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Emmy Blackburn

"Everyone deserves to be happy."

0 · 651 views · located in New York City

a character in “Superhero Rejects”, as played by Mirona



"Everyone deserves to be happy."



In theory, if Emmy had paid any attention at the academy, she might be able to create giant pillars of stone, collapse entire buildings with a snap of her fingers, and liquify the ground you walk on; however, as it stands today, Emmy can do little more than move dirt and some large rocks. She has always had little care for her training and therefore, never took time to hone her abilities, only doing the bare minimum to pass classes at the academy. The one aspect of her training that she has continues to practice diligently is her ability to feel vibrations through many types of solid material. She's a bit sneaky, so she likes to know where people are and what they're doing. By touching a wall or feeling the ground, she can tell where people are in a building. If she has spent enough time with people -as she has with many of the people in the Barnyard- she can even tell where and who someone is by the vibrations they give off.


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┍━━━━━━ LIKES ━━━━━━┑
Emmy loves any and everything nature. Everything from plants and animals to rocks and mud, Emmy loves to leave the city and go camping whenever she gets the chance. Emmy is also known to love pranks. If there is anything that people in the Barnyard know about Emmy it's that she loves to play lighthearted jokes on people, and what's more, she loves when those pranks are played back at her. Emmy's other likes include soft blankets, bad jokes, and conspiracy theories.

┍━━━━━ DISLIKES ━━━━━┑
One of Emmy's biggest dislikes is loud noises. Having lived in New York for a good amount of time, she has learned to deal with it, but the vibrations that sudden, loud noises cause in the ground often make her feel uneasy even if she is not actively using her powers. Emmy does not mind cold weather, but she hates snow. She also has a fear of deep water. She enjoys sticking her feet in the ocean occasionally, but anything that she can't stand in makes her nervous. Her dislikes also include flying, restrictive clothing, and complicated technology.

┍━━━━━ HOBBIES ━━━━━┑
Emmy absolutely loves camping and hiking. She needs no excuse to be out in nature, get her hands and feet dirty, and sweat. Emmy also spends a good amount of time sculpting and doing pottery. The feeling of clay on her hands is exciting for her and the shaping and molding of that clay is almost a natural talent. Emmy's only other hobby is that she collects gems and semi-precious stones. Her collection lines almost an entire bookshelf with shining, bright colors.


There is a reason why people gravitate toward Emmy. She has a way with words that makes people want to tell her everything; however, she also has a reputation for being extraordinarily trustworthy and loyal and rarely speaks ill of another person. Emmy's emotions tend to be contagious to those around her. When she is happy -which she normally is- people are drawn to feel that same joy. She loves to play pranks and tell bad jokes to any and everyone, and even the most coldhearted person can't help smiling at Emmy's contagious laughter. Due to her overwhelming charisma, Emmy feels a sense of duty in keeping everyone around her happy and hopeful even when she is not feeling the same way. This means that when she is unable to cheer someone up or spark hope in someone, she feels as though she is a failure, and she often fixates on such an event for days on end. This sense of duty also causes Emmy to bottle up her negative emotions. Although she is a naturally bubbly person, she has spells of sadness and anger like a normal human; however, she often hides this from even those who are closest to her because she knows that her emotions are contagious.

Emmy may seem like a bit of an annoying airhead when she asks people a million questions about their lives; however, she is simply curious, and she absolutely loves hearing people talk. She could listen to someone talk for hours about their life and not be bored. What's more, she has an astounding memory and can retain little details about people that many would miss. This means that she knows many intricate details about many people, but she would never use these little details against someone. This is why many people trust her so much, and a lot of people in the Barnyard know that they can come to her when they need someone to talk to. This is another reason people are drawn to Emmy's personality. She makes everyone she talks to feel special and important. When she casually mentions that gerbil named Fluff that you mentioned once, it makes you feel interesting and like you are an important person to Emmy.

Despite her deep love of people, Emmy also likes her "alone" time. She usually wakes up everyday with the sun and sits on her fire escape. Here, she practices her favorite aspect of her power. With her hand or foot on the bricks of the Barnyard she calms her mind, tunes out all sounds and sight, and focuses on the building. Within fifteen minutes of this meditation, she can feel every vibration in the building. She can hear the way people move in their sleep, she can tell when the early risers wake up and walk around their room, and, if she knows someone well enough, she can pick out their vibration above everyone else's. She sometimes gets lost in this trance-like state and can spend hours on end alone feeling the vibrations of the building and the city. This is her form meditation that she practices every day, and few people know that she does it.


