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Jurou Kawaguchi

"How about we play a game?"

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a character in “The Academy For The Unusually Gifted”, as played by AppleSauce


Jurou Kawaguchi

"Looks can be deceiving."


Basic Information

Full Name
Jurou Kawaguchi



Hair Colour

Eye Colour
Copper Red



177.8 cm (5'10")

Jurou's clothing usually consists of black jeans, black short sleeved t-shirt and a jacket over the top. Some times his pants are more baggy or sometimes he'll have simply a long sleeved black shirt on. Most of the time he wears clothes that are red and/or black.

Mental & Psychological Information

Jurou is the type to get jealous, be very competitive not just in sports, and to have a bit of a temper. He gets bored easily so is almost always looking for something fun to do, even if it requires him to annoy someone for his own personal enjoyment he'll usually do it. He does get his lazy days though after using so much energy to do different activities, he starts to power down and has really long naps, he could easily fall asleep anywhere. He tends to eat a fair bit because of his fast metabolism he needs all the food he can get and quite quickly burns it off doing some kind of sport. Although he can be a bit selfish at times, in the right moment he can be very caring and is quite loyal to those he cares about. Although, it isn't likely for him to form a close bond with anyone, simply because they either brush him off eventually or he gets bored with them and moves on. He never really had or has any close friends and is always moving from place to place, person to person, sometimes he'll be caught doing the strangest things just to amuse himself. So Jurou is quite restless. He has a few times formed strong feelings for both men and women, but a relationship had never formed, so he's quite new to the whole romance thing, but if he does like someone, he's quite protective and sometimes awkward around them, he'll even tease them to hide the fact he likes them.
Jurou's supernatural ability is that he can shape shift into a rather average sized black, house cat. But apart from that, he has these cat like qualities when he doesn't shift. He has longer endurance than most, good reflexes, quick to act, good hearing and vision, agile abilities, easily climbs buildings and such.

✔ Cats (or felines in general) he finds them not only adorable, but fascinating, likes the way they look after themselves and don't follow anyone's orders, how they have a mind of their own. How they're quite clever and the History of felines too. Yes he's studied them quite a bit.
✔ Food, but the food he tends to like the most is rice crackers. He's not a big fan of sweet, tends to stick to the savoury and spicy foods.
✔ Sport. Any kind of sport he'll do it, or at least try. This doesn't mean he's actually good at a lot of sport, he just enjoys doing them.
✔ New events, carnivals, theme parks, excursions, new places, sites. He gets really excited over these things. Even if this new place will make him bored once he gets there, simply arriving at the place and looking around makes him excited and full of energy.
✔ Pulling pranks, jokes, any kind of humour, he really loves to laugh and enjoys the company of others who can make and take a good joke. He's quite mischievous so he tends to be lurking around different places he's unfamiliar with, simply out of curiosity.

✖ Dogs. This is because he is in fact afraid of them and he doesn't like how playful they can get, jumping all over him, it really freaks him out. Although he tends to act more like a dog than a cat, he still prefers the company of a cat. Dogs just really scare him.
✖ Rain. It makes him tired and stops him from doing a lot of activities, most of the time. Sometimes if he's really bored he'll still go out for a jog or something, in the rain. If he actually wants to sleep then he finds the rain quite relaxing and enjoys it. Most of the time he doesn't want to sleep though.
✖ Deep water, he cannot swim and so has formed quite a bad fear of swimming pools and the ocean. Which is why he'll never attend any kind of swimming sport event. But he doesn't want people to know this so he tries to make up an excuse for not participating.
✖ Sour and bitter food.
✖ People trying to, control him, or tell him what to do, you have to earn his respect before he'll even consider listening to your instructions. He's a bit of an ass in that way.

