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Luka Durante

"Everything takes time. You've just got to be patient."

0 · 1,933 views · located in San Fransisco

a character in “Superhumans Anonymous”, originally authored by ililumi., as played by RolePlayGateway


Roses ♫ Electric Love ♫ Another Story ♫ Junk of the Heart ♫ The Wolves and the Ravens ♫ Welcome and Goodbye ♫ Warm Hands
{"I wish it was all a dream."}

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Image| N A M E |
Luka Durante
| N I C K N A M E |
| A G E |
| G E N D E R |
| O C C U P A T I O N |
| R E L A T I O N S H I P |
| E T H N I C I T Y |
Italian, Hungarian, English
| B I R T H D A T E |
March 4th
| S E X U A L I T Y |

{"Sometimes it's good to just stop and look around at the beauty that surrounds you."}

ImageImage| H E I G H T |
| W E I G H T |
160 pounds
| E Y E C O L O R |
| H A I R C O L O R |
| A P P E A R A N C E |
Luka has somewhat short brown hair that seems to have a slight wave to it, and brown eyes. He has more of an athletic body type, and is slightly toned, while he has a tan skin tone. He stands around 6'1" with an average weight, 160 pounds. He doesn't seem to have much facial hair. He tends to wear more simple clothing when casual, with a loose black t-shirt, and a pair of jeans, usually a belt along with that as well. His shoes seem to change from time to time, but they're usually something that he'll find comfortable. A watch is always found on his right wrist. If he finds himself in a formal situation, he'll probably throw on a tuxedo or something, or even just a simple white button up shirt and a tie, and nice black pants with good shoes.
| O D D I T I E S |
He has tribal styled tattoos covering his upper back and shoulders, coming down to his upper arms.
Nothing too noticeable scar wise, just a couple small ones find themselves over his body. He can't seem to remember what they're from, or where they even came from in the first place.

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ImageImage| P E R S O N A L I T Y |

✩ Creative ✧ Sarcastic ✩ Outgoing ✧ Confident ✩

The first thing people would probably notice about Luka is his rather outgoing way of acting. He is most definitely not a shy person, and he enjoys the company of others when he can be around them, so he's rather social. In fact, he prefers to be around people for the most part, better than being along, yet there are times when he'd rather it be quiet or if no one was around, like when he's working, or occasionally when he's reading and researching. Though, he usually makes it pretty clear which he's wanting at that moment. So simply be on the watch out and keep an eye on his body language and the way he's talking to get an idea of which he's wanting at the moment.

Luka tends to be rather sarcastic at times too, though it can start sounding much more rude when he's feeling annoyed or "anti-social." He doesn't usually mean for it in a mean way, some might even call it his sense of humor or his way of joking around with the people he likes, but occasionally people may feel as if he's going a little bit overboard. He's quick to apologize if people start to think that or give hints that they don't like it, and will tone it down as best he can, but don't expect it to leave for long; it'll probably show right back up in an hour or so. Just try not to take it personally.

Luka, of course, is very artistic and creative. He's got a very imaginitive mind, and will come up with new ideas every once in a while for his next picture, or something like that. He enjoys photography quite a lot, though occasionally he'll branch out and have some fun with music, whether it's singing or piano, rarely with actual art, as in holding a pencil or a paintbrush and throwing something out on a piece of paper. Though, even if he is usually confident about most of the things he does, music and traditional art are things he'd much rather keep to himself. So ask all you'd like about his photography, he'd say it's pretty good (he did make a job out of it...), he's even pretty proud of himself for the things he captures, but he'll avoid talking much about his musical and drawing and painting side, as he seems nervous about sharing those.

{"Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will. ~ Suzy Kassem"}

ImageImageImage| P O W E R S |
✧ Electrokinesis - Luka's ability allows him to manipulate electricity. It's made his body able to house and hold in that element, and he takes it in by tapping into electrical devices, like a power outlet or a phone, and then storing it inside. He, of course, has a limit to how much he can keep in, and if he happens to push past that, he either becomes ill, or accidentally releases it all out at once, which of course, wouldn't exactly feel all too great to those around him. So it's usually wise for him to, every once in a while, go out somewhere empty and alone and release it, or try to give some of it to different objects, like charging up a phone or getting the lights working again for a little while in a power outage. Occasionally, he'll accidentally take drain electricity without meaning to, so sometimes he ends up with a dead phone or camera. Usually it isn't too big of a problem, and he can easily recharge it back up, but he does find it somewhat annoying.
| S T R E N G T H S |
✩Patient - Luka is very patient, be it with delays, or with work or problems. He isn't quick to become annoyed or frustrated.
✧Observant - He rarely misses even the smallest details, and is quick to catch or spot something that others may have not noticed before.
✩Persistent - He most definitely isn't quick to give up, and he'll work towards his goal for as long as it takes.
✧Open Minded - Luka has an open mind with people and their opinions, and doesn't mind hearing their ideas. Sometimes people might consider him a good listener.
✩Friendly - Luka, for the most part, is a pretty nice person, even to strangers.
| W E A K N E S S E S |
✧Sarcastic - While some might just consider it his sense of humour, others consider it rude and annoying.
✩Reckless - Luka tends to do things without thinking much about the consequences to follow.
✧Perfectionist - Usually with photography, music, or art, which can often become a problem or slow him down/stop him from making progress.
✩Claustrophobic - When he's inside somewhere. If he knows there's some place he can occasionally slip out to get a breath of fresh air or just so he knows that he can leave if he wants or needs to, it's fine. When he feels trapped or as if he has no way to escape is when he starts panicking.
✧Insomnia - It's not too terrible, but he rarely get a full night of sleep, which can leave him dragging or feeling exhausted in the day time, without the energy he needs to have a productive day.

{"I am easy to inspire; there is little I require."}

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ImageImage| L I K E S |
✩Photography - "I made a job out of it, why shouldn't I love it?"
✧Music - "It helps me relax or gets me pumped up, ya know?"
✩Late Nights - "I can barely sleep anyways, so why not?
✧Outdoors - "I feel more comfortable outside. It's nice and open, and the fresh air is always good."
✩Sunny Weather - "It's good, clear, and very relaxing. It's much better to work in too."
| D I S L I K E S |
✧Crowded, Cramped Spaces - "I can't stand it. Feels like I can't move or breathe."
✩Early Mornings - Every tried to wake up with barely four or five hours of sleep? Yeah, it sucks."
✧Stormy Weather - "You know, lightning and thunder and loud wind? Used to love it a while ago, not so much now."
✩Messes - "Maybe I'm a little bit of a clean freak, but I hate it when things aren't neat and organized."
✧Hypocrites - "You can't tell someone to not do something and then go ahead and do it yourself later."
| H O B B I E S |
✩Music/Art - "I enjoy playing the piano, and sometimes I like to try and draw or paint, but usually I do them when I'm alone."
✧Hiking - "You know, you can get the best pictures when you go hiking. They almost always turn out beautiful."
✩Cooking - "I find it nice to be able to make my own food. I've got a couple of my own recipes, but it's always fun to try new ones too."
| H A B I T S |
✧Tapping Fingers - "Usually happens when I'm thinking or concentrating on something."
✩Mumbling - "Sometimes a thought or two will accidentally escape my mind."
✧Draining Batteries - "I can't even begin to tell you how annoying this gets. It makes me go insane."
| G O A L S |
✩Learning to Control Powers - "I wouldn't be nervous about it so much if I could just figure out how to stop the accidents."
✧Become Well Known - "It'd be nice to get better recognition and credit for my work."
✩Get a Pet - "Like a cat or a dog or something, I don't know. I just think it'd be fun."
| F E A R S |
✧Heights - "My legs freeze up and my stomach drops when I'm anywhere close to them."
✩Accidents - "Not things like...draining my camera battery. I mean the ones that are a lot harder to fix."
✧Failure - "I have to succeed."

{"Sometimes a good picture takes a lot of work."}

ImageImageImageImage| B I R T H P L A C E |
Seattle, Washington
| H I S T O R Y |
Luka had lived in Seattle from the day he was born. Along with him was his mother and father, Whitney and Tony Durante. The three of them owned a small, but comfortable home in the large city, and they did well enough financially that they didn't have to worry much about money or being able to get food on the table. Yeah, they weren't rich, but they weren't struggling and broke either, so they were happy.

From a young age, Luka began to show interest in art, music, and photography. He was constantly found at the piano, messing around on the keys and trying to figure out how it worked, or scribbling doodles onto a piece of paper at the kitchen counter. Occasionally he even managed to get ahold of his father's expensive camera, though luckily he knew well enough to be careful with it, so he never broke it. His parents found his love for these things cute, or something good for him, and so they were completely supportive of whatever he did. They gave him piano lessons, they helped him look for art classes, and his father helped teach him how to use a camera, as well as all different tips on how to get a good picture, or get a better perspective on something. It was quite exciting for him, and it become something he would love for the rest of his life. He would even make a career out of photography one day.

So, as Luka aged on and finally graduated from his high school, he went on to go and pursue his dream of photography. His parents were continuously supportive, even if they'd liked better it if he'd chosen to go on a more stable career field. It was their son's life, not something for them to control and force decisions on. He was more than grateful towards his parents of course, and often would seek help from them when he first started out and was struggling. But, things seemed to be going well for him, and soon he was somewhat better well known and was actually making money off of it. A rough start, but he was starting to make progress and getting somewhere, and things were looking okay. Maybe he would actually end up doing pretty well after all.

Yet it seemed that the biggest challenges and trials of his life were just around the corner, waiting to pounce on him when he least expected it. It had become rather late after he'd been out taking pictures on his own for fun up in the mountains on a hike. He had started to feel rather sick, and decided it would probably be best if he headed home before it got worse. Besides, getting sick when you're a hiking isn't exactly the most delightful experience, he knew that himself. So, he got moving, but it became worse and worse the closer back he got, until he finally collapsed and couldn't even get himself to stand back up. The pain in his chest made him feel as if he couldn't breathe, and then the bleeding from his eyes came next. Panic would be an understatement. He had no idea what the hell was going on, and he was out in the middle of a mountain, alone. Who would find him? He was going to die!

And, he did. But soon after, he was back, alive, breathing, even though his heart had stopped completely who knows how long ago.

He barely made it back to his home, collapsing again once he was there and passing out due to the stress on his body. He thought maybe he'd just dreamt everything that had happened, but there was no way. It wasn't possible. Things got even weirder when he figured out he had some kind of crazy ability. Electricity? There was no way. This couldn't be normal.

