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The Queen

"Let's take a walk, shall we? A walk through your mind."

0 · 878 views · located in Yalena

a character in “Stars of Arina”, as played by cirrus_sd


Human Form:

Fighting Form:

Quote: "I would say I'd rather die than hand the throne to that worthless rat of my son, but I have to say, not even death is a more comfortable option."

Name: Sofia

Nickname(s): The Queen.

Age: "None of your business!"

Gender: Female

Position: The Queen

Kingdom: Ciara


Mental Manipulation Can change a person's mind, no matter how stubborn they are against the idea. Can also have a strong influence on people's actions and reasoning skills.

Nightmare Can induce nightmares on people. Works best if a person is sleeping or if their mental guard is dropped.

Memory Manipulation Can change, erase, or plant memories in a person's mind.

All of her powers work on all the citizens of her kingdom....except her son.

Family: Speak of the devil, her only son, child, and heir to the throne is Elvis.

Who works for you?: Besides the entire kingdom, the Shadow of the Mind.

Side: Die, all of them. It's time Ciara became the most powerful kingdom!

Scars/Birthmarks: A strange dark mark on the inside of her arm. She claims it was an accident, but goes to great aims to cover it up, and the shape is oddly specific to be a random burn.

Tattoos/Piercings: None.

Personality: The Queen, like the other rulers, is a cruel woman. However, let it not be said that she doesn't take care of her kingdom. The townsfolk see her as a bit harsh, but passionate Queen who loves her kingdom. For the most part, they like her and they like living in the kingdom. Things could be a lot worse, they know. There are only a handful of people who don't like her and see her as the manipulative woman she is, but they are a handful, and are usually taken care of discreetly.

The Queen herself does like her kingdom, and is a ruthless decision maker. However, she knows the importance of likability, and knows when not to step certain boundaries. Of course, a little persuasive propaganda goes a long way. She is a passionate woman, who is keen on toppling Antara as the most powerful kingdom. She is highly motivated and runs on a strict routine that covers wellness of everything: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, etc. She is a clean freak, a tad bit OCD, and does everything she can to get what she wants. Hence, she is extremely aggravated by her son, who is the exact opposite. Not only do his habits annoy her, but the fact that her powers are useless against him is probably the biggest offender. It has reached the point where she hates her son, and since he is not making any effort to learn the ropes of ruling, she will do everything she can to make sure he does not rule. Even execution.

Bio: The Queen herself didn't exactly have extravagant upbringings. When she was young, the kingdom was a mess. Definitely not the nearly pristine crystal it is now. She herself was an orphan, abandoned at a young age. She grew up dirty, poor, and looked down upon. But she still had motivation and a drive. One day, it would be her on top, not the fool who was ruling. She knew how to solve things. She knew how to fix it. But there was no way a waif like herself could do it.

That is, until she discovered a very interesting power she had.

After researching, she found out that she was descended from a long line of powerful witches. Although the magic had watered down throughout the generations, it had somehow culminated again in her. Spurred on by this discovery, she developed her power, manipulating and using people until she was where she wanted to be: Queen of Ciara. The kingdom finally turned around, and she ruled for a long time. However, she knew she had to secure her line, even if she could not directly lead, she'd need an heir. She manipulated a travelling man into bed, erasing his memories afterwards. During her pregnancy, she did everything she could to make sure she would have the perfect child. Her happiness was doubled when she delivered a son, but complications in the delivery meant she couldn't have another. But, for now, she was sated.

That is, until she discovered exactly what kind of son she had.

After years of disappointment after disappointment, she has now resolved to do away with Elvis. And now that the Holder of the Mind is lurking somewhere, she has to retrieve it as well.


The Queen is a very talented public speaker, capability of swaying many opinions.

The Queen is also a quick thinker and an intelligent woman.

Weapons: Chains and poison.

Loves/Likes: her kingdom, herself, getting her way, routine, propaganda

Hates/Dislikes: her son, Antara, the Emperor, chaos, disorderliness

Wish/Desire: Full control of her son.

Fears: That her son is actually not as stupid as she thinks he is
Being powerless
Being wrong

Weakness: She doesn't want her witchy origins found out. Ever.
Her ego. Get to that, crush it hard, and she's done for.

Crush: None.

Relationship status: Single.

Theme song: "Snow White Queen"-Evanescence


So begins...

