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"Since we're going to be here for a while, might as well relax and enjoy ourselves."

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a character in “Sword Art Online: Aincrad Arc”, originally authored by Syao4500, as played by RolePlayGateway


Avatar Name: Triangleā–²

Height: 180cm
Build:Muscular but not bulky, 60 kg
(Refer to picture for appearance)
Level:12(Updated May 1st)

Weapon Skill:
Two handed Assault Spear
Blade Throwing

Non-Combat Skills:
Musical Instrument
Thrust Weapon Forging

Passive Skills:

Combat Skills:
Howl+Paralyzing Howl(Earned from quest)

Equipped Armor:
Regular non upgraded newbie gear
Hooded Cloak(Npc Shop bought)

Equipped Weapon:
Steel tipped wooden spear(beginner)

Double tipped Throwing Spears(Crafted)
Carving knife
Guidebook(Bought at store)
2x Wooden Flute(Bought at store)
10x Peices of leather(loot)
10x Low grade wood shafts (store bought)

Innately suspicious of everyone, prefers to be a loner, but will put on a cheerful and put on a friendly mask when bored. Very selfish, but doesn't show it.
All of the above goes away when with special people.

RP Sample:
Opening his eyes to the beautiful world of SAO, Triangle wasted no time to get started, spending only a moment to appreciate the details of the town. He had planned this moment for weeks before the game came out, resources were limited, thus he had to quickly gather as much as he could and make money before the regular players could even find the hunting fields. His friend had a beta key, but due to a sudden illness, was unable to play the game; Triangle received the key from his friend and played in his stead.

So begins...

Triangle's Story

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Character Portrait: Triangle
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Posted in wrong place, ignore

The setting changes from Sword Art Online to Floor 1-100


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Character Portrait: Triangle
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"Hmmmmm, I'll take this quest," Triangle removes the poster from the board, "I'd rather kill the wolf and sell his loot, but this skill sounds very useful." Looking around in case someone was watching him, he slips the quest into his inventory, thus accepting the quest. He was getting tired of slaying field mobs anyways, it was hardly earning him enough money from selling low level quest items; business was slow in this town, people were still moping around in the first town. At this rate it'll take forever to climb up in the game, not that he was in any rush, Triangle liked it here in the game world.

This quest was proving to be a tricky one, first he had to find the rampaging wolf, but then again since it is rampaging it wont be too hard to find, so the first part is done. Then he has to somehow calm it down and make it get over the death of it's father. "Easier to kill the dumb thing," he thought. "Well, not going to get anything done just thinking about hypothesis," Triangle stood up from the fountain in the middle of the square and looked around, he saw a few faces but they primarily kept to themselves, still suspicious of one another. It'll be a while before we get any organization, when that happens, the dough will be rolling in.

Triangle had made a habit of leaping from trees and buildings to get around the game, it was faster than going by road, plus it trained his acrobatics skill; two birds with one stone. In the lush pine forests near the town, the trees had many supple branches strong enough to support Triangle's weight, granting him nearly silent mobility. He may not have the tracking skill, but it wasn't hard to follow a rampaging beast. Through the broken branches and deep paw prints, Triangle realized something was wrong, the beast was leaving a blood trail, and it was sprinting nonstop but as the trail continued, it was getting slower and slower, until at last he found the miserable thing breathing deep wolf breaths and at a standstill underneath the falling pine needles.

The beast's reaction was a bit slow, as it turned around to glare at Triangle; even on the last of its strength, it's eyes were majestic, the clearest blue that he has ever seen. "Crap I'm trapped in its gaze, i wonder how much those eyeballs would sell for," he thought. The wolf was too weak to hold its gaze and bowed his head, this guy was really done. Triangle wondered what could've pushed such a beast to this degree, perhaps it was better to put it out of its misery and loot the eyes; but the rustling bushes changed his mind, something was coming, lots of things....

The setting changes from Floor 1-100 to Sword Art Online

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Character Portrait: Triangle
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omfg wrong place again

The setting changes from Sword Art Online to Floor 1-100


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Character Portrait: Triangle
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Every second matters, there was too many monsters incoming, Triangle planted several two pointed spears into the ground at all sorts of different angles, three in total, seven left. The first wild dog burst through the foliage and made a mad dash straight at the wounded wolf, Triangle stepped into the line of attack and braced for combat. The mindless beast leaped at him, such a direct attack was too basic and Triangle easily saw through it; using his parry skill with the blunt side of the spear, he hit the wild dog in the face, changing it's course right into one of the spears in the ground. The beast was killed instantly, having been impaled right through the mouth, dissipated into a cloud of pixels. Continuing the same method for the few dumb beasts that attacked one by one, parrying them into the planted spears, conserved his stamina greatly. The wolf behind him let out a weak whine, something worse was coming.

A deafening howl deep in the forest temporarily stunned Triangle, he was frozen in fear and could not move his limbs. Luckily, the dogs were regrouping in the forest for a more organized attack, giving him time to recover from the paralysis. It was too difficult to protect a helpless target; sensing the danger, the wounded wolf scampers away in the opposite direction. Not looking back, Triangle picks up the spears from the ground and finds the nearest tree and impales his main spear into the trunk. He could hear the collective growling in the bushes, twenty in total, ten wooden spears left, his strength parameters were not strong enough yet to kill the dogs with a spear throw. Thinking quickly, he throws eight spears deeply into a patch of ground at an angle, and plants the remaining two behind him.
The rabid dogs charged at him with ferocious bloodlust; summoning all this strength, Triangle swings the spear in the tree with all his might, bending the shaft like a fishing rod with a fish biting. The tree's trunk gave in and the spear broke free, with the added potential energy, the resulting kinetic energy was tremendous, the spearhead cut into the dogs in the back and vaporized them into pixel dust instantly. The blunt force knocked the dogs right into the eight planted spears, killing them.

