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Faustino Blaque

0 · 327 views · located in Neraci

a character in “Street Rats”, as played by Lambie


.:[Name]:. Faustino Blaque
.:[Age]:. 17 years old
.:[Gender]:. Male
.:[Place in the Underworld]:. Street Rat/Fighter
.:[Description]:. Faustino is thin guy, under his clothes you can see some of his ribcage, but he has some muscle on him not a lot of muscle it mainly in his arms and legs. He's also riddled with scars from all the fighting,being stab, shot, punched, and kicked. On his face he has two long scars, one starting from his left eyebrow down his eye and stopping in middle of his cheek, and the other not that far apart from the first one only it starts at his forehead and continues to his cheek. Faustino also has two gunshot wounds on his right shoulder which he got trying to steal something. He's riddled with scars on his torso and arms many of the slashes from knives or any other weapon they could get there hands on to try to hurt him with. He has bright hazel eyes that are gold near the pupil, then yellow and finally green at the very end. His skin is golden tan and has light ash brown hair he's not missing any teeth thankfully.

As far as what Faustino wears he wears faded jeans that are torn near the knees and stained with dirt and blood. If he finds something even the slightest bit cleaner he grabs it and runs. He also wears a tang top usually just in as bad as condition as his jeans usually having stains of dirt and blood on them. Faustino wears a pair of old white leather shoes that are now turning grey due to the wear and tear of his daily life. They are starting to rip so he's trying to find a new pair or better yet a not as worn pair. He wears an oversize grey jacket that is burned with a few cigarette and has a hole near the end of the sleeves where he likes to put his thumb through. He also has an old worn out white long sleeve shirt that he wears on colder nights. It doesn't do much good though since its some holes in it.

Faustino does have a few mutations though mainly he gets them to get food and a little bit of clothes that end up being torn by getting into constant fights. His first mutation is in both his eyes the whites of his eyes are now black. Giving him a dark and almost demonic look to them especially with his bright hazel eyes most people are scared of him. The mutation makes it easier for him to see at night when he's up at night. His next mutation that he's going happen is the lower half of his knee changed into a dragon like legs and feet. They are going to be four digit, clawed toes with charcoal grey fur and black claws. After that I figure he's going to get another one this time they are going to be black top feather wings with light green tips.

.:[Personality]:. Faustino is a strong and silent type. He doesn't say much really unless you directly talk to him and he doesn't talk in groups. To many listening ears and some maybe unwanted by his opinion. He doesn't trust people very often and not many trust him due to his first mutation. He can come off cold and uncontrollable just by the way he moves when he fights. Seemingly he always seems angry and bitter its somewhat a lie to keep others away. That said if you do manage to get to know him you'll find out he's a lonely guy and in need of a lot of care and socialization. Faustino is actually somewhat withdrawn and shy after all most people try to kill or beat him up so he isn't hard to handle if you ask him nicely and not try to crack his skull in. He's actually a good person just injured emotionally wise.

.:[History]:. Faustino was an orphan at birth he doesn't know his true family and he doubts he'll ever find out who they were. He was raised where the rest of the orphans were at an orphanage where there were to many kids and not enough to survive. At an early age he was bullied a lot until one day he picked up his fist and punched a kid in his face. Naturally he was beaten up that day by that kids friend, but he didn't go down without decent fight, After that he began to fight more and more making himself tough enough to not cry. Soon after Faustino beat up most of the boys he was kicked out of the orphanage at age 11 where he was left on the streets.

Faustino was already a good fighter so he beat guys up older than he was to get food and a place to sleep. A drug lord saw the tough child and how well he fought taking him under his wing. Where he would fight for food, money, and clothes by beating up people a few years older than him. That's where he got most of his scars and his reputation of being a street fighter. Eventually Faustino left when the drug dealer that took him in was shot and killed by an enemy. He soon found himself at the age 15 years old at one of the facilities where he could get a mutation. They injected him with some liquid in his eyes and soon enough he could see in the dark the only negative was the whites of his eyes were gone giving him a demonic look. Yet it made it easier to intimidate people who try to hurt him. Faustino still fights, but only to defend himself from people he beat up when he was younger.

.:[Sample Post]:.
Faustino was asleep on the fire exit of an abandon building he was curled up tight trying to keep warm. Sleep was always out of reach for him he may have had at least four hours of sleep at most. He lifted his head slowly it was dark and windy, but Faustino could still see thanks to mutation. The fire exit creaked and groaned as he began to get down to the litter streets of the slums. A small rumble filled his empty stomach begging for some sort of substance it had been two days since he had food and his money was down to nothing. Maybe it was time to earn money in a fight or do another mutation just to get some food. Slowly he walked down the streets the cold air grazed his scarred cheek. Someone was behind him he could feel them walking behind him he hated when they tried to sneak up on him.

