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Lyfe 'Snow' Maxwell

"I don't like to feel I don't."

0 · 618 views · located in London

a character in “That's what friends are for.”, originally authored by peace_of_mind7, as played by RolePlayGateway


Name: Lyfe 'Snow' Maxwell

Lyfe is a tall guy, towering at 6 feet and 4 inches. He has broad shoulders along with a slight muscle build. His eyes are the color of autumn leaves which are surrounded by long dark eyelashes. His hair is unruly and a bronze color that seems to complement his olive skin. Overall, Lyfe is a rather attractive male, but it is hard to see since his style of choice majorly consist of baggy jeans that hardly fit his athletic frame and over-sized hoodies that conceal his chiseled features. Lyfe wears dark rectangular glasses that don't necessarily flatter him. Naturally, he is a beautiful sight, but with his lack of interest in his appearance, Lyfe falls short.

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Sexual Preference: Heterosexual

Face Claim: Francisco Lachowski


~The Piano
~Black Coffee
~Creme Pie


~The word 'ain't'

Crush/Boyfriend/Girlfriend: None


Lyfe is an enigma. He a complicated guy that prefers to find refuge in himself and his music. He is emotionally detached and is usually seen with a blank face along with his lips drawn in a taunt line. Lyfe's voice is monotonous, filled with a deep, yet wise air about it that causes him to seem older than he really is. He is blunt and says what he is thinking without giving it much thought before letting the words flow from his lips. He is completely oblivious to the emotions of those around him and tends to upset people without trying. When he offends someone, he simply gives them a blank stare and asked 'Was it something I said?"



Lyfe usually carries a lighter with him wherever he goes because of his fascination with fire. He lights things on fire to cope with trauma and boredom.



Lyfe is originally from Cambridge, England, where he lived with his mother and younger brother. His father was never in his life and he never particularly cared for a man that was willing to abandoned his family. He became the man of the house and cared dearly for his mother and brother. His world came crashing down when his mother was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. She died when he was fourteen and his brother was merely five. He was immediately shipped to an orphanage and was separated from his little brother, Levi. Levi was the last thing that he cared about and now that that was taken away from him he shut down. He didn't eat or sleep and was depressed, until one day, he decided not to feel anything anymore. He turned off his emotions and lived through his tragedy as an empty vessel. He was sent from one family to another, each complaining that he was incapable of doing anything worth their time and money. When he turned eighteen, he left Cambridge and made a new life for himself in London.


So begins...

Lyfe 'Snow' Maxwell's Story


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Character Portrait: Lyfe 'Snow' Maxwell
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Lyfe took another swig of his scolding black coffee as he stared at the ceiling of his bedroom/living room in silence. He winced at the feeling of the liquid burning his pallet, yet he strangely welcomed it. The pain was the closest thing to emotions that he's felt in years. It made him feel human again, but as the pain subsided, Lyfe felt that emptiness that he'd grown accustom to. His world was blurring around him as he indulged in the music of his surroundings. He could hear the honking car horns of passing vehicles on the London streets, the sound of his neighbors that resided across the hall, screaming at one another in loving hatred...he was aware that he was going to hear more screaming later on, but it would be in pleasure instead of anger. He sipped his coffee again, not really tasting it, but feeling the delicious burn that it gave him.

Lyfe closed his eyes and imagined a new world...a world with no screaming neighbors or honking horns. A world where things were easier and life didn't enjoy tap dancing on people's hearts. A world where his mother was still able to smile and his brother wasn't living with some unknown family...a better world. When Lyfe opened his eyes, he was back in his crappy apartment, on his crappy couch, with his crappy coffee. He sighed and stood up, making his way into his crappy kitchen to rid himself of the now lukewarm cup of Joe. He poured the cup's content down the drain, watching the dark liquid mingle with the dish water in faint awe. He then grabbed his old ratty hoodie that hung on his frame like a tarp and pulled it over his head while reaching for his dark rimmed glasses simultaneously. He exited his apartment with his keys and satchel in hand.

