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Kitty Lee

"Who run the world? Girls!"

0 · 1,395 views · located in Arcana Academy, California

a character in “The Arcana Academy”, as played by LuckyNumber24



Full Name: Alecto Katherine Lee
Nicknames: I comepletely hate my first name, so just call me Kitty. Everyone does.
Age: 18
Birthdate: December 27th
Home Town: I was born in New York, but my family moved to L.A. when I was a few years old. I'm a California girl to the core.
Sexuality: Sadly, I'm straight. If I liked other women in that way, I wouldn't need a man for anything.

School: I went to Arcana a few years ago and now...I'M BAAAACK!
Power: I'm strong. The end. It's not the most complicated ability in the world, but I guess I'll try to go into depth about it. I can lift things about 1,000 times my weight (well that's what my mom tells me) and I can punch holes into walls really easily. Like, if tried to punch a hole in a person, I probably could do that pretty easily too. My power kinda comes with some ehanced durablility, which just means I can take more hits than the normal person. Super strength does come with it's drawbacks, despite how cool it can be sometimes. I have to be extremely careful about how much force I'm using when I do anything. You have no idea how many doors I've broken just by knocking on them. I used to have a really good handle on my gift, but I've gotten alot stronger recently and it's so much harder to control. Pray that you never piss me off. I also have to eat a lot. I guess that it takes alot of fuel to keep a one woman wreaking machine going.
~Animals (Especially cats! ^-^)
~Strong women
~Social media
~Girly things
~Cute boys
~One Direction (Oh. My. Gawd. I LOVE THEM!!!)
~Dramatic T.V. shows
~Reality shows
~Make up
-Male chauvinism
-Dumb girls (They give us a bad reputation)
-Breaking things
-Being embarassed
-Being hungry
-Being quiet
Fears: I'm terrified that there's man who'll beat me at everything...and that I'll love him. I know it's fucking weird, but whateves. I don't care.

Alright, I admit it, at first I come off as one of those annoying girly types that hate getting their hands dirty. I'm pretty loud, love all things feminine, and I can text at insane speeds (though I have to be careful). But there's so much more to me than that! Though most people don't expect it, I'm totes a feminist and I think that women are better than men. Period. We're just graceful fucking creatures, y'know? I don't hate men or anything, it's just that I want to prove that women can do anything they can do. The only difference is that we can do it in heels. I hate it when girls constantly get their hearts broken by douchebags and I try to get all the girls I know to reach their full potential. We honestly don't need men for much, but I find that most girls just want them. I understand it and everything, but it just bugs me that I want a good guy so bad. Wait, did I just say that outloud? Fuck. Moving on then... I'm a pretty straightforward person and I dislike liars and people who gossip. It's my opinion that liars and gossipers are the reason the woman can't get along. I mean, it's a pity to see girls fight. We could, like, rule the world if we all came together. Vaginas unite!

I have a bad habit of becoming obssessed with celebrities (specifically a certain British boyband) and I'll spend alot more time than I'd like to admit staring at pictures of them on my phone. I love going to parties and dancing to some good music, but I think the best evening is one spent with a few girlfriends having a sleepover, eating icecream, and watching some t.v. Who wouldn't love that? Another fun fact about me is that I'm pretty competitive. Especially when the competition is male. This competive streak causes me to be a tad aggressive, but nothing extremely major. I'm extremely friendly to everyone and if I consider you a friend, I'll have your back until you give me a really good reason not to.

I was born to Percy Lee, a Korean-American business man and his lovely Greek wife, Artemis. Dad spent most of his time working and traveled alot, usually to Korea. Mom worked alot too, being the proud owner of her own fashion line, but she still spent alot of time with me and my two half sisters. She taught us to be strong and that, when the time was right, the Goddesses of Old would give us all gifts. We didn't necessarily understand what that meant at the time, but we would eventually. She read to us every night, usually stories of ancient Greek heroes, like Hercules and Perseus. They weren't the typical tellings of the story, though, and they always portayed the male hero in a...darker way. It wasn't too long before my mother decided to tell me and my sisters the truth. My mother was apart of a secret society of women, decendents of the ancient Amazons, the warrior women of Greece. And she also revealed that my sisters and I were decendents of Hippolyta, queen of the Amazons and daughter of Ares. Most people don't know this, but Hippolyta had a son named Hippolytus with Theseus, the guy that killed the minotaur, but my mom doesn't exactly like to talk about that. I guess Theseus had kidnapped Hippolyta, forced her to marry him, and then dumped her to marry some chick named Phaedra. It was this whole thing and it didn't end well. In fact, it ended in the Amazons raiding Athens and trying to kill everyone at the wedding.

Not long after we discovered the truth, we were inducted into the Amazonian society and we began to learn more. Apparently, every decendent of Hippolyta was given a gift by the Goddesses of Old. My mom's own ability was the power to speak to and control wild animals. She said that our gifts would come soon and they did. My sisters and I got our powers about the same time. I, obviousy, was blessed with super strength while my sisters recieved their own gifts. It was around this time that my mom got pregnant again. I think I was about 4 or 5 at the time and I was super excited to have a baby sister. But not everything happened the way we thought it would. Artemis gave birth to a healthy baby boy and it shocked our fellow Amazons. There hadn't been a boy born into the line of Hippolyta for generations and many were upset and wanted my mom to give my brother up for adoption. She refused and swore to raise this boy as an Amazon. It's a weird concept, but she made sure she got the point across. Anyways, my sisters and I loved our little brother, but we still had some fun beating him up. Our training got more intense as we got older and our powers became much stronger. Soon, the Amazons couldn't teach us anymore and our mother sent us to Arcana.

We spent a year studying at Arcana, gaining control of our powers, before our mother brought us back. She said Arcana had taught her everything we could learn, but I think she just disliked the idea of a Spartan teaching us. Amazons and Spartans didn't exactly get along back in the day. So I went to a public highschool in L.A. and I became rather popular. I was a cheerleader, but I dropped out of the squad and pursued a more physical sport. I tried out for the football team and I became the best damn line backer the school had ever seen. No one knew how a tiny little asian girl could knock grown boys over like rag dolls. I thought it was hilarious, but all of a sudden, my powers suddenly got stronger. Like, really. I started breaking everything I touched and I broke a guys hand by giving him a high five. Mom knew I needed help, so she sent me back to Arcana. And here I am!

Anything else? So I have three siblings. My older half sister, Atalanta, takes after her dad (who died in a car accident). My mom says that everytime she looks into her blue eyes, all she sees is her first husband. Atalanta recieved the gift of Super Speed. My second sister, Helena, is an...interesting girl. She's a partier and she always has a boyfriend. And then she always gets back at them when they break up with her. Her power is Supernatural Beauty, which just means she's pretty. Oh, and, by the use of pheromones, she can heavily influence people's decisions. And if you here her sing, you're screwed. Then there's my brother, Hippo (short for Hippolytus) and he's the best. He's so funny and sweet and everyone loves him when they meet him. We aren't really sure what his power is. He's alot older than we were when we got our powers. Maybe the Goddesses won't give him a gift.

So begins...

Kitty Lee's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lulu Allen Character Portrait: Corentine Storm Quellen Character Portrait: Skylar Fiammetta Byrnes Character Portrait: Jackson Murphy Character Portrait: Kitty Lee Character Portrait: Amber Nicole Romano
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Kitty had gotten her room number and went there to unpack, which in itself was a horribly boring task for the girl. She sat on the carpet, her suitcase open in front of her, and she just stared at it, as if the contents of the bag was going to put itself away. She sighed loudly, standing up and kicking her suitcase to the side. She could just unpack later, it wasn't a big deal.

Kitty heard a large crash from outside her room, so she popped her head out of the room, seeing some kid on the floor. "Are you alright?" She asked, coming out of the room and (carefully) helping the kid up. He nodded and smiled at her, so Kitty took the time to take in his features. He was an asian guy, cute, but kinda young looking for her taste. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just tripped on my shoe laces." He said, laughing slightly. "I'm Eden." He continued, sticking his hand out. Kitty grinned back at him, shaking the friendly stranger's hand, squeezing slightly. "Hi Eden. I'm Kitty." He let go of her hand and running his fingers through his black hair. "Nice to meet you Kitty. Are you new?" Kitty nodded. "Well, kinda. I used to come here, but I just came back today." Eden nodded to show that he understood, but then his eyes lit up with an idea. "Oh, you should come to this party tonight! Everyone's going to be there!" He wore an adorable smile on his face, almost childish in nature.

