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Shinta Faythe

"The pride of a lion is your disguise, but I can see the fear in your eyes"

0 · 435 views · located in New York City

a character in “The Accords: City of Secrets”, as played by Nami L'Chi


"The pride of a lion is your disguise, but I can see the fear in those eyes."


Name: Shinta Daemon Faythe

Nickname(s): Dae, Shin,

Age: 18

Birthday: December 8

Physical Description:Shinta is a slender, but muscuallar man with blond hair, with brown highlights in it., cold grey eyes, a pale complexion and rather sharp, pointed features.He stands to be 6'1" and he only weights 156lbs which is all muscle really. He has a mustache and a goatee which make him look older than he is. But he doesn't seem to mind. He likes looking older thinking he'll get away with anything.

-Spicy Food
-The color Black
-His marks

-Not Knowing his family

Shinta is afraid that he's disappointing his parents, by not being able to avenge their death. He's afraid he's not perfect enough to be a good shadow hunter, which is why he pushes himself past his limits. He's afraid that he'll never find someone who will like him for him. He doesn't want to grow up alone and be alone for the rest of his life.

He feels guilty about his parents murder. Though there was nothing he could do to stop it, he still feels guilty for not being there. Its something he wrestles with on a daily basis. He copes by drinking, which has made him go out once, and get some woman pregnant. Though only he knows this, and so does the woman. He just hasn't been able to confront anyone about this truth, he's afraid that this would disappoint people

Shinta is gentle, caring, complex and highly intuitive, Artistic and creative, he lives in a world of hidden meanings and possibilities. He places great importance on having things orderly and systematic in his outer world On the other hand, Shin operates within himself on an intuitive basis which is entirely spontaneous. He knows things intuitively, without being able to pinpoint why, and without detailed knowledge of the subject at hand. Consequently,he puts a tremendous amount of faith into his instincts and intuitions. He has uncanny insight into people and situations. He gets "feelings" about things and intuitively understands them. Consequently, Caleb is protective of his inner self, sharing only what he chooses to share when he wants to share it. He is deep, complex individual, who is quite private and typically difficult to understand. He holds back part of himself, and can be secretive.

But Shinta is as genuinely warm as he is complex.He holds a special place in the heart of people who they are close to. Caleb is concerned for people's feelings, and tries to be gentle to avoid hurting anyone. Caleb has such strong intuitive capabilities, he trusts his own instincts above all else. Which makes Shin stubborn.

Shinta was born into the world of shadowhunters as all young shadowhunters are. Learning and studying is what he did most of his younger years, of course getting into trouble was another thing. When his parents were murdered by some downworlders, he was sent away to live in the Institution. Which is where he stays. Though of course, he does not obey the rules, what young, determined shadowhunter ever does?

Though he grew up prepared to avenge his parents murder, but that would require him to go all the way to France. Which of course he can't.. yet.

So now here is where his kidnapping starts.... such a sad tale really.

After the party with the downworlders, which was forced upon him.. but none the less, he left early after seeing the same woman he had impregnated....not wanting his secret to get out he fled to the church.

Shinta being somewhat religious, decided he was going to go to the church and pray for a sign on what to do. As always, Shinta lit a candle for his family. As he was walking out of the church, he had been knocked unconscious. Only to have been woken up hours later in a makeshift Jail cell to hold him back. His stele was removed from him, something he always carries upon his person. He is unsure what his captives want from him, nor does he care. He's powerless against them only able to sleep, and stare at the ceiling.

Occasionally beg for his life for their humor but that's about it.

So begins...

Shinta Faythe's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leigh Bellefleur Character Portrait: Dracovius Shadowbone Character Portrait: Shinta Faythe Character Portrait: Keiko Yagami Character Portrait: Mia Greene Character Portrait: Alice Maxwell
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The doorbell rang, announcing the arrival of the first guests. Sprinting to the front door, Mia made it there in less than a second. She grinned, revealing her shiny kanines. Motioning for the guests to enter, she shut the door behind them.

