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Serenity Pruitt

"I-I-I'm terribly s-sorry!"

0 · 1,117 views · located in Supernatural Academy

a character in “The Academy for the Supernatural”, as played by Starlight77


Serenity Pruitt


Serenity could be considered the more attractive type. Sheā€™s got a lean, slender body shape and black hair that reaches her waist line. Her eyes are a deep, dark, stormy gray mixed with shimmering silver. Sheā€™s quite gifted in the bust department, not to mention sheā€™s got nice curves. Her skin is soft and pale, and her lips are thin and of a light pink hue. Sheā€™s got that cutesy moe factor that many people wish to have, add that to her personality and youā€™ve got an adorable, irresistable girl.



Half-Royal Were-Jaguar
ā€œA black Jaguar to be exact.ā€

ā€œP-please t-tell me why thatā€™s any of y-your business!ā€

ā€œDecent height.ā€

118 Pounds
ā€œI-I donā€™t know why you need to know thatā€¦ā€


|Timid |Shy |Easily Embarrassed |Clumsy|
Serenity isnā€™t one to try to stand out. Sheā€™s quiet, very easily embarrassed and quick to start crying. Not to mention sheā€™s scared of everything. Spiders, snakes, ghost, heights, the dark. Sometimes just mentioning these things makes her burst out into tears. Sheā€™s extra timid around strangers. So timid that her only true friend is Cameron. Many people think itā€™s practically impossible that these two are the closest of friend. ā€œOpposites attract!ā€

Serenity adores animals and music. They are her passion. Well, she loves almost all animals, besides bugs and snakes. ā€œW-whatā€™s wrong with that!?ā€

Despite Serenityā€™s quiet timidness, sheā€™s actually rather smart and very mature and is always trying to keep Cameron out of trouble, though it has been proven to be a difficult, tiring task. She tries to keep Cameronā€™s temper cool, for Serenity doesnā€™t seem to have one. She always stays calm, despite Cameronā€™s constant teasing and pranks.


~Electric Guitar and Singing~
Serenity can play the electric guitar and sing rather well. Though she has a severe case of stage fright, and doesnā€™t enjoy playing or singing for others except Cameron.

Serenity used to take martial arts classes with Cameron, so sheā€™s a pretty decent fighter. Though, sheā€™d rather not resort to violence, but she will defend those who she hold dear.

Serenity is an extremely fast runner. Sheā€™s had practice since sheā€™s always running from her fear or problems. That or she curls up in a ball and cries. She had high stamina, which means she can keep on trucking for as long as she wants. Serenity also took gymnastics with Cameron, so sheā€™s rather flexible as well.

  • Reading
  • Quiet
  • Music
  • Sweets
  • Her Best Friend Cameron

  • Violence
  • Anything Potentially Dangerous or Frightening
  • Death
  • Bullies


~What Comes With Being a Were-Jaguar~
Being a were-jaguar, Serenity is faster and stronger than the average human. But, she is a very rare were. Feline-weres are rarely seen nowadays. She can even outmatch some royal were-wolves if she sets her mind to it.

~Shadow Pelt~
Serenity is a black jaguar were, so he pelt is very dark. Not only is it dark, it can literally melt her into shadows. If she remained in a human body shape but covered herself in her black fur, she would be able to blend right in with darkness, making her extremely stealthy at night.

~Animal Form Age and Size Alteration~
Though Serenity doesnā€™t have any super amazing powerful powers, she can change the size and age of her animal form. However, she must be in full animal form for this to work. The largest sheā€™s gotten her cat is 7 foot 4 inches at the shoulder, but that was only once.


~Extreme Shyness~
Serenityā€™s extreme shyness gets in the way a lot. She never seems to be able to push herself enough so Cameron usually has to force her to.

~Easily Frightened~
Serenity is afraid of almost everything scary or threatening. She is known to break down and cry over even the smallest of things. Sheā€™s very emotionally unstable.

|Romantic interest|
ā€œI-I told y-you! I donā€™t like a-anyone! Honest!ā€


11 Years Earlier

"Please mama! Tell me another story!" Serenity begged, her five year old body wiggling with excitement under the floral covers of her bed.