Yet...this was him now, and he was going to have to accept it, whether he liked it or not.
| F A M I L Y T I E S |
Tony Durante - Father
Whitney Durante - Mother

{"Whatever you decide to do, make sure it makes you happy. ~ Paulo Coelho"}

ImageImage| F C |
Matthew Daddario
| C O L O R |

| P R O T R A Y E D B Y |

Sheet Ⓘ of CutUp

So begins...

Luka Durante's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Echo Enyo Character Portrait: Luka Durante Character Portrait: CĂ©sar Cruz Character Portrait: Tahlia Chase Character Portrait: Danny Taylor Character Portrait: Adira Branwen
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0.00 INK

#, as written by CutUp
♫ Till It's Gone ♫
C Ă©sar sat in his cab, half awake as he watched the city pass him by on this busy Saturday afternoon. He rubbed his eyes, wearing his fatigue clearly on his face. Most Saturdays he'd spend the entire time in basically a coma until it was night, and he needed to work his shift at Temptation. The only reason he'd normally be conscious in the Saturday afternoon was because his sisters needing something. But not today, today was the first Freaks Anonymous meeting or whatever it was called. Pity, since the twins were out with their friends, and gave him some much needed down time. But now he's got to make his way to some shady looking warehouse near the docks. Great.

When the cab finally stopped in front of the warehouse that CĂ©sar was told to come to for the meeting he let out a loud groan, and stretched his arms out. He slowly got out of the cab, and surveyed his surroundings. There wasn't much to see, it was a simple large, and seemingly abandoned warehouse near the docks. CĂ©sar turned to the cab driver, a overweight bald-man with a rather large, and impressive mustache. Without saying a word CĂ©sar took out his wallet, and paid the man for his cab fare. The driver gave him a silent nod, and then drove away.

CĂ©sar made his way to the warehouse door, and tried to open it, only to find that it was locked. He let out a loud sigh, not sure whether he's early or if this was someone's idea of a joke. CĂ©sar crossed his arms, and leaned his back against the wall next to the door. This was no doubt the address he was given by this Dr. Savino. He kept his eyes open, watching the street, waiting for someone to come. And then ten minutes later someone finally did show up.

A black late 1960s Camaro pulled up, it looked like it belonged in some kind of car show, obviously being all shiny, and well maintained, with an engine that just seemed to purr. Out of the car stepped out a older gentleman with glasses stepped out of the driver's seat. He looked over at CĂ©sar with a warm smile. He then looks down at his watch. "Early bird catches the worm huh? Our meeting was scheduled for about four right?" The man asked as he approached the warehouse, with a cup of coffee in one hand. CĂ©sar merely nodded an answer. "So you the doc right? Savino, or whatever." CĂ©sar asked. "Yep. Benjamin Savino, pleasure to meet you. And you get to be my helper in setting up the meeting. Sorry, that's just what happens to the first arrivals But you're a big strong man, I'm sure moving a few chairs won't be a problem."

The doctor walked up to the warehouse door, and pulled out a a bunch of keys on a single key ring. He hummed softly as he flipped through his dozens of keys, trying to find the right one. CĂ©sar looked him up and down, and raised an eyebrow at him. He shifted his attention from the doctor to his car. "Nice car." He said as the doctor continued to fiddle with his keys. "Huh? Oh, thanks. Would you believe that I've had that car since I was a teenager? My father was a mechanic. He could pretty much jury-rig anything with four wheels to run." He stated as he continued to try different keys in the lock, unsure what the right key was. "It was amazing, and he would go out, once a month, and drag me and my brother out to the nearest junkyard where he would pay off the owner so we could scavenge around for some machine parts to use in the garage. My old man was kinda cheap, he'd rather find, and fix old parts rather than buy new ones."

"Well, one day I found the remains of that very car. It's doors were ripped off, engine missing, and was sitting up on some cinder-blocks. The moment I saw it I knew what it could be if it was given a little work. I had the owner of the junkyard hold onto it, and I spend the next two months raising up the money for it." He then let out a loud sigh as he failed to find the right key once more. "My brother helped me buy it, we were both gonna work on it, and then share it between us. But the car was a lot of work. And my brother....well he's got a long line of ex-wives who say he's got commitment issues. He lost interest in it almost two weeks later. Sometime after that I was working under the hood, and I was just hitting a brick wall, the engine I got for it just wouldn't run. That was until my father came, and helped me out. We worked on that car the entire summer, we spent every bit of free time we had working on that car."

Savino chuckled when he finally found the right key, and opened the door. "Just goes to show you, patience and perseverance can go a long way." He chuckled. CĂ©sar rolled his eyes. "Jeez Doc, laying it heavy on the whole sensitive camp councilor that just wants to be your friend stick ya going on aren't ya? Or am I just special?" He smirked. Savino laughed out loud at this. "I suppose I am prone to my stories. I'm old, it's one of the perks. Plus I'm a therapist, we're always the sensitive camp counselor type." He replied as he opened up the door. "Lo que te venga bien." CĂ©sar sighed.

Savino opened the door, and ushered CĂ©sar inside. The warehouse was a large, and nearly empty building. There was many different forms of training equipment, ranging from simple punching bags to some fancy treadmills. There was also a small area in the corner with several tables, and chairs folded up next to the wall. "Alright, so.....oh wait, I'm sorry, I forgot to ask for your name. Let me guess......CĂ©sar correct?" Savino asked. CĂ©sar merely nodded yes. "Ah! Perfect! If you would be so kind as to set up those chairs over there in a circle, I got some stuff in the back for the meeting, and then we'd be ready for the others." Savino ordered as he headed back towards his car. CĂ©sar sighed as he did what he was told, figuring it'd be better to get it over with.

It didn't take them too long to set up a rough circle of cars, and two tables, one with some coffee brewing in a cheap coffee maker, and a water cooler sitting next to it, with mountains of plastic cups next to them. On the other table was two boxes full with different kinds of donuts, and chips, and other kinds of snacks. "There's one golden rule to these types of meetings my young friend, ABS, Always Bring Snacks." Savino chuckled as he handed CĂ©sar a cup of coffee after he finished setting up the last chair. "Looked like you needed some." CĂ©sar gave him a nod as he took the cup. He took a sip of the coffee, it was exactly the kind of crappy coffee you'd expect in these sort of meetings. "No offense Doc, but I think I'd be better off without it." He said as he placed the cup down. "Yeah, that's probably a good idea. Unfortunately it's mandatory in the state of California to have crappy coffee to these kinds of meetings." This actually caused CĂ©sar to smile slightly. "Ah! Dad jokes do their job once again."

CĂ©sar grabbed himself a donut, which thankfully was much better than the coffee, and took himself a seat. "And now we wait." Savino said as he took a seat next to CĂ©sar.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luka Durante Character Portrait: CĂ©sar Cruz Character Portrait: Tahlia Chase Character Portrait: Danny Taylor Character Portrait: Adira Branwen Character Portrait: Kamael Autman
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0.00 INK


Dialogue – #D35400 ║ Thought – #949627

Luka sat inside his apartment quietly, a small bowl of cereal for breakfast sitting in front of him, occasionally taking a spoonful to eat, but going right back to flipping through the photos in his camera that he'd forgotten to upload to his laptop last night. Not that it really mattered of course; there was still plenty of space left on the device. He could take quite a few more pictures before he'd have to worry about how many he had left.

Glancing over to the clock, he realized that it was still rather early. Normally, he'd have still been in bed right now, but it seemed that sleep wasn't really agreeing with him right now. Why? Probably stress. Typically Luka wasn't easily stressed out, at least, not with his laid back lifestyle. Though this time, it seemed his day wouldn't be as relaxing as it usually was. Not with that whole meeting thing in the support group that he'd agreed to take part of. Dr. Savino, that was the man's name, right? He was the one who'd set it up. Luka hadn't really minded the idea of meeting others who'd gone through the same thing as him, he figured it would be good to perhaps get back out there in the social life instead of holing himself up inside his small apartment and completely absorbing himself in his work, even when he had free time. But as the day came closer, he felt something like nervousness, and suddenly, he couldn't help but let his mind be completely taken over by any thought of what might happen once he arrived. He'd thought about it enough to come to the idea that it could possibly be a scam, even. Especially with the location he'd been given. Looking on the internet at a picture of the place was enough to make him feel skeptical about this whole thing. But he'd finally decided he'd just go and see how it turned out, hoping for the best.

Waiting around for another hour or so, Luka looked up at the clock yet again, seeing the time and then letting out another sigh. Time for him to leave, it seemed. He picked up the cereal bowl that had been sitting for some time now, and dumping it into the sink. I'll just wash it when I get back. He thought to himself, before finally grabbing a couple of other things, like his phone, wallet, watch, and of course, his camera, which sat in its holder now, hanging from his shoulder. Heading towards the door, he swiped his keys off the counter, before stepping out and then locking his door behind himself. He quickly stuck the keys into his camera's case, and made his way down the steps to the outside.

Sitting in the back of the taxi in silence, he watched out the window as the city passed by quickly. He seemed to have calmed down some after a while, no longer shifting around as if he was uncomfortable, or tapping his fingers on his leg. Now it was just a thought that was stuck in the back of his head. Was this going to turn out okay? Or would he end up going home feeling worse than he already did? He hoped it wouldn't be the latter.

"Going to take some pictures?" The male who was driving him asked, glancing back at Luka through the mirror. "That's a camera you've got, yeah?"

Luka gave a nod, holding up the camera in its bag for a couple of seconds before letting it drop back down into his lap. "I guess you could say I'm kind of going to, but not really. I just like to take my camera everywhere. I usually miss the best chance for a great picture when I don't have it on me." He gave a small shrug, and a slight smile. "So if I do end up getting a picture or two, I guess you could call me a little lucky."

Several more minutes passed, until finally Luka started to recognize the area from the three or so pictures he'd seen. No sooner did the cab come to a stop, and Luka scanned the area. He spotted the warehouse a little ways away, and then shook his head slightly. This really wasn't that great of a place for a support group, but he wouldn't complain. It's not like he would have been able to afford some place nice for something like this anyways.

"Oh, uh, are you sure this is the right place?" The driver asked, looking back at him with and unsure expression.

"Yep, this is it. Rather unimpressive looking, huh? Guess I won't be getting any nice pictures here, unless somehow there's something pretty around that I'm just not seeing now."