Emmy did not have a glamorous life growing up. Her parents were deadbeats who forced Emmy and her twin older brothers to take care of their four younger siblings. They lived in a shady mobile home park in Nevada -a short bus ride to Las Vegas- where Emmy and her older brothers became surrogate parents for their younger siblings while their parents were out drinking and gambling what little money they had away. None of the Blackburn children really knew their parents much at all. This gave Emmy a gritty outlook, but for her siblings' sake, she always put on a happy face.

In truth, Emmy's ability to feel vibrations in the earth manifested itself at a very young age -so young that she can't remember a time she didn't have such an ability-, but Emmy never told anyone since she thought it was something that was normal for everyone. She was twelve when she realized that she came from a different lineage than the rest of her siblings. Her ability to manipulate the earth became apparent entirely on accident. She was walking home at night with one her younger siblings who had been performing at a school play when they were both pushed into an alleyway by an older man. Emmy was more terrified than she had ever been thinking that she and her little brother would be kidnapped or killed when suddenly the ground shook violently and a wall of jagged spikes rose from the ground between the man and Emmy. She was confused and scared but she grabbed her brother and sprinted the rest of the way home. Emmy told the story to her older brothers, and her mother happened to hear, yelling something about how she "knew that earth-bending ass would create something terrible". Emmy and her siblings quickly realized what this meant. Emmy had inherited powers from her biological father.

Emmy's brothers insisted that she go to the academy. A decent and free education was something that no other Blackburn child could get. So, despite her protests, Emmy was shipped off to the academy. Emmy's older brothers never finished high school, and instead they opted to drop out and start working at a local mechanic's shop who had taken the boys under their wing. They felt the need to save up money to pull their siblings out of the gutter. Emmy thought many times about dropping out of the program to do the same; however, her brothers constantly reminded her that getting a decent education would benefit the family more than anything else. Her teachers at the academy pushed Emmy to do more than just move a few rocks with her power. There had been amazing stories of superheroes who could bend the earth, but whether it was for lack of ability or lack of trying, Emmy did not improve much in her abilities. So, due to lack of improvement, Emmy was dropped from the program at the ripe age of eighteen. She thought about moving home to where her brothers had finally saved up to buy a small apartment in Las Vegas for their family, but she thought better about putting another burden on them and decided to stay in New York at the Barnyard. She has been there for seven years now and works as a waitress at a diner in rich uptown Manhattan. She makes a good amount of money in tips due to her charismatic nature, and she sends every penny that she doesn't use for her own survival home to her brothers and four siblings.

So begins...

Emmy Blackburn's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marina Ayers Character Portrait: Alex Grant Character Portrait: Sam Whitworth Character Portrait: Noah Morris Character Portrait: Emmy Blackburn Character Portrait: Simon De Luca
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S A MxxxxW H I T W O R T H

LOCATION: The Barnyard


The vegetable soup tonight was watery, and that was highest compliment Sam could give the dish. He could tell it had onion in it, but none of the other colourless lumps resembled any vegetable Sam could name. But, he didn’t get paid until 2pm tomorrow, so he was eating Roy’s questionable veggie soup, and half a loaf of stale bread another resident had tossed his way.

Sam had worked a late shift at the cafe, and by the time he got dinner for the rabbits he was tending upstairs in his room it was far past dinner time, so the kitchen was mostly empty and Roy was mopping the floors. Though Sam much preferred the quiet, at meal times there was an insane energy always buzzing around and usually one fight at least.

Link, the scrappy canine at Sam’s feet gave a low whine and bark. “Link.” Sam said, chastising him. Link was telling Sam a story back from his stray days, about a female dog he’d once ran across. And he was not telling the story kindly, nor politely. For a dog that Sam had found starving in an alleyway with three legs, he had a lot of crude opinions.

“He’s chatty tonight.” Roy said from the top of his mop. “Got lots to say does the wee fella?”

Sam fed Link another soup soaked piece of bread and patted his head. “The rabbits are just driving him a little stir crazy I think.”

“Rabbits?” Roy said, with a slack jaw, his mop left to drop forgotten to the floor. Sam winced at his slip up, he’d forgotten that he’d yet to tell Roy about the three rabbits that he’d found nestled behind the dumpster at work. If Roy thought Link was chatty, he should see the rabbits. The three of them could talk a mile a minute at each other nonstop.

Luckily, Sam was saved by the bell. Literally as a squealing whine pierced through the air, coming from the ceiling.

