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Sara Werthington

"This summer is more than a vacation for me, it's my escape."

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a character in “Summers at Manteo Beach”, as played by To the Moon and Back



Sara Werthington
{ "This summer is more than a vacation for me,
it's my escape." }

Dialogue Color: #F92396 || Face Claim: Kathryn Newton

Sara Marie Werthington

Eighteen; 18

December 2nd, 1999

Female || Heterosexual
Blonde || Blue

5'4" || 130 lbs.

Sara has numerous scars upon her arms, back, and thighs from all the beatings her father gave her throughout her life.
  • Sara wants to become a published author. All her life she has been interested in writing. She currently has three finished novels she hopes will become published.
  • She plans on leaving her parents behind in hopes that it will grant her a much better life.
  • She hopes that she will get over her fear of opening up to guys. She wants to get married and have kids of her own, but she won't be able to do this until she gets over the fear of men her father gave her.

Sara is a very damaged person and all the blame goes to her parents, mainly her father for this. She finds it very difficult to open up to guys and be alone with them because of all the horrible things her father has done to her in the past. She chooses to keep this information to herself because she has no idea how her father would handle the news of finding out that she has been telling people about his dirty secret.

Although she has many friends who care about her and know that something is going on back home, she won't even tell them what's going on. Sara became a very private person, even with her friends because of this. Sara has a hard time knowing who she can trust in this world.

With everything that has happened to her in the past and having no one to talk to about it, she began to let it all out in her writing. Sara grew fond of writing and started working on her own novels. At this moment she currently has three finished and another in the works. She hopes to eventually become a published author soon; she definitely has the potential to.

Angel Werthington: Mother {Alive}
Caleb Werthington: Father {Alive}
Asher Werthington: Brother {Alive}

Sara was born in the cold winter of December to Angel and Caleb Werthington. All was going amazing with the small family of four until Sara began to reach the age of puberty. Her father started showing affection towards her in ways a father never should. He began to get handsy at first, but after a while it turned into something much more. Sara was threatened by her father not to tell a soul about what goes on in her bedroom when everyone was asleep. With fear of what her father would do to her if she told, she kept this all to herself and always lied to anyone who asked her about the scars and bruises.

In school, she usually kept to herself, unless she was with her group of friends. They were the only ones she felt like she could be herself around. No matter how much she wanted to tell them about what was going on back home, she knew better than to tell them about any of it. If her father found out, not only would it make things worse for her, it could probably makes things bad for her friends as well.

Any time she was out of the house, she always stayed out as long as she possibly could. She was willing to do anything not to go back home, even if it meant taking on more hours at her part time job or staying after school for tutoring, etc.

While growing up she became extremely close with her older brother, but he moved out and was on his own before anything started happening between her and her father. If Asher were still home, she knew for sure none of this would be going on. As much as she would like to blame Asher for everything, she knew that wasn't a good way of doing things. None of this was his fault, it was her father's.

If it weren't for her friends being in her life, she had no idea how much worse things could have been for her. She's just glad her friends were able to talk her into going with them on this trip, even though it was against her father's wishes. Sara was eighteen now, she didn't need permission from her parents to go out and do anything anymore. Her father told her that if she went on this vacation that she wasn't to return. As much as it pained her to hear those words, especially since she knew she wouldn't be able to see her mother as long as her father was around, she still walked out and decided to go anyway.

This was her way out. Sure, things were going to be a bit difficult for her when it came time for them to return home after the vacation. But she was going to figure things out. She'd find a place to stay until she was able to get onto her feet. Sara wasn't going to let her father bring her down, especially not when she has her entire future ahead of her.

So begins...

Sara Werthington's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naomi Padilla Character Portrait: Drew Carson Character Portrait: Sara Werthington Character Portrait: Quinn Paulson Character Portrait: Alexis Carson
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Welcome to Manteo Beach!

It is three o'clock pm on a Friday. Everyone is arriving at the beach house. Enjoy your summer!


