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(I just did the same thing.)


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Character Portrait: Alea Teronniel
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Alea landed the stolen x-wing in the bustling Coruscant spaceport with some trepidation. This planet, she knew, would probably be crawling with Jedi. The center of government and civilization, it was a regular home for the Jedi on Yavin IV. She needed to find Sen without getting cought.

walking through the spaceport, she saw beings of all races and descriptions. Keeping her Force-sense dimmed, she hurried through the croud, hoping the Force would give her some idea where to look.

As she passed through the market district, she cought sight of a moderately familiar face. A jedi, though not one she knew well. The Kathar's features were difficult for her to read, and his predatory nature made her nervice, but she knew if anyone would know how to find the Sith, it would be Konah.

Cautiously, she approached, being careful not to startle the Jedi knight. Hoping for the best, she told him her story, of feeling her master's loss, stealing an X-Wing and coming to Coruscant to find the Sith and help in the capture.

"I know I shouldn't have left against the orders of the Jedi," she says. "But they are doing nothing while we are being hunted like swamp rats. I can't standd by while we ignore this threat."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adrius Carr Character Portrait: Temi Tobin
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While the droid was destroyed, and for all the sparks and explosions almost the entire droid was intact, it was only barely. The obvious cause was a hit to the droid's independent operating systems, causing catastrophic logic failure, followed by the circuit not being completed caused a shutdown of the droid.

When the first mandalorian popped open the front plate, the droid began to make a slight buzzing. Before any of the mandalorians could move, anything within 5 feet of the droid was vaporized, leaving a dome shaped hole from where the droid was resting at.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adrius Carr Character Portrait: Temi Tobin Character Portrait: Icarus Starr
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-wrong place, I'm stupid-


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Character Portrait: Raxus Character Portrait: Adrius Carr Character Portrait: Temi Tobin Character Portrait: Icarus Starr
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#, as written by Andreis


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Character Portrait: Raxus Character Portrait: Gavin Nere Character Portrait: Temi Tobin
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((Please ignore this post))