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Simon De Luca

Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.

0 · 594 views · located in New York City

a character in “Superhero Rejects”, as played by Brantley92



”Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.”

Simon De Luca || Memory Reading || 35 || Heterosexual


Simon can read through the memories of others at an incredible speed through physical contact. The longer the contact the deeper he can probe and the more repressed memories he can uncover. This power manifested at a young age when he began to see other's very recent memories, but through the superhero training he went through he has learned to hone the skill. Now with even a second of contact Simon can typically find what he's looking for in someone's memories if it is specific and isn't well guarded.

Simon also trained in many physical skills when he became a registered superhero. He's at peak athleticism for an adult normal human male with years of weapons training and specifically hand to hand combat training. His time as a superhero saw him in more black ops scenarios in which he infiltrated enemy strongholds. His ability to look through memories can give him passcodes, building schematics, and security details if he touches the right person.


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┍━━━━━━ LIKES ━━━━━━┑
Simon has grown to like order and structure. He's very meticulous with planning and wants to make sure all contingencies are covered in a mission. When not at work Simon finds himself enjoying movies; so much so that he's become a bit of a cinephile. He loves vegetables and fruit of all kinds and dreams of growing his own garden when he grows old and retires.

┍━━━━━━ DISLIKES ━━━━━━┑
Simon's dislikes stems from people. He's seen through the eyes of so many lives that he's learned that even the most noble of us can harbor nefarious secrets. As a result he has a general distrust of anyone new. While Simon loves food of all kinds he absolutely cannot stand cooking. He's tried it before and it hasn't exactly worked out; he even burns toast.

┍━━━━━ HOBBIES ━━━━━┑
Outside of keeping his body in shape Simon doesn't do too many hobbies that are active. A lot of his downtime is spent catching up on the latest movies and TV shows. Acting is something he did in his youth and he still has a bit of a penchant for it. Simon's guilty pleasure is strongly believing that aliens are real and are even among us. He reads and watches a lot of conspiracies surrounding aliens.

Clever || Confident || Thorough || Callous || Nervous

Simon has always been a smart kid when it came to the books or the schoolyard. He made high marks in the academy and impressed the panel upon his graduation. His creative thinking and quick wit has kept him alive and able to keep up with some of the big leagues for years. His powers might not be as strong or as useful as a lot of the other heroes, but his ability to utilize his skills in dynamic situations has always set him apart.

Simon's confidence comes from his constant success as a student in the academy and his continued recognition among the other heroes. He does understand the weight he carries. His confidence is not a reckless one; rather he just understands where he's at and usually that's above others. The major boon of his confidence is that it allows him to have the courage to step forward when needed and to lead quickly and clearly when things get hairy.

Simon is very meticulous with his ideas and plans; he leaves nothing to chance. This thoroughness has earned him a reputation among the other heroes as a very detailed mission planner. No mission Simon has planned and gone on himself has failed or hit a major snag he couldn't clean up on the way out. When he plans he expects everyone to play their role. Typically when things do go wrong, it's because someone else wasn't sticking to the plan.

Take the previous three traits and roll them up into one and you get a very harsh Simon. He's not afraid to speak his mind and doesn't care much for the feelings of others when much more may be at stake. He doesn't do this to be an asshole. Instead, he hopes that his callous nature gets across his points clearly and it shows others that he isn't messing around. This angry character trait only truly comes out when Simon is upset at or disappointed in someone.

The bottom layer to Simon's character is his deepest and most repressed. He is worried sick and extremely nervous about everything, and that is why he sweats the details. He is extremely concerned that any mishaps will be the end of the world. This is the responsibility he shoulders. He has never talked to anyone about his anxiety and doesn't plan on it. Simon makes detailed plans and builds a structure to hide his apprehensions from everyone else.



Simon has a stereotypical sob story as he grew up: His father left the picture to leave him with an addicted and negligent mother. Fortunately for Simon he didn't have to suffer living in the trailer park with addicts all around him in his teenage years. His powers were discovered at an early age when his mother suspected him of stealing from her. Simon would hug is mom like all little kids do, but in the process search through her memory to find the number to the safe in the trailer; his mom kept any cash she had in that safe. This was all done at the age of 9. Once his mother suspected Simon of being gifted he confessed to her that he could see through all of her memories, and other people's too. She did not want to raise Simon any longer and saw this a perfect opportunity to lose the nuisance in her life. Before Simon knew it he was being taken away and his days at the academy started.

Being deprived so long of proper education the chance to show himself off Simon worked his ass off in the superhero academy. He earned high marks in academics, and showed true potential and skill in combat. He never let his powers put him at a disadvantage if his opponents were physically stronger or more destructive than he was. Usually he would simply outmaneuver them in hand to hand combat, or make long enough physical contact with them to read for specific memories of weaknesses to exploit. After Simon's time at the academy he moved up into becoming an actual Superhero.

Simon was immediately put to good use by the Superhero Collaborative first off as an inquisitor in interrogations. His memory reading ability alone was enough to break many villain plots before they were able to unfold, and after just a few years of experience Simon was leading teams out on the field. Simon followed orders from his higher ups and conducted coordinated strike teams of superheroes on black ops missions for intel gathering and sabotage. Over the years Simon has lost a few people out in the field and while on the outside he's desensitized himself to it he still shoulders all of the responsibility. He hides these feelings of remorse by stating that it was just the nature of the mission and that the superhero was simply playing out their intended role.