“Who used the third floor shower again!” That was Cierra who yelled out, following it up with a curse. She had been reading a magazine at the other end of the kitchen. Only two weeks ago they’d had a whole meeting about the steam from that shower causing the fire alarm to go off.

Roy frowned and pottered outside the kitchen door. “I don’t think that’s the smoke alarm hun.”

Sam paused for a moment and realised Roy was right, he’d heard enough of the smoke alarm over his ten years at The Barnyard to know it sounded deeper and less frequent. Roy pottered around trying to figure out where the sound was coming as Sam shrugged and went back to his soup. Hey, the building was old and decrepit, there was a new problem to fix every second Monday.

The sound eventually stopped, but by that point Sam had finished his soup and was washing up his dinner.

Roy reappeared with a puzzled look. “Never heard that sound in my life. It’s the most bizarre thing.” Then a phone rang. An old school landline phone mounted on the wall, it was yellow and jammed in between the fridge and a notice board. Sam he hadn’t ever noticed it before. “And I ain't had that phone ring either.” Roy wandered over to the phone with some trepidation.

Sam could only hear Roy’s side of the phone call, which contained a string of yes and I understand. Though Roy’s deepening frown was a concern. Finally Roy hung up, his face pale and ashen. “You’re all needed at 374 Wilkerson st.” He announced to a half empty kitchen, though he looked as confused as they did.

“Now?” Sam asked with a frown. “Why?”

“The Superheroes are gone.” Roy wiggled the brim of his cap, securing it in place, and he seemed to snap back into action motioning to Cierra who had wandered over. “Cierra sweetheart, I need to get a message to everyone in The Barnyard.”

She popped her gum and nodded once, “Go for it old man.” Cierra could manipulate sound, so she could amplify whatever Roy had to say, an echo of his voice reaching all corners of The Barnyard.

He cleared his throat. “Excuse me everyone. You have all just been promoted to active superheroes and are required to present yourselves at 374 Wilkerson st. immediately. There has been an attack.” He waved at Cierra to stop amplifying his voice, realising something awful. “Isn’t that where Bradley and Haven are working?” He tipped off his hat and rubbed at his balding head, he always considered most the residents at The Barnyard as his own children, and so imagining them in any danger was unbearable.

“Well, get on with you.” Roy yelled to the gathered crowd. “Get to Wilkerson st.”

Sam was one of the first to take off, he ran the three blocks to find the building had crumpled in out itself, like cardboard left out in the rain, still standing, but the walls were all bent and weak. A thick black smoke drifted out of the top storey windows up into the night sky.

He pushed the through the crowd of civilians watching on, and stood staring up at the scene, frozen to the ground. His friends were in there, probably suffering. But how could communicating with animals possible help in this situation?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alex Grant Character Portrait: Sam Whitworth Character Portrait: Noah Morris Character Portrait: Emmy Blackburn
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Mirona

"You want me to come back there and cook the food for you, Tom?" Emmy cracked playfully, throwing a towel through the order window at the burly cook.

The fluorescent kitchen light flickered as the bearded chef caught the towel with one hand and tossed it back at her, squinted at Emmy with a smirk on his face. "Careful, princess, you'll burn the whole place down."

Grinning playfully, Emmy stood up straight from her position leaning through the window and grabbed the two plates of pancakes Tom had slid through the opening. "Yeah that'd be a damn shame," she sarcastically threw over her shoulder as she turned from the window toward the rest of the diner.

Emmy set the plates down in front of the only two men in the entire diner. The men were clearly inebriated, but so were most of their nighttime clientele. "Two 'Tommy's Late Night Specials'," she flashed a genuine smile, "Anything else I can get for you gentlemen?"

One man slurred something about 'giving them something extra', but Emmy couldn't be bothered with them. Her shift was almost over and she saw no need to get Tom involved -which she knew he would if an issue arose. She turned and made her way back to the kitchen area as the door chimed to announce the arrival of the incoming waitress, Nia.

Emmy felt the collapse before the rest of them. The intense vibrations of it almost sent her to her knees. She stood stunned while Nia, still raising her hand in greeting, looked concerned. Then a sudden, jolting vibration hit the diner. The fluorescent lights flickered ominously and the entire floor seemed to give one gasping heave to the side before settling to its original position, the faux chandeliers swaying precariously. Emmy looked between Tom and Nia. They knew she had powers and they knew that she would have to investigate if only for her own curiosity. Nia waved her off, "Go, go," the other waitress said hurriedly. Emmy gave Nia a gracious smile without a word and quickly untied her work apron, tossing it on the counter. She grabbed her small leather bag from under the bar and bolted for the door. As the she exited, she heard Nia yell at her retreating figure, "And text me later, I wanna know the details!"

