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Krysta Mareno

"It's Krys....and your five finger discount needs work."

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a character in “Street Rats”, as played by yogitheambrangyl


.:[Name]:. Krysta(Krys) Mareno

.:[Age]:. 16

.:[Gender]:. Female

.:[Place in the Underworld]:. Street Rat

.:[Description]:. Krys is pretty different from other girls at the age of sixteen. For one, she doesn’t mind getting down and dirty, or doing hard work to get something done. To make it out on the streets you have to be tough, and being a girl automatically makes you seem weak. In order to not be so weak she dawns a more male look. Her normal attire is large dark green cargo jeans with six pockets. They are fairly loose that allow her to move easily and quickly. She keeps them up with an old, well worn dark brown leather belt. Her chest she wraps up to look more like a boy and so that she can hide the few scars she has across her stomach and chest. She didn’t have someone to teach her how to live on the streets and wasn’t the best thief when she started out. Punishments for stealing around the underworld are worse than just going to jail. Over the wraps she will wear a dark grey, loose t-shirt. Next she throws on a dark green jacket that matches her jeans. The jacket, much like the rest of her clothes that she wears, is large, and the end stops just above her thighs. The thick material will keep her warm on the cold nights and easily wraps around her waist when the days get too hot. The sleeves are long, and with her arms outstretched they stop just below her wrists. She generally likes to pull the ends and hide her hands in the sleeves. There are four pockets on the outside of the jacket and she has four more hidden on the inside of the jacket that she will generally stuff things in. Lastly, she wears a pair of old sneakers on her feet. They are the only pair of shoes she has and they have been hers for a long time. The dirty dark grey shoes were once white with black accents; they still have enough of their traction so that she won’t slip on the roofs that she finds easier to navigate.
Her build is pretty lean, and she hasn’t quite grown into her curves as of yet, making it easier for her to maintain the look of a boy. She has good leg muscles from all the walking, running and jumping from roof to roof she does. She doesn’t have good upper body strength, seeing as she only pit pockets, steals from time to time, and relies on her legs and sometimes her silver tongue to get her out of a bad situation. Her dark auburn hair she ties into a pony tail high on her head to keep out of the way. When she is alone she will sometimes let the hair go, letting its full length fall down to the small of her back. Her skin is a light honey color, she spends a lot of time out in the sun and so her skin maintains a nice, sun kissed look. Her eyes are a bright blue like the ocean. Their depths almost unfathomable and her emotions well played out in them. If you know her well, you can easily find out what emotions are playing out in her because of the gleam, shimmer, or dullness to her eyes.
As of now she has no mutation to her. Eventually her mutations will end up with her having a tail, wings and a few more minor changes. Her tail will be long, about two and a half feet, thin, like a cats, and swift. The entirety of it will be covered in fur a light, golden brown like color like that of a lion. At the end of the long tail the bones will widen and the skin will harden to tight leather, still a golden brown. The triangle shaped spade will have sharp edges, the flat sides smooth and hard enough to withstand bullets. Her wings will spread to a full length of eight feet, each one about four feet long. The wings look more dragon or bat like than they do like a bird. The membrane of the wing itself looks as if it would be either rough or slimy but it is neither. Upon a single touch, anyone would find that the leather is soft like fur, very appealing to the sense of touch. The wings themselves look to be a dark purple, but upon further inspection, there would be a subtle red tint to them. In the sun and in bright lights, the wings will end up looking like dark rubies instead of the dark purple.
Other changes to her form would be the change in her left eye which will change to a bright green, still holding its ability to express her emotions. The green is dark like the forest leaves, serving a strange contrast to her right blue eye. Her ears will change in shape, becoming a bit more pointed with a slight amount fuzz to them and the ability to swivel allowing her to hear more easily than she would normally. Her teeth will become sharper, along with her nails that will end up more claw like than nails.

.:[Personality]:. Krys’ personality is
calculated. Being on the streets for most of her life she has learned to keep her emotions down out of her voice, and can easily change her attitude to better fit the situation. Any of her true feelings she happens to have she easily pushes down to let out later when she is alone. This allows her to actually think about the situation and analyze it. She will try and figure out the people around her, get in their heads and find a way to talk herself out of the situation. This has worked for her most of the time, as she has gotten out of many situations before. Though it doesn’t always work, and she will not react right to the situation, getting her in more trouble.
She is very loyal to the friends she makes, she would back them up any time if she had to, taking beatings as long as they both got out alive. This friendship doesn’t come easily, and it takes her a long time to actually come to trust anyone. She will remain distrustful of anyone, until they have somehow proven to her that they will also stand beside her through thick and thin, and then she will know that the person could be trusted.
Because of her process of pushing back her emotions, she will sometimes
explode, for lack of a better term. Her emotions will end up boiling over and many things could and have happened. She has gone into rage episodes, and one could find her tearing up an alley and screaming angrily at everything. Other times, she will breakdown sobbing and crying, curled in a tight ball. Once she has fallen into deep depression and almost committed suicide because of it.

