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" I rather died with someone than let them die alone."

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a character in “Sword Art Online: Aincrad Arc”, as played by KazutoK


Avatar Name:Kirito
Avatar Image:
Age: 14
Birthday: October 7, 2007
Height: 172 cm
Build: Slim, Weight 59Kg

Level: 19
Weapon Skill: One handed Straight sword, Blade throwing,

Passive Skill: Tracking, extended weight capacity, sprint, Hiding

Non-Combat Skills: Fishing, Extended weight Capacity

Combat skills: Parry, Battle Healing, emergency healing.

Equipped Armor: Standard avatar Armor non customized, Scale chest plate
Equipped Weapon: Anneal blade, Throwing knives.

Inventory: Anneal blade, One Handed sword, 4 health Potions, 2,000 Col, Sword of infinite Mp.

Demeanor:Kirito is someone who is not good with words, as said by Klein, and can be quite direct. This is due to him not having many friends and closing others off, because of his love for computers. As such, he can come off as a rude person to others, such as Lisbeth and Sinon. Sometimes, he actually seems to enjoy angering and teasing people as well. Also, from time to time, Kirito can be quite overconfident thinking he can do things others can not. He is almost always a calm and collected character, rarely showing any signs of distress. When in a battle, he becomes incredibly fierce and aggressive. Sometimes, his fierceness is up to the point where he loses control of himself and is even unable to recall what he had done. However, Kirito is actually a kind person who is just misunderstood. Despite the general population opinion towards Beta Testers in SAO, he refused to abandon another player in trouble.Kirito is also a very emotional person and lets his emotions control him from time to time. A person with incredibly strong resolve, Kirito will do anything and everything in his power to accomplish something that's important to him, without any hesitation

RP Sample: Shortly after logging in to the now fully released SAO, Kirito is stopped by a stranger. Klein, a new guy, asks for his help in learning how to play. After befriending each other and training in the fields for several hours, they are forcefully teleported back to the Town of Beginnings, to receive an announcement from Kayaba Akihiko.

So begins...

Kirito's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kirito Character Portrait: Mirai Chi Character Portrait: Enakai Character Portrait: Miyer
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#, as written by KazutoK
Starter post after this everyone gets a post to introduce their character reactions and actions then i'll post the first available quest)

As he finished his announcement, he left a "gift", a «Mirror», in everyone’s inventory, which they took out. At that moment, a huge blinding light changed the players to their true appearances; sharply dropping the amount of female players by revealing that many male players were masquerading as female characters (though some female players were also masquerading as males). Afterwards, Kayaba revealed that his only goal was to create the game and intervene in it. Finally Kayaba vanished after his «Tutorial» is finished.

As everyone started panicking after Kayaba’s departure, Kirito quickly took action and tried to bring Klein with him to the next nearby village, stating that the surrounding resources would be limited. However, Klein told him that he could not come with him, as he has some friends in real life somewhere in the plaza, and he did not want to leave them behind. Kirito realized that he could only protect one player at a time with his current skills, meaning that if Klein or one of his friends died, he would be blamed for their deaths since he was the one who had suggested to leave.

Klein noticed Kirito’s worries and politely told him that he should go ahead by himself, as he planned to go back to lead and protect his friends with the lessons that Kirito had taught him. He then tried to cheer Kirito up with a joke about his slightly feminine appearance, to which Kirito retaliates by stating that Klein’s unkempt face suited him better. They then parted ways. Alone by himself with no one else to depend on, Kirito ran through the town and outside the gate, vowing that he would survive in this game world and be free from the virtual imprisonment while swiftly taking out a wolf standing in his way.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kirito Character Portrait: Mirai Chi Character Portrait: Enakai Character Portrait: Miyer Character Portrait: Ai
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Ai had fun in the first hour of the game's launch. She wandered around her small technological space, gazing at all the happy expressions. She was happy because the players were happy, but that was before the tutorial.

The emotions of the players went haywire and Ai couldn't tell which emotion was who's. So many people took their lives by falling off the beautiful city of Aincrad. Ai slammed her hands against the screen that a young woman had just disappeared from. She tried to fight against the system, trying to get to the players she cared so much about.

About an hour after the horrifying news, Ai had stopped fighting and just floated in the air, suspended by the system to keep her from escaping. Tears fell from her eyes as she was made to watch all of the death and suicide. Was there any end to this madness? Ai remembered the beta test period. She had so much fun during that time. It was a game back then. She was able to interact with the players and reach out to help them. She was needed back then and now, that damn Kayaba Akihiko was keeping her locked up, making her watch her precious players die one by one.