He yearned to get away from the stuffiness of his surroundings, so he settled for a leisurely walk around the nearest park to ease his restless mind. If only taking a walk would truly cure him, but it was a temporary solution to his problem. He felt a breeze caress the exposed skin that peeked out of his holy jeans and hoodie. He ran a hand over his unruly mane in a vain attempt to push it away from his eyes. Lyfe wasn't much to look at because of his choice of clothing, but underneath the grudge was an attractive man, waiting to be exposed. Unfortunately, Lyfe was keeping that man under lock and key. He reached the park, stuffing his fist into his pockets and staring up at the sky. He was a walking empty vessel and no matter how long he walked to ease the growing tension in his overactive mind, Lyfe was doomed to feeling nothing but the burning of coffee on his tongue.


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Character Portrait: Lyfe 'Snow' Maxwell
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Time flew like a startled pigeon and soon Lyfe found himself where he started. He stood in the park with his eyes looking soulless and his features: stony. He licked his lips as he pulled out his cell phone to look at the time. He has been out for precisely ten minutes, but it felt like hours. He sighed, frowned, then left the park with a melancholy aura surrounding him in a thick invisible mist that weighed on him. He dug into his satchel, retrieving the red and black lighter that he considered his most prized possession. He flicked the lighter and watched the flame dance before his eyes. His face didn't show it, but Lyfe was utterly enchanted by the tiny inferno. He let his finger skim the top of the flowing heat source, indulging in the slight pain. He didn't smile, but something in him sparked when he saw fire. He flicked the lighter again, extinguishing the flame. His eyes roamed the area as he realized where he was.

"Hmm," he hummed, looking at the street signs. He remembered that Katheryn lived on this street. He checked his cell phone again, looking at the time. He was aware that by now, his neighbors would have made up and their noises would be heard from Saturn. He groaned in faint frustration, but continued his walk with a new destination in mind. It didn't take him long to arrive at Kat's flat. He knocked on the door and leaned against the rails of her stairs. He adjusted his glasses and waited while using his lighter for entertainment.


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Character Portrait: Lyfe 'Snow' Maxwell Character Portrait: Cosmo Manhattan
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"Alert the Audience" by the Lawrence Arms starts playing on the small iPod that Cosmo has in his right pocket. The sounds of the song move up the wires of the headphones and eventually out and into his ears. From there, the music flows throughout his body as he walks, his mind wandering as the song picks up.

Mistakes are the brakes, I'm cutting on me.
Fast down the hill, impossibly free.
Faster and faster, I'm burning the gears.
My tears are streaming back into my ears.

Up until a few blocks back, Cos had been sitting in the back of a cab, his headphones lying on his lap. A conversation had started with the driver, but nothing of any importance. Mainly small talk and chit chat. Suddenly, Cosmo had been struck with the feeling that he needed to be out and walking. So, he had the man pull over about four blocks from his destination - Kathryn's flat.

His steps are fluid and smooth as he walks, now within sight of the house. Standing on the steps, leaned against the railing is a young man with dark hair, smooth skin and a disparaged look in his eyes. Cos knew this look well. As he comes closer, he notices the flickering of a lighter - red and white - and how it seems to transfix the young man.

"Nice lighter," he says as he comes to a stop at the bottom of the steps. "The name's Cosmo, but most people just call me Cos. So," he looks at the door, "been here long?"



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lilia Montgomery Character Portrait: Lyfe 'Snow' Maxwell Character Portrait: Jamie White Character Portrait: Cosmo Manhattan Character Portrait: Kathryn Lockwood Character Portrait: Jordan Fitz
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”I had to get away from my town.” Lils said, “Hope you’ll okay with that, I’m not sure if I actually told Kathryn that I was coming". Jams nodded to Lilia and smiled. "Fair enough. And don't worry about that. Kat's expecting everyone to make an entrance". She'd never been one to keep to her little appointments, if appointments they may be called, but she figured she might aswell try a little harder this time, and actually turn up when expected to.

She ran her fingers through her bright red hair and huffed as she pulled out a twig and threw it to one side. "Gross.. Don't you just hate being thrown out of a window?" She asked rhetorically, soon followed by an emotionless chuckle. Jams pulled her ripped jacket back over her shoulder and began to scuffle her feet around uncomfortably. Her knee was still hurting. Despite the fact that it wasn't hurting as bad anymore, she still figured that maybe she could get Jord or Kat to take a look for her.