She bit her bottom lip, thinking, before she made her decision. "Alright! That sounds like loads of fun, I just need to change really quick." Eden looked her up and down. "Why? You look great." Kitty's jaw dropped and she let out a loud "Awwwwwe! You are so cute! Just a second." She ran back into her room, slamming the door and tearing into her suitcase to find a suitable outfit to meet her new classmates in.

Several minutes later, Kitty left her room, fully dressed and ready to go. She posed in front of her door, swinging her small pink bag over her shoulder. Eden smiled and nodded. "You look great." Kitty let out a laugh. "I should. The last time I wore this, I was trying to impress One Direction at their San Diego concert." The boy laughed. "Well, I'm sure you got their attention. Let's go and I fill you in on some stuff going on at the school." Kitty nodded, looping her arm around Eden's, who she felt tense up when she touch. "Alrighty. Let's go!"

The duo walked down the halls as Eden began to brief his companion. "You know the kids from Noctrem are rooming with us, right?" "What?!"

The two soon found their way to the party, which seemed to be in full swing. People were everywhere, dancing, eating, and drinking. Kitty was definately impressed. She hadn't been to a party like this in a while. "Wow." She commented, simply. "This is nice." Eden chuckled, leading them through the crowd of people and getting them to the bar. Kitty's eyes wandered the party, taking in the glorious scene, when she saw it. "Oh Eden! Let's go dance!" She squealed, jumping up and down, tugging at Eden's sleeve. He smiled nervously and glanced sideways. "I don't really dance. But you can dance! Go have some fun, I'll be right here." Kitty pouted at him, but she complied, going over to the dancefloor. She swayed back and forth at first, but it wasn't before long Kitty got into it. Her body moved to the beat and a grin grew on her face. This was going to be a fun night for her.


Eden shook his head and laughed as Kitty left to go dance. He had only known her for a few minutes and she was already acting like they were best friends. He didn't mind though. Happy people like her made the world just alittle brighter. He turned around to face the bar. "Exuse me," He asked the bartender. "Could I get a Coke?"

After he had gotten his drink, Eden looked around, searching for people he knew. That's when he saw her. She was a blonde girl, just stitting alone at a table, drinking. There was something about her that Eden was instantly drawn too. Sure, she was a beautiful girl, but he just wanted to go talk to her. He put a smile on his face, mustering up some of his courage, and he walked over.

"Hi. Are you new here?" He asked, sitting down across from her. "I'm Eden." He smiled kindly, but his mind was racing with insecure thoughts. Why did he sit down? What if she wanted to be alone? 'Lord help me' Eden thought to himself.


Amber walked into the party, clad in a little red dress. She was in such a good mood today. She had finally gotten some dirt on Cor, though she didn't know what to do with it. The wind-manipulating little trollip had been a thorn in Amber's side for years at Noctrem and the blonde seemingly had no secrets, keeping her safe from Amber's claws. A small smile rested on the girl's lips as her heels clicked and clacked against the floor. She searched for Jackson, but instead of finding him, she saw Lora, the gypsy.

Lora was a cool girl in Amber's eyes. Not only did they share Gypsy heritage, but they kinda just clicked when they spoke. Amber strode over to the weather-manipulator, tapping her on the shoulder. "Hey there." She gave a fox-like smile to her friend. Her eyes scanned Lora, her brain making quick observations. "Love the henna!" She exclaimed, lifting Lora's hand to get a better look. Then she saw them out of the corner of her eyes.

Amber looked up and to the side, seeing Lulu and Jackson. It slightly bothered her that they were so close. While others saw them as good friends, Amber saw them for what the really were. They had potential to grow into something more...something romantic. Amber's smile fell, a tiny frown taking it's place. She turned her attention back to Lora. "So, you having fun?"


A huge smile was plastered on Sky's face as he entered the party. He was practically shaking with excitement like a kid as he made his way to the bar. There were certain things he was concerned about, but he tried not to think about them. The thing currently occupying him was Cor. She had come into his room and things quickly got heated (like they usually do) but then she just left. Sky should have known something was wrong. Her eye's were almost...was sad the right word? Sure, Sky would have preferred to nail Cor, but it wouldn't have been right. Something was obviously wrong with her, but Sky didn't even bother to ask her. All he had cared about was forgetting his own problems. Why was he so selfish...

'Speak of the blonde.' Sky thought, seeing Cor at the bar with Max. Mr. Henderson was an interesting man, but Sky didn't think he was the best teacher in the world. What kind of teacher sleeps with their students? That was pretty illegal. Sky decided not to think about it, so he got a couple shots from the bartender and he winked at Cor, smiling. He turned around, taking a quick shot, letting the alchohol work it's magic. He thought for a moment, noteing that he had been drinking earlier today as well. Maybe he should take it easy tonight. The pyro shook his head and let out a laugh. There was no way that was going to happen.

Another shot went down the hatch when Sky noticed Ashy drinking an orange juice by herself. "Ashy!" He shouted, grinning. "Come have a shot with me!"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kitty Lee Character Portrait: Valentina Almendarez Character Portrait: Aldous Gustavo Montague
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Valentina's day was been like it always was really. She kept to herself and tried not to get into any kind of trouble. She walked slowly to her room to change for a party that the school was throwing and knowing that everyone was going she know she would probably have to if she didn't want to be the only person who didn't. She walked through the hallow and quiet halls hearing the party a bit from where she was. Once reaching her room, she remembered how she would be sharing with one of the new students. Which she wasn't happy about, but she had to swallow her pride and just go with it. She took a quick shower, letting the steaming hot water go onto her body. It relaxed her. Meeting new people always did make her a bit overwrought just thinking about it.

Stepping out of the shower. Val dried herself off and tied the towel around her body as she look through her closet for an [ul=] outfit[/url] she knew she wanted to wear. Until she found it towards the back of her closet. "Finally." She said in a huff to herself. She slipped the white towel off and started to get dress. Rushing out of her closet she grabbed her nail polish and quickly started to add designs to her already painted white nails. She needed everything to well in order when she walked in. For a good first impression on the newest students coming to their school at least for the people she wanted to make a good impression on. She grabbed her favorite sapphire ring from her foster family, from under her pillow for safe keeping and slipped in onto her small ring finger. She turned softly to her mirror and exhaled. She fixed her straight hair, putting a small caramel colored piece of hair behind her pierced ear. She sprayed some of her vanilla perfume. But, just a little so it wasn't gagging her. Valentina turned towards the door and closed it behind her.

Walking the campus, she looked at all of the beautiful flora around her. All of the flowers, trees, and even the grass relaxed her. It calmed her. She felt the wind softly blow towards her face and go into her hair, blowing it back behind her small shoulder. She continued to walk on the walk way, not wanting to get her heels stuck into the grass. As she walked she started to think what to do when she first got there. Would she look for a friend or would she just be a loner, like always and keep to herself at a table set in a corner.

When she entered the party, she could tell it was right in the middle of the fun. Looking around she could see a couple of faces she knew by name. But, the one person she was sort of close to, Kitty. Seemed to be having fun on the dancefloor and dancing was not her thing what so ever. But, she knew Kitty would call her over soon, seeing that Valentina was her little project. To make her open up to people more. She walked over to the bar and looked at what they had. If they had anything other than alcohol, seeing that she wasn't going to drink until legal age unlike the male next to her. Who asked for Ulex Dark. Something she wasn't very familiar, but she didn't know the man. And, when it came to men and boys, she became nervous like no other.

"Can I get you anything, Miss?"

She looked up at the bartender and exhaled. She nodded. "Can I just get some soda, por favor? I do not care what type."
The man had a smirk on his face but nodded as he got her the bubbly clear drink.

"Here you are." The man said with a smile.

She smiled back and took a sip of her drink before sitting down and crossing her legs. Valentina looked at Kitty and smiled at her, hoping that she would come over. And start a conversation with her so that she didn't feel so..... Alone.


