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Valerie Rush

0 · 284 views · located in The Ark

a character in “The Ark”, as played by Kaname_Takashi


Valerie Rush


Age: 25

Ethnicity: Predominantly South African, but also possesses some hispanic roots.

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 140 lbs

Eye Color: Pinkish red

Hair Color: Pale blonde, almost white.

Physical Description: Valerie is of rather average height at 5'6". Her body isn't very curvy, but she does have a modest build to her. The one thing that always grab's the attention of other's though is the fact that she is albino. Her unnaturally pale hair and skin and pink colored eyes often catch the attention of those around her. Valerie's facial features are on the softer side, her eyes large and her nose smaller with a rounder face. From afar she looks rather delicate in her appearance.

Profession: Valery has worked in several areas in the Nakatomi Corporation's Research and Development department. Currently she is the head technician in improving the General Management Programme.

Skills: Clearance: Valerie has a high clearance level that can get her to certain levels of the Ark that others probably cannot go to.

Intelligence: She is a leading scientist in the corporation and has two doctorates in her respected fields. Valerie could probably tell somehow how anything mechanical works. That doesn't mean she is able to use it though, she could probably make her own gun in her lab but she wouldn't be able to shoot the thing to save her life.

Equipment: Emergency A.R.R.T.'s Tablets: To prevent herself from going blind, Valerie has a container with three tablets left. It's usually more full , but lately she's been so busy she hasn't had the time to fill it up again.

Laptop: Her own personal, state of the art laptop is never out of her possession. Valerie is constantly running calibrations and tweaking programs for either the General Management Programme or for experimental augmentations. She can't afford to have the device leave her sight.

Medical History: Valerie's albinism has caused her several problems over the years, which the Nakatomi Corporation has graciously paid for in order to have her services. Man of her problems stemmed from her eyes, which have currently been replaced by top-of-the-line visual augmentations. These have allowed Valerie to have perfect 20-20 vision in both eyes as well, magnification capabilities, and enhanced night vision to help in her work.

Her albinism also makes her sensitive to the suns rays and so she takes much time in applying heavy-duty sunscreens and wears clothing that usually covers every bit of skin she can manage when she is outside.

Psych Analysis: As a child, and even in her teen years, Valerie was treated very poorly amongst kids her own age. They thought she was strange thanks to her albinism and this resulted in her being very conscious of her appearance. The treatment has also resulted her in being a very quiet individual by nature.

Once she entered into the Nakatomi Corporation though, Valerie felt for the first time that she belonged somewhere. The company had provided her with a stable environment where she never felt judged and surrounded her with people who helped build her up. This has made her severely loyal to the Nakatomi Corporation and hold it in high regards. She respects those in authority and listens to the chain of command. Since joining the company she isn't afraid to voice her opinions on any matter and has been known to comfortably debate with others.

Personal History: Born in South Africa, Valery and her family lived there until she was about 10. The constant sun of the area had pushed a young Valerie's eyes to the brink, eventually making her legally blind. She was still able to view things up close, but the conditions forced her family to move elsewhere.

Traveling to the Maine in the northern US, where the sun would be less and climate cooler for someone who needed to dress in more clothing, was the best decision that they made. Valerie excelled in the new conditions and although making friends was hard, she was very proficient in her work and ended up graduating high school a year early and with a full ride to Dartmouth University. She studied both BioMedical Engineering and Computer Science

Before she even graduated, Valerie was scouted by the Nakatomi Corporation. After receiving both her bachelors degrees the company sent her back to school for further educations as she worked with them. They had high hopes for the unique young woman as she did for them. Since Claire Hartford's fall from grace, Valerie has taken her place as Douglas' golden girl.

So begins...

Valerie Rush's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryan FitzPatrick Character Portrait: Valerie Rush
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The sound of tapping on a keyboard was one expected when walking to Valerie Rush's lab. New software needed to be tweaked, coding had to be updated, and firewalls needed to be scrutinized and backed up, all things needed to ensure that the Ark's General Management Programme was able to function properly and provide the best services for the residents. It was tough and some considered it to be a daunting task, but Valerie enjoyed it. It showed just how much she meant to the Nakatomi Corporation that they awarded her this particular job and she was more than happy to fulfill it.

The sound stopped for a second as Valerie stretched her hands above her head and popped her shoulder blades. Sometimes she lost herself in her work, so engrossed in the coding that she forgot about her health. A yawn escaped her mouth. Looking at the clock in the lower corner of her computer she noticed the time and visibly balked. She had been working on a single program for the last 9 hours straight.Before that she had been in her lab doing more things for her job.

"Maybe I should catch some sleep while I still can." The scientist mumbled to herself. Before even starting the current program she was working on, she had ended up working a full day's work. She hadn't noticed she was tired though, not until she stopped.

She scooted her office chair away from her desk, looking over at the leather couch in the corner of her office like it was something heavenly. Her eyes never showed fatigue or irritation which was nice and all, but that meant she had no real trigger telling her to go the fuck to bed.