Jams flinched as she heard her name being called. For that split second she thought it was her father who'd realised he had made a mistake in letting her be free and was coming to drag her back to that damned house. She turned her head, and sighed in relief as she saw Panda running up to them. "Jammers!" She called, before pulling Jams into a hug. She chuckled and when released from the hug she wrapped her arm around Panda's neck as she greeted Lilia.

She stayed silent for a moment, then flinched again as the front door was opened with unbelievable force. "Woah," She whispered. "People!" Kat yelled, before inviting them in and rushing back into the living room. She managed to hold back a giggle as she pushed past Jord who stood in the doorway, looking startled. She too walked into the living room, only she kind of scurried past him.

Everyone started rambling about other things for a moment. Jams didn't get involved, she was too busy inspecting every corner of Kat's house, marvelling at its beauty. She ran her finger slowly across the window sill. There were a few jagged areas, but aside from that it was pretty smooth. She was lost in her thoughts, until she was brought back to reality by two words; 'weekly payments'.

Jams understood that Kat couldn't afford to have everyone living in her home for free, but it would be extremely hard for her because she didn't have a job. She didn't qualify for a job. She'd got mainly E's and D's on her exams because she was too busy taking drugs and drinking alcohol to care about anything to do with school. Despite this, she nodded and returned to her thoughts.

There was a knock at the door, which Jams thought she'd get because she'd already wandered into the hallway and was standing about a meter away. She opened the door and smiled, seeing Lyfe and Cosmo standing and chatting. "Hi, guys" She greeted them, "Come on in. Everyone's in the living room, waiting for you".


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lyfe 'Snow' Maxwell Character Portrait: Jamie White Character Portrait: Cosmo Manhattan Character Portrait: Kathryn Lockwood
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Lyfe's thoughts were drifting away with the light breeze as he let the fire in his hands amuse him. He imagined himself being engulfed by it, but instead of feeling pain...he would feel at peace. He would let the heated tendrils around him like a blanket. He was in a daze, already wishing that his imagination would turn into a reality. Lyfe was snapped out of his own mind when he spotted movement in his peripheral vision. "Nice lighter," a dark haired stranger spoke. Lyfe inwardly groaned because he was pulled away from his personal Wonderland. He didn't acknowledge the stranger, just stared at the lighter's radiant energy. "The name's Cosmo, but most people just call me, Cos." Lyfe said nothing, just continued his staring as if he were craved from stone. "So, been here long?" It was then that Lyfe finally moved. He flicked the lighter off then swiftly glanced at Cosmo.

"Long enough," he said monotonously. His face conveyed absolutely nothing neither did his deep resonating voice. His bland look would be considered rather disturbing to most people, and he never realized how unapproachable he looked to others and he didn't relatively give a damn. He stuffed the lighter into his pocket and ran his hand through his hair with a sigh. His distant eyes were torn from Cosmo when the sound of Jamie's voice reached Lyfe's ears. He turned his head, looking at the red haired girl, but it looked like he was looking through her. He didn't spare another glance at Cosmo as he made his way into the flat. He brushed pass Jamie and stopped just as their shoulders touched. He stared at her red locks, admiring the color. He liked the flame-like qualities that her tendrils possessed. Absentmindedly, Lyfe twisted a lock of her hair around his forefinger, letting the silky strands fall from his finger.

"I like your hair," he said bluntly and emotionless. Without waiting for her to reply, he walked deeper into the flat. When he spotted Kat and the others, he gave them a silent wave. He then sat down on the floor and leaned his head against the wall. Giving Kat a sideways look he said, "My neighbors are shagging, so I'll need to sleep here for the night. We all know that Dana is a screamer." Lyfe closed his eyes and rubbed his face. "Do you happen to have any coffee? If so, please bring it forth. Jamie knows how I prefer my drink. Thank you." He rested his head against the wall, staring at the ceiling as still as a statue.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lilia Montgomery Character Portrait: Lyfe 'Snow' Maxwell Character Portrait: Jamie White Character Portrait: Cosmo Manhattan Character Portrait: Kathryn Lockwood Character Portrait: Jordan Fitz
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"Long enough," the man says in a monotonous tone, with a undertone of annoyance. Damn kid, sorry. Cos thought to himself. Was just bei-- His thoughts are cut short by the swift opening of the door. He looks up to see a fair skinned, red headed young woman smiling back at them warmly.