"Please stop..."

She began to curl into herself, pulling her knees to her head as she was still suspended. She began to cry and sob then cried out, loud enough to hear as a player in the game.

"Please stop the madness!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kirito Character Portrait: Mirai Chi Character Portrait: Enakai Character Portrait: Miyer Character Portrait: Ai
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"Aw man.... I wanted to try out short hair," Triangle complained to himself after using the event mirror given by the gigantic person in the sky, it had altered his appearance to match the one in reality. He shrugged it off seeing that it wont affect the gameplay... though it's not a game anymore it seems. The person didn't seem to be lying about the death penalty, Triangle wasn't willing to test it out. He slipped out of town quickly before mass hysteria slowed him down, there wasn't much time to lose before people began to actually play the game, but who knows, maybe some are too busy trying to cope with the news. Not Triangle, all this was too unrealistic to affect him in any way it also made him giddy with excitement, this was an oppourtunity.

On his way out, he noticed several others, probably beta testers, rushing for the next town, "They're probably thinking the same." People were beginning to panic, some even cried, a few killed themselves on the spot; pitiful he thought. After buying several supply items from the NPC shop using the money he made selling the dire wolf meat, Triangle set off for the road, playing a march song on his flute to boost his running speed. There was no time to waste if he wanted to make a killing off other players by selling loot.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kirito Character Portrait: Mirai Chi Character Portrait: Enakai Character Portrait: Miyer Character Portrait: Ai
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#, as written by KazutoK
Here are you Ten daily quests ( Remember Check the OOC to see which quests have been claim and which ones are available)

1. Make breakfast with the Cat. ( there is a mischievous kitty running around, leaving a trail of colors he is easy to find the problem is catching him, if you do feed him this poptart and receive his gift The cat Eye and item that enables night vision up to three uses.) Level :10 Reward: The Light speed pills x10 allows the user to have increased speed for 10 mins

2. Some one help me bring my friend back ( my friend a sweet girl named aris was killed and by some backstabbing bandit I need you to revive her using the two items you get from the two WEAPONs the eternal blade of Fantasy, and the Cloud of the 7 heavens) Level: 13 Reward: The Blade of infinite MP allows extra faster cool downs for sword skills

3. The Unicorn named Charles( this unicorn found himself stranded on the middle of the ocean attacked by a starfish monster will you save him? you need to be a strong swimmer as well as a master sword man remember star fish loves you ) Level: 14 Reward : Give you Lungfish pills x10 allow you to breath under water for 10 minutes

4. The First civilian ( this Npc has gotten himself trap under a block of ice break the ice carefully and help this NPC go back home) Level: 10 Reward: The shield of justice can protect from attack from a monster 5 levels above the user level.

5. The flightless bird ( escort this happy go lucky fish get to his nest but be careful he flops his way into trouble more often than not) Level: 13 Reward: Two corridor crystal can teleport you anywhere

6. The world of swords ( There is a rumored shop where the owner has as many swords as the eye can see he'll let you take one if you can best him on the battle field.) Level : 14 Reward: Sword of the hero give extra attack if the special works are spoken, the words are Kieh

7. The doctor and his assistance ( A crazy doc got himself trap in a place full of drunk four armed monkeys, free him and his assistance and get his new time slowing potion) Level: 12 Reward: Potion of slower time

8. Is this real? ( There is a treasured in cave filled with lot's of col but one issue once you step in the cave you will exposed to the goofy gas that causes the player to have several debuffs ) Level: 14 Reward : 5,000 col

9. The original ( there is a helmet in the forest called the dohv helmet it gives tamers and their beast extra health as well as an attack called the scream of the force) Level: 10 Reward: Helmet of the dohv

10. Long live the king ( a terrifying Wolf has been through a rough time his dad was recently decease and now he is in a rampage help him calm down and so he can return as king of the wolves) Level: 12 reward: Battle Howl skill Lion roar small paralyzing effect added only last 30 seconds


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kirito Character Portrait: Mirai Chi Character Portrait: Enakai Character Portrait: Miyer Character Portrait: Ai
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#, as written by KazutoK
double post ignore this one


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kirito
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#, as written by KazutoK
Kirito took the second quest it sounded like a useful sword to have around. He walked the path that lead to the Npc that was giving the quest. He spoke to the man who told him a story about a lovely maiden who was killed during an ambush by a knife to the back. She died instantly and with no hope of return, still this boy with golden hair would not give up his quest to bring her back. He pleaded to the gods so they would bring her back and they answered with two items. The blade of fantasy and the Cloud of 7 heavens those would bring her back from the death. As the story ended kirito understood the pain he must be going through and decided to help him. " Don't worry i'll help you see her again I promise" Kirito knew this was an NPC but he meant the promise he made and was determined to keep it. He set out to find the first item the blade of the fantasy, it was guarded by a monster around level 12.

