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Cordelia Neridia Undinia Venilia Ula M. Brook

There's no use whining about it! What you get is what you get, so make the most of it!

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a character in “Stars of Arina”, as played by cirrus_sd


Human Form: Image

Dragon form: Image

Quote: "Okay, so maybe I'm not technically a dragon-dragon, but who cares? If I turned into a dragon right now, you'd probably just shit your pants just like you would if a real dragon showed up. So there."


self proclaimed name: Cordelia Neridia Undinia Venilia Ula M. Brook

actual name: Marin

"But Marin is so boooring! Why couldn't I get a prettier sea name?"

Nickname: Cordelia. Delia. Ula. She'll reply to anything, except Marin (unless it's an emergency)

Age: In human form, appears to be in that strange little age group where she might be 17, but she might also be 24. In dragon years, innumerable.

Gender: Female

"Duh! As if you couldn't tell!" *motions to plushy lady parts*

Position: Dragon of the Life Stone

Kingdom: Antara


Ability to control water. This is as vast as the imagination, and with the years of practice she's had, it really encompasses everything.

Body manipulation. She can give herself bigger boobs, different hair lengths, or look older and younger to her desire. She can only do this to her own body.

Fish-tongue. She can talk to fish and various other aquatic creatures and ask them to do her bidding as she pleases (so long as she is nice, of course)

Family: None, though she knows of the other dragons of stones.

Who is your Master?: The Holder of the Life Stone.

Side: Live.

"Isn't that my whole purpose in life?"

Scars/Birthmarks: None.

"That I've seen anyways. What if there was one where I couldn't see? What if it was totally embarrassing? Oh my god!"

Tattoos/Piercings: None.

"I was going to get my ears pierced, but then I flipped. So now I where clip-ons."

Personality: Cordelia Neridia etc. is a bubbly and babbly sort of person. She strives to be optimistic and look on the bright side of things, and tries to make the most of what she's been given. She's imaginative and creative, and likes to smile and laugh, but don't let that give you the wrong impression. She's also a fierce defender of her beliefs, and can get very snappy and demanding. Don't catch her at the wrong time either. She is no stranger to being crabby. Although she is one to find the silver lining, sometimes even her own philosophy can be demanding on her, and she falls into her own draughts of self-doubt, which can be as deep and as dark as the ocean itself. She is one for the aesthetically pleasing, and enjoys beach-combing and swimming. She is a very caring person, can get preachy at times, and cries a lot during movies. But don't think you can walk all over her. She will slap you into place if you so much as insult a friend of a friend of a friend. She tends to over think things a lot, and is very, very competitive.

Bio: Like the other dragons, Cordelia doesn't really have much family or anything. She was born shortly after the stones were scattered, and has lived, for the most part, on her own. She was given the name Marin by the mysterious being that brought her kind into existence, but hated the name because it was so ugly. She added the other names when she came across a book with water-related names, and has abbreviated her actual name to its first initial.

Because of her open nature, Cordelia has lots of friends, both human and dragon. She has been accepted as "practically a dragon" by most she has encountered, but she has met snobbish type who dismiss her as "not quite". That doesn't stop her from trying, though, and the snubs only increased her already competitive nature.

Overall, her life so far has been pretty easy. Nothing overly dramatic in her life, but it's just interesting enough to keep her from being bored.


She never loses things. Ever.

Can hold her breath for an impressive amount of time.

Ties knots as quick as breathing.

Very good aim.


"What do I need weapons for? I'm a dragon for crying out loud!"

She does use a net, which she prefers to anything more lethal. She's also skilled in hand to hand combat, and is quite flexible.

Loves/Likes: Swimming, the ocean, fish, sparkly things, dancing in the rain, smiling, laughing, sleeping

Hates/Dislikes: Her real name, the Emperor, negative people,

Wish/Desire: To succeed.

Fears: Drowning. Falling without purpose (aka, not diving). Being stranded on land. Fire.

Weakness: Fire. Protecting others. Holes in her self-confidence.

Crush: None yet

Relationship status: Single as of now, but she's looking.

Theme song: will add later


So begins...

Cordelia Neridia Undinia Venilia Ula M. Brook's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cordelia Neridia Undinia Venilia Ula M. Brook Character Portrait: The Queen Character Portrait: Elvis Character Portrait: Mizu
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The cool water swam around her, filling her eardrums and teasing her long, indigo hair out to tangle with the seaweed. Lips pursed together in a tiny pout, cheeks puffed with air, she looked up at the surface, a few feet above her, and blinked at the sun dancing through the surface. She waved at some passing fish, bubbles forming with each motion. They swam by in their nervous fashion, sticking closely together in their tightly knit school.