She motions for them to enter, saying, "Everyone's in the living room, waiting for you." She's an attractive young woman, with playful eyes and soft round cheeks. Though he doesn't know her, Cosmo flashes a quick, friendly smile as he steps through the door, his bag slung over his shoulders and the music - a Hot Water Music song, at this moment - still coming, somewhat audibly, from his headphones.

It's hard to find your way through the darkness.
It's hard to know what to believe.
But if you live by your heart and value the love that you find.
You'll have, all you need.

Save for Kathryn, Cos doesn't immediately recognize most the people in the room, though they all seem friendly enough. He takes a seat off to the side, setting his bag down beside him and glancing around the room. The group seems to have been in the middle of a discussion concerning a sort of weekly rent. He sits and listens, before speaking up during a lull in the conversation. "Just let me know how much you need, Kat."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lilia Montgomery Character Portrait: Lyfe 'Snow' Maxwell Character Portrait: Jamie White Character Portrait: Cosmo Manhattan Character Portrait: Kathryn Lockwood Character Portrait: Jordan Fitz
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Kathryn's gaze shifted to Lilia as she questioned the amount of money to be paid per week. Quite honestly, she wasn't so sure what everyone else was capable of paying. "Around £20 per week, £10 being the minimum if anyone is having trouble paying. No payments are required as of yet, and they will be held off for a few weeks so that anyone who doesn't have any money can go and find a job or something".

It was then that there was a knock on the door. Jordan walked forward to answer it, but it appeared as if Jamie had already done so, and was greeting them. He returned to his place in the living room doorway, leaning up against the frame with his arms crossed. He watched as Cos and Lyfe entered the house. Lyfe's actions made him chuckle inaudibly. The two walked past him and took their places in the living room. Jordan turned to Jamie and shook his head, before he too walked inside.

"My neighbours are shagging, so I'll need to sleep here for the night. We all know that Dana is a screamer." Lyfe said, "Do you happen to have any coffee? If so, please bring it forth. Jamie knows how I prefer my drink. Thank you". Both Kat and Jord stared at him with a blank expression. "Right.." Jordan mumbled.

"Just let me know how much you need, Kat." Cos said. Kathryn automatically assumed he was referring to the rent payments. "£10-20 per week, starting in exactly 4 weeks".

Jordan cleared his throat to draw the attention to him. He clapped his hands together and stood next to Kathryn. "Now, onto the rooms. There are 4 rooms in this house, each with their own private bathroom. Because of this, you will need to decided who you would prefer to share a room with and partner up. Me and Kat have already chosen eachother because we both have similar habits and routines. Who you share with is totally up to you, so.. Yeah".



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lilia Montgomery Character Portrait: Lyfe 'Snow' Maxwell Character Portrait: Jamie White Character Portrait: Cosmo Manhattan Character Portrait: Kathryn Lockwood Character Portrait: Jordan Fitz
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Jamie tried to avoid staring at Lyfe as he entered, but just couldn't resist it when he stopped just beside her. Her dark brown eyes trailed up and down his face, examining his features. He began to fiddle with her hair and she had to stop herself from blushing. "I like your hair," He said, before walking into the living room. Jamie stood in absolute silence from then on, not even bothering to acknowledge the fact that Cosmo had entered.

What an odd thing to happen. What an odd man. Never before in all their years of knowing eachother had Lyfe ever done that. Then again, her hair had only been so brightly dyed for a week or so. After a few moments of standing still, staring out of the door and into the streets of London, she closed it and made her way into the living room. She heard Lyfe mention something about his neighbours, which quite frankly didn't at all interest her. She only really listened when he asked for a drink, that she supposedly was going to make so perfectly. 'Oh, great' Jamie thought, rolling her eyes.

Without a word, she walked out of the living room and entered a few minutes later with a lime green cup, full with piping hot coffee. She gently passed it to Lyfe, making sure he could get to the handle when he reached out for it. "Here you go," She mumbled, "Your coffee". Once the cup was out of her hands, she took a seat on one of the sofas and exhaled deeply.