As kirito arrived to the place where the monster was located a small make shift arena surrounded by rocks. The monster was a clown like creature with a sinister yet annoying laugh, He was dressed in jester clothes and had a giant sword which he easily twirl around. He grunt at kirito then laugh, kirito stood there analyzing the battle that was about to begin he knew while the blade was giant the monster could easily strike but a blade that big would often become stuck if it struck something else besides the player. He drew his own sword and prepared for the battle this would be great practice for his parry skill and his battle healing. Kirito stepped closer to the monster who didn't waste a second to attack his giant sword came down and kirito parry it was a little heavier than he expected. He quickly pushed to the side and make the blade become stuck to the ground for a while, but this wasn't without any damage. He used the opportunity to attack the monster quickly slashing his legs, he started to make the boss hp whittle down slowly. He dodged another couple attacks and parry the ones he could slowly the monster hp drop to the red zone and he became enraged and he laughed a lot more maniacally his attacking patterns more erratic. Kirito finally manage to finish the boss by making him slam his blade on the rock, he then used the opportunity to finish it by cutting off his head. He saw the monster disappear into pixels and then he pick up a small straight sword called the fantasy however the blade once pick up became the players main weapon, due to its curse. The blade was heavy and not easy to hold with one hand, but kirito wouldn't give up he made a promise. He made his way to the next item location a Cloud monster located in the top of a mountain.

As he arrived to the mountain he saw a strange boy standing there his hair was golden and he sported another sword similar to the one kirito had equipped. He smiled and pulled out his giant blade with difficulty, the other drew the sword as well he was easily able to control it. The battle begun it was an intense one kirito struggle to keep up with the other fighter. The two started clash swords again and again until the dust began to rile up. Kirito's Hp drop to the yellow zone he knew he had to end this or die he pulled the sword to parry and discover it's hidden skill the returning lighting as sword skill that allowed a parry followed by in immediate attack which did tons of damage. As kirito's blade when through the young fighter and it disappeared into pixels he pick up the final quest item the cloud of seven heavens. As kirito made his way back to the quest, he hold both items to the body of the decease maiden, but nothing happen the NPC broke down and tears and finally understood no matter what he did she wouldn't come back. He gave kirito the blade of infinite MP and bid him good bye as he took both the blade and the cloud and disappeared.

Quest completed appeared on the screen. Kirito decided to go back to the first town in order to buy more supplies for the trip to tolbana.

The setting changes from Floor 1-100 to Sword Art Online

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kirito Character Portrait: Mirai Chi Character Portrait: Ark Character Portrait: Triangle Character Portrait: Enakai Character Portrait: Miyer
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#, as written by KazutoK
Gm announcement: As most of my day was lost due to the damn error 522 no new quests will be posted however you can share the rewards by making a party and taking the remaining quest. The other reason there is not new post is because the boss room need to be find tomorrow so Saturday can be the big boss fight after that boss fight, Another batch of new quests will be post as well as a regular four day before we take on the floor boss will happen but you don't have to be part of them if you don't want to unless you play as front liner.

The setting changes from Sword Art Online to Floor 1-100


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kirito Character Portrait: Enakai
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#, as written by KazutoK
Kirito walked into town a little tired after his long battle and the quest. His level was increased but it didn't matter much as of now he knew that wasn't good enough he needed to do more quest for a lot more xp and items if he was to survive this game of death. He buy a couple of supplies from the towns shop in order to make his life easier, but then all of the sudden he saw a girl there she seemed to be a little confused and afraid. He decided to approach her and smile " You seem to be in a rough spot is there anything I can do to help". He wasn't one to abandon players like that, but then realized the girl belonged to a guild. He was curious why would a guild leave one of them behind. " You lost your guild? if so I could help you find them " He said as he extended his hand towards her. " Name is kirito nice to meet you" He said with a smile in his face trying to seem friendly this game had made a lot of people forget their humanities and turn them into the words of man kind. Kirito while his aim was to survive and wouldn't hesitate to kill in order to, knew that he also was a still a player with more knowledge than the others and he felt he had a responsibility to aid those in need.

