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Vance Asher

0 · 384 views · located in NewGen laboratory

a character in “The Alloyed Generation”, originally authored by Bartholomew Finch, as played by RolePlayGateway


❝I looked into a mirror once, only to see the devil staring right back at me.❞

||Speech Color #901111||✦ ||Thought Color #d47c7c||

Theme Song:
β™ͺLet The Sparks Fly || Thousand Foot Krutch

Vance Asher






β–ΊPhysical Descriptionβ—„
Vance is a fairly fit young man. What most people notice right off about Vance is his eyes. Deep, reflective red - in actuality his eyes are a shade of brown that reflect red when light hits them a certain way. His skin is pale, often accentuating his eyes and dark hair. His hair is often wild, a dark brown that looks almost black. Because of how pale he it is assumed he is sickly, and the dark circles under his eyes just prove that idea. He is not very expressive, often refusing to smile or let others know his feelings through such means as facial or bodily expression. He also sticks with the same clothes, black and red mostly. He wears a red scarf at all times, and is never without a jacket. He has a number of scars, burns, and the occasional stitch wound that stem from the scientists testing and his general lack of self-care.

|Vindictive ☬ Charming ☬ Aggressive ☬ Broken ☬ Adaptable|

Vance may have been kind once, he may have been a carefree child at one point too - but that's been gone for years now and Vance has become something of a Pariah among his kind. He prefers to treat others with indifference, or a cold charm that leaves heads spinning in confusion. This has just how he's been for as long as he can remember.

Vance and his sister Vera were the first twin embryos to have survived. Because of tihis they were tested a bit harder, their growing powers measured against each other. Vera had been the more powerful of the two. They were being tested when tragedy struck, Vance had been testing the scientists patience too much that day. He found it funny when they got all pissy with him and he was glad to antagonize them. Vera had asked him to knock it off but he just didn't listen.

One of the scientists snapped and physically assaulted him. Which had pissed the twins off greatly, as Vance had only been messing around anyway. At such a young age his abilities were not at the same discipline level as they are now. He accidently burned the scientist that had assaulted him, which brought forth more wrath. His sister, angry at the treatment tried to attack them, but with her abilities being more powerful and harder to control she ended up losing all sense of control. Her internal temperatures reached a level so high that she had began to scorch herself from the inside out. Flames began to dance from her body, lighting anything flammable nearby on fire. The Scientists tried to use their noise machine to stop her but all it did was cause her more pain as her abilities went out of control.

By the time she quit she had done so much damage to her body that it was unlikely she would recover. The scientists thought the best thing they could do for her was to put her down. After that Vance withdrew into himself, and decided that he needed to figure out his abilities before he ended up like his sister. He still thinks about her from time to time, but he pushes her as far from his mind as possible.

As for what he's like...

Because he isn't very expressive its often hard to decipher what hes feelings, but its safe to assume that 90% of the time hes simply bored. While he prefers the silence he is not always comfortable with it. Finding that awkward silences do nothing but give him a headache. He doesn't like forcing conversation, but will do so anyway. He finds himself capable of adapting to most situations. He can come off as haughty, and often thinking of himself as superior. But in reality his confidence and self worth is on the low end of the scale. He hates seeing himself, and always assumes that others will think the worst of him immediately. Because of this he can be aggressive to those who approach him without a reason, and suspicious of kind actions directed towards him. He does not believe that he is worth any sort of kindness. All because he has been broken by his own isolation and his fears that he will never be good enough.

As with many Pyros his anger is unwarranted and often sudden. While he does hold grudges, and can be vindictive at the best of times. Most of his outbursts are sudden and explosive. For this very reason he fears himself, and what he could potentially do if he never gets a handle over his abilities. He strives to be strong, always training, always following directions even though he hates being given orders.

// Being Alone // Reading // Silence // Exercise // Training // His Abilities // Calm People // Being Warm // Meditation // Free Range // Intelligence //

// Hydros // Memories // The Scientists // Dreaming // Orders // Loud Noises // Testing // Bodily Injury // Losing control // Hurting Others // Idle Chat // The Facility // Insomnia // Being Cold // Confinement // Old Books // Smiling // Mental Blocks // Unnecessary Joy // Most Children //

☠ Destroying Everything ☠ Never Leaving The Lab ☠ Being Deemed Useless ☠

Vance, for being so impulsive has gained quite a bit of control over his abilities. Through consistent meditation, and practice with keeping calm. His most controlled ability is his own internal temperature. Though he has no internal flame, his body heat can go up and down - often increasing under stress or with his anger. His body can reach extreme temperatures, making him a sort of human (or rather not human) space heater. He is also capable of sparking a flame with his fingers (snapping, clapping, anything to create friction,) by manipulating his own temperature and causing friction that will essentially cause a spark when paired with the air (oxygen.) If he loses control of his own temperature he can create a blast of fire that could easily create a disaster. He can maintain a steady flame, but with such low Stamina it takes much of his energy to do so. He has the ability to conjure the hotter blue flames from his fingertips, but its a one time use really since his energy is sucked dry almost instantly from it. His flames are usually small and controlled, to conserve his energy and to keep from burning him out so fast. His internal temperature regulation has only a small effect on his energy.

