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Hayley Stanhope

0 · 429 views · located in Arcana Academy, California

a character in “The Arcana Academy”, as played by Arabella13



Full Name: Hayley Elizabeth Stanhope
Nicknames: If any.
Age: 18
Birthdate: October 5th
Home Town: Massachuesetts, New England, Cape Cod
Sexuality: Heterosexual

School: Arcana
Power: My powers are simple and not very powerful. They consist of really the basic form of sound manipulation. Meaning I can change the pitch and volume of a noise I hear. I am also able to mimic any voices or sounds I hear exactly by changing the tone, pitch, and volume of my own voice. And if you ask me the only thing I am the master at is imitating voices. She cannot perform her many voices or power for more than an hour. If she does her voice will crack and then she cannot speak for about half an hour afterwards.
    Roses, running, animals, guys, swimming, candy, playing games, complimenting people, receiving praise, and hugging people.
    I don't like it when people are mean, put downs, fire, the dark, cocky and arrogant people, cages, or sound proof anything. I also have ADHD which totally sucks.
Fears: I am seriously afraid of fire. I don't like being around it or next to it I get really scared. I also am scared that some day someone will trap me in a sound proof glass box, or cage.

Personality: Hayley is a very caring person. She loves making others feel good and is an overall cheery girl. She loves giving out compliments and praise as much as she does receiving it. Hayley is always happy and joyful is her own way. She loves showing people how much they matter to them be really showing it physically through friendly kisses or hugs to doing anything anyone wants. She is kind of submissive in that sort of way but she doesn't really know that she is so she can be taken advantage of rather easily. Hayley is a very protective person of her friends. If someone is in trouble she will try her hardest to help them, even risking her life so that they may either live or just not get harmed. She'd take a bullet for anybody and even though she may or may not say she means every word she says.
Hayley is a blunt person, but that's only because she cannot stand a lie to tolerate herself to force untruthful sentences out of her own mouth. . She loves to go crazy sometimes and have some fun. So much that she may get hurt or get into lots of trouble.

Sometimes when Hayley gets unfocused in situations she becomes a totally different person. She doesn't talk and will sometimes just either stare at the person who is talking and not get in a word they are saying, or just divert her attention to something else. She is quiet when she is quiet she doesn't care if people get annoyed with her because she doesn't feel like responding, she just stares at the person like thy didn't say anything. But this doesn't just happen when she isn't paying attention to things, it also happens when she gets nervous, scared, or is around people she doesn't know or is intimidated by.

There is a down side to Hayley as well. Hayley is so confident in herself that she thinks she is the best at what she does-swimming, running, mimicing etc. She thinks that if she accomplishes something that she is great and a master at the task or assignment. She will often give too much advice on a topic she feels she is "rather skilled" in too.

Hayley acts like a little kid as well. She likes to play jokes on people. Hayley will often act like a 10 year old and do stupid things. Like say, talk to people that hate her guts and then cry if she gets yelled at. She is a crier but it's something she can't help because she is soft and a bit immature when it comes to serious matters.

And because of her ADHD she can be a bit over hyperactive. She cannot keep her fingers/hands from shaking or moving for more than a minute or two and has the bad habit of shaking her legs and constantly moving or having weird spasms in any muscle on her body. She also shows up late to class, really because she can't keep track of time and because she cannot focus well. She has anxiety and panic attacks when she is pressured in something especially school, like cramming the night before a test or doing homework at the wrong time.

Hayley wasn't always the girl she was now, before she was diagnosed really. She was a happy, sweet, innocent girl. She lived with her father and mother in a happy environment and they were a picture perfect family. But sadly, Hayley's world came tumbling down when her mother was diagnosed with cancer and died.

Now the story leads off to her and her father. Being an only child and the only thing that reminded him of his dead wife, Hayley was often pushed to be perfect, an do everythin the way he wanted it to be done, If she didn't he would beat her. This cycle went on and since school was what his mean OCD was in, she in for a bit of a rougher relationship as you could say. Hayley was diagnosed with ADHD, a learning disorder where it gave her lots of horrible side affects. There was her lack of self control and complusiveness. She would often not be able to control what she said to her father, this leading to back talking, which lead to more fights, and eventually to more beatings. She also couldn't pay attention to anything for very long and this made her have learning troubles from the lack of focus she could build up to stay in tuned with the school work as well as homework.