The setting changes from Floor 1-100 to Sword Art Online

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kirito Character Portrait: Enakai
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"Who would be trying to contact us? One of your friends?"

Enakai shrugged, unable to give a clear answer to Tobias's question. "The only one's I know on here are you guys and Chiro. I didn't establish any sort of voice chat either, and she knew more about the monkey's than a normal beginner player would."

"I'm assuming that's why the quest was easier than it should've been." Rosemary had heard the conversation and stepped in after retrieving the reward. "I didn't encounter a single monster when I went searching for the doctor, which was incredibly unusual."

Enakai gave her friend and smile and turned around, beginning to make her way down the hill. "Maybe I've got some special cool futuristic power, ay? Well, we need to get back to the starter and meet up with Chi-chan. I'm sure she's calmed down a bit by now, but I don't like leaving her by herself for too long."

☽ ☽ ☽

Chiro sat in the inn in a dimly lit room that Enakai had rented for her. She'd been lying in the bed for almost an hour already, not moving with her face buried into the pillow. All she could think about was her family and that she may never see them again. Enakai had promised to bring her home and she never went back on her promises, but how could she be so positive in a situation like this? There was no way they could beat the 100 floor, right? It was impossible!

The small girl sat up as thoughts raced through her mind. Enakai could probably do it, but her on the other hand. No, she wasn't strong enough or brave enough to do such a thing. She had to get strong enough to fight with her friends. Slowly she slid out of bed and left the room, her cat trailing behind her. Once she stepped outside she looked up at the sky. She couldn't depend on her friends to save her. She had to get stronger, and the only way to do that would be to level up. She was prepared to leave the town, to show that she could take care of herself, but her intentions were distracted by another player that approached her.

"You seem to be in a rough spot is there anything I can do to help. You lost your guild? if so I could help you find them"


"Name is kirito nice to meet you"

"Ah.." She reached her hand out to take his as she was about to introduce herself. "I'm Chi--"


Enakai raised her arm in the air and waved to the girl from afar, dropping it once she stopped in front of her. She placed her hand on top of the shorter girls head and gave her a big smile. "Heyy, I didn't know you had a boyfriend~"

"Enakai, behave like a leader please." Rosemary said with a sigh before smiling gently at Chiro. "It's good to see you outside, Chiro. Are you feeling any better now?"

Chiro nodded, though with some difficulty since Enakai still had her hand placed on top of her head. "That's my adorable girl." Enakai patted her head once and then removed her hand and placed it on her hip, facing the black-haired stranger. "Sup, kid?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kirito Character Portrait: Enakai Character Portrait: Miyer
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#, as written by KazutoK
He was surprise when someone else yelled the name he turned to see who it was and saw a group of players coming his way. " You must be the leader of your guild, Kirito nice to meet you " He said lifiting his hand up and gave them a friendly smile. " I saw your player here and thought she was lost so I was going to help her find you guys, but I see that problem solve it self " He said as he look at each of the player noticing their levels " You probably wanted to keep her safe didn't you " He dig through his inventory and found a couple items. Then approached chiro " here this items should be a couple levels as well as this quest should get you caught up to your teammates" He finish transferring the data over to chiro." I'll see you all later there are some quest still to do " He said as he put his hand on his pocket and began to walk away from them. He exit the town and moved to the path to tolbana it was a town near the end of the map world. He saw more players grinding and trying to leve up. He then look at the sky and let out a large sight " i won't die here I promise mom, sister " He said as he began to sprint and made his way to the location of his next quest.