'You're such a push-over. Just say no the next time. You're not a maid' A voice deep in her mind said to her. Jamie frowned, 'I'm not.. He never said I was' She protested, 'I wanted to'. The voice spoke again, 'Liar'. Jamie shook her head and watched the others as they carried on with their conversations. Now they were expecting her to pick a partner, or some weird crap like that, to share a room with. That would be fun. She'd most likely just wait until everyone else had picked a partner, and just go with whoever was left. That seemed like the better option.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lilia Montgomery Character Portrait: Lyfe 'Snow' Maxwell Character Portrait: Jamie White Character Portrait: Cosmo Manhattan Character Portrait: Kathryn Lockwood Character Portrait: Jordan Fitz
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Lyfe gratefully took his coffee, feeling the warm radiating from the cup. He glanced up at Jamie and lowly said, "Thank you." He took a hardy gulp, letting the liquid sear his throat. He flinched, but recovered quickly as he rested the cup on his lap. He listened to his companions talking, occasionally taking sips of coffee.

"I don't really care who I share a room with," he shrugged. "If anyone doesn't want to share with me then I'll sleep on the couch." He closed his eyes and rested them, for they burned from his lack of blinking. "I'll help with the rent if you let me stay here sometimes. My flat isn't the most desirable location to reside. I'll even pay for the groceries that I eat here. Don't want to be a burden and whatnot." He opened eyes, letting his hazel eyes rest on Kat. "I mean, if it's okay with you, Kat." Lyfe licked his lips before drinking more coffee. He crossed his legs underneath him with his mouth pulled into a tight line. He started to fiddle with his thumbs while staring at the cup's content.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lilia Montgomery Character Portrait: Lyfe 'Snow' Maxwell Character Portrait: Jamie White Character Portrait: Cosmo Manhattan Character Portrait: Kathryn Lockwood Character Portrait: Jordan Fitz
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"£10 to £20 a week, starting in exactly four weeks." Kathryn stated, in response to his question. Cos nodded as the conversation continued.

"Now, onto the rooms. There are 4 rooms in this house, each with their own private bathroom. Because of this, you will need to decided who you would prefer to share a room with and partner up. Me and Kat have already chosen eachother because we both have similar habits and routines. Who you share with is totally up to you, so.. Yeah". Jordan added.

Cos looked around at everyone. Someone mentioned drawing straws, and Cos turned to her. She had blonde hair and shimmering eyes, and Cos noticed, a sort of reclusive look, but with a subtle hint of longing. Perhaps she's afraid of the world, Cos thought to himself. I don't blame her. It's a messed up place, sometimes. He nodded slightly to himself, somehow feeling that they might share some of the same fears. As she finished, the young woman looked around, and caught Cos looking at her. He shrugged slightly and gave a flash of a smile that seemed to say, Wanna room up?



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lilia Montgomery Character Portrait: Lyfe 'Snow' Maxwell Character Portrait: Jamie White Character Portrait: Cosmo Manhattan Character Portrait: Kathryn Lockwood Character Portrait: Jordan Fitz
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#, as written by Rinuh

As soon as the door is shut behind them, Pandora is unzipping the "Mom approved" skirt and letting it fall to the floor. She had a leather mini skirt on underneath. She also pulls the cardigan off to reveal a low cut lacy red top. "Fucking finally." She pulls at the clip in her hair and shakes her hair free. "I swear if I had to keep that outfit on any long I was going to jump into the Thames." She smiles.

When Kat started explaining the conditions for them staying her she nodded. £20 was nothing, she knew her mom was going to keep putting money in her account for her shopping money and she could use the portion her mom expects her to use for donations at the church she's suppose to be attending.

"Hey Jammers, you wanna room up?" Panda smiles at her. She wasn't sure if Lils was serious about drawing straws or not, but just in case she wanted to room with someone she could actually handle.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lilia Montgomery Character Portrait: Lyfe 'Snow' Maxwell Character Portrait: Jamie White Character Portrait: Cosmo Manhattan Character Portrait: Kathryn Lockwood Character Portrait: Jordan Fitz
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Jamie was pulled from her thoughts by an all too familiar voice; "Hey Jammers, you wanna room up?" asked Panda. Without even the slightest of hesitations, Jamie looked up and nodded, returning Panda's smile warmly. She was one of Jamie's closest friends within the group, of course including Kathryn, and one of the only people she could completely trust.