He reached back into his wallet, taking out the money to pay the driver, who gave him a nod and a "good luck" before he got out of the car, and the man sped off. That left Luka feeling rather alone. Was anyone else here?

He moved forward to the warehouse, and finally stepped inside, annoucing himself with a quick, "Hey there, this is the support group, right? I didn't get the wrong directions or anything?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Echo Enyo Character Portrait: Luka Durante Character Portrait: CĂ©sar Cruz Character Portrait: Tahlia Chase Character Portrait: Danny Taylor Character Portrait: Adira Branwen
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0.00 INK


Little Game | Benny
"'Judge nothing by the appearance. The more beautiful the serpent,
the more fatal its sting.' William Scott Downey."

Conversational Speech Code ~ #0404B4
Thought Speech Code ~ #B40404
Current Outfit ~ Comfort

"What do you mean, 'an entire shipment of Points and Crystal Wands has gone missing'?"

"W-well, you see ma'am, the thing is ..." a strangled voice began, accompanied by a ruffle of papers.

The secretary who belonged to the stuttering, nervous voice was none other than Gerald, a frazzled and lanky young man who held the oh-so-sought-after position of an unemployed intern. He stood before a young woman who looked to be the same age as himself, but was seated behind a rather large, and rather imposing, solid oak desk, in an equally gargantuan black leather rolling chair.

Pushing herself to her feet with the soft whisk that was often associated with the rolling of wheels across plush carpet, Echo slapped a hand down on her beautiful, hand-carved desk.

"Gerald, I don't want excuses. I want to know where that shipment is, and I want to know now. If that shipment was lost, that will put us behind schedule on introducing our new products to the Wiccan community, which will, in turn, put us behind schedule on our profit predictions and margins. What the Hell happened to that shipment?" she snapped. The terrified intern shook in his neatly-polished black shoes, stammering incoherent words as he flipped through papers in a slightly-chaotic manner. She had already grown used to the ever-present auras that shimmered closely around each living being's body. Each one was slightly different, holding a unique characteristic or blend of hues that hinted at the special qualities that that creature held. It could be something as simple as kindness, or the ability to play musical instruments. She had yet to pinpoint what all of the base colors meant - orange was related to emotions, so if the person was extremely in touch with their feelings, their aura would be laced with different tones of oranges, which was precisely why Gerald's was orange.

After a few moments of his pathetic struggling, Echo huffed and turned away abruptly, her hair flipping over her shoulder and down her back with the motion. With a wave of her hand in the air, she shooed the secretary, calling after him simply to impress upon him what the repercussions would be if the information on the lost shipment wasn't on her desk by the end of the day.

Dropping back into her chair, she spun around and dropped her elbows on her desk and then her forehead onto the backs of her hands. Closing her eyes, she drew in a deep breath, held it for a few moments, and then gently released it.

She would be lying if she said that she didn't feel any differently since the 'Change', as some have been calling it. She referred to it more so as a metamorphosis - for what else could explain the strange abilities appearing in those who were going through it? It had to be some sort of mutation, perhaps in the genetic coding of the individuals that were affected. Whether or not each and every person on Earth was eligible to be affected by it was unbeknownst to her, but she had a strong hunch that whatever it is inside of her that was put into action and caused the change, was something that was simply lying dormant in a good portion of the human race.

So that leaves only one question.

What's the trigger?

Small rocks made the soft, satisfying crunching sound that they make as Echo's black Lykan Hypersport crawled towards the imposing warehouse that was supposedly the meeting grounds for the freak fest. She was nervous, which was odd for her to feel given the way that she was raised and her occupation, so also extremely relieved when she saw that she wasn't the first to arrive. She easily slid in beside a bright yellow Volkswagen Buggy, gathered her bearings, tossed the last piece of her uncooked chocolate pop tart into her mouth - shoot her, she could eat whatever she wanted - and then shoved open her driver's side door. She had opted to carry with her only her wallet, leaving her purse at home and a good majority of her money.

One could never be too careful.

What if this was all a joke and a setup and they simply meant to rob her?

Which was exactly why she was glad to have gotten out of the office by three, giving her more than enough time to run back home, change, grab a bite to eat, and then head off to this 'meeting'.

Taking in a breath for confidence, she straightened her back and walked briskly yet confidently towards the front doors.

She could sense the waves of energy radiating off of those inside the warehouse as soon as she had gotten out of her car. Up until now, she had only met one other person who had gone through the Metamorphosis, and they moved the next day to live with their parents across the country.

She couldn't blame them, either.

Either way, though, she had only felt the overwhelming energy that belonged to those who had changed once, and only from one person.

This energy was immense, and it was a bit suffocating, to say the least. She found herself tugging at the collar of her leather jacket, almost as though she were struggling to breathe.

Finally, Echo forced herself to open the doors.

She was met with a large, open room, which took up a good majority of the building. It was already set up, albeit with cheap equipment and dull decorating abilities, almost like a training gym in a way. In one corner was two tables and several folding chairs, and the rest of the room consisted of punching bags, weight sets, exercise equipment, and targets for long distance practice.

"Welcome! Seeing as there are only two other lovely young women that we're expecting, I'm going to assume that you're Echo? You most definitely do not look like a Kimi," came a warm, chuckling laugh. Echos eyes shot from observing her surroundings to instead studying the people who sat inside the building. The voice belonged to an older gentleman, clad in a nice suit with a jacket that reminded her of a scientist. His face held nothing but genuine greetings, but Echo had never been one to take things at face value, even before she went through the Metamorphosis. Now, well, she simply had a slightly upper hand when the situation arose - an advantage, one might say. So instead of focusing on his face, her eyes skirted around the outline of his body, taking in the blues, greens, and yellows that made up his beautiful aura. The mix was gentle on the eyes, and she immediately received a warm feeling from gazing upon it.

This man was a good man.

After what seemed like forever, she responded with her soft, thickly-Greek voice.

"My name is Echo. Echo Enyo. It's a pleasure."

With her short introduction out of the way, she approached the gathering of people, snagging a bag of pretzels and a bottle of water from the cooler as she walked. If you didn't include the doctor, there were four men and four women, including herself, and they all appeared to be in their early- to mid-twenties.

Curiouser and curiouser ...

Taking a seat beside a man with dark, wavy black hair and angular cheek bones, Echo leaned back and propped her booted feet on the table in front of her and tossed a pretzel in her mouth. She peaked at the man beside her through the corner of her eyes, noting the swirling hues of red and yellow, tinged only slightly with white and black. It looked almost like lava, and was mesmerizing to watch.

"You have a beautiful aura," she commented offhandedly, almost flippantly, to the man.

The doctor chuckled a little bit at her actions, raising an eyebrow at her in what could only be called a piqued interest.

"You're not quite what I expected from your profile. I was expecting a composed and proper young woman who looked well beyond her years. But instead, I'm shown a complete ..." he trailed off as though searching for the word.

Her gaze slightly darkened, ready to take offense, Echo narrowed her eyes at him. "Go ahead. I dare you to say it."

The doctor merely smiled and folded his hand together in front of him, his eyes sparkling when they met hers.

"I'm shown a complete individual," he said, a bit more softly than before.

Echo gagged on her pretzel, momentarily choked on it, and then smacked her chest before somehow dislodging it. Waving her hand at her face, she blinked in surprise at the doctor, who was once again chuckling.

"Was that not what you were expecting me to say?"

Holding his stare, she studied him intensely, curiosity raging within her.

"No. It wasn't."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Echo Enyo Character Portrait: Luka Durante Character Portrait: CĂ©sar Cruz Character Portrait: Tahlia Chase Character Portrait: Danny Taylor Character Portrait: Elodie Wolfe
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0.00 INK

Location: S/A Meeting
Mood: Embarrassed/Nervous
Outfit: This
Dialogue Code: #04664A
Thought Code:#4080BF

Everyone seemed to be entering with different feelings towards the meeting. Some appeared to be irritated, some shared her trepidation, and others seem to be happy. She watched each and every one of them with veiled interest. She wondered what their abilities where. She was sure they would have to tell each other? I mean that’s what they did in Alcohol’s anonymous wasn’t it? That’s what it had said in a majority of the research she had done regarding these anonymous meetings.
When the silence grew almost unbearable Adira decided to speak up. Better to get it started—

As if reading her mind the Doctor stood and looked around the room.

“So, now that we are all here, let’s get started. We should start with a quick introduction of who you are and, if possible a demonstration of your abilities.” He said as he looked around the room. When no one jumped to take him up on the offer Adira sighed and stood.

“Um, hello everyone, My name is Adira and my
peculiarity is
Art.” Adira said with a small self-depreciating shrug. She pulled out a small notepad from her purse along with a sketching pencil. She took a moment to center herself before she started sketching. Her hand few over the paper creating a lifelike image of a rose. Within two minutes she had it fully drawn.


Adira looked around the room, then down at the paper. She felt her power well within her like a wave of ecstasy. She pricked her finger and let a drop of color spill onto the page. She reached for the rose, not just the paper, but into the paper and drew out a living rose. She handed it to the Doctor with a small inclination of her head. He touched the rose in awe before he passed it to one of the others in the circle.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Echo Enyo Character Portrait: Luka Durante Character Portrait: CĂ©sar Cruz Character Portrait: Tahlia Chase Character Portrait: Danny Taylor Character Portrait: Adira Branwen
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0.00 INK

#, as written by CutUp
♫ Freaks ♫
C Ă©sar had vastly underestimated the effect of being around individuals with powers would have on him as he watched as more, and more people show up. And it wasn't even a huge crowd yet. He tried to ignore it, but his more feral instincts that he has began feeling an almost overwhelmingly sense of dread, as if someone was holding a gun on him. No, more like seeing a hurricane come towards. Just something raw and powerful as each one showed up. It placed him on edge. It was taking every bit of willpower to not turn into some-sort of half-man half-animal be movie monster in front of them all.

Though the moment the guy with the cold air walked in was the last straw. As the air got cooler CĂ©sar began subtlety growing rather hairier. He had his hands down in his jacket pockets so it wasn't that noticeable, besides he was sitting up looking rather tense, as if expecting trouble. That was far more noticeable than him growing more thick hair on his chest, and arms. He closed his eyes, taking in deep, and calming breaths, hoping no one was noticing. He was doing fairly well in keeping a straight face. Though as he started to calm down it was then the other senses kicked into overdrive. His senses of smell and hearing became more acute, he took in all their smells, and every little sound they made. In that moment he could accurately guess what they had for dinner in the last week, as well as being able to differentiate them by the sounds of their heart beats.