Out of reflex, Triangle dived to the side, just in time to notice a flash of black in the corner of his eye. Getting up he saw the two spears behind him had snapped, leaving a trail of blood heading towards where the wounded wolf had scampered away earlier. There was no time to retrieve his spears from the ground, and he beings to pursue the black flash. Things were all coming together now, all he needed was a confirmation.

A confirmation he got. At a ravine at the edge of the forest, a black wolf was looming over the wounded wolf , they were too busy growling at each other to notice him. "Time to get this over with," Triangle thought and dashed towards the black wolf dragging his spear in the dirt to build up resistance, and releasing that energy right up the underbelly of the wolf, slashing and launching it up to the air. Pointing his spear upward, the beast got impaled going back down, he kicked the corpse into the ravine from his spear as if removing a marshmallow.


The king of the wolves was still wounded and Triangle gave it a few health potions and soon it was back to health. The blue eyed wolf bowed his head and howled at the sky in a display of respect. Triangle nodded, but instead of runnning back into the woods, the wolf put its head on his hands and the surroundings changed to night time.

A muscular tanned and blue eyed man wearing a white wolf pelt appeared in front of Triangle, bowing down he said,
"You have my thanks, human, that black wolf was my uncle who wanted to be the king of the wolves himself, he had killed my father and sent assassins after me, luckily you came along and slayed him. I was still too young and inexperienced to fight my uncle and could only flee, but thanks to you I no longer have to, the threat is gone, and i can rightfully return to my place as king. I offer you my thanks, behalf of myself and the wolves. As a token, I will bestow upon you a gift that'll make you an honorary member of the pack. This skill makes your howl so frightening that enemies will freeze in fear, I'm sure you've experienced my uncle's roar back there, it may not be as powerful but I'm sure it'll help you in the future."

Triangle bowed his head as the wolf king touched his forehead, bestowing upon him the power of the wolves.

"Now I wont hold you any longer in this realm of illusions that I have conjured in your mind, I too must return to my people, but when time comes, I'm sure you''ll come to help my people and I'll come to help yours. Goodbye fellow wolf brother.

Triangle opened his eyes, and the area surrounding was deserted. He remained silent, he respected the wolf pack's power despite his earlier remarks, alone the wolf was not that much of a threat, but together, the pack is a force to be considered. He wished he could have the same strength as a pack of wolves, something a loner like him couldn't achieve.

"Time to go back and pick up the loot... gotta walk to the bottom of this ravine too...dammit"

Maybe he should party up... soling is too tiring, but the thoughts of sharing the profits with someone else discouraged him, plus his fighting style would be jeopardized with a party.


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Character Portrait: Mirai Chi Character Portrait: Triangle
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ā€œShitshitshitshitshitshit,ā€ Triangle was falling, whirling through the air with no control of his body. ā€œFucking pigeons,ā€ He thought to himself, this game was too realistic, even the pigeons were solid entities.
The story was like this: Triangle had nothing to do before the quest board refreshed, so he just lounged around and carved spears in the next village over from the starting city. Running out of things to do, he decided to train his hiding and acrobatics skill by jumping from building to building unnoticed, but the small village cottages didnā€™t provide much training for acrobatics, leaping from one roof to another was easy. The starting city had huge buildings, so he used the warp gate to head back there. Jumping around while hiding himself took much concentration and he had to rely on instincts and muscle memory to traverse the buildings. He had noticed the dumb birds hanging on a ledge but didnā€™t think theyā€™d affect him so he made the jump, bad move; the birds took startled flight and he lost his footing in surpriseā€¦. And here he is, falling to the cobbled streets below.

From this height, would he die? How sad to die from falling off a roof, in a town, on a peaceful day. If he could use something to break his fallā€¦ HIS SPEAR! Equipping it, he stabbed blindly at a building and it stuck, but his spearā€™s durability was still low from the earlier mission, and he didnā€™t think to repair it till the next time he went on a questā€¦ the spearā€™s wooden shaft snapped like a twig, barely slowing down his descent.

Triangle then notices a person walking in the streets below him, heā€™s going to collide into that girl! Maybe sheā€™ll break his fall, but itā€™s a girl! Falling headfirst, he could only close his eyes and pray to Kayaba that if he makes out of this alive, heā€™ll form a party with someone, just one person though.

Opening his eyes a split second before impact with the ground, he was falling right in front of the girl and for a split second, he saw her eyes.


And for a moment he forgot he was falling, and about to be a puddle of blood on the street.

They were so blue, so deep.


20 HP remaining. Oh god Kayaba, what should he do? Itā€™s probably gonna be awkward as hell, should he stay down and play dead? No his body wouldā€™ve pixel dusted, guess heā€™ll have to get up.
Still lying down face first, ā€œHi, Nice to meet ya. Donā€™t mind me, Iā€™m just dropping inā€

Shit, it got even more awkward.