Once outside, Emmy kneeled in the diner parking lot and felt the ground with her palm. Focusing, she quickly stretched her powers out. Within a few minutes, her ability told her everything she needed to know. Collapsed building, close to the Barnyard, trapped people. No superheroes yet, but if she stretched her ability a little further, she could sense some vibrations she recognized -people from the Barnyard. 'Why are they there?' Emmy thought to herself as she reeled back in her ability and stood up.

Emmy sprinted the few blocks to Wilkerson Street where she could tell the building had stood based on her ability and by following the general sound of mayhem coming from the direction. She skidded to a stop at the crowd gathered around the wreckage. Through the crowd, she could make out the backs of some people. Sam, Noah, Alex.. As she weaseled her way through the pack of shocked spectators, Emmy tried to reason with her thoughts. No superheroes at the scene yet, but for some reason the Barnyard's reserve heroes were all called to the action? And wasn't this that building that some of the people at the Barnyard worked at? Would they have been in there at this hour? Her thoughts were jumbled, but she had a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach that was not just caused by the rolling vibrations drowning her senses.

As Emmy finally pushed through the thickest part of the crowd, she almost barreled into Sam's back. She righted herself and stepped up beside him and Noah, recognizing that Alex had already stepped into the fray -of course she had. The vibrations and suffocating amounts of dust coming off the wreckage were making Emmy nauseous and she started to sweat through her itchy yellow waitress uniform. She knew her ability to move earth could be tremendously helpful here. Looking at the big slabs of concrete, Emmy felt in her bones the same sense that she had so many years ago -that she could make these slabs of rock do whatever she willed them to do. But she hadn't practiced moving more than a few rocks in years. What if she caused more harm than good? But then again, if the reserve Barnyard powers were being called to the scene, then that meant the superheroes weren't coming, which meant that Emmy might be one of the only people at the Barnyard with a strong enough power to physically move these chunks of concrete. She could feel the people moving helplessly beneath the rubble. If she focused, she could feel familiar vibration signatures of people from the Barnyard -Brad, Haven-, and another friend, a regular at the diner -Bo-, but Emmy tried hard to not focus because she knew that if she felt those vibrations of people she knew and she sensed that they were injured -or worse- that would undo her and she would be no help at all.

Emmy looked up at stricken faces of Sam and Noah. They were both good friend of hers and it pained her -almost physically- to see them looking this helpless. She carefully looked between each of them and then gave a heaving, shuddering sigh. "I... I should help shouldn't I? ...I... I can help, right?" she stuttered to no one in particular. Emmy's life was full of joking around and helping people with their emotional problems, not this type of disaster. This was reserved for career superheroes -real superheroes. As she glanced away from her friends and back at the wreckage she thought to herself, 'I'm not made to be a hero.'


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marina Ayers Character Portrait: Alex Grant Character Portrait: Sam Whitworth Character Portrait: Emmy Blackburn Character Portrait: Amber Huang
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marina ayers
atlantean | #7AA69C

The shift at the aquarium had been interesting to say the least. She couldn't count on her hands how many times she had to gently reprimand the children for 'man-handling' the stingrays. What an ironic thing for her to be doing during her time on land. Marina couldn't even imagine what her folks would say if they could see her now. The future queen of Atlantis, protecting stingrays from six year olds. In some ways being near the aquatic life calmed her. Although seeing them trapped in a cage was rather barbaric, she had hoped that her presence eased their discomfort. She wasn't like Sam where she could hear them, but some part of her felt them, their pain - anger. Her mother always used to say, 'you are one with the sea Marina', but she mainly thought of it as bullshit.

Marina had nearly everything prepared for her nightly routine. Her bathtub was nearly filled to the brim with water and she had just finished pouring her last can of table salt in as well. Someone had finally noticed the constant disappearance of the salt from the kitchen so she began buying her own and hiding them in her bathroom cabinet. It was a bizarre sight. The one annoying part of living on land was her need for water. Not only did she have to drink nearly twice the regularly daily amount but if she didn't soak herself in salt water for an hour every day she would be sick.