"Oh, alright! But it needs to be a quick one, its getting late." Her mother said, her voice soft and kind as she spoke to her small daughter.

"Oh oh oh! Tell me the one with the Prince and the Peasant!" Serenity asked and her mother beamed. Even though Serenity had heard this story about a million times, it never got old.

"Well alright... if you insist..." Her mother sighed jokingly, pulling the covers up over her daughter.

This story takes place in a world full of amazing, but dangerous creatures.
Some could suck the blood from other beings, some could cast magical spells and curse people!
Some could even change into different creatures and become super strong using the power of the moon!

In this land, there is a prince.
This prince happened to be a very special prince. He had special powers. He could transform into a big, shimmering, golden tiger!
Not only that, but he was very handsome and wise. Even wiser than his father, the king.
As the prince grew up, the king decided it was time for him to wed.
He picked a beautiful young woman from the kingdom and told the prince that this was the one he would be married to.
But the prince was unhappy. Sure, the girl was pretty, but she only love the prince for his money, not for who he was.
So the prince refused.
His father was furious, and told him if the prince didn't marry this woman than he wasn't going to marry at all, for this prince had younger brothers and sisters that the king could give his kingdom to.
The prince told his father that he would only marry a woman who loved him for who he was, not what he had.
So the prince told his father that he would disguise himself as a normal human man and find a real lover. And if he failed to do so in half a year's time, then he would marry the other woman.

So the Prince set out in search of his one true love.
He lived in a small house on the edge of a small town, not too far from the castle.
He worked as a simple blacksmith and no one knew of his true identity, nor his power.

Five and a half months later, the Prince was losing the bet.
He hadn't found anyone. He was starting to lose hope.
Not two days after he had officially given up, he saw a woman.
This woman was beautiful, smart, and hardworking. He had seen her around the town many times.
But she didn't know of the prince's true identity. Nor did the prince know that this woman possessed special abilities as well.

Slowly, the prince and the girl grew closer and closer, until the prince finally gathered the courage to tell her that he loved her.
She didn't believe him for a moment, for she had heard people say that to her many times, but they were all lying.
But she could feel the truth in his voice, so she believed him, and they fell desperately in love.

"Ewww!" Serenity cried, covering her head with the blankets. Her mother laughed lightly.

"No. Not ew. Love is all you will ever need. Remember that. Now let me finish the story." She beamed, then continued:

The king was furious.
He was sure that the prince would lose the bet.
So in a blind rage, he banished the prince from the castle and rejected him as a son.
Not only that, but he sent out a witch to curse the couple.

"The king has sent me to punish you further for your deeds."
The witch cackled in the direction of the prince.
"My all of your children be cursed and forced to walk in the darkness!"
She screeched, and the curse was set.

"Oh no!" Serenity squeaked, covering her mouth.

"Don't worry sweetheart, its not over yet."

So the prince never did return to the castle.
In fact, he left the entire kingdom and moved far far away with his new bride.
They never forgot about the curse, but wanted to have children anyways.
So they had a beautiful baby girl.
But they were very confused, because nothing seemed to happen.
So they decided to move on, and lived happily ever after.

Serenity frowned. "That wasn't a very good ending." She complained.

"Well that's because the story is ongoing." Her mother smiled.

Serenity looked up at her mother with big, innocent eyes. "What does the mean?" She asked, rather confused.

Her mother laughed once more. "You'll learn soon enough..." She leaned forwards, kissed her daughter good night, then left without saying another word.


That was the story that Serenity's mother would tell her almost every night since she was just a little baby. And yes, the peasant girl was her mother, and the handsome. wise prince was her father. And she was the baby doomed the walk in darkness her entire life.

Despite all of that, Serenity's early childhood was fairly normal for a Were. But what sticks out was her kindergarten class. That was when she met Cameron.