Skills & Abilities

+ Major Ability 1 - Jurou's main skill that he tends to use the most. Shifting into his cat form. It is a simple and easy ability for him. If he were to shift while wearing clothing, the clothing would either shift with him and he would simply look like a cat wearing clothes. Or the clothes would remain the same and would simply fall off his feline body. Most of the time he tends to strip down before shifting into a cat, it's simply easier for him. Being naked in front of someone doesn't really bother him at all as he's used to shifting a lot but he is aware and respectful of everyone's wishes not to see a naked man.
+ Major Ability 2 - This ability isn't used as much but it is very useful. When in any form he can become one with the Shadows. Most of his abilities and skills are made for being quite stealthy, to be able to get around without being seen. This only works when in some sort of shade or even the shadow of another person (however the less shadow there is the more difficult it is). He simply sinks down, into the shadow, as if he had allowed himself to be pulled into some sort of darkness. He can then travel through the shadows, quite easily. However if the shadow is broken suddenly, it can be very dangerous or even fatal to him, if he's travelling where the shadow is broken he would simply fall out of this broken part of the shadow or thrown out with a quite severe injury so it is rather dangerous.
+ Major Ability 3 - When he and others are in a completely dark room this is when he is most lethal. When in a dark room, he becomes the darkness and can control it easily. He can use it to much odd, strange, terrifying images into peoples minds, fill their minds with the darkness that surrounds them, and even control this shadow around everyone to crush them, or rather constrict them. It is easier to morph into the shadows, but he is capable of controlling it out of the shadows with his mind and movements. Doing these take a lot of energy however and also injure his soul, in the sense that he is not exactly himself after using it so much, so much darkness within him can change him to something, inhuman and quite sinister. It can tear him inside out. So it's not used a whole lot.
- Minor Skill 1 - Because of his ability to shift into a cat, not only in that form but his human form does he acquire cat like skills. He is able to easily climb up buildings and other obstacles (to an extent of course), can see in the dark, has incredible hearing, sight and reflexes, quick on their feet and very agile.
- Minor Skill 2 - When he was a boy, since his mother passed away, his father decided to teach him some self defence and offence in case he would ever be alone. His father was afraid of passing away with a son being defenceless, helpless, so he took it upon himself to teach him. Jurou learned a lot of basic ways to get out of certain holds, how to counter attack someone with a weapon and get it out of their hands. He also learned of many weak spots most people had such as the most lethal places to hit someone etc.
- Minor Skill 3 - Jurou has amazing endurance and stamina, he is able to last in heated activity for a long time and it takes quite a bit to tire him out. However most of the time after a lot of sporty activity, he tends to eat a lot, but quickly loses what ever weight he may gain from more energetic activity, he's just one big ball of energy.

So begins...

Jurou Kawaguchi's Story


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Character Portrait: Jurou Kawaguchi
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Jurou had woken up quite early this morning, like he did every other morning. He enjoyed getting up early so he had all day to do something fun, exciting or simply anything that required energy. See he was a rather active kind of guy, restless and hated being bored.
As he woke up in his baggy singlet and black boxer shorts, his hair was in its usual messy state, this was how he always had his hair anyway, never bothered trying to style it, besides he liked the way it looked. Some blankets and pillows were on the floor or un-tucked, he was a very restless sleeper. Making his way down stairs, he heard voices, unfamiliar voices. Along with his Dad's voice who sounded quite stressed, alarmed and upset. This in return made Jurou worried an curious. He continued down the stairs and noticed the suspicious, suited looking men. He knew straight away what was going on. He had heard about this happen, being put in action today, but he didn't believe it. "Jurou. I'm sorry, these men need you to go with them."
"Huh? What, why, you can't tell me... that this is serious?" His father's eyes started to tear up as he looked him in the eye and it dawned on him that this was serious. He tried to speak again but his father was too choked up to say anything properly.
"We'll be taking you to the School shortly after you've packed your essentials. Be quick." His father shook his head in disbelief, still trying to hold back his tears. He and Jurou both know this was inevitable and that they were unable to defy these men.
"Okay... I'll. I'll get my things." Jurou made his way upstairs and his Dad followed. He quickly entered his room, grabbed a suitcase and shoved some clothes in it and shoes. A picture of his Mum and Dad were also placed in the luggage, he was in the picture too, he was only five years old at the time, a year later his mother had passed away. This was all he had left of her.
"Jurou. I'm sorry you have to go, I'll miss you. Please remember to write, I'll always reply and send letters as much as I can." His father went up to him and gave him a tight hug, Jurou hugged him back, trying hard not to cry as they parted.
"I will Dad. I promise."

Once he entered the vehicle, he watched as his Dad grew further and further away as they drove off, he saw his Dad, trying to stand strong, waving good by with a weak smile on his face. He knew his father would burst into tears though when he was out of sight, he new his Dad well.

Once they arrived at the School, well looked more like a prison, usually he'd be excited to be in a new, unusual place like this, but this was different. He knew he'd have to get used to being here but he'd always despise the people that put him here. He listened as some woman rambled on about the rules, where he could and couldn't ago, he seriously just ignored her, day dreamed, stared in another direction while she spoke. Suddenly she told him where he will be staying, the room number, woops he needed to pay attention to that. 119A huh, he noticed a few other students had arrived too, perhaps one of their rooms would be just next door to him. He continued wandering around School, looking for the dorms until he finally found his dorm, "ah here we are!" Entered the room and let his stuff fall to the floor next to his bed, closing the door behind him. "What has this shit hole got in store for us..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marshall Stevens Character Portrait: Jurou Kawaguchi
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Marshall woke as the car was pulling up to the school. It was a prison. Razor wire, cement walls, guard towers and everything.