Finally sitting down on the couch and fluffing up one of the throw pillows, Valerie was more than ready for some shut eye when there was a knock on her door. Of course
 She thought, clearing her throat before she spoke. "Come in."

The door opened and a young man entered, looking a little embarrassed though she wasn't sure why he would be. "Doctor Rush, I was wondering if you had the time to help a few of us out on the Tachyon collaboration?" Valerie sighed in defeat before giving the man a nod and stood to retrieve her laptop.

An Adaptive Camo unit would change the world. The ability to be virtually undetectable until it was too late to decent was something that every military power in the world would love to get their hands on. It was the next big invention for both the Nakatomi Corporation and Tachyon Engineering, and would give both companies some good PR.

Working with new people always bothered Valerie. Other people always regarded her as strange, most of the time just based on her appearance. It was nervousness that stemmed all the way form her childhood, but after spending some time working with the group from Tachyon she eased up and just immersed herself in her work. They weren't in a lab exactly, many of the scientist agreed that testing the machine in a natural environment would be best to see the flaws. Currently they were in a small park-like area on SL +6. It was a beautiful view, Valerie could see the streets below and the sea out to her right.The sight was calming. Suddenly a pain flashed through her head. Her hand reached up, hoping to massage it away, but nothing changed, if anything the pain only intensified. She couldn't help but think that it must have been a result of not sleeping at all in almost 24 hours.

Then there was screaming.Walking over to one of the railings overlooking the streets below, Valerie noticed people running. Running not in the way of being late for something, but running like
well she'd never seen people run like that before. They just scattered. The screaming had caught the attention of some of the others in her group, bringing them to look at the same scene she was.

"What the hell?" One woman asked. From six stories up it looked like fighting had broken out in areas, people just attacking other people. "Is it a terrorist attack?" The same woman asked, fear in her voice.

Valerie couldn't help but denounce her accusations in her head. There was no way GM would allow terrorist onboard the Ark. Every person on the island was scanned and screened, their personal information scrutinized by ever database compiled in the world. It was impossible for anyone to get inside without the proper credentials.

A door on the far side of the park burst open, four people entered screaming and slamming the door shut behind them and used their own bodies to keep it closed. Valerie recognized one of the men in the new group and hastily approached. "Stan, what's going on?"

"Oh God, oh God," Stan looked over at her with wide eyes and breathing heavily. "Something's wrong. There was this
mist or something. It just came out of nowhere. People started going crazy and FUCK!" He screamed clutching at his arm. There was a bright red stain all over his lab coat sleeve, or at least what was left of it. "My secretary bit me, she friggen bit me, tore a chunk out of my arm." Valerie walked over to the man, intending to look over his wound, but he began violently convulsing right before she reached him. His mouth was open in a silent scream as blood pooled out of his mouth, followed after by the red liquid trailing down his eyes and out of his nose.

The woman recoiled away from the ill man. She could honestly say she'd never seen anything quite like that before in her life. Stan just kept twitching on the ground and when the group who had came in with him saw, they quickly moved away from him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryan FitzPatrick Character Portrait: Valerie Rush
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13 Years Ago
The FitzPatrick Household

"Ryan!" A voice called out his name. Naturally his eleven-year-old (twelve pretty soon) mind ignored it. Samuel was sitting next to him on the couch. He was the one that actually looked back. He turned to Ryan, and elbowed him. Ryan flinched, blinking as he tore his eyes away from the screen.

"What?" he asked distractedly.

"Your mom wants you." Samuel said, in an even tone as always.

"Yes mother?" Ryan called out in a perfect British accent. A slightly muffled reply came back down the stairs.

"Sam has to leave at 9:30. State's doing neighborhood security checks again."

"Sure mom." He turned back to Samuel. "You heard that right?"

Samuel just stared at him.

"Right." They both turned back to the Holo-Viewer. Ryan switched through channels with a wave of his hand. They landed on the livestream of someone playing a new post-apocalyptic video game. The commentator was currently panicking and his character was currently trying to beat back a wave of zombies with a baseball bat. It was not looking good. Out of the blue Ryan asked,

"You think there's going to be a zombie apocalypse?" The response from Sam was near automatic.

"Well, with all this media about the subject, some crazy will probably try to start it."

"So you think it's going to happen? Do you think you would survive?" Ryan returned his eyes from the screen. Against all odds the character was running, no, limping away from a pile of dead zombies. The commentator was singing a victory song. Sam and Ryan shared a laugh when the character died by tripping on a rock.

"We're both teens. We're invincible." Sam retorted. "But if I do die, I definitely do not want to go out like that."

Present Day
The Ark
Ryan's Quarters

"Sam, I am a field operative. That means I work with other field operatives. Not scientists. Not that I have anything against them." He paused. "Wait, how much do scientists get paid again?" His HUD sounded with "Samuel Denton; Tachyon Executive"'s reply. Not to be confused with "Sam Tanner; The Bionic Leg Man".

"Research and Development want you to do more testing on the Adaptive Camouflage, without the Exoskeleton. All our main scientists are on shore currently."

"Without the exoskeleton? That means I would need another scientis-oh." Ryan sighed. "Fine, who's the unlucky contestant?" A picture, name, Room, and Lab number popped up on his HUD.