She had just begun to disrobe when the most horrid sound came from nowhere in her room. She clutched her ears tightly, expecting - well everything horrible to occur when Roy's voice filled the room. "Excuse me everyone. You have all just been promoted to active superheroes and are required to present yourselves at 374 Wilkerson st. immediately. There has been an attack.” Her heart fluttered in her chest. Promoted? Attack? This was the first time they had ever been asked to do something on a larger scale. Marina couldn't deny that she was nervous, but there was an excitement to it as well. She couldn't deny that she had been waiting for something like this for a while - of course not a disaster but an opportunity.

Marina changed as quickly as she could into one of her black bodysuits that she mainly used for training as dashed out of the building to the location. When she arrived, her expression faltered as she saw the crumpling building in front of her. All of her insecurities began to slowly seep in like a ghostly chill as she hesitantly remained near the outskirts of the crowd. Suddenly she saw Sam and Emmy at the front of the crowd then to Alex as she dashed inside the building and her expression hardened. These people made her feel welcome - happy when she was alone and she refused to let them down.

Shoving throw the crowd is much easier with a determined expression amongst your face, it's almost as if those around her just understood what she needed and moved out of the way. Marina managed to burst through the front of the crowd coming out directly behind Sam and Emmy. Looking between the two she instantly noticed Emmy's anxiousness, call it- friend intuition. Marina gently placed a hand on her shoulder her eyes softening. "Hey- you got this, okay? Why don't you use that freaky touch of yours and find the survivors?" Marina knew Emmy was a bit lazy when it came to training but hell, that girl could touch a wall and tell Marina she was taking a bath. It was amazing. Her friend just needed a little faith, which Marina had plenty of. She turned to Sam briefly, "I'm going to try and put out that fire before it gets worse" and with a nod of her head she was off dashing around the perimeter of the building. Thankfully on the left side there was a bright red fire hydrant just waiting for her to use. "Alright water, don't let me down now" She muttered as she extended her hand towards the hydrant, flexing her fingers. Deep within her chest she could feel a rumble, like a thousand waves crashing at once and suddenly the hydrant began to shake. Marina pushed harder with her mind and suddenly a screw popped off the side, then another as tiny streams of water began to shoot out of the cracks. Her hands began to shake and with a small cry she flung her hands upward promptly exploding the fire hydrant. If she wouldn't have been so caught up in the task at hand she would've jumped for joy but there was no time for celebration.

As the water shot out of the hole in the ground Marina trained her hand on it and with a flick of her wrist directed it towards the flames slowly licking away at the building. She couldn't help the toothy grin that appeared on her face as she watched the water begin to eat the flames. I'm really doing it, oh thank Triton.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marina Ayers Character Portrait: Sam Whitworth Character Portrait: Noah Morris Character Portrait: Emmy Blackburn Character Portrait: Haven Edme Leclaire Character Portrait: Amber Huang
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0.00 INK

xxK A T R I N AxxxxL I N D

LOCATION: 374 Wilkerson St.

Turns out Kat didn’t need to know the exact address, 374 Wilkerson was easy to find as the smoke, debris and gathered crowd was a giveaway. She slowed down her motorbike, and rode it through the crowded, pumping the gas so it made that deep rumbly sound that always made people get the fuck out of the way. She pulled up her bike, threw off her motorbike helmet and strutted over to the line of terrified looking preteens. She sized them up. It wasn’t hard to tell they were the superheroes she was looking for. God help New York City, being in their care.

“Are you sorry lot superheroes or bystanders?” She looked to the surfer girl behind her working to put out the fire behind her. “At least one of you rejects has some initiative.”

Out of her back pocket she pulled out a crumple sheet of paper she’d been handed at the airport. Of course, she did this without removing her hands from her jacket pockets, she used her telekinesis power instead. The paper, floating in front of her unfolded seemingly on its own and allowed her to scan its contents, a list of The Barnyard residents, with their powers and notes from their examination.

“Um, it’s the Mad Fairy.” Kat’s eyes snapped from the page to the tall man on her right, and she had to do a double take. No way had that mild, timid voice come from a guy that large. She narrowed her eyes at him. “That’s, ah, what they’re saying at least.” He pointed skyward to the crows circling the building.

She looked back to floating paper to find his name. “Sampson Whitworth. Our very own Dr. Doolittle.” Quickly scanning the powers of the residents, Kat started formulating her plan, as she’d been involved with catching Tatianna Rovoski, for her third and fifth capture, she had some experience in the area. “She can only teleport where she can see.” Last time they’d tracked her in the darkness with night vision, the lack of technology was only the first issue with that plan. They’d just have to do the opposite this time and blind her with too much light. “Where’s Haven LeClaire?”

Sam answered again in his timid voice, pointing to the doors of the building. “In there.”