“Well, I went to a public school, should be about the same.”He muttered.

The car came to a stop and he got out and pulled his suitcase out with him. He entered the building and the two men went away to do whatever it was they did with their time. He walked up to the check-in desk.
“Excuse me.” he said to the unpleasant looking lady behind the bulletproof glass. She looked up. “Hi, I’m Marshall Stevens.”

“Ah, yes Mr. Stevens.” She said as she rummaged through a stack of paper work on her desk looking for his file. “It’s good to see you.” She said as she finally found it. He hoped that she was just making conversation and not making a really bad joke. “You’ll be in room 119A with Jurou Kawaguchi.”

“A roommate?” he thought while the lady rattled off a bunch of rules about times and staff only areas. “I don’t remember them saying anything about roommates.”

“Will there be anything else?” the lady asked breaking his tiny freak out moment

“Ah, yeah, I was told there was a pool, what’re the rules on that?” He asked.

“Yes, the pool is open and a lifeguard is on duty from 6A.M. to 8 P.M. Students are allowed to use the pool anytime within that period provided they don’t have any classes, there’s no PE classes being taught in the pool and they follow all the posted rules in the pool area.”

“Cool, so is it open today or do we have to wait till later?”

“Yes the pool is open today.”

“Awesome, thanks.”

He walked down the long hallway till he got to the former cell block that was now a dormitory.
“Well at least I’ll be able to go swimming in my free time if I can’t make any friends.” he thought to himself as he wandered down the hall until he found the room he was assigned. He opened the door and saw his new roommate unpacking his stuff and placing it into one of the two small dressers.

“Eh, hi. I’m Marshal your new roommate. You must be Jurou.” The guy turned around and stood up straight. He was only a couple inches taller, but he could tell by his eyes that he was a little bit older than him. He was mesmerized by his red-ish copper eyes. He had never seen anyone with eyes like that before. He shook his head clear for a second and turned so as not to be entranced again. “Don’t worry, you won’t even know I’m here; no one ever does.” He said with a slight hint of melodramatic sadness at the last part. He threw his suitcase on the available bed and started unpacking his own stuff into the empty dresser. He grabbed his black swim trunks and a matching towel went into the bathroom and changed. Swimming was Marshall’s favorite way to clear his mind, it always made him feel free being in the water with nothing and no one to make him feel bad about himself. He knew it was going to be the best part about this school. He came out with the towel around his neck in his trunks. “So, I’m gonna go hit the pool, if you wanna go."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jurou Kawaguchi Character Portrait: Caelan McManus Character Portrait: Utrien Qualiente Character Portrait: Tyson Jackson Character Portrait: Cindy Mayes Character Portrait: Rayne Fullhart
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She sat at her desk, black hair over her shoulders, a phone to her ear,
"Yes. The little bastards are all here. We have the gate locked, of course, and all security measures have been put into place."
She spoke to someone on the other line, brown eyes staring at the records of all the children currently on the phone.
"Yes sir. All have been documented, and more are due to arrive tomorrow and the next. Yes sir. Goodbye sir."
She hung up the phone and stood, walking out the door into the hallway, he pointy black heels making a loud Click...Click...Click...
She wore a black pencil skirt and a white blouse, with a dark blood-red vest. She glared as she walked down, she hated wretched snot-nosed little brats. Their whining and partying, their sneaking out and graffiti... Everything about them was absolutely disgusting. She walked into the cafeteria, glaring at every student that looked her way. She made it to the center, and stood there, observing everyone. Looking through the sea of faces.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marshall Stevens Character Portrait: Jurou Kawaguchi Character Portrait: Michael G. Haddock
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0.00 INK


Michael opened the door to his room. It really did look like a cell door to a cell room. There where two rickety cots in that cramped space and the floor was made of concrete. Michael's disappointment grew to new measures. as he slowly turned around to look at the surroundings. They did give them a desk. One desk to share however and one lamp without a shade. There where two rickety cots in that cramped space and the floor was made of concrete. Michael's disappointment grew to new measures. as he slowly turned around to look at the surroundings. They did give them a desk. One desk to share however and one lamp without a shade.Michael opened the door to his room. It really did look like a cell door to a cell room. There where two rickety cots in that cramped space and the floor was made of concrete. Michael's disappointment grew to new measures. as he slowly turned around to look at the surroundings. They did give them a desk. One desk to share however and one lamp without a shade. "oooooh've gotta be kidding me."

Suddenly a determined expression appeared on his face. "Right.....It's going to need a lot of work....but I think....we can turn this around." he murmured. He left the door wide open to the hall as he dragged his suitcases to the bed on the left. He hesitantly knelt and peered under the beds. Luckily there where no rat nests or holes into the walls but there where quite a few spider webs. Michael straightened up. "A scrub....this place needs a good scrub...but first I need to change."