"Dr. Valerie Rush, PhD, will be assisting you in testing. She is the Head Technician for the General Management System, and will correct any errors in the coding." After further study, Ryan spoke up.

"Why are her eyes red? That is..." Ryan tried to find the appropriate word. "Awesome. I want red eyes. Win any staring contest I want to." Well, he did anyway. It was because he was very skilled in the art of staring contests. And also maybe because his HUD was a gas-mask type thing that totally obscured his face, but mostly the former.

"She suffers from Albinism, Ryan. Bring your firearms, R&D also wants results on the how Camouflage interacts with complex objects. Mr. Simmons wants to do some remote diagnostics on the Exoskeleton. Leave the M.C.E. in your room. "

"He always runs diagnostics. Doesn't he trust me with it?"

"I wouldn't." Came the short reply.

A Call Disconnected flashed before in his eyes. Ryan grinned to himself. He stretched and rotated his shoulders. He retrieved his guns from his safe. He stole a quick look at himself at the old-school mirror. The only part you could really see of his body, well, was nothing. The underbody of his MCE pretty much covered the rest of what his HUD didn't. Even without the it, he looked like he belonged in a war zone. Ryan wouldn't look entirely out of place in a 1950's sci-fi flick. He would be able to scare away any chick he wanted to.

"Ryan FitzPatrick, glorified bouncer." He smiled to himself. "Doesn't get any better than this."

So many room numbers. Ryan thought to himself. When things like these start getting in the thousands It makes a person wonder about their efficiency. He came to the one he was looking for. He knocked on the door. His HUD indicated how long the person was in the room, which supposedly made criminals easier to catch, but Ryan thought was a little creepy. Finally realizing the number, and active hours, his eyebrows raised under his mask.

Holy... She's been awake for that long? Ten points for dedication. He heard a muffled "Come in" and he complied. He nearly tripped on the way in, but recovered quickly. He was sure she hadn't seen it, but he spoke up regardless.

"Doctor Rush, I was wondering if you had the time to help a few of us out on the Tachyon collaboration?" He tried to sound formal, but he mostly sounded embarrassed. He mentally kicked himself. So much for great first impressions.

The walk there was uneventful, although he did get some stares from passers-by (probably because he was carrying weapons in the open), but they did reach their destination. Dr. Rush and the toher scientists exchanged some pleasantries and introductions, it was then Ryan realized he hadn't introduced himself. He guessed it didn't matter. She had more important, scientific stuff to worry about, right? He attached the Camouflage and assumed various positions.

A an hour passed, Ryan tensed halfway through doing a position. He heard screaming, and it wasn't Pancake Day. He then realized he hadn't eaten. Smart. Real smart. Small, random debris fell from some of the upper levels, pulling him out of his thinking. Four people burst open through doors on the far side, panic obvious on their faces. Dr. Rush approached them, talking to one named, apparently named "Stan". He grabbed his guns and holstered them, flicking the safety off on all of them, and powering down the Camouflage in turn. He arrived by Dr. Rush's side when "Stan" had a seizure and collapsed.

Ryan quickly motioned everyone away. Against most people's better judgement, he bent over the twitching body. Call me crazy, but I don't think this the small pox. He stood, still next to it. He turned to the mix of people gathered wide-eyed near him. He spoke quickly and with purpose.

"Get off this floor and to the nearest security safehouse. I'll try to get this guy to medical." The group separated, the four running for the stairs, the other scientists grabbing equipment and following suit. Dr. Rush just stood there, clutching her laptop. Ryan barely noticed as he tried to open a comm with Tanner. He spoke out loud, not bothering to use the subvocal sensors.

"Yo. Sam, talk to me." Nothing. "Sam?" A Connection Attempt Failed flashed on his HUD. He swore under his breath and tried connecting to GM. He finally noticed Dr. Rush still standing there. Before he could tell her to go with the others, he connected. Strange.

"What can I do for you, Officer FitzPatrick?"

"Can you connect me to Sam Tanner?" A pause.

"No." Was the curt response. Ryan blinked and frowned. Not that anyone could see, of course.

"OK, then... can you tell me what's going on? Give me a Sitrep?"

"I don't want to answer that question." Ryan sighed, exasperated.

"GM, do not go all HAL 9000 on me! As much as I love Space Odyssey, the movie didn't well for the crew!" Ryan disconnected. He turned to Dr. Rush. "On second thought Doc, you may want to have a conversation with GM, she's acting all moody. Y'know girl-to-girl. She is a girl, right? She has the voice. Was she-" Ryan was interrupted by Stan suddenly grabbing his ankle with a "GARAAAGHH!". Ryan's knee-jerk reaction from his training caused him to promptly slam his heel into Stan's bloody face. He barely caught himself from doing it again. He stepped back.

"Oh. Uh, sorry about that." Ryan apologized. Stan stumbled to his feet. He lifted his his head, nose bleeding and blooding pouring from his mouth. His pupils were white. Ryan starting backing away, and pushed Dr. Rush behind him. Stan was breathing heavily, and grinding his teeth. Ryan spoke up again.

