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Eleanor Delacroix

"I would never mean to hurt anyone."

0 · 492 views · located in Sol, Maine

a character in “Superhumans: The Breed”, as played by Horseygirl


{β€œSometimes the most broken hearts are the ones with the most beauty.” }
{Rabbit Heart - Florance and the Machine}

{β€œNot all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.”
― Mother Teresa

Eleanor Aurelie Delacroix

Ella or Ell, mostly. But her close friends often call her Ellie


Class C

Sexual Orientation:


{[font=garamond]β€œIf you judge people, you have no time to love them.”
― Mother Teresa


Soft, sky blue

Pale blonde

Brief physical description
Ella's appearance is quite fitting to her personality. She has very gentle, soft blue eyes that are gentle yet intensely blue at the same time. She has soft, pale blonde hair that cascades almost down to her hips in light waves. Her skin is a light ivory, that he finds dreadfully pale. Fitting in with the light theme, her full lips are a pale, petal pink. In general, her appearance is very light.
Her body is quite small, given that she's quite small and light. She has an hourglass figure, with small hands and feet. She's very flexible, and has hypermobility (double jointed-ness) in most of her joints. But scattered across her skin are various burn marks, some fresh and some scarred over. Most are quite small and don't look bad, but if you were to look close and see some of the skin covered by her clothing, you would see that some are pretty bad.


{β€œA friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you.”
― Elbert Hubbard

|Seeing people smile | Animals | Warmth | Helping others | Music | Declan (Deccy) | Sweets | Feeling free | Affection |

|Hurting others | Feeling feared | Being out of control | Isolation | Metal | Shocking people | Feeling dangerous |


At a glance, Ellie's power doesn't seem so bad. She has Electrical generation and manipulation. She can electrocute people, just by being close to people. Generally you have to be standing within twenty feet of her to be shocked by her, but when she touched a conductor such as metal or water, she can shock anyone or anything that is also touching the conductor. Her shocks can range anywhere from just a little zap, to literally stopping your heart. And she can to this to anyone that is remotely close to her, or just so happens to be touching the same conductor that she is.
But what makes her really scary is that she doesn't even mean to. If she tries to suppress her abilities for an extended period of time, is anxious, or even excited it just happens on it's own. And sometimes, it just seems to happen out of nowhere. She can cause a lot of damage and she's very unpredictable- this is why she is in class C. The only way she has found to stop it is to shock herself- sometimes pretty bad. Whenever her abilities kick in she's shocked a little, not as bad as the person or thing being fried, but bad enough to cause a lot of pain and burn her skin. Whenever she feels the slightest of energy tickling her fingertips, she automatically touches her arm, burning herself, to keep her powers from getting out of hand. Which happens very easily. It hurts herself, sometimes really badly, but it keeps everyone around her safe.
Not only does she hurt people, but she has a bad habit of ruining technology and causing power outages. She can touch a phone, and accidentally cause it to short circuit and break instantly. She always feels really bad, and generally just avoids touching any sort of technology.


Ell is a very gentle, shy girl. She's flustered easily, and hates being put on the spot. She's very down to earth and sweet when in a small group, but when everyone has their attention on her she gets very shy and a little awkward. She blushes, stuttered, and stares down at her feet. She is certainly not a fan of being in the spotlight. In fact, she'll really do anything to avoid it. But when you catch her when she's alone or in a small group, she is really one of the kindest people you could ever meet. She is very polite, thoughtful, and sweet towards complete strangers. You would never catch her being rude or cold to anyone- even if they are truely being horrible to her. She's a bit of a pushover, though- she really can't say no to anyone. If asked, she would happily give up everything she has just to make someone happy, even if it is just for a second. She won't stand up for herself, either. She generally will just allow herself to be walked all over.
But many people have a very different opinion of Ellie. They don't see the genuine, kindhearted girl that she is. She is feared. Maybe because she is in class C even though she hasn't been at the school as long as most, maybe because they've seen what she can do. They know that she can kill, without even meaning to. But nobody is more afraid of Ella more than Ella herself. She fears that she is going to hurt someone. She's done it before. She's accidentally shocked other students, and teachers without meaning to at all. She's hurt people that she loved with all of her heart before. She would never hurt someone on purpose, and it kills her to know that people have every right to be afraid of her. Sometimes, she really feels like a monster. Really, Declan is the only one who can snap her out of it when she starts to get overwhelmed and fearful of her abilities.