The setting changes from Floor 1-100 to Sword Art Online

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Character Portrait: Mirai Chi Character Portrait: Triangle
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#, as written by Soulies

Mirai Chi

Mirai yawns, her previous energetic feeling gone, replaced with boredom. There was absolutely nothing to do. She stopped by some shops, and saw nothing interesting. She even went to random people.. and had a conversation! 'I didn't think today was a day to try something new.. Oh well no more surprises for toda-' She lifted her arms above to stretch, and as she does so, she looks up- [Everything went by way to fast] Wheres the sun. Why is there only a shadow? Wait. Is that. Is that a guy falling. She blinks to resume the control of her body, quickly she examines the situation [ a habit ].
She could break his fall but with what.
Catching him is out of the question.
She continued to watch helplessly confused on what to do. This wasn't exactly a situation she prepared for. Actually! This wasn't something that should be happen at all!
'Well I did ask for trouble earlier.. damn.' About to break his speeding momentum with a tackle of some sort, she ended up watching a.. well decent attempting of saving himself. From the moment he brought out his spear, even without her ability, she could tell that the thing wasnt going to stay put- Snap. Mirai was right.
As he rushed down once more, everything seemed to slow for a moment as they made eye contact. A blink later, the man was on the ground.. with barely any HP. 'Guess the spear did something.' Mirai thought sarcastically, not expecting the next comment.

ā€œHi, Nice to meet ya. Donā€™t mind me, Iā€™m just dropping inā€

She blinks, well isnt this guy a clever one. Bored out of her mind, she decided to return with a response when usually she would just walk away leaving a healing crystal behind.
"Well.. we just met.." She looked down at him, the sun causing her to look like a shadow.. yet her blue eyes blazed through like a flame. " and your Falling for me already?" Her voice was laced with slight amusement.
Opening her inventory, she brought out a healing crystal. She tossed it to him. "Here." As she tossed it, she added on jokingly, "You're lucky, I think you owe some higher power."

Well isn't Mirai being nice today. But this didnt stop her from examining him for any threats.

[OOC: I think they are called healing crystals.. dont quiet remember.]

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Character Portrait: Mirai Chi Character Portrait: Triangle
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wrong place....

The setting changes from Sword Art Online to Floor 1-100


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Character Portrait: Mirai Chi Character Portrait: Triangle
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Oh god, He talked to her, and she talked to him, EVEN GAVE HIM A HEALING CRYSTAL, "Damn you pigeons," he muttered under his breath. Struggling to get up due to his nearly depleted HP, he picks up the healing crystal that the girl tossed to him, and used it. Ahhh that was the stuff, feeling refreshed, "T-thanks for the crystal, I'll pay you back for it," At least that was what he was supposed to say, but he couldn't say anything, and was too focused on trying to not meet the girl's blue eyed gaze by looking at a shop sign.

"The Book and Bottle," he wonders what they sell there... he said that out loud didn't he...

Things were getting really awkward. Despite his detached and cold demeanor, he was actually quite a ditz around certain people. Especially girls, especially ones with blue eyes, and especially ones that look frail. Something whispered in the back of his mind, "remember your promise about the party Triangle," the voice sounded awfully a lot like Kabaya.
"Would you party up with me? Things are dangerous around here, its better to stick together, plus we can complete quests faster."

Instead it came out as...

"Uhm... wolf pack...Kabaya god.... I need someone to uhm, spend my time in SAO with..."

GG Triangle, that sounded awfully a lot like a proposal, not a party invite.


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Character Portrait: Mirai Chi Character Portrait: Triangle
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#, as written by Soulies

Mirai Chi

"The Book and Bottle,"
She blinks. Did this man really just say that? No thank you? rolls her eyes, who was she dealing with here? Looking back, she tilted her head slightly, hopefully hinting enough that she was confused to the highest degree. 'Maybe he's just.. awkward.' She thought, and felt that was a real possibility. It wasnt the first case she came across, usually something to do with her eyes, but this is the first time she met a case... so serious. If this was a genuine act, Mirai couldnt help but almost drop her guard which would be a first.
Now.. She barely got his intentions, and when she thought it couldnt get any more confusing-
"Uhm... wolf pack...Kabaya god.... I need someone to uhm, spend my time in SAO with..."
eh. She blinks, slowly processing the true reasons behind his statement.
This couldn't be a proposal..
Nor was it a invitation for a cup to tea..
A party invitation?
She prayed it was.
Surprising her face remained rather undisturbed, except for a few lifts of her eye brows, and tilting of her head.
"..Okay.. well im not good at translating... but, party invitation?" Mirai began to examine the man again. He appeared strong.. and surprising ditzy. She had no idea how she felt, did she trust him? Despite her open facade, she was never the one to trust within a matter of seconds.. or years even. However she was being eaten away by boredom.. "-if so..I accept."

The setting changes from Floor 1-100 to Sword Art Online

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Character Portrait: Kirito Character Portrait: Mirai Chi Character Portrait: Ark Character Portrait: Triangle Character Portrait: Enakai Character Portrait: Miyer
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#, as written by KazutoK
Gm announcement: As most of my day was lost due to the damn error 522 no new quests will be posted however you can share the rewards by making a party and taking the remaining quest. The other reason there is not new post is because the boss room need to be find tomorrow so Saturday can be the big boss fight after that boss fight, Another batch of new quests will be post as well as a regular four day before we take on the floor boss will happen but you don't have to be part of them if you don't want to unless you play as front liner.