Coming Soon

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Skylar Fiammetta Byrnes Character Portrait: Kitty Lee Character Portrait: Amber Nicole Romano Character Portrait: Ashleigh Fox Character Portrait: Eden Haven
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A pout formed on Sky's bottom lip as his company left him, leaving him looking like a sad puppy. "Fine! I don't need any of you anyways!" He took a couple of steps toward the direction that Ashy went. "Ashy! I was kidding, I love you! Come back!" But she was gone. Sky chewed on his bottom lip, drunkily looking around again, searching for something to entertain himself. His sober self came took over for a moment. "Maybe I should go to sleep in my room." He thought aloud, taken several steps toward the rooms, but his sober self quickly gave into his blood alcohol level and he forgot about what he was doing.

He looked around, sighing. Why was everyone leaving him? Was he being annoying? No, everyone loved him, that couldn't be it. He walked towards the bar, taking a seat. "Botella de agua por favor." He said to the bartender, who just looked at him in a confused manner. Sky glared back, slightly annoyed. "Am I not speaking English? Could I get a water bottle please?" The bartender rolled his eyes and grabbed a water bottle and gave it to Sky. "Thanks."

The pyro quickly down the water before looking to his side, a smile coming to his lips. "Heeey Eden."


Eden was alone, just drinking at the bar. The night hadn't gone the way he had hoped it would've. The girl he was talking to had just stopped replying to him for no reason, but that was probably his fault. Maybe he creeped her out for some reason. He looked down at the glass of yellowish liquid in front of him. Why did people like to drink? This was his second glass of the stuff and it hadn't made him feel any better. The only difference he noticed was the warm feeling in his stomach. Maybe Eden deserved to feel like this. He hadn't done anything great since he'd been at Arcana. Sure, he'd learned how to control his power alittle more, but it wasn't like he'd saved any lives or anything. His parents probably expected him to become some kind of superhero. Oh God, his parents.

He rubbed his temples as a wave of guilt hit him. He still hadn't told them that he liked guys. But how could you bring that up? 'Hey mom and dad, Arcana's great and by the way, I'm bisexual. Alright, love you guys, bye.' Eden sighed as he leaned back in his chair. "Heeey Eden." The Arcana student jumped when he heard another man greet him. Eden sighed with relief when he saw that it was just Sky. "Oh, hey Sky." The pyro laughed. "Didn't mean to scare you." "Yeah, It's no problem. I'm just alittle tired, I guess. I think I'm going to go to bed soon." Eden looked over to the other boy, seeing an evil glint in his eyes. "Are you alright?" Eden asked, laughing nervously. "You got the villain eyes going on." Sky shook his head, laughing. "Yeeeaaah. I'm just pretty hammered right now." Eden laughed. "I figured." "But let's do some shots before you call it a night. What do you say?"

Eden raised an eyebrow at Sky, but shrugged. "I guess, what's the harm, right?" Sky nodded in agreement, grinning wildly and waving over the bartender. "Could we get eight shots please? Actually, could we get twelve?" The bartender nodded and left, soon returning with twelve small glasses filled with tequilla. Eden's heart quickened when he saw the liquids, suddenly nervous. Sky, however was perfectly comfortable, smiling and handing Eden a glass. "Ready? One, two, three!"

In less than fifteen minutes, all twelve of the shot glasses were emptied and flipped over on the bar. Both of the boys laughed and giggled, clearly drunk. "I'm-I'm kinda glad that I didn't go to bed yet." Eden swayed in his chair as he spoke, a goofy smile resting on his lips. "And now I know how fun drinking can be." The boy spoke slowly, trying not to stumble over his words. Sky played with one of the glasses, smirking at Eden. "Well, would you like to go to bed now? I'd be more than happy to take you to your room." Eden waved his hand in Sky's face. "No, no. I don't want Mary to see me like this. She'd never ever ever let me hear the end of it." Sky fell asleep for a moment, but when he woke up, he sat up and snapped, suddenly bright with an idea. "How 'bout you just sleep in my room?" Eden smiled. "Th-that's really nice of you, but where would you sleep?" Sky laughed, putting his hand on Eden's shoulder. "We could just share my bed. It doesn't even have to be weird."

Eden's eyes fluttered as he thought about it. "Sure! That sounds good." The two got up from their chairs and held onto each other to keep their balance. "You know, you're really nice." Eden said, laughing and the two began walking to Sky's room.

Coming soon...

Coming soon...

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Skylar Fiammetta Byrnes Character Portrait: Kitty Lee Character Portrait: Amber Nicole Romano Character Portrait: Eden Haven
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A soft smile rested on Eden's lips as he slept, warmly wrapped in the covers of the bed he was in. He dreamed of home, back in Hawaii, being with his adopted family and being happy. He could feel the beach's warm sand between his toes and the spray from the nearby crashing waves landing on his face. His skin soaked in the sun's gentle rays and he saw he brothers and sisters surfing in the distance. Eden had never been much of a surfer, but he was one hell of a sandcastle builder. Suddenly, he felt someone come up from behind him and wrap their arms around his waist. Eden grinned, believing that the person behind him was Aiden, his lost love. This dream was aweso- "How crazy was last night?" Eden heard playfully whispered in his ear.

Eden's eyes snapped open, suddenly remembering moments from the previous night. He remembered drinking with Sky and having a really good time, going back to the Noctrem student's room afterwards. 'Oh. My. God.' Eyes widened, the boy slowly turned his head to look over his shoulder, the sight of a naked Sky sleepily smiling back at him confirming his initial fears. The pyro tightened his grip on Eden's waist, before slightly leaning in to try and kiss Eden, whose heart jumped with panic.

The Arcana student sprang out of the bed, falling onto the floor below. He blushed fiercely before standing up to face Sky, who smirked as his eyes traveled down Eden's body. Why was he smiling? Apparently, his question was apparent because Sky grinned and said "You're naked." The boy's eyes widened in horror as he looked down, seeing nothing but bare skin. "Oh God!" He cried, grabbing Sky's discarded shirt (which was hanging on the corner of the bed's headboard) to cover his loins, before frantically searching for his own clothes.

Eden's cheeks were a furious red as he grabbed his boxers and pants from the previous night. He jumped into them, shaking his head. He folded Sky's shirt at lightning spead, setting it down on Sky's bed before rushing out of the room, embarressed and looking at the ground. He felt horrible, but he was too embarressed to even look at Sky. "Eden? You don't have to lea-" He heard before he closed the door and rushed down the hall, without shoes or a shirt, taking his room key out of his pocket and barging into his room. He quietly closed the door, taking a sigh of relief before walking over to his bed and throwing himself onto it.

"Lord help me." He moaned to himself. A pulsing pain suddenly hit Eden in his temple. Great. Now his head was hurting.


Amber sat up in her bed, furiously writing in her Black Book. Sleep tugged on her eyelids, but she resisted the temptation to go back to sleep. Nighmares had terrified her every time she had tried to get some rest the night before, resulting in a very tired, very cranky, Amber. She took a moment to look over at her roommate's side of the room, seeing the other girl stirring awake. Amber met her roommate the night before. She seemed incredibly nice, but Amber knew the girl would probably end up distrusting her when she found out what she did. Amber sighed at the thought. She was somewhat tired of no one trusting her. She shook off the thought and kicked the covers off her feet, getting out of her bed.

She walked over to the bathroom and began the process of getting ready. Soon enough, she was all dressed and ready to go. She grabbed the Black Book and put into her bag. Maybe she'd go by the cafeteria and get some breakfest. Sure, it was alittle early, but there was nothing else for her to do. She walked towards the door, but not before hearing a perky voice yawning "Morning!"

Amber turned around and smiled at Kitty. "Morning." Kitty grinned back at her. "You're an early riser too?" Amber shrugged. "I guess. You know, I'm going to get some breakfest, want to come with?" Kitty shook her head. "Nah. I have a free period and I think I'm going to go dance for a little bit before I have to go to a class. Thanks for offering though." The asian girl smiled cheerfully. "Alright then." Amber said, opening the door. "See you around." 'Bye!" She heard Kitty exclaim.

