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Nathan Fenris

"Shut yer cakehole, unless you want to experience life Mc Escher style."

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a character in “The Alternates #1: Define Good”, originally authored by Byte, as played by RolePlayGateway


Name: Nathan Fenris
Age: Eighteen
Gender: Male

Nathan is a tall, Caucasian late-teen/young-adult man. He stands a tall six foot and three inches, weighing an overall hundred and fifty-four pounds that could be described as naturally athletic since he doesn't seem to be working out too much. Well, if you count the heroic business... Anyway, his head is covered with a medium-length, messy dirt-blond hairdo and some stubble facial hair. His eyes are an almost blackish blue, always carrying that mischievous glow with 'em.

As for his attire, Nathan prefers to dress rather old-school and fancy, rarely seen without a business suit or some formal party clothing. And of course, his trademark fedora that sits proudly on top of his head. Kind of like one of those bad-ass Mafioso fellows if that rings any bells.

Calm and well-spoken, although it is clear that Nathan is into the hero game for the thrills and giggles. He is well-known for his rather ludicrous and joking ways, often taken for granted as the life of a party. It is rare to see the young-adult in a bad mood, even rarer to see him take things seriously. Okay, that's a harsh generalisation, Nathan is often looked to for guidance since he does have a serious demeanour when the situation warrants, but he'd rather let someone else clean up the mess and lead the flock.

Nathan does have strong feelings towards good shall prevail, and could be summed up as a superhero who wouldn't dare kill anybody, no matter their crime. There are, however, exceptions to that rule. One of them being villains who just piss the shit out of him, or they are so overly powered that they can't exist in the mortal realm.

DNA Alteration:
The ability to alter ones DNA to change form. Nathan has yet to experience the extent of these powers, all he knows is that he can take on the appearance of another humanoid as long as he has seen them in person. He isn't too sure about non-humanoid forms, and doesn't plan on trying it any time soon in fear of... complications.

Gravity Manipulation:
A minor ability that allows Nathan to alter the gravity level and even flow in a certain area, be that organic or non-organic. He usually uses it on himself for shits and giggles, walking on ceilings and walls has its appeal at times. Yes, if need be, stuff can implode. But we don't want that to happen now, would we?

Now you see him, and now you don't. Nathan has what some could call a teleportation skill, short-distance one, though. It is kind of like poofing in and out of a certain dimension and appearing a few metres further down. Note, Nathan does need to see the area he is poofing to, otherwise he may end up and suffocate in a wall.

The son of the god of mischief, or rather.. a descendant, since Nathan doesn't recall falling from the sky or anything. Wouldn't be too far from the truth, maybe. Anyway, the boy was raised in London, England where he live a rather mediocre life. Good grades, but often blamed for jesting and pulling damaging pranks. Which was true, he did play pranks on people.

But I digress, Nathan's powers didn't emerge until his early teen years, where he had gotten into a brawl with one dumb-ass bully, and he suddenly witnessed the boy drop to his knees, unable to stand up. Quite interesting, mind you, but it did confuse poor Nathan for a bit.

The years after that he quickly discovered his remaining powers, often using them for his ludicrous pranks. He recently moved the America, living there with his older brother in a boring-ass apartment. From there, Nathan occasionally does a good deed or two by clearing the streets of thugs, other times... Well, let us say he'd fit nicely into the circus.

So begins...

Nathan Fenris's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sia Ryans Character Portrait: Delphinium Razportia Character Portrait: Nathan Fenris Character Portrait: Drake Herminski Character Portrait: Jack Jackson
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#, as written by Byte
Well fuck. Always the late one, wasn't he? Didn't help that his older bro wouldn't give in to Nate's pleading words. Christ was it a hassle to borrow his motorcycle for just a day, just one day. Okay, he probably could've poofed, but ehm... Not the best way to draw attention. So? Bike it was.

Parking the old wreck of a cycle with everlasting patience, Nathan couldn't help but wonder how things were going to roll. He was definitely late, so a warm, care-free greeting wouldn't do. Sod it, he'd just walk in like he owns the damn place.