Cordelia moved her toes beneath her, clinging to the sea-rock she was standing on. Re-establishing her grip, she squatted back on her haunches, examining the aquatic life around her. Just the usual hunky-dory. A little drama between a hermit crab and a snail, but it had resolved itself after a few minutes. With a contained sigh, the girl was about to assist an upset crab when an unsettling piece of news floated to her through a bubble. It popped by her ear, breathing to her in a voice as thin as a breeze. Suddenly, the clear water took a darker shade, as if the ocean itself was reacting to the news. Fish swam away, anemones withdrew, creatures skittered away. The sun itself forsook the reef, and it was as if a dark cloud had settled on the previously normal day.

Quaint. For it was the news of a Shadow that had caused the ocean to react thus.

Not one to waste time--especially time that was already measured--Cordelia pushed off the rock, swimming easily--but with urgency--to the surface. Breathing in the salty air, she ducked back under. Spying a shark, she shifted to her more menacing draconian form, hoping it would ward off potential menaces, before swimming quickly to the palace of the Emperor.


The young prince's steps were heavier and more forceful than normal, as he went out on his daily walk. It was the only form of exercise he would commit to, and his mother knew it.

His mother....ugh

They had gotten into another argument. A rather one-sided argument. He hated arguments. Probably the only thing he hated. It was the same old thing, nothing new. But she was getting pushier, applying more restrictions. Getting crueler. Trying to get into his head, like always. As if he didn't know she had that ability? That was the first thing he got after his eye got totaled.

He decided to go deeper into the forest than normal. It was still light out, and besides, his mother would be so proud. Wanting to get his mind off of her, he took note of the leaves, slowing his gait to examine the slight change of color they were beginning to go through. It was still summer, but late. Fall would be upon them soon. Not that he minded. He liked all the seasons.

The Queen

The regal woman paced her woman, completely frustrated. There was no getting to that boy! How in the world did they expect her to just give him the throne? The months were turning into weeks! He would be 18, and her time would be out!


There was a guest she was waiting on. Someone who would take care of a certain individual she didn't know, but had something she wanted. Perhaps she could enlist them to take care of Elvis too?

Oh, but the kingdom liked him. Maybe not the palace, but certainly the common folk. At least, they liked him enough. No thanks to her, what with the massive propaganda she had been sending around, back when she thought he had a chance at ruling.

She swore, he was probably doing this on purpose! If it turned out he actually had a brain on him, she'd tear out her hair!

The door to her chamber opened, and a guard stood at attention. "She's here."


The pipes were too small, even for her more lithe dragon form, forcing her to go human. Even then it was a bit of a struggle. But finally, the pipes gave way to the main plumbing, and she followed the rushing water, listening to its words, and following its directions. He'd be this way....

She was stopped by grating, the water flowing into what looked like a pool. The bars were just barely wide enough, and it required her to shift back and forth between dragon and girl. Finally she got through, and she searched the water.

And she spotted him.

He didn't spy her, the boy resurfacing. She took the opportunity to swim closer. Within seconds, she was mere feet away from him, and after checking her own appearance--first impressions were everything--she herself bobbed out of the water, the slight waves lapping around her chin.

"Hi!" she greeted cheerfully.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cordelia Neridia Undinia Venilia Ula M. Brook Character Portrait: Mizu
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Surprise. that was the only thing that came to Mizu's mind when a girl somehow appeared less then a foot away from his face

"Hi" the girl said cheerfully as though this was a normal event for her. Mizu's mind was drawing a blank for a second as he tried to get his wits about him.

Ok I am in my pool, in my highly secured castle in a restricted zone were no one buy myself is allowed, yet somehow a random cute girl as managed to get herself withing a foot of myself, and to top it all off she is being nice...........WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON these thoughts rain though Mizus head in a second before he gathered himself up. "Hell-hello" his voice shaky now only because he was suspicious of the girl but also because she was a girl, after all life in a fully militarized base did not exactly have a lot of women, even fewer who seemed to be around his age and were cute. "May I ask who you are and how and why you are in my pool?" he asked trying to sound as kind and confident as he could.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cordelia Neridia Undinia Venilia Ula M. Brook Character Portrait: Mizu
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The boy sounded uncertain. Was this her doing? Perhaps she should have tried something less intrusive?