CĂ©sar tried his best to suppress a change, but it was becoming apparent that he was gonna change very soon to him. His body was screaming for him to change. Beads of sweat actually began to roll down his head as his began to heat up. He felt as though his muscles were on fire. Upon hearing a woman that introduced herself as Echo Enyo make some comment about a beautiful aura his eyes shot open, revealing them to now be two balls of amber rather than their natural brown color. He looked over at the young woman, his eyes darting around her, studying every little movement she made. He instinctively sniffed the air around him to take in her scent. Great. Now I'm the weird one.

When this Aria brought a rose she drew to life. Dr. Savino handed the flower to him, and CĂ©sar examined it closely. He took in a good whiff of the flower, and he looked upon it rather indifferently. For some reason it smelled off for a rose. It didn't smell bad or anything, he could just tell with his sensitive nose that it wasn't natural. He then passed it on down to the next person. As he did so there was a violent crack coming from CĂ©sar's arm. "Hijo de puta..." He muttered under his breath as he stood up. "Looks like I'm gonna have to be next." He said with an annoyed sigh.

He stood up, and unzipped his red hoodie, and as he took it off he revealed his rather harry arms. He tossed the jacket on his chair, and started walking towards a pile of padded mats. "Name's CĂ©sar. My thing is that I can take on the features, and characteristics of different animals. I can't control it very well, so I'm gonna go over here to change into something most likely with claws, fangs, or something else nasty. I'm a walking B-movie monster. It doesn't feel super great, so I figured that you all wouldn't want to see it. And trust me, you don't. So I'll be right back. Esto va a picar como un hijo de puta...." He stated as he walked behind the pile of mats.

Once out of view from the group loud and violent cracking sounds could be heard echoing through the large warehouse. And for the most part CĂ©sar took it like a champ. Some low groans could be heard, but those were nearly silent compared to the bone cracking sound. "Mr. Cruz are you ok?!" Dr. Savino instinctively shot out of his chair, and without thinking came over towards CĂ©sar. "....NO....STAY....BACK!" CĂ©sar shouted, with loud lion-like growls coming in between each pause. It caused the doctor to pause for a moment. "SERIOUSLY.......IT'S......FINE......JUST......STAY........BACK!" He bellowed once more.

Roughly a minute and a half later of the ear poppingly loud cracking sound that came with his transformation went by before it finally stopped. "Mr. Cruz....are you alright?" Dr. Savino asked as he slowly walked over towards him. "Yeah.....Todo buen Doc....." CĂ©sar answered in a noticeably deeper, and more commanding tone as he walked from behind the stack of mats. As he came back into view the changes to him were immediately apparent. He was now standing at seven feet and two inches compared to the six foot and five inches he came in with. Now his muscles were now much more bigger and more defined than the already impressive state that they were in, and making his plain white t-shirt all the tighter on him. Large amounts of thick body hair covered his forearms with quite a few coming out collar of his shirt. His hands were bruised and bloodied with large, and impressive claws lion-like claws protruding out of his fingers, looking razor sharp. His beard was much thicker now, now with his mustache fully connecting with his beard. The hair on top of his head was slightly longer, and thicker, giving his hair the appearance of a lion's mane. His face had an intimidating, almost predatory glare on his face, only enhanced by his broader forehead, and pokes of fearsome fangs coming up from over his lips.

"It's fine....just give me a minute......takes a sec to get back to the swing of things when you're driving a new body." He sighed as he began spinning his right arm around, causing it to crack and pop as his his bones started to settle in. He walked around a bit to do the same to his knees and hips. "I'm a case you were curious." He said with a slight grow to the edge of his voice. "Are you sure you're fine?" Dr. Savino asked as he approached him, adjusting his glasses along the way. "Yeah.....I heal pretty fast....pretty much the only real least the most consistent one. Let's see....for a lion, and most other big cats I got enhanced strength, agility, speed, and senses." CĂ©sar explained as he walked over towards one of the punching bags.

CĂ©sar took a fighting stance, and expertly threw a punch that shot straight threw the bag, and actually hitting the metal stand that held the boxing bag up, and leaving a dint into the steel. "Yeah.....most of my transformations turn me into some kind of half-man, half-beast creature. Lions, tigers, bears, and a whole slew of other nasty critters. I can take on the traits of other things like reptiles, and birds, but the change is a lot more painful the farther away from human I change into. It's easier with mammals." He stated as he pulled his arm out of the bag, causing the sand that filled it to pour out onto the ground. "Sorry for the bag Doc. Need a replacement for this, or anything else let me know.....I'm a....amateur boxer.....and the guy who owns the gym I train at is my trainer, so he can hook you up if you need it." He stated, seemingly hesitant to delve personal information.

"Oh, don't worry about it. I can get them just fine. I've got plenty of spares in storage. I wasn't quite sure what sort of abilities to expect." The doctor stated. "Yeah, well the sooner you get rid of this thing the better." CĂ©sar huffed as he returned the circle of chairs. Savino looked at CĂ©sar with confusion. "I'm sorry Mr. Cruz, but I believe you have the wrong impression of this group. I can't take your abilities away. I can't take any one of your all's abilities. That's not what this group is about. It is my belief that these abilities have a link to your emotional state. I believe that is the reason you may not be able to control your abilities. This group is about learning control of your abilities, and accepting them. It's not about taking them away." Dr. Savino explained.

CĂ©sar let out a low growl as he leaned forward in his chair. "Maldita sea! This is a waste of time then!" He roared. "I don't want to learn how to control this, I want to get rid of this!" He growled. "Mr. Cruz, please calm down. Just take a breath......alright, look, I'm just a psychiatrist. Now I can put you, or anyone else in contact with some people who can help you in that way if you feel so strongly about that. But I would rather you give me a chance before you decide anything. There is no grantee that anyone can take this abilities away, there is a real possibility that this is permanent. Now, if that was the case wouldn't you rather want to know how to control this ability, rather than letting it control you while waiting for a cure that may never come?"

CĂ©sar stared at the ground, mauling his words over. "Fine. Whatever. I'll give it a few weeks. But then I want the names of those doctors or whatever." He groaned as he leaned back in his chair. CĂ©sar's lion eyes scanned the room, studying everyone's body language. He then stared blankly off into space looking rather tense for a moment. It was that he realized something. There were no animals whatsoever around in the immediate area. No insects, no birds, nothing. "Um....Mr. Cruz is something wrong?" Savino asked rather worried.

"Huh?'s just that......I don't know.....there's another part of my power. I got this.....thing about animals.....I can kinda feel their emotions......and they're kinda drawn to me.....I usually got a whole flock of pigeons following me around.....expect today's the first day since I got this thing that I haven't been followed around." He explained. "And well.....with my senses all heightened I can tell that at least three blocks that there are no animals around" CĂ©sar stated, hesitating to go on. "It's ok Mr. Cruz, this is a safe place. You can continue." Savino said, trying to encourage him.

"'s just that.....with each new powered person shows up I got a.....weird.....itch I guess you could say. And as more people showed up I just got the calm before the storm or something......something seeing a tornado form or something. Just a....a sense of dread I guess. Si eso tiene sentido." He stated with a sigh. " you're saying on some sort instinctual level you feel....threatened?" Savino asked as he thought carefully about his words. " first instincts are to rip out either Jack Frost's, or Flower Child's jugular, and then jump out the window and run as far away as my legs can take me out of uh there's that.....don't worry.....I got it under control....I won't go on a feral rampage.....hopefully......I think this is the first time I've been around so many powered people." He said rather nonchalantly as he pointed towards the guy who lowered the room's temperature when he walked in, and the girl that looked like some kind of hippie. "Well other than you Doc there's one other here that I don't really get that much of a threatening vibe from." He said as he placed his gaze solely upon the young lady that introduced herself as Tahlia. "For some reason you're about as threatening as a box of offense."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Echo Enyo Character Portrait: Luka Durante Character Portrait: CĂ©sar Cruz Character Portrait: Danny Taylor Character Portrait: Adira Branwen Character Portrait: Kamael Autman
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0.00 INK


Speech | 008000

" first instincts are to rip out either Jack Frost's, or Flower Child's jugular-" Elodie perked up at Cesar's mention of her, even if it was ominous and vaguely threatening. Perhaps her abilities weren't as...charming as Adira's show had been, but he had no way of knowing that. She shifted uncomfortably in her seat as she wondered how many others could...feel things. Was it just him because of his animal instincts? What if there were mind readers among them? Elodie was an open book for the most part, but the idea that someone could see inside her head bothered her.

"Oh, great. I'm sure we'll be fast friends then." Her response sounding more amused than offended. "I guess I'll take my turn before I become Fluffy's next meal."

She stood up from her seat and looked at each of her peers. They all looked so different, from all different backgrounds and she wondered what abilities they each held. "My name is Elodie Wolfe. Kind of a 'Flower Child,' mostly a traveler. I don't stay in one place for long...I mean not until recently anyways, until all of this..." She took a deep breath, not understanding why she was so nervous when she had spoken in front of much larger groups than this in the past. "Truth is, I'd jump at the chance to get rid of these 'abilities.' Mine can't help people. It can only destroy."

Elodie pulled at the hem of her shirt and looked around the room. She guessed she was supposed to give her "demonstration" now, but the only thing she had to destroy was that rose. She looked at Adira apologetically and held the rose between her pointer finger and thumb. She stared at the rose and nothing happened, but not even a second later her eyes looked like coal and the veins in her arm began to glow like liquid fire. The rose itself began to get glowing cracks of orange throughout it, before turning black as pitch and dissolving into a pile of ash in Elodie's hand.

Once the rose had disintegrated, her eyes reverted back to their natural blue state and her veins stopped glowing. "Mostly I can control it, but there's been a few...accidents. I don't go out as much as I use to nowadays." She joked nervously, dropping the ashes into a nearby trash can.

Dr. Savino looked at her carefully and smiled. "Just remember, a phoenix is born from ashes. Your abilities are nothing to be ashamed of."

The corner of Elodie's mouth twitched downward in a frown. "That's a nice sentiment, Doc, kinda cliche too. I just don't think I agree."

