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Ren Young Ming

"Oh my god... This is totally "The Last of Us!"

0 · 949 views · located in Earth Year 4023

a character in “System Error”, originally authored by Kamibito, as played by RolePlayGateway



"If I can beat zombies in a video game, I can beat them in real life too. Just gotta use those brains to lure them in..."

Face Claim: Sora | No Game No Life

"I would prefer to stick with Ren, if you will."



Hair Color:
Rusty Red.

Eye Color:
Ren's eyes are somewhat orange, but it is hard to distinguish it from a light red as well.

✙Video Games
✙Outwitting people
✙Playing with his younger sister
✙Action movies
✙Thinking up smart things
✙Amazing cook
✙Flattering women
Ren is a strapping, handsome young man, but he THE most cocky and arrogant bastard anyone has ever met. Even though he is amazingly smart, he is lazy and weak, and he fools around with his sister Akashi. When he has a plan of action of some sort, his smile is exceedingly creepy. He is also good at flattering women, which makes Aki jealous of all the other women. Ren can't stand being beaten, so his plan is simple every time: always win. When it comes to strategy, Ren's pride can sometimes get the most of him, and he will usually make a stupid mistake. When near others, he is an extremely mischievous prank-player.



[color=blue]â–ș Ren Young Ming - "I love myself." *grin*

â–ș Aki Young Ming (who is up and coming) - Ren's younger sister. He overtly loves her, and she can't stand being away from him. "That doesn't mean I can't pick on her from time to time!"


So begins...

Ren Young Ming's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ren Young Ming Character Portrait: Sollas Dawn Character Portrait: LuCiaN Character Portrait: Madeline Jule
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[[ OOC: Hey guys, so currently we have 4 characters and while I am hoping others will join later on it seems for the moment were going to have maybe have double characters each so that its not as empty and awkward. Keep in mind we must all be active in the OOC so as to ensure the progression of the plot! This post is a little bit more of an introductory to our setting and such but viewed through the eyes of my character. And this post is also here to kinda wake you all up because hey were doing this! ]]

Madeline was a morning person. There was no denying the call of the birds and the sun, more so on such a beautiful day. The atmosphere outside still clung with the faint breath of night as the sky was the lightest shade of blue peppered with the odd star. Madeline was a morning person. And on such a gorgeous and quiet spring morning where else would you find the rogue-like young lady then leaving the small house she shared with Granny Marble, the settlements oldest living member and Madeline's own adopted caretaker. There home like most houses in the settlement was not exceptionally large but was modeled after the houses you could find the city albeit the ones here were less technologically advanced, using the most basic solar and wind power to keep things running. Her's and Granny Marble's was located on the far-edge of the settlement right by the river and the woods, but despite being on the edge where the lesser clump of houses were located you could still clearly see the rest of the town. Each house was styled differently to accommodate the needs and skills of the individuals living there. Madeline's own house was by the river because it was the flour mill and the river provided the perfect energy to keep the house lighted and the mill running. And thinking about it now, Madeline guessed that living in the mill with an old woman who spent her days baking could probably be the cause of the pudgy-ness she was sure she was developing.

Taking a moment to scan the settlement Madeline was pleased to note she seemed the only one awake at this time and that meant she had a good few hours to take a stroll through the woods and maybe pick some apples, if there were any suitable ones in the little grove she'd discovered about a year back. Shoving on a pair of boots the small girl checked one last time to ensure the house was secure before departing into the woods. Today was, quiet. Even for morning the whole forest seemed still and despite the fact that this put Madeline on edge she knew that Glitches rarely to never came out this far and the reason for the stillness was probably the early atmosphere and the fact animals seemed to be becoming aware that humans were common around this area. After locating the grove of apple trees Madeline quickly got to work scaling each one to pick only the best and ripest apples, even if it was early in the season Granny Marble was bound to be able to do something with them!