No no. Now he was asking her questions. She'd have to keep up the cheery act. Not that it was much of an act. She was, for the most part, excited.

Cordelia stood up on the bottom of the shallower end of the pool, shoulders and collarbone breaching the surface. She curtsied and replied, "I am Cordelia Neridia Undinia Venilia Ula M. Brook. I can understand my name is a mouthful, so you are allowed to call me any of those names. Except M," her eyes glinted briefly before she continued, "As for how I got in, that's easy. I just swam. Was a bit of a squeeze, but clearly manageable." She grinned and latched eyes onto the boy again, "If I'm not mistaken, you are the prince, yes? Since we've never formally met, may I ask your name?"

She meant the last bit. She knew of him, and had seen him around, but didn't actually know his name. He had always been referred to as 'the prince.'


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cordelia Neridia Undinia Venilia Ula M. Brook Character Portrait: Mizu
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Mizu now recoded from the light shock of random girl disorder and now spoke with more confidence then before. "Corelia was it" He said choosing the first name she said "Yes its true I am the prince" a sigh escaped his lips "Normally when someone shows up here unexpectedly, they are here to kill my father" Mizu looked at the girl in a playful manor "But you hardly seem the tip to try that out" Mizu swam to the edge of the pool and pulled himself up on the edge still somewhat uncomfortable being so close to a girl. Mizu had been trained to be a diplomat and knew first impressions were important. Mizu glanced over himself quickly and realized that he was still on normal clothing good job Mizu, first girl you meet and talk to who is not some pain looking to marry into power and you look all washed up he though the bad joke to himself. He redirected his attention back to Corelia.

"Well I don't know why you are here but you must be a very good swimmer to be able to get here. Now may I ask what it is you want with me?" he said trying to sound nice, he liked the girl and she was interesting also thinking that his earlier reaction may have put her off step. that and the fact this was the most interesting thing to happen in a long time and he did not want to be bored. "Oh and don't worry about guards interrupting us this place is off limits for anyone except me and my father and he would not bother showing up."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cordelia Neridia Undinia Venilia Ula M. Brook Character Portrait: Elvis Character Portrait: Ayumi Michiko Character Portrait: Mizu
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So it was just a girl. Didn't look like a maid from the clothes. In fact, he had seen her around before....around the plaza, walking by the castle, casual things only he could remember.

And of course, the girl would be a dragon. That ruled out the crazy stalker fangirl. Not that he had many. A pity.

"Dragon of the Mind Stone?" he repeated, "You don't mean, this stone?" he pointed at his eye patch, "The one under here, I mean. And even if you do, why in the world would there be a dragon of it? Does it actually belong to you? Because I would love to get rid of it. Only thing it's caused it's trouble, I'll tell you that."

Wow, talk about record for most words said in one sitting! Elvis mentally pat his back.

Cordelia etc etc

"Cordelia," the dragon girl chastised, "Cordelia, with a d! Don't forget the d! And you watch it! I could totally murder your father if I wanted to. Clearly I don't want to. Besides, killing is messy. Ugh." She shook her head, making a face, before covering it. Oh no! Had she given too much away?? Why did she just say that?!

"Uh...uh huh," she stuttered at his comment on her being a good swimmer, "Yeah, the best!" She tried to recover from her previous words, rubbing her neck sheepishly. Her eyes popped open when he asked what she wanted with him. Finally! Cut to the good part!

She hopped out of the pool, twirling until she was dry--which didn't take long--before performing an odd mesh of curtsey and bow. "I am your protector and guardian, fine prince!" she proclaimed, "Your life is in danger, but I, the Dragon of the Life stone, have been sworn to protect you with my own life!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cordelia Neridia Undinia Venilia Ula M. Brook Character Portrait: Mizu
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Honestly Mizu could have asked a thousand questions about what she had just said but as she poped out of the pool Mizu was distracted by the fact that Cordelia was........... was but naked. Mizu's train of though was practically non existent for about three seconds. His mouth being wide open. Then the embarrassment kicked in as blood shot forth from his noise, more so then often do to his connection from the stone and his cheeks turned a ruby red. He turned around and quickly stooped the blood flow. "Why are you naked>??!!!" He yelled out a little too loud and pulled off his wet overcoat and threw it to the girl. "Women should not show themselves to a man so easily" he said unable to steady his voice. Heart is beating, Pulse increased, what the hell is happening? Never being around girls Mizu was quite nevus which he was not used too. "Seriously this kind of stuff happening on my 18th birthday? what is this a book?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cordelia Neridia Undinia Venilia Ula M. Brook Character Portrait: The Queen Character Portrait: Elvis Character Portrait: Kumori Character Portrait: Ayumi Michiko Character Portrait: Mizu
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Naked? She looked down at herself.