She sat back down in her seat and crossed her velvet bell-bottom covered legs. So basically, they had a shape shifter and a girl who could draw things into reality. Elodie was equal parts curious and terrified of what the others had in store. Maybe one of them can fly, that'd be fun. She mused, feeling a little burnt that she couldn't have gotten a fun ability like that.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Echo Enyo Character Portrait: Luka Durante Character Portrait: CĂ©sar Cruz Character Portrait: Tahlia Chase Character Portrait: Danny Taylor Character Portrait: Adira Branwen
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0.00 INK



alt-J - Hunger of the Pine


To say Tahlia was intimidated would be a complete understatement. She was fucking scared. Everyone's powers were so intense compared to hers and she felt like a tiny little bug ready to be squashed to death by her fellow superhumans - especially the boys. She had never been too good with the opposite sex and she couldn't be more nervous and self-conscious about it right now.

After the blonde boy, who introduced himself as Danny Taylor, finished his little performance, Tahlia decided it was now or never and spoke up, introducing herself to the group.

"I guess it's my turn now," she said under her breath, "Hi, my name is Tahlia Chase. Some people call me Tea but you can - well, you know... whatever." She rubbed her hands together mainly because of the cold air coming from Danny but also because she was too nervous to keep them still. "I used to be a nurse student before this all happened and, ironically, I have the power to heal," she said, gesturing mainly to her hands since that's were she channeled her powers through.

"I honestly have no idea if I want to keep them or not. To me they're pretty useless since I can only heal plants and small animals depending on their injuries. But like Danny - I just really want to see were they can take me."

She stared around the room, silently looking around for something to heal so she could show her abilities more clearly. She noticed a petal from the rose Adira had drawn out of her piece of paper, and bent down to grab it. It was partially burnt by Elodie's abilities but healthy enough Tahlia could revive it. Slowly she cupped the petal between her hands and concentrated on it. The tips of her fingers started to glow a warm white, along with some veins on her hands, physically showing her powers traveling through her and into the small petal. Not long after that, the petal was now bright red and as healthy as ever. "Ta-da..." she murmured ironically.

"Tahlia, that's wonderful. You have an amazing ability, truly underestimated by yourself. You can help so many people once you master it... of course, that's what I'm here for, to teach you how to," she heard Dr. Savino say. Without much else to say, she sat back down on her seat and kept playing with the rose petal between her fingers.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Echo Enyo Character Portrait: Luka Durante Character Portrait: CĂ©sar Cruz Character Portrait: Tahlia Chase Character Portrait: Danny Taylor Character Portrait: Kamael Autman
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0.00 INK

Location: S/A Meeting
Mood: Surprised/Pained
Outfit: This
Dialogue Code: #04664A
Thought Code:#4080BF

Surprise made Adira stare in slack jawed awe at the half man half lion. What an interesting ability. He, Cesar she recalled, seemed to dislike his abilities yet she could not comprehend why. The ability to take on any creatures abilities made her powers seem pathetic. Adira watched the leo-man with some apprehension as he mentioned wanting to rip out their throats. He seemed angry, extremely angry. As he finished his show she smiled at him despite her trepidation, it wasn't his fault after all.

"Oh, great. I'm sure we'll be fast friends then. I guess I'll take my turn before I become Fluffy's next meal." The words made her giggle, though she attempted to hide it behind her hand. What a strange group, not just because of their powers, but also their personalities. The girl, Elodie, had a wonderful sense of humor and she hoped they would be friends. She could use some more friends. When Elodie turned her creation to dusk she felt a wave of nausea hit her, and then a sharp pain run through her abdomen. She pressed a hand to her chest and tried to push the feelings away. She closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths to stave off the anxiety attack she was having.

Adira caught the eye of the man who stood next, Danny, and forced a smile. She didn't want anyone to notice her reaction to the destruction of her rose. As he explained his powers she watched him with interest. He had ice powers? She couldn't help but grin at him, her mind instantly going to the movie 'Frozen', though she had to admit he was a hell of a lot more attractive than Elsa. She watched him as he boasted about her powers and hoped for a moment that a fight didn't break out, but his optimism made her smile. He wanted to learn how to control his powers, not get rid of them. It was a nice change.

The next woman, Tahlia, stood and explained her power. She smiled. Healing. How could she possibly not absolutely adore her powers? She understood the girl's trepidation though she felt the power to help was always a good one. She felt a small rush of power flow through her as Tahlia brought a petal from her rose back to life. She could feel the tingle from the other girl's power and it made her smile.

"Every ones powers are so impressive, and unique." She murmured as she brushed a stray strand of blond hair out of her face and looked down at her sketch pad. Her hands itched to draw, or paint, really anything that would extinguish the anxiety pressing like a weight on her chest. She ran her fingers across the paper gently as she waited for the others to stand and show their abilities.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Echo Enyo Character Portrait: Luka Durante Character Portrait: CĂ©sar Cruz Character Portrait: Tahlia Chase Character Portrait: Danny Taylor Character Portrait: Adira Branwen
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0.00 INK


Shadow Moses | Bring Me the Horizon
"Chin up, Princess, or the crown slips."

Conversational Speech Code ~ #0404B4
Thought Speech Code ~ #B40404
Current Outfit ~ Comfort

Her entrance seemed to be the last one, at least for the time being, so it was unsurprising when one of the other young women - a blonde haired, blue eyed beauty - rose and introduced herself. Her aura was pretty - a swirling mixture of pinks and white - and her ability was equally interesting, and had Echo leaning forward slightly out of her chair, feet still firmly planted on the table before her. Her bag of pretzels sat forgotten in her lap as she was passed the pretty red flower. She looked at it curiously, uncertain as to how to react.

Her abilities to see auras wasn't limited simply to human beings, but also animals and plants too. However when she looked at the rose that was pinched between her fingers, she saw nothing. No aura proclaiming the life that it held. It was odd.

Passing the flower on, she leaned back in her chair once more, and if one looked at her intensely enough they would undoubtedly be able to practically see the gears turning in her head.

Rubbing her two fingers together, she hummed slightly in thought.

If the rose didn't have an aura, than that meant that it wasn't completely alive. And if that were the case, than what Adira was actually doing was simply animating the picture, almost like a 3D drawing. That was where the girl had room to learn and grow, and perfect her abilities.

Next was the man with the beautiful aura, who introduced himself as Cesar. Her curiosity was piqued when he went and disappeared behind some stacked mats, and she stiffened a bit when the sound of painful cracking echoed in the building. Dropping her booted feet to the floor with a small thunk, she leaned forward, her sapphire gaze settled intensely on the blockade between them and Cesar.

When he reappeared, she blinked in surprise. Along with the changing of his features, his aura had a slight wavering to it, as though it weren't quite right. Perhaps with the different physical characteristics came an off-kilter life-force. What could cause this was unbeknownst to her - she was only just learning her abilities herself.

Echo snorted slightly in amusement at his final statements towards the 'Flower Child' and 'Jack Frost'. When this earned her a slightly scolding look from the doctor, she looked away and straightened her lips, forcing down a snicker.

Following Cesar was Elodie, the 'Flower Girl', whose aura was a mixture of greens and browns. Her discomfort with her abilities was clear by her words, and when she erupted the flower that Adira created in mesmerizing flames, Echo couldn't stop her raised brow. The differences between her personality and her abilities was immense and obvious, and caught Echo off-guard.

It was ironic that 'Jack Frost' went next, seeing as his ability was the exact opposite of Elodie's - that which could control ice instead of fire. His demeanor definitely matched his personality, which was icy and cold, and the glowing sheen around him was amass with blues and whites, and slices of black strewn throughout it.

Finally Tahlia went, and when she rose, Echo immediately felt a calm wash over the room. It was clear that this girl was the most sane of them all - or at least the most mild-mannered. Her aura was a healthy mix of many different colors, the prime one being different hues of greens, but browns, grays, and yellows were etched into it.

When she finally took a seat, Echo stifled a sigh and pushed herself to her feet.

"Guess that leaves me and this guy. Might as well get it out of the way," she shrugged, pointing a thumb over her shoulder at the man who had yet to speak before striding to a spot where the members of the group could each see her fairly well. When she stopped, she removed her jacket, folded it as neatly as possible, and then set it on a chair. Lifting her hand, she wriggled her fingers in a greeting.

"Î§Î±ÎŻÏÎ”Ï„Î”. My name is Echo, and if you're wondering, I'm from Greece. If there's ever a time that you can't understand what I've said, don't be afraid to speak up and say so. I'm used to having to repeat myself - not often, since my English and American accent are fairly decent, but I used to have to do it a lot when I first moved here," she began. "My father is the CEO of SpiritCo, and I'm the COO. We distribute Wiccan necessities, such as crystals, herbs, book of shadows, and the like. I was born and raised a Wiccan by my mother, and she converted my father." Turning her dazzling gaze onto the doctor, she gave him a small smile, which was rarely seen on her normally placid face. "If you need anything at all, don't hesitate to ask. Money isn't an issue, and I would be more than happy to contribute to the study of these genetic changes," she finished.

Turning her attention back to her fellow super humans, she stretched her arms out in front of her, fingers intertwined in order to crack them. Rolling up her maroon sleeves, she rolled her head and crackled her neck.

"My ability is that I am able to manipulate auras. That means that I can see the aura of any living creature. So far I've only been limited to humans, animals, and plants, but I've learned in my studies of my abilities, or at least the ones that I've noticed I received, I have the potential of seeing the auras of inanimate objects, also. Not that I'm certain if inanimate objects hold auras - I think that might be a load of crap," she said, turning to face away towards a large practice dummy that was made of leather and stuffing.

"Something that also comes along with my abilities is that I can channel different types of auras into different types of ... Powers, I suppose that you could say. I'm able to send out what basically amounts to an energy blast, and I can create objects from my own aura. I've only been able to manifest small items so far, but I'm sure that once we've all had a bit of practice, we'll grow in many areas. One thing that's been a major set back to my 'powers'," she said, using the word delicately, "Is that depending on my emotional, mental, or physical state, my powers can dwindle or act without my control. So far I've successfully destroyed about fifty percent of the furniture in my office simply by losing my temper, but in the last couple of days or so I've managed to calm down a bit."

Lifting her right arm, she focused her gaze on the dummy, which was a good distance away from the group.

"I apologize if any of the stuffing hits any of you. I don't mean for it to. On the bright side, it's only stuffing so it won't hurt. As for the color of what I'm about to show you, I've come to learn that red symbolizes the physical capabilities of the wielder of my powers."