One thing to catch Jamie's eyes was Panda's sudden change in clothing, which made her giggle slightly. It must've been hard coming from such a home, where you're expected to perfect at all times, a little angel that your parents could rely on. She figured Panda just wasn't suited for that lifestyle. She wanted to be free. Jamie's homelife was completely the opposite. She was practically like a servant to her drunken, abusive father. Freedom wasn't an option for her either, and that's why she tried her best to annoy him. If she hadn't, she would still be stuck back at her house.

Jamie forced herself to stand up, before walking out of the living room and up the hall, having a tight hold on the duffel bag that was draped over her shoulder. She opened one of the doors, but realised that it was Kat and Jord's because it had all their belongings in it. She opened the next door, and stepped inside. It was empty, apart from having a wardrobe, bed, desk, bed-side table and a shelf on either side. Jamie wandered around the room, her eyes examining each and every object that Kat had left out for them.

She dropped her duffel bag on the bed. Slowly she lifted up the blanket and patted the mattress to test how soft it was, only to find that it was as amazing as she'd expected, especially compared to the mattress she'd been sleeping on every night for the past years of her life. That one had loose springs, lumps and a rough texture, it was horrible. Jamie allowed the blanket to drop back to the mattress, before she sat down on the corner and huffed.

'I suppose I should get unpacked and return to the others' She thought, 'But I guess I could just stay in here for a while. It wouldn't do any harm.. I don't think so, anyway'.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lilia Montgomery Character Portrait: Lyfe 'Snow' Maxwell Character Portrait: Jamie White Character Portrait: Cosmo Manhattan Character Portrait: Kathryn Lockwood Character Portrait: Jordan Fitz
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The corner's of Kathryn's lips dragged themselves upwards into a smile, her eyes falling on Lyfe as he spoke. "You can stay as long as you like, Snow. I don't mind, so long as you pay your time per week," she said. Her attention was then drawn to Lilia as she spoke about drawing straws as an alternative to actually pairing up, but after an exchanging of looks between her and Cos it seemed like she wasn't sticking with that plan. Kathryn smirked, soon followed by a small, inaudible chuckle. Jamie and Panda had also paired up, and Jamie exited the room.

The only three of them left in the room by this point; Kathryn, Lyfe and Cosmo, as Jordan had wandered off to the kitchen for a snack and a drink. "Well, looks like you're going to be sharing a room with Teddy," Kathryn said to Lyfe, "Should be fun". She actually thought that was one of the worst pairings out of the group. The excitable, joyous one, mixed with the emotionless, miserable one. Fun.

Jordan entered the living room, equipped with a ham and cheese sandwich, and a carton of orange juice. He sipped the juice from the carton and grinned at the two. "I was thinking we could have some sort of welcome party, to get you used to living here," he suggested, "How better to get you used to a new home than to throw a huge house party?".

Kathryn squinted momentarily. "Yeah.. house party. Lots of drugs, alcohol.. and mess," she mumbled, before obviously faking a 'yay' and sitting down on the sofa. Usually she was up for parties, but one in her own home wouldn't be as fun, especially not in the morning. It was at times like this that she wished she had enough money to keep a large, 4 bedroom house with nice food shopping and a maid to clean the place. It all just seemed like a distant dream.. A maid, must've been nice to have one around.

Jordan nodded. "So, it's set. I'll go tell the others". He then exited the living room and went into the hallway. He inhaled deeply, before screaming out a few words at the top of his lungs, to save time and energy. "House party tonight. Prepare yourselves!".



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lilia Montgomery Character Portrait: Lyfe 'Snow' Maxwell Character Portrait: Cosmo Manhattan Character Portrait: Kathryn Lockwood Character Portrait: Jordan Fitz
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"House party tonight! Prepare yourselves!"

Cos chuckles to himself; something about the excitement in Jordan's voice, mixed with the "I'm-not-too-sure-about-this" look on Kathryn's face. Grabbing the bag he brought with him, Cos stands up. "Well, I guess I'll go unpack and get ready." He says before exiting the room with a slight wave. He pats Jordan on the shoulder as he passes in the hallway, "Should be fun."