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naomi Padilla Character Portrait: Drew Carson Character Portrait: Sara Werthington Character Portrait: Quinn Paulson Character Portrait: Alexis Carson
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Dialogue: #F92396
Female No. 2
Location: Beach House
Sara was dropped off at the beach house by a taxi and quickly found out she was the only one there. After paying the man, the taxi drove off, leaving her standing outside in the front yard with her bags. With a soft sigh she began to make her way towards the entrance. She reached into her purse to pull out the key, only to find that she accidentally packed it in her suitcase. "Of course," she mumbled to herself in frustration and dropped all of her stuff onto the stone entrance and bent to her knees before beginning to unzip her suitcase.

Sara dug through the suitcase until finding the key hidden at the bottom and rolled her eyes before zipping the case back and stood to her feet, finally being able to open the door to the beach house. Sara carried all of her bags into the house and closed and locked the door behind her before making her way towards one of the rooms. She set her stuff down on the empty bed and sat down as she pulled her phone out her pocket.

To: Quinnie
Yo, Quinnie, where you at?!?! I'm the first one here, which is wickedly strange! Get your ass here! Lol. :P

To be honest, it was strange she was the first one at the beach house. Sara was usually the one who was always late. What happened to everyone? Maybe the fact of the matter was this was her escape from her entire way of life, this was the beginning of a brand new story for Sara. There was no way she was going to be kept in that dreaded place any longer.

Sara stood to her feet and immediately made her way for the kitchen, hoping to find any source of alcohol. Luckily she found a bottle of wine. She popped the cork on it and drank straight from the bottle, only to find the taste of it was one of the most disgusting things she had ever tasted in her life. Sara turned towards the sink and spit it out. "Man, fuck this shit!"

Sara darted out towards the living room to sit down and finally turned the television on to keep herself distracted until someone else decided to show up.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Drew Carson Character Portrait: Sara Werthington Character Portrait: Alexis Carson
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Drew got out of his taxi, followed by his twin. He stopped and looked up at the house, narrowing his eyes. He pulled a cigarette from his pack and lit it up, slinging his pack over his shoulder he walked up, taking slow drags off of the smoke. "Beautiful house isn't it?" Lex piped up beside him, her thickly lined eyes on him, as she gave him an excited smile.

He chuckled and nodded enjoying the sweet sunshine and fresh air on his face. "Indeed twin indeed. Here.." he fished the key from his pocket keeping his cigarette balanced between his lips, "Go on and put your bags in our room... Since you just had to bring the whole wardrobe with you."
She scoffed and took the key from him, dragging her luggage all the way up to the door and testing it to see if it was locked or not.
Seeing Alexis stick the key in the door and turn the knob, he caught a brief view of the interior, before looking down at his phone. Upon no notifications he shoved it back into his pocket and would hesitate to finish approaching the house. It was the last fun summer he would remember with his friends. He wasn't that eagar to start it.


Alexis thought a summer away from her family was going to be great. The only one she even loved being around was her brother, Drew. As the taxi that brought them to the house drove off they made their way to the house, Drew lighting up a cigarette and handed her the key to the house. She was more than egar to smoke as well, but she had her own ideas of smoking.

Unlocking the door she would slam ot shut, loudly announcing her presence to anyone that was in the house. She pulled a joint from behind her ear, that her long hair had hidden, while she had been in that stinky taxi.
Keeping it between her lips she left her suitcases by the door, and walked around, looking for someone around. When she entered the living room she saw a familiar body on the couch. "Well Well well, look who the cat dragged in." She said amuzed, crossing her arms over her chest.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sara Werthington Character Portrait: Quinn Paulson
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Q ᴜ ÉĒ É´ É´ . P ᴀ ᴜ ʟ s ᴏ É´
Dialogue: #004400
Male No. 3
Location: Beach House

"Yes, mother. I know, mother. Tell Henrietta that she should've come with me and she should be jealous that she's missing out." Quinn spoke into his Bluetooth as he was on his way towards the beach house now. He hit the end call button located on his radio as he continued to nod his head to Imagine Dragons 'Lightening Before Thunder' song, one that he really enjoyed and felt connected to. It wasn't until he was at a red light and the song ended that the Bluetooth notification sounded throughout his car and he hit okay, so that the automated voice could read the message out loud to him. It was a text message from his good friend, his best friend, Sara and from the sounds of it, she was the only one at the beach house right about now. Quinn grabbed his phone and started to type a reply back towards Sara now.