Soon enough, the house was full of people. Downworlders stood in every available space in the house; on the floors, stairs, tables. Wings and pale skin and warlock marks drew the eye. Everyone moved to the music, seemingly connected by the notes in that moment. The sight was empowering and creepy at the same time, giving Mia a headache. The final knock on the door startled her, something that didnā€™t usually happen. She hadnā€™t heard their approaching footsteps. Must be the guests of honor.

Opening the door, she stared at a pair of Shadowhunters. They were both cloaked in black, barely visible against the night sky. Inviting them in, Mia casted a wink across the room. In the corner stood the werewolf girl, who nodded in response. The Nephilim stood awkwardly in the entry until a warlock took both of their coats.

Mia had anticipated their cautiousness. Sure, the ā€œproblemsā€ the Downworlders had gotten into lately had all Nephilim on edge. Though from what she had heard, most of them had eased, not too concerned any longer as there was nothing more to handle. Still, Mia was determined to crack her guests, get them to also relax.

Soon enough, both Shadowhunters were drunk. All she had to do was act offended that they had not bothered to try her beer, and both of them downed a cup. Immediately Mia could see that the drink was taking its toll on them. One sip in and they craved another. One of the warlocks had given the beer that effect - she didnā€™t bother to care which. The Nephilim almost drank an entire keg on their own before staggering out of the door.

She had heard that sneaking up on Shadowhunters was near impossible what with their heightened senses and reflexes. As it turns out, alcohol greatly diminishes those abilities. The Nephilim hadnā€™t heard Mia as she walked behind them down the path. She followed them quite a bit, curious. The two staggered, tripping over their own toes. Uncoordinated Shadowhunters? Unheard of.

It even surprised Mia when she struck them each on the temple. Neither Nephilim attempted to stop her or even acknowledge her presense. Their eyes fluttered shut and they each fell to the concrete. Mia frowned at the unconscious bodies at her feet, upset that it was so easy. She had expected a fight, was excited about it even. Sadly, there wasnā€™t any time to wake them up to fight. Sighing, Mia lifted the small Shadowhunter into her arms, motioning for the werewolf to grab the other.


Aunt Callida stood in the Silent City, shifting uncomfortably from the scrutiny of the Silent Brothers. Their scarred faces and hollowed eyes still made her shiver, though looking away would only make her seem weak. She did not want her last moments as a Shadowhunter to be remembered as weak and afraid.

ā€œCallida Pennwater: You stand in front of the Brothers to receive punishment for your crime.ā€ An eery, rough voice spoke in her mind. Like any other person, Callida never liked being in the presence of a Silent Brother. She seemed to feel them invading her mind, scraping through her thoughts, reliving her memories. Painful memories, terrifying memories; none that she wanted to visit again. Still, she bit back the urge to talk back to the Brothers; she didnā€™t want her sentencing to be any worse.

Squaring her shoulders, she spoke in her mind. ā€œI hardly think it is a crime. I found the one I love. Just because he is a mundane - ā€œ Callida was cut off mid sentence. A searing pain erupted in the back of her head. It felt as it a fire sparked in her mind. The flames licked every vein in her body, every muscle, every tendon. The fire burned her skin, making its way up her arms, legs, neck. Her knees buckled and her back arched, but she still had enough willpower to remain standing. She watched in horror as the black marks on her skin burned away, leaving her arms bare. The same happened to all of the runes on her body were striped, leaving Callida broken and ashamed. . .

Leigh groaned, still half in the dream. She watched, terrified, as her aunt was turned into a mundane before her eyes. The fire blazed behind her eyelids, threatening to burn her too. The red flames seemed to lick the sides of her mind, as if taking away her knowledge of the shadow world. No! She couldnā€™t be a mundane. . .

Desperately, she tried prying her eyes open, wanting to escape the flames. As hard as she tried though, her eyes remained stubbornly shut. Leigh mentally attempted to pry her eyelids open. In a panic, she lifted her hands to forcefully open her eyes. Her arms didnā€™t move. A numbness encased all her limbs, restricting them. Her body hadnā€™t reacted to her command. She didnā€™t feel, but rather sensed her limbs at her sides. The sensation was unnerving, making her heart race.
Leigh mentally sighed; at least she could still feel her heart.