And just as suspected, a warm welcome wasn't one of the things immediately apparent either. Good God, ass-hat numero uno was definitely in the house! Fuck, that guy had to be a mental escapee. There is no sodding plausible way that this... Testosterone-powered machine, guy.. thing didn't attract any attention in every day society life! Okay, yeah, Nathan knew his name was Jack. But fuck that! Psycho is much, much more appropriate.

β€œ'Ello ladies and gents! Sorry for being late. I had some problems getting 'ere.”

Nathan butted in with his trademark overly joyous voice, like this was daily routine for him, as Jack fell into the void of his usual tantrum. --That insane fuck-- But hey, there were much more interesting people that had decided to show up for the party!

β€œDrake.” Nate nodded at the young man as he took a seat, kicking his feet on top of the generic grey tables. β€œAaand, can't forget 'bout our two lovely ladies, can I? Didn't miss anything good I hope?” The man turned his wide grin at the only two female members of the group, raising his fedora to reveal his black eyes as they gazed at the two... How'd he call it? Lady friends, I guess.

One, two, three... Yep, that makes five, all of 'em. Let business begin.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sia Ryans Character Portrait: Delphinium Razportia Character Portrait: Nathan Fenris Character Portrait: Drake Herminski Character Portrait: Jack Jackson
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Sia flicked her eyes towards Jack when he showed up. Sometimes when she went for long without the book, the voices in her head would scream at her to maim him somehow. He was strong and she wasn't as strong, so that was probably why they would do that. She didn't have any particular feelings for Jack, though. He was just a big dumb oaf. Still he was quiet for some time, until he noticed that Nathan wasn't around. Nathan was a good looking guy, but Sia thought he could be kind of airheaded. He didn't seem to be too bothered by Sia's behavior usually and he always spoke politely to her. The voices in her head never actually addressed him-- it was as though he didn't exist to them. Perhaps they were afraid of him? Of course if she could read the stupid book she might be able to figure out why those stupid voices were like that. She went to a table and sat down, gazing at the pages of her book without actually seeing the words.

Nathan finally appeared and addressed Sia and Delphinium. She nodded at him and said nothing. If she spoke, Sia knew either an argument would start or Delphinium and Drake would start getting on her case. Sometimes Nate did too, though Sia didn't pay him much mind one way or another when he started yapping at her about good versus evil. It was weird, but she usually just argued with these people and they were supposed to be her friends. Okay, but if they weren't always trying to do the moral thing instead of just doing what's gotta be done, we wouldn't have to argue this much. She thought.

Drake finally got the meeting started. "Say hello to the Zamzonite. Originally thought to be an alien being, but in truth, a mutant that's been tearing up the west coast recently." He said as he brought up a creature on the monitor within one of the walls. Sia paged through her book idly. The creature was definitely different... she'd give the thing that much. Violet was not a flattering color or good for hiding. I've gotta say that I'm not a fan of the hair either, Sia thought, looking the creature over. She wasn't sure what it was-- a conglomeration of other animals, maybe?-- but whatever it was, it was covered in coarse hair in specific areas. Drake continued, talking about the creature's regenerative powers and a strange defense mechanism that made the coarse hair become as solid as steel. Then, almost abruptly, he said, "Care to mention any stories of your exploits prior to coming here? I myself have just accidentally condemned two men to the chair, and feel rather guilty for it. Anyone at all?"