The setting changes from Sword Art Online to Floor 1-100


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Character Portrait: Mirai Chi Character Portrait: Triangle
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Thank goodness she understood him, she's pretty intelligent to understand his flustered mumbling. Still staring at the Book and Bottle shop sign, he takes a deep breath, and gathering his composure, says, "Yeah sorry about that, I must have hit my head pretty hard when I fell hahahah... I haven't introduced myself properly, my name is Triangle, you can call me Tri, less syllables and all. I'm a spearbearer, as you can see from my... broken spear. I probably should get a new one... been using it since the game started." Triangle replaced the mumbling with rambling. To ease the tension, he opened up the interface and sends her the party invite. Thankfully he couldn't see anything at all behind his long bangs, so it made it easier to talk.

"I couldn't help but notice your eyes, there's something special about them."

If the real life Triangle could move, he would've face palmed.

The setting changes from Floor 1-100 to Sword Art Online

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Character Portrait: Hisui Character Portrait: Triangle Character Portrait: Miyer
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(Tagged wrong person ignore. Doing this on a phone is really hard)

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Character Portrait: Mirai Chi Character Portrait: Hisui Character Portrait: Triangle
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Why did he say that? He doesnā€™t have feelings for this girlā€¦does he?

Sure she has a frail frame that makes you want to protect her, and those blue eyesā€¦Out of a force of habit, he used his hands to sweep his hair from his eyes.

Bad move, he ended up looking into her eyes. They were an odd mixture of colorsā€¦. And he was drowning in them and couldnā€™t move. He was trapped.

ā€œWAKE UP YOU DUMBASS,ā€ a voice inside of him yelled, it sounded awfully familiar, not Kayaba, but someone he knew. On the outside it appeared Triangle only froze for a few seconds while staring into the girlā€™s eyes, but something was changing inside of his head. For a split second, the name above his head changed to red, had a person blinked, they would have missed it. Triangle felt like his brain was splitting, the pain knocked him out of the quick trance. Any composure he couldā€™ve mustered up shattered like waves on the rocks, he wasnā€™t flustered anymore, he was scared out of his mind, of his mind.

Feeling very near the edge, and backed up against the wall, ā€œI uhmā€¦ just remembered something I had to do, weā€™ll party up some other time,ā€ his voice was shaky. Then without any warning, he ran for the nearest building and scaled the wall up the roof while activating the hide skill; he had to get as far away from people as possible, but he didnā€™t know why.

Wandering around in the second townā€™s forest, where he had crushed the wolf kingā€™s uncleā€™s coup(Triangle had got there using the gates), he questioned why he had ran; it wasnā€™t because of the girlā€™s blue eyes, he quite liked them, but something inside of him didnā€™t, there was no explanation. Thinking about something unexplainable remind him of his friend and roommate. Triangle lived in an apartment with a friend, who he has never seen before, the same friend who loaned him the nerve gear and beta code. Heck, he didnā€™t even know the friendā€™s name, they only spoke by leaving notes for each other; Triangle would leave a note before he went to sleep, and in the morning there would be a reply. An odd relationship, but he was the only friend Triangle had, who has always been friendless.

Strolling through the woods confused and missing his closest friend, he heard conflict nearby. Using his hiding skill, Triangle approached the noises and watched from a nearby branch. His hide skill was still lower ranked compared to his other skills, but in addition to his black cloak, players without a mid ranked detection skill would have trouble seeing him.

This girl had impressive swordplay; she was battling a plant type monster (he never bothered to learn the names, and just referenced the guidebook most of the time.) The girl took out one of the monsters but not unscathed, this was why he disliked swords and sword users, theyā€™re too reckless and risky. Not only would they endanger themselves, but also him; then again, the blue eyed girl used swords. Will he ever meet her again? What then, when they form a party, how will he fight? His fighting style is mainly for soloing. The image of her blue eyes popped into his head, he wouldā€™ve liked to dwell on it some more but had to shake it out for the sake of observing the battle.

Oh another one spawned and the girl was preparing to face it; her health dropped significantly after the first bout, and by the looks of it she might be in trouble if more spawn. Stupidly, he forgot to buy another spear and was weaponless aside from the few throwing spears he had carved here and there. Guess heā€™ll have to hope no other plants spawn any time soon. Triangle quietly begins carving a few more throwing spears while keeping one eye on the battle.

He should stop being stingy and buy things from the NPC shops, other than cheap wood shafts. Maybe a good durable spear this time, instead of the cheap beginner weapon. Perhaps new clothes too, he was still wearing the newbie outfit under his cloak.

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Character Portrait: Hisui Character Portrait: Triangle
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0.00 INK

November 6, 2022--10:39 PM
Floor 1, Horunka Forest

With one final Slant to its stalk, Hisui destroyed the second Nepent. Letting out a sigh of relief, she glanced at her own health bar--it had fallen to about 3/8 of its original value. She had taken less damage than last time, to be sure, but it was still concerning.

Raising her right hand, she squeezed her thumb and index finger together and swept them downwards, calling out the menu. Entering her inventory, she took out a few health potions, stored two into her pockets, and drank one. It tasted absolutely horrible, but she saw her HP was rising once again. "It'll take some time," she sighed, "but as long as nothing comes my way before the potion finishes healing m-"

The sounds of a Nepent spawning rang out to her side. I just HAD to open my mouth...