Hayley was beat because of her ADHD quite often but never told anyone. She grew to be a bit shy and submissive around men who were bigger than her and stronger. Hayley was scared of people and screamed whenever someone came near her (she was about 7-10 in this screaming stage) and sometimes she'd scream so loud that she would break glass or crack it. She started to developed into a somewhat normal teenager minus the abuse from her father. But she discovered that back talking and imitating people as her specialty. She discovered she had the power to copy and match a persons voice or any sounds she had heard based on their pitch, tone, and volume.

Hayley being scared of people who were bigger than her wanted to use her powers to help use them to keep the people she was scared of away. She decided she wanted to use them for good not evil, by using her voice in police interrogations to get a confession out of a criminal by copying the voice of a loved one. She wanted to use her ability to put the bad people in jail for what they had done, something that no one else had done for her with her father. Hayley packed get things and ran away to Arcana Academy to study the control of her powers and make them be more efficient, effective, and in general a better and stronger voice.


So begins...

Hayley Stanhope's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Skylar Fiammetta Byrnes Character Portrait: Amber Nicole Romano Character Portrait: Eden Haven Character Portrait: Colby Haskins Character Portrait: Loralei Evans Character Portrait: Kaliyah Rickerson
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(Ingore the Lora tag!)

Eden Haven

Buuuuzzzz. Buuuuzzzz.

A groan escaped from Eden's mouth as he lifted his face off of his desk to look at the vibrating phone by his hand. He slowly sat up straight, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He looked down at his desk to see the outline for his newest comic strip. In this one, the hero Redline took on the Fearsome Five, a group of flirtacious villainesses trying to reek havoc on Arcana City. Though, it really didn't matter how flirtacious they were, because Redline wasn't exactly interested in...people like them.

It dawned on Eden that he fell asleep drawing, but it wasn't exactly the first time he did it. He shook his head and grabbed his phone, looking at the text he recieved from Kali. Oh Kali. She was one of his best friends and he was slightly excited to read what she sent him.
Hey you. Where are you? Are you awake?

Eden cocked his brow and looked at the time on the upper corner of his phone screen. 'Oh bleep.' He thought. He had slept in way to late. He jumped up from his chair, grabbing a tee shirt, jeans and some shoes, before running into his bathroom and rushing to get ready. He couldn't have picked a less perfect day to sleep in. The Noctrem students were coming today and he had to see who he was getting roomed with. He was assuming he would share with another Arcana student, because that was the only way that made sense. Everyone would be happy that way. He came out of his bathroom, dressed, and looked at Mary, who was frozen right next to his bed.

He walked over to her and placed his hand on her hand. "Hey Mary." He greeted her as her face began moving and she blinked. "You got to get up. We have to see who we're going to be living with." She flexed her fingers, which made noises that sounded like cracking, as if she was stiff from staying still for long. Mary nodded at Eden, moving every part of her body before cracking a smile. "Alright. I'm ready."

Eden grabbed his cellphone and started to respond to Kali.
Hey Kali. Overslept lol. Nothing unusual. Mary and I are going to see the roommate list. Wonder who I'll get.... Talk to ya soon :)

He sent the message and left the room with Mary not to far behind. "Do you know what time I fell asleep last night?" Eden asked Mary. She was rolling her neck, stretching and she seemingly took a deep sigh. "About two." Her wings flapped behind her, almost as if they were made from flesh. She looked around the hallways as they soon, they saw the crowd of students around the list. "I hope we get someone good." Mary said. Eden shrugged. "As long as we don't get anyone mean, I'm fine." Mary nodded in agreement as the duo made their way to the mob of students.

They got some strange looks, which Eden could understand. It didn't matter if people knew about Eden's ability, seeing a statue move and talk was a weird sight for most. Eden scooted and politely pushed past several students, saying "Sorry" and "Exuse me." until they made their way to the list. He scanned the list, but his mouth dropped when he saw that the rooms were mixed. "What? What's going on with this?" He asked. "Who'd we get?" Mary asked, attempting to make it look like she was raising an imaginary eyebrow.

