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Dani Kim

"Let's see if I can hit a homer with his head, shall we?"

0 · 308 views · located in Milwaukee, WI

a character in “The Broadcast”, as played by Slump



Kim Da Ni

Nickname: Dani. Dani's korean name is Kim Da Ni, But she prefers people to call her Dani since it's easier and cooler. Dani is her Korean name (Da Ni) put together.

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Role: Non-Immune.

Personality: Dani was top of her class, A fun, engaged student, a good friend and an allround nice person. She thought that nothing could go wrong if she was the best person she could be, but ofcource, someone up above had other plans. She was always thought of as the loud, fun Asian chick, never stopped singing, always had headphones around her neck. Some thought of her as slightly annoying and she wasn't loved by all but she held her friends very close. In fact, when she heard about the breakout, the first thing she did was try to make contact with her friends.

She stands at 167 cm (5'4") with long, dark brown straight hair and dark brown eyes.Dani has quite an optemistic approach to her non-immunity, taking it as more of a challenge to be accepted, then a road block. She likes to think that everything happens for a reason, so there must be a reason for her not being immune. She is quite athletic, having played baseball since a young age. She knows how to use a bat to her advantage, can throw strongly at fast speeds and can run quickly. She doesn't like to think about dying, or the fact that She could die at any moment. She likes to think more about the now, about her she is still alive at the moment and thats all that matters.

Dani had quite a curious nature, whith can get her into some sticky situations. She is bright enough to know when or when not to stick her head into a dark room. She has learnt a lot from the current apocolypse. When her friends are in danger, she will always put their safety ahead of her own. She likes to make friends with lots of people, but tends to stick to a small but strong group. She is sometimes flirtatious without realising it, and can accidentaly mislead people.


Weapon: Her metal baseball bat, a swiss army knife she found, and a gun she stole from behind a counter of a run down shop. (She doesn't know what gun it is, only that it's pretty big and shoots lots of bullets.)

Inventory: She has her ipod and headphones, which are always around her neck. She charged it the day before the breakout, so it is almost fully charged. Dani also carries a large, canvas army rucksack with batteries she stole for her ipod, food, bottles of water and first aid kits. She likes to be prepared.

Skills: From her childhood playing baseball, she had high endurance, can run at high speeds, Can throw small objects (rocks) hard at high speeds, and can use her baseball bat as a weapon.

History: Dani grew up in LA, having moved from Korea at a young age. She is an only child, so it was just her, her mum and dad. Her dad worked out on a oil rig and her mum was a nurse at a hospital. Dani went to a public school, living a generally normal life with friends, crushes, all the sorts of things that a normal teenage girl went through. Honestly, she was just that. A normal teenage girl, living her normal teenage life. Before the breakout, she had been lifing at home alone for quite some time. Her mother never came home from work one day. She was always curious as to why this was, but deep down, she knew that her mum was infected. Her father was trapped on the oil rig, the last message she recieved from him said, ' I love you both, don't forget about me.' She learnt to grow a tough skin around this, using music as a break away from the world.

Theme Song(s): You're Gonna Go Far Kid- The Offspring, 21 Guns - Green day.

Other: She is often seen listening to music when being attacked. This is because it takes away the reality that she is killing real people and makes her feel more comfortable with killing them.


So begins...

Dani Kim's Story


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Character Portrait: Dani Kim
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#, as written by Slump
(Ignore this post, It was not replied to so I figured it wasn't good enough. I'll post one further on where it will make more sense.)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Violet Fairbanks Character Portrait: Penfold Character Portrait: Wayne "Sarge" Hardy Character Portrait: Blair Lee Blake Character Portrait: Heather Fairbanks Character Portrait: Wesley Hill
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Wesley was sloshed, he knew that for a fact. But two people just walked in with out a fucking problem. More so was the dick wearing the fatigues drinking his scotch. He saw the insignia and the rank emblem on his shoulder. The man was a deserter, no doubt about it. Even in his drunken state he had a mind to clot the guy in the head. He had dealt with deserters before. He often reported them to the brass and have them deal with it. Now there was no brass, no reports, just a lawless world. He grabbed the bottle out of his hand and said, "That's my bottle, find your own... Sir." His words were filled with hate.