The person then tried to charge him up from behind. It wasn't going to work this time without even turning around he moved to the side at the last moment and stuck his leg out. The skinny man flew towards the ground and fell face first into the concrete. "ARGH!!" The stranger groaned in pain. "Damn you Faust!!!" Faustino wasn't sure who this person was, but he knew him. His attacker looked back at him bleeding from his head he then recognized the man as one of the boys he beat up at the orphanage all those years ago. The boy had a knife near him which sort of didn't scar him a bit. "Don't bother fighting me." Faustino says lowly as he looks at the guy on the floor, knowing the guy couldn't see his face all to good. The orphan got up quickly and try to stab Faustino, but the boy was evidently not to good with a knife and weak that Faustino merely moved out of the way.

The guy almost fell into some garbage cans and was getting more pissed off. "Faustino!!! I will kill you!! You sorry ass!!" He shouted trying to stab Faustino again once more dodging the knife again Faustino spin around knocking the guy againist the wall making him drop the knife. The man made weak attempt to flea, but Faustino had a decent grip on the guy. His hood that was over his head fell off and he looked at the guy with a sinister look. "Boy. You don't have a chance against me anymore." Faust says bitterly as he glares into the guy eyes with his black colored sclera making him seem almost demonic. The orphan looks in horror at Faustino and finally breaks away from him and runs out of site away from Faustino. Faustino picks up the knife that the kid drops and places it in his hoodie. Figuring he could sell it to get a little more food and once more walks down the alleyway putting the hood up to cover his mutation.

So begins...

Faustino Blaque's Story


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Character Portrait: Faustino Blaque
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Lambie

Faustino was halfway asleep on the fire exit of a building wrapped up in his oversize hoodie. The sounds of running on the rooftops of other street rats awoke him from his light slumber. He looked up from the large hoodie the sun was setting slowly making a brilliant streaks of pink and gold. Yawning a bit he shuddered away the cold that was setting in tonight. As he looked down the already dark slums he saw more people moving a fight broke out a few yards away. Not the best of time to be down there slowly he got up and headed up the roof tops. For the moment they were empty and quiet that made him feel a little calm.

An all to familiar feeling came over Faustino as he felt his empty stomach growl in protest in the lack of food. It had been at least two days since he had eaten something and the little cash he had was running thin. He had a few dollars not nearly enough to get food to fill his very empty belly. Faustino sighed thinking of ways to get money and for him there was only two way. It was either do some fights or get another mutation he figured he would try to go and fight a few people. Before getting into another dangerous mutation that may effect him in a negative way. Running on the roof tops he headed to the alley way where most of the fights happened.

Faustino made his way to the fighting alley way he slid down the fire exit all the way to the bottom. The smell of blood filled the air as many guys and the occasional girl went to the circle to fight for some money, food, or clothing. He walked up to the main guy who gave out these things and places bets on to put whatever anyone had to win something back. "Ah Faustino!" The older man with a thick black beard smiled up at him. "Back to fight some more." He nodded slightly. "Yes" he grumbled "Money this time." Faustino says as he hands him the last of his money. "Alrighty then a bet on yourself as always. Good luck kid." The man says as puts it in a black box.

He walks up to the circle where a fight was happening an older man was beating up this younger guy who was bleeding a lot from his face, nose, and mouth. Faustino watched the older man punched the smaller stancher guy in the face knocking him out. The crowd roared as the man fell to the ground knocked out. A few other guys grabbed the unconscious man and dragged him out of the ring and into the slums. "Who's next!?" The man roared out. Faustino walked up to the ring he didn't remove his hoodie and didn't say a word. The man spotted him and smiled at Faustino. "HAHAHA! Kid you don't stand a chance!" Faustino didn't say a thing once more instead he lifted his fist up ready to fight. The crowd cheered as another fight was on its way.


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Character Portrait: Faustino Blaque
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Lambie

Faustino put his fist up in front of his face as he got ready to fight. He eyed the man in front of him his sharp eyes darted at this guy physique. This man was better fed than him he had to be at least average weight. The guy was dark tan meaning he was a working guy and his arms were muscular so he had a good punch behind him. The man took a step closer to him his face in large evil smile. "I am going to mop the floor with you. While you hiding under that hood of yours." Faustino said nothing more than a grumble of inaudible words as he moved to the side. The man mimic him as he did so something caught his eye. The man's knee shook and bent in an odd way, evidently an old injury of some sort.