The Queen's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cordelia Neridia Undinia Venilia Ula M. Brook Character Portrait: The Queen Character Portrait: Elvis Character Portrait: Mizu
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The cool water swam around her, filling her eardrums and teasing her long, indigo hair out to tangle with the seaweed. Lips pursed together in a tiny pout, cheeks puffed with air, she looked up at the surface, a few feet above her, and blinked at the sun dancing through the surface. She waved at some passing fish, bubbles forming with each motion. They swam by in their nervous fashion, sticking closely together in their tightly knit school.

Cordelia moved her toes beneath her, clinging to the sea-rock she was standing on. Re-establishing her grip, she squatted back on her haunches, examining the aquatic life around her. Just the usual hunky-dory. A little drama between a hermit crab and a snail, but it had resolved itself after a few minutes. With a contained sigh, the girl was about to assist an upset crab when an unsettling piece of news floated to her through a bubble. It popped by her ear, breathing to her in a voice as thin as a breeze. Suddenly, the clear water took a darker shade, as if the ocean itself was reacting to the news. Fish swam away, anemones withdrew, creatures skittered away. The sun itself forsook the reef, and it was as if a dark cloud had settled on the previously normal day.

Quaint. For it was the news of a Shadow that had caused the ocean to react thus.

Not one to waste time--especially time that was already measured--Cordelia pushed off the rock, swimming easily--but with urgency--to the surface. Breathing in the salty air, she ducked back under. Spying a shark, she shifted to her more menacing draconian form, hoping it would ward off potential menaces, before swimming quickly to the palace of the Emperor.


The young prince's steps were heavier and more forceful than normal, as he went out on his daily walk. It was the only form of exercise he would commit to, and his mother knew it.

His mother....ugh

They had gotten into another argument. A rather one-sided argument. He hated arguments. Probably the only thing he hated. It was the same old thing, nothing new. But she was getting pushier, applying more restrictions. Getting crueler. Trying to get into his head, like always. As if he didn't know she had that ability? That was the first thing he got after his eye got totaled.

He decided to go deeper into the forest than normal. It was still light out, and besides, his mother would be so proud. Wanting to get his mind off of her, he took note of the leaves, slowing his gait to examine the slight change of color they were beginning to go through. It was still summer, but late. Fall would be upon them soon. Not that he minded. He liked all the seasons.

The Queen

The regal woman paced her woman, completely frustrated. There was no getting to that boy! How in the world did they expect her to just give him the throne? The months were turning into weeks! He would be 18, and her time would be out!


There was a guest she was waiting on. Someone who would take care of a certain individual she didn't know, but had something she wanted. Perhaps she could enlist them to take care of Elvis too?

Oh, but the kingdom liked him. Maybe not the palace, but certainly the common folk. At least, they liked him enough. No thanks to her, what with the massive propaganda she had been sending around, back when she thought he had a chance at ruling.

She swore, he was probably doing this on purpose! If it turned out he actually had a brain on him, she'd tear out her hair!

The door to her chamber opened, and a guard stood at attention. "She's here."


The pipes were too small, even for her more lithe dragon form, forcing her to go human. Even then it was a bit of a struggle. But finally, the pipes gave way to the main plumbing, and she followed the rushing water, listening to its words, and following its directions. He'd be this way....

She was stopped by grating, the water flowing into what looked like a pool. The bars were just barely wide enough, and it required her to shift back and forth between dragon and girl. Finally she got through, and she searched the water.

And she spotted him.

He didn't spy her, the boy resurfacing. She took the opportunity to swim closer. Within seconds, she was mere feet away from him, and after checking her own appearance--first impressions were everything--she herself bobbed out of the water, the slight waves lapping around her chin.

"Hi!" she greeted cheerfully.


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Character Portrait: The Queen Character Portrait: Kumori
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She slowly entered the room, staring at the marbled floor walking towards the Queen's thrown once she got to the front she knelt down and looked up to the beautiful Queen's face.
"My lady.." She said in a pause.
"I heard that you have summoned me." She said as she got up from the kneeling position and started twirling her hair around her finger.
She walked in circles, with a huge smirk on her face cackling.
"'s the royal prince's birthday coming up, is this request have anything to do with him?" Her smirk became a huge grin that terrified the room.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cordelia Neridia Undinia Venilia Ula M. Brook Character Portrait: The Queen Character Portrait: Elvis Character Portrait: Kumori Character Portrait: Ayumi Michiko Character Portrait: Mizu
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Naked? She looked down at herself.

Oh, right. So she was.