Putting a hand to her face and groaning in annoyance, Hisui drew her sword again, but stayed a distance away this time to give the potion time to complete its work. The Nepent spewed out its acid, but Hisui threw herself to the ground, and the acid flew above her head into the trees. Rising quickly, she waited for it to attack again--which it promptly did with its vines. Her sword flashed to the sides, parrying the blows, but one vine still managed to strike her in the leg.

As Hisui winced, she noticed her HP was no longer rising--it was over half again, though, so she rushed towards the Nepent head-on, unleashing Sword Skills one after another. The delays between skills caused her to take more damage, but the plant monster's health quickly depleted as well. Just before the Nepent was about to die, it launched another acid attack, but Hisui leaped to the side, let it fly into the bushes behind her, and struck once more at the stalk, killing the plant.

Once again, "Little Nepent's Ovule" was not among the rewards. This is starting to get a bit worrisome, Hisui thought as she gulped down another potion. "I guess I can stay for a bit longer," she murmured, "but how long will this take?"

(OOC: Remember the acid that flew into the bushes? It splashed around wherever Triangle was hiding, because freak coincidences happened. Yes, I am a jerk. That doesn't mean Triangle has to get hit, though.)

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Character Portrait: Hisui Character Portrait: Triangle
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Swordsmen these days... Just charging headlong into the battle without much planning. The girl had swiftly taken out the second plant but not without damage, with her HP at 3/8; she stopped in the middle of the battlefield to heal, a risky move because you might never know when- Never mind, another one spawned, before her HP could recover. Throwing spear handy, Triangle continued to watch the battle, ready to intervene at any moment. After exchanging a few blows with the plant and rendering it near death, the creature spewed a last barrage of acid, luckily the girl had dodged it and finished off the monster. The acid splashed harmlessly in the bushes underneath the tree where Triangle was hiding, well, not so harmless for the bushes because they just melted. A little drop splashed onto Triangleā€™s arm and burned his arm, it did very little damage, but still burned nonetheless; he had to keep a straight face and not wince at the pain, else his position would be revealed. Then again it was probably better if he showed himself nowā€¦

Games tend to have anti spawn camping mechanism for field mobs, where after a certain amount of monsters are killed, more spawn in rapid succession; this is usually a good thing for higher level players, making it much easier to grind, but in this girlā€™s case it might be deadly. Just as he predicted, three plants spawned at the same time and closed in on the girl. Triangleā€™s plan for a cool entrance were dashed when the branch gave way, due to being weakened by the acid, and he fell into the bushes below, creating quite a bit of noise. The plants naturally reacted and changed their aggro to the higher leveled player, Triangle.

Ah shitā€¦ he didnā€™t have a usable weapon; having no choice, he used the Paralyzing Howl skill. With the plants frozen in place for a few seconds, it gave him time to recover and throw his double pointed spears into the roots of the plants, tangling them and greatly limiting their movements.

ā€œSorry sword girl, thatā€™s all I can do to help you,ā€ He started to turn and run before the plants snapped out of the debuff. Sprinting past the girl, ā€œBe careful, more will spawn after these, and maybe even the field boss will show up.ā€

It wonā€™t be his fault if the girl dies right? Stopping before he entered the trees, ā€œIf it were me, Iā€™d take advantage of the geography,ā€ pausing for a second, he added, ā€œUse the trees and disable their movements any way you canā€¦ā€ Triangleā€™s debuff was starting to wear off on the plants, so he activated hide, and ran deeper into the forest.

Sheā€™ll be fine he thought. If she listens to his advice, the plants should be tangled up in the vegetation and become easy targets.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hisui Character Portrait: Triangle
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November 6, 2022--10:43 PM
Floor 1, Horunka Forest

"...what was that about just now...?" Hisui wondered, staring after the boy who had appeared and attacked the Nepents, said some words, and then just left. Regardless, she still had to deal with each of them right now.

The spears had not inhibited the Nepents' acid attack at all, and they each promptly launched it, forcing Hisui to jump backwards. As soon as the deluge of vile fluids ended, she leaped upwards, grabbed a tree branch, and swung towards one Nepent, slashing it with Horizontal. It writhed in pain, and Hisui let more skills fly at the stem, destroying the Nepent. But the paralysis of the other two Nepents suddenly wore off, and the durability of the spears which the boy had planted into the ground near them reached 0. The spears broke into pixels, and the two Nepents were free to attack her.

As another one of the plant monsters prepared its acid spit, Hisui tore the remaining spear out of the earth and threw herself out of the way. A vine whipped up and lashed her across the face, but she rolled to the side so that her fall wouldn't leave her defenseless, and flew upwards with Slant. But while she was tearing through the stem of the Nepent which had whipped her, another one of the monsters performed the vine attack, and the delay from using a skill meant she couldn't avoid it this time.

A scream came from Hisui as she was hurled away, but she managed to scramble to her feet and move away before a double acid attack could take her down. She then charged at the weakened Nepent and impaled it with the boy's spear before kicking off of it, pointing her sword at the stem. With a flash of red light, she lashed out with Horizontal and tore through the weakened Nepent once and for all, destroying it. Now there was only one Nepent left.

Acid burst from the flower, and Hisui hurriedly threw herself to the ground, letting the vile liquid surge over her head. The moment the air was clear again, she pushed herself upwards and cut through the stem of one with Horizontal, before dashing onward and kicking off a tree into the air above the demonic plant, letting her use Vertical straight down to bifurcate it.