As he enters his new room, he realizes that he never properly introduced himself to his new roommate. Setting his bag on the bed beside him, he sits down and starts pulling out a few things - a couple of Charles Bukowski Poem Collections, a copy of John Knowles' A Separate Peace, and a small sketchpad and pencil. Throwing the bag to the floor, he speaks. "My name's Cosmo, by the way. But you can call me Cos." He pauses. "Just so you know, I thought you'd be a good roommate. You seem like a more laid back person, and kind of quiet. I like quiet." Adding quickly, "Not that you have to be quiet... I just mean that you don't seem too intrusive, is all. With that being said, if there's anything you want to know, just ask. And by all means, let me know if I start to annoy you." He laughs to himself. "I'm assuming you heard Jordan's announcement?"



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lyfe 'Snow' Maxwell Character Portrait: Takeshi 'Teddy' Ade Character Portrait: Kathryn Lockwood Character Portrait: Jordan Fitz
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Being the non-responsive man that he is, Lyfe said nothing when Kat told him of his rooming with Taki. He was completely indifferent. He wasn't fond of Teddy's hyperactive nature, but he learned to block it out and ignore the annoyances in life. Overall, he didn't mind sharing a room with Teddy. He gulped the last bit of his coffee with a long exhale that expressed his pleasure with the substance. He glanced up at Jordan when he walked it and announced the upcoming party. Noticing the uncertainty in Kat's voice, Lyfe remained silent. He wasn't a man of many words, preferring to remain in the background and live his life with as little drama as humanly possible. He stood up from his spot on the floor without a word and made his way into the kitchen with his empty cup in hand. He washed it, scrubbing it down until it was spotless then placed it where it belonged. He then walked with his hands in his pockets and his head down towards his new temporary room. He didn't plan to stay here all the time, but it was nice to have a place to escape to when his neighbors were being fucktards.

Lyfe stood in the doorway, examining the room with a look of disinterest. It was quaint and reasonable. He liked it, though he didn't look like he did. He entered the bedroom, pulling off his hoodie and throwing it on the bed closest to the window, claiming it as his. He took off the T-shirt that he was wearing underneath, leaving him in his white wife-beater. Lyfe took off his glasses, placing them on the small nightstand that resided between the two beds. He sat on the bed and rested his head in his hands. Lyfe rubbed his face then looked up from where he sat, seeing his reflection staring back at him in the full-length mirror that hung behind the door. He looked terrible. His eyes were still distant with dark rings framing them from his lack of sleep, his hair was facing different directions, and his skin was paler than usual.

He stood up and stared at his reflection blandly. He lifted up his shirt, revealing the taunt muscles underneath along with several burns on his chest and abs. He just stared at them, not feeling the remorse that he knew he should be feeling...they were just spots to him. He dug into his pocket, grabbing his lighter and flicking it until it blazed. His eyes flicked from the spots on his chest to the lighter in his hand before he flicked it again and placed the lighter back into his pocket. He touched one of the burn marks on his ribs and shook his head, pulling the wife-beater down and covering his scarred flesh.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lyfe 'Snow' Maxwell Character Portrait: Kathryn Lockwood Character Portrait: Jordan Fitz
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Lyfe found himself staring blankly at the ceiling as he usually did when he couldn't think about anything else to do. His eyes drifted to the window, seeing the graying skies and the floating clouds that seemed to swim by slowly. He could feel the air caress the exposed skin, where his wife-beater rode up at his waist. His disheveled hair was covering his empty eyes, so he push it up and ran it through his long fingers. He looked like he had just finished shagging. Lyfe sat up and pushing himself off of the bed. He was bored and he was use to it, but that did not mean that he liked it. He actually preferred being around people. He didn't like to talk to them, but he was fond of the way they interacted with one another.

Lyfe exited his bedroom, pulling down his shirt and scratching his muscled arms. He moved through the hallway and into the living room, where Jordan and Kat still sat. He yawned and stared at them with droopy, yet vacant eyes. "I'm bored," he said plainly. "So, a party, huh? I'll get the booze, if someone goes with me. Someone else will need to get the snacks and other stuff." He raised his eyebrow, which was the closest thing to an expression as he was going to get. When he said 'other stuff' he meant drugs and whatnot.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lilia Montgomery Character Portrait: Lyfe 'Snow' Maxwell Character Portrait: Cosmo Manhattan Character Portrait: Kathryn Lockwood Character Portrait: Jordan Fitz
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Jordan figured he'd got his message across, since everyone must've heard him shouting about the house party to come. He felt a slight tap on his shoulder, before hearing "Should be fun" from Cosmo, who then proceeded past him and towards the room that Lilia had chosen. "It will be fun. I will make it fun," he replied, pointing a finger at Cosmo and he entered his room. Lyfe then exited in silence, which was quite strange to Jordan. Never before had he made friends with anyone who was so silent and emotionless, which was why Lyfe wasn't particularly his favourite out of the group.