He hated doing this to good liquor but it was the only way for him to stop drinking. He walked over to the sink and poured out the bottle. A tear fell from his face and into the sink mixing it with the scotch. He sniffed and rubbed his eyes before turning back around. He had blatantly ignored the girl that had walked in. The sarge drinking his scotch was a little bit more important than her. He knew that drinking that half of bottle was a terrible idea, he wondered why the hell he did it in the first place. Oh he knew why, he wanted to find God.

"Now, if people would stop interrupting this meeting of the minds. I would like to get the fuck out of here." He said. Wesley hated sitting around doing nothing. He hated being stationed on base. He preferred it when he was on his tours of duties. "Just to be perfectly clear, all need each other and we all don't trust each other. So until we get to Dellwood we are going to act all buddy buddy. Then we can all hate each other there." He said relighting up his smoke, 'stupid fire safety smokes' he thought before he continued, "I'm guessing the way, Jarhead here walked in without a care in the world the infected are at least gone for the time being. This is a good time as any to get out of Dodge." He walked over to his stuff and picked it up, he strapped his shotgun back to his back and made sure his pistol and his knife were secure in there appropriate place. He walked over to the window and saw that the horde was over by the gas station where he had came from. It was in flames, he groaned silently as the fire would draw every single infected in a 5 mile radius.

"So are we gonna do this or what?" He said with his non-dominate hand on the handle of the door. He was ready to go down fighting, Wesley had a warm stomach and a light headed feeling. 'Today is a great die to die,' he thought to himself as he looked out the window one last time.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hayley Collin Humphrey Character Portrait: Wayne "Sarge" Hardy Character Portrait: Heather Fairbanks Character Portrait: Jennifer Ailen Johnson Character Portrait: Wesley Hill Character Portrait: Dani Kim
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#, as written by Slump
God it was quiet... One foot fall after the other, the crunch of shoes on gravel the only sound Dani could hear as she walked along the side of the highway. Her Ipod's battery was on its last stretch, so she had decided to turn it off, instead, listening out for any signs of life... Proper life that is. The sun scorched down, making her long dark hair hot to touch and causing rivulets of sweat to form and drip down her back. Her face was slightly red, the sleeves of her red and cream long sleeved shirt rolled up to her elbows, doing nothing to stop her pale olive skin from getting burnt. She hated this... She hated this whole situation that she was in... Her hands clenched tighter on the handle of her baseball bat, grumbling something in Korean that didn't really mean anything. The gun tapped on the side of her leg, making small clacking noises, her backpack clunking and rustling. She had managed to walk this far already, but her legs were getting weak, her head light and her lips dry. Finally, Dani decided to sit and take a rest, flopping down on the side of the road and pulling out a drink bottle from her pack, swilling the first mouthful in her mouth and spitting it out, then taking a long drink of the sweet, clean water. She grabbed a muesli bar and took a hungry bite, having not eaten for almost 2 days now. She had decided only to eat when completely necessary, to reserve her previsions. Grabbing a band aid from her first-aid kit, she sucked on her finger, a blister starting to grow from where her bat rubbed as she held it. Wrapping the band aid around it, she sighed, looking over the road with deep brown eyes, almost black. She heard them before she saw them.

Engines... Two of them... Motorbike? And a large vehicle! She jumped up, grabbing her things and waving her hands in the air, calling out as the vehicles came towards her. Survivors, they had to be!
"Help! Please Help me! I'm not infected! Please Please, I need some help!" She waved her bat in the air, unrolling her sleeves so that the red might catch their attention. She wanted shade, she wanted to stop walking. She jumped up and down, hoping the people on the motorbike, or in what now appeared to be a police van, would take pity on the 14 year old Asian girl on the side of a road.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Violet Fairbanks Character Portrait: Wayne "Sarge" Hardy Character Portrait: Jennifer Ailen Johnson Character Portrait: Dani Kim
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Jennifer wanted more than anything to just keep going until they reached Dellwood, but so far things had been almost to simple. As Wayne pulled up by her and waved her to keep going, she knew they had company, and sped the van into the road. Yup, a cluster of dead bodies. "Hang on!" she commanded, as if disobeying that would be any sort of good idea as the van swayed from side to side to avoid the dead bodies. She looked over at Penfold "keep lookout on everything but the road right ahead" she commanded. She needed to pay close attention, the road was a complete mess

She was alerted that there was someone... waving in the distance. She had to be a survivor, so far at least. She pulled the lever to open the door "We've probably got company, so I can't stop, Penfold I need you to grab her as we pass" she commanded, slowing down the van to just over can't-outrun-it-speed, waiting for Penfold to grab the girl, then closed the door.