Michael shed his jacket with the tears in the back from where his wings burst out earlier in the day, he took off the t-shirt underneath that was also torn, shaking his head as he examined the damage. " I need to learn to take my shirt off first next time. These where such good clothes." He folded them neatly on the bed and scrounged for an oversized tank to wear while he's sprucing up the place. He kicked the door shut behind himself afterwards as he went about replacing his pants with old jeans and his shoes with sneakers. With that he left the cell to search for a supply closet with cleaning materials. When he left the room he glanced into rooms that had their door wide open, mostly out of curiosity. He spotted the guy sitting on his bed listening to music but decided not to interrupt him. He didn't think he wanted to help him anyways, it was no big deal. He was kind of cute though. Michael made note of that, as was his roommate. 'Room 119, huh?.' He thought to himself...

Finally Michael found the supply closet, he entered and grabbed a handful of supplies as well as a mop and one of those yellow rolling buckets. He also found a single can of decent smelling aerosol that would help rid the stale musky sent of the old room. It looked comical, Michael trekking back down the hall pushing the bucket along with his foot. He hummed quietly as he went by, this time not paying much mind to 119 as he went back to his room.

He set everything small enough on the desk and started with the floors, tying a purples scarf on his head like a cleaner, sparse white hairs sticking out from underneath. He snapped on yellow rubber gloves so as not to be harmed by cleaning chemicals, or grime and got started. He played music as he scrubbed the floors occasionally singing along to it, the sounds and scents of his cleaning flowing freely out the open door.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marshall Stevens Character Portrait: Jurou Kawaguchi Character Portrait: Utrien Qualiente Character Portrait: Michael G. Haddock Character Portrait: Cindy Mayes Character Portrait: Maya Kirt
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As he had been unpacking his things in his dorm, he heard someone enter. Must be his room mate. At first he continued unpacking his things, sorting them out, thought it would be best to wait a bit before making conversation over something quite drastic that had seemed to happen to them all. Until a male voice spoke up first. That surprised him. So his name was Marshall, that suited him. He stood up straight and turned to see the guy, who seemed to be younger than him seeing as how Jurou was taller.Or perhaps he was just naturally short and was the same age as him, didn't matter. When he turned to get a good look at the male, he noticed Marshall seemed quite, hypnotised by something on Jurou? What was it? Why are you staring? These thoughts ran through his mind until the male broke eye contact, said he was going to the pools? And offered him to join. "Nnnno thanks." Definitely not. No way. He didn't want to look too awkward seeing as how deep water was a big fear of his, and that included big swimming pools full of water. Then the guy left. Jurou became deep in thought as he finished unpacking his things, he placed a picture of his mum, dad and himself as a little kid on his bedside table. It was the only family photo he had that included his mum. Now that she was no longer alive he cherished this photo. Wait a second, how did Marshall know his name? It completely slipped his mind then. Oh well, he would ask him later.

Leaving the dorm, he thought about exploring, he wanted to shift, use his ability but it could become a bit of a pain, because once he shifted back to human well, he would be naked. Of course he couldn't have clothes on when shifting, because if he did, then his clothes would just either lay there on the ground, or on the rare occasion shift with him and well, cats looked a bit funny with clothes on. He wasn't sure where he should go, perhaps follow that guy and see if he ends up going to the pool or not. Jurou could still smell him, his scent left a trail for him to follow, at least it was a pleasant smell unlike other teenage guys who smelled of body odour and sweaty gym socks. Those smells were most unpleasant. Waiting wasn't this stalking? Perhaps he should shift... No no no don't do it. You can't just rock up to the guy as a cat and be like 'hey there'. Because he would have to shift back to human eventually.

So Jurou followed the scent, Marshall seemed quite a bit ahead of him, he couldn't see him at all but he could still smell him, it was difficult to keep track of one smell when so many different smells intertwined and overlapped each other, like obstacles trying to stop him from following the same path. It would be awkward if he lost track of the scent, followed the wrong path and called out Marshall to someone who most certainly was not Marshall. Wow he was such a weirdo. He continued following, avoiding being seen by any people, and hopefully being unnoticed until he finally found Marshall. He was about to call out to him until he saw he had company. Well, he seemed to make friends quite quickly. Although he was a fair distance away, he could hear clearly what they were discussing, any normal human would only see their lips moving and hear probably nothing at all, maybe muffled voices, but he could hear them clearly. "my roommate doesn’t seem to be in a very talkative mood right now" well then, he felt a little more awkward now. He hadn't seemed to make the best first impression. "I guess i'll see you there." See them where? Jurou was most curious now, what were they up to? Oh wait, that guy by the sounds of it was leaving. Which way was he going, what if he passed Jurou and caught him looking like a stalker. Well technically he was being a BIT of a stalker. He needed to do something to avoid the situation, and so quickly, like an idiot, he shifted into an average sized black cat. And well, there goes his clothes. Okay so this wasn't the smartest thing to do. Especially now that he had to somehow carry all the clothes. With much difficulty he managed to throw clothes onto his back by grabbing them with his mouth. He did look fairly large for a domestic looking cat of sorts. His clothes felt more heavy in this form. Now he just need to push his shoes along... How embarrassing.