.:[History]:. Krys has been a street rat most of her life. But she wasn’t always like that. When she was young her family was pretty normal, getting by the way the rest of now dwindling human population was getting by. Then one day she was the only one to go with her father to fix a friends fence, even at a young age expressing the willingness to do mans work. That day, a fire erupted in the building that had their house, killing all inside. Her mother, older brother, and younger sister were all caught inside. Her and her father were homeless, and broke as soon after he lost his job. She easily learned to live on the streets, helping get by on what she could steal and sell for money. Eventually she found someone who wanted her to do a larger task for him, an actual job to steal something. It took her hours, and she almost got caught several times at it, but at the end, she was able to buy her and her father an actually meal for the next three days. All was fine until last year, her father fell ill and there was nothing she could do to help. He died quickly; leaving her on her own but her street smarts has allowed her to be able to survive on her own without him.

So begins...

Krysta Mareno's Story


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Krys sat at the edge of the roof, her legs dangling down towards the ground three stories below. It was almost nightfall, the sun just managing to touch the tips of the skyline of the city as it made its way down the path it made every day. The sky behind her began to darken and the temperature of the air fell along with the sun. Her deft fingers reached down around her waist, and tugged on the knot that the sleeves of a dark green jacket were tied into. Once the knot came free she dawned the jacket, the well worn fabric slipping easily over her shoulders, and her arms sliding into the familiar piece of clothing. Almost immediately her body heat no longer left and dissipated into the air, leaving her cold in the dark, instead, the jacket held the heat she naturally gave off, ensuring her that she would be warm for the night no matter where she decided to spend the night this time.

She reached up and pulled her hair out of the collar of the jacket, the long deep dark auburn locks flowing down past her waist and almost brushing against the rough concrete of the rooftop. With practiced hands she pulled out a rubber band from one of the several pockets inside the jacket and reached back to her hair, running her hands through it first then pulling it up to the top f her head. By the time she was done tying up her hair, the pony tail only reached to her shoulder blades, allowing her to bring out a more masculine look to her instead of the feminine looks she should have.

As the last rays of the sun went down, lighting up the edges of the buildings beautifully, she stood from her perch. Brushing her pants for dirt, slapping the loose dark green fabric and buttons that kept her wears secure. A soft clang could be heard from one of the pockets next to her knee, reminding her again why she had chosen this specific roof to watch the sunset on. She gave out a momentary sigh, looking down with her bright blue eyes down to her shirt, and feeling softly to make sure that her bandages were pulled tightly, masking her feminine curves and further allowing her to pull off the look of a boy.

Finally the time came for her to go down to the street, the buyer was specific on the time and didn’t seem like he would want to be kept waiting. She started walking to the edge of the roof, giving one last look at the disappearing tendrils of light then ran towards the other side. Her strong legs carried her fast, obviously experienced at running across the roofs of the city. She came close to the edge, looking as if she would run right off, instead, her leg muscles clenched, bunched and with a shove, she leaped across the gap and landed on the other roof, her worn sneakers skidding, the small amount of traction left allowing her to come almost to a stop instead of tumbling like she used to. She went over to the ladder that was attached to the side wall of the building and quickly climbed down to the alley bellow.

In a few minutes she walked back to the first alley she had been watching and waited in the shadows for the buyer to come and claim what she stolen for him. After a few minutes she saw a figure head down the alley, almost a little too purposefully, she knew he wasn’t the one to steal, he was too well dressed, no obvious signs to a mutation, making him one of the higher class, or a leader of this Underworld that she called home. He must have a sufficient amount of money to be paying her to get this small gadget. She didn’t know what the trinket did, or why this man had wanted it, but somehow he had heard from others around that she, or rather, he, since most just knew her as Krys, was one of the best at getting secured items.