"Nice to meet you, hop in the back" she said to the girl, realizing just how little she had both slept and ate the last days, as that cracked her up completely, she just started laughing hysterically.

They drove on for enough for her to almost stop laughing bit before the real company hit them, Jen jumped so high in her seat that the van swirled "SHIT!" she screamed, as Violet started shooting at the roof. When the creature fell, and Violet asked if they could stop at a hotel, Jen started laughing hysterically again. "I actually wanna say no way we're stopping, but there's a hole in my roof" she hived out in laughter, wiping her eyes of laughter tears, thinking about the absurdity of the whole situation "So I need to find a hard wear store and mount some heavy shields on the car" she snickered. She pulled herself together and focused on the road, harking a little. She was glad that the emotional outburst had happened in that way, not the other.

(OOC: Tagsystem's messing with me, got two Violets and no Penfold...)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hayley Collin Humphrey Character Portrait: Wayne "Sarge" Hardy Character Portrait: Heather Fairbanks Character Portrait: Jennifer Ailen Johnson Character Portrait: Wesley Hill Character Portrait: Dani Kim
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#, as written by Slump
The Van came closser and closser, slowling down... But not enough. They were going to go past! She called out more, louder, then suddenly felt a yank at her shirt, Being pulled into an open door onto a mans lap. She screamed, blushing slightly and covering her mouth, heart pounding, eyes squeazed shut until she heard a man and a woman telling her to move into the back of the van. She scrambled over the middle console, into the back of the van, holding her bat close so she wouldn't hit anyone. She slumed down on the vloor of the van, shutting her eyes and trying to calm the adreneline that flooded through her veins. Her hands trembled and she felt kind of stupid... The others in here had probably been through a lot worse then her, But she had just been pulled into a moving van! That was a frightening experience! She bit her lip and clenched at her bat, trying to stop the shaking as she peered around at the others in the van.

"H-Hello... Th-Thought I might d-drop in..." She tried to lighten the mood a bit, but doubted it would work.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hayley Collin Humphrey Character Portrait: Violet Fairbanks Character Portrait: Penfold Character Portrait: Wayne "Sarge" Hardy Character Portrait: Blair Lee Blake Character Portrait: Heather Fairbanks
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#, as written by Beaux
Wayne listened to Hayley's story of her a past and allowed a small smile to creep up on his face when she kissed the back of his neck. He took a long drag of his cigarette and blew the smoke out of his nose; He heard Hay cough so he took it out of his mouth and flicked it away. Keep you eyes open Hay. He called back to her. He had to start weaving in and out of cars the closer to town the got. He felt Hayley squeeze his chest and it couldn't help but bring back old memories. Those sweet nights with his wife when he cam home from Iraq made for the best loving. He shook his head and was suddenly jerked from reality when he heard gunshots. He skidded the bike to a stop and watched as a hunter flew off the roof and the man with the accent climbed on top and finished off the rest. He waited until he was sure that they were okay and continued into the city. He started to slow and he was soon covered in the shade of buildings. He carefully scanned the streets and rooftops; ever ready for an attack. He kept his eyes on the road and turned his head to the side, Hayley, keep your eyes open for an holtel. One that's not particulary in the middle of town. He said in a cautious voice. Also, keep your eyes open for a car delarship or a trucking yard. I have a feeling we'll be needing a new van. He took a right down the next street and kept cruising through the streets. He scanned the buildings and as they passed an office building, he saw infected in the lobby, scrounging on helpless people. He shook his head in disgust and slowed down as they approached a gas station. Radio back to Jennifer and tell her to not come into town yet. Tell her I'll find a holtel then get her a safe route. He said and stopped his bike by a gas pump. He slowly got off and drew a pistol from his hip. He pulled the handle out of its holder and checked for gas. When it started to drip out, he filled up his tanks. He let Hayley finish while he crept inside of the gas station. It hadn't been hit yet, but there were bodies covering the floors. He carefull stepped around the and started to fill up his back with can food and snacks. He grabbed a hershey bar and a pack of M&M's for the little one and a couple more carton's of smokes. He walked back out side in time to see a infect approaching Hayley. He started to run towards her and she looked up at him with a confused look on her face. He motioned with his arms to look behind her and when she turned it was fixing to grab her. He kept runnning a pulled a knife from his belt. In one fluid motion he kicked off of the gas pump and landed on top of the infect; driviing the knife in its skull. He raised himself up and spit on the ground. I'm about tired of this shit. He grumbled.