Jurou managed to make his way over to Marshall and quite confidently he pushed against his leg to get his attention. "Uh hey Marshall can you hold my clothes for me?" He felt so stupid at this point. His same copper red eyes looked up at Marshall hoping he would just casually hold his clothes. Of course no one in their right mind would take a talking cat as natural. And all this just to avoid looking like a stalker.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marshall Stevens Character Portrait: Jurou Kawaguchi Character Portrait: Michael G. Haddock
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Before he could receive an answer from Mike about helping him, he received an odd little nudge against his leg. He looked down and saw the most adorable black cat he had ever seen in his life pushing a pair of shoes across the floor. “Uh hey Marshall, can you hold my clothes for me?” Came a voice he didn’t recognize. He looked down at the rather large cat that seemed to know him, then he saw the copper red eyes. He turned and looked back to Mike. “Can you excuse us for a second, I think this is my roommate.” He picked up the shoes and took the pile of clothes off the cat’s back. He walked back to their room and the cat was following close behind. When they were both in the room he put the clothes on the counter in the bathroom and the cat went in without a word. Marshall shut the door to give him some privacy. The door opened a few minutes later and there stood Jurou.

“So, do I even want to ask why you would change into a cat and walk down the halls when you can’t carry your own clothes? Or was it something you couldn’t control? If so, I’m sorry, it’s just that your timing was …off.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marshall Stevens Character Portrait: Jurou Kawaguchi Character Portrait: Utrien Qualiente Character Portrait: Michael G. Haddock Character Portrait: Cindy Mayes Character Portrait: Maya Kirt
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Utrien paused and froze. He couldn't believe it, he turned back astounded. Was that and honest to goodness cat?

His eyes wide and his mouth in an O shape; Utrien shot down the hallway back to where he was. He took a leap, scooped up the cat and slid on his back; the cat now lifted in the air.

"OH MY GOODNESS YOU'RE A CAT. There are animals here," He proceeded to cuddle the cat, not knowing that it can speak or that it was a human. "That makes me so happy, i might actually squeal," He finished with a smile and a delighted laugh.

Anyone who have met Utrien prior to this might have been shocked. The shy, reserved Utrien is currently on the floor cuddling a cat with an elated and beaming expression.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marshall Stevens Character Portrait: Jurou Kawaguchi Character Portrait: Utrien Qualiente Character Portrait: Michael G. Haddock Character Portrait: Cindy Mayes Character Portrait: Vinnie 'Venom' Loveless
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Michael stared at Utrien, bewildered. Not only was Marshal's roommate a cat but now this? Michael opened his mouth to speak, hesitantly. " that's really Marshall's roommate...I-I don't think he'd want to be picked up like that...."

He put his hands out in front of himself, and bit his lip. He glanced back in Ghost's direction unsure what to do about all this. Michael didn't know a ton about cats but what he did know was that most, that weren't also human didn't like to be lifted and cuddled so abrubtly. In fact most would scratch a stranger if they approached too abruptly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marshall Stevens Character Portrait: Jurou Kawaguchi Character Portrait: Utrien Qualiente Character Portrait: Michael G. Haddock Character Portrait: Cindy Mayes Character Portrait: Vinnie 'Venom' Loveless
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Utrien arm hovers in the air as Marshall's apparent roommate follows him and changes. A feeling of disappointment welled up, yet not enough to dampen his mood. He sat up Indian style. Looks like he could afford to be more involved with everyone. Utrien did an adorable child like hip swivel to show his happiness.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marshall Stevens Character Portrait: Jurou Kawaguchi Character Portrait: Utrien Qualiente Character Portrait: Michael G. Haddock Character Portrait: Maya Kirt Character Portrait: Vinnie 'Venom' Loveless
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#, as written by alitura
Maya sat on her bed watching the conundrum surrounding the “cat” problem. She didn’t want to laugh at the boys’ situation but she couldn’t help it as a loud giggle escaped her mouth. Everyone around her had a totally different reaction to the cute feline in her doorway. The boy with white hair while hesitant was right which made Utrien’s reaction the most entertaining as Maya imagined the person inside the cat’s body wasn’t the happiest. Marshall, as the cat called him, seemed to handle the situation pretty well as he picked up the clothes from its little mouth.