"I hardly noticed," she answered truthfully. "I guess it must have happened when I changed between forms. You know how it is. Clothes disappear, the like, only--" she was interrupted by a wild overcoat (wet too!) that was thrown at her. She looked at it, unimpressed.

"Do you want me to die of hypothermia? Not that I would, but honestly! Wet clothes is hardly called for." She flapped the coat once, twice, drying it off as the water rolled off it like oil. "But if it concerns you so much, then I will put it on. Hmph."

She wrapped the fabric around herself, unsure what all the fuss was about. She swam in the streams with hardly anything on all the time. Then again, she should have had the sense to bring an extra pair of clothes to change into. Just in case.

"My apologies, then," she said, hoping he wouldn't die of a heart attack. His nose had already bled a lot. A sight that, really, didn't settle well with her stomach. She trained her eyes away from the splotches on the ground. "Oh! Happy Birthday!" she clapped her hands. " you take over the throne, then?"


"Yeah. Probably," he said. "Where else am I supposed to go?"

He had no intentions of going back anytime soon, though. Besides the walk, this girl/dragon seemed interesting. "So, Ayumi. Is there anything else I should know about you or what you do?"

The Queen

The girl's show was amusing, and the Queen smiled.

"Not just yet," she said in response to her question, "It's about something else. I'm sure you are familiar with the story of Raphael? If not, the mythology isn't entirely important. I've been hearing rumors that the Mind Stone is somewhere in my kingdom. I would like it retrieved as soon as possible."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Queen Character Portrait: Kumori
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Kumori nodded towards the Queen.
"Why, yes of course my Lady who doesn't know the tale of King Raphael? That is indeed a classic to our history." She said with a sly smirk on her face.
"The mind stone you of the five stones of King Raphael?" She paused for a moment to recollect a scent she picked up earlier today.
"Well my lady, when I was at the entrance of the castle I did feel the presence of the stone around here, it's very close you see. It's not far from the Kingdom so I would be honored to take over this task...but what is my reward for doing this for you? Because I will not do this for free you know.." Kumori said in an insisting tone that she desired to be compensated for the work she was offered to do.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Queen Character Portrait: Kumori
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The Queen

Of course she wouldn't do it for free. The Queen had anticipated this.

"Before I offer, I'd like to know what you are expecting as reward," she replied, tapping her fingernails on the armrest of her throne, "Money? Riches? A fine man to marry?" Hey, oftentimes, men would do something for her in exchange for a bride. "Depending on how well you perform, I might also ask you to take on another task."


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Character Portrait: The Queen Character Portrait: Kumori
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Kumori made a shoo like gesture.
"I'll pass on the offer of a fine man, but yes I am interested in any riches you have. Plus since it's based on a legend, I would like a higher compensation." Kumori paused for a moment.
"How rude of me. My name is Kumori your majesty." She bowed down.
"I am willing to be a part of your services, so please now is there anything else that I need to know before I leave? And do you want the stone holder dead or alive..?" She said with an evil smile, she quickly cackled remembering the voices of the scared.
"And as for your son, is there anything I need to do with him?" Kumori asked, as one of her eyebrows lifted up.
Kumori had a a theory that the Queen's son is the holder of the Mind Stone but she could be wrong, she knew that the scent of the Mind Stone was in this castle.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Queen Character Portrait: Elvis Character Portrait: Kumori Character Portrait: Ayumi Michiko
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So they were walking back now. Elvis sighed. Maybe he could find some way to avoid his mother.

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone," he told Ayumi with a smile. His eye began to ache as they returned to civilization. Whispers and images flashed behind his eye patch, and he did his best to ignore it. Typically, one would enter through the front gate, but Elvis had always preferred a more direct approach with the least amount of conflict.

"I would advise you to suspend belief momentarily, but you're a dragon so I assume that's hardly necessary." Elvis quipped. He bowed, uttering: "Adieu. Until we meet again," and summoned up a small whirlwind to spiral him upwards to his room balcony.

Inside, the voices got louder, as if amplified. Had he paid more attention, or perhaps cared a little more, Elvis might have picked up a strain of conniving thoughts that would encourage him to leave immediately. However, seeing as his mother was always thinking evilly, Elvis paid no mind to it, and decided instead on a relaxing nap to go over all he had learned from Ayumi.

The Queen

The Queen laughed lightly. "Granted, then, Kumori. When you deliver the stone, there will be a room with your name on it, holding more riches than you can imagine for your picking. Gold, gems, historical artifacts, precious items, what have you. As for the long as I have the stone, it does not matter. Just retrieve it, no matter what the consequences."