“Of course she is.” Kat cracked the knuckles in her right hand then turned to the brunette. “Okay then. Emerson Blackburn? You and Whitworth are on survivor duty, use those sensing powers of your to sense where they are. And, I want every single rodent and bug in that building looking for people. If you find Haven or that bat-shit crazy fairy you radio me.”
Using her telekinesis she pulled a walkie talkie out of her back pack and floated it in the air between the pair.

She glanced over the Noah, next, scanning his details on her sheet. “Morris. You go with them. There is currently billions of dollars of metal tech lying crushed in that building. I’m sure you’ll find a way to make yourself useful.”

Lucky last, she looked over Amber and could smell the alcohol reeking off her. Kat had little use for her, even before she glanced over her extensive file, taking up a good third of the sheet. “And you can just go home. I have no need for drunk little girls.” She dismissed her without a second glance.

Kat only took two steps though before a sharp pain pierced through her temples. She’d suffered broken bones and third degree burns with little more than grunts, but this pain was strong enough to knock her down to her knees, causing her to screw her eyes closed trying to block it out. She could hear screams around her as the same pain infected everyone around. The pain couldn’t have lasted more than 30 seconds before disappearing as suddenly as it appeared. Kat got to her feet with a groan, now more pissed off than ever. She yelled after the group of rejects, “And find out what the hell that was!”

Kat jogged over to where Marina was working to contain the flames. The big external ones had mostly died. “Good.” She said looking up at the building. “When you’re done with that, head inside and deal with the little fires in there.”

Finally taking her hands out of her pockets, she shrugged off her jacket looking up at the building. Now was her time to get to work, she stretched her neck from side to side. She held out her hands towards the building knowing she was going to need every ounce of power she had to make sure the building stayed upright long enough to get the survivors out. This wouldn’t have been a tough ask five years ago, when she was one top of her game. But now, it was probably impossible but she was going to give it her best go.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marina Ayers Character Portrait: Alex Grant Character Portrait: Sam Whitworth Character Portrait: Emmy Blackburn Character Portrait: Amber Huang Character Portrait: Katrina Lind
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S A MxxxxW H I T W O R T H

LOCATION: The Barnyard


Sam looked up to see Alex approaching. She was cool, confident and always sure of herself and so he looked to her with a lost look. “Alex, I don’t-“ As he was speaking she was reaching up to pat his shoulder but they both froze mid action as a scream tore itself away from the crumbling building. And then he saw Doctor Grant, compassionate and unable to say no to any person suffering, she dashed inside without thinking of her own safety for even a moment. His yell after her died in his throat, she wouldn’t listen.

”Sup' Sam... erm. What's happened?” He turned around to look down at Amber who had appeared by his side. He froze, biting his lip and looking towards the building. Of course, he knew the history between Brad and Amber, he’d been in their year at the Academy and knew all the gossip, even if Brad refused to talk about any of it. Brad had been determined to avoid a reunion when he'd moved in. Back then though, Brad was only going to be sleeping on his floor for a couple nights, two weeks at most. He's managed to avoid his high school ex for 8 months.

Surely she had a right to know he could be seriously injured in there. “In there-" He paused and looked back to the building. There was a definite chance that Brad could be dead, but even then, Sam was sure he’d want his secrets kept. He was definitely the type of guy who was intending on going to the grave with his secrets.

Luckily, he was saved from responding, by Emmy. "I... I should help shouldn't I? ...I... I can help, right?" He looked down at her with a soft gaze, his heart breaking to see her so unsure of herself. She was always so confident and peppy, he was the quiet one. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders but was saved from response by Marina, who appeared to give the pep talk before dashing off bravely, his heart hammered for her safety.

Sam straightened up, ready to be brave when a roar of a motorbike cut through the crowd. A woman a few years older than him strutted over. Clearly, she was sent from some high power, she knew everything about them and was way more battle ready that Sam was.

Happy to follow orders and avoid all leadership Sam nodded to her instructions. He grabbed the radio she hovered in the air in front of him and ran toward the building, pausing for a moment to give Emmy a reassuring smile. “She has to know what she’s talking about right?”

Sam walked into the building, to his left, what looked like it used to be a water cooler was crushed in the corner leaving the entire floor is a puddle of water, the destruction turned Sam’s stomach. A moth fluttered from out of the debris, his hurried comments assaulting Sam’s ear. Talking to animals, and calming them down was something he could do, and he felt a little of his confidence return. “Hey there, little man.” He cooed holding out a hand for the moth to land on. “You’re okay.” The moth fluttered its wings. “Yeah, I know it’s a bit crazy right now. Look, we need to find the survivors, I need you help.” The moth flapped its wings twice and rose into the air. “And can you spread the word if you see any more moths.”