She hoped as soon as they came back she’d see the cat’s human form. It could mean yet another unusual friend.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marshall Stevens Character Portrait: Jurou Kawaguchi Character Portrait: Utrien Qualiente Character Portrait: Michael G. Haddock Character Portrait: Maya Kirt Character Portrait: Vinnie 'Venom' Loveless
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Well it was a relief that Marshall so casually took his clothes and shoes for him, what a nice guy. His copper red eyes widened however as he found himself suddenly being lifted into the air as the world around him spun for a moment. Then a loud voice rang through his sensitive feline ears. Oh god. What had he done?! This was the opposite of what he wanted! Stupid stupid stupid, he felt really stupid, he wanted to avoid being seen by the blonde male but instead it did the opposite, like some kind of hunting dog the guy seemed to have locked onto Jurou, lift him up and cuddle him. "Ahhh! Holy shit please let go!" Jurou squirmed in the male's arms, and although it was tempting to shift back into his human form, he didn't think people took public nudity very well, no not very well at all. Whiny meows would be heard escaping from Jurou's lips as he managed to eventually squeeze out of the blonde's arms and follow behind Marshall.

Oh no he was following them. "Go go go!" Jurou called out to Marshall as he easily over took the guy, running right past him and into the dorm, his feline body arched in a defensive position. He watched as Marshall put his clothes down and the door closed behind him. That didn't go as well as he thought it would at all, nope. "Thank yoooou." Jurou cooed as he frantically shifted back into his Human form and grabbed his clothes, casually putting them on. He didn't feel uncomfortable being naked around anyone really, he just respected that no one wanted to see someone walk around nude. But what was really important now was that he was being questioned. Uh oh. "Uh yes well, you see. I have a logical explanation for that. Yep. I do have an answer, one that makes sense." Yep, keep sounding more demented and you won't have any friends. "Well I was just looking for you and to avoid ah, people, I shifted. I find it easier to get around in that form. AndalsobecauseIwasfollowingyouanddidn'twanttobeseen." He said that last part particularly really fast then finished getting dressed. "ANYWAY I see you've made some friends already, some rather, interesting." He said, hinting towards the blonde who had reacted excitedly when seeing a simple cat. Oh right that guy was probably still waiting outside. Jurou left the bathroom and opened their dorm room door. "Helloooo, blondie?" He called out.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marshall Stevens Character Portrait: Jurou Kawaguchi Character Portrait: Utrien Qualiente
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Using his telekinesis he slammed the door shut before Utrien could answer and before Jurou could leave.

“You wanna repeat that last part about following me and maybe explain WHY you were following me?” He asked through clenched teeth while holding the door shut with his telekinesis.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marshall Stevens Character Portrait: Jurou Kawaguchi Character Portrait: Utrien Qualiente Character Portrait: Michael G. Haddock Character Portrait: Maya Kirt
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Utrien spun around to look at Maya and Michael.

He beamed and smiled a closed eyes smile. "I'm sorry about that, but as you can see i really love animals,"

He pointed with his head towards Marshall and Jurou's dorm room. "Although it seems that i have scared him away. Shame, i liked him," he chuckled "Might be biased though. Can't help that i like nature i guess, basically grew up in the forest." He gazed at the door with a pacified expression, waiting for them to emerge so that he could explain and hopefully salvage the situation.

He laid on the floor and promptly fell asleep. He hoped no one would step on him, but that's something he would have to take as he chose to sleep on the floor.

He recounted what happened today. 'He got to see an animal, made friends and didn't need to eat that slop in the cafeteria. Today was a good day,' he concluded with a smile.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marshall Stevens Character Portrait: Jurou Kawaguchi Character Portrait: Judy McGee
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Panther caught the wiff of a cat, he started pawing at the door, frantically. Judy, let me out! She pled at her owner and picked up her leash, Judy clipped it on and opened the door. Panther took off running until he smelt the cat, Panther being friendly with cats began wimpering at the door, wanting to play.