Echo opened the palm of her hand, revealing it and facing it towards the dummy. What followed that action was almost instantaneous, and if one blinked, they would have almost missed it. There was a large build up of energy within the room, circulating and centering itself around her body. The energy caused her hair to flutter a bit, as though caught in a breeze, and the tips of her brown locks lifted and swirled. From underneath her sleeve appeared long, almost stringy lights, which were an assortment of reds. They wound around her arm in a beautiful array, looking like lacy threads, and gathered into the center of her palm in a swirling ball of energy. As soon as it had balled up in her palm, it shot outward, impaling the dummy and completely destroying it. Leather and stuffing erupted into the air and the area surrounding it, and all that was left at the end was a half a pole that once held the stuffed target.

Lowering her hand, Echo flicked her gaze towards the doctor, who sat with his clipboard, pen poised and eyes focused on the demolished object.

"I can see why your emotions could affect your abilities. Normally I don't like to accept financial help, but it seems that I dove into this a bit recklessly, or without a complete plan, if you may. I didn't expect any of the powers that you each contained could be so ... Mesmerizing and curiously destructive. I may take you up on your offer, Ms. Enyo," he remarked thoughtfully, pen tapping against his chin. There was a moment of silence before he scribbled some words on his clipboard and then lifted his gaze to smile at the only person who had yet to introduce themselves - a young man with an intense gaze and sharply chiseled cheek bones, giving him the facial structure of one of the Greek Gods, such as Adonis. "Now I believe that that leaves only you, Mr. Durante. Would you care to share something of yourself with the group?" he asked.

Echo took that as her cue to sit, and she grabbed her jacket before crossing to her seat once more, jacket tossed over the back of the chair instead of returned to her body.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Echo Enyo Character Portrait: Luka Durante Character Portrait: CĂ©sar Cruz Character Portrait: Tahlia Chase Character Portrait: Danny Taylor Character Portrait: Adira Branwen
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Speech: #ECC0ED
Thought: #985F99

Kamael's eyes widened when he noticed he hadn't said anything. He shyly moved his hand up, as if he were still in school. The twenty-one year old, would look around. Everyone had decent powers and his weren't cool. He could only copy, he couldn't do anything useful. The doctor looked towards him, and smiled softly. "It appears I forgot Mr. Autman, tell us your power," the male spoke. Kam would shyly nod and stare at the others. Art, ice, fire, healing, beasts. He was nothing, he couldn't do what they could. He slightly pulled on his jacket sleeve and began to speak.

"W-W-Well, I'm K-Kamael Autman. I'm from this area. My parents are deceased, they have been since this stupid thing happened. I-I live with my brothers, I'm twenty-one and...and....and....

"Breathe Mr. Autman, it's alright," the doctor spoke calmly. "M-My power is power absorption....I can't touch people or I copy their powers. I also, when I touch people I know their past. I know their story, like I was the one who lived it. My brothers got the cool powers, they can each manipulate one of the four elements. That's.....That's kind of how my parents died. It was because of me.....I also have an ability called Adomopathy. It means I can copy people's physical movements," he spoke, as he would silently look down. They were all judging him, they thought he was weird. He was the cause of his parents' deaths, he wasn't original. The male started to breath at a rapid pace, but he remembered what his brothers told him. To think of a happy place, and calm down. He would breathe slower, and stare at the group. He didn't like it here.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Echo Enyo Character Portrait: Luka Durante Character Portrait: CĂ©sar Cruz Character Portrait: Tahlia Chase Character Portrait: Danny Taylor Character Portrait: Adira Branwen
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Dialogue – #D35400 ║ Thought – #949627
It seemed that everyone had their own unique set of powers with them, huh? Adira could bring things into reality through her artistic creations, which he found was quite amazing. Something that he wouldn't have minded to have as an ability. You could literally bring your art to life, wouldn't it be wonderful?

CĂ©sar's put him more on edge, if he was completely honest. It seemed to put him in pain, but also seemed to give him more of an aggressive personality, if he didn't already have that before. Not to mention, the comment of ripping out two's jugulars? Well, what a great way to get yourself a frienship started with everyone, man! Couldn't have done it better myself!

Elodie's ability he found interesting, but yes, it could potentially be dangerous, but that was the same with the others as well. Though, an accident with disintegration (espeically if it happened to a living thing) would probably be a lot harder to fix than his usual accident of draining a battery or exploding something from releasing too much energy at once.

Now, the Danny person was next, and he couldn't exactly say how he felt about this guy. He just seemed like a total jerk. Normally he wouldn't try to label a person before he even had the chance to get to know them more, but he was already making himself seem unappraochable. Nice.

Tahlia's power seemed convenient. It was basically harmless, in fact, being able to do the exact opposite of harming. It wasn't like she could accidnetally go on a "healing rampage" or "accidentally lose control of her healing." What, it wasn't like you could heal someone too much! Er, at least, I think you can't.

Now, Echo's ability seemed rather destructive. He wasn't sure how he felt about the whole "aura" thing. Weren't those something like an "atmosphere" around or about a person? How did that work? But, seeing the "aura" completely obliterate the dummy? Yeah, there was definitely something there.

As Dr. Savino spoke to him, he paused, and before he could mention that he'd missed someone, the person spoke for themself. Though, when he did, he was surprised the guy had spoke at all. He seemed like he was going pass out just from saying a word. Not a big deal, he was nervous, just lots more than everyone else. His power seemed interesting. Power absorbtion? It seemed he just copied them, not actually stole it from the person. That could be a relief, or a let down for some people. *cough* Like Mr. CĂ©sar *cough*

"Okay, you can go ahead and introduce yourself now, Mr. Durante." Dr. Savino turned his attention back to Luka after Kamael finished, and Luka gave a quick nod. "Alright, sweet."

He set down his camera, which still sat in its case on the floor before standing up. "My name's Luka Durante, I'm a photographer, used to live in Seattle a while ago, or's nice to meet you all though." He flashed a quick smile, before crossing his arms and tapping his fingers several times. "My ability is elektrokinesis." He said. "Basically, it's like Danny's, just I control, or manipulate electricity where he controls ice, or something along those lines I guess." He shrugged, and then reached into his pocket to pull out his phone. "Here, I'll show you." He said, and then began to drain the battery life from the phone. Thinking about it, this probably wasn't very good for the phone and all, would probably just end up ruining it faster than normal, but he didn't really care anymore. He'd gone through plenty of phones since the arrival of his powers anyways. It only took a second or two until the phone's power was down to five percent, and he quickly shoved it back into his pocket, before holding out his hand. He let himself concentrate for some time before finally, a flash of light came from his hand and the sound of zapping. If the others looked back up, they would see the electricity jumping around his fingers and palm. He quickly closed his hand up after, canceling it out, before sitting back down.

"So, that's it I guess. It's nothing too bad for now, I have a few accidents, but they're more annoying than dangerous if anything. Of course, I'd like to learn how to control it while it's annoying, before it really does become something dangerous, if that makes sense."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Echo Enyo Character Portrait: Luka Durante Character Portrait: CĂ©sar Cruz Character Portrait: Tahlia Chase Character Portrait: Danny Taylor Character Portrait: Adira Branwen
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0.00 INK

#, as written by CutUp
♫ Lion ♫
C Ă©sar released a low, and bone chilling growl directed at the next one in their little show and tell, the Flower Child, Elodie, when she referred to him as Fluffy. "I am not a house cat." He growled lowly, mostly to himself. He then shot a quick glare at Adira when she giggled. He let out a deep sigh, trying to calm himself down. Though it didn't do much good. The nearly overwhelming sense of dread he got being in the same room as a few individuals with powers was bad enough, but couple that with a lion's natural aggressive instincts, and top it all off with his enhanced sense of smell allowing to literally smell the fear rolling off of some of them, it was nearly impossible for him to calm down.

CĂ©sar wasn't too surprised by Elodie's show of power. He could sense some pretty destructive capabilities from her from the get go, though he didn't quite know what form her powers would take. Though he was slightly relieved that she herself was apprehensive about her powers as well, and it showed on his face as he slightly softened his expression towards her. At least he wasn't the only one who felt like he was cursed. He glanced over at Adira who seemed to be pained by the destruction of her rose.

The next one up, Jack Frost, this Danny quickly made him tense up once more. CĂ©sar growled rather loudly upon being called Beastie Boy. Danny's threat about leaving him bloody if he tried to attack was nearly the last straw. If his instincts weren't telling him to kill him before, they were screaming it now. CĂ©sar clinched his fists tightly as he glared at the young man not unlike a lion would to a challenger. "No poke el oso a menos que usted estĂĄ mirando para conseguir mauled, Frosty." He stated, looking like he was ready to attack at any moment.

It took all of his might not to attack him, his instincts begging him to kill him, his body was almost shaking from the desire to attack him, and it was rather apparent by the look on his face that he was doing his best to hold himself back. As CĂ©sar continued to clinch his fists tightly he felt a sharp pain in his palm from his claws digging into his hands. Drops of his blood began dripping down to the floor, but he showed little to no reaction to the pain as he continued to clinch his fists. Better to sink them into me than him I guess. Even if it'd be really satisfying.

CĂ©sar began taking slowed, and deep breaths to try to calm himself down, and focused most of his attention on the pain from his hands, using that to distract himself from his lion instincts. The next one up was Tahlia, the one person here he didn't get an overwhelming sense of dread or to kill. He was actually rather interested in learning what her powers were, he was curious why out of all them that he didn't feel endangered to be around. He could smell the fear just radiating off of her. He let out a sigh, and looked at the ground. He certainly wasn't helping matters with his talks of feeling the urge to kill.

And when she demonstrated her healing ability it all became clear. Of course she didn't seem as apparently dangerous as the others given the nature of her powers. It made him wonder about other, less combative powers out there, and what sort of sense he'd get from them. As she went to sit down his eyes followed her every movement. "I wish I had your powers.....they're incredible." He stated. He was quite envious of an ability that didn't harm people such as hers, and to an extent Adira's as well. If he had something like that life would be so much easier.

His attention was brought to Adira as she muttered something about all their powers being unique and impressive. He gritted his teeth, wanting to lay into her how his powers were a curse, how painful his transformations were, how he felt like a stranger in his own skin. He didn't care if they were impressive or unique. They made him feel like a beast, not even human. "Trust me, mine aren't anything to get jealous over. You're better off without them." He growled towards her, trying his best not to yell at her.

Next up was Echo, he remembered her complimenting him on having a beautiful aura, whatever that meant. With her formal introduction as a COO or whatever to her family's company he couldn't help but scoff. Must be nice to have a fortune. He thought. As she explained her abilities the compliment about his aura made a bit more sense. Though he didn't really understand what made his beautiful. Made him slightly curious as to what she saw, wondering if it could be similar to the things he can discern from others due to his animal instincts, and senses. Wonder if there's any animals that can see auras. He wondered.