Sample post:
They were coming for him.

He could hear hear footsteps just down the hall, quick but assured. His room - which is more of a cell - is at the very end of the hall. So he knows for sure once the footsteps grow close enough that they are coming for him. Probably to do more tests, or in the off case that its Miki Hanamuras footsteps, then shes likely coming to taunt him; which is a usual occurrence with them. As the footsteps halt just in front of his door, he busies himself with pretending to read the book in his hands. A gift from the head researcher.

"Anyone home?" A sarcastic voice breaks the silence, as he realizes that he has been staring off into space. His eyes landing squarely on Miki Hanamura. Of course, he didn't know why he expected anyone else at this point. She had always taken him as a personal offense. His silence, his disdain, everything about him had been a challenge it seemed. One that had drawn them into a battle of wills. Always mocking each other - though Vance was more likely to take the high road. Preferring to keep his mouth shut and his head down lest there be punishment for arguing with her.

But that is neither here nor there. He comes to slowly, giving her no indication that hes going to answer. Instead placing a bookmark in the book with careful hands and pushing up from his chair. He stops a few feet away, inclining his head curiously. Willing her to get whatever this is over with so that he can go back to daydreaming. "You're needed for testing," She says, uncharacteristically brusque. Holding his stare, he nods slowly. She sneers suddenly, seeming to lose all patience in a matter of minutes. "So be a good boy and come on already!" She snaps, slipping into their familiar routine.

Beneath the red scar that's masking the lower half of his face, Vance can feel his mouth spread in a slow smile. "If I say no?" He asks, voice quiet and rough from a general lack of use. She rolls her eyes, "Bad doggies get punished," she says with a smirk, moving daringly close to him, close enough to get in his face. A show of her bravery, or stupidity. "You don't want to end up like dear Vera, now do you?" As if sensing his defeat, she pats the top of his head condescendingly. Anger flares hot in his body, seeing red as he lets out a growl. He snatches her hand, crushing her wrist in his grasp. Its an attack that won't go unpunished, he knows but at that moment he doesn't care. All he can do is try and stifle down the flame that's begging to be released.

"Burn me, and it'll be the last thing you do." She whispers, eyes narrowed dangerously. He hates her, hates everything about her but he knows that he would have too much to deal with if he were to let himself lose control. He slowly lets go, glaring at her all the while. She smiles, rubbing her wrist to encourage circulation to return. "Its too bad really, Yasuhiro was sure that your outbursts were under control finally," She begins to leave the room, beckoning him to follow or be left behind. He knows that refusing to go will be more trouble than its worth so he works to catch up with her. "Looks like we'll just have to train you extra hard from now on." She stifles a laugh, and he bites back a round of insults. She could taunt him all she wanted, he refused to give her a reaction again.

"Here's the Mutt." She says, not to him, as she leads Vance into one of the regular testing labs. He waits in the doorway, eyes flickering with barely contained nervousness to all the equipment. But luckily he isn't being tested on by Shinjiro today. That would have pushed him over the edge. Instead he is faced with Yasuhiro Kita, the scientist he least hates out of all of them. Hes a goofball, and his interactions with Vance are nothing but awkward, but at least he isn't going to antagonize him. He watches Yasuhiro converse with Miki for a few moments, Miki looking as if shes scolding the other scientist. Before the antagonistic women turns to leave. She passes by Vance on her way out and ruffles his hair again, but he doesn't flip out this time. He's glad when shes out of sight.

"Lets get this over with," he mutters under his breath. Giving himself up to the mercy of whatever tests they had concocted that day.

So begins...