Eden shrugged before looking back at the list and finding his name. "Uhhh...Room Fourteen: Eden Havan and Marcurio Espenosa." He read aloud. He turned to Mary with an annoyed look on his face. "They spelled Haven wrong. They put H-A-V-A-N. They put an A, not E." Mary chuckled, making a sound similar to rocks clacking together. "Again?" She asked and Eden shrugged his shoulders. "It's alright, I guess. I wonder who this Marcurio guy is." Mary nodded. "Let's head back to the room. Maybe he's there." Eden thought for a moment and shook his head. "I'm going to try and find Kali. Want to come with?" Mary nodded and smiled. The angel liked the girl. She had spunk.

Eden took out his phone and quickly called Kali. After the ringing stopped and she picked up, Eden began. "Heeeeeeey Kali. Where are you? I'm being to lazy to look around

Amber Romano

Amber woke up early that morning. She had to get everything planned before she moved into the new school. She sat up in her bed, with the infamous Black Book in front of her. She held a pencil in her right hand, scribbling down notes and thoughts to herself. "Hmmm...Note to self-" She said aloud as she wrote. "Pay attention to Jaysin. He seems nervous around me." She put the pencil down next to three knives laying on her bed. She picked up the red one by the tip and with a fluid flick of her wrist- Thud!- the knife whisked through the air and embeded itself into the dartboard she had set up on the wall oppisite of her. A smile came to her lips as she closed the book and jumped out of the bed to get ready for the day.

It wasn't like she needed to put real clothes and make-up on. She could just shift to make it look like she had clothes on, but she liked the process of getting ready. It for Amber. After her shower, she put on her make-up, deciding which eye color she would choose for the day. " maybe?" She closed her eyes and when she opened them, they were crystal blue. She frowned. "Green?" She repeated the process and grinned at the result. She walked backed to her bed, putting the Black Book, the knives, and her pencil into her purse. Then Amber took the dartboard off the wall and placed it into her luggage. She smirked and thought to herself. 'Get ready Arcana. I'm coming for ya.'

Amber got off the bus, fully dressed. She smiled and looked around at the school, purse slung over her shoulder. She strutted over to her luggage, grabbing her bags, her heels clicking and clacking on the floor. She studied the faces of those passing her by, her emerald eyes gleaming with a michievious light. This was going to be fun.

She walked over to the list and read all the names. 'Actually...' She thought, taking out her phone and snapping a picture of the list. It would be useful to know where everyone was living. She walked away, staring at the picture on her phone, looking for her name. "Hayley Stanhope?" Amber asked aloud. It took a moment before the image of the other girl popped into her mind. "Oh. Her." Though Amber wasn't thrilled with her new roommate, at least she wasn't with someone she couldn't stand. Like Sky was.

She laughed as she saw him cursing in a mix of English and Spanish. That was a telltale sign of the pyro being pissed off. She walked past him and Colby, looking around for something to do. She heard Mr. Marino's voice boom over the school and a smile came to her lips. She didn't know why, but she liked going to assemblys. They gave her time to look at everyone, time to get to know their facial expressions. It was a personal hobbie of Amber's.

She whistled as she walked to her room to put her stuff down. "Room Thirteen." She said to herself as she walked down the hallways. She found it and let herself in, laying all her bags on her bed. She took out her dartboard and set it up on the oppisite wall facing her bed, just as she had done at the hotel. A smile came to her face. This was going to be great.

Sky Byrnes

He laughed as he held Cor's retorts. Especially the one about giving his new roommate a huge. "Maybe I'll even suck his dick!" He yelled back at her, chuckling as he walked along. Sky smiled as Colby appeared in front of him, with that huge goofy grin on his face and his arms outstretched to help out with his luggage. "Thanks." He said, before setting the Party Box into Colby's arms, the sound of glass bottles bumping against each other coming from inside. It didn't take the speedster long to start talking. He immediately went into a long (and loud) string of comments. He cocked a brow when he heard the part about Colby's roommate being an elf. Sky immediately knew who Colby's elf was, but he just smiled and waited for Colby to figure it out for himself.