"Still no sign of the Ovule," she groaned, as the rewards window popped up. "How long will I be here?"


November 7, 2022--12:14 AM

Mopping her face, Hisui let out a long-held breath, ignoring the window that just appeared notifying her that she had reached Level 5. There was a Nepent in front of her which had a bright red flower growing upon its head, for whatever reason--she had reduced it to half of its HP. Her own health was nearing the red zone as well, and she was exhausted from spending so much time trying to find the Ovule. But she had no intention of giving up now.

The Nepent blasted acid at her, and Hisui was too tired to dodge as well as she had before. So she simply took off her ruined cape and put it in the way of the acid, letting its durability run out completely and giving her time to jump away. "You're mine!" Hisui shouted at the top of her lungs, breaking into a dash towards the Nepent the moment she landed. A vine swept at her face, but this time she blocked the vine with her left hand, ignoring the sharp pain. One more Horizontal--

--and just as the reward window popped up somewhere in the falling fragments of the Little Nepent, a fist-sized ball that shone with a soft green light landed in her hand. Hisui stared at the sphere in confusion, and then looked at the reward window...and her eyes lit up. "Little Nepent's Ovule. I've finally found it!" she gasped. Finally, her painstaking search was at an end. Putting a hand to her chest, Hisui breathed out a sigh of relief, before pocketing the Ovule and setting off for Horunka again.

In a few minutes, she re-entered the village, and found the NPC lady's house once again. Emptying yet another potion, Hisui watched her HP slowly rise again, and knocked on the door before gently pushing it open. The lady turned around to see her, having been cooking something before the hooded girl entered. A golden exclamation point hovered over her head to remind Hisui about the quest she had in progress.

Stopping within two feet of the NPC, Hisui took the Ovule out of her pocket and held it out. "I-I've found it for you, ma'am," she stammered, a shy smile on her face. "I-I hope this makes your daughter recover." The NPC lady gasped in delight, and took the Ovule from Hisui, voicing her thanks.

The glowing green sphere was placed gently into the pot, and the NPC took out a sword in a dark red scabbard from a chest in the corner of the small house. "Again, thank you for your efforts, traveling swordswoman," she told the young girl with a warm smile. "May this blade serve you well in your ventures."

With both hands, Hisui carefully took the sword, before letting out a small cry when she realized it was notably heavier than the Starting Sword. Seating herself at the table, Hisui laid the sword out before her, pressing a finger to it, and was greeted by a window that detailed its stats and its name. "Anneal Blade...?" she murmured, carefully lifting it again. It would take some time to get used to its weight and size, but she was sure she could do it.

A quest completion message appeared before her as she was equipping the Anneal Blade and storing the well-worn Starting Sword in her inventory, and her exp rose yet again. She was well on her way, it seemed...Hisui leaned back in the chair with another sigh of relief. Everything will be fine. I will survive in this world.

While she was resting, though, she noticed the NPC lady taking a wooden cup from a shelf, placing the contents of the pot inside it, and walking towards another room, holding the cup gingerly as though the slightest breeze would shatter it into nothingness. Intrigued, Hisui sat up and followed the lady. Would she get to see the sick daughter now...?

Standing in the doorway, in the door which had been left ajar, she could see it was a small bedroom. There was a small wooden dresser by the wall, and a bed by the window, along with a single small chair. And, surely enough, she saw a girl lying on the bed, who looked to be seven or eight years of age.

Hisui gasped in a bit of horror--the child's complexion was ghostly, and the few parts of the girl's body she could see with the shoulders peeking out from the sheets were bony and thin. "How terrible it must have been for you..." she whispered, not moving from the door.

Upon noticing her mother, the girl lifted her eyelids slightly, and was looking at Hisui, who let out a little cry of surprise...but soon was at ease, for the girl's lips formed into a faint smile. As the mother was helping her to a sitting position, however, the girl's body bent over, gripped by a coughing fit. To the rather emotional Hisui, it seemed that face surrounded by those shaking light brown braids would disappear into the moonlight...

While stroking the girl's back gently with her right hand, the mother sat down on the chair by the side, and spoke. "Agatha. Here, the traveling swordswoman got some medicine for you from the forest. If you drink this, you'll get better for sure." With that motherly smile that made Hisui feel even more at ease whenever she saw it, the NPC lady made the girl take a hold of the cup that her left hand held.

"...Okay." Agatha nodded with a soft, high-pitched yet soothing voice, and holding on to the cup with her small hands, she gulped it down. When the cup left her face, it seemed that a slight tinge of red returned to her cheeks, and Hisui smiled as well, knowing that the young girl was just fine.

Returning the now empty cup to her mother, Agatha returned her gaze to Hisui, and her face shone with the most charming grin that the hooded girl had ever seen. Her lips moved, her stuttering words flowed out like demure jewels. "Thank you, onee-chan."

Hisui took a step back, completely knocked off guard. "O-onee-chan?!" she repeated in a tone of disbelief and embarrassment. How was the NPC this sentient...? Perhaps she had been wrong about how un-humanlike they were...finally, Hisui returned the smile, though hers was weaker and more timid. "...y-you're welcome, Agatha. S-sleep well tonight, a-and...I hope you get better." Knowing she had no other words to say, she raised a hand in farewell to the NPC family and disappeared out the door.

