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~The burden of the world is never too heavy~

0 · 239 views · located in The Serin Kingdom

a character in “The Blade of Serin: The Wild Man”, as played by JxLucky


A human girl with no special qualities except the fact that she is born into royalty. At the young age of 17 she portrays strong and mature appearance. Like all the royals before her, she has a unique birthmark on her back, shaped like a crown.


She displays a confident demeanor in front of subjects and officials and is quick witted. However, being a growing teenagers, she is often hides her true feelings and keeps her real desires locked up in order to take up her parent's job


Being the sole heir, she was trained to use magic and weapons. She has a double edged rapier that is reinforced, as well as a long specter which acts as a staff at times.


Tia had a good childhood and that was the usually case for all nobility born children. However, being the sole heir to the ruler of Serin, her childhood was a quick one. At the age of 7 she started lessons on politics, speech, military s tragedies, swordsmanship, magic and almost everything her parents could do. She had little friends and was very lonely. However, she was content with her life as she had two very loving parents. But when they died, everything changed for Tia and now she was thrown into a world with a huge responiblity. Not wanting to disappoint her parents or her new subjects Tia tries her hardest to keep the peace in her kingdom.

So begins...

Tia's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Astrice Droto Character Portrait: Locien Kestal Character Portrait: Tia Character Portrait: Eclipse
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"Okay boys we're back home!" shouted one of the Queen of Serin's soldiers. They had ridden for days to return to the castle. They managed to trap what they believed to be the Forest Dweller of Dragon Saber wood, one of their most treacherous unexplored woods yet. The excitement on the other soldiers faces were overcast with relief and tiredness from the long journey. That, and the fact their horses had to drag the wagon that bared the forest dweller inside.

It wasn't an uncomfortable cage, as it was covered in the soil of the forest he holds so dear. The Forest dweller looked out through the bars in curiosity, anger, and worry all at the same time. What will happen to his beloved home now that he's away from it? Why is he here near the places where other two legged animals like him dwell? More importantly, where is the guard that confiscated his only link to looking for his own family?

He turned to look at the large wolf that got shoved in the cage with him, as he didn't want to leave without her. "One wonders where we are Eclipse, and more importantly, what to do to get out of this or be more comfortable? What do the two legs want with us?" He asked his companion using the language of wolves. "I mean, has one given offense to the two legs? Or do the two legs want something One has?"


Meanwhile the soldier that was bearing the forest dweller's blade to the captain of the guard. The sword was a blade that seemed to shine a silver-steel shine with it's wolf like seal at the top of the pommel side of the hilt, and with strange elvish runes in a language the soldier couldn't interpret, but he hoped his captain would... being another member of the Forest Dweller's kind.

He opened the door to the Captain's office and saluted. "Captain Droto, we have the forest dweller, but... it isn't as bestial as we thought it was. It seems to look a lot like a Dark Elf sir. He had a dark elvish sword with him... I thought that you could interpret the blade's runes and see what kind of sword it is... I mean aren't swords like this a Elvish clan sword?" The soldier asked timidly as he felt himself shaking in his boots. The captain was to him, an intimidating man.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Astrice Droto Character Portrait: Locien Kestal Character Portrait: Tia
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#, as written by ceh12
Astrice watched from the window as the 'beast' was brought in along with it's pet.He appeared to be a dark elf just alot older even though to humans they looked the same age and bigger probably around his mid forties in elvish. He didn't age like ordinary elves on account of him being raised by humans and getting different substances than a baby elf which left him to appear the same age as he was instead of being older than appearance. It was slightly agitating that the beast was infact one of his own and the pet was just a large wolf. He scowled thinking they thought of dark elves as an evil race. It was one of the few things that angered him.

He heard the door swing open and a soldier stepped in holing a sword. "Captain Droto, we have the forest dweller, but... it isn't as bestial as we thought it was. It seems to look a lot like a Dark Elf sir. He had a dark elvish sword with him... I thought that you could interpret the blade's runes and see what kind of sword it is... I mean aren't swords like this a Elvish clan sword?" Astrice took the sword and looked it over. It was definitely elvish in nature but the runes were past his usual enchantments. "Hm the runes dictate ancient enchantments, older than what I have studied I will have to talk to the beast to see what they mean." he said going past the soldier. "I am going to find Lady Tia and see if I can talk to him alone." he said strongly and the soldier simply nodded.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Astrice Droto Character Portrait: Tia
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#, as written by JxLucky
Tia looked outside her bedroom, situated on the highest tower in the castle which made it her haven and her prison. From up top she had seen her men return from what had seen like a hopeless quest but their prize was everything she hoped for. The "beast" was an dark elf yet not one, as it radiate an aura that Tia never sensed on her Guard, Captain Droto.
She knew it just a matter of time before one her maids came up to her tower to report the return of these heroes, who perhaps really saved the Kingdom of Serin.
Tia sigh as she thought about the current war, it seen so surreal as one moment she was with her parents and before she knew it, it was her coronation followed by the dark start of war.
Tia knew this fabled Forest Dweller was the only weapon she had against the demons from the enemy's side and had done extensive research on him, all of it turning out negative results. But here he was with a majestic wolf by his side.......
Knock Knock
"Who is it?" Tia asked as she looked up from her previous view of the city
"Your Majesty, Captain Droto has come to report some news" came a reply from the other side of the door.
Tia was perplexed by the Captain sudden visit for it most mean they found something else allow with the Dweller, something ancient.
"Come In"