The man stepped closer, looking around, obviously not finding her in the dark as he continued looking and seemed to be agitated. She stepped forward, best not to make him think she was late. ”Looking for me?” The man faced her, the lighting in the alley hiding both of their faces. ”I was wondering when you were going to show up, Krys. Do you have what I sent you for?” She nodded and patted her pocket, pulling out a small metal contraption that had a few buttons on it. ”Right here, I need my payment though, or I can put it right back where I found it.” Granted that part was a lie, she would have found another buyer somewhere, she had to eat somehow. The man gave a fake hurt look, ”You think I don’t pay people for their services to me? You brought the piece to me intact, and much more quickly than anyone else I would have asked to do it. Here, all that I promised you.” He tossed over a small bag which she caught and looked inside, the wad of cash made her stomach clench in anticipation. Did she even eat today? It didn’t matter, she would be able to have enough food for the next week at least with this amount, if she didn’t get caught by someone and the money stolen. She took the cash and put it in one of the inside pockets of the jacket and pulling the zipper up half way. She put the small gadget inside the bag and tossed it back to the man. With a nod of thanks, she stepped back into the shadows and climbed back onto the roof, running and jumping to the next, to find another job to do, or maybe go and get actual food


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Character Portrait: Krysta Mareno
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Krys headed down the street; thumbing the small wade of cash she had in her pocket. By the feel of it, the amount could keep her going for maybe a week. She needed new shoes which would probably take more than half, then possibly a good meal every other day. She could make it last that long
she hoped. There was always the off chance she could get mugged, though since most knew her as a guy, they didn’t tend to cross paths with her. It was for the best, keeping up the façade so she wasn’t taken advantage of, all of her belongings, how many little they were, weren’t taken from her, and she had some street cred as one of the best thieves.

She glanced around her, the night time being her domain so she was able to see fairly well, much better than the ‘normal upper dwellers’ as she dubbed them. Her hair brushed her shoulder as she walked and it crossed her mind that she would have to either cut it soon or find another way to tie it up. It wasn’t uncommon to see guys with longer hair so no one bothered to really find out if she was a girl. She never dressed like one, easily got out of fights, mainly waiting for them to tire themselves out, and throwing good punches here and there, and by her attitude, no one even considered she may be a girl.

She walked up to the old fashioned restaurant; the place was in a rundown part of town, though it seemed well kept. It was near a few bars, clubs here and there and there were many other underworld people around. She walked in, the door opening on its own and the soft bell in the background sounded to let one of the chefs in the back know that she was here and the equipment was to be heated up. Apparently the others were used to costumers like her, seeing as the location was where it was, and that none of the workers did a double take of her attire. She looked down at the table top, the hologram menu playing before her and she tapped in her order, and then almost immediately started smelling wonderful scents from the back. Her stomach growled, sending aches through her abdomen as she sat there patiently. Eventually the plate came to her, it wasn’t much but it would be enough to keep the hunger pains gone for a few days. She forced herself to eat the warm and mouth watering food slowly, resisting the urge to swallow it all and maybe the plate as well. When she was done she pulled out a few of the bills in her pocket and placed them in the slot in the table, her change coming out and dropping into her hand.


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She walked out of the run down diner, and headed down the sidewalk, putting her hands in her jeans pockets. There was a slight breeze in the air which caused goosebumps to sprout on the back of her neck and send a shiver down her spine. She reached behind her head and pulled up her hood, expertly putting her hair inside to where her ears would stay warm in the dark locks. She turned her head slightly when she heard a voice, the melody was nice, and with a quick glance around she knew that she was near Ikarus’s club. She had gone in maybe once or twice, found a hidden corner among the other kids to sleep in the winter, not that she ever stayed, she could take care of herself.

She turned down an alley, a group of boys where near the back, trying to be discrete with their smoking but not making a good job of it by the plume of constant smoke coming from behind the stack of packing pallets. She smirked and grabbed a small piece of brick, the slums probably being the only place you would find brick nowadays. She chucked the rough stone right at the boys and was rewarded with a satisfying thud and a stream of cusses. ”Damn it!! What the heck!!” She started laughing as she turned the corner of their little ‘hide out’, one of the boys was rubbing his head which was already forming a sizable lump. Dude Krys!? What the hell was that? Do you always gotta injure someone when you come around??” She smirked, ”Of course I do, how do you knuckleheads expect to stay on guard if I don’t?”