Amber walked to the cafeteria, grabbing a tray when she got there. She put several bacon strips, two waffles, and an apple. After the incident yesterday where she had to waste an insane amount of food, Amber wasn't taking any chances. She sat down at a free table and took out the Black Book, reading it as she took a bite out of her apple. "Hmm..." She reviewed all her current stories and leads, also crossing out any notes that were now irrelevant. "God, I need some new material."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Skylar Fiammetta Byrnes Character Portrait: Kitty Lee Character Portrait: Amber Nicole Romano Character Portrait: Jessica Coleman Character Portrait: Eden Haven Character Portrait: Chase Westley
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"Adios!' Sky said as his roommate left to get some food. When he was alone, he stretched slight and entered the bathrrom to freshen up a bit. He scowled slightly as he look into the bathroom mirror and saw his reflection's bloodshot eyes. His scowl was replaced by an evil smile when he saw his messy hair, which had been pulled at furiously the night before. Sky procceded to get ready and after he had fixed his hair, washed his face, brushed his teeth, and put on some deodorant (and some Axe, just in case) he heard his phone in the other room vibrating. The pyro ran over to his bed, grabbing his phone and reading the message from Jess.

To: Sky :D
We need to talk... or get drunk; whatever gets me out of this foul mood
From: Jess xxx

A smile came to the pyro as he quickly typed a reply and sent it off to Jess.

To: Jessie <3
Alrighty! i'm cummin over in a second but no drinking haha. had a bit too much last night.

P.S. lolz i just noticed the i spelled coming cummin. do you get it? like i'm cummin? i'm not, but do you get it?
From: Sky

Sky smiled and put his phone into his the pockets of his shorts as he walked out of the room. Only moments later, he was knocking very loudly on Jess' door. "Jessie! I'm here!" he shouted. He took out his phone again (out of pure boredom) and saw that he had some new pictures in his gallery. He looked through his, his eyes widening as he saw that the pictures were of him and Eden from last night. "Holy shit." Sky said under his breath. "How did we do that?" He would have to delete these...maybe.


Kitty wiped beads of sweat from her brow as she ran, her pony tail bouncing up and down with every stride. She breathed slowly, timing her inhales and exhales with every step. That was the kind of thing Kitty had to do to keep herself entertained whilst exercising. It also help her to think about home. She slightly frowned as she thought of it. She missed her family and it was only the first day of being apart from them.

Trying to get her mind off of her homesickness, Kitty stopped running for a moment and reached for the ipod she tucked into the waistband of her sweatpants. She unwrapped the decive from it's white headphones, freeing it, before she went to her "Favorites" playlist and pressed the play button. She put the earphones in and a small grin formed on her face as she heard Kiss You by One Direction came on.

She closed her eyes and began dancing, laughing. "Let me kiss you!" she shouted, opening her eyes and taking off in a full sprint. She let out a sigh of relief. This felt great. The wind brushing against her skin, the fresh air fulling her lungs, and, best of all, the 1D running though her ears. Nothing could quite compare to this feeling. She just reached what she called the "Na na na" part of the song when she reached the peek of her speed. Her pearly white teeth were fully exposed in a smile as the song came to an abrupt end. She stopped running, taking in several deep breaths as she waited for the next song. A pout formed as she recognised the beginning of Little Things and she brought up her ipod to pause it. She loved that song, but it never failed to make her cry. "Why are they so perfect?" she asked allowed, wiping her eyes. 'God.' she thought. 'Directioners are crazy.'


Amber sighed heavily as she read from the book, slightly chewing on a strip of baccon. Maybe she'd have to stirr up alittle trouble around Arcana because she barely had any material to work with. She had no leads and it had been weeks since anyone came to her with gossip. Was her business dying? 'No, it can't be.' she thought, but with every passing moment, it seemed like she was crossing off something in her Black Book. She shook her head, obviously stressed with the lack of gossip going around school. Amber turned to a clean page and titled it POSSIBLE RUMORS. Now, all she had to do was come up with something.

“Excuse me, Miss, would you mind my keeping you company?” Amber instantly closed the Black Book as she heard an unfamiliar voice come from above her. The girl looked up, seeing the brunette boy in front of her and smiled politely. She had no clue who he was, but she had to admit, he was handsome. The greeting also got her attention. He sounded so old timey (if that was even a word) and polite. If most guys wanted to talk to Amber, they would have just taken a seat and done so. "Sure" she finally said, still smiling. "Have a seat." She picked up the Book and placed it into her bag, before looking back to the young man. Her mind began to working furiously to study the details of his face. 'Blue eyes, light brown hair, tanned skin. Most likely comes from somewhere sunny.'

She crossed her legs and extended her hand to him, smiling softly. "Hi, I'm Amber Romano. Pleased to meet you."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kitty Lee Character Portrait: Eric Lee
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    What did people usually think about while running? Eric ran at a leisurely place as he pondered this, watching out for the occasional fellow runner, wondering what they could be thinking. He doubted anyone did Calculus equations in their heads to calm themselves down or keep them from overworking themselves. Pretty sure that's just me, Eric thought with a chuckle. He wiped his forehead with the back of his arm, his breath beginning to get heavy. This was his favorite part of his morning work out; he loved getting sweaty, he loved getting tired, and he loved knowing he was going to push himself harder than he had the day before. Little by little, he improved his strength. Working out and taking care of his body wasn't exactly what people might expect from the school brainiac; they expected him to be studying, with his nose shoved against the pages of a book to read the fine print, to go around correcting people's mistakes and offering tutoring for $100 an hour. Well, the last idea had occurred to him before, but who would pay that much for a tutor? Even if his power was intelligence.

    People limited others by their powers. If your power was burning holes in walls with your eyes, then you are automatically assumed to be bent on destruction, a future accomplice in villainous works. If your power was turning invisible, you must be either shy enough to actually use your power often, or you were sneaky and used it to get away with stealing, or something of that sort. And if your power was a limitless brain, then you were labeled a nerd. But let's be honest; nobody who looked at Eric would assume him to be a nerd. He looked strong and healthy, full and vibrant, and impossible good looking. He couldn't deny his reflection; he was far too smart to lie to himself. But he knew what people thought of him when the first thing they knew of him was his power. But Eric liked to prove people wrong in this one area, and it amused him no ends to make them feel a little ashamed at how quickly they had judged him.

    Lost in his own thinking, he nearly ran into another exercising student, a female. Eric quickly recognized her as Kitty Lee, a girl he quite liked, and decided to run a few feet away from her, watching her exercise with stealth. She couldn't hear him running up even if he had, with those ear buds jammed into her ears. He imagined the music playing... and cringed. He would rather not voluntarily torture himself. He smiled as he kept his eyes on Kitty Lee, who still hadn't noticed his presence. She never failed to make him laugh, with her feminine, passionate ways, and strange quirks. She amused him, and never failed to surprise him. Which he had always liked about her. It was one of the reasons he appreciated her so, and kept her a good friend of his since the two had met.

    "Kiss me!" she suddenly burst out, nearly causing Eric to stumble. He stared at her with aghast eyes, his pace still matching hers perfectly. What a freak, he thought, only half-heartedly. He was fond of this sort of eccentric behavior. She began to speed up, which he excitedly followed. Finally, a work out. He always did think she moved too slow, even for a girl. But too soon, she stopped, as did he, with disappointment. Ah, but she was a girl... He suddenly smirked. Kitty would kill him if she ever knew he had thought that. Well, she would never find out. He began to creep up behind her, ready to scare her out of her pants (on second that... let's make sure her pants stay on), when she began to speak. "Why are they so perfect?" she asked herself, almost sadly.

    Oh.. she was actually sad. Eric stared down at her, still behind her, still quiet. She still hadn't noticed him, but he had noticed her. More importantly, he had noticed the wiping of her eyes. "Why are you crying?" he blurted out. Oops. She just might actually kill him now. He meekly took a step back and straightened, puffing his chest out, maintaining his manly appearance. "I mean, why do you run so slow?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Skylar Fiammetta Byrnes Character Portrait: Kitty Lee Character Portrait: Jessica Coleman Character Portrait: Eric Lee
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"Why are you crying?" Kitty's posture went rigid as she heard a male voice behind her. "I mean, why do you run so slow?" His words didn't register in her mind as her Amazon training kicked in. She quickly turned around, disconnecting her headphones from the ipod in her hand and throwing it at the unknown man behind her with deadly precision and force. She quickly followed, tackling the man to the ground, pinning his arms and legs.

Kitty's features were hard as she stared down at the man that snuck up on her, but they softened as she recognized who he was. "Oh, hey Eric." she said casually, as if she always tackled guys that snuck up on her. Maybe she did, but Eric didn't need to know. Kitty had just met him the night before, at Jackson's party and the two really hit it off. He was extremely handsome and (no one really knew this) Kitty had a thing for smart guys. Typical boys acted like animals, so when an intelligent guy cam along, she couldn't help but take notice.