They loaded up on the bike and continued through town. Wayne finally spotted the perfect moltel and motioned for Hayley to radio Jennifer, telling her that they had found a moltel. He took the radio from Hayley when she was finished and gave Jennifer directions to get to them. He parked his bike and walked around while he waited for the van to pull up. They were on the very edge of town and had the perfect escape route if they needed it. The van pulled up beside him and he chuckled at the sight of the battered van and watched everyone file out. Glad you could make it officer. Wayne called out and smiled as Jen walked up to him. He grabbed his back pack and swung his rifle around to his front. He put the pack on and grabbed the saddle bags. I know it's not as comfortable as a holtel, but I figured the rooms on the outside would make it easier to get away if we needed to. He said and shrugged his shoulders. He walked over to a room and tried it's handle. When it didn't budge, he took a step back and kicked the door. He walked in and threw the bags on one of the beds and checked the rest of the room. He walked back outside, Their are two beds in each room is big. We can bunk together or you can take seperate rooms. He said and looked at everyone. He walked back inside and fished the candy out of his bag. He walked back out to the little one and knelt down beside her, It's not much dear, but I was hoping you would like it. He said and looked in her eyes. A wave of sadness washed over him and he quickly stood up. He looked over at the little one's sister and spoke to everyone, Once you get settled, come see me please. I have plenty of food for everyone. He said and looked towards the ground. He looked up at Jennifer and walked back in his room.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hayley Collin Humphrey Character Portrait: Violet Fairbanks Character Portrait: Penfold Character Portrait: Blair Lee Blake Character Portrait: Heather Fairbanks Character Portrait: Jennifer Ailen Johnson
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☤ Violet Fairbanks ☤
Location: Small town motel | Just outside Milwaukee, WI

Several things happened at once. First, Penfold pulled a small Asian girl into the van and had her climb in back. She looked at the girl with mild shock and watched her try to catch her breath. Then, Penfold pulled himself out on top of the moving van and started hacking infected as they drove. Violet sighed and silently prayed that he didn't get hurt. What was wrong with her? First, she'd volunteered to form this little group, then, she'd allowed herself to trust them, mostly anyway, and now she was both praying and hoping for them not to get hurt? She'd never cared for anyone but herself and Heather and she definitely not religious.

A moment later, Wayne radioed them that he'd found a motel on the edge of town and Violet nearly shrieked with happiness, though she managed to control herself. She waited as Jenn pulled off and found the motel before climbing out and stretching out her body deliciously. It was wonderful to be out of that crowded van. More than wonderful. Perfect.

After a quick search for potential danger, Wayne came back and announced that there were two beds in every room and they could either bunk with someone or go solo. Vi clasped Heather on the shoulder. "We'll share a bed if someone wants to bunk with us." She said. She really didn't like the idea, but she would love to have someone other than her and Heather in the room. If something went down, it would only mean more protection for Heather. Quite frankly, she didn't give a shit about herself. As long as Bee made it out of this alright. If her little sister made it to Dellwood, maybe Vi could try and salvage what was left of the girls childhood.

