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Carter Erin Reid

"Revenge..That's what I was made for..right??"

0 · 691 views · located in New Haven

a character in “The Blackout”, as played by The_Fallen_Ones



Full Name: Carter Erin Reid [Ree-ieed]

Nickname: Anyone who knows her just calls her Carter, through her parents used to call her Erin..

Age: Eight-teen years old.

Gender: Female

Role: Lights Poxleitner, Runaway


Appearance: Carter doesn't look like a well groomed teenager who has had a perfect life with the perfect family. She looks like she's been living in the woods outside of the city. She looks like a wild animal. Her hair is long and a natural black color, through her skin is more pale then most, you can tell she's been living on her own for awhile if you take notice to the scars or her athletic looking body, or even the weapons she carries.

Carter tends to have this dark 'I'll kill you for breathing' kind of aura around her that most the time seems to kill off the deadliest animals around. When someone will see her, she'll be wearing Nearly the same thing everytime. A black tanktop, a brown smooth leather jacket, red high top converse that most the time will have mud on the bottom, a quiver on her back full of arrows and a large bow that she puts on her back most the time or carries around in her hand, she also has a large pocket knife strapped to her thigh, ready to be used, and a pair of sunglasses. She also has a small army looking backpack what she always has with her, it has some cooked meat from her hunting, a small bag of beef jerky, water, more arrows, a mini old style first aid kit along with a changed of clothes, more pocket knifes and another leather jacket.

1. The action of inflicting hurt or harm on someone for a wrong suffered at their hands.
2.Inflict hurt or harm on someone for an injury or wrong done to oneself.

1.Eager for revenge
2. Having or showing a strong or unreasoning desire for revenge.

Carter used to always be open and loving and caring, fun going and nothing could ever get her down, she used to like that with her parents around
but when they were killed...she just..shut of that part of her, Now she usually keeps to herself, and you might find it hard to start a simple conversation with her, unless you're close to her, and not many people are, in fact no one is. Towards most of the people she meets, she’s distant and cold, giving off a dangerous vibe, like a vengeful person. In reality through, Carter is quiet caring still. She hates to see someone hurt, but at the same time, doesn't allow her true feelings to show, mostly because she's scared if she tries to open up and feel again, she'll just lose everything she learns to love.

When she helps someone, she helps them in a natural way, making it seem like she did it cause she had to, through really, she helps them because she wants to. When angered, she won’t simply glare or just walk away, she tends to yell and show how hot headed she truly can be and how much anger she has built up inside.. She hates to be around crowded areas and prefers to be alone most of the time.. Sometimes, she tends to say harsh things, when she doesn’t mean to. She knows it would probably hurt someone's feelings, but that's just one way she shows that she cares now and she thinks if she cold and rough to one person it'll make them stronger as well.

Carter can still put up a fake smile and make a fake laugh, but she doesn't feel anything inside
yet. She can be very sarcastic and stubborn through and she's very good at lying, sometimes she believes if she doesn't tell the whole truth she'll be able to protect those around her better. After what happened to her parent’s through, she seems to be lost in her own craving for revenge. She’ll die getting it, but she’ll get it all the same.


Reason for Running away: The City holes nothing for her anymore, after her parent's were killed by the Militia, she found herself living alone in the wilderness sneaking back into the city every now and then to trade in her catches for money. These girl's just gave her a chance for her revenge, and in return she'll help them.


Role: She is one of the runaways, hell bent on on trying to get her revenge on the Militia.

The Dark
Bright colors


Small spaces
Rude people
Bossy people
People who threaten those she loves
Being called weak
Being called useless

Weapon of choice: Carter Has a large old style wooden bow, a leather quiver and man made, very expensive arrows, at least 30 of them, she also has a smaller wooden down in her bag, cheaper arrows, and three small pocket knives, along with a dagger and a large pocket knife. SHe's also a brilliant hand to hand fighter.

History: Carter had once had a happy childhood, she was a only child, but her parents were like siblings to her, her father hand made a bow and a bunch of arrows for her, and soon both her parents trained her how to use it, her mother also taught her how to fight with knives, she can throw them, cut with them, do almost anything with them, and it's all thanks to her mom.