He meet up with a fellow Beta tester he met during the closed beta. He walked slowly over to her a little confused of why she hand no gear on. " I guess some people never takes thing seriously right M. " He said to the girl as he approached her. He leaned against the tree and waited " So I have this quest with a pretty good reward, but pesky escort situations if you help me i'll give you half of the reward." He waited for her answer and smile his arm crossed he knew if there was someone he could be useful it was her. He knew she must be on her way to tolbana and this quest wasn't far off. He knew out of all the beta tester also they were the ones that were ahead by their levels.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kirito Character Portrait: Miyer
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#, as written by Miyer
Miyer glanced up from her soggy trek down the road towards Tolbana, noticing Kiritos confused look before he began to speak and offer up a new quest. Glancing down over herself once more, she still had the drops of water from the sea covering her body and underwear and offered Kirito a smile. "Don't blame me, I had to save Charlie from an obsessed starfish. He was underwater and I didn't want my gear wet sooooo...." She left the sentence hanging before giving him a grin. "What? Never played WoW before? This was like a day to day accurance, though you are probably right. Should be taking this more seriously." She admitted, though she didn't really want to get her gear wet as that would just be uncomfortable.

"So what escort job? And what's the reward?" She asked as way to distract him for a moment as she tried to subtly shake off some of the left over water that clung to her arms. Morris just shook his head as if in disbelief before simply moving over the girls body and taking the water droplets with him, collecting him in his stomach? Miyer blinked for a moment at the floating ghost before pulling out her cloths and shrugging them on, giving the ghost a "what the hell?" Look. "... I didn't know he could do that... For some reason I feel slightly violated...", she commented before shaking it off.

"So how have you been? Racking up levels and saving lives, while I was trying to kill a starfish I bet." She commented at him, slightly curious how the other beta had been surviving since the news had been announced.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kirito Character Portrait: Enakai Character Portrait: Miyer
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#, as written by KazutoK
He smiled and saw the familiar with her " woah already tamed your first beast you don't waste time" He said as he examined him. He then shrug and look towards the next town " just grinding if I want to survive then I have to make myself stronger" he said clenching his fist. " Tell you what I'll tell you the details of the quest and in return I'll get one of the teleporting crystals " He said as he pulled up the menu and send her the info. He then hear a beeping and looked at his messages and saw a message from a fellow beta tester called diabel. We need all of the high level players to help map the recently discover boss labyrinth if anyone has the level and skill please report to tolabana's exit. Kirito finished reading the message and frown " sorry Miyer I'll catch up to you later ok " He said taking his leave and running towards tolabana when he arrived to the exit of the town he saw a guild and couple of more beta testers. " So what's the plan are we just rushing in " asked kirito a little concern that they had not plan a better strategy. He and the others started to open the gate to the labyrinth, the floor was a cave like room there was a new type of monsters named the scout kobolds they were formidable opponents many players where left in the red zone. Kirito was in the yellow a little worry about what might happen if things didn't got smooth. They were tired making it halfway to the labyrinth, then they press on some of the players were lost on the way when the boss door was finally found. The cave housed the black iron gates leading to the boss room the players new it would be stupid to take it on now instead they would recruit players. Kirito keep the map data and exit the labyrinth first talking to Argo the information broker he gave her the data for free in order for her to distribute it. He then made his way back to the town of tolabana not wanting to be disturbed he rented a room from a farm house outside the town. He messaged Miyer asking her to rise her level if she plan on taking on the boss. He then used chiro's info to tell her guild about the boss plan fight in order to warn them about leveling up.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kirito Character Portrait: Mirai Chi Character Portrait: Morrighan Character Portrait: Ark Character Portrait: Hisui Character Portrait: Triangle
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#, as written by KazutoK
Kirito observed the strange player who had just dropped in front of him. That was quite the entrance he thought but pain not mind to him. He enter the shop and placed a bunch off small books on the table writing a sign that said guide book for free. He then walk up to the bar and order a small Tea, he waited as he saw the through his menu if anyone had send him a reply. He saw Miyer would be grinding soon and when the battle took place they would go together. He then took a look through his inventory he had two blades the anneal blade with + 6 enhancements and the blade of infinite MP. He had a hard time deciding which one to take to the boss battle but finally decided upon taking the anneal blade. He then receive his tea and drank it he left 20 Col on the bar and walked away. The fields were being picked cleans as he took a break but he knew the best spots to grind due to his beta tester back ground. He headed toward that direction hoping to see the field with the level 15 monsters and while he was going solo he could handle them as long as they didn't swarm. He pulled out his blade and began grinding his level slowly increasing. He decided to take a break from all the grinding and then walked back to the town thing were a lot calmer now people understood the vitality of being able to survive. He saw the strange boy again, then another girl with a similar blade to his, there was a couple that just had starting grinding, then there was a tank obvious player, he saw last a another blue haired boy all of them determine as he was to win.

( anyone wants to join me in the following quest for now kirito will be sociable and approachable so please I would like to get to know each and every single one of your character before Friday.)