"Hey, I said I was sorr-" Staninstein charged them, roaring as he went. Ryan drew his pistol just in time for a desk to fall from one of the upper levels. A thud accompanied by a sickening crunch made him flinch. Blood splattered the wall opposite of the duo. A partially crushed decapitated head rolled of a stop near Ryan's feet, it's mouth still working. He holstered his pistol and stared at the scene.

"Well. That's rather... unfortunate."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryan FitzPatrick Character Portrait: Valerie Rush
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To be honest Valerie didn't even really notice Officer FitzPatrick's approach. She was too focused on Stan and his his fits of seizures. Even when all the others bolted for the other exit on the other side of the garden, she continued to just stand there. Valerie found herself fascinated, she'd never seen a reaction quite like what was happening to Stan. Biological warfare was always a possibility, it happened in other parts of the world all the time, but on the Ark? That was very much impossible, GM would have noticed any hazardous containers of microbial and was programmed to properly dispose of them.

The officer's voice finally brought her out of her head. She couldn't really understand what he was talking about. GM was in working at optimum conditioning that last time she had done configurations. Hell, that had only been a few hours ago. The computer was also incapable of being 'moody' and Valerie found herself giving Ryan a look, as if asking 'are you serious?'. "What are you-" But just as the man was cut off during his speaking so was she when Stan suddenly grabbed at Ryan and gave a loud gurgling growl. It caused Valerie to jump back and away, though watching as the trained officer rammed his foot into her colleague's face.

Then the most unnerving thing occurred. Just as Stan's secretary attacked him earlier, the scientist stumbled his way to his feet and tried to attack them. Thankfully Officer FitzPatrick had the sense to push her behind himself because Valerie probably would have been too stunned to move on her own. Stan ran, the man she once knew was apparently not home anymore, but as fate would have it Stan met quite the unfortunate end. A desk flew from the upper floor window and landed squarely on top of the scientist, leaving him nothing more than a splattered puddle of gore. As part of Stan's skull rolled passed them, it didn't take long for Valerie to promptly loose her cookies.

After spending a few moments in the bushes, making sure she got everything out of her system, Valerie stood and took a deep breath. She promptly avoided looking in any direction that could possible have a piece of Stan in it and made her way towards her laptop. Her phone was unfortunately in her office desk drawer, but she had a wireless device on her ear that could hook directly to her laptop. As she opened the machine she tried to pull up the numerous operation systems for GM. Strangely enough anything related to the program's functions or protocol. Valerie couldn't change anything, all her passwords were being denied before the everything went black on her computer screen. A frustrated sigh escaped the woman, she had no idea what the fuck was going on.

Rebooting her system she tried once more using a backdoor program. She wouldn't be able to actually do anything while inside it, just like with the normal functions GM kept a considerable amount of security up to keep her out. Valerie was able to view numerous things though, like look at footage from security cameras or check a few of the local communication channels. Everything that was supposed to be leaving the Ark was completely shut down and the young woman had to wonder if any distress signals were even able to leave the man-made island. She doubted it.

As she scanned from some of the videos she noticed that it was pretty much the same everywhere. People were just attacking others viciously, it was absolutely awful and horrifying to view. Valerie had to switch the screen to something else before she upchucked again. That's when she noticed something on the Leader network.

Switching to her wireless headset she closed her laptop and contacted this Sam. "Officer Tanner?" She asked once she was logged into the group. "This is Doctor Valerie Rush, I'm here in the SL+6 hanging garden in the Ark's main towers with another officer." She scanned her surroundings, dutifully avoiding the mess of Stan, and tried to locate where the others went. The door on the other side was shut, but she supposed that their group must have gone through there. "We were with others, but it seems we got separated. I'm not exactly sure how we're going to be able to reach the -2 floor, those
people are everywhere. I have access to some of the security cameras, but won't be able to view them while we're moving."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elijah Howe Character Portrait: Sam Tanner Character Portrait: Ryan FitzPatrick Character Portrait: Valerie Rush
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Bosch
On Floor Minus six STG Operative Booker Shanks raised his Evo submachine gun and fired a quick burst into the wave of crazed people staggering down the hall way towards him. The weapon clicked and he yelled at the top of his voice.


On the other side of the corridor STG operative Kyle Phelps commenced firing while Booker ran down the corridor dropped to a knee and reloaded the sub machine gun. Once he was ready to fire he shouted again.


It was then Phelps turn to run backwards and reload. Using the basic principles of fire and movement the two men were keeping the horde at bay and Sam Tanner was very impressed.

“These guys are kicking fucking ass.” Sam whispered quietly in awe of the two men’s skills which to someone who had no knowledge of small unit tactics seemed amazingly graceful.

Of course it couldn’t last. While Booker was reloading he failed to check a doorway.

“Fuck! Behind you!” Sam yelled as the infected lurched toward the crouching Booker but neither of the STG men had signed into Leader meaning Sam couldn’t contact either.

Instead Sam had to watch Booker get jumped by the infected.