At Kumori's last words, the Queen grew suspicious. She didn't like her son at all, but she wasn't liking how eager this woman was to do away with him. Was there a possible plot to overthrow her? Was this woman part of it?

Never mind. She'd deal with it later. After she had the stone.

"As much as I may wish him gone, the timing is not ideal. It is nearing his birthday, and many of the townspeople are actually fond of him," the Queen said, distaste on her tongue, "If he were suddenly assassinated, the kingdom would be in uproar! No, leave him alive, for now."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Queen Character Portrait: Elvis Character Portrait: Kumori Character Portrait: Ayumi Michiko
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Kumori knelt down to the Queen and stood up.
"Thank you your majesty, it was a pleasure working with you." She smiled and started walking towards the exit of the throne room's door. The guards escorted Kumori all the way out to the entrance of the castle.
She turned her heads to the guards who were youthful and good looking.
She gave them a smirk "Thank you." She turned her head, and started walkin towards the woods.

Later that night Kumori hid in the woods all day, she had a stron feeling that the mind stone holder was in the castle. She snuck in through the back window and started wondering through the corridors following the scent of the stone. After a while the scent lead her to an empty bedroom. Was it the princes room? Kumori looked around the room, the scent was strong. Now all she had to do was come later when the prince was present to be sure it was him. She turned into shadow form and hid around the castle.

The setting changes from Yalena to Ciara


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Queen Character Portrait: Elvis Character Portrait: Kumori Character Portrait: Ayumi Michiko
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Kumori let out a long cackle. "Why, I am just a servant of the Royal castle miss, I was sent by the Queen to check up on him." A large grin in her face appeared as she raised her eyebrow "What is this shadow you speak of..?" Kumori's eyes looked behind the girls back and saw that she possessed weapons. She knew she had to be sly at this moment in case he would get hurt. A long pause was in the atmosphere, the shadow admitted to hersel she was a bit scared. Quickly she turned her head to the Prince and came with an idea. She ran up to him an clutched his neck around her arm. One more move and I will snap his neck. Kumori used a manipulation trick, it wasn't really her it was just an illusion. Kumori was actually behind the reptile girl.

The setting changes from Ciara to Yalena


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Queen Character Portrait: Elvis Character Portrait: Kumori Character Portrait: Ayumi Michiko
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Kumori made a gesture for the reptile girl to stop. She placed her hand on her hip as she slide her fingers trough her hair. "Look little girl, I am sent by the Queen to get that stone. Today I'm not really in the mood for games, so I am giving you twenty four hours to leave this kingdom before it gets ugly, alright? Because if you don't leave now the boy will be dead, as in the other option I would love to chase you both out of this kingdom, so that if he dies in this kingdom everyone will be desperate, and you wouldn't want that would you?" Kumori said in a playful tone, but it was true what she said it would make more sense for them to run anyway. Kumori's real plan was to gather all of the holders in once place, and bring them to death. She stepped a side. "So what's it going to be?" She had a foxy look on her face.

The setting changes from Yalena to Ciara


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Queen Character Portrait: Elvis Character Portrait: Kumori Character Portrait: Ayumi Michiko
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Kumori sighed and shook her head, she sighed out the word "Fool." She passed by the petite girl and stood in front of the window gazing outside. She warned the girl one more time without turning her head to aware her. "Look, I wasn't kidding about my warning okay? If I were you, I'd leave this Kingdom. It's very selfish of you if you keep him here. You and him are not the only ones being hunted, out there there's more just like you. You need to realize that you both are in danger." She said warning the girl as she placed her hand on the cold window, "If you leave tonight, I'll come up with a story to tell the Queen so you will be able to escape death tonight." Kumori closed her eyes and disappeared into mist. "Don't say I didn't warn you-" The room turned quiet, it now only consisted of the the girl and the Prince.