One day through, when they were all just having a good day out on the street, some Militia officers showed up and began to yell at everyone, telling them to line up. They all lined up, her mother on her left and her father on her right, each of them holding one of her hands as the militia officer walked up and down the line, watching everyone carefully. Then he pointed to Carter, telling one of the other Officers to take her, something about training her to be in the Militia. Her father and mother pushed her behind them and started yelling at the man, trying to defend her, but the officer took it upon himself to beat them. He and some woman he seemed close to beat them both to death.

They screamed for her to run, and so she did, the officers didn't care about her anymore, just the killing. In the end she ran in a huge circle, but by the time she made it back the street was empty and there lay her dead mother and half dead father. She ran up to them and fell to her knees, tears pooring from her eyes as she stared at their broken bodies.

"If we don't end war, war will end us..." Carters father sounded like he was choaking as he spoke, but that didn't stop him, he need to tell his daughter what to do now that she'd be alone, on her own. "Always remember that the future comes one day at a time...It may be hard for an egg to turn into a bird: it would be a jolly sight harder for it to learn to fly while remaining an egg. We are like eggs at present. And you cannot go on indefinitely being just an ordinary, decent egg. We must be hatched or go bad...They have gone bad..don't go bad..hatch and fly with us..we'll be you're...wings." Carter was sobbing that she would never forget his last words as her father reached out to grasp her mothers limp bloody hand.

"Never believe that a few caring people can't change the world. For, indeed, that's all who ever have. and one'll be one of them." After those words left his mouth, his hand went limp in her mothers, and Carter felt her whole world crashing down on her. The small black haired child lay in between her parents for hours, until she heard Militia coming to collect their body's. Carter had rushed home and packed some clothes, along with her arrows and bows and all of her parents pocket knives before she left, she also took her mother wedding ring. Ever since that day Carters been living on her own, out in the woods mostly.

She wants revenge, and by helping these people, she might be able to get it.



Theme Song:

Hands Help High

Turn my mic up louder I got to say something
Light weights step to the side when we come in

Feel it in your chest the syllables get pumping
People on the street they panic and start running

Words on loose leaf sheet complete coming
I jump in my mind and summon the rhyme, I'm dumping

Healing the blind I promise to let the sun in
Sick of the dark ways we march to the drum and

Jump when they tell us that they wanna see jumping
Fuck that I wanna see some fists pumping

Risk something, take back what's yours
Say something that you know they might attack you for

Cause I'm sick of being treated like I have before
Like it's stupid standing for what I'm standing for

Like this war's really just a different brand of war
Like it doesn't cater the rich and abandon poor

Like they understand you in the back of the jet
When you can't put gas in your tank

These fuckers are laughing their way to the bank and cashing the cheque
Asking you to have compassion and have some respect

For a leader so nervous in an obvious way
Stuttering and mumbling for nightly news to replay

And the rest of the world watching at the end of the day
In their living room laughing like "what did he say?"

In my living room watching but I am not laughing
Cause when it gets tense I know what might happen

World is cold the bold men take action
Have to react or get blown into fractions

Ten years old it's something to see
Another kid my age drugged under a jeep

Taken and bound and found later under a tree
I wonder if he had thought the next one could be me

Do you see the soldiers they're out today
They brush the dust from bullet proof vests away

It's ironic at times like this you pray
But a bomb blew the mosque up yesterday

There's bombs in the buses, bikes, roads
Inside your market, your shops, your clothes

My dad he's got a lot of fear I know
But enough pride inside not to let that show

My brother had a book he would hold with pride
A little red cover with a broken spine

On the back, he hand-wrote a quote inside
When the rich wage war it's the poor who die

Meanwhile, the leader just talks away
Stuttering and mumbling for nightly news to replay

And the rest of the world watching at the end of the day
both scared and angry like "what did he say?"

[Chorus x6]

With hands held high into the sky so blue,
As the ocean opens up to swallow you.

So begins...

Carter Erin Reid's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carter Erin Reid Character Portrait: Kyerie White Character Portrait: Chloe White Character Portrait: Cleo Cami White Character Portrait: Marcus Jonathan Reed
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The Weather was Soothing, Cool but not cold, Warm but not hot. Through the night sky was clouded, but not to bad, of course the group of runaway's lead by a young dark haired girl that were crouching behind her, weapons at the ready, were not able to see the velvety black cloud covered night sky due the the trees they were under. The leader of the small group bit his lip as a slight breeze whipped the leaves on the tree around, she felt her body tense, ready to pounce with her sword in hand, her fingers numbly tensing around the handle. The Night was perfect, perfect with their getaway, maybe to perfect.