Vaguely, last night replayed in her mind. She went back, trying to gain some kind of knowledge about her current situation. The memories became blurrier and blurrier as the night went on. Wings and webbed feet and fangs and furry ears flashed by, not creating a sliver of recognition. Faces replayed, all smiling, encouraging. . .what? A vampire with a red cup, a werewolf in the corner, Shinta with a beer-

Shinta! Where was he? Was he here too? Wherever here was. She prayed that the drug hadnā€™t taken as much of a toll on him as it had on her. He had to be awake to save them both. They had both gone to the party together in hopes to regain their former alliance with the Downworlders of the city. Of course, Leigh wasnā€™t too comfortable about going unarmed to a party without any other Shadowhunters. Apparently, the plan hadnā€™t gone as well as they had hoped. With one more struggle for control over her body, Leigh sighed, waiting for whatever to happen next.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leigh Bellefleur Character Portrait: Dracovius Shadowbone Character Portrait: Shinta Faythe
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Draco had enjoyed that party. Pacing back and forth, the dancing, just having fun. It was a warlocks paradise. Then of course, the Shadowhunters came. He remembered his feline ears going back, as his tail twitched back and forth. His blue/green eyes never left the pair. Of course it was him who had messed with the beer. Specifically designed for the shadowhunters. Though he had to be nice. Be a nice little kitty He told himself over and over all night. Though the fun was over when the Shadowhunters left.

At least that's what Draco thought, he still had to play more of his part later. Though for now he was crashed out in his place with random fae and downworlders left in his apartment. Some had carried the party with him. Most were groaning and mumbling in pain. Draco just lay there with his face looking up at the ceiling. How fun was it to play with Shadowhunters he wondered. Maybe turning them into mouse?

He sighed and got up, kicking a random warlock with green hair and blue/black wings. "Louis! Leave this place... I need to think." He growled, his tail brushing over the other warlocks face. Without protest, the bird-man got up and motioned for some of his friends to follow him. Not before turning around and whispering to Draco, "Don't forget, some Nephilim are requesting to see you this afternoon... don't forget to speak with know how "Angels" can be." Draco bowed and looked around, where was Kei-Chan?

He would have to worry about her later. Going into his study he awaited the phone call Mia would surely be giving him, hopefully soon. He had taken a big risk helping with kidnapping, he could loose his seat on the Council, he wouldn't be the head warlock anymore. Biting his lips he continued thinking about it, almost seeming a bit frustrated.

Wondering if he could help the Shadowhunters, if maybe they would give him a break, not tell anyone about his involvement. Yeah.. that should work.. right? Plopping down in his chair he rubbed his temples waiting for the call that was surely to come. At least he hoped it would He didn't know where she was keeping the shadowhunters at.


Shinta had reluctantly gone to that party unarmed. Guess they did need a little fun and not many liked Shadowhunters with weapons on them. So unfortunatly with no Shadowhunter gear on, Shinta had gone with Leigh to a downworlder party. He was hesitant to try the beer, but something attracted him to it. Drinking cup after cup, glass after glass, dancing with random downworlders, acting a bit to wild for a well trained shadowhunter that is. Then his eyes saw her... the werewolf he had met a while back. Adjusting himself ever so slightly he made sure his eyes wern't playing tricks on him. That was the girl he had slept with. That was a buzzkill, though she still had something about her Shinta found very attractive. Though it was time to go. As he left the building he was knocked out cold by who? by What?!

Shinta moaned slightly his head was pounding his eyes were closed, his whole body was stiff. What happened last night. Though his metabolism was slightly higher than Leigh's, he ended up burning off the drug even faster. When opening his eyes all he saw was darkness. Was Leigh ok? Where was she? It hurt to move, so Shinta just laied there his golden brown curls covering his eyes, as he stared at the ceiling of pure darkness. He had nothing better to do in his time, so he lay there and thought.