Sam couldn’t see what happened because of the angle of the camera but Booker’s sub machine gun clattered across the floor. Tanner watched in horror as the STG operative struggled with the infected for a few seconds before explosions of red came out of the infected scientist’s back. Booker then rolled the man off him and resumed firing with his pistol. The submachine gun may as well have been on the far side of the moon because to retrieve it Booker would have to run towards the horde and Phelps was already preparing to run backwards.

Sam watched the two men for a few more minutes but it was clear Booker was screwed. Blood was pouring out of him and he was getting visibly slower.

Eventually they made it to a Systems control room for the power systems. Booker leaned against a console and held a hand to his side. He was bleeding profusely and when he pulled off his helmet Tanner could see he was deathly pale. Phelps was pacing the room checking corners.

Suddenly Phelps spun and pointed his weapon at Booker. Booker with practiced movement pointed his G20 right back at Phelps.
Sam couldn’t hear what was being said but it was pretty obvious. Everyone knew the rules in a zombie movie you get bit and you turn obviously the two men were discussing the theory with loaded weapons.

The standoff lasted around twenty seconds before the shooting started.

It was all over in a couple of seconds Phelps was splayed out on the broad of his back while the Submachine gun had made hamburger out of Booker. The medical signs of both men told Sam they were dead.

That was sad and depressed Sam but he was more concerned with the panel Phelps’ bullets had destroyed. It was a power conduit which meant...

Emergency lighting activated on floors Minus ten to plus five.

Sam read the words dancing around on the screen in front of him. Of course he was unaffected being on floor Minus 15. The floors above him though would be plunged into a sort of twilight until someone could get in there and fix or reroute the power. It also meant his email was going to send the survivors in a darkened place full of murderous zombies.

“Fuck.” Sam whispered.

He didn’t have much time to react though as a ping told him some one new had logged into Leader.

"Technician Tanner, this is Detective Elijah Howe, I'm in a lift bound for the lower levels. I'm going to get to the store room you specified as quickly as I can, and see if I can find other survivors along the way. Can you describe the nature of the contamina-"

Sam quickly found Howe on the security screens and felt his heart drop, compared to the two STG guys he’d just been watching Howe looked old and lacked the tactical gear the other two had.

"Just a second. I stopped at Minus One. Something just hit the door." Howe continued.

Sam kept quiet as he watched the scene play out. An older technician, clearly infected, staggered into the elevator and the two men began to struggle all Sam could hear was the scuffle of feet and grunts of men locked in mortal combat. Suddenly Howe jabbed something into the man’s face who went stiff then collapsed.

It took Sam a few seconds to work what he’d just seen.

“Aw Jesus that’s nasty.” Sam groaned as Howe pulled the blade out of old man’s eye.

Sam had learned an important life lesson about books and their covers.

"Tanner? You still there? The bloody hell is going on here? A man just came into the lift and attacked me. I managed to fend him off without too much trouble, but he seemed immune to anything but a stab through the eye." Howe’s English accented voice asked across Leader.

“Yeah I saw that. I’m stuck in an Ops room on minus 15 with a metric ton of those assholes outside the door. You’re about to lose lights on Floors minus ten to plus five. A couple of idiots had a standoff that ended badly for everyone. Emergency lighting is being activated floor by floor.”

While Sam was talking he pulled up Howe’s file which told him the Detective was 44 years old, English and had been headhunted for Ark security. None of that mattered though as Sam went straight to medical history. He saw Howe had a leg injury in the past but it didn’t seem to be slowing him down. He looked at his own legs and figured he was in position to judge.

"At Minus Two now, on the border of North and East. Making my way to the store room described. Can you describe the nature of this contamination leak? Alternatively, can you give me any indication of where I ought to go?"

“Ok Howe there’s other survivors but they’re going down faster than hookers on two for one day. The store room is still pretty clear and from what I can see it’s clear enough between you and the store room although you’re going to lose lights. Couple of bodies but they don’t seem to be moving course that means whatever killed them could still be roaming around there. I’ve no idea what’s going on with the leak. GM has lost it and is keeping me from accessing files hell I’m working at maybe fifty percent capacity here. The GM released something called the Chimera Project via the air vents. Aside from that I don’t know anything, just don’t trust GM and watch out for the infected. If I can get a scientist to speak we might get somewhere.” Sam explained.

Another ping sounded from Leader telling Sam someone new had checked in.

"Officer Tanner?" A woman’s voice asked the open air waves. Her accent was hard to place, half American half something else.

“Howe I got newbies here, patching them in.” Sam said as he confirmed Rush into the Leader group.

"This is Doctor Valerie Rush, I'm here in the SL+6 hanging garden in the Ark's main towers with another officer."

“Plus Six eh? Ok we had a problem and emergency lighting has been activated on Floors Plus five to minus ten. I’m stuck on floor minus fifteen but I have limited access to security systems and almost full access to the security camera feeds. I’m also in contact with a security operative called Howe who is on floor minus 2 and travelling to the storeroom. I see a security officer is with you is there anyone else there?”