The lights flickered off and on it always did that it would flicker exactly ten times before it would shut off for about 3 minutes. Before once again flickering back on. The man took a punch at Faustino he moved out of the way and the man began to punch at him again. He once again moved out of a way and punched the guy in the nose. The guy went back a bit making it easier for Faustino to get out of his reach. The light flickered about four times by now he needed to hold off a bit more. The man came back and he was extremely pissed off. "You little shit!" He growled as he threw another quick punch catching Faustino in the arm causing him to fly back a little bit.

Faustino planted his feet back on the ground he was trying to gain his stance, but he couldn't do it fast enough as a blow hit his cheek. Knocking his head to the side the man then punched him on the other cheek causing him to fall and roll onto the ground. The man shouted in triumphant way as Faustino laid almost lifelessly on the ground. "Hahaha! I knew that kid would be easy pickings!" Faustino could here the guy shouting as the light flickered again. He got up to his feet slowly blood dripping from his mouth and head. The guy looked over as Faustino began to stand up. "You're going to die kid." Faustino smiled which could be clearly seen through the hood of his grey hoodie. "Nine. . ."

The man looked at him confusedly. "What the hell are you talking about kid?!" Faustino darted at the guy kicking at his hurt knee. The man screamed in pain as a sickening crack emitted from the guy's knee. He fell down and Faustino planted the heel of his foot on the guys hand. Twisting his heel and putting all his weight on it until another sickening crack could be heard. "What the fuck is wrong with you?!" The man shouted in pain as he looked up in horror at Faustino face. The man looked at Faustino's blackened eyes and blood dripping down his face giving him a more demonic look. "What!? What are you?!"

Faustino grinned evilly. "Your worst nightmare." He whispered as the lights flickered out. For three whole minutes screams could be heard as bone cracked and finally silence. When the lights flickered back on the man laid on his side bleeding and unconscious. The crowd grew hush as Faustino breathed heavily over the man's body. "Who's next?" He mumbled, the crowd back up away from Faustino. The older man with the black beard came up in front of him. "Sorry Faustino. I think you're done here." The man handed him a wad of money. "Here that's what you earn from fighting that guy." Faustino nodded and took the money placing it in his pocket. "Thanks." Faustino walked out of the circle the people easily moving out of his way. He then headed into the alley ways.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ikarus Dean Character Portrait: Esmeralda (Ezzie) Character Portrait: Faustino Blaque
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Lambie

Faustino headed up to the fire exits for him they were safe and you could feel anyone who came by. He took out the money and flip through it and by the looks of it he could live for a whole two weeks by skipping a meal every other day. Which was fine, but he looked at his tattered clothes under his hoodie he knew he needed more clothes and that would leave him with only a few days of money. Scratching his buzz cut scalp he began to think maybe it was time for another mutation. To get more money and some new clothes that would last him for a few months and of course a bit more food. Standing up once more and climbing down the fire exit he traveled down the alley ways.

Faustino headed to the police station naturally he was fairly well known to him. Mainly for severely beating guys up to bloody pulp most of the people were scared of him. "Faustino what are you doing here?" Asked one of the police officer. "Trying to lower my time I need to spend in jail Andrew." He grumbled out. The police officer, name Andrew, eyed him carefully. "You wanna get a waver for another mutation so lower your sentence again?" He asked. "Yes" Faustino nodded not looking at the police officer. Andrew sighed. "Alright I'll fill out the paper work and give it to you. Do you need a ride to the facility?" Faustino shook his head. "No thank you. I hate cars." Andrew sighed once more. "Alright I'll go fill out the paper work be back in a bit. Take a seat."

Andrew walked to the office leaving Faustino alone to sit on a plastic chair. He never removed his hood mainly cause he didn't want to scare half the people that work here. Faustino drifted into sleep a light sleep as always in the plastic chair which was more comfortable than the metal of fire exits he was use to sleeping on. An hour later he was woken up by Andrew's footsteps coming towards him. "Faustino. . ." Andrew says quietly. Faustino say nothing, but holds out his hand Andrew gives the papers to him. "Your sentence went from a six months to three months." He nods at Andrew as he stands up. "Thank you." Heading back to the slums.

