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Sword Art Online: Aincrad Arc

Sword Art Online


a part of Sword Art Online: Aincrad Arc, by KazutoK.

This is the scripted area of our Rp Cannon and only cannon things will happen here as well as meetings.

KazutoK holds sovereignty over Sword Art Online, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

2,732 readers have been here.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:


Within this Realm of the RP everything is cannon, Nothing non scripted will take place here. The meeting of cannon characters happens. Time will be warp to accommodate late comers but please read the post before yours so you can know what happen even if we met in floor one, and we are currently on floor 22 you can post but be aware after the meeting scene I expect you to fast forward to the floor we are. ( if you want to play a bigger scene like such a silica's meeting with kirito i'll created a new place where that can happen, but while we can post there you should still post in the main areas Sword art online and Floors 1-100)
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Sword Art Online

This is the scripted area of our Rp Cannon and only cannon things will happen here as well as meetings.


Sword Art Online is a part of Sword Art Online: Aincrad Arc.

1 Places in Sword Art Online:

15 Characters Here

Triangle [46] "Since we're going to be here for a while, might as well relax and enjoy ourselves."
Mirai Chi [40] "Reality is reality! Its always there, no matter where you are.. If you forget the facts of reality, it'll hit you hard in the end..painfully.."
Hisui [32] "E-everyone...p-please, let's do our best to get out of here."
Kirito [23] " I rather died with someone than let them die alone."
Magnus the Great [18] "Swords? Real men fight with maces."
Miyer [15] "If you're careless, you die. Simple as that."
Shiro [12] "I will help anyone who wants to survive even if I die trying."
Yuuta Isaki [8] "Why would anybody want to leave this place? It's amazing here!"
Enakai [8] "I'll protect my family, even if it destroys me."
Ai [8] "Program or Person?"

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5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kirito Character Portrait: Mirai Chi Character Portrait: Hisui Character Portrait: Triangle Character Portrait: Magnus the Great
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#, as written by KazutoK
As the front liners kirito included were plotting the second floor boss fight they had it made it ok through most of it with a few casualties. The fight came to a end when the front liners used a all out attack from everyone the beast was down and floor three was open. The front liners when back to rest but kirito continued pushing ahead he was quite over levels and knew the route too well so it wasn't a problem. He sigh being alone was both an advantage and disadvantage. He began moving through the enemies lines before he knew it there would be a raid on boss three and he would be part of it anything to escape the death game He was now part of.

( floor three now open no new daily quest because well no point for them right now until you move out of the hut .)

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ark
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Noooo, wrong place... sorry... TToTT

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mirai Chi Character Portrait: Hisui Character Portrait: Triangle Character Portrait: Magnus the Great
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December 6, 2022--6:38 PM
Floor 2, Martial Artist's Hut

Before Hisui could be reassured that Mirai was alright, she suddenly heard the man in the armor calling from the entrance of the hut--he was sounding rather impatient. Realizing she had been taking too long with the invite, Hisui bowed her head in shame.

A moment later, a window popped up in front of her. "Magnus has invited you to a party. (Accept/Decline)" The hooded girl's finger went up and pressed the "Accept" button, and a second HP bar appeared underneath hers, belonging to Magnus. There was a small star-shaped indicator next to his, signifying that he was the party's leader. And once Mirai and Triangle accepted, then their HP bars would be appearing beneath Hisui's as well.

Just as she lowered her arm, the man--no, she should be saying Magnus now--poked his head back in, looking directly at her. "Yourself excluded, of course. Take however long you need. Try to be fast ok?" he called, before exiting for real. Ironically, Hisui was all set to go herself when he said that.

"W-well, I-I'm all ready to go," she told the other two players in the hut. "P-please get ready soon. A-and, um...d-don't just, ah, r-ride off on your horses...a-and leave us behind." After saying that, she walked out the door, into the snow shower outside.


7:53 PM
Floor 2, Urbus

As it turned out, the horses were strong enough to support the weight of two players, so they made the trip to Urbus much more quickly than Hisui had when going in the other direction yesterday afternoon. As usual, the city was crowded, but Hisui felt even more out of place with the whiskers drawn on her face.

"S-so, ah, I...I haven't really looked around i-in this city," she admitted to Magnus, not sure if he was really paying attention. "D-do you perhaps, um, h-have an idea about w-where we're eating? O-or, um, should we ask t-the other two?"