The asian girl smiled down at the boy beneath her, still pinned down by her extreme strength. "So. Did you say something about me running slow?"


Sky quickly shoved his phone into his pocket when he saw Jess open the door. A grin spread across his face as he saw her feigned disappointment. 'Why are so cheerful and dapper this morning when I know for a fact you cosumed more alcohol than me last night?' The pyro laughed heartily. "Yeah. Being cheerful and dapper is my thing." He shrugged, smiling as the brunnette came in to hug him.

He licked his lips slightly behind her back, breathing in her scent. 'Wow.' he thought. She smelled really good. Apparently, she thought the same thing and whispered it to him. Sky chuckled. "That's the beauty of Axe." The pyro somewhat broke the hug, leaving one of his hands on Jessie's lower back. "Alright," the dark skinned boy started, "I was thinking we skip all our classes today and go see a movie or something. Then we can go swing by my aunt's Mexican food place for lunch." His eyes lit up as he explained his plans. "Or if you don't feel like Mexican; even though Mexicans are the best; we can go to this Italian place she won in her last divorce. Or the Chinese place she bought last week."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kitty Lee Character Portrait: Eric Lee
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    He had been expecting a little stammering, a little excuse, and a little rambling. Or maybe even some shouting at his insensitivity. Or... well, anything, really. Women were unpredictable; even he didn't understand them. Not a girl like Kitty, at the very least. The two had met the other night, and he had realized immediately she was a strange one. But in a way that he liked, which was why he sought her out just now. Well, he was reconsidering that now, because he hadn't been expecting her to tackle him at all, despite his ready acknowledgement of the perplexing nature of women. Even in his wildest imaginations, he wouldn't have imagined a girl would even throw something at him for asking her a question, for trying to start a conversation. Eric looked down at the iPod that had just been flung at his chest. Distracted, Kitty gained the upper hand and tackled him, throwing him to the ground in surprise. He stared up at her with wide questioning, aghast eyes. What the hell is wrong with you?! he wanted to scream. This was too far off the edge of crazy.

    Curse her super strength. Eric waited patiently for her to get off, but she didn't. Instead she said casually, "Oh, hey Eric." Was this normal for this girl? For the first time in a long time, he felt his temper rising up inside of him. Perhaps it was the fact that he had been caught surprised and ended up on his back, overcome by his own sheer stupidity and forgetfulness. Perhaps it was the fact that this girl didn't apologize. Perhaps he was just annoyed at how strange and unexpected she was. Either way, she was doing what few could do: get a rise out of Eric Lee. Rolling his eyes, he managed a smile, smothering his irritation into the back corners of his mind.

    "Hey, Kitty," he said smoothly. "Do this often? Pin boys down on the floor?" Innuendo intended, he added a slight mischievousness to his smile, now a smirk. Not that he would be surprised; she was quite beautiful. Just... not his type. He might like a normal girl much more. But for now.... well, she still amused him. Even this was amusing him. At least she's interesting, he admitted in his thoughts.

    She smiled at him, a smile pretty enough to almost make him forget her oddity. Well, almost. "So. Did you say something about me running slow?" she said. It was unnerving, having someone on top of him, but he couldn't say he didn't enjoy it. He got a nice view of her face, complete and full-on. She was quite a good looking lady.

    "Well, yes. Too bad your super strength doesn't include super speed, does it?" It was strange how people's powers played a huge role in your relationships with others, once you enter Arcana Academy. Before, no one would have even fearing Kitty. But add her power into the mix... everyone would treat her differently. He began to pity the beautiful Kitty Lee a little; she was obviously impulsive, proven by her sudden tackling, and without complete control of her powers, it would be easy to be weary of her. To stay away from her. To avoid her. But Eric rather liked her, after all, eccentric tackling aside.

    He faked a yawn underneath her and looked up at her. "Are you going to let me up now, kitty cat?" he questioned, the pet name slipping easily from his lips. "Or are you enjoying the view?" he teased, raising his eyebrows suggestively at her. It had been a long time since he had even considered flirting with a girl. Not since Rose. It was strange, he decided. Only a few moments with this girl resulted in a large range of emotions; curiosity, to irritation, to sympathy, to appreciation, and now... a playfulness he hadn't let himself feel for a long while. He would have to keep this girl around, see what else she could do. To him, and to the world.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Skylar Fiammetta Byrnes Character Portrait: Kitty Lee Character Portrait: Amber Nicole Romano Character Portrait: Jessica Coleman Character Portrait: Chase Westley Character Portrait: Eric Lee
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Sky's brow was knit with concern as he walked with Jessica. He wondered what she meant by saying that she had a reputation to hold up. Why would Jessica, of all people, have anything to be ashamed of? She was one of the few good girls at Noctrem. She wasn't a prude or anything, but she wasn't even a quarter as bad as most of the girls from their old school. She had standards, something that Sky really liked about her. It made her stand out from the rest of his crushes. Yes, Sky had a crush on Jessica. But the more Sky thought about it, he had crushes on alot of people. He reminded himself of his mother, someone who was so desperate for love, she'd look for it everywhere.

The pyro left pieces of his heart everywhere, a tiny pice with everyone he'd ever had feelings of. A knot formed in his stomach as he thought of Colby, Arcana's speedster. Sky was in love with him, but he knew that Arcana's golden boy could never slow down for him. "Sky, you're not going to like this and I'm sorry for doing this to you... but I didn't something really stupid last night..." Jessica's voice brought Sky back from his thoughts and his eyes focused back on her. Whatever she said, Sky knew that he wouldn't think any less than her. She was good and pure and...well, she was Jessica. Plus, what she thought was stupid couldn't be half as bad as what Sky did every weekend.

"Sky I slept with Jackson last night." Sky blinked once. Then twice. Was that it? He saw her biting her bottom lip and tears welling up in her eyes and quickly pulled her into a tight hug, making sure she felt safe and secure. It made sense why Jessica wouldn't want to leave school. She had one of the cleaner images of the Noctremers and if Sky was her, he wouldn't want to lose that. "Hey, it's alright. You don't need to worry about it." He pulled himself off of her and cupped her face, looking into those blue-green eyes of hers. "Did you forget who I was?" he said, laughing slightly. "Sky Byrnes, Official Man-Whore of Noctrem." He took his hands off of her cheeks and slipped one into his pocket, bringing out his phone. "Now, we're going to go have fun today, whether you like it or not. I'll have Amber play damage control. She owes me one anyways." Sky's fingers quickly typed a text to Amber and sent it. "I think people pay way to much attention to who everyone's sleeping with. Who cares? You're a good girl, Jessica, and no one can deny that. I know I don't think any less of you." He smiled up at her and winked. "It's your vagina, do what you want with it. I mean, I know I wouldn't turn Jackson down if I had the chance to sleep with him. But then again, there aren't alot of people I would turn down. Does that make me a slut?" He raised an eyebrow at the girl and gave her another goofy grin.


"Chase." Amber repeated with a slight smile on her lips. Her gut told her that she would have to remember that name. "May I ask what you were reading?" She bit the inside of her lip as she thought of an answer. "Oh." she started, looking at her bag. "Honestly, it's abit weird. It's just a book for me to keep notes." It wasn't exactly a lie, at least in Amber's eyes. The Black Book was basically a notebook filled with things that Amber noticed. She feigned a look of embarrassment, something she perfected during her years in acting classes. "And I write my thoughts down in it." She tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear and smiled at the boy across from her. There was something about him that caught her interest, but she had no clue what it was, which slightly angered her.

Maybe it was his manners. Though he'd barely spoken so far, what he had said displayed a respect for her and a desire to have an actual conversation. Guys that display feelings like that were in short supply back at Noctrem. Maybe it was just his looks. He had intelligent icy blue eyes, sun-kissed skin, and his shirt slightly clung to the well built body underneath. But then again, Amber had never really cared too much about the appearance of the guys she was interested in.

"So Chase," Her lips became a slightly deeper red as she spoke. Using her ability often became Amber's way of applying makeup in public without actually applying it. Putting on makeup in public was rude in Amber's mind, something that she thought only airheads and sluts did. "Are you knew to Arcana? I don't believe that I've seen you around here before." She smiled kindly over at him, her eyes filled with curiousity. She heard a buzzing coming from her bag and she looked apologetically at Chase before grabbing her phone and quickly looking at a message sent from Sky.