To: Sara
Almost there, honey bun. lol Surprise that you are the first one there. :P

After he sent the message and the light finally turned green, he made one more turn that was on the road that lead towards the beach house now. His eyes took a quick glance to the clock and he seen that it was just five minutes after three o'clock. Quinn had made it to the beach house now and drove up into the driveway and parked in front of the garage door. With a slight smirk, Quinn honked his horn, just to see what Sara was going to say whenever he entered the house.

He shut his engine off with the push of the button then got out then opened the backdoor behind the driver seat and grabbed his luggage, along with a paper bag that contained a twelve pack of beer. Quinn wheeled his luggage to the front door then dug his hand inside of his front pocket to retrieve the key as he unlocked the door with it and pushed the door forward, opening it. "Honey, I'm home!" Quinn shouted as he closed the door behind him now, forgetting to unlock it.

He left his luggage just a few inches from the door as he walked into the living room, where he heard the television and saw Sara sitting there, watching television. "Girl. I hope you are ready for a fun ass Summer." Quinn remarked as he walked into the kitchen and sat the beer down on the counter then walked back into the living room, sitting down beside Sara now and made it just in time to hear Alexis's remark towards Sara. "Yes, look at what the cat dragged in. You and your brother over there." Quinn said in defense for Sara as he leaned back on the couch now. "Can we at least try to get along for the first night, please? And where the hell is Naomi?!" Quinn spoke then shouted with emphasis about Naomi.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Drew Carson Character Portrait: Sara Werthington Character Portrait: Quinn Paulson Character Portrait: Alexis Carson
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0.00 INK

Naomi Padilla - location: summer beach house, outfit

Naomi sat in the back of her uber, humming along to her hype-up playlist. She was so excited for this summer,
especially getting away from her life for a while before her entire freshman year of college was about training for the Olympics. Of course, she would still have to practice this summer, but the idea was that she got to rest one final time for who knows how long.
Naomi blew a little bubble with her minty gum, satisfied with the loud pop that was produced.
The taxi pulled up to the beach house, which was anything but little. Naomi's mouth formed a little o as her uber driver hopped out and went to grab her bag for her. The got out of the car and thanked him, being sure to tip him generously. He had, after all, had to listen to her hum for the half-hour drive from the airport. Naomi wasn't exactly sure why they hadn't all traveled together, but she liked the alone time she got to think before she arrived. She wheeled her bag up to the front door to the beach house, noting that the door was already unlocked and letting herself in. She heard across the room "And where the hell is Naomi?!" coming from what sounded like Quinn's voice. She grinned and called out
"I'm here, bitches!!"
She made her way to the living room, seeing that her friends weren't in their swimsuits and were just sitting there watching tv. She grinned and took off her t-shirt, revealing a simple black bikini top underneath.
"And why the FUCK are we not already walking down to the beach? Let's go people, its SUMMER VACATION! You guys have five minutes before I'm out of here. This skin ain't gonna tan itself.'"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naomi Padilla Character Portrait: Drew Carson Character Portrait: Sara Werthington Character Portrait: Quinn Paulson Character Portrait: Alexis Carson
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0.00 INK


Dialogue: #F92396
Female No. 2
Location: Beach House
Sara's phone went off, interrupting her watching The Bachelor. She smiled when she noticed who the message was from. After reading it, she slid the phone back into her pocket just as she heard a loud honk coming from outside, clearly she knew who it was. The female shook her head and seconds later Alexis let herself into the beach house. The twins were here.

It seemed to be that one by one everyone was finally starting to show up. "Alright, let's get our asses out on that beach! Sara exclaimed as she jumped off the couch, agreeing with Naomi.

She immediately made her way towards her room, dragging Quinn with her. "We both know you're sharing a room with me! she stated as she began to rummage through her suitcase to pull out her bikini. She then made her way into the bathroom connected to their room, leaving it cracked slightly so they wouldn't have to scream to talk to each other as she changed into her bikini.