Cleo Cami White was crouching low behind a tree, which was only one tree away from the group of runaways that were crouching behind her, all of their weapons at the ready, ready for anything to happen. Through Cleo's eye's were fixed on the guards, her mind was on something completely different, which would be her twin, who she was hopping wouldn't miss-step and fall to her death, god that would stop their plans all together, well not completely, if her sister died she'd tell the other runaway's to return to their homes, and go get her older sister herself...... Or die trying.

Cleo tensed as she felt knots in her stomach forming, she was very carefully watching the east entrance to the city, and she was sure Chloe was doing the same thing. Chlole's job was to distract the guards and then signal Cleo a group of runaways hiding in the shadows. Cleo knew the risks, and whished that it was her up there about to shoot off firing arrows instead of her sister, but that was where the twins were different. Cleo couldn't handle not being in the battle feild, she needed to be able to bleed as much as her enemy to feel like a real warrior, but her sister was better out of the field, more open eyed, and mostly she had better aim, which helped most of the time.

Cleo took a deep breath and tensed her legs up, she was in the springing postisten for sure. It was time, and her twin wasn't a second behind on Cleo's thoughts. Soon Flames lit up in the sky, showing, for only s split second, Chloe's face, Cleo let out a deep breath as her stomach seemed to unknot it's self like it always did before she got ready for a fight.

The flame was released, sending the flaming arrow, streaking through the air almost faster then the eye could see. Quickly, Cleo peaked out, she couldn't see the guards from where she was at, and she wouldn't tell the others to move until she got the signal, hopefully it had worked.

Something shot through the air before piercing the bark of the tree that Cleo was under. Cleo grinned and she grabbed the no longer flammed arrows and tucked waved towards the runaways, saying in a harsh tone "Move Out!" before she darted ahead of them and towards the gate, holding it open as each one of them made this way swiftly yet quietly out to their sweet, sweet freedom.

Of course things never work out it seems, because right as she saw her sister, she saw the a guard. Cleo ducked down and grimced. Things never seemed to work from them no matter how hard they tried did they? What do they do if Chloe couldn't get out? Shit shit shit.. What do I do, what should I d- . . . . oh. . . Cleo grimced but turned towards one of the runaways, a determined look set in her eyes.

"All of you, get up in those trees, Don't come down no matter what you see, hear or think you hear. If I'm not back in ten minuets, all of you stay together, and find a safe place. Carter, you're with me."Cleo's eyes had a strange glint in them as she nodded to everyone and said in what seemed to be a even sharper voice then before, "Move Out!" and without much hesitation, her and Carter darted towards the gate. Cleo refused to lose another sister, no matter the terms.



It was silent, which was normal for the dead of night, but everyone was tense, ready for anything to happen. Cool breezes would shake the leaves putting people more on edge then they already were, and the chatting guards near by didn't help in the slightest. Through it was cloudy, the moonlight was light enough for almost everyone here, through not all of them had the fighting or hunting or even sneaking experience as most the other runaways, they all still seemed to have sharp eyes, and even sharper ears.

Carter Erin Reid was crouched in front of the rest of the runaways, who were all lined up behind her, She had no idea what so ever, how she ended up behind Cleo and with all of the others behind her, but she didn't mind to much. It was a good night for a getaway, through Carter still says it would have been better when a storm came through, to give them more cover, but the twin leaders seemed in a hurry, and Carter couldn't blame them, if it were her parents and she had a chance to same them..she would be doing the same thing.

That's why Carter vowed to help the twins no matter what. She under stood what it was like to lose you're whole world, and she didn't want the same thing to happen to someone else. Thunk! Carter swiftly raised her bow, arrow at the ready. "Move Out!" Cleo's sharp harsh voice reached the runaways, and Carter swiftly dashed after Cleo, leaving the other behind in her slight moment of haste.

Soon they were all behind the gate, slightly out of breath but they were all out..well..almost all of them. Chloe, Cleo's twin and the other leader of the runaway, had yet to make her way through the gate, and through Cleo was keeping her cool, it was clear to a hunters eyes that she was tensed up with worry, through she seemed to come up with a idea, and as soon as she turned around to face them all, Carter grinned.