That was too funny-- Drake, the champion of morality, sending someone to their death? Smirking, she leaned forwards. "You sent two men to the chair? Were you channeling my aura or whatever it is that you hippies do?" She asked, chuckling. "...What, were they against the use of solar power in homes? Not going green? Or did they harm some precious animals?" Sia tipped her head. "...Well... No, that would make Del mad. Not you, Drake. Maybe they were just wondering why a lumberjack was wandering around in the city instead of being in the backwoods?" She purred, glancing at his flannel shirt. "...But as long as we're asking about our day jobs and straight up murdering people, I did happen to demolish a library and it's patrons a few minutes ago." Pausing, she stared at Drake. "...And as you can tell, the guilt is just wracking my system." Sia sent him a saccharine smile that could have melted paint off of walls. "But I like to think my reasoning was sound." She said teasingly. Before he could respond to this, she followed up with some questions about the creature. "So, what, the government made this Zamzonite thing and we're supposed to stop it... or is it just a mutant creature of unknown origin? What methods have already been tried to stop these guys outside of just shooting the things? I can bust through steel pretty easily, so I'm gonna need more information than what you've given me here. Are their hairs some kind of special alloy or do we not know that yet? And why exactly are we stopping them, anyway?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sia Ryans Character Portrait: Delphinium Razportia Character Portrait: Nathan Fenris Character Portrait: Drake Herminski Character Portrait: Jack Jackson
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The first person whom Del can sense nearing is Sia, a human who has the ability to use what this race calls 'black magic', though she doesn't appear quite capable of controlling her own potential, from the times that Del has been around for more powerful exhibitions of Sia's powers. The two aren't exactly close, both having their own moral standpoint on how to go about doing things. This isn't to say that Del isn't above swinging fists and getting her hands dirty to reach the desired goal, but at the same time she isn't going around blowing things up just because her temper is a bit foul that morning. Sia's seeming disregard for the lives of others is something which never ceases to get on the alien woman's nerves, and the two women getting into small arguments over such things isn't all that unusual. When the group had first formed, Del had hoped to somehow befriend Sia, because she hadn't really had much interaction with humans outside of school and protests, but it was clear almost immediately that such a thing wasn't going to happen in this millennium. Instead, the two manage to tolerate each other to an extent, although the line is very thin and constantly seems near breaking. For now, she says nothing to Sia, only nodding in her general direction, her unseeing eyes facing her but not registering anything as she senses the energy in her mind. She can smell smoke on the young woman, but does not comment on it, for now. Though Del is far from nonconfrontational, she doesn't desire to step on Sia's feet so soon in the regrouping.

"Fuck everything," growls a familiar voice, angry as usual. Honestly, even if his voice and energy weren't familiar, Del probably could have identified the team member simply based upon his words of greeting. Sia may be a bit temperamental, but as far as Del is concerned she had absolutely nothing on Jack Jackson, the human man with the stupid name and a mouth that, if human swears transferred to Caltarion ones, could rival the most vile and drunken of City Koles, who are, unfortunately, well known for vulgar language. Due to having been raised as a servant of a wealthier Rashna, Del never really adopted such a language, if only because using it in front of her family's employers would have meant a very harsh beating that would have had to be treated for the next week or so. Even the thought of it makes Del grimace slightly, remembering how she learned the lesson to keep her vocabulary in check. "For fuck sake, are we going to have to wait for that asshole Fenris? Cocky little fucker, with his dumb fuckin' hat 'n shit."

He would have been cut up and beaten until he couldn't move for months, Del muses coolly when she hears Jack speak further, swearing becoming more condensed with each sentence that was spit out of his mouth. Subconsciously, she notes that, apparently, Fenris always wears a hat. It hasn't been brought up before, and for all she knows everyone could be waltzing around completely nude- clothing doesn't exactly give off an energy for her to read, after all. The alien woman doesn't even bother greeting Jack- it'd only send him into some psychotic rant about the fact that 'he doesn't need no damn greeting from some fuckin' dolphin girl' or something like that. She really wishes he wouldn't mock her name every single time they meet- well, he hasn't yet. Not that she knows of, anyway, as she hasn't entered anyone's mind.

Del can hear the roar of an old motorcycle nearing, but it is the mystical energy flowing off of the rider that lets her know that Fenris, and apparently his hat, are nearly here. Unlike with Jack and Sia, Del has no real issues with Fenris, or Drake for that matter. They both have decent personalities, and the latter has intelligence that is comforting, considering that this planet does typically seem slightly lacking in that department. "Ello, ladies and gents! Sorry for being late. I had some problems getting 'ere." Del turns towards him, or rather his energy and general area, and nods in greeting. She clearly isn't the sort for actually saying hello, preferring brief nods. Besides, she'd really like to get on with whatever Drake has to tell them- she has things to do, after all. Finally, Drake comes out and begins to speak, but it is soon clear that he forgot to take her into consideration when making a diagram of this "Zamzonite" thing. He explains it briefly, and based on the slight whirring of a shifting image puts other things up on the screen- yet more stuff for Del to be ignorant of. He mentions a hostile species, but does not offer any names.