Her wandering gaze suddenly focused on a pair of emerald bracelets in a shop window, but she forcibly jerked her head away from it, reminding herself that she shouldn't be spending her Col on something just because she liked how it looked. It wasn't practical at all, was it?

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mirai Chi Character Portrait: Hisui Character Portrait: Triangle Character Portrait: Magnus the Great
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December 6, 2022--7:59 PM
Floor 2, Urbus

When Triangle showed the Bean Rua to the others, Hisui cringed at how excessively fancy it was. "E-even if, um, y-you're just going to pay it a-all off for us," she stuttered, completely floored by the prices, "a-are you really sure it's o-okay? I-I mean..."

Honestly, she really didn't like wearing incredibly fancy clothes. It felt too embarrassing to try and look like some kind of fashion model wannabe. Yet judging by the guide, as well as Triangle saying they would have to go get "appropriate" outfits, she already could tell how much she would hate it. The food had better be as good as it can get in this game, she thought sullenly.

As they rode towards the clothing store, Hisui noticed two players in casual garb walking by, complaining loudly about...the Bean Rua. "I know, right?" one of them was saying. "You get kicked out for 'not being stylish enough!' It's stupid! And I dunno about you, but I know for a fact that I'm absolutely gorgeous!" That player didn't exactly look gorgeous, as he put it, but after hearing this little tidbit of conversation, Hisui felt her heart sink even deeper.

(The Pokemon reference was VERY necessary.)


10 minutes later

After searching through the clothing store for something that looked good enough, but wasn't excessively fancy, Hisui chose a simple green dress with dark blue linings. But it was not nearly as elaborate as the other formal garb around her--the fabrics were just solid colors, really--so she felt much happier about her choice.

Finding Triangle in the men's section, she held the dress out for him to see. "Ah, e-excuse me...T-Triangle...ah, t-this will be fine...r-right?" Noticing how unbelievably ornate the clothes were in this particular area of the shop, Hisui felt her confidence in her choice vaporize. She could guess what answer Triangle would give...

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Triangle
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Triangle didn't respond, there was just an empty look in his eyes as his character stood frozen.

Back in the real world, someone had pulled the plug from his headset, it was only a matter of time before his brain was fried.

The headset hummed as it drew in energy for the charge, and released it. For a second it looked as if nothing had happened, then blood began to drip from the Triangle laying on the hospital bed's nose, and the line went flat.

Game over for Triangle.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mirai Chi Character Portrait: Hisui Character Portrait: Triangle Character Portrait: Magnus the Great
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December 6, 2022--8:04 PM
Floor 2, Urbus

Both Magnus and Mirai appeared behind Hisui to see how their new allies were doing. Magnus seemed to be rather interested in her dress--he seemed to have very similar tastes in color to her--and Mirai complimented the others' choices in clothing. " r-really think so? T-Thanks, M-Mirai," Hisui stuttered with a smile, before turning back to Triangle...

But what happened then was something that would haunt her for many days to come. Triangle was not looking in their direction, instead continuing to stare at the clothes hanging before him. "...a-ah, Triangle? A-are you alright?" Hisui asked, stepping to the right to try and make eye contact with him. To her horror, however, Triangle was staring forward without a trace of emotion, his eyes glass-like and empty. An eerie feeling caused Hisui's throat to constrict. "T-Tri...?"

Without warning, the boy's body glowed brightly and shattered into dust, scattering past the other three players. The horrified brown-haired girl gasped, jumping back. What happened? Did he... "N-no...t-that's--i-it' can't b-be--T-Triangle c-could...n't...h-he--" Unable to piece together a single coherent sentence, she stumbled forward clumsily, crashing to the ground.

Tears streamed down her face, and her pupils were unfocused and glassed over, just like those of the boy whom had been standing there a few moments before, before his body had simply disintegrated into pixels. It was too much for her to handle, seeing someone--even though she hadn't known him for more than a single day--die away right in front of her instantaneously.

Hisui remained in that comatose state for hours to come.

(I don't know what to do anymore, guys. I just...feel really bad right now. Was I stupid enough to put too much pressure on Syao just by telling him to post? Just why did he bail from this RP entirely? Yes, the world doesn't revolve around me, but I feel like some part of this is my fault.)