Oh, right. So she was.

"I hardly noticed," she answered truthfully. "I guess it must have happened when I changed between forms. You know how it is. Clothes disappear, the like, only--" she was interrupted by a wild overcoat (wet too!) that was thrown at her. She looked at it, unimpressed.

"Do you want me to die of hypothermia? Not that I would, but honestly! Wet clothes is hardly called for." She flapped the coat once, twice, drying it off as the water rolled off it like oil. "But if it concerns you so much, then I will put it on. Hmph."

She wrapped the fabric around herself, unsure what all the fuss was about. She swam in the streams with hardly anything on all the time. Then again, she should have had the sense to bring an extra pair of clothes to change into. Just in case.

"My apologies, then," she said, hoping he wouldn't die of a heart attack. His nose had already bled a lot. A sight that, really, didn't settle well with her stomach. She trained her eyes away from the splotches on the ground. "Oh! Happy Birthday!" she clapped her hands. " you take over the throne, then?"


"Yeah. Probably," he said. "Where else am I supposed to go?"

He had no intentions of going back anytime soon, though. Besides the walk, this girl/dragon seemed interesting. "So, Ayumi. Is there anything else I should know about you or what you do?"

The Queen

The girl's show was amusing, and the Queen smiled.

"Not just yet," she said in response to her question, "It's about something else. I'm sure you are familiar with the story of Raphael? If not, the mythology isn't entirely important. I've been hearing rumors that the Mind Stone is somewhere in my kingdom. I would like it retrieved as soon as possible."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cordelia Neridia Undinia Venilia Ula M. Brook Character Portrait: Tobias Stromline Character Portrait: Rin Character Portrait: Mizu Character Portrait: Dracones J. Alexander
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Joker looked over the boy once more. It was clear that he was the one that Joker had been looking for after he had found the tome that was currently leading him onto his quest. " The story of Raphael is an old one, and not many people know of it. Raphael was a king from long ago who rules over what is now known as the five kingdoms. He was a good king, wise, strong, kind and the kingdom flourished under his rule. But sadly this was not to be for there was a mighty dragon called Thanatos. Thanatos was a monstrous dragon of unspeakable power who threatened too destroy the entire kingdom. Now the Mighty king Raphael could not just sit by and watch to he took up the five legendary stones of power, holy relics that could makes cities bow before whomever possessed them in a number of ways, and confronted the legendary beast in what is now know as the forbidden mountains and lost. For some reason Thanatos did not come and destroy the kingdom afterwords and seemingly vanished. The five life stones were lost, never to be seen again and the kingdom fell apart. As time went by, the five kingdoms you know of formed and order was once more restored to the land." joker took a breath.

Joker looked the boy in the eyes. They were filled with a strong will, joker did not like that. Joker pulled out his spell book and flipped it open to the correct page for the spell he was desiring. "Leave us" he ordered to the various men who left the room hastily. "The reason I have summoned you is that the five stones have emerged back into our world. You have been born with a power that I need and yet I can not take" Joker activated the spell as the words faded from the book a ring of ice fire surrounded the boy. "So I will make you my pawn"


Mizu could not help a chuckle escape from his lips "Hardly," he said jokingly "My father will never give up the thrown no matter what, its more likely that I will be killed by him before the night is over then him just giving it to me." Mizu walked over to what seemed to be a normal wall "I honestly have a lot of questions from you right now but I will save them for latter. I decided to trust you for now, and if you say my life is in danger we should probably leave soon" Mizu pushed in a block of stone which made a section of the wall open "lets drop by my room and get some gear then we can leave though a secret passage" Mizu looked at the wall hanging open. "Well the other secret passage"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cordelia Neridia Undinia Venilia Ula M. Brook Character Portrait: Elvis Character Portrait: Ayumi Michiko Character Portrait: Mizu
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Another secret passage? Though they way she came in wasn't really secret. Just unconventional.

"Okay!" she agreed, rolling the sleeves of the larger overcoat up. She followed after Mizu until they arrived at his room. It was large, princely, elaborate. And she loved it. "Wow! This is all to yourself?" she asked, spinning around, "Man, even if you don't get the throne, being prince has its perks!"