"From: Sky
hey. can you take care of any rumors about jessica today?"

Amber sighed as she quickly typed a response. She didn't feel like doing it, but she knew that she owed Sky a favor.

"To: Sky
No problem. This counts as your favor."

Amber sent the message and threw it back into her bag. She looked up at Chase. "Sorry about that. It was just my friend, Sky. You were saying?"


"Do this often? Pin boys down on the floor?" Kitty laughed as she stared down at the super genius below her. She could see the anger and annoyance that had been brewing in him moments before he spoke. "Well, us Amazons like to have control all of the time." She winked at him, combating the mischievious smirk Eric wore beneath her. "Well, yes. Too bad your super strength doesn't include super speed, does it?" She raised an eyebrow, a mock look of anger resting on her face. "I was fast enough to catch you off-guard, wasn't I?" She smiled again down at him. The more she looked at him, the more the Amazon noticed how handsome Eric really was.

It had been a while since Kitty had dated a guy. Most of the guys at her public school only wanted to get into her pants and she didn't just want to be something for a guy to put his dick in. She shuttered at the thought of being someone's sex thing or, even worse, their trophy. So many of the boys back home wanted to brag about nailing the girl on the football team, which really pissed Kitty off. She was the best defensive player on the team and she still hadn't gained the respect of her teammates.

She continued to grin down at Eric as he yawned. "Are you going to let me up now, kitty cat? Or are you enjoying the view?" Kitty's almond shaped eyes widened, as if she just noticed that she had tackled the Noctrem student. "Hmmm.." She bit her bottom l, as if she was thinking about her choices. "I guess I'll get off you now. Unless you like a woman who takes control." She gave him a small smirk, before getting up. Before he could get up though, she grabbed his hips, one side in each hand, and lifted him off the floor like he weighed nothing. She firmly placed him back on his feet and smiled up at him. "Sooo..Do you have my ipod still?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kitty Lee Character Portrait: Eric Lee
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    She's pretty when she laughs, Eric thought fleetingly. Well, a nice chuckle did not mean a girl was peachy keen. He inwardly grimaced, knowing he needed food quickly when he started using words like 'chuckle' and 'peachy keen' in the same sentence. His parents worked very hard, too hard, and after a few years of leaving him with the neighbor, and after the neighbor turned out to be a crack addict, they hired an elderly white grandmother to babysit him. She was kind and sweet, the kind of woman he would always refer to as his own grandmother. The two were actually still very close, and he looked to her as a role model for what all woman should be. As a result of this sort of doting affection for Granny Beth and her tendency to give him food every time he wasn't sleeping, he associated every old fashioned and outdated saying with food, and began using said phrases when he was hungry.

    Eric smiled at her and weaved his fingers together behind his head as she spoke calmly, as if he had chosen to be on the ground, with a girl on top of him. It was a position most guys would want, he assumed, especially with an attractive girl like Kitty. But Eric had had enough of this timid sort of intimacy a long time ago, and he found physical touch uncomfortable; even now, he was squirming slightly inside to get out. He did hide it, underneath a calm smile, but it was by no means gone. Having grown up in an old-fashioned Asian household, he was unused to physical affection. Granny Beth had been very touchy, but after he turned five and went to school, she wasn't with him every hour. He went to an afterschool, and Granny Beth would come over the weekends for awhile. Regardless, the amount of time he spent with his new school friends and his own parents were filled with mere words, and no hugs, kisses, or chocolate. A few years ago, Granny Beth had passed away, and the smell of chocolate still overcame him with dear grief.

    "Well, us Amazons like to have control all of the time," Kitty shot at him, interrupting his thoughts. Well, perhaps not interrupting... The perks of being super intelligent was being able to have about five different trains of thought with ease. Her wink caught him off guard, though, and made him a little more uncomfortable; he was unused to such a bold girl, a girl who came on so strong with her emotions and her relationships. But it was so different from who he was, and Eric decided, once again, he liked her, and he would keep her around. Regardless of how strange she made him feel, it was worth feeling strange to understand a girl like her. Eric laughed and shook his head at her, refraining from replying. He wasn't much of a talker, he knew. He was prone to staying in his own comfort zone, being distantly attached to people, as if he was holding them at arm's length to keep them from getting too close. It wasn't that he had anything to hide... and it wasn't that he had any walls. In fact, he was more open and more honest with people than he was with himself. It was simply the fact that he didn't think people would understand him, or like him, even. In his experience, people did not like people who were smarter than him. And it wasn't that Eric flaunted his intelligence; people assumed he was a smart aleck, a condescending know-it-all for his power.

    He didn't necessarily mind; it weeded out the people who were worth being friends with, from the people who weren't. But it did make dating a little difficult, and flirting even harder. It was nice to have a girl be so playful and open with him. "I was fast enough to catch you off-guard, wasn't I?" she said in playful anger.

    He reached up to tweak her nose. "I guess so, kitty cat," he admitted.

    "I guess I'll get off you now. Unless you like a woman who takes control." She lifted him up like he was a baby, embarrassing him a little, as he automatically and subtly looked around for other people. Nope, no one around. Oh, well. What was the harm of being lifted by a girl? She was, after all, super strong... But his rationalizing didn't calm the sheepishness he felt. He rolled his eyes at her teasingly and shook his head, a little too aware of her hands on his hips. Without thinking, he placed his over hers, squeezed them gently, and lifted them. Unsure of what to do at this point, he held her hands awkwardly in the air for a split second, before letting go slowly. Can you get any more awkward, Eric Lee? he cursed himself silently.

    Recovering quickly from his embarrassment, Eric slung his arm over her shoulders and began to walk towards the direction of good food. "I'm not sure I like a woman who takes control," he said honestly, moving from the playful, teasing road the two had been walking on in their conversation and onto a deeper, more intimate path. "But I guess I could," he said after a reflective pause, realizing how quickly he had changed the tone of their conversation, "for today, at least." He smiled widely at her. "Now, I'm hungry. Are you? I'll even buy you breakfast," he teased.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kitty Lee Character Portrait: Loren Hanna Craft Character Portrait: Zac Barnes Character Portrait: Chase Westley Character Portrait: Eric Lee
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    Cafeteria food never failed to please Eric; though many students complain about school lunches, he's always found some strange likability in them. Hey, it was food, and no meal had ever disgusted Eric as of yet. He ate his breakfast peacefully, not being one to talk during mealtime. Some people found his lack of conversation awkward, and attempted to chatter to fill up the silence, but they usually gave up quickly, preferring the silence to his small noises and nods and shrugs. Perhaps he was socially awkward, but Eric didn't like small talk. He didn't like to waste his words, and when he had food in front of him, why would he waste a second not eating?

    His mother thought it was strange, though, but Eric was a super genius; he couldn't be normal, anyways; he might as well take it to the next level by being himself, completely different from anyone else. He ate silently and serenely, appreciating the attractiveness of Kitty a few times through short glances. Perhaps it was because he grew up in an Asian family, but he always did have a thing of Asian girls. Their hair was unbelievably soft, their skin tinted with gold, and they reminded him of his loving mother. Yes, Eric was a momma's boy, and he wasn't ashamed of it in the least. He smiled at her a few times when she caught him in his appraisal of her, showing no embarrassment; was there a crime in checking a girl out? Especially when she was gorgeous, with a lot of strength to boot. She was, at the very least, intriguing.

    He was caught up in these thoughts when the table started shaking. His meal began to fall over itself in the chaos, and it took only a few moments to understand what was happening. Goddammit, I wasn't even done eating, Eric thought fleetingly, before glancing around to see everyone else's reactions. Some of them didn't seem to understand what was going on, others shocked, others panicking. Eric watched them all stoically for a few moments, refusing to avert his eyes even when a boy was crushed and immediately killed. He winced slightly, but he wouldn't let his attention waver. Because he knew what was supposed to happen during an earthquake, he knew what would happen, and from the looks of it, no one was going to take charge. So he would.

    Eric turned to Kitty and put a hand on her shoulder, and began speaking quickly, rushing to get the words out of his mouth. "Get under a table. Not this one, go to another one." He glanced up at the fan above them and nodded at the table a few feet away. "Hurry up, go." He pushed her gently towards that direction and began to climb up to the top of the table, deciding to take the risk. Someone needed to act fast, and the earthquake was only getting worse, and worse, and worse. When he was standing at the top of the table, he could see how every eye was on him. For a moment, he felt sick to his stomach. What the hell was about to happen? How the hell could this happen?