When the time vortex event happened Simon was out on a solo intel gathering assignment. He never completed the operation and was extracted to handle the problems back home in New York. Shortly after the chaos that ensued following the disappearance of the Superhero Headquarters Simon finds himself being put in charge of the reserve superheroes along with a few actual superheroes that managed to survive the time vortex.

So begins...

Simon De Luca's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marina Ayers Character Portrait: Alex Grant Character Portrait: Sam Whitworth Character Portrait: Noah Morris Character Portrait: Emmy Blackburn Character Portrait: Simon De Luca
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0.00 INK

S A MxxxxW H I T W O R T H

LOCATION: The Barnyard


The vegetable soup tonight was watery, and that was highest compliment Sam could give the dish. He could tell it had onion in it, but none of the other colourless lumps resembled any vegetable Sam could name. But, he didn’t get paid until 2pm tomorrow, so he was eating Roy’s questionable veggie soup, and half a loaf of stale bread another resident had tossed his way.

Sam had worked a late shift at the cafe, and by the time he got dinner for the rabbits he was tending upstairs in his room it was far past dinner time, so the kitchen was mostly empty and Roy was mopping the floors. Though Sam much preferred the quiet, at meal times there was an insane energy always buzzing around and usually one fight at least.

Link, the scrappy canine at Sam’s feet gave a low whine and bark. β€œLink.” Sam said, chastising him. Link was telling Sam a story back from his stray days, about a female dog he’d once ran across. And he was not telling the story kindly, nor politely. For a dog that Sam had found starving in an alleyway with three legs, he had a lot of crude opinions.

β€œHe’s chatty tonight.” Roy said from the top of his mop. β€œGot lots to say does the wee fella?”

Sam fed Link another soup soaked piece of bread and patted his head. β€œThe rabbits are just driving him a little stir crazy I think.”

β€œRabbits?” Roy said, with a slack jaw, his mop left to drop forgotten to the floor. Sam winced at his slip up, he’d forgotten that he’d yet to tell Roy about the three rabbits that he’d found nestled behind the dumpster at work. If Roy thought Link was chatty, he should see the rabbits. The three of them could talk a mile a minute at each other nonstop.

Luckily, Sam was saved by the bell. Literally as a squealing whine pierced through the air, coming from the ceiling.

β€œWho used the third floor shower again!” That was Cierra who yelled out, following it up with a curse. She had been reading a magazine at the other end of the kitchen. Only two weeks ago they’d had a whole meeting about the steam from that shower causing the fire alarm to go off.

Roy frowned and pottered outside the kitchen door. β€œI don’t think that’s the smoke alarm hun.”

Sam paused for a moment and realised Roy was right, he’d heard enough of the smoke alarm over his ten years at The Barnyard to know it sounded deeper and less frequent. Roy pottered around trying to figure out where the sound was coming as Sam shrugged and went back to his soup. Hey, the building was old and decrepit, there was a new problem to fix every second Monday.

The sound eventually stopped, but by that point Sam had finished his soup and was washing up his dinner.

Roy reappeared with a puzzled look. β€œNever heard that sound in my life. It’s the most bizarre thing.” Then a phone rang. An old school landline phone mounted on the wall, it was yellow and jammed in between the fridge and a notice board. Sam he hadn’t ever noticed it before. β€œAnd I ain't had that phone ring either.” Roy wandered over to the phone with some trepidation.

Sam could only hear Roy’s side of the phone call, which contained a string of yes and I understand. Though Roy’s deepening frown was a concern. Finally Roy hung up, his face pale and ashen. β€œYou’re all needed at 374 Wilkerson st.” He announced to a half empty kitchen, though he looked as confused as they did.

β€œNow?” Sam asked with a frown. β€œWhy?”

β€œThe Superheroes are gone.” Roy wiggled the brim of his cap, securing it in place, and he seemed to snap back into action motioning to Cierra who had wandered over. β€œCierra sweetheart, I need to get a message to everyone in The Barnyard.”

She popped her gum and nodded once, β€œGo for it old man.” Cierra could manipulate sound, so she could amplify whatever Roy had to say, an echo of his voice reaching all corners of The Barnyard.

He cleared his throat. β€œExcuse me everyone. You have all just been promoted to active superheroes and are required to present yourselves at 374 Wilkerson st. immediately. There has been an attack.” He waved at Cierra to stop amplifying his voice, realising something awful. β€œIsn’t that where Bradley and Haven are working?” He tipped off his hat and rubbed at his balding head, he always considered most the residents at The Barnyard as his own children, and so imagining them in any danger was unbearable.

β€œWell, get on with you.” Roy yelled to the gathered crowd. β€œGet to Wilkerson st.”

Sam was one of the first to take off, he ran the three blocks to find the building had crumpled in out itself, like cardboard left out in the rain, still standing, but the walls were all bent and weak. A thick black smoke drifted out of the top storey windows up into the night sky.

He pushed the through the crowd of civilians watching on, and stood staring up at the scene, frozen to the ground. His friends were in there, probably suffering. But how could communicating with animals possible help in this situation?