A newbie to the group, the one sitting next to the one she got with the brick stood and tried to knock her down. She only tilted her head and stepped to the side, sticking her foot out to trip him and when he came back again, she grabbed his arm, twisting it roughly behind him. The boy gave out a yelp and she looked up at the older teenager who had been silent. ”Come on Danny; don’t you ever tell your newbies not to mess with me?” She let her hold go, sending the boy spinning back down into his spot and Danny chuckled. ”Don’t mess with him, unless you want his fist in your face and end up waking across town. I don’t recommend you even attempt to find out what it’s like either.” She laughed and clapped Danny on the back when he stood and went over to her. ”I told you that first time you snuck up on me that I would guarantee it would take you forever to get back you easily lost fool. Hey you got those shoes I wanted? Told you I would have the cash by today.”

Danny nodded and went over to his stash, pulling out a box and tossing it to her. ”Brand new, and supposed to last years of walking, though we both know how they can fall apart in a few weeks.” She nodded and looked at the shoes, dark grey with a black design on it. ”Don’t worry; I’ll be back if I need another pair, just make sure you have them for me.” Danny gave her an almost hurt look, ”You not have the confidence to trust your Street Rat brother? We’ve known each other for so long Krys, Street brothers and you still don’t think I would bring you shoes when you ask for them?” She rolled her eyes with a laugh, ”So insecure, of course I trust you getting my shoes, why do you think I keep coming back here?” By now she had the shoes on and wiggled her toes, testing out the traction by scuffing her foot across the floor.

She nodded to Danny that they were a good pair and headed back down to the front of the alley when she heard him speak behind her. ”If you’re looking for another job Krys, someone was asking and I told him I knew a guy that was one of the best thieves around.” She glanced back, ”I just finished with a job Danny, you know I like to rest for about a week.” He nodded, ” I know but this guy seemed urgent, and the cash could have you set for a few months, pretty sure he didn’t care who did it, I suggest you find him quickly before someone else gets the job.” She nodded a thanks to him and headed out, wondering if this guy would wait a few days, but for that kind of cash she could probably do the job tonight, maybe tomorrow.


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As she walked down the sidewalk, looking for her next vantage point to the roofs, she was debating whether she should go find this guy Danny was telling her about or not. The cash he had just gotten was already over half gone, a portion gone for the meal she had, and a sizeable chunk for the shoes she just got from Danny. She may have known him for a long time, since he had taught her half her skills when she was younger, but he still expected her to pay the price as any other, it was the way of the streets, they all needed money. Now her stash was low, probably would only last her another day or two if she didn’t feel the need to get the food while she had the cash.

But enough to last her a month, two? Now that was a lot, too tempting to pass up the offer, the consequences of it was that she would get caught, maybe sent to jail, and if she failed she would go back and accept the beating she would most likely receive, she never went back on her word, that if she failed she wouldn’t skip out, she may be a thief but she was honorable to accept what was coming to her if she failed. But for that amount of cash, she at least had to try, there wasn’t much she could lose, and if she succeeded, there was so much for her to gain.

She finally found the fire escape and climbed it deftly to the roof; decision made that she would seek out this person and accept the job he was offering. And it wouldn’t take that long either, if they talked to Danny, they probably knew the other people the street rats came into contact with the most, and the closest nearby was only a few alleys away, basically a hop, skip, and leap from where she was. And so she braced her legs, and set them running towards the edge of the roof and leaped. A few minutes later she skidded to a stop, almost falling over from the new shoes and the amount of traction they gave her, and climbed down to the alley.

From her spot she could just make out two shapes in the dark, one tall and by the look of the stature and a glimpse of the clothing, it was the man she was looking for, talking with another street rat, one that could get the man in touch with the type of thief he was looking for. The street rat caught a glimpse of her and pointed, apparently knowing who she was and probably knowing she would be willing to do it. The man turned and looked her over, probably noting her clothes, the long hair which again she noted that she needed to retie, and most likely trying to discern if she had any mutations under her baggy clothes which she had the good fortune of having to resort to that type of thing.