As a young child, Serenity is the same child she was back then, quiet, shy, easily embarrassed and a good little girl. Cameron was the exact opposite. Bouncy, lively, energetic, always getting in trouble. If Serenity had met someone like her now, she would probably just walk away, very slowly.

But, for some reason, in this case, opposites seemed to attract. Though Cameron got her in trouble a lot, the two became the best of friends very quickly.


Cameron was always there for Serenity, and got her through some pretty tough times. Including Serenity's father's death.

She was twelve. His car crashed into a propane truck. The explosion could be seen over five streets down. All that was left to collect was her father's charred body and parts of his car. If Carmen hadn't been there, Serenity would have lost herself. If Serenity went, than her mother surely would have gone soon after.

Even though it was over four years ago, its still a sore subject. And now Serenity gets nervous when she's driving with her mom and she sees a propane truck drive any where near the car.

When Serenity turned thirteen, she discovered her abilities. She was walking home late from school. It was dark. For some reason, Serenity has always been able to see well.

Anyway, as she was walking, she was jumped by a group of thugs. To this day, she doesn't want to think of what might have happened if she hadn't awoken her powers.

As she was attacked, Serenity make an attempt to let out a scream, but instead of that, a loud roar was emitted. She was just as surprised at the thugs were. Serenity then experienced a large wave of energy crash into her. In a flurry of fangs and fur, she transformed into a five foot tall black jaguar.

The funny part is that Serenity was more scared than the thugs were. As they ran away screaming, as did she... well... she ran away roaring is more like it.

As soon as her mother saw a giant beast of a cat running towards her, she knew it was Serenity. But she was very surprised when she saw her black pelt.

After Serenity mustered up enough energy to change back, her mother explained everything to her. How that story she always used to tell Serenity as a child was in fact true and about her and Serenity's father for that matter.

Things got so much more complicated after that. Serenity soon found out that Cameron herself was a werewolf and could change into a large black wolf.

Years passed. The two teens were doing well at hiding their true powers. That was until Serenity's mother discovered the Supernatural Academy. Serenity was cautious at first, but finally agreed to go only if Cameron went with her.

|Clubs/Teams They're a Part Of|
Music Club
Track Team

|Thoughts and Relationships Of Other Characters|
Serenity has been best friends with Cameron Howell since they were five years old, and their friendship is unbreakable.




So begins...

Serenity Pruitt's Story

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Character Portrait: Serenity Pruitt Character Portrait: Cameron Howell
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Serenity Pruitt

The bus ride in one word:


It was stuffy and crowded. So crowded that Serenity didn't get to sit with Cameron.

Serenity was shoved in between two male students. One that was paying absolutely not attention to her, and another who was paying too much attention to her. His strangely hungry eyes traveled up and down Serenity's body. It was obviously her uniform, which was a size too small. Her hands were folded in her lap, discreetly keeping her skirt down as the bus went over bumps.

Her cheeks were blazing red and the tips of her ears burned in embarrassment, and she squeezed her eyes shut, keeping tears shoved back.

Please stop looking at me...
Please stop looking at me...
Pleeeaaseee stop looking at me...

I knew this was a bad idea.

After about ten minutes of feeling his piercing gaze roaming around on her body, Serenity couldn't take it any more. As soon as the bus stopped to pick up more kids, Serenity rocketed out of her seat and darted to the back of the bus where Cameron was sitting. She threw herself in between Cameron and another girl, who scowled at Serenity.

"I hope you don't mind me sitting here..." Serenity muttered in Cameron's direction, her cheeks still a rosy color. She was practically half in Cameron's lap.

Her gaze never once lifted from the ground as she sat in embarrassment and nervousness. Tears pricked at the back of her eyes and she had to blink multiple times to keep them from flowing. She rode the rest of the way in complete silence.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Serenity Pruitt Character Portrait: Cameron Howell
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Cameron Howell

The first day for a new school, one word for Cameron is: Exciting. But the bus ride, not so much.
Since she was from Marina, California, she was still on that time. She was still half asleep/half awake. Cameron packed her bags and changed into the school uniform, which she didn't hate it but,she didn't like it either. Cameron went on the same bus as Serenity, she thought it was going to be fine, but it wasn't. It was stuffy and crowded. So crowded that Cameron didn't get to sit with Serenity as they had planned.