"All of you, get up in those trees, Don't come down no matter what you see, hear or think you hear. If I'm not back in ten minuets, all of you stay together, and find a safe place. Carter, you're with me." Cleo nodded her head towards the door, and through Carter had been ready to dash up on of the trees and find anice steady limb, she knew that the leader had other ideas. "Alrighty." Carter turned towards the oldest looking man in the group, and handed her bag to him. "Please, Please watch this while I'm gone..." Carter looked the man up and down, before frowning ever so slightly. "....And if I find anything missing, I'll hang you by you're toes." Carter flashed a grin at the Man before she dashed after Cleo, her bow in hand and her quiver on her back.

The two of them climbed up a tree the had one branch half way over the gate, Carter glanced at Cleo and said in a low voice. "What do you need me for?" Cleo flashed a smirk at Carter and nodded her head down towards the girls twin and the guard she was talking with. "See that Guard?" Cleo asked stareing intently at him. Carter shrugged and nodded, not bothering to point out the fact that she wasn't blind and could, instead see the large guard.

"Shoot him, right through the throat, on the first hit." Cleo's voice was...deadly in a way, but at the same time it made Carter grin. "No problem, as long as you're sister grabs the Arrow for me." Carter said pulling out one of her best arrows and put it in the bow, pulling back and taking aim with on eye closed. "She'll know better then to leave it behind." Cleo stated plainly as she watched Carter work her magic.

Carter took in a long, deep breath, and released. There was no sound as the arrow flew through the air, spinning round and round perfectly. She understood why she asked her to get the throat, it wouldn't kill the man right away, but he wouldn't be able to make any noise, due to the pinpoint. The Arrow longed it's self through the mans throat, and one look from Cleo told Carter what she had to do.

Carter sighed, rolled her eyes, and put her bow on her back before she jumped from the branch and landed beside the guards body with a thunk. "Son of a bitch..." she mumbled under her breath as she shook her right leg before turning towards Chloe. " Common." she mumbled grabbing the girls hand and gently pushing her towards the gate, Carter stayed behind and grabbed the body, throwing it over her shoulder before she headed out of the gate, shutting it behind her and tossing the body in the bushes before she put her bloody arrow back in her quiver.

This would be a interesting adventure.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carter Erin Reid Character Portrait: Cleo Cami White Character Portrait: Marcus Jonathan Reed Character Portrait: Addyson Carter
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Marcus Reed

Marcus had his eyes closed till he felt the slight flash that could only mean that the signal was being given, kinda dramatic and theatrical for his taste but he was with a
colorful bunch to say the least. When the signal was given he moved quickly, his legs pumping as he made his way across and through the gate without any problems. It was best to do this sort of thing quickly and with a clear head, not hesitating for even a moment so as to not get caught. He heard the slight scuffle behind him and couldn’t help but give a little wince, these kids these days didn’t seem to understand the idea of doing things in a calm manner. His feet touched the gravel and pressed it down, making noise that would be lost in the sound of the guards own footsteps and he made sure to take quick and even strides so that he didn’t exert himself too much and stuck to the shadows so that he wasn’t as likely to be seen. He lowered his head as he thought of the plan and the stupidity of it all. He didn’t even understand how he’d been convinced to help the sisters out but they had managed to convince him to join along, then they had gone against his advice about getting out of the city. All cities had holes in them and even the milita didn’t have men at all the little holes that someone could slip by, that plan would mean splitting up though and they all cared too much about anyone else getting caught; they were too young to understand what it was they were getting into after all.

Once they were across they all hunkered down and waited in the trees, another stupid idea. They should have been away by now and have had the girl catch up to them later on and down the road. The look of concern on Cleo’s face almost made him leave as she grabbed the little archer and made off back towards the gate. Her words rolled off him as he shook his head, then the archer did the oddest thing and handed him her bag. She didn’t even give him enough time to protest it.

Marcus couldn’t help but shake his head even more as he swung the girls back onto his back, his body having to adjust to the extra wait that it added to the bag he already had on. He wanted to say more than a few choice words about the idea of being hung upside down but knew better than to spoil everything with that. He wasn’t THAT old, and they had been the ones asking him to come along so the least they could do is not insult him and make him a bag boy. He turned towards the girl next to him and noticed two things right away. The first was that she was carrying a baseball bat; the second was the fact that she was probably young enough to be his daughter. He sighed and said as he looked at her. “Whatever you do, don’t go hitting anyone with that kiddo. Last thing we need is more killing tonight
..Why don’t’ you come with me real quick”