Sky opened his mouth several times to try and get a word in, but then again it was Colby and that was very unlikely to happen. So Sky just waited for Colby to finish, but before he could, the speedster was caught off by Leo's message to the school. An assembly? Wasn't exactly his cup of tea, but whatever. They wouldn't have to force him to go. He looked back at Colby who, surprise surprise, was talking again. He said that they should get him settled in. A good idea in Sky's opinon, but he liked Colby's second suggestion better.

"Alright, let's make this snappy then haha." Sky laughed, eager to put his things away and go back to Colby's room. He imagined what they'd do this time and a dreamy smile came to his lips. "Well, let's go. I don't want to spend much time with my new roomie." He grimaced. "I'm in a room with Jay." He shuttered "I really would have rather been with you or that Eden kid." He bit his lower lip. "I'm sorry, but he's one yummy order of asian take-out." He laughed, but then he noticed that Colby was alittle zoned out. "Uh...Are you alright, Colbs? You seemed kinda...out of it. And I should know about that." Sky would and Colby was one of the few people who knew about his own flashbacks.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amber Nicole Romano Character Portrait: Hayley Stanhope
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Hayley Stanhope

Hayley came into the gates of the school. She felt a bit nervous at all the newcomers this year from the evil school of Noctrem. She wasn't being her usual happy, super hyper, and friendly self today. Being that her powers were probably the weakest of everyone else's abilities, she felt vulnerable and helpless. Hayley was very sure she wasn't strong enough to fight off one of the big Noctrem guys and this made her have an unsettling feeling.

Hayley walked up the walkway to the front doors and into the lobby. She made her way to the stairs looking for any of her friends to say hi, or really what she was looking for was a bit of reassurance. She went to the second floor where she knew that all the student rooms were located and went up the stairwell. Once she got to her designated floor she walked slowly past all of the numbers on the doors, along the enormous hallway, that seemed to go on and on forever. She finally came to her room, 'Room Thirteen'. SHe opened the door and walked inside. She was surprised to see her room mate Amber, already there. She put on a friendly smile and walked over to her bed and dumped her bag onto the bed.

Hayley glanced over at Amber and said sweetly, "Hi Amber, welcome to Arcana Academy. Are you finding" She smiled and giggled at her loose of words.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Skylar Fiammetta Byrnes Character Portrait: Amber Nicole Romano Character Portrait: Landon Hirst Character Portrait: Colby Haskins Character Portrait: Theodore McCaffrey Character Portrait: Hayley Stanhope
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Amber Romano

Amber was finally finished with putting her stuff away. She kneeled down, sliding a small jewelry box (containing some of Amber's favorite things) under her bed when she heard the room's door open and close. She stood up and turned around to smile at the head of blonde hair that entered their room. A polite smile rested on Amber's lips as she listened to the other girl greet her and welcome her to the academy. 'She seems nice.' Amber thought. "Thanks Hayley." She said, still smiling. "The school seems really nice. It's a nice change of scenery, especially coming from that motel." She pretended to shiver and grinned at the girl.

Amber stared at the girl for a moment, assessing all the little things about her. 'Light blue eyes. Curly blonde hair. Fair hair, not dirty blonde. Slim build, not many curves. Heart shaped lips. Tiny nose...' Every second that passed, more and more details were added to Amber's mental list. The Noctrem student kept smiling at the Arcana, then spoke. "You know, we haven't spoken at all since I've been going here." Her emerald eyes lit up as she spoke. "I hope we get to change that. We'll have a lot of time to talk now that we're roomies." Her friendliness seemed sincere enough, but most would be rather unsettled by the way Amber spoke. So...formal for a girl of her age.

She grabbed her purse and slung it over her shoulder. "I'm going to get some breakfast, but I'll see you at Mr. M's assembly." She walked toward the door and past Hayley, placing her hand on the other girl's shoulder. "I look forward to getting to know you." She said, smiling again, before she left the room and went into the hallways.