Cameron had to sit in way the back, while Serenity was shoved in the front between two male students. Cameron noticed what looked like one of them was paying absolutely not attention to Serenity, and another one was was paying too much attention to her. Cameron smirked, but felt bad, that they couldn't sit together. Cameron looked at the guy who was looking at Serenity, she noticed that his eyes traveled up and down Serenity's body. Cameron was confused at first, but thought and realized that it was Serenitie's uniform. Cameron sighed since she was sitting next to to girls and that Serenity always sat near the boys. Cameron only sighed and closed her eyes, she tried to get as much sleep as she could on this bus ride.

It was then after fifteen minutes of sleeping, that Cameron felt a body jump onto her's. Cameron jumped up, but then calmed down as she saw that it was only Serenity. Cameron sat up, and yawned, she blinked a few times and smirked as she felt Serenity shift over onto her lap. Cameron took notice when she head Serenity say, '' "I hope you don't mind me sitting here..." Cameron looked at her and said, '' Of course I don't mind. You can sit here all you like.'' Cameron gave her a hug, Cameron laid her head on the back of the seat and tried to fall back to sleep.
It seemed like five minutes later, when She was woken up by the bus coming to a sudden stop. Cameron opened her eyes and looked around. She looked at Serenity and said, '' I think we're here.'' She said that as she looked out the window and saw the huge, old school that would be their new home for the school year.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Serenity Pruitt Character Portrait: Cameron Howell
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Serenity Pruitt

ā€œI think we're here.ā€ Cameron said, sitting up and gazing out the window. Serenity glanced upon the building away, marveling in its beauty. She couldā€™ve just sat there, gazing at the building for hours if she wasnā€™t in a tin can, surrounded by at least thirty other supernatural beings.

The second the bus came to a stop, students were leaping at the door, trying to escape the horrors that were within the bus. Serenity would have done the same, except for the fact if she made any sudden movements someone behind her would get flashed.

So instead, Serenity slowly slunk out of that bus, keeping her eyes peeled for that pervert from earlier. As she walked, she kept her arms pinned to her sides, her hands holding the skirt down.

It appeared that their bus was late because there were already many students gathered in the front of the school.

"I guess thatā€™s it for now. Anymore questions you can ask student council members faculty or the headmaster." The girlā€™s voice made Serenityā€™s head jerk up. But the way she spoke to the entire crowd, she must have been in some sort of position of power.

ā€œH-hey! W-wait! I need to ask youā€¦ somethingā€¦ā€ Serenityā€™s voice trailed off as the girl walked away. She frowned. She was going to ask for a uniform one size larger. But apparently she would have to wait. And this made Serenity stop and pray to God that today would not be a windy day. After letting out a light sight, she turned to go find Cameron again.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Serenity Pruitt Character Portrait: Cameron Howell Character Portrait: Katherine Goldsworthy
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Cameron Howell

As the bus was emptying out, Cameron watched as she saw Serenity get out of the bus. She smirked and stood up, she looked at her own uniform and saw that it was perfect, she had the right size, she was wondering why she got a perfect size and Serenity didn't. Cameron only shrugged and grabbed her satchel and walked towards the front of the bus. Cameron looked out the window as she heard Serenity say, '' ā€œH-hey! W-wait! I need to ask youā€¦ somethingā€¦ā€ Cameron took notice that her voice softened as the girl walked away and she looked like she couldn't have given a crap about Serenity. Cameron growled and walked towards Serenity, by the time she got to Serenity, her growl was soft and almost un-noticable. Cameron stopped her growling and sighed, she took a deep breath and said, '' So, you ready to make some new friends Serenity?'' She said that in a soft tone, since she was still peeved at the girl that ignored her friend.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Serenity Pruitt Character Portrait: Cameron Howell
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Serenity Pruitt

Serenityā€™s back jerked straight when she heard some growling coming from behind her. Soon, Cameron came into view, and Serenity let out a silent sigh of relief. But she frowned, being overcome by worry.