He had a small smile on his face and a little idea of his own in his head; they had to learn not everything needed to be solved with violence after all. He ignored their order and moved towards the two, standing at the base of the tree as he called up quietly to them. “You both know that there was no reason to kill him right? He might have let her go for all you know, now it’s pretty obvious which way were going. What I’m trying to tell you is that because of that little hair brain stunt you pulled you just endangered all our lives even more, including this little girl right here. Now then, what are we gonna do cause you just guaranteed they’ll be sending a squad or so after us

also little miss bow and arrow up there, if you can’t carry your gear then don’t bring it.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Scarlet Rivers Character Portrait: Remy Carter Character Portrait: Carter Erin Reid Character Portrait: Kyerie White Character Portrait: Chloe White Character Portrait: Vesper Norton
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Chloe watched as the guard before her was shot dead, an arrow to the throat. With a soft groan, she rolled her eyes and bent to grab her forged Traveling license just as a girl dropped out of a tree above her. "Son of a bitch..." She whispered before turning to her. "Common." The girl said, pushing her through the gate. Chloe bit her tonuge and slipped her papers away before coming to a stop under the tree Cleo was in.

She was about to say something when one of the other runaways came over. A little girl in tow. He was the first one they'd picked up. A smuggler. “You both know that there was no reason to kill him right? He might have let her go for all you know, now it’s pretty obvious which way were going. What I’m trying to tell you is that because of that little hair brain stunt you pulled you just endangered all our lives even more, including this little girl right here. Now then, what are we gonna do cause you just guaranteed they’ll be sending a squad or so after us

also little miss bow and arrow up there, if you can’t carry your gear then don’t bring it.” He said and Chloe simply reached up and ripped her arrows out of her sisters hand, slipping them back into her quiver.

"He's right." She hissed, gesturing to the girl who'd pushed her, and the dead guard in the bushes. "Do you always have to be so reckless Cleo? He might have let me through. Maybe, wait next time. The whole point of a plan is to follow it." She rolled her eyes. "How are we supposed to expect all these people to listen to us if we don't even listen to each other?" The two bickered a lot, but they were sisters. It was one of the things that made them so close. They challenged each other constantly. With a sigh, Chloe picked up the archers bags and shoved them into her hands. "Whatever. Now that you idiots have slowed us down when I could have just caught up, we've got to run like hell. Carry your own shit honey. Let's go."

Gently, she pushed past the smuggler, and made her way back to the trees that the others were all hiding in, waiting for her. "Get down." She said simply. "We're moving." And with that, she took off into the woods, nimble feet leaping over obstacles that only a hunter could see in the dark. They would run until they came to a place Chloe knew well and make camp. She shifted the weight of the bag on her shoulder and glanced behind her as she moved. She couldn't see the others, but she knew they were there, streaking their way through the night behind her.


Scarlet let a wicked grin creep onto her face as the girl just stared at her in hard defiance. She glanced behind her at Taylor. "Nervous because Mommy's in the room?." She smirked and grabbed the girls chin, pulling her close and locking eyes with her. "She misses you and your sisters, you know that?" When she got no response, she leaned back and smiled. "I guess you do. Though you don't care."

"Well, thank you for your hospitality, miss Rivers. You are very sweet to welcome us in this amazing prison of yours.I appreciate this, but I am not intending staying in here too much.And I am sure she thinks the same.." She could practically taste the sarcasm in the boys voice and she turned her eyes on him, the girl now forgotten.

"Not a problem honey." She said with a smirk, her eyes following him as she moved to her guards.

"So, these are your puppets? Oh, sorry, a few of your puppets? What did you give them to be on your side? Money? Drugs? Something else? I am really curious, because they are very loyal.. Or is just a facade?"

Scarlet leaned back and inspected her nails. "Actually, it's much simpler than all that. I gave them knowledge and a high salary, and they give me loyal service." She lifted her eyes to the boy with a smile, knowing that wasn't the answer he was expecting. "What? You've never heard the saying: Knowledge is power?"

She watched him sit down again. "What are you going to do with us?" He said after a moment of silence. "Put us in the prison? Come on, you know that if you do this, you will not stop what is coming. AND you know what is coming..You will be defeat soon, along with your puppets.. And you can't stop it..."

Angered, she leaned forward and gave him a slap so hard, she knew it would bruise. She was famous for these slaps, and she knew the guards behind her were all putting their hands to their cheeks, as they'd all been there before. She grinned, satisfied, and leaned back. "No. Actually, I'm not putting you back in the prison. Or the Pitts. I'm taking you with me." She looked at the girl. "You two are going to help us hunt down your siblings. I don't care if I have to break every bone in your bodies to get you to talk." She gestured to the guards. "Cuff the boy again." She tossed a pair of cuffs to Taylor. "Get the girl."