The setting changes from Sword Art Online to Floor 1-100


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kirito Character Portrait: Mirai Chi Character Portrait: Morrighan Character Portrait: Ark Character Portrait: Hisui Character Portrait: Triangle
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#, as written by KazutoK
Here is your 15 daily quest

1. The 3 Bear rampage. ( there was a case of breaking and entering the victims three bears who are now rampaging through the forest chasing the responsible assailant, capture the assailant or kill the bears is up to you ) Level: 5 Xp Yield: 100 Reward: The house in the forest ( if bears kills ) The pick of locks a pick that allows to pick low level door without with ease. ( if the assailant is kill)

2. The bird wonder ( there is a justice bird trying to save his mentor an old bat from a hyena's attack ) Level :4 Xp: 75 Reward : the boomerang spear ( a spear that returns to the user if thrown.)

3. The living blade ( there is a cursed blade in the forest if anyone tries to pick it up it will sap their energy however if the swords deems you worthy it will become the sapping blade of the king which allows a energy sapping skill when contact with the skin of the enemy is made.) Level :6 Xp yield: 150 Reward: Sapping blade.

4 . The first rule of rpg ( there is a swarm of monsters appearing through the meadows they are rumored to give a lot of XP the draw back is they swarm the opponent effortless killing them) Level :6 Xp yield: 175 Reward : Double xp

5. The Creed is sacred ( a group of mysterious assassin' s just open up a spot for a single new comer who can bring them the head of the monster called the Temple a monster twice as high as any player with a huge cross in its chest ) Level: 7 Xp yield: 175 Reward: Cloak of the assassins + sneaking and Dagger damage

6. The golden ape ( there is a monkey giving information about a sword skill called the turtle slash his name is sung wukong but he will only reveal his secret to a strong opponent who can best him and his magical pole) Level: 4 Xp yield: over 90 Reward: Sword skill the turtle slash

7. The chief and the arbiter ( there is duo giving a quest to destroy a poisounous plant that is turning their friends into zombies slay the plant and do not become a zombie ) Level: 18 reward: Light Blade a blade composed of a bright metal makes it look like if it wasn't a tangible thing

8 The Psy ( There is a dancing npc that is willing to teach a moved called the side step counter if you can show him you can get down) Level:5 Xp yield: 50 Reward: The side step counter

9. The Mischievous fox( there is a fox deep in the forest that is nimble and agile trying to keep himself alive he will bestow a fast dodging skill to his next apprentice will it be you ) Level:4 Xp yield: 80 Reward: The nine tails, allows to the user access to a running skill that allows quickly movement at the cost of being down on all fours and not being able to use weapons.

10. The trishotgun ( there is a charismatic outlaw hoping to turn his life around all he need is for you to pay his debts if you do then he will give you the triblade a blade that give a +3 attack if used on bandits.) Level:5 Xp yield: 100 Reward: The tribalde

11. The stacking miner ( there is a miner that has re imagine a way to mine his pickaxe can now pick blocks of 1 meter by 1 meter up he is willing to pay you a lot of Col if you keep the explosive nepents away from him. ) Level: 5 Xp yield: 125 Reward: 3,000 Col.

12. The preparations for winter because it's coming ( there is a small feathery dragon who has landed in the mountain the NPCs want him death because once winter come he will attack their cattle do not attempt alone. ) Level:8 Xp yield: 400 Reward: The scale chest plate + 10 attack and hp

13. The wrong turn on Tolbana ( by mistake a rare mob has appeared outside tolbana it's name the grey rabbit if you can catch it and kill it I will grant you rabbit meat a meat capable of healing any status ) Level:5 Xp yield: 110 Reward: The docs meat

14. This is dot way to similar ( there is a new teleporting gate in the forest rumored to lead to a small new floor called the dot new floor it is rumor there is a small girl there giving the dot hack slasher blade ) Level:6 Xp yield: 175 Reward: The dot hack slasher a blade with better flowing combos.