Now to find that inn...

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mirai Chi Character Portrait: Triangle
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Soulies
Her eyebrows furrowed in concern and suspicon. The man she just met, someone who she believed was merely a ditz, started to struggle. Like a fish out of water. Watching him carefully, she was trying to evaluate her options however he ran off before she came to a conclusion. "..." She peered down at the party request that still appeared before her. Slowly she did something that she never did before.. Mirai found his ID and added him as a.. Friend. At that moment she realized something, "he didnt even let me give him my name.." She bit her lower lip slight irritated. "Rude.." Woah. Was she concerned?
She stood there.
She sighed, a growl lacing her voice.
"Maybe he was.. Scared of me?" She mentally facepalmed at the assumption. She was scary but not.. THAT scary. "Or he could haveLost interest..." That was a possibility- WAIT. But Why was she so concerned? He was a stranger.. 'But a nice one..' And it was a first for anyone to actually stick around that long... "Darn it."
With a sigh, she tugged at her bangs and began to follow behind the man- but.. 'Casually'.
Maybe she'll bump into more trouble?
[OOC: Awee we
were getting somewhere ; ^ ; also to anyone new, they can bump into her then catch up with the others.
Also sorry for double tagging><]

The setting changes from Sword Art Online to Floor 1-100


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mirai Chi Character Portrait: Triangle
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0.00 INK

ā€œUntil that day then,ā€ Triangle nodded to the prince of the wolvesā€™ human avatar. The illusion faded, and he was left feeling a little nauseous from the sudden change in setting. What happened was that after running through the woods for a while, after helping the sword girl out with the plants, he ran into a wolf. The wolf had gestured Triangle to follow it, and soon they met up with the wolfā€™s pack. The king had wanted to talk to him about the boss fight.

Over 9,000(joke unintended) players were inhabiting a single floor of the tower, and since resources were limited, the environment was not able to regenerate quickly enough, the wolves were suffering from it. The wolf king agreed to help out the players when it was time to fight the boss, to quickly ease the strain on the first floor.

Triangle felt reassured that the pack was helping out; their teamwork was unrivaled. Feeling excited walking back to the second town, he couldnā€™t wait to tell the blue eyed girlā€¦ Oh gosh, he ditched her back in the starting city didnā€™t he? Triangle needed to apologize, repay her for the healing crystal, and party up with her; he was becoming more deeply involved with this girl. Heā€™ll kill every pigeons he sees from now on, he thought.

He sent Mirai a note, she hadn't introduced herself before he ran off, but the system told him her name when he had sent the party request.

ā€œSuper super super sorry for bailing on you earlier, I had something important to do in the second town,ā€ that wasnā€™t a total lie, he did get vital reinforcements to fight the boss, ā€œIā€™ll meet you at the Book and Bottle around sunset, Iā€™ve got a few errands to run before then, and if you get there first, order something for yourself and get me the same thing; I heard they sell their special drinks in a bottle made of ice." He paused and added, ā€œI need to tell you something important.ā€

He meant ā€œinteresting,ā€ meaning to tell her about the wolves, but before he could correct himself, his hand grazed the send button.
Triangle stared at the ā€œMessage Sent!ā€ icon for a whole minute, his random clumsiness bit him in the butt again.

Heā€™s been running back and forth between towns a lot latelyā€¦ Once again he was at the starting town, running through the square where Kayaba had appeared, he saw many players still moping around. Ignoring them he headed to the best weapon shop in the city. Stumbling through the shopā€™s door, he was greeted by a friendly muscular blacksmith. Catching his breath, after running through the streets like something was chasing him (he didnā€™t want to be late for the dat- It isnā€™t a date! Just a meeting, nothing else!), he quickly said, ā€œGive me your best spear, I want one that is twice as tall as me, and of highest durability. Oh and flexible too, I donā€™t want a streetlight pole as a weapon.ā€ The blacksmith nodded, recognizing that his client knew what he was saying, and moved to the back room. Triangle heard the blacksmith hammer against metal, and soon the muscular man came back with his spear. Triangle paid extra for the man to attach a red plume to the spearhead, a leather sheath for the spearhead, and an over the shoulder sling to carry the spear with on his back.

Walking out of that shop spending all the money he saved from using the newbie weapon in addition some money made from selling loot, Triangle felt lighter(his money pouch) and more confident. To test the weapon, he climbed to the place where he had fallen before and jumped off. Closing his eyes and feeling the air on his face, Triangle pulled off the same maneuver to break his fall. It worked, the metal spear held, and he spun around like a gymnast. Noticing the sun almost disappearing beneath the horizon, he remembered the meeting, and accidentally let go of the spear. Once again he fell and hit the streets below, the spear clattering next to him.

At least he didnā€™t fall as hard this time. The shop was right in front of him, did he arrive first?