After a couple minutes, she opened the door the rest of the way and began to pull her long blonde locks into a messy bun on top of her head before leaving the bathroom. She made her way over towards her bed and plopped down on it, waiting for Quinn to be ready. "Definitely gonna need to get a snow cone when we get to the beach," she stated happily. Snow cones were always her favorite summer treat and there was no way in hell she wasn't going to have at least one of them this summer!


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naomi Padilla Character Portrait: Drew Carson Character Portrait: Sara Werthington Character Portrait: Quinn Paulson Character Portrait: Alexis Carson
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0.00 INK


Alexis had started to light her joint when she heard Quinn's remark and Drew came from behind her his backpack still on his shoulder, plucked the joint from between her lips. "Not in public Lex. Stay sober for a while. It may do you good." He kindly said placing it behind his own ear when Naomi had walked in.

Alexis shot a glare over at her brother pointing to her stuff she returned his smirk. "They were all too heavy for me to finish carrying. Plus you know... The Bachelor was on TV... That lovey mush... Live for that stuff." She finger gunned him with a wink, as he rolled his eyes at her, turned around and grabbed her bags bringing them in their room.

She tucked her blonde hair behind her ear before dropping her hand beside her waist. "Fuck changing." She remarked, and before her twin could walk back into the living room and stop her she removed her black tee revealing a red lace bra. "Underwear work just as well." She muttered to herself.


Drew tossed his bag over in the corner and threw his twins bags over on her side before crashing on his bed taking the joint from behind his ear he stared at it for a long moment. "Thats how you get a free joint." He chuckled to himself. Though he didnt light it, he did put it into his cigarette pack. It was indeed a very nice day, a good day for the beach.

"Guess i can do for a day out at the beach." He said as he threw off his shirt, and shrugged out of his jeans. Walking across the room in his boxers he dug around in his bag humming to himself, before pulling out his grey Trunks.

He took off his boxers and slipped on his trunks quickly, tightening the string around his waist. He turned to leave the room, grabbing his phone and cigarettes, putting them in his pocket and closing the room door. He made his way back to the living room, where Lex had her arms crossed over her chest and she was biting her black painted nails.

He blinked at his sisters choice in swimming garments and eyed Naomi, "Ready when you are." He flashed her a bright smile, as his sister disappeared a moment, then reappearing with an open bottle of wine in her hand.

"Someone left perfectly good wine on the counter in the kitchen... Party foul." She took a few swigs of it and then smiled sweetly at him. "I blame Quinn." She quickly said before taking a few more swigs and walking off with it, back to the kitchen Drew assumed.

"What a piece of work she is today.... Gotta be freedom from our parents..." He shot Naomi an apologetic look and shrugged.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naomi Padilla Character Portrait: Drew Carson Character Portrait: Sara Werthington Character Portrait: Quinn Paulson Character Portrait: Alexis Carson
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0.00 INK

Q ᴜ ÉĒ É´ É´ . P ᴀ ᴜ ʟ s ᴏ É´
Dialogue: #004400
Male No. 3
Location: Beach House

Just when Quinn asked where Naomi was, she appeared magically out of nowhere, it seemed. Naomi's comment made him laugh slightly as he eyed Sara now, who practically agreed with Naomi. "Ah, what the hell." Quinn shrugged as he started to stand up now. "I think we have spent too much time in this house already." But just as he said that, he was already being dragged to Sara's room, who even claimed him to be her roommate. When she pulled out her bikini, he had hoped that she wasn't going to change in front of him and luckily, she didn't. Quinn exhaled a breath of relief as he started to rummage through his own suitcase, which he previously tossed onto the bed, to find his trunks.

When Sara came out of the bathroom, he walked right in after her and quickly stripped down and changed into his trunks then grabbed a beach towel from the bathroom, which he threw over his shoulder. Quinn walked out of the bathroom just as Sara mentioned something about snow cones and Quinn nodded his head in agreement. He liked snow cones on a hot, Summer day, too and he had hoped that Sara was buying.