Vance Asher's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Raelyn Vivianne Character Portrait: Kinjuro Satori Character Portrait: Sukoshi Kaminari Hotaru Character Portrait: Kimiko Character Portrait: Hiro Yamashashi Character Portrait: Mora
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0.00 INK


Kokurai was actually playing the nice experiment for once. The doctors were really going to have to thank Kokurai for this rare occasion. In all honesty, the older alloy was playing nice simply because he didn't mind the tests currently being done on him. Surprisingly, he found the EEG (electroencephalography) scans fun. They were calming in a way. All he had to do was sit there. The actual set up of all the sensors that needed to be applied to his skin and head took about 30 minutes depending on how slow the techs were and they didn't need him to do anything until the actual testing started. Normally he let them go about this without hindrance but when the actual testing started? Yeah, he wouldn't be Kokurai if he didn't mess with them a little bit. He loved to make their data fuzzy by moving just a little too much or using his electricity to make the sensors go haywire. The cap itself was so finicky that half the time they had to re-plug things in or change the cap entirely and it still wouldn't read correctly because of him.

"Kokurai, open your eyes and look straight ahead for me please," one of the technicians requested from the older alloy who was just beginning to dose off. Kokurai opened his blue hues and stared straight at the woman's chest. Oh yeah, that was a bonus to. Whenever the research tech needed to apply the sensors beneath his eye to read the orbicularis muscle he got a pretty good view of her chest. It wasn't his fault the tech wore a lab coat instead of scrubs. And besides, he was a 33 year old virgin who already had several kids without his consent. He figured it was time they cut him some slack. A little treat now and then was nice when everything else in this world was sour. Maybe the nurse herself knew what he was looking at. She never complained but he had noticed she was wearing more supportive clothing. Maybe she realized this could very well be the reason why he was so compliant during the EEG tests and she didn't want to deal with him when he was difficult.

"There we are. Sensors comfortable?"

"As comfortable as sticky sensors on your face can be," he answered and glanced down as the other tech taped on the heart rate sensors on his left palm. Another fun thing about EEGs was that if you asked, they showed you a mirror and you could see the sensors on the zygomatic muscle of your right cheek, the sensors behind your ears to record the postauricular, and then those above your eye for the corrugator to accompany the ones below your eye. When the whole set up was complete, you had a few more on your face and arms to. It always made him feel like he was some sort of computer with wires sticking out everywhere. With all various the sensors done on his face and arms, they began to pull the cap over his head and tucked his dark locks beneath the cap and strapped it on. Whelp, that meant he could zone out again. Both ladies would be behind him after all so he would see nothing but the blank screen in front of him. He closed his eyes again and winced now and again when the techs pressed just a little too hard with their blunt syringes against his scalp. He shuddered as the gel was inserted into the various sensors. Ugh the electrogel was never a pleasant feeling. It was cold and leaked sometimes. He always felt nasty and disgusting afterward as if he hadn't bathed in weeks. At least water and soap got rid of it easily enough.

The techs then plugged all the sensors into the control board and started to record his habituation responses which would take a couple of minutes. While they waited, the nurses began to whisper to themselves about the various experiments and tests that needed to be performed on the other alloys when Kokurai was done. At first, Kokurai ignored them. He didn't much care about the other experiments going on after all. Besides, when talking about other alloys, they usually used number identifiers which Kokurai wasn't familiar with. Well except for two other numbers besides his own. He had memorized Hiro's and Sukoshi's identifiers so he'd always know what was going on with them. They were #0377 and #8770, respectively. The scientists thus far didn't know he had solved the mystery of who his children were which was just fine by him. Well, Dr. Tadoshi knew but there was nothing he could do about that.

"Dr. Tadoshi has some new experiments planned for all of the alloys, certain ones specfically," the tech with the nice bust mentioned then.

"Really? Do you know what they are about?" the other inquired.

"Something about pushing limits. Especially with some of the alloys with certain uniqueness's about them. Most of them are new gen. Right now he is actually going to start working on #0377 and #8770. He mentioned something about stressing them and looking at how far he can push them towards their breaking points. The doctor should have called them into the observatory already. I think he is doing pair work or something."

Kokurai's eyes widened then, the EEG monitor indicating the spikes in his heart rate and the changes in his eyes. The two nurses frowned as they monitored the strange spikes.

"Kokurai? Are you all right?"

Kokurai didn't respond at first as he stared at the wall in front of him. Dr. Tadoshi was going to do something to his children? Testing their breaking points? He remembered very clearly when the 'good doctor' had done a similar experiment with him. He would never forget the horror he had experienced those days. How much pain and anguish he had to live through and how broken he had been for years afterward and how that horror still haunted him now. No, he didn't want that for his children. He wouldn't allow it. How could he allow it? Kokurai sat up abruptly and started yanking at the fragile sensors. The techs gasped and reached for him to try and get him to settle down before he broke all of them. "Back off," he growled, calling up his energy and essentially tasering the women to get them away. He yanked some of the plugs which returned a smaller scale shock to Kokurai but he just absorbed the energy and it fueled his own desire and need to get the hell out of the room. One of the women ran to the button to call for back up, but Kokurai had already fled the room. In his haste, he still ended up having broken sensors clinging to his cheek and behind his ears so he must have looked like quite the mad-man as he ran down the hallway towards the observatory.