This would be a lot easier if- oh, f'asdne, Del thinks with a soft sigh, crossing her arms over her chest and giving up on pretending like these little visuals help her at all, not bothering to even angle her head towards them anymore. "I myself just accidentally condemned to men to the chair," Drake mentions, making Del narrow her eyes ever so slightly with irritation. Perhaps he has a good reason, but until it is given she isn't really too pleased with such a thing. Honestly, sometimes these people are no better than the Rashna, she thinks irritably. When Sia speaks, it is practically with the intention of angering Del further, as the human girl speaks sarcastically about what transgressions the men may have committed, drawing Del into it by mentioning that the harm of animals would have insulted her enough to kill people, not Drake.

"We can't all be Rashna-f'asdnein J'orglas," Del spits back at Sia, before remembering that the girl won't have the slightest clue what she is talking about. "Oh, forget it," the young woman begins to mutter when she hears Sia mention demolishing a library. Del practically worships the fact that this country has public libraries, even if they are absolutely no good to her, because such an institution would be laughed at on Caltar. Things available to be borrowed for free? Preposterous. Everything has its price and security is always provided when transactions are made- at least, if a wealthier person wants there to be, anyway. "What were-" Del falls silent again, closing her eyes and trying to regain some sort of calmness, only succeeding because Sia goes on to ask some legitimate questions. She waits for an answer to those before posing her own inquiries.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sia Ryans Character Portrait: Delphinium Razportia Character Portrait: Nathan Fenris Character Portrait: Drake Herminski Character Portrait: Jack Jackson
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#, as written by Byte
There wasn't a whole lot of chatting. None at all, in fact. Granted, Psycho took up most of the vocal space in this crummy little building, with his foul-mouthed vocabulary and all that, but at least have the decency to act like they were somewhat acquainted. Nathan gently tipped his hat forward over his eyes, closing the black beads as his mouth uttered a single, muffled sigh when Drake began the meeting, slash personal speech about some otherworldly creature, fish, hairy-ape... Mutant!

Thing looked god-damn ugly, or maybe that was just high-tech technology not showing the reject's natural charms. Either way, someone had to guide that thing to the nearby barber, maybe discuss the possibilities of pigment alteration? Yuck- Pinkie mutant. Nate could feel a shiver of disgust crawling ever so slowly up his fragile spine, did they really have to? Oh- Jolly joy-ho! They were going to trace this thing down, weren't they?

As time passed, Drake brought up many interesting charts, including assumed powers, attributes, and whatnot. Okay, that pretty much caught his attention right there, what shampoo does that guy use? Nathan could certainly use some of that! Not a scratch to lay on 'm, cement, maybe?

When Drake had finished talking, not without going on his proud deed for the day, accidentally or no, Nate listened on the posed questions from Sia, slash her possible taunt directed at Del- Dela- Deli... Delphi! Honestly, he hadn't a single clue as to why that was necessary. But! Then again, from what Nate managed to gather, those two were like opposites. Like, complete polar opposites. Bah, as long as they hadn't planned on flipping each other's shit while on hero duty. Bad team-influence that is!

Not that Nathan would actually vocalize his many opinions. It was basically live and let live for him, don't bother Nate, and you won't be bothered either. He had yet to form any concrete opinions on both ladies. Personality-wise, anyway.

β€œ...And why exactly are we stopping them, anyway?”

Sorry, what? Hadn't they planned to set out just yet? Oh, question rounds. Nathan flicked his mind back to reality as he found his mind having wandered away from the mutant subject, though he had registered Sia's barrage of questions.

β€œDon't need a why, do we? Anything to nudge us from our boring, daily routines. Me, anyway.” Nate butted in, stretching his back as on hand scratched the back of his head.

β€œStill, the lass throws a few legit darts. What exactly is this thing made of? And, have you tried torching the bugger? Fire is a damn good exterminator if ye ask me.” Actually, Nate could just snap his fingers and send it to the moon if one so wished, not that hard! But the method of elimination wasn't what bothered the young man's mind. Rather, why they haven't heard of it before, surely there must've been sightings? And, if not, how did it hide itself so well?