Sam watched the moth take off, up through the cracks in the unstable ceiling. He took a deep breathe, if the moth could be brave so could he. He ran for the double wide stairs to the second storey that were on his right. “Haven? Brad?” He froze on the second step as an unbearable pain descended upon him. It passed momentarily, but he knew that pain for what it was, Brad's powers. Which meant Brad was alive somewhere in this building, and not in a good way. He was now more determined to search this building from top to bottom.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alex Grant Character Portrait: Sam Whitworth Character Portrait: Noah Morris Character Portrait: Emmy Blackburn Character Portrait: Amber Huang
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alex grant

Alex was starting to think that maybe she should have thought before running into the building. The floor had caved in in places, and in others, there were piles of rubble that Alex had to clamber over. She'd lost her footing and had slipped down a particularly large pile, catching her thigh on something on the way down. The wound didn't seem to be too deep, but she was afraid it wasn't clean. Gritting her teeth, she willed the blood already seeping out of the wound to speed up, to flow heavier. As soon as she was sure that the dirt and debris was out of the wound, the blood flow stopped and instead began to clot. Picking her feet, slow and steady, she made her way through the building. Somebody stumbled out of an adjacent room, making Alex jump and almost lose her balance. The woman was dressed in a shirt and skirt, but appeared to be wielding a part of a desk as a weapon. Alex threw her hands up.

"Who are you?" The woman demanded and brandished the desk leg threateningly. She was limping, and there was blood trickling out of a cut on her forehead. "My name's Alex, I'm here to help. Are you okay? I can take a look at that if you want," she asked. The woman didn't look so sure, but she at least lowered the table leg. Alex made her way over to her and gently put her fingers either side of the woman's cut. It clotted as soon as Alex's hand touched her face. The woman's hand reached up to touch the wound.

"Wow. Are you-"
"You need to get out of here, okay? Back that way, you'll be able to get out. Be careful, okay?" She ordered, turning and working her way further into the building. She hadn't gotten terribly far when her vision went black, and she experienced pain like she never had before. She felt herself sink to her knees, but she couldn't focus on anything other than the pain. And then, just like that, it faded. Alex was on her knees, leaning against a wall. Pain like that only came from one source.

"Brad?" She called, taking into as much of a run as she could manage, which was a bit of a lopsided jog. Well, at least he was alive. That was something.

noah morris

A few people seemed to arrive all at once. Amber, drunk. Noah could smell the alcohol off of her and he wasn't even standing beside her. Then Emmy, clearly terrified, and as lost as Noah felt. Marina arrived, the only one who seemed to be able to help. Noah felt even more useless, seeing how helpful she was. And then a woman appeared, one that instinctively made Noah want to shrink into himself even more. From what he could ascertain, she appeared to be taking charge of the situation. She addressed him, but because she wasn't looking at him directly, reading her lips was difficult, and he just had to guess that she wanted them to follow Sam. Which is what he wanted to do. He jogged to catch up with them as they entered the building.

He glanced over at Emmy. "What's her problem?" He signed to her, confident that the scary woman wouldn't be able to understand him. Sam had a... conversation with a moth, which was a little weird to see, but he was more than used to it if he was honest. The pain that overwhelmed them for a few seconds terrified Noah. For a second, he thought that it was just him, that there was something wrong with him. He looked at Sam, who had frozen. It then hit him that he was supposed to be going to the basement, not upstairs with the others.

"I need to go to the basement. I... I don't want to go alone," he admitted, looking between them. Because he didn't know what else was out there, and wasn't sure that he could quite manage to do it by himself. But Sam seemed so determined to search the building. "I'll be fine, don't worry," he recovered. "Look after yourselves."

He turned and headed back down the stairs, slowly, slowly, watching every step. He found a door to the stairwell, but it was locked. He closed his eyes, feeling for the lock inner workings. He manipulated them into place and twisted the door handle, grinning. He couldn't do many things, but he was a handy lockpick if nothing else. He took a deep breath, staring down the stairs.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marina Ayers Character Portrait: Sam Whitworth Character Portrait: Noah Morris Character Portrait: Emmy Blackburn Character Portrait: Amber Huang Character Portrait: Katrina Lind
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LOCATION: 374 Wilkerson St.