Judy held her dog back, and knocked on the door


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marshall Stevens Character Portrait: Jurou Kawaguchi Character Portrait: Utrien Qualiente Character Portrait: Judy McGee
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“I’m not opening that door ‘til you answer my question. Why were you following me?”
He continued to hold the door shut, though he was getting a bit agitated by the smell of dog. He wasn’t a fan of dogs, mostly because he didn’t really understand them. But he did know cats, so he did his best to get the information he wanted while trying not to make him feel cornered. He tried to calm his voice. “Look, I just think it’s a little … different that someone like …you would even take notice of me, let alone follow me. I just want to know why, then you can go, okay?”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marshall Stevens Character Portrait: Jurou Kawaguchi Character Portrait: Utrien Qualiente Character Portrait: Michael G. Haddock Character Portrait: Vinnie 'Venom' Loveless Character Portrait: James, Coats
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Michael pursed his lips as the cat and Marshal disappeared down the hall. He smiled to himself as he returned to his room to finish cleaning, this time turning his music down so as not to interrupt the other students. The rest of his cleaning went smoothly as the floors had already been done. He pulled a fuzzy purple carpet from one of his suitcases and laid it over the floor so that everything between the two beds was covered in soft carpet. Michael then flipped his matress and put his pale blue sheets on his bed followed by the thick comforter. The comforter was dark purple like the carpet but had lighter purple fleur de lis design pattern going across it. He unpacked his pillow as well casting the one they gave to the students aside. It looked stained and gross. Michael wasn't about to put his head on that. He smoothed out his covers carefully then moved his bed away from the wall so that he could clean that too. Cleaning the wall wasn't necessary, but Michael was going to be spending who knows how long in that room. He wanted his own germs to be the first to inhabit it. Clean out any history this room might have had so he could make new memories in it.

Michael then began tacking posters to his walls. Anime posters, K-pop posters, male models in speedos and graphic design. There wasn't much wall left when He was done but what he did leave was a square big enough to hang a white board/tacky board for class lists and impromptu meetings right over the headboard of his bed. He tacked a Hetalia themed calender to the tacky board and grinned. Things where coming out well. He tapped his chin and turned to the desk. He would have to make something later to act as a lampshade for the lamp. He didn't have anything on him. Everything looked good though. At last Michael pushed his suitcases underneath his bed. Straightening up, Michael smiled. His thoughts drifting to Marshall. He wasn't sure what to think of him yet. He was eager to learn more though. Blush reddened his cheeks momentarily as he recalled the lingering stares Marshal left for him.

"Hmmmmm mysterious leave me with questions..." Michael sighed as he flopped back onto his bed, kicking off his shoes. He sighed and closed his eyes for a moment, stretching leisurely across his bed, toes curling and stretching. His bones popped lightly and Michael sighed. His thoughts left Marshal as he exhaled and a soft breeze stirred in the small room. It was as if someone left the door open to the outside. The breeze smelled and tasted fresh like the breeze off the trees and grass of a moist warm summer feild. Michael imagined he was outside in the warm glow of the sun, his wings outstretched. The feeling of the winds causing each feather to stir in it's place, shifting the pale strands of his cloud white hair. He could feel it too. In the room a breeze ebbed and flowed causing the posters to flutter and rise.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marshall Stevens Character Portrait: Jurou Kawaguchi Character Portrait: Utrien Qualiente Character Portrait: Michael G. Haddock Character Portrait: Tyson Jackson Character Portrait: Judy McGee
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Well now, at least now he knew what Marshall's power was. And what a way to show it off. As the door slammed in his face he jumped back quite swiftly, didn't want to be caught in the force of the door closing in his face. But unfortunately Jurou's temper was his down side, he could be a bit of an asshole and it would be unfortunate for his room mate to first witness this side to him. He seemed to be asked why he was really following him, as if he were being interrogated. Jurou wasn't liking the way he spoke to him. And so with a muffled short chuckle between closed lips, he turned to face Marshall. Through narrow eyes a cold glare was shot Marshall's way and a rather cocky grin formed on his face. "My my now wasn't that a little rude hey, Marshall." He casually yet confidently made his way over to the male, then leaned down so his eyes were levelled with Marshall's looking deep into them, those emerald eyes, how beautiful they were. His face was quite close now to his, too close for comfort perhaps, but personal space wasn't a concern of his. Sure this guy could probably kick Jurou's ass with an ability like that, but he didn't really care. He was reckless as always. He cocked his head to the side studying Marshall's facial features now that he could see his face up close, then the male seemed to calm his voice. What he said made Jurou feel quite sorry for him. "Someone like you?" Jurou repeated the male's statement back to him. What did he mean someone like him? What was wrong with Marshall? Perhaps he was a little insecure, maybe no one cared about him outside of the school. "Look this is different now mate, it's not like how it is out there with all the normal people, we're different, we're like a huge bloody family of freaks." He paused for a moment, standing up right then taking a step back to give the guy some space, he needed to keep his cool and not be an asshole just yet. "However they treated you out there is different to how people will treat you in here, trust me you can be sure about that." With that said he let out an irritated sigh.