The man was well dressed, obviously a rich person seeing as he had no mutations, and seemed slightly uncomfortable being in the alleys which let her know that he didn’t regularly deal with her sort of people. She stepped closer, and had to look up at the man because he was taller and tilted her head slightly. ”Heard you were looking for a thief. Depends what you need but I’m the guy you’re looking for.” The man chuckled, ”You must be the Krys the other boy was talking about.” She nodded once. ”The job shouldn’t be too hard to accomplish, there’s a bar near here, you’ve probably heard the music coming from it, gone in a time or two and saw kids running around in there? The owners name is-“ ”Ikarus.” She interrupted him. ”Yes, I know the place and have seen the owner, the one with the robotic arm.” The man grinned at the comment and nodded. ”Precisely, now boy, if you can bring me that arm, I can pay you well. Sources tell me he takes it off at night. That’s it, bring me the arm.” She tilted her head, she didn’t know why he wanted the arm, or what was so special about it since it was just an arm, but if it could get her set for months she would get it. ”Easy, I should be back here at dawn. If not, by tomorrow at sun down.” She shook the man’s hand to seal the deal and she turned, headed to the night club


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She headed down the street, planning out her moves. She had been inside the club a few times before, not to drink or dance, but she was smaller back then and went with a few of the others for some food once in awhile, a place to stay in the winter, and she never forgot the layout to a building she had been inside. There was the main floor, the bar, the kitchen, the stage, stairs that lead to a balcony and then a few offices and rooms leading off from there. As she thought back, she could remember the one that he always disappeared behind, marking that one as his room, where it was most likely the best place for her to get the arm.

She paused just outside the building, if he was on the balcony, it had a perfect view of the entire place, meaning she would be spotted going in from the front entrance. She headed around back and saw some smaller kids there, the little rats getting a few rolls of bread and a bottle of alcohol to share; it was one of the colder nights anyway. As the kids ran off she caught the door with her foot before it closed all the way and glanced inside, a little relieved as she saw whoever it was giving the kids the food and drink(Rina) was already going another direction. Giving her the perfect chance to get inside, and of course took her chance. Rarely on a job did you ever get a second chance to do something, it was there, you take it or sometimes you fail.

Once she was inside she pulled up her hood, pushing all her hair inside to make sure that there was no chance of anyone even guessing she was a girl, then zipped up her jacket just below the nape of her neck and mentally checked to make sure the bandages she had wrapped around her torso were secure, then headed into the more crowded area of the club. There were tons of people in there, but with the lights focused on the dance floor, it made the walls and corners very dark and making her job easier of being unnoticed as she found the stairs, and started going up. Not many came up to the balcony she noticed, a person or two had wondered up here and none of them noticed her. This was going to be easy, she thought, a simple in, out, gone, and have enough money to keep her set for months, not having to steal for months to get what she needed.

She came to the door she had recalled was Ikarus’s and turned the knob, thankful that this was a well kept place enough so that it didn’t rattle, or the door squeak as she silently opened it enough for her to slip inside and close it again. With a quick glance around the room she noted there were no windows, a bed on one end, a large desk on the other, and near the bed was a small table with the arm on it. She could see a bundle in the sheets, shaped like a person; he must be sleeping so she would have to be more careful taking the arm than she wanted. Her steps were light, silent and swift, getting her right next to the table and she lifted the arm. It was rather heavier than she expected but the design was magnificent, one of the best contraptions she had seen in a long while. Taking the arm she held it close, no room in any of her pockets to officially place it in for the time being. Her steps her same as before, silent so that she wouldn’t wake the person in bed and headed back over to the door to make her escape.


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Character Portrait: Ikarus Dean Character Portrait: Krysta Mareno
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"Just where do you think you're going kid? That arm belongs to me, and I am quite tired of people attempting to steal from me..... " So close, so close, so CLOSE! Her body froze in place the moment he spoke, how the hell did he get from the bed to the door?? Her eyes looked over at the bed, it still looked like there was a person there, then it hit here, stupid that she was, there were probably pillows and blankets under there. She should have watched for movement, making sure he was breathing under there before going over and taking the arm. Her shoulders slumped a little in defeat. She was caught, no denying it, no way out of it at the moment; she had to own up to the fault.

She turned to face Ikarus, looking up at him and held out the arm to him. ”Seems you caught me. Heard you were a great rat yourself, makes sense another wouldn’t be able to take from you.” She gave him a smile, one she hoped looked nice enough to make it look like she was in awe of him. Which she was, he was one of the few rats to actually make something of himself and provide for others like him. Not many made it passed their older teens, sometimes in their twenties due to drug wars and feuds and general malnourishment. ”Here’s the arm, not gone so, no harm no foul right?”