"Oh, shit." Quinn said as he grabbed Sara by the hand. "Four minutes have passed by so let's hope that Naomi isn't already skinny dipping by the beach." Quinn chuckled to himself as he was now the one dragging Sara back to where everyone was and heard someone blaming him for something. He just shrugged it off, for now then jingled his car keys in the air. "So, am I driving or are we walking?" Quinn asked as he waited for a response from everyone. "If we're walking, I do need to get my shades." He remarked while leaning down on the counter now and his gaze bounced from person to person.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naomi Padilla Character Portrait: Drew Carson Character Portrait: Sara Werthington Character Portrait: Quinn Paulson Character Portrait: Alexis Carson
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Dialogue: #F92396
Female No. 2
Location: Beach House
Sara laughed a bit at Quinn's comment about Naomi as he dragged her out of the room, hoping they didn't leave without them. It wouldn't surprise her though, Sara was usually the one who was always late, no matter what it was for.

The two of them rejoined their friends just in time to hear Quinn being blamed for something. The blonde just shrugged her shoulders and looked to Quinn, knowing he'd be able to handle whatever he was being blamed for. At that moment she noticed Drew finally decided to show his face to the group. It took no time at all for Sara's face to turn a light shade of pink when she noticed how good he looked without a shirt. Sure, it was a cliched thing for girls to do, but she couldn't help herself.

Sara turned away to reach for her purse (her beach bag she moved everything into before coming on the trip), in hopes she would be able to calm herself down a bit before anyone noticed the shade of her face.

Though it was also no surprise at all to see what Alexis had chosen to walk around in. Alexis did have good taste in underwear though.

Not wanting to start the summer off with any kind of bickering, she decided to keep her rude comments to herself about it. Sure the two of them were friends, but they always seemed to be able to bicker with each other without either of them getting upset about it.

"So, am I driving or are we walking? If we're walking, I do need to get my shades." Quinn stated as she watched him glance from person to person. She too look between everyone before speaking up for herself, "I don't think a bit of walking would hurt us." Sara smiled a bit after her statement and slid her loose strands behind her ear before tightening her messy bun.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Drew Carson Character Portrait: Sara Werthington Character Portrait: Quinn Paulson Character Portrait: Alexis Carson
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Naomi Padilla - location: summer beach house, outfit

Naomi stood next to the door, rolling her suitcase away. She knew she would deal with it at some point, but it didn't really matter to her right now. She was prepared, with her swimsuit already on and no need for sunscreen. Her latina skin tanned quickly and easily, and it took a lot for her to burn. Her friends were all white ("weak-skinned" as she liked to call them) and seemed to turn the color of a lobster if the so much as stuck a finger into the sunlight. It made her appreciate herself in a strange way, even her skin could hold its own against those damned UV rays.
"The beach is only a five-minute walk from here, but if we really want to waste petrol we can."

As she spoke, Naomi turned and began to walk out the door. The had always been one of the most independent in the group. Her friends seemed to pair off, creating little inter-friendships within the group. She had never really done that, and though sometimes she wished she could have a best friend (or dare she say, lover?) It got lonely sometimes. She didn't really speak to her parents about her personal life, and sometimes she wished she just had someone to confide in. Sure, she could talk to her friends if she really wanted to, but she knew that if she told one of them it would probably make its way around the group before she could blink. Even if she just had someone to talk to about her dad, she would be happy.
She was always worried that maybe she had a condition or something. Possibly depression or borderline personality disorder. She could joke and laugh, and that was the person her friends knew. But she could also crash and burn, and feel true sadness that made her cry herself to sleep for weeks on end. Maybe that was why she loved swimming so much, it was able to wash her tears away (along with any terrible feelings she had) and give her a way to push herself to the limit. People underestimated how difficult swimming really was.
Before she graduated, Naomi would wake up at 4:30 am and train until school, then go immediately back to practice when school was over and train until 9:00 pm. It was rigorous, and sometimes she didn't even touch water. This intense training had given her a beautiful, toned body, and she knew how to use it.