Scarlet stepped back and watched as Taylor handcuffed her own daughter and the guards handcuffed the boy, hands behind their backs. "Alright." She said. "To my office." And with that, she turned, Taylor, her daughter, the boy, and the guards behind her.

Once upstairs, she pushed the double doors to her office open to find that her brother had already gathered their hunters together, along with the tracker. She grinned. "Alright, well." She began, moving to stand next to her brother. "We've got a group of Runaways on our hands, so we're going on a little trip. I'll only be another minute." She said as she disappeared behind a door in the back of the room, heading into her own room.

Quickly, Scarlet peeled off her high heels and velvet dress, slipping into a black tanktop, leather jacket, dark grey pants, and combat boots. She then grabbed the bag next to her bed that always kept at the ready before heading back out into her office. "I hope everyone's ready." She said looking at them. Remy and Frankie seemed to be the only ones who'd grabbed supplies. "We wont be waiting."


John waited in the shadows with the runaways. They were to be waiting for some sort of signal. What exactly it was, he didn't know, only the leaders did, but he didn't mind. He was more than willing to lie planning in their capable hands. He'd never been the smartest guy in the world and was always happy to hand over decision making to someone more qualified.

Next to him, was his girlfriend, Evangeline. He was running away with her. The city, with all the rapes and murders, was no place for her anymore, and he just wanted her to be safe. Silently, he slipped his hand into hers and placed a small kiss on her cheek, just as a ball of flame streaked through the night towards them. He ducked, avoiding the flame as it struck the tree behind him. Then a second. That must be the signal, for the other leader Cleo, shouted for them to move.

So he did, tugging Evangeline along with him. Once in the safe cover of the forest, he turned back to Cleo, taking in her instructions. "Come one Angel." He whispered, helping Evangeline climb a nearby tree, and crawling across a low-hanging branch to sit next to her, waiting for Cleo and Chloe's return.

There was a pause, then sounds of bickering, then an order from Chloe to get down and get moving. With a sigh, he jumped down, then caught Angel gently, taking her hand and leading her off after Chloe.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Scarlet Rivers Character Portrait: Remy Carter Character Portrait: Carter Erin Reid Character Portrait: Kyerie White Character Portrait: Chloe White Character Portrait: Vesper Norton
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As Ky was giving dagger eyes to Scarlet she heard the women begin talking "Nervous because Mommy's in the room?." she felt her chin grabbed by Scarlet’s hand pulling her closer. She looked it the militia’s eyes “shes not my mother” she said through her gritted teeth."She misses you and your sisters, you know that?"[b] She felt Scarlet let go of her and she rubbed her chin just a little [b]“I guess you do. Though you don't care." she was about to respond to that when she looked to the boy next to her, he gave her a smile then started talking to Scarlet.

She heard the guy use sarcasm against Scarlet and go at it. Ky sat there quietly but when she heard the boy say "What are you going to do with us? Put us in the prison? Come on, you know that if you do this, you will not stop what is coming. AND you know what is coming..You will be defeat soon, along with your puppets.. And you can't stop it..." Ky couldn’t help but smile, she liked this guy already just because of what he said to Scarlet, this made her smirk towards Scarlet but then watched as she gave the guy a good smack across the face. She heard it and winced, hearing what Scarlet said next made her not so happy.

“No. Actually, I'm not putting you back in the prison. Or the Pitts. I'm taking you with me." She didn’t like the sound of this and knew it probably wasn’t going to end well "You two are going to help us hunt down your siblings. I don't care if I have to break every bone in your bodies to get you to talk." “Bullshit that will be the last thing I will be doing you crazy bitch” she yelled as she jumped from her seat and put her hands on the table “I will die before you get anything out of me” her eyes looking right back into Scarlet’s, Ky was serious and anyone looking in her eyes could tell.

Ky then felt her wrists being cuffed again and looked behind her to see it was her mother “One of these days Taylor you will die from my hands just like you did to my Grandfather” was the last thing she said before she was pushed out of the room. They followed Scarlet up to another room, where there was other Militia hunters and the brother of Scarlet. She took each of them in guessing these where the hunters that would be hunting the group. “Scarlet is crazy if she thinks she will get anything out of me.” she thought to herself as she stood there glaring.