    "Everyone! Listen up." Like they weren't already. Idiot, you just wasteda few precious seconds, Eric scolded himself as he continued. "Get under your table, now. Hold onto something study, preferably the leg of the table, and cover your head. Make sure no parts of your body are sticking out. If you're under a large object," everyone's eyes went to the now-deceased boy, still crushed by the lamp, "then you better move to another table." The crowd was still, for the most part, though a few bodies began to scramble, heeding his orders. Eric sighed in frustration and cupped his hands over his mouth. "I said-"

    He didn't get to finish his words. Because at that moment, the fan toppled on top of him, and he was down. He didn't even get to see if everyone was moving yet, or how Kitty had reacted, or... or anything. Eric merely closed his eyes and ignored the crushing pain, welcoming the dark that encompassed him.


    To Loren's credit, she really tried to ignore Zac's painful outbursts, she really did. But each time he made so much as a whimper, she could feel the tension in her arms relax as she hesitated with each pull. I'm sorry, she would silently apologize to Zac before beginning again, with more strength than before, trying desperately to get him out before he could cry out again. But she kept on failing, because he kept on yelping. She wanted to yell at him to stop, he was distracting her, but she couldn't do that, could she? If everything was normal, then she would have; she would have scolded him and teased him about their predicament, admonishing him for acting like a baby. But it was her fault, and her debt to him was deep.

    He cried out once more, and it completely infuriated Loren. Why did he have to go and ruin everything? Nothing was the same anymore. He didn't have to save her, she would have knocked out of her shock in time. It was all his fault, that their friendship was all weird. With the same sudden intensity of her anger, Loren pulled abruptly, and she was pulling him across the floor. She let go of his arms once he was a safe distance away from the desk she now detested. Thank God he was safe. She took deep breaths to steady herself as Zac did the same. These past few minutes had been so crucial, so terrifying... so real. It was startling, how much closer she felt to him now. She collected herself quickly, from pure practice of gathering her wits after a catastrophe, and sat beside Zac, exhausted by the mental, emotional, and physical trauma she had just experienced.

    Instinctively, Loren laid a hand on Zac's when he was sitting upright, albeit at an awkward angle. She winced involuntarily when she noticed the angle of his calf, completely disturbing and wrong and unnatural. Afraid of hurting him, she withdrew her hand and ran it through her hair. The moment was a little awkward, now that they were both alive, now that she could confront the future of feeling like she owed Zac something forever, even her life. Now, she really couldn't say no to him. It had been the same way before, but it had been out of her own affection for him. Now? It would be guilt. Guilt and guilt throughout. She avoided Zac's gaze; he would read her emotions in her eyes and ignore the real issue at hand, focus on her instead.

    She could hear his smile when he spoke. "It's okay. We can make it out. We will make it out."

    "Yeah, we did. And we will." Loren nodded. She could hear the relief in her own voice, and it was only then that she realized she was grateful. She was elated to be alive, albeit a little conflicted. She had forgotten the miracle of her life, and even if Zac had helped her make it out, in the end, it had been her. Her and her own strength, to stay calm and get Zac out from under that damned desk. She had saved his life, as he had saved hers. So, in the end...

    ]"Now we're even," she said, grinning wickedly at Zac. She would always feel a little guilty, thankful, indebted to Zac... and maybe later, she would forget this little revelation and start feeling obligated towards Zac. But right now, she was comforted by this sense of normalcy that had returned to their friendship. She took his hand and squeezed it shortly before letting it slip from her grasp. Before he could reply to her statement, she straightened her posture and stood up, looking down at her best friend. She felt rejuvenated, ready to take on any challenge that came her way. "What next, captain?"

    "Just help me stand. We're going to get out. And bring my freaking guitars."

    "Will do, captain." She practically danced across the room, strangely elated even in the disaster of the shattering earthquake, and gathered some of the items she knew he would need most: his instruments. She grabbed a few, laid them beside Zac, and with her now-free hands, reached out to Zac. If they could get through that desk fiasco, then they could do anything.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Skylar Fiammetta Byrnes Character Portrait: Kitty Lee Character Portrait: Amber Nicole Romano Character Portrait: Jessica Coleman Character Portrait: Chase Westley Character Portrait: Eric Lee
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Sky giggled slightly with Jessica as he sat on her bed, talking with her. He really did like her. He always knew that he had feelings for her, but he tried not to show them too much. The pyro had a small problem with keeping his emotions in check, especially when it came to feelings like attraction and lust. He always ended leaving little pieces of his heart in the hands of anyone who showed interest in him. Cor, Jessica, Addi, Jade, even little Ashy pained Sky to even speak of him...Colby. Skylar and the speedster didn't really end things on the best terms. The pyro had been way too protective and territorial of him, which Colby didn't appreciate.

Sky blinked back to reality, staring straight at Jessica. He smiled at her, taking on of her hands into his own. 'She's the one.' he thought, the grin on his face slowly growing as he stared into her sea-green eyes. "Listen Jessica. I've been thinking about you alot lately-" 'You didn't think about her last night when you were messing around with that boy.' said a voice inside of him. Sky's smile dropped for a moment, but he pushed the thought aside and decided to focus soley on Jessie. He stroked the back of her hand with his thumb as he continued to speak. "-and I was just wondering if-" The ground began to shake, the room trembled, and things fell of Jessica's shelves and walls.

In a panic, Sky jumped on top of Jessie, trying to shield her body with his own. Reality became a blurr and his heartbeat quickened to an almost unbelieveable pace. His memories began to flood back to him. He saw Tom's muscular frame standing over him, undoing his belt. He saw his house going up in flames after he told his mom about his step-father's dirty little secret. "No, no, no, no, no." he repeated to himself, his eyes squeezed shut and his body trembling over Jessica's. "Stop it. Stop it. Stop it."


Eden sighed loudly as he walked outside of the school, still thinking about the events that had taken place the previous night. He shoved his hands in his pockets and forced an annoyed puff of air out of his nostrils. What was he annoyed with? Mainly himself and all of his faults. He should of known that Sky would have tried to sleep with him. The Noctrem student tried to sleep with everyone. Eden shouldn't have taken so many shots. He should have gone to sleep earlier. He should have done this differently and that differently. There really wasn't an end to the things he could have done better.

He shook his head and took his hands from his pockets, rubbing his eyes. Suddenly, the ground shook, knocking Eden off his balance and sending him tumbling to the ground. 'Earthquake?' His mind jumped to the conclusion and his eyes jumped around, on the look out for anything dangerous. Luckily, he was outside and there wasn't much that could- "AAAAAHHHHH!" Eden shouted at the top of his lungs as a sharp pain shot up his arm. Something hit his wrist when he wasn't looking. The pain was horrible and the ground was still shaking so he couldn't get up. "Damn it." he grunted.


Amber's eyes widened as the earthquake began. She gulped and nodded at Chase when he said they needed to get outside. Her mind worked quickly, attempting to analyze the situation. Outside would be safest, she knew that much from drills at her schools when she was a kid. She glanced over at Chase as he moved to grab her wrist and lead her towards the exit, when a loud crackling over head registered in her mind. Her survival instincts kicked in and she jumped away, unsuccessfully trying to pull Chase with her. A huge lamp came crashing onto the boy, crushing him underneath it's weight.

Shards of glass flew at Amber, causing her to fall backwards. She covered her eyes and face with her arms and hands. After she hit the ground, she slowly opened her eyes, staring in disbelief at Chase's corpse in front of her. Blood ran down from above her eye where glass had cut her. Several shards stuck out of Amber's arms. Her bottom lip quivered slightly and she gulped, her eyes wide and fixed on the bloody mess. Her mind couldn't process this quite right. She had only been talking to Chase a few moments ago and now...he was dead. Dead. Dead. Dead.


Food has always been something that Kitty took very seriously. She always had to eat alot more than other girls, which made sense. It took alot to keep a one woman wrecking machine going. A small smile rested on her lips as she and Eric quietly ate, the two Lee's enjoying each other silent presence. That probably would be the only time Eric would ever witness Kitty being quiet. She crunched loudly into an apple, catching Eric steal a glance at her again. Something about Eric made the amazon feel giddy inside. He also made her feel a little dumb, but that wasn't his fault. He was a super genius. It was sorta like Eric being present during Kitty's work out. She was simply born stronger than him, just like he was simply born smarter than her.