Kokurai reached the room in record time and tried to open the door but it was locked from the inside. Peering through the window he could see Dr. Tadoshi and a couple of his assistance in the room along with his two eldest children. He growled in his desperation and slammed his hand against the lock and zapped it, short-circuiting the mechanism as he barged into the room.

"Get away from them you perverted asshole!" Kokurai growled. "I won't let you corrupt them with your psychotic tests. You'll have to go through me first." He was their father after all. They may not know that but they didn't need to. All that mattered was that he was here and wasn't going to let Doctor-psychopath-pedophile-sadist traumatize them for life or kill them without a fight. They were his precious little ones. He would let the man flay him alive if it meant that Sukoshi and Hiro would remain untouched by this malicious doctor's figurative scalpel.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kano Mizushima Character Portrait: Vance Asher
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0.00 INK


||Speech Color #901111||
||Thought Color #d47c7c||

In rare form, the day had started off well - peaceful even as Vance took his grand time preparing. Meager clothing supply picked through with a careful eye. Humming to himself as he tidies the few objects in his cell of a room. He had a book laying out across the floor, spine cracked and cover too dirty to distinguish its title; he bent to retrieve it and finish off the final few pages with greedy eagerness. They had yet to come for him, and he was unsure if they would at all today. Sometimes he would be left to his own devices for hours, sometimes for days. It was only when they really needed him that they saw fit to deal with him, he was just too much of a pain otherwise.

'Someday, little bird, you will learn to spread those wings.'

Vance sets aside the book, lips downturned slightly. Nothing but boring sentiments, teach a broken bird how to fly - and yet, how could fluttering uselessly around a cage even manage to measure up to the freedom of wilderness?

Alas the Alloys were not birds, they didn't exactly get the chance to learn to fly no matter if its in a gilded cage or a rusty one. Vance hated that, could feel his blood heat beneath pale skin at the very idea that he'd spend his entire life here. Would die here. Wouldn't even get a funeral - something he had only read about in books - because they were unnecessary. Alloys died all the time, it was nothing new. Not to him at least. Sure, he was biased, he got to live beyond some preconceived expiration date. But he also knew that the only way that things would ever change would be to do it by force.

'Make them pay for every poke and prod.' His thoughts drift so quickly to his sisters final words that he doesn't have time to brace himself. Collapses on weary knees and grits his teeth in a frail attempt at getting that anger to subside. Don't overheat, don't overheat. He pulls his legs into a crossed position, finds a focal point on the adjacent wall and just stares until everything stops. No longer thinking, just barely seeing, simply staring and breathing until his body goes back to a regular temperature. Still sits there for a while because he knows there's a chance to work himself back up into a tizzy if he doesn't let go of everything at once.

Eventually, with boredom growing, Vance decides that if today is going to be devoid of human contact he may as well do something productive. Perhaps stare at walls in the common room? Not that he was doing anything other than observing, quietly watching the daily going-ons and catches bits and pieces of conversation here and there. He rarely associated with the other Alloys in a friendly manner, and had no inclination to do so today either. But he had a feeling that if he didn't get up and do something he would be sorely regretting it. As much meditation as he suffered through he knew that there were simply times in his life were he had to move, lest he get antsy and nobody wants an antsy Pyro walking the halls. He's already itching to do something - anything. Which is pretty indicative of the mood he's caught hold of for the moment.

The hallways are silent, empty save for the guard posted for safety purposes - Vance himself was a flight risk or so a few of the more cowardly researchers liked to claim. Seeing him as a threat when really, his anger was the only thing they had to worry about. He disliked the idea of ever killing anyone, and he saw no reason for meaningless death if it meant anything other than freedom from this place. "I'm going to the common room." He informs as the nameless, faceless guard turns to look at him. Vance doesn't bother getting to know the guards on any form of personal level, something that only a few have taken offense to in the past. Despite his ability to properly co-operate with them. He waits a few moments as the lug processes his lack of request - another thing he saw no reason to do. He was the one who lived there, prisoner or not this was where he had been from the day of his birth.

"Stay out of trouble," The guard says, a bit grumpy for Vance's liking but he bites his tongue and moves on. Can feel the guards eyes on his back the entire time. "Oughta burn his eyes out," Vance mutters under his breath, barely containing the coy smirk sliding onto his face; only to drop as he nears the room and catches sight of another Alloy. Damn, well, he couldn't expect his day to continue being a good one through and through now could he? This Alloy in particular wasn't one he knew on any sort of basis other than him being a Hydro, and therefore his very existence is detestable,and that his name is Kano.