With her demonstration complete CĂ©sar picked out bits of stuffing from his hair. "Um.....earlier when you said my aura or whatever was beautiful....what did you mean?" He asked. He used to compliments based on his appearance from his second job, but he wasn't quite what to make of being complimented on his aura. Though honestly he didn't particularly understand her powers to begin with. He never gave much thought about the legitimacy of auras, or anything like that. But being a were.....animal he was a bit more open minded these days.

Next up was a rather timid looking young man, Kamael. As he explained his abilities CĂ©sar grew slightly tense from the idea of someone copying his curse. He wouldn't wish that on his own worse enemy. He was slightly relieved to see that it didn't seem like Kamael was too on board with his abilities as well.

And then the last one came up, Luka who demonstrated his electrical ability. As he sat down Dr. Savino stood up. "Well, you all have such amazing, and unique abilities." He stated. This caused CĂ©sar to roll his eyes. "Now that the introductions are out of the way is there anything anyone wants to discuss? I realize how difficult change can be. This is a safe place, feel free to say whatever is on your mind." He added. CĂ©sar let out an annoyed sigh. "Sharing?! That's what you want us to do?!" He growled, unable to keep his voice contained.

"You don't know shit about change!" He snarled as he glared at the doctor. "Mr. Cruz, I realize that this is a difficult transition for you all, but talking about our situation can help us gain a better picture of our problems, and how to resolve them." Dr. Savino stated calmly. "You want me to share?! Fine I'll share! What would you like to hear about first? The fact that I don't feel like I belong in my own body? That even in human form my skin feels like it's crawling? Oh, or maybe how taking on animal instincts makes me feel like a monster, or that it gives me an incredible urge to kill someone if they look at me funny?" He roared. "Oh, oh, what about the fact that every bone in my body breaks apart and then reassembles themselves? Do you have any idea how painful that is? And I have to go through that every fucking day! Have you ever grew a tail? Or had your skin be uprooted by scales? Or had wings burst out of your back? I have to go through that everyday! Sometimes more than once!"

"So tell me Doc, how is talking about that gonna solve my problems?!" He shouted as he shot up from his chair, towering over the doctor. Savino calmly adjusted his glasses, and met CĂ©sar's gaze. "Mr. Cruz, based on your demonstration of your powers, and from what I've observed of you today I can't imagine what it's like to live with abilities such as yours. To be in a body so foreign to your own." He said with a sympathetic tone. "But you're wrong, I know a lot about change. I've been to war torn countries, seen the very worst this world has to offer. So I also know a little something about pain as well. I might not have abilities like all of you, it was my daughter that developed them.....before she was killed by some very misguided, and angry men because of what she could do. And that pain is something that I live with everyday."

CĂ©sar's expression immediately softened as he mauled his words over. "Sorry about your daughter." He replied. Taking care of his sisters gave him quite the paternal instinct, he couldn't imagine living without either one of his sisters. "It's ok. Helping others with abilities is how I will honor her's what she would have wanted. That's all that I can do now." Savino said with a gentle smile. As CĂ©sar began to settle down he returned to his chair, rather embarrassed about his outburst. "Sorry that I....lost my animal side is difficult to control." He explained. "Oh, and Mr. Cruz, I've seen real monsters face to face. Murderers, rapists, even terrorists. And I can say without a doubt that you are not one of them." Savino stated, hoping that would cheer him up. A slight smile crept up on the side of CĂ©sar's mouth upon hearing this.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Echo Enyo Character Portrait: Luka Durante Character Portrait: CĂ©sar Cruz Character Portrait: Tahlia Chase Character Portrait: Danny Taylor Character Portrait: Kamael Autman
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0.00 INK

Location: S/A Meeting
Mood: Amused/Entertained
Outfit: This
Dialogue Code: #04664A
Thought Code:#4080BF

“Mis palabras no son de celos, sino de temor. Usted elige tener miedo de su regalo. Imagina a las personas que ahorrarías si pudieras controlarlas. La negatividad genera negatividad. En lo que nos detenemos, nos convertimos en.” Adira replied to Cesar gently. He reminded her of some of her students. Livid, and misunderstood.
Her Spanish was fairly good, if only because the high-school she worked at had a very kind Spanish teacher who had taken pity on her when she had heard some students making fun of her in Spanish. Now at least she could surprise them by replying in kind.

Adira switched her attention to the others in the group and examined each of them. She was excited and relieved to finally not be alone. She had spent so many hours contemplating her powers and feeling alone and lost, it was nice to be around people who actually knew how she felt. She refused to let a few negative people bring down her happiness.

 you freeze things? That is...very cool
Pun intended!" She said with a smile as she looked towards the one called Danny.

"And goodness, how cool is it to never have to worry about your battery dying?" She asked Luka teasingly.

Adira knew the situation was grave but...seriously? She had to take a moment to nerd out. Her inner geek was dying to ask questions but she also didn’t want to step on any ones feet. These where abilities people dreamed up in comic books. Everyone, no matter who they were, dreamed of being unique at one time or another
at least she knew she had. Granted she had hoped for flying, or something like that but
she supposed she still hadn’t really fully explored her powers and in this day and age anything was possible.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Echo Enyo Character Portrait: Luka Durante Character Portrait: CĂ©sar Cruz Character Portrait: Tahlia Chase Character Portrait: Danny Taylor Character Portrait: Adira Branwen
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0.00 INK


Speech | 008000

"...And you Firefly. You stay the fuck away from me. I don’t know much about these powers of mine but what I do know is heat and me don’t mix anymore. Like at all."

"Hey, Frozone, chill. No one's gonna try to defrost you." Elodie said with an eye roll. She had no patience for people who were needlessly mean or aggressive. He didn't intimidate her or make her feel afraid, she was almost positive their powers would nullify each other anyway - not that she wanted to test it out. She was never one to judge people, knowing that people came from different backgrounds, but she found his automatic prejudice towards her a little ridiculous. Obviously she didn't choose to be the female version of Johnny Storm.

As the next few people went, she found all of their abilities interesting and she was most jealous of Tahlia's. If she had gotten an ability like that she wouldn't hate herself so much. With something like that, she could do what she had always set out to do in the first place and help people, and not constantly worry that she might burn them to ashes with a simple handshake.

Luka's she found particularly fascinating as it seemed quite similar to her own, albeit more useful. He could charge a battery, maybe even power his apartment if the electricity went out. The best thing she could do was make sure her coffee never cooled. Still, they could both prove equally as destructive and she took solace in that fact, selfishly.

Echo's abilities, to put bluntly, confused Elodie more than anything. Having always had an interest in the metaphysical, the "proof" of auras was extremely exciting for her. It was the fact that Echo could manifest it in such a shocking way that confused her. Not once her life had she thought that auras and such an intense burst of energy could be related. It was almost like the other girl had two entirely separate abilities, which was pretty amazing in its own right.

"But you're wrong, I know a lot about change. I've been to war torn countries, seen the very worst this world has to offer. So I also know a little something about pain as well. I might not have abilities like all of you, it was my daughter that developed them.....before she was killed by some very misguided, and angry men because of what she could do. And that pain is something that I live with everyday." Dr. Savino's word broke Elodie's heart and made her angry at the same time; not with the doctor, but with the world.

"I've seen it happen. A couple of people I know were hurt in the riots." Elodie said, her eyes downcast as her mind wandered back to each chaotic memory. Some of the people she knew were normal people too, just defending the rights of those who had changed. They were people she had traveled with and befriended, nomadic hippies like herself. The few people she had known who had changed had all left to go back home, to hide from the insanity that had broke out after people had gotten sick.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Echo Enyo Character Portrait: Luka Durante Character Portrait: CĂ©sar Cruz Character Portrait: Tahlia Chase Character Portrait: Danny Taylor Character Portrait: Adira Branwen
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0.00 INK

Mad World | Gary Jules
"Just because my path is different doesn't mean that I'm lost."

Conversational Speech Code ~ #0404B4
Thought Speech Code ~ #B40404
Current Outfit ~ Comfort

It was easy for Echo to sense the unease in the room, even if it weren't for her abilities. She didn't doubt for a moment that the others could feel the anxiety radiating off of each individual, most of which came off of the young man who introduced himself as Kamael. Focusing her sapphire gaze on him for a moment, she quirked an eyebrow up.

He reminded her of her younger brother, in the way of weariness in which he carried. His fear of the situation slithered throughout his aura, which was a light pink tinged with purple. At the reveal of his powers, she raised her other brow in curiosity. An ability to take on other super human's abilities?

How interesting.

Reaching over the table, she light rest her hand on his shoulder, careful not to touch his skin.

"'Every human being has within him an ideal man, just as every piece of marble contains in a rough state a statue as beautiful as the one that Praxiteles the Greek made of the god Apollo,'" she said softly, her eyes mirroring the gentleness in her voice. She pulled back and removed her hand, offering him a small smile as a vote of confidence. "Just be yourself. Everything else will fall into place, paidĂ­*."

Leaning back in her chair, Echo turned her attention to the last person to introduce himself to everyone. Luka was what he claimed his name to be, and his power was definitely something that she would love to observe and watch grow. He seemed the most logical one in the room aside for herself when it pertained to these super human abilities - accepting of them and wishing to control them, but at the same time not giving up hope for a cure.

Not that she necessarily wanted a cure. To be honest, she had actually been having a bit of fun exercising her newfound abilities and toying with them to find their limitations. She realized something new about them each day, and although the presence of super humans was causing mayhem throughout the world, she knew that her mother would be proud of her for using hers wisely and to further her causes.

"Um.....earlier when you said my aura or whatever was beautiful....what did you mean?"

Echo blinked, a bit surprised to have Cesar talk to her. He hadn't spoken poorly of her - at least not yet - so she believed herself to at least be safe when it concerned him. His animosity towards Elodie and Danny was clear when he wanted it to be, and it wasn't certain where it stemmed from. For all she knew it could be because of their hair color. But whatever issues he had with them, and they in turn with him, were not any of her concern.

Straightening in her seat, she perched her elbow on the table before her and dropped her chin into the palm of her hand. Her intense gaze studied the area around his body, making almost an oval around him. It was clear that she wasn't quite looking right at him, but instead at something that only she could see.

"It's a mixture of reds, yellows, oranges, and blacks. To be honest, it almost reminds me of molten lava when you see it flowing between the cracks of rocks and just below the surface. It's quite beautiful and mesmerizing to look at," she answered with a smile.