She brushed a strand of hair out of her face and smiled again at Eric just when the table and ground began to shake. Everyone began to panic, but refused to do anything. She gasped slightly when she witnessed a lamp fall, crushing a boy standing fairly close to Kitty's roommate, Amber. Just before Kitty could stand up and take charge, Eric did. He told the asian girl to go underneath a table. Slightly stunned, Kitty nodded at him and turned, quickly sliding underneath on table. She watched Eric get ontop of a table and telling everyone to take shelter. Most of them listened, but Kitty could clearly see a stunned Amber sitting down, exposed.

Kitty ran from underneath her table, going to Amber's side. The dark haired girl babbled slightly, staring horrified at the crushed corpse near her. "Amber?" Kitty cupped her face, staring into her eyes. She shook her head and side, after she got no response. With one arm, Kitty picked her up and ran to the nearest table, carefully placing her underneath. Kitty thought about getting under the cover as well, but decided that there wasn't enough space for her. She whipped her head around, seeing a free table. She sprinted for it, but after a few strides, she tripped over something like a fallen wire. She felt her ankle snap and she let out a loud scream. "SWEET MOTHERFUCK! FUCKING FUCK OF FUCKING SHIT." Tears streamed down from her eyes as she struggled to drag her body underneath the table, safe from debris.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lulu Allen Character Portrait: Katia Hunt Character Portrait: Jackson Murphy Character Portrait: Kitty Lee Character Portrait: Amber Nicole Romano Character Portrait: Christopher Russell
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"I'm in so much pain. I think it compressed my disk and I’m in withdrawal from painkillers." Her words sent a ripple of concern running through Chris. It made the blood running down the side of his face and the ache of his shoulder seem like a trivial thing. He didn't know what to say. "I don’t know if I want to move, but I can’t stay here. You can’t stay here." He nodded and tried to think of what to say. But still, he couldn't. He was frozen until her next words. "Pick me up," She blurted out. And that was the catalyst he needed. She seemed to know exactly what his problem was, judging by her next words. "Keep moving Chris. I can’t move you for you right now." As gently as he could manage, he slid one arm around her back and the other under her legs and lifted her. "I've got you." He wasn't sure if he said it to comfort himself or her. He didn't know why his thoughts were so muddled. Perhaps the adrenaline in his system was only of benefit when he was moving.

His theory was confirmed as he lifted her as gently as he could. His shoulder flared as the muscles worked, but he didn't allow himself to falter. He held her as close as he could, hoping it would be of some comfort. The office was an assault course. Lucky for both of them, he had always been good at them. He navigated the treacherous room, keeping Katia as steady as he could as he moved.

Once they were out of the office, he had a clear shot to the door. The temptation was there to run, but that could cause too much pain to Katia. He thought only about his actions, and not about anything else. He was suddenly focused, predicting every move, every step he would need to make. The doors were open, and the breeze of fresh air that ran through the reception was like a gift.

As he made it out of the building, he suddenly realized that the students would possibly find this a talking point. The new PE teacher carrying the new Dance and Drama teacher from the building? As if there wasn't enough gossip.

Chris gently set Katia down on the ground. His lungs then took the opportunity to rid themselves of all the dust that had accumulated in them, and he turned away, coughing. As soon as he caught his breath, he turned to Katia. "You know what I'm like. I'm going back in. I've got to get the students out." Another wave of coughing overtook him. "Don't make yourself any worse. Help is probably on it's way as we speak." And with that, he got to his feet.

As he turned to look back at the school, he swore to himself. Add a hero complex to my list of faults. He thought, but he was already in the building.

Was it just him, or was there screams coming from the cafeteria? He ran towards it, shivers starting to run up his spine. His fears were confirmed as he saw what lay within. He froze, desperately trying to assess what to do first.

"EVERYBODY CALM DOWN!" He bellowed. Well, they know you're a teacher now anyway. "Right! Buddy up!" Seriously? "If there's someone near you that needs help getting out, help them! Do not pull anybody! You risk worsening their injuries! If you want to move someone who's trapped, let me know and I'll see what I can do! Get going!"


In the midst of the chaos, somewhere, Adele's Set Fire To The Rain was playing. It sounded so out of place- at least, until she realized it was her phone. She pulled it from her pocket, raising her eyebrows as she saw the caller ID. Her dad.

"Morgan?" His voice was uncharacteristically frenzied. Her laid-back attitude had been inherited from him. "Dad? I'm fine, Dad-" He cut her off, something he'd never usually do. "Morgan, we've got to go. I done something stupid, something really stupid. I'm on my way to get you." She frowned, running a hand through her hair. "When's your flight?" When her dad was like this, there was no point in trying to talk him out of anything. "I'm in San Francisco, honey." Something was really wrong. The realization caused her stomach to sink like a stone.

"Dad, the school was hit by an earthquake. Will you even-" He really was frantic. "I know, honey. The roads are just about drive-able on. If Mr Marinos is around, tell him you've got to go and that I'll explain everything. If not, just... I don't know. I'll be there in about five minutes, Morgan. He hung up, causing Morgan to glance around. Mr Marinos wasn't around.

She suddenly felt like crying. There was so many people she wanted to say goodbye to, most of whom weren't even out of the building. She only had five minutes left in her second home, and, judging by her father's behaviour, she wasn't coming back. She didn't know what to do, except for walk towards the drive.

Her father had evidently under-estimated either his speed or the distance from wherever he had made the call to the school. Because as she reached the drive, her father pulled up in a black car that she recognised as a standard issue undercover cop car. She pulled the door open.

"I'll explain everything, Morgan, I promise. Give this letter to Mr Marinos, but hurry. If you can't find him, give it to someone else." She took the letter and climbed out again, striding towards the school.

She didn't have time to try and find Mr Marinos. She realized that as she saw her chance to say one of her goodbyes. Jackson. He was standing with someone else she vaguely recognised, but couldn't be bothered trying to place. She strode towards him, not bothering to try and fake a smile.

"Hey, Jackson. Sorry to interrupt, but could you do me a favour and give this to Mr Marinos whenever you see him? Or get someone else to." She handed him the letter, purposely keeping her eyes to the ground. But even that wasn't working. The tears started to flow nonetheless. "I'm sorry, Jackson. I've got to go. I-I-I'm not coming back. Not for a while, anyway." In a burst of energy, she wrapped her arms around him. She couldn't say it, but her power spoke for her. "Goodbye." She turned away, heading back to her dad.

He saw the tears on her face. "I'm sorry, Mo, sweetie. I wouldn't do this unless you were at risk." She buckled up her seat belt and wiped her eyes. She couldn't say anything as he pulled out the drive. As they drove away, she stared at the school for as long as she could. As the school disappeared from view, she sent out one last telepathic message, to no-one in particular.

Thank you.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kitty Lee Character Portrait: Christopher Russell Character Portrait: Eric Lee
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"EVERYBODY CALM DOWN!" Kitty's head whipped around as she heard a male voice bellow throughout the cafeteria. She didn't exactly recognize him, but he was someone familiar. He was older than the rest of them, so he couldn't be a student. 'He must be a teacher.' Kitty figured. He began yelling instructions at the students. "Right." she said under her breath. "Buddy up." Slowly, she got up from under the table, trying not to put pressure on her hurt ankle. She winced and silently cursed her injury as she limped towards Amber.

The dark-haired girl sat silently under her table, staring off in the distance. "Amber?" Kitty started, slowly moving towards her. "We have to go outside. I hurt my leg, can you help me?" Her blue eyes shot towards the amazon and she slowly nodded, getting up to help her. Kitty took a deep breath as she put her arm around Amber. As the pair slowly moved towards the exit, pain burned in Kitty's ankle. She hissed, but as she heard the other students in the cafeteria leaving to go outside, a name came to her mind. Eric.

"Eric!" Kitty shouted, turning her head. Amber looked at her with a confused expression, but stopped moving all the same. "Eric! Eric!" She yelled his name, desperate to know if he was safe or not. She prayed to the Goddesses that he was alright. 'Hera, Isis, Freya, Mary. Whoever hears this, please just make sure he's safe.'