If nothing, this could be entertaining. "Kano." Vance barely mumbles as he bumps past the Hydro rudely. Bait, set, now get ready to trap. Anything resulting from this little show would just be another mess for the researchers to clean up - and that excited him.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Raelyn Vivianne Character Portrait: Griswald Altair Character Portrait: Dashure Altair Character Portrait: Kano Mizushima Character Portrait: Vance Asher
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0.00 INK

In the common room of the laboratory, curled up upon a grey beanbag, was a girl with a book dangling precariously from a limp hand. Light blue hair covered the fair girl's face and shoulders as she slept blissfully, and though her cheeks were damp her expression was peaceful. However as the book finally slipped from her hand and fell onto the ground with a soft thud, the bluenette's gentle slumber came to an end as she stirred at the noise, eyelids fluttering open to reveal deep blue eyes like the ocean. Pushing herself up with her hands, the girl's face was partially hidden by her light blue locks again as she wiped her eyes sleepily before reaching her arms up in the air to stretch and giving a big yawn. Really, it was a adorable - like a puppy waking from a nap.

Raelyn brushing her light blue bangs out of her eyes she looked around, blinked a few times as tears sprung to her eyes (which she wiped away out of habit). 'Huh, I must've fallen asleep on one of the beanbags in the common room,' she thought, her eyes coming to rest upon the book on the floor beside her and she bent down to pick it up, tenderly re-reading the cover as she closed the book. 'That's right, I was reading as I waited for Dashure to finish his testing.' she recalled, walking to the shelf and putting it back where it'd come from, and slowly a whimsical smile grew upon her face - an expression so natural and fitting it almost looked (and felt) strange when it wasn't there.

With another yawn she wiped her eyes again and turned towards the doorway, tugging at her simple white dress to unwrinkled it. This wasn't actually a dress but in fact it was her "testing uniform" as the doctors said, but it made her feel pretty and she liked the way it billowed whenever she ran, so she more it far more often than any of the others wore theirs. She did not fully understand why the others were so opposed to the doctors and their experiments. She didn't like the needles and testing and everything of course, but it was all she'd ever known. It was normal, expected, and they'd never been outright cruel to her before so she had no ill will against any of the staff. If anything they were kinda like family; always there, taking care of herself and the others.

It was possible that, if Raelyn saw her own file, she'd feel differently after them. "She is so sweet and eager to please, like an innocent little child; an excellent candidate for the program," - was a note written in regards to her - "it will be all too easy to get her to follow through with plans. However at this point it is only a matter of time." Raelyn, however, did not know of these plans and smiled at the guard - Mr. Joe Frederick - as she skipped out the common room door, who gave a slight nod and smile to her in return. She did have an effect on people that simply made them smile - it was one of her most defining characteristics, and if someone only knew one thing about her it was her friendly, loving aptitude she held towards everyone. Skipping down the hall she saw two familiar figures passing each other and her smile grew.

"Good morning Vance! Good morning Kano!" she chimed happily, wrapping her arms around his waist and hugging affectionately before letting go and doing the same for Kano, "Kano, you're all wet! Did you just get to go swimming?" Raelyn said with a giggle as she let go, beaming up at him before something seemed to occur to her. "Oh no, does that mean that the pool is closed? Darn! I accidentally feel asleep in the common room and missed swim-time." she said with a giggle, then suddenly another thing seemed to occur to her, significantly more alarming than her previous revelation as she glance up at a wall clock and paled a little bit. "Oh no!" she said with a horrified gasp, her hands having found their way to her mouth, "That means that if I don't hurry I'll be late to meeting Dashure!" Quickly wiping away the tears that'd run down her cheeks (a feature almost as well known about her as her smile) she turned to Vance and Kano and smiled at them both. "Sorry, but I've got to go! Bye Vance! Bye-Bye Kano!" she said cheerfully turning over her shoulder and taking off down the corridor, giving a frantic wave behind her as the faint padding of footsteps faded away.

Within a minute or two Raelyn had reached Dashure's door, pausing a moment before knocking their secret knock. "Daaaaaaaashuuuuuuuuure!" she sang happily, reaching for the handle when suddenly something smacked right into her and Raelyn flew a few feet, landing on her butt with an undignified "Oof" sound. Shaking her head a moment to get her bearings again, Raelyn looked up to find none other than- "Griswald!" she exclaimed happily, jumping up and wrapping Dashure's younger brother in a bear hug with a giggle. "Hi there! Have you come to see Dashure too?"