The doctor interrupted her briefly to draw their introductions to a close, but he was quickly cut off by an explosion from Cesar. She felt the anger radiating off of him, but his outburst still caught her by surprise. His sudden jolt from his seat sent the chair clattering loudly to the floor, and she leaned over and returned it to its correct position with an odd calmness about her. After his short tirade was over and the doctor's reveal of his own tragedies was in the air, she puffed out a sigh and closed her eyes.

The different emotions exploding throughout the room were giving her a headache, and with said emotional outbursts came a fiery burst from the auras belonging to those who were speaking and acting without a thought. The bright, raging colors were hard on her eyes and caused a slight ache to form behind them, almost like when one didn't get enough sleep at night.

Massaging her temples for a moment, she balanced her breathing. She couldn't afford to grow irritated with the others. If she did, she would simply end up losing her own temper and then things would start exploding.

Opening her eyes once more, she focused on the current conversation, having tuned out the noise in an effort to relieve the pain in her head.

"... people I know were hurt in the riots," Elodie was saying. Wincing slightly, Echo felt the dull ache of loss deep within her chest. Looking away from the group, she clenched her jaw, and after a moment she pushed herself to her feet.

"Pardon the interruption, but I need to step outside for a moment," she said quietly. She immediately turned and walked briskly from the room, snatching her jacket as she did so, and slid out the doors.

The fresh air of the outside was calming and helped to soothe the pain in her head and eyes, which she closed in an effort to soak in the cool breeze. Pulling on her jacket, she crossed to her car and leaned against the hood of it, arms and ankles crossed before her. She easily removed her vaporizer mod from her jacket, rapidly clicked the fire button five times, and inhaled from it deeply, reveling in the blue raspberry flavor that sprung into her mouth. Releasing the thick, syrup-scented cloud through her nostrils, she forced herself to relax in an attempt to ready herself to return inside. She tilted her head back and looked up at the azure sky, tinged with marshmallow like clouds and gleaming with the brightness of the sun.

"MitĂ©ra ... Ti ypotĂ­thetai Ăłti prĂ©pei na kĂĄno? MakĂĄri ... MakĂĄri na boroĂșsa na akoĂșso ta lĂłgia sas sofĂ­a kai pĂĄli ..."**

* = Child
** = Mother ... What am I supposed to do? I wish ... I wish I could hear your words of wisdom again ...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Echo Enyo Character Portrait: Luka Durante Character Portrait: CĂ©sar Cruz Character Portrait: Tahlia Chase Character Portrait: Danny Taylor Character Portrait: Adira Branwen
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0.00 INK



Elliot Moss - Slip


"I wish I had your powers... they're incredible," CĂ©sar said. Tahlia looked towards him, surprised, and offered a small smile in return for his compliment. He might've been scary first but after hearing him speak more she understood he was more of an angsty man, desperately trying to get help to control his powers for the greater good. She was sure she could maybe help him in the future since he did say his transformations were nothing more but painful, and if she ever mastered her healing powers maybe she could take away his pain too and do something useful for a change.

More people went after Tahlia, explaining their powers and also giving a little demonstration. It was feeling more like a talent show for the mentally-ill than a support group, but who was she to judge since she was one of those herself. As time went by, she became more comfortable. She smiled more easily, stopped fidgeting with the petal in her hands and relaxed her posture. Maybe this group was going to help her greatly after all - she just needed a little hope.

After CĂ©sar's little breakdown and an explanation from Dr. Savino, along with some words from Elodie and a scene from Echo, Tahlia let out a long sigh and prepared herself for what was sure to be a long day.

She turned towards Adira and took a look at the sketchbook in her hands. She'd always been a big fan of art but couldn't draw if her life depended on it. Smiling, she quietly called out for the girl, "Hey Adira, can I have a look at your drawings? If you don't mind, of course."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Echo Enyo Character Portrait: Luka Durante Character Portrait: CĂ©sar Cruz Character Portrait: Tahlia Chase Character Portrait: Danny Taylor Character Portrait: Adira Branwen
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Dialogue – #D35400 ║ Thought – #949627
CĂ©sar's outburst caught Luka off guard; it really kind of seemed like it was out of no where. This guy really had a short temper, but he wasn't going to judge. It was obvious a lot of them had had it a lot worse than him, or at least he figured that from the way they acted. And maybe CĂ©sar's temper was just worse because of his ability. Didn't he say something like that? Or had Luka just imagined it?

He sat in his chair awkwardly after that, tapping his fingers on his leg as he leaned forward a bit and looked down at the floor, in a way to avoid eye contact with others. Usually he wasn't like this, but the atmosphere of the place, the high tension now, made him feel uneasy and awkward.

Dr. Savino's story, of course, turned the tone of the meeting from it's angry, on edge feeling to a more depressing and upsetting atmosphere. So that was why a normal guy like him had created, and was putting time into something like this. He'd wondered about it at the beginning, when he'd first seen the guy. Why did some random person want to help them so much? Well, he got his answer: Savino's daughter.

Luka turned to watch Echo as she quickly made her way out of the building, a somewhat confused look on his face. Of course, he wouldn't blame her if she just needed to get out for a bit after what had just happened; the room still felt rather tense and depressing, which wasn't exactly the best feeling of all time. Of course, Luka had expected this kind of feeling to come around rather quickly. This was a support group after all, there was bound to be people who weren't completely stable, depressing stories, the biggest range of all different emotions anyone had ever seen...yeah, that kind of stuff.

Though, even with his uneasiness in the situation, Luka couldn't help but let out a laugh as Adira commented on both Danny's and his ability, including a rather cheesy pun, and speaking of batteries never dying. She seemed pretty nice, a good sense of humor, even if it did include the use of puns. Even so, she seemed to now be one of the few that didn't seem to tense or angry. She even seemed happy to be here.

"Ha! That's what you'd think!" Luka grinned, thinking back to the phones he'd had these past few weeks. "If I'm not super careful and cautious, I'll just end up blowing up my phone or something." He laughed. "It's not very funny in the moment, and it is kind of annoying, not to mention expensive, to have to replace the things I ruin because I'm not in full control, but it's not too bad now that I think about it." He nodded, and then smiled back up at her. "But I guess maybe one day it'll be less annoying and more convient, huh?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Echo Enyo Character Portrait: Luka Durante Character Portrait: CĂ©sar Cruz Character Portrait: Tahlia Chase Character Portrait: Danny Taylor Character Portrait: Adira Branwen
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Speech: #ECC0ED
Thought: #985F99

Kamael looked over to the woman who touched, him. His eyes would widen as she did, and he slightly winced. Even though she went through the effort to avoid touching his skin, which he had covered up in general, he didn't feel comfortable. "'Every human being has within him an ideal man, just as every piece of marble contains in a rough state a statue as beautiful as the one that Praxiteles the Greek made of the god Apollo. Just be yourself. Everything else will fall into place, paidĂ­," she spoke, as he looked towards her. He would smile and nod in appreciation, and then turn towards the group. Everyone had useful powers. Kam wasn't original, he silently would look at everyone. His attention directly focused on Luka. He seemed to be calmer about his powers, everyone in here seemed to want their powers. Aside from Elodie, himself and CĂ©sar of course. He turned to smile towards CĂ©sar, showing that they were similar due to their powers necessarily not being wanted.

"S-So, are we like the X-Men?

The question exited his mouth not as smoothly, nor how he wanted. But he blushed red after he asked that. Wow...they probably think I'm a huge dork. Well I am, but honestly, they all seem cool. Maybe I can get used to this, he thought as he would sit up straighter. Still something magnetized him to Luka's direction. "I-I-I bet s-s-static shocks a-a-are quite literal for you the," the male stated. His eyes would look down, after the statement he made as his phone vibrated.

FROM: Bestest Bro Gabby
how everything goin kammy? u doing alright, no panic attacks?"

TO: Bestest Bro Gabby
Uh...yeah. These people are actually nice, some of them don't want their powers like me. I haven't had one yet, but I know how to handle it if I do....hopefully nobody touches me if one happened.

He slid his phone back into his pocket and smiled. This group, started to feel more like friends rather than strangers.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Echo Enyo Character Portrait: Luka Durante Character Portrait: CĂ©sar Cruz Character Portrait: Tahlia Chase Character Portrait: Danny Taylor Character Portrait: Elodie Wolfe
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0.00 INK

Location: S/A Meeting
Mood: Content
Outfit: This
Dialogue Code: #04664A
Thought Code:#4080BF

"S-So, are we like the X-Men." Kamael said

The one named Kamael said quietly. Adira smiled at the nervous young man. She studied the interaction between Kamael and Luka’s exchange. She realized quite quickly that Luka was a kind soul. He did his best to sooth and interact with Kamael who seemed a tad bit more uncomfortable than herself. She smiled at him reassuringly.

"Maybe we kind of are like them, I mean, we've got the weird abilities and stuff. But I don't think we'll be fighting off villains or other crazy people like they have to, or at least I don't think so. This is just a support group." Luka said

Adira laughed as she thought it over, they could definitely be the X-Men if they tried.

“Awe darn, here I was thinking that we would be battling the terrible popcorn guy down the street for daring to give out that horrendous food.” Adira said teasingly with a giggle.

"Oh! Um
I kind of do a little bit of everything, I guess. I mostly prefer to photograph landscapes, and just the outdoors, occasionally animals if I find a shot good enough or if it seems cool, because those can make some of the coolest pictures. They're just so pretty, you know? Though, I've found it rather fun to take pictures of people too, lately. I've kind of found that pictures of people can tell stories much better than a flower usually can. Don't mind anything I really said, I kind of got carried away." Luka said responding to her question.

“No! No! Don’t apologize
I admire your passion.” Adira said with a smile. She herself tended to get wrapped up in her own work and lose herself for long periods of time. She clawed at each moment, as she attempted to hold on to her own spark.

“If there is one secret to living life it is passion: passionate love, passionate hate, passionate hope, passionate joy, passionate work, passionate play, passionate pain and despair. Feel things from the tips of your fingertips, to the center of your soul. Live your life so that you may, in the end, be able to sit around a table and eat, drink, and be merry with your family and friends and tell stories. That's where your happiness is, in the ability to laugh at your life and cling to it dearly at the same time.” Adira said with a smile. It was something she had been told by a friend once long ago.

“They have their own life to them. Plants, albeit a little less lively, have their own beauty. I too find joy in drawing people and animals though.” She said with a smile to Luka.