She wasn’t entirely sure what would happen, she knew that those who took from him ended up with mutations most of the time, but she hadn’t taken from him
right? The arm wasn’t gone, it was still in the room even, definitely not gone, hence not stolen. Hopefully she wouldn’t get punished by the other man for not getting the arm


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Character Portrait: Ikarus Dean Character Portrait: Krysta Mareno
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She let out a gasp as she was slammed against the back wall, away from the door, away from freedom. Again, so close, so close, so close, kept playing through her mind. She watched as Ikarus put the arm back on, his hand still holding her firmly against the wall. It crossed her mind that she could kick out at him and make her escape, though she didn’t think she would be strong enough to do it. Then she paused, there was a weight around her shoulders that wasn’t there before. Then she started going pale, no no nonono, no no! Her hood had fallen, her hair coming out of its knot enough to stop at her shoulders even though the full length would fall almost to her thighs.

Then Ikarus noticed, calling her a girl, and her face went white, probably noticeable in the dark of the room. Not once had she been found out, especially not while doing a job. Tonight was definitely not her night, so far everything had gone wrong
well not everything, she did get inside the building perfectly. Now she just needed to find a way out of the situation, she was pinned, and her cover blown. Guess she would just have to go along with whatever was going on. She took a deep breath, getting over the fact that he figured out her gender, and met his eyes. ”I’m sorry, I don’t know what happened for you have to make that arm.” Maybe the goal for this one was to keep him talking, maybe show him a reason to let her go.


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Character Portrait: Ikarus Dean Character Portrait: Krysta Mareno
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She kept eye contact with Ikarus, seeing as she always knew that was the right thing to do, and she didn’t want to offend him, or make him mad, mainly because she knew at the moment he had many means as which take payment from her if he wanted. She listened to him, and she thought it a bit over ridiculous to take someone’s arm over some stolen food. She was lost in thought, barely noticing that he had changed his grip from his real arm to his robotic one, which had a much stronger grip, and had looked her over. She almost shuddered, that was one of the reasons she kept up a persona as a boy, she hated the things that could be done to a Mouse, as they sometimes called the girls.

When he asked for payment she did shudder, a small one, hopefully unnoticeable, though a slight fright in her eyes may have been noticeable, she wasn’t too good at hiding those emotions quite yet. Nowadays, payment could be anything, and she didn’t feel like doing anything for him in payment for something that still remained in his possession, feeling slight annoyance with the man, she tilted her head a little at his question. It seemed a little too easy. ”Everyone calls me Krys. And yes I know the place; you’ve let me sleep in here a few times during a winter or two. I never forget the setup of a building I’ve been in, just used reason to deduce this was the room I would find your arm

She hoped he didn’t read too much into her emotions, she didn’t like much when people could read her so easily when she hid so much. Her shoulder was aching, throat a little sore from being slammed back, and her ego seriously hurt. This wasn’t going to go over well with the man who wanted the job done, and if the other contacts she knew found out. She wouldn’t be eating for awhile would be an understatement of things to come. If you couldn’t make a name for yourself, you didn’t survive


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Character Portrait: Ikarus Dean Character Portrait: Krysta Mareno
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Krys just watched Ikarus carefully, trying to figure out what his game was, it was always a game. Try and make you think you did nothing wrong and you were going to get off free for explaining things, maybe give all the details of the one who hired her, make her steal from them instead, or possibly blackmail for later, find out things about her so she would have to comply with whatever he wanted to make sure he didn’t tell anyone what she didn’t want to get out. Either way she couldn’t yet figure out what he was trying to do by just having her answer simple questions for him. Her mind was reeling, trying to see all the motives, the ways out, the comebacks that would get him pissed off, or relaxed a bit, there were so many things she could do and not do that may or may not, get her out. It was like a mind game, one that she played often but happened to change constantly.

He motioned to a chair after giving her arm one last squeeze, probably telling her to stay. Which was quite obvious, she didn’t have the strength to try and beat him, maybe the speed to get out the door, but not enough to dodge all the people outside who might possibly be waiting even as they spoke. So she sat, arms reaching up and skillfully knotting it into what looked like a simple ponytail, expertly hiding how long her hair actually was, she wondered briefly if he could figure out how long it actually was, seeing as he was probably as observant as she was. When she was done she crossed her arm over her chest as she watched him put the last of the arm in place. ”I don’t know who the person was.” Which wasn’t a lie, she didn’t ask for a name, just heard he wanted a job done and accepted. ”I was just told someone wanted a job done. I found out the specifics and came. I think I was the only one who had the guts to come seeing as no one accepted and kept pointing the guy to me.” Which was also true, Danny and told the guy she would be able to do it, and the kid in the alley where she found the man had told him to come right to her first. She was more an Rat than the guys, she would hate to be officially found out to be Mouse