(OOC The book and bottle has a library, so you can enjoy books while drinking)

The setting changes from Floor 1-100 to Sword Art Online

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kirito Character Portrait: Mirai Chi Character Portrait: Morrighan Character Portrait: Ark Character Portrait: Hisui Character Portrait: Triangle
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0.00 INK

#, as written by KazutoK
Kirito observed the strange player who had just dropped in front of him. That was quite the entrance he thought but pain not mind to him. He enter the shop and placed a bunch off small books on the table writing a sign that said guide book for free. He then walk up to the bar and order a small Tea, he waited as he saw the through his menu if anyone had send him a reply. He saw Miyer would be grinding soon and when the battle took place they would go together. He then took a look through his inventory he had two blades the anneal blade with + 6 enhancements and the blade of infinite MP. He had a hard time deciding which one to take to the boss battle but finally decided upon taking the anneal blade. He then receive his tea and drank it he left 20 Col on the bar and walked away. The fields were being picked cleans as he took a break but he knew the best spots to grind due to his beta tester back ground. He headed toward that direction hoping to see the field with the level 15 monsters and while he was going solo he could handle them as long as they didn't swarm. He pulled out his blade and began grinding his level slowly increasing. He decided to take a break from all the grinding and then walked back to the town thing were a lot calmer now people understood the vitality of being able to survive. He saw the strange boy again, then another girl with a similar blade to his, there was a couple that just had starting grinding, then there was a tank obvious player, he saw last a another blue haired boy all of them determine as he was to win.

( anyone wants to join me in the following quest for now kirito will be sociable and approachable so please I would like to get to know each and every single one of your character before Friday.)

The setting changes from Sword Art Online to Floor 1-100


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kirito Character Portrait: Mirai Chi Character Portrait: Morrighan Character Portrait: Ark Character Portrait: Hisui Character Portrait: Triangle
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0.00 INK

#, as written by KazutoK
Here is your 15 daily quest

1. The 3 Bear rampage. ( there was a case of breaking and entering the victims three bears who are now rampaging through the forest chasing the responsible assailant, capture the assailant or kill the bears is up to you ) Level: 5 Xp Yield: 100 Reward: The house in the forest ( if bears kills ) The pick of locks a pick that allows to pick low level door without with ease. ( if the assailant is kill)

2. The bird wonder ( there is a justice bird trying to save his mentor an old bat from a hyena's attack ) Level :4 Xp: 75 Reward : the boomerang spear ( a spear that returns to the user if thrown.)

3. The living blade ( there is a cursed blade in the forest if anyone tries to pick it up it will sap their energy however if the swords deems you worthy it will become the sapping blade of the king which allows a energy sapping skill when contact with the skin of the enemy is made.) Level :6 Xp yield: 150 Reward: Sapping blade.

4 . The first rule of rpg ( there is a swarm of monsters appearing through the meadows they are rumored to give a lot of XP the draw back is they swarm the opponent effortless killing them) Level :6 Xp yield: 175 Reward : Double xp

5. The Creed is sacred ( a group of mysterious assassin' s just open up a spot for a single new comer who can bring them the head of the monster called the Temple a monster twice as high as any player with a huge cross in its chest ) Level: 7 Xp yield: 175 Reward: Cloak of the assassins + sneaking and Dagger damage

6. The golden ape ( there is a monkey giving information about a sword skill called the turtle slash his name is sung wukong but he will only reveal his secret to a strong opponent who can best him and his magical pole) Level: 4 Xp yield: over 90 Reward: Sword skill the turtle slash

7. The chief and the arbiter ( there is duo giving a quest to destroy a poisounous plant that is turning their friends into zombies slay the plant and do not become a zombie ) Level: 18 reward: Light Blade a blade composed of a bright metal makes it look like if it wasn't a tangible thing

8 The Psy ( There is a dancing npc that is willing to teach a moved called the side step counter if you can show him you can get down) Level:5 Xp yield: 50 Reward: The side step counter

9. The Mischievous fox( there is a fox deep in the forest that is nimble and agile trying to keep himself alive he will bestow a fast dodging skill to his next apprentice will it be you ) Level:4 Xp yield: 80 Reward: The nine tails, allows to the user access to a running skill that allows quickly movement at the cost of being down on all fours and not being able to use weapons.

10. The trishotgun ( there is a charismatic outlaw hoping to turn his life around all he need is for you to pay his debts if you do then he will give you the triblade a blade that give a +3 attack if used on bandits.) Level:5 Xp yield: 100 Reward: The tribalde

11. The stacking miner ( there is a miner that has re imagine a way to mine his pickaxe can now pick blocks of 1 meter by 1 meter up he is willing to pay you a lot of Col if you keep the explosive nepents away from him. ) Level: 5 Xp yield: 125 Reward: 3,000 Col.

12. The preparations for winter because it's coming ( there is a small feathery dragon who has landed in the mountain the NPCs want him death because once winter come he will attack their cattle do not attempt alone. ) Level:8 Xp yield: 400 Reward: The scale chest plate + 10 attack and hp

13. The wrong turn on Tolbana ( by mistake a rare mob has appeared outside tolbana it's name the grey rabbit if you can catch it and kill it I will grant you rabbit meat a meat capable of healing any status ) Level:5 Xp yield: 110 Reward: The docs meat

14. This is dot way to similar ( there is a new teleporting gate in the forest rumored to lead to a small new floor called the dot new floor it is rumor there is a small girl there giving the dot hack slasher blade ) Level:6 Xp yield: 175 Reward: The dot hack slasher a blade with better flowing combos.

15. The forever battle ( someone though it would be funny to start a few between butterfly cocoons and salmon fish the result a never ending battle please finish it and let there be a winner ) Level: 5 Xp yield: 60 Reward: The powders of status effects ( if salmon kill ) or The mountain leap an extra jump skill that allows a much higher jump ( if cocoon killed )