Sam accessed the feed and saw rush was standing in hanging garden a splash of green in the middle of the white urban jungle. It looked almost peaceful apart from gore splattered across the place.

"We were with others, but it seems we got separated. I'm not exactly sure how we're going to be able to reach the -2 floor, those
people are everywhere. I have access to some of the security cameras, but won't be able to view them while we're moving."

While she was speaking Sam pulled up her file. The woman was some kind of brain who grew up in South Africa which explained the accent, her profile picture was pretty in a demonic evil eye kind of way. She worked in R&D but he couldn’t access doing what he guessed his security clearance wasn’t high enough.

He then looked at the man standing beside her and felt a flash of recognition.

“Is that Operative Fitzpatrick you’re with? Tell him to sign into Leader, the bionic leg man is running the show. He’ll know what it means.” Sam knew Fitzpatrick although they never got the opportunity to become friends they were aware of each other and shared a sense of humour.

“Ok Doctor Rush you have options here.” Sam continued. “The lower you go the more infected you’re likely to encounter however Floor minus two, at least the east side, seems pretty clear and that’s where I’m sending people because it’s a pretty equal distance to travel. At the moment I’ve got a few problems I need dealt with but of course I’m trapped. We have multiple system failures and the GM is going bananas. I’ve also got Douglas Wahidin trapped in his penthouse awaiting rescue which no doubt Boy Scout Fitzpatrick will want to deal with.”

Sam sighed the situations was spiralling out of control and he didn’t have the tools to deal with it.

“Howe you’ve options as well you can either continue to the storeroom and set up our very own Alamo or get to floor Minus six and see what you can do about our power situation. It’s a mess though, the place is crawling with infected and the console got shot up bad. I think you’ll need someone technically minded to do the repairs or rerouting while you can watch their back and get stabby again.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sam Tanner Character Portrait: Christopher Galloway Character Portrait: Claire Hartford Character Portrait: Ryan FitzPatrick Character Portrait: Valerie Rush
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Valier took the time to think over Officer Tanner's words. Should they head to safety, regroup with any other survivors he was sending there? Or was it more beneficial to go and complete Tanner's task, add another to their group, before heading to the all-clear zone? Honestly she didn't really get the chance to choose before the security officer with her chose for them.

Saving Wahidin was stuck up top, on the highest level of the Ark and Officer Fitzpatrick insisted that's where he needed to go. It wasn't that Valerie didn't care, Douglas was like a surrogate father figure to her, but she had no viable fighting skills, she wasn't a good shot, and frankly she didn't have much faith in the man keeping both himself and her alive while they made the trek up. Unfortunately, Valerie didn't really have a choice. Without her current companion there was no way she was making it anywhere by herself.

"Officer Tanner..." She called, connecting herself right back onto Leader. "We'll go and meet up with Prof. Wahidin. It's going to take us some time though. If GM is on the fritz than cracking some of the security protocalls will take precious minutes, even with my access." It was true, the entire main building for the Nakatomi Corporation had some tight security that only got more complex the higher (or lower) one went. It wasn't as though Valerie couldn't do it though, she was more than proficient when it came to computers and she had worked on GM.

Slipping her hand into her pocket she grabbed a hold of her ear piece. The tiny piece of machinery was quite the technological advancement, but was still in prototype phases for the purposes she was going to use it for. She attached the device to her ear before connecting it to her laptop. While the computer was in sleep mode, Valerie would be able to access some minimal functions with the earpiece via a small virtual screen it projected over her eyes. So far the thing had crashed a few times when the programming required too much output. Until absolutely necessary she'd just use it to keep connected on Leader.

Officer Fitzpatrick was the first to head out. He slowly opened the door leading back into the building and cautiously stuck his head through. Valerie stood behing him, nervous beyond words, until he eventually moved through. The hallway was clear and they were on their way.

As the two moved through the eerie halls, both clearly strung out in tension as two pairs of eyes scanned anything that moved, one particular voice over the Leader waves, grabbed Valerie's attention. It had been a very long time since she'd heard it. "Alright Tanner.. You have your wish. Chris and I made it to Wahidin's building. He's up at the top still? We'll help your buddy get Wahidin back to the Alamo. But I won't promise I'll try to keep him alive."

"Prof. Hartford?" The albino woman asked, realizing that she probably hadn't seen her former mentor in some number of years.
Sam Tanner and whoever was with Claire steered the conversation into a different direction; Project Chimera. That was something she hadn't seen in action before. Valerie had done a few simple tests for that particular project in it's earlier stages before she was moved to full time GM duty. Still, she would never speak of Nakatomi's classified projects to people who didn't have the appropriate clearance. Even when the situation was this dire.

"This is Valerie Rush, Officer Fitzpatrick and I are six floors above you, Prof. Hartford. I can access the security cameras to get you and your companion to us. From there the four of us could probably make it up to Prof. Wahidin's office rather easily."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elijah Howe Character Portrait: Sam Tanner Character Portrait: Christopher Galloway Character Portrait: Claire Hartford Character Portrait: Ryan FitzPatrick Character Portrait: Valerie Rush
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Chris scratched his chin in thought while Mr. Tanner searched files for information on the Chimera Project. Horrific, his mind echoed, absolutely horrific. A strange blend of emotions had begun to fill his skull: relief, terror, pain, fear. It was all too familiar to that fateful trip to The Congo.