Kathryn stepped out into the hallway and stood next to Jordan, "Looks like it's just us for a bit," she mumbled, "Might aswell start organising the event". She grabbed the scruff of his shirt and dragged him into the living room, causing him to he reply with a small groan. He loved parties, but not Kathryn's whole 'let's plan!' thing. He didn't see why she couldn't just get some alcohol and dance around a bit. Knowing her, she was most likely going to get out the Twister and force everyone to play until they passed out. Fun.

They both took a seat next to eachother on the sofa, and began to discuss where they were going to get the supplies from. "Don't you have some sort of secret liquor cabinet that your dad always used to use when your parents would visit?" asked Jordan out of pure curiosity, to which she nodded. It was then that Lyfe's voice broke through their thoughts; "I'm bored," he said, "So, a party, huh? I'll get the booze, if someone goes with me. Someone else will need to get the snacks and other stuff".

Kathryn smiled, "Thanks, but we have the majority of the drinks sorted, although you're always free to get more if you would like. We have plenty of snacks here. Oh, and drugs," she said. Jordan stood up and took out his wallet, taking out quite a few notes. He passed him the £200. "Get as much as you can for this amount. Again, you're always free to get extra, but it'll cost you your own money".

Jordan noticed that Lilia had also entered the room, so he sat back down. "I’m going out for a quick walk, but while I’m out, do you want me to buy anything for the party?” she asked. Kathryn and Jordan both shook their heads simultaneously. "Nope, everything is pretty much sorted. Apart from the music, but Kat's got that sorted".



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lyfe 'Snow' Maxwell Character Portrait: Pandora Janousek
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#, as written by Rinuh
"Yo, Lyfe." Panda calls as she digs in her bag. "I've got you covered on the weed." She pulls out a small baggie. "It's good quality, I promise you." She laughs. "But you should pick me up a bottle of UV Blue and we'll call it even all right?" She smiles up at him. She knew this was a good idea. Agreeing to stay here was going to be the best decision she has ever made.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lyfe 'Snow' Maxwell Character Portrait: Cosmo Manhattan Character Portrait: Pandora Janousek
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Lyfe glanced at Pandora then at Cosmo. He shrugged and muttered under his breath about how he wished he had bought his own money. He sighed-which he seemed to be doing a lot of lately-as he rubbed his face. "Okay, UV Blue on the list, Cosmo, I was going to get more than spliff anyway. I know a guy. If you want to join, then join, I'll need more places to hide the stuff anyway, so I'll take all the pockets that I can get." He held his hand out to Cosmo for the money. "I'll be buying the drinks first, then I'll meet up with my dealer. I'll warn you that it's a pretty distant walk. If you're still interested in coming, then let's go. I want to get this over with so I could get drunk." His tone was it's usual monotone bluntness, but his need for a drink was slowly increasing, so it had a bit of an edge to it. He placed one hand into his pocket and waited for the money. "There is a bottle of gray goose with my name on it."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lilia Montgomery Character Portrait: Lyfe 'Snow' Maxwell Character Portrait: Jamie White Character Portrait: Cosmo Manhattan Character Portrait: Kathryn Lockwood Character Portrait: Jordan Fitz
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Jamie awoke from her slumber, slowly lifting her head up as she heard Lyfe yelling about drugs. The party was getting more and more appealing to her now, even more so because she had a secret stash hidden away in her father's house. It was a risky job, but she needed the content of that stash, if it was going to be any sort of fun for her. Hesitantly, she got up, fixed her hair, unlocked the door and ran downstairs.

She entered the living room. "I have some stuff," she said, "but I'll need an extra pair of hands for.. y'know, protection". She figured everyone else had their own stuff to sort, but Jordan she could take. She knew he didn't even enjoy planning parties, so he would be the most likely to accompany her. "Jordan, you're up". She gestured for him to follow her as she exited the building.

Jamie began to walk in the direction of her father's house, her hands hidden within her pockets and her head tilted towards the floor.