When Ellie is around Declan, that scared little girl is nowhere to be found. He isn't scared or wary of her like a lot of the students are, even though she has accidentally given him a tiny little zap here and there. She really is a good friend. She is extremely loyal. No matter how many times a friend of hers messes up or hurts her, she will always welcome them back with open arms. She has endless amounts of patience, and really doesn't fight with her friends. Or anyone, really. She's much too submissive.
She does her best to keep Declan out of trouble- she really cares about him and hates how his other 'friends' seem to purposely get him in trouble, just to laugh at him. He deserves so much better. She loves to tease him and mess around with him and really he is the only person she is like this with. But in general, she is very gentle an caring with him. She would never want to see him hurt, and no matter what he does he couldn't ruin the tenderness she feels towards him. She sees the best him, and tries her best to get him to see it, too.


As her last names suggests, Ella Delacroix was born into a very powerful, well-known French family. They had once been very well known in the human world, too. They were very wealthy, and known for their generosity. In the world of the Breed, and humans. In the human world, they were known for being very intelligent and funding things such as cancer research, or getting fresh water to poor countries. In the world of the Breed, they were known for having very benevolent abilities, and using them to help as many people that they could. Most of them were healers and such. Powerful ones, but never known to be dangerous. They seemed untouchable. But this was until The Breed decided to reveal their existence. The Delacroix family fought hard for not only their own lives, but the lives of their fellow species. But they simply weren't built for fighting. It was believed, at least in the human world, that they were all murdered. But one male, the heir to the Delacroix throne, survived. He fled to the countryside, where he was very careful to keep his identity a secret.

He then met a girl. They were close friends for years, before it escalated into something more. He kept his species a secret from her, even when they married. They had a lovely little girl together, and for years it seemed like she was a perfectly normal human. He was very thankful. She was very sweet and friendly- she was known in town for smiling at complete strangers and telling them to have a lovely day. But when she was about five it became apparent that she was no human. She had been focused in on her book, and her father startled her by touching her shoulder. she shocked him so badly, his heart nearly stopped beating. Her own father began to fear her. She didn't know what was going on, or how that was even possible. She was a wreck, and her father only told her that she could never use her ability. It was much too dangerous, and he feared she would kill someone. Or multiple people. For years, she kept her abilities a secret and never allowed herself to use them. But she could feel them building up, threatening to attack. She never learned to control using them.
Well, they came out. She ended up shocking everyone that was in the center of town with her. She almost killed all of them, and some of them had permanent damage. Her mother was terrified of her, and her father didn't know what to do. Most people didn't know what caused everyone to be shocked, other than a few people who saw it but were out of range of her shocking. Ellie was twelve.

Less than a week later, Ell woke up o hear muffled cries. She went to her bedroom door, but it was locked. When she looked through the keyhole, she saw her mother and father being murdered. But not by humans- but by someone of her own species. For some reason, they seemed to have little interest in finding Ell. By the time she managed to escape her room, it was morning. The entire town was dead. It must have attracted attention, too, because there was a slightly older woman standing there, palms out non threateningly. She had nothing to do with the murders. She took Ell to Britain, until she was fifteen. When she heard about the school in America, she quickly took her there. The older woman was very kind, although a little wary of what the young girl could do. She was like a mother to her, but she gives her a lot of freedom. She knows that she really is a good kid, she's just not great at controlling what she can do.


So begins...

Eleanor Delacroix's Story