"I was following you because I had nothing better to do, I was curious about if you would go to the pools or not, and you didn't which made things more interesting but then the blonde guy might have caught me stalkin- I mean following you, so I shifted into a cat so he wouldn't notice me but that did the opposite and yeah!" Jurou took in a deep breath, then exhaled. That was a lot to let out. He felt quite embarrassed by this point though. That was when he heard a knock at the door then, was that a dog he could smell? Jurou tensed up and turned to face the door, taking a few steps back away from the door. "I can smell a dog." He said with a bit of a quiver in his voice, he gulped nervously, he really didn't like dogs and so he casually stood behind Marshall, acting like he wasn't standing there because he was afraid but because he just wanted to stand there. But it was obvious he was afraid. He then began to wonder what happened to the blonde guy and the others. What did they think of him now? Well technically they didn't know what he truly looked like. So that was a relief. Unless Marshall told them 'hey this is that cat guy' then that would be quite embarrassing for him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Marshall Stevens Character Portrait: Jurou Kawaguchi Character Portrait: Utrien Qualiente Character Portrait: Michael G. Haddock Character Portrait: Tyson Jackson
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“But I did go to the pool, then I came back and relaxed for a while before I ran into Utrien. Shit, I must’ve gone invisible again at some point like I did in the pool and you just didn’t see me.” He released the door. “Sorry for going all psycho on you, but like I said it’s not a normal thing for anyone to take notice of me. It’s all a little new is all I’ve made more friends today than I have in the past… …well ever.” He sighed a little and his eyes watered a little bit. “It’s kinda overwhelming, ya know? I let the door go you‘re free to go” he said wondering why he had all of a sudden hid behind him, then remembered the dog. “I’m gonna go see if I can salvage what I started. Cool powers by the way, I love cats, but I could never talk my parents into getting me one.” he said with a smile. He opened the door and walked around the people gathered there and closed it quickly so the dog wouldn‘t get in. He made his down the seven doors to Mike’s room. He knocked on the door. “Hey it’s me, Marshall, can I come in?”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marshall Stevens Character Portrait: Jurou Kawaguchi Character Portrait: Utrien Qualiente Character Portrait: Tyson Jackson Character Portrait: Judy McGee
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Utrien woke up to two people conversing and a dog right in front of Marshall's door. Weird, you would have thought they'd notice a guy sleeping on the floor. He propped himself up on to his elbows. Tilting his head, he felt concern for the cat inside the room. Wouldn't they feel uncomfortable with the dog outside? He scared the poor cat already, they probably won't trust him either.

Utrien watched lazily as Marshall exited the room and went for Mike's room. Utrien stood up and dusted himself. Well the least he could do was make it easier on the guy inside.

Turning to the two outside. He attempts to strike a conversation, maybe he can get them a reasonable distance away from the door so that whoever's inside can feel comfortable.

"Excuse me, but there is currently a distressed cat inside. The dog might not be helping," he said this in a calm voice that sends a message of trying to help, not offend. "I haven't met you guys yet. Hello my name's Utrien, it's great to meet your acquaintances." He has an easygoing voice and outer appearance that gives you sense of comfort and go with flow vibe.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marshall Stevens Character Portrait: Jurou Kawaguchi Character Portrait: Utrien Qualiente Character Portrait: Vinnie 'Venom' Loveless
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0.00 INK


Michael opened his eyes and the breeze died down as quickly as it had begun. He sat up and dragged his suitcase out from under the bed by hooking it with his foot. "Hold on I'll be right there." Marshall. He wasn't about to spend the day with him wearing this cleaning outfit. Hell no. He stripped out of his shirt and tossed it aside pulling on a yellow t-shirt instead with a red plaid long sleeved overshirt to go with it and a pair of black jeans. It was a rather quick dressing only took two minutes. He put on two necklaces and his ring and smiled at the mirror that hung on the back of the door. "Fantastic."

Michael finally opened the door. When he did that the air pressure in the room shifted from full to equalized as the wind from Michael's breeze rushed out through the open door. Like certain classroom doors did after being closed for a while the windows open. Marshall would get a sudden unexplained gust of air pressure wind in his face that would smell and feel fresher than the air in the building. Oddly like someone took a bunch of air from someplace else and brought it here. Michael beamed at Marshall, behind him his other clothes lay strewn on his bed, his other shirt dangling from the lamp and his suitcase stuck out from under his bed but over all the room looked nice now that it had been done over with posters and new blankets and a carpet. Michael sighed from all the rushing about and gestured for Marshall to come in. "I finally finished cleaning and decorating. The walls need painting and I need a lamp shade but....well I don't think we're allowed to do that...or rather.....I have yet to figure out how to pull it off." He scratched his chin lightly and glanced over at Marshall. " You probably think I'm crazy for doing all this"

Michael laughed lightly and went back to sit on is bed. Then he remembered about the cat business. "That cat was your roommate, right? What was he doing walking around as a cat when he can't deal with his clothes? Hang on, that meant he'd be naked if he'd turned back. That would be.....interesting to say the least."