Cameron growling already? Thatā€™s not a good signā€¦

ā€œSo, you ready to make some new friends Serenity?ā€

Serenity was shaken out of her own day dream by hearing Cameronā€™s words. She noticed that her friend seemed aggravated still, and Serenity wasnā€™t sure why. Which just made her worry more. That and the fact that Cameron expected her to just make friends with the dangerous creatures that inhabit the school they were supposed to spend the rest of the year at. But this was a school, so it couldnā€™t be that bad, right?

ā€œWhy would I need to make more friends. I have you!ā€ Serenity flashed a rather fake smile. Serenity then attempted to bump her hip against Cameronā€™s, but her skirt swished upwards on the other side. With and annoyed, and very cat-like hiss, Serenity smacked her skirt down, slapping her hip in the process. She winced slightly, then sighed.

ā€œI donā€™t want to make any new friendsā€¦ā€ Serenity muttered sadly, and rubbed her eyes as they began to tear up. She was suddenly feeling very emotional. All Serenity wanted to do was curl up on a bed, listening to her favorite music, and take a six hour nap. She was also exhausted thanks to jet-lag. ā€œIā€™m no good at it eitherā€¦ā€ She made a small sniffling sound and looked up at Cameron for guidance.

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Character Portrait: Serenity Pruitt Character Portrait: Cameron Howell
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Cameron Howell

Cameron looked around and she looked at some of the students. They all looked normal, but Cameron took a deep breath and caught all of their scents. She could smell fae, vampire, witch, demon, and she just caught the slightest scent of were wolf. Cameron sighed and said to herself, ' Great, barely any other wolves. This should be even more interesting.' Cameron sighed and she looked back at Serenity, she gave her a light smile and looked away. Cameron jerked her head back at Serenity when she head her say, ā€œWhy would I need to make more friends? I have you!ā€ Cameron smiled at that comment,but she also teared up, just the slightest. Cameron whipped the tears away and said, '' Thanks Serenity. But if we want to fit in, we'll need to make some friends.''

Cameron smiled at Serenity and looked back away, but her attention was caught when she felt her hip being bumped. Cameron almost yelled at the person's clumsiness, but she kept her mouth shut when she saw it was Serenity. Cameron looked at her and only smiled, but when Cameron noticed Serenity push her skirt back down, she could help but laugh softly. She looked back at Serenity when she said, ā€œI donā€™t want to make any new friendsā€¦ā€ Cameron looked at her and sighed, she then noticed that she began to cry, Cameron draped her arm across Serenitie's shoulder. She gave her a nice quick hug and took a step back again. Cameron gave her a sweet smile to try and cheer her up, Cameron then gave her full attention again when she heard her say, ā€œIā€™m no good at it eitherā€¦ā€ She noticed that she looked up at her with that guidance needing look in her eye. Cameron stood up straight and said, '' Serenity, if you could make friends with me. Then you can make friends with anyone. I don't want to hear that kind of talk again. You're a great person and anyone would be lucky to have you as a friend.'' Cameron took a deep breath and said in a soft voice, '' And I am very lucky.'' Cameron said that and then gave her best friend a kind and happy smile, as Cameron just stood there swaying her arms back and forth.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Serenity Pruitt Character Portrait: Jasper Greenleaf Character Portrait: Cameron Howell Character Portrait: Sapphire Greenleaf Character Portrait: Phaedra Avalynn. Character Portrait: Callista Soul
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Serenity Pruitt

ā€œSerenity, if you could make friends with me. Then you can make friends with anyone. I don't want to hear that kind of talk again. You're a great person and anyone would be lucky to have you as a friend.ā€

Serenity gave out another sniffling sound and rubbed her eyes dry with her sleeve. Sometimes a little bossy shove from Cameron was all she needed.