It was late morning when Madeline returned to the settlement shirt full of bright green apples that she deposited carefully in a basket on the bench outside her house. She then took one apple as her own prize, the biggest one of course and began to wander around the town seeing who else was awake. There were a few of the older residence out and about though they paid Madeline little mind having given up a year or so ago after she'd proven stubborn and unresponsive to most people. Still those that took time to wave earned one back. And as Madeline took a large bite of her apple she settled sprawled across one of the many town benches and opted to see who would wake next and who out of those would be worth her time.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ren Young Ming Character Portrait: Sollas Dawn Character Portrait: LuCiaN Character Portrait: Madeline Jule
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Sollas awoke to the sound of birds singing. He took a look at the open window next to his bed. ‘I don’t remember opening the window yesterday
 Must be Lucy.’ The well-known feeling of faint headache snap him out of his train of thought. He sat up in the bed, front towards the window. Gathering his thoughts while putting on clothes ‘Okay, today I need to go take a look at Pearson’s solar cells.’ Pearson had had some problems with the solar cells on his roof the last couple of days, and now that spring was around it would be a waste not to have all solar cells up and running. Looking outside it seemed like Sollas had an hour or two before the sunrays would start giving off power around Pearson’s area. He rose and went into his workroom to get his tools. Normally people went to his house to get their items repaired, but solar panels attached to a roof where easier to repair on the spot. It looked like LuCiaN had clean up the place through the night, everything were in their logical right place. Tools on shelves placed alphabetically. Wires put in order of color and size. Even his dirty magazines had been hidden out of sight (not logically, but there is a story behind). Sollas put on his work belt and found the commonly used tools for solar cells. He wrote a note to LuCiaN explaining that he would go look at Pearson’s solar cells. There were a high chance of her being somewhere in the house but he wouldn’t disturb her. As much as he love her company, it was a rather small task and she would most likely join him even if she were doing something more needed.

Sollas went out into the fresh air and took a deep breath. Realizing his heart was running wild he took a second to gather his thoughts before walking towards Pearson’s house. The early spring weather was refreshing and calming. It seemed like Pearson was fast asleep as Sollas arrived. ‘No need to wake him up, just need to get the job done as fast as possible.’ With that thought in mind, Sollas went atop the roof. Luckily it seemed like Pearson had been on the roof himself to look at the problem and left his ladder there. It took some time to find the problem, but it was just a loose connection to the ground wire. Probably the work of a small animal.
As Sollas started switching the wiring Pearson appeared “Oh you’re up early ain’t ya?” He asked as he saw Sollas on his roof “Found the problem?”
Without changing his focus from his work, Sollas answered, “Yea, it’s a minor problem, should be ready in a minute or two.”
“Brilliant I hate when I can’t get my morning tea
 Say, why don’t you come down and join me in a cup when you’re done? Got my hands on some great herbs.”
Realizing the dryness of his throat, he looked at Pearson and smiled “Sounds like an offer I can’t refuse.”

As Sollas were done drinking tea together with mr. and mrs. Pearson he decided to go home to see what LuCiaN were up to. As always, people were talkative as he went into town. While talking with one of the younger scavengers he saw that Madeline, one of the newest members of their small community, was sitting on a bench not far from them. As they finished their small talk, he decided to go and talk with her for a little. She were one of the few he didn’t know much about. Of course, he had heard the story of how a scavenging team had found her, and he had been to Marble’s place a couple of times after her appearance, but never really been able to talk with her.
“Hey Maddie.” He sat down, leaning towards the backrest on the bench. “How are you doing?” He smiled with a calm face. She was eating a juicy apple “Looks tasty.” He added.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ren Young Ming Character Portrait: Sollas Dawn Character Portrait: LuCiaN Character Portrait: Madeline Jule
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System reboot....................Completed. LuCiaN
Power cells..................Charged
Update Install......................Systems up to date.
Systems check........................Functional-
Movement... Initiating wake-up protocol...

All Systems Active.

Shortly after the movement in the house had subsided, LuCiaN had booted up. Rising from the chair she shut herself down in, it wasn't a bed for her, but she used it anyway, it seemed more logical to sleep in the chair where she could rise easier and be able to combat any threat that decided to come in. Moving on, she walked out into the workshop area she had cleaned late last night. Though, as something to her creator, she took out his dirty magazines (Story behind this... XD), walking out back she used the flamethrower Sollas installed in her left arm. Needless to say, the magazines didn't last more than thirty seconds to the nice flame that came out. After that she turned and walked into the house again, taking up her battle ax, and placing it on her back, which it altered to look more like wings on her back. Most knew that the wings were just the weapon she had built herself, but it kept them out of the way of anything else. Moving was another thing with her, where as most androids had wheels or moved rather stiffly, she moved rather swiftly, and more like a human than anything else. Within a few minutes, someone already asked for her help with a few chores, washing the camp's clothes. LuCiaN, being a part of the Scavenge Team, wasn't keen to washing clothes, but knew she'll be asked anyway. She was sent to get the dirty clothes from the civilians and first went to Sollas' place, taking some of his dirty clothes, but then went to Sollas, and spoke, sounding rather human-ish,