“Oh Christ,” Chris returned to the present, “Ok Galloway stay with me here. The contamination started on floor minus ten. So the first zombies were on floor minus ten. Then GM purged floor, sucked all the air out of it, and released the contaminated air on all the other floors thus spreading the infection. Problem is those zombies are still dead on Floor Minus Ten. They all asphyxiated, that means they needed to breathe when they died, what am I saying you’re the doctor. Point is these people aren’t zombies, as in not undead, they’re just sick. I’ve been telling people to kill sick people. Oh Jesus...”

Tanner trailed off, leaving an empty crackle on the channel. Evidently, the security officer wasn’t prepared for the revelation that the “zombies” were only rabid people. Good for him, Chris thought, at least someone hasn’t been totally desensitized in this day and age. He suddenly become aware of a clench in his side and rubbed at it slowly. My body is quite exhausted, he realized, a bit bruised, too. The pain pills in his medical kit seemed tempting, but his better instincts pushed the thought away.

Chris inhaled through his nose, and then responded in a calm and even voice, “Just as I had suspected. It’s alright, Mr. Tanner, you did the right thing.” The last words barely croaked out of his mouth as a lump of guilt formed in his throat. He glanced up at Claire, who was pacing around the building foyer, and the image of the woman from the streets flashed back into Chris’s mind. She was screaming as the brutes attacked her, but no sound escaped her lips. What have I done?

“We gotta help them,” Tanner broke in again, pulling Chris out from his nightmares, “maybe we can fix it. Alright you guys are going to need to go down. We’re still reduced to emergency lighting of minus ten to plus five. The Chimera Project lab is on minus six. So it’s pretty dark in there but if you could make it there it’s our best bet for answers, maybe a cure. Galloway at the moment you, Howe and Hartford are the best suited to the job. You need to restore power and get in there. Alternatively I could reroute power so you can access the computers but that means no emergency lighting. There shouldn’t be anything on minus six though... just dead bodies, might be a bit spooky but not... you know bitey. It’s up to you three.”

The channel remained silent, but Claire muttered something indistinguishable next to him; apparently she had been paying attention. “Let’s worry about getting Wahidin,” Chris settled, “before we get caught up in our research.” He wet his suddenly dry lips. “Howe, are you still with us? Ms. Hartford and I are currently safe in the lobby, and we are prepared to move up for Wahidin,” a disgusted look crossed Claire’s face at the mention, “I am, at least.”

A new voice, female, cracked through the channel. "This is Valerie Rush, Officer Fitzpatrick and I are six floors above you, Prof. Hartford. I can access the security cameras to get you and your companion to us. From there the four of us could probably make it up to Prof. Wahidin's office rather easily." Chris looked up at Claire, and thought he saw a look of recognition cross her face.

“Ms. Rush,” he responded quickly, “I am Chief Physician Christopher Galloway. If you would be so kind, Ms. Hartford and I would certainly appreciate assistance in reaching Wahidin. Is Officer Fitzpatrick armed? I’m afraid we are not,” the metal pipe focused in his view, “at least not efficiently, and are still awaiting Detective Howe.”

Chris paused and searched through his memory. Fitzpatrick, don’t I know an Officer Fitzpatrick? He drummed his fingers on the floor, trying to recall all his previous patients.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elijah Howe Character Portrait: Sam Tanner Character Portrait: Christopher Galloway Character Portrait: Claire Hartford Character Portrait: Ryan FitzPatrick Character Portrait: Valerie Rush
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Claire paced the foyer back and forth, biting the inside of her cheek while she thought about what she was doing, what was happening and how it happened. Tanner spoke over the the shared system to Chris and Claire listened while forming her own ideas and hypothesis as to what was causing this nightmare and how it was happening so fast. Although it wasn't above Claire to be able to speculate what was happening - extreme-rabies was her best guess - the reality was she was an aug scientist and inventor, not a biologist or doctor, like Chris.

Tanner relayed what he was seeing on his screens. Apparently they definitely weren't undead per se, they needed air. That was promising to a degree; suffocating them was an option if force or a cure wasn't viable, maybe even a mass suffocation throughout the ark? No, that wouldn't happen; Tanner was already apologetic of the few that had died and Chris was a man of healing at his core. What the hell was infecting people?

Claire kept listening while her internal monologue raged within and paused her pacing only when Tanner began suggesting an alternate option for the two and this Howe guy instead of Wahidin's rescue. Find answers, go underground and find answers. Yes; no wait, no! But then it would mean no Wahidin. Fuck. Claire chewed her cheek a little harder and flinched Tanner ended his sentence,

"There shouldn't be anything on minus six though... Just dead bodies, might be a bit spooky but not... you know bitey. It's up to you three"

Claire contemplated the decision, yes it would be no Wahidin but then again, what the guarantee there was absolute safety down there? Plus it could get ugly fast if one the infected or more found themselves down at that level. Claire felt her hand shake - a side affect of boost - gripping it tightly she mumbled, suddenly remembering something from her time spent working in one of the labs down on minus six,

"Minus six also has some of my confiscated aug information... If we get down there, I might be able to make..."