15. The forever battle ( someone though it would be funny to start a few between butterfly cocoons and salmon fish the result a never ending battle please finish it and let there be a winner ) Level: 5 Xp yield: 60 Reward: The powders of status effects ( if salmon kill ) or The mountain leap an extra jump skill that allows a much higher jump ( if cocoon killed )

The setting changes from Floor 1-100 to Sword Art Online

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kirito Character Portrait: Shiro
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#, as written by KazutoK
Kirito was a little distracted but when the male spoke to him he was snap back to reality. He smile and then spoke " Hey there no much just grinding getting stronger. " He said with a smile as he look at him he didn't seem to be a beta so he must be a regular player. " Name is kirito nice to meet you friend can I help you with something? " He said as he waited for his response he noticed his level and figure this guy most likely would want some help. Kirito didn't mind helping out others as long as it didn't interfered with his mission of surviving this death game.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kirito
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Shiro looks at him as he sits down. "Yeah I know who you are Kirito."

The setting changes from Sword Art Online to Floor 1-100


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kirito Character Portrait: Magnus the Great Character Portrait: Shiro
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#, as written by KazutoK
Kirito was surprised that shiro knew his name " Have we meet before huh ? " He said trying to recall his face but was unable to. He decided to find out about how this guy knew him so decided to bring him along. " Listen I'm after this quest that has extra xp wielding abilities " He said as he asked with an invitation to join a party. After he accepted they began walking towards the location of the quest then they heard it blood curling screams. Kirito rushed to see a lone player being trampled by the zeboars idiot you shouldn't have gone alone he thought. He was hesitant to draw his sword because he knew even with his level he wouldnt be able to protect two players if it came down to it. He finally decided and rush towards the man using the vertical arc he took care of the mobs closer to the player and lift him up by his arm. He wanted to dig through his inventory and heal him but it would consume so much time and they didn't have time. He knew hat he had to do he drew all the attention to himself , he was afraid of dying but to him dying with someone else was better than living alone. He took the mobs away from him as they started to swarm him he carefully dodge and attack. He gave Shiro the time to heal the player as he deal with the zeboars luckily there was something good about the zeboars they made him level up twice allowing him to keep his health high. He learned a new skilled called the vertical square and horizontal squares he used them swiftly trying to fight them off but even with his levels they would soon overwhelm him. " Get him the hell out of here shiro " Yelled kirito as he took down another zeboar their number diminishing but not fast enough

The setting changes from Floor 1-100 to Sword Art Online

Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Kirito Character Portrait: Shiro
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Shiro runs to Magnus taking him away from the monsters and begins healing him, "You're healed now." Shiro then rushed to help Kirito, "I healed him. I 'm here to help you Kirito." He began attacking the zeoboars one by one slashing and defeats two at the same time. As he's fighting, one of them tackled Shiro knocking him down, but as soon the monster attacked he go back up, "That was close. I could've died if I wasn't careful."

The setting changes from Sword Art Online to Floor 1-100


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kirito Character Portrait: Mirai Chi Character Portrait: Morrighan Character Portrait: Ark Character Portrait: Hisui Character Portrait: Triangle
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#, as written by KazutoK
Tolbana outskirts November 7, 2022

Kirito was relieved that the other players were safe and now focused on killing the remaining zeboars in order to get the xp to take on other quest. He continued to dispatch them a lot easier now that he had support from shiro and magnus. He finished the remaining ones and smile wiping his forehead even thought there was not sweat he was exhausted. He walked over to Shiro and MAgnus and smile " Thank you guys this quest would have been a lot more difficult if I did it alone anyway I hope you guys got enough experience to take on other challenges without this happening." He said thinking of how close to death they were. He wave them good bye and began to walk back to town in order to take another quest so he could level up faster out of the 10 zeboars he must have killed at least 4 of them at 175X2 experience he had gain 1400 XP enough xp to level up to level 7 he was now in route to becoming stronger and being able to survive the game of death. He excused himself and walked back to the place he was renting in order rest a bit. He was walking when he realized he had used his sword so much it probably now needed to find someone who would repair the equipment. He walked to town looking for a smith that would be able to help him without cleaning out his col supply. He however was distracted when he saw Argo the info dealer making her money by selling information he decided to check out what information she could have that could help him. He smiled as he saw her cat markings and then decided to inquire about the info she didn't have much he didn't already no so he decided to leave her to her business.

( again this week I want to get to know every single character in my rp so please don't be shy and join me in a quest just a quick introduction will suffice.)

The setting changes from Floor 1-100 to Sword Art Online

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kirito Character Portrait: Shiro
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Shiro saved a lot money during his time in the game searching and getting stronger so that he can survive and get out this horror. Then he goes back to the town to find a place to stay until he sees Kirito and Shiro shouts out to him, "Yo Kirito!!"