She flounced onto the bed and clasped her hands together sweetly, "So, did you want to talk to me?"


He had actually woken up in the middle of the two fighting, but didn't move a muscle. He was pretty good at that, actually. Came in handy out in public, when he wanted to eavesdrop.

What had woken him was the stone itself, burning brightly as images flashed behind the eyepatch, giving him a headache. His nap wasn't exactly restful either. Bad dreams had been beginning to take flight just before he woke.

He listened to the stranger's words. The Queen sent her? His mother? For the stone...this stone that was plaguing him. The one he had ironically named after his mother. And when it seemed like she had trumped Ayumi, she....let her go? Both of them? Why?

Elvis knew. The Kingdom would be in uproar if he was killed tonight. If he was killed at all in a suspicious manner, especially so close to his birthday. It was probably the only reason why his mother hadn't poisoned him at all. His death would have to be tragic, while he still was king, so that mama could swoop in after, weeping about how 'proud' she was, and 'reluctantly' taking back the throne.

And then there was the stranger herself. She could have just let them stay, but she advised them to leave. Almost ordered it. She wanted the thrill of the chase. To draw it out. Make things more interesting. Have more freedom, away from the controlling queen. It was understandable. That was what he wanted to, ultimately. Freedom.

He rolled over slowly when Ayumi hissed at him to wake up, opening his eyes slowly to make it look as if he had just woken up. "What's going on?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cordelia Neridia Undinia Venilia Ula M. Brook Character Portrait: Tobias Stromline Character Portrait: Mizu Character Portrait: Dracones J. Alexander
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Mizu slipped into the changing aria and begin to take of his wet clothing. "yes very much so. I have many questions for you. Were do you come from? How do you know about the stones, how do you know my life is in danger and what the hell you meant by dragon." Mizu finished changing and walked out in some fresh clothing that would be fit for travel. He opened a draw and threw Cordelia some of his clothing "You may want to get dressed" he said and sat down in a chair in the corner.


Joker felt irritation as he looked down upon his new servant. There was still a strong will inside the boy but it would not matter unless he ordered the lad to do something that would counter his very nature. "What I need of you is to hunt Down five stones, Inside you is a power that will let you do so, the spell I cast should have help awaken it. The five stones are scattered around the land. If you do well you will be rewarded with riches beyond your wildest dreams. If you fail you will be punished accordingly. You will have access to everything you will need for the hunt, also send word to any family you have if you wish for them to be taken care of. You are dismissed, good hunting my new toy." The joker could not help a smile from touching his lips. Finally things would start to be moving once more. Joker had not been this excited in over 400 years.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cordelia Neridia Undinia Venilia Ula M. Brook Character Portrait: The Queen Character Portrait: Elvis Character Portrait: Kumori Character Portrait: Ayumi Michiko Character Portrait: Mizu
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Weapons. Right.

"Actually, I'm a bit of a pacifist," he said with a lazy grin, but he pulled out a small hammer, "Still, wouldn't quite be the prince without something." The hammer might seem unimpressive, but when filled with air, it packed quite a punch.

"So, where are we headed?" he asked, following her, "We'd have to leave the kingdom. Everyone here knows who I am."

The Queen

Well, that was annoying.

Comforting, though, that he ran away with a girl and not a boy. She had been afraid he was gay for quite a while.

Still, it was inconvenient. With his birthday only days away! No, the people would have to think he'd been captured, not run away. They'd come to their own conclusions--she couldn't exactly help that--but for the naive, he had to have been kidnapped. Besides, it might give her an excuse to attack one of the other kingdoms.

But the stone...

Wait a minute...

The Queen had thought Kumori had left, yet here she was, not even an hour later. And she saw her son leave...had she been sticking around the castle? She did keep asking about taking care of Elvis...and now he conveniently runs away. Or perhaps was chased away...

But even so, the Queen had raised her son! He couldn't be hiding anything, at least not physically, could he...

The eyepatch.

"My son is the holder, isn't he?" she asked quietly.

Cordelia etc etc

Wow, so many questions! And these clothes...not exactly her style...but whatever. She could fix them up later.

Slipping off the jacket, she answered his questions as she donned the clothes.

"I'm not exactly sure where I'm from, but probably the sea. I know about the stones because I was created for the sole purpose of protecting them. Wonderful, right? I know you're in danger because the sea told me, and what do you mean what do I mean when I say dragon? Boy, what a tongue twister! But seriously." She narrowed her eyes at him, "What did you think I meant?"