Remy was standing there her hands behind her back, she turned her head as each of the other hunters come along. First was the hound, she has hunted with him a few times and they worked good with each other, at least she thought so. They worked in silence never saying one word but they always got the job done. She gave a slight nod to the hound then looked at the door as someone else came in. It was another man, she never hunted with him nor has she had any running in with him. She nodded quietly to the older man then another one came walking in. A bit more cheery then the other ones "How you been Remmy baby?" she heard Frankie say then saw the wink. She shook her head then looked to him “Doing well Frankie” she said in her quiet, soft, dark voice. Not many people hear her speak, she liked to keep to herself most of the time but Frankie amused her an not many people could do that.

As she went back to be silent she heard Scarlet come in with a group behind her and she nodded to the women. Scarlet pretty much is her only ‘friend’ she still owed Scarlet from the year the other girl took her to be in the Militia when she was only seven years old. Scarlet was only five years older then her but Remy always looked up to the women and would always be there for Scarlet no matter what the situation was. "Alright, well. We've got a group of Runaways on our hands, so we're going on a little trip. I'll only be another minute." she watched as Scarlet walked off to the other room. She wanted to ask them why they gave that man her full name, Scarlet and Mr.Rivers where the only one that was suppose to know her full name, she would ask them later when there wasn’t so many people around. She saw as Scarlet came back out dressed better for the hunt they where going on. “I hope everyone’s ready, we won’t be waiting.”

Remy nodded she was ready, always ready to hunt, she was about to say something when one of the men spoke up "Tracking in the dark is not possible. It would be better to start fresh in the morning." Remy couldn’t help but agree, hunting would be hard in the dark but whatever Scarlet decided she would go forth with. She didn’t say anything because she felt her opinion wasn’t needed, so she stood their quietly, her hands behind her back as she waited for the next order.


Addy was standing there quietly watching the others from the side, she saw the two arrows being shot and went into the tree near them. Addy still wasn’t sure if they where all ready for this big to do but she just went with the flow. She heard one of the twins, Cleo, say “Move out!” She stayed low and ran right through the gate quietly. As they got through the gates she heard Cleo "All of you, get up in those trees, Don't come down no matter what you see, hear or think you hear. If I'm not back in ten minuets, all of you stay together, and find a safe place. Carter, you're with me." She wasn’t one to take orders from someone else but she remember when their older sister, Kyerie, came to her and told them about their plan and how she should go with them. She was unsure about it at first but she had nothing else here for her in New Haven so she agreed to go, but since Kyerie wasn’t here any longer it was hard to go forward with the plan. She really didn’t know the twins and it made her a bit anxious going with a bunch of people she hardly knew.

As she was about to climb a tree she heard the man next to her start talking, he looked much older then her which actually made her feel a bit better they had someone older in the group. “Whatever you do, don’t go hitting anyone with that kiddo. Last thing we need is more killing tonight
..Why don’t’ you come with me real quick.” Addy gave a small smile and chuckled, she didn’t plan on using the bat on anyone. She has only killed once and that was because the guard almost forced her to go to the Militia where she be put in the pit which she would never go, she would rather die then be in the Militia’s hands.

Addy nodded to the man and put her bat in the pack she had on her back. She kept her essentials in there, nothing to heavy to slow her down. She followed the man silently as they went over to Cleo and one girl she believed her name was Carter. She stood silently as she heard the name next to her start grilling out the two girls, which in her mind she thought they deserved it. One thing she didn’t like of what he said was he called her little girl her eyes went up to him and in the quietest but sorta dark voice she whisper “I am not little” was all she said as she went back to being quiet. She may be fifteen but she had been on her own for awhile now and she hated when she was put down because of her age. “age is just a number” she thought to herself.

Then Chloe came up and started bickering with her sister. “Will you two just shut up and stop bickering, it is the last thing we need. The two leaders bickering as the militia could be coming any minute now” this was all thought in her mind, she would never speak the words but the thoughts in her mind did. She kept quiet but she was grinding her teeth. As Chloe moved past the guy, practically shoving her she huffed. She couldn’t wait till they got out and to utopia then she can go on her own not having to deal with anyone. She followed right behind Chloe quietly, she was quiet as a mouse, her long legs helped her move easier through the night. She wasn’t sure where they were going but hopefully it was a little farther away from New Haven so it wouldn’t be easy for the Militia to find them.