Amber walked down the hallways, ignoring all the action going around her and thinking to herself. She made a mental list of potential allies at the school. Now was a time to recruit. People were confused by what was going on and vastly different personalities were clashing. It was a perfect storm for gossip and rumors to bloom. Amber's buissness could flourish, but she just needed the right people to help her add fuel to the fire. Ellie was an obvious choice. Her gift would give Amber a huge advantage. No one would be able to hide anything from them. Then, after Ellie, there was Theo. Theo, Theo, Theo. He had been avoiding her for a while and Amber had an idea of why. He knew that she wanted his help, but for some reason, he didn't seem eager to join her. Next was Freya. That girl had so much potential to cause trouble. Nothing was in more demand on the Gossip Market than some juicy hook ups and romance. Amber wondered if the girl could make a straight guy fall for another guy. That would be an entertaining project.

The girl grabbed a tray, placeing some toast, a waffle, some bacon, and nice, bright red apple on it. She turned to look for a place to sit and- Oh! Was that Theo over there? Amber's lips curled into a devilish smile as she strutted over to his table, her heels clicking and clacking against the cafeteria's shiney wood floor. She sat down across from Theo, puting up her hand and daintily waved at him in greeting.

'Headphones.' was the first thing she observed as she took her seat. She gave Theo a polite smile, setting her bag down in the seat next to her. She reached into it, taking out the Black Book and a red pen. She flipped through the pages until she came upon a blank page. She scribbled something down on the paper, ripped it from the book and laid it down in front of the boy.
It read,
Let's talk

Amber took one of her knives out of her bag and held it in her left hand, apple in her right. She watched Theo as she cut a sliver of the fruit off, and ate it off the blade. She smiled at Theo as she chewed (with her mouth closed, of course) her bright green eyes gleaming as she thought of his potential in the buissness. 'We could do great things.' she thought.

Sky Byrnes

Sky shook his head in amusement as he listened to the two best friends in front of him. It somewhat reminded him of his own relationship with his good friend Curio. 'Where is Curio?' Sky thought, but his attention was taken by the new information Colby has just dropped. Jay doesn't feel comfortable with guys hitting on him? An evil smile came to the pyro's lips as the wheels started turning in his head. "Oh poor guy." He started, smirking. "I'm going to make his life Hell." Sky started on a mental list of things to buy to make his new roomie super uncomfortable. He was going to need a bunch of gay dirty magazines, some Twilight posters (the ones with Taylor Lautner), and few other things that escaped Sky's mind. 'Note to self.' Sky thought. 'Turn any and all coversations with Jay sexual and hit on him whenever possible.' "Oh God, could you imagine what Jay would do if we all came onto him at once?" Sky broke out laughing, just imagining how Jay's face would look. "That'd be great."

Colby has gone onto a new subject (like he usually did) and nudged Sky's arm, making the pyro laugh. "None taken. And I really wish I'd got you too. That'd be fun." God, would it be fun. Sky's grades would probably suffer, but he'd still get a workout everyday. Sky bit his lower lip as he though about it but he stopped when he saw Theo. The kid confused him a little. He was never consistant with Sky. Sometimes he looked really pissed off at him, other times he look amused.

Sky shrugged at Colbs question. "I guess. Honestly, he was picked on pretty bad when he first came to Noctrem. Lots of kids thought his power was useless." The pyro thought if he'd ever seen Theo happy. "Oh wait! There was a point were he didn't seem like he wanted to kill everyone!" A grin formed on Sky's mouth when he remembered. "It was when, I think, he was dating..." His smile fell. "Scott." Scott was the only student to die in the Noctrem fire. The thought of what Theo must've been going through crushed Sky. He knew what it was like to lose someone close to you before it was their time. His own mother, drowned by her dead husband's brother.

He shook it off and continued the conversation. "So yeah, I guess he was happy for a little. I feel really bad about what happened to Scott. Maybe I could've helped." Sky's stomach growled loudly and he looked down at it. "Woah." He said laughing. "Just a second." He went in front of Colby and carefully took off the top of the Party Box, revealing several large bottles of whiskey and tequila, a few boxes of condoms (of assorted colors and flavors), a couple of firecrackers, and lastly, a large bag of candy.

Sky took out a green lollipop and popped it into his mouth before looking at the other boys. "Do you guys want any candy? I know it's the morning and everything, but just so you can eat something before breakfast?"