Sam had turned to look at her following her greeting however the reaction didn’t fill her with much confidence, what with his expression taking on a very ‘deer in the headlights’ vibe as far as she could tell. Though it wasn’t exactly like they spoke on a regular basis or anything but there had definitely been an increased feeling of detachment, almost as if Sam had avoiding her or something for the past several month. She dismissed her worries when he finally started to speak, and chalked his uncertainty as being more to do with their current situation than anything else; but what did it really matter if yet another person distrusted her?

“In there-" he began as he looked back towards the building, though the rest of his words faded as one of the other residents of the Barnyard stepped up beside them. "I... I should help shouldn't I? ...I... I can help, right?". Amber tilted her head slightly to look at the other girl, whose name she couldn’t quite remember, while the sudden change of movement caused her head to swim and her eyes going a little unfocused. She missed the lamppost she’d used earlier, much better than keeping herself stable. She could definitely understand the uncertainty radiating off the girl, was her name Emery
 Emma? Either way just diving headlong into danger when actual Superheroes were supposed to be dealing with it almost felt like suicide as far as she was concerned. They’d been flunked from the program for a reason after all, and it wasn’t like they’d suddenly been called into active duty or anything. That would be a terrible, terrible idea.

While she was mulling over the absurdity of pitching in to help another resident, who again she couldn’t quite place, but vaguely remembered some mention of hydrokinetic abilities. She half lifted her hand to take a stabilising drink while the two women she couldn’t place engaged in conversation before remembering her hands were empty and the bottle was lying smashed several feet away. Her suspicions were confirmed as the other strange ran to the side of the building where she looked to be calling on water from nearby a fire hydrant in an effort to reduce the growing blaze.

The sound of a roaring motorbike engine caused her to look round as the crowd parted, and a rather irate looking woman stepped into a view while removing their helmet. “Are you sorry lot superheroes or bystanders?” Amber struggled a little with that given that she knew there ought to be actual superheroes due to the scene of something like this and what she remembered of their training it was usually more of a hindrance to try helping out. As the woman began reading off their names, and barking orders for each of the Barnyard residents the feeling that she was clearly missing something began to gnaw at Amber.

She’d zoned out a little before noticing that Sam and couple of the others was heading into the building while the strange woman appeared to be giving Amber a momentary appraisal. “And you can just go home. I have no need for drunk little girls.” Amber flinched as if struck, her face twisting half in confusion before quickly being replaced by indignation. She half admitted, if only to herself, that it made a change to hear someone being direct with her for once, though her eyes still flared with anger. Her lip curled into a drunken smile as she raised her finger in an attempt to lecture this stranger, being entirely certain that her next words would be a perfectly crafted snarky retort which would leave them dumbstruck.

The women, entirely oblivious to this, had instead finished dismissing Amber and began to make her way into the building. Amber watched in confusion as she winced and fell to her knees before she felt a wave of sudden agony ripple through every nerve in her body. She stumbled backwards, her balanced failing as the tumbled onto her backside, spreading out her palms against the rough concrete to ease her landing. Her eyes had closed with the pain while her flesh and clothes were starting to slowly shift to match the dark grey material at her fingertips; though as the change spread, she bit her lip as the pain shifted sensation before fading. ”That felt awfully familiar.” She muttered to herself, a faint smile pursing her lips.

Grunting a little as she pushed herself back onto her feet, she heard the new arrival shout, “And find out what the hell that was!” in the general direction of the building before jogging over to help deal with the external fires. Amber glared at the woman’s retreating back, willing her eyes to bore holes through her skull, but as expected nothing happened.

It had been a few years since she’d made a complete absorption like this and the alcohol in her system wasn’t making it any easier, but the fogginess in her head was a great deal lessened now that she was entirely made of stone, or stone-like material at any rate. Her own steps were rather slow as she felt incredibly stiff and every part of her simply wanted to remain stationary, but with each she could feel her limbs starting to loosen up and begin to work as intended.
After entering the crumbling building she looked around to see if any of the others were in sight but it appeared they had all went further inside in search of survivors.

Uncertain of exactly where would be the most help she headed to where the structure appeared most unstable, her reasoning being that if nothing else she could at least attempt on making sure it didn’t collapse entirely. As she slowly worked her way through the ground floor she did her best to heft rubble to the sides in order to clear a way through. She found her way towards an open stairwell that was leading down towards the basement, and spying a door sitting ajar she began to descend in search of survivors.

”Anyone trapped down there?” Her voice had taken on a rather gravelly tone to it, and even if she was feeling a good deal more sober there was still a faint slur to her words.