Faustino takes the roof tops to the facility for him it was like a boarder between the slums and the up town. Naturally he use the entrance for the rest of the people who were from the slums. Which was the back door and walked to the front counter. He took his hood off this time mainly cause the people here had seen every mutation imaginable. A man sat in the front desk with his blue scrubs and burly arms. "Name?" The man asked. "Faustino Blaque" He replies and hands him the papers. The man types it into the computer and views the papers. "Alright. Have a seat you'll be called in shortly."

Faustino sit near the wall there was quite a few people in here many of them half way starved most wouldn't survive the operation due to there weakened state. He sits quietly falling asleep once more he had to sleep whenever he could to keep himself energized. An hour and half later the door opens. "Faustino Blaque!" A woman shout his name. He gets up and walks over to her and they walk down the halls where other mutations are going on. Then they take him to a room where he changes into a hospital gown and due a physical. They ask him a few questions about him and they lay him on a steel table. Faustino sees as they place a mask on him filled with sedative and soon the world goes dark.

Falling into a deep sedative sleep Faustino dreams were empty this was of course would be the most sleep he has had in ages. It seems all very brief for him cause soon he is awoken by a light being painful flashed in his eyes. "Faustino. . ." A voice calls to him. "Faustino. . . Faustino Blaque can you here me?" Faustino blinks and growls out "Yes I can here you so please get that damn light out of my face." The nurse who was doing so put the flash light away. "Can you sit up for me Mr. Blaque?" Slowly he got to his sitting position the world was wobbly and he felt sick to his stomach. "I feel sick." Faustino says as he leans on his knees. Another nurse hands him a little trash bag just in case if he threw up, not that he had anything in his stomach.

A small burning sensation brought him more aware as he looked at his knee where he felt the pain coming from. He looked down and saw what they mutated. Above his knee normal as could be, but below his knee his leg was completely different. His once normal legs where now covered in medium charcoal grey fur his heel know higher and his toes now claw like and black. "Can you move your legs?" They asked him as he attempted to move them. He wiggled his toes and flex them gently a slight burning sensation could be felt as he did so. "Good!" They said triumphantly. Faustino wasn't to please at all mainly cause now what was he going to do about his pants.

A large male nurse came in and looked at the newly mutated Faustino. "Here lets get you walking." He says as he helps Faustino up. As Faustino gets up from the cold table. He places his new legs on the ground which was wobbly at first and painful, but at the same time he notices that he doesn't feel the cold of the floor. Faustino flexes his four toes they seem to grip the floor well which puts him in a better mood. They walk out of the room slowly naturally its painful and strange at first, but soon it becomes easier and easier. Him and the male nurse walk up and down the hallway a few times.

"Any kind of numbness in your mutation?" Faustino shakes his head "No just some pain." The man pulls out two light pink pills and hands them to Faustino and stops by a drinking fountain. He only takes one of the pills with a long drink of water. They walk up and down the hallway for a few minutes before Faustino starts walking by himself occasionally holding onto the wall. It would take time to get use to his mutation, but soon he would be able to run and jump in a few days. The male nurse leads him into another room one to grab his clothes. The facility nice enough to provide him special pants for his new mutation.

Once dressed they hand him a wad of cash and escort him out of the facility and at the edge of there perimeter. Faustino says thanks and slowly walks into the slums knowing for the next few days his mutation would keep him from sleeping on the fire exit. It was a long walk for him not being able to use the roof top, but he knew it would be awhile before he could do a lot of things as he drew up his hood. Soon he hears the sounds of someone singing knowing that it was the club that many people came to when they wanted to get out of the cold for a bit. Slowly he made his way there occasionally leaning on to the wall of the slums for support. In a way he looked drunk so no one messed with him. Eventually he got to the club and walked in where people where entranced by the woman's singing. He took a seat at the bar still a little dizzy, but it was going away.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ramon and Jayliynn Sim Character Portrait: Faustino Blaque
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Lambie

Faustino wasn't in pain anymore thankfully the medicine was kicking in. He sat listening to the singing which soothed him as he allowed his feet to barely touch the ground of the floor. Wiggling his toes a bit to make sure he could still move them which they moved which was a sure sign he wasn't going to loose his legs anytime soon thankfully. After sitting on the stool of the bar for a bit his bottom and his upper half of his legs were going numb. It was time to leave and get to food by what he guessed. His face was starting to swell from the bruises from earlier fight which was a new smaller pain. Slowly he got up from the stool at the bar and began to walk to the door. Faustino accidentally bumped into a female with teal and black hair normally he would apologize, but he ended up falling flat on his face since he was still not use to his own new feet. He groaned in pain and attempted to get up. "I'm sorry."