The setting changes from Ciara to Yalena


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Queen Character Portrait: Elvis Character Portrait: Deca Animus Ragnarok Character Portrait: Akane Kokoro Character Portrait: Kumori Character Portrait: Ayumi Michiko
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The next day the orange sun of Yalena rose. Akane woke up in her bed, she stretched her arms and rubbed her eyes. Emotionless, she examined the room and noticed Deca was missing, she started to panic. She quickly got out of bed and shouted out "Deca!?" Still shouting out for his name "Deca! Where are you?" Akane noticed that the balcony was opened, she ran to the balcony ,when she got there all she saw in front of her was the Hira Kingdom, an idea came to her head. "Oh no! He must of been sleep walking and maybe fell off the balcony!" A sudden loud snore came from behind her, she turned her head and looked up, he fell asleep on the roof. She sighed, and had her hand placed on top of her head. "Wow." She blurted. "How did he get up there? Did he change into a dragon?" She wondered, Akane thought about it better and noticed the ledge of the balcony wasn't so far from the roof top. She climbed on top of the ledge and hopped onto the roof, she gave him a small nudge. "Hey, get up." She said in a low tone. Akane noticed that he wasn't moving, she bent down to close to his face, all of a sudden his eyes widened, this sudden movement shocked Akane which made her flinch.
Kumori's plans were working, she noticed that the two heroines had fled. She entered the castle through the entrance and demanded the guards to lead her to the Queen. It was early in the morning, "I have a request to see the Queen immediately.". The guard nodded his head, and guided Kumori to the Queen. The tall golden doors opened, Kumori walked down the red carpet, as she was in front of the queen and knelt down. "Your majesty, your son has seem to run away with a strange girl who I have never seen before in the Ciara Kingdom." Kumori was hoping that the Queen would change her task and make her go after her son instead of searching for the Stone of Mind, so this way she would have an excuse and tell the Queen that her son died from some random excuse she would of made up, so that she would be able to take the stone and bring it to Death.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cordelia Neridia Undinia Venilia Ula M. Brook Character Portrait: The Queen Character Portrait: Elvis Character Portrait: Kumori Character Portrait: Ayumi Michiko Character Portrait: Mizu
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Weapons. Right.

"Actually, I'm a bit of a pacifist," he said with a lazy grin, but he pulled out a small hammer, "Still, wouldn't quite be the prince without something." The hammer might seem unimpressive, but when filled with air, it packed quite a punch.

"So, where are we headed?" he asked, following her, "We'd have to leave the kingdom. Everyone here knows who I am."

The Queen

Well, that was annoying.

Comforting, though, that he ran away with a girl and not a boy. She had been afraid he was gay for quite a while.

Still, it was inconvenient. With his birthday only days away! No, the people would have to think he'd been captured, not run away. They'd come to their own conclusions--she couldn't exactly help that--but for the naive, he had to have been kidnapped. Besides, it might give her an excuse to attack one of the other kingdoms.

But the stone...

Wait a minute...

The Queen had thought Kumori had left, yet here she was, not even an hour later. And she saw her son leave...had she been sticking around the castle? She did keep asking about taking care of Elvis...and now he conveniently runs away. Or perhaps was chased away...

But even so, the Queen had raised her son! He couldn't be hiding anything, at least not physically, could he...

The eyepatch.

"My son is the holder, isn't he?" she asked quietly.

Cordelia etc etc

Wow, so many questions! And these clothes...not exactly her style...but whatever. She could fix them up later.

Slipping off the jacket, she answered his questions as she donned the clothes.

"I'm not exactly sure where I'm from, but probably the sea. I know about the stones because I was created for the sole purpose of protecting them. Wonderful, right? I know you're in danger because the sea told me, and what do you mean what do I mean when I say dragon? Boy, what a tongue twister! But seriously." She narrowed her eyes at him, "What did you think I meant?"


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Character Portrait: The Queen Character Portrait: Kumori
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She lied.
"Sorry to say my lady, but he's not." She shook her head, and pointed her finger towards the door behind her. "I will promise you that the holder is in this Kingdom somewhere..but isn't your son more important then the stone?" She raised her eyebrow hoping the queen would once again change her mind and change her task to bring her son back home safe and sound. Kumori had a smirk on her face, waiting for the Queen's next decision. She thought to herself "I hope she makes the right choice." Rolling her eyes.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Queen Character Portrait: Elvis Character Portrait: Kumori Character Portrait: Ayumi Michiko
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Well, that was interesting.

At Ayumi's urging, he jumped down, cushioning his fall with a well-placed gust of wind. He landed lightly, almost floating down. Reaching the bottom, he smirked slightly, but not very much.

"Ladies first" he said, following after her.

The Queen

The beautiful woman narrowed her eyes, not entirely convinced. She was a good liar herself, and could spot others like her fairly well. But she knew this person was powerful, and she didn't want her to walk out on her.

Then again, if she just let her go looking for Elvis and it turned out he was holding the stone, this girl could just finish him off herself and pretend he had died through other means.

"Fine. Bring back my son. But make sure he is alive, or you will pay dearly," the Queen ordered, eyes glinting.