"Laundry day. You come with me." she said with a harsh tone, seeing that he's been wearing the same clothes for several days, she was going to wash them. Though she did look at the second, the woman her and the scavenge team had found relatively recently, "Good morning, Madeline, are you enjoying the nice morning?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ren Young Ming Character Portrait: Sollas Dawn Character Portrait: LuCiaN Character Portrait: Madeline Jule Character Portrait: Glen
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Sollas could see that Madeline was thinking about how to respond to him. Not that it was hard to analyze. She took herself a lot of time to respond to his greeting. Sollas couldn’t help himself and let out a slight chuckle. Just as it seemed like she had decided on something LuCiaN appeared.
“Laundry day. You come with me.” She said with a harsh tone in her voice. ‘Why was it that I gave her a way to change her voice’ He thought as he changed his gaze towards the thing LuCiaN was looking at. Him
 Or rather his clothes.
“Come on Lucy it’s not been that long.” He responded before thinking about how long he had been wearing his tank top beneath his jacket.

 So I’ll be leaving now!” Looking towards Madeline again, he decided to ignore her harsh farewell. “See you around Maddie.” Sollas stood up and went closer to LuCiaN.
“By the way Lucy, don’t you think that you should be doing something else than laundry?” He went with another smile “You know what happened last time
 I had to waterproof every single part that wasn’t already waterproof. And as if that wasn’t enough
” He started trying to come with logical explanations of why she shouldn’t do laundry, on the fly. They were weak and the story he referred to was from a long time ago considering her age. To be honest Sollas was just trying to get around the hassle of getting a new set of clothes. Besides this was his favorite tank top, which she probably knew.

In the middle of their conversation, Madeline came back. “
 We prepare.” Sollas took a little time to look her over to see if she was serious. No doubt, she was serious. The rumbling noise of a motor only verified her statement.
 I want you to stand back while I talk to him.” He looked at her with serious eyes “But prepare yourself. I might have to count on your strength once more.”
He changed his gaze back to Madeline again “Thank you for warning me Maddie.” He forced a smile. He could feel his heart rate going up. “Please stay by Lucy while I settle these matters.” ‘Hopefully
Sollas turned towards the approaching ATS. He put his hand into the air to greet the traveler in the car. “Welcome to our little settlement. Anything I can do for you?”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ren Young Ming Character Portrait: Sollas Dawn Character Portrait: LuCiaN Character Portrait: Madeline Jule Character Portrait: Glen
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Sollas couldn’t do anything other than watch as his plan of solving the new problem calmly was ruined by a combination of angered electronics and too much testosterone. Moreover, as if that wasn’t enough, people had started gathering around them looking at the conflict that was happening in their normally peaceful village.

 Give me two reasons that I should not end you here."
Sollas walked up behind her and put his hand on her shoulder “One, people are around and watching.” He got eye contact with her “Two, I told you to stand down.” His eyes were glaring at her with determination. Sollas hate having to talk to her that way, but the fact that if she attack a human, even if he seems a little aggressive, people might start asking questions about her A.I. Everyone have heard stories of robots going mad and start killing people as if they were glitch.
“So as I said before. Stand down!.. I
” He was just about to say three words he wish for never to be in need of saying to her, but stopped at the first. He changed his glare towards the man in front of him now “And never point a gun at one from this settlement ever again, this is the first and last warning!” Sollas was losing his cool for a moment but regained it and walked up to the man to listen to his request. He kept an eye on the man’s hands just in case.

Then, I'll be on my way." Sollas was silent for a minute while thinking this through. The settlement they were living in were built upon democracy. Yet, lately he had started feeling that most people followed him in his decisions, so he needed to be sure to make the right choice. “Okay listen here
 You’re a smart guy so you can think what it is like to be in my position. I can’t command people to follow you into something that you say is worth risking life for
” ‘But it would indeed be nice to get some food for next winter.’ It was a hard decision. A military base far away was it actually abandoned or were the man in front of him asking for help to kill

Sollas felt a weak shake starting in his left hand, fast hiding it behind his back. The stress of life-taking decisions. “I need more information about this base before I can make a final decision.” The worst thing about the man In front of him was that Sollas wasn’t able to read him. And the tension was getting thicker the longer they stood with half a town observing. “A thing that might help me decide would be if you could leave those weapons while we go get something to drink and talk about all the details
” Sollas took a fast look at LuCiaN and back at Glen again pointing at LuCiaN “She will join the table.”