Claire didn't dwell on the thought too long, Chris made their decision for them anyway and Claire shot Chris a disgusted look. Minus six was going to have to wait and to be honest, Claire preferred the idea of a claustrophobic pitch black floor to Wahidin's face. Claire cleared her throat,

"Fine." she said curtly.

Claire turned to the elevator of the floor and pressed the button, hoping the power might suddenly return. Nothing. Suddenly the tablet fired up again and another voice this time filled the foyer,

"This is Valerie Rush, Officer Fitzpatrick and I are six floors above you, Prof. Hartford. I can access the security cameras to get you and your companion to us. From there the four of us could probably make it up to Prof. Wahidin's office rather easily."

Valerie Rush. The albino that essentially took Claire's job. Claire felt herself twinge with yet more anger at another person within Nakatome industries that she disliked more than anything. Although, in truth Claire could admit her dislike for Valerie Rush was more or less a reflection on Nakatome's easy replacement of Claire with Valerie, more than the actual woman herself. In fact, when Claire had worked for the company she had, in a sense, mentored the young woman, quite liking her actually, Valerie almost being on a friend basis before Claire's dismissal. Valerie offered help though and although Claire's eyes rolled at her Valerie's helpful attitude she politely replied, remembering her dislike was largely misplaced.

"Thank you Miss Rush. We're on standby. When you've got a clear view of passage for us, we'll follow your directions. We'll rendezvous on your floor. Don't get us killed."

Claire looked to Chris raising her eye brows in almost defiant matter,

"I meant it when I said I wasn't making any promises about keeping Wahidin alive Chris."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Christopher Galloway Character Portrait: Claire Hartford Character Portrait: Ryan FitzPatrick Character Portrait: Valerie Rush
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Surprisingly, at least to Valerie, it wasn't Claire who answered her first. It had been the her male counterpart. “Ms. Rush, I am Chief Physician Christopher Galloway. If you would be so kind, Ms. Hartford and I would certainly appreciate assistance in reaching Wahidin. Is Officer Fitzpatrick armed? I’m afraid we are not,” the metal pipe focused in his view, “at least not efficiently, and are still awaiting Detective Howe.”

She tried to think back to other staff members she had met. Sadly Valerie was unable to place the doctor. There hadn't been many instances where she had been down the use the medical facilities. Even so, someone who knew proper first aid would be very convenient and leave the albino woman to focus on other matters if she or the officer with her were to run into some bad luck.

Then another voice piped up, this one more familiar to Valerie. "Thank you Miss Rush. We're on standby. When you've got a clear view of passage for us, we'll follow your directions. We'll rendezvous on your floor. Don't get us killed." Frankly, Claire sounded a bit hostile to the younger woman. She had even managed to slight Valerie by not addressing her with her proper title. Valerie had been kind enough to still call her a proffessor even though Hartford had completely ruined her own life. The entire experience had devestated the albino woman, Claire had been her mentor, someone that she could have looked up to, but then she went and became a tablet junkie. It had been Valerie who had to go in, take over, and fix everything that the other woman had left behind or tarnished.

Still, being the profession that she was, Valerie took a seat in the dark hallway and opened up her laptop. Officer Fitzpatrick walked back and forth down the hallway, from corner to corner, keeping an eye out for any unwanted guests.

The screen of her computer was obnoxiously bright in the dim light, but the Nakatomi scientist ignored it and focused on the cameras. It took her a minute, but she managed to locate both Hartford and Galloway. They appeared to be conversing from what she was able to tell. Claire appeared rather angry while Chris attempted to hold a more nuetral pose. It was that instant that Valerie realized she'd have to keep an eye on the other woman.

Her eyes skimmed through the various images from various cameras. The power was still out, except for the emergency backups, but those didn't power the elevators. Obviously those were out of the question. Thus the stairs were the next best thing. Unfortunately, those too held security scanners. They would need proper ID. Since Galloway was a Nakatomi employee, hopefully that wouldn't hinder them too much.

"Doctor Galloway," Valerie began as she hopped back onto Leader. "I can see you both on the entrance cameras, unfortunately there are a few of the infected in your vacinity, so be careful. You'll have to make your way to the emergency stair cases in the back of the building, that means heading through the entrance and a couple of hallways. There are pictures with arrows pointing the way once you get out of the entrance area, so it's simple. From what I can see, the halls are fairly clear."

The albino took another few seconds to look over the cameras. She and Fitzpatrick would have to head into a more infested area in order to get to the stairs. "Just don't open any doors and you guys should be alright. Be careful though, the scanner will be loud when it goes off. Officer Fitzpatrick and I will be meeting you in the stairwell, but we'll have to sign off of Leader. There are more infect on the sixth floor. Also, I can't see much of anything in the stairwell, but no one sick should be in there...hopefully." It was ominous sounding, but there was really nothing that she could do.