ā€œAnd I am very lucky.ā€

Serenity looked at Cameronā€™s sincerely kind smile, and gave her a weak smile in return. But the smile soon faded and Serenity sighed.

ā€œCameronā€¦ you know Iā€™m notā€¦ā€ Her voice trailed off, and she took a shaky breath. Why was it suddenly so hard to breatheā€¦? Serenity breathed in sharply as tears began flowing down her face and she choked on her own words.

ā€œI-I canā€™t do it!ā€ She suddenly shouted, her hands clenched into tight fists at her sides. ā€œI hate it here already! There are too many people and this stupid uniform doesnā€™t even fit me!ā€ Her voice was loud, attracting the attention of some people around her. Her shoulders quivered slightly as she cried. ā€œI just want to go homeā€¦ā€ She whispered quietly, like a lost little girl. She then turned quickly and walked off, shoving through some people, ignoring anything anyone was saying. She wanted to be alone.

I canā€™t believe I agreed to come here.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Serenity Pruitt Character Portrait: Jasper Greenleaf Character Portrait: Cameron Howell Character Portrait: Sapphire Greenleaf Character Portrait: Phaedra Avalynn. Character Portrait: Callista Soul
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Cameron Howell

Cameron smiled at Serenity, but then stopped when she saw her crying again. Cameron sighed and was about to sat something to try and make her friend better. But usually that back fired and she only made it worse. She kept quiet until she heard Serenity say ,'' ā€œCameronā€¦ you know Iā€™m notā€¦ā€ Cameron felt bad, she wanted to say something and she knew what Serenity was going to say. Cameron took a deep breath and looked up at Serenitie's face. Cameron hated being shorter than her best friend, she wasn't that much shorter, just by two inches. Cameron looked her in the eyes, she saw the same little girl that she met eleven years ago. '' I-I canā€™t do it!ā€ Cameron sighed deeply and couldn't say anything, her words wouldn't come out, it's like when she tried to talk, her words were silent.

Cameron looked down at Serenitie's hands and saw them balled up into fists, she knew that the next thing wasn't going to be very good. Cameron braced herself for Serenitie's loud voice, '' ā€œI hate it here already! There are too many people and this stupid uniform doesnā€™t even fit me!ā€ Cameron covered her ears and bent down, Serenitie's voice was much louder than she expected it to be. Cameron put her hands on Serenitie's shoulders and said, '' Please, calm down. You're too loud.'' Cameron said in a soft voice, speaking in a soft tone usually calmed Serenity down. But in this case, no at all. Serenity just quickly turned around and ran away,before she got too far Cameron heard her say, '' ā€œI just want to go homeā€¦ā€ Cameron sighed and chased after her. Cameron had to squeeze between students talking, some sitting down and some standing. At one point, she could have sworn she felt someone touch her butt, she turned her head and she could have sworn it was the same guy on the bus that was looking at Serenity. Cameron glared at him and stuck her pinky up at him and turned back around and went to go find Serenity, again.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Serenity Pruitt Character Portrait: Cameron Howell Character Portrait: Cecil Valkoinen
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Serenity Pruitt

Serenity ran as tears flowed down her face like a river. She just wanted to be alone, away from anyone and everyone, even Cameron. Her feet thudded against the ground firmly as she sprinted away from Cameron. She knew that her best friend was pursuing her. She could hear Cameronā€™s heavy footsteps as well as her own.

After only a few moments of running, Serenity realized that there was only one way to get away from Cameron. With small sniffle, Serenity gingerly tugged her iPod out of her pocket and shoved the ear buds into her ears, switched it on and hit shuffle. She then placed the device softly in her mouth.

As she ran, her body slowly transformed. First, a layer of dark fur covered her skin. After that, the bones in her body snapped and changed, moving under her skin. The transformation wasnā€™t excruciatingly painful since Serenity was more used to it, but calling it just uncomfortable was a bit of a stretch. Her jaw and nose elongated into a snout as her ears grew pointed and fuzzy. She soon dropped to run on all fours. A thick, whip like tail grew from her tailbone and her fingers shortened into furry toes until her hands and feet were paws. Her iPod was still in her mouth. In a few short seconds, Serenity had gone from a crying, running teenage girl, to a six foot tall, ferocious black jaguar.