At her words, Bee immedietly pulled away from her and went to Blair. "Can you bunk with us? Pleeeeeeeease." She heard her sister beg, almost whine, and Vi looked at the beautiful brunette. How could someone manage to look like a supermodel in all this mess? Nonetheless, Violet was happy that Bee had picked Blair to befriend. The girl seemed to be around the same age as her and, maybe a bit softer, but capable of handling herself. If Violet had been a normal girl, she suspected the two of them would have probably been friends at one point. She smiled at Blair the best she could. "I'm down with that if you are." She said simply.

Then, Wayne came over and handed Heather a couple pieces of candy, making Violet smile. The fastest way to earn her trust and loyalty was to be nice to Heather first. You could sweet talk Violet all you wanted, she didn't give a damn, but when it came to her sister, if you were kind to her, you were bound to earn her trust. It was the fastest way to get to her. "Once you get settled, come see me please. I have plenty of food for everyone." He said directly to her and she nodded, hefting her bag on her shoulder.

Then Blair walked up to her just as a big commotion over Penfold's wound kicked up. Violet figured she could have helped, but she'd never really been good with medical. The most she could have done was hand Wayne supplies or get in the way. So she just hung back and looked at Blair as she talked."Um..hey, I'm Blair..I was wondering if you wanted to come with her to see if they have any other means of..well driving in this town, I don't know about you, but I don't like small spaces and that van makes me queasy." That made Violet smile. For real.

"Hell yeah." She laughed lightly. "I was thinking the same exact thing."

Just then, Wayne came running out of the room looking exhausted. "I'll help you find bikes. I saw a place on my way in." He said and Vi started to nod in thanks before he hit the ground, out cold.

Seconds later, Jenn was screaming for all of them to help carry him to a room and Vi looked at Blair. "Rain check on those bikes for a minute." She said and helped Jenn carry Wayne to safety. Somewhere, in all the commotion, Heather got lost, but Vi spotted her heading out to the parking lot. Probably checking cars for supplies and gas. That's my girl. S

When everything had settled a bit more, Violet came back out to Blair. "Ready to go find something to ride?" She asked with a smile.

â˜Ŗ Heather Fairbanks â˜Ŗ
Location: Small town motel | Just outside Milwaukee, WI

Heather smiled at Wayne when he handed her the M&M's and Hershey's bar. "It's not much dear, but I was hoping you would like it." He said to her with a smile. She took them gratefully and watched as a sad expression came over his face and her started to pull away.

But Heather didn't let him. Instead, she ran up to him and squeezed him tightly around the waist. "I do like it!" She said cheerfully and looked up at him. "Thank you." Candy was like gold in this new apocalyptic world, and the fact that he'd chosen to give it to her, made her practically giddy. They like me. She thought to herself. She was worried that they'd all think she was nothing but dead weight. That they'd have to baby her and she would slow them down.

Instead, they gave her candy. Sadly, she realized that this rag tag group of suvivors that she'd known for less than a full day was the closest thing to a full family she'd ever had. She chuckled to herself. When you start to think of strangers as family, you know your life is shitty. She thought with a smirk as she pulled away from Wayne and turned back towards Vi.

But suddenly, there was commotion. Medical stuff that Heather would only get in the way of. So, instead, she cracked open her M&M's and leaned back on one hip, popping a few in her mouth, looking around the hotel. Checking the cars for gas would probably be a good idea, but she really didn't feel like good ideas right now.

Movement caught her eye and Heather froze, watching a couple of- wait, were those... kids?- scale the side of the building and climb down. They couldn't have been much older than her. Shaking her head, shocked, Heather looked at the others. No one seemed to notice. They were all too busy working on Penfold and Wayne.

With a sigh, she decided to take matters into her own hands and headed straight for the car she'd seen them duck behind. She decided not to take out her gun, but kept it in easy reach just in case. They were just kids, like her, but that didn't mean they wouldn't kill her. In fact, they'd probably be more likely to kill her than one of the adults. There's no way two little kids like that had lived this long and not killed anyone or anything.

Rounding the car, she stopped, finding the two crouched there. They looked to be the same age, and had the same features, but it was tough to tell from behind. Siblings. She thought, and then they turned towards her and she dropped that thought immedietly. No, more than that. Twins.