Then, suddenly, her speed increased by tenfold as she sprinted with all of her might. She turned a corner and dashed for the woods. The woods had plenty of shade and dark areas for Serenity to melt into. As she ran through the thick plant life, branches scraped and scratched her broad shoulders. With a light snarl, she narrowed her eyes and concentrated hard, until she shrunk into a small, two foot tall cat.

Serenity narrowed her eyes again as her nose twitched. She sensed another being in the forest. Before she knew it, she had shoved her way through some brush and found the other being was right in front of her. Her front paw smacked against his leg and she yowled as she tumbled, head over tail. She rolled a few times, and landed on her stomach, limbs sprawled in all directions. Her iPod had slipped from her mouth and landed somewhere in the bushes, but Serenity was too dizzy to find it currently. She sat up and winced, feeling a stinging sensation coming from her front left paw. She licked her paw slowly, and then stopped, mid-lick, realizing the other person was still there. She whipped around and looked at him, then tilted her head to the side curiously. Her golden eyes took in his appearance, bright blue eyes, dark hair, tall and lean.


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Character Portrait: Serenity Pruitt Character Portrait: Cameron Howell
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Cameron Howell

As Cameron was chasing after Serenity for two minutes, she stopped quickly and she had to take a quick break. Cameron walked over to a bench and sat down, she took a couple of deep breaths and she finally calmed down after doing so for two minutes. Cameron felt really sad for Serenity, if she couldn't handle the first two minutes, how could she handle the whole year? Cameron finally stood up after sitting down for five minutes, she stretched and looked around. She looked at all the students, there was a lot more faes, witches, and demons, than she had been looking forward too. She didn't like the thought of having almost no were wolves, she thought there would be more, but apparently not. Cameron shrugged and began to walk into the school building, Cameron decided to leave Serenity alone for a while. She always needed to be by herself once and a while, so Cameron took this time to do some talking and meeting people by herself.

Cameron took a deep breath and looked at all the students walking around. She saw a lot more guys than girls, she figured that a lot of the girls would be unpacking and what not. Cameron sighed as she walked up to one of the maps and looked where all the places were. She sighed with some confusion since she couldn't read much Japanese, she could read some, but not a lot. Cameron took a wild guess where she was and went to go find her room.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Serenity Pruitt Character Portrait: Jasper Greenleaf Character Portrait: Cameron Howell Character Portrait: Sapphire Greenleaf
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Cameron Howell

Cameron had been walking for some time. She was alone, in a new place and had no idea where to go. This is usually when she needed Serenity. Cameron sighed and looked at the different students. She walked down a hall and took a right, she then took a left and took another right. She ended up right where she started, she took a deep breath and tried to calm down. Cameron looked around for some people to ask, she then saw two people, one was a girl, and the other was a boy. Cameron thought they looked nice enough to talk to, so she walked up to them and said, '' Um, hi. My name's Cameron Howell. And you are?'' She said with her hand stretched out for a hand shake. She looked at the boy and blushed, even though he wasn't her kind, she thought he was cute.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Serenity Pruitt Character Portrait: Jasper Greenleaf Character Portrait: Cameron Howell Character Portrait: Sapphire Greenleaf
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Cameron Howell

Cameron looked at Jasper and smiled, she shook his hand and her hand fell back to her side. ''I'm Jasper, this is my twin Sapphire. You look a little lost.'' Cameron heard Jasper say, Cameron smiled sheepishly and said, '' Yeah, I am. I just can't find my dorm. My friend might need help finding the dorm later as well.'' She said as she rubbed the back of her head. Cameron straitened her stance and said, '' So, where are you two off to? The dorms as well, I guess?'' Cameron said as she looked around for Serenity, she still couldn't see her, so she only sighed and looked back at Jasper and Sapphire. And waited for a response.