"I'm Heather." She said, attempting a cheerful tone. "You can call me Bee." She saw the two of them starring at her M&M's. "M&M's?" She offered, holding out the bag with as pleasant a smile she could manage without being downright creepy.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Penfold Character Portrait: Dani Kim
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#, as written by Slump
Dani sat in the back of the van, pulling her headphones onto her head and switching her iPod back on, music blaring into her ears. She just wanted to zone out for a while, not knowing anyone to talk to or where the hell they were headed. It was obvious that everyone already had had time to slightly get to know each other before being shoved in the van. She had had no such luck and was feeling slightly like the odd one out. She was in the middle of the age groups, not a kid like the little girls, and not necessarily old either... Just in between.

She was quiet the whole trip, until they pulled over at a roadside motel, everyone scrambling out, stretching tired legs and sore muscles. She stayed in the back of the van, watching the others with careful eyes, trying to figure out what they were like. A pair of sisters, one small and skinny, the other kinda rough looking, a police woman, who probably owned the truck. Another girl with a slightly bloody head. It looked like she had been hit by something, but she couldn't be sure. The guy who had pulled her in was laying down, looking worse for wear. There were a few others, but they didn't seem too interesting... Slowly slipping out of the van, she looked over at the slight food pile that a man off a motorcycle had put down, her eyes narrowing slightly to see what their was, then looking away, heading towards the rooms. It was so still. She was sure the people were talking about something by the food pile but she couldn't hear them. Slipping into a room, closest to the van, she looked around. It was practically stripped bare, but at least the mattress was still there. She dropped her pack and gun, placing her bat on the ground then flopping down on the bed with a happy sigh, humming along lightly to the music. She hadn't realised she had fallen asleep until there was a knock on the door, making her open her eyes against the bright sunlight that came through the blinds. With a small groan, she changed her shirts, finding a bottle of deodorant in a bathroom cupboard and spraying some on her to make herself smell a little better. She hadn't had a good shower for a week now... Picking up her stuff, she pushed open the door, looking around to see if anyone was up with her. She saw a man walk out, commenting on bacon sandwiches... What she would do for some rice... She carefully walked over, clearing her throat slightly and saying,
"If there is any... I'll Umm... Help you cook and stuff..." She was tiny in comparison to the guy and she toyed with her now flat iPod, not really sure what else to say.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Penfold Character Portrait: Heather Fairbanks Character Portrait: Jennifer Ailen Johnson Character Portrait: Max and Marie Kenton Character Portrait: Dani Kim
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Jen blinked a couple of times in confusion as Heather kissed her cheek "Oh, I didn't mean you sweetie, I know your sister is with us" she scratched her forehead "I meant the one Pen pulled into the car" she had decided to call him Pen, he called her Jenni. She realized she was probably a little confused, she hadn't slept for several days, just popped Ritalins to stay awake. She had to find the little Asian girl later on.

She managed a smile, but released Pens arm when he pointed it out, watching concerned as he struggled with his arm, she felt terrible for him. She got a soft smile on her face at Max who told her he had a dad "As long as Wayne is okay with it, we are equally ranked, and so I have no say in that" she smiled and held out her hand to salute the young boy. She then smiled at the Maria "and as your temporary legal guardian, I command you to get some food, water and sleep" she smiled.

As people started clearing out of the room and Penfold threw the blanked over them, and offered to stay, she pulled him down next to her on the bed, snuggling close to him "You're welcome to be the big spoon if you like" she muttered, already drifting off into sleep.

It seemed like she had just drifted of as she heard Wayne go wake up rounds. Had the idiot actually been up all night? She moaned in discomfort, rubbing her face and blinking at the sharp daylight. She could have slept for a week! She sat up in the bed, blushing horrendously as she realized she had cuddled herself up to Penfold, poor guy. He didn't seem to mind though, and she assumed he was pretty laid back as he started changing clothes in front of her. She went over and helped him as much as he let her, and couldn't but smile, men should be like him, big and strong.

As he left her, blushing red at the compliment, she checked her face in the mirror. She desperately wanted to shower, but that would be an easy way to get infected. She brushed her fingers through her hair, and splashed some air freshener on herself in lack of clean clothes, and went over to the kitchen where she found Penfold and the girl she needed to talk to. She couldn't help but let a hand stroke over her stomach. Her own daughter would have been seven that year, maybe standing next to her father and making breakfast... Looking back, she was glad that wasn't how it was, she was glad for every kid that didn't have to experience the shit going on in the world now. She walked over to Dani, and held out her hand to great "Hi! I'm sergeant Jenifer Aileen Johnson. I assume you are under age, and by the federal law in emergencies, that makes me, or if you prefer any other equally military or officially ranked personnel, your legal guardian. You will rapport to me about any needs or trouble you have, and will swear to protect you to the extent of my abilities until we reached our destination" she eventually cracked up in a smile "also, good morning"

She let an arm brush over Penfolds back as she passed him, starting to raid the cupboards and cabinets for food, and sat in a scream of instant, total, and utter glee "COFFEEEE!" she guessed everyone at the motel could hear her, she didn't care, not one bit.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wayne "Sarge" Hardy Character Portrait: Jennifer Ailen Johnson Character Portrait: Max and Marie Kenton Character Portrait: Dani Kim Character Portrait: Peter "Penfold" Berry
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Penfold
penfold flinched at the scream and raised a brow to jenni then chuckled "i take it you like coffee then?" he then looked to the small asian girl and patted her shoulder "its fine chances are there is no electricty so the fridges probably have been off a while, ive had rubbish warm bacon....its not nice"he smiled to the kid and offered the child a biscuit giving jenni a smile he flexed his arm looking at the healing marks made by wayne, they were going to scar but he didnt care, his arm worked and that was all that mattered, he grasped his katana hilt getting a feel for it, it didnt hurt too much so he would be able to use it, but not for heavy hits, if he had to it woudl be to slash at the legs to debilitate infected.

as wayne entered and apologised he released his hilt and gave him a wave
"it'll be fiiiine, ill get you back for it when your not looking" he grinned at the man and watched as wayne gave him some food "i could hug you man" as everyone came out of their rooms he gnawed on the deer meat and devoured it, as he finished his stomach growled and wne into a side pocket of his bag and pulled out some ham which he proceeded to eat. snacking was fine but he had to eat alot to keep his weight the same, he found it very difficult gaining weight and he lost it very easily getting a hit flask from his pocket he took a drink of the juice he kept stashed and put it back, it was very strong juice to make sure he didnt drink it all, he laughed as wayne made a soldier out of the little boy and saluted him "your doing it wrong. -this- is how you salute" he then did the british salute to him and smirked "maybe if you could spell correctly you could figure out how to do things properly there is only one U in nuclear" he chuckled knowing that for the most part he was surrounded by americans and he gave a wink to jenni remembering their argument about how to spell colour while in the van, he scanned the hall way and then looked up for a moment stretching he cracked his neck and then his back looking back to the group he groaned "ahhhhhh thats better, so whats the plan. are we staying here to recover and repair for a day or so or are we hitting the road now? oh if youve not fixed the van yet i have a favour to ask, chances are we will get more infected onto the van and we cant afford to keep breaking it, so could you fix some bars to it and ill hold onto them outside the van and fight off infected as we drive....or put some on top and ill stay ontop of the van. dont want hunters tearing at the thing again"

he knew what he asked was crazy but it would work, sitting on the van would be better with bars to hold onto to keep him there, and when he needs to fight he could slide his feet under bar so he can stand and fight. "nothing could go wrong" he thought, he was too stubborn to fall off he waited assuming jenni could call him crazy or an idiot, and expected wayne to do the same and both would probably decline if so fine he will just have to lean out the window to protect everyone again


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Penfold Character Portrait: Jennifer Ailen Johnson Character Portrait: Dani Kim
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Slump
"M-My guardian? Legal? There's still a law?" She questioned the woman, slightly confused, then looked down at the gun on her side.
"Does this mean I have to get rid of the gun? I-Its not exactly mine..." She looked back up and over at the man she had offered to help make food with.
"W-Well... I have Jerky? Umm... and probably dried fruit. If I can find rice and sweetened condenced milk, some water... I can make rice putting..." She smiled softly, playing with the tag on her neat bandages.
"O-Oh... I'm Dani, By the way... Dani Kim. You can call me, you know, whatever..." Her stomach growled angrily and she looked down at it, slightly annoyed. She was really hungry and the sound of such a sweet desert made her stomach ache for food.
"The sweetness of the pudding would be a treat for the little ones..." She shifted the way she stood so she was more comfortable in her worn down converse.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hayley Collin Humphrey Character Portrait: Penfold Character Portrait: Wayne "Sarge" Hardy Character Portrait: Jennifer Ailen Johnson Character Portrait: Dani Kim
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0.00 INK

Jen smiled "I have a screw driver, we can just get the handles of the showers here, no need to go hardwareing then" she told Wayne and Penfold, turning to Haley and nodding "We should start loading. Maybe we should grab some pillows, people can sleep in the van" She looked at Wayne in disagreement "If we pack the van properly with food and blankets, I can make the drive in one sitting, it shouldn't take more than twenty hours" she promised. She had been up and focused for more that 20 hours before. "I'm more worried about those of you who drive bikes, but my loader can take one at a time, so that you can take turns on relaxing". She was determined to get the kids to Dellwood as fast as possible. "Bathroom brakes will happen at the same time as we change the bikes. It wont be pleasant, but I think it's safer the less stops we risk"

Jen turned to Dani, smiling "There's still a federal law in USA, as long as I'm here to uphold it." she realized it sounded a little to optimistic that people would follow it "I would recommend that you hand me the gun when we get to Delwood, but for now I feel safer with you armed, but I will see no playing with it!" she said strictly. She though for awhile, then concluded "rice pudding would be good, but we should get going as fast as possible. There's some food around, and I'll pack down everything we can carry" She started to bring canned food and some blankets into the van, waiting for people to get in.

(OOC: Is the objective of the RP to get to Delwood, or does it continue there?)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hayley Collin Humphrey Character Portrait: Violet Fairbanks Character Portrait: Penfold Character Portrait: Wayne "Sarge" Hardy Character Portrait: Blair Lee Blake Character Portrait: Heather Fairbanks
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Beaux
Wayne smiled and twirled Hayley around when she jumped on him. He laughed as she jumped off and playing nidged her with his hips. They walked back over to the others and he listened to Jennifer talk. Wayne nodded in agreement, but he knew they could make it to Dellwood by the middle of the night because he could make it from Tennessee to Texas in one day. He just planned on it being longer because they would be needing to stop at night. Everyone couldn't stay cramped in that van for that long. As he walked into the bathrooms and unscrewed the handles from the showers, he handed two to Penfold and had two himself. They climbed on top of the van and screwed the bars down. After about 30 minutes of that, Wayne whiped the sweat from his forehead and jumped down. He inspected their work from the inside and nodded in satisfaction. He strolled over to his motorcycle and started to tie his and Hayley's packs down. He walked back into the room and pulled his rife from under the bed. He twirled it around onto his back and sighed. He sat down on the bed and rested his head on his hands. He closed his eyes as his breathing started to slow, but was soon pulled out of it as he heard a low buzzing noise.

Wayne looked up with a confused look on his face. He heard the low drone start to get closer. He stood up and tried to think of what it could possibly be. He paced on the floor the his mouth dropped and his eyes widened. No. It can't be. Wayne ran outside and looked up in the sky. He called Penfold over and pointed to the sky. Do you see what I see. Those are C-17's; bombing ships! Wayne said with slight anger in his voice. He loooked at Penfolds wide eyes and nodded they both turned around and started hollering. Let's go everyone, if the van now! He cried out. Hayley, start the bike! He hollered as he ran to Blaire and Violet's room. He threw the door open, Let's go ladies. Right now. We've got five bombing ships coming in an their getting close. He said as they grabbe their stuff. He helped little bit in the van and got Max, Marie and Dani loaded up to. He jumped on his bike and waited until he was sure everyone was in. He told Jennifer to go as she peeled out and and watched as Blair and Violet left to. Wayne helped Hayley on and peeled out; pulling up the rear. They were about 100 feet down the freeway when he heard the